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portofolio based on 4thgrade Ping Chun Shih

1 正面。導著街巷、功能於建築,是也彰顯著一些正面、背面下的帶著巨大設備的街巷是城市的後場,是一連續的背面,引於常態認為產生迴避性的巷弄或建築產生反思。遠方的街景,在主觀感受上,好似帶了強烈引導性,這對巷弄裡,過於單一水平延伸的物件,在視覺上顯著標註著在行走經驗裡,反覆出現的大尺度設備,夾雜在巷弄間。


project 1 765congregate432urbanintroductionabsurdumarboretumDesignresearchDesigndevelopmentFinalDesignhouseDesignresearchDesigndevelopmentFinalDesign

project 2: According to the fact that this site will develop into congregate house in few years, I consider whether there is the possibility of building in urban residential use but keeping this specific environment.





1: An urban arboretum is regarding how the nature fit in the ruins and grow into a new nature and become a new coexisting situation. As far as this situation being concerned, the artificial transfers to new nature, mixing to a post nature which is an environment including both the artificial and nature.

In use of the tool of topology optimization and expectation of the development of 3D printer in concrete, I try to change the building type that judging by the economic modernism modules and parking space.


stone material made from shattering and restructuring gravel stones, have been remained in the process of human beings staying and leaving; then, with the seeds, dust and water bringing by birds, wind and rain, plants lived in the ruins, stretching arms on the ground, cracking the stone into fragments

based on 4thgrade



The site, marked in red "factory", sit in the middle part of this picture, being seen as the part in the spread of the industry in the east side where farmlands and industries stood organically around the Fazi river; when, it still functioned as a textile factory three decades ago. In recent years, however, the regulations of industry and farmland is gradually complete; thus, factories are going to move out to industrial area or change the factory properties to agriculture purpose. In summary, the future of this site will become the congregate house, one of role in the expansion of the south residential area. the expansion of the residential

Site : Zhongyong Rd. , Nantun Dist. , Taichung City, Taiwan

4 1introduction

01 site/environment/observation

Post nature system, co-existing environment


▼ the gap of the roof sheet

The break gaps of the factory let the light, rains and dust come in and precipitate on the objects originally scatterd around the ground; therefore, plants or seeds brought by animals and birds start to parasite some objects.

of different substaces, plants stretch their branches, flourish vibrantly and form some interesting condition- furniture covered by plants, cabinets climbed by fevervines and iron sheet submerged by fevervines- from the tiny crack on the artifacts.

Another noticeable phenomenon is the fragmentizing on the surface of the terrezo floor, a material comprised by rock shatters, so it could be demonstrated as a re-organized relationship. furthermore, different textures form in this vivid post nature system.

6 1introduction 01


1/400 plan


1introduction 02 definition

terrazzo define nature the nature

textile factory sample house

We can see this hybrid environment match each other vividly, so the artificial objects could some arguement, we might understand easily as starting to unfold the sequence of the layers cultivated plants in many ways. In another word, this kind of system could be learned in postnaturalism- a cultural process whereby organisms are bred to satisfy a specific cultural by reflecting desires and beliefs prevalent at the time of breeding. In summary, I read this

fevervine fineleafbluestem

original plantsland


terrazzo stone, calciumwall silicate of the homeless grind stone, wall

elephant's ear

roots, stemmulberry post naturehybrid

could be defined in a new role, nature environment. While this new identities of artifact have layers in different times: the artificial layers are just similar to the different sort of earth in architecture ranging from forms, types or relationships, thus, I cite the definition of the purpose. It can be used to read these organisms, which serve as insights into our culture post nature and hope to learn from it.



Sampling the factory's phenomenon on the terrezzo iron, sticky substance, grind stone, dust and soil, presenting This texture symbolize the temporary outcome of post-natural substances and artificial products. Thus, I put some specifically random pattern; then, considering whether this kind of random.

10 2 design research 01 texture/biomimicry

in gray scale Distinguishes the convex from concave parts.


Casted cement is embedded by the parts of resampling different friction and deposition. Same state also happened

Both model convey the state which is in pseudo-random

terrezzo ground. It's the mixed aggregate of rust presenting a relation of coexisit and corrosion. post-natural which constructed by the natural some digital perspective on this factory and there is a new digital pattern can describe

negative model


after-casting model


resampling one's. The impact is a phenomenon of happened on the after-casting one's. pseudo-random appearance and homogeneously scatter.

coexisitFeature: and corrosion, deposition of dust, soil and... pseudo-randomstate: appearance, homogeneously scatter.

grid definition

An offset vector is a displacement vector the candidate point.

12 2 design research 02 biomimicry random/perlin noise

dot point

Perlin noise is a procedural texture primitive, a type of gradient noise used by visual effects artists to increase the appearance of realism in computer graphics. The function has a pseudo-random appearance.

For each corner, we take the dot product vector and the offset vector to the candidate

perlin noise

pseudo-randomFeature: appearance homogeneously scatter anchores with vectors

This dot product will be zero if the candidate at the grid corner.

_cite from

Define an n-dimensional grid where each grid intersection has associated with it a fixed random n-dimensional unit-length gradient vector, except in the one dimensional case where the gradients are random scalars between -1 and 1.

perlin noise

The final step is interpolation between the 2 n dot products. Interpolation is performed using a function that has zero first derivative (and possibly also second derivative) at the 2n grid nodes.

This means that the noise function will pass through zero at every node, giving Perlin noise its characteristic look.

As different plants, relationshop of parasite and some paradigms of post nature become different interpolations.

process vectorsscatterappearance

how to form the perlin-noise surface roof? ground? middle layer?


candidate point is exactly

13 vectorWikipediafromthat corner to product between its gradient candidate point.

Therefore, at points close to the grid nodes, the output will approximate the dot product of the gradient vector of the node and the offset vector to the node.

different seeds for different generative outcomes.

perlin noise plugin development


prototype segment

Considering the different plants, and some paradigms of postSomeDifferentBecausecould

01 perlin noise/grasshopper/proposal

perlin noise surface


3 design

Figuring out what type is the better one and what is the standard of the evaluation: site closing to the group of the original plants, old factory structure or some possible activities.

Sampling one segment for a pseudo-random appearance and homogeneously scatter


plants, relationshop of parasite post nature as factors.

Some imagination for how the segment influence the site.

theFeature:factor of weight/gravity deform original surface

Different holes act for what: sunlights, rain, or vision transfer. Because the canopy-like one is such a heterogeneous form that could emphasis some negligible values.

noise surface proposals modeling process


A gradient model for plants behavior observation.

boundaries downup


perlin srf

Ground Strategy: the feature of accumulation gradient (embodyingstatethe property of the post nature state - fragmentizing)

perlin noise segment

ground strategy

16 3 design development 01 perlin noise/grasshopper/proposal

In this model, I arrange little sized gravels to bigger ones from center to outside and cast some concrete to outermost layer.

17 kangaroo edge pt selection ▼ scenario excavate land to the sunkun ground returningFeature: to original land / accumulating earth, dust and water fragmentizing)from

the nature : plants surviving

At this time, the whole roof start to be define as the "re-natural " nature environment made by human; Nevertheless, the thing also need to be figured out is the connection - filling the gap of the re-nature and post-nature. real plants model. think for the relationship between structure the same time plants make the space and structure.



▲ a

truly interesting I

▼ a organic unit test

the signal of the post nature

and void space. It is

After judging the ground strategy (a signal of the post nature), I zoom in to the iron sheet on the bottom of the roof, seeing that and question whether these textures of iron sheet could symbolized a new relationship. As the factory's original state, iron sheet roof has been dominated the down part function for decades, thus, what about reverse this condition and transfer some green plants to the roof - a concept of the plant pot.

18 3 design development 02 strategy

19 the coming of plants based on the historical factory texture the metaphor of the reversed relation of the human beyond the nature re-natural : man-made environmant post nature : living the connection : the synchronization of structure and void humanandplants ▲ simulation for casting iron sheet, adding some iron web to make the model more gripped and rigid and trying the hole size for planting. ▼ senerio for the connection

Zone of connection: With the point of view in plants' root system, we see how the plants support itself from the human-made pot.

re-nature 3 design development 03 topology optimization

20 topology optimization scale1D resolution loading value material property thickness filter higher value, iternationthicker operation buttom computer memory

Following this conceptual model, It is the strong state that could emphasis the co-exsistence relationship in tree-made void space (involving human activities).

▲ The void and structure of the roots the experiment pot that focusing the mulberry's roots development

typology prototype

21 optimization



smooth iteration

22 3 design development 04 construction process 1st casting holes for joint 2nd holes3connectioncastingrdcastingforplants


4 final design

Public toilet

26 1/400 +200 PLAN

Fern area

stair factory'sbesidewall UP

Rooting forest

rooting forest rooting forest


1/400 +450 PLAN

28 scenic terrace


lie down terrace theatermulberry scenic terrace scenic terrace

1/100 +750 plan DN DN DN 1/400 +750 PLAN

lie down terrace

textile2005factory textile2012factory

The basic FAR=3000*360%=10800m2 (not involving area of Mechanical and Electrical Equipment and Elevator hall) Mechanical and Electrical Equipment:10800*15%=1620m2 Elevator hall=10800*10%=1080m2

Thus, here is the assumption of the floor area:

The whole area =10800+1620+1080=13500

parking space limits in land regulation

Furthermore, if the project appropriate some specific purposes, the FAR can be extended but below the maximum of 420%, such as building setback >= 4m, public facilities >= 100m2 or the area of the legal building more than 30 years >= 1/2.

Following the land regulation (controlling volume and height of buildings by Floor-Area Ratio (FAR) and Building Coverage Ratio (BCR) in each zone. ), the FAR amd BCR are 280% and 55% respectively.

Parking space:(13500-150)/150=89 89 cars are required in land regulation, which means (in the condition of each family having one car this congregate house) the average inner space area is below 150m2.

30 5 issue research 01 land regulation/sitetextiledata1970factory

Parking space have defined the most of nowadays architecture in Taiwan for decades. Those modern modules emphasize economy efficiency and practicability after the war in 1930s, but those established impression of city give us the question about "why not try to give a new scope to develop new one."

31 factory congregate202_ house future202_

32 5 issue research 02 Domino-prototype _cite from thesis "AN INQUIRY INTO THE DESIGN POTENTIALS BY YASEMIN

Figure 4.8 Chart showing the Dom-ino units with different plan types. Developed and produced by the author.


Modernism module represent the changeable and liberated properties on the floor plan. But what is the new possibility of modern space? the state of plants' roots, customized saparation of plan or...




34 6 design(ii) development 01 strategy ▼ arches structure in building and parking space ▼ arches structure in different heights ▲ 2F parking For the▲ 4 cars arch system ▲ arrangement on the arches ▼ fundamental findings for not deconstructing the original factory structure

35 ▼ steps parking space and public spaces purpose of preserving bottom plants ▲ assembled units (but the structures are over duplicated) ▲ study for the synchronization of structure and void ▲ whole structure culculating including arch, parking space and multiple living layers the signal of the post nature the coming of re-natural : man-made environmantthe nature : plants surviving post nature : living the connection : the synchronization of structure and void humanandplants

selected fundamental

02 selected points

Following the purpose of preserving structure of factory, setting a range for finding fundaments and not destroy the original ones. The site and figures are not only used in the concept but also offered for culculating in the topology optimization. range for new structure topology optimization

▼ appropriate

design(ii) development

36 6

the size of



selected points fundamental finding

6 design(ii) development 03 topology optimization topology optimization scale1D resolution loading value material property thickness filter higher value, iternationthicker operation buttom computer memory

Topology optimization the synchronization of structure and void

changing support site

Sensitivity filter (branches width)

Topology optimization present an strong suitability between load and support, emancipating the constraints on the system in Modernism. With the technology on robotic manufacturing automation and generative design, structural analysis give architects design freedom to perform form finding on the basis of topology optimization.

Sensitivity filter (branches width)

Topology optimization present an strong suitability between load and support, emancipating the constraints on the system in Modernism. With the technology on robotic manufacturing automation and generative design, structural analysis give architects design freedom to perform form finding on the basis of topology optimization.

Optimius iteration (multiloading) higher value higher porosity

(practicalLoad weights) (structureField and void) (base)Support

Optimius iteration (multiloading) higher value higher porosity

(practicalLoad weights) (structureField and void) (base)Support

Topology optimization the synchronization of structure and void

changing support site

iso highervalue(eliminate)value,thinner

support site

side diagram

topo system hanging the loading

load and support, emancipating the conrobotic manufacturing automation and freedom to perform form finding on the tactile impression. nature

39 optimization

void cutting

generative structure defining new terrain surface

smooth iteration


Optimius iteration (multiloading) higher value higher porosity

Sensitivity filter (branches width)

Still controling the void space in different furnitures or demands, but its more flexible and feasible to do transform in a short period of time.


different customized units could assemble together for a big However,one.system

property of topology optimization, the living space and structure could be synchronized at the same time. Thus, the middle part could be the privacy space and the core structure. B area, facadescouldThen,accustomed150thebe ▼ system

merging units


A is inappropriate for new demands and it also disoder the process in constructing and selling.

decision to the type of a residing span Building Process constructed span renovation

inappropriate for new demands choas in constructing and selling process

According to the Regulations on Urban Land Use Control, one of a congregate housing unit is about 150m2

System A emphasis the function of furniture. By assembling furnitures around the core, the appropriate range of space could be Duearranged.tothe

limit in

System A Problems

According to the Regulations on Urban Land Use Control, one of a congregate housing unit is about 150m2

Initial Prototype

marketing research/custumor reservation

TOPOTOPODef System B 6 design(ii) development 04 plan strategy

range of using furniture

Still controling the void space in different furnitures or demands, but its more flexible and feasible to do transform in a short period of time.

40 Working Framework

Pre-construction Process

encompassing privacy space

merging units

new owner/lifestyle changing/family members adding


41 limit

new owner/lifestyle changing/family members adding

2. Setting glass wall outside and letting open inner rooms surround the privacy rooms.

3. Multilayers elevation :

3. floor-to-ceiling windows

decision to the type of a residing span

System B

B control different space which is same 150 m 2 . Customers still could arrange their accustomed size of room in different functions.

inappropriate for new demands

the blanks in the corner of different units be arranged structures, which are new and easy to let plants attach.

2. expansion net enclose the semi-open space where involves plants grown by men

Pre-construction Process

▲ system B ▲ system C

1. Following the use range of the furniture and eliminating the grid partition wall.

System A Problems

System C involve the properties of system A and B:

Building Process constructed span renovation

choas in constructing and selling process


1. plants natrually grow.

marketing research/custumor reservation

Topology optimization present an strong straints on the system in Modernism. With generative design, structural analysis give basis of topology optimization.



Whats more, this cave-like performance

operation steps

Its a chance that makes structure for both redefine the state of relationship of human

7 final design(ii)

keeping ruins and plants keeping factory texture generative structure defining new terrain surface side diagram topo system hanging the loading

Urban Absurdom Arboretum with Congregate housing

artificial decision on support (focusing on one part)

iron sheet to loading

suitability between load and support, emancipating the conWith the technology on robotic manufacturing automation and give architects design freedom to perform form finding on the


gives biomimetic tactile impression. both human and nature and human and nature.

artificial decision on field (cutting void)



44 1/400 1F PLAN

1/400 2F PLAN

46 1/400 3F PLAN

1/400 7F PLAN


1/50 SECTION1/200 section

-peoplePUBLIChanging around with no clear direction get some tactile feeling with this new ground surface including some plants growing natively or deliberately

-generatingPARKINGaroute of strength to be suitable for parking car

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