Launch Your Own Uber for Disability App for Handicapped People
Have you ever think how they handle to withstand the advancement of life with their disability?
How do they do all the basic things of life. Like climbing stairs or for that matter, even eating with normal cutlery? Travelling is another basic stuff for us, but for the disabled?
The things comes out in the market, businessmen were sceptical about its acceptability.
But as it caught rage and more and more people started choosing this service for their commutation.
How is this Different? Check the tones of on demand services available in the market. How This app is Different from the rest?
The vehicles are different
While some cars will have a ramp down their boot, and other cars will have moving seats that can be moved out, allow the passenger to slide in. No hatchback or sedan cars are used for medical services. Car like SUV and vans are used.
Push notifications may vary
If you catering o a hearing disabled person, calling the person to let them know that the car has arrived may not help. Push notification is this service will vary and may be different from the normal on demand taxi app for disabled. Pish notification focus the screen with the vibrate that can be derive a hearing disabled person.
Components of This Uber for Disability App Service ●
A website for the those people who do not access mobile phones. This website will help those people who are not at all aware of using a mobile phone.
The user of iOS and android who requires on demand taxi service can directly connect with uber for disabilities app.
Customer Web Panel that is easy to access. Like, customer web panel is provided to every customer who is using the service through the app. If any customer want to check out his or her overall trips of a month.
Application of the disability app provide compatible with all kinds of mobile phones. As android is the most flexible mobile operating system build till yet.
Final Word ●
Uber for disability app not only helps you to earn a specified amount of commission with every booking. But it also helps you to serve the society in a good way.
By easing out travel for specially challenged people, you are helping them to boost their confidence and letting them know that though their physical appearance may be a little different from the rest of the world, yet they should not feel under confident because of that.
Invest in this today, with low investment and high profits.
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