Texan ride sharing news – Why Uber and Lyft had to leave Austin

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Texan ride sharing news – Why Uber and Lyft had to leave Austin Two of the biggest ride-hailing companies called Uber and Lyft suspended their operations in May after the voters decided that the drivers and the company should go in for strict regulations such as biometrics using finger prints, background check, cars having the company’s logo and certain rules for the drivers to follow regarding the pick-up and drop off facility. The government of Austin imposed such regulations and this is why they had to leave. The city then conducted a public voting regarding this issue and the companies tried spending 8 million dollars for branding and campaign but nothing helped and they failed to receive any public vote. So, this was all about the recent Texans ride sharing news about Uber and Lyft.

The aftermath once the companies left Both the ride sharing companies thought that if they leave the city by shutting down the services, the people will not be able to survive due to the lack of transportation. On the contrary, nearly ten thousand drivers in Austin came into contact with the riders and still continued to be with jobs and money. Now, you must be thinking how this ever could be possible.They formed a group on Facebook where the riders could contact the drivers and book their rides respectively.

“Request a ride” is a group that was formed on Facebook which grew rapidly in just a few weeks after Uber and Lyft the town. This group requires an approval if you wish to join it and today the group has more than 33,000 members who

use this for ride sharing purposes. The group here helps in finding rides to and from your destinations. It is much easier than using these ride-sharing apps where you first have to get an approval. Once this stage is completed you can then post your request for a ride in the group. As soon as any driver is available they will reply to your message and inform you about the pick-up time and location. Once you have been connected to the driver, you can delete that request from the group. Also, there are other advantages such as no surge pricing, no need to give the company any other cuts along with an option to schedule a ride much well in advance. There is no fixed price that is displayed even before booking a ride. Drivers can either decide the cost before time or the riders can pay as per the length and distance of the ride. So, this was all about booking a ride as well as paying for these rides. Looking at this you must have now realized that life was not difficult for the people of Austin after these companies left. Texans ride sharing news was that this initiative opened the way for many other ride sharing startups to start launching their services and operate. Some of the names are Wingz, Fare, Fasten and Get me out of which Wingz specialized in providing pre-scheduled airport rides to the riders. In this way, they were aware of the fixed price while having a guaranteed ride and the drivers would also get a number of other pre-scheduled rides in advance along with a chance to earn more money.

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