Farm & Food Guide Find Organic Farms, Food and Supporting Businesses
203-308-2584 ctnofa.org
Be Part Of Our Vibrant Community! Who Can Join CT NOFA? Membership is open to all individuals, groups and like-minded businesses! Benefits of Membership
• Satisfaction of belonging to a growing movement supporting healthy and sustainable living • Opportunity to learn from and contribute to a network of people active and knowledgeable about organic food, farming, gardening, land care, and food and environmental policy • Ability to cast a vote at our annual meeting to help guide the direction of the organization • Our annual CT NOFA Farm & Food Guide delivered to your door* • A one-year subscription to The Natural Farmer, a quarterly publication on organic agriculture in the northeast* • CT NOFA Gleanings eNewsletter • Discounts for the NOFA annual bulk order for gardening and farming supplies • Discounts to educational events (one for individual member, two for family members, four for businesses members): • Getting Started in Organic Farming Conference • Winter Conference • Summer Conference • On-Farm and other workshops • Organic Land Care Annual Gathering
Farm Members
Please join at ctnofa.org, by calling 203-308-2584 or by check made payable to CT NOFA and mailed to: CT NOFA 126 Derby Ave. Derby, CT 06418
Membership Rates Please Check One:
_____ $25 Digital (New Members Only) _____ $30 Student/Senior (65+) _____ $50 Individual _____ $60 Family _____ $125 Business/Non-Profit _____ $200 Supporting _____ $1000 Lifetime _____ I would like to make an additional tax-deductible donation of $_________________________ _____ I would like to volunteer for CT NOFA Name _______________________________________________________
All the benefits of membership plus free inclusion of your USDA Certified Organic or CT NOFA Farmer’s Pledge farm in the county pages of our annual CT NOFA Farm & Food Guide distributed in hard copy to 10,000 households statewide, and to many more online
Address ______________________________________________________
Business Members
Phone _______________________________________________________
City ______________________________________________ State ______ Zip __________________________________________________________
(who share our principles. We reserve the right to be selective): • All the benefits of membership plus several benefits related to our annual CT NOFA Farm & Food Guide distributed in hard copy to 10,000 households statewide, and to many more online: • A free listing in the Business Members section, organized by business category • Your business description published in the appropriate county pages • Opportunity to advertise at a reduced rate • A New Member Business Profile in our Gleanings eNewsletter • A listing, link, photo and business description on the Business Members page of our website * If you join with a Digital Membership (first time members only), you can read this publication online.
_____________________________________________________________ Email (for Gleanings eNewsletter and other news)
Cover Credits
Beets, Brussels Sprouts, Kale: Urban Oaks Organic Farm, New Britain Apples, Carrots, Parsnips: High Hill Orchard, Meriden Lemon Drop Peppers, Popcorn, Pumpkin Seeds: Deb Legge, Wallingford Photography: John Venter
CT NOFA 126 Derby Avenue, Derby, CT 06418 203-308-2584 ctnofa@ctnofa.org ctnofa.org
Welcome To Our Guide! CT NOFA (Northeast Organic Farming Association of Connecticut), is the first and leading grassroots association advocating for organic food, farming, gardening and land care in Connecticut, connecting people in the sustainable local food and land care movements with organic resources and education. CT NOFA was founded in 1982 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and is one of seven state chapters of the Northeast Organic Farming Association. We are proud to present the 2014-2015 edition of our annual CT NOFA Farm & Food Guide, the most comprehensive resource for finding sustainably grown food in Connecticut. It connects you to the bounty of fresh, healthy and tasty food produced by CT NOFA’s member farms who are USDA Certified Organic or CT NOFA Farmer’s Pledge or both. It also connects you to CT NOFA Business Members who are supportive of sustainable agriculture. Take this Guide with you when you shop! We encourage you to support the farms and businesses that are listed or advertised in the Guide. Let them know how important organic and sustainable agriculture is to you by giving them your business. Together we can effect positive change in our food system with the food choices we make! The benefits of local and organic food for human and environmental health are more important than ever. For 32 years the strength of CT NOFA has been our members, our donors, sponsors and volunteers. Our community includes all kinds of people - consumers, activists, businesses, farmers, gardeners, land care professionals and more! What we all have in common is a belief that using organic and sustainable
methods in agriculture, land care and everyday living is the path that will ensure a healthier future for the planet. Agriculture in Connecticut is growing, which bodes well for our local food system and the availability of good food. According to the recently released findings of the 2012 USDA Census of Agriculture there are over 1,000 new farms and 30,000 more acres being farmed in CT in 2012 vs. 2007, bucking national trends that show decreasing farms and land in agriculture. The numbers of Farmers Markets listed in the county pages of our Guide, where many of our member farms sell their product, reflects the energy of our local food movement. Throughout the year we offer educational workshops, conferences and courses focused on the importance of organic practices, and how to implement them in gardening, landscaping and farming. We get involved in policy on the local and national levels regarding such things as GMO labeling, pesticide-free school grounds, food safety and more. And we have fun events that introduce people first hand to the joys of sustainable living. Welcome to our CT NOFA family and living a life that safeguards our planet and makes it a healthier place for ourselves, our children, and our children’s children. We hope to see you soon!
Eileen Hochberg Executive Director
Can You Be Featured In This Guide? YES! Our annual CT NOFA Farm & Food Guide is distributed to 10,000 households each year and is also featured at ctnofa.org which attracts over 13,000 viewers a year. It connects consumers with the resources of the organic community in Connecticut. We encourage you to have your sustainable farm or business included by becoming a CT NOFA member (please see opposite page). There is also opportunity for member and non-member businesses to advertise in the Guide, and business members receive discounted rates. All Farmers Markets can have a simple listing at no cost, and if your Market becomes a member of CT NOFA it is featured more prominently. Please visit ctnofa.org, or contact us at ctnofa@ctnofa.org or call 203-308-2584. ctnofa.org
organiclandcare.net 203-308-2584
Contents CT NOFA Membership ................................................................IFC
Connecticut’s Counties.....................................................................18
To Be Included in the Guide.................................................................1
Hartford County..................................................................................23
Welcome ............................................................................................................1 How Do I Use This Guide ?.................................................................2
Join Us Throughout the Year.............................................................3
Fairfield County...................................................................................... 19
Litchfield County.................................................................................28 Middlesex County..............................................................................32
Know Your Food..........................................................................................4
New Haven County.............................................................................. 36
What is Organic Land Care?..........................................................7
Tolland County....................................................................................... 46
What is the Farmer’s Pledge? .......................................................6
New London County............................................................................42
Why Local?................................................................................................... 8
Windham County...................................................................................48
Books, Movies and More.....................................................................9
Farm and Business Index...................................................................51
The Next Generation of Farmers................................................... 8
Visit Our Business Members By Category........................ 12
Out of State.............................................................................................50 Products & Services by County Index................................. 52
Guide Design: Linda Goldsmith Guide Content: Bill Duesing, Eileen Hochberg, Deb Legge, Debbie Semonich
How Do I Use This Guide? Visit Our Business Members by Category Page 12
Find USDA Certified Organic & CT NOFA Farmer’s Pledge Farms, Supporting Businesses and Farmers Markets in Connecticut by County Page 18 Farm and Business Index Page 51
2014-2015 Farm & Food Guide
Products & Services by County Index Page 52
Join Us Throughout The Year Winter Conference March 7, 2015
Photo Credit: Edamarie Mattei
Organic Land Care Accreditation and Annual Gathering December 2014 - February 2015
Getting Started in Organic Farming Conference January 2015
Summer Events July 18 &19, 2014
Workshops Throughout The Year
organiclandcare.net 203-308-2584
Know Your Food We often hear from people who want to make good food choices when they shop and are confused about organic, local and other food labels. Here are the questions we get and our answers. We hope to make your good food shopping easier! Q. Who can tell me what organic means?
A. The use of the word organic and its meaning are controlled by the USDA and its National Organic Program (NOP). USDA Certified Organic is a labeling term for marketing purposes to inform consumers. The USDA organic seal means that the product is produced in accordance with the National Organic Standards (ams.usda.gov).
Q. What is CT NOFA’s role in the USDA National Organic Program?
A. The USDA organic standards and certification process grew out of nearly two decades of state certification programs created by NOFA chapters, including CT NOFA, and sister organizations throughout the country. Since the USDA took control of the word organic in 2002, NOFA chapters and our partners have been working to uphold and strengthen the standards.
Q. Why should I eat organic?
A. Choosing certified organic food has many positive effects. According to the USDA, “The primary goal of organic agriculture is to optimize the health and productivity of interdependent communities of soil life, plants, animals and people.” Many people want to eat organic foods to protect their health. They want to vote with their dollars for more organic farming and the environmental and social benefits it brings. This is what you and your family, our farm workers and our environment get with USDA Certified Organic: No genetically-engineered seeds No GMOs in animal feed No genetically-engineered ingredients No chemical fertilizers No synthetic pesticides No antibiotics or hormones No sewage sludge No irradiation
Q. W hat do Genetically Engineered and GMO mean?
A. Genetic engineering is a radical new technology that forces genetic information across the protective species barrier in an unnatural way. GMOs or genetically modified organisms are plants or animals that have been genetically engineered with DNA from bacteria, viruses or other plants and animals in an attempt to introduce a new trait or characteristic. These 4
2014-2015 Farm & Food Guide
experimental combinations of genes from different species cannot occur in nature or in traditional crossbreeding. Genetic engineering differs profoundly from conventional seed selection and breeding, which has been going on since the beginning of agriculture. Even hybridization, which is relatively new, achieves expression of genetic material already present within a species, not by inserting foreign genetic material in an unnatural way. Hybridization uses processes that occur in nature, such as sexual and asexual reproduction, and employs the genetic potential of the species.
Q. Are GMOs bad for my health, and the health of my children and grandchildren?
A. Virtually all commercial GMOs are engineered to withstand direct application of herbicide and some are created to also produce their own insecticide. A growing body of evidence connects GMOs with health problems, environmental damage and violation of farmers’ and consumers’ rights.
Q. How can I avoid GMOs?
A. GMOs can be in the foods you eat first hand, and also in the feed given to animals you eat. Certified Organic means no GMOs, among many other things. Products that bear the Non-GMO Project Verified label (nongmoproject.org) do not have GMOs in them. Some, but not all, Non-GMO Project Verified foods are also certified organic.
Q. How else does organic shape the communities and environment our children and grandchildren will live in? A. A foundation of healthy soils and ecosystems is what makes organic systems successful, and adds to their importance. As the USDA states: “Organic agriculture is an ecological production management system that promotes and enhances biodiversity, biological cycles and soil biological activity. It is based on minimal use of off-farm inputs and on management practices that restore, maintain and enhance ecological harmony.”
Q. Which farmers can use the word organic?
A. A beginning or small-scale farmer selling less than $5,000 worth of product a year can call the vegetables, meat or eggs at a roadside or market stand organic if s/he follows the USDA’s Organic Standards. In all other cases agricultural products sold as organic need to be certified by an accredited certifying agency. Baystate Organic Certifiers (baystateorganic.org) certifies most of the farms in Connecticut.
Q. Why should farmers with more than $5,000 in sales a year become certified organic?
A. It is important to have as many farms as possible, especially small farms, be Certified Organic in order to be counted and have a voice in the upholding of the National Organic Standards. The more Certified Organic farms there are, the more resources, research and support organic farmers and systems will receive. You can feel good about suggesting that farmers get certified in order to keep building and sustaining the organic movement.
Q. What is involved with certification?
A. We often hear farmers say that certification requires too much paperwork or costs too much money. However, many certified organic farmers say the required Organic Farm Plan, the heart of certification, is a very useful tool in organizing and running a farm. Many organizations provide free templates and online tools for developing this plan (attra.ncat.org/organic.html and rodaleinstitute.org/farm/organic-system-plan). For many certified growers, three quarters of the cost of certification is reimbursed through a Farm Bill authorized organic cost share program administered here by the Connecticut Department of Agriculture (ct.gov/doag).
Q. Who besides farmers can use the word organic?
A. You can say you have an organic home garden and your community can say it has an organic community garden because these are descriptions, not marketing claims. Your town can say it has adopted the NOFA Standards for Organic Land Care to govern the way its parks, greens and school grounds are managed because it is referring to a standard of service, not marketing a product.
Q. What other labels are there related to agricultural practices?
A. Other labels such as Certified Naturally Grown (naturallygrown.org) and CT NOFA’s Farmer’s Pledge indicate that the farmer abides by standards similar to those for organic. These labels may provide enough information in a face to face sale, but the farms cannot be considered certified organic. Therefore, these labels can mask the real growth in organic production, in the number of farmers using organic methods and in the demand for organic, as these farms are not counted as organic by the USDA. Local and Organic Since 1982
Q. What does 100% Grass Fed mean?
A. 100% Grass Fed means just that, and the animals will not have eaten GMO feed. Other grass fed animals eating less than 100% grass, whose meat is not certified organic, will likely have eaten GMO feed.
Q. What does Natural mean?
A. Natural means nothing because it hasn’t been defined in the U.S. except for meat, poultry or eggs, where it means no artificial colors or flavors, synthetic ingredients or chemical preservatives. It does not mean non-GMO — you should assume that all animals have eaten GMO feed, unless they are USDA Certified Organic, Non-GMO Verified, 100% Grass Fed, Farmer’s Pledge or Certified Naturally Grown.
Q. What about packaged goods labeled Natural?
A. In this case Natural means nothing at all and you should assume these foods contain GMOs unless labeled otherwise, if they contain corn, canola, soy, cottonseed and sugar from sugar beets.
Q. Am I safe if I’m eating cage-free or free-range chickens or eggs, and meat from animals raised humanely with access to the outdoors?
A. Unless what you’re eating is also USDA Certified Organic, or has other trusted designations, what these labels say about meat, poultry and eggs means at most just what they say and no more. We say at most, because some of these labels are not defined or regulated by the USDA. There are Certified Humane and other labels you can read about online. They don’t necessarily require organic or non-GMO feed. Read carefully!
Q. What does Local mean?
A. Local can vary in terms of the number of miles your food has traveled to your plate. The more local the organic farms are that you buy from, the more benefits there are to our communities, to the nutritional value of your food, and to the environment. Local also gives you the opportunity to know your farmer, visit the farm and to truly know your food. The Connecticut Department of Agriculture (ct.gov/doag) and buyctgrown.com are currently working to strengthen the Connecticut Grown label so that consumers look for and buy local Connecticut food whenever possible.
Q. What is the new Food Justice Certified label?
A. It is a label based on high-bar social justice standards for farms, processors and retailers, including every link in the food chain from seed to table. NOFA was a founder of the Agricultural Justice Project (agriculturaljusticeproject.org) which created and administers this label. This certification may be combined with local sourcing and organic certification for those who want Local, Organic and Fair food. Happy Shopping and Bon Appetit!
organiclandcare.net 203-308-2584
What is the Farmer’s Pledge? Knowing your farmer is the best assurance that the food you buy is responsibly grown with methods that honor the web of life by farmers who work in harmony with nature and leave the little piece of the world they steward in better condition than when they found it. To further enable consumers to identify farms they want to support with their food dollars, CT NOFA uses the Farmer’s Pledge, a separate and distinct program from USDA Certified Organic. This Pledge is based on the integrity of the farmer and is signed annually. The Pledge can be taken by both Certified Organic growers and non-certified growers using agro-ecological systems and documents sustainable practices they attest is an accurate description of how they farm. It serves as a way for consumers to better know their farmers and their agricultural, social justice and economic practices.
Farmers who sign this Pledge agree that customers may visit the farm by appointment. CT NOFA does not investigate or guarantee farmer compliance with the Farmer’s Pledge. If a customer visits a farm and believes a farmer is not honoring the Pledge, the customer can give written notice to the Executive Director of CT NOFA. Although taking this Pledge does not entitle a farmer to represent their products as organic, many taking the Pledge are also Certified Organic. Furthermore, CT NOFA believes that Certified Organic farmers and farmers that are Farmer’s Pledge only have far more in common than they have differences. Look for the 2014 CT NOFA Farmer’s Pledge when you shop. In the county pages of this Guide look for the Farmer’s Pledge symbol for Farmer’s Pledge farms, and the USDA organic seal for certified farms. Farmer’s Pledge
We pledge that in our farming, processing, and marketing, we will: • Build and maintain healthy soils by applying farming practices that include rotating crops annually, using compost, cover crops, green manures, and reducing tillage •S erve the health of soil, people and nature by rejecting the use of synthetic insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, and fertilizers •R eject the use of GMOs, chemically treated seeds, synthetic toxic materials, irradiation, and sewage sludge in our farming, and all synthetic substances in all post harvest handling • Treat livestock humanely by providing pasture for ruminants, access to outdoors and fresh air for all livestock, banning cruel alterations, and using no hormones, GMOs or antibiotics in feed •H andle raw manure and soil amendments with care •S upport agricultural markets and infrastructure that enable small farms to thrive •C onserve natural resources including the atmosphere and climate by reducing erosion and pollution of air, soil and water through responsible farming practices •M aximize the nutritional value of food and feed by practicing careful post harvest handling •P ractice minimal processing for all food products to preserve the natural nutritional value of food: NO use of irradiation, ultra-pasteurization, excessive heat, synthetic preservatives,
2014-2015 Farm & Food Guide
or GMO processing agents or additives, and include all ingredients on labels • Ensure food safety by using potable water for washing crops • Reduce the ecological footprint of farms and homes by limiting energy use and converting to renewable sources of energy • Reduce food miles by selling produce locally and regionally • Create beneficial habitat for wildlife and encourage biodiversity • Help preserve farmland • Share and develop farming skills and know-how • Use ethical business practices • Pay a living wage to all farm workers and acknowledge their freedom of association and their right to collective bargaining • Treat family members and farm workers with respect, and ensure their safety on the farm • Work in cooperation with other farmers and with the neighboring community to create a more sustainable way of life • Encourage the distribution of unsold but edible food to people who need it • Sustain the land in healthy condition for future generations
What is Organic Land Care? The mission of Connecticut Northeast Organic Farming Association’s Organic Land Care Program (NOFA OLC) is to extend the vision and principles of organic agriculture to the care of the landscapes where people carry out their daily lives.
To learn more about our professional courses or to find an accredited organic land care professional go to organiclandcare.net
Organic land care is
2014-2015 schedule:
• A sustainable ecological landscaping system that promotes and enhances biodiversity, biological cycles and soil biological activity. • Based on minimal use of off-site inputs and on management practices that restore, maintain and enhance ecological harmony and beauty in urban and suburban landscapes and gardens. • Landscaping with no synthetic pesticides of any kind (insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, etc.) and no synthetic fertilizers or soil amendments.
Accreditation Courses - 30 hour training • Philadelphia, TBD • Connecticut, February Annual Gathering -1 day educational and networking event, Connecticut in December WEBINARS! COMING SOON!
“Supporting CT NOFA is simply the right thing to do. I see CT NOFA helping lead the way to ban synthetic pesticide/fertilizer use in the state and country.”
Photo Credit: Edamarie Mattei
—G reg Mucci Paul Stewart Caso Landscaping CT NOFA Member
Your Organic Yard... can be a reality
Find an Accredited Landscaper at organiclandcare.net/aolcp-search If you are a land care professional, visit organiclandcare.net for our courses, workshops and accreditation. ctnofa.org
organiclandcare.net 203-308-2584
Why Local? A vibrant local food system builds our health, the health of our planet and the health of our communities! • Higher nutritional value of foods traveling much shorter distances from field to plate • Supports Connecticut's multi-generational family farms • Keeps land in agriculture • Encourages the growth in small and beginning farmers • Keeps money in the local economy - Connecticut agriculture contributes between $2.72 and $4.6 BILLION to the state economy each year* • Protects and creates jobs - Connecticut agriculture employs about 28,000 people each year* • Brings people together on farms and at farmers markets
• Involves community members in farm operations with CSA shares in the harvest, volunteer opportunities and more • Gives people the opportunity to know their farmers and know their food • Shorter distances from field to plate reduce carbon emissions • Local sustainable agriculture helps hold carbon in the soil • Ensures food supply in face of major threats to our industrial food system * From First Annual Report: December 2012, Grow Connecticut Farms: Developing, Diversifying, and Promoting Agriculture
The Next Generation Of Farmers Farmers are getting older! In the United States, the average age of farmers is 58, up from 57 in 2007. At the same time, the demand for local, sustainable food is growing rapidly and far exceeds the supply. This demand will quickly become a necessity, not merely a choice, as our industrial food system becomes ever more fragile. Just one example of a key issue facing us right now is the drought in California where more than 50% of U.S. grown fruits, vegetables and nuts are grown, putting our current food system dangerously at risk. As the need for the next generation of farmers has become greater, CT NOFA has increasingly responded by running several important programs. New and Beginning Farmers face many legal, financial and environmental challenges, along with gaps in farmer education and knowledge. We are fortunate to have private donors interested in funding our Beginning Farmer programs, as well as the USDA. If you are interested in supporting our Beginning Farmers programs please contact us at ctnofa@ctnofa.org or 203-308-2584. CT NOFA has partnered with the NOFA chapters of New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New Jersey and the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association in the three-year program Cultivating the Next Crop of Northeast Organic Farmers from Apprenticeship to Independence. CT NOFA supports farmers with less than ten years of farming experience with: • On-farm technical workshops • A Beginning Farmer track at our Winter Conference • An online apprentice-farmer linking program • Journeyperson program supporting beginning farmers in their first years of independent farming • Beginning farmer-mentor matching programs 8
2014-2015 Farm & Food Guide
This multi-state program is funded by the National Institute for Food and Agriculture through the USDA Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program (Grant # 2011-00974-A). Another CT NOFA program funded by the National Institute for Food and Agriculture through the USDA Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program is the Beginning Women Farmer Training Program (BWF). For the past five years, CT NOFA has partnered with Holistic Management International (HMI) to implement the BWF Program The ten Saturday sessions cover the topics of Holistic Goal and Testing, Financial Planning, Marketing, Land Planning, Leadership & Communication and more. The fifteen to twenty women participating every year often say the best part of the program is the amazing network of women with all the various backgrounds, talents and farming experiences. For the final year of this grant-funded program, we will be accepting applications in the late summer/early fall of 2014. In addition to the above programs CT NOFA runs the highly attended Getting Started in Organic Farming Conference, publishes the Farmer eNews and a pamphlet of educational resources, and works in collaboration with other agricultural organizations and farms throughout the state to run programs in support of the next generation of farmers. If you are a New or Beginning Farmer and are interested in any of these programs, please visit ctnofa.org or contact us at ctnofa@ctnofa.org or 203-308-2584.
Books, Movies and More There’s a lot of good information out there on food system issues, as well as on sustainable farming, gardening and homesteading. Here’s a partial list of what we’ve been reading & watching this year, along with some of our old favorites: Books
A Garden Primer — Barbara Damrosch A Patch of Eden: America’s Inner City Gardeners — H. Patricia Hynes Against the Grain: How agriculture has hijacked civilization — Richard Manning Charcuterie: The Craft of Salting, Smoking, and Curing — Michael Ruhlman Cooked — Michael Pollan Fair Food: Growing a healthy, sustainable food system for all — Oran Hesterman Farmacology: What Innovative Family Farming Can Teach Us About Health and Healing — Dr. Daphne Miller Farm Anatomy — Julia Rothman Farms with a Future: Creating and growing a sustainable farm business — Rebecca Thistlethwaite Foodopoly: The battle over the future of food and farming in America — Wenonah Hauter How to Grow More Vegetables — John Jeavons In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto — Michael Pollan Long Way on a Little — Shannon Hayes Making Home — Sharon Astyk Paradise Lost — Eric Toensmeier & Jonathan Bates Plowing with Pigs — Oscar and Karen Will Rebuilding the Food Shed — Philip Ackerman—Leist & Deborah Madison Seeds of Deception — Jeffrey Smith Small-Plot, High-Yield Gardening — Sal Gilbertie & Larry Sheehan Stuffed and Starved: Markets, Power and the Hidden Battle for the World’s Food System — Raj Patel The Complete Organic Garden — Nick Mancini The Holistic Orchard — Michael Phillips The Soil Will Save Us!: How Scientists, Farmers, and Foodies Are Healing the Soil to Save the Planet — Kristin Ohlson This Organic Life: Confessions of a Suburban Homesteader — Joan Dye Gussow Tomatoland — Barry Estabrook Turn Here Sweet Corn — Atina Diffley Welcome to Claire’s — Claire Criscuolo
Buy CT Grown: buyctgrown.com Center for Food Safety: centerforfoodsafety.org City Seed: cityseed.org Connecticut Food System Alliance: ctfoodalliance.com CT Ag Experiment Station: ctgov/caes CT Department of Agriculture: ct.gov/doag CT Farmland Trust: ctarmland.org FRESH New London: freshnewlondon.org GMO Free CT: Gmofreect.org Institute for Responsible Technology: responsibletechnology.org Just Label It: justlabelit.org National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition: sustainableagriculture.net NESAWG: nefood.org New CT Farmer Alliance: newctfarmers.com Non-GMO Project: nongmoproject.org Organic Consumers Association: organicconsumers.org UConn Extension: extension.uconn.edu Wholesome Wave: wholesomewave.org Working Lands Alliance: workinglandsalliance.org
American Meat: americanmeatfilm.com Bitter Seeds: itvs.org Farmageddon: farmageddonmovie.com Food Fight: foodfightthedoc.com Food Stamped: foodstamped.com Forks Over Knives: forksoverknives.com Fresh: freshthemovie.com Genetic Roulette: geneticroulettemovie.com GMO OMG: gmofilm.com Hungry for Justice - A Spotlight on the South: foginfo.org Organic Matters: nofavt.org Queen of the Sun: queenofthesun.com Seeds of Death: gnhealthyliving.com Seeds of Freedom: seedsoffreedom.info The Greenhorns Documentary: thegreenhorns.net The World According to Monsanto: topdocumentaryfilms.com Urban Roots: urbanrootsamerica.com
Agricultural Justice Project: agriculturaljusticeproject.org American Farmland Trust: farmland.org
organiclandcare.net 203-308-2584
2014-2015 Farm & Food Guide
organiclandcare.net 203-308-2584
Visit Our Business Members!
ARTFARM 119 Highland Avenue Middletown, CT 06457 860-346-4390 art-farm.org Greene Art Gallery 29 Whitfield Street Guilford, CT 06437 203-453-4162 greeneartgallery.com
Community Organizations
The Sustainable Farm School 6 Yorkshire Lane Avon, CT 06001 860-952-9753 sustainablefarmschool.com
Washington Supply Company 2 Calhorn Street Washington Depot, CT 06794 860-868-7395 washingtonsupply.com
Farm and/or Land Care Supplies
Wellscroft Fence Systems 167 Sunset Hill Harrisville NH 03450 603-827-3464 wellscroft.com
BioSafe Systems 22 Meadow Street East Hartford, CT 06108 860-290-8890 biosafesystems.com
Green Haven Cohousing PO Box 3172 New Haven, CT 06515 203-903-2646 greenhavencohousing.org
Gold Star Honeybees PO Box 313 Gardiner, ME 04345 207-449-1121 goldstarhoneybees.com
New Opportunities 232 North Elm Street Waterbury, CT 06702 203-575-4211 newoppinc.org
Green Earth Ag and Turf 53 East Industrial Road, Unit C4 North Branford, CT 06405 866-374-5101 greenearthagandturf.com
Consulting/Certifying Services
Harvest New England 232 Colt Highway Farmington, CT 06032 860-674-8855 harvestpower.com/ne
Sustainable Food Systems PO Box 4625 Wallingford, CT 06492 203-294-9683 sustainablefoodsystems.com
Educational Institutions
Business Members
The Fertrell Company PO Box 265 Bainbridge, PA 17502 717-367-1566 fertrell.com
CitySeed 817 Grand Avenue, #101 New Haven, CT 06511 203-773-3736 cityseed.org
Baystate Organic Certifiers 1220 Cedarwood Circle North Dighton, MA 02764 774-872-5544 baystateorganic.org
The Marvelwood School 476 Skiff Mountain Road Kent, CT 06757 860-927-0047 marvelwood.org
Northwestern Regional School District No. 7 100 Battistoni Drive Winsted, CT 06098 860-379-9013 nwr7.com
New Haven Ecology Project & Common Ground HS 358 Springside Avenue New Haven, CT 06515 203-389-4333 commongroundct.org
2014-2015 Farm & Food Guide
Johnny’s Selected Seeds 955 Benton Avenue Winslow, ME 04901 207-877-4153 johnnyseeds.com North Country Organics P.O. Box 372 Depot Street Bradford, VT 05033 802-222-4277 norganics.com Select Seeds 180 Stickney Hill Road Union, CT 06076 860-684-9310 selectseeds.com Specialty Agricultural Products 628 Chestnut Ridge Road Orange, CT 06477 203-387-3458 nodeer.com
Farms/CSAs 3B Ranch 66 Lanes Pond Road Northford, CT 06472 203-484-0281 3branchct.com
Deep Hollow Farm 46 Deep Hollow Road Chester, CT 06412 203-691-1211 deephollowfarmct.com Adamah Farm at Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center 116 Johnson Road Falls Village, CT 06031 860-824-5991 x317 isabellafreedman.org/adamah Ambler Farm 6 Evergreen Avenue Wilton, CT 06897 860-248-3070 amblerfarm.org Anderson Acres Farm 1 Anderson Acres Road Kent, CT 06757 860-799-6453 andersonacresfarm.com Beaver Meadow Farm 73 Clark Road Litchfield, CT 06759 860-567-4465 beavermeadow.biz Blueberry Hill Organic Farm 314 Margaret Henry Road South Killingly, CT 06239 860-712-1341 blueberryhillorganicfarm.com Bodhichitta Farms 176 Straitsville Road Prospect, CT 06712 860-285-0167 prospectspurest.net
Bright Yellow Farm 15 Juniper Road Bloomfield, CT 06002 860-810-6459 brightyellowfarm.com
Friends of Boulder Knoll PO Box 1329 Cheshire, CT 06410 203-272-4633 friendsofboulderknoll.com
Mad Hill Peppers 437 Green Hill Road Madison, CT 06443 860-245-0761 madhillpeppers.com
Cold Spring Farm 1 Cold Spring Road East Haddam, CT 06423 860-316-8368 coldspringfarm.weebly.com
Guy’s Eco-Garden 276 Leavensworth Road Shelton, CT 06484 203-929-3080
Maple Knoll Farm 214 Maple Street Somersville, CT 06072 860-394-9871 mapleknollfarmct.com
Creative Living Community of CT 60 Church Street Manchester, CT 06040 860-872-6989 creativelivingcommunityofct.org Copper Hill Farm 144 Hall Hill Road Somers, CT 06071 860-306-9604 Facebook/copperhillfarm Cranberry Hill Farm 158 Nagy Road Ashford, CT 06278 860-429-3923 facebook.com/cranberryhillfarm Deerfield Farm 337 Parmalee Hill Road Durham, CT 06422 860-301-7828 deerfieldfarm.org Down to Earth CSA PO Box 51 Stafford, CT 06075 860-997-7950 getdowntoearth.org Eve’s Corner Garden CSA 93 Peck Road Bethany, CT 06524 203-606-7467 evescsa.com Farming 101 101 Brushy Hill Road Newtown, CT 06470 203-304-1451 101brushyhill.com Frankie’s Fruits & Vegetables 1940 Hartford Turnpike North Haven, CT 06473 203-891-7084 FRESH New London 90 Garfield Avenue New London, CT 06320 860-444-8050 freshnewlondon.org
Heritage Gardens 519 Dayton Road Winchester, CT 06098 860-921-7781 localharvest.org/heritagegardens-M61178
Massaro Community Farm 41 Ford Road Woodbridge, CT 06525 203-736-8618 massarofarmcsa.org
Hidden Brook Gardens 551 Colonel Ledyard Highway Ledyard, CT 06339 860-912-1767 hiddenbrookgardens.com
Millstone Farm 180 Millstone Road Wilton, CT 06897 203-834-2605 millstonefarm.org
Holbrook Farm 45 Turkey Plain Road Bethel, CT 06801 203-792-0561 holbrookfarm.net
New Mercies Farm 256 Beaver Brook Road Lyme, CT 06371 203-427-3953 newmerciesfarm.com
Holcomb Farm 113 Simsbury Road West Granby, CT 06090 860-844-8616 holcombfarm.org
New Pond Farm 101 Marchant Road West Redding, CT 06896 203-938-2117 newpondfarm.org
Hubbard Heights Farm/Secret Gardens 202 Hubbard Avenue Stamford, CT 06905 203-972-5777 hubbardheightsfarm.com
Proctor-Hall Farm 225 Bunker Hill Road Andover, CT 06232 917-232-9837
Hunts Brook Farm 108 Hunts Brook Road Quaker Hill, CT 06375 860-443-1770 huntsbrookfarm.wordpress.com Jones Family Farms 606 Walnut Tree Hill Road Shelton, CT 06484 203-929-6237 jonesfamilyfarms.com Lebanon Agricultural Products 779 Exeter Road Lebanon, CT 06249 860-642-9984 sugarmaplefarms.org Libertyridge Farm 202 Trumbull Highway Lebanon, CT 06249 860-465-7348
Provider Farm 30 Woodbridge Road Salem, CT 06420 860-222-5582 providerfarm.com Renaissance Farm 278 Spielman Highway Burlington, CT 06013 860-673-3550 renaissancefarmburlington.com River Crest Farm 534 Oronoque Road Milford, CT 06461 203-876-9786 rivercrestfarm.com Riverbank Farm 33 River Road Roxbury, CT 06783 860-350-3276 riverbankfarm.com Ro-Jo Farms 327 Litchfield Turnpike Bethany, CT 06524 203-885-7656 rojofarm.com
Little Portion Acres 963 Wallingford Road Cheshire, CT 06410 203-715-0736
Rose ‘n’ Petal Farm 348 Westchester Road Colchester, CT 06415 860-267-4975 ctnofa.org
organiclandcare.net 203-308-2584
Business Members
Community Farm of Simsbury/ Gifts of Love 73 Wolcott Road Simsbury, CT 06070 860-217-0453 communityfarmofsimsbury.org
Rose Orchards 33 Branford Road North Branford, CT 06471 203-488-7996 roseorchardsfarm.com
Warrup’s Farm 51 John Read Road West Redding, CT 06896 203-938-9403 warrupsfarm.com
Sow Fresh Organics 580 Hunting Hill Avenue Middletown, CT 06457 860-788-2101 sowfreshorganics.com
Secchiaroli Farm 62 Miner Lane Waterford, CT 06385 860-922-7608 secchiarolifarm.com
Wayne’s Organic Garden 1080 Plainfield Pike Oneco, CT 06373 860-564-7987 waynesorganicgarden.com
Food Distributors
Simpaug Farms 38C Grove Street Ridgefield, CT 06877 203-431-7188 simpaugfarms.com
White Gate Farm PO Box 250 East Lyme, CT 06333 860-739-9585 whitegatefarm.net
Spencer Hill Farm 57 Spencer Hill Road Killingworth, CT 06419 860-663-1815
Wild Carrot Farm 261 Old Mount Tom Road Bantam, CT 06750 860-977-6948 wildcarrotfarm.com
Sport Hill Farm 596 Sport Hill Road Easton, CT 06612 203-268-3137 sporthillfarm.com Studio Farm Products 5 Sand Hill Road Voluntown, CT 06384 860-591-4172 studiofarmproducts.com Swords into Plowshares Honey & Candle Co. 178 Nicoll Street New Haven, CT 06511 203-787-0494 UConn EcoHouse Spring Valley Farm 368 Fairfield Way, Unit 2232 Storrs-Mansfield, CT 06269 860-486-1127 lc.uconn.edu/communities/ecohouse Upper Pond Farm 102-1 Sill Lane Old Lyme, CT 06371 616-292-3311 facebook.com/UpperPondFarmer
Business Members
Urban Oaks Organic Farm 225 Oak Street New Britain, CT 06051 860-223-6200 blog.urbanoaks.org
Viv’s Veggies at Chestnut Farm 227 Lyons Plain Road Weston CT 06883 203-221-8490 Wakeman Town Farm 134 Cross Highway Westport, CT 06880 203-557-9195 wakemantownfarm.org
2014-2015 Farm & Food Guide
Wind Hill Community Farm & Learning Center 2225 Main Street Glastonbury, CT 06033 860-657-4345 windhillfarm.org Winterbrook Farm 116 Beffa Road Stafford Springs, CT 06076 860-684-2124 Yale Sustainable Food Project PO Box 208270 New Haven, CT 06520 203-432-6835 yale.edu/sustainablefood
Food Co-ops
Fiddleheads Food Co-op 13 Broad Street New London, CT 06320 860-861-3136 fiddleheadsfood.coop Neighboring Food Co-op Association PO Box 93 Shelburne Falls MA 01370 nfca.coop The Local Beet Co-op 1 Main Street Chester, CT 06412 860-526-2667 thelocalbeetcoop.com Willimantic Food Co-op 91 Valley Street Willimantic, CT 06226 860-456-3611 willimanticfood.coop
Food Delivery
Fresh Nation 68 Southfield Avenue, Suite 100 2 Stamford Landing Stamford, CT 06902 203-661-1246 freshnation.com
Mountain High Organics 9 South Main Street, PO Box 1450 New Milford, CT 06776 860-210-7805 mhoinc.com
Food Stores
New Morning Market 129 Main Street North Woodbury, CT 06798 203-263-4868 newmorn.com Thyme & Season Natural Food Market 3040 Whitney Avenue Hamden, CT 06518 203-407-8128 thymeandseasonnaturalmarket.com Walter Stewart Market 229 Elm Street New Canaan, CT 06840 203-966-4848 stewartsmarket.com Whole Foods Market 50 Raymond Road West Hartford, CT 06107 860-523-8500 wholefoodsmarket.com
Garden Centers/ Nurseries
Benedict’s Home & Garden 482 Purdy Hill Road Monroe, CT 06468 203-268-2537 benedictsgarden.com Cricket Hill Garden 670 Walnut Hill Road Thomaston, CT 06787 860-283-1042 treepeony.com Gilbertie’s Herb Gardens 65 Adams Road Easton, CT 06612 203-452-0913 gilbertiesherbs.com Kent Greenhouse & Gardens 30 South Main Street Kent, CT 06757 860-927-4436 kentgreenhouse.com Natureworks 518 Forest Road Northford, CT 06472 203-484-2748 naturework.com
Garden Clubs
Greens Farms Garden Club PO Box 105 Greens Farms, CT 06838 Orchard Valley Garden Club 415 Flanders Road Southington, CT 06489 860-621-2825 orchardvalleygardenclub.weebly.com Washington Garden Club PO Box 228 Washington Depot, CT 06794 860-868-7121 washingtongardenclubct.org
Eclectic Naturopathic Medical Center 2434 Berlin Turnpike #18 Newington, CT 06111 860-665-1254 kathleenrileynd.com Greening our Children 18 Flower Lane Greenwich, CT 06831 greeningourchildren.net
Insurance Companies
Nationwide Insurance-Steven A. Rose Agency 418 Roosevelt Drive Derby, CT 06418 203-735-9591 nationwide.com
Landscaping/Garden Services
Almstead Tree & Shrub Care Co. 58 Beechwood Avenue New Rochelle, NY 10801 800-427-1900 almstead.com American Athletic Field Services 90 Rosedale Street Fairfield, CT 06824 203-335-5509 Arbor Services of CT PO Box 363 Washington Depot, CT 06794 860-868-1930 arborct.com
Arboreta Landscapes PO Box 2363 Milford, CT 06460 203-410-5980 arboretalandscapes.com
Homefront Farmers 190 Lounsbury Road Ridgefield, CT 06877 203-470-3655 homefrontfarmers.com
Artscape Organic-Care 49 Bouton Street East Stamford, CT 06907 203-252-1954
Homegrown Harvest 24 East Avenue #1363 New Canaan, CT 06840 203-966-1623 homegrownharvest.com
Beebe Landscape Services PO Box 735 East Windsor, CT 06088 860-654-1572 beebelandscape.com Bruzzi Lawn & Landscape 90 Danbury Road, Ste. A New Milford, CT 06776 860-355-1830 bruzzilawn.com Costello Landscaping PO Box 7072 Plainville, CT 06062 860-747-1771 costellolandscaping.com Devore Associates 2557 Burr Street Fairfield, CT 06824 203-256-8950 devoreassoc.com Dwight Brooks Horticulturist 33 Young Road Katonah, NY 10536 914-232-0714 dwight-brooks.com Gardens & Turf 16 Sandford’s Bridge East Haddam, CT 06423 860-873-2477 gardensandturf.com
Jim McLoughlin Landscaping 281 Silver Hill Lane Stamford, CT 06905 203-324-5550 jimmcloughlinlandscaping.com Lindquist Landscape Design 1730 Commerce Drive, Suite D Bridgeport, CT 06605 203-335-9895 lindquistlandscape.com Loretta Stagen Designs 21 Quarry Ridge Road New Preston, CT 06777 860-619-0148 lorettastagen.com Martinez Caretaker Service 59 Mill Stream Road Stamford, CT 06903 203-968-2377 martinezcaretakerservice.info Outdoor Environments 39 Grove Road Gaylordsville, CT 06755 860-354-7008 odenvironments.com Peter Navarra Landscape Co. PO Box 807 Harrison, NY 10528 914-835-5733 navarralandscaping.com
Go Organic 1244 Thompson Road Thompson, CT 06277 860-935-5235 goorganicllc.com
Plantscapes PO Box 320685 Fairfield, CT 06825 203-382-0335 plantscapesorganics.com
Green Cross 94 Taylor Avenue Norwalk, CT 06854 203-838-2505 greenx.com
Robin in the Garden Landscaping 13 Kalmia Drive Gales Ferry, CT 06335 860-710-4466 RobinintheGarden.com
Greenleaf Services 45 Old Highway Wilton, CT 06897 203-563-9559 greenleafservicesllc.net Hands of Nature Landscaping 21 Old Mill Road New Milford, CT 06776 860-799-7273 Hines & Associates 115 Plumtrees Road Bethel, CT 06801 203-744-1478 ctnofa.org
Ste. Therese Design Associates 58 Old Rock Lane Norwalk , CT 06850 203-956-9612 The Hidden Garden & Connsoil PO Box 365 Bethlehem, CT 06751 203-266-5595 connsoil.com
organiclandcare.net 203-308-2584
Business Members
Woodland Trails Native Plant Nursery 32 Ashford Road Ashford, CT 06278 860-974-2300 woodlandtrailswildflowers.com
The LaurelRock Company 969 Danbury Road Wilton, CT 06897 203-544-0062 laurelrock.com William Kenny Associates 195 Tunxis Hill Cutoff South Fairfield, CT 06825 203-366-0588 wkassociates.net Yard to Table Landscape 123 Grumman Hill Road Wilton, CT 06897 203-912-5654 yardtotablelandscape.com Harrington’s Organic Land Care 70 Highland Park Drive Bloomfield, CT 06002 860-243-8733 harringtonsorganic.com
Connecticut Gardener Magazine PO Box 248 Greens Farms, CT 06838 203-292-0711 conngardener.com
Nature Centers
Business Members
Ansonia Nature & Recreation Center 10 Deerfield Lane Ansonia, CT 06401 203-734-8569 ansonianaturecenter.org
2014-2015 Farm & Food Guide
Stamford Museum and Nature Center 39 Scofieldtown Road Stamford, CT 06903 203-322-1646 stamfordmuseum.org
Restaurants/Food Service
Flatbread Canton 110 Albany Turnpike, Ste. 913 Canton, CT 06019 860-808-7403 flatbreadcompany.com Flood Tide Restaurant 3 Williams Avenue Mystic, CT 06355 860-536-9604 innatmystic.com Wave Hill Breads Bakery 30 High Street Norwalk, CT 06851 203-762-9595 wavehillbreads.com Bar Sugo 102 Wall Street Norwalk, CT 06850 203-956-7134 barsugo.com Barcelona Wine Bar & Restaurant 63 Main Street South Norwalk, CT 06854 203-899-0088 barcelonawinebar.com
Claire’s Corner Copia 1000 Chapel Street New Haven, CT 06510 203-562-3888 clairescornercopia.com Green Granary 84 Railroad Street New Milford, CT 06776 860-799-7405 greengranary.com Kibberia 93 Mill Plain Road Danbury, CT 06811 203-743-7172 kibberia.com le Farm 256 Post Road East Westport, CT 06880 203-557-3701 lefarmwestport.com Sodexo/WCSU 181 White Street Danbury, CT 06810 203-837-3936 sodexousa.com Stanziato’s Wood Fire Pizza 35 Lake Avenue Danbury, CT 06811 203-885-1057 stanziatos.com Sugar & Olives 21 1/2 Lois Street Norwalk, CT 06851 203-454-3663 sugarandolives.com
Swoon Copps Hill Common 109 Danbury Road Ridgefield, CT 06877 203-438-4326 swoonglutenfree.com The Cake Box Copps Hill Common 109 Danbury Road Ridgefield, CT 06877 203-403-2558 thecakeboxofct.com The Whelk 575 Riverside Avenue Westport, CT 06880 203-557-3702 thewhelkwestport.com
University of Connecticut Department of Dining Services 626 Gilbert Road Extension U-1071 Storrs, CT 06269 860-377-8854 dining.uconn.edu/local_routes.html Winvian 155 Alain White Road Morris, CT 06763 860-567-9600 winvian.com
Sustainable Energy Companies
CT Farm Energy Program 1066 Saybrook Rd. P.O Box 70 Haddam, CT 06438 860-345-3977 ctfarmenergy.org PurePoint Energy 28 Knight Street Norwalk, CT 06851 203-642-4105 purepointenergy.com
Sustainable Living Products
Common Good Market Online Shopping Guilford, CT 06437 866-959-8042 commongoodmarket.com
Business Members
From Farm to Market Online Shopping Woodbury, CT 877-511-FARM fromfarmtomarket.com
organiclandcare.net 203-308-2584
Farms, Supporting Businesses and Farmers Markets in Connecticut By County
New London
New Haven Fairfield
Thank You! A special thanks to the Connecticut Department of Agriculture for the majority of this year’s Farmers Market list. Many of these markets participate in one or more supplemental food programs as indicated below their listing.
Farmers Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) — ct.gov/doag Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) — ct.gov/dss
2014-2015 Farm & Food Guide
Fairfield County
1. Ambler Farm
Jonathan Kirschner 257 Hurlbutt Street Wilton, CT 06897 jonathan@amblerfarm.org amblerfarm.org Community farm, educational programs, farm stand, garlic, herbs, maple syrup/candy, salad greens, transplants, vegetables. Farm Stand: June through October, Saturday, 9 am - 2 pm. Farmers Market: Wilton.
2. Artscape Organic-Care
Mike Papa Stamford, CT 06907 203-252-1954 artscapeorganiccarellc@gmail.com High quality custom landscape projects! Excellence through passion. The Art & Science of balancing geological, biological, physical, and chemical properties of the soil without the use of pesticides and petroleum-based fertilizers. We create healthy, sustainable, organic lawn & ornamental care. Distributor of Micro Clover and Tainio Technology & Technique products. Free consultations.
11 18
3. Benedict’s Home & Garden
Bruce Benedict 482 Purdy Hill Road Monroe, CT 06468 203-268-2537 STRATFORD info@benedictsgarden.com benedictsgarden.com BRIDGEPORT We offer organic feeds, farm supplies, and growing inputs including organic seeds, protectants, fertilizers and soil amendments.
4. Bloomingfields Farm
Mel and Diana Bristol 9 Route 55 West Sherman, CT 06784 860-354-6951 daylily@snet.net bloomingfieldsfarm.com/produce Daylily plants, farm stand, vegetables, garlic, wool/yarn/fleece. Farm Stand: Fri - Sun. 10 am - 5 pm. Memorial Day through Columbus Day.
Farmer’s Pledge
5. Farming 101
Certified Organic Farm
Trout Gaskins 101 Brushy Hill Road Newtown, CT 06470 203-917-9979 farming101@gmail.com 101brushyhill.com Flowers, garlic, herbs, okra, salad greens, Asian greens, transplants, vegetables, heirloom tomatoes.
Supporting Business Farmers Market Note: Locations on map are approximate
organiclandcare.net 203-308-2584
Fairfield County
Farm Stand: Custom orders and deliveries via phone, as available. Farmers Markets: Greenwich.
6. Gilbertie’s Herb Gardens Sal Gilbertie 65 Adams Road, P.O. Box 118 Easton, CT 06612 203-452-0913 Herbs, microgreens, salad greens.
7. Grace’s Hill Farm
Eric Frisk 2025 Mill Plain Road Fairfield, CT 06824 203-256-8439 efrisk@optonline.net Community farm/garden, educational programs, garlic, salad greens/ microgreens. Produce donated to local food banks.
8. Greenfield Hill Grange No. 33
Beth Bradley 1873 Hillside Avenue Fairfield, CT 06825 greenfield133@gmail.com greenfieldhillgrange.com facebook.com/Greenfield.Hill. Grange Baked goods, community farm/ garden, educational programs, eggs, flowers, herbs, honey, jams/ preserves, perennials, prepared foods, salad greens/microgreens, soaps/cosmetics, tours, transplants, vegetables. Grange meetings every 3rd Monday, 7 pm; check Facebook for activities & workshops, open to all ages. Farmers Market: At the Grange, Saturdays, 10 am - 2 pm.
Fairfield County
9. Guy’s Eco-Garden
276 Leavenworth Road Shelton, CT 06484-1811 203-929-3080 Baked goods, flowers, garlic, greenhouse, greens, herbs, potatoes, salad greens, squash & squash blossoms, tomatoes, transplants, vegetables. Organic transplant sales: mid MayJune. Main season crops: mid July - late October—Call ahead for details Mulch hay/straw (grown without herbicides and/or pesticides) & organic compost & potting soil also available. Farmers Markets: Shelton, Monroe.
2014-2015 Farm & Food Guide
10. Happy Family Farm
Charles & Marjorie Glover 3141 Congress Street Fairfield, CT 06824 203-698-2002 happyfamilyfarms@gmail.com Educational programs, certified organic eggs, fruit, flowers, garlic, herbs, microgreens, melons, pumpkins, salad greens, vegetables. Farmers Market: Greenfield Hill.
11. Holbrook Farm
Lynn & John Holbrook 45 Turkey Plain Rd (Rt. 53) Bethel, CT 06801 203-792-0561 holbrookfarm.net Bedding plants, cheese, eggs, flowers, fruit, garlic, greenhouse, herbs, honey, milk, on-site bakery, perennials, pork, poultry, salad greens, straw, transplants, vegetables. Farm Stand: Year round, Mon - Sat 10:00 am - 6:00 pm.
12. Homefront Farmers
John Carlson 190 Lounsbury Road Ridgefield, CT 06877 info@homefrontfarmers.com homefrontfarmers.com Design and construction of fenced, raised-bed gardens for vegetables and berries; garden maintenance services; fruit tree management, beekeeping set-up and services.
13. Hubbard Heights Farm
(An Uncle Buck Secret Garden) Randy Brown 202 Hubbard Avenue Stamford, CT 06902 203-856-0514 secretgardens@optonline.net hubbardheightsfarm.com Apprencticeships/internships, CSA, educational programs, farm stand/ store, flowers, garlic, greenhouse, herbs, pumpkins, salad greens/ microgreens, transplants, vegetables, wholesale supplier. Farm Stand: Summer, TuesdaySunday, 10 am - 6 pm; Fall, 10 am - dark, closed Mondays. CSA: May/June - October, $560, flex content chosen from stand items; farm pickup during stand hours; pickup at New Canaan Farmers Market available. Farmers Market: New Canaan. Restaurant: Columbus Park Trattoria, Stamford.
14. Millstone Farm
Annie Farrell 180 Millstone Road Wilton, CT 06897 203-834-2605 info@millstonefarm.org millstonefarm.org facebook.com/ millstonefarmwilton Catering, CSA, educational programs, eggs, garlic, gourds, greenhouse, herbs, honey, jams/ preserves, lamb, maple syrup/ candy, pork, poultry/turkeys, pumpkins, salad greens, sheep, vegetables, wool/yarn/fleece, natural Shetland wool blankets. CSA: contact for details. Stores/Restaurants: Village Market, Wilton; Stewart’s Market, New Canaan; numerous local restaurants; catered events at farm.
15. PurePoint Energy
Natalie Castro 28 Knight Street Norwalk, CT 06851 203-642-4105 ncastro@purepointenergy.com purepointenergy.com PurePoint Energy is dedicated to providing quality solar electric projects that improve our client’s lives and make our communities and our planet a better place.
16. Sepe Farm
Peter Sepe 83 Toddy Hill Road Sandy Hook, CT 06482 203-270-9507 pasepe@juno.com sepefarm.com Specializing in consultation for anyone interested in raising sheep or lamb. Sheep shearing services provided. We also shear llama and alpaca. Over 40 years experience. Superior fleeces for hand spinners. The “Connecticut Blanket” and sheepskins also available. Visit our website for further information.
17. Sport Hill Farm
Patti Popp 596 Sport Hill Road Easton, CT 06612 203-268-3137 Farmgal596@yahoo.com sporthillfarm.com Apprenticeship/internships, baked goods, cheese/dairy, CSA, educational programs, eggs, firewood/forest products, farm stand/store, flowers, herbs, honey, maple products, prepared foods, pumpkins, soaps/cosmetics, vegetables, wholesale supplier.
18. The Hickories
Dina Brewster 136 Lounsbury Road Ridgefield, CT 06877 203-894-1851 info@thehickories.org thehickories.org Apprenticeships, baked goods, beef, berries, cheese/dairy, CSA, educational programs, fruit, farm stand, farm store, flowers, garlic, greenhouse, hay rides, herbs, honey, jams/preserves, lamb, livestock, melons, milk, pickles, pick-your-own, pork, prepared foods, pumpkins, restaurant sales, salad greens, sheep, tours, transplants/certified organic seedlings, vegetables, wholesale supplier, wool/yarn/fleece. Farm Stand: See website for details CSA: See website for details Stores/Restaurants: Ancona’s Market in Ridgefield; Nature’s Temptations, Ridgefield; see website for complete listing of stores and restaurants
19. Viv’s Veggies at Chestnut Farm
Vivian Simons 227 Lyons Plains Road Weston, CT 06883 203-221-8490 viviansimons@mac.com Apprentice/internships, berries, eggs, fruit, farm stand/store, flowers, garlic, gourds, herbs, melons, perennials, pumpkins, salad greens/microgreens, vegetables. Farm Stand: Wednesday - Sunday, 12 pm - 5 pm.
20. Wakeman Town Farm
Michael Aitkenhead 134 Cross Highway Westport, CT 06880 203-557-9195 wakemantownfarm@gmail.com wakemantownfarm.org Apprenticeships, community farm/ garden, CSA, educational programs, farm stand, vegetables.
Farm Stand: May through October, days and hours vary. Please check our website for details. CSA: We support local farms as a CSA pick-up location for our area. Currently we support Stone Gardens Farm, Winter Sun Farms, and Graze. See our website for more details.
Darien Farmers Market
21. Warrup’s Farm
Saturdays 11 am - 4 pm May 17 - Oct. 25 Greenfield Hills, 1950 Bronson Road
Bill Hill 11 John Read Road West Redding, CT 06896 203-938-9403 info@warrupsfarm.com warrupsfarm.com Christmas trees, educational programs, farm stand, garlic, gourds, hay, hay rides, maple syrup/ candy, pumpkins. Maple syrup demonstrations 1st three weekends in March, noon - 5 pm. PYO pumpkins and hayrides weekends in October and Columbus day, 11 am - 5 pm. Group visits Tuesday - Friday by reservation. Farm Stand: mid-August to end of October, Tuesday - Sunday, 10 am 6 pm. Farmers Markets: Weston Farmers Market, Weston Historical Society.
Fairfield County Farmers Markets
Bethel Farmers Market
Saturdays 9 am - 1 pm June 21 - Dec. 20 Rte. 6, Fairfield County Extension Service Building, 67 Stony Hill Rd, Opposite Stony Hill Inn FMNP
Bridgeport - Black Rock Farmers Market Saturdays 9 am - 1 pm June 7 - Oct. 25 Field at 481 Brewster Street FMNP
Bridgeport - Downtown Farmers Market
Thursdays 11 am - 4 pm July 10 - Oct. 30 McLevy Green, Corner of Main Street & Bank Street FMNP SNAP
Brookfield Farmers Market
Fridays 3 pm - 6 pm July 11 - Oct. 24 Brookfield Municipal Center, 100 Pocono Rd FMNP
Danbury Farmers Market Fridays 11 am - 5 pm June 27 - Oct. 31 Main Street at Kennedy Park FMNP SNAP
Wednesdays 11 am - 4 pm May 28 - Oct. Mechanic Street Public Parking, Behind Rte. 1 Fire Station FMNP
Fairfield - Greenfield Hills Farmers Market
Georgetown Farmers Market Sundays 10 am - 2 pm June 15 - Oct. 26 4 Old Mill Road
Greenwich Farmers Market
Saturdays 9:30 am - 1:00 pm May 17 - Dec. 20 Commuter Parking Lot off Exit 3 (I-95), Arch Street & Horseneck Lane FMNP
Monroe Farmers Market
Fridays 3 pm - 6 pm June 20 - Oct. 24 Monroe Town Green, Corner of Fan Hill Road & Rte. 111 FMNP
Monroe Winter Market
Fridays 2 pm – 5 pm January - March Benedict’s Home & Garden, 480 Purdy Hill Road
New Canaan Farmers Market
Saturdays 10 am - 2 pm May 17 - Nov. 22 Old Center School Parking Lot, South Avenue & Maple Street FMNP SNAP
Newtown - Fairfield Hills Farmers Market
Tuesdays 2 pm - 6 pm June 24 - Oct. 14 Wasserman Way, Fairfield Hills Campus FMNP
Norwalk - Health Department Farmers Market Wednesdays 10 am - 2 pm July 9 - Nov. 5 137 East Avenue, Norwalk Health Department FMNP
Norwalk - Rainbow Plaza Farmers Market Wednesdays 11 am - 3 pm May 14 - Nov. 19 205 Main Street FMNP
Ridgefield Farmers Market
Thursdays 1:30 pm – 5:30 pm June Ridgefield Community Center, 316 Main Street organiclandcare.net 203-308-2584
Fairfield County
Farm Store Hours: Seasonal hours; please check website. CSA: 20-week CSA program; email for application. Farm pick-up in Easton or drop-off at Wakeman Town Farm, Westport, Fridays, 1 am - 7 pm or Black Rock Farmers Market, Saturdays, 9 am - 1 pm. Farmers Markets: Westport Farmers Market, Black Rock Farmers Market. Restaurants: The Whelk, Westport; Le Farm, Westport; South End, New Canaan; Redding Roadhouse, Redding; Truck, Bedford, NY.
Stamford Museum & Nature Center Farmers Market Sundays 10 am - 2 pm June 15 - Sept. 28 39 Scofieldtown Road
Shelton Farmers Market
Wednesdays 3 pm - 6 pm & Saturdays 9 am - 1 pm June 21 - Nov. 8 & Nov. 22 Corner of Cornell & Canal Streets FMNP
Shelton - Jones Family Farms Farmers Market
Fairfield County
Fridays 3:30 pm - 6:30 pm July 4 - Aug. 29 606 Walnut Tree Hill Road
2014-2015 Farm & Food Guide
Trumbull Farmers Market Thursday 2 pm - 6 pm June 19 - Oct. 9 Long Hill Green, Main Street
Weston Farmers Market
Saturdays 9 am – 12 pm June - August Weston Historical Society, Rt. 57 & Highacre Road
Weston Winter Market
Saturdays 10 am – 2 pm November - May Norfield Grange, 12 Good Hill Road https://www.facebook.com/ WinterMarketCT
Westport Farmers Market
Thursday, 10 am – 2 pm, May 22 only; Saturdays, 10 am - 2 pm, May 31 - Nov. 5 27 Imperial Avenue, Municipal Parking Lot westportfarmersmarket.com
Westport Winter Market
Thursdays 10 am – 2 pm November - March Gilbertie’s Herb Gardens, 7 Sylvan Lane
Wilton Farmers Market
Wednesdays 12:30 pm - 5 pm June 11 - Oct. 1 Wilton Historical Society FMNP
Hartford County
22. Anthony’s Farm
Anthony Napolitano 140 Old Farms Road Simsbury, CT 06070 860-651-9749 anthonysfarm@gmail.com anthonysfarm.com Apprenticeships, flowers, vegetables. Farm Stand: July through October; call for availability.
23. Bright Yellow Farm 40 34 38
33 30
25 29
24 37
24. Cipah Shapiro
36 41
21 Polly Dan Road Burlington, CT 06013 860-675-3619 Perennials, salad greens, vegetables. Please call for farm information.
25. Colgan Farm
Mitchel Colgan 73 Wolcott Road Simsbury, CT 06070 508-221-0502 colganfarm@gmail.com facebook.com/colganfarm All heirloom varieties - beans, cucumbers, eggplant, garlic, greens, onions, specialty pumpkins, tomatoes. Farmers Market: Coventry Regional. Store: Central Connecticut Co-op Farm Stand, 35 Oakland Street, Manchester.
Farmer’s Pledge Certified Organic Farm Supporting Business
26. Community Farm of Simsbury/Gifts of Love
Farmers Market
Maggie Saska 73 Wolcott Road Simsbury, CT 06070 860-217-0453 msaska@ communityfarmofsimsbury.org communityfarmofsimsbury.org Community farm/garden, educational programs.
Note: Locations on map are approximate
organiclandcare.net 203-308-2584
Hartford County
Caitlin Henzler 15 Juniper Road Bloomfield, CT 06002 860-810-6459 cmhenzler@loyola.edu brightyellowfarm.com CSA, garlic, herbs, salad greens, vegetables. CSA: 20 weeks, May 29th through October, $500 per share; pickup at the 4H Education Center at Auer Farm, 158 Auer Farm Road, Bloomfield, Wednesdays, 3 pm 6 pm. Farmers Markets: Simsbury; Bloomfield.
27. Comstock, Ferre & Co. Randel Agrella 263 Main Street Wethersfield, CT 06109 860-571-6590 sales@comstockferre.com comstockferre.com Container plants, educational programs, garden supplies, garlic, jams/preserves, maple syrup/candy, medicinal plants, natural food store, perennials, pickles, prepared foods, seed, soaps/cosmetics, tours, transplants, wool/yarn/fleece.
28. Creative Living Community of CT
Cindy Hall 60 Church St Manchester, CT 06040 860-375-4313 creativelivingcommunityofct@ gmail.com creativelivingcommunityofct.com Apprenticeships, bedding plants, community farm/garden, container plants, CSA, educational programs, flowers, greenhouse, herbs, medicinal plants, perennials, salad greens/ microgreens, tours by appointment. Farm Stand: by appointment, Monday - Thursday, 10 am - 3 pm. CSA: See website for form or call.
29. George Hall Farm
George Hall 180 Old Farms Road Simsbury, CT 06070 860-658-9297 georgehallfarm.com Apprenticeships, eggs, flowers, fruit, garlic, greenhouse, herbs, honey, salad greens, vegetables. Farmers Markets: West Hartford, New Haven, Simsbury, Middletown. CSA: See website for details. Farm stand at farm: June to Oct, 10 am - 6 pm, 7 days week. Stores: Big Y, Avon, CT; Whole Foods, West Hartford, CT.
Hartford County
30. Harrington’s Organic Land Care
Rusty Warner 70 Highland Park Drive Bloomfield, CT 860-243-8733 rusty@harringtonsorganic.com harringtonsorganic.com Harrington’s Organic Land Care can help the organic grower in many ways: Soil, Compost, and Plant Tissue Analysis w/sensible organic recommendations, Fertility and Plant Care Programs for your property, Proven Organic Fertility Products, Equipment, & Training for Growers 2014-2015 Farm & Food Guide
and OLC Service Providers. Improve your soil today for healthy produce tomorrow.
31. Harvest New England
Chris Field cfield@gharvestpower.com harvestpower.com/ne Harvest New England (formerly GreenCycle) is a leading CT producer of rich organic compost and nutrient enriched topsoil. We also sell specialty soil mixes and a large variety of mulch products for commercial and residential landscaping needs. We offer convenient free delivery on qualifying bulk orders, and many local organic farming operations count on our quality products to enhance their growing mediums. Services: Delivery of organic compost, topsoil and mulch products. Specialty Soil Mixes. Yard Waste Recycling. Food Waste Recycling. Biofilter Media. Three CT locations: Farmington 860-674-8855; Ellington - 860-8717442; Fairfield - 203-259-6852. Monday through Friday, 7:30 am - 4pm; Saturday, 8 am - 12 pm; extended hours in the spring.
CSA, flowers, garlic, herbs, maple syrup, melons, restaurant, salad greens, vegetables, wholesale supplier. CSA: June through October; full shares, $595; half shares, $355; flower shares, $105 for 10 weeks; Longmeadow MA drop-off location available. Farmers Markets: East Granby, Greenwich, Wethersfield.
35. Potrepka Farm
James Potrepka 150-6E Burritt Street Plantsville, CT 06479 860-628-6431 Livestock / goats for meat.
36. Red Onion Gardens
Carol Griffin 590 Goff Rd Wethersfield, CT 06109 860-985-2997 redoniongardens@gmail.com Herbs, lettuce varieties, wreaths
37. Renaissance Farm
Linda Graham 278 Spielman Highway Burlington, CT 06013 860-673-3550 linda.renaissancefarm@gmail.com renaissancefarmburlington.com Apprenticeships, baked goods, 32. HighlandArt Farm berries, catering, cheese/dairy, CSA, Kelly Baker educational programs, eggs, firewood/ 165 Auer Farm Road forest products, fruit, farm stand/ Bloomfield, CT 06002 store, flowers, garlic, greenhouse, 530-515-7787 herbs, honey, jams/preserves, milk, kelly@highlandartfarm.com mushrooms, maple products, medicinal highlandartfarm.com plants, perennials, prepared foods, Beef, berries, cheese/dairy, CSA, salad greens/ microgreens, soaps/ eggs, fruit, garlic, lamb, milk, pork, cosmetics, transplants, vegetables, poultry/turkeys, salad greens/ wheatgrass. microgreens, vegetables. Farm Stand: peak season, Monday CSA: In collaboration with other local farms, HighlandArt Farm offers Friday, 8 am - 6 pm, Saturday, 9 am a “Whole Diet CSA” including fruits, 5 pm, Sunday 10 am - 4 pm. Winter hours: Closed Mondays; Tuesday vegetables, meats, dairy, breads, Friday 9 am - 6 pm, Saturday, 9 am granola & coffee. Please see 4 pm, Sunday, 10 am - 4 pm. website for details. CSA: Late summer & fall, 15 weeks, 33. Melrose Place Farm $650; supplemental programs & Gardens available. Marti Zhigailo 38. Serafina Says Farm 12 Pease Road Tara Tranguch Broad Brook, CT 06016 541 Albany Turnpike 860-559-0177 Canton, CT 06019 Farm stand, garlic, greenhouse, 860-881-2280 herbs, pick-your-own, vegetables. serafinasays@yahoo.com Farm Stand: Every day, sun up to serafinasaysfarm.com sundown, weather permitting. CSA, fermented foods, herbs, microgreens, sprouts, vegetables, 34. Oxen Hill Farm wheatgrass, wellness workshops, Lisa Griffin detox cleanses, health coaching. 50 Griffin Road East Granby, CT 06026 CSA: Summer, 18 weeks, $540; 860-986-2284 Summer CSA with Wellness farmer@oxenhillfarm.com classes, 18 weeks + 5 classes, oxenhillfarm.com
39. Sub Edge Farm
Rodger & Isabelle Phillips 199 Town Farm Road Farmington, CT 06032 hello@subedgefarm.com subedgefarm.com CSA, farm stand/store, garlic, herbs, honey, vegetables. Farm Stand: Seasonal on Saturdays, June - October; check website for hours and details. CSA: June - September, 3 share sizes available; check website for details. Farmers Market: Coventry Regional Market
40. The Garlic Farm
Gary F. Cirullo 76 Simsbury Road West Granby, CT 06090 860-653-0291 info@garlicfarmct.com garlicfarmct.com newsletter.GarlicFarm@gmail.com Farm Stand: Open for garlic scapes for two weekends in mid-June (see website—the date depends on the weather). Open for the summer 7 days a week, 10 am to 6 pm, from July 7 into October with seasonal produce: tomatoes, sweet & spicy peppers, onions, garlic, leeks, shallots, basil, summer & winter squash, carrots, zinnias and more. Farmers Market: Windsor CSA: mid-July until mid-October; signups until May 1.
41. Urban Oaks Organic Farm
Mike Kandefer 225 Oak Street New Britain, CT 06051 860-223-6200 urbanoaksorganicfarm@gmail.com blog.urbanoaks.org Baked goods, beef, cheese/dairy, container plants, CSA, educational programs, eggs, farm stand/store, fruit, flowers, garlic, grapefruit, greenhouse, herbs, heirloom tomatoes, honey, jams/preserves, maple syrup, mushrooms, pork, poultry, pumpkins, restaurant, salad greens, tours, transplants, vegetables, wholesale supplier. Farm Store: year-round, Friday 3 pm - 6 pm; Saturday 10 am - 1 pm. CSA: contact for details Farmers Market: Mobile Market, see website
Restaurants: LeFarm, Westport; ON20, Hartford; Napa, Stamford; Bloodroot, Bridgeport; Heirloom, New Haven; Zinc, New Haven; Pond House Cafe, West Hartford; Artisan, Southport; Rizzutto’s; Passiflora Cafe, New Hartford; Flatbread, Canton; Claire’s Corner Copia, New Haven; CT Farm Fresh Express; Mike’s Organic Delivery; Community Table, Washington; Grant’s, West Hartford
East Windsor Farmers Market
42. Whole Foods Market
Glastonbury Farmers Market
West Hartford Center 50 Raymond Road West Hartford, CT 06119 860-523-8500 wholefoodsmarket.com Natural Food Store. 8 am – 10 pm seven days a week.
Hartford County Farmers Markets Avon Farmers Market
Mondays 4 pm - 7 pm July 7 - Aug. 25 Avon Library, 281 Country Club Road
Bloomfield Farmers Market
Saturdays 9 am - 12 noon July - Oct. Bloomfield Town Hall, 800 Bloomfield Avenue FMNP
Bristol Farmers Market
Wednesdays 3 pm - 6 pm & Saturdays 10 am - 1 pm July 2 - Oct. 29 99 Farmington Ave (Rte. 6), Price Chopper Plaza FMNP
Collinsville Farmers Market
Sundays 10 am - 1 pm June 8 - Oct. 19 Main Street, Downtown Collinsville Town Hall Parking Lot FMNP
East Granby Farmers Market Wednesdays 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm June 18 - Oct. 1 The Center Shops, East Granby Corner of Rte. 20 & 187
East Hartford Farmers Market Fridays 9 am - 1 pm July 11 - Oct. 24 Town Green, 1047 Main Street FMNP
East Hartford - Riverside Market Farmers Market
Tuesdays 3 pm - 6 pm July 8 - Oct. 14 One Riverside Drive, Goodwin College FMNP ctnofa.org
Sundays 11 am - 2 pm June 29 - Sept. 28 58 North Road, CT Trolley Museum FMNP
Enfield Farmers Market
Wednesdays 3 pm - 6 pm June 11 - Oct. 8 Enfield Town Green, Town Hall, Route 5 FMNP Saturdays 10 am - 1 pm June 28 - Oct. 25 Hubbard Green - Corner of Hubbard Street & Main Street FMNP
Granby Farmers Market Tuesdays 3 pm - 6:30 pm June 24 - Sept. 9 Farmington Valley YMCA FMNP
Hartford - Billings Forge Farmers Market Thursdays 11 am - 2 pm June 5 - Oct. 30 539 Broad Street FMNP SNAP
Hartford - Capitol Ave Farmers Market Mondays 10 am - 1 pm July 7 - Oct. 27 First Presbyterian Church Next to Bushnell, 156 Capitol Avenue FMNP
Hartford - Homestead Farmers Market Wednesdays 3 pm - 6 pm June 25 - Oct. 8 255 Homestead Avenue, Chrysalis Center Inc FMNP
Hartford - North End Farmers Market
Wednesdays 10 am - 1 pm June 25 - Oct. 29 80 Coventry Street, North End Senior Center FMNP SNAP
Hartford - Old State House Farmers Market
Tuesdays & Fridays 10 am - 2 pm June 17 - Oct. 31 Old State House, 800 Main Street FMNP SNAP
Hartford - Park Street Farmers Market Mondays 9:30 am - 1 pm July 7 - Oct. 27 Walgreen’s Parking Lot, Corner of Park Street and Washington Street FMNP
organiclandcare.net 203-308-2584
Hartford County
$575; Wheatgrass CSA, 18 weeks, $180; Winter CSA, 6 weeks, $180; Wheatgrass CSA, 18 weeks, $215. Farmers Market: Coventry
Hartford - West End Farmers Market
Tuesdays & Fridays 4 pm - 7 pm June 3 - Oct. 31 Fri. - 571 Farmington Avenue at South Whitney Street, United Methodist Church Tues. - Farmington Avenue, Clemens Green FMNP SNAP
Manchester Farmers Market
Saturdays 8 am - 12:30 pm July 12 - Oct. 25 Town Parking Lot, Corner of Main & Forest Streets FMNP
New Britain Farmers Market
Mondays 2 pm - 4 pm July 21 - Oct. 27 109 North Street, St. Ann’s Church FMNP
Newington Farmers Market
Thursdays 3 pm - 6 pm & Saturdays 9 am - 1 pm June 26 - Oct. 30 Rear of Market Square, behind 100 Market Square FMNP
Plainville Farmers Market
Hartford County
Fridays 3 pm - 6 pm June 27 - Sept. 12 Route 10, Plainville High School FMNP
2014-2015 Farm & Food Guide
Simsbury Farmers Market
Thursdays 3 pm - 6 pm June 19 - Oct. 2 540 Hopmeadow Street, Simsmore Square FMNP
South Windsor Farmers Market Saturdays 10 am - 1 pm June 21 - Oct. 18 150 Nevers Road FMNP
Southington Farmers Market
Thursdays 2:30 pm - 6 pm July 10 - Oct. 30 Main Street/Center Street, Route 10 FMNP
West Hartford Farmers Market Tuesdays & Saturdays 9 am - 1 pm Thursdays 11 am - 3 pm May 3 - Dec. 20 LaSalle Road Public Parking Lot, Intersection of Arapahoe Road & LaSalle Road FMNP
West Hartford - Whole Foods Farmers Market Mondays 3 pm - 6 pm June 16 - Oct. 13 50 Raymond Road, Whole Foods Market FMNP
Wethersfield Farmers Market
Suffield Farmers Market
Thursdays 3 pm - 6 pm May 15 - Oct. 30 220 Hartford Avenue, Solomon Welles House FMNP Authorized
University of Hartford-West Hartford Farmers Market
Wilson Farmers Market
Saturdays 9 am - 12 noon June 14 - Oct. 11 Suffield Town Green FMNP
Tuesdays 11 am - 2 pm Aug. 12 - Nov. 4 Konover Parking Lot, Univ. of Hartford Campus
Fridays 2 pm - 6 pm July 11 - Sept. 26 184 Windsor Avenue, CT Service for the Blind FMNP
Windsor Farmers Market
Thursdays 3:30 pm - 6:30 pm June 19 - Oct. 23 Corner of Maple Avenue & Broad Street FMNP
organiclandcare.net 203-308-2584
Litchfield County 46 52
44 62 51 58
57 63
48 64 65
45 67
Certified Organic Farm Supporting Business
Litchfield County
Farmers Market Note: Locations on map are approximate
2014-2015 Farm & Food Guide
70 50
Shamu Fenyvesi Sadeh 116 Johnson Road Falls Village, CT 06031 860-824-3003 x1 isabellafreedman.org/adamah Apprenticeships, berries, cheese/ dairy, CSA, educational programs, flowers, garlic, greenhouse, herbs, jams/preserves, livestock (goats), melons, perennials, pickles, prepared foods, pumpkins, salad greens, soaps/ cosmetics, tours, vegetables. Much of the food we grow is eaten right here at the Retreat Center. Adamah: The Jewish Environmental Fellowship runs 3-month residential programs on sustainable living, Jewish learning and community leadership. Farm Store/Gift Shop. CSA: West Hartford, 23 weeks, JuneNovember, $625; 12 weeks, every other week, June - November, $325; vegetable and dairy shares available.
44. Anderson Acres Farm
Farmer’s Pledge
43. Adamah Farm at Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center
Emily Curtis-Murphy 1 Anderson Acres Kent, CT 06757 860-799-6453 farmers@andersonacresfarm.com andersonacresfarm.com Berries, CSA, educational programs, eggs, firewood/forest products, fruit, farm stand/store, flowers, garlic, gourds, grapes, greenhouse, herbs, mushrooms, medicinal plants, melons, perennials, pick-your-own, poultry/turkeys, pumpkins, salad greens/microgreens, seed, sprouts, vegetables, wholesale supplier. Farm Stand: year round. CSA: year round, $38/week. Stores: Bantam Market, Litchfield; Northville Market, New Milford; New Morning Market, Woodbury. Organic certification pending
45. Arbor Services of CT
PO Box 363 Washington Depot, CT 06794 860-868-1930 arbor@arborct.com arborct.com The complete tree care company, run by licensed arborists! We have two CT NOFA AOLCPs on staff and offer a full range of organic treatments for your property. We plant, fertilize, transplant, prune, cable, install lightning protection, treat for insect and disease problems, remove trees, grind stumps, consult with and advise landscape architects.
Joanne Charon 879 Winchester Road Norfolk, CT 06058 203-592-0554 jdcharon@comcast.net Apples, pears, apricots, nectarines, blueberries, raspberries, crimson rhubarb, summer squash, zucchini, butternut squash, tomatoes, eggplant, sweet green peppers, pumpkins, honey and flowers. All fruits, berries, vegetables and flowers are grown without herbicides or pesticides at our farm. Order via email and pick-up at the farm by appointment only. Farmers Market: Beacon Falls. CT Farm to Chef Program
47. Beaver Meadow Farm
Barbara Putnam & Cameron Bove 73 Clark Road Litchfield, CT 06759 860-567-4465 bdputnam@juno.com cameronbove@sbcglobal.net beavermeadow.biz CSA, flowers, garlic, herbs, melons, restaurant sales, salad greens, vegetables. CSA: May – Oct; full share $600 (4 people), half share $350 (2 people). Certified Naturally Grown
48. Cricket Hill Garden
670 Walnut Hill Road Thomaston, CT 860-283-1042 treepeony.com crickethillgarden@gmail.com Cricket Hill Garden is a specialty plant nursery located in Thomaston which grows rare and unusual peonies as well as a range of landscape edibles. We are dedicated to producing the highest quality plants in an environmentally sustainable manner.
49. Edible Nutmeg
Robert Lockhart PO Box 308 Washington Depot, CT 06794 860-868-2730 robert@ediblenutmeg.com ediblenutmeg.com Edible Nutmeg is a quarterly magazine celebrating local food, farms, and community in Connecticut. We print a minimum of 20,000 copies of each issue. Annual subscriptions are $28. Please subscribe today.
50. Evergreen Berry Farm Robert & Cathleen Alex 435 Bassett Road Watertown, CT 06795 860-274-0825 evergreenberryfarm.com
Berries, pick-your-own. Farm Stand: PYO 8 am - 8 pm every day July - mid-August; 8 am - noon, mid-August to mid-September.
51. Fort Hill Farm
Paul Bucciaglia & Rebecca Batchie 18 Fort Hill Road New Milford, CT 06776 860-350-3158 forthillfarm@gmail.com forthillfarm.com Flowers, fruit, garlic, herbs, salad greens, transplants, vegetables. Farmers Market: Westport. CSA: 300 shares, June through October, please see website for details.
52. Laurel Mountain Farm John Butler 110 West Road Winchester Center, CT 06094 laurelmountainltd@netzero.com Contact for further information.
53. Local Farm
Debra Tyler 22 Popple Swamp Rd Cornwall Bridge, CT 06754 860-672-0229 localfrm@yahoo.com rlocalfarm.com Educational programs, livestock. Livestock sales by appointment only. Family Cow workshops: May 17 & September 27.
54. Loretta Stagen Floral Designs
New Preston, CT Litchfield county: 860-619-0148 Fairfield & Westchester counties: 203-323-3544 lorettastagen.com Loretta specializes in large container plantings and perennial border gardens (100% organic) for private home and businesses.
55. Maple View Farm
Mark & Carole Gauger 276 Locust Road Harwinton, CT 06791 860-485-0815 mgauger@snet.net mapleviewfarmct.com Apprenticeships, berries, eggs, flowers, garlic, hay, melons, salad greens, vegetables. Farm Stand: Daily, July through October: honor system. CSA: 70 shares mid-May through October. Farmers Markets: Torrington, Collinsville, Litchfield Indoor Market. ctnofa.org
56. Marble Valley Farm
Megan Haney 170 Kent Road Kent, CT 06757 860-592-0020 marblevalleyfarm@gmail.com CSA, farm stand, greenhouse, salad greens, tomatoes, garlic, potatoes, winter squash, other vegetables, herbs. Farm Stand: Saturdays and Sundays, 10 am -2 pm; Fridays 3 am - 6 pm once tomatoes are in; honor system at other times.
57. Mayapple Hill Farm
Nick Pouder 228 Merryall Road New Milford, CT 06776 860-799-7612 mayapplehillfarm@pouder.com mayapplehillfarm.blogspot.com CSA, eggs, farm stand, garlic, lamb, maple syrup, pork, poultry, vegetables, wool/yarn/fleece. Farm Stand: Most weekends, in season, call ahead. CSA: Summer and winter shares available. Call or e-mail for details.
58. Mountain High Organics Joanne Fellin P.O. Box 1450 New Milford, CT 06776 860-210-7805 jfellin@mhoinc.com mountainhighorganics.com Beans, grains, omega 3 products, rice, seeds, wholesale suppliers.
59. Mountain View Farm
Maria & Vincent LaFontan 67 Fuller Mountain Road Kent, CT 06757 860-927-1856 mlafontan@snet.net mountainviewfarmkent.com Eggs, flowers, garlic, herbs, jams/ preserves, maple syrup, salad greens, vegetables. Farmers Market: New Milford. Internet sales. Also direct pickup at our farm check out our website to see what’s currently available.
60. Riverbank Farm
David Blyn & Laura McKinney 33 River Road Roxbury, CT 06783 860-350-3276 riverbankfarmct@yahoo.com riverbankfarm.com Apprenticeships, flowers, garlic, greenhouse, salad greens, transplants, vegetables and vegetarian prepared foods. organiclandcare.net 203-308-2584
Litchfield County
46. Autumn Harvest Orchard
Farmers Markets: Westport, Darien, Greenwich, New Canaan, New Milford, New Haven Edgewood Park, Ridgefield, Westport & Wooster Square winter markets. Retail, restaurant, wholesale sales.
61. Sloane Farm
Debra Sloane 195 Old Litchfield Road Washington, CT 06793 860-619-0348 sloanefarm@gmail.com sloanefarm.com Berries, CSA, fruit, herbs, jams/ preserves, salad greens/microgreens, vegetables. CSA: June 2 - September 26, full for 2014 season.
62. Soleggiato Ridge Farm
Vanessa Fiorito 52 Hinkle Road Washington, CT 06793 860-868-7193 threeamigos9@charter.net soleggiatoridgefarm.com CSA, eggs, herbs, vegetables. CSA: Whole shares (4-5 people), $515; half shares (2-3 people), $325; personal shares, $225.
63. Sullivan Farm
Joe Listro 140 Park Lane Road New Milford, CT 06776 860-354-4600 farmmanagersullivanfarm@gmail. com sullivanfarmnm.org Community farm/garden, educational programs, farm stand, herbs, maple syrup, salad greens, tours, vegetables, wholesale supplier. Farm stand: June through October, Monday - Friday, 10 am - 6 pm; Saturday, 9 pm - 2 pm; November through May, Monday - Friday, 9 am 5 pm, self-serve.
Litchfield County
64. Sun One Organic Farm
Robert Maddox 104 Deerwood Drive Bethlehem, CT 06751-2304 203-266-7973 greenrob@aol.com Apprenticeships, berries, CSA, garlic, herbs, microgreens, salad greens, vegetables, wholesale supplier Farmers Market: Wooster Square in New Haven. CSA: 17 weeks, beginning mid-June through late September, $475 per share. Stores/Restaurants: Good News Cafe and New Morning in Woodbury; Community Table in Washington. 2014-2015 Farm & Food Guide
65. Sun Rise Sun Set Farm Henry Douglas Johnson 291 Hard Hill Road South Bethlehem, CT 06751 203-266-7467 Asparagus, garlic, leeks, melons, onions, pumpkins, salad greens, shallots, vegetables. Farmers Markets: Southbury. Store: New Morning in Woodbury.
66. The Hidden Garden & Connsoil
Center for Sustainable Living Cynthia or Stuart Rabinowitz 90 Cabbage Lane P.O. Box 365 Bethlehem, CT 06751 203-266-5595 cynthia@hgconnsoil.com connsoil.com Apprenticeships, berries, educational programs, eggs, fruit, garlic, greenhouse, herbs, jams/ preserves, mushrooms, medicinal plants, perennials, vegetables. Produce for home consumption and education.
67. Waldingfield Farm
Quincy & Patrick Horan 24 East Street Washington, CT 06793 860-868-7270 quincy@waldingfieldfarm.com patrick@waldingfieldfarm.com waldingfieldfarm.com Apprenticeships, CSA, fruit, farm stand, flowers, greenhouse, honey, maple syrup, prepared foods, pumpkins, salad greens, vegetables. Farm Stand: Tues. - Fri., 12 pm 7 pm, Sat. 1 am - 5 pm. CSA: inquire for availability. Farmers Markets: New Haven, Weston, Kent, Newtown - Sandy Hook.
68. Wild Carrot Farm
Mark Palladino and Joanie Guglielmino 261 Old Mount Tom Road Bantam, CT 06750 860-977-6948 farmermark@wildcarrotfarm.com wildcarrotfarm.com Bedding plants, berries, container plants, CSA, educational programs, flowers, fruit, garlic, greenhouse, herbs, melons, perennials, pumpkins, salad greens, transplants, vegetables, wholesale supplier, organic compost & potting soil, and our own certified organic tomato sauce and salsa.
CSA: see website for details. Off-site sales: Mockingbird Kitchen & Bar, Bantam, Tuesday, 11:30 am - 6 pm, Thursday, 10 am - 4 pm. Farmers Markets: Litchfield, Collinsville. Sponsors Farm to School & School to Farm educational programs.
69. Wright Farm
Marissa Wright 226 Sharon Turnpike Goshen, CT 06756 860-491-9868 203-525-7438 WrightFarmOrganic@yahoo.com wrightfarmorganic.com Certified organic vegetables, fruits, & artisan bakery, eggs. CSA: Full Vegetable, Fruit & Bakery, $610 or $31 each bag (21 bags) CSA: Half Vegetable, Fruit & Bakery, $375 or $33 each bag (12 bags)
70. Zelda’s Vegetables
Susan Gray 78 Preston Road Terryville, CT 06786 860-585-5978 galfarmer@yahoo.com Flowers, garlic, herbs, perennials, raspberries, salad greens, vegetables, specialty tomatoes-various varieties both heirloom & hybrid. Farm Stand: 7 days/week, self-serve, June/July through September/October.
Litchfield County Farmers Markets Goshen Farmers Market Saturdays 9 am - 12 noon July 5 - Nov. 8 50 North Street FMNP
Litchfield Hills Farmers Market Saturdays 10 am - 1 pm June 14 - Oct. 25 125 West Street, Center School FMNP SNAP
Morris Farmers Market Sundays 11 am - 2 pm June 15 - Oct. 21 Higbie Road FMNP
New Milford Farmers Market Saturdays 9 am - 12 pm May 10 - Oct. 25 Town Green, Main Street FMNP
Thomaston Farmers Market
Thursdays 2:30 pm - 6 pm July 3 - Oct. 30 Seth Thomas Park, South Main Street FMNP
Torrington Farmers Market
Tuesdays 3 pm - 6 pm & Saturdays 10 am - 1 pm June 7 - Oct. 28 Torrington Library Parking Lot, 12 Daycoeton Place, Corner of South Main Street & New Litchfield Street FMNP
Watertown Farmers Market
Saturdays 9 am - 1 pm July 12 - Sept. 27 Watertown Library Parking Lot, 470 Main Street FMNP
Winsted Farmers Market Fridays 3 pm - 6 pm June 27 - Sept. 12 East End Park FMNP
Cricket Hill Garden Growers of Rare Peonies & Unusual Fruit Trees Join us for our 25th Anniversay Peony Festival May 10th. to June 22nd. Stroll our new orchard planted with a variety of landscape edibles, from pawpaws to persimmons. Potted peonies, fruit trees and berry bushes available at the nursery after April 4th. We grow our plants in accordance with CT-NOFA’s Farmers Pledge.
Litchfield County
treepeony.com (860) 283-1042 670 Walnut Hill Rd. Thomaston, CT 06787
organiclandcare.net 203-308-2584
Middlesex County 83
71. Bitta-Blue
Susan Willis 228 River Road Killingworth, CT 06419 860-663-2428 bittabluefarm@gmail.com bittabluefarm.com Apprenticeships, cheese/dairy, CSA, eggs, flowers, garlic, jams/preserves, livestock/goats for sale, melons, salad greens, vegetables. CSA: $350 per share for 20 weeks, June - October; some short-term shares available summer and fall. Farmers Markets: Dudley Farm, Guilford; Lyme.
72. Cold Spring Farm
79 72
82 76
84 74
Jessica M. Stone 1 Cold Spring Road East Haddam, CT 06423 860-316-8368 onebotanychick@gmail.com commongroundcsa@gmail. com coldspringfarm.weebly.com Apprenticeships, community farm/garden, CSA, eggs, fruit, farm stand, flowers, garlic, hay, herbs, jams/preserves, melons, perennials, pickles, pumpkins, salad greens, transplants, vegetables, wholesale supplier Farm Stands: 1 Cold Spring Road, East Haddam; 90 Maple Avenue, East Haddam; 46 Lake Hayward Town Road, Cochester; all open TuesdaySunday, 9am - 5pm. Farmers Markets: East Haddam, Colchester, Chester. Stores/Restaurants: The Local Beet Co-op, Chester; Just Food, Chester; CT Farm Fresh Express; other special/ annual events and guest appearances.
73. CT Farm Fresh Express
Farmer’s Pledge Certified Organic Farm
Middlesex County
Supporting Business
Farmers Market Note: Locations on map are approximate
Deb Marsden 24 Mt. Parnassus Road Unit 15 East Haddam, CT 06423 860-873-8760 ctffe@me.com ctfarmfreshstore.com Delivery business connecting CT farms to CT homes and restaurants. Supports Cugno Farm, Hidden Brook Farm, Hilltop Acres, Holbrook Farm, Hop Top Organic Tillage, Oxen Hill, Two Guys from Woodbridge, and Urban Oaks Farm.
74. Deep Hollow Farm
Andrew Drabkin 46 Deep Hollow Road Chester, CT 06412 203-494-8342 deephollowfarm@gmail.com deephollowfarmct.com 2014-2015 Farm & Food Guide
75. Fire Ring Farm
Nancy L. Livensparger 247 Middle Haddam Road Portland, CT 06480-1765 860-819-9097 nancy@fireringfarm.com fireringfarm.com CSA, eggs, fruit, jams/preserves, vegetables. CSA: summer season - 18 weeks, full shares only; email for pricing and further information.
76. Naples Farm
Phyllis Naples-Valenti 167 Bear Rock Road Durham, CT 06422 860-349-3917 naplesfarm@sbcglobal.net Baked goods, berries, educational programs, eggs, farm stand, garlic, gourds, greenhouse, herbs, jams/ preserves, perennials, pick-you-own, pumpkins, salad greens/microgreens, transplants, vegetables. Farm Stand: Monday - Friday, 9 am - 6 pm. Farmers Markets: Durham, Dudley Farm, Guilford.
77. Phoenix Farm
John Whitney 76 Nooks Hill Road Cromwell, CT 06416 860-335-7337 Berries, eggs, farm stand/store, garlic, greenhouse, honey, jams/ preserves, maple products, melons, pumpkins, salad greens/microgreens, vegetables, wholesale supplier. Farm Stand: Thursday, 4 pm - 7 pm, Sundays, 10 am - 4 pm. Stores/Restaurants: Flatbread Pizza, Canton; Shop Rite, Canton; Urban Oaks, New Britain.
78. Smiley’s Gardens
Smiley Hiller 47 Side Hill Drive Durham, CT 06422 860-349-8718 smileygarden@hotmail.com Dahlias, garlic, herbs, pumpkins, transplants, vegetables. Food Stores/Restaurants: It’s Only Natural Restaurant & Ion Market in Middletown, Time-Out Tavern in Durham.
79. Sow Fresh Organics
Karen & Kedhar Thiruvalam 580 Hunting Hill Avenue Middletown, CT 06457 860-343-7717 mail@sowfreshorganics.com sowfreshorganics.com We offer year-round delivery of organic, locally grown produce and artisan specialties to customers’ homes and food service businesses, such as restaurants, caterers, and more.
80. Star Light Gardens
Ty and David Zemelsky 54 Fowler Ave. Durham, CT 06422 860-463-0166 starlightgardens@comcast.net starlightgardensct.com Heirloom tomatoes, salad greens, arugula, Asian greens, pak choi, root vegetables, microgreens, garlic, tomato plants, herbs, potatoes, sweet potatoes, watermelon. Wholesale, restaurant, and school/college sales. CSA: call or see website for details. Farmers Markets: New Haven, Wooster Square; Market En Plein Aire, Old Lyme; Wadsworth Open Air Market, Middletown.
81. Sweet Sage Bakery
Kathy Duffy 116 Main Street Rockfall, CT 06481 860-344-9823 kathy@sweetsagebakery.com sweetsagebakery.com Baked goods, breads Farmers Markets: Westport; Dudley; Durham; Urban Oaks, New Britain; Wesleyan, Middletown. Stores: Fiddleheads Co-op, Willimantic Food Co-op, The Local Beet Co-op, Sow Fresh Organics, CT Farm Fresh Express
82. The Cluttered Coop at Condil Farms
Jessica Condil 1548 Saybrook Road Haddam, CT 06438 860-345-0953 condilfarms@yahoo.com theclutteredcoop.com Candles, eggs, farm store, flowers, herbs, honey, jams/preserves, livestock, maple syrup/candy, pick-your-own corn, pickles, soaps, vegetables. Seasonal Farm Store: June to September; Tuesday - Saturday, 11 am to 6 pm; Sunday, 12 pm to 4 pm, closed Mondays. ctnofa.org
83. Upper Forty Farm
Kathryn Caruso 86 Nooks Hill Road Cromwell, CT 06416 860-632-9029 upperfortyfarm@sbcglobal.net CSA, eggs, flowers, garlic, gourds, herbs, transplants, vegetables. Farmers Market: West Hartford.
84. Wellstone Farm
Melissa Gibson & Ian Gibson 356 Candlewood Hill Road Higganum, CT 06441-4276 860-345-3183 wellstonefarm@yahoo.com CSA, eggs, flowers, garlic, herbs, jams/preserves, mushrooms, melons, pickles, salad greens, vegetables. CSA: Summer - early fall CSA, May to October. Farmers Market: Higganum Village
Middlesex County Farmers Markets
Chester Sunday Market Sundays 10 am – 1 pm June - October Main Street https://www.facebook.com/ pages/Chester-SundayMarket/88127025955
Clinton Farmers Market Thursdays 4 pm - 7 pm June 19 - Aug. 28 61 East Main Street FMNP
Coventry Regional Market
Sundays 11 am – 2 pm June - October Nathan Hale Homestead, 2299 South Street
Durham Farmers Market Thursdays 3 pm - 6:30 pm July - Oct. Town Green, Rte. 17 FMNP
East Haddam Farmers Market Wednesdays 4 pm - 7 pm June 11 - Oct. 8 Town Grange, Town Street FMNP
Higganum Village Market Farmers Market
Fridays 3:30 pm - 6:30 pm May 30 - Oct. 31 Higganum Green, Intersection of Rte. 81 & 154 FMNP
Ivoryton Village Farmers Market Saturdays 10 am - 1:30 pm June 21 - Oct. 11 Main Street
organiclandcare.net 203-308-2584
Middlesex County
Cucumbers, flowers, garlic, gourds, herbs, melons, salad greens, tomatoes, squash, vegetables. Farm Stand: on site. Farmers Market: Chester.
Lyme Farmers Market
Saturdays 9:30 am - 12 noon June 7 - Oct. 18 78 Bill Hill Road, Ashlawn Farm
Middletown Farmers Market Tuesdays & Thursdays 8 am 1 pm July 1 - Oct. 30 South Green, Old Church Street FMNP
Save With Solar!
Middletown - North End Farmers Market Fridays 10 am - 2 pm June 20 - Oct. 31 Sidewalk in front of Its Only Natural Market 575 Main Street https://www.facebook.com/north.end. farmers.market FMNP SNAP
North Guilford Dudley Farmers Market Saturdays 9 am - 12:30 pm June 7 - Oct. 2351 Durham Road
Old Saybrook Farmers Market Wednesdays 10 am - 1 pm & Saturdays 9 am - 12:30 pm June 25 - Nov. 1 210 Main Street FMNP SNAP
“I believe the work CT NOFA does is essential to a sustainable and secure food system and to the economy of the state. The work towards GMO labeling is vital.”
Middlesex County
—E laine Piraino-Holevoet Master Gardener CT NOFA Member
2014-2015 Farm & Food Guide
www.purepointenergy.com Providing the highest quality in alternative energy solutions while making our communities and planet a better place. 28 Knight Street Norwalk. CT 06851
(203) 642-4105
John D. Venter
Photography and Photo Services • Photography • Digital Photo Processing • Photo Retouching • Restoration jdventer@yahoo.com 203-710-0434 Wallingford, CT JohnDVenterPhotography.com
organiclandcare.net 203-308-2584
New Haven County
85. Aradia Farm
Morgan Templeton 1008 Bullet Hill Road Southbury, CT 06488 203-987-7092 mtempleton@aradiafarm.com aradiafarm.com Beef, eggs, firewood/forest products, livestock, maple products, pork, tours. Farm Stand: by appointment. Farmers Markets: Southbury, Weston Winter Market; Monroe Winter Market; check website for additional markets.
95 87
86 85
103 92
105 101
Whitney Miller-Caporaso 176 Straitsville Road Prospect, CT 06712 203-800-5246 bodhichittafarms@gmail.com prospectspurest.net localharvest.org/bodhichittafarms-M37073
94 102
96 109
86. Bodhichitta Farms
93 112
88 89
90 113
99 100
104 CSA, garlic, greenhouse, herbs, microgreens, maple candy & syrup, medicinal plants, salad greens, sprouts, transplants, vegetables. CSA: Summer, June - Oct., 17 weeks & more if available, $595; Winter, Feb. May, 14 weeks, $375 Farmers Market: Edgewood Park, New Haven.
Farmer’s Pledge
New Haven County
Certified Organic Farm
Supporting Business Farmers Market Note: Locations on map are approximate
87. Boulder Knoll Community Farm CSA Brenda Caldwell, farm manager 875 Boulder Road Cheshire, CT 06524 203-393-1245 brenda@boulderknollfarm.com boulderknollfarm.com CSA, educational programs, flowers, garlic, herbs, vegetables. CSA: 10 pick-ups, every other week, June - October, $400 work shares and $500 non-work shares.
88. CitySeed
2014-2015 Farm & Food Guide
Nicole Berube 817 Grand Avenue, No. 101 New Haven, CT 06115 203-773-3736 info@cityseed.org, cityseed.org buyctgrown.com
89. Claire’s Corner Copia Claire Criscuolo 1000 Chapel Street New Haven, CT 06510-2402 203-562-3888 clairescornercopia.com bastatrattoria.com Restaurant supports Urban Oaks Organic Farm
90. Common Ground/New Haven Ecology Project
Shannon Raider 358 Springside Avenue New Haven, CT 06515 203-389-4333 sraider@nhep.com commongroundct.org Apprenticeships, educational programs, community farm/garden, eggs, farm stand, flowers, herbs, livestock, maple syrup, pumpkins, salad greens, tours, transplants, turkeys, vegetables, wool/yarn/fleece. Farm Stand & Farmers Market: see website.
91. Darling Farm
Aaron Taylor 1907 Litchfield Turnpike Woodbridge, CT 06525 860-550-1122 info@darlingfarm.net darlingfarm.net Salad greens, herbs, garlic, vegetables.
92. Eve’s Corner Garden CSA
Liz Cecarelli Bethany, CT 06524 evescsa@gmail.com evescsa.com CSA: July - Sept. Full and/or half shares.
93. Field House Farm
Stephanie Lesnik 623 Green Hill Road Madison, CT 06443 203-779-9187 fieldhousefarm@hotmail.com fieldhousefarm.net Educational programs, eggs, greenhouse, herbs, honey, preserves, maple syrup/candy, pickles, pork, poultry, salad greens, sheep, tours, veggies, wool. Farm Stand: see website. CSA: $360/12 weeks, monthly at $25/week. Store: Bar Bouchee, Chamard Vineyard.
94. Frankie’s Fruits & Vegetables
Frank Muzio, Jr. 1940 Hartford Turnpike North Haven, CT 06473 203-376-0407; leave message 203-891-7084; leave message Berries, eggs, fruit, heirloom tomatoes, herbs, honey, onions, pumpkins, salad greens, vegetables. CSA: May through September, 15-18 weeks, $550 full share, $375 half share, working shares available; choose your own share vegetables Farm Stand: seasonal - please call for hours; leave message.
95. High Hill Orchard
Wayne Young 170 Fleming Road Meriden, CT 06450 203-294-0276 highhillorchard.info Apples, blueberries, fruit, farm store, garlic, herbs, melons, peaches, pears, pick-your-own (fruit only), squash, vegetables. Farm Stand: Open July 12 to Labor Day, weekends only, 10 am - 5 pm; Labor Day to Thanksgiving also. CSA: Winter CSA, once/month pickups: Nov. 9, Dec. 7, Jan. 4, & Feb. 1. See website. Stores: New Morning, Woodbury; Willimantic Food Co-op, Willimantic.
96. Kate & Mike’s Naturally Grown Mike Burns 44 Newton Street Woodbridge, CT 06525 203-387-3055 MIKBRNS2@aol.com Fruit, garlic, vegetables (asparagus), shallots. Store: Whitneyville Market, Hamden
97. Lakso Family Farm
Walfred Lakso 137 Leetes Island Road Branford, CT 06405 203-488-9864 laksofamilyfarm@comcast.net Farm stand, flowers, hay, herbs, vegetables. Farm Stand: Wed. - Sat., 8 am - 12 pm.
98. Little Portion Acres
Mickey Wells 963 Wallingford Road Cheshire, CT 06410 203-715-0736 ohwell1309@juno.com CSA, eggs, flowers, pick-your-own, pork, poultry/turkeys, vegetables. CSA: Summer, $550 full share, $325 small share. Farmers Market: Wallingford ctnofa.org
99. Lowry Family Farm
Alex Lowry & Jean Waters Route 1 Madison, CT 203-457-6933 alowry14@comcast.net Berries, garlic, melons, salad greens, vegetables. Farmers Market: Dudley, Guilford.
100. Mad Hill Peppers
Tom Marone, Pamela Kadamus 437 Green Hill Road Madison, CT 06443-2306 203-641-1635 Tom, 860-464-3050 Pamela madhillpeppers.com Chile peppers, fresh, dried, powdered; container plants. Organic produce sold thru the internet or call.
101. Massaro Community Farm
Steve Munno 41 Ford Road Woodbridge, CT 06525 203-736-8618 steve@massarofarmcsa.org massarofarmcsa.org massarofarm.org Berries, community farm/garden, CSA, educational programs, farm stand, flowers, garlic, greenhouse, microgreens, pick-your-own, salad greens, transplants, vegetables. Farm Stand: e-mail for info. CSA: Summer, 20 weeks (June through October), $625. Farmers Market: CitySeed, Edgewood Park, New Haven. Restaurants: Zinc, Caseus, Greenwell Organic Tea & Coffee, Heirloom, Miya’s, all in New Haven; Wheeler’s Market-Cafe, Woodbridge. Store: Edge of the Woods, New Haven.
102. Northfordy Farm
Peter Rothenberg 53 Lanes Pond Road Northford, CT 06472 203-494-8408 northfordy@aol.com Baby ginger, berries, eggs, flowers, garlic, greenhouse, herbs, jams/ preserves, lamb, maple syrup, melons, paw-paws, pickles, salad greens, transplants, vegetables, wool/ yarn/fleece, chevon (goat meat). CSA: 25 shares available, June October, contact for details. Farmers Market: CitySeed New Haven: Wooster Square. Restaurant: Caseus, New Haven. Participates: Wadsworth Mansion Open Air Market, Middletown. Certified Naturally Grown. organiclandcare.net 203-308-2584
New Haven County
Operates CitySeed Farmers Markets, a vibrant network of producer-only Farmers Markets in New Haven, in addition to a number of missiondriven programs working to promote farm viability and increase community access to fresh, local food.
103. Old Solar Farm
Suzanne and Bill Duesing 153 Bowers Hill Road Oxford, CT 06478 203-231-1790 203-231-2447 bduesing@mac.com sduesing@sbcglobal.net Educational programs/cooking, limited vegetables in 2014: spring & fall crops only, bamboo and red cedar poles, perennials.
104. River Crest Farm
Maria & Andy Macri 534 Oronoque Road Milford, CT 06461 203-876-9786 rivercrestfarm@gmail.com rivercrestfarm.com Annuals, bedding plants, Christmas trees & wreaths, container plants, CSA, flowers, greenhouse, herbs, perennials, transplants, vegetables. Greenhouse: April - mid-June, 9 am 5 pm Mon. - Sat.; 9 am - 3 pm Sun. CSA: June through October, $475 for summer share; see website for details.
105. Ro-Jo Farms
Toby Fischer and Josiah Venter 327 Litchfield Turnpike Bethany, CT 06524 203-885-ROJO (203-885-7656) rojofarm.com Apprenticeships, community farm/ garden, CSA, educational programs, garlic, herbs, microgreens, medicinal plants, pumpkins, salad greens, vegetables, wholesale supplier. CSA: 20 weeks, $800 per share; delivered to New Haven County.
106. Saltmeadow Gardens Marleen Cenotti & Andy Wight 21 Helen Road Branford, CT 06405 203-488-9436 saltmeadow@comcast.net Fingerlings, garlic. Please call 203-488-9436 for availability.
New Haven County
107. Stoneledge Hollow Farm
Jan and Paul Perkins 262 W. Purchase Road Southbury, CT 06488 203-267-5889 pperk123@aol.com Berries, eggs, farm stand & gift shop, flowers, garlic, gourds, herbs, honey, jams/ preserves, perennials, pickles, pumpkins, salad greens, vegetables. Farm Store: Mon. - Wed., 10 am - 5 pm; Thurs., (June - October) closed; Fri. - Sun, 10 - 5. Farmers Markets: Southbury. Store: New Morning, Woodbury. 2014-2015 Farm & Food Guide
108. Sustainable Food Systems
John D. Turenne P.O. Box 4625 Wallingford, CT 06492 203-294-9683 sfs@sustainablefoodsystems.com sustainablefoodsystems.com Sustainable Foods Systems consults with organizations and institutions to incorporate local, sustainable, and healthy practices into their food programs.
109. Swords into Plowshares Honey & Candle Company
Vincent Kay 178 Nicoll Street New Haven, CT 06511 203-787-0494 Beeswax candles, garlic, honey, bees. Honey & candles sold at numerous stores around New Haven county.
110. The Conscious Cook Robin Glowa 37 Miller Road Bethany, CT 06524 203-915-4872 robeglow@yahoo.com theconsciouscook.net Educational Programs - healthy cooking classes with emphasis on locally grown & organic foods. Classes for adults & children. Private & group instruction. Supports Robert Treat Farm.
111. Thyme & Season Natural Food Market
3040 Whitney Ave. Hamden, CT 06518 203-407-8128 grocery.thyme@gmail.com thymeandseasonnaturalmarket. com We are a natural food market, large selection of local, natural, organic, non-GMO, gluten-free, vegan foods.
112. Trout Lily Farm
Michael A. Russo 3700 Durham Road North Guilford, CT 06437 203-710-0282 troutlilyfarm@comcast.net trout-lily-farm.com Flowers for weddings and events, garlic, gourds, herbs, salad greens, vegetables, seasonal wreaths. Farm Stand: call ahead.
113. Yale Farm
Jeremy Oldfield P.O. Box 208270 New Haven CT 06520 203-432-6835
jeremy.oldfield@yale.edu sustainablefood.yale.edu Educational programs, garlic, high tunnels, herbs, salad greens, vegetables. Farmers Market: City Seed Market at Wooster Square, New Haven.
New Haven County Farmers Markets
Beacon Falls Farmers Market Fridays 3 pm – 7 pm July - October Firehouse, Main Street
Bethany Farmers Market Saturdays 9 am - 1 pm June 21 - Oct. 11 711 Amity Road, FMNP
East Haven Farmers Market Sundays 9 am - 12 noon July 6 - Oct. 5 East Haven Town Hall, FMNP
Hamden - Downtown Farmers Market
Fridays 11 am - 3 pm June 20 - Oct. 17 Town Center Park, Next to Miller Library, 2663 Dixwell Avenue, FMNP
Hamden - Spring Glen Farmers Market Tuesdays 3 pm - 6 pm June 24 - Oct. 28 Spring Glen Church,1825 Whitney Avenue, FMNP
Hamden, South (soha) Farmers Market
Mondays 3 pm - 7 pm June 23 - Oct. 6 Highwood Square,943 Dixwell Avenue FMNP
Madison Farmers Market
Fridays 3 pm - 6 pm May 2 - Oct. 10 26 Meeting House Road, Madison Historic Town Green, FMNP
Meriden Farmers Market Saturdays 9 am - 1 pm July 12 - Oct. 25 Downtown, FMNP SNAP
Milford - Village of Devon Farmers Market
Sundays 10 am - 2 pm July 6 - Oct. 26 120 Bridgeport Avenue, Route 1, Devon Village, FMNP
Milford Downtown Farmers Market
Saturdays 9 am - 1 pm May 31 - Oct. 11 58 River Street, Corner of Darina Place & River Street, FMNP
Wednesdays 10 am - 2 pm June 4 - Oct. 29 On the Green, Church Street FMNP
New Haven - Downtown Farmers Market
Wednesdays 11 am - 2 pm June 18 - Oct. 29 New Haven Green, Corner of Chapel Street & Temple Street FMNP SNAP
New Haven - Edgewood Park Farmers Market Sundays 10 am - 2 pm May 4 - Dec. 21 Edgewood Park, Corner of West Rock & Whalley Avenue FMNP SNAP
New Haven - Fair Haven Farmers Market
Thursdays 2:30 pm - 5:30 pm July 10 - Oct. 30 Corner of Grand Avenue & Poplar Street FMNP SNAP
New Haven - The Hill Farmers Market
Fridays 11:00 am - 2 pm July 11 - Oct. 31 Connecticut Mental Health Center, Corner of Park Street & South Street FMNP SNAP
New Haven - Upper State Street Farmers Market Saturdays 10 am - 2 pm July 5 - Oct. 25 1010 State St FMNP
Southbury Farmers Market
Thursdays 3 pm - 6 pm June 19 - Oct. 16 Southbury Town Hall - 501 Main Street South, FMNP
Wallingford Gardeners Market Saturdays 9 am – 12 pm July 12 - September 13 Railroad Station Green
Waterbury On the Green Farmers Market
New Haven - Wooster Square Farmers Market Saturdays 9 am - 1 pm Wallingford Gardeners Market Saturdays 9 am – 12 pm July 12 - September 13 Railroad Station Green
Seymour Farmers Market
Tuesdays 12 noon - 6 pm May 13 - Nov. 18 Community/Senior Center Front Parking Lot, Pine Street, FMNP
Thursdays 10 am - 2 pm July 10 - Oct. 30 Downtown Green, West Main Street FMNP SNAP
West Haven Farmers Market
Thursdays & Saturdays 10 am - 2 pm July 5 - Oct. 30 West Haven Green, Corner of Campbell Street & Main Street FMNP
New Haven County
Naugatuck Farmers Market
organiclandcare.net 203-308-2584
2014-2015 Farm & Food Guide
organiclandcare.net 203-308-2584
New London County 122
115 121 A
132 125 114
124 135
130 120 133
117 118
114. Aiki Farms
Farmer’s Pledge Certified Organic Farm
New London County
Supporting Business
Farmers Market Note: Locations on map are approximate
2014-2015 Farm & Food Guide
Robert Burns 769 Shewville Road Ledyard, CT 06339 860-536-6407 501-786-3723 burns@aikifarms.com aikifarms.com Apprenticeships, CSA, farm stand, flowers, microgreens, melons, pickyour-own, restaurant, salad greens, shoots, transplants, vegetables, edible seedlings, wheatgrass. Certifies in Biointensive farming, Humbo Dojo Aikido, and offers teachers training programs, as well as soto zazen meditation. Offers training in legislative and political action. Farm Stand: Mon & Tues 8 am 2 pm. CSA: Year Round CSA, $1200year.
Farmers Markets: Stonington, Denison Stores/Restaurants: Fiddleheads Food Co-op, New London; Franks IGA, Noank; CT Farm Fresh Express; McQuade’s Markets, Mystic and Westerly, RI; Daniel Packer Inn, Mystic; Bridge, Westerly, RI.
115. Alice’s Greenhouse and Garden
Alice Rubin 167 Bender Road Lebanon, CT 06249 860-423-4906 alicesgarden@charter.net Bedding plants, flowers, gourds, greenhouse, herbs, medicinal plants, perennials, transplants, vegetables, retail and co-op sales. Greenhouse: Fridays, Saturdays, & Sundays in May, 9 am - 4 pm or by appointment.
Harry & Debi Childs 102 Kahn Road North Franklin, CT 06254 860-642-6778 hchilds@snet.net CSA, pumpkins, vegetables. CSA: call or e-mail for information. Farmers Market: Newington.
117. Fiddleheads Food Co-op
13 Broad Street New London, CT 06320 860-701-9123 fiddleheadsfood.coop Monday - Friday, 8 am - 7 pm, Saturday & Sunday, 9 am - 7 pm. Supports Hidden Brook Farm, Four Mile River Farm, Meadowstone Farm, Wayne’s Organic Farm and others.
118. FRESH Farm
Arthur Lerner 90 Garfield Avenue New London, CT 06320 860-574-9006 freshnewlondon@hotmail.com freshnewlondon.org Appreticeships, CSA, Educational Programs, fruit, vegetables. F.R.E.S.H. is Food, Resources, Education, Security, Health of New London County, a not-for profit organization. FRESH Farm is a project of FRESH New London. CSA: see website for updated CSA information, event schedule, and Mobile Market information.
119. Hidden Brook Gardens
Bill Sokol and Anita Kopchinski 551 Colonel Ledyard Hwy Ledyard, CT 06339 860-912-1767 anitanbill@comcast.net hiddenbrookgardens.com Fruit, garlic, grapes, herbs, jams/ preserves, melons, pickles, pumpkins, restaurant, salad greens, transplants, vegetables, apples. Farm Stand: please call for appointment. Farmers Markets: Lyme, Chester. Stores/Restaurants: The Oyster Club, Mystic; Fiddlehead’s Food Co-op, New London; The Local Beet, Chester.
120. Hunts Brook Farm
Teresa & Rob Schacht 108 Hunts Brook Road Quaker Hill, CT 06375 860-443-1770 huntsbrookfarm@yahoo.com Visit us on Facebook apprenticeships, berries, CSA, farm
stand, flowers, garlic, greenhouse, herbs, honey, salad greens, transplants, vegetables. CSA: mid-June through mid-October, 18 weeks, $625 per share. Farm Stand: June to mid-October, Tuesdays through Sundays, 9 am 6 pm, closed Mondays Farmers Markets: Waterford, Chester. Stores & Restaurants: Fiddleheads Co-op, New London; La Belle Aurore, Niantic; Noank Community Market; Oyster Club, Mystic; Foodworks, Old Saybrook; Herb’s Country Deli, Uncasville.
121. Lebanon Agricultural Products
James Jahoda & Chuck Haralson 779 Exeter Road Lebanon, CT 06249 860-642-0618 sugarmaplefarms.org Maple syrup and maple products.
122. Libertyridge Farm
Al, Nancy, Jared & Josh Schweitzer 202 Trumbull Highway Lebanon, CT 06249 860-465-7348 libertyridgefarm@earthlink.net Bedding plants, berries, container plants, eggs, fruit, greenhouse, herbs, jams/preserves, microgreens, perennials, pickles, salad greens, transplants, vegetables. Farmers Markets: Lebanon.
123. Maggie’s Farm
Jim, Carol, Jessica & Bryan Brzozowy 676 Goshen Hill Rd Lebanon, CT 06249 860-642-6502 Salad greens, heirloom tomatoes, garlic, summer vegetables, shiitake mushrooms cultivated on natural logs, seasonal crops of winecap and oyster mushrooms. Farmers Market: Stonington. Store: Willimantic Food Co-op.
124. New Mercies Farm
Michael Melillo 256 Beaver Brook Road Lyme, CT 06371 203-427-3953 mike@newmerciesfarm.com newmerciesfarm.com Apprenticeships, berries, CSA, eggs, fruit, flowers, garlic, herbs, jams/ preserves, melons, perennials, pickles, pick-your-own, pumpkins, salad greens, tours, transplants, vegetables, wholesale. ctnofa.org
CSA: Summer CSA, June - October; Winter CSA December - March; please visit website for details. Farmers Market: Lyme
125. Provider Farm
Kerry Taylor 30 Woodbridge Road Salem, CT 06420 860-222-5582 kerry@providerfarm.com providerfarm.com facebook.com/providerfarm Apprenticeships, beef, CSA, garlic, herbs, melons, pumpkins, salad greens, vegetables, wholesale supplier Farm Stand: grass-fed beef sold by appointment. CSA: First week of June through November (23 weeks); small share $475; regular share $600; large share $725; Winter share, December March, $300 Farmers Market: Coventry Stores: Fiddleheads Co-op, New London; Willimantic Co-op, Willimantic
126. Rose ‘n’ Petal Farm
Joseph and Donna Rosenblatt 348 Westchester Road (Route 149) Colchester, CT 06415 860-267-4975 rosenpetal@sbcglobal.net Bedding plants, container plants, eggs, farm stand, fresh flowers, medicinal plants, perennials, salad greens, sprouts, vegetables. Farm Stand: Sunday – Friday 9 am – 7 pm. Farmers Market: Colchester.
127. Secchiaroli Farm
Jonathan & Hazel Secchiaroli 62 Miner Lane Waterford, CT 06385 860-922-7608 info@secchiarolifarm.com secchiarolifarm.com CSA, farm stand/store, livestock, pork. Farm Stand: see website for info. CSA: Full, half, & quarter shares available; see website for details. Farmers Market: Waterford.
128. Soeltl Farm
Donna Lesczczynski 395 Forsyth Road Salem, CT 06420 860-887-3329 soeltlfarm.com Pork, veal, turkey, chicken, duck, goose, beef, goat, eggs, honey. Farm Stand: by appointment. organiclandcare.net 203-308-2584
New London County
116. Brown Paper Bag Harry’s Farm
129. Starry Night Farm
Elizabeth H. Archer 368 Mistuxet Avenue Stonington, CT 06378 860-535-4243 ibbyarcher@gmail.com Flowers, garlic, garlic scape pesto, haricot vertes, herbs, baby potatoes, salad greens, baby squashes, vinegars. Farmers Market: Stonington “Garlic Fest” at Old Mystic Village, September 21st & 22nd.
130. Sterling Heights Farm Albert Bacdayan 46 Sterling Hill Road Lyme, CT 06371 203-434-9292 acbacdayan@sbcglobal.net Salad greens, vegetables. Store: FoodWorks II, Old Saybrook.
131. Studio Farm Products
Richard A. and Dorothy A. Wingate and Belinda Learned 5 Sand Hill Road Voluntown, CT 06384 860-591-4172 wingatedd@comcast.net studiofarmproducts.com Apprenticeships, bedding plants, beef, beeswax hand cream, beeswax lip balm, berries, candles, container plants, CSA, eggs, fruit, farm stand, flowers, garlic, gourds, greenhouse, hay, herbs, honey, jams/ preserves, melons, pick-your-own strawberries, pork, poultry, pumpkins, salad greens, transplants, turkeys, veal,vegetables. Farm Stand: Monday - Friday 3 pm -7 pm, Sat 3 pm - 7 pm, Sun. by appt. CSA: 4 week spring & fall shares; 12 week summer shares, ½ and full shares; 2 dates for bulk winter pick-up. Farmers Markets: Stonington, Mystic/ Denison.
New London County
132. Tri Gable Lea Farm
Mark Gostkiewicz 140 Marvin Road Colchester, CT 06415 203-415-2048 860-531-9271 mgostkiewicz@gmail.com facebook.com/trigablelea CSA, eggs, garlic, gourds, herbs, salad greens, transplants, vegetables. CSA: Spring, 8 weeks, $300; Summer, 10 weeks, $300; Fall, 10 weeks, $300; Winter, 6 weeks, $300.
2014-2015 Farm & Food Guide
133. Upper Pond Farm
Baylee Rose Drown 102 Sill Lane Old Lyme, CT 06371 616-292-3311 upperpondfarm@gmail.com Facebook.com/ upperpondfarmers Apprenticeships, berries, fruit, flowers, garlic, herbs, medicinal plants, melons, perennials, salad greens/microgreens, vegetables. Farmers Markets: Chester, Lyme. Restaurant: Six Main, Chester.
134. Valchris Farm
Don & Nancy Hess 400 Ridge Hill Road Oakdale, CT 06370 860-848-2635 valchrisfarm@yahoo.com localharvest.org/valchrisfarm-M43155 Berries, fruit, garlic, herbs, salad greens, vegetables. Farmers Markets: Waterford Stores/Restaurants: Fiddleheads Food Co-op, New London; Oyster Club, Mystic.
135. White Gate Farm
Pauline Lord & David Harlow 83 Upper Pattagansett Road P.O. Box 250 East Lyme, CT 06333 860-739-9585 info@whitegatefarm.net whitegatefarm.net Berries, eggs, chickens, educational programs/cooking classes, farm stand, flowers, garlic, herbs, jams/preserves, melons, pickles, prepared foods, picnics, salad greens, tours, turkeys, vegetables/ organic produce. Farm Stand: self-help honor system. Spring: Wednesday 9 am - 5 pm, Saturday 9 am - 5 pm; Summer: Wednesday & Friday 9 am - 5 pm, Saturday 9 am - 5 pm. Restaurants: River Tavern, Chester; Six Main, Chester; Aspen, Old Saybrook; Old Lyme Inn, Old Lyme.
New London County Farmers Markets Bozrah Farmers Market
Fridays 4 pm - 7 pm July 4 - Oct. 10 Maples Farm Park, 45 Bozrah Street FMNP
Colchester Farmers Market
Sundays 9 am - 1 p.m June 15 - Oct. 19 Colchester Town Green, 98 Hayward Avenue FMNP
Groton Farmers Market
Wednesdays 11 am - 6 pm July 16 - Oct. 29 Groton Shopping Plaza, Next to the Post Office, Rte. 1 FMNP
Lebanon Farmers Market Saturdays 9 am - 12 pm June 7 - Oct. 18 Town Hall Green FMNP
Ledyard Farmers Market
Wednesdays 3:30 pm - 6:30 pm June 4 - Aug. 27, Sept. 10 & 17 Ledyard Town Center, Fair Grounds FMNP
Mystic Farmers Market
Tuesdays 2 pm - 6 pm May 6 - Oct. 28 Quambaug Fire House, 50 Old Stonington Road FMNP
Mystic - Denison Farmers’ Market Sundays 12 noon - 3 pm June 1 - Oct. 120 Pequotsepus Road FMNP
New London - Williams Park Farmers Market Saturday 1 pm - 5 pm July 5- Oct. 11 Williams Park FMNP SNAP
New London-L & M Hospital Farmers Market Wednesdays 12 noon - 4 pm July 9 - Oct. 15 L & M Hospital FMNP SNAP
Niantic Farmers Market
Thursdays 3 pm - 6:30 pm June 19 - Oct. 16 Methodist Street Parking Lot FMNP
Norwich - Downtown Farmers Market
Wednesdays 10 am - 2 pm July 2 - Oct. 29 Boat Marina @ Howard Brown Park, Rte. 2 FMNP
Norwich - Uncas on Thames Farmers Market
Mondays & Fridays 10 am - 1 pm July 7 - Oct. 31 Uncas on the Thames, 401 West Thames Street, 100 Campbell Building FMNP SNAP
Stonington Farmers Market
Saturdays 9 am - 12 noon May 3 - Oct. 18 Stonington Borough, Town Fishing Fleet Pier
Waterford Farmers Market Saturdays 9 am - 12 noon June 21 - Oct. 11 15 Rope Ferry Road FMNP
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New London County
— J ohn Pittari, Jr. New Morning Market CT NOFA Board Member
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Tolland County 143
136. Copper Hill Farm
Greg Hazleton 144 Hall Hill Road Somers, CT 06071 860-306-9604 greghaz42@yahoo.com Facebook/copperhillfarm Eggs, farm stand, herbs, pork, poultry, salad greens, heirloom vegetables. Farmers Market: Ellington
137. Maple Knoll Farm
David Pinney 214 Maple Street Somersville, CT 06072-0460 860-394-9871 davidpinney@cox,net mapleknollfarmct.com Greenhouse, salad greens/ microgreens, vegetables. Farmers Markets: Ellington; Billings Forge, Hartford. Restaurants/Catering: River Tavern, Chester; The Firebox, Hartford; The Kitchen at Billings Forge, Hartford.
138. Stone Fire Farm 139
Lea E. A. Langley P.O. Box 153 Andover, CT 06232 860-338-0951 stonefirefarm@gmail.com Berries, eggs, fruit, garlic, greenhouse, herbs, pumpkins, salad greens, vegetables, wholesale supplier. Wholesale to Hurst Farm Country Store, Andover.
139. Topmost Herb Farm
Carole Miller 244 North School Road Coventry, CT 06238 860-335-3139 carole.miller@att.net topmostherbfarm.com Heirloom tomatoes, herbs. Greenhouse: Thursday, Friday, & Saturday, in season, 9 am - 6 pm. Farmers Market: Coventry.
Tolland County
Farmer’s Pledge
Certified Organic Farm Supporting Business Farmers Market Note: Locations on map are approximate
2014-2015 Farm & Food Guide
140. University of Connecticut Department of Dining Services C. Dennis Pierce One Bishop Center, U-4071 Storrs, CT 06269 860-486-3128 dennis.pierce@uconn.edu dining.uconn.edu UConn Dining Services prides itself on doing everything possible to support sustainability, especially local agriculture. We are now the largest user of CT grown produce in the state. Chuck & Augie’s, our on-campus, full-service restaurant, and Whitney Dining Facility, our “Local Routes” dining option, feature local and organic foods every day, including produce from our studentrun on-campus farm, Spring Valley Farm. We have made it our mission to do whatever is necessary to assist in preserving & supporting our CT farmers.
Tolland County Farmers Markets Andover Farmers Market
Fridays 4 pm - 7 pm July 11 - Sept. 12 Riverside Drive - Off Route 6, Long Hill FMNP
Coventry Regional Farmers Market
Hebron Farmers Market
Saturdays 9 am - 12:30 pm June 7 - Oct. 18 Church of Hope of Hebron, 1 Main Street FMNP
Rockville Farmers Market Thursdays 10 am - 1 pm May 29 - Oct. 16 Court House Plaza FMNP
Sundays 11 am – 2 pm June 1 - Oct. 26 Nathan Hale Homestead, 2299 South Street FMNP SNAP
Storrs Farmers Market
Ellington Farmers Market
Tolland Farmers Market
Saturdays 9 am - 12 noon May 10 - Oct. 18 Arbor Park, Town Center - 35 Main Street (Rte. 286) FMNP SNAP
Saturdays 3 pm - 6 pm May 3 - Nov. 22 4 South Eagleville Road FMNP
Saturdays 9 am - 12 noon May 3 - Nov. 22 Tolland Green FMNP
141. Valli’s Organic Garden Allen A. Valli, Jr. 13 Skinner Road Vernon, CT 06066 860-871-4410 aavallijr@hotmail.com Farm stand, garlic, herbs, honey, vegetables. Farm Stand: Monday - Sunday, 9 am - 5 pm; June - October. Farmers Market: Manchester, Main Street.
142. Willow Valley Farm Spencer Cartabiano 39 Moose Meadow Road Willington, CT 06279 860-508-7706 wvfcsa@gmail.com facebook.com/wvfcsa CSA: contact for details.
“CT NOFA continues to be the pulse of the movement to educate, promote and build lasting relationships between people and the earth, particularly as it affects our sources for local, organic food and for agricultural strength in the state. Thank you!” —C atherine Lyons & Chip Caton Master Gardener CT NOFA Member
143. Winterbrook Farm
Tolland County
Kirby E. Judd 116 Beffa Road Stafford Springs, CT 06076 860-684-2124 winterbrookfarm@cox.net Hay, maple syrup, pick your own blueberries and peaches. PYO blueberries: August through September; call for hours. Maple syrup: March; call for hours. Farm Stand: call for hours; seasonal.
organiclandcare.net 203-308-2584
Windham County 147
154 145
Farmer’s Pledge
Sarah Pappenheimer P.O. Box 169 (537 Devotion Road) Scotland, CT 06264 860-423-0533 spappenheimer2@gmail.com Bedding plants, CSA, garlic, goats, jams/preserves, melons, transplants, vegetables, wool/yarn/fleece/roving. Farmers Markets: Willimantic, Scotland. CSA: June-Oct., $650/season or $150/ month, full share; $350/season or $80/ month, half share. Events: Scotland Farm Day; CT Sheep, Wool & Fiber Festival; New England Fiber Festival.
146. Cranberry Hill Farm
Sherry Simpson 158 Nagy Road Ashford, CT 06278 860-429-3923 cranberryhillfarm@att.net localharvest.org/farms/M20409 facebook.com/cranberryhillfarm Berries, educational programs, eggs, forestry, flowers, hay, herbs, maple syrup, tours, vegetables.
Certified Organic Farm
Farmers Market: Old Saybrook
Supporting Business
Patty & Erick Taylor 54 Joy Road Woodstock, CT 06281 860-974-9004 devonpointfarm@gmail.com devonpointfarm.com Beef (grassfed & grass-finished, no hormones, no antibiotics and no grain!), Vegetable & Flower CSA Farm Shares (all-natural, no synthetic pesticides, fertilizers or chemicals), Pick-Your-Own Pumpkins & hayrides in fall. Farm Stand: for beef sales: Tuesdays and Fridays from 3 pm - 7 pm from mid-June to mid-Oct. or by appointment.
Farmers Market
Windham County
Virginia Keith 314 Margaret Henry Road Danielson, CT 06239 860-712-1341 blueberryhillorganicfarm@gmail. com blueberryhillorganicfarm.com Berries, fruit, vegetables Farm Stand: custom fresh-picked orders daily. Call or email ahead. Farmers Market: Putnam Restaurant: Heirloom Food Company, Danielson.
145. Brown Farm
144. Blueberry Hill Organic Farm
Note: Locations on map are approximate
2014-2015 Farm & Food Guide
147. Devon Point Farm
148. Full Moon Farm
Rob Miller 314 Station Road Hampton, CT 06247 860-455-1196 Berries, fruit, flowers, garlic, herbs, honey, melons, pumpkins, vegetables. Farm stand: 130 Station Road, Saturdays, 1 pm - 4 pm, July October.
149. Go Organic
John Tycz 1244 Thompson Road Thompson, CT 06277 860-935-5235 info@goorganicllc.com goorganicllc.com All Organic Lawn, Garden & Land Care.
150. Holmeslea Gardens
George McCoy 379 Route 169 Woodstock, CT 06281 860-963-2559 holmesleagardens@yahoo.com Garlic, herbs, salad greens, vegetables. Farmers Markets: Danielson, Putnam
151. KDCrop Farms
Kelly Zanger Caisse 275 South Bear Hill Road Chaplin, CT 06235-2629 860-455-7059 aquaz3@hotmail.com Eggs, farm stand, flowers, fruit, garlic, gourds, greenhouse, herbs, jams/preserves, melons, pickles, pumpkins, salad greens, transplants, vegetables. Farm Stand: Every day starting in May, courtesy box. CSA: Seasonal shares available; inquire via email. Pick-up at farm on Thursdays May - October Farmers Markets: Tolland, Storrs. Stores: Artisan Made Northeast, Southbury; Willimantic Food Co-op, Willimantic.
Farm Stand: By appointment only. Farmers Markets: Westport, Storrs. Stores: Willimantic Co-op, Whole Foods Market.
153. The Darling Farm
Wendy and Craig Darling 75 Tuckie Road Windham, CT 06280 860-942-6132 860-465-9434 williedarling2@aol.com Farm stand/store, flowers, heirloom tomatoes, herbs, transplants, vegetables. Farm Stand: Call for hours. Off-site Sales: Front of Vacuum Village, 2394 Berlin Tpke, Newington. Call farm for hours.
154. Wayne’s Organic Garden
Wayne M. and Marilyn R. Hansen 1080 Plainfield Pike P.O. Box 154 Oneco, CT 06373 860-564-7987 wayne@waynesorganicgarden.com waynesorganicgarden.com Garlic, greenhouse, herbs, transplants, vegetables. CSA: Tuesdays, 14 weeks, late June to late Sept, 15 shares, $325/share. Farmers Markets: Putnam, Old Saybrook, Coventry. Stores/Restaurants: Willimantic Food Co-op; La Belle Aurore, Niantic; Heirloom Food Company, Danielson. We accept interns.
155. Willimantic Food Co-op 91 Valley Street Willimantic, CT 06226 860-456-3611 willifoodcoop@snet.net willimanticfood.coop Retail food co-op, open to the public, offering many organic and locally produced items. Support many CT farms, dairies, and food producers.
Windham County Farmers Markets
Ashford Farmers Market
Sundays 10 am - 1 pm June 1 - Oct. 26 Pompey Hollow Park, Across from the Town Hall FMNP
Brooklyn Farmers Market
Wednesdays 4 pm - 6 pm June 18 - Oct. 29 560 - 574 Providence Road, Rte. 6, Ocean State Job Lot Parking Lot FMNP SNAP
Danielson Farmers Market Saturdays 9 am - 12 Noon May 3 - Nov. 1 Killingly Memorial Library - 25 Westcott Road FMNP SNAP
Plainfield Farmers Market
Tuesdays 4 pm - 6 pm June 24 - Oct. 14 732 Norwich Road, Rte.12, Doyle’s Dollar Store FMNP SNAP
Putnam Farmers Market
Mondays & Thursdays 3:30 pm - 6 pm May 1 - Oct. 30 Riverview Marketplace, 16 Kennedy Drive FMNP SNAP
Putnam Saturday Farmers Market
Saturdays 10 am - 1 pm June 7 - Oct. 25 Riverview Marketplace, 16 Kennedy Drive FMNP
Scotland Farmers Market
Wednesdays 3 pm - 6 pm May 21 - Oct. 29 Scotland Green, Junction of Rte. 97 & 14 FMNP
Willimantic Farmers Market
Saturdays 8 am - 12 noon May 24 - Oct. 25 Corner of Jackson Street & Union Street, Under the Pavilion near the Frog Bridge FMNP SNAP
152. Muddy Feet Flower Farm
Kristin Burrello 141 Amidon Road Ashford, CT 06278 860-477-0500 muddyfeetflowers@gmail.com muddyfeetfarm.com Flowers.
organiclandcare.net 203-308-2584
Windham County
CSA: 18 weeks starting in mid-June - $656 for full share; $395 for half share of naturally grown vegetables & herbs. Please see our website for info & enrollment form.
Out of State 156. Baystate Organic Certifiers
Don Franczyk 1220 Cedarwood Circle North Dighton, MA 02764 774-872-5544 baystateorganic@earthlink.net baystateorganic.org Your local non-profit organic certification agency. Our mission - to provide affordable organic certification services to operations of all sizes.
157. Gold Star Honeybees
Christy Hemenway PO Box 313 Gardiner, ME 04345 207-449-1121 christy@goldstarhoneybees.com goldstarhoneybees.com Gold Star Honeybees is your choice for quality top bar hive beekeeping equipment. Visit our website for products and information about how you can keep bees in this green, natural beehive!
158. Neighboring Food Co-op Association
PO Box 93 Shelburne Falls, MA 01370 nfca.coop NFCA is a network of food co-ops committed to a shared vision of a thriving regional economy, rooted in a healthy, just and sustainable food system and a vibrant community of co-operative enterprise.
Out of State
159. Wellscroft Fence Systems
If you farm it, we can fence it.
167 Sunset Hill Harrisville, NH 03450 603-827-3464 info@wellscroft.com wellscroft.com Wellscroft is New England’s Agricultural Fence Experts specializing in: the containment of livestock, protection of crops from predators and wildlife, trellising systems for fruit and vegetables, and support infrastructure for maple sap lines.
Livestock Inclusion • Predator Exclusion Trellising • Maple Support Systems Toll-Free: 855.327.6336
info@wellscroft.com • www.wellscroft.com
2014-2015 Farm & Food Guide
Farm and Business Index Adamah Farm - 43 Aiki Farms - 114 Alice’s Greenhouse & Garden - 115 Ambler Farm - 1 Anderson Acres Farm - 44 Anthony’s Farm - 22 Aradia Farm - 85 Arbor Services of CT, Inc. - 45 Artscape Organic-Care - 2 Autumn Harvest Orchard - 46 Baystate Organic Certifiers - 156 Beaver Meadow Farm - 47 Benedict’s Home & Garden - 3 Bitta-Blue - 71 Bloomingfields Farm - 4 Blueberry Hill Organic Farm - 144 Bodhichitta Farms - 86 Boulder Knoll Community Farm CSA - 87 Bright Yellow Farm - 23 Brown Farm - 145 Brown Paper Bag Harry’s Farm - 116 Cipah Shapiro - 24 CitySeed, Inc. - 88 Claire’s Corner Copia - 89 Cold Spring Farm - 72 Colgan Farm - 25 Common Ground /New Haven Ecology Project - 90 Community Farm of Simsbury - 26 Comstock, Ferre & Co. - 27 Copper Hill Farm - 136 Cranberry Hill Farm - 146 Creative Living Community of CT - 28 Cricket Hill Garden - 48 CT Farm Fresh Express - 73 Darling Farm - 91 Deep Hollow Farm - 74 Devon Point Farm - 147 Edible Nutmeg - 49 Evergreen Berry Farm - 50 Eve’s Corner Garden CSA - 92 Farming 101 - 5 Fiddleheads Food Co-op - 117 Field House Farm - 93 Fire Ring Farm - 75 Fort Hill Farm - 51 Frankie’s Fruits & Vegetables - 94 FRESH New London - 118 Full Moon Farm - 148 George Hall Farm - 29 Gilbertie’s Herb Gardens - 6 Go Organic - 149 Gold Star Honeybees - 157 Grace’s Hill Farm - 8
Greenfield Hill Grange - 8 Guy’s Eco-Garden - 9 Happy Family Farm - 10 Harrington’s Organic Land Care - 30 Harvest Power-New England - 31 Hidden Brook Gardens - 119 High Hill Orchard Company - 95 HighlandArt Farm - 32 Holbrook Farm - 11 Holmeslea Gardens - 150 Homefront Farmers - 12 Hubbard Heights Farm/Secret Gardens - 13 Hunts Brook Farm - 120 Kate & Mike’s Naturally Grown - 96 KDCrop Farms - 151 Lakso Family Farm - 97 Laurel Mountain Farm - 52 Lebanon Agricultural Products - 121 Libertyridge Farm - 122 Little Portion Acres - 98 Local Farm - 53 Loretta Stagen Designs - 54 Lowry Family Farm - 99 Mad Hill Peppers - 100 Maggie’s Farm - 123 Maple Knoll Farm - 137 Maple View Farm - 55 Marble Valley Farm - 56 Massaro Community Farm - 101 Mayapple Hill Farm - 57 Melrose Place Farm & Gardens - 33 Millstone Farm - 14 Mountain High Organics - 58 Mountain View Farm - 59 Muddy Feet Flower Farm - 152 Naples Farm - 76 Neighboring Food Co-op Assoc. - 158 New Mercies Farm - 124 Northfordy Farm - 102 Old Solar Farm - 103 Oxen Hill Farm - 34 Phoenix Farm - 77 Potrepka Farm - 35 Provider Farm - 125 PurePoint Energy - 15 Red Onion Gardens - 36 Renaissance Farm - 37 River Crest Farm - 104 Riverbank Farm - 60 Ro-Jo Farms - 105 Rose ‘n’ Petal Farm - 126 Saltmeadow Gardens - 106 Secchiaroli Farm - 127 Sepe Farm - 16 ctnofa.org
Serafina Says Farm - 38 Sloane Farm - 61 Smiley’s Gardens - 78 Soeltl Farm - 128 Soleggiato Ridge Farm - 62 Sow Fresh Organics - 79 Sport Hill Farm - 17 Star Light Gardens - 80 Starry Night Farm - 129 Sterling Heights Farm - 130 Stone Fire Farm - 138 Stoneledge Hollow Farm - 107 Studio Farm Products - 131 Sub Edge Farm - 39 Sullivan Farm - 63 Sun One Organic Farm - 64 Sun Rise Sun Set Farm - 65 Sustainable Food Systems - 108 Sweet Sage Bakery - 81 Swords into Plowshares Honey & Candle Co. - 109 The Cluttered Coop at Condil Farms - 82 The Conscious Cook - 110 The Darling Farm - 153 The Garlic Farm - 40 The Hickories - 18 The Hidden Garden & Connsoil - 66 Thyme & Season Natural Food Market - 111 Topmost Herb Farm-139 Tri Gable Lea Farm - 132 Trout Lily Farm - 112 UConn Dept. of Dining Services - 140 Upper Forty Farm - 83 Upper Pond Farm - 133 Urban Oaks Organic Farm - 41 Valchris Farm - 134 Valli’s Organic Garden - 141 Viv’s Veggies at Chestnut Farm -19 Wakeman Town Farm - 20 Waldingfield Farm - 67 Warrup’s Farm - 21 Wayne’s Organic Garden - 154 Wellscroft Fence Systems - 159 Wellstone Farm - 84 White Gate Farm - 135 Whole Foods Market - 42 Wild Carrot Farm - 68 Willimantic Food Co-op - 155 Willow Valley Farm - 142 Winterbrook Farm - 143 Wright Farm - 69 Yale Farm - 113 Zelda’s Vegetables - 70 organiclandcare.net 203-308-2584
Farm & Business Index
These farms and supporting businesses are described in the County Pages of this Guide. The numbers below pertain to the Farm/Business numbers in the County Pages, not to page numbers.
Products & Services by County Index NOTE: Farm number not page number
13 17 18 19 20
22 28 29 37
32 41
11 17 18
Christmas trees
Comm. Farm/Garden CSA/Co-op
Litchfield 43 55 60 64 66 67
71 72
32 37 41
1 7 8 20
26 28
13 14 17 18 20
23 28 29 32 34 37 38 40 41
43 44 47 51 55 56 57 61 62 64 67 68
71 72 75 80 83 84
Delivery service
73 79
Educational Programs 1 7 8 10 13 14 17 18
26 27 28 29 37 38 41
43 44 53 63 66 68
8 10 11 14 17 19
29 32 37 41
44 55 57 59 62 66 69
71 72 75 76 77 82 83 84
Farm and Garden Inputs
27 30 31
Farm Stand
1 4 5 13 17 18 19 20 21
22 28 29 33 37 39 40 41
43 44 55 56 57 63 67
20 21
Products & Services by County Index
Firewood/forest products
72 74 76 77 82
22 29 34 37 41
43 44 47 51 55 59 60 67 68 70
71 72 74 78 82 83 84
10 11 18 19
29 32 37 41
43 44 46 47 50 51 55 61 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
72 75 76 77 80
1 4 5 7 9 10 11 13 14 18 19 21
23 25 29 32 33 34 37 39 40
43 44 47 51 55 56 57 59 60 64 65 66 68 70
71 72 74 76 77 78 83 84
9 11 13 14 18
28 29 33 37 41
43 44 56 60 66 67
76 77
Hay/Hay Rides/Straw
9 11 18 21
1 5 6 8 9 10 11 13 14 17 18 19
23 29 33 34 36 37 38 39 41
43 44 47 51 59 62 63 64 66 68 70
72 74 76 78 80 82 83 84
Honey/bee products
8 11 14 17 18
29 37 39 41
77 82
14 18
Landscape/Garden Services
2 12
43 53
71 82
Maple Products
1 14 17 21
34 37 41
57 59 63 67
77 82
Medicinal Plants
28 37
44 66
37 41
18 21
11 14 18
11 14
44 57
Prepared Foods/ Baked goods
8 9 11 14 17 18
37 38 41
43 59 60 66 67 68 69
71 72 75 76 77 81 82 84
Pumpkins/melons/ gourds
10 13 14 17 18 19 21
25 34
43 44 47 55 65 67 68
71 72 74 76 77 78 83 84
1 5 8 9 11 13 14 18 19
24 27 28 37 41
43 44 51 60 61 66 68 70
72 76 78 80 83
13 14 17 18
Salad Greens
1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 18 19
23 24 25 28 29 32 34 36 37 38
43 44 47 51 55 56 59 60 61 63 64 67 68 70
71 72 74 76 77 80 84
8 17
44 50
76 82
27 37 41 42
8 18
27 28 41
43 63
1 4 5 8 9 10 11 13 14 17 18 20
22 23 24 25 29 32 33 34 37 38 39 40 41
43 44 46 47 51 55 56 57 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
71 72 74 75 76 77 78 80 82 83 84
Wholesale Supplier
13 14 17 18
29 34 41
44 47 58 60 63 64 68
72 77 80
4 14 16 18
2014-2015 Farm & Food Guide
NOTE: Farm number not page number
New Haven
New London
90 105
114 118 120 124 125 131 133
125 128 131
Windham 147
Cheese/Dairy Christmas trees
Comm. Farm/Garden
90 101 105
86 87 92 94 95 98 101 102 104 105
114 116 117 118 120 124 125 127 131 132
145 147 151 154
Delivery service Educational Programs 87 88 90 93 101 103 105 108 111 113 118 135 Eggs
85 90 93 94 98 102 107
122 124 126 128 131 132 135
136 138
146 151
Farm Stand
85 90 95 97 101 107 112
114 120 126 127 128 131 135
136 141 143
144 147 148 151 152 153
Firewood/forest products
87 90 97 98 101 102 104 107 112
114 115 124 126 129 131 133
94 95 96 99 101 102 107
118 119 120 122 124 131 133 134 135
138 143
144 146 148 151
86 87 91 96 99 101 102 105 106 107 109 112 113
119 120 123 124 125 129 131 132 133 134 135
138 141
145 148 150 151 154
86 93 101 102 104 113
115 120 122 131
137 138 139
151 154
Hay/Hay Rides/Straw
146 147
86 87 90 91 93 94 95 97 102 104 105 107 112 113
115 119 120 122 124 125 129 131 132 133 134 135
136 138 139 141
146 148 150 151 153 154
Honey/bee products
93 94 107 109
120 128 131
93 102
Farm and Garden Inputs
146 146 147 148 151 152 153
Landscape/Garden Services Livestock
85 90 102
127 128
Maple Products
85 86 90 93 102
Medicinal Plants
86 105
115 126 133
145 143
Nursery Pick-Your-Own
98 101
114 124 131
85 93 98
127 128 131
90 93 98
128 131 135
Prepared Foods/ Baked goods
93 102 107
119 122 124 129 131 135
Pumpkins/melons/ gourds
90 94 95 99 102 105 107
114 115 116 119 124 125 131 132 133 135
86 90 100 101 102 103 104 107
114 115 119 120 122 124 126 131 132 133
Salad Greens
86 91 93 94 99 101 102 105 107 112 113
114 119 120 122 123 124 125 126 129 130 131 132 133 134 135
136 137 138
85 93
86 87 90 91 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 112 113
114 115 116 118 119 120 122 123 124 125 126 129 130 131 132 133 134 135
136 137 138 139 141
Wholesale Supplier
93 95 102 105
114 119 120 124 125 134 135
137 138
90 93 102
136 145 151 138
145 147 148 151 145 151 153 154
150 151
Soaps/cosmetics 155 146 144 145 146 147 148 150 151 153 154 144 151 152 153 154 145
organiclandcare.net 203-308-2584
Products & Services by County Index