A note to the minutes These minutes have yet to be approved. Four members of CTJC committee believe that a more accurate representation of the outcome of the meeting’s discussion concerning use of CTJC funds (point 4) is: After some discussion it was agreed that the trustees and the members were all asked to contribute ideas of how to use our accumulated funds appropriately. The trustees are to report back to the committee.
COVID patience Rabbi Dr Reuven Leigh Patience: /ˈpeɪʃ(ə)ns/ the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious. Middle English: from Old French, from Latin patientia, from patient- ‘suffering’. For the first time in my lifetime, I am living through a time of shared experience. By that I mean an event of sorts which demonstrably affects nearly everyone in the world. I suspect the most recent comparable experience was the Second World War. There is a certain sense of solidarity and shared empathy in knowing how everyone is learning to adapt and manage through all of this. At the same time, each of our experiences of COVID is unique and distinct. Some have had to deal with the illness itself and even worse the passing of family or friends, others have had to shield and live in relative isolation for months, whilst some have had to work out how to cope with an unexpected house full of family with no sign of respite. Whilst it may seem callous to discuss positive sides to this whole saga when there is so much suffering and anxiety, the Baal Shem Tov taught that from every experience we must derive something positive which can enhance and advance our service of Hashem.
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