Christian Times Magazine Issue 61

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Issue 61

We Endorse:

Vicky Hartzler For US Senate! Christian Conservative Republican (MO)

Christian times magazine ENDORSES

Vicky Hartzler FOR U.S. Senate


Our Mission and Purpose: Our intent and purpose for being here is to present the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ through this medium around the world. Our goal is to reach as many people and nations as possible with this “Good News.” As Christians, we are never ashamed to reach into cultures, political persuasions and nations in the sharing of this Gospel message. We absolutely believe that we are placed here on the earth in this position to have an effect upon today’s society. And we will never be ashamed of this great message and purpose.

The Editor and Publisher


CTM & North Texas Freedom Rally

Proverbs 2:6

For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding ISSN 2639-7714 (PRINT) ISSN: 2639-7730 (ONLINE)

Charles Lingerfelt Editor In Chief Publisher Christian Times Magazine & North Texas Freedom Rally Graphic & Interior Design Saba Jenn & Anil Anwar


Issue 61|july 2022 Published & Printed in the United States of America Christian Times Magazine is underwritten by NORTH TEXAS FREEDOM RALLY with Headquarters in Dallas, Texas USA Copyright © 2022 by Christian Times Magazine

Note: Our content is available for free

David and Tammy We pause here to express our appreciation to David and Tammy Ayers for their constant support and financial assistance in helping us to publish our magazine. Their support continues to be a blessing to us and helps us to extend our arms around the world through the means of the Gospel. David and I grew up in the same East Tennessee town and went to church together at the same church in La Follette, Tennessee. His parents and my parents were friends In Church and knew each other very well. His father and mother hired me to work in the La Follette Men’s Shop when I was a Junior in High School; and I worked there until I graduated from high school. His parents, Frank and Aileen Ayers were always a blessing to me at church and throughout my high school years. - Charles Lingerfelt Thanks David and Tammy for your help and inspiration to us at this time by sponsoring this issue of Christian Times Magazine. God Bless You!

EDITOR'S NOTE We add Christian Times Magazine continually push ourselves to be the best magazine in America: The ‘Most Conservative in America!’ That is our desire and we think it is of upmost importance for us to continue to push toward that distinctive monogram. For us to exist as a major magazine in America in the Christian realm and not be known for conservative principles and values would be a major mistake for all of us who have anything to do with the publication of Christian Times magazine. Our ranks have been blessed with some of the best Christian writers in America; now that is my opinion and of course, I deeply value my opinion. I value it when no one else does, or will. I know what living by principle is and I know what character and integrity are. I have lived it for my whole life. We don’t hesitate to tell you that for nearly 5 years we have been a magazine of Christian character and integrity and we only purport to have writers within our community who believe in such character and godliness. We thank God for each and every writer within our midst; and we know personally that they strive to produce for you good articles and good reflections of the Christian nature and valuable character within our nation. God has blessed us with having readers around the world; and today we are glad to report to you that our magazine is being read throughout the Middle East, Pakistan, Europe and Asia, France, Great Britain, Germany, Iraq, China, India, all the provinces of Canada, and all 50 states in the United States of America. For about a year now, it has been a desire to reach 1 million readers throughout the world; and that goal is being accomplished and by June 15, we will reach our goal. To all of you who are readers of this magazine, we are thankful for you and we praise God that you are a part of us. We are deeply indebted to you for your help, your advertisements with us, your support in reading our magazine online and passing that thread along to your friends and family; and we are deeply thankful that many of you order the magazine through Amazon. Thank you so much for your help!

Charles Lingerfelt Editor-in-Chief CTM - Christian Times Magazine ‘THE MOST CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE MAGAZINE IN AMERICA!’






A Conservative Conversation with Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler INTERVIEW WITH VICKY HARTZLER BY CHRIS GRAHN HOWARD














Christian Times Magazine issue 61

A Conservative Conversation with Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler Part 2

Candidate for US Senate

Welcome to part two of this extensive interview with Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler, Candidate for US Senate in Missouri. I am proud that CTM has placed her on the cover. The primary in Missouri is on August 2 nd and is hotly contested. As you may be well aware, this election has a lot at stake. Taking a clear majority in the Senate is one of them, and having the right conservatives elected is another. I genuinely believe that Congresswoman Hartzler is that candidate. However, read for yourself, and decide for yourself. Please take the time to learn her heart, positions, and potential. Thank you.

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CHRIS - I want to return to agency overreach because that is a significant concern form any voters, more so on our side than the other side. That is runaway government agencies essentially creating law and changing this Country’s course through policy and procedure rather than through Congress. What are your thoughts? These are career people. It’s not like you can walk in and fire them. VICKY - I’ve looked at this, so one of the best ways to address this is that Congress must be more specific in our legislation. Rather than turning to… “this will be set by rules and regulations,” Allowing the department to do the details. This happens too often. It is sloppy legislating at best and can be insidious at worst. So that’s where the process will require more hearings. More study, research, and talking to experts to understand how a program would run and then put those rules and regulations in the legislation to set some parameters for these bureaucrats. They must not deviate from the program’s intent or be handcuffed and reduce the leeway. If they vary, we then have grounds to make legislative changes or that more people could sue and justify the hands-on risk of that agency. We did much of this under the Trump administration, bringing in the different agencies. “How are you implementing this? How are you implying this compared to the legislation"? You can ask questions and shine a light on the agency in question. We can say, “We never intended you to do this in follow-up hearings.”

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CHRIS - COVID is proving that point. So let us bounce back to foreign policy. So it’s ironic to me that Mitt Romney is not my favorite Republican for many reasons. Still, you know his comment when he was running against Obama about Russia being the more significant threat. This turned out to be pretty prescient, right? So you’ve got. Obviously, today, tanks are rolling across Ukraine. The economic impacts of that and the oil situation with gas jumping up. A$0.50jump yesterday on that news. More so than China, Russia may be the greater potential destabilizing force? What are your thoughts? VICKY - Russia is a genuine threat and potent, strong adversary that we must deter, be aware of, and build up our capabilities. Their economy isn’t that powerful, but their determination is. Putin is obsessed with reincarnating the USSR, the former Soviet empire. He believes allowing Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, and all these former countries to become free was a huge embarrassment and a mistake. Putin wants to put that back together, and it doesn’t matter if it’s a free and independent country like Ukraine or not, a Christian nation for the most part. Putin will take it; it doesn’t matter how many people are killed. So it’s very, very concerning. We need to recognize the threat. China is also a considerable threat, as I’ve already talked about. I produced a four-part video series so people understood what we’re facing there. That’s where we have to have peace through strength. What we’ve seen right now is a

Christian Times Magazine issue 61 world where America is viewed as weak because of President Biden and the failed policy decisions that he has made. That has emboldened our enemies. Now, we’re at a place where our allies don’t trust us, and our enemies don’t fear us. That is a very tenuous place to be, and it will probably result in the test of thousands of individuals worldwide. It’s Americans are going to feel the pain economically. Yes, right. It could start a chain reaction that could go somewhere we don’t want to, like a third world war or an expanded war. Biden has made mistakes all along the way.Indeed, he agreed to meet with Russia early without any preconditions and got back into the new START treaty. Biden went down and met with him to have a cyber conference where Biden just said don’t do that again. He greenlighted their Nord Stream 2 pipeline and shut down our Keystone pipeline. This shows the lunacy of doing away with your Country’s energy capabilities. This is a war on energy. Really, Putin is leveraging energy. Germany gave up its nuclear power and shut down the coal power plants to totally depend on wind, solar, and Russian natural gas. And so now they’re over a barrel. With Russia, it is complicated for them to say no to it. But Russia shut off coal going to Ukraine. I read today that they will try to squeeze them out with energy. Would our President still go down this road that he doesn’t want us to be able to be energy independent again? Why doesn’t he reinstate the Keystone Pipeline? Why not open up oil exploration and leasing on federal lands? Trump finally got started after years of controversy producing American-made energy right here. Yet they want to shut that down. And then he begs OPEC to produce more oil, and we’re buying

page 10 it now from Russia when they are the bad actors and a threat. See the Strategic Petroleum Reserve a few weeks ago simply to bring down the price for the American public because their poll numbers were plummeting. You’re never supposed to get into the strategic Petroleum Reserve unless it’s an emergency. That’s there for Americans during wartime, so we don’t run out of energy. You don’t do it just to bring down prices to help boost your poll numbers. Terrible energy policy is resulting in even worse potential foreign policy. CHRIS - Bringing the discussion of international relations a little closer to home. We have a border problem. Fentanyl is pouring across the border. I just bought my daughter a tool to avoid touching stuff because she lives in an apartment complex. You will pass out if you put enough fentanyl on an item and absorb that into your skin. This way, she doesn’t have to touch her door handle if she doesn’t want to. We can’t even protect our own border. Please talk a little bit about where you’re at on that. After all, the wall is paid for, but it’s not being built. The materials are just sitting there rusting in the desert. You become Senator Hartzler; what does Senator Hartzler attempt to do about this issue? VICKY - We must secure the border, and returning to the working policy is pretty straightforward. You build the wall or security system and reinstate deporting individuals that don’t have the legal right to be here. Then work with the other countries to incentivize them or help keep people from coming here illegally.

Christian Times Magazine issue 61

Advocating the White House to get some of this reversed will be tough until we can win the White House back. Still, we need to fight for those common-sense policies. I’m very concerned about the drug problem. I’ve been involved in trying to fight that. As a teacher, I was asked to be a Co-director of an at-risk program for teens. As you might imagine, some were getting involved in drugs, and some were other problems. I didn’t think that would be an issue that I would still be involved in Congress. When I had my first job fair in the South part of my district, the Bible Belt, during that job fair, I asked some small business owners, “how can I help you grow jobs”? Several of them said to me, Vicki, we have the jobs; we just can’t find people, who can pass a drug test, and it was a sober moment, a wake-up call. Then I visited with the law enforcement, who say approximately 80% of their arrests are drug-related. If we could reduce the drug problem, our communities would be safer. Our military is having trouble recruiting individuals with no past drug history. In my district, I called it the Missouri Drug-free initiative, a multi-prong effort to go after the problem. The first thing we had was a conference for awareness’ sake. We brought in different groups to talk about it. I had my team look at my 24 counties to see which ones did not have a drug recovery court because I know those programs work. Seven of my 24 did not have this program. I met with the prosecutors, judges, and sheriffs. Other officials were aware of some grants available to help start this up, and I’m pleased to say that five of the seven now have stood up drug recovery courts. I visited

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every drug recovery center in my district. The ministries are doing tremendous work, and I try to support them personally and through my office. But then also I said we need to prevent this. I want to go back to the kids and teenagers. Many different schools had kind of focus groups where I would just confidentially away from the teachers, asking them or kids using here what they use and why? What do you think could be done to deter them from using or whatever had really great, honest discussions out of that. We developed high school assemblies. We held 22 high school assemblies where we brought in individuals who shared their stories of drug addiction. What happened to them, and how did they get off. But what happened along the way, and how was their life upended? And we have parents who lost their kids to heroin overdoses that are willing to come and share their stories. CHRIS - Interesting fact about the use of drug courts and other treatment courts is the recidivism drop rate cut is substantial, as much as 70%, and amazingly effective. I financially evaluated the one in St. Louis County. The veteran’s treatment is when I know the most of my time. The veteran treatment court in St. Louis County, by the time it was implemented, and we ran 50 veterans through the program, saved the county significant money over the traditional method of incarceration because it was so effective. That’s true everywhere it’s done. I bring that up because many times you talk to conservatives, We’ve got this treatment court, and are like, “Oh, that’s just another government program. It’s more

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money”. No, it’s less money based on the studies I read in several other States. VICKY - It’s just kind of it’s just like you find that interesting. We have been trying to promote terrific programs like these in Congress. We passed several significant pieces of legislation, putting more money into the drug problem. Under Trump, he focused on that as well. Despite many success rates with the recovery courts, though, are the faith-based recovery programs. I’ve talked to several people who have recovered from drugs and said I’ve been in multiple drug treatment programs. Several of these people have said, “It wasn’t until I met Jesus Christ and was introduced to him that I had the power to overcome. This new purpose in my life and hope to start again is a new beginning. That is what I have found in dealing with PTSD. I have another initiative I’ve been working on for several years. When we continue to help our veterans overcome PTSD so they don’t take their own lives, we’re averaging 22 suicides daily. I met with my veterans in my district several years ago. They were talking about their experiences in Afghanistan. So the PTSD they’re suffering from, and one gal in a wheelchair held up a zip lock bag of pills. She said this is all the VA’s doing for me. She said it’s not helping. I thought. We must do better than that. So I met with the VA. We talked about the problem. They’ve acknowledged that they’ve been prescribing too much, as the medical profession initially did. The goal was no pain, no pain. They knew there was an issue. So they’ve reduced by 40% the amount of prescribing of

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opioids. I said let’s find other programs that worked. I’ve been pleased to see all these veteran organizations run by veterans who suffered PTSD. It is through Jesus Christ, through incorporating faith in that because, as the veterans tell me, trauma is a wound of the heart. A lot of PTSD comes from traumatic things you’ve experienced or seen in war. And it takes the power of God to help heal that heart, to accept the forgiveness, to overcome the guilt, and to birth the new hope and purpose in life that you can go on. I’ve put together a whole booklet on my website and got it printed out. That encompasses all of these faithbased veterans or service organizations that we’ve had trying to pass through the Appropriations Committee of $5 million plus-up for nonprofit organizations through the chaplains’ programs in the VA. I was named an Ambassador for suicide prevention through President Trump’s Prevents task force, which was nonpartisan. I was proud and blessed to be one of three members of Congress that were asked to be part of this ambassador of group. To try to promote it because of my passion, working with young people when I was a teacher, and my care for veterans and our service members are active duty. Many of them are suffering these things. CHRIS - Let me hit on just a couple of hottopic issues. Give me your best response. So right now in the news, supply chain issues. You can’t shut down the world economy for a year and expect everything to bounce back in a week. That’s the effect of all these horrible shutdowns. What are your thoughts

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on fixing these issues? As a senator, what can you do to help with that supply chain issue? VICKY - It’s a multi-faceted problem, right? One, we need to make more stuff here in America. So we’re not so dependent on other countries and. We need more American-made things again; we need more truck drivers. I sponsored a bill that got incorporated. A passed transportation bill allows truck drivers from 18 to 21 to drive across the Interstate lines. Right now, they can only operate intrastate or within their State. Turning it into an apprenticeship program, a pilot program to allow that age group, hoping that’ll increase the pool of willing individuals. Then they have to go through an apprenticeship as a driver. Obviously, there are a lot of truck driving schools that are being stood up. This has been an issue for a while, but hopefully, that’ll help. We’ve got the problem just getting Americans back to work. You know we have such demand. Many of our manufacturing companies can’t meet that demand because they don’t have people who will come to work. That’s why we needto re-embrace the work ethic, and the government has to quit, incentivizing people to stay home. However, we also have a problem with the ports, which will take a while. A bill that has passed, the House Ocean Shipping; 80% of the containers in the ships over the last year who came here went back empty. They’re not sticking around to get filled back up. They make more money zipping around to try to get another load to come back. Rather than wait

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around in the port to fill up. The labor unions at the port cities are an issue where they need more people, more crane operators, need more trucks and containers. Also, this bill forces them to take that AG exports that are sitting there, which they’re not. Getting out because the companies aren’t staying long enough. CHRIS - Let’s go back to education. So, we’ve learned in the last year with COVID. The education establishment thinks that when your kid goes to school, they become their kid. It’s no longer your kid. They feel as if they are entitled to be in control of what is now their child. We talked a bit about it with the discrimination comments about gender identity. CRT (Critical Race Theory) is what they’re teaching. The irony is this critical race theory stuff or whatever they want to call it. It’s not actually being taught in history; it is being taught in Social Emotional Learning, or whatever the heck that class is. What are your thoughts on the education establishment issues? You were once a teacher. VICKY - Well, we have many challenges in education right now. We are falling behind other countries in reading, writing, and math. COVID has only exacerbated this, forcing kids to stay home. We’ve lost over a year of education with these individuals being at home like the kids didn’t learn anything, so it’s a real problem. We need to address schools to make sure that they teach the right things, and that includes they should be teaching the ABC’s not CRT. We’re falling behind, and we need more

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focus on genuinely learning those basic things. Not all teachers. I don’t want all teachers to be put in one. There are some teachers, though, who have this liberal mindset. They viewed this as an opportunity to teach them things outside of those traditional core curriculum items, to change their opinions politically, and to right what they believe are injustices. Modern educators get into reshaping and redefining America’s history and inaccurately. That needs to stop! Children need an accurate portrayal of history, the good and the bad, and to be reminded that we are the greatest nation in the world. The American dream is alive and well for everyone. We also need to address the family. So many families are broken. So many kids who go to school are broken. Teachers have a monumental task not only trying to teach them academics but also dealing with these kids’ mental challenges. The trauma they’ve gone through at home, the neglect from parents who don’t support having them do their homework and take an interest in their life. So I applaud all the teachers who feel called to be there to administer to those kids with complicated situations. I think parents should have a vital role in what is taught to their kids. They’re the best judge of their children’s education. I think if there’s been some positive something that came from COVID, it was that several parents found out for the first time what really was being taught. It’s not aligned with their views and values. They have the right to go to every school board meeting to share their opinions and have that input. It has been chilling to

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see how several school districts have squashed that and tried to call them terrorists and have them arrested. CHRIS - In wrapping up, please tell us what you want our readers to know about Vicky Hartzler, your campaign, or anything else we did not cover. VICKY - I’m the only person who has a track record of conservative, courageous leadership in Washington and getting things done. That I am ready on day one to hit the ground running to address the challenges we’re facing. To stand strong for our values. This is what separates me from other people running and my passion for people. I serve because I believe it’s a ministry to serve others, and God is giving me a heart for the people of this State, and I care about them. First and foremost. I’m not doing this to get a title or to get on TV to become famous. I am doing this because I want Missourians to prosper daily and have strong families, communities, and jobs. To be healthy, be safe. This is why I’m running, and that makes me different. I think my background is most reflective of our State because I am a lifelong farmer; agriculture is the number one industry in Missouri. I think it’s essential that Missouri has a senator who has an agriculture background but also who has lived in the cities and has worked with Saint Louis, Kansas City, Columbia, and Springfield, and can be right there side by side with the business leaders and the job creators addressing The many challenges we face together. I will be present with the

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community and business leaders. Having signed the front of paychecks, not just the back, has given me an honest perspective on job growth, economic development, and how to help the whole State move forward. CHRIS - My sincere thanks to Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler for the ample time and graciousness during this interview. Friends, I pray you see in Vicky what I see. An honest servant-leader with a heart for this great Country, our State, and all of the people within. The Missouri primary is August 2nd, 2022. If you live in Missouri, please consider voting for Congresswoman Hartzler. If you have friends in Missouri, encourage them to vote for her. It has been my honor and privilege to conduct this interview and share it with you.

Christian times magazine ENDORSES

Vicky Hartzler FOR U.S. Senate


Christian Times Magazine issue 61

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By Pastor Robert Summers

NO EASY ROAD The long road to overturn Roe v Wade

Endurance: hupermeno (hoop-ahm-en-oh) Greek, Strong’s Dictionary 5278, To hold one’s ground in conflict, bear up against adversity, hold out under stress, fortitude, energetic resistance to defeat

Hebrews 10:36 exhorts, “Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised.” (NLT)

Today we celebrate victory for life! We also acknowledge those faithful disciples who endured to this end. Jesus endured the cross. He despised its shame. Thousands of His disciples followed His model in the fight against the monster abortion. We celebrate their amazing victory today! We also honor those who endured in this battle for truth, for life, for the right of the unborn to live. In the decades long fight to rid America of the curse of abortion, they endured.

Christian Times Magazine issue 61 I think of those young prayer warriors of Bound4LIFE in Washington, DC. Day after day, without fail, they gathered on the steps of the United States Supreme Court to pray for justice, for life itself. They endured mockery. They endured rain, hail, sleet, and snow! I know. I witnessed Matt Lockett’s Justice House of Prayer send young disciples to stand and pray. They endured—no matter what. They never gave up. Never! There is more. For almost 50 years a huge, ardent corps of Christians has endured, fighting myriad spiritual battles against wickedness in high places to stop the slaughter of untold millions of innocent unborn babies. And the battle to stop this wicked genocide has not been without casualties. We are grateful to God and to all the wonderful Christian ministries and Crisis Pregnancy Centers who have cared for the pregnant and post-abortion wounded women. They have responded to an untold number of cries for help with care, love, provisions, and therapeutic aid. They have dealt with enough tears to fill the Mississippi River. They are worthy of double honor. I wish I knew how to list all the heroes who made this amazing victory possible. Many are unknown, unsung. They are like that true faith group listed in Hebrews 11:35, 36 only as “others.” Unknown to us. But clearly known to God. Many warriors paid dearly in the struggle to expose the big lie of abortion purported to be a “women’s health issue.” Their stand was never politically nor socially correct.

page 18 The media deliberately made them out to be villains, all the while commending the “compassion” of those who tore up human babies and threw their tiny body parts into the trash. A national political party made this bloody practice a religion, their Holy Grail, as if our U.S. Constitution guaranteed this gruesome genocide. Thank God for the miracle of six conscientious Supreme Count Justices who went against the tide. I believe they understood that when you destroy the conscience of a nation, it leads to unconscionable actions. Murder becomes commonplace. These six American justices are heroes! And like him or not, former President Trump is the seventh hero. Because they endured, now many babies will have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It is their constitutional right! What if those babies are unwanted? There are thousands of childless couples who are wanting and waiting to adopt a child. Let us pray and work to give every child a good home. That is our next mission.

Christian times magazine EnDORSES

Shelly Akerly For Dallas County Treasurer

Christian Times Magazine issue 61

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By Chris Grahn Howard

Independence and Freedom Deep is the ocean that is the American electorate, a complicated cultural and social system, complete with tides, currents, temperature variations, and depths. Contrary to the beliefs and wishes of the political parties, national media and pundits, there really is one American electorate, and we all share some basic principles. There have been many attempts to push the American people away from their culture and deny what truths …”we hold self-evident” our Judeo-Christian tradition. Over decades the bedrock of this ocean floor has been hacked into, fissures created, the values/ethics weakened; the enormity of force from the ‘modern” world has put unimaginable pressure on those cultural tectonic plates. Thus further exacerbating the chasm where many divided Americans find themselves. The nature of that very bedrock/foundation is being denied by the people trying to build their lives on it.

Christian Times Magazine issue 61 People ask me how Trump happened. A myriad of factors clearly led to Trump. However, the beginning was when President Obama wrongly pronounced that America was no longer a Christian nation pushing wider the fissures mentioned above. The United States was and is a Christian Nation. The founders never imagined otherwise. Being a Christian Nation should never be confused with America being some sort of theocracy. It is not and should never be as such. Thomas Jefferson - “I hold the precepts of Jesus as delivered by Himself, to be the most pure, benevolent and sublime which have ever been preached to man…” Thomas Paine – “The cause of America is in great measure the cause of all mankind. Where, say some, is the King of America? I’ll tell you, friend, and He reigns above.” There are hundreds of such quotes from our founders. Revisionist history would like to deny these truths. Some truths will not be rejected, which is why many school districts only teach American history from the Civil War forward. We must go back to our founding to truly understand our Christian heritage. I have stated that this does not mean all Americans should be Christian. We must know that the Constitution is based on solid biblical principles (this was intentional, not happenstance) to build a government based on the reality of human nature and natural law.

page 21 There is a reason we were founded as a Christian Nation. Only through the Christian principles could this Republic flourish and not be manipulated by those who take advantage of the God-given gift of our country’s freedoms. What has given the American people their greatest freedom has not been granted by the Founding fathers. Still, these freedoms were recognized by them as gifts from God himself. The founders just codified those Godly freedoms in the Constitution.

Understand, in the Judeo-Christin tradition, the family is the basis, building block of all Government. The family is the first form of Government ordained by God; established for the good of children and the essential building block of society. In contemplating the role of the Christian tradition in building this Constitutional Republic, it is necessary

Christian Times Magazine issue 61 to understand the biblical and social role of the family. Sadly, the State has taken on the governance of the family. The liberal view of this was to remove fathers from families and make the Government a shabby replacement. This is the basis for the Government replacing God from governing the family, being compassionate or benevolent. Handing this role to the Government is no different than the Israelites looking for a King when God had told them this was a poor model for governance. Or better yet, building an idol rather than trusting in the God who had just delivered them. So, we have given up our Liberty because we no longer have the faith to exercise Liberty. On a theological note: Christians no longer enjoy the fullness of Christian Liberty because they lack the faith to exercise it.

True freedom comes first from the freedom from hell…given freely from God to humankind, paid for by Jesus. Through the justification of faith,people are free. Through the justification stated in the Declaration of Independence, we became free to build a country, blessed by the gift of Liberty to the People, a particular justification for revolution. Our founders believed in small Government because of the example set forth by God of the family as the building block of Government.

page 22 The founders knew that King George would not reinstate their rights, which establishes the case for a just revolution rather than some pure anarchist rebellion or warmonger insurrection. The Declaration was a Petition of Writ, a petition to the monarch for the rights that were already legally those of the British subjects. The Declaration simply asked the King to reinstate the rights of those British subjects. If one reads the whole document, they will see the list of grievances and the rights to be reinstated. Failure of the monarch to grant these rights back; gave them leave to break free from the monarchy and establish a new country, hence, the Declaration.

A short list: “He has made Judges dependent on his Willalone, for the tenure of their offices” “He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.” “He has refused to Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.” “For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most Valuable Laws and altering fundamentally the Forms of our governments”

Christian Times Magazine issue 61 Sounds familiar, does it not? Look at this partial list again. Look where liberal policies have taken this once truly great country. Furthermore, our former President said we are no longer a Christian nation. What then are our unalienable rights? Life? I guess that depends on your definition of “life.” Liberty? Do we really understand what Liberty (yes, with a capital L) is, how it functions and feels, or do we know it when we see it? Do we know we are losing it? Understand that Liberty and Freedom are two different ideas of the same origin. They are brothers in philosophy but different in practice. Freedom as a word and concept is often misused and misunderstood. When the American founders set forth on the Declaration, they sought freedom not yet realized. Freedom toward responsibility, duty, to follow God. Not a release from these things. You may be free. You are to have the Liberty to pursue your happiness as you see it; if it does not infringe on the rights of others or even threaten to do so. Constitutional Liberty is dependent on the Judeo/Christian ethical construct. Sin comes in many forms; sinning can include actions that cause a brother or sister to stumble. Liberals, trying to replace God with Government, have translated this into Government being our brother’s keeper. I believe that the Bible wants us, demands of us to be gracious – generous – and charitable… not the same thing as being

page 23 our brother’s keeper through the law, although it may appear similar. American Liberty has its Genesis in Christian Liberty. Our founding fathers intentionally built political Liberty on the foundation of Christian Liberty. James Madison argued, “…the duty which we owe our creator and the manner of discharging it, can be directed by reason and conviction not by force or violence.” The same allegiance to our Republic is no different. Part of the social contract that has existed is that we are all responsible for the/to the local Government and the community in which we live. This is not to say we are our brother’s keeper or that our Government is responsible for taking care of people. Our right to individual freedom comes with the price of our obligation to act morally so that our labors and actions benefit the community and ourselves. The better and more productive the individual or family…the better the community. Purely just efforts are going to be beneficial to the community at large. Freedom is not free; neither Christian Liberty nor American. Freedom was paid for at a price. If you are a Christian, you understand this. Jesus gave his earthly life and suffered greatly for that very Christian freedom from the wages of sin. Our American soldiers’ vigilance and lives have paid the price for our political freedoms. Freedom involves sacrifice.

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Our Founding Fathers’ standard of God is before them and the path is clear, even if it has become dangerous. Americans have the unalienable right to pursue happiness, not the entitlement to happiness, as democrats/liberals would have one believe. We have the right to pursue wealth, love, success, faith, and, yes, even an alternative lifestyle (if you choose). We are not guaranteed a right to any of those things. Our founding fathers would tell us to stop being spoiled, arrogant, presumptuous, and ill-prepared to pursue the things we are striving to achieve. I believe we have a Right to expect our Government to maintain a state that will bestow liberties on the citizenry, create and foster a positive economic environment for commerce and, ultimately, preserve and protect the Union. The United States elect conservatives to restore the vision established in the Declaration of Independence. On this American Independence Day, it is good to remember what our founders were declaring and why. When looking to the future, it is proper to support a President who yearns for the same for everyone.

Freedom to Decide | Families First | Achieving Dallas County’s Full Potential.


JOIN THE MOVEMENT Help Me Put Government Back In Its Place ! Paid for by Lauren Davis Campaign

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Evil Disguised as Virtue -The Power of Faith By Katherine Daigle

For centuries, going all the way back to the Revolutionary War, this nation has had a strong cultural connection with religion. Traditionally, that religion has been Christianity, though a great mark of America’s respect for individual liberty has always been its tolerance of all peaceful faiths. In this country, we believe that our connection with God is a major source of our strength, and over time, it has become a rock-solid anchor holding our communities together. Today during this great mobilization of a world government and their truism the evolving role in society by the erase of faith and family.

“The increases in church attendance tend to reduce the economic growth faith is the next big issue corporations will need to grapple with, in an analogous way they have had to address issues related to LGBT communities” (World Economic Forum). Most Americans believe our faith encourages family structure, leads to good and moral principled living, and gives people hope and the purpose they need to do wonderful things for a great nation and for humanity. There is a vast multitude of ways in which a strong spiritual foundation strengthens society but let us look at just a few of them. A strong belief in God and a healthy concern for His judgment – as well as a genuine desire to please and do right by Him – helps children empathize with each other even before they have had time to learn responsible social

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There are so many benefits to a strong religious upbringing that are systematically being destroyed. What better way to begin with - our children the innocent mind and these parents that are no longer in touch with their children, notably these children are lost, some dying so young from drug overdoses, trafficking, and the introduction of Critical Race Theory (CRT) by educators and story time with a drag queen in the classrooms of our elementary and kindergarten schools across the country. Our institutions are no longer teaching the fundamentals such as the pledge of allegiance, and a prayer. Without as much as a peep from these educators or the local state governments and school boards, these celebratory events were erased and replaced with the horror and sexualization of babies and children under the guise of CRT. This basic concern for human life and dignity extends to the macroscopic scale, too. Far too many times we have heard of young people in America falling in with the vicious sect of ANTIFA OR BLM and its twisted version of Marxism because their souls were never nurtured by a loving message from God. The foundation of a strong community, empathy towards others, and fellowship of faith are all taught within the church. As bad as threats have gotten, this is several orders of magnitude worse: here we see how faith

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could have encouraged these impressionable youth from running with these uncontrolled thugs and how its absence strengthens and amplifies a global extremist organization such as ANTIFA. These global extremists are on the brink of beginning a new revolution driven by the convergence of elimination of faith and the traditional family as the political agnostics rewrite our American freedoms, the Constitution, and how will the church respond? Today, I see a vast hollowness within the church without purpose or function in society, why? How will we see the new world and the changes to our society–and what about our next generation? This is serious.

The Lord goes out like a mighty man, like a man of war he stirs up his zeal; he cries out, he shouts aloud, He shows himself mighty against his foes. (Isaiah 42:13 ESV) The past 22 months have been a real revelation for anyone that relies on the Word of God to lead them. Even nonbelievers have had epiphanies in some way or form. Our pluralistic society of today has somehow fashioned God into its image and likeness. Call it what you may, there is something seriously wrong with the times that we are living in. Something does not add up and yet we were warned. Conservatives knew that this was the rise of an information war was coming but we

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allowed ourselves to be waylaid out of fear of being called conspiracy theorists. The truth of the matter is that every conspiracy theorist deserves an apology. Why? Because the truth has come to light. On the left and the right, all that matters is the facts and the truth. God shows himself mighty against his enemies. These adversaries are as clear as daylight for anyone who has eyes to see. The tyranny that we have experienced over the past 22 months has shown them clearly. We have crossed the threshold from evil to a national socialist ideology and practices. And yet, we still have the crowds screaming in favor of Barabbas. In fact, we seem to have forgotten the horrors of slavery and the holocaust, and through time many other barbaric culling’s of the masses. We fail to see the repetition of history. Instead of this being a united us against them, we have turned on each other in the name of prosperity and elitism. Except that the ordinary man on the street gains nothing from joining the global elitist force. They get richer, and you remain a powerless, meaningless hostage to their whims. It is time that we stop the blue-pilling” ignorance.” Wake up! The great awakening is here. Those that have played a role and have been key players – politicians both RINOS and liberals, charlatans and faith leaders in the ushering in of the great reset had been

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revealed by God’s warriors. Each one of them will answer for their complicity in these unspeakable crimes against humanity. And yes, your silence is complicity. Evildisguisedasvirtue, you see an image or a portrayal of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as a lamb, and you are lulled into a fake sense of security that His justice is superseded by his Mercy. Make no mistake that Our God is a God of mercy, but so too he is a God of Justice. And while these masqueraders may seem to be winning the battles, it is Jesus Christ that will win the war.

June 24th,2022, marks the day that the Supreme Court of the United States overturned Roe v. Wade., A Glorious Day for Life!

His word says so, and his words are never untruth. And when his wrath is revealed, no amount of wealth or trickery can save the evildoer.

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Faith and family prioritize Traditional Christian values, they promote a safe, supportive environment for your children to grow, and establish a foundation of unity. The Bible’s teachings on the importance of charity encourage the most blessed of our society to be generous with the poor – because it is good for their souls, not because the government takes increasingly of their money by force and allocates it to bloated social entitlement programs. Religion also exhorts people to be more honorable, virtuous, and spiritual – without fear and intimidation. These and other influences of religion have always been so important to us as Americans, that local communities have traditionally been anchored around their church. The house of the Lord was also the neighborhood center for fellowship, support, and even counseling. There is a long and proud history in America of people coming together to raise a church: volunteering and donating their time and money to raise the funds needed to establish a center of worship and friendship, with all the many benefits of community and the freedom to support their neighbors. But overall, we have somehow forgotten and abandoned the importance of supporting our local church. Let me say, the church has also not reached out to their communities. I cannot understand why, is it politics? Church leaders seem complacent across regional and denominational lines they

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worry about the future of declining involvement, and not just for selfish reasons. The church’s ability to feed the hungry, visit the lonely and sick, and speak up for justice demands many hands, not just the professional clergy. We donate many times more money to these campaigns of corrupt politicians than we can seem to muster for our own and our neighbors’ spiritual wellbeing. We spend less time making religion a part of our family lives. In short, we are gradually moving away from God – and it is hurting our communities and our nation. Nevertheless, I believe that no matter how much we foolishly turn our backs on God, He will never turn His back on us. There is still time for us to turn away from this arrogant, prideful course and welcome God back into our nation and our lives. I only hope we do it quickly: it is to our own harm that we ignore the power of faith, and America cannot survive without God forever.

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Please take notice, and of my hope you don’t mind, yet I really need to inform you as the consumer, this is a reader participation article requiring you at the least consider asking and answering to yourself a few questions. The first one being, How do you and your family plan to Participate in honoring Independence Day this year? As we approach Independence Day 2022, I am reminded of my growing up in Appalachia and how Independence Day was not only Celebrated, how it was viewed. The first thing is the difference made in how the day was known, Independence Day first and foremost and then the date would be shared second…. the 4th day of July. I remember being told “Son there was a 4th day of June, and God willing we will see the 4th day of August and the 4th day September. Don’t you ever forget the reason we celebrate on the 4th day of July; it is Honoring Everything It Took to have what we’ve got, and remind us we are always just one generation away from losing it… if we don’t protect our Independence. It’s not celebrating the 4th of July…. It’s Independence Day!” I look back on those times and see how differently we have allowed the Celebration to be carried out and appreciated. I don’t see Independence Day as the BRAND anymore. Have we allowed the marketing of the 4th day of the month to gradually overshadow the True Meaning of the Celebration? I don’t know, it surely seems that way as I look around at the “Somewhat United”…. States of America. As I have already shared about my being raised in Appalachia, that raising afforded those of my generation quality time sitting on the porch, your own porch or the porches of neighbors, whether you wanted to or not. Sitting on porches listening to your elders share. One thing for sure, times were not always easy, then as now we were confronted with “Trying Times” to overcome.

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One of those, sitting on the porch listening moments remembered is hearing more than once…. “Trying Times Require People’s Trying To Fix!” Trying Times Require People’s Trying To Fix! How relevant is that to where we are today? What does it take to overcome any of life’s obstacles placed in our way… we have to try, we have to show up, be present and accounted for. We have to Choose to Participate in order for this body of work to work. A Nation known as the United States of America whose very existence required Participation by and from those who knowingly placed their lives and livelihoods in the proverbial offering plate. Participation from those willing to and many times throughout this Nation’s history requiring them giving all, right down to their last breath taken. Names found memorialized in locations such as the Vietnam and Korean Veterans Memorials, World War I and II Memorials, along with Statues such as that of Martin Luther King, found in Washington, DC and that of the Civil Rights Memorial found in Montgomery, Alabama. Of special note and interest to me, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial was designed by a young lady whose name is Maya Lynn. Maya Lynn who as a 21-year-old undergraduate student attending Yale University, who as was noted in publications at the time, “Had No Professional Experience” Chose to

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Participate in a competition to design the planned building of a Memorial Remembering/Honoring Vietnam Casualties of War. Maya Lynn a Chinese American born in Ohio, not only was chosen over 1,400 other entrants to design the Vietnam Wall, which was unveiled in 1982, Maya Lynn also was chosen and designed the Civil Rights Memorial in Montgomery, Alabama which was unveiled in 1989. All of the aforementioned examples of who we are, who we have been, life given, lives taken, our knowledge of never having been or will be perfect, yet by Choosing To Participate we have created and held onto a Nation, as I said…. Not Always United In All Things, yet United Just Enough In The Values and Principals Found In The Body Of Work Known As The Declaration of Independence Which The Second Continental Congress Unanimously Adopted Declaring Separation From Great Britain. A unanimous agreement declared which could have as easily taken place on the 3rd of July or 5th…. Yet did historically transpire on the 4th of July. Giving notice of Our Readiness and Willingness To Fight For Life and Liberty For All. Independence is why we are still the Nation where people from all over the World risk their lives to come, to Choose To Participate With Us in this sometimes fractured yet not broken United States of America.

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The written work included entitled “Should We Choose To Participate, Life Holds Many Wonderful Things” is a written work, very much inspired and whose words I put to paper around 1993. Should We Choose to Participate was released as a Written Limited-Edition Print in 1994 in Jonesboro, TN. Home of the International Storytellers Gathering. A framed print of Should We Choose to Participate was presented to U. S. Congressman Jimmy Duncan of Knoxville, who then presented a framed copy of the work to then Speaker of The House Newt Gingrich. This presentation led to the printing of a Special Congressional Edition limited to 500 which was presented to each member of the United States House of Representatives at that time. At the same time the Office of The Vice President in Carthage, TN had acquired a framed copy of Should We Choose to Participate for Vice President Al Gore. Upon sending the work to the Vice President’s Office in Washington and its receipt, Vice President Gore send a most wonderful letter to me about his having placed the work in his office and how the words expressed exactly the views of the Clinton Administration along with their aspirations for the United States under their watch. Speaker of the House Gingrich also spoke of how relevant the work was in expressing what his office and party believed important.

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The Speakers office having provided copies to each member of Congress received replies from a large majority of members from both parties. Upon receipt of those notes and notices of appreciation, the Speaker forwarded them on to me, all of which I saved with a heart full of appreciation. Appreciation in the feeling that as long as those in leadership positions of our Nation see the words written, placed one beside another creating an expression of emotional ownership of us, our place and import one for another…. We Just May Be Okay. My prayer as you read Should We Choose to Participate, Life Holds Many Wonderful Things, you to find worth in their placement, expressed views easy to accept as known, and worthy of sharing because if we can agree upon one thing…. As long as the words written In Should We Choose To Participate have value enough to take to heart, remember as worth living…. We Just May Be Okay. Hopefully in the Eyes of God…

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BLESSINGS IN THESE TIMES OF CELEBRATION OF OUR….. NATIONS INDEPENDENCE! SHOULD WE CHOOSE TO PARTICIPATE LIFE HOLDS MANY WONDERFUL THINGS SINGLE VICTORIES - That Remove All Thought Of Despair Caused By What Seems To Be A Lifetime Of Defeat’s. CHILDREN - God’s Peace Makers, Reminding Us That Wisdom Need Not Be Profound Or Complicated. FAMILY - Our Roots That Keep Us Firmly Planted As We Grow Tall Liking To A Tree Reaching Out To Touch A Sky That Is Always Just Out Of Reach. FRIEND - An Honor Too Commonly Given An Acquaintance But A Rare Individual Who Finds The Time When There Is No Time. A Person Who Will Give Of Themselves When You Have No More Of Yourself To Give. A Person With Corrected Vision, Seeing Clearly When Our Own Eyes Become Blurred. Truly A Pearl Among Our Treasures. MATE - Family, Friend, In Some Cases A Giver of Children, In All Cases A Giver Of Life. The Person Who Makes You Aware That Our Language Is So Incomplete When You Try To Express The Love And Compassion Felt. The Person That Makes Forever Seem Like Such A Short Time, Yet Can Make Time Stand Still. SEASONS - A Subtle Constant Reminder Of The Parallels Between Nature And Human Kind. SPRING, As With Youth A Time For Planting. SUMMER, A Time Of Cultivation Of Seeds Sown. FALL, The Harvesting, A Time Of Maturity, Of Understanding, The Time We Become Aware That As We Have Sown, So Shall We Also Reap.

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AND WINTER, The Time God Gives Us Sight As He Removes The Leaves From The Trees That We May See More Clearly The Greatness Of Our God. A God Who In Six Days Could Create A World With Such Detail That We Will Spend A Lifetime Trying To Comprehend It. Then On The Seventh Day He Rested, Such Is Winter A Time Of Rest, A Time Of Anticipation Of A New And More Wonderful World To Come. LIFE HOLDS MANY WONDERFUL THINGS SHOULD WE CHOOSE TO PARTICIPATE

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The truth of Domestic Violence By Zernalyn Palmares

“I crawled out of my house in pain, the screaming was still in my head, my ears hearing his voice as I tried to make sense of everything that was said to me. Names, labels that my brain could not process in the moment. I thought I was safe , but apparently not. Ugh… was that my bones creaking in pain after he kicked me. Did I just drool all over myself again or was that me swallowing the metallic taste of liquid blood when his fist came into contact with my nose or what I still think is my nose. These days I would not know. Life has been a haze, if I was not stupid idiot wife, I was dumb moron worthless woman. All these years and as I stayed on , layers of my self esteem and self worth gone down totally engulfed by a black hole that took away my humanity rendering me a functioning cell that would wake up every morning going through the motions of expectations set by a husband that demanded I honor and obey”

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What is a wife in the Christian perspective ? According to Genesis 2:21-25 God made a woman from Adams rib. Now in this terms it is important to note that woman is part of man, an extension of Adam. Because she is an extension of him does that mean that she belongs to him. As I went through my search in my identity as a wife and a woman I looked upon 1 Peter 3 :1-6 “Wives, in the same way be submissive to your husbands so that , any of them who do not believe the word , they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives” . Sadly, the interpretation at times of a woman submitting to a husband can be characterized in some cultures as allowing them to be beaten or verbally abused without crying out to contest such acts. 1 in 3 women will experience Domestic Violence in their lifetime. 40.1 % of Texas Women experience intimate partner physical violence, 65 % of all murder suicides involve an intimate partner. In 2020 in one day the state of Texas served 5,950 victims of Domestic Violence. 48% of victims were unassisted due to lack of resources. ( Source: National Coalition Against Domestic Violence/ NCADV)

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What is tragic is that often times it takes more than 5 -7 times before a victim will walk away from her perpetrator. It is either because of fear or the lack of support that she feels since the perpetrator will often times cut off the victim from all that is familiar or people that could provide assistance. It is a matter of control to ensure that the victim is rendered helpless. “ One day she was laughing and crying while she rocked me back and forth as she moaned in pain after a night of fighting with my step dad, he had just slapped her and banged her head to the wall . I looked in horror as he took out his gun and pointed it out to me and said that I was a burden and an extra mouth to feed everyday and he was tired of it . I waited for his fist or his booted feet to come into contact with my small frame… and like she and I would often do , we would find the nearest corner of the room to hide and run like walls could really provide us with safety. One time he tried to burn her with his lighted cigarette. She eventually left him but she was left partially deaf with a lumbar injury that he caused to happen.The years of a childhood gone never to be recaptured, when I tasted the salty tears and mucus that my lips would catch as I convulsively hold my breath in anticipation of the next beating are but vivid memories of trauma I have injured and have yet to heal from. There are still many of us children like this. You see, it matters not rich or poor. “

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Domestic violence is a social ill that transcends economic class. What can we do ? 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 “The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ”.

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“TOUGH TIMES” By Mickey Nichols

Throughout history certain patterns of life seem to return again and again. This is most certainly why we need to study and learn from our past and not to disparage it. The America of today is markedly different than it was just two short years ago (this article being written in June, 2022) and a world of difference exists between this current year and, say, ten, twenty, or even thirty years ago. Why and how does the direction of a gigantic ship like the USA change so suddenly and precipitously?

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“HARD TIMES”--- In 1929 this nation was plunged into a deep and prolonged depression that literally affected each and every citizen. Added to this depression was the fact that our monetary system was taken off the Gold Standard (that in itself is a study for another day!) and the entire economy was thrown into a deep and long lasting pit that changed the lives of all those who endured it. Families existed on little or NO income with barely enough to eat. Separation of parents and children was quite common and cries of “brother, can you spare a dime?” were often heard from coast to coast. This writer’s parents were raised during this period of time and tales of poverty and lack of even basic goods were told and retold. Rations were meager and clothing was old and ragged in most families and lucky was the family that had access to a plot of ground that enabled them to raise a few vegetables. The southern United States seemed to suffer the most (probably because they had less when it all started!) but the big cities also suffered mightily. Food riots happened and theft and strong-arm thievery were very common. Just as the nation was on the verge of all out rebellion along came WWII. Many historians and economists say it is this Great War that ended the depression. Millions of formerly unemployed men were suddenly on Uncle Sam’s payroll. Able bodied women who wanted to work were employed in factories in order to assist the war effort. People could eat again! “TOUGH PEOPLE”--- The folks who survived the Great Depression afterwards came to life with much wisdom and resolve. The lessons they had learned going into and during hard times gave them a toughness of mind that directed them to cut through all tomfoolery and get down to the chase. They suffered no fools and were grateful and thankful for anything and everything. They worked hard and raised their children with proper values and thankful attitudes. The children of this generation were, for the most part, much like their parents, but without the first hand knowledge of having gone hungry, homeless, and penniless. “GOOD TIMES”--- The Fabulous 50’s came and America prospered economically, spiritually, and socially. Those of us raised during this period of time still rate this decade as “The Best of Times” and still today look back wistfully and lovingly upon the era of soda shops, high school, and rock ‘n roll. Even a small, faraway war in Korea did not seem to affect us. Unfortunately, Good Times produce Weak People.

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“WEAK PEOPLE”--- As the Vietnam War raged and escalated in Southeast Asia the mood of the country changed dramatically. The military of this country suffered the brunt of this mood change. It went from hero status to zero status. From being hailed as heroes to being called baby killers. From being lauded to being spit upon. These were the Weak People inflicting their unhappiness and anger on the rest of us. And many, many of these Weak People gained strong footholds in government, in the educational system, and in major news outlets. They began to exert their twisted and warped ideas onto the USA playing field. They won battles both in court and in the minds of many in the public. The most egregious of these ideas was that women could legally murder their own babies under the guise of “choice”. “HARD TIMES”--- We are now smack dab back in the middle of Hard Times. Abortion still exists(although there may be a change soon in that respect!), the economy is in shambles, famine is peeping its head around the corner, and perversion is sweeping like a wave across the country and across educational institutions. Never would this writer have ever expected to see in a lifetime the forays of perversion into the minds of precious, innocent little children. The purveyors of porn and perversion have attacked the minds of small children in a massive, overwhelming wave. The leading proponent of this filth is the educational system. Many school districts, school boards, and teachers have conspired to instill perverted ideas into sweet, young, innocent minds by devious and secret methods. School books promote LGBTIQTIA+++, transgenderism, and cross dressing. “Secret” rooms are established at schools and children are encouraged to dress the opposite of their actual sex. Library books are extolled and lent out to kids with ideas of “Two Mommies” or “Two Daddies” being appropriate. Gay and transgender dances are held at school to honor deviant lifestyles. Young children are encouraged and urged to “explore your true self” by pretending that you are the opposite sex. Businesses have entered this fray and rush to be the first in their area to hand out children’s books on lesbianism and homosexuality. Large, nationwide examples of this are the efforts by Target, State Farm, Coca Cola, and hundreds of others who have somehow been persuaded that this is the proper thing to do. These decisions are being made by the WEAK PEOPLE.

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May God help us in our endeavors to regain our country. II Chronicles 7:14 again and again pops into mind as we struggle with what to do. “If my people, who are called by my name, will turn from their wicked ways, and humble themselves, and ask for forgiveness, then will I forgive their sins and will heal their country.” IF is the key word here. We must repent. We must turn from wickedness. We must ask forgiveness. Only then can God help us and heal our land. And if history teaches us anything, then “TOUGH PEOPLE” will once again be the ones making the necessary decisions for our country.

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By Charles Lingerfelt

Our nation, the United States of America, was formed and founded by godly men of principle and character. They had come to our shores looking for freedom and liberty. Their freedoms had been stolen from them in their mother countries which they left behind. The freedoms they were seeking were: freedom of the press, freedom of speech, freedom of property, the right to defend yourself, your family and your property, the freedom of worship, and other basic freedoms that had for many years been guaranteed by the Magna Carta.

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The Magna Carta was also known as “The Great Charter” and was the charter of rights agreed to by King John of England at Runnymede, near Windsor, on 15 June 1215. It was at first drafted by the Archbishop of Canterbury to make peace between the unpopular King and a group of rebel barons; and it promised the protection of church rights, protection for the barons from illegal imprisonment, access to swift justice, and limitations on feudal payments to the Crown, and it was to be implemented through a council of 25 barons. Neither side stood behind their commitments, and the charter was annulled by Pope Innocent III, leading to the First Barons' War. For the men and their families who embarked upon the long journey across the Atlantic Ocean looking for a new land of freedom, it was a treacherous and dangerous journey. Their total trust was in The Almighty, Whom they knew personally, and spiritually: The God in whom they trusted. The first winter season was horribly cold and many of them caught diseases and died. But those who survived never lost hope that one day a new nation and republic would materialize and become one of the mightiest nations the world has ever known. When the new Republic was birthed and they declared their independence from Great Britain, the British didn’t like it and they brought their great Naval forces across the Atlantic to fight and conquer the new nation. This small American “rag-tag” army fought the British and defeated them in The American Revolutionary War, and the victory solidified them in their faith for the New nation and what was yet to be. On 4 July 2019, we celebrated our 243rd birthday. In just a few short days, we will celebrate another one! Those God-fearing men and women who still pray and honor The Almighty know where our strength lies and to Whom we are to praise for our strength and security. We still believe that our nation, the United States of America, is ‘One Nation Under God’ and it is because of Him that we are so blessed. We continually give our praise and thanks to God for His blessings and outpourings of might and strength upon this nation. We are truly His people and have been used by God for many, many years to bless the nations of the world in various and sundry ways. And truly, if we did not honor God and recognize Him as our One, True God - this nation would never have lasted as long as we have. We are truly ‘One Nation Under God.’ And we will continually praise Him and give Him honor. To God be all the glory! In thankfulness to God Almighty,



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