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Tyndale A R E FO R M AT I O N O R ATO R IO

by Josh Bauder



A word from the composer...

Few individuals have exerted on the En-

glish world greater influence with less acknowledgment than William Tyndale. His translation of the New Testament and Pentateuch not only codified early modern English (similar to what Luther’s translation did for German) but also directly influenced successive Bibles, chiefly the 1611 Authorized Version.

Tyndale’s objective was not to create a

literary monument to himself, but to provide his fellow countrymen with an accurate and understandable version of the Word of God, so that, reading and interpreting it themselves, they would be able to separate truth from error, wisdom from folly, gospel from law.

Reducing Tyndale’s life and work to a digestible scale and transforming

them into a musical oratorio have presented daunting problems which I have only imperfectly solved, but at no point have I doubted by the worthiness of my topic. My hope is that this piece may act as a telescope to the sixteenth century, and that its lenses, though flawed by clumsiness and colored by dramatization, may reveal to you a better glimpse of the remarkable courage and sacrifice of this overlooked scholar-saint, and of the gracious providence of God.



Liberetto...............................................................................................................4 Participants...........................................................................................................9 Acknowledgements............................................................................................10 Singer Biographies.............................................................................................11 Become a Deo Cantamus Partner.....................................................................12 Program Advertising...........................................................................................13 Congregational Music....................................................................................Insert

What a blessing

it has been to work with Josh Bauder

these past several years. I can still see him, in my mind’s eye, in the front row of the men’s choir for one of the earliest Deo Cantamus events – a benefit for the Urban Initiative ministry. I count it a privilege that we have had some small part in promoting his music. From “Psalm 149” to “God Be in My Head” to Grace Alone to Abraham to The Five Solas of the Reforma-

tion, it has been exciting to be part of his journey as a brilliant young composer. God will, I’m certain, be glorified through his works for many years to come.

During the warmups and prayer time before the first

seems inadequate for the tireless effort these people give

performance of Abraham – An Oratorio For Worship, all the

and I feel privileged that I get to be the one who conducts.

performing forces were gathered in the choir room making

I’m especially grateful for the work of the singers in the

preparations and Josh said to me “...you know what’s next,

children’s chorus. Time and time again they have shown that

don’t you?” That was the fall of 2014 and he was anticipating

they are up to the challenge of making great music sound

the 500th anniversary of the Reformation three years before


what you will hear this afternoon. Needless to say, tonight’s

Thank you all for coming. We do hope you enjoy the

event has been in the works for a long time and you are all in

event, but more importantly, we hope the music gives you

for a special treat.

opportunity to reflect on our rich Christian heritage and the

An event like this requires the help of so many peo- love of our Savior.

ple and Deo Cantamus of Minnesota is fortunate to have so

soli deo gloria!

many that give of their time to contribute. “Thank you” always


PART I No. 1 How Beautifull Are the Fete How beautifull are the fete of them which bringe glad tydynges of peace and bringe glad tydyings of good things.



Vnto me the lest of all sayntes is this grace geven that I shuld preache the unsearchable riches of Christ and to make all men se what is the felyshippe of the mistery which from the begynnynge of the worlde hath bene hid. That ye beynge roted and grounded in loue might be able to comprehende what ys that bredth aud length, deepth and heyth: and to know what is the love of Christ.

No. 2 The Vale of Berkeley NARRATOR AND ORCHESTRA No. 3 Kyrie


Kyrie eleison.

No. 4 The Wittenberg Door


We are righteous, not in works but in the faith of the Son of God. All our sin is swallowed up by the righteousness of Christ. If I have sinned, yet my Christ, whom I believe, has not sinned, and all of His is mine, His blood and priestly line; this door shall be the sign of grace divine through faith.

Redeemed from evil, adorned with goodness, No guilt can now consume us, no sinfulness can doom us; And we live for Christ through whom God saved us. Amen.

They err who exalt the Pope over councils and creeds. They err who ascribe to him alone the right to interpret Scripture. They err who insist that man is saved by works or laws. They err who deny the power within the Word of God.

No. 5 Oxford



No. 6 Hey Hey-Oh



The relics of Paul are by thousands adored; His writings, by contrast, are largely ignored. His letters and books are not honored or read; We care for his bones but don’t care what he said.

The Church peddles pardons for moral mistakes. It calls them indulgences; I call them fakes. As far as the name goes, it fits pretty well ‘Cause Rome’s just about as indulgent as—.

The coins that you cough up are carted to Rome To pay for the painting of Saint Peter’s dome: They feed the Pope’s penchant for fine foreign foods And fund Michaelangelo’s frescos of nudes.

It’s time to put all this abuse to an end. The first step is translating Scripture, my friend. Erasmus and Luther have started the blaze And now it’s our job to make sure that it stays.

Erasmus amassed us the Scriptures in Greek, And Luther recast them how common men speak. If truth is the egg for which Germany prayed, Then Luther has hatched what Erasmus has laid.

We read Aristotle as if he’s divine From copies in Greek numb’ring just forty-nine. The Bible’s compiled from five thousand at least And yet you can’t read it unless you’re a priest. Hey hey-oh, rhyme for a dime and a Hey hey-oh, time for one more.


At Oxford and Cambridge I’ve often espied Both wisdom and folly, both prudence and pride; But if there’s one thing of which I am assured, It’s that it’s my mission to translate the Word: I’ll translate the gospels, I’ll translate the law, I’ll translate (with joy) the epistle of straw, And though it demand all my strength, all my skill, I’ll give it my life or my name isn’t Will.


No. 7 I Wryte Vnto You







Open thou mine eyes, that I may see the wondrous things of thy law.

Continue thou in the thynges which thou hast learned. A learned man said to me that we are better without God’s law than the pope’s. Deliver me, for I do not forget thy law.

Study to shewe thy silfe laudable vnto God, dividynge the worde of trueth iustly.

I defy the Pope and all his laws. If God spare my life, ere many years I will cause a boy that driveth the plow to know more of the scriptures than he.

CHILDREN: I will speak of all thy testimonies also, even before kings, and will not be ashamed.


As thou hast known holy scripture of a chylde which is able to make thee wyse vnto salvation thorowe the fayth which ys in Christ Iesu.




wryte vnto you, little children, how that youre synns are forgiven you. I wryte vnto you, yonge men, how that the worde of God abydeth in you. I wryte unto you how that ye are stronge. O stablish thy word in thy servant, that I may fear thee.

And cleve vnto the true worde of doctryne.

No. 8 Credo


Yes, I believe in Him who is Almighty, Father, God, Who made all things in heaven, earth, Who made them very good.

From there one day He will return To judge the souls of men; The small and great, living and dead, Must all before Him stand.

Yes, I believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord, Begotten by the Spirit and Of Virgin Mary born.

Yes, I believe the Holy Ghost Is very God who calls The penitent to His True Church, Where each communes with all.



Who from descent to depths of earth The third day rose again, Ascended into heaven where He sits at God’s right hand.

Who under Pontius Pilate’s hand Was scorned and suffered grief; Who then was crucified and, dead, Laid in a borrowed grave;


Yes, I believe God does forgive The sins of those who come To Him confessing Jesus Lord And trusting in His name. Yes, I believe the righteous dead Christ’s resurrection share, That blessed life with Him for all Eternity is theirs.

PART II No. 9 Ship the Scholar Down

No. 10 Your Majesty, Your Majesty


Thy task is now that the Word of God be written So the boy at the plow may rebuke the papacy. So ship the scholar down to sea: from the shores of Britain Send the ship to Germany.

Not flesh and blood but the demon host we wrestle, That the Scripture may flood over England’s thirsty lea; So ship the scholar down to sea in the swiftest vessel: Send the ship to Germany.

True men, begird you: though here the truth is hidden, Yet the light of His word may in other land be free; So ship the scholar down to sea where the work is bidden: Send the ship to Germany.

Fear not the grave nor the threat of pain or prison, For the Lord frees the slave in the Year of Jubilee; So ship the scholar down to sea ‘ere the sun is risen: Send the ship to Germany.

Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Hosts: heaven and earth are full of thy glory: Hosanna, in the highest. Blessed is he that commeth in the name of the Lord: Glory to thee, O lord in the highest.


Your majesty, your majesty, This thing’s become a tragedy. The peasant boys who drive the plow Can read an English Bible now. Who needs a Bible anyway? The Church can teach us what to say.

Track them. Snare them. The Church is God’s custodian Crack them. Tear them. To make the world utopian.

I propose we make a stand. It’s time to take Tyndale in hand. I’ll make a law and heads will roll— Of course it’s all to save his soul. And if he won’t cooperate, He’ll face the judgment of the State.

Find him. Turn him. We’ll show him that he must repent. Bind him. Burn him. We will not tolerate dissent!

We’ll find him in the winter And we’ll try him in the spring; We’ll take this Lutheran printer and we’ll let the hangman do his thing. In summertime we’ll string a line, and in the fall we’ll watch him swing.

Take him. Rend him. It’s one of many reasons Break him. End him. I’m a man for all seasons.

No. 11 Betrayed



No. 12 If They Shall Burn Me




If they shall burn me, mourn me not.

is none other way into the kingdom of life than the suffering of pain, after the model of Christ. For Christ also suffered for us. Hereby have we perceived love: that He laid down His life for us. Therefore we ought to be able to lay down our lives for the brethren. What love the Father has shown us, that we should be called God’s children. O Lambe of GOD, sonne of the father, that takest awaye the synnes of the worlde, have mercie upon us.

No. 13 Jesus Lives and So Shall I

No. 14 Away With Him!



Jesus lives, and reigns supreme, And, his kingdom still remaining, I shall also be with him, Ever living, ever reigning. God has promised: be it must: Jesus is my Hope and Trust.

Jesus lives, I know full well Nought from him my heart can sever, Life nor death nor pow’rs of hell, Joy nor grief, hence forth forever. None of all His saints is lost: Jesus is their Hope and Trust.

SOLOISTS AND CHORUS: Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Alleluia.


Jesus lives, and so shall I. Death! thy sting is gone forever! He who deigned for me to die Lives, the band of death to sever. He shall raise me from the dust: Jesus is my Hope and Trust.


Awaye with him, awaye with him. We have a lawe and by oure lawe he ought to dye.

No. 15 Open the King of England’s Eyes TYNDALE AND CHORUS:

Lord, open the King of England’s eyes.

No. 16 Gloria

Jesus lives, and death is now But my entrance into glory. Courage then, my soul, for thou Hast a crown of life before thee; Thou shalt find thy hopes were just; Jesus is thy Hope and Trust.


Participants SOPRANO Leah McIntire-Barnett* Remembrance Douglas Marian Christopherson Aleta Jackson Kristin Jorgensen Megan Kesler Samantha Laumann Sarah Leitzke Bonnie Oberg Lila Olson Grace Ruegemer Loretta Schofield Jennifer Swedberg

Noelle Anderson Jordanna Clark Lauren Cowell Chloe Emslie Paige Emslie Emma Field Elissa Johnson Emma Lund


ALTO Emma Anderson Kerri-Lym Bielinski Erika Brown Christa Christensen Rachel Fitzsimmons Annelies Harmon Megan Haynes Debbie Isaacs Ingrid Johnson Jenny Pacyna Sarah Poorman Leah Sawtelle Lauren Walker*

TENOR Matthew Bruffey Shawn Cowell Kent Halsey Rich Jansma Richard Joseph Jeff Raehl* Jerry Schwenke Brad Smith Jake Thede* Gary Whiteford

children’s choir

Kassandra Meijia Lavinovitch Vadim Meijia Lavinovitch Anna Linebaugh Rachel Linebaugh Elianna Morris Hannah Morris Micah Morris

Laura Olson Britte Ryden Josiah Schleusner Kyla Schleusner Malia Schleusner Emily Schmidt* Hannah Sloane

BASS James Anderson Dave Barnett Ben Chen Kimball Cummings Matt Ferguson* Jason Floyd Michael Golightly Raymond Graybar Josiah Miller Nate Morris Tom Oberg* Doug Rasmuson Caleb Siefkes

Joy Sporleder Dawit Swartzendruber Samuel Swartzendruber Sophia Verette Regina Vinjamuri Sydney Weisser Rachel Wilcox

* indicates soloist

VIOLIN I Erika Blanco David Kozamchak Mikki Johnston

VIOLIN II Angela Hanson Nathan Wilson Heidi Sawyer

OBOE Caroline Schmitter TUBA Zach Strahan


VIOLA Charles Gray Stephanie Crabb

CELLO Ben Osterhouse Lindsay Schlemmer

BASS Krista Kopper

CLARINET Jan Possehl Scholl

TRUMPET Miriam Dennis Neil Baumgartner

HORN Becky Jyrkas Laura Kozamchak

TROMBONE Jeremy Kolwinska

ORGAN Carol Kilian

PERCUSSION Stephen Shealy

PIANO Kay Hawkins

Cassidy Marshall Rebecca Johnson


Acknowledgements Nystrom Publishing.............................................................................................. Printing Amanda Lendt.............................................................................................Graphic Artist Fourth Baptist Church...................................................Rehearsal/Performance Facility Kay Hawkins.................................................................................Rehearsal Accompanist Dunham Bible Museum........................................................... Tyndale display artifacts Kay Van Matre.............................................................................Tyndale display curator Ben Hanson.....................................................................................................Photography Chris LeVang............................................................................................................. Sound Lyndon Hanson..................................................................................................... Lighting Ben Rathbun................................................................................................. Audio-Visual Rob Riley..........................................................................................................Live-Stream

A Very Special “Thank You” to our Deo Cantamus Supporters ASSOCIATE ($500 OR MORE) Keith and Marge Moulton SPONSOR ($250 OR MORE) Howard and Edy Johnson Seth and Charity Streblow DONOR ($100 OR MORE) Jay Kroese Dan and Dorathy Larson Randi and Josh Streblow CONTRIBUTOR ($50 OR MORE) Timothy and Ruth Clark Al Johnson


Raymond Graybar, baritone, is a life-long native of La Crosse WI and a graduate of Viterbo University with his BA in Vocal Performance. He has received accolades in numerous national competitions including the regional MET auditions, the National NATS Vocal Competition, Schubert Club Scholarship Competition, and the National Classical Singer Competitions. Lead roles have included Figaro in Mozart’s Le Nozze Di Figaro or Dandini in Rossini’s La Cenerentola. Mr. Graybar is currently teaching private voice lessons and middle school choir in La Crosse. “I accepted Christ as my savior at the young age of 8 years old in a small church in West Salem WI. I’ve been “singing God’s praises ever since.” Dr. Gerard Sundberg is a graduate of Bethel College (St. Paul, MN), and holds both Master of Fine Arts and Doctor of Musical Arts degrees from the University of Minnesota where he studied voice with Clifton Ware and Roy Schuessler. He is presently Professor Emeritus of Voice at Wheaton Conservatory of Music (Wheaton, IL), where he taught studio voice and vocal pedagogy. He recently relocated to the Twin City area, and is an adjunct voice professor at Bethel University. Performances for the 2016-17 season included Handel Messiah with the Atlanta Symphony and Chamber Chorus; Finzi In Terra Pax with Northside United Methodist Church, Atlanta, GA; Brahms Ein Deutsches Requiem with the North Carolina Master Chorale, Raleigh, NC; Mendelssohn Elijah with Bel Canto Chorus, Milwaukee; BWV 9, 38, 79, 80, and 192 J.S. Bach cantatas with the Peoria Bach Festival. This season (2017-18) will include Josh Bauder Tyndale: A Reformation Oratorio with Deo Cantamus, Minneapolis; Handel Messiah with the Chicago Master Chorale; Bach Magnificat with Camerata Chicago; Vaughan Williams Fantasia on Christmas Carols with Bethel University; and Mozart Regina coeli and Handel Messiah (part 1) with the Atlanta Symphony and Chamber Chorus. "Throughout my career I have had a constant and continuous prayer that the Lord Jesus Christ would choose to glorify Himself through my teaching and performing. I have an ongoing desire to instill that desire in the Christian students I work with." Richard Joseph, tenor, is an up and coming artist in the Twin Cities, having sung with MN Opera, MN Chorale, Metropolitan Symphony and the Lyra Baroque Orchestra. Richard is a DMA candidate at the University of Minnesota where he studies with Adriana Zabala. He holds a M.M. in Voice Performance from Florida State University and a B.A. from Clearwater Christian College. Richard has performed with several groups in the Twin Cities including Vocal Essence in the role of Johnny Inkslinger in their revival production of Paul Bunyan, Beethoven's 9th symphony in his debut with the Minnesota Chorale and Metropolitan Symphony, St. Kate's Choral society, and Greater Twin Cities Youth Symphony. Richard sang with Mill City Summer Opera as a studio artist for two years and performed the role of Spoletta in Puccini’s Tosca during his third season with the company. He also sang the role of Fenton in the University Opera Theater's production of Falstaff, and has sung several comprimario roles for Minnesota Opera. In addition to performing, Richard teaches at University of Northwestern St. Paul, where he is a Lecturer in Music: Voice, and at Anoka Ramsey Community College. “I am thankful for the opportunity to sing with Deo Cantamus where I can use my voice to worship our Savior with like-minded musicians.” Dr. Greg Stiekes, pastor and seminary professor, currently pastors Gateway Baptist Church in Travelers Rest, SC while serving on the faculty at Bob Jones University Seminary in Greenville, where he teaches graduate classes in New Testament and directs the Doctorate of Ministry program. Greg and his wife, Rena, originally earned their master’s degrees in speech performance and taught on the speech faculty at Northland Baptist Bible College before coming to Fourth Baptist Church in 1994, where Greg served as Youth Pastor under Pastor Doug McLachlan for seven years while earning his MDiv at Central Seminary. Greg was then called to pastor Bethany Bible Church in Hendersonville NC, during which time he earned a ThM degree at Erskine Seminary, and later moved to Wake Forest, NC where he earned a PhD in New Testament at Southeastern Seminary. Greg acted and performed in numerous college productions during his years as a speech teacher, though his main interest today is preaching, teaching, and writing. “From my earliest days as a young believer till now, the Lord has given me a love for the Word of God and a desire to study it and proclaim it. I am grateful for the work of Josh Bauder and for the opportunity to help share through his oratorio the great story of Tyndale’s passion to communicate the Word to the world.”



We’re making a difference...

“...When I think of Deo Cantamus, I think of truth. So much of what we hear today is based off a false hope and world view. However, we sing for God! Our Rock and our salvation!...” ~ Shawn “...Time and time again you’ve programmed my music, prepared it carefully, and interpreted it faithfully. Additionally, many of the most important career opportunities I’ve had can be traced directly back to my involvement with this organization. I’m so grateful and I hope when I’m older I can help influence and establish young artists as selflessly as you have me.” ~ Josh “...What an inspiration it is to add my voice to the Deo Cantamus choir. Each concert I have been a part of offers a glimpse of the eternal gift of music and the joy of joining with others to offer that gift back to our Creator...” ~ Ingrid “...What a great joy to sing with other believers for the faith that we commonly share! Thinking back on Abraham, Remember, and Jubilate Deo, every single piece has helped me to deepen my faith with my Savior...” ~ Ben “...Annika & I went to see Hannah, we know that her days on this earth are quickly coming to a close. She asked Annika to sing to her and she (Annika) said “can I sing ‘Goin’ Up Yonder?” which she learned with “Let the Children Praise.” It was an incredibly precious moment as Hannah held Annika’s hand and said “oh yes, thank you, thank you!!” I sat there stunned by the beauty in this moment. As we were driving home Annika said “Mom, singing that for Hannah was even better than singing it for the entire crowd at the concert!” ~ Doreen

...partner with us.

introducing become a member of this exclusive program by making an investment in the future of deo cantamus.


Whatever degree program you pursue, you’ll have opportunities to grow as a musician in a community focused on excellence. From choirs to orchestras to small ensembles, you’ll find more than a dozen music groups to join. And every year you’ll enjoy performances and masterclasses by world-famous guest artists.

13 Find out more at www.bju.edu/music


Sing skillfully with a shout of joy! Ps. 33:3 (NIV)

Lila Olson

Voice Instructor  Singing  Speech  Perfor mance  Workshops  Adjudication




Fourth Baptist C









9:15 AM Sunday School/Adult Bible Fellowships 10:30 AM Worship Service 6:00 PM Sunday Evening Service


fourthbaptist.org JANUARY 20, 2018



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