Phrasal verbs ni 2 2014 15

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Phrasal Verbs Collaborative list of 200 commonly used phrasal verbs Please in alphabetical order!!! Use the template to prepare your own 3 slides. They should be ordered alphabetically. Link to most common phrasal verbs. Link 2 & Link 3 And quizzes

Example sentence WITH BLANK PHRASAL VERB Brief Definition and translation (only if necessary Student name

Example sentence WITH BLANK PHRASAL VERB Brief Definition and translation (only if necessary Student name

Example sentence WITH BLANK PHRASAL VERB Brief Definition and translation (only if necessary Student name

Please remember, all phrasal verbs in

Alphabetical order!

Brian ……. Judy ….. to dinner and movie. ASK OUT invite on a date Student name

I…….. …… but nobody has seen my wallet ASK AROUND Ask many people the same question Marta Cadarso

Brian….Judy ….to dinner and a movie ASK someone OUT Invite on a date Marta Cadarso

Your purchases …… … … $205.32 ADD UP TO something Equal Marta Cadarso

She …… ……... him Ask About somebody ask for one person.

Student : Manuel Garzón

Please remember, all phrasal verbs in

Alphabetical order!

You´ll have to …… ....your car so that I can get out BACK something UP Reverse Marta Cadarso

My wife ………. me ……..over my decision to quit my job BACK someone UP Support Marta Cadarso

The racing car………..after it crashed into the fence. Blow up Explode Student name: Patricia Cárdenas

We have to……50 balloons …. for the party. Blow something up Add air Student name:Patricia Cádenas

Our car……….at the side of the highway in the snowstorm. Break down Stop functioning (vehicle, machine) Student name:Patricia Cárdenas

The woman………….when the police told her son had died. Break down Get upset Student name: Patricia cárdenas

Our teacher……...the final project……. into three separate parts. Break something down Divide into smaller parts Student name: Patricia Cárdena

Somebody…….. …. last night and stole our stereo BREAK IN Force entry to a building Ángeles Valdés

I need to ….. these shoes .. before we run next week. BREAK something IN Wear something a few times so that it doesn’t look/feel new Ángeles Valdés

The TV station ….. .. to report the news of the president’s death. BREAK IN Interrupt

Ángeles Valdés

The fireman …… …. the room to rescue the children. BREAK INTO something Enter forcibly Ángeles Valdés

My boyfriend and I 窶ヲ.. .. before I moved to America BREAK UP End a relationship テ]geles Valdテゥs

He … like a maniac BREAK UP Start laughing (informal) Guillermo Macías


She ‌ her arm during the car accident. Fortunately, she is OK. BREAK OUT IN something Develop a skin condition Guillermo Macías

Your stupidity … me … Shut up or get out of my sight. BRING someone DOWN Make unhappy Guillermo Macías

He was … by his grandparents after the death of his parents. BRING someone UP Raise a child Guillermo Macías

While I'm running, I like to ‌ music ... with me. BRING something UP Start talking about a subject Guillermo Macías

I feel like sick. I guess i’m going to … the breakfast ... BRING something UP Vomit Guillermo Macías

After days of negotiations, the talks………..

broke down finally there is not an arrangement

Stundent: Manuel Garzón

Please remember, all phrasal verbs in

Alphabetical order!

It is vital to ……….cooperation between the Commission and the Member States. Call for Require Student name: Patricia Cárdenas

I ‌ your handwriting CAN NOT MAKE IT OUT No entender algo Marta Quesada Vaquero

You’ll have to run faster than that if you want to catch up with Marty CATCH UP Get to the same point as someone else Rafael Morales

We will get the hotel keys when we check in CHECK IN Arrive and register at a hotel or airport Rafael Morales

You have to check out of the hotel before 11:00 AM. CHECK OUT Leave a hotel Rafael Morales

The company checks out all new employees CHECK SOMEONE/SOMETHING OUT Look at carefully, investigate Rafael Morales

Check out the crazy hair on that guy! CHECK OUT SOMEONE / SOMETHING Look at (informal) Rafael Morales

She …………… …. when she heard the good news. CHEER UP become happier Iratxe G. Salcedo

I brought you some flowers to ………… you ….. CHEER someone UP make happier Iratxe G. Salcedo

If everyone ………… ….. we can get the kitchen painted by noon. CHIP IN help Iratxe G. Salcedo

Please ………… …... your bedroom before you go outside. CLEAN something UP tidy, clean Iratxe G. Salcedo

I ………… …... these old photos when I was tidying the closet. COME ACROSS something find unexpectedly Iratxe G. Salcedo

we …… …… after a long time. come across. Find a person who you ain't seen for very long time.

Student: Manuel Garzón.

The top and bottom

… … if you pull hard enough.



Student: Gema P.

My nephew…

… ... chicken pox this weekend.

COME DOWN WITH something.

become sick

Student: Gema P.

The woman …

… with her husband´s finger prints. COME FORWARD.

volunteer for a task or to give evidence

Student: Gema P.

The art of origami

… … Asia.

COME FROM somewhere

originate in

Student: Gema P.

I am

‌ ‌ you to make dinner while I am out. COUNT ON someone/something

rely on

Student: Gema P.

Please … your old address… and write your new one. CROSS something OUT Draw a line through Javier Granda

My doctor wants me to ... sweets and fatty foods. CUT BACK ON something consume less Javier Granda

We had to ‌ the old tree... in our yard after the storm CUT something DOWN make something fall to the ground Javier Granda

Your father ‌ while I was dancing with your uncle. CUT IN interrupt Javier Granda

The tank driver got angry when that Chinese student ... CUT IN stand too closely in front of another vehicle Javier Granda

The air conditioner ‌ when the temperature gets to 22ºC. CUT IN start operating (of an engine or electrical device) Javier Granda

I ‌ this ad ‌ of the newspaper CUT something OUT Remove part something (usually with scissors and paper) Amudena Sierra

Please remember, all phrasal verbs in

Alphabetical order!

The fog seems …… …... Die away. Something disappear bit a bit.

Student: Manuel Garzón.

It’s time to… …… …. all of these old tad records DO AWAY WITH something discard- finalizar, acabar con algo Amudena Sierra

He’s luck to be alive. His shop was …… …. by a street gang. DO someone/somethig OVER Beat up, ransack - dar una paliza Amudena Sierra

My teacher wants me to …. my eassy….because she doesn´t like my topic DO somethig OVER Do again Amudena Sierra

…. you coat …. before you go outside. It’s snowing! DO something UP Fasten, close Amudena Sierra


Wear nice clothing It´s a fancy restaurant so we have to DRESS UP.



Move back in a position / group Manuel DROPPED BACK to third place when he fell off his bike.



Come without an appointment. I might DROP IN / BY / OVER for tea sometime this week



Take someone / something somewhere and leave them / it there. I have to DROP my sister off at work before I come over. NOELIA AMO


Quit a class, school, etc I DROPPED OUT os Science because it was too difficult


Please remember, all phrasal verbs in

Alphabetical order!

I don't feel like cooking tonight. Let's .‌. ...... eat out. When somebody goes to a place in the street yo eat.

Stundent: Manuel GarzĂłn

Please remember, all phrasal verbs in

Alphabetical order!

…… ….. the gaps. Fill in. Put something in to fill sth.

Student: Manuel Garzón.

Did you ‌. ‌ what happened to him? FIND OUT When someone wants to know something Elizabeth

Example sentence WITH BLANK PHRASAL VERB Brief Definition and translation (only if necessary Student name

Please remember, all phrasal verbs in

Alphabetical order!

Liz finally ‌ her Science notes ‌. from my room-mate GET something BACK Receive something you had before- recuperar Almudena Sierra

My sister ‌. ‌.. .. me for stealing her shoes. She stole my favorite hat GET BACK AT someone Retaliate, take revenge- vengarse Almudena Sierra

I finally … ….. ….. my novel and finished it. GET BACK INTO something Become interested in something again Almudena Sierra

We’re going to freeze out here if you don’t let us… …..the bus GET ON something Step onto a vehicle Almudena Sierra

I just ….. …… the flu and now my sister has it GET OVER something recover from an illness, loss, difficulty Almudena Sierra

I don’t trust him, he can … me ... GIVE someone AWAY Reveal hidden information about someone Guillermo Macías

Her father... the bride ... to the altar GIVE someone AWAY Take the bride to the altar Guillermo MacĂ­as

The CIA didn’t ... the information about the UFO ... GIVE something AWAY Ruin a secret Guillermo Macías

The library was ... ... old books on Friday GIVE something AWAY Give something to someone for free Student: Gema P.

I have to ... these skates ... to Franz before his hockey game GIVE something BACK Return a borrowed item Student: Gema P.

My boyfriend didn´t want to go to the ballet, but he finally ... GIVE IN Reluctantly stop fighting or arguing Student: Gema P.

They were ‌ ‌ free perfume samples at the department store. GIVE something OUT Give to many people(usually at no cost) Student: Gema P.

I am … … smoking as of January 1st. GIVE something UP Quiet a habit Student: Gema P.

My maths homework was too difficult so I gave up. GIVE UP Stop trying Rafael Morales

My brother tried to go after the thief in his car. GO AFTER SOMEONE Follow someone Rafael Morales

I went out my dream and now I am a published writer. GO AFTER SOMETHING Try to achieve something Rafael Morales

We are going against the best soccer team in the city tonight GO AGAINST SOMEONE Compete, oppose Rafael Morales

Please go ahead and eat before the food gets cold GO AHEAD Start, proceed Rafael Morales

I have to …………… …. home and get my lunch. GO BACK return to a place Iratxe G. Salcedo

We’re …………… …. for dinner tonight. GO OUT leave home to go on a social event Iratxe G. Salcedo

Jesse has been …………… …. Luke since they met last winter. GO OUT WITH someone date Iratxe G. Salcedo

Please …………… …. your answers before you submit your test. GO OVER something review Iratxe G. Salcedo

I haven’t seen Tina for a long time. I think I’ll …………… …. for an hour or two. GO OVER visit someone nearby Iratxe G. Salcedo

I…… old comic books… my little cousin. Hand something down give something used to someone else Patricia Cárdenas Monje

I have to ………… essay by friday. Hand something in Submit Patricia Cárdenas Monje

We will………...the invitations at the door. Hand something out To distribute to a group of people. Patricia Cárdenas Monje

The police asked the man to ……… his wallet and his weapons. Hand something over Give ( usually unwillingly ) Patricia Cárdenas Monje

………..there. I’m sure you’ll find a job very soon. Hang in Stay positive ( N. Amer., informal) Patricia Cárdenas Monje

窶ヲ. .. while I grab my coat and shoes! Hang on Wait a short time (informal) テ]geles Valdテゥs

Instead of going to the party we are just going to 窶ヲ. 窶ヲ at my place Hang out Spend time relaxing (informal) テ]geles Valdテゥs

He didn’t say goodbye before he …. .. Hang up End a phone call Ángeles Valdés

I had to 窶ヲ.. my dog 窶ヲ. because there was a cat in the park. Hold someone/something back Prevent from doing/going テ]geles Valdテゥs

Jamie …. …. his tears at his grandfather’s funeral. Hold something back Hide an emotion Ángeles Valdés

Please …… ….. while I transfer you to the Sales Department HOLD ON Wait a short time Marta Cadarso

………. …….. your hat because it´s very windy outside HOLD ONTO something/someone Hold firmly using your hands or arms Marta Cadarso

A man in a black mask ‌...the bank ‌ this morning HOLD someone/something UP Rob Marta Cadarso

…….. …… stirring until the liquid comes to a boil. KEEP ON DOING something continue doing Marta Cadarso

We……. our relationship ……..our parents for two years KEEP something FROM someone not tell Marta Cadarso

Try to …….. the wet dog…… of the living room KEEP someone/something OUT Stop from entering Marta Cadarso

If you‌.. those results ‌.. your will get into a great college. KEEP something UP Continue at the same rate. Marta Cadarso

Please remember, all phrasal verbs in

Alphabetical order!

I need you to be on time. Don’t …… me …… this time! LET DOWN fail to support or help, disappoint. Student name

Let off The police let the man off as there was no evidence against him.


Noemi MartĂ­n


“I thought Sarah would help me get a job, but she let me down “

(Disappoint) Noemi Martin

Jake let me in on a secret of Sally's.

LET IN ON. (Tell a secret about something) Noemi MartĂ­n

The babysitter looks after my baby when I have to work.

Look after (Take care) Noemi Martin

Please remember, all phrasal verbs in

Alphabetical order!

Pinocchio made up a story and nobody believed him.

MAKE something UP Invent, lie about something. Student name: Judith Nieto

They were angry last night, but they made up in the morning. MAKE UP Forgive each other. Student name: Judith Nieto

She made herself up for the party. MAKE someone UP Apply cosmetics to. Student name: Judith Nieto

I mixed up the twins´ names again! MIX something UP Confuse two or more things. Student name: Judith Nieto

Please remember, all phrasal verbs in

Alphabetical order!

Don’t put me off of doing my homeworks PUT (SOMEONE) OFF disuadir, despistar, desviar, entretener, aplazar Almudena Sierra García

Please remember, all phrasal verbs in

Alphabetical order!

When Mary…… become a writer, she had no idea how difficult it would be. Set out to do something To begin an action with a particular goal in mind. Student name: Patricia Cárdenas

We neet to…...the bills….before the first of the month. Sort something out Resolve a problem, organize Student name: Patricia Cárdenas

He always stand out for his beautiful voice stand out Destacar Student name: Almudena Sierra GarcĂ­a

The car was …. ….. by the Tsunami SWEEP AWAY To move or to be driven by a wind or wave Marta Cadarso

Please remember, all phrasal verbs in

Alphabetical order!

My mother .... me ... when I arrived late. TELL someone OFF reprimand, chide Javier Granda

Daniel turned

up when the game was over. Turn up

be found, show up Javier Granda

Luis's friend turned

out to be my neighbor.

Turn out have like a result Javier Granda

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