2015 Stewardship Renewal
“Serve one another as good stewards” -1 Peter 4:10
“Serve one another as good stewards” The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) begins by describing Christian stewardship with one simple verse:
Our Lord and Savior has endowed all of us with great gifts. It varies with each person and walk of life. Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church parishioners live out these gifts by making good use of their time, talent and treasure for building up one another. As we grow in service to each other, let us also recognize our call to serve our brothers and sisters. Mass at CtR
“What identifies a steward? Safeguarding material and human resources and using them responsibly are one answer; so is generous giving of time, talent, and treasure. But being a Christian steward means more. As Christian stewards, we receive God’s gifts gratefully, cultivate them responsibly, share them lovingly in justice with others, and return them with increase to the Lord.” From A Summary of the U.S. Bishops’ Pastoral Letter on Stewardship 2
Love Thy Neighbor Dear friends in Christ, In these early days of the new year, we give thanks to God from whom all blessings flow. It is in that spirit of thanksgiving that we are invited to prayerfully contemplate what it means to be a good steward of the many gifts we have received from God. It is my hope that this small brochure will serve as an introduction to the variety of ministries and volunteer opportunities that await all of us who call Christ the Redeemer home.
Archdiocesan-wide Adult Confirmation
In the Parable of Talents (Luke 19:11-27), Jesus teaches that “whoever has, more will be given.” Have you ever met anyone who has not been blessed by God? It’s not possible! Our God is a loving and giving God, and though all of us suffer hardships in life from time to time, we are all God’s children and we all have been given many gifts and talents to use in His service. Some of our parishioners have been here since the parish began in 1980. Others of us are new to the community. Rest assured, however, that we have a single vision as a parish sent by Christ on “mission” to preach His word with lives of action, lives of peace. Please use this brochure as a guide to help you find ways that you may share your gifts with our parish family. In that way, we all help bring about the kingdom here on earth. The idea of stewardship – of using wisely our gifts – is at the heart of the Parable of the Talents and it is at the heart of Christ the Redeemer Church. I urge you to prayerfully consider how you can return to God just a portion of how you have been blessed. Read over the ministries and organizations listed here. Certainly one (or more!) speaks to your heart and your gifts. As we continue to expand our outreach as a parish community to more and more people, I pray that we will all return to God the gift of our time, talent and treasure so that in serving Him we might truly serve our Church and all of God’s people. Yours in Christ the Redeemer, Rev. Sean P. Horrigan Pastor
A Steward’s Way “The life of a Christian steward models the life of Jesus. It is challenging and even difficult, in many respects, yet intense joy comes to those who take the risk to live as Christian stewards. Women and men who seek to live as stewards learn that ‘all things work for good for those who love God’ (Rom 8:28).” “After Jesus, we look to Mary Genesis ECP May Crowning as an ideal steward. As the Mother of Christ, she lived her ministry in a spirit of fidelity and service; she responded generously to the call. We must ask ourselves: Do we also wish to be disciples of Jesus Christ and Christian stewards of our world and our Church? Central to our human and Christian vocations, as well as to the unique vocation each one of us receives from God, is that we be good stewards of the gifts we possess. God gives us this divine-human workshop, this world and Church of ours.
The Spirit shows us the way. Stewardship is a part of that journey.” From A Summary of the U.S. Bishops’ Pastoral Letter on Stewardship
Stewardship of Time “I could do something if only I had more time.” “There aren’t enough hours in the day.” “Where did the time go?” You’ve probably heard these popular excuses about time. You’ve more than likely uttered them yourself. There is never enough time for us to get done all of the things we wish to do in a day, a week, a month or even a year.
But what about making time? “I must make time to do…” What do you make time for in your life? When we use our time wisely, we feel rejuvenated and able to take on more tasks. So what is wisely? If we share our time — for prayer, service and friendship — we make a basic investment in ourselves and the lives of others. More than anything else, the way we spend our time reveals our priorities. At the top of these priorities should be spending time with our Lord and Father, in particular through Mass and the Holy Eucharist. So the question is, are you spending your time wisely?
For Reflection: • • • •
Do I use my time wisely? What do I make time for in my day? Do I try to devote at least five to 15 minutes to prayer daily? How can I pray regularly with my family and friends?
“For this reason, love for God and neighbor is the first and greatest commandment. Sacred Scripture, however, teaches us that the love of God cannot be separated from love of neighbor: ‘If there is any other commandment, it is summed up in this saying: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.... Love therefore is the fulfillment of the Law’ (Rom. 13:9-10; cf. 1 John 4:20). To men growing daily more dependent on one another, and to a world becoming more unified every day, this truth proves to be of paramount importance.” Gaudium et Spes, 24
Stewardship of Talent Cantor at the Rite of Election
The beauty of humanity is that God created each of us different. Different hearts. Different minds. Different spirits. The mystery is that, at the same time, we are all of one mind, one heart and one spirit. Using one’s talents to exemplify both your individuality and your oneness with the Church is a magnificent expression of God’s love and grace. Serving others while using your specific talents can be a source of immense joy and fulfillment for you, personally. The benefits that the community as a whole can reap are also vast.
What talents do you have that can better serve yourself and your community? For Reflection:
• What activities make me the most happy? • How can I use my talents to serve CtR and the Cypress area? • Is there a prayer group or club at CtR that may interest me and my family? • When was the last time I volunteered? Angel Corps
Stewardship of Treasure Guide for Giving
Giving financially in solidarity and Annual Income 5% Weekly Gift service to others $10,000 $10 is a great gift that 20,000 19 the Lord gives His 30,000 29 children. He entrusts 50,000 48 us with monetary 75,000 72 wealth so we can use it for the growth 100,000 96 and expansion of all 125,000 120 of mankind. Christ 150,000 144 the Redeemer asks 200,000 192 each family to work toward giving the biblical tithe: five percent of income to the parish offertory, one percent to the diocese and four percent to other charities (including second collections, Catholic education and our Capital Campaign). This tithing is only possible if we recognize our place in the world and our invaluable ability to serve our neighbors through financial means. Giving is a part of who we are as human beings and each person should give according to their specific situation. No gift is too small! CtR can offer assistance, through outside programs, with budgeting, fiscal discipline and overall financial stewardship.
“The Lord loves a cheerful giver. May we learn to be generous in giving, free from the love of material possessions.� - Pope Francis 7
Sacraments and Liturgy
Easter Baptism
SACRAMENTS Adult Confirmation Catholic adults who never received the Sacrament of Confirmation are encouraged to if they are active in their faith. The formation process focuses on those who are ready, through maturity and a change of heart, to respond more deeply to God’s invitation of love. Unlike adolescent confirmation, adult confirmation attempts to integrate the richness of life experiences by listening and reflecting on how God has faithfully walked with them on life’s journey. Contact Deacon Jack Alexander, Director of Adult Faith Formation and RCIA, at jalexander@ctrcc.com. Baptism Team The Baptism Team teaches parents and godparents about the Sacrament of Baptism for infants (0-6 years old). They assist the clergy in answering questions in the “pre-baptism” meetings, as well as assist the celebrant on the day of a child’s baptism. Baptism classes are from 7-9 p.m. on the first and second Mondays of each month. Baptism ceremonies are held on the second and third Sunday and fourth Saturday of each month. Team members usually teach one Monday and assist at one ceremony each month. Contact Baptism Team Coordinators Ken and Charlotte Conner at ken_char@comcast.net or call the Parish Office at 281-469-5533.
Confirmation Preparation Youth are prepared for the Sacrament of Confirmation through a twoyear process beginning as early as 9th grade. The process includes Faith Formation classes with good attendance, an annual weekend retreat and service opportunities. Contact Rachel Poyo, Director of Youth Evangelization and Catechesis, at rpoyo@ctrcc.com. First Reconciliation, First Eucharist Preparation for the celebration of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist for children is separate from Religious Education classes. For children 2nd to 5th grade, preparation includes parent participation. For middle school youth in 6th through 8th grade, we require an interview for 8th graders. Registration for all ages begins at the parent information meeting in the spring. Elementary preparation sessions begin the following fall semester and again in the spring. Middle school preparation sessions should begin the following year. One year of R.E. prior to preparation is strongly encouraged for all ages. Contact Annette O’Driscoll, Coordinator of Sacraments, at annette. odriscoll@ctrcc.com.
Vocations Committee Engaged Encounter With the Sacrament of Holy Orders comes the discussion of vocations. The goal of our Vocations Committee is to foster and support vocations to the priesthood, consecrated life and Marriage permanent deaconate by creating The Family Life Office offers many a “culture of vocations” within the programs for couples in all stages of parish. The Vocations Committee is marriage. It offers programs for the made up of adults promoting vocations newly married, Engaged Encounters, in various ways in the parish. New validation of civil marriages, 10 members are always welcome! Contact Great Dates series and more. Contact Lu Gunn at lugunn@hotmail.com. Margaret Carnicle, Director of Family Life, at mcarnicle@ctrcc.com. Marriage Sponsor Couples Marriage Sponsor Couples is a parishbased program in which a married couple serves as a “sponsor” to an engaged couple. In five sessions, the sponsor couple helps prepare the engaged couple for the Sacrament of Marriage. All sessions are conducted in the home of the sponsor couple. A one-time training session is necessary to learn the program. A sponsor couple can expect to sponsor one to two engaged couples per year. Membership is open to any married couple living in a valid Catholic marriage who is willing to share their marriage experiences with an engaged couple. Contact Margaret Carnicle, Director of Family Life, at mcarnicle@ ctrcc.com.
Acolytes Acolytes are commissioned by the Archdiocese to serve the faithful and assist the priest or deacon in the celebration of the liturgy. Any man discerning service as an acolyte must be a trained Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion and have served as a sacristan for at least one year. Contact Carol Moses, Director of Liturgy, at cmoses@ctrcc.com. Altar Linens Members of the altar linens group clean the various altar linens and altar server robes used at Mass each week. Commitment is once a month. Contact Belinda Richardson at bel_ vic@sbcglobal.net or 281-463-8150.
Altar Servers Altar Server This ministry provides the younger members of the parish an opportunity to function as lay ministers by reverently assisting the celebrant and/ or deacon during Sunday Mass and special liturgies throughout the year. Individuals must have completed the 4th grade. Adults and high school students can also serve as mentors. Each new server is required to attend two formation sessions before being added to the roster and all must attend one update session each year. Contact Anita Ellison at 281-8901067 or anita.ellison77@comcast.net. Art and Environment The goal of the Art and Environment team is to create an environment in the church that enhances prayer and worship according to the liturgical times and seasons. A variety of talents are needed. Having a background in art and interior design, wood working, lighting, sewing, and floral arrangements is a plus. Painters and volunteers are needed to help complete some seasonal environments inside and outside the church. The team meets to plan and/or prepare. Contact Patty Arnett at 281-373-1425 or parnett@sbcglobal.net. Children’s Liturgy of the Word Children’s Liturgy of the Word is a worship experience that allows children to hear the Scriptures in words they understand. The program follows the same structure as the
Liturgy of the Word for the entire assembly. It is scheduled during select Sunday morning liturgies during the school year. A desire to share God’s word with children is a must and individuals who participate must be VIRTUS trained. Contact Donna Heath at 281-550-8451 or donnasteven@yahoo. com. Eucharistic Ministry to the Sick The Eucharistic Ministry to the Sick provides Eucharistic visitation to those unable to attend Mass, such as the homebound, nursing home residents and those who are hospitalized. A homebound parishioner is someone who is unable to attend Mass because of an illness or physical impairment. This includes hospice patients. Our Parish Office staff receives the request for a visit. A member of the ministry is assigned and brings the Eucharist to the parishioner’s home or bedside. Individuals interested in joining this ministry must be trained as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion and must be VIRTUS trained. They must also be compassionate and ready to visit when and where they are needed. The minimum commitment is a two-hour visit to one of the facilities once a month or a 30-minute weekly visit to a homebound parishioner. Contact Truman and Mary Ann Davis at 281256-1210 or twdmad@sbcglobal.net.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) assist the celebrant with the distribution of the Eucharist during Mass and Eucharistic celebrations. Interested registered parishioners must be faithful Catholics who have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and First Eucharist, are at least 18 years of age, and are in good standing with the Church. EHMCs receive spiritual, theological and practical preparation to fulfill their roles with knowledge and reverence. Formation sessions are throughout the year and commitment for one year is suggested. Contact Anne Marie Brandt at annemarie. brandt@yahoo.com. God’s Housekeepers Members of God’s Housekeepers meet each Monday morning to maintain the cleanliness of the church. Contact Gilberto and Martha Pena, 281-3739331 or mpena75@comcast.com.
Caroline Champness at champness@ comcast.net. Lectors Lectors proclaim the word of God clearly so that all who hear may respond. Lectors are scheduled for weekend Masses about once a month, and are asked to proclaim the word at weekday Masses whenever present. New lectors are required to attend an initial formation session or two, which includes practicing public proclamation from the ambo with feedback from fellow lectors. Individuals must be at least 18 years old, possess a strong public speaking voice and have a commitment to study Scripture. Practice sessions are offered periodically at church, and home preparation is suggested. Contact Ken Atchison at 281-373-1966 or ken. atchison@gmail.com. Liturgy Assistance Ministry The members of this ministry help with printing formation packets, preparation of the church for weekend Masses, as well as provide assistance during Holy Week and Christmas. Contact Carol Moses, Director of Liturgy, at cmoses@ctrcc.com.
Greeters/Ushers Greeters and ushers help build hospitality within the church and reverently provide assistance or specific direction to those in need before, during and after the Greeter/Usher liturgy. The commitment is flexible. They can serve at the Mass of their choosing one Sunday per month. Training is provided. Interested parishioners need to be at least 18 years old or a senior in high school. Greeters must be at least 14 years old. Contact
Mass Coordinators Mass Coordinators help schedule Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion by Mass. They send reminders and arrive early to their selected Mass to check-in EMHC’s. Contact Anne Marie Brandt at annemarie.brandt@yahoo.com. Sacristans During each Mass, sacristans assist, facilitate and coordinate preparations for the liturgy. This may include assisting other ministries at that Mass. Anyone discerning service as a sacristan will serve first as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion for at least two years and must be VIRTUS trained. In all situations, it is their duty to find workable solutions so that the liturgy is celebrated as planned and the assembly may reverently worship and invite God’s presence into their lives. Time commitments vary from one Mass per month to a full weekend of Masses (depending on available sacristans). One-onone training with other sacristans is also available until a comfort level and proficiency are achieved, and the pastor’s approval is received. Contact Ofelia Carrasco, Liturgy Assistant, at ocarrasco@ctrcc.com or 832-579-8206. Sewing Group The Sewing Ministry creates baptismal bibs for infants at baptism. No sewing experience is needed to join this
ministry since some tasks do not require sewing. Individuals are asked to commit four hours a month to assembling baptismal bibs. The group meets from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the third Saturday of each month in Room 302. Contact Jeanne Netardus at 281970-1816 or jen_m1165@hotmail.com.
MUSIC Music Ministry The Music Ministry provides music leadership for all parish liturgies, including Masses, weddings, funerals, and prayer and reconciliation services. Parishioners are invited to share their musical talents through the Music Ministry. Contact Director of Music Ministries Bridget Wenk at bwenk@ ctrcc.com. CtR Choir
CtR Choir (Adult) The Christ the Redeemer Choir sings at the 9 a.m. Sunday Mass and major parish liturgies. Rehearsals are from 7-9 p.m. on Thursdays in the church. Requirements include a love of music, a desire to sing, the ability to carry a tune and a willingness to make a commitment to the group.
Choristers (grades are youth and adults. Cantor during Mass Practice is at 7 p.m. 3 - 7) every Tuesday. Sunday This choir is for 3rd setup is at 3:30 p.m. through 7th grade and warm-up begins at students. They 4 p.m. Contact Mark normally sing twice Dolce at dolce.tm@att. a month at the 11 com. a.m. Sunday Mass and for other parish celebrations. Members CtR Ringers learn basic voice and Handbells choral techniques as Handbells are a well as liturgical and rich tradition in catechetical lessons. many churches Rehearsals are 5-6:30 that enhances the p.m. on Tuesdays in the Parish Office, music with their mystical sounds. Room 111. Bell ringing is intergenerational. The CtR Ringers play for various Youth Singers (grades 8 - 12) liturgies throughout the Church year. The Youth Singers are in grades 8 Largo Ringers - middle school and through 12 and sing twice a month at beginners - rehearse 6:30-7:30 p.m. the 11 a.m. Sunday Mass. In addition on Mondays. Allegro Ringers - high to singing with the Choir, members school and adults who can read music have the opportunity to audition to be - rehearse 7:30-9 p.m. on Monday cantors for the Masses at which they evenings. Contact Julie Weinmann at sing. Rehearsals are from 7-8:30 p.m. weinmann13426@gmail.com. on Mondays in the church. Instrumentalists Cantors Instrumentalists are invited to enhance Cantors primarily lead the assembly the worship at Mass through their in singing the psalms during Mass. talents and gifts. Contact the Director When a choir is not present, cantors of Music Ministries to volunteer. will lead the congregation during all hymns. Auditions are required and training is available on an individual basis. Contemporary Ensemble The Contemporary Ensemble sings at the 5 p.m. Mass every Sunday. This group ministers through guitars, piano, drums and other instruments. Members
Instrumentalists during Mass
Sound Board Operator These parishioners are needed to monitor the sound board at any Masses where choirs sing, usually 9 and 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. Sundays. An ear for music and attentiveness to sound are the qualifications. All other training will be provided. Resurrection Choir This new choir will minister to those mourning the death of a loved one by singing at funeral Masses. Qualifications include an ability to sing and availability on weekday mornings.
Grow in Faith RELIGIOUS EDUCATION FOR CHILDREN Religious Education The mission of Christ the Redeemer’s Religious Education program is to bring the “Good News” of God’s love to all children and their families and call them to commit their lives to Christ. R.E. classes are available for
Vacation Bible School
children, Preschool through 7th grade. Students from 8th grade through high school are under the instruction of the Youth Ministry. We encourage parents to be parishioners of CtR when registering students for R.E. classes. Catholic Children’s Camp Catholic Children’s Camp is for students entering 3rd-6th grade in the fall. CCC takes place from 9:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m. the third week of July. We play games, make crafts, sing, and learn about our Catholic faith all while having fun serving God and others! A closing Mass wraps up the week. We need volunteers (8th grade and up). All volunteers 18 and older must be VIRTUS trained. Contact Jill Dimiceli, Director of CCC, at jdimiceli@ctrcc. com. Vacation Bible School Vacation Bible School is the third week of June and is open to children age 3 (potty trained) through entering 5th grade in the fall. Adult leaders are needed to facilitate group songs, VBS activities, decorating, and support for planning and organizing. Teens in 8th grade or older can serve as counselors. All volunteers 18 and older must be VIRTUS trained. Contact Jill Dimiceli, Director of VBS, at jdimiceli@ctrcc. com.
Youth Minstry
Christ the Redeemer Youth Ministry (CtRYM) is committed to leading all youth into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ so that they know His unconditional love. CtRYM has tons of activities for teens including Bible studies, mission trips and service projects. Contact Rachel Poyo, Director of Youth Evangelization and Catechesis, at rpoyo@ctrcc.com. Also, visit ctryouth.com. Faith Formation Youth Ministry handles the Faith Formation of all students in grades 7-12. Students in 7th and 8th grades will attend Rise on Wednesdays. Students in 9-12 grades will attend Encounter on Sundays. Encounter - High School Youth Encounter is a high energy way for teens of CtR to come together, experience a faith-based program just for them and have an Encounter with Christ. We meet from 6:45-8:30 p.m. on Sundays in the Parish Life Center. Students can register for Encounter through the Faith Formation registration process. Contact Bryan Smyth, Coordinator of High School Ministry, at bsmyth@ctrcc.com. Rise – Middle School Youth Rise is a high energy way for teens of CtR to come together and experience a faith-based program just for them. We meet from 6:45-8:15 p.m. on Wednesdays in the Youth Room.
Students in 7th and 8th grade attend Rise for their Faith Formation. Contact Lauren Koath, Coordinator of Middle School Ministry, at lkoath@ctrcc.com. Summer Camps and Activities Our Middle School Summer Camp is a week-long day camp for students in grades 6-8. Our days are packed with games, music and adventure all while growing in your faith. Each day begins with 9 a.m. Mass followed by the morning session in the Youth Room, which includes a short teaching, small groups and prayer activities. After lunch, we load the buses and head to awesome places such as Battlefield Houston, Cosmic Jump and Iron Sports. On Thursday, we spend the day at Splashtown. CtRYM also has weekly activities throughout the summer for teens. Tuesday Mass and Breakfast, Wednesday Hang Out at Wortham Park and Thursday Open Youth Room are favorites. For more information, visit ctryouth.com.
Parent CORPS Parent Community Organizing to Recruit Parents for Service, or Parent CORPS, is an organization for all adults, whether parents of 6th through 12th grade students or not, to provide support for the Youth Ministry. Working with the Youth Ministry is an excellent opportunity to glorify God by using your talents and skills. They improve communication between the Youth Ministry Office and parents and provide opportunities for parents to witness to service through organizing, chaperoning and helping with youth activities. Consider being involved during your children’s teenage faith formation years. Contact Patrick and Marie Kelly at 281-373-0131 or parent.corps@att.net. Teen Leaders Incoming 10-12th grade students can serve as teen leaders for Rise, our middle school youth group, for the 2014-15 school year. Contact Lauren Koath, Coordinator of Middle School Ministry, at lkoath@ctrcc.com. Prayer Warriors Prayer Warriors are people who are willing to pray and fast for the Youth Ministry Department. They will pray for the teens, the youth ministers and all volunteers. We cannot effectively minister without people who are willing to cover us in prayer (Ephesians 6). We send out a weekly email with prayer requests.
Youth Minstry FoodFast
Contact Rachel Poyo, Director of Youth Evangelization and Catechesis, at rpoyo@ctrcc.com. Men’s/Women’s Discipleship Group Students in high school who are looking to grow deeper in their faith are encouraged to attend a genderbased discipleship group that meets twice a month. We desire to grow individually in the disciplines of being a follower of Christ such as prayer, reading Scripture, sharing our faith and community. Gentlemen contact Bryan Smyth, Coordinator of High School Youth, and ladies contact Rachel Poyo, Director of Youth Evangelization and Catechesis.
Genesis ECP
GENESIS EARLY CHILDHOOD PROGRAM Our purpose is to provide a loving Catholic Christian environment where children learn through participation in developmental and age-appropriate experiences. Our curriculum provides activities to support and enhance each child’s spiritual, cognitive, social, emotional, physical, creative and language development. Our Preschool programs are: 18 months old - Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday OR 2–4 years old - Monday, Wednesday and Friday or Tuesday and Thursday. Contact Genesis ECP at 832-678-5432 or Director Mary Davis at mdavis@ctrcc.com.
We are the newest school in the Archdiocese of GalvestonHouston. We start at Pre-K and will add a grade level each year up to 8th grade. Our purpose is to foster academic excellence with a love of God and neighbor that inspires and challenges our children to become leaders who proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and action. We are rooted in Catholic tradition and values with an eye toward the future. Because of our state-of-the-art facilities, we are able to provide cutting-edge educational tools and resources. Our curriculum is challenging and interactive, which helps our students engage by expressing his/ her learning style. We offer tablets and laptops to our students. Pre-K has the opportunity to use a classroom set of 20 tablets. Kindergarten through 2nd grade use individual tablets. Also, 3rd through 8th grades receive Chromebook laptops. Tours are conducted at 10 a.m. on Wednesdays by appointment. Come grow and learn with us! Contact us at 281-469-8440 or visit ctrschool. com. First day of CtR Catholic School
Catholic Scripture Study ACTS Retreat Catholic Scripture Study is a program ACTS (Adoration, Community, whose members not only learn Theology and Service) is Trinitarian the Scriptures, but come to deeper and Christocentric in scope and spirit. understanding of their Catholic faith It consciously emphasizes the mystery in a setting that builds Christian of God and the plan of salvation, fellowship. CSS leading to the runs weekly from Father, through September to May. Preparing for Bible Study the Son, in the Each year, CSS will release a new fullHoly Spirit. The length feature study goals of the ACTS to add to the course retreat are to allow material. Classes an opportunity are suitable for for men/women beginners through to focus on their advanced levels. faith and its The study includes application during lectures on DVD their daily lives, that accompany to build purpose each week’s lesson in their prayer given by Catholic life, to increase priests. Contact Angie Hall at 281their presence at 373-0631 or angelica. the liturgy, and to hall@sbcglobal.net. cultivate friendship among members of the church community. Contact Collegeville Adult Bible Study Charlotte Conner, Parish Secretary, at The Collegeville Adult Bible Study cconner@ctrcc.com. uses the Collegeville commentary and emphasizes the Catholic outlook Alive in the Spirit and application of Bible wisdom Alive in the Spirit demonstrates how to everyday life. The study looks at CtR parishioners celebrate Christ’s love history, culture, politics and morals through song. It is truly fellowship and features reading and discussion. founded in Christ. It is an evening of The study is done in a group setting. praise and worship music, Scripture, New students are welcome at any food and fellowship in a relaxed time. Join us from 7-9 p.m. on atmosphere. It is from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Thursdays. Contact Ministry Leader on the second Friday of the month in the Community Center. It is for young Rosemary Potter at 713-856-5314 or rosemary28@comcast.net. adults and older. Contact Deacon Jack Alexander, Director of Adult Faith Formation and RCIA, at jalexander@
Financial Peace University Learn how to better manage your money and your life. CtR hosts Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University to teach God’s way of handling money. The nine-week class is Dave Ramsey’s sessions on video followed by a smallgroup discussion. You can attend the first lesson of FPU totally free. You will then be given the opportunity to purchase your lifetime membership, which includes all of the FPU lessons and class materials. Membership kits are $100 per family. Contact Gary Boudreaux at nimittag@gmail.com.
holistic approach, looking at the entire Bible and how all of its parts work together. It is grounded in history, yet vibrantly connected to the life of the Church today. Classes are offered at 10 a.m. on Tuesdays in Spanish, and English classes are held at 7 p.m. on Tuesdays and 10 a.m. on Thursdays. Contact Pat Decker at patzdecker@ sbcglobal.net. That Man Is You! That Man is You! is an interactive, multimedia men’s program focused on the development of authentic male leadership. It harmonizes current social and medical science with the teachings of the Church and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of man fully alive. It is particularly indebted to the teachings of the Second Vatican Council and St. John Paul II. Men of the CtR parish can join us from 5:45-7:30 a.m. every Thursday in the Community Center. Breakfast will be available. Contact Bud Montang at bmontang@gmail. com.
Friday Morning Women’s Bible Study The Friday Morning Women’s Bible Study is on the eternal word of God. We welcome women of any age and denomination. Better understand the meaning of and the reasons for many of our Catholic traditions and practices. Find out how important it is to read the Old Testament in light of the New. No sign-up required. They meet from 10 a.m. to noon on Fridays in the Parish Office, Room 112. Contact Journey Through Scripture Bible Study, Michele Kuxhausen at Presenter Training michelekuxhausen@ sbcglobal.net. Journey Through Scripture Journey Through Scripture (JTS) is a parish-based Bible study program facilitated by the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology. Distinctively Catholic, JTS takes a
Theology of the Body In this DVD-study, author and theologian Christopher West unfolds God’s amazing plan for humanity as he addresses the most fundamental and universal questions about the purpose of life, sexuality, happiness and fulfillment. Given to us by St. John Paul II, Theology of the Body is renewing marriages, awakening vocations, healing deep personal wounds and setting people free to live the life of greatness to which we are all called. If you have a body, this study is for you! “An Introduction to Theology of the Body” is an eightpart DVD and workbook study for Easter Baptisms adults: singles over 18 and engaged and married couples. The study will be facilitated by a deacon and TOB-trained small group leaders. The cost is $15. Contact Deacon Jack Alexander, Director of Adult Faith Formation, at jalexander@ ctrcc.com.
RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, or RCIA, is the process through which individuals, adults and children, journey to learn more about the Catholic faith. This journey is
traveled with the anticipation of being initiated into the Roman Catholic faith. We offer a year-round process at Christ the Redeemer, so interested persons may start their journey at any time. The process begins with an initial conversation with the director. Contact Julie Cook, Coordinator of RCIA, at rcia@ctrcc.com. RCIA Classes Adults: Inquiry sessions take place from 7-8:30 p.m. every Wednesday in Room 301 of the chapel building. Babysitting is provided if needed. Catechumenate sessions begin with 9 a.m. Mass on Sunday and conclude in Room 301. The time commitment is nine to 24 months depending on each individual situation. Children/Youth: The youth process runs concurrent with the adult process. It begins with the inquiry process, which meets from 7-8:30 p.m. on Wednesdays in the Parish Office, Rooms 111 and 112. During the inquiry sessions the group focuses on recognizing God’s call. Youth catechumenate sessions are held on Sunday mornings. They begin with 9 a.m. Mass and conclude in Rooms 204 and 207 of the Parish Life Center. The time commitment is 15 to 24 months depending on individual needs.
Adult Confirmation
RCIA Sponsors Because no journey should be traveled alone, this ministry needs people willing to share their faith with those preparing to become Catholic Christians. Sponsors must be confirmed Catholics (16 years and older), active in the Catholic faith and willing to share their faith with others.
SPIRITUAL ENRICHMENT AND PRAYER Becoming One With God Becoming One With God is a seasonal prayer group that helps people deepen their prayer and relationship with God. Fr. Orrin Halepeska, Parochial Vicar at CtR, leads the group in prayerful discussion and teaches participants methods for developing personal prayer. All interested in understanding the art of prayer and forming a loyal relationship with our Redeemer are welcome. Contact Margaret Carnicle, Director of Family Life, at mcarnicle@ ctrcc.com. G.R.A.C.E. - Women’s Prayer Group Growing Relationships in a Christian Environment (G.R.A.C.E.) meets
from 8:30-10 a.m. on the second and fourth Saturdays of every month in the Parish Office, Room 112. No preparation is required, just the desire to grow spiritually as individuals within a community of believers. Adult women (no children) use a guide book to reflect on Scripture readings, meditate, journal and share their experiences while developing new friendships and strengthening relationships. Contact Fredna Kilcommins at 281-304-0717 or kilcommins@aol.com. Catholic Men’s Fellowship Catholic Men’s Fellowship is a ministry dedicated to developing the faith-lives of Catholic men, allowing them to embrace and exemplify the Catholic life in the world today. Ministry members meet to reflect on Scripture and the teachings of the Church as well as share their experiences to reach a fuller understanding of the faith, their own lives and those they encounter. Catholic Men’s Fellowship meets from 7-8:30 a.m. on the second and fourth Saturdays of every month in the Parish Office, Room 111. (Please enter through the rear entrance.) Contact Brian Caravantes at 281-433-4528 or brian.caravantes@gmail.com. Rosary for Priests We meet every Thursday morning for a rosary after 9 a.m. daily Mass to pray for the holy priesthood and vocations. No training needed – all are welcome! Contact Maria Barber at 832-275-7962 or mebarber@sbcglobal.net.
Spirituality Reading Club The Spirituality Reading Club (SRC) explores the heart and stretches the spirit. SRC challenges people to reach beyond a surface relationship with God to explore other’s ideas and commentaries on our Christian faith. Fr. Orrin Halepeska, Parochial Vicar at CtR, leads the group in discussion. He facilitates deep conversation that allows participants to express their beliefs and find answers to tough questions the books may present. The club meets at 10 a.m. on Monday and 7 p.m. on Tuesday during the fourth week of every month. Please read the book before class each month. Contact Margaret Carnicle, Director of Family Life, at mcarnicle@ctrcc.com.
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Parishioners are encouraged to spend an hour each week before the real presence of Christ in adoration and prayer. Commit to spend just one
hour a week in the chapel. The chapel is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Visitors and unscheduled adorers are also welcome to spend time with the Lord in adoration. Newly-registered parishioners are warmly welcomed to participate in this ministry, and all are encouraged to discover the blessings of Eucharistic adoration. Contact George Valdez at 832-489-9389 or gvaldez@pdq.net.
COUPLE/MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT Marriage Enrichment Activities: CtR Date Night CtR offers various marriage enrichment programs for Date Night. For instance, we have “10 Great Dates,” “Six Great Dates for Catholic Couples” and “Beautitudes for Couples.” Dates are held the third Friday of each month. Topics do not build on each other, so you do not need to attend every month to benefit from this great program. Childcare is provided at a small fee. Contact Brad and Michele Snyder at michele-snyder@att.net.
Natural Family Planning Engaged and married couples in Natural Family Planning (NFP) classes learn a method of family planning which is safe, effective and consistent with good moral practice according to Church teachings. NFP is an umbrella term for certain methods used to achieve and avoid pregnancies. NFP is also low-cost, healthy and good for communication in marriage. It can also help couples who have low fertility to get pregnant. CtR offers two different forms of NFP: Sympto-Thermo Fertility Method and Creighton Fertility Model. NFP is also always welcoming couples who would like to teach classes in the parish. Contact Margaret Carnicle, Director of Family Life, at mcarnicle@ ctrcc.com.
and Melanie Gehrt at 281-970-5921 or cypressa.teamsofourlady@gmail. com. Familia - Family Life in America Familia is a four-year Catholic study program that helps women understand God’s plan for them as a woman, wife and mother. Over the years, you will dissect teachings of the Church, written by St. John Paul II, on the family and feminism. We’ll couple that with Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church to learn how to lead yourself and your family to Christ. In doing so, you’ll find peace, balance and joy in your life. It is truly a gift for you, your marriage and your family. Contact Michele Snyder at michelesnyder@att.net.
Piece Makers at the Spring Festival
Teams of Our Lady Teams of Our Lady (T.O.O.L.) is for Catholic married couples who search for Christ in their marriages and everyday lives. Marriage is a challenge whether a couple is newlywed, raising a family or “empty nesters.” T.O.O.L. offers couples a way to grow together in faith and love. Along with other couples, they find support in their efforts to lead lives that reflect the Gospel message. Each team of couples meets monthly for food, fellowship, study and prayer. T.O.O.L. is under the patronage of the Blessed Mother, Mary. Her canticle of joy, the Magnificat, is the daily prayer of T.O.O.L. All interested should attend an information meeting. Contact Greg
Get Involved Adult Game Day Adults enjoy games, fun and fellowship each week. Bring your lunch, learn new games and make new friends. They meet from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. every Thursday in the Parish Office, Room 111. Contact Becky Krolczyk at rkrolczyk@sbcglobal.net.
Advent By Candlelight Advent by Candlelight is a special evening for women to become renewed and refreshed before the Christmas rush begins. In an elegant atmosphere, lit only by candlelight, guests are served a delightful dessert by a table hostess. The program includes uplifting Scripture readings, music and reflections focused on the Advent season. Table hostess registration opens annually on Oct. 1. Tables seat eight people – one hostess and seven invited guests – and are limited to the first 45 registrants. Any woman of the parish can be a table hostess. Contact Kelli Blankenburg at 281-304-9832 or mk6blankenburg@sbcglobal.net.
The Classics St. Patrick’s Day Celebration
The Classics – 50+ Group The Classics provides fellowship and fun for individuals more than 50 years of age through social and spiritual activities. In addition, the members of this ministry seek to help and serve one another and the community, and participate in community-wide and Archdiocesan functions as a single unit. Members of the Classics meet on
the third Sunday of most months for fellowship, planning events, sharing a meal and the occasional guest speaker. Additional activities include a monthly bus trip and hosting the Sweet Shop at the Spring Festival. Contact Ann Muench at 281-888-9964 or asmuench@comcast.net. Neighborhood Brunch Neighborhood Brunch gathers parishioners by neighborhood for fellowship and food. Each month a neighborhood is selected to host a pot luck event for CtR parishioners from that area. Our hope is to foster a sense of community beyond the walls of CtR. It’s a chance for people to make new friends out of the strangers they see at Mass each week. CtR priests, deacons and staff will be there too! Everyone is invited to participate in this ministry. Contact Alba Ayala at 832-875-9399 or albaayala@gmail. com. Nursery Details Noah’s Place Noah’s Place, one of the two CtR nurseries, is located off the narthex in the main church. This nursery is open all year during the 9 and 11 a.m. Sunday Masses, except on Christmas and Easter. Children need to be 6 months old (able to sit) through 3 years old.
The Ark St. Joseph Altar The Ark is next to the Parish Office. It is open during the 9 and 11 a.m. Sunday Masses when school is in session. CtR follows the Cy-Fair Independent School District calendar. The Ark has the same age requirements as volunteers are needed to carry out Noah’s Place. It is also available during a variety of Festival tasks, and time ministry meetings and events with no commitments vary accordingly. age limit. To find out if your ministry Parishioners are needed to volunteer or group has scheduled The Ark to be in all capacities. Please refer to the open, contact your ministry leader or bulletin or Festival booth after the staff liaison. The nursery is monitored weekend Masses each spring for details by VIRTUS-trained CtR employees and volunteer sign ups. Contact Mike and does not accept volunteers. and Camille Havelka at 281-373-5322 or havelka@sbcglobal.net. Parish Social Activities This group serves the community by St. Anne’s Society planning and supporting parish social St. Anne’s is a ministry for mothers activities to develop friendship among of all ages that provides opportunities our parishioners. This ministry also to meet for spiritual, social and assists our pastor with social events educational enrichment. Members and meetings. Social activities include will be rewarded with friendships bowling, Bunco, dinners, game day that will last a lifetime and spiritual and volunteer dinners. New ideas nourishment for their journey through and volunteers are always welcome. motherhood. Meetings are at 7 p.m. Contact Dianna Perham, Coordinator on the third Thursday of the month. of Parish Life, at 281-469-5533 or In addition to monthly meetings, the dperham@ctrcc.com. society hosts family events, parent/ child outings, mother’s socials and Spring Festival much more. Members also support Christ the Redeemer hosts its annual our church family and the community Festival each spring during the through various social outreach last weekend in April. The event endeavors. Contact Claire Simms provides the community with fun at ctsimms@hotmail.com. and fellowship, and serves as a major fundraiser for our parish. Numerous
St. Joseph Altar St. Joseph Altar honors our beloved St. Joseph by hosting a spaghetti dinner and a traditional altar in the third week of March. Members will take part in the preparation and serving of the dinner, set up and clean up. Several planning meetings will be held bi-weekly in January, February and March. Volunteers are also needed to bake the delicious cakes and cookies offered at the event. Proceeds are donated to Cypress Assistance Ministry. Contact Rose Locascio at 281-373-4509 or bittyrose@msn.com. Young Adult Group The Young Adult Group at CtR meets at 7 p.m. every Tuesday in the Parish Office, Room 209. The group is open to anyone 18-35 years old who are single, married, divorced - or whatever - you are welcome! CtR’s nursery is open for those with young children. Each month we have some type of social. There are also service opportunities every third Saturday of the month at Cypress Assistance Ministries. Contact Shannon McKee, group coordinator, at 832-483-3594 or ctryag@gmail.com.
12 and is similar to Girl Scouts. The girls learn about the virtues, the saints, Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church through fun activities including crafts, games, prayers and other activities. Meetings are 6:30-8:30 p.m. on the first Friday of the month during August-May. Contact Megan Schulz at schulz0526@gmail.com. Boy Scouts The Boy Scouts strive to develop American citizens who are physically, mentally and emotionally fit; have a high degree of self-reliance; and possess qualities such as initiative, courage and resourcefulness. Boy Scouts are encouraged to have personal values based on religious concepts; a desire and the skills to help others; and understand the principles of the American social, economic, and governmental systems. Christ the Redeemer’s Boy Scout Troop 573 meets from 7:30-9 p.m. every Wednesday in the Community Center. Contact Committee Chair John Tallerine at 281-858-6703 or tallerine@ sbcglobal.net.
YOUTH COMMUNITY AND FELLOWSHIIP Little Flowers Girls Club Little Flowers Girls Club is a Catholic mother/ daughter club designed for girls ages 5 to
Boy Scouts at Easter Vigil
Parish Library
Cub Scouts The Cub Scouts of America follow the model of the Boy Scouts. Boys in 1st through 5th grade - or those who are 7 to 10 years old - may find Cub Scouting great for them. Family involvement is encouraged. This is the first and the biggest of the three Scouting programs (Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting and Venturing) from the Boy Scouts of America. Contact Cubmaster Briz Garcia at 281-8491692 or brizbgarcia@yahoo.com.
VOLUNTEER AT CtR Angel Corps This group helps the staff with a variety of tasks, such as copying, posting contributions weekly, Christmas and Easter mailings and more. Also, ministry members help with office tasks as needed. They work during the day and there is little to no training needed to serve in the Angel Corps. Members are not required to attend formal ministry meetings. Contact Charlotte Conner, Parish Secretary, at cconner@ctrcc.com.
Coffee and Donuts Coffee and Donuts, during the school year, is a time for members of the community to gather in the Parish Hall to meet one another after Sunday morning Masses, become aware of the many ministries available to them, and view the bulletin boards for news of other parishes in the Houston area. Help is always needed with set up and to serve after Sunday morning Masses. Contact Dianna Perham, Coordinator of Parish Life, at 281-469-5533 or dperham@ctrcc.com. Parish Library The CtR Library Committee is dedicated to providing Catholic and Christian-based media to our parish. The ministry meets every third Wednesday of the month. We staff the library on Sunday mornings, and during some R.E. classes. Time commitment is minimal, training is ongoing and it is open to anyone 16 and older. Please bring a smile and a sweater! Contact Deacon Jack Alexander, Director of Adult Faith Formation, at jalexander@ctrcc.com.
Christmas Donation to CAM
Helping Others Adoption Support Christ the Redeemer hosts a support group for adoptive and foster parents. Catholic Charities facilitates the group, which is open to adoptive parents with current or finalized domestic, international or CPS placements. Agency and private adoptions are welcome. The group is also open to foster parents from any licensed agency. Parents only are invited, child care will be available. Call Barbara Feliciano, LCSW, at 713-874-6597. Cypress Assistance Ministry (CAM) CAM answers the Gospel call to “feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and help widows and children” by serving any person in need – Catholic or nonCatholic – in the Cypress, Hockley and Waller areas. CAM operates a food pantry, a resale shop, and offers GED and ESL classes at no charge. The unemployed can visit with a CAM counselor and use the computer lab to search for jobs. The resale shop, Angels’ Attic, is open six days a week and requires many volunteers to sort clothing and household items, to stock the store and operate the cash register.
Volunteers are also needed to receive food donations, stock the food pantry shelves, assemble bags of food, distribute school supplies, deliver food to seniors, and sort Christmas food and toys to those in need. Monetary donations are always accepted. Call CAM at 281-955-7684 or visit cypressassistanceministries. com. Cancer Connections Support Group Christ the Redeemer recognizes the need for a group to provide spiritual support and resources for cancer patients, survivors and their family members. The group is based on the idea that open communication about the illness is critical to coping with all the feelings that arise. This group will meet twice monthly - at 6 p.m. on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month in the Parish Office, Room 217. On the second Wednesday, speakers will inform the group about issues such as nutrition, chemo, side effects, spiritual guidance and understanding lab results (to name a few). The fourth Wednesday will be a time for sharing in a warm supportive atmosphere. Cancer Connections Support Group will not provide medical care, medical treatments, medical advice or psychotherapy. Contact Cherry Evans at 281-550-7666 or wcwtx@sbcglobal. net.
Knights of Columbus Scholarship Check Presentation
Catholic Daughters of the Americas Catholic women at least 18 years of age may be interested in joining the Catholic Daughters of the Americas. The purpose of the organization is to participate in the religious, charitable and educational Apostolates of the Church. Catholic Daughters of the Americas engages in creative and spiritual programs which provide its members with the opportunity to develop their God-given talents in meaningful ways that positively influence the welfare of the Church and all people throughout the world. Contact Pat Gutierrez at 281814-6472. Divorced and Separated Support Ministry Has divorce or separation touched your life? The CtR Divorced and Separated Ministry wants to serve its members who are suffering through these difficult times of the separation and divorce experience. With Christ’s abundant love, we are here to help start the healing process. The Divorced and Separated Ministry meets at 7 p.m. every third Friday of the month in the
Parish Office, Room 210. Babysitting is available upon request. Contact Lynn Gondesen at lgondesen@att. net.
Gabriel Project The Gabriel Project is a program to reach out to women who need our help to choose life and avoid abortion. The Gabriel Project helps women in crisis by offering Christian love and practical solutions at the parish levels. The group needs “angels,” trained mentors who provide support and guidance to these women throughout the pregnancy. Training is provided through the Respect Life Ministry. Contact Margaret Carnicle, Director of Family Life, at mcarnicle@ctrcc.com. Knights of Columbus The Knights of Columbus is the largest fraternal Catholic family organization in the world. Membership is available to men over 18, in full communion with the Church. Regularly scheduled faith, family and community functions are held throughout the year. The majority of activities are charity related. Membership is based upon initiations. Meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month in the Community Center and are restricted to registered membership. Visit kofc8771.org or contact Council Leader Hugo A. Peña at 832-286-2670 or hugo.pena@ymail.com.
CtR Catholic Church
each month after the 5 p.m. Masses. The Welcoming Committee also hosts a quarterly Welcome Reception for new parishioners so they may meet other Christ the Redeemer families and get information about the parish. Members of the Welcoming Committee meet at 7 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month. Contact Nancy Dysart at 281-370-9377 or ndysart@comcast.net.
PASTORAL CARE IN TIMES OF NEED Ladies Auxiliary The mission of the Ladies Auxiliary is to supplement the Knights of Columbus’ spiritual and charitable growth of Christ the Redeemer, enhance the social life of our parish, promote good fellowship and love, and perform works of charity. Any practicing Catholic woman, 18 years of age and older, who is interested in making a difference in our parish is welcome to join. Annual dues are $25. They meet monthly at 7 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month. Contact Donna Dent at aldents@yahoo.com. Welcoming Committee The Welcoming Committee provides a warm welcome to those new to the parish. Members of this ministry make a personal phone call to each newly registered family, assemble “Welcome Packets” for all new members, have the packets available after all Sunday morning Masses in the narthex, and provide coffee and donuts on the second weekend of
Bereavement Ministry The Bereavement Ministry provides comfort, support and guidance for the bereaved. Parishioners are encouraged to contact the Bereavement Ministry to help them in their times of grief. You can also share your gifts by becoming a part of the Bereavement Ministry. All it takes is a compassionate heart and a listening ear! Volunteers are asked to give an average of about two to three hours per month. Contact Mary Ann Marik at 281-373-0250 or yesmam@ earthlink.net. Friends in Need (Funeral Receptions) Friends in Need serves the parish community with food for the sick and receptions after funerals. Ministry members greet families when they arrive at funeral receptions, and assist them with any physical needs. Parishioners interested in joining this ministry are asked to assist in the preparation of food as well as set up, serve the food and clean up at funeral receptions. Contact Julene Dulaney, 832-818-1576 or julenecarl@yahoo.com.
Prayer Blanket Ministry The Prayer Blanket Ministry involves sewing lapsized blankets for members of our parish who are in need of physical or emotional healing. This is a solitary ministry. Seamstresses are needed to sew and pray over the blankets during their assembly. Blankets are also blessed at the monthly healing Mass. Contact Rose Locascio at 281-373-4509, bittyrose@ msn.com. Serenity Support Group Death and loss, although a part of our lives here on earth, is sometimes difficult to deal with. The Serenity Support group offers spiritual support and the healing comfort of God to all who mourn a loss through death. Contact Mary Ann Marik at 281-3730250 or yesmam@earthlink.net.
Respect Life Ministry The Respect Life Ministry brings awareness and educates our parish in all aspects of life. It promotes a reverence for all human life. Members of this ministry are involved in activities that range from educating the public about abortion and opposing its practice in the medical field to honoring and supporting the elderly in our parish. Individuals and couples who join this ministry are asked to commit a few hours of their time every two to three months. The Respect Life Committee meets on the first Wednesday every month after 7 p.m. Mass in the Parish Office, Room 201. All are welcome to attend. No training is required, but due to some of the topics discussed, membership is limited to adults and mature teens. Contact Stephen and Janet Najvar at 281-213-3833 or janetnajvar@yahoo. com. Mass at CtR
Index Adult Confirmation, 8 Acolytes, 9 ACTS Retreat, 18 Adoption Support, 28 ADULT FAITH FORMATION, 18 Adult Game Day, 23 Advent By Candlelight, 24 Alive in the Spirit, 18 Altar Linens, 9 Altar Servers, 10 Angel Corps, 27 Art and Environment, 10 Baptism Team, 8 Becoming One With God, 21 Bereavement Ministry, 30 Boy Scouts, 26 Cancer Connections Support Group, 28 Cantors, 13 Catholic Children’s Camp, 14 Catholic Daughters of the Americas, 29 Catholic Men’s Fellowship, 21 CATHOLIC SCHOOL, 17 Catholic Scripture Study, 18 Children’s Liturgy of the Word, 10 Choristers (grades 3 - 7), 13 Classics, 24 Coffee and Donuts, 27 Collegeville Bible Study, 18 Confirmation Preparation, 8 Contemporary Ensemble, 13 COUPLE/MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT, 22 CtR Choir (Adult), 12 CtR Ringers - Handbells, 13 Cub Scouts, 27 Cypress Assistance Ministry (CAM), 28 Divorced and Separated Support Ministry, 29 Encounter - High School Youth, 15 Eucharistic Ministry to the Sick, 10 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, 11 Familia - Family Life in America, 23 Financial Peace University, 19 First Reconciliation and First Eucharist, 8 Friday Morning Women’s Bible Study, 19 Friends in Need (Funeral Receptions), 30 G.R.A.C.E. - Women’s Prayer Group, 21 Gabriel Project, 29 GENESIS EARLY CHILDHOOD PROGRAM, 17 GET INVOLVED, 23 God’s Housekeepers, 11 Greeters/Ushers, 11 GROW IN FAITH, 14 HELPING OTHERS, 28
Instrumentalists, 13 Journey Through Scripture, 19 Knights of Columbus, 29 Ladies Auxiliary, 30 Lectors, 11 Little Flowers Girls Club, 26 LITURGY, 9 Liturgy Assistance Ministry, 11 Marriage, 9 Marriage Enrichment Activities: CtR Date Night, 22 Marriage Sponsor Couples, 9 Mass Coordinators, 12 Men’s/Women’s Discipleship Group, 16 MUSIC MINISTRY, 12 Natural Family Planning, 23 Neighborhood Brunch, 24 Nursery, 24 Parent CORPS, 16 Parish Library, 27 Parish Social Activities, 25 PASTORAL CARE IN TIMES OF NEED, 30 Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration, 22 Prayer Blanket Ministry, 31 Prayer Warriors, 16 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION FOR CHILDREN, 14 Respect Life Ministry, 31 Resurrection Choir, 14 Rise – Middle School Youth, 15 RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS, 20 Rosary for Priests, 21 SACRAMENTS, 8 Sacristans, 12 Serenity Support Group, 31 Sewing Group, 12 Sound Board Operator, 14 SPIRITUAL ENRICHMENT AND PRAYER, 21 Spirituality Reading Club, 22 Spring Festival, 25 St. Anne’s Society, 25 St. Joseph Altar, 26 Summer Camps and Activities, 15 Teams of Our Lady, 23 Teen Leaders, 16 That Man Is You!, 19 Theology of the Body, 20 Vacation Bible School, 14 Vocations Committee, 9 VOLUNTEER AT CtR, 27 Welcoming Committee, 30 Young Adult Group, 26 YOUTH COMMUNITY AND FELLOWSHIIP, 26 YOUTH MINISTRY, 15 Youth Singers (grades 8 - 12), 13
11507 Huffmeister Road Houston, Texas 77065 Phone: 281-469-5533 Fax: 281-469-8441 www.ctrcc.com