Minutes of the CTJC AGM 19 July 2020 The meeting took place using web sharing. Present (remotely): Jo Landy (Chair), Ben Blaukopf (Treasurer), Barry Landy (Secretary), Ros Landy, Tirzah Bleehen, Jane Liddell-King, Robert Marks (BoD), Stefan Reif (Trustee), Simon Goldhill, Jonathan Allin, Sarah Schechter (Trustee), Julian Landy Apologies: Mark Harris 1. Minutes of the previous AGM had been circulated with the Magazine and no comments had been received. 2. Chair's report (Jo Landy) Another year has flown by. Until the start of lockdown services were held in Thompsons Lane as normal. On behalf of your committee I must thank Aryeh Dworkin for once again coming back to Cambridge to daven for us at Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. While I am sure he enjoyed his break in Harvard we were all pleased to have Reuven back to lead us. His trip was beautifully timed to avoid the pandemic in the US. Outside term time we enjoyed as usual wonderful kiddushim after davening. Purchased by Jonathan Harris and Yoav and prepared for us by Lauren, Helen, and Jo Landy. After some negotiations a Management Committee has been formed of two students, and a representative from each of CJRA and CTJC. Our representative is Tim Goldrein who has taken a leading role in Mancom and delivered all he said that he would. Tim has actually carried out a lot of the work himself (assisted by Ben and Barry) and spent many hours doing so. Page 9