c o n n e c t i c u t ’s
r e s e a rc h e n gi n e
V o l um e 12 , Is s ue 1 Oc to be r 2 0 1 2
iCONN on Every Desktop
Free Professional Collection
reQuest Updates
iCONN Training
Out-of-State Barcodes
Business Insights: Essentials
iCONN On Every Desktop is a campaign to encourage all libraries to place a freely accessible image of iCONN on the desktop of every publicly accessible computer in the library in order to increase public awareness of iCONN. The small image and instructions for downloading it to any computer desktop can be found at http://www.cslib.org/ iconnsitemap/staff/iconndesktop.aspx. The simple procedure takes less than a minute on each computer. Once on the computer’s desktop, clicking on the image takes you directly to the iCONN.org landing page. The image is essentially a shortcut link with a more identifiable appearance. If you install the image on your home computer, because it is outside the library, it will take you to the iCONN login screen. Why do this?
reQuest Update Reminders If your library has not submitted an update of your library holdings to reQuest in more than a year, please do so by the end of December. Libraries that have never submitted their holdings to our statewide library catalog are encouraged to do so. Contact Gail Hurley at Gail.Hurley@ct.gov or 860704-2222 for assistance.
The state provides iCONN at no charge to all residents, schools and libraries in Connecticut, yet only a small percentage of Connecticut’s residents are aware that it exists, and fewer still are actually familiar with it. Putting this image on the desktop of every public access computer will increase iCONN’s visibility to library users. iCONN delivers a wealth of online resources 24/7 with a statewide value estimated at over $32 million per year (what it would cost all libraries in Connecticut to individually subscribe to the same resources using local tax dollars). Your patrons will appreciate the information. It’s their tax dollars (over $2 million per year) at work. iCONN is a service of the Connecticut State Library in partnership with local libraries. We appreciate the efforts that all libraries make to promote awareness of iCONN throughout the state.
Free Professional Collection for Librarians iCONN is a service of the Connecticut State Library’s Division of Library Development.
Can’t afford a subscription to Library Journal and other professional titles? Let iCONN help. iCONN staff, with input from the iCONN Database Committee, created a web page that links to numerous professional library journals available at no cost through iCONN. This page benefits those libraries with little or no budgets for professional literature. Visit http://www.cslib.org/iconnsitemap/staff/ProLibraryTitles.htm for links to these journals and other resources.
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iCONN Training Downloadable Audio Books – Nov. 13th 10-12 (Avon Public Library) Join Eric Hansen, iCONN's Electronic Resources Coordinator, as he discusses and demonstrates iCONN's Downloadable Audiobooks collection. Eric will discuss how the service is funded, how new titles are selected, and how statistics are reported. He will demonstrate searching, placing holds, checking out, downloading, playing an audio book, and he will demonstrate transfer of an audio book from a computer to an iPod. He will also discuss access to the service with wireless devices. There will be time for guided hands-on practice by participants. Participants are encouraged to bring in their iPhones, iPads, and Android devices for practice in accessing the service wirelessly. To register, access the CT State Library’s Continuing Education Calendar of Events at: http://evanced.info/cslib/ evanced/eventcalendar.asp The iCONN Times is a quarterly publication of iCONN— Connecticut’s research engine. Find it on the site index at:
www.iconn.org/siteindex.aspx under “General Information” iCONN 786 South Main Street Middletown, CT 06457 (860) 704-2220 or toll free (888) 256-1222
V o l um e 12 , Is s ue 1
Barcodes for Out-of-State Patrons and Teachers iCONN databases are licensed for access by Connecticut residents, and for students and faculty in Connecticut schools and colleges. The licenses do not permit remarketing or selling access to the databases, and do not permit access by out-of-state library patrons who are not students or faculty in a Connecticut school or college. To comply with iCONN’s licensing requirements, if your library issues or sells library cards to non-Connecticut patrons, the barcode numbers on those cards must not permit remote access to iCONN databases.* To issue cards with barcodes that do not allow access to iCONN databases you may either: request special statewide iCONN barcodes in the “80000” range that deny access, or establish your own out-of-state barcodes with a unique prefix (“8”) that denies access For either option, contact Eric Hansen at Eric.A.Hansen@ct.gov or 860-704-2224. He will send you some "80000" range barcodes or set up a unique “out-of-state” barcode prefix for your library. What about existing out-of-state cards? When out-of-state patrons renew their cards, please replace the barcode with one of the special out-of-state barcodes described above. *Exception for out-of-state teachers who teach in Connecticut K-12 schools: We recommend that out-of-state teachers who teach in Connecticut K-12 schools first attempt to obtain a public library card in the town where they teach. Failing that, special iCONN library cards are available for out-of-state teachers who teach in Connecticut K-12 schools. These cards provide access to iCONN databases but do not provide any other library privileges. To obtain one of these cards for a teacher, the school librarian should contact Eric Hansen at Eric.A.Hansen@ct.gov or 860-704-2224.
Business Insights: Essentials On August 24, the Gale resource in iCONN called Business & Company Resource Center (BCRC) became Business Insights: Essentials (BI:E). iCONN chose that date for the migration because it was before the start of the academic year. Existing titles in BCRC are still available in BI:E, and your existing links to BCRC and to articles within it automatically redirect to BI:E and those same articles. For information about the change, see: http://www.cengagesites.com/ Literature/782/galebusiness-insights-globalessentials/ . Online training opportunities in BI:E are currently available from Gale at: http:// www.cengagesites.com/ CL/790/gale-cengagelibrary-training/ webinars/. Comments and questions about this migration are welcomed, and can be addressed to Eric Hansen at 860-7042224 or Eric.A.Hansen@ct.gov. We hope you and your patrons will enjoy using Business Insights: Essentials.