Taxi Booking Application in Australia
About ingogo Taxi Service Application ➢ ingogo was launched in August 4, 2011. ➢ Ingogo is an Australian Taxi company that specialises in online taxi bookings and payments. It is a taxi booking app and its headquarter is in Sydney, Australia. ➢ Ingogo taxi app is available in Android and iOS device. ➢ ingogo has revolutionised the taxi booking business for both drivers and passengers.
Why Choose ingogo for business Travel? ➢ All taxi drivers are fully registered, licensed and insured for commercial vehicles. ➢ Security cameras are installed in the vehicle ➢ Fixed Fares - No estimates. No surge pricing ➢ Qantas Frequent Flyer points. ➢ Bookings up to 2 days in advance ➢ System is free to use and implement
Reasons to take a taxi to the Airport ➢ Convenience ➢ Save Time ➢ Skilled Driver ➢ No Surprise Fees ➢ Peace of mind
Features of ingogo ➢ Real Time GPS Tracking System ➢ Fully licensed taxi drivers ➢ Payment Option ➢ No more waiting in the rain ➢ Safest, more reliable taxi app
Travel with ingogo Taxi App ➢ Enjoy your fast and safe taxi booking facility in Australia. ➢ Now, it also provides service in Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Sydney and Perth. ➢ ingogo is a free taxi app for hailing a taxi and paying for it.
Contact Us for Develop App like ingogo +1 (858) 427-0668 (Worldwide)