English dossier of ours tours

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We are a a cultural association since 2012.

Tours, cultural activities, conferences, historical researches, presentations of publications and other non-profit activities for different socially vulnerable groups.

Our goal is to recover the historical rigor regarding the dissemination of the heritage of Toledo among residents and visitors. We are historians, writers, official guides, reporters, journalists and teachers, specialized in the field of Heritage of the city.

HOW WE WORK Our tours are unique: cause we design them. We customize our price to meet the specific needs and expectations of our clients in an efficient way. We have daily departure tours: public tours, from 2 people to 50; and private, for just one person or for groups. We’ve never cancelled a tour. We have special prices for tour-operators and travel agencies regarding all our services. We have agreements with different wineries, hotels, restaurants, Arabic baths‌ We work with the best ones. If you are traveling from Madrid, we offer different options including transport by minibus or car, as well as additional service agreements with restaurants, hotels and other leisure and entertainment or cultural interest places in Toledo to complement the offer of our services.

OUR TOURS We do guided walking tours by day or by night. We can deal historical, cultural, children or leisure topics 365 days a year. Toledo is the only city in the world that preserves two synagogues and two medieval mosques within its old historic part of the city. It also has one of the greatest and most astonishing cathedrals in Europe. It is known as the City of the Three Cultures and it is the paradigm of the clash among cultures and civilizations. Based on this uniqueness, we try to offer originality and innovation, through a wide range of products, suitable for different interests and budgets. We have created our own and unique tours, more than 20, all with different itineraries or thematic focuses. No one in Toledo offers such a wide variety. We introduce you some of our highlights.

TOUR MOMUMENTAL GRECO An exhaustive itinerary around the different quarters of the Three Cultures. The starting point is Zocodover Square and from there, we will go into the Muslim, Christian and Jewish quarters to get to know their culture, their customs and traditions and legends. We will contemplate the legacy of the different civilizations that have left their traces and remnants in the city of Toledo: Bronze Age, Carpetani, Visigoths, Romans, Muslims, Jews and Christians. We will also tackle the legacy of El Greco in the Fourth Centenary of his birth and we will the work that is preserved in the Cathedral. We will enter the Mosque of El Cristo de la Luz, Synagogue of El TrĂĄnsito and the Church of Santo TomĂŠ.

TOUR LEGENDARY TOLEDO This legendary aspect of the city has many unknown writings regarding the Imperial Capital and provides us an excellent idea of its historical archives. We will go around the most unknown quarters of the city of Toledo walking through the labyrinth of the Islamic and convent streets… we will discover the mystic writers, some night duel signs with swords in the least busy streets, the Inquisition secret prisons, some forgotten and nowvanished narrow streets… We will get to know the most astonishing legends of the Magic City: alchemists, wise persons, witchcraft… and we will visit two subterranean spaces.

TOUR SUBTERRANEAN TOLEDO From time immemorial, people from Toledo used to dig the solid rocks of the city with different aims: water supply, refuges during wars, secret passages, construction of thermal baths and tunnels‌ This gave rise to many legends over the centuries which, in some cases, contained historical and known information and in some other cases they tried to explain unexplainable aspects.

OUR CLIENTS Our best (and favorite) ambassadors are our daily visitors. We’ve got near 400 opinions at TripAdvisor from them. Let them talk for us: "Cuentametoledo" is a clear example of the other value that treasures the city of Toledo and that means the souls that inhabit here, seriously involved not only to maintain its life and culture alive, but also to work in the research with the utmost rigor to expand the excep=onal heritage of this city… It is a clear recommendable experience, let them tell you all about it and enjoy Toledo”. Antzama (Villena-­‐Alicante) “Manuel Palencia is an excep=onal story-­‐teller. You can see that he loves what he does and he perfectly knows how to transmit such passion for his city. He catches your con=nuous aNen=on and interest for two hours and you feel =me flies by in the blink of an eye”. Susana Murciano (Valencia-­‐Spain) “Far from the bustling city of Toledo at the main business hours, this tour introduces you into the most quiet and noiseless and evoca=ve streets of the historical past of the city. The knowledge and the way the guide explains everything are excellent”. Ana (Bilbao-­‐Spain) “Cuentame Toledo Rutas runs fascina=ng English-­‐speaking walking tours of the city that highlight some of the less well known sites, such as an underground dwelling where a Jewish family prac=sed their religion in secret just streets away from the Inquisi=on’s notorious prison, as well as the major tourist des=na=ons such as the cathedral and El Greco”

We’ve got some other clients:

PARTNERS We have agreements with different hotels, restaurants, Arabic baths, travel agencies, webs… We work with the best ones. Here you go a list: Hotel Eurostar Palacio Buenavista

Cigarral El Bosque

Restaurante El Mentidero


Hacienda del Cardenal

Cigarral de Caravantes

Restaurante Kumera


Hotel Casona de la Reyna

Cigarral del Pintor

Restaurante La Flor de la Esquina


Hotel Abad Toledo

Posada de Manolo

En grupo Viajes


Hostal Puerta de Bisagra

Posada de Zocodover

Elige Tu Viaje


Hotel La Bastida

Albergue San Servando. REAJ

Viajes Servitur


Hotel Imperial

Albergue Los Pascuales

Agencia de Viajes Tornerías

Hotel princesa Galiana

Apartamentos El Grial

Nuestras Rutas

Hotel Martín

Apartamentos Casa de los Mozárabes


Hotel Domus

Baños Árabes Medina Mudéjar


Hotel santa Isabel

Madrid a Pie


Hotel Eurico

Agencia Halcón Viajes


Hotel Fontecruz Eugenia de Montijo

Viajes El Corte Inglés


Hotel Layos Golf (Layos)

Code Gift


CONTACT Alicia MartĂ­nez - Sales manager E - comercial@cuentametoledo.com T - (+34) 608 935 856 W - cuentametoledo.com A - Bajada del Corral de D. Diego, 5, 45001, Toledo

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