9 minute read
Lesson 7: Five E Model in Planning Science Lessons
Activity A. 1.
In pair or triad, discuss and share answers to these questions:
1. Have you experienced teaching science to elementary learners? How was it like?
2. Do you reflect on your teaching and facilitating? In what ways?
3. When do you say you have done well in facilitating learning?
4. What are your sources of data?
B. A N A L Y Z E
Activity B. 1.
Examine the ADDIE instructional design process below. What do you observe w ith the steps? How about the relationship among the five steps?
Activity C .1 .
In groups of 4 -5 members, complete the table below w ith expected ou tp u t when perform ing the ADDIE instructional design process.
Steps Sample Tasks Sample Output
Analysis (the process of defining what it is to be learned) • Needs assessment: learners, goals • Problem identification
• Task analysis
Design (the process of specifying how it is to be learned) • Write objectives • Develop test items • Plan instruction
• Identify resources • Select delivery system
Development (the process of w ritin g and producing the materials) • Work with producers • Develop worksheets, materials
Im plem entation (the actual
delivery of instruction)
Evaluation (the process of determ ining the adequacy, effectiveness, and efficiency of instruction; maybe form ative or summative) • Record test results
• Interpret test results • Survey graduates • Revise activities
*Adapted from San Jose University, Instructional Technology Program
• Teachertraining • Tryout
Perform the instructional im provem ent cycle. Fill out the table below w ith your insights and reflection.
1. Select and instructional strategy
2. Im plem ent the strategy
3. Collect data on strategy im plem entation
4. Analyze the data and reflect on the results
III. Lesson Synthesis
After going through the complex yet exciting process o f instructional planning, what is it like?
I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
• discuss distinct features of the 5E model;
• describe each of the elements of the 5E model;
• examine a sample lesson plan using 5E model;
• gather examples of 5E model instructional plans;
• revise an instructional plan using the 5E model;
• interview teachers on the effectiveness and applicability of 5E model in the classroom; and
• make generalizations and recommendations based on interview findings.
II. Learning Activities
In 1962, educators J. Myron Atkin and Robert Karplus propositioned that effective learning cycles involve three key elements: exploration, concept in troduction, and concept application. Exploration allowed the learners to get interested in the subject, ask questions, and id e n tify points of dissatisfaction w ith th e ir current understanding. Introduction o f new terms or concepts follows. Finally, the concept application provided the learners w ith opp ortunities to apply th e ir ideas and learning and apply them in new pieces of context. The fin d in g s of Atkin and Karplus inform ed the creation of the 5E model. This teaching model focuses on providing students o p p o rtu n ity to understand a concept over tim e thro ugh a series of steps or phases: Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate.
The 5E model was developed in 1987 by the Biological Sciences Curriculum Study. The model promotes collaborative, active learning in which the students work together to solve • problems and examine new concepts by asking questions, analyzing, interpreting, evaluating, and drawing conclusions. It is based on the constructivist approach to instruction. The model is most effective when:
• The students are encountering new concepts for the first tim e because there is an opportunity for a complete learning cycle. • It is used in a u n it for two to three weeks in which each phase is the basis for one or more distinct lessons.
The table below outlines the stages of the 5E model, describes each stage, and provides sample teaching strategies.
Stage W hat the Teacher Does Sample Teaching Stra tegies Activities
Explore • Determine the stu d e n ts'p rio r knowledge and knowledge gaps • Foster an interest in the upcoming concepts • Prepare the students to learn new concepts • Introduce topic for the first tim e • Asking opening questions • The students write down what they already know about the topic • KWL(K means KNOW or what the students already know W -w a n t to learn or what the students want to learn L - ultim ately learned or what the students learned from the lesson or actvity) chart • Maps of conceptual change
• Allow the students to actively explore the new concept through concrete learning experiences • Guide the students in going through the scientific method • Let the students make observations and share findings to th e ir peers • Laboratory experiments • Scientific method drills
• Hands-on activities
• Performance tasks
• Field work
Explain • Facilitate a discussion and synthesis of new knowledge • Have the students ask questions for clarification • Have the students share their insights and feelings about the activity in the Explore stage • Discuss scientific terms and concepts • Utilize videos, multimedia software, games, or other tools to boost understanding of concepts and science processes • Interactive discussion
• Viewing clips, documentaries • Reading online discussions and materials like Khan Academy, online encyclopedias • Taking computer-assisted interactive games
Evaluate • Give the students space and opportunity to apply what they have learned
• Ask the student to create presentations or conduct additional investigations to reinforce skills
• Allow the students to establish knowledge before evaluation • Creating digital or print infographics to illustrate learning • Creating slide presentations • Jigsaw discussions • Fishbowl discussions
• Conduct formal and informal assessments to check the students' content and performance mastery • Observe the students to see w hether they have a complete grasp of core concepts • Note how the students approach problems • Recognize that there are m u ltip le ways to approach and solve a problem • Self-assessments
• Peer assessments
• Paper-and-pen tests • Objective tests • Performance tasks
• Game-based exams
Activity A. 1.
Recall the activities you had in your science classes when you were a student. What th in k in g skills did those activities target? Do you th in k your teachers employed the 5E model in teaching and facilitating learning?
Read carefully the fo llow ing learning plan utilizing the 5E model in teaching force and m otion. Examine the appropriateness of the teaching strategies and applicability inside the classroom. Answer the questions below.
1. Are the activities aligned with the standards? 2. Are the activities appropriate to the level of learners? 3. Do the activities facilitate the use of higher-order th in k in g skills? 4. What science process skills are utilized? 5. What scientific attitudes and values are cultivated?
TOPIC: Force and Motion
Grade Level: Grade 3
Learning Competencies
The learners should be able to:
1. describe the position o f a person or an object in relation to a reference point such as chair, door, another person;
2. id entify things that can make objects move such as people, water, wind, magnets; and
3. describe the movements of objects such as fast/slow, forward/backward, stretching/compressing.;
Let the students observe two objects, one that is moving w h ile the other is stationary. (Use materials available from the laboratory room). Share th e ir observations in class.
Show the students videos on force and motion (example: moving car, machines). Ask them to describe the movement of the objects whether slow/fast, forward/backward, stretching/compressing.
Force is anything that has the potential to change the state of rest or m otion of an object. Forces change the speed or direction of the motion of an object. The greater the force applied on an object, the greater the change that w ill be observed in m otion. If an object is more massive, a given force w ill have lesser effect upon the motion of the object.
Materials for each group: a ping pong ball, a g o lf ball, a piece of cm/in ruler, spherical objects of varying weights (such as tennis ball or basketball)
1. Provide each group a ping pong ball, ruler, and a g o lf ball.
2. Ask the students to predict and observe what happens when force is applied to an object, and compare the relative effects of a force of the same strength on objects of different w e ight by snapping the ping pong ball gently with a fin g e r and measure the distance the ball covered w ith a ruler. Record the distance in centimeters on the force chart (see chart below).
3. Let the students move the ping pong ball as hard as possible w ith one finger. W ith a ruler, measure and record the distance the ball covered on the force chart.
4. Repeat the second and third steps using a g o lf ball. Use a different type of ball if g o lf ball is not available.
5. Have the students compare data w ith other groups and draw conclusions about force applied to objects and its effect on the direction of the object.
6. Give the students enough tim e to explore the effect of force applied to spherical objects of varying weights.
7. Convene the students and let them share in class what they have discovered.
Guide questions for the discussion.
a. What did you discover about the ping pong ball as a force in motion?
b. What did you discover about the g o lf ball as a force in motion?
c. Which ball produced the greater direction/distance and why?
d. Did the balls move farther when a greater or lesser force was applied to the balls?
e. How would the speed of the object and distance change if force had increased or decreased in strength?
f. What does w e ight have to do with force?
8. Guide the students in making a list of forces they see every day (examples: kicking a ball, shooting an arrow, strong winds blowing, flow ing water).
9. Help the students come up w ith the conclusion that the greater the force applied to an object, the greater the change in speed or direction it w ill produce on the object.