On Demand Grocery Delivery App Solution www.cubetaxi.c om
➢ Grocery Delivery app is designed for users, grocery store and delivery driver. ➢ On Demand Grocery Delivery App is available at Android and iOS platforms. ➢ Grocery delivery app has a simple flow and it works seamlessly over any platform Android or iOS.
Modules of Grocery Delivery
User App Features ➢ Social Media login and sign up ➢ Map tracking of orders
➢ Multiple Categories and subcategories for grocery s selection ➢ Customization of menu ➢ Schedule delivery Now or Later ➢ Place Multiple Orders ➢ Check Order History ➢ Cancel an order
Grocery Store App Features ➢ Easy login and Registration ➢ Manage menu and orders ➢ List of all products ➢ Track incoming orders ➢ check history of delivered items ➢ Manage billing and pricing
Delivery Driver App Features ➢ Easy login and signup through social media accounts,email or phone numbers ➢ SMS verification through mobile number ➢ Document submissions on the app ➢ Accept or Decline Delivery requests ➢ Map navigation to pickup and drop locations ➢ Easy Navigation
Contact Us to Develop On Demand Grocery Delivery App
+1 (858) 427-0668 (Worldwide) https://www.cubetaxi.com/on-demand-d elivery-solution