CU Denver Spring Commencement 2021

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May 15, 2021 Dear Graduate: One of the greatest honors for the University of Colorado Board of Regents, the institution’s governing board, is to be part of this commencement ceremony. Your success is a success for us all. Your degree is a measure not only of an accomplishment of dedication and talent, but also notice to the world that you have the skill and discipline to contribute greatly to any endeavor you pursue. This commencement ceremony, like every University of Colorado graduation since 1935, will close with the reading of the Norlin Charge. As originally expressed by former CU President George Norlin in 1935, graduation “marks your initiation in the fullest sense of the fellowship of the University, as bearers of her torch, as centers of her influence, and as promoters of her spirit.” Welcome to the ranks of CU’s alumni family, which is over 475,000 strong. Congratulations on achieving this milestone. Well done and well earned! Sincerely, The Regents of the University of Colorado


Glen Gallegos Chair, District 3

Lesley Smith Vice Chair, At Large

Heidi Ganahl At Large

Chance Hill District 5

John "Jack" Kroll District 1

Nobert Chavez District 7

Callie Rennison District 2

Sue Sharkey District 4

Ilana Dubin Spiegel District 6

May 15, 2021 Dear graduates, Congratulations on achieving a significant milestone in your life, and welcome to the University of Colorado alumni family. To say you are graduating at an extraordinary time would be a huge understatement. That you have done so amid such unpredictable and challenging circumstances is testament to your perseverance and resilience. After more than a year of uncertainty, we are pleased to hold a mix of virtual and in-person celebrations to mark commencement and honor your achievements. Earning a degree during a global pandemic is no small feat. To do so required adaptability, innovation, creativity, critical thinking, and teamwork. These skills will serve you well as you enter a world where the galloping pace of change favors those most prepared to adapt to new challenges, new technologies, new thinking, and a new reality. I applaud your efforts and wish you the very best in this next phase of your life. I trust your University of Colorado degree will serve you well no matter the path you take. I leave you with the words of former President Theodore Roosevelt, who said, “Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.” You are now part of a network of alumni that excels at work worth doing. Again, congratulations, Lynx! All the best,

Mark R. Kennedy President, University of Colorado


May 15, 2021 Dear graduates: Congratulations on earning your degree from the University of Colorado Denver. It has been our privilege to be your partner on your educational journey. In the best of times, earning a degree is impressive. But achieving this milestone during a pandemic reveals your exceptional character, grit, and determination. These traits will serve you well wherever your future takes you. As our world recovers from COVID-19 and its economic and societal impacts, it will need your talents, insights, skills, compassion, and intellect more than ever. I know you will rise to the challenge because you’re Lynx – you’ve already demonstrated that you’re more than capable of facing hard truths and then doing the hard work of making change. With your graduation, you are joining a community of more than 100,000 CU Denver alumni, many of whom are leaders in the civic, nonprofit, and business sectors—in Colorado and across the globe. Our alumni live in over 100 different countries and are shaping the social, economic, and political landscape of our world. As you leave today, we hope CU Denver has inspired you to be lifelong learners, innovative problem solvers, and thought leaders in the communities where you choose to live and work. We invite you to stay connected to your alma mater, which promises you a very warm welcome whenever you return. Sincerely,

Michelle Marks, PhD Chancellor


ORDER OF EXERCISES Saturday, May 15, 2021 ___________________________________________________________________________________ The National Anthem Greeting from the Chancellor Commencement Address Greeting from the President of the University Conferring of Degrees Doctoral Degrees; Specialist Degrees College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Doctor of Philosophy

College of Architecture and Planning

Doctor of Philosophy

School of Public Affairs

Doctor of Philosophy

School of Education & Human Development Doctor of Philosophy

Doctor of Education Doctor of Psychology Specialist in Education

Business School

Doctor of Philosophy

College of Engineering, Design and Computing Doctor of Philosophy

Master’s Degrees

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Master of Arts Master of Humanities Master of Integrated Sciences Master of Science Master of Social Science

College of Architecture and Planning Master of Architecture Master of Landscape Architecture Master of Urban Design Master of Urban and Regional Planning Master of Science in Historic Preservation

School of Public Affairs Master of Criminal Justice Master of Public Administration


Lark Michelle A. Marks Danielle R. Shoots Mark R. Kennedy Michelle A. Marks

Master’s Degrees continued

School of Education & Human Development Master of Arts Master of Science in Education Business School Master of Business Administration Master of Science

College of Arts & Media Master of Science

College of Engineering, Design and Computing Master of Engineering Master of Science

Baccalaureate Degrees

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science

College of Architecture and Planning Bachelor of Science

School of Public Affairs Bachelor of Arts

School of Education & Human Development Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science

Business School Bachelor of Science

College of Arts & Media Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Fine Arts Bachelor of Science

College of Engineering, Design and Computing Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science

The Norlin Charge to the Graduates

Regent Nolbert Chavez


THE OUTSTANDING GRADUATES _______________________________________________________________________ RECOGNIZED BY THE SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Doctor of Philosophy Master of Arts Master of Science Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science

Emily Melnick Beza Afework Taddess Nicholas Koprowicz Hussna Yasini Shamik Vinay Bhat

College of Architecture and Planning Master of Architecture Master of Landscape Architecture Master of Urban and Regional Planning Bachelor of Science in Architecture

Amaleed Elkeilani Elmehdiwi John Wayne Kohl Paige M. Johnson Jada Marie Smith Cannon and Chi Ming Li

School of Public Affairs Master of Criminal Justice Master of Public Administration Bachelor of Arts Criminal Justice Bachelor of Arts Public Service

Shahla Mohammed AlGhareeb and Megan Jean Parker Samuel James Herbert Jordann Branner Jessica Syposs

School of Education & Human Development Doctor of Psychology Master of Arts Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science

Nicole Elizabeth Negri Jada Mercedez Blackwell Briana Sharease Dutro Jocelyn Elizabeth Vangundy

Business School Master of Science Bachelor of Science

Vasiliy Leonidovich Palamarchuk Huda Nafeez Hussain and Safaa Kushnir

College of Arts & Media Master of Science Bachelor of Fine Arts (Theatre/Film/Television) Bachelor of Fine Arts (Visual Arts) Bachelor of Science

Angela Rae Malley Caitlin Rose Bassolino and Zane Barber Florence Jay Blackwell and Huitzilli Oronia Edwina Nikita Maben

College of Engineering, Design and Computing Doctor of Philosophy Bachelor of Science

Seyyed Poorya Hosseini Aliabad Anthony Dupont

UNIVERSITY HONORS _______________________________________________________________________ UNIVERSITY HONORS AND LEADERSHIP PROGRAM Raphael Michel Angoulvant Allison L. Borgonah Cameron Paul Cornn Jesús Dorado Madera Alexis Marcelle Eastlake Alexander Brentley Elmore Munib David Far Kyra Alita Flores Brynnah Adrienne Glas

Amy Ann Hoang Matthew Ngoc Hoang Aryn Cerys Holtan Huda Nafeez Hussain Song Won Lee Ricky Allan Lippincott Oscar Manuel Maldonado Kalob Lincoln McConnell Dayton Jacob Morgan


Kasandra Orta Jillian Mumar Oviedo Alyssa Loren Pleass Anthony S. Porcaro Laura Kay Seaton Alexander McLaren Thomas Bryanna Nicole Urbina Lagos Peter James Waller Stevenson Chi Ho Yip

RECOGNITION OF FACULTY AND STAFF _______________________________________________________________________ 2021 EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING AWARDS Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor Steffen Borgwardt, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Senior Instructor/Instructor/Lecturer/Clinical Teaching Track Lindsey Hamilton, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences 2021 EXCELLENCE IN RESEARCH AND CREATIVE ACTIVITIES AWARD Michelle Bauer Carpenter, College of Arts & Media Deserai A. Crow, School of Public Affairs 2021 EXCELLENCE IN FACULTY MENTORING AWARD Lucy Dwight, School of Public Affairs 2021 EXCELLENCE IN LEADERSHIP AND SERVICE AWARD Vivian Shyu, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences 2021 EXCELLENCE IN LIBRARIANSHIP AWARD Keith Teeter, Auraria Library 2021 EXCELLENCE IN PRACTICES RELATED TO NON-TENURE-TRACK FACULTY Psychology Department, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences 2021 GRADUATE SCHOOL DEAN'S DOCTORAL STUDENT MENTORING AWARD William Swann, School of Public Affairs 2021 GRADUATE SCHOOL DEAN'S MASTER'S STUDENT MENTORING AWARD Adam M. Lippert, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

RETIRING FACULTY AND STAFF Margaret Bruehl, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Nien Yin Chang, College of Engineering, Design and Computing Nancy Ciccone, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences James Fell, Jr., College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Robert Flanagan, College of Architecture and Planning David Forlani, Business School Chwen-Yuan Guo, College of Engineering, Design and Computing Geneva Hallett, School of Education & Human Development Kent Homchick, College of Arts & Media Bruce Janson, College of Engineering, Design and Computing Gary Kochenberger, Business School Joseph Maruffo, Business School Greg Mcgrew, College of Engineering, Design and Computing Mohsen Tadi, College of Engineering, Design and Computing Sheryl Taylor, School of Education & Human Development Craig Volk, College of Arts & Media Pamela Weng, College of Arts & Media Susan Wyman, Business School

IN MEMORIAM Patrick Browne Lenore Damrauer Rebecca Kantor Daniel Schler


Class of 2021 The following list of candidates is not an official record that all candidates have been awarded such degrees. 5

GRADUATE SCHOOL David Engelke, Dean _______________________________________________________________________ THE DEGREE DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY May 2021 Candidates

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Alaina Carr "Overall Caregiver Experience in the Phase I Trial Caregiver Lifeline (P1CaLL) Study" Kassie Guenther Flewelling "An Examination of the Psychological Functioning, Quality of Life, Medical Service Utilization, and Seizure Frequency of Youth with Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures" Andrea M. Jimenez Zambrano "The Impact of a Breastfeeding Promotion App on First Time Mexican-American Mothers in Association with Acculturation and Their Cultural Lived-Experiences" Gabriel Joseph "Coping with Grief: The Role of Spirituality in Adolescent Bereavement" Emily M. Melnick, Outstanding Graduate "Beyond Risk: Exploring the Relationship Between Maternal Perceptions of Social Support and Child Body Mass Index Using the Fragile Families Study" Minh Chau Thi Nguyen "A Novel Method Emphasizing Simultaneous Associations Between Correlated Phenotypes and a Genetic Mutation to Discover Candidate Pleiotropy" Kathryn Scheyer Saldana "Depressive Subtypes in Postpartum Women and Mothers Derived from Factor Analyses" Kelly Soberay "An Examination of Soldier and Veteran Chronic Pain Within an Integrative Military Marriage Framework" Scott Yanco "In Light Of Ecology: Eco-Evolutionary Strategies for Persistence in Seasonal Environments"

School of Public Affairs Jennifer Elaine Hooker "Conscientious Representation: LGBTQ Advocacy in the Federal Bureaucracy" Sharon Louise Smolinski "Examining Collective Learning Around the Development of Renewable Energy Projects in the U.S."

School of Education & Human Development Andrea Giron Mathern "Exploring Inclusion, Exclusion, and Belonging in a Nature and Science Museum" Cody Jane Harrington "Progressions in Mathematical Reasoning: A Case Study of Two Teachers’ Levels of Units Coordination" Elizabeth Hannah Huvard "Conceptualizing Student Success as a Latent Construct in Introductory Biology: Using Cognitive and Affective Course Outcomes as Items in Factor Analysis and a Partial Credit Rasch Model" Amy Leigh Smith, Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award "Time is When You Wait:"An Exploration of Children’s Conceptions of Duration as an Attribute of Their Lived Experiences" Chen Zong "Validating and Developing the Structural Equation Model of Institutional Performance in Graduation Rate Using IPEDS"


College of Engineering, Design and Computing Abeer Abdel Khaleq "Design and Evaluation of QoS Aware Intelligent Autoscaling Services for Microservices in Cloud Computing Environments" Bader Abdullah Aldawsari "Novel High Performance Broadcast Algorithms for Crowded Multiple Access Channels" Layla Saad Aldawsari "Naming in Anonymous Distributed Systems" Omar Saad Alqahtani "A Locality-Aware Indexing for Large-Scale Moving Object Trajectories on Cloud-Based Distributed Platforms" Tanya B. Evans "Novel Characterizations in Cardiovascular Disease: Examples from Pediatric Pulmonary Vasoreactivity and Transient Ischemic Attack" Seyyed Poorya Hosseini Aliabad, Outstanding Graduate "Coherent Interactions Between Whistler Mode Waves and Energetic Electrons in the Earth's Radiation Belts" Sean M. Mulholland "Effort and Risk Avoidance Behaviors in Highly Collaborative Construction and Design Teams" David George Ramirez "Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound to Determine Insulitis and Beta-cell Mass Decline Prior to Clinical Onset of Type 1 Diabetes" Lance VanDemark "Mitigating Risk of Site Development Disputes"


School of Education & Human Development Tyler Douglas Amidon "Exploring Isolation Among Christian School Principals" Laura Leigh Arroyo "Let Us Make It Ours: Residential Mattering for Black College Students at the University of Colorado Boulder" Fayette Linda Marie Augillard "Postsecondary Persistence Beyond the Second Year in College: Perceptions of Students of Color" Dana Lynn Banegas "Professional Development for Cultural, Linguistic and Racial Literacy: A Quality Improvement Study" Jody Marie Barker "Developing Professional Capital in Classified Staff" Maria Anna Castro Barajas "Transitioning Latinx, First-Generation Students for College Through a Summer Bridge Program Utilizing Their Community Cultural Wealth" Spencer Childress "School Ethnic Racial Socialization: A Setting Level Transaction" Cristal Cisneros "Youth Participatory Action Research as an Approach to Understand Environmental Agency in Youth of Color" Sherri Kay Dennstedt "STEM Professional Learning Cohorts: Educator Perceptions of Efficacy and Relevance" Kurt Wade Gutschick "Teacher and Parent Perceptions of Advanced Placement and Dual Credit Courses Offered at Valor Christian High School"


Mikayla Martinez "Supporting Assistant Early Childhood Teacher Professional Identity Development Through Professional Development" DeAndre Lavelle Taylor "Representation Matters: Navigating Upward Mobility Career Advancement Barriers for Black Housing Professionals" Michele Joanne Williams McBride "Examining the Perception that Participants Hold of the Beyond Diversity Training"


School of Education & Human Development Joy Arthur-Windsor "An Analysis of Complicated Grief and Demographic Differences Related to Experiences of Complicated Grief" Ian Marcheschi "School Psychologists' Perceptions of Expulsion" Megan D. Morrison-Steele "MVP Versus MSVT Performance Among a Diverse Clinical Pediatric Sample" Nicole Elizabeth Negri, Outstanding Graduate "An Analysis of Bilingual School Psychology Practices in the Denver Metro Area" Johannah Hill Peay "Perceptions of School Safety" Danielle Rozmiarek "Understanding Compassion Fatigue in School Psychologist Following Crisis Intervention Work" Jaime Lee Schmidt "Evaluating Psychometric Properties of Common ASD Identification Tools" Gillian Kenny Wilschke "A Phenomenological Analysis of Mental Health Providers’ Experience of Client Suicide"


COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES Pamela Jansma, Dean _______________________________________________________________________ THE DEGREE MASTER OF ARTS† May 2021 Candidates Ali Abdi Clayton Adams-Berger Princella Afriyie Daniel William Anderson Leah Ann Andrews Emma James Ansara Alexander Armani-Munn Marilyn Jane Asmussen Devin Drake Bazata Ellie Louise Berg Max Christian Booze Ian Coggins Dustin Allyn Connis James Richard Curtsinger Elizabeth G. DeRycke

Elly Anne Evans Jason Fischbach Tara Alison Friend Jeffrey Grabinski Jordan Tyler Gwinn Alyssa Faye Haskel Kevin Hovick Tiffany Ju Juil Kim Courtney Michael Lange Parker John Martin Louviere Courtney Manthey-Pierce Michael Peter Martinez Anna Marie McCaffrey Justin Victor Migliore

Mallory Annelle Prentiss Brandon Prewitt Alexander Patrick Reynolds Shannon Vivian Robinson Alexander Walsh Romansky Kamesh T. Saba Hannah Dawn Shook Beza Afework Taddess, Outstanding Graduate Rachel Norese Tarbet Sarah Danielle Thomas Zachary Trainor Samantha Shelby Westerdale Erika Marie Wright

THE DEGREE MASTER OF HUMANITIES May 2021 Candidate Aspen Taylor Ballas

THE DEGREE MASTER OF INTEGRATED SCIENCE May 2021 Candidate Janel Courtney Gerace

THE DEGREE MASTER OF SCIENCE† May 2021 Candidates Mitchell Bakke Lisa Paige Beatty Jacob Norman Greer Carson Millicent Chandler Megan Renee Duff Stephanie Fullam Fan Guan Angelina Rose Kocher

Nicholas Koprowicz, Outstanding Graduate Kyle LeMaire Olivia Delali Abena Loh Jeffrey Dean Matteson Amanda Miller Alyssa Caroline Newman Allison Ann Philpott

Priscilla Melissa Prem Gabrielle Rietz Sandra Robles Munoz Alexandra Alaina Rotondo Kyle Reilly Turchick Alfred Paris Wahabby Peter Zerbe

THE DEGREE MASTER OF SOCIAL SCIENCE† May 2021 Candidates Matthew James Hess

†Degree conferred by the Graduate School

Mary Patrice Ozanic


Tiffany Tatyana Tasker

THE DEGREE BACHELOR OF ARTS May 2021 Candidates Najma Ahmed Abdi Sandra J. Abrego Raeannon Acosta Lizbeth Acosta-Aguilar Christiana Afriyie Arya Afshang, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Juan Aguilar-Estrada, pending college honors Masharee M.A.M. Alazemi Elizabeth Anne Alger, pending departmental honors Jaber Ahmad Alkuwari Shimma I. Al-Mansoori Mohammed Alnemer Khalid Bin Jamal Alsulaiti, Sr. Mohammed Abdulrahman Al-Thani Yulu An*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Deannis Marvine O. Angeles Raphael Michel Angoulvant, University Honors & Leadership Program, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Ashleigh Lauren Antrim Alondra Mikayla Apollo, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Rebekah Artman, pending college honors Betelhem Beyene Ashebo Skylar Jared Azaveda, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Zhaoyuan Bai*, pending college honors Stacy L. Baker, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Aleezah Balolia Yu Bao*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Jessie Alyson Barnes Tohmi Barrett John Patrick Barrows, pending college honors Khulan Batmunkh, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Kaitlynn Michelle Beeler-Blackburn, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Isabel Beltran Jake Malchow Bergenthal Xin Bi*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Chloe Bills Scott Edward Birndorf

Andrew Uriel Blanco, pending college honors Conor P. Boatright, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Mateusz Jerzy Bober, pending college honors Annette Bouadi, pending departmental honors Madison C. Bounds, pending college honors Annabel Victoria Bowlen, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Krystin Rayne Brady, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Taylor Deanna Brady Laura Taylor Breen Natalie Brehm, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Janelle Grace Breton Andrea Margaret Briggs Lucy Briggs, pending college honors Landon Brown Steven Richard Brown, pending college honors Kadi Jo Buchanan Dulce Abigail Bueno Alexa Burgess, pending college honors Kelsey Morgan Busch Sarah Butler, pending departmental honors Shuangning Cao*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Yanxin Cao*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Yiyi Cao*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Joshua Michael Carpenter Jessica Casanova Christopher Steven Champion Delilah Marie Chavarria Zachary Jacob Cheikho, pending college honors Guo Chen*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Wan yi Chen*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Xuzheng Chen*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Yun Chen*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Hao Cheng, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Yu Cheng*, pending college honors

*International College/University of Colorado Denver/China Agricultural University, Beijing, China †Degree conferred by the Graduate School


Yueban Cheng*, pending college honors Urvashi Chopra Lee Clark Lilly Danielle Clark Giana Renee Coggins Caitlin Alexandra Collins, pending college honors Jack Benjamin Russell Craggs, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Julian Castillo Crouch Stephanie Cruz Francis Craig Cupelli Ahmad Sami Dabbas, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Stephanie Renee Dam Jesse Anna Davis, pending college honors Martha Celeste Deanda, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Kailyn Marie Deavens, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Demetra Delaat Brenda Demuth Rebecca Dennis Khana Akeylah Simmonds Desulme Michelle Danielle Dicker, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Qiuhao Ding*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Venera Dobrosavljevic, pending college honors, pending departmental honors James John Dolores Benming Du* Jacob Zachary Duke Denis Ray Dunlap, Jr., pending college honors Mark Davis Durham, pending college honors Ryan Kelly Dyer, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Jason Marshall Elzinga Luis Espinosa Organista Alexandria Anne Eveland Rachel Nicole Faciane Chelsea Olivia Fay Katherine Eva Feldman, pending college honors Nicole Karlene Feliciano, pending departmental honors Xingyu Feng*

Brooklyn Elizabeth Fetyko Logan James Field Jackson George Finiol Claire Lauren Finnegan Kate Vinita Fitch, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Micaela Kaitlyn Flanigan Jesus Manuel Fonseca Michaela Jaimie Fox, pending college honors Merissa Rhiann Franco Ziyan Fu*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Colin Wayne Furey, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Davis William Fyffe Landon James Gallegos Maria Del Carmen Gandarilla Yangyuezhuo Gao*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Chandra Leigh Garcia Mauricio Garcia Wesley Anthony Garcia, pending college honors Xiucen Ge*, pending college honors Rae Gerold-Smith, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Kristen Leigh Ghiazza, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Thuyloan Giang Ellen Paige Gibson, pending departmental honors Brynnah Adrienne Glas, University Honors & Leadership Program, pending departmental honors Tab Gleason, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Madilynn Paige Goldberg William Lee Golike Sergio Lee Gonzales, pending departmental honors Gisselle Gonzalez Ethan Logan Gottula Caitlin Olivia Green, pending college honors Lyndsie Griese, pending college honors Mia Loren Grijalva, pending departmental honors Xuanhao Gu*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Carlos Joel Guillen Haojia Guo*, pending departmental honors Jianxun Guo*, pending college honors Kaiduo Guo*, pending departmental honors Tianmin Guo*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Yanhui Guo, pending college honors, pending departmental honors

Yanru Guo Yumeng Guo*, pending departmental honors Alejandra Gutierrez, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Mahlet Dessalegn Haileyesus Joseph Gabriel Hall, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Kristen Nicole Hall Kayla Sue Hamilton, pending departmental honors Kileigh Avalon Hammond Aixi Han*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Xinran Han*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Yuxuan Han*, pending college honors Zixuan Han*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Brian Austin Hanshaft, pending departmental honors Xingchen Hao*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Joshua Michael Harris, pending college honors Nabaa Hashim Alexandra Ryan Hasty, pending departmental honors Carter Allen Hawkins, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Fenglin He* Jessica Heckman, pending departmental honors Aaron Henriquez Reagan Leigh Herdt, pending college honors Fredrick Roy Hernandez, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Lindsay Hoard Jeremiah Josiah Aaron Hodges, pending departmental honors Nava Hojreh Camryn Marie Holland, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Zixuan Hong*, pending college honors Alexandra Hoover Natalie Del Hosselkus Emma Jayne Howard Yunjie Hu*, pending departmental honors Xianhui Huang*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Yanzhe Huang*, pending departmental honors Troy Hubert, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Lauren Elizabeth Huffman Matthew Ryan Huk, pending college honors

*International College/University of Colorado Denver/China Agricultural University, Beijing, China 11

Chuanzhi Huo*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Alyssa Anndria Jackson, pending departmental honors Namuun Jargalsaikhan Zhonghui Ji*, pending college honors Hongzeng Jiang*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Andrea Jocelyn Jimenez Arellano Yiwei Jin* Courtney Rose Johnson, pending departmental honors Stacia Marie Johnson, pending college honors Cameron Johnston, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Morgan Natasha Johnston, pending departmental honors Christina Kachanovsky, pending college honors Kaiyun Kang*, pending college honors Lorraine Noel Kelly, pending college honors Joel Davidson Kennicutt Haley E. Kisicki MacKenzi Tayler Knight Yoki Kong Wenwei Kuang*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Paris Chantal Lambert, pending college honors Grayson Landauer, pending college honors Hailey Brooke Landwehr Jennifer Langle, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Jared Daniel Larson Carley Rae Lavin Emma Anne Lawrence, pending college honors Arabella Marie Lazzara, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Chere Taynae Lee, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Janice Lee, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Song Won Lee, University Honors & Leadership Program, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Whitman Levy, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Changqi Li*, pending college honors Hui Li*, pending college honors Jiatong Li*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Muhan Li*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Nuo Li*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors

Runze Li*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Shenglei Li*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Shutong Li*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Tingxuan Li*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Xiang Li*, pending college honors Xiaohan Li*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Xinyue Li*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Yi Li*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Yichen Li*, pending college honors Yining Li*, pending college honors Yue Li* Yurong Li* Yutong Li*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Junhao Liang Zhenxuan Liang*, pending departmental honors Hye Soo Lim Jessica Rose Lim, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Graham Linderman, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Jada Rae Michelle Lister, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Jiayin Liu*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Jingsi Liu*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Jingyu Liu*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Shutong Liu*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors SiYang Liu*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Yingzhuo Liu* Yuhan Liu*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Zihan Liu*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Meina E. Lorenz, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Yayun Luo*, pending college honors Zixiang Luo* Shangyu Lyu*, pending college honors Yidan Ma, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Yuncong Ma*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Madison Alexandra Darlene Mackey, pending departmental honors Jennifer Madera Carrillo Trey Philip Manley, pending college honors, pending departmental honors

Cunyi Mao*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Shihcheng Mao*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Suzanne R. Marcotte, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Andrea Iveth Marin Vazquez Ryan Shane Markley, pending college honors Alexander Daniel Martinez Daniel Victor Martinez, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Kaela Martinez Luis Antonio Martinez, pending college honors Michael John Martinez, pending college honors Iori Masagaki Agnes Matefy, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Samantha May McClain, pending college honors Holly McCloskey, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Tyler James McDaniel, pending college honors April Lynn McDonald, pending college honors Rain Michelle McFeeley Katie Marie McKinna, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Lydia Louise Mead, pending departmental honors Isabelle Medina, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Mallorie Merboth Brandon Lee Mercer Xiaojing Mo*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Awbrey Leigh Moffett, pending college honors Gisselle Eve Moreno Justin Dane Morey, pending college honors Dayton Jacob Morgan, University Honors & Leadership Program, pending college honors Julia Mraz Irene Muñoz Karina Lindsey Muro, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Seth William Nance, pending college honors Veronica Lee Nation, pending college honors Olivia Anne Neece, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Alyssa Marjorie Newell, pending departmental honors James Huu Nguyen

*International College/University of Colorado Denver/China Agricultural University, Beijing, China 12

Thanh Nguyen, pending college honors Jiarui Niu*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Jumanah Nsier, pending college honors Michael Onksen Lauren Chante Ore, pending college honors Kasandra Orta, University Honors & Leadership Program, pending college honors Jessica Pacheco Chandler Patrick Parnell, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Lauren Caroline Parri Dipali S. Patel Angela Sharee Pauling Jennifer Pereyra-Corona Pan Phyu, pending departmental honors Tanya Pidtergerya Rebecca Pitel Candace Prewitt, pending college honors Tylynn A. Priest, pending college honors Fayeth Pritchard, pending college honors MinNan Qiu*, pending college honors Tianyi Qiu*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Wen Qiu*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Cynthia Jeanette Ramirez, pending college honors Abner Ramos Salcedo, pending college honors Nan Ran*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Lindsey Elizabeth Rasmussen Nicole Geraldine Raymond Megan Elizabeth Reid Yige Ren*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Ember-Reece Calvin Richardson, pending college honors Jason Scott Rigg, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Eric Alexander Riggs, pending college honors Madeline Louise Roberts Anna Sarai Robertson, pending college honors Benjamin Bradley Robinson, pending college honors Jordan Lee Robinson Laura Beth Robinson Guzman Elva Esmeralda Rodriguez Sierra M. Rodriquez Maritza Alejandra Rodriguez Orozco, pending college honors, pending departmental honors

Tania Rodriguez Plazola, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Jamilee Miriam Romero Jonah Rutherford, pending college honors Desiree Rose Salais, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Reydesel Salvidrez-Rodriguez Briana Desiree Sanchez, pending college honors Elizabeth Rebeca Sanchez, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Jessica Lucy Sandoval, pending college honors Angela Marie Sapir, pending college honors Leslie Sarabia Vasquez, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Maria Angeline Schanhals, pending college honors Matthew James Schmalz, pending college honors Kristine Olivia Schultz Christine Ann Schulze, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Steven Clyde Secrest Kaige William-Gene Sellers, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Jiamin Shi* Jiaying Shi*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Yilin Shi*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Emily Ann Shoemaker, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Santiago Sierra, pending college honors Garrett Paul Simpson Jack Robert Sironen Sydney Alysia Siwa Andrew Norman Smith, pending college honors Serena Nicole Smith Wendan Song*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Xuechen Song*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Yu ning Song*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Brandon Douglas Stanley, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Cameron Scholes Steenblock Sunshine Rubina Steffonich Gallegos Kyle Martin Stephens Michael Dennis Stevens, pending college honors, pending departmental honors

Chloe Stibb Shane Michael Stillmunkes, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Ezra Stone Robert Stroud, pending college honors Noah E. Stuvel, pending college honors Kathryn E. Sullivan, pending college honors Jazmine Marie Summers, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Muyao Sun*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Yiran Tao*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Charles Taylor Lillian Taylor, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Cynthia Lan Anh Thach, pending college honors Alexander McLaren Thomas, University Honors & Leadership Program, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Shaohong Tian*, pending departmental honors Kimberly Elizabeth Timko Christian Towner, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Catherine Thanhthi Tran Vincent Dinh Tran, pending college honors Nuvia Trejo, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Sara Marie Trujillo Sara Louise Tullius, pending college honors Angela Kimberli Upson Emily Urbina Johanna Patricia Valiente Kristen Melanie Valladares, pending college honors Jessica Clair Van Doozer Katherine VanWingerden, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Stephanie Villa, pending college honors Dhivahari Vivekanandasarma Janice Vue, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Jacob Douglas Walker, pending college honors McKenzie Jane Wallace Richard W. Walle Bowen Wan*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Dianqing Wang*, pending departmental honors Heng Wang*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors

*International College/University of Colorado Denver/China Agricultural University, Beijing, China 13

Huixin Wang*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Jiarui Wang*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Ke Wang*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Ruoxi Wang*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Shaoxin Wang*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Sijia Wang*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Wenxuan Wang*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Yige Wang*, pending departmental honors Yijie Wang*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Yuning Wang*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Zili Wang*, pending departmental honors Zixu Wang* Cyril Thomas Waymel Hailey Morgan Weber Jiayu Wei*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Zhifei Wei*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Zhiwei Wei*, pending college honors Zhujun Wei*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Danielle J. Welch Zhuodi Wen*, pending college honors Gabrielle Marie Wenger, pending college honors Kelsey Rae Westing Tegan Irene White, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Bryce Patrick Wilkerson Skylar Alexis Windholz, pending college honors, pending departmental honors John Russell Wiseman, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Isabella Corona Wong, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Jessica Wood, pending college honors Jennifer Antonia Woody, pending departmental honors Tianjiao Wu*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Minyue Wu*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Xinyuan Wu*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Yufan Wu*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Libei Xiao*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors

Jing Xie*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Rundong Xie, pending college honors Ziang Xie*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Chen Xu*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Jing Xu* Xinyue Xu*, pending departmental honors Yu Xu*, pending college honors, pending college honors Yushan Xu*, pending college honors Haotian Yang* Ruining Yang*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Zijing Yang* Haoteng Yao*, pending college honors Hussna Yasini, Oustanding Graduate, pending college honors Fanxi Yi*, pending departmental honors Ruotong Yi*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Jia You* Alyssa Raylene Yturralde Congqi Yu*, pending departmental honors

Xunzhi Yu*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Yue Yu, pending college honors Zihan Yu*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Binjian Yuan* Jiatao Yuan*, pending college honors Qimu Yuan*, pending college honors Meron Hailu Zegeye, pending college honors Zeyu Zeng*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Chongtian Zhang*, pending college honors Jingxi Zhang*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Lanfang Zhang*, pending college honors Qiong Zhang* Shanyi Zhang*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Shuoheng Zhang, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Yining Zhang*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Yunxi Zhang*, pending college honors

*International College/University of Colorado Denver/China Agricultural University, Beijing, China 14

Yuxiang Zhang*, pending college honors Zhuoqun Zhang*, pending departmental honors Anda Zhao*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Ruixin Zhao* Siyu Zhao*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Wenjie Zhao*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Zhuo Zhao*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Jiayi Zheng*, pending departmental honors Yunfan Zheng*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Shuyi Zhou*, pending college honors Yijie Zhou*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Haotian Zhu*, pending college honors Linran Zhu*, pending college honors Xinyu Zhu*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Xuehui Zhu*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Eve Zook

THE DEGREE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE May 2021 Candidates Najma Ahmed Abdi Kasey R. Abrego Diba Adibifar Arya Afshang, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Amy Gabriela Aguilar, pending college honors Hanen Faleh Alajmi, pending college honors Fatema A. Aldashti, pending college honors Ahmad Alfaresi, pending college honors Aaya M. AlKassi, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Sharifah Almoalim Doaij Salem Alsalem, pending college honors Talina Maria Alvarez Sydney Aragon Hala Ashmaig, pending college honors Sarah Atkinson Richard Duong Au Isaac Bales, pending college honors Aleezah Balolia Chase Madison Barker, pending departmental honors Emily Diana Barrington, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Addilynn Beach Rachel Beth Beam Yishak Bedaso, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Alexandrea Corinne Behler, pending departmental honors Shamik Vinay Bhat, Outstanding Graduate, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Mariela Emilia Bonilla Marisa Bowens Alec Edward Brock Kimberly Campos Yannely Caraveo Herrera Isabelle Castro Karen Chau, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Maggie Chau Devanith Marcela Chavez Jaqueline Chavez Sandoval, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Yueban Cheng*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Brandon Keanu Choub, pending college honors Lucia Chung, pending college honors, pending departmental honors

Corinna Marie Cluckey Cameron Paul Cornn University Honors & Leadership Program, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Jesse Anna Davis, pending college honors Jesús Dorado Madera University Honors & Leadership Program, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Hailey Noel Duff, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Aarti Dureja, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Cassandra Rose Dvornak, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Natilla A. Dzakpasu Anna Karen Estrada, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Munib David Far, University Honors & Leadership Program, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Xingyu Feng*, pending departmental honors Elizabeth Anna Fritz Aracely Fuentes Colin Wayne Furey, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Kavya Reddy Ganuthula, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Joselyne Garcia-Moreno, pending college honors Tiffany Gentry, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Valerye Godoy Samantha Gonzalez-Ortiz, pending college honors Tasha Gray, pending college honors Yesenia Guevara Jianxun Guo*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Kaiduo Guo*, pending departmental honors Waffa Regina Haffar, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Laci Hageman Yuxuan Han*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Beckston Michael Harrott, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Soren Karl Hegener Amy Josuanny Hernandez, pending college honors, pending departmental honors


Amy Ann Hoang, University Honors & Leadership Program, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Huyen-An Thi Hoang Matthew Ngoc Hoang University Honors & Leadership Program, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Kelly Louise Holmes Brooke Elizabeth Hotz Summer Huang, pending college honors Aric Paul Jackson, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Zhonghui Ji*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Nikki Menglin Jiang, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Karl Noak Johnson Jeffrey David Kaczor, pending college honors Wissal Kahhak Kaitlyn Christine Kalmar, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Sarah Petronella Kanda, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Kaiyun Kang*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Marta Kapustynska Ousama M. Kassir Pravleen Kaur, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Mia Aolani Kermoade-Rangel Mobin Khajeh-Sharafabadi, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Jenny Arum Kim Yonatan Kramer, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Wenwei Kuang*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Duyen My Lam, pending departmental honors Dom Landucci Jonathan Austin Langlois, pending departmental honors Kathy Ha Le Ryan Hoàng-An Le Tina Le Steffi Lee Ryan Paul Leman, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Thomas Van LePage Georgiana Yadira Lerma Changqi Li*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors

Yue Li* Zhenxuan Liang, pending departmental honors Erin I. Liedtke, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Ricky Allan Lippincott University Honors & Leadership Program, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Jessica Loflin Cynthia Carolina Tiznado Lopez Michelle M. Lopez Jeremy Ryan Lujan Yayun Luo*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Alex Luu, pending college honors Shangyu Lyu*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Kaleigh Macdonald, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Blisa Sabir Mahmood, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Tahereh Maleki, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Barbara Manarin, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Leah Elizabeth Mauff Caleb McAllister Scott Edward Mcfarland, Jr. Max Alexander McGrath, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Stanford Clay Mcnabb, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Rachel Virginia Mendez Sara Christine Meyer, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Hailey Miller, pending departmental honors Samuel Miller, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Ebtesam N. Mohammed, pending college honors Manar Lowaa Mohsen Iara Filipa Monteiro Pedreira, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Connor David Moos, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Elizabeth Morales, pending college honors Ashton Morel Priscilla Moreno, pending departmental honors Alexandra Shirley Morgan Julia Mraz Maria Mu Zahra Mustafa Mubarik, pending college honors Philippe Mulamba Mukubi Belma Muric

Nadine Ali Nehme Carter Nelson Jennifer Ngo Katherine Phi-Uyen Nguyen Khoa Ngoc Nguyen, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Martin Nguyen, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Monica Nguyen Tyler An Nguyen, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Andrea Ochoa, pending college honors Greace Oh, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Jaclyn Eugenia Orehova, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Jourdan Kendahl Ortiz Jillian Mumar Oviedo University Honors & Leadership Program, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Ruibin Peng Christofer James Peterson, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Karen Pham Annarose Phelps Cheyenne Nicole Phillips, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Alyssa Loren Pleass University Honors & Leadership Program, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Alina Popriyenko Alexa Gabrielle Powell, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Holly Suong Quach Jordan Queen, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Maya Rampa Daylee Randall Joshua Avery Reed Jordan Ashley Reichers, pending departmental honors Channy Reth Samantha Jo Richardson Helen Grace Rodriguez Hannah Grace Rosen Natalie M. Saed Nadeema Safi, pending college honors Emerald Grace Oksana Saldyt, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Brooke A. Sanford, pending departmental honors Mary Ann Nadiem Sawakid, pending departmental honors Tanya Marie Schmitz


Laura Kay Seaton, University Honors & Leadership Program, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Anastasiya Vladimirovna Shabunevich Hirah Sheikh, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Tsion Girma Shiferaw, pending college honors Dajoung Sin Anmol Singh Steven Blaze Smith, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Andrew Tyler Snow, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Brianna Nicole Snyder Isaiah Sower Bridget Maria Spring, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Caitlin Jade Stageberg Cameron Scholes Steenblock Joseph Suematsu, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Munira Tahir Sultan Lyndsie Faith Sundvall Da Bin Swiercz Shadi Maryam Taheran, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Sahitya Ganapathi Talachutla, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Ryan Tano Leila Tarrahi Tabrizi Yordanos Tesfaye Braxton Thais Amy S. Thompson Judy Phuoc Tran Nitasha Tran, pending college honors Melanie Marie Trinh My Trinh, pending college honors Tanner Trombley Louwis Dean Truong, pending college honors MyNam Ho Truong Ryan Chin Tseng, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Aurelia Tanei Valente, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Alejandra Vang Ally Vang Daniela Guadalupe Villalobos Payan Emmalee Clare Vittetoe, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Devin Walecka Ellen Victoria Walton, pending departmental honors Huixin Wang, pending college honors,pending departmental honors Zixu Wang, pending departmental honors

Cyril Thomas Waymel Sadie Welch Caitlin West, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Jing Xu* Yushan Xu*, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Aihui Yang, pending college honors

Stevenson Chi Ho Yip University Honors & Leadership Program, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Seungha Yoon, pending college honors Yue Yu, pending college honors,


pending departmental honors Jiatao Yuan, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Qimu Yuan, pending college honors, pending departmental honors Shuoheng Zhang, pending college honors, pending departmental honors

COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING Nan Ellin, Dean _______________________________________________________________________

THE DEGREE MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE May 2021 Candidates Pamela Claire April Kyle Lawrence Brunner Randy Chu Alyssa Cudworth Jacob Carter Cusick Kevin P. Doody Cortney Grace Dvornak Kai Huntington Eldredge, Outstanding Graduate Amaleed Elkeilani Elmehdiwi Jonathan George English Ricardo Gonzalez Adrienne Elizabeth Gullia Shilpa Gupta Savannah Linn Hansen Keith Alden Huff

Jeffrey Todd Jones William Martin Joyce Henry Hopkins Kelly Eric Jeffrey Kuhn Samuel Lara Palacios Shenhao Lei Jacqueline Anne Nieland Lund Blythe Heather Mann Charles McQuillan Julia Steiner Miller Matthew Ryan Milne Jocelyn Yomelli Mujica Martinez Eric John Nienhouse Karen Offer Christopher Alan Pennick Emily Jane Phillips

Marcus Steven Pripps Stephanie Lynn Protsman Isamar Quinones Nicholas Daniel Raabe Ethan Josef Reichel Cecilia Richey Treana Cecilia Rodelas Sona Sahakyan Malavika Shenoy Betsy Holcomb Shuttleworth Anna Lynn Spelke Daniel Adam Spieler Adriana L. Ulloa Grant Warmerdam Elizabeth Alan Whitacre David Michael Wirth

THE DEGREE MASTER OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE May 2021 Candidates Miriam Hernandez Arroyo Eion Marcus Donelan Alena R. Gagnon Victoria Hancock

Kortney Lei Harris John Wayne Kohl, Outstanding Graduate Phoebe Loyd

Karen Schultz Arianna Solomon Daniel Sugar

THE DEGREE MASTER OF URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING May 2021 Candidates Katherine Leigh Baum Dashiell Youngbird Bubar-Hall Claire Jocelyn Byers Alisa Childress Mary Elizabeth Coddington Ian Charles Conrardy Sarah Vivian Crump Matthew Forrest Duchan Kellsie Alexa Forfar-Jones Benjamin Hart Gellman Joseph Spike Green Sarah Elizabeth Grossi

Ryan Maye Handy Theodore John Harberg Kortney Lei Harris Diana Claire Caruso Jenkins Paige M. Johnson, Oustanding Graduate David Paul King James Leaman-Miller Phoebe Loyd Alyssa Martin Paige Delaney McCallister Bryn Margaret McKillop


Erin McMorries Laura Bronte Murrell Srishti Murugan Ali Margeaux Pfenninger Annibel Genevieve Rice Krista Lynn Runchey Sean Patrick Rusnak Samantha Snyder Tara Brittany Sorrels Shannon Terrell Andrea Vaughn

THE DEGREE MASTER OF SCIENCE IN HISTORIC PRESERVATION May 2021 Candidates Susan Stiles Downing Jacob Giretti McDonald

Ali Margeaux Pfenninger

Winter Marie Roybal, Graduate School Distinguished Service Award

THE DEGREE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ARCHITECTURE May 2021 Candidates Zainab Al Eid, honors pending Iman Hussein Amery Abigail Balderrama-Magallanes Maciah Buchanan, honors pending Jada Marie Smith Cannon, Oustanding Graduate, honors pending Ramiro Misael Castillo, Jr., honors pending Kathleen Leonore Danziger Tayor Scott Douglas Oscar Isay Garcia Ramirez, honors pending Manuel Garza, honors pending Adriana Ortega Guerrero Torean Deangelo Harris Shyla A. Hilken Brian Paul Howard, honors pending Zarifaghul Ismaili

Jonathan M. Kaczor Chi Ming Li, Oustanding Graduate, honors pending Evan John Lugo, honors pending Sarah M. Machacek Connor Mannion Sebastian Marquez Sean Michael Patrick McBride, honors pending Christian Salgado Mendoza, honors pending Ariana Guadalupe Montoya-Garcia Natasha Nicole Mosley Joshua Thomas Nelson, honors pending Abraham Nuno Villanueva Alexis Maria Powell, honors pending Alli Melissa Purvis


Cesar Robles-Mosqueda Gabriella Eva-Maria Ruiz Salima Salim, honors pending Rocco Paul Sant Knisely Shannon Sautel Shatha Esmat Sawaqed Timothy Oluf Sunset Lindsey Morgan TeKrony Bryanna Nicole Urbina Lagos, University Honors & Leadership Program, honors pending Antonio J. Valencia Alexander Louis Walz Jackson Leonard White Helen Eve Wilson, honors pending Shada Younan Ziqing Zhou

SCHOOL OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS Paul Teske, Dean _______________________________________________________________________

THE DEGREE MASTER OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE† May 2021 Candidates Judith Albrecht Shahla Mohammed AlGhareeb, Outstanding Graduate Stacey Jane Elder Stephanie Erives Barett Jonve Kristian Howell

Laura Leigh Kinberg Lilian Luquin-Salazar Winsor Braidon McLean Stephanie Medina Hernandez Brittany Melendez Mohammed Mrimdate

Megan Jean Parker, Outstanding Graduate Kaitlyn Ponce Emily Rivera Naureen Singh Alexandra Waterhouse

THE DEGREE MASTER OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION May 2021 Candidates Melissa Bellerjeau Taylor Boone Kristen Sarah Bowling Alison Marie Carlyle Jon Mark Catlett Youngjae Chon Ian Daniel Cohn Mary Alice Cornforth Jeremy Carlton Cuddeback Melissa Jean Dedrick Jeri Ann Erickson Olivia Ewing Lindsey R. Freeburn Lauren Rae Freemire Bradley Michael Gonzales Jeffrey Grabinski Laura Hager Jennifer Hambleton Rachael Cohen Hamilton Chantalle Hanschu Nicole Marie Harper

Michelle Anne Haynes Samuel James Herbert, Outstanding Graduate Danielle Marie Holmes Kelly Anne Kiesel Yunmi Kim Sydney Langer Minjeong Lee Megann Denise Lohman Nicholas Ryan Mahon Alejandra Jimenez Major Megan Ann Martinez Hailey Shea McMoore Jongmin Moon Mohammed Mrimdate Meredith Murphy Caitlin Nemeth Jeremy James Neustifter Eric Robert Osborn Perri Jean Otto Mackenzie Kathryn Owens

Stuti Pandey Byoenggi Park Dongjik Park Alyssa Delight Pepper Lauren Phillips Daniel Rafferty Raymond Rears Douglas J. Rund Shannon P. Secrest Christopher W. Sheffer Annelise Hart Shepherd Natasha Michelle Sherrod Ariana Erickson Shockley Nicole Renee Stamper Jordan Stopak-Behr Nathan Sulya Evan Deanne Thomas Morgan Rezac Vankat Patrick Gene Walton Austin Michael Wykes

THE DEGREE BACHELOR OF ARTS May 2021 Candidates Saeed Nasser Alhazmi Ali Alefari Ariana Eleni Bakas Hannah Rose Benesky Ryan Thomas Blanchard Kristin Brady, with distinction Jordann Branner, Outstanding Graduate, with distinction Bryan Brown Nancy Marie Burckhalter Raya Kate Lukesic Castronovo Reza Bostanai Chase Israel Chavez Swannett Yasmin Falcon Murillo Esay Emanuel Flores Melvin Oswaldo Giron, with distinction Tiffany Stephanie Gutierrez, with distinction †Degree conferred by the Graduate School

Aryn Cerys Holtan, University Honors & Leadership Program, with distinction Kimberly Jenkins Alexandra Therese Johnston William Eaton Lively, with distinction Andrea Marin Vazquez Luis Martinez Marisa Kayleen Melendez Jerry L. Neville, with distinction Erick Noriega Julian A. Oquendo David Padilla, Jr. Zachary Trenton Pearce Mimi Duyen Pham Shawn Kay Raby Armando Gonzales Rodriguez, with distinction


Patrick Saenz, Jr., with distinction Daniela Sanchez Jimenez, with distinction Noelle Elizabeth Schluenderfritz Peyton Miranda Smith Serena Nicole Smith Robbie Turner Stacey Valencia Teylore Vigil Jessica Syposs, Outstanding Graduate, with distinction Bridget Irene Widmann Thanh J. Yang Karyna Zaberezhna

SCHOOL OF EDUCATION & HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Rebecca Kantor, Dean Emerita _______________________________________________________________________

THE DEGREE SPECIALIST IN EDUCATION May 2021 Candidates Joo Ree Kang Chu Kali Devor

Amy Kathleen Erdman Heather Lynn Nigut

THE DEGREE MASTER OF ARTS May 2021 Candidates Thenah Abdulimam Rebecca Albright Samantha Ginn Alvarado Caitlin Marie Anderson Laurie Elizabeth Andrews Alejandro Arceo Spring A. Archuleta-Perez Samantha Jo Aschwanden Erika Redlin Atwell Monica Avila Beal Andy D. Bell Rachel Benedict Ronald James Benkelman Jene Marie Bergan Laura Margaret Berryman Zachary Bess-Lima Jada Mercedez Blackwell, Outstanding Graduate Katlin Braden Deborah Elise Breda Michelle Stappler Brown Caitlin Elizabeth Burns Jacqueline Butierres Laurel Alison Cammack Mackenzie Marie Campbell Claudeth Regina Castellanos Tara Leigh Cater Marissa Danay Chandler Noel Chavez Meredith Lynn Chicklas Adriana Cordova Jacqueline Cordova Jesse Credit Rudina Davenport Gabriel Deanda Stephanie Leann DeBord Keri Douglas Laura Melissa Dudden Mary Lou G. Edmund Kayle Kirstie Elliott Austin Cale Enterline

Reyna Jean Escamilla Olivia Fear Nicholas Fernandez Robert Fitzpatrick Keri Lynn Fleming Rachel Renee Foley Amanda Margot Fox Reandra Friesen Christine Marye Garcia Gabriela Isabel Garcia Margaret Kathryn Gardenghi Elizabeth Sue Gonzales Kimberly Nicole Granger Selena Star Gurule Kelsey M. Hahn Alan Hiếu Hoà Hale Sarah Rachelle Hall Amanda Michelle Hawley Katherine Woods-Maret Haynes Kelsey Solana Haynes Chad Micheal Herbers Jonatan Hernandez Katie Renee Holloman Ashton Hougen Ashley Dawn Ives Nicole Renee Jackson Haiti Bond Johnson Annie Jones Marisa Jordan Gregory E. Kane Edis Garza Knoop Holly Koppenhaver Theresa Marilyn Kovar Courtney Rae Kristan Aubrey Meagan LeFebre Rebecca Lynn Lovvorn Jenna Keala Machado Sheena Mammarappallil Mitchel Ryan Mandel Matthew Mantell Rosalinda Martinez


Katherine Elyse McKenna Caroline Ann Menendez Merlin Christopher Miall Amanda C. Miller Laura Antoinette Moore Sean Allen Moses Rebecca Ann Mott Michael Muszynski Katherine Narvaez Anna Lee McCanse Nelson Nicole Elizabeth Nemechek Derrick Daniel Anthony Nevarrez Dana Blaire Nordberg Cristabel Ocasio Ilarraza Caitlin Marie O'Connor Lauren O'Hare Amy Louise O'Neill John Carmelo Passaniti Samson W. Patton Desiree Paz Katlyn Miyoko Pedone Shaylyn Pergola Elli Plunkett Regina Porter Heather Marie Powers Andrew Priester Ashley Gwen Reel Joshua Edward Rheingold Jared Riesel Robert Righi Venus Campbell Robinson Alexandra Michaelson Rogers Manuel Romero, Jr. Jessica Marie Rosenblatt Ailey Ruger Rylan Russell Innesa Russonnik Natalia Marie Sabadell Jacqueline Rose Salido Tyler Schneidman Alyssa Schreffler

Benjamin Sherman Rebecca Unger Shorey Kelly Marie Signer Rachael Lynne Slotman Jacqueline Soister Desirae Rose Souza Taylor Spieker Hannah Rose Starbuck Mia Marie Stephenson

Carson Swank Hannah Faith Thorndyke Kenya Sarai Trejo David Turnbull Karissa Ann Underwood Jayne Vahle Cristol Maria Valdez Krista Vance Stephanie Vos

Benjamin Nathaniel Watkins Dana L. Weatherbee Shanae Riann Weber Lindsey Joy Widstrom Jacquelyn Wilson Justin Wimbish Alisa Wolf Carol Ann Woods Alban Xani

THE DEGREE MASTER OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION May 2021 Candidate Gabriel Deanda Jason Andrew Holmes

Megan Morin Amanda Bayer Praska

THE DEGREE BACHELOR OF ARTS May 2021 Candidates Asmaa Hatem Alsafar, honors pending Erica Ann Barillari, honors pending Karen Guadalupe Cardenas Hernandez, honors pending Briana Sharease Dutro, Outstanding Graduate, honors pending Isabella Franzese Allison Kimberly Jones, honors pending Katie Jones, honors pending Seanah Charlotte Kauten, honors pending

Katharine Grace Kiefaber Ri Na Kim Samantha Arline Liebenow, honors pending Celia Lopez, honors pending Susanna Martinez, honors pending Monica Mata-Alvarez, honors pending Jasmin Medina David J. Montes, honors pending Selina Kay Nichols, honors pending James Charles Quijada Kinzie M. Reiners Zoe Ellen Revas

Mia Rodriguez Demri Alissa Sailas Dee Ann Eden Salazar-Stieduhar, honors pending Adriana Lizbeth Sandoval Devon Sandoval, honors pending Naomi Yael Sommerfeld Julia Lucia Trejo MacKenzie Elizabeth Welchert Brianna Wilk Allison Kathleen Yeros

THE DEGREE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE May 2021 Candidates Kyra Naomi Anaruk Alondra Essly Arreola-Alderete Daisy Yazmin Chapa Serena Lynne Davis Charlotte Cook Ferguson, honors pending Brianna Susette Gonzalez, honors pending

Reyann Khaled Hamideh, honors pending Diana Hernandez Correa, honors pending Edna Azucena Lujan, honors pending Lauren Clare McHugh, honors pending Billy Q. Nguyen


Alejandra Yvette Rivera-Lopez Ivan Rodarte, honors pending Korinne Elise Ruhnke, honors pending Anna Marie Sanger, honors pending Jennifer Trejo Jocelyn Elizabeth Vangundy, Outstanding Graduate, honors pending

BUSINESS SCHOOL Scott Dawson, Dean _______________________________________________________________________ THE DEGREE MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION May 2021 Candidates Tatiana V. Arnt Katherine Beargie Jonathan Pierre Bacalla Bernard Gabrielle Bialik Adam Botts Jason Budniewski John Busch Maria Elena Carreno Kris Colpean Timothy Cooper Terren Crider Joseph Scott Daniels Roxanne Nicole Dunaway Alicia Cynthia Echagarruga Nathan J. Edge Joseph Wayne Eenigenburg Arnold James Fisher Jay Allen Galligher Matthew Joseph Gates Alan Greenrod Priyanka Sharma Guragain

Laura Michelle Piehl Harrington Heidi Hart Samuel Thomas Hoffman Omar Awaad Hussein Michael Johnson Kevin Scott Jones Caroline Kellogg Nicholas Knapic Kelly Knight Cailey Alexandria Leary Whitney Ann Lott Anirudh G. Madabhushi Gregory Raymond Manestar Michael Marella Kevin E. Masteller Mary Isabel McCan Marques Richard Mehlhorn Anneliese Miller Dillon Brice Miskimins Tyler J. Monell John Edward Morella

Edward Curtis Nettey Marbell Whitney Pappas Kaitlin Louise Parker George Sabu Pulinattu Tae Rice-Schlesinger Marc Rothenberg Austin Russell Desirea Isabelle Sandoval David Santucci Alex Andrea Scialdone William Seidenzahl Michele Sturgell Ryan Michael Tharp Kelly Elizabeth Trace Lucas Verstegen David Christian Vigil Terrence Walker Calvin Andersen Ward Katherine Anne Spencer Wessels Benjamin Michael Wicki Wojciech Zukowski

THE DEGREE MASTER OF SCIENCE May 2021 Candidates Arpit Agarwal Alexandra Dayle Antonioni Jonathan Pierre Bacalla Bernard Akhila Bhamidipati Aakash Bhatia Maher Bizri Micah Bray Felix Maximilian Buske Gabriel Maurice Chacker Suman Chakraborty Zhuojun Chen Neelamai Chunlapak Samantha Chuong Samuel Clark Riya Das Lisa Michele Downey Jonathan Edward Dunkle, Jr. Julie Lynn Dykstra Travis Eide Yao Chen Ferris Kyle Patrick Fisher Edwin Flores Maiah Fogel Jeremy Michael Foster

Annette Limoges Fowler Chantal Fraire Lindsey Noel Fullmer Andrew Patrick Garcia Koffi E. Gnatsidji Prathap Kumar Gowda Douglas Holland Greer Susan J. Griffith Grady Michael Gurth Ashleigh Celeste Gutierrez Huda Mohammed Haghegh Nicholas Hamilton-Archer Molly Claire Davis Harbor Laura Michelle Piehl Harrington Austin Harris Ladiella Henderson Grace Marie Heneveld Krista Leann Hoover Yu-Hsuan Hou Brianne Nicole Johnson Jessica Grace Johnson Katherine Rose Johnson Stephen David Johnson Atul Jose


Sruthi Kannan Judith Ann King Ariel Rose Kiskiras Puneet Kochar Sandeep Kodukula Aakash Kotha Nishita Kothapalli Alexis Michelle Kubasta Rutvij Uday Kulkarni Halimat Atinuke Laguda Fabián Bohley Laguna Elise Nicole Lakey Cailey Alexandria Leary Madeline Lee Connie Sue Leeper Sijia Li Xi Li Xin Li Jared T. Lobato Ashlan Tanae Lupien Yeros Chinmayi Suryakant Mahadik Michael Joseph Makowski Sahil rao Malempati Avi Manawat

Bhavik Rajnikant Maru Mae Matsuura Ryan Maxfield Lionel Mendonsa Julio Cesar Miramontes Sarah Elizabeth Montoya-Ortega Ramachandran Murugaian Kirthi Kamalkishor Nagori Arjun Nanda Kumar Roopa Kalludi Narasimhamurthy Ling Nie Mrudula Reddy Nimmanapalli Ergin Nobakht Olutamilore Olutomilola Ola Jessica Olvera Arlene Padilla Vasiliy Leonidovich Palamarchuk, Outstanding Graduate Doris Miryang Park Torrie Leann Pfeifer

Tiffany Ha Pham Nat Phukowluan Nicholas Alexander Pryor Alonso Quinonez Harshit Rai Vasanth Rajasekar Sundaram Ramachandran John Reichl Chloe Reindl Loren Wallace Ross Elmer Sandoval Mansi Sethi Kimberly Karol Sethre Rushabh Amit Shah Peng Shao Pavel Shchyhelski Anamika Singh Monica Patricia Smith Samuel Sorden Mathangi Srinivasan

Akshitha Sripathi Eric Charles Stein Elliot Stone Shyamsundar Subramanian Zhiyang Sun Anirudh Sundar Rajan Nivedita Suresh Kumar Erin Leigh Tatman Phillip Taylor John Michael Tricarico Meenalatha Vaithilingam Sundaram Venkataraman Jacob Dumanil Victoria Drew Thomas Walters Alyssa Williams Kaylee Lauren Wing Tonya Winger Meijun Wu Sabreena Yaseen Weiyin Zhang

THE DEGREE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE May 2021 Candidates Tharwat A. Abdelmajid Marlysa Adams, honors pending Joshua Isaac Adriano Ahmad Shah Afridi Chierika Agbim Tasnim Samir Ahmad, honors pending Jin Eui Ahn Saoud Abdulaziz Al Siddiqi Rawan Khalid Aljurbua, honors pending Mubarak Abdulla Alkawari Mohammed Ahmad Alkhater, honors pending Andrew Nicholas Allen Piña, honors pending Mohammed Hadi Almarri, honors pending Nasser Jaber Almarri, honors pending Abdulrahman Abdulla Althani Sultan Abdulla Alyousuf Alimansar Amgalanbayar Kylie Michelle Anderson Beth Eileen Andrews, honors pending Jann Xavier Arroyo Brenda Ariana Astorga Randy Dale Austin Aween Aras Aziz Sarah Nicole Babish, honors pending Nina Marie Baca Emily Bails Ronen Bangiev, honors pending Connor Barber, honors pending Jacob Navarro Bautista Christina M. Beltran Jamil Bendjebbar, honors pending Nathan Lee Bennett, honors pending Sierra Raine Berryman

Andrew Biersack Katherine Lin Bittner, honors pending Amanda M. Blackman, honors pending Mateusz Jerzy Bober, honors pending Hugo Bosselaar Hannah Grace Boulger, honors pending Christopher Scott Bowman Marcus Brooks, honors pending Baisia Emerald Jane Brown, honors pending Ralph Wyatt Bubeck, honors pending Baylee Lynn Byczkowski Natali Victoria Cadena, honors pending Andrew Carmer, honors pending David Peter Chadwick Victoria Yvette Chavez Yeji Chong, honors pending Rachel Elizabeth Coates, honors pending Richard Maximillian Comeau Michael J. Cronce Colton William Paul Davis Coulten Ross Davis, honors pending Kaelan Davis Oscar Dixon Mandy Duong Abigail Emmert Stella Rosa Esparza, honors pending Peter Alex Espinola Reed Esslinger Alicia Nicole Estrada, honors pending Rodney Even, honors pending Naima Faki Jaymee Fiore, honors pending Joy Lorraine Fitch Jasmin Florescia


James Deason Franklin Lavena Fay Friday, honors pending Sylvie Ngalula Gapashi Marco Francisco Garcia Caleb E. Gardner Nicholas Alexander Gattis Katrina Gehring Abigail Giannou, honors pending Gabriel Grisham Gill, honors pending Victoria Girenko, honors pending Gemechu Gishu Mick Bernard Godin Juan Carlos Gomez, Jr., honors pending Samantha Rae Gonzalez, honors pending Stacy Yeanell Gonzalez Abigail Goodgion, honors pending Jaden Beck Gordon Jaclyn Green, honors pending Ashlynn Greenstreet Stephen Gruenewald Lindsey Marie Halverson Leah Marie Hardin Jacob Hattaway, honors pending David Haudenschield Deja Ellese Hawkins Cesar Hernandez, honors pending Layla Estefania Herrera-Saucedo Elena Hilliard, honors pending Angela Hinkle Baoying Huang, honors pending Jessica Lynn Huffman, honors pending Aleonya Hunter Riley Hunter, honors pending

Huda Nafeez Hussain, Outstanding Graduate, University Honors & Leadership Program, honors pending Rami Y. Hussein, honors pending Rachel Marie Ikalowych, honors pending Connor David Isaacs Tatiana Isaza, honors pending Ghassan Issa Inna Jensen, honors pending Prakriti Jha Wiliam Juarez Ashley Marie Keller, honors pending Kendrick T. Kim, honors pending Woojae Kim, honors pending Parker Elliot Kindom, honors pending Spencer Behrens Klaus, honors pending Augustos Cosmos Kosmicki Olja Kovacevic, honors pending Safaa Kushnir, Outstanding Graduate, honors pending Meagan Lisa Lacharite, honors pending David Tuong Lam Alexander Ryan Larpenter Michael Lau Harrison Ngoc Duy Le Orlando Rashad Lewis Patricia Leyva Qunjuan Li, honors pending Jeong Lim Savanah Paj Lo Joshua Paul London, honors pending Javier Lopez Ortiz Giselle Luevanos Alexis Raeann Madrid Mardochee Mbambi Mafuana, honors pending Seth Payeton Royal Magehee Oscar Manuel Maldonado, University Honors & Leadership Program Morgan Josephine Malone Justin Joseph Mares, honors pending Kyle Jay McBride, honors pending Diana Bethany McCaslin, honors pending Kalob Lincoln McConnell, University Honors & Leadership Program Greyson Forest Gary McDaniel, honors pending

Caroline Marie McDermott, honors pending Crystal Rose Mekari Natnael Melaku Joshua R. Messmore Luke Christian Brian Miller Catherine Ann Mitchell, honors pending Timothy Michael Moncheski Liam Vesel Moore, honors pending Brandon Mortensen, honors pending Amruth Nandakumar, honors pending Kristopher Harold Neely, honors pending Maya Nettath, honors pending Cindy Pha Le Nguyen Ruth Nguyen, honors pending Uyen Nguyen, honors pending Vivian My-Hang Nguyen Andrea Rae Nichols Julia Cecylia Niedzwiecka, honors pending Micah Omar Norton, honors pending Vanessa Cecilia Nuñez Felix Nuomah Jose Alexander Olguin Oviedo, honors pending Nayeli Olivas Ashley Ann Ontiveros Hayden Matthew Opila John Richard Padilla Valerie Padilla, honors pending Edgar Alexander Paez, honors pending Trinity Peter Elizabeth Thanh Hang Phan-Ho, honors pending Sean K. Piper, honors pending Francisco E. Pita, honors pending Rebecca Pitel, honors pending Andre Stefan Politis Tifany Quinones Cameron Michael Reef, honors pending Katherine P. Reiner Anngelica Reseigh Carlee Ann Rhoads, honors pending Jon D. Richardson Joanne Riordan Cameron Fulton Rogers Jerwin Blas Roldan Alexia Janae Romero Adriana Romero-Gonzalez


Amber Nikole Rosenbach, honors pending Alisha Jazlyn Roth, honors pending Jacob Rothrock, honors pending Gillian Renee Russo Karsten Alec Rygh, honors pending Homa Sadaqat Evelyn Celeste Sanchez Isatou Sanneh Connor N. Scott Vanessa Shelton, honors pending Ang Tsering Sherpa, honors pending Yahaira Crisol Sichler-Chavez Olivia Siedell Scott Robert Slaugh Derrick B. Snelling, honors pending Darrell Joseph Stewart, honors pending Stephanie Marie Stiger Kelcey Strauch, honors pending Keeley Marie Stricker, honors pending Anna Kathryn Stucky Tserenlkham Sukhbat Kamyar Taghavisheikh Anna Luiza Tavares Rios, honors pending Grace Kelly Tirado Jennifer Torres Tamayo, honors pending Nina Tu Yen Tran, honors pending Zachary Khoi Tran, honors pending Andy Truong, honors pending Timothy Valdez Jennifer Elizabeth Vigil Ashley Fabros Vigo Issa Beatríz Villacorta Diaz Peter James Waller, University Honors & Leadership Program William Jack Wilkening Morgan Rylee Wilkinson Troy Norman Wilkinson Kamiya Willoughby Jolie M. Wilson Brooke Elaine Winslow Stephen Wren Austin Tyler Yarrington Allyson Marie Young Layba Zahid Cameron Phillip Zahn Kassandra Zavala, honors pending Elieen Xinyue Zhang

COLLEGE OF ARTS & MEDIA Laurence Kaptain, Dean _______________________________________________________________________

THE DEGREE MASTER OF SCIENCE May 2021 Candidates Julian Clifton Cory Patrick Cullinan

Angela Rae Malley, Outstanding Graduate Kevin Andrew McGrath

Katherine Vreeland Snyder Ryan Salcedo Turch

THE DEGREE BACHELOR OF ARTS May 2021 Candidates Florence Jay Blackwell, Outstanding Graduate Hanah Nicole De Laurell, honors pending

Alexis Marcelle Eastlake, University Honors & Leadership Program Indiana Lynn Mezta

THE DEGREE BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS May 2021 Candidates Carmen Milena Adams Allison Wendell Anderson Noelle Nadine Axalan, summa cum laude Undarmaa Bandi Jennifer Banuelos Zane Barber, Outstanding Graduate, honors pending Caitlin Rose Bassolino, Outstanding Graduate Anthony D. Battaglia, honors pending Warren Bedell Trae Stephen Beneck, honors pending Danielle Ann Berning, honors pending Suraj Bista David Jerome Blaisdell, honors pending Allison L. Borgonah, University Honors & Leadership Program Ryan Harrison Breuer Conner Caddigan Alexandra Caldera Ibarra Izabel Ann Castellano Joshua Antonio Castorena Erin Chang Eli Zane Chess, honors pending Jasmine Jacqueline Cisneros Katie Cottrell, honors pending Ryan David Cuscaden Gabrielle Rose David Madison Davis Riley Stephen De Bever Sabrina de la Garza, honors pending Violet Elaine DeSnyder, honors pending Arely Diaz Reyes Payton Dierks

Jazmine Rose DiGiorgio, honors pending Jonathan Lance Eagle, honors pending Alexis Marcelle Eastlake, University Honors & Leadership Program Alexander Brentley Elmore, University Honors & Leadership Program Claire Autumn Feiman, honors pending Alma SofÌa Fernandez-Garcia Lorena A. Fierro Connor Foley Alexandra Foster, honors pending Katelynn Rebecca Fox, honors pending Aracely Franco-Ugarte Adah L. Fretwell Sandra Furman Charles Patrick Gandarias Cruz Frankie Garcia Jacob D. Garland, honors pending Alexander Waid Giovinazzo, honors pending Jordan Bernard Glazer, honors pending Benjamin Saunders Gracey Marisela R. Guillen, honors pending Austin Troy Hall Cole Hamilton Kendra Marie Hardin Davis-Jay Harris Sayaka Jane Hatayama Justin David Havlovic, honors pending Sam Morgan Henderson, honors pending Luis Felipe Hernández Guerrero, honors pending Alan Holguin


Coalton Richard Hostetler Jonathan Tuan Huynh Isabel Marisol Jackson Rachel Marie Johnson Emma Nicole Johnstone, honors pending Tatiana Jordan, honors pending Max Justus Julien Chilli Makenzie Kellaway, honors pending Dawna Grace Kim Carter Matthew Klassen Trevor Leach, honors pending Crystal Yang Lee, honors pending Cassandra Mary Lefevre, honors pending Marin Liang Lepore, honors pending Mora Levis, honors pending Ishea Lee Nueka Lo Skyler Ro Logan, honors pending Sarah Elizabeth Long Christian Kevin Loya Amber Amelia Malom Michaela Joy Manfredo, honors pending Sabrina Reona Marcum, honors pending Mason Thomas Marshall, honors pending Kimberly Mata-Martinez Dylan Patrick Matzke, honors pending Kyle W. Maurer Anna Scott McClement Megan Elise McKay, honors pending

Colton McKee Ryan Gordon McKinnon Lilybeth Medina Estrada Hogan Robert Metzler, honors pending Indiana Lynn Mezta Chelsea Anna Minter-Brindley, honors pending Ariana Maria Muniz Madelin Murphy Aaron Buntheoun Nay, honors pending Taylor Rose Neumann, honors pending Sean Michael New Julie Trang Nguyen, honors pending Katie Ann Oberlag, honors pending Huitzilli Oronia, Outstanding Graduate, honors pending Henry Ian Percy Michael Murphy Phibbs, honors pending Anthony S. Porcaro, University Honors & Leadership Program

Emily Christine Przekwas, honors pending Sydney Nicole Rakowski Kylie Elizabeth Reagan Christopher Gray Riggs Zachary John Rogers, honors pending Hailey Ann Russell Monique Yvette Salas Ariadne Salvetti Isaac Alexander Sanchez Joana Sanchez Gomez Madison Alexis Santamaria Gabriel Isaiah Shafi Houston Reese Slade Emerald Kristina Smith, magna cum laude Michael Forest Sperandeo Cameron James Sprague Savannah R. Stanley, magna cum laude Shane Michael Stillmunkes, magna cum laude

Owen Guthrie Swallow Jack A. Thiret Shana Marie Thompson, summa cum laude Sonya Thao Mi Tran, cum laude Zachary Jaden Valaski, magna cum laude Tia TC Van Svetlana Varlamova, summa cum laude Philip Joshua Velasquez Jonathan Thanh-Lam Vu Ian R. Wagner, magna cum laude Yasong Wang, cum laude Mason Douglas Weston, summa cum laude Mitchell Kent Whitmore Augustus Clayton Williams Randy C. Wong Jacob Thomas Wyscaver, cum laude Rachel Danielle Zuckerman

THE DEGREE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE May 2021 Candidates Daniel David Amato Isabelle Amato, magna cum laude Emily Blehm, honors pending Christopher Zuccaro Bouck Benjamin Brown Sam Burt, honors pending Isabella G. Chacon Brandon Arthur Craven, honors pending Thadeus Blue Deal Meghan Delaine Desmond Harrison E. Dillow Anam Cara Dixon Travis Austin Domagala Ronan Andrew Dowling Katelynn Marie Eckles, honors pending Peyton Charles Elliott, honors pending Kennedy Ann Erhart, honors pending Ramon J. Espinoza, honors pending Dylan Noah Faflick, honors pending Rashaad Sheraaz Fowler Ashell Fox Dylan Hunter Gendelman Michael Peter Goulet Kevin Thomas Graf Sean Randal Gray, honors pending Nicholas L. Gregory Michael Patrick Haran, honors pending Alexander M. Hazel Morris Wesley Heilman

Alex Henke John Sterling Hermes Chandler Louis Holaday, honors pending Sean Marc Huebl Nathan Everret Hughes Teiriana Isabel Ibarra Dominick Xavier Jackson Dempsy Mariaelena Johnson Shanea Jorden Christopher Allen Ketchum William Timothy Key Hendrick William Knoll, honors pending Dylan A. Kober, honors pending Gwendolyn Anne Kubik Jacob John Larson Jack Rafael Lewis, honors pending Heather Nicole Loomis, honors pending Jared Evan Luer Edwina Nikita Maben, Outstanding Graduate Jackson Harris McCombs Mackenzie Elizabeth McLeod Colten Mendelson, honors pending Gabriel Wade Newville, honors pending Jack Henry Oertli Caitlin Ohler Quinn Olinger William Hubert Ornberg, honors pending


Ayla Marie Ostowick, honors pending Selin Ozcolak, honors pending Carter Joseph Pashko Christopher John Paskvalich, honors pending Samantha Jordan Pease Jonathan Worth Pesce Andrew Wilson Pieratt, honors pending Alex Joseph Pimentel Bryce Austin Prichard Andy Matteo Pritzen, honors pending Brett Robert Regan, honors pending Joshua Andrew Ruybal Emily Catherine Sall Genavieva Isabela Gutierrez Sandoval Weston Michael Shinn Tyler John Simon Nicolas Aron Spivey Ian Joshua Steele, magna cum laude Elizabeth Suzanne Stout, magna cum laude Nicholas Ahern Tew Troy Thrasher Joshua Michael Tibbetts, cum laude Brandon Taylor Voigt Ziong Vue, cum laude Quinn O'Malley Waterman Anthony Robert-James Wilson Tristan Boen Wilson Ryan Richard Wiseman

COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, DESIGN AND COMPUTING Martin Dunn, Dean _______________________________________________________________________

THE DEGREE MASTER OF ENGINEERING May 2021 Candidates Gana Alkandari Michaela Britt

Nicholas P. Fuller Megan Hendrick

Brianne Lee Hitchner Jillian Erin Reilly

THE DEGREE MASTER OF SCIENCE May 2021 Candidates Julian Abbott-Whitley Mohamed Abdel-Hafiz Ahmed Bakri Mohammed Abdu Fahad Saeed M. Alahmari Mohammed Al-Ali Gana Alkandari Veena Saraswathy Ambalavanan Nicholas Charles Autobee Jennifer Michelle Baumgartner Sri Naga Mounica Bhogadi Druva Sai Kumar Bobbilla Chase M. Brown Dalton Michael Thomas Burke Rhys Sean Butler Debanjan Das Kuntal Das Anna Marie Davis Yordanos Wondimu Dinku Sean Christopher Farley Sean C. Fuller Prem Rishi Kranth Gaddam Ullas Gangarajappa Nagasaileshreddy Gani Yohannese G. Gebremedhin

Bharath Gourabathuni Scott Hargrove Akshay Jayashankar Hiremath Selvakumar Jayaraman Samrid K.C. Jaya Sai Karanam Sharanya Reddy Konda Hitesh Ram Kotha Priyamvada Kundu Adithi Loka Thomas Gabriel Lucero Raghu Veera Reddy Malreddy, Jr. Sampath Mandava Elizabeth Mathey John Kenley McFarlane Xavier Joseph Montoya Nancy Moreno Huizar Ashwin Mounaswamynathan Srinivas Sumanth Reddy Nukala Umang Rakeshkumar Pandya Vrajen Patel Nicholas Jon Petersen Arun Kumaar Poongothai Prabhakaran Hemantharaj Raguraman

Supriya Ramachandra Sourav Ranjan Vyshnavi Sankenani Subash Shankar Sukesh Ganesh Shetty Fred Douglas Sturgell Arun Sundara Raj Samantha Nancy Thomas Monila Unni Kiruthika Varatharajan Spoorthy Venkatesh Prakash Jose Andres Visaez Yukun Wang John S. Witucki, III Varunkumar Yaramasu Drake Young Zixuan Zhang

THE DEGREE BACHELOR OF ARTS May 2021 Candidates Ian Michael Anderson, honors Brandon Maak Chansamone Jacob Jongewaard Asia Keomanivong

Jessica McNamee, special honors Khoa Nguyen Jacob Parrott, special honors Humza A. Qureshi


Pramod Rai Ali Reza Sadiq Jordan Patrick Stakenas Benjamin R. Stanton, honors

THE DEGREE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE May 2021 Candidates Hadi Abdelmawla Omima Alaeldin Abdoun Rock Stephan Adcock Gabriel Matthew Adriano Mewael Beyan Ahmedin Saleh Hamad Al Marri Jameelah Aldaihani, honors Sarah Aldaihani Abdullah M A E Gh Alfailakawi Abdulwahab Alhamaidan, special honors Haia Alhasawy Fadhel Alkhater Jack Allen, honors Ali Alrasheed Younis Z. Alsharairi Bob Alvarenga, special honors Rachael Lee Arnold Ian Michael Anderson Ryan Ashley Biruk Awsi, honors Patrick Bales-Parks Jazmin Alexandra Barraza Jonathan Edward Barstad, honors Nicholas Bass, honors Kevin Michael Bense Clayton Airus Bergstrom Jesus Omar Casillas Odalis Castro Brandon Chansamone Mauricio Amado Chavez, IV Hunter Wesley Culler Amir Custic Jacob Paul DeMers Aklom Fesseha Desta Nicholas Eugene Diamond, special honors Jacob Glenn Donaldson, special honors Seth Hayden Drake Anthony Dupont, Outstanding Graduate, special honors Minh Daniel Durbin Dirk Johannes Dykson Samuel Marcus Edison Ryan Scot Edmund, honors Miray Elkedwani, special honors Thomas Lee Evans, honors Zeinah K.A.S.M. Faras, special honors Meaza Abebe Feyso Kyra Alita Flores, University Honors & Leadership Program, special honors Kevin Galindo Marquez Marcus Robert Gallegos Paige Elizabeth Garbett Kathryn Louise Garvey Ian Charles Garvin

Justin Shane Gaumond, honors David Maximilian Gedney, special honors Jenan Ali Gerashi Abril Gonzalez-Torres James Rulon Graves, honors Brooke Michaela Grossmann Fernando Guardado-Perez Paul Joseph Guszak, honors Isaiah Matthew Haley Ashleigh Nicole Hanne Sean R. Hansen, special honors Shreemathi Harikrishnan, special honors Raphael Hatami, special honors Rafael Hernandez Alexander Howard, special honors Fuwei Huang Colin Anton Hudson, special honors Olayemi Hamed Ibrahim Ronald Jenkins Parker Reid Jesberg, honors Bryan Gregory Jones, special honors Gabriel Alexander Jones, special honors Jacob Jongewaard Trystan Burns Lee Kaes, honors Lucas James Kennedy Asia Keomanivong Hannah Louise Kijowski Serena Abdallah Kishek Chandler James Kitson Bryan Richard Kleine Richard Dalton Klepper Nicholas L. Kong Andrew Kwavy Todd Robert Labo Linh Phuong Lam, special honors Shannon Christie Lamb, honors Joseph Daniel Lavelle Tai Le Brittany Nicole LeMarc Andrew James Lewis Trevor M. Libby, special honors Tobby Erlangga Lie William Jeffrey Lindsay Marcos John Lipic Joshua Christian Lucero, special honors Jonathan Michael Malm, honors Elvia Martinez Joseph Massey Ryker McDaniel Byron Keith McDanold, special honors Kyle J. McGrath Jessica McNamee Ryan Martin McOmber


Jessica Elaine McPhee Zachary Dallas Meinert, special honors Victor Raul Meraz Ana Cristina Meza Acosta Mauricio Daniel Millan-Carlos, honors John Albert Milner Cody Russel Moe Merlina Montalvo Campos, special honors Kilian Moran Thomas A. Moyers, Jr. Mikala Clair Mueller, honors Gage M. Murray Erik Michael Nelson, honors Kenny-Tan Ngo Dat Van Nguyen, Sr., special honors Jonathan Quang Thoai Nguyen Khoa Nguyen Khuong Ngoc Nguyen, honors Phi Nguyen, honors Uyen Nhat Phuong Nguyen, honors Goma Niroula Zachary Clarke Nye, honors Azucena Ochoa Tolulope O. Odeyemi David J. Oligney Sharvita Paithankar Young Joon Park, honors Jacob Parrott John Frederick Pelepchan Alejandra Perez-Vazquez Ean Robert Petersen, honors Minhquang Pham Gabriel Robert Piper Jonathan Peter Orin Platt Eric Shane Prather, honors Kulprawee Prayoonsuk, special honors Chance Edward Prem Prinn Prinyanut Alex Quach, honors Mir Zabihullah Qureshi, special honors Humza A. Qureshi Samuel Louis Radelet Pramod Rai Jose Gabriel Ramirez Quezada Kelsy Nicole Rasmussen Kyle Francis Ray Andrew Riley Samuel Nestor Rivera Luis Enrique Rodriguez Maria Guadalupe Rodriguez-Yanez Malia Lynn Rohrig Amanda Adele Rowsell, honors Evan Thomas Rubio Ali Sadiq Alyssa Salazar

Almolham Ahmad Saeed Saleh, honors Cassie Hannah Salem Karla Viridiana Sanchez Fatima Sandoval Torres Luna Esam Sawaged Quinten Rex Schaffner, honors Jihan Shah, honors Batool Shehab Bo Kyung Shin, honors Samuel Alexander Skarberg Andrew Conaway Smith

Jonathan David Smith, honors Jonathan Richard Smith Cory David Stanek Benjamin R. Stanton Anthony Michael Stehr Ruba Saker Sus Patrick Gabriel Tafoya, honors Anthony Kojo Tawiah Ryan Zachary Thomson, honors Nathaniel Payson Todd Burak Toklu Alexis Torres


Thai Q. Tran Jonathan Kyle Tullos Kyle VanSteelandt James J. Verbrugge Christopher James Vinton Brendon Dung Vu Erich Wanzek, special honors Pearce Daniel Weaver, honors Raymond Wu Mohammad A.M.H. Yousef Ivan Zorrilla Alcala

The Norlin Charge to Graduates

___________________________________________________________________ From the baccalaureate address by President George Norlin of the University of Colorado, June 1935. ___________________________________________________________________ “You are now certified to the world at large as alumni of the university. She is your kindly mother and you her cherished sons and daughters. This exercise denotes not your severance from her, but your union with her. Commencement does not mean, as many wrongly think, the breaking of ties and the beginning of life apart. Rather it marks your initiation in the fullest sense into the fellowship of the university, as bearers of her torch, as centers of her influence, as promoters of her spirit. The university is not the campus, not the buildings on the campus, not the faculties, not the students of any one time—not one of these or all of them. The university consists of all who come into and go forth from her halls, who are touched by her influence and who carry on her spirit. Wherever you go, the university goes with you. Wherever you are at work, there is the university at work. What the university purposes to be, what it must always strive to be, is represented on its seal, which is stamped on your diplomas—a lamp in the hands of youth. If its light shines not in you and from you, how great is its darkness! But if it shines in you today, and in the thousands before you, who can measure its power? With hope and faith, I welcome you into the fellowship. I bid you farewell only in the sense that I pray you may fare well. You go forth, but not from us. We remain, but not severed from you. God go with you and be with you and us.”



THE HISTORY _______________________________________________________________________ The University of Colorado Denver is the leading public university in Denver. CU Denver offers 41 undergraduate degrees and 59 master’s degrees. Doctoral programs are offered in Public Affairs, Health and Behavioral Science, Health Economics Leadership for Educational Equity, Education and Human Development, Design and Planning, Bioengineering, Civil Engineering, Engineering and Applied Sciences, Applied Mathematics, Clinical Health Psychology, School Psychology, Structural Biology and Structural Chemistry and a joint degree in Computer Science and Information Systems. Programs are tailored to meet the needs of a diverse student population, with special emphasis on assuring professional opportunities after graduation. Classes, serving over 15,000

students, are offered during weekdays, evening hours and on weekends. The University of Colorado’s Department of Correspondence and Extension was established in Denver in 1912 to meet the needs of a growing population. As course offerings expanded, so did the demand for degree-granting status. The Denver Extension Center was renamed the University of Colorado-Denver Center in 1965, and by 1969, 23 fields of undergraduate study and 11 of graduate study were offered. In 1972, the Colorado General Assembly appropriated funds to build the Auraria Campus, CU Denver’s current site, and renamed the “Center” CU Denver. Two years later, the University of Colorado reorganized into four campuses – Denver, Colorado Springs, Health Sciences Center

(Denver) and Boulder. On June 30, 2004, the University of Colorado Board of Regents gave final approval to the consolidation of the University of Colorado at Denver with the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center. At CU Denver, faculty members bring their work experiences to the classroom; they are aware of the challenges and advances of the urban environment and are responsive to the needs of students and the community. This combination of talented faculty and a highly motivated student body creates a vital and exciting educational environment. The goal is to offer its students the unique educational opportunity to combine real-world experience with academic excellence.

THE MACE _______________________________________________________________________ For centuries, in academic and ecclesiastical processionals, a mace has been carried by the marshal to symbolize the official opening and closing of a formal event. The design of the mace encompasses all aspects of education. A globe representing the worldly scope of education is the base of the staff. The middle of

the design, which is the shaft, represents the profile of the Denver skyline and the Auraria campus. At the top of the mace, flames spiral upward representing the colleges and schools, sending her graduates as bearers of the torch into the community and world.

The pageantry and dress of the academic procession have been inherited from the medieval universities of the eleventh and twelfth centuries where academic life began, first in the church, then in the guilds. The teaching guild was the guild of the Master of Arts. The Bachelor was the apprentice of the Master, and the dress was the outward sign of privilege and responsibility. Principal features of academic dress are the gown, the cap and the hood. Early in its evolution, it became necessary for universities to set rules to preserve the dignity and meaning of the academic dress. Two English universities, Oxford and Cambridge, are particularly noted for the development of the authentic academic costume, which through the centuries has changed only slightly. Formal academic attire for American campuses was established in 1895 with the adoption of the Intercollegiate Code, which prescribed the patterns, colors and materials for each part of the regalia for the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral levels. The American Council of Education presented a revised code, which generally governs the style of academic dress today.

underneath. Gowns vary in their trimming and the sleeve design. The doctoral gown has velvet facings down the front and three velvet chevrons on the bell-shaped sleeves. These velvet trimmings may be black or the prescribed color of the academic area. The master’s gown has oblong sleeves, open at the wrist, while the bachelor’s gown has long pointed sleeves; neither has trimming. The bachelor’s gown is always worn closed; master’s and doctoral gowns may be worn open or closed.

The mace was designed and created by Michael Brohman, instructor in the College of Arts & Media visual arts department, with special emphasis in sculpture and a CU Denver graduate with a Master’s in Architecture and Planning ’95.

THE ACADEMIC REGALIA _______________________________________________________________________

The Gown The flowing gown comes from the twelfth century. While it originally may have been worn as protection against the chill of unheated buildings, today it has become symbolic of the democracy of scholarship, for it covers any dress of rank or social standing

The Cap When Roman law freed the slaves, they won the privilege of wearing a cap. The academic cap is a sign of freedom of scholarship as well as responsibility and dignity. Old poetry records the cap of scholarship as square to symbolize the book. The color of the tassel denotes the discipline. The square black mortarboard is the recommended cap, though some schools have adopted other styles. Doctors may wear a velvet cap with a gold tassel. The Hood The hood identifies the level of the degree, the school that granted it and the academic area. The silk lining of the hood is the color or colors of the school. The color of the facing denotes the discipline represented by the degree. Some of the colors you may see represented today are: Architecture – Blue Violet Arts – White

Business – Sapphire Blue Education – White Education Specialists – Blue Engineering – Orange Environmental Design – Brown Fine Arts – Brown Music – Pink Public Affairs – Peacock Blue Science – Gold The Honor Cords Silver and gold honors cords are worn by graduates who are awarded the following honors by their school or college: Summa cum laude (with highest honors) Magna cum laude (with high honors) Cum laude (with honors) Special honors Honors Distinction The gold and royal blue honors cords designate members of the Golden Key National Honor Society. The red and white cords recognize those students who have served through their participation in Student Government. Red, white and blue cords are worn by millitary veterans. Royal blue cords signify a contribution to their graduating class gift. Sky blue cords are worn by members of the Scholar Community.

THE UNIVERSITY SEAL _______________________________________________________________________ In its history, the University of Colorado has used three different seals. The current seal, adopted in 1908, depicts a male Greek classical figure sitting in front of a pillar and holding a scroll. Next to the figure, laurel branches frame a burning torch. The inscription in Greek reads “Let Your Light Shine.” The seal’s designer, Henry Read of Denver, chose the classical motif because Greek civilization “stands as the criterion of culture.” The laurel symbolizes honor or success, the

youth suggests the “morning of life” and the scroll represents written language. From 1893 to 1908, the University seal was a copy of Wyon’s medallion, “Science Trims the Lamp of Life.” In this version, a Greek woman knelt before a lamp, and stalks of mariposa lilies decorated the border. Before 1893, an adaptation of the Colorado State Seal was used, but it was never adopted by the Board of Regents. The seal is used primarily on official documents,


such as diplomas and transcripts that have been issued on behalf of the University. The Board of Regents uses the seal on its official documents and publications. The seal also appears on the President’s Chain of Office, the University Mace, Regent regalia and various formal publications.

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