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CADDINGTON AND SLIP END BUS USERS’ GROUP (CaSeBuG} urge residents to use the buses
There are a group of villagers who have recently joined together to promote, monitor and improve public transport in the Caddington and Slip End area after the withdrawal of the 231 service. The members of the group are concerned by the depletion of the bus services to our villages and are actively trying to improve the situation. However, unless the numbers of people who use the service increase substantially it is an uphill task. We also have had to take into consideration the existing Central Bedfordshire constraints on budgets, and also limitations on bus companies’ service provision.
We are having regular meetings to discuss the situation and do what we can to improve the situation regarding the lack of bus accessibility to and from our villages. This is a précis of one of our reports to the Parish Councils. The monitoring of the 230 service continues, and has been found to be working very well. It is also attracting higher usage than the previous 231 service.
CaSeBuG’s primary activity has been focussed upon revising the 232 service, whose contract is up for renewal in May this year. As the current service is interlinked with the 74 service also operated by Dial-a-Ride, both services have had to be considered simultaneously.
Our proposed plan suggests a Saturday service together with a revised 232 route to replicate that of the old 231 route after serving Caddington (i.e. via Manshead) which we hope will receive a positive response from both the Central Bedfordshire Council Transport Officer, and from the parishioners of Caddington and Slip End. Please get in touch with us. The email address for the group is info@casebus.org
Eila Goss