1 minute read
Spotlight on ... Ox fordshire
by Beau Media
Oxfordshire is a must-visit destination in England , with plenty of activities to offer
Explore the historic city of Oxford , visit the stunning Blenheim Palace, or take a walk in the picturesque Cotswolds. Don't forget to indulge in some local cuisine and cra beer too!
Bo dleian Li braries
A trip to Oxford is incomplete without a visit to the world famous Bodleian L ibraries. e
Bodleian L ibrar y dates back to 1488, with the librar y, as it stands today, opening in 1602 by Sir omas Bodley. In its reading rooms g enerations of famous scholars have studied throug h the ag es, among st them monarchs, Nobel Prize winners, British Prime Ministers and writers including Oscar Wilde, C.S. Lewis and J.R .R . Tolkien.
Explore the histor y of the librar y with the experienced tour g uides on the g uided tours.
Additionally, join the only official Universit y of Oxford Walking Tour with professional and qualified g uides.
To bo ok call +44(0) 1865 287400, ema il tours@bodleian.ox. ac.u k
Blenheim Palace and Waterp err y Gardens are t wo of the mo st beautiful and historic sites in Oxfordshire, UK
Blenheim Palace is a stunning baroque countr y house located in Woodstock Built in the early 18th centur y, it was the birthplace of Sir Winston Churchill and is now a UNESCO World Heritag e Site
e palace boasts 2,000 acres of landscaped g ardens, a lake, and a maze V isitors can explore the State Rooms, the Churchill Exhibition, and take a g uided tour of the palace
Waterperr y Gardens, located nearby, is a horticultural haven
e g ardens feature an ornamental g arden, herbaceous border, and a rose g arden It is a popular spot for g arden enthusiasts, with courses and workshops offered in horticulture, g arden design, and floristr y.
Both Blenheim Palace and Waterperr y Gardens are open year-round and offer a variet y of events and activities From outdoor concerts and festivals to workshops and exhibitions, there is always something to see and do
For more information on Blenheim Palace, visit their website at w ww blenheimpa lace co m.
To learn more about Waterperr y Gardens and their events and workshops, visit their website at w ww.waterperr ygardens.co.uk .