2 minute read
Inspirational Scotland for groups
To see her is to love her, and love but her forever. Robert Burns was never officially in the diplomatic corps, but he could easily have been hospitality ambassador for Scotland. His only part in the machinery of government was his day job as an exciseman - a customs officer in modern parlance. Visit Edinburgh’s Leith Docks; for high tea aboard MV Fingal; a high seas reminiscence aboard the former royal yacht Britannia; or a high retail time at Ocean Terminal shopping mall; and you may even meet his contemporaries at work on the commercial side of the port.
Burns’ lines have a timeless, effortless grace, that transcends any temporary drama in human history. If ever there was a Scot who took the long view, it is the national bard. So, even if your group plans for the current year have been in some turmoil, fear not. Seas between us broad have roared, since days of long ago, but the timeless performance of Scotland’s rich natural and cultural heritage remains, “until all the seas gang dry.”
To see her is to love her, And love but her forever; For nature made her what she is, And never made anither!
…Robert Burns

Inspirational Landscapes
From Highland peaks to Lowland s hores , Scotl and is a canvas of stirring l andscapes Tour your group through the majestic, uniq ue, unf orgettable n ature of Caledonia.
Inspirational Visits
Baronial cas tles in sumptuous groun ds , and city streets steeped in f olklore. Take time out to expl ore
S cotland’s built heritage and history Every step is a new discovery
S cotland’s Crown Jewels ese are the landscapes , the places , the experiences that epitomise
S cotland Add any of these to your S cottish adven ture and your group will be as Caledonian as a haggis s upper and buttered rowie* on Un ion Street of a Saturday n ight
Inspirational Gatherings e skirl of the pipes and the applause of the crowd. Whether it be the colour of the Highl and Games or the frenetic Festival, join in Your group are part of their own Scottis h odyssey
*Culinary Caledonia: haggis supper and a butt ered rowie: a particularly Aberdonian delight of sheep’s offal and oatmeal in a deep-fried batter jacket, wit h a side order of a but ter-rich bread roll, with added butter Bott led IrnBru beverage opt ional Enjoy while strolling t he Granit e City’s mile-long Union St reet Other suppers, other st reets, are availabl e
e Uig Free church of Scotland,Isle of Skye. Shutterstock Monkey Business

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