2 minute read
Isle of Man Isle of Man
Nestled in a strategic location between England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales lies the captivating Isle of Man. Ever y year, this maritime nation warmly embraces countless visitors who are drawn to its enchanting blend of coast al and rural splendors Within a shor t span of time , one can seamlessly transition from the awe-inspiring coastline to the picturesque countr yside With its unique charm, the Isle of Man beckons as an unforgett able destination for group holidays Are you ready to succumb to its irresistible allure and become the next to be captivated by its magic?
Peel Castle
Peel, IM5 1TB
Tel 01624 648090 manxnationalherit age .im
Railway Museum
Por t Erin
St ation Road, Por t Erin,Isle of Man, IM9 6AE
Rushen Abbey Mill Road, Ballasalla, Isle Of Man, IM9 3DB Tel 01624 823048 manxnationalherit age .im
A .R.E Museum
01624 878242 www aremuseum com
Groudle Glen Railway g gr@g gr co uk
Cathedral Isle of Man Derby Road, Peel, Isle of Man, IM5 1HH
Tel +44 (0) 1624 844830 www cathedral im
Foraging Vintners - Craft
Winer y Breakwater Road, Por t Erin, Isle of Man, IM9 6JA www foraging vintners com
Gaiety Theatre
Harris Promenade , Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 2HJ
Tel 01624 694500 www villagaiety com
Great Laxey Wheel and Mine Trail Wheel Hill, Laxey, IM4 7NL
Tel01624 861136 manxnationalherit age im
Great Union Camera Obscura Douglas Head,Douglas, IM1 5BY
Tel+44 (0) 1624 621733
Grove Museum
Andreas Road, Ramsey, Isle Of Man, Isle Of Man, IM8 3UA Tel 01624 812686
Isle of Man Tour Guides 07624 342951 www.isleofmantourguides.org
Inside Tynwald Legislative Buildings, Finch Road, Douglas, IM1 3PW
Tel 01624 685520 www.tynwald.org.im
Isle of Man Railways
Public Transpor t Division, Depar tment of Infrastructure , Transpor t Headquar ters, Banks Circus, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 5PT
Tel: 01624 662525 www.rail.im
Isle of Man Tourism grouptravel@gov im Tel: 01624 686888 www visitisleofman com/groups
Isle of Man Transport Banks Circus, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 5PT publictranspor t@gov im www rail im Tel: 01624 662525
Isle of Man Steam Packet Company 01624 645693 www steam-packet com
Jurby Transport Museum jtminfo@manx.net
Laxey Mines Railway 01624 680186 minerailway@manx net www.laxeyminerailway.im
Leece Museum
01624 845366 www.peelonline .net/leece
Manx Aviation and Militar y Museum 07624 454596 www mapsorg im
Manx National Heritage 01624 648017 www.manxnationalherit age .im
Nautical Museum
Bridge Street,Castletown, IM9 1AX
Tel:01624 824186
The Milntown Estate and Gardens 01624812321 www milntown org
The Old House of Keys Parliament Square , Castletown, IM9 1LA Tel 01624 822306 manxnationalherit age im
Tours Isle of Man 01624 822611 www toursisleofman co uk
Villa Marina and Gaiety Theatre Complex 01624 600555 www villagaiety com
Celebrate the age of the train in the Isle of Man
The Isle of Man is the per fect place to travel back in time –and style – to the glor y days of vint age railways
A unique blend of herit age transpor t makes the island per fect destination for rail fans. Visitors can explore this beautiful island at a leisurely pace with transpor t that exemplifies Victorian ingenuity and engineering.
The Manx Electric Railway runs through exhilarating coast al scener y, from Ramsey in the nor th to the capit al Douglas Passengers can also switch travel mode at Laxey and board the Snaefell Mount ain Railway, which pulls passengers to the summit of the island ’ s only mount ain.
The Steam Railway st ar ts from Douglas and heads south. Along the way, you can alight at the historic harbour town of Castletown, dominated by the fascinating Castle Rushen Stunning beach village Por t Erin is the final destination The st ation houses a rail museum, while the location is a base for kayaking and other sea-based adventures www.rail.im