REVISED REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATIONS Human-enhanced time-aware multimedia search
CUBRIK Project IST-287704 Deliverable D2.3 WP2
Deliverable Version 1.0 – 30 September 2013 Document. ref.: cubrik.D2.3.TUD.WP2/V1.0
Programme Name: ...................... IST Project Number: ........................... 287704 Project Title:.................................. CUBRIK Partners:........................................ Coordinator: ENG (IT) Contractors: UNITN, TUD, QMUL, LUH, POLMI, CERTH, NXT, MICT, ATN, FRH, INN, HOM, CVCE, EIPCM Document Number: ..................... cubrik.D2.3.TUD.WP2.V1.0 Work-Package: ............................. WP2 Deliverable Type: ........................ Document Contractual Date of Delivery: ....................................... 30 September 2013 Actual Date of Delivery: .............. 30 September 2013 Title of Document: ....................... D2.3 Revised Requirements specifications Author(s): ..................................... Approval of this report ............... Summary of this report: .............. Document contains the revised requirements specifications for two vertical applications, including data models and success criteria as a firs step towards the evaluation of pipelines and V-Apps. History: .......................................... Keyword List: ............................... Availability .................................... This report is: public
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercialShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. This work is partially funded by the EU under grant IST-FP7-287704
CUBRIK Revised Requirements Specifications
D2.3 Version 1.0
Disclaimer This document contains confidential information in the form of the CUbRIK project findings, work and products and its use is strictly regulated by the CUbRIK Consortium Agreement and by Contract no. FP7- ICT-287704. Neither the CUbRIK Consortium nor any of its officers, employees or agents shall be responsible or liable in negligence or otherwise howsoever in respect of any inaccuracy or omission herein. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7-ICT-2011-7) under grant agreement n째 287704. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the CUbRIK consortium and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.
CUBRIK Revised Requirements Specifications
D2.3 Version 1.0
INTRODUCTION 1.1 THE ROLE OF V-APPS 1.2 HYBRID HUMAN CONVENTIONAL COMPUTATION 1.2.1 Introducing Hybrid Human Conventional Computation 1.2.2 An example of H2C2 from SME Innovation 1.2.3 An example of H2C2 from History of Europe 1.3 SPECIFYING REQUIREMENTS IN THE CUBRIK PROJECT 1.4 SPECIFYING USE CASES 1.5 SPECIFYING SUCCESS CRITERIA
2.1 INTRODUCTION 2.2 V-APP DESCRIPTION AND MOCK-UP 2.2.1 Background and rationale 2.2.2 Mock-up 2.3 DATA MODEL 2.4 OVERVIEW OF USE CASE GROUPS AND USE CASES 2.4.1 Indexation 2.4.2 Social graph construction 2.4.3 Uncovering who a person is 2.4.4 Expanding the context to find out more 2.5 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE HISTORY OF EUROPE V-APP 2.6 NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE HOE V-APP 2.7 TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA
6 6 6 7 17 24 24 25 25 25 25 27 27
HISTORY OF EUROPE: INDEXATION 3.1 USE CASE: ACQUISITION OF CO-OCCURRENCES 3.1.1 Functional requirements 3.1.2 Non-functional Requirements 3.1.3 Success criteria 3.1.4 Description 3.1.5 Sequence Diagram 3.1.6 CUbRIK H-demos reference 3.1.7 Component List 3.2 USE CASE IDENTITY RECONCILIATION 3.2.1 Functional requirements 3.2.2 Non-functional requirements 3.2.3 Success criteria 3.2.4 Description 3.2.5 Sequence Diagram 3.2.6 CUBRIK H-demos reference 3.2.7 Component List 3.3 USE CASE 1.2 INDEXATION OF TEXTUAL INFORMATION 3.3.1 Functional requirements 3.3.2 Non-functional Requirements 3.3.3 Success criteria 3.3.4 Description 3.3.5 Sequence Diagram 3.3.6 CUBRIK H-demo reference 3.3.7 Component List
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4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 5.
5.1 USE CASE ‘VISUALIZATION OF THE SOCIAL GRAPH’ 5.1.1 Functional Requirements 5.1.2 Non-functional requirements 5.1.3 Success criteria 5.1.4 Description 5.1.5 Sequence Diagram 5.1.6 CUBRIK H-demos reference 5.1.7 Component List 5.2 USE CASE QUERY FOR ENTITIES 5.2.1 Functional requirements 5.2.2 Non-functional Requirements 5.2.3 Success criteria 5.2.4 Description 5.2.5 Sequence Diagram 5.2.6 CUBRIK H-demos reference 5.2.7 Component List 5.3 USE CASE EXPERT CROWD RESEARCH INQUIRY 5.3.1 Functional requirements 5.3.2 Non-functional Requirements 5.3.3 Success Criteria 5.3.4 Description 5.3.5 Sequence Diagram 5.3.6 CUBRIK H-demos reference 5.3.7 Component List 5.4 USE CASE 3.4 SOCIAL GRAPH NETWORK ANALYSIS TOOLKIT 5.4.1 Functional requirements 5.4.2 Non-functional requirements 5.4.3 Success criteria 5.4.4 Description 5.4.5 Sequence Diagram 5.4.6 CUBRIK H-demos reference 5.4.7 Component List 5.4.8 Component specification 6. 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 7.
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SME INNOVATION: IMAGE CRAWLING FROM SN 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7
9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 10.
10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 11.
11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 12.
12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 13.
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13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 14.
14.1 USER-BASED PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 14.1.1 V-App level technology acceptance criteria 14.1.2 History of Europe 14.1.3 Fashion 14.2 TECHNICAL SUCCESS CRITERIA 14.2.1 History of Europe 14.2.2 Fashion 15.
15.1 NEXT STEPS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF V-APPS 15.1.1 Fashion 15.1.2 History of Europe 15.2 NEXT STEPS FOR THE EVALUATION 16.
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D2.3 Version 1.0
Executive Summary This deliverable, D2.3, contains the refined requirements specifications. The main purpose of this refinement process was to define two vertical applications with a strong link between 1) Business requirements and end-user requirements, and 2) Technological progress achieved by pipelines that combine automatic processing with human intelligence. For that purpose: •
Two vertical applications have been described, consisting of a number of use cases. The applications both fulfil business and end-user needs and demonstrate ‘hybrid human conventional computation’-principles, the core innovation of the CUbRIK project;
The data model for both vertical applications has been refined and elaborated, while taking D2.1 Metadata models as the starting point.
Technical success criteria and technology acceptance criteria have been specified, as the first steps towards the evaluation that will take place in the third year of the project. This document consists of three parts:
The first part, starting with Section 2, describes the History of Europe V-App with an introductory section, which includes the data model and a description of the document. The subsequent sections each describe one use case; 2) The second part of the document describes the SME Innovation Fashion V-App. Section 7 provides an introduction to the V-App, followed by a description of the use cases; 3) The third part, Section 14, summarizes the technical success criteria and the technology acceptance criteria. The deliverable concludes with an outlook towards the evaluation of both pipelines and VApps in the third year of the project.
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The CUbRIK project investigates the added value of a novel approach to multimedia querying and content processing: the combination of automatic processing with human computation.
The role of V-Apps
The final results of the project will be an open platform for multimedia search practitioners, researchers and end-users. The platform consists of external interfaces, pipelines (for content, querying, and feedback), components & executors, and platform services. Pipelines are a mixing of automatic operations – jobs – and human activities that are chained in a sequence. Applications can be built on top of the CUbRIK platform1. To demonstrate the added value of the CUbRIK platform, in this project two vertical applications are developed for two domains of practice (SME Innovation and History of Europe). In addition, a set of horizontal demos are developed aimed at providing proofs-ofconcept and demonstrating specific functionalities (components, pipelines, or apps that are not tied to a domain of practice).
Hybrid Human Conventional Computation
Introducing Hybrid Human Conventional Computation
Hybrid human conventional computation (H2C2) pipelines are the main innovation of the CUbRIK project. In H2C2 pipelines, automatic processing is combined with crowdsourcing in different configurations. In the vertical applications, the human is put "in the loop" in two different ways: to extend or verify the information that is generated by automatic processing (detection or ranking); • to verify the information that is introduced into the system by other users. The images with the additional trusted information obtained from crowdsourcing are then used in the application. A schematic overview of a Hybrid human conventional computation pipeline is displayed in Figure 1. •
Figure 1 Hybrid human conventional computation pipelines 1 A comprehensive description of the CUbRIK architecture can be found in D9.2 Delivery Management Plan and Testing Specification.
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An example of H2C2 from SME Innovation
The SME Innovation V-App focuses on the domain of Fashion. One of the use cases is focused on crawling fashion images from the web, detecting body parts in the images, and identifying clothing items. This use case prepares for the detection of fashion trends. It combines automatic detection components (detecting texture and color in the images and detecting the upper and lower body part within an image) with a crowd sourcing component: a Game With A Purpose (GWAP) called Sketchness (developed by POLMI), in which the players draw contours around the clothing items.
An example of H2C2 from History of Europe
Identifying people that played a part in European history is an important part of the V-App ‘History of Europe’. In the use case ‘Indexation’, source images from the archives are loaded in the pipeline. Automatic detection is used to detect faces. Crowdsourcing is used to verify the position of the faces in the images. Finally, an automatic face recognition process returns a list of potential identities for the faces. The examples demonstrate that in this project human hybrid conventional computation pipelines are employed that combine automatic components with crowdsourcing components in different orders and for different purposes.
Specifying requirements in the CUbRIK project
In WP2, the requirements are specified for both vertical applications and H-Demos. In the first year of the project, the results of the requirements specification process have been documented in two deliverables: D2.1 Metadata models and D2.2 Requirements specifications. In D2.1 Metadata models, a generic data model for the CUbRIK platform has been presented. In D2.2, delivered in M9, the preliminary functional and non-functional requirements have been specified for the vertical applications and for the H-Demos. D2.2 includes the usercentered design work that has been conducted in order to assess the needs of the target users in both domains of practice (i.e. user requirements). The user centered design efforts have been conducted in an inter-workpackage workgroup between Task 2.2 Functional and Non-Functional requirements, Task 10.1 Application requirements and coordination, and Task 7.1 Content collection and ground truth management. This work has led to the choice for two domains of practice: History of Europe and SME Innovation/Fashion. For both domains of practice, preliminary user requirements have been derived. This deliverable, D2.3, contains the refined requirements specifications. The main purpose of this refinement process was to define two vertical applications with a strong link between 1) business requirements and end-user requirements, and 2) technological progress achieved by pipelines that combine automatic processing with human intelligence. To achieve this goal, different components and pipelines have to be specified in detail and have to be aligned with the vertical applications. This deliverable reflects this purpose, and compared to D2.2, the following progress has been made: •
• •
The specification of use cases, pipelines, and components has been refined and directed towards the context of the vertical applications in the two domains of practice; The generic data models have been updated and tailored to the specific setting of the V-Apps; Success criteria have been specified. Two types of success criteria have been specified: technical success criteria, and user-based performance criteria. Both types of success criteria form the basis for the evaluation of CUbRIK pipelines (Task 10.4 Evaluation of CUbRIK Pipelines) and CUbRIK apps (Task 10.5 Evaluation of CUbRIK
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Apps), respectively. During the process of zeroing in on addressing concrete needs within the two domains of practice, we have prioritized the use cases of the V-Apps by choosing those that make the most critical use of H2C2 principles, in other words, those that most directly exploit the innovative contribution of CUbRIK.
Specifying Use Cases
As this deliverable is focused on the vertical applications and the needs of their users, user stories are the primary point of reference: pieces of functionality end-users in the domains of practice have expressed they need for their daily work. Thus, the use cases are rooted in the user-centered design studies that have taken place in the first year of the project. This specification document then bridges the gap between the high-level user needs and the detailed component specifications by describing use cases. They are specified to the extent that they impact the end users. The underlying components have been specified in detail, but for reasons of readability, are not part of this deliverable. These detailed specifications will be included in the updated version of D9.8 Architecture Design. The use cases contain a set of pipelines that are needed to achieve useful results for the end-user. Some of the use cases are preparatory for the other use cases. In the description of the use cases, the hybrid human conventional computation pipelines are emphasized.
Specifying Success Criteria
As stated in the previous section, we will assess the success of the V-Apps not only with regard to the technical performance, but also with regard to technology acceptance, since the V-Apps have the purpose of demonstrating the added value of CUbRIK technology to users in the two domains of practice. In preparation for assessing the technical performance, we have formulated technical success criteria for each use case. The success criteria are input to the system-oriented evaluation in Task 10.5 Evaluation of CUbRIK Pipelines. The success criteria are formulated as [measure] [comparison operator] [value]. Technology acceptance is assessed on two levels: the level of the V-App as a whole and the level of a use case. The V-App level needs to be addressed, as the perception of the users of the individual use cases is influenced by their perception of the application as a whole – and vice versa. To assess technology acceptance on the level of vertical applications, we will take the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of technology (UTAUT; Venkatesh et al., 2003) as our starting point. The model is the validated result of integrating eight different user acceptance theories and their measurement instruments. In addition to these dimensions, we also address the task-technology fit: the extent to which the capabilities of the technology match with the tasks the user must perform. (Goodhue & Thompson, 1995). This aspect is not covered by the UTAUT model Apart from the high-level technology acceptance constructs, we specifically pay attention to usability considerations, as this is expected to be an important determinant for user adoption of the CUbRIK technology. The resulting set of technology acceptance indicators will be presented in the introduction sections for each V-App (Section 2 and 7). In addition to the V-App level, we also assess use-case specific aspects related to usability, usefulness and the users’ perception on the incentive models that are employed. The resulting set of user-based performance indicators will be presented in the use case sections. Both technology acceptance indicators and user-based success indicators do not have a target level, as target levels tend to be arbitrary for user-based success indicators. Therefore, in user-centered design research it is common practice to define what is going to be
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measured and then analyse the measurement results afterwards, without defining a threshold value a priori. Furthermore, Likert scales are not analysed with the purpose of providing means and standard deviations, but with the purpose of getting insight in how participants’ perceptions are distributed over the scale points.
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Introduction to the History of Europe (HoE)V-App
In D2.2 Requirements specifications, History of Europe was introduced as a domain of practice to demonstrate the value of CUbRIK technology to help businesses achieve their goals. In their projects, CVCE’s history experts perform a number of tasks that are often complicated and time-consuming. Finding relevant materials, getting access to collections, dealing with copyright issues, and interpreting the results are examples of the challenges they are faced with. The application developed here provides computer support for a part of these challenges. Please refer to D2.2 for more information about the domain of practice.
V-App Description and Mock-up
Background and rationale
Four different user stories were developed in the beginning of the requirement definition phase for the History of Europe application: • •
• •
User story 1: Collecting materials at the archive; User story 2: o A: Where was this photo taken? o B: Who is this person? Tell me more! User story 3: Can I publish this? User story 4: Documenting the results.
The scenario sketched in User story 2 B: Who is this person? Tell me more! will be used as a point of departure for the implementation of the History of Europe application. The modified user story reads as follow: A newly scanned photo shows a few people at a dining table. Amidst familiar faces, Ibrahim notices one person that is unknown to him. He uploads the image to the History of Europe application to find out who this person is. He selects the person’s faces in the scan and provides the names of some of the people he already recognized. After a while, the image analyser returns suggestions for the identity of the missing persons. One of the suggestions proposes that the unknown person might be a Dutch politician. Based on the reference images that the application offers him, Ibrahim is able to confirm this identity. Ibrahim wants to find out more details about the photo and starts the exploration of the social graph. There, he finds more photos of the same event. Based on the number of cooccurrences of persons in these and other photos, he is able to identify possible candidates who, to his surprise, could also have known the politician he identified in the initial picture. For every person Ibrahim selects in the graph he sees the results of the context expander, which in addition to photos provides him with a list of media items such as newspaper articles, interviews, commentaries and videos.
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Based on the modified user story, a mock-up of the History of Europe V-App was created to help define a set of functional requirements and to be the basis for implementation. The mock-up was presented in a second focus group with historians to refine the requirements and success criteria. The envisioned application will provide the following main functionalities: •
The application will contain a set of existing and well-established media collections, including the CVCE and Europeana collection. Different types of media documents will be available to the users: photographs, videos, audio recordings and text documents; Users will be able to upload their own media documents Figure 2), to organize and bookmark documents by creating their own collection folders, and to share their uploads and collections with the History of Europe community; Different research tools are available to users to enable them to work with the available media documents: Text-based Search, Social Graph Exploration, Document Annotation and Research Inquiry.
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Figure 2 The homepage: overview of available documents, research tools and recent activity
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Figure 3 Media harvesting and uploading
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With the Text-based Search, users can search for media documents and known entities (persons, places, events).
The social graph explorer A more explorative approach to working with media documents is the Social Graph Explorer (Figure 4). It depicts a graph of links between actors that were identified in the processed media documents from the History of Europe collections. The nodes represent the actors, while the graph’s edges represent the media documents that connect two actors. Different filters are available to users to explore the graph, including a timeline, an events- and placesfilter to be able to retrieve time-, location- and event-based sub graphs. With such a graph tool, historians can explore co-occurrences of different actors in the media documents and get an overview of the complex structure, which can generate leads for new research perspectives. The birds-eye-view can give new insights into seemingly well-known knowledge (recapitulating) and lead to surprises, e.g. identifying until then unknown persons documents by finding unexpected links. Patterns and paths between actors can be discovered as well as overlaps between several well-known networks (aggregation of information). In order to compute the Social Graph and accumulate knowledge about the various media documents (identification of actors, places, events, time and additional information that help to provide context), the media documents need to undergo both automatic processing techniques as well as general-purpose and expert crowdsourcing. It is the combination of these methods that sets the application apart from similar works.
Figure 4 Visualization of the Social Graph. The "min" and "max" controls allow to analyse weak and strong links
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Automatic face detection and face position validation Collections and media documents that are added to the History of Europe application first go through an automated process. To identify possible actors in photographs, automatic face detection is combined with general-purpose crowd face position validation to rule out falsepositives and false-negatives. This validation is usually done through the Microtask plattform, but for single user uploads the History of Europe application will provide a built-in editor for users to manually delete bounding boxes and add new faces (Figure 5 and Figure 6). Only after this step is completed, automatic face recognition is applied to provide confidence scores of the top identification matches for each previously marked face. For more accurate results, expert crowdsourcing is a key element of the History of Europe application, as a high level of domain knowledge is required to verify most of the automatic recognition results and to enrich the media documents with additional information such as metadata.
Figure 5 CROWD face position validation, manual annotation by user for single images, page 7
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Figure 6 CROWD face position validation, manual confirmation by user for single images Expert-crowdsourcing is realized with the two tools: Document Annotation for implicit expertcrowdsourcing and Research Inquiry for explicit expert-crowdsourcing. The Document Annotation tool can be used by users of the application, who are experts in European Integration and similar fields, whenever they are viewing a document such as a photograph. With the tool, they can annotate metadata of a photograph, e.g. the caption, the date or event the photograph was taken, and data related to depicted persons, e.g. the name, affiliation or birth date (Figure 7, Figure 8, Figure 9).
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Figure 7 Entity annotation and verification
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Figure 8 Expert CROWD verification
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Figure 9: Expert CROWD verification However, such annotations are often ambiguous, and historians need to be able to comprehend others’ reasoning. Therefore, users can propose a suggestion for a particular annotation field and also provide a short explanation of their chain of thought to make suggestions transparent for other users. Author-based majority voting is also included, i.e. it is possible for users to vote on others’ suggestions to identify more likely ones. The automatic face recognition confidence scores are also displayed in the Document Annotation tool to provide users with an initial guess that they can use if they are trying to identify unknown persons. Requirements analysis revealed that historians are already using existing social media networks, e.g. Twitter, to distribute mostly image-related queries such as ”Who is this person?” among colleagues. With the Research Inquiry tool, users can address their professional social media networks and the History of Europe community to ask specific questions about media documents or particular annotation fields (Figure 10). With the tool, they can easily retrieve and manage the answers their colleagues provide.
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Figure 10 Expert CROWD Research Inquiry, New Research Inquiry The activity monitor on the application homepage helps users keep track of incoming Expert Inquiry responses and new Expert Inquiries from other users. Additionally, new annotations and new media documents are tracked there as well (Figure 2).
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Figure 11: Relationship between user stories and use cases
Data model
In D2.1 an extensive data model has been presented for the CUbRIK platform as a whole. The diagram displayed in Figure 12 contains an adapted version of the data model that is adjusted to the History of Europe vertical application. In particular, this model makes use of a subset of the elements in the Content and Content Description Model described in Section 1.2 of D2.1. This model is split into three main sub-models, the Entity Model (which models objects or events in the real world), the Content Model (which models content objects), and the Content Description Models (which models Annotations, and mediates between the content world and the real world). Figure 12 shows that refinements have been added (for example, the specification of a location as a street address), but that also elements representing other CUbRIK data models have been incorporated, especially the meta-entity class below is used to express elements from the Provenance and Rights Model (source). As in the Annotation model, confidence is specified as a value associated with an annotation, here designated “Accuracy�. This simple
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representation of confidence makes it possible to track uncertainty according to the needs of the HoE V-App. Key
id number (long)
The number we use to identify the entities. (unique)
Text (String)
The name of the entity subclass.
Text (MString)
The name of the entity
Semantic text (semString)
A description of the entity
The date when the entity starts
The date when the entity ends
Time period (Mduration)
The period of time between start and end
part of
Link to an entity (MEntity<entity>)
Describe the entity as a part of the other entity
The URL of a webpage related to the entity
id number (long)
An id referencing the entity on an external database
Entity (MEntity< Entity >)
The entity this MetaEntity references
Id number (Mlong)
The id of the attribute it references
Entity (MEntity< Entity >)
The entity representing the source of this data
Score (MDouble)
A number representing the accuracy of this data
Text (MString)
The name of the street
Text (MString)
The number assigned to the address.
Text (MString)
The postal code of the city where this address is located.
Entity (MEntity<location>)
The city where this address is located.
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Entity (MEntity<location>)
The state where address is located.
Entity (MEntity<location>)
The country where address is located.
Text (MString)
The type of keypoint
Number (MInteger)
The X coordinate of the keypoint
Number (MInteger)
The Y coordinate of the keypoint
Text (MString)
The type of tag
Entity (MEntity<image>)
The entity of the image on which this tag is made.
Entity (MEntity<image>)
The part of the image where we tag it.
Entity (MEntity<entity>)
The entity tagged.
Number (MInteger)
Left coordinate of the tag (relative to the image)
Number (MInteger)
Top coordinate of the tag (relative to the image)
Number (MInteger)
Right coordinate of the tag (relative to the image)
Number (MInteger)
Bottom coordinate of the tag (relative to the image)
Entity (MEntity<keypoint>)
The keypoint representing the tag on the image.
Entity (MEntity<Organization>)
The establishment where this education can be taken
Semantic text (MSemString)
The field of education
Semantic text (MSemString)
The academic degree delivered with this education
Entity (MEntity<entity>)
The entity representing the photographer
Entity (MEntity<Image>)
The entity representing the picture itself
Semantic text (MSemString)
The source of the photo
Semantic text (MSemString)
The model of the device
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used deviceID
Text (MString)
The id of the device used
Date (MDate)
The date when this photo was taken
Text (MString)
The type of scene described by the photo
Number (MDouble)
The time of exposure used for this photo in milliseconds
Number (MDouble)
The focal number used for this photo
Number (MInteger)
The length of the focal used for this photo in millimeters
Semantic text (MSemString)
The exposure program used for this photo
Text (MString)
The spectral sensitivity of the device used for the photo
Number (MInteger)
The ISO speed rating used for this photo
Number (MInteger)
The OECF (opto electronic conversion function) of the device used for the photo
Number (MDouble)
The value of the exposure bias used for the photo
Number (MDouble)
The distance of the subject in meters
Number (MInteger)
The X coordinate of the subject
Number (MInteger)
The Y coordinate of the subject
Semantic text (MSemString)
The mode of light source used for the photo
Text (MString)
The metering mode used for the photo
Boolean (MBoolean)
0 : no flash, 1 : flash
Number (MDouble)
The energy released by the flash
Semantic String (MSemString)
Indicates flash return status
Boolean (MBoolean)
0 : no red eye reduction, 1: red eye reduction
Number (MInteger)
The orientation of the photo
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Entity (MEntity<location>)
The place where the photo was taken
Semantic String (MSemString)
A reference to the direction of the photo
Number (MDouble)
The orientation of direction of the photo
Date (MDate)
The date when the photo was taken at UT
Text (String)
Details about the photo
Text (MString)
The name of the file
The URL of the file
Text (MString)
The format (extention)
Number (MLong)
The size of the file (in octet)
Semantic String (MSemString)
The model of the device used to create this file
Text (MString)
The Id of the device used to create this file
Date (MDate)
The Date of creation of the file
Semantic String (MSemString)
The sources of the file
Entity (MEntity<entity>)
The entity representing the creator of the file
Semantic String (MSemString)
Tags related to this file
Entity (MEntity<entity>)
References derived mind products
Number (MInteger)
The height of the image
Number (MInteger)
The width of the image
Number (MInteger)
Number of bytes per pixel of the image
Semantic String (MSemString)
The color space of the image
Entity (MEntity<file>)
The low level description of the image
Semantic String (MSemString)
Nationality of the person
Image (sub class of file)
Person Nationality
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Duration (MDuration)
Life span of the person
Date (MDate)
Date of birth of the person
Date (MDate)
Date of death of the person
Entity (MEntity<Location>)
Place of birth of the person
Entity (MEntity<Location>)
Place of person
Entity (MEntity<role>)
Entity representing the role of the person
Entity (MEntity<education>)
Entity representing the education of the person
Entity (MEntity<Location>)
The place where the organization takes seat
Date (MDate)
Date of establishment of the organization
Date (MDate)
Date of disestablishment of the organization
Semantic String (MSemString)
Language used within the organization
Entity (MEntity<Entity>)
Entity representing event participants
Entity (MEntity<Location>)
The place where the event takes place
Number (MDouble)
Latitude of the location
Number (MDouble)
Longitude of the location
Number (MDouble)
Altitude of the location
Entity (MEntity<Entity>)
Entity representing provenance source
Number (MDouble)
Accuracy of the automatic recognition process
Boolean (MBoolean)
0: negative vote 1: positive vote
Semantic String (MSemString)
Comment free text
Event the
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Figure 12: HoE data model for Entitypedia CUBRIK Revised Requirements Specifications
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Overview of Use Case Groups and Use Cases
The History of Europe app implements User story 2 B: Who is this person? Tell me more! as four different use case groups that may contain a number of separate use cases. An overview of the use case groups is displayed in Figure 13. Image Indexation Clickworkers
Acquisition of co-occurrences
Media harvesting and upload
Copyright aware crawler
Provenance checker
Met adat a Entity ex traction
License checker
Crowd Face position validation
Face detection
Face identifi cation
Content provider tools
Data Set Creation
Face recognition
Identity reconciliation CROWD prefi ltering
Entity verifi cation & annotation
Entitypedia Integration
Expert Crowd
Indexation of textual information
Connection to the CVCE collection
Entity anntation and ex traction
Entity extraction
Social Graph construction
Entitypedia data provisioning
Ex pert CROWD verifi cation
Entitypedia Integration
Entity reconciliation
Uncovering who a person is Visualization of the social graph
Social Graph Creat ion
Expert CROWD Research Inquiry CROWD Research Inquiry
Graph Visualization
Expanding the context […] Expert Crowd Ex pansion through docum ents
Ex pansion through im ages
Ex pansion through videos
Ex pansion through related entities
Social Graph Network Analysis Tk Analysis of the social graph
Graph Visualization
Query for entities
Query ex ecution
Graph Visualization
Figure 13 Overview of use case gropus
The Indexation use case group breaks down into two use cases. The indexation of images starts with the Acquisition of Co-Occurrences sub use case. This use case acquires cooccurrences by identifying the individual actors in historical images. Single images or bulks of images are uploaded directly by the user or crawled from connected online archives in the Data Set Creation process step. The optional Content Provider Tool process allows owners of content archives to assign specific usage rights to the images in their archives. During the crawling process a license checker consumes these usage rights and stores the corresponding information. The provenance identification component assures that all images that have been analysed before are identified and associated to the corresponding CUBRIK Revised Requirements Specifications
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annotations. All images that haven't been analysed before are now exposed to the Face Recognition process. In this process the position of faces in the images is detected algorithmically and verified by crowd-workers. Detected and verified faces are then analysed by a face identification process that associates different candidates for a personâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s identity to entities in the Entitypedia. In Year3, contextual information of the social graph as well as entities provided in the metadata (person names, places, organizations, events and time) will be taken into account during the identification process. In the Identity Reconciliation use case, humans verify the results of the automatic identification processes. In the Crowd pre-filtering component a generic crowd tries to verify the identity of the depicted persons. Identities that could not be verified in the previous step are forwarded to the Entity Verification and Annotation component where expert users can verify the associations between faces and entities but also provide additional annotations to images, which are in turn stored in the Entitypedia. The Text Indexation use case provides verified entities for textual documents in the CVCE collection. Once a document is added to the CVCE collection, the existing entities are extracted and then verified by a crowd process. The resulting references are stored back in the Entitypedia.
Social graph construction
The social graph construction process generates the social graph based on the cooccurrences of persons in images.
Uncovering who a person is
In the use case group Uncovering who a person is, users can get a visualization of the social graph, interact with it through queries, start research inquiries for the expert crowd to verify uncertain/unclear information or apply analytical tools to the social graph. The aforementioned features are all separate use cases under the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;uncovering who a person isâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; use case group.
Expanding the context to find out more
The Expanding the context to find out more use case takes entities as a point of departure to expand them with documents, videos or images. In the case of images, both already indexed images as well as publicly available images, e.g. from Flickr, are shown. Images from external data sources such as Flickr are fed back into the image indexation process and become in turn a part of the social graph.
Functional Requirements for the History of Europe V-App
In this section we present high-level functional requirements that explain the core functionality of the History of Europe vertical application. The requirements will be elaborated in later Sections, which each deals with a separate use case. #
Functional requirement
The application must enable the bulk upload of images containing people Related use cases - Acquisition of co-occurrences
The application must be able to detect faces in the image
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Functional requirement Related use cases - Acquisition of co-occurrences
The application must have the crowd verify the position of faces in the images Related use cases - Acquisition of co-occurrences
The application must enable users to identify the faces of people known to the user Related use cases - Acquisition of co-occurrences
The application must enable users to identify the faces of people known to the user Related use cases - Acquisition of co-occurrences
The application must enable users to identify the faces of people known to the user Related use cases - Acquisition of co-occurrences
The application must be able to provide suggestions for the identity of the persons that were not identified by the user yet. Related use cases - Identity reconciliation
The application must display reference images of the same person that enables the user to confirm or reject the identity of unknown persons Related use cases - Image indexation, identity reconciliation
The application should contain a social graph that enables users to explore the relationship between persons, places and events through: the 1) Co-occurence in media sources (images, text documents, video, audio), 2) Identification of weak ties; Related use cases - Uncovering who a person is (visualization of the social graph)
The application must enable users to start a research inquiry to supplement or verify information in the social graph by submitting questions to one or more of the following crowds: generic crowds, the application community of experts, social media contacts, and the userâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s e-mail contacts.
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Functional requirement
Related use cases - Uncovering who a person is (expert crowd research inquiry) The application should enable users to retrieve a list of media items (newspapers, interviews, commentaries, and videos) related to a selected person or media item Related use cases - Expanding the context to find out more (Context expander) Table 1 Functional requirements for History of Europe
The technical success criteria will be discussed in the sections that deal with individual use cases.
Non-functional requirements for the HoE V-App
Non-functional requirement
The application shall be accessible and useable for non-technical audiences.
The application shall be well documented and described
The application shall be transparent, allowing researchers e.g. to understand when results are modified by algorithms
The application shall be extensible to any domain within the field of History and beyond
The application shall be scalable in the sense that it can be used by a large group of users from different domains (professionals, students, teachers, politicians, journalists) and that it can be extended with additional data collections
The application shall be easy to use Table 2 Non-functional requirements for History of Europe
Technology acceptance criteria
As explained in the introduction, we use the UTAUT framework (Venkathesh et al., 2003) as our frame of reference for the assessment of technology acceptance criteria. The following indicators that were derived from the UTAUT framework will be used: • • •
Performance expectancy: the degree to which an individual believes that using the system will help him or her to attain gains in job performance; Effort expectancy: the degree of ease associated with the use of the system; Attitude towards using technology: an individual's overall affective reaction to using a system.
Type of indicator
Type of user
Type of measurement
Technology acceptance indicators
Expert historian
Performance expectancy
Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale)
Expert historian
Effort expectancy
Expert historian
Attitude toward using
Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale) Questionnaire (self reported,
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Type of indicator
Overall Usability
Type of user
Type of measurement
likert scale)
Expert historian
Task-technology fit
Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale)
Expert historian
Ease of Use
Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale)
Expert historian
Interface Errors
Analysis of logs
Expert historian
Critical Incidents
Analysis of logs
Table 3 Technology Acceptance Criteria We address ease of use by means of self-reporting via Likert scales and by asking respondents to describe critical incidents. Additionally, we analyse the logs in order to detect interface errors that might point out to usability issues.
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History of Europe: Indexation
The Indexation use case is split up into different use cases: •
Indexation of images: o Acquisition of Co-Occurrences; o Identity reconciliation; Indexation of textual information.
Use case: Acquisition of Co-Occurrences
The identification of persons in historical images is the foundation of the social graph and the basis for the analysis of co-occurrences. In this use case, source images are loaded in the pipeline, and in these source images faces are identified and verified by a generic crowd before an automatic face recognition process returns a list of potential identities for the faces. •
• • • •
The existing images of the CVCE collection will be used as an initial set: o to identify and recognize faces; o to associate these faces with Entitypedia entities in order to finally identify cooccurrences' Source images might be uploaded or can be chosen from one of the imported archives; Content providers can assign usage rights for different user groups to their content; Indexation takes place either for individual images or for bulk imports of images; The use case is covered in the interface mock-up (see Figure 3).
Functional requirements
Functional requirement
The application must contain the CVCE collection data set
The application must enable users to upload and manage new media items individually and in bulks
The application must integrate meta information about a media object, such as captions, sources, date, location and event, photographer, copyright and relevance
The application must integrate information about persons appearing in the media objects, such as name, lifetime and affiliation
The application must provide an indicator for the estimated duration of automatic recognition tasks
The application must give access to content in accordance with the permission levels that are assigned to different user groups; content providers must be able to determine the usage rights (such as the right to re-publish, analyse, distribute to generic crowds, expert crowds) per user group.
The application must integrate a reliability indicator that shows the estimated reliability for results that come from automatic recognition tasks Table 4 Functional requirements for 'Acquisition of co-occurrences’
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Figure 14: Component diagram for the use case ‘Acquisition of Co-Occurrences’
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copyright, provenance and use information person entities extracted from metadata and text associated to IMAGES
(optional) license information related to images references
meta-data related to image references
Related tasks 10.2
References to image files
Task 5.3
Task 5.3
Entity extraction from metadata
Task 8.1
Task 5.3
Task 4.1
DEMO News history
License checker
Image file references from the CVCE collection OR from external archives OR user uploaded images
Provenance checker
Data Set Creation – owner: CERTH Copyright aware crawler
Content provider tool
Media harvesting and upload
* IMPLEMENTED AND INTEGRATED Current use in a sandbox, use of full crowd after Como. Adding faces: Will be added till the end of the month
person entities
social graph
Task 8.1
DEMO media entity annotation
Face identification
face positions with associated Entitypedia entities
Ready *
Task 5.2
copyright, provenance and use information
Image files
Task 8.1
DEMO human enhanced trademark logo detection
CROWD face position validation
Face recognition – owner: POLMI Face detection
Non-functional Requirements
In the next section, measurable technical success criteria are formulated that are perceived as operationalized non-functional requirements. They address processing time, memory usage, precision and recall. From the user point of view, perception of usefulness and perception of effort are addressed.
Success criteria
In Table 4 the technical success criteria are displayed. Component Content provider tool
Indicator avg processing time
Target level < 100 ms;
Content provider tool Copyright aware Crawler
heap memory usage
< 30 MB
usedBandwidth / availableBandwidth
> .7
Provenance checker
avg processing time < 100 ms
< 100 ms
Provenance checker License checker
heap memory usage < 80 MB avg processing time < 20 ms
< 80 MB
< 80 MB
Face detection
heap memory usage < 80 MB Face detection: Recall
Face identification
Precision (top-1) Precision (top-10)
< 20 ms
> .50 (@FP rate < .05)
> .15 > .35
Remarks includes file operations (read/write), hashing, XML document validation and XMLSignature creation (regardless of size and number of processed content items) bandwidth efficiency: assumption: storage is fast enough; if lower: limiting end must be provider bandwidth limiting) includes file operations (read/write), hashing, database query based on hash (against empty HSQL reference database), provenance info XML creation (regardless of size and number of processed content items) includes file operations (read/write), XML document validation, XML-Signature validation, mapping license to platform permissions, creating permissions-info XML (regardless of size and number of processed content items) The figure refers to unrestricted conditions, including non-frontal faces, varying illumination, varying size, occlusions, film grain, etc.). FP rate .05 means that .05X wrongly detected faces were found in X tested images. An algorithm that performs face identification based on a random guess would achieve top-1 precision equal to .004 (ground truth with 250 different classes â&#x20AC;&#x201C; individuals)
Table 5 Technical success criteria for 'Acquisition of co-occurrences'
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In Table 5 the user-based performance indicators are displayed for acquisition of cooccurrences. Human-computer transaction
Type of user
Type of measurement
User extends the existing collection with own photographs/uploads
Expert Historian
Perception of usefulness
Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale)
User validates/defines the position of faces in images
Expert Historian / generic crowd
Perception of effort of manual face validation
Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale)
Table 6 User-based performance indicators for 'Acquisition of co-occurrences’
Use case #
1.1.1 Acquisition of Co-Occurrences
Goal in Context
Identify and recognize faces from historical images then associate the faces with Entitypedia entities.
Scope & Level
Component Summary
Role of Human Hybrid Conventional Computation
Automatic processing is used to detect faces in historical images. Subsequently, the generic crowd verifies the detected face positions.
Entitypedia entities for persons, places and organizations Image files showing historical photos
Success End Condition
Images with faces that are associated to a result list. Every element of the list is associated to an Entitypedia Entity
Failed End Condition
No faces can be detected on the images, •
The detected faces were not recognized,
The recognized faces cannot be associated to Entitypedia entities,
The association between faces and Entitypedia entities cannot be verified
Primary, Secondary Actors
Content injector Crowd experts, Crowd workers
An image is selected for processing
Media harvesting and uploading
Copyright aware crawler
Provenance checker
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Use case #
1.1.1 Acquisition of Co-Occurrences
License checker
Entity extraction from metadata
Face detection
CROWD face position validation
Face identification
Branching Action
If the image had been analysed before, the rest of the pipeline is skipped and the user sees the results for the image that had already been processed
Branching Action 1
Content providers can annotate the content of their archives with different kind of permitted uses on a per user/group base through the content provider tool
Images can be â&#x20AC;˘
Harvested from imported archives or
Uploaded as bulk or as single files
Sequence Diagram
Figure 15: Image indexation sub-variation Image upload
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Figure 16: Image indexation sub-variation Archive indexation
3.1.6 â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘
CUbRIK H-demos reference News History H-Demo for provenance identification People Identification H-Demo for face identification
Component List
Process steps
Component Name
Data set creation
Media harvesting and upload
owner CERTH
Partner responsible CERTH L3S FRH
Patrick Aichroth
Copyright aware Crawler
Patrick Aichroth
Patrick Aichroth
Patrick Aichroth
License checker
owner POLMI
Theodoros Semertzidis
Content Provider Tool
Provenance checker
Face recognition
Contact Point
Entity extraction from metadata
Face detection
Marco Tagliasacchi
Crowd face position validation
Marco Tagliasacchi
Face identification
Marco Tagliasacchi
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Lars Wieneke
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Use case Identity reconciliation
The use case is covered in the interface mock-up (see Figure 7)
Functional requirements
Functional requirement
The application must provide the ability to annotate meta-information for the image
The application must provide the ability to annotate persons that are depicted in the image
Meta-information refer in this case to the image as a source (e.g. date and location where the image was taken) whereas person-related information refer to the identity of the person depicted in the image.
The application must provide an extensible ontology for entities (persons, places and events) that allows to normalize new entities with existing entities and to add new entities
The application must enable users to correct errors from automatic face detection, i.e. mark undetected faces (false negatives) and delete bounding boxes not containing a face (false positives)
The application must provide provenance information for all annotations
The application must integrate a confidence indicator that shows the estimated confidence for results from crowdsourcing tasks and expert annotations Table 7 Functional requirements for 'Identity reconciliation'
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Identity reconciliation – owner: CVCE CROWD pre-filtering
Entity verification & annotation
Entitypedia integration
Task 3.4
Task 10.2
Task 4.2
Ready till end of July
Part Y2 Part Y3
Ready till mid of July
GUI Component
image files
verified identities for face positions on images related to Entitypedia entities
face positions with associated entities
results stored in Entitypedia
Figure 17: Component diagram for the use case ‘Identity reconciliation’
Non-functional requirements
In the next section measurable technical success criteria are formulated that are perceived as operationalized non-functional requirements. They address precision, rendering time and validation accuracy. The user-based performance indicators refer to comprehension, and perception of incentive to provide annotations, and the perception of effort.
Success criteria
In Table 7 the technical success criteria for identity reconciliation are displayed. Component CROWD pre-filtering
Indicator Crowd Validation Accuracy
Target level > .5
Entity verification & annotation Entity verification & annotation Entity verification & annotation
No. of annotated faces per photograph Manual face annotation precision Component rendering time (ms)
< 200
Remarks Percentage of images correctly validated by the crowd
> .9 < 1000
Table 8 Technical success criteria for Identity reconciliation
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In Table 8 the user-based performance indicators for identity reconciliation are displayed. Human-computer transaction
Type of user
Type of measurement
User sees a list of automatic face recognition results with reliability indicators
Expert Historian
Perception of usefulness
Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale)
Expert Historian
Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale)
Expert Historian Expert Historian Expert Historian
Perception of effort to provide annotations Perception of usefulness Number of Annotations
Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale) Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale) Analysis of logs
User annotates metadata and person-based data of documents (e.g. photographs)
Table 9 User-based performance-indicators for Identity reconciliation
Use case #
1.1.2 Identity Reconciliation
Goal in Context
Verify assigned identities or assign other identities to faces.
Scope & Level
Component Summary
Role of Hybrid Human Conventional Computation
First, automatic processing results in a hypothesis about the identity of the person in the image. However, the results of the face recognition process are erroneous and need to be verified by humans. Identity is verified by members of a generic crowd and by experts in case the generic crowd failed. Experts can annotate the images with additional information. Results are stored in Entitypedia.
Image files and face positions in these images with associated Entitypedia entities
Success End Condition
Verified identities for face positions in images related to Entitypedia entities. Storage of the results in Entitypedia.
Failed End Condition
Identities are not verified. Identities do not relate to Entitypedia entities. The results are not stored in Entitypedia
Primary, Secondary Actors
Generic crowd, CVCE researchers â&#x20AC;&#x201C;
New results of the face recognition process arrive
CROWD pre-filtering
Entity verification and annotation
Entitypedia Integration
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Use case #
1.1.2 Identity Reconciliation
Branching Action
â&#x20AC;&#x201C; SUB-VARIATIONS
Branching Action 2
Optional verification for identities that have been verified in step 1
Sequence Diagram
Figure 18: Sequence diagram identity reconciliation
CUBRIK H-demos reference
Media Entity Annotation H-Demo
Component List
Process steps
Component Name
Partner responsible
Contact Point
Process Step
Component Name
Partner responsible
Contact Point
Identity reconciliation
CROWD pre-filtering
Sergiu Chelaru
Entity verification & annotation
Javier Garcia
owner CVCE
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Process steps
3.3 • • • •
Component Name
Partner responsible
Contact Point
Entitypedia integration
Uladzimir Kharkevich uladzimir.kharkevich@disi.unit
Use case 1.2 Indexation of textual information The CVCE collection contains various textual information related to person names, places and time The goal of this use case is to index documents and to extract existing Entitypedia entries. The use case is NOT covered in the interface mock-up This use case will be further refined in Y3
Functional requirements
Functional requirement
Entities must be extracted from text documents in the CVCE collection
The crowd must be able to verify the entities
Verified entities must be entered into Entitiypedia Table 10 Functional requirements for 'Indexation of textual information'
Non-functional Requirements
In the next section measurable technical success criteria are formulated that are perceived as operationalized non-functional requirements.
Success criteria
Entity annotation & Extraction
Target level > .85
Table 11 Technical success criteria for Indexation of textual information
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Entity extraction– owner: CVCE
Entity reconciliation – owner: CVCE
Entity annotation & extraction
Expert CROWD verification
Entitypedia integration
Connection to the CVCE collection
DEMO Media entity annotation
Task 10.2
Task 10.2
Task 10.2
Task 4.2
GUI Component
GUI Component
text documents
extracted entities related to text elements
entities related to text elements
verified Entitypedia entities related to text elements
Figure 19: Use case 1.2 Indexation of textual information
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Use case #
Indexation of textural information
Goal in Context
Extract entities (person names, places, organizations and time) from CVCE documents are validated and consolidate with Entitypedia entities
Scope & Level
Component Summary
Role of hybrid human conventional computation
Entities are automatically extracted from CVCE documents. However, they are verified by CVCE experts before they are stored in Entitypedia.
Text documents with unstructured information about persons, events and organisations in time
Success End Condition
Extracted and consolidated Entitypedia entities for person names, places, organizations and time related to text elements in documents
Failed End Condition
Entitypedia entities for person names, places, organizations and time are NOT extracted and consolidated from CVCE documents The entities are NOT related to text elements in documents
Primary, Secondary Actors
CVCE researchers –
pre-processing starts
Connection to the CVCE collection
Entity annotation & extraction
Expert CROWD verification
Entitypedia Integration
Branching Action
Branching Action –
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Sequence Diagram
Figure 20: Sequence diagram indexation of textual information
3.3.6 â&#x20AC;˘
CUBRIK H-demo reference Media Entity Annotation H-Demo
Component List
Process steps
Component Name
Partner responsible
Contact Point
Process step
Component Name
Partner responsible
Contact Point
Entity extraction
Connection to the CVCE collection
Ghislain SILLAUME <>
owner CVCE
Entity annotation & extraction
Mathias Otto <>
Entity reconciliation
Expert CROWD verification
Lars Wieneke (will be updated) <>
Entitypedia integration
Uladzimir Kharkevich <>
owner CVCE
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History of Europe: Social Graph Construction
The social graph is constructed by combining verified information from the image and text indexation tasks to build a social graph based on the co-occurrence of persons in images. The idea of co-occurrence could be extended to other types of documents later (either in year 3 or in a follow-up project). The use case can be found in the mock up in Figure 8.
Functional Requirements
Functional requirement
The application must compute a social graph based on the co-occurrence of person in images
The application must enrich this graph with place-, time-, event-related information. Table 12 Functional requirements for â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Social graph constructionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;
Non-functional Requirements
In the next section measurable technical success criteria are formulated that are perceived as operationalized non-functional requirements. They address the number of notes and entities, and the time needed for updating Entitypedia and the generation of the social graph.
Success Criteria
In Table 13 the technical success criteria for social graph construction are displayed. Component
Social graph creation
SG Generation time after receiving data from Entitypedia
Social graph creation Social graph creation
Max. number of generated graph nodes Number of entities that can be handled simultaneously Entitypedia updates can be handled in realtime
Social graph creation
Target level < O(n)
Remarks Response Time to a query = Entitypedia response time + SG Generation time n is the number of requested nodes by query
Unlimited > 100,000
1 x RT
Table 13 Technical success criteria for social graph cosntruction
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Social graph construction – owner: EMPOLIS Entitypedia data provisioning
Social graph creation
DEMO X-domain recognition in consumer photos
Task 4.2
Task 6.1, 3.3
verified entities for face positions on images
Social Graph
Figure 21: Component diagram for the use case ‘Social graph construction’
Use case #
Social Graph construction
Goal in Context
A social graph is constructed based on the co-occurrence of persons in the historical images.
Scope & Level
Component Summary
Verified Information about co-occurence of persons in historical images, entity definitions in Entitypedia about persons, places, organizations and events
Success End Condition
A social graph is updated and stored
Failed End Condition
The social graph is not updated
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Use case #
Social Graph construction
Secondary Actors Trigger
Previously unknown identities in a image have been verified
Entitypedia data provisioning
Social graph creation
Branching Action
Branching Action -
Sequence Diagram
Figure 22: Sequence Diagram Social Graph Management
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4.6 â&#x20AC;˘
CUBRIK H-demos reference None
Component List
Process steps
Component Name
Social graph construction owner: EMPOLIS
Entitypedia Integration and data provisioning
Uladzimir Kharkevich <>
Social graph creation
Navid Hajimirza <>
Partner responsible
Contact Point
Component specification
Component description
Entitypedia data provisioning
Uladzimir Kharkevich
Social graph creation
Navid Hajimirza
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History of Europe: Who is this person?
The use case contains four sub use cases: • • • •
Visualization of the social graph Query for entities Expert crowd research inquiry Social Graph network analysis toolkit
Use case ‘Visualization of the Social Graph’
In this use case, users can start a visualization of the social graph. It is covered in the mockup.
Functional Requirements
Functional Requirement
The application must visualize persons as nodes and co-occurrences as edges that connect persons through images
The application must represent the amount of images that connect persons through a mutual co-occurence
The application must enable users to access an ego-graph for a specific person
The application must enable users to specify a time range for images that should be taken into account for the visualization of the graph
The application must enable users to select weak ties by defining upper and lower limits for the amount of connecting images in the collection
The application must enable users to select weak ties by defining upper and lower limits for the amount of times a person appears in an image collection
The application must enable users to filter images by giving a upper and lower limit for the amount of persons in an image
The application must enable users to review only images that show two specific persons
All information in the social graph must contain provenance information
W10 The application must focus on the domain of European History W11 The application can provide the ability to export network data Table 14 Functional requirements for 'Visualization of the social graph'
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Graph Visualization
Partners HOM EIPCM
DEMO NONE Task 10.2
GUI Component
Social Graph
Visualization of the social graph
Images with face positions References to Entitypedia entities
Figure 23: Component diagram for the use case â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Visualization of the social graphâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;
Non-functional requirements
In the next section measurable technical success criteria are formulated that are perceived as operationalized non-functional requirements. They address the number of images, the number of nodes shown and rendering time. The user-based indicators concern usefulness and comprehension.
Success criteria
In Table 15 the technical success criteria for visualization of the social graph are displayed. Component
Graph visualization Graph visualization Graph visualization Graph visualization
Max. number of processed images Max. number of of shown nodes at once Max. number of shown links per node Initial graph rendering time
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Target level > 100,000 > 500
> 100 < 15,000 ms Page 48
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Graph visualization
Dynamic graph rerendering time
Target level < 2000 ms
Table 15 Technical success criteria for visualization of the social graph In Table 16 the user-based performance indicators for visualization of the social graph are displayed. Human-computer transaction
Type of user
Type of measurement
User views document-based connections between persons
Expert Historian, students Expert Historian, students Expert Historian
Perception of usefulness
Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale)
Comprehension of navigation
Questionnaire (retelling), Analysis of logs Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale)
Expert Historian
Perception of efficiency
Expert Historian Expert Historian
Trustworthiness of annotations Perception of relevance
User discovers new information (e.g. identity of a person) by looking at available annotations for documents in the graph
User profiles link to usersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; professional background and fields of expertise
Perception of usefulness
self reported comparison of time spent on task in comparison to traditional work processes Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale) Analysis of logs
Table 16 User-based performance indicators for visualization of the social graph
Use case #
Visualization of the social graph
Goal in Context
The social graph is visualized
Scope & Level
Component Summary
Images with face positions and associated entities, Social graph, Entitypedia entities for persons, places, organizations and events
Success Condition
The graph is visualized
Failed Condition
The graph is not visualized
CVCE researchers
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Use case #
Visualization of the social graph
Secondary Actors
The user starts the visualization of the social graph
Graph Visualization
Branching Action
Branching Action –
Sequence Diagram
Figure 24: Sequence Diagram 3.1 Visualization of the social graph
CUBRIK H-demos reference
Component List
Process steps
Component Name
Partner responsible
Contact Point
Visualization of the social graph
Graph visualization
Javier Garcia Morón <>
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Use case Query for entities
This component allows users to query for specific components and to visualize the results.
5.2.1 #
Functional requirements Functional requirement
W12 The social graph must be addressable by source (image, text, video, etc.), person, place, event and time/date
W13 The application must allow the user to select the data collections that should be used for the creation of the social graph Table 17 Functional requirements for 'Query for entities' Query execution
Graph visualization
Task tbd
Task 10.2
GUI Component
GUI Component
Social Graph
Visualization of the results
Images with face positions References to Entitypedia entities
Figure 25: Component diagram for the use case â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Query for entitiesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;
Non-functional Requirements
In the next section measurable technical success criteria are formulated that are perceived as operationalized non-functional requirements. They address the number of processed images and the perception of usefulness.
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Success criteria
In Table 18 the technical success criteria are displayed. Component
Graph visualization
Max. number of processed images
Target level > 100,000
Table 18 Technical success criteria for Query for entities In Table 19 the user-based performance indicators for query for entities is displayed. Human-computer transaction
Type of user
Type of measurement
User filters the graph by time, location and event
Expert Historian, students
Perception of usefulness
Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale)
Table 19 User-based performance indicators for query for entities
Use case #
Query for entities
Goal in Context
Users can query the social graph for specific entities and the result is then visualized.
Scope & Level
Component Summary
Images with face positions and associated entities, Social graph, Entitypedia entities for persons, places, organizations and events
Success Condition
The query is executed and the result is visualized
Failed Condition
Either the query is not executed or the result is not visualized
Primary, Secondary Actors
CVCE researchers -
The user starts the query
Query execution
Graph visualization
Branching Action
Branching Action â&#x20AC;&#x201C;
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Sequence Diagram
Figure 26: Sequence Diagram 3.2 Query for entities
CUBRIK H-demos reference
Component List
Process steps
Component Name
Partner responsible
Contact Point
Query for entities
Query execution
Mathias Otto <>
Graph visualization
Javier Garcia Mor贸n <>
Use case Expert CROWD Research Inquiry
In this use case users can verify information by starting research inquiries to a network of Experts. The use case is part of the mock-up (see Figure 10).
5.3.1 #
Functional requirements Functional requirement
W14 The application must integrate the ability to delegate tasks to generic crowds W15 The application must integrate the ability to delegate tasks to the community of expert users provided that work with the HoE app
W16 The application must integrate the ability to delegate tasks to the e-mail contacts of CUBRIK Revised Requirements Specifications
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Functional requirement the user
W17 The application must integrate the ability to delegate tasks to contacts of the user on social media
W18 For explicit crowd research inquiries the application must allow responding crowd members to indicate that they don't know the correct answer
W19 The application must provide templates for the management of crowdsourcing tasks This includes • • • •
Crowd control (which crowd to ask), Time management (how long will the request remain active), Urgency and Incentives
W20 The application must be able to analyse the occurrence of persons that were not identified
W21 The application must enable users to manage crowdsourcing inquiries in the following way: -
browse, close, select preferred answer
W22 User names must be identifiable and users must have the ability to connect their account with additional information about their background (e.g. public profiles or websites) Table 20 Functional requirements for 'Expert CROWD Research Inquiry’
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Figure 27: Component diagram for the use case â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Expert CROWD Research Inquiryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;
Non-functional Requirements
In the next section measurable technical success criteria are formulated that are perceived as operationalized non-functional requirements. The technical success criteria address the no. of false positives in verified information. The user-based indicators address comprehension, efficiency, usefulness, and trustworthiness.
Success Criteria
In Table 21 the technical success criteria for expert crowd research inquiry are displayed. Component CROWD Research Inquiry
Indicator No. of false positives in verified information for images and entities
Target level
< 10%
Table 21 Technical success criteria for expert crowd research inquiry
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In Table 22 the user-based performance indicators are displayed for expert research inquiry. Human-computer transaction
Type of user
Type of measurement
User initiates explicit expertcrowd-sourcing inquiries for uncertain information
Expert Historian
Perception of usefulness
Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale)
Expert Historian
Perception of efficiency
Self reported comparison of time spent on task in comparison to traditional work processes
Expert Historian
Number of inquiries initiated p. user
Analysis of logs
Expert Historian, social network of experts Expert Historian, social network of experts
Perception of incentive to respond to others' inquiries
Questionnaire (self reported)
Return time < specified urgency (< 1 day for urgent requests, < 2 weeks for all other)
Analysis of logs
Perception of effort
Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale) Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale)
User responds to explicit expert-crowd-sourcing inquiries
Expert Historian
Trustworthiness of response
Table 22 User-based performance indicators for expert crowd research inquiry
Use case #
Expert CROWD Research Inquiry
Goal in Context
Verification of entity or image information
Scope & Level
Component Summary
Role of human hybrid conventional computation
Experts can verify Entitypedia information by starting a research inquiry and asking other experts in their network to verify information. No automatic processing occurs in this step as this was already part of the indexation use cases.
Images with face positions and associated entities, Social graph, Entitypedia entities for persons, places, organizations and events
Success Condition
The information is verified
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Use case # Failed Condition
Expert CROWD Research Inquiry End
The verification is not completed
Primary, Secondary Actors
CVCE researchers -
The user starts a research inquiry
Crowd Research Inquiry
Branching Action
Branching Action –
Sequence Diagram
Figure 28: Sequence Diagram 3.1 Visualization of the social graph
CUBRIK H-demos reference
Component List
Process steps
Component Name
Who is this person
Crowd Research Inquiry
Partner responsible POLIMI CVCE EIPCM L3S
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Contact Point Tech: Marco Tagliasacchi <> User: Carine Lallemand <>
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Use case 3.4 Social Graph Network Analysis Toolkit
This use case describes the analysis of the social graph and the visualization of the results of this analysis. The use case is part of the mock-up (see Figure 4).
5.4.1 #
Functional requirements Functional requirement
W23 The application can provide a toolkit to explore network analysis features, e.g. – Calculation of shortest path between persons, places and events – Centrality Table 23 Functional requirements for 'Social Graph Network Analysis Toolkit’
Analysis of the social graph
Graph visualization
Task 4.2
Task 10.2
GUI Component
GUI Component
Social Graph
Visualization of the social graph
Images with face positions
Results of the analysis
References to Entitypedia entities
Figure 29: Component diagram for the use case ‘Social Graph Network Analysis Toolkit’
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Non-functional requirements
In the next section measurable technical success criteria are formulated that are perceived as operationalized non-functional requirements. The technical success criteria address network analysis accuracy, and the criteria that were reported in the use case â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;visualization of the social graphâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;.
Success criteria
In Table 24 the technical success criteria for Social graph network analysis toolkit. Component
Social graph network analysis toolkit Graph visualization Graph visualization Graph visualization Graph visualization Graph visualization
Accuracy for centrality and shortest pat Max. number of processed images Max. number of of shown nodes at once Max. number of shown links per node Initial graph rendering time Dynamic graph rerendering time
Target level = 100%
> 100,000 > 500 > 100 < 15,000 ms < 2000 ms
Table 24 Technical success criteria for social graph network analysis toolkit In Table 25 the user-based performance indicators for Social graph network analysis toolkit. Human-computer transaction
Type of user
Type of measurement
User analyzes the graph with a set of network analysis tools
Expert Historian
Perception of usefulness
Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale)
Table 25 User-based performance indicators for social graph network analysis toolkit
Use case #
3.4 Social Graph Network Analysis Toolkit
Goal in Context
Relationships in the social graph are analysed and visualized
Scope & Level
Component Summary
Images with face positions and associated entities, Social graph, Entitypedia entities for persons, places, organizations and events
Success End Condition
The results of the analysis are shown and the graph is visualized
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Use case #
3.4 Social Graph Network Analysis Toolkit
Failed End Condition
The results of the analysis are NOT shown and the graph is NOT visualized
Primary, Secondary Actors
CVCE researchers -
The user starts the analysis of the social graph
Analysis of the social graph
Visualization of the social graph
Branching Action
Branching Action 1
Different analytical tools are provided
Sequence Diagram
Figure 30: Sequence Diagram 3.1 Social graph analysis toolkit
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CUBRIK H-demos reference
Component List
Process steps
Component Name
Partner responsible
Contact Point
Who is this person
Social Graph network analysis toolkit
Theodoros Semertzidis
Graph visualization
Javier Garcia Mor贸n
Component specification
Component description
Social Graph network analysis toolkit (aka Graph exploration toolkit, aka: Analysis of the social graph)
Dimitris Rafailidis
Graph Visualization
Javier Garcia Mor贸n
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Use case Context Expander
Selected entities are expanded with related media such as newspaper articles, interviews, commentaries and videos.
Functional requirements
Functional requirement
The application must integrate at least one external data collection
Besides images the application must integrate other document types such as text documents (e.g. letters, newspaper articles), videos and audio recordings
The application must provide links to other archival resources that are related to a specific person Table 26 Functional requirements for 'Context Expander'
Expansion through documents
Expansion through videos
Expansion through images
will be updated with L3S contribution
DEMO News history
DEMO Monuments
Task tbd
Task 5.3
Task 6.3
GUI Component
GUI Component
GUI Component
social graph with related entities
Related documents and media
new images for indexation
Figure 31: ‘Component diagram for the use case Context Expander’ CUBRIK Revised Requirements Specifications
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Non-functional requirements
In the next section measurable technical success criteria are formulated that are perceived as operationalized non-functional requirements. The technical success criteria address precision and recall, while the user-based performance indicators address usefulness and perception of provenance.
Success criteria
In Table 27 the technical success criteria for the context expander are displayed. Component Expansion through video Expansion through video Expansion through images Expansion through textual documents Expansion through textual documents
Indicator Segment matching precision
Target level > .5
Segment matching recall
> .7
Precision at recall .1 Precistion at recall .2 F-measure
> 0.85 > 0.7 > .85
Response time
< .5 s.
Table 27 Technical success criteria for context expander In Table 28 the user-based performance indicators for the context expander are displayed. Human-computer transaction
Type of user
Type of measurement
User finds media items (photographs, videos, documents) from various digital collections
Expert Historian
Perception of usefulness
Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale)
Expert Historian
Perception of Provenance (public sources like Flickr or Youtube vs. renowned digital collections)
Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale)
Table 28 User-based performance indicators for context expander
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Use case #
Context Expander
Goal in Context
Selected entities are expanded with related media
Scope & Level
Component Summary
An Entitypedia entity
Success End Condition
The entity is expanded with related media, related images feed into the image indexation pipeline (use case 1.1)
Failed End Condition
The entity is NOT expanded with related media
Primary, Secondary Actors
CVCE researchers -
The user selects an entity
Expansion through documents
Expansion through videos
Expansion through images
Branching Action
New related images feed into the indexation pipeline
Branching Action –
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Sequence Diagram
Figure 32: Sequence Diagram Context Expander
CUBRIK H-demos reference
Component List
Component Name
Partner responsible
Contact Point
Expansion through documents
Mathias Otto
Expansion through videos
Patrick Aichroth
Expansion through images
Sergiu Chelaru <>
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Introduction to the SME Innovation V-App
V-App Description and Mock-Up
Background and rationale
The SME Innovation V-App focuses on the domain of fashion. The fashion related world is day by day searching for new ideas, innovation of products and new trends to be launched in the market. Each organization involved in the production of new fashion lines and products, from the main great producers to distributors and B2C organizations, invest budget in marketing research for a better and deeper understanding of the potential customers‘ preferences. The CUbRIK Fashion application is focused on supporting SME’s to exploit the potential of the new technology to get feedback from and learn about the needs of fashion consumers. The user story displayed below outlines the added value the CUbRIK Fashion application can have for fashion SME’s. User story for Trend Analysis Margaret, the experienced retail buyer who usually has a notion of consumer preferences but prefers to verify her own ideas before placing an order. “Fashion4You” is a small clothing company. Margaret, one of their retail buyers, is preparing a new order of women’s casualwear for the upcoming season. She’s trying to decide which models of skirts should be bought from the local distributor. Margaret is very experienced in her job and she already has an idea of how to structure the order. But there are many aspects to be considered, such as cut, colours and textures, and decisions need to be based on trend predictions and consumer preferences. Usually, the manager of the company would commission a trimestrial market research from an external agency that Margaret can rely on when planning her order. This time however, Margaret must rely only on her intuition and experience since it was decided to dispense with market research due to recent economic shortcomings. Margaret remembers that her friend Kate, who is also a retail buyer, spoke very enthusiastically about CUbRIK Fashion, a new, innovative application she uses to get an overview of current consumer preferences. The application extracts current fashion trends by garment category, e.g. colour and texture preferences, from social network posts. As a result, it provides statistics depicting the trends over time, as well as examples of the most popular trends. Margaret decides to try out the application to verify if the information extracted from the social networks matches her own notion of customers’ likely preferences. Using the Social Network Trends functionality, Margaret selects the category “skirts” and asks the application to provide a trend analysis based on social network posts from the last two months. Exploring the results of the analysis, Margaret can confirm that “turquoise” has been a very popular colour, as she thought. Moreover, the Colour Combination Analysis shows that this colour is most frequently combined with “purple” and “dark green”. Viewing the Print & Graphic Trends, she verifies that the texture preferences haven’t changed much in the past six months, which is also reflected in her own analysis of the sales in her store. With the Popular Photos Gallery, Margaret can browse images of consumers’ most preferred skirt models, compare them over time and as part of outfits. This helps her discard some models from the order and at the same time take into account others she didn’t consider before. Having retrieved the information she needed, Margaret is satisfied: the order she prepared needs only little adjustment, but her notion about the kinds of models and colours to be ordered was almost correct.
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Kate, the inexperienced retail buyer, is looking for a more methodological approach to identifying trends but also wants to develop her ability to make intuitive decisions. Kate has recently started working as a buyer for a medium sized fashion retailer. She is responsible for buying men’s trousers, but is not yet familiar with this segment. Since she, unlike her friend Margaret, cannot rely on years of experience, she is constantly looking for methods that help her identify trends more easily. She recently came across the CUbRIK Fashion Innovators Club and decided to join. Not only is she now well connected with other buyers and fashion experts, with whom she can exchange on current and emerging fashion trends, but she also learned about the CUbRIK Fashion Trend Analysis application. From now on, Kate can use the statistics the application provides for colour trends, colour combination trends and print & graphics trends to be more confident about her buying decisions, especially when reporting to the store manager. The application provides Kate with insights into current consumer behaviour and enables her to identify “hot” items and outfits by viewing the most popular photos that were shared by users. Kate especially likes the Sample Trend Analysis functionality where she can upload photos of outfits she assembled and items she found herself and that she is considering to order. The application then analyzes the pieces and, if there is match, provides Kate with similar models that users shared in the social networks. Based on the popularity of similar models, Kate can see whether the particular item could appeal to potential customers or even whether the market is already mature. After trying out the application, Kate is convinced that this application will really help her make buying decisions in the future and allow her to develop her own understanding of consumer preferences. The added value of the application is that the tool is developed as an affordable tool for market analysis, with SME’s as the primary target group. The organizations are able to receive information about the opinions and the feedback of their potential customers, their preferences, what they like about clothes, the current trends. In this application, primarily existing content from social networks is used (e.g. fashion pictures that are crawled from Twitter) in order to make this application an efficient tool for market analysis for SME’s. In order to outline the benefits for the SMEs, it should be considered that: The biggest ones (great buyers, distributors, clothes producers addressing general public) already make use of market analysis, with their own experts or with the support of external ones; these organization may benefit of the more affordable results provided by the application or they may use both the traditional market analysis and the new one, having another useful tool to retrieve information they need; • The smallest ones may not have enough budget to perform market analysis, basing their analysis just on the experience of their personnel; such organizations, through the application, may have the opportunity to have affordable analysis of their potential customers and the trends. Fashion consumers are encouraged to upload their fashion images, look for similar images, find matching clothes, and ask for feedback on the social networks they are using. It provides the application with the content that is necessary for the application to become a valuable market analysis tool, while on the other hand it addresses the needs of fashion consumers. •
In this section we present a mock-up that visualizes the use cases for the SME Innovation Fashion app, as described in the previous section. Users can generate trend analyses, display popular photos, search for similar images, and get feedback from the community. These tools provide the user with up-to-date information about current trends and colors.
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In Figure 33 the dashboard of the application is displayed. The dashboard contains the information that has resulted from previous analyses that were run by the user. The dashboard allows him to access this information again.
Figure 33 Dashboard for the SME Innovation App When users click on start new analysis, they are redirected to the Social Network trend page. By clicking on the analysis already launched and stored, he can visualise the results of the analysis as performed at the time it was launched.
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The Social Network Trends Analysis allows the user to dynamically generate trend analyses based on crawled social network data (Twitter, and in the third year also Flickr). Before introducing the images to the application, they are analysed with automatic extraction of color and texture, a component detects the body parts depicted in the image, and clothing items are identified via a game with a purpose. The trend analysis is based on the resulting set of annotated images. For each trend analysis query, users can select a garment category and time span (see Figure 34).
Figure 34 Starting a new trend analysis The analysis identifies color trends, color combination trends as well as prints & graphics
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trends for the identified timespan and selected garment. Each of these trend analysis elements can be viewed in the Analysis tab which provides a quick overview of the current trends (Figure 35), but can also be explored in more detail, i.e. users can e.g. zoom into the depicted graphs.
Figure 35 Inspecting the results of a trend analysis The analysis is based on automatic processing of the images crawled from the social network: the analysis is based on the automatic segmentation of the images through the Body Part detector and router, combined with crowdsourcing methods for manual body segmentation using Sketchness. The images and the information associated to them will be
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used by the Trend Analyser to calculate the trend of the user preferences. Users can also view the most popular social network photos used for the analysis in the “popular photos” gallery. For this “most popular photos” sample, a separate color trend analysis is available. As can be seen from Figure 36, users can select the garments they would like to see the most popular photos for, as well as the timespan (i.e. how long ago the pictures were tweeted). The results can be displayed as a gallery (Figure 36), grouped by garment type (Figure 37), or as thumbnails (Figure 38).
Figure 36 Displaying popular photos as a gallery
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Figure 37 Popular photos grouped by garment type
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Figure 38 Popular photos displayed as thumbnails Dynamically generated analyses can be saved so users can review them later. Saved analyses are listed and previewed in the application dashboard (Figure 33). In the ‘Your fashion’ tab, SME users can: Get a trend analysis based on a sample image they upload; Find images that match with the sample they have uploaded (e.g. a skirt with a tshirt). Thus, users start with uploading the image, select the type of garment, tracing its contours, and providing some metadata (Figure 39). • •
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Figure 39 Uploading a sample to search for similar images and find matching items Using automatic techniques for body part detection and clothing item identification, combined with the contours of the clothing item the user has provided, a set of similar images can be calculated and presented to the user. SME users can then select one or more images to continue with either sample trend analysis or fashion matching (Figure 40).
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Figure 40 Selecting similar images When the user selects â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Sample trend analysisâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, a trend analysis report for the sample the user has provided will be displayed. The trend analysis results are displayed after relevance feedback has been provided via crowdsourcing. As can be seen from Figure 41, analyses can be saved and revisited from the Dashboard. This allows the user to view the results after relevance feedback has arrived, that has been collected by means of crowdsourcing. (Figure 41).
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Figure 41 Results from sample trend analysis The Fashion matching part allows the user to find matching clothes for the sample s/he has provided, based on an automatic analysis of the body part that is depicted in the sample. After selecting a number of similar images, the application generates a set of possible matches (see Figure 42).
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Figure 42 Combining matching garments After selecting a match, the SME user can ask the community belonging to the his network in the social media, Facebook fans, or followers on Twitter , for their feedback (Figure 43).
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Figure 43 Asking feedback from the community SME users can also use the feedback functionality separately. That is, they can upload a picture and ask for feedback from the community right away (Figure 44).
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Figure 44 Community feedback after uploading an image
V-Apps Data Model for Fashion
As with HoE, the data model for V-Apps makes use of a subset of the elements in the Content and Content Description Model described in Section 1.2 of D2.1. Here, the focus is necessary on modelling the image, which means that elements are drawn from the Content Model (which models content objects), and the Annotation model. In contrast to the HoE, the focus is not on connecting images to the real world. Instead, images must be connected to the users who interact with them. For this reason, we draw here on the User and Social Model (D2.1 Section 1.4). The Action model also has an important role to play. As set out in D2.1 Section 1.5, an Action is an event involving interaction with or creation of Content Objects and Annotations. Here, we focus on HumanActions, which are the actions of users CUBRIK Revised Requirements Specifications
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that give rise to annotations, specifically text annotations and segmentations.
Twitter Image
Images are collected from Twitter for the purposes of Fashion Trend Analysis. These images must be represented as content objects, but at the same time it is necessary to retain information about their permissions and provenance. These exigencies led to the adaptation of the original schema from Twitter to integrate elements of the CUbRIK Content and Content Description Model and well as the Provenance and Rights model. The images are further processed by Sketchness, which requires elements from the Annotations model. The development of the model is represented in the following three tables. Original schema from Twitter We collect tweets that contain images and any other available metadata that Twitter provides.
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query text (string)
The text (e.g. fashion item category) we used to retrieve the image
Image url
The expanded url of the retrieved image
Text (string)
A string containing maximum 140 characters
geo (if available)
Gps lat -long
Time (timestamp)
Hashtags (if available)
Array of strings)
User name (string)
Location of the user tweeted this tweet Timestamp of the tweet (unix timestamp)
Array of hashtags contained in the tweet The name of the user (string)
Table 29 Original Twitter schema New schema Based on the specifications, the new schema follows: Key
Id of the ImageObject within CUbRIK
The expanded url of the retrieved image
Array of ContentDescription
ContentDescription used to store the annotations
Platform from which the object has been retrieved
Licence that can be used to work with the object
User that has submitted the object
Table 30 New Twitter schema Each ContentDescription returned by Sketchness is characterized by: Key
Id of the ContentDescription within CUbRIK
TextAnnotation[0..*] LowLevelFeature[1]
The item annotation contains the query-string, the hashtags contained in the tweet, a text and a lowlevelfeature representing
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the geo coordinates. mediaSegment
An annotation containing the date that the object refers to (submission)
Table 31 SketchNess Content Description
Accessibility-related annotations
Original schema The accessibility-related metadata that should be available for the images are the following. These are a set of elements from the Content Description Model, specifically Annotations. Here, they have been refined and specified at the level of detail necessary in order to support the modeling of information that is necessary for accessibility. Metadata for the whole image: Key
image width (pixels)
The width of the image in pixels.
image height (pixels)
The height of the image in pixels.
image brightness (number [0-1])
The brightness of the whole image, normalized in the range [0: very dark – 1: very bright].
image contrast (number [0-1])
The contrast of the image, normalized in the range [0: low contrast – 1: high contrast].
image sharpness (number [0-1])
The sharpness of the image, normalized in the range [0: very blurred – 1: very sharp].
color (RGB)
The dominant color of the image.
colors (RGB)
All colours appearing in the image.
pair of colors (pair of RGB triples)
The combination of the N most dominant color of the image, exceeding a custom threshold.
percentage (number [01])
The percentage of the red tone in the depicted colors.
color saturation (number [0-1])
The average color saturation in the image, normalized in the range [0: low saturation (grayscale) – 1: high saturation].
boolean (true / false)
A logical value describing if there are bright backgrounds in
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the image. contains_bright_objects
boolean (true / false)
A logical value describing if there are bright objects in the image.
boolean (true / false)
A logical value describing if there are bright spots in the image.
boolean (true / false)
A logical value describing if the image contains small objects / details of importance.
boolean (true / false)
A logical value describing if the image contains text.
font size (pixels)
Average size of the diagonal of the detected fonts in pixels
boolean (true / false)
A logical value describing if the main object (i.e. fashion item) in the image is centered in the image.
array of objects, each containing objectspecific metadata (see below)
An array of the objects that are detected in the image. Each object is described by the metadata presented in the table below.
Table 32 Image metadata (original schema) Object-specific metadata: Key
object (pixels)
The x-coordinate of the center of the object in the image, in pixels.
object (pixels)
The y-coordinate of the center of the object in the image, in pixels.
object width (number)
The width of the object in pixels.
object height (number)
The height of the object in pixels.
object brightness (number [0-1])
The brightness of the object, normalized in the range [0: very dark – 1: very bright].
object contrast (number [0-1])
The contrast of the object, normalized in the range [0: low contrast – 1: high contrast].
object sharpness (number [0-1])
The sharpness of the object, normalized in the range [0: very blurred – 1: very sharp].
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RGB color histograms (arrays of numbers for the R, G and B color components)
The R, G and B color histograms of the colors of the object.
texture descriptor (array of numbers)
The texture descriptor of the object, as a vector of numbers.
Table 33 Object-specific metadata (original schema) New Schema: Based on the specifications, the new schema follows. The annotation can be represented with a ContentDescription. In the case of image_metadata it is characterized by: Key
Id of the ContentDescription within CUbRIK
image_metadata, identifying that the ContentDescription is related to the metadata of the whole image
LowLevelFeature[0..*] LogicalFeature[0..*]
The item annotation contains width ,height,brightness,contrast,sharpness dominant_color, color_list, dominant_color_combination, red_percentage, color_saturation, text_size as LowLevelFeature. contains_bright_backgrounds, contains_bright_objects,contains_bright_spots, contains_small_details,contain_text, main_object_is_centered as LogicalFeature
Table 34 Image metadata (new schema) In the case of object_specific information it is characterized by: Key
Id of the ContentDescription within CUbRIK
object_specific, identifying that the ContentDescription is related to the metadata of an object within the image
itemAnnotation s
LowLevelFeature[0.. *]
The item annotation contains x,y,width ,height,brightness,contrast,sharpness,color_histogr am ,texture_descriptor as LowLevelFeature.
Table 35 Object-specific metadata (new schema)
Sketchness Output
The following schema represents the output that Sketchness is able to provide after the intervention of the human operators. It associates to each image object one or more ContentDescription containing the tag of the object recognized in the image and the polyline associated with that tag, representing the contour of the object. CUBRIK Revised Requirements Specifications
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The output returned by Sketchness is an Object Image with the following fields: Key
Id of the ImageObject within CUbRIK
Number (Integer)
Width of the image
Number (Integer)
Height of the image
Number (Integer)
Size of the image
Image format
Name of the original image
The expanded url of the retrieved image
Array of ContentDescription
ContentDescription used to store the annotations
Table 36 Sketchness Object Image Output Each ContentDescription returned by Sketchness is characterized by: Key
Number (Integer)
Id of the ContentDescription within CUbRIK
The tag associated to the object described by the ContentDescription
An annotation containing points, as specified in PolylineDescription.json
Table 37 Sketchness Content Description
Overview of the use cases
The list for the Fashion V-App presented below has been defined starting from the user stories that were described in D2.2 Requirements Specifications. The original use cases have been detailed to a large extent and the actions performed by the user and the functionalities available have been described. Moreover, some variations have been introduced as compared to deliverable D2.2. New ideas and possible new interesting functionalities to be provided to the users of the Fashion V-App were introduced. This led to the adaptation of existing user stories and the definition of new ones. The following changes have been made with respect to D2.2: • •
The consortium agreed to discard the use scenario “Funny games” and thus not to proceed with its implementation; New use cases have been added: o “Image crawling from SN”: it is a use case, needed to populate the database and gather information to be used for the trend analysis; o “Trend analysis for image sample” has been added, because it was judge of
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interest the possibility offered to a SMEs user to have insight of trends starting from a sample image; o “Personalised query suggestion” has been added in order to offer additional functionalities to the user of the V-App Some use case have changed slightly the name: o The “Trend Analyser” of the D2.2 changed the name into: “Trend Analysis for category” o The “Search similar images 1a-1” of the D2.2 changed the name into: “Popularity Assessment” o The “What do I wear today?” and “Search similar images 1a-2” of the D2.2 changed the name and were integrated into: “Fashion matching”
A summary of the changes is presented in Table 38. Final use case
Reference in the D2.2
Image crawling from SN
Not present
Trend analysis for category
Present with the name of: “Trend Analyser”
Trend analysis for image sample
Not present: it is a variation of the “Trend Analyser”
Popularity Assessment
Present with the name of Search similar images 1a-1
Fashion matching
Present with the same name of What do I wear today?
Personalised query suggestion
Not present
Table 38 Summary of changes in use case compared to D2.2 The use cases that will be presented in the next section of the document are the following: Image crawling from SN Crawling fashion related images from social networks in order to extract trends on the images and the preferences of the social network users. Crowdsourcing is used for the annotation of the images. The annotations refer to body parts and categories of clothing items, while texture and colour is derived from the images automatically. Trend analysis for category This use case aims at providing the SMEs users with a trend analysis of clothing preferences based on the category the SME user has selected. Crowdsourcing is used for the annotation of the images for body parts and clothing items if automatic body parts detection failed. The trend analysis function analyses the output from Image crawling from social networks in order to present the SME user with a trend analysis report. Trend analysis for image sample The use case aims at providing the SME users with a trend analysis of current clothing preferences using as reference the image (and the clothing category represented there) uploaded by the user himself.The descriptors extractor component extracts the color and the texture from the image the SME user has uploaded, while body parts detector and router classifies the image according to body part. In Image similarity detection, the similarity between images in the database and the uploaded images is computed based on clothing category, texture, and color. Crowdsourcing is used to collect relevance feedback on the search results that come from the image similarity calculations. The refined results are presented to the SME user.
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Popularity Assessment The use case aims at providing the users with the possibility to upload their own images and ask other users (fan/followers in Social Network) to vote them. Crowd workers verify the image on appropriateness and correctness. An image is appropriate when it does not contain sex or violence. It is correct when the provided annotations for clothing category and colour are correct. If considered appropriate and correct, the Entity Recognition & extraction functionality is used to extract color and texture. If the confidence value is low, the image is then introduced in the Sketchness GWAP in order to extract segments based on human perception. Otherwise, the automatic processing results are used. Finally, the image is annotated with a accessibility parameters. The user can then make the image s/he uploaded available to other V-App users or to friends in social networks. Fashion matching ‘Fashion matching’ retrieves ideas and feedback from the community or from the user’s about an image in which clothes are matched: does this shirt match well with the skirt? The user can either select an image or upload one. After the user uploads a picture, it is checked for appropriateness and the correctness of the user’s annotations (see ‘Request image votes’). The user then selects the lower or the upper part of the body in the image to search for similar images. Those images are shown that are similar to the one uploaded or selected, but that can be an alternative (in texture and style) to the one uploaded or selected by the user. The body part detector and router is used to extract segments related to the upper and lower body part of the body. If the confidence of the results is low, the image is then analysed by Sketchness, otherwise the image is used to provide similar images using the automatic detected segments as input. Users can share their selection of similar images with their network in social media to ask their opinion about the match: does this skirt go with this shirt or not? Personalised query suggestion This technical scenario registers a user profile in order to analyse the behaviour of the V-App user and provide suggestions on what to search for in the app, based on similarity in age, city, and gender. The analysis is performed by the behaviour analyser component.
Functional Requirements for the SME Innovation V-App
In this section we present high-level functional requirements that explain the core functionality of the SME Innovation vertical application. The requirements will be elaborated in Section and thereafter, which deals with a use case each. #
Functional requirement
The application must crawl social images from a social network. Related use cases - Image crawling from social networks
The application must identify trends over a time period up to six months Related use cases - Trend analysis for category - Trand analysis for sample
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Functional requirement
The application must reveal aspects of these trends to users such as color and texture. Related use cases - Trend analysis for category - Trend analysis for sample
The application must allow the user to upload a photo showing a particular fashion item, and annotate it with a fashion category. Related use cases - Trend analysis for sample
The application must allow users to search for images that are similar to an image that is already in the application or to a new image the user uploads. Related use cases - Trend analysis for sample - Fashion matching
The application must allow users to match clothes for the upper body parts with clothes for the lower body part and vice versa. Related use cases - Fashion matching
The application must allow users to ask for feedback on combinations of garments for the upper and lower body (matches). Users must be able to ask their friends on social networks for feedback. Related use cases - Fashion matching
The application must provide the user with suggestions for trend searches, based on the userâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s past behavior in the application. Related use cases - Personalized query suggestion Table 39 Functional requirements for SME Innovation
The technical success criteria will be discussed in the subsequent sections that deal with individual use cases.
Non-functional requirements for the SME Innovation V-App
Non-functional requirement
The application shall be accessible and useable for non-technical audiences.
The application shall be well documented and described
The application shall be extensible: it must allow for the addition of other image sources and other social networks to collect feedback on images
The application shall be scalable in the sense that it should guarantee the same performances with the growth of the users and of the database size (number of images)
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Non-functional requirement
The application shall analyse images in order for the trend analysis to produce valid results.
The application shall have access to a sufficient number of crowdworkers for the Sketchness game, and for the appropriateness verification Table 40 Non-functional requirements for SME Innovation
Technology acceptance criteria
As explained in the introduction, we use the UTAUT framework (Venkathesh et al., 2003) as our frame of reference for the assessment of technology acceptance criteria. The following indicators that were derived from the UTAUT framework will be used for the SME Innovation app: Type of indicator Technology acceptance indicators
Overall Usability
Type of user
Type of measurement
SME User
Performance expectancy
Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale)
SME User
Effort expectancy
SME User SME User
Attitude toward using technology Task-technology fit
Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale) Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale) Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale)
SME User
Ease of Use
SME User SME User
Interface Errors Critical Incidents
Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale) Analysis of logs Analysis of logs
Table 41 Technology acceptance criteria
Outlook towards next chapters
The next sections each present a use case story with respect to the functional requirements, sequence diagrams and workflow steps.
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SME Innovation: Image crawling from SN
The use case aims at crawling fashion related images from social networks in order to extract trends on the images and the preferences of the social network users. Crowdsourcing is used for the annotation of the images for body parts and clothing items. The following image depicts the use case workflow fragment. It is arranged in steps (grey boxes). Each step, in general, involves more than one component usage (orange boxes).
Figure 45: Component diagram for the use case ‘Image crawling from SN’
Functional requirements
Functional requirement
The application must extract URL’s to images from Social Network that are related to previously-defined fashion item categories.
The application must be able to detect segments related to the upper and lower body of the person wearing the clothes, automatically or through human computation.
The application must be able to extract for a given image the features related to colour and texture belonging to segments of the image.
The application must be able to extract key frames that are most interesting to human viewers from videos by using LikeLines to collect explicit and implicit feedback from the crowd. Table 42 Functional requirements for 'Image crawling from social networks '
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Non-functional requirements
In the next section measurable technical success criteria are formulated that are perceived as operationalized non-functional requirements. They address the number of images, computation time, and the number of clothing categories.
Success criteria
In Table 43 the technical success criteria for Image crawling from social networks are displayed. Component Image extraction from social network
Indicator No. of domains parsed
Target level > 10
Image extraction from social network
No. of images downloaded per week.
> 100000
Descriptors extractor
Computation time for dominant colors for each image
< 100 msec.
Descriptors extractor
Computation time for texture descriptor for a 100x100 No. of stored URLâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s to images No. of clothing categories supported
< 100 msec.
Clothing item identification Clothing item identification Relevance feedback
Remarks The component should be able to parse at least 10 most popular photo sharing domains in order to extract shared images from the retrieved image URLâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s. The component should be able download at least 100000 images per week to have a significant sample of the relevant content shared through the social network .
>= 100,000 >= 6
Each category that we add in the VApp adds a significant amount of data that we collect and process.
< 1 week Time required to collect implicit feedback on the most interesting key frames in a video from the crowd
Table 43 Technical success for image crawling from social networks
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Use case #
Image crawling from SN
Goal in Context
The use case aims at crawling images fashion related from the Social Network in order to extract trends on the images and the preferences of the Social Network users.
Scope & Level
Detailed at component level Summary of the components used.
Role of Hybrid Human Conventional Computation
Automatic processing takes place in two fors: the descriptors extractor component extracts the color and the texture from fashion images, while body parts detector and router classifies the image according to body part. In Skecthness, the crowd is involved: a drawing game (a GWAP) is used to identify and annotate clothing types in images.
The images must be CC licensed, and they can be retrieved to gather analysis on the metadata and shown in the web application. To ensure respecting the image license, the images extracted from Twitter have to be presented with a reference to the source, while the images extracted from Flickr will be filtered previously using the API available.
Success End Condition
The images crawled have been successfully annotated, segmented and their features extracted
Failed End Condition
The images cannot be segmented or the feature extracted because of their low quality
Primary, Secondary Actors
No users of the application are involved. Social network users providing popularity info for the images User coming from the crowd are involved in the annotation and in the manual segmentation
o Extraction of images from SN: the functionality aims at extracting images from Social Network in order to gather information useful to analyse trends. The functionality is performed through the usage of the following components: o Image extraction from Social Network component: the component crawls the Social Network (Twitter) and extracts the images fashion related and the information associated for each category defined. The images are put in the database for the following processing of the segments and the features. o Implicit filter feedback Likelines: the component extracts keyframes (images) fashion related starting from videos uploaded in YouTube crawled by the
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Use case #
Image crawling from SN “Image extraction from Social Network component”. It is based on Likelines, a tool that collects implicit feedback from users concerning portions of a video that are of particular interests 2
• The Entity Recognition & extraction functionality aims at analyzing the images extracting the features and the segments identifying the category of the clothes present in the images. The functionality is performed by three components: o Body part detector and router component: it analyses the image using a software algorithm extracting the segments related to the upper and lower body part of the body. o Sketchness: it analyses the image using human actions and extracting segments done by clothes contours. o The Descriptors extractor analyses the images and the segments, extracting for each segment the features of the color and the texture. • Accessibility annotation worlflow step analyses the images in order to extract accessibility related metadata: o Accessibility component extract the accessibility-related annotation from the uploaded images and it associates the images to their own annotations.
The images are then put in the database and made available to the vertical application
Branching Action
<condition causing branching> : <action or name of sub.use case>
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Sequence Diagram
Figure 46: " Image crawling from SN "
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Note: Sequence diagram naming is following the same convention of use case naming.
CUBRIK H-demos reference
The H-demos designed and used to demonstrate the capability of implementing some of functionalities needed by the V-Application are: Likelines: it demonstrated the viability of using video fashion related in order to extract key frames fashion related. The H-demos is used by the Implicit Feedback filter component Accessibility aware Relevance feedback: it aims to enhance the process of multimedia content harvesting in such a way that it will be later able to provide an accessibility related indicator (i.e. confidence factor), regarding the level of accessibility and usability it offers to specific groups of users.
Components List
In the following table the association between workflow steps and components involved in the given use case “Image crawling from SN” is reported. Workflow Step Name
Component Name
Extraction of images from S.N. Owner: CERTH Resp: Michalis Lazaridis <>
Image extraction from Social Network
Theodoros Semertzidis' <>
Implicit feedback filter LIKELINES
‘Martha Larson’ <>
Entity recognition & extraction Owner: CERTH Resp: Michalis Lazaridis <>
Descriptors extractor
Theodoros Semertzidis <>
Body parts detector and router
‘Markus Brenner’ <markus.brenner@eecs.qm>
Luca Galli <>
Anastasios Drosou
Accessibility Annotation workflow step Owner: CERTH Resp: Anastasios Drosou
Partner responsible
Contact Point
Extraction of Images from SN The “Extraction of Images from SN” workflow step is responsible of coordinating the “extraction of images from SN” (EISN) component and “Implicit feedback filter - LikeLines” (LL) component in order to collect multimedia content shared through twitter. The EISN component will fetch a stream of multimedia URLs and metadata shared through twitter. From them, only the youtube URLs will be rooted to the LL component were keyframe images will be extracted as the most representative/interesting keyframes of the video. This CUBRIK Revised Requirements Specifications
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workflow step will provide a never ending stream of multimedia content URLs and the corresponding metadata.
Figure 47: Extraction of Images from SN sequence diagram
Entity recognition and Extraction The “Entity recognition and Extraction” workflow step will be the SMILA pipeline that will orchestrate the steps for pre-processing the images coming in to the system. First each image will be passed from the “Upper and lower body parts detector” component to extract upper and lower body part bounding boxes as well as confidence scores about the computed bounding boxes. These confidence levels will then be used to decide whether this image should be discarded as very noisy, sent directly to the descriptor extraction component to compute multimedia features, or pushed to the Sketchness component. In case of Sketchness component the outcome segmentation will also be pushed to the descriptor extraction component. The output of the workflow step is a set of multimedia descriptors, regions of interest as well as annotations for the processed image.
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Figure 48: Entity recognition and Extraction sequence diagram
Accessibility annotation The Accessibility Annotation workflow step is responsible for the extraction of accessibilityrelated features from images, in order for the accessibility-aware reranking of the search results to be possible. During accessibility annotation, the images pass through the Accessibility component, which contains methods that extract accessibility-related information from the images (brightness, contrast, dominant color etc. of the whole image as well as of recognized objects in the image). This information is encoded as a set of accessibility score values, one for each of the supported impairments. The accessibility scores take values in the [0, 1] range, with 0 meaning that the image is not accessible for users having the respective impairment, while 1 means that the image is accessible. The accessibility scores are added as annotation to the image record.
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SME Innovation: Trend analysis for category
The use case aims at providing the SMEs users with a trend analysis of clothing preferences related to a category to be selected. The following image depicts the use case workflow fragment. The trend analysis function analyses the output from Image crawling from social networks in order to present the SME user with a trend analysis report based on the popularity of the images, the most popular colours and textures in the social Network.
Figure 49: Component diagram for the use case â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Trend analysis for categoryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; This use case is visualized in the mock-up (Figure 34 and Figure 35).
9.1 #
Functional requirements Functional requirement
The application must enable users to select a category of clothes for which they request a trend analysis. The application must provide users with an analysis of fashion trends based on the analysis of social network images, providing the users with the information about the preferred color and texture, the most popular images and a time trend of the colour for the category selected. Table 44 Functional requirements for 'Trend analysis for category'
Non-functional Requirements
In the next section measurable technical and user-based success criteria are formulated that are perceived as operationalized non-functional requirements. They address response time and computation time. From the user perspective, comprehension and quality of the results are taken into account. CUBRIK Revised Requirements Specifications
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Success Criteria
Trend analysis
Time granularity
Target level < 1 week
Trend analysis
Maximal trend analysis period
>3 months
Trend analysis
Response time
Trend analysis
The computation time of the analysis
<= 1 day
Descriptor extraction
> 25 dB for each image
Descriptor extraction
Computation time for dominant colors for each image Computation time for texture descriptor for a 100x100 image
< 100 msec
Descriptor extraction
Explanation The analysis component should be able to get information for small periods of time that are less than one week to provide information that is not possible to be extracted without automated processes using only e.g. fashion magazines or cool hunters Due to the large volumes of data to be processed and possible data bursts due to e.g. social events the processing and storage costs for periods larger that few months rise critically. This is the time needed for the component to return results to the UI. No computations will be performed in this step but precomputed results will be fetched. The trend analysis component should be able to compute fresh content or existing content to give answers to new queries posed by an SME. This criterion should be applicable to any trend analysis granularity from the minimum to the maximum. Dominant Colors extraction should keep quantization noise low in order to keep as much of the initial information as possible for traceability of the final results.
< 100 msec
Table 45 Technical success criteria for Trend analysis for category Human-computer transaction V-Apps user selects clothing category and time span selection for trend prediction V-Apps user interprets the results:
Type of user
SME user
SME user
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Type of measurement Questionnaire (retelling)
Log analysis (time spent, critical
D2.3 Version 1.0
Human-computer transaction 1. Analysis 2. Popular photos
Type of user
Perceived quality of the results 1. Timeliness 2. Usefulness for SMEuser's goals
Type of measurement incidents in UI) Questionnaire (retelling) Questionnaire (selfreported; likert scale) Absolute and relative to other systems
Table 46 User-based performance criteria for trend analysis for category
Use case #
Trend analysis for category
Goal in Context
The use case aims at providing the SMEs users with a trend analysis of clothing preferences related to a category to be selected.
Scope & Level
Detailed at component level. Summary of the components used.
“Image crawling from SN” use case is a precondition of the present use case, because the database of the V-App has to contain images extracted from Social Network with preferences associated (i.e. popularity of the images, preferences on the color and the textures of the clothing categories )
Success Condition
The trend analysis is performed and the SME user is provided with a trend analysis.
Failed Condition
The trend analysis doesn’t provide any results.
Primary, Secondary Actors
SMEs users of the application.
The SME users select the option to have a trend insight on a category
• SME users ask for an insight on fashion trend: the SME users of the V-App select the category of the clothes on which they want to have an insight regarding the fashion trend.
• The Trend Analysis functionality performs the analysis of the trends on the selected category through the following component: • The Trend Analyser component uses the category selected in order to perform a trend analysis using the information already retrieved from the Twitter along with the corresponding images (i.e. metadata) as processed in the use case “extraction of the images
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Use case #
Trend analysis for category from SNâ&#x20AC;?, providing to the V-App the information about the preferred color and texture, the most popular images and a time trend of the color for the category selected.
â&#x20AC;˘ The Report to SMEs functionality shows the report to the users through the user interface.
Branching Action
Branching Action
Sequence Diagram
Figure 50: Trend analysis for category Note: Sequence diagram naming is following the same convention of use case naming.
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CUBRIK H-demos reference
No H-Demos are related to this use case.
Components list
This section reports a table with the association between workflow steps and components involved in the given use case â&#x20AC;&#x153;Trend analysis for categoryâ&#x20AC;?. Workflow STEP Name
Component Name
Trend Analysis Owner: CERTH Resp: Michalis Lazaridis <>
Trend analyser
Partner responsible CERTH
Contact Point Theodoros Semertzidis' <>
Trend analyser The Trend analyser step will be the pipeline that will get input from previous pipelines in the workflow and trigger trend analysis component computations. Finally the computed results will be requested via this pipeline.
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Figure 51: Trend analyser sequence diagram
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SME Innovation: Trend Analysis for sample
The use case aims at providing the SME users with a trend analysis of current clothing preferences using as reference the image (and the clothing category represented there) uploaded by the user himself.
Figure 52: Component diagram for the use case ‘Trend Analysis for sample’
10.1 Functional requirements #
Functional requirement
The application must allow SME-users to upload an image. The image should be related to fashion and should contain clothes
The application must allow SME-users to annotate the images with the category of the clothes
The application must be able to search for images that are similar to the sample the user has uploaded. Images are similar when their clothing category, colour, and texture correspond
The application must allow crowdworkers to assign a relevance score to each of the images; the application must present the re-ordered set of images to the users.
The application must provide users with an analysis of fashion trends, similar to ‘Trend analysis for category’, but calculated on the basis of the sample image uploaded by the user.
Table 47 Functional requirements for Trend analysis for sample' CUBRIK Revised Requirements Specifications
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10.2 Non-functional requirements In the next section measurable technical success criteria are formulated that are perceived as operationalized non-functional requirements. The technical criteria address computation time, response time, precision and scalability. The user-based criteria address the perceived incentive, perceived usefulness, and perceived quality of the results that are returned.
10.3 Success criteria Component
Target level
Image crawling from SN Image crawling from SN
No. of images/second
>= 10
The component should be able download at least 10 images per second
No. of domains to track
Trend analysis
Time granularity
< 1 week
Trend analysis
Maximal trend analysis period
>3 months
Trend analysis
Response time
Trend analysis
The computation time of the analysis
<= 1 day
Descriptor extraction
> 25 dB for each image
The component should be able to parse at least 10 photo sharing domains in order to extract shared images from the retrieved image URLs The analysis component should be able to get information for small periods of time that are less than one week to provide information that is not possible to be extracted without automated processes using only e.g. fashion magazines or cool hunters Due to the large volumes of data to be processed and possible data bursts due to e.g. social events the processing and storage costs for periods larger that few months rise critically. This is the time needed for the component to return results to the UI. No computations will be performed in this step but precomputed results will be fetched. The trend analysis component should be able to compute fresh content or existing content to give answers to new queries posed by an SME. This criterion should be applicable to any trend analysis granularity from the minimum to the maximum. Dominant Colors extraction should keep quantization noise low in order to keep as much of the initial information as possible for traceability to the final results.
Descriptor extraction
Computation time for dominant colors for each image Computation time for texture descriptor for a 100x100 image
< 100 msec
Descriptor extraction
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< 100 msec
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Target level
Body parts detector and router Body parts detector and router Relevance feedback Relevance feedback
Runtime complexity
Computed detection score
Precision along key dimension No. of key dimensions implemented Response time
> .75
<= 1 m
In case of a pre-scheduled crowd.
Time for estimation of response time
<= 1 m
If no crowd is pre-scheduled, the system will return an estimate of the response time within one minute. The length of the response time is based on an estimation of the size of the available crowd.
No. of annotated images
> 100,000
Server reply time
No. of users that can use the component simultaneously
> 1000
Relevance feedback Relevance feedback
Image similarity detection Image similarity detection Image similarity detection
A detection score below 10 indicates a very unlikely detection, and above 20-30 a very likely detection.
>= 3
Table 48 Technical success criteria for trend analysis for sample Humancomputer transaction V-Apps user annotates image
Type of user
Type of measurement
SME user
Perceived effort of annotating images
Questionnaire (self-reported, Likert scale)
V-Apps user interprets results
SME user
Questionnaire (retelling)
Perceived quality of the results
Questionnaire (self-reported: absolute + relvative to quality of existing platforms - Google, fashion sites): Pipeline evaluation Questionnaire (self-reported; Likert scale)
Usefulness for SMEuser's goals
Table 49 User-based performance criteria for trend analysis for sample
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10.4 Description Use case #
Trend Analysis for sample
Goal in Context
The use case aims at providing the SME users with a trend analysis of current clothing preferences using as reference the image (and the clothing category represented there) uploaded by the user himself.
Role of Hybrid Human Conventional Computation
Automatic processing takes place in two forms: the descriptors extractor component extracts the color and the texture from the image the SME user has uploaded, while the body parts detector and router classifies the image according to body part. In Image similarity detection, the similarity between images in the database and the uploaded images is computed based on clothing category, texture, and color. Crowdsourcing is used to collect relevance feedback on the search results that come from the image similarity calculations.
Scope & Level
Detailed at component level Summary of the components used
“Image crawling from SN” use case is a precondition of the present use case, because the database of the V-App has to contain images extracted from Social Network with preferences associated (i.e. popularity of the images, preferences on the color and the textures of the clothing categories )
Success End Condition
The search similarity produces a set of similar images The trend analysis is performed and the SME user is provided with a trend analysis.
Failed End Condition
The trend analysis doesn’t provide results.
Primary, Secondary Actors
SMEs users of the application.
The user selects the option to have a trend insight on category and images that match in terms of similarity the ones to be uploaded
• SME user uploads an image A: the V-App SME user uploads an image A, with the aim to have an insight of both the trends related to the category represented by the image A and the trends related to other images representing the category of clothes similar to the one uploaded.
• Image annotation: the V-App SME users annotate the image they have just uploaded with the clothing categories present in the picture, then they provide information about the category they are interested in.
• Analysis of Lower/Upper part and features extraction: the image is processed with the aim of extracting the segments and the features contained in the category
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Use case #
Trend Analysis for sample represented. The process is performed by the:
The Lower and Upper Body part component: it analyses the image using a software algorithm extracting the segments related to the upper and lower body part of the body.
The Descriptors extractor analyses the images and the segments, extracting for each segment the features about the color and the texture.
• The system retrieves similar images and shows them to the user through the step Search Similar Images filtered by the crowd. The functionality is performed by the following components: o
Image similarity detection: it identifies images similar to the one uploaded by the users, by searching into the database of the application. The utilized criteria are: (a) same category of clothes contained, (b) similar color and similar texture of the category selected.
Relevance feedback: starting from the set of similar images identified by the “Image Similarity Detection” component, the “Relevance Feedback” component filters and reorders the set of images, ranking the similarity according the human perception about similarity.
• The Report to SMEs functionality shows the report to the user through the user interface.
The Trend Analysis functionality performs the analysis of the trend on the selected category through the following component: o The Trend Analyser component uses the category selected in order to perform a trend analysis using the information already retrieved from Twitter and the corresponding images extracted and processed in the use case “Extraction of the Images from SN”, providing to the V-App information like the preferred color and texture, the most popular images and the time trend of the color for the category selected. o Using the images resulting from the “Search Similar Images” workflow step, as selected by the SME users, the component also retrieves information about the images previously crawled from twitter along with their traces associated information about popularity. Thus, the component, provides to the VApp information about such images and their popularity.
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Use case #
Trend Analysis for sample
Branching Action
Branching Action 4a
The image is put in the database
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10.5 Sequence Diagram The sequence diagram for ‘trend analysis for sample’ is displayed in Figure 53.
Figure 53: Sequence diagram for ‘trend analysis for sample’ Note: Sequence diagram naming is following the same convention of use case naming. CUBRIK Revised Requirements Specifications
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10.6 Components List This section reports a table with the association between workflow steps and components involved in the given use case “Trend Analysis for sample”. Workflow Step Name
Component Name
Analysis of Lower/upper part and features extraction Owner: CERTH Resp: Michalis Lazaridis <>
Descriptors extractor
Theodoros Semertzidis <>
Body parts detector and router
‘Markus Brenner’ <markus.brenner@eecs.qm>
Search similar images filtered by the crowd Owner: EMPOLIS Resp: Mathias Otto mathias.otto@empolis .com
Image detection
Mathias Otto
Trend Analysis Owner: CERTH Resp: Michalis Lazaridis <>
Trend analyser
Relevance Feedback
Partner responsible
Contact Point
‘Martha Larson’ <>
Theodoros Semertzidis' <>
Table 50 Components List
Analysis of Lower/upper part and features extraction The “Entity recognition and Extraction” workflow step will be the SMILA pipeline that will orchestrate the steps for pre-processing the images coming in to the system. First each image will be passed from the “Body parts detector and router” component to extract upper and lower body part bounding boxes as well as confidence scores about the computed bounding boxes. These confidence levels will then be used to decide whether this image should be discarded as very noisy or sent directly to the descriptor extraction component to compute multimedia features. The output of the workflow step is a set of multimedia descriptors, regions of interest as well as annotations for the processed image.
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Figure 54: Extraction of Images from SN sequence diagram
Search similar images filtered by the crowd The workflow step aims at providing the user with a set of similar images to the one he selected. The functionality is performed through 2 steps: firstly a set of similar images on category, color and texture basis is extracted from the database; in the second step such set of images is processed by the crowd in order to provide the user with a reordered and reranked set of images, through the usage of human perception of similarity.
Trend analyzer The Trend analyser step will be the pipeline that will get input from previous pipelines in the workflow and trigger trend analysis component computations. Finally the computed results will be requested via this pipeline.
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SME Innovation: Popularity Assessment
The use case aims at providing the users with the possibility to upload their own images and ask other users (fan/followers in Social Network) for their feedback.
Figure 55: Component diagram for the use case ‘Popularity assessment’
11.1 Functional Requirements #
Functional requirement
The application must allow users to upload images. The images must be related to fashion and must contain clothes.
The application must enable users to annotate the uploaded images with clothing category and color.
The application must request crowd workers to verify the image on appropriateness and correctness. An image is appropriate when it does not depict sex or violence. It is correct when the provided annotations for clothing category and colour are correct
The application must collect unstructured feedback by publishing the link to the images via social networks through user’s own social network profile or to other users of the V-App. Table 51 Functional requirements for 'Popularity Assessment'
11.2 Non-functional requirements In the next section measurable technical and user-based success criteria are formulated that are perceived as operationalized non-functional requirements. The technical success criteria CUBRIK Revised Requirements Specifications
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address computation time, recall, and accuracy. The user-based indicators address perception of usefulness, effort, privacy, and the incentive to provide feedback.
11.3 Success Criteria Component
Target level
Descriptor extraction
> 25 dB for each image
Dominant Colors extraction should keep quantization noise low in order to keep as much of the initial information as possible for traceability to the final results.
Descriptor extraction
Computation time for dominant colors for each image Computation time for texture descriptor for a 100x100 image Runtime complexity
< 100 msec
Descriptor extraction Body parts detector and router Upper/lower body parts detector Sketchness Sketchness
Conflict manager
< 100 msec
Computed detection score
Garment recognition: recall Garment segmentation: average pixel accuracy Answer/query ratio per day
> .5
Conflict manager
A detection score below 10 indicates a very unlikely detection, and above 2030 a very likely detection. @FP rate < .1
> .6
< 0.8
< 2.5
Expected Responding Time: Answer/Query Ratio per day: 80% (Based on Answering search queries with CrowdSearcher) Average Answer to Question ratio: 2.5 replies within 1 day (Based on Answering search queries with CrowdSearcher)
Table 52 Technical success criteria for popularity assessment Human-computer transaction V-Apps user extends the existing collection with own uploads
Type of user
SME user
Perceived usefulness
V-Apps user annotates the image
SME User
Type of measurement Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale)
No. of uploaded images Perception of effort
Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale)
No. of annotated images Crowd worker verifies images wrt
Crowd worker
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Log analysis (time spent, critical D2.3 Version 1.0
Human-computer transaction appropriateness and the provided annotations
Type of user
Error rate Perception of incentive to provide annotations Return time V-Apps user provides feedback
SME User
Perception of incentive to provide feedback No. of feedback requests
Type of measurement incidents in UI) Questionnaire (retelling) No. of false positives/negatives Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale) Log analysis Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale)
Table 53 Technical success criteria for popularity assessment
11.4 Description Use case #
Popularity assessment
Goal in Context
The use case aims at providing the users with the possibility to upload their own images and ask other users (fan/followers in Social Network) to vote them.
Scope & Level
Detailed at component level Summary of the components used.
Role of Hybrid Human Conventional Computation
First, the fashion image s/he uploaded is verified- by the crowd on two points: the correctness of the annotations (clothing type, color, and texture), and the appropriateness of the image with regard to the occurrence of sexual explicitness and violence. The image can then broadcast to other V-App users and social networks to collect feedback. Automatic processing occurs after this step. The Entity Recognition & extraction functionality is used to extract color and texture. If the confidence value is low, the image is then introduced in the Sketchness GWAP in order to extract segments based on human perception. Otherwise, the automatic processing results are used.
The V-App user have to be registered and logged in: the uploading of the images is allowed just to logged users.
Success Condition
The image uploaded is judged appropriate, the images are voted by other V-App user.
Failed Condition
The image uploaded is judged not appropriate.
Primary, Secondary Actors
Individual users of the application. Users coming from the crowd are involved in the verification of the images and other users (fan/followers of the individual user in the social networks) are involved in voting on the images.
The V-App individual users select the possibility to upload images
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Use case #
Popularity assessment and ask vote
• Image upload: the V-App user uploads a picture fashion-related in the V-Application.
• Image Annotation: the V-App user annotates the image specifying which clothing category can be seen in the image and what its color is (the color is represented by a 8-bit color palette).
• Verification of the image: this functionality consists in the verification of appropriateness of the images and of the correctness of the annotation provided by the user. This functionality is performed by the component: • Crowd verification: the component checks the image and through the professional crowd verifies if the image contains violence or sexual scenes and if the category and the color specified by the initial uploading user are correct.
• After the recognition of the image, provided the image is judged appropriate, the user can make his own image available to the V-App users. Using the V-App users’ feedback functionality he can ask the opinion about the match he selected to: o o
other users of the application to his friends and contacts of the social network through the Conflict Manager component. In that case the user has to provide his credentials of Twitter and Facebook.
Branching Action
Condition: the image is judge appropriate. • The image is put in the database, to be analyzed through the Entity Recognition & extraction functionality. The functionality is performed by three components: • The Lower and Upper Body part component: it analyses the image using a software algorithm extracting the segments related to the upper and lower body part of the body. If the confidence of the results is low, the image is then analysed by Sketchness, otherwise directly by the Full image identification component. • Sketchness: it analyses the image using human actions and extracting segments done by clothes contours. • The descriptors extractor analyses the images
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Use case #
Popularity assessment and the segments, extracting for each segment the features of the color and the texture. â&#x20AC;˘ The image is put in the qualified database. 5a
â&#x20AC;˘ Accessibility annotation workflow step analyses the images in order to extract accessibility related metadata: o Accessibility component extracts from the uploaded images the accessibility-related annotation (brightness, contrast, dominant color etc. of the whole image as well as of recognized objects in the image), associating to the images the corresponding accessibility-metadata. It will support the reranking of the images for the supported impairments. Branching Action
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11.5 Sequence Diagram
Figure 56 Sequence diagram for â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Popularity assessmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Note: Sequence diagram naming is following the same convention of use case naming.
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11.6 CUBRIK H-demos Reference The H-demo designed and used to demonstrate the capability of implementing some of functionalities needed by the V-Application is: Accessibility aware Relevance feedback: it aims to enhance the process of multimedia content harvesting in such a way that it will be later able to provide an accessibility related indicator (i.e. confidence factor), regarding the level of accessibility and usability it offers to specific groups of users.
11.7 Components List This section reports a table with the association between workflow steps and components involved in the given use case “Popularity assessment”. Workflow Step Name
Component Name
Verification of the Image Owner: ENG Resp: Marilena Lazzaro <Marilena.Lazzaro@e>
Crowd verification
Accessibility Annotation workflow step Owner: CERTH Resp: Anastasios Drosou Entity recognition & extraction Owner: CERTH Resp: Michalis Lazaridis <>
V-App users’ feedback Owner: POLIMI Resp: Marco Tagliasacchi <marco.tagliasacchi@>
Partner responsib le
Contact Point
‘Otto Chrons’ < >
‘Anastasios Drosou’
Descriptors extractor
‘Theodoros Semertzidis’ <>
Body parts detector and router
‘Markus Brenner’ <markus.brenner@eecs.qmul.>
‘Luca Galli’ <>
Conflict Manager
‘Marco Tagliasacchi’ < >
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Verification of the image Verification of the image: this functionality consists of the verification of appropriateness of the images and of the correctness of the annotation provided by the user. This functionality is performed by the component Crowd Verification. Images that are evaluated as appropriate can be stored to be further processed. Otherwise they are discarded.
Accessibility annotation The Accessibility Annotation workflow step is responsible for the extraction of accessibilityrelated features from images, in order for the accessibility-aware reranking of the search results to be possible. During accessibility annotation, the images pass through the Accessibility component, which contains methods that extract accessibility-related information from the images (brightness, contrast, dominant color etc. of the whole image as well as of recognized objects in the image). This information is encoded as a set of accessibility score values, one for each of the supported impairments. The accessibility scores take values in the [0, 1] range, with 0 meaning that the image is not accessible for users having the respective impairment, while 1 means that the image is accessible. The accessibility scores are added as annotation to the image record, before it is stored in the Qualified Database.
Entity recognition and Extraction The “Entity recognition and Extraction” workflow step will be the SMILA pipeline that will orchestrate the steps for pre-processing the images coming in to the system. First each image will be passed from the “Body parts detector and router” component to extract upper and lower body part bounding boxes as well as confidence scores about the computed bounding boxes. These confidence levels will then be used to decide whether this image should be discarded, sent directly to the descriptor extraction component to compute multimedia features, or pushed to the Sketchness component. In case of Sketchness component the outcome segmentation will also be pushed to the descriptor extraction component. The output of the workflow step is a set of multimedia descriptors, regions of interest as well as annotations for the processed image.
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Figure 57: Entity recognition and Extraction sequence diagram
V-App user feedback The V-App user feedback is the last workflow step of the use case. Its role is to retrieve the set of images and their associated metadata, as processed by the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Entity Recognition and Extraction workflow stepâ&#x20AC;? (either automatic or derived from the contribution of the crowd), and provide human feedback over them. To gather feedback from the crowd, the Conflict Manager has first to be configured to specify the kind of question that has to be submitted (Binary - Like/Dislike, Textual description Preferences over a Colour...) to the crowd and where it has to be propagated. The questions can be propagated to several different social networks at the same time or by generating a special link that has to be sent to specific list of users by email (e.g. based on competences); the configuration step must be triggered by another component. Once the evaluation task has been configured, it can be started by the other components by calling the appropriate API (Open Task). The Conflict Manager will automatically take care of collecting the results from the crowd and
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will update the information contained in the database that has been chosen to store the metadata associated to the images if enquired about it. Since the conflict manager uses REST calls, the calls to and from the component will be handled by a SMILA pipelet.
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SME Innovation: Fashion matching
The following image depicts the use case workflow fragment. It is arranged in steps (grey boxes). Each step, in general, involves more than one component usage (orange boxes).
Figure 58: Component diagram for the use case ‘Fashion Matching’ 1/2
Figure 59: Component diagram for the use case ‘Fashion matching’ 2/2
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12.1 Functional requirements #
Functional requirement I1
The application must enable users to select an image from the database, based on which a set of similar images is returned.
The application must allow users to upload images. The images should be related to fashion and should contain clothes and/or accessories.
The application must allow users to annotate the uploaded images with clothing category.
The application must allow users to select the body part for which they would like to receive matching images
The application must provide the users with similar images based on the body part they selected
The application must enable users to ask for votes for this selection of images via the V-App publishing the link via social networks through their own social network profile.
The application must accept a set of accessibility-annotated images as its input
The application must output a reranking of the set of images that promotes those that are most accessible for the specific user
The application must allow the user to provide feedback concerning the accessibility either of the individual results, or of the whole reranking
The application must be able to update the user impairment profile by using the user feedback Table 54 Functional requirements for 'Fashion matching'
12.2 Non-functional requirements In the next section measurable technical and user-based success criteria are formulated that are perceived as operationalized non-functional requirements. The technical success criteria cover precision, response time, scalability, and changes in user profile values with regard to accessibility. The user-based criteria cover comprehension, perceived usefulness, and the perception of the incentives for SME users and crowdworkers.
12.3 Success criteria Component
Target level
Relevance feedback
Precision along key dimension No. of key dimensions implemented Response time
> .75
Relevance feedback Relevance feedback Relevance feedback
Time for estimation of response time
CUBRIK Revised Requirements Specifications
>= 3 <= 1 m <= 1 m
In case of a pre-scheduled crowd. If no crowd is pre-scheduled, the system will return an estimate of the response time within one minute. The length
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Target level
Explanation of the response time is based on an estimation of the size of the available crowd.
Image similarity detection Image similarity detection Image similarity detection Descriptor extraction
Descriptor extraction
Descriptor extraction
Body part detector and router Body part detector and router
No. of annotated images Server reply time No. of users that can use the component simultaneously PSNR
Computation time for dominant colors for each image Computation time for texture descriptor for a 100x100 image Runtime complexity
> 100,000 <3 seconds > 1000
> 25 dB for each image <2s
Computed detection score
> .5
Conflict manager
Garment recognition: recall Garment segmentation: average pixel accuracy Answer/query ratio
<= 80%
Conflict manager
Answer/question ratio
<= 2.5
Accessibility filtering
Change in impairment related parameters after between 10 and 20 feedback loops
< 15%
Accessibility filtering
Change in values in user profile values after 50 feedback loops Percentage of accessibility issues covered by the top 20 search results
< 5%
Sketchness Sketchness
Accessibility filtering
CUBRIK Revised Requirements Specifications
Dominant Colors extraction should keep quantization noise low
A detection score below 10 indicates a very unlikely detection, and above 20-30 a very likely detection. @FP rate < .1
> .6
> 50%
Expected Responding Time: Answer/Query Ratio per day: <80% (Based on Answering search queries with CrowdSearcher) Average Answer to Question ratio: 2.5 replies within 1 day (Based on Answering search queries with CrowdSearcher) An initial estimation of these parameters will be provided at the registration phase. Their convergence to the actual impairment level of the user will be achieved via a relevant feedback procedure.
The 20 first results returned by the submitted query should meet the requirements of at least one the two impairments,
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Accessibility filtering
Target level
Processing for changing between different rankings Time required for initial accessibility related filtering
< 2 s.
Explanation so as to be visible by the user. i.e. percentage of the accessibility issues. After relevance feedback
< 1 s.
Table 55 Technical success criteria for fashion matching Human-computer transaction Crowd worker identifies clothing item via Sketchness
Type of user
Crowd worker
User satisfaction / affective response
Crowd worker verifies images wrt appropriateness and the provided annotations
Crowd worker
Perception of incentive
Return time
Type of measurement Log analysis on time spent, critical incidents in UI Avg. no of hits played by individual players Questionnaire (selfreported, Likertscale) Log analysis on time spent, critical incidents in UI Questionnaire (selfreported, Likert scale) Questionnaire (selfreported, Likert scale) Log analysis
V-Apps user chooses the upper or lower body part of his/her own image
SME user
Log analysis on time spent, critical incidents in UI Questionnaire (retelling)
V-Apps user searches images similar to the clothes in the selected body part of their uploaded image
SME user
Log analysis on time spent, critical incidents in UI
Perceived quality of the search results
Questionnaire (selfreported: absolute + relvative to quality of existing platforms Google, fashion
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Human-computer transaction
Type of user
Perceived usefulness of the matching V-Apps user reviews the systemâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s outfit match suggestion for their uploaded image, i.e. clothes in tagged body part
SME user
Type of measurement sites): evaluation at pipeline level Questionnaire (selfreported)
Log analysis on time spent, critical incidents in UI Questionnaire (retelling)
Perceived quality of the search results Perceived usefulness of the matching
Questionnaire (selfreported) Questionnaire (selfreported)
Table 56 User-based performance indicators for fashion matching
12.4 Description Use case #
Expert CROWD Research Inquiry
Goal in Context
The user wants to retrieve ideas and feedback from the community or from his friends/fans about a match of clothes or other fashion images in the database.
Scope & Level
Detailed at component level. Summary of the components used.
Human hybrid conventional computation
First, the fashion image the V-App user uploaded and annotated is verified- by the crowd on two points: the correctness of the annotations (clothing type, dominant color, and texture), and the appropriateness of the image with regard to the occurrence of sexual explicitness and violence. Alternatively, the user can select an image within the application. Automatic processing occurs after this step. The Entity Recognition & extraction functionality is used to extract color and texture. If the confidence value is low, the image is discarded. Otherwise, the automatic processing results are used. In Image similarity detection, the similarity between images in the database and the selected image is computed based on clothing category, texture, and color. Crowdsourcing is used to collect relevance feedback on the search results that come from the image similarity calculations.
The user is registered; The database has to contain images to allow the V-App to perform similar images searches. The fashion database contains images with lower/upper body part of the body clothes; The user logged in.
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Use case #
Expert CROWD Research Inquiry
Success Condition
The user find a match of interest and ask the preferences of the other users
Failed Condition
The user doesn’t find a match of lower/upper part of the body clothes, the user don’t ask other users their feedback The search similarity doesn’t return any results. The image is not voted for.
Primary, Secondary Actors
Individual users. Individual users friends/fans in Social Network, other individual users of the application
The user select the possibility to create a match
1 (branch A)
• Image selecting: the V-App user select a picture already present in the database of the V-Application. The picture can contain an image of a complete part of the body clothes (a match of lower and upper part of the body clothes) or a lower or upper part of the body clothes.
1.1 B)
• Image upload: the V-App user uploads a picture in the V-Application. The picture can contain an image of a complete part of the body clothes (a match of both lower and upper part of the body clothes) or a lower or upper part of the body clothes.
• Image Annotation: the V-App user annotates the image specifying which the category of the clothes represented is and which the related color is (the color is represented by a 8-bit color palette)
(branch B)
1.3 B)
• Verification of the image: this functionality consists in the verification of appropriateness of the images and of the correctness of the annotation (category and color) provided by the user. This functionality is performed by the component: • Crowd verification: the component checks the image and through the professional crowd verifies if the image depicts violence or sexual scenes and if the category and the color specified by the user are correct. Images that are valuated as appropriate can be stored to be further processed (1.3B.a), otherwise they are discarded (1.3B.b) The user does not have to wait for the response to get feedback before s/he can continue with the next step. However approval is necessary before step 8.
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• Upper/Lower part selection by the user: the user selects the lower or the upper part of the bodies of the image to be used for similar search. He asks the Page 128
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Use case #
Expert CROWD Research Inquiry system to provide similar images of the selected part of the body. In order to do this the analysis of Lower/upper part is needed.
Analysis of Lower/Upper part and features extraction: the image provided by the user is processed with the aim of extracting the segments related to the upper /lower body part of the body selected by the user and the relative features. This process is done online, The extraction is performed by the o The Body part detector and router component: it analyses the image using a software algorithm extracting the segments related to the upper and lower body part of the body. If the confidence is low the image will be discarded. o The Descriptors extractor analyses the images and the segments, extracting for each segment the features of the color and the texture.
â&#x20AC;˘ The system retrieves similar images and shows them to the user through the functionality Search Similar Images. The functionality is performed by the following components: o Image similarity detection: it identifies image similar to the one upload by the user or to the fragments extracted as described in step 4.1, finding them into the database of the application. The criteria used are: same category, similar color. The objective is providing images similar but that can represent an alternative (in texture and style) to the one selected by the user. o Relevance feedback: starting from the set of similar images identified by the image similarity detection component, the Relevance Feedback component filters and reorders the set of images, ranking the similarity through the usage of human perception of similarity.
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The Accessibility filtering step provides the reordering function of the images through the Page 129
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Use case #
Expert CROWD Research Inquiry following component: •
Accessibility (component) rerank the set of retrieved results, so as to promote those query results that are most accessible for the user. For this purpose, the system retrieve an impairment related profile for each user that has activate the accessibility mode.
• Matching of the retrieved images functionality allow the user to match the lower and the upper body part he prefers using his image and the set of images provided by the system search functionality.
• The user makes available his own image to the other user and using the V-App users’ feedback functionality he can ask the opinion about the match he selected to the other users of the application and/or: o To his friends and contacts of the social network through the Conflict Manager component (the user has to provide his credentials of Twitter and Facebook)
Branching Action
Condition: the image is judge appropriate. • The image is put in the database, to be analyzed through the Entity Recognition & extraction functionality. The functionality is performed by three components: • The Body part detector and router component: it analyses the image using a software algorithm extracting the segments related to the upper and lower body part of the body. If the confidence of the results is low, the image is then analysed by Sketchness, otherwise directly by the Full image identification component. • Sketchness: it analyses the image using human actions and extracting segments done by clothes contours. • The descriptors extractor analyses the images and the segments, extracting for each segment the features of the color and the texture. The image is analized in order to extract accessibility related metadata (Accessibility use case): The Accessibility component extract the accessibilityrelated annotation from the uploaded images and it
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Use case #
Expert CROWD Research Inquiry associates the images to their own annotations. 1.3B.b
The image is discarded
Branching Action 1A
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Select Images: The user may have an image with just a lower OR an upper part of the body clothes and wants to search any other clothes possibly matches with the one of his image. So the user select the images by category criterion asking to the system to provide the images present in the database for the chosen category
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12.5 Sequence Diagram In Figure 60 and Figure 61 the sequence diagrams for ‘fashion matching’ are displayed.
Figure 60: Sequence Diagram for ‘fashion matching’ 1/2
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Figure 61: Sequence Diagram for â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;fashion matchingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; 2/2 Note: Sequence diagram naming is following the same convention of use case naming.
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12.6 CUBRIK H-demos reference The H-demo designed and used to demonstrate the capability of implementing some of functionalities needed by the V-Application is: Accessibility aware Relevance feedback: it aims to enhance the process of multimedia content harvesting in such a way that it will be later able to provide an accessibility related indicator (i.e. confidence factor), regarding the level of accessibility and usability it offers to specific groups of users.
12.7 Components List This section reports a table with the association between workflow steps and components involved in the given use case “Fashion matching”. Workflow STEP Name
Component Name
Verification of the Image Owner: ENG Resp: Marilena Lazzaro <>
Crowd verification
Accessibility Annotation workflow step Owner: CERTH Resp: Anastasios Drosou Entity recognition & extraction Owner: CERTH Resp: Michalis Lazaridis <>
Partner responsible
Contact Point
Otto Chrons <>
Anastasios Drosou
Descriptors extractor
Theodoros Semertzidis <>
Body parts detector and router
‘Markus Brenner’ <markus.brenner@eecs.qmul.a>
Luca Galli <>
Analysis of Lower/upper part and features extraction Owner: CERTH Resp: Michalis Lazaridis <>
Descriptors extractor
Theodoros Semertzidis <>
Body parts detector and router
‘Markus Brenner’ <markus.brenner@eecs.qmul.a>
search similar images filtered by the CROW Owner: EMPOLIS Resp: Mathias Otto
Image detection
V-App users’ feedback
Conflict Manager
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Mathias Otto
Marco Tagliasacchi
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Workflow STEP Name
Component Name
Partner responsible
Owner: POLIMI Resp: Marco Tagliasacchi <>
Contact Point <>
Entity recognition and Extraction The “Entity recognition and Extraction” workflow step will be the SMILA pipeline that will orchestrate the steps for pre-processing the images coming in to the system. First each image will be passed from the “Upper and lower body parts detector” component to extract upper and lower body part bounding boxes as well as confidence scores about the computed bounding boxes. These confidence levels will then be used to decide whether this image should be discarded as very noisy, sent directly to the descriptor extraction component to compute multimedia features, or pushed to the Sketchness component. In case of Sketchness component the outcome segmentation will also be pushed to the descriptor extraction component. The output of the workflow step is a set of multimedia descriptors, regions of interest as well as annotations for the processed image.
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Figure 62: Entity recognition and Extraction sequence diagram
Accessibility annotation The Accessibility Annotation workflow step is responsible for the extraction of accessibilityrelated features from images, in order for the accessibility-aware reranking of the search results to be possible. During accessibility annotation, the images pass through the Accessibility component, which contains methods that extract accessibility-related information from the images (brightness, contrast, dominant color etc. of the whole image as well as of recognized objects in the image). This information is encoded as a set of accessibility score values, one for each of the supported impairments. The accessibility scores take values in the [0, 1] range, with 0 meaning that the image is not accessible for users having the respective impairment, while 1 means that the image is accessible. The accessibility scores are added as annotation to the image record, before it is stored in the Qualified Database.
Verification of the image This functionality consists in the verification of appropriateness of the images and of the CUBRIK Revised Requirements Specifications
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correctness of the annotation provided by the user. This functionality is performed by the component Crowd verification. Images that are valuated as appropriated can be stored to be further processed, otherwise they are discarded
Analysis of Lower/upper part and features extraction The Analysis of Lower/upper part and features extraction” workflow step will be the SMILA pipeline that will orchestrate the steps for pre-processing the images coming in to the system. First each image will be passed from the “Body parts detector and router” component to extract upper and lower body part bounding boxes as well as confidence scores about the computed bounding boxes. These confidence levels will then be used to decide whether this image should be discarded as very noisy or sent directly to the descriptor extraction component to compute multimedia features. The output of the workflow step is a set of multimedia descriptors, regions of interest as well as annotations for the processed image.
Figure 63: Analysis of Lower/upper part and features extraction sequence diagram
Search similar images The workflow step aims at providing the user with a set of similar images to the one he selected. The functionality is performed extracting similar images on category, color and texture basis from the database, in order to provide a set of images similar.
Accessibility Filtering The Accessibility Filtering workflow step is responsible for reranking a set of search results, so that the most accessible ones for the specific user are promoted. In order for the reranking to be performed, two kinds of information are used: the accessibility-related annotation of the presented images (which is extracted from the images during image upload and annotation) and the user impairment profile. The user impairment profile is a vector of values in the range [0, 1] encoding the user’s CUBRIK Revised Requirements Specifications
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degree of impairment in each of the supported types of disabilities. A value of 0 means that the user does not have the respective disability, while a value of 1 means that the user is fully disabled in the respective impairment. Using this information, the Accessibility Filtering step calculates a set of Pareto-optimal rankings for the results for the various impairments and selects the one which is most appropriate for the user, according to his/her profile. The results are presented to the user according to the selected reranking. As a last step, the user is able to provide feedback concerning the accessibility either of the individual results, or of the whole reranking. The system uses this feedback to update the user impairment profile, so that it is closer to the actual profile of the user, and to eventually present a more appropriate reranking of the results.
V-App users’ feedback The V-App users’ feedback is the last workflow step of the What I wear today use case. Its role is to retrieve the set of images and their associated metadata, as processed by the “Entity recognition and Extraction workflow step” (either automatic or derived from the contribution of the crowd), and provide human feedback over them. To gather feedback from the crowd, the Conflict Manager has first to be configured to specify the kind of question that has to be submitted (Binary - Like/Dislike, Textual description Preferences over a Colour...) to the crowd and where it has to be propagated. The questions can be propagated to several different social networks at the same time or by generating a special link that has to be sent to specific list of users by email (e.g. based on competences); the configuration step must be triggered by another component. Once the evaluation task has been configured, it can be started by the other components by calling the appropriate API (Open Task). The Conflict Manager will automatically take care of collecting the results from the crowd and will update the information contained in the database that has been chosen to store the metadata associated to the images if enquired about it. Since the conflict manager uses REST calls, the calls to and from the component will be handled by a SMILA pipelet.
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SME Innovation: personalized query suggestion
This technical scenario registers a user profile in order to analyse the behaviour of the V-App user and provide suggestions on what to search for in the app, based on similarity in age, city, and gender.
Figure 64: Component diagram for the use case ‘ Personalized query suggestion’
13.1 Functional requirements #
Functional requirement
The application must allow users to create a user profile, consisting of username, password, and accessibility-related information.
The system must provide the user with suggestions for searches, based on the behaviour of the user in the past, other users that use the application at that time, and other users from the same city. Table 54 Functional requirements for ‘Personalized query suggestion’
13.2 Non-functional requirements In the next section measurable technical success criteria are formulated that are perceived as operationalized non-functional requirements.
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13.3 Success criteria Component
Target level
Behaviour analyser
No. of suggestions provided to the user % suggestions used by users
Behaviour analyser
Reponse time
< 2 s.
Behaviour analyser
No. of input queries needed before providing suggestions
The number of suggested queries after In a global statistical analysis the users should be found to use at least 20% of the suggested queries. The additional delay that is allowed to be inserted by the processing for the recommended queries should not exceed 2 sec The behaviour analyzer should be able to return recommendation results, based on the global user trends, even when the user is logged in with a totally untrained profile.
Behaviour analyser
> 20%
Table 57 Technical success criteria for personalized query suggestion Human-computer transaction User inspects the search suggestions presented in the dashboard
Type of user
SME User
Perceived quality of the query suggestions
Type of measurement Questionnaire (selfreported; Likert scale)
Table 58 User-based performance indicators for personalized query suggestion
13.4 Description Use case #
Personalized query suggestion
Goal in Context
The use case aims at providing the individual users with the most preferred actions previously selected by him or by other individual users having similar characteristics (similar age, same city, same gender).
Scope & Level
Detailed at component level Summary of the components used.
The user is registered, The user logged in
Success Condition
The user choices one of the action suggested
Failed Condition
The user doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t select any of the preferred choices presented.
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Use case #
Personalized query suggestion
Primary, Secondary Actors
Individual users of the application.
The user logs in
• User login: the V-App individual user makes login in the VApplication. The step is based on the following component: o The User profiling component checks the credentials of the user and allow him to access to the app. If the user is not registered, the component allow him to register himself into the application, storing into the database the information related to the user profile, including the accessibility-related ones.
• The User behaviour prediction step suggests to the users searches that could be of interest to them. The step is based on the following component: o The Behavior analyzer component analyses the behaviours of the users according the information gathered on their past activities and on the activities of other related users; The component analyse the log file in order to trace the behaviour of: - the user in his past access to the application - other users accessing at the same time - other users accessing from the same place (city, country)
• The Human-computer transaction step registers the actions the user is taking and sends the information to the Behaviour analyser for the further analysis. The step is based on the following component: • The CMS for Human Computation, analyses and store the actions performed by the user (select a category, select a specific image) and send it to the Behaviour analyser component for further analysis.
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13.5 Sequence Diagram
Figure 65: Personalized query suggestion Note: Sequence diagram naming is following the same convention of use case naming.
13.6 CUBRIK H-demos reference No H-Demos are related to this use case.
13.7 Components List This section reports a table with the association between the workflow steps and components involved in the given use case â&#x20AC;&#x153;Personalized query suggestionâ&#x20AC;?. Workflow Name
Component Name
User Login Owner: POLIMI Resp: Luca Galli
User component
User Behavior Prediction Owner: CERTH Resp: Anastasios Drosou
Behavior analyzer
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Partner responsib le
Contact Point
Luca Galli
Anastasios Drosou
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Human-computer transaction Owner: POLIMI Resp: Luca Galli
CMS for Human Computation
Luca Galli
User login The user Login workflow step allows the user to access to the application, providing him the functionalities to register himself or to login if already registered. The functionalities are provided through the component User profiling component.
User behaviour prediction The User Behaviour Prediction workflow step is responsible for providing query recommendations to users based on time and location context. As soon as the user logs in to the system, the system retrieves stored history of this user or other users and displays recommendations based on the searches that this user or the other users have committed at similar times and places as the current user.
Human-computer transaction The Human-computer transaction workflow step receipts the choice of the users and sends the information to the Behaviour analyser for the further analysis to detect the query to be suggested.
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Summary of success criteria
14.1 User-based performance indicators User-based performance indicators are defined on two levels: • •
The level of the V-App The level of the use case
14.1.1 V-App level technology acceptance criteria Technology acceptance is the focus of the evaluation on the level of the V-App. In Table 59 an overview of the technology acceptance criteria is displayed. As discussed in Section 1 the indicators are based on the UTAUT framework (Venkatesh et al., 2003). Type of indicator Technology acceptance indicators
Overall Usability
Type of measurement
Performance expectancy
Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale)
Effort expectancy Attitude toward using technology Task-technology fit
Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale) Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale)
Ease of Use Interface Errors Critical Incidents
Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale) Analysis of logs Analysis of logs
Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale)
Table 59 Technology acceptance indicators The indicators are the same for History of Europe and for SME Innovation. In History of Europe the target users are the expert historians, while the SME’s are targeted in the SME Innovation application.
14.1.2 History of Europe Use case Acquisition of Co-Occurences Human-computer transaction
Type of user
Type of measurement
User extends the existing collection with own photographs/uploads
Expert Historian
Perception of usefulness
Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale)
User validates/defines the position of faces in images
Expert Historian / generic crowd
Perception of effort of manual face validation
Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale)
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Use case Identity reconciliation Human-computer transaction
Type of user
Type of measurement
User sees a list of automatic face recognition results with reliability indicators
Expert Historian
Perception of usefulness
Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale)
Expert Historian
Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale)
Expert Historian Expert Historian Expert Historian
Perception of effort to provide annotations Perception of usefulness Number of Annotations
Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale) Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale) Analysis of logs
User annotates metadata and person-based data of documents (e.g. photographs)
Use case Indexation of textual information None. Use case Social graph construction None. Use case Visualization of the social graph Human-computer transaction
Type of user
Type of measurement
User views document-based connections between persons
Expert Historian, students Expert Historian, students Expert Historian
Perception of usefulness
Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale)
Comprehension of navigation
Questionnaire (retelling), Analysis of logs Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale)
Expert Historian
Perception of efficiency
Expert Historian Expert Historian
Trustworthiness of annotations Perception of relevance
User discovers new information (e.g. identity of a person) by looking at available annotations for documents in the graph
User profiles link to usersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; professional background and fields of expertise
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Perception of usefulness
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self reported comparison of time spent on task in comparison to traditional work processes Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale) Analysis of logs
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Use case Query for entities Human-computer transaction
Type of user
Type of measurement
User filters the graph by time, location and event
Expert Historian, students
Perception of usefulness
Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale)
Use case Expert crowd research inquiry Human-computer transaction
Type of user
Type of measurement
User initiates explicit expertcrowd-sourcing inquiries for uncertain information
Expert Historian
Perception of usefulness
Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale)
Expert Historian
Perception of efficiency
Self reported comparison of time spent on task in comparison to traditional work processes
Expert Historian
Number of inquiries initiated p. user
Analysis of logs
Expert Historian, social network of experts Expert Historian, social network of experts
Perception of incentive to respond to others' inquiries
Questionnaire (self reported)
Return time < specified urgency (< 1 day for urgent requests, < 2 weeks for all other)
Analysis of logs
Perception of effort
Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale) Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale)
User responds to explicit expert-crowd-sourcing inquiries
Expert Historian
Trustworthiness of response
Use case Social graph network analysis toolkit Human-computer transaction
Type of user
Type of measurement
User analyzes the graph with a set of network analysis tools
Expert Historian
Perception of usefulness
Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale)
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Use case Context expander Human-computer transaction
Type of user
Type of measurement
User finds media items (photographs, videos, documents) from various digital collections
Expert Historian
Perception of usefulness
Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale)
Expert Historian
Perception of Provenance (public sources like Flickr or Youtube vs. renowned digital collections)
Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale)
14.1.3 Fashion Image crawling from social networks None Trend analysis for category Human-computer transaction V-Apps user selects clothing category and time span selection for trend prediction V-Apps user interprets the results: 1. Analysis 2. Popular photos
Type of user
SME user
SME user
Type of measurement Questionnaire (retelling)
Perceived quality of the results 1. Timeliness 2. Usefulness for SMEuser's goals
Log analysis (time spent, critical incidents in UI) Questionnaire (retelling) Questionnaire (selfreported; likert scale) Absolute and relative to other systems
Table 60 User-based performance criteria for trend analysis for category Trend analysis for sample Humancomputer transaction V-Apps user annotates image
Type of user
Type of measurement
SME user
Perceived effort of annotating images
Questionnaire (self-reported, Likert scale)
V-Apps user interprets results
SME user
Questionnaire (retelling)
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Perceived quality of the results
Usefulness for SMEuser's goals
Questionnaire (self-reported: absolute + relvative to quality of existing platforms - Google, fashion sites): Pipeline evaluation Questionnaire (self-reported; Likert scale)
Table 61 User-based performance criteria for trend analysis for sample Popularity assessment Human-computer transaction V-Apps user extends the existing collection with own uploads
Type of user
SME user
Perceived usefulness
V-Apps user annotates the image
SME user
No. of uploaded images Perception of effort
Type of measurement Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale)
Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale)
No. of annotated images
Crowd worker verifies images wrt appropriateness and the provided annotations
Crowd worker
Perception of incentive to provide annotations Return time
Log analysis (time spent, critical incidents in UI) Questionnaire (retelling) No. of false positives/negatives Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale) Log analysis
Perception of incentive to provide feedback
Questionnaire (self reported, likert scale)
Error rate
V-Apps user provides feedback
Fashion consumer/ SME User
No. of feedback requests
Table 62 Technical success criteria for popularity assessment Fashion matching Human-computer transaction Crowd worker identifies clothing item via Sketchness
Type of user
Crowd worker
User satisfaction / affective response
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Type of measurement Log analysis on time spent, critical incidents in UI Avg. no of hits played by individual players Questionnaire (selfD2.3 Version 1.0
Human-computer transaction
Type of user
Type of measurement reported, Likertscale)
Crowd worker verifies images wrt appropriateness and the provided annotations
Crowd worker
Log analysis on time spent, critical incidents in UI Questionnaire (selfreported, Likert scale) Questionnaire (selfreported, Likert scale) Log analysis
Perception of incentive
Return time V-Apps user chooses the upper or lower body part of his/her own image
SME user
Log analysis on time spent, critical incidents in UI Questionnaire (retelling)
V-Apps user searches images similar to the clothes in the selected body part of their uploaded image
SME user
Log analysis on time spent, critical incidents in UI
Perceived quality of the search results
Questionnaire (selfreported: absolute + relvative to quality of existing platforms Google, fashion sites): evaluation at pipeline level Questionnaire (selfreported)
Perceived usefulness of the matching V-Apps user reviews the systemâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s outfit match suggestion for their uploaded image, i.e. clothes in tagged body part
SME user
Log analysis on time spent, critical incidents in UI Questionnaire (retelling)
Perceived quality of the search results Perceived usefulness of the matching
Questionnaire (selfreported) Questionnaire (selfreported)
Table 63 User-based performance indicators for fashion matching
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Personalized query suggestion Human-computer transaction User inspects the search suggestions presented in the dashboard
Type of user
SME User
Perceived quality of the query suggestions
Type of measurement Questionnaire (selfreported; Likert scale)
Table 64 User-based performance indicators for personalized query suggestion
14.2 Technical success criteria 14.2.1 History of Europe In the tables below we summarize the technical success criteria for History of Europe. Acquisition of co-occurrences Component
Target level < 100 ms;
Content provider tool
avg processing time
Content provider tool Copyright aware Crawler
heap memory usage usedBandwidth / availableBandwidth
Provenance checker
avg processing time < 100 ms
< 100 ms
Provenance checker License checker
heap memory usage < 80 MB avg processing time < 20 ms
< 80 MB
< 80 MB
Face detection
heap memory usage < 80 MB Face detection: Recall
Face identification
Precision (top-1) Precision (top-10)
> .15 > .35
< 30 MB > .7
< 20 ms
> .50 (@FP rate < .05)
Remarks includes file operations (read/write), hashing, XML document validation and XML-Signature creation (regardless of size and number of processed content items) bandwidth efficiency: assumption: storage is fast enough; if lower: limiting end must be provider bandwidth limiting) includes file operations (read/write), hashing, database query based on hash (against empty HSQL reference database), provenance info XML creation (regardless of size and number of processed content items) includes file operations (read/write), XML document validation, XML-Signature validation, mapping license to platform permissions, creating permissions-info XML (regardless of size and number of processed content items) The figure refers to unrestricted conditions, including non-frontal faces, varying illumination, varying size, occlusions, film grain, etc.). FP rate .05 means that .05X wrongly detected faces were found in X tested images. An algorithm that performs face identification based on a random guess would achieve top-1 precision equal to .004 (ground truth with 250 different classes â&#x20AC;&#x201C; individuals)
Table 65 Technical success criteria for 'Acquisition of co-occurrences'
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Identity reconciliation Component
CROWD prefiltering Entity verification & annotation Entity verification & annotation Entity verification & annotation
Crowd Validation Accuracy
Target level > .5
No. of annotated faces per photograph
< 200
Manual face annotation precision
> .9
Component rendering time (ms)
< 1000
Remarks Percentage of images correctly validated by the crowd
Table 66 Technical success criteria for Identity reconciliation Indexation of textual information Component
Entity annotation & Extraction
Target level > .85
Table 67 Technical success criteria for Indexation of textual information Social graph construction Component
Social graph creation
SG Generation time after receiving data from Entitypedia
Social graph creation Social graph creation
Max. number of generated graph nodes Number of entities that can be handled simultaneously Entitypedia updates can be handled in realtime
Social graph creation
Target level < O(n)
Remarks Response Time to a query = Entitypedia response time + SG Generation time n is the number of requested nodes by query
Unlimited > 100,000 1 x RT
Table 68 Technical success criteria for social graph cosntruction
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Visualization of the social graph Component
Graph visualization Graph visualization Graph visualization Graph visualization Graph visualization
Max. number of processed images Max. number of of shown nodes at once Max. number of shown links per node Initial graph rendering time Dynamic graph rerendering time
Target level > 100,000 > 500
> 100 < 15,000 ms < 2000 ms
Table 69 Technical success criteria for visualization of the social graph Query for entities Component
Graph visualization
Max. number of processed images
Target level > 100,000
Table 70 Technical success criteria for Query for entities Expert crowd research inquiry Component
CROWD Research Inquiry
No. of false positives in verified information for images and entities
Target level < 10%
Table 71 Technical success criteria for expert crowd research inquiry Social graph network analysis toolkit Component
Social graph network analysis toolkit Graph visualization Graph visualization Graph visualization Graph visualization Graph visualization
Accuracy for centrality and shortest pat Max. number of processed images Max. number of of shown nodes at once Max. number of shown links per node Initial graph rendering time Dynamic graph rerendering time
Target level = 100%
> 100,000 > 500 > 100 < 15,000 ms < 2000 ms
Table 72 Technical success criteria for social graph network analysis toolkit
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Context expander Component Expansion through video Expansion through video Expansion through images Expansion through textual documents Expansion through textual documents
Indicator Segment matching precision
Target level > .5
Segment matching recall
> .7
Precision at recall .1 Precistion at recall .2 F-measure
> 0.85 > 0.7 > .85
Response time
< .5 s.
Table 73 Technical success criteria for context expander
14.2.2 Fashion In the tables below we summarize the technical success criteria for SME Innovation. Image crawling from social networks Component Image extraction from social network
Indicator No. of domains parsed
Target level > 10
Image extraction from social network
No. of images downloaded per week.
> 100000
Descriptors extractor
Computation time for dominant colors for each image
< 100 msec.
Descriptors extractor
Computation time for texture descriptor for a 100x100 No. of stored URLâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s to images No. of clothing categories supported Time required to collect implicit feedback on the most interesting key frames in a video from the crowd
< 100 msec.
Clothing item identification Clothing item identification Relevance feedback
Remarks The component should be able to parse at least 10 most popular photo sharing domains in order to extract shared images from the retrieved image URLâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s. The component should be able download at least 100000 images per week to have a significant sample of the relevant content shared through the social network .
>= 100,000 >= 6
Each category that we add in the VApp adds a significant amount of data that we collect and process.
< 1 week
Table 74 Technical success for image crawling from social networks
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Trend analysis for category Component
Trend analysis
Time granularity
Target level < 1 week
Trend analysis
Maximal trend analysis period
>3 months
Trend analysis
Response time
Trend analysis
The computation time of the analysis
<= 1 day
Descriptor extraction
> 25 dB for each image
Descriptor extraction
Computation time for dominant colors for each image Computation time for texture descriptor for a 100x100 image
< 100 msec
Descriptor extraction
Explanation The analysis component should be able to get information for small periods of time that are less than one week to provide information that is not possible to be extracted without automated processes using only e.g. fashion magazines or cool hunters Due to the large volumes of data to be processed and possible data bursts due to e.g. social events the processing and storage costs for periods larger that few months rise critically. This is the time needed for the component to return results to the UI. No computations will be performed in this step but precomputed results will be fetched. The trend analysis component should be able to compute fresh content or existing content to give answers to new queries posed by an SME. This criterion should be applicable to any trend analysis granularity from the minimum to the maximum. Dominant Colors extraction should keep quantization noise low in order to keep as much of the initial information as possible for traceability of the final results.
< 100 msec
Table 75 Technical success criteria for Trend analysis for category Trend analysis for sample Component
Target level
Image crawling from SN Image crawling from SN
No. of images/second
>= 10
The component should be able download at least 10 images per second
No. of domains to track
The component should be able to parse at least 10 photo sharing domains in order to extract shared images from the retrieved image URLs
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Target level
Trend analysis
Time granularity
< 1 week
Trend analysis
Maximal trend analysis period
>3 months
Trend analysis
Response time
Trend analysis
The computation time of the analysis
<= 1 day
Descriptor extraction
> 25 dB for each image
The analysis component should be able to get information for small periods of time that are less than one week to provide information that is not possible to be extracted without automated processes using only e.g. fashion magazines or cool hunters Due to the large volumes of data to be processed and possible data bursts due to e.g. social events the processing and storage costs for periods larger that few months rise critically. This is the time needed for the component to return results to the UI. No computations will be performed in this step but precomputed results will be fetched. The trend analysis component should be able to compute fresh content or existing content to give answers to new queries posed by an SME. This criterion should be applicable to any trend analysis granularity from the minimum to the maximum. Dominant Colors extraction should keep quantization noise low in order to keep as much of the initial information as possible for traceability to the final results.
Descriptor extraction
Computation time for dominant colors for each image Computation time for texture descriptor for a 100x100 image Runtime complexity
< 100 msec
Computed detection score
Precision along key dimension No. of key dimensions implemented Response time
> .75
<= 1 m
In case of a pre-scheduled crowd.
Time for estimation of response time
<= 1 m
If no crowd is pre-scheduled, the system will return an estimate of the response time within one minute. The length of the response time is based on an estimation
Descriptor extraction
Body parts detector and router Body parts detector and router Relevance feedback Relevance feedback Relevance feedback Relevance feedback
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< 100 msec
A detection score below 10 indicates a very unlikely detection, and above 20-30 a very likely detection.
>= 3
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D2.3 Version 1.0
Target level
Image similarity detection Image similarity detection Image similarity detection
No. of annotated images
> 100,000
Server reply time
No. of users that can use the component simultaneously
> 1000
Explanation of the size of the available crowd.
Table 76 Technical success criteria for trend analysis for sample Popularity assessment Component
Target level
Descriptor extraction
> 25 dB for each image
Dominant Colors extraction should keep quantization noise low in order to keep as much of the initial information as possible for traceability to the final results.
Descriptor extraction
Computation time for dominant colors for each image Computation time for texture descriptor for a 100x100 image Runtime complexity
< 100 msec
Descriptor extraction Body parts detector and router Upper/lower body parts detector Sketchness Sketchness
Conflict manager
< 100 msec
Computed detection score
Garment recognition: recall Garment segmentation: average pixel accuracy Answer/query ratio per day
> .5
Conflict manager
A detection score below 10 indicates a very unlikely detection, and above 2030 a very likely detection. @FP rate < .1
> .6
< 0.8
< 2.5
Expected Responding Time: Answer/Query Ratio per day: 80% (Based on Answering search queries with CrowdSearcher) Average Answer to Question ratio: 2.5 replies within 1 day (Based on Answering search queries with CrowdSearcher)
Table 77 Technical success criteria for popularity assessment
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Fashion matching Component
Target level
Relevance feedback
Precision along key dimension No. of key dimensions implemented Response time
> .75
Relevance feedback Relevance feedback
>= 3 <= 1 m
Relevance feedback
Time for estimation of response time
<= 1 m
Image similarity detection Image similarity detection Image similarity detection
No. of annotated images Server reply time
> 100,000 <3 seconds > 1000
Descriptor extraction
Descriptor extraction
Descriptor extraction
Body part detector and router Body part detector and router
No. of users that can use the component simultaneously PSNR
Computation time for dominant colors for each image Computation time for texture descriptor for a 100x100 image Runtime complexity
> 25 dB for each image
> .5
Conflict manager
Garment recognition: recall Garment segmentation: average pixel accuracy Answer/query ratio
<= 80%
Conflict manager
Answer/question ratio
<= 2.5
CUBRIK Revised Requirements Specifications
Dominant Colors extraction should keep quantization noise low in order to keep as much of the initial information as possible for traceability to the final results.
< 100 msec
In case of a pre-scheduled crowd. If no crowd is pre-scheduled, the system will return an estimate of the response time within one minute. The length of the response time is based on an estimation of the size of the available crowd.
< 100 msec
Computed detection score
A detection score below 10 indicates a very unlikely detection, and above 20-30 a very likely detection. @FP rate < .1
> .6 Expected Responding Time: Answer/Query Ratio per day: <80% (Based on Answering search queries with CrowdSearcher) Average Answer to Question ratio: 2.5 replies within 1 day (Based on Answering search
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Target level
Accessibility filtering
Change in impairment related parameters after between 10 and 20 feedback loops
< 15%
Accessibility filtering
Change in values in user profile values after 50 feedback loops Percentage of accessibility issues covered by the top 20 search results
< 5%
Processing for changing between different rankings Time required for initial accessibility related filtering
< 2 s.
Accessibility filtering
Accessibility filtering
> 50%
Explanation queries with CrowdSearcher) An initial estimation of these parameters will be provided at the registration phase. Their convergence to the actual impairment level of the user will be achieved via a relevant feedback procedure.
The 20 first results returned by the submitted query should meet the requirements of at least one the two impairments, so as to be visible by the user. i.e. percentage of the accessibility issues. After relevance feedback
< 1 s.
Table 78 Technical success criteria for fashion matching Personalized query suggestion Component
Target level
Behaviour analyser
No. of suggestions provided to the user % suggestions used by users
Behaviour analyser
Reponse time
< 2 s.
Behaviour analyser
No. of input queries needed before providing suggestions
The number of suggested queries after In a global statistical analysis the users should be found to use at least 20% of the suggested queries. The additional delay that is allowed to be inserted by the processing for the recommended queries should not exceed 2 sec The behaviour analyzer should be able to return recommendation results, based on the global user trends, even when the user is logged in with a totally untrained profile.
Behaviour analyser
> 20%
Table 79 Technical success criteria for personalized query suggestion
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Conclusion and Outlook
In this deliverable we have provided a detailed specification for two vertical applications and their connections with horizontal demos. To conclude, we provide an outlook on the third year of the project, with respect to the applications (Section 15.1) and with respect to the evaluation (Section 15.2).
15.1 Next steps for the development of V-Apps In this section, look forward to the third year of the project with respect to the development of the V-Apps.
15.1.1 Fashion During the second year of the project, the use cases ‘Image crawling from social networks’ and ‘Trend analysis for category’ were implemented. In the third year of the project, our efforts will be focused on both to the extension and refinement of the use cases that have already been implemented and the development of other use cases that have not been implemented yet. ‘Image crawling from social networks’ will be extended with: - The implicit filter feedback (Likelines H-demo) will be added to the use case. This enables us to include video – more specifically: the analysis of keyframes – in the application, instead of images only. ‘Trend analysis for category’ will be extended with the following points: - The “all categories” trend analysis will be implemented; - The users will be provided with more and the time selection of the analysis and the categories will be implemented in the photo galleries of the most popular photos. Development of the other use cases: - The other use cases described in this document will be implemented during the last year of the project
15.1.2 History of Europe In year three the History of Europe app will advance along three axes: 1. Existing components will be extended with new functionalities and refined by taking into account the results of the evaluation for the first demonstrator. Furthermore the integration of the different components will be extended to demonstrate the full benefit of the crosscutting approach followed by the V-Apps. 2. New components and pipelines will be implemented to fully cover the selected user story. This concerns in particular the text indexation pipeline and the integration of GWAPs and gamification approaches. 3. Following an intense negotiation phase in year two, it is planned to integrate the archive of the Audiovisual Service of the European Commission in the HoE app. Even though all legal and contractual concerns have been eliminated a couple of practical issues remain that will need to be resolved early in year three.
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15.2 Next steps for the evaluation We have formulated a set of technical success criteria and user-based performance criteria that form the basis for the evaluation in Task 10.4 Evaluation of CUbRIK Apps and Task 10.5 Evaluation of CUbRIK Pipelines. Formulating the success criteria is the first step in defining the methods and instruments for the evaluation of the CUbRIK apps and pipelines. In the definition of the methodology, emphasis will be put on the main premise of the CUbRIK project: the added value of combing automatic processing with crowdsourcing in comparison to automatic processing only. Added value refers to both the added value for users and the added value as demonstrated by the technical success criteria. The system evaluation of the CUbRIK pipelines (Task 10.5 Evaluation of CUbRIK Pipelines) is dependent on the datasets that are available to carry out the evaluation. In defining the system evaluation methodology particular attention will be paid to the datasets, the procedures that have been used to establish ground truth, and how the system evaluation of the pipelines will be evaluated against the datasets. The evaluation methodology, the datasets that are used, and the evaluation results will be documented in D10.3 Application demonstrators and pipelines evaluation report we report on the datasets.
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Goodhue, D.L., Thompson, R.L. (1995), Task-Technology Fit and Individual Performance, MIS Quarterly, 19(2), p. 213-236. Venkatesh, V., Morris, M.G., .Davis, G. B., Davis, F.D. (2003), User acceptance of information technology: Toward a unified view, MIS Quarterly, 27(3), p. 425â&#x20AC;&#x201C;478
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