2014-15 Scholars and Gifted & Talented Programme

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Scholars and Gifted & Talented Programme

75 Years in the Park

Science and...

Culford’s new Landmark Library at dusk, set for completion in 2015


Science and...


to the Scholars’ Programme for 2014/15…

Scholars occupy a privileged position at Culford, both in their status within the school and because of the financial awards they receive. We expect them to show real commitment to the academic life of the school, therefore; not just by working to their own benefit, but also by being leaders in their subject areas and advocates for their passions. The Scholars’ Programme is overseen by the Headmaster and the two Deputy Heads, as a mark of its importance. It comprises a series of tutorials, seminars and workshops designed to inspire our most able pupils to achieve their full academic potential. Scholars are expected to attend a series of events throughout the year as their first priority. All pupils are, however, welcome to attend the seminars. The programme is designed to supplement scholars’ normal academic studies and takes on a variety of forms; from guest speakers to regular Oxbridge-style tutorials, debates and holiday reading. The schedule is good preparation for the mixture of reading, lectures and tutorials that scholars will meet at university. The programme revolves around a central theme, allowing speakers to address the area of their own expertise. In 2014/15 the theme is Science and…

We will explore the relevance of science to a variety of areas including history, medicine, the environment and the teenage brain. By the time they reach the Sixth Form we expect pupils’ academic passions to have become clear enough to allow all scholars to undertake an Extended Project. The Extended Project Qualification is equivalent to an AS level and is clear evidence to top universities of interest in an academic subject. The experience of writing an extended dissertation of some 5,000 words, or producing a suitable musical, dramatic or artistic composition, is also good experience of university-style study. Learning should also, however, be a stimulating experience in its own right; as should attending the programme of events laid out over the following pages. I hope this brochure will whet your appetite and leave you keen to be involved.

Julian Johnson-Munday MA MBA


“A thriving, happy school with excellent foundations and confident leadership.” Good Schools Guide

Autumn Term 2014

Friday 3 October Scholars’ Seminar ‘Science and the Environment. Acceptable pollution: does the end justify the means?’ Speaker: Dr Brian Reid

Dr Brian Reid graduated with a First Class degree in Environmental Chemistry in 1996. He then completed his PhD in 2000 before becoming a Lecturer at University of East Anglia. Time: 4.00pm Venue: Billiard Room All Scholars and Exhibitioners

“Thank God men cannot fly, and lay waste the sky as well as the earth” Henry David Thoreau

Dr Brian Reid

mOnday 10 nOVember Scholars’ Seminar ‘Science and Philosophy’ Speaker: Dr Brian Ball

Dr Brian Ball is a Lecturer at the New College of the Humanities, specialising in Philosophy. He graduated in Philosophy, with a minor concentration in linguistics, from McGill University in Canada. He gained his Doctorate at Oxford University in 2008 with a thesis on the Philosophy of Language and Metaphysics. Time: 4.00pm Venue: Billiard Room All Scholars and Exhibitioners

dr brian ball

Friday 5 December Scholars’ Seminar ‘Science and Religion’ Speaker: Lizzie Coyle

Lizzie Coyle is a Research Associate at The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, Cambridge University. She holds a degree from Cambridge University specialising in Evolutionary and Behavioural Biology and also covering Geology and the History and Philosophy of Science. Time: 4:00pm Venue: Billiard Room All Scholars and Exhibitioners

“You cannot teach a man

anything; you can only help him discover it himself” Galileo

Spring Term 2015

Friday 27 February Scholars’ Seminar ‘Science and Medicine: From Bench to Bedside’ Speaker: Claire Higgins (Old Culfordian 1993-2000) Claire Higgins is a lecturer in Tissue Engineering, Department of Bioengineering, at Imperial College London. She obtained a PhD in Skin Developmental Biology from Durham University in 2007 and holds a BSc in Natural Sciences.

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest”

Time: 4.00pm Venue: Billiard Room All Scholars and Exhibitioners

Benjamin Franklin Claire Higgins

Friday 20 March Scholars’ Seminar ‘Science and History’ Speaker: Darren Rees

Darren Rees is the new Head of Science at Culford. He graduated with a degree in Industrial Chemistry from Cardiff University before going on to do his PGCE at Swansea University. Darren also attended Oxford University in 2000 where he undertook a diploma studying Educational Issues. Time: 4.00pm Venue: Studio Theatre All Scholars and Exhibitioners

“We cannot command Nature except by obeying her” Francis Bacon

“The Science of today is the technology of tomorrow” Edward Teller

Summer Term 2015

Friday 5 June Drinks Reception and Scholars’ Seminar ‘Science and the Teenage Brain’ Speaker: Prof Sarah-Jayne Blakemore Professor Sarah-Jayne Blakemore is a Royal Society University Research Fellow and Professor in Cognitive Neuroscience at University College London. Professor Blakemore studied Experimental Psychology at Oxford University before completing her PhD at UCL and a post doctorate in Lyon, France. Professor Blakemore has published over 100 papers in scientific journals and has won multiple awards for her research. Time: 6.00pm Venue: Old Hall then Studio Theatre All Academic Scholars & Exhibitioners & all parents All A-level Psychology Pupils

Prof Sarah-Jayne Blakemore

Scholars’ Dinner Time: 7.30pm Venue: Common Room Sixth Form Academic Scholars and Exhibitioners & all A-level Psychology pupils only

Academic Scholars’ Tutorial Schedule • Friday 12 September 4.20pm - Assembly and Academic Scholars’ Tutorial

• Friday 23 January 4.00pm - Tutorial (4th Form to Lower 6th)

• Friday 10 October 4.30pm - Tutorial (Upper 6th UCAS)

• Friday 6 February 4.00pm - EPQ Presentation (Lower 6th)

• Wednesday 15 October 4.00pm Tutorial (4th Form to Lower 6th)

• Friday 13 February 4.00pm - Tutorial (4th Form to Upper 5th) and UCAS Tutorial (Lower 6th)

• Friday 7 November 4.00pm - Practice Interview Tutorial (Upper 6th) and IFS Student Investor Challenge (Upper 5th) • Friday 21 November 4.00pm - Practice Interview Tutorial (Upper 6th) and IFS Student Investor Challenge (Upper 5th) • Monday 8 December 4.00pm - Reading Tutorials • Friday 16 January 4.00pm - Reading Tutorials

• Friday 13 March 6.30pm - UCAS and Beyond • Thursday 26 March 4.00pm - UCAS Tutorial (Lower 6th), Oxbridge Conference (Upper 5th) and Reading Tutorials (4th Form to Lower 5th) • Friday 1 May 4.00pm - Reading Tutorials (4th Form to Lower 6th) • Friday 15 May 4.00pm - Tutorials (4th Form, Lower 5th and Lower 6th) • Monday 8 June (All week) - UCAS Week (Lower 6th) • Friday 26 June 4.00pm - Scholars’ Assembly and Reading Tutorial (4th Form, Lower 5th and Lower 6th)

neW eVentS FOr 2014-15 Termly Debates This will be an opportunity for all Academic Scholars to debate with members of the Common Room. The debates will last 40 minutes to an hour and allow the pupils to discuss topics of their choice relating to the theme ‘Science and…’. All Academic Scholars and Exhibitioners will be involved. • Friday 28 November 4.00pm - Termly Debate • Friday 13 March 4.00pm - Termly Debate • Friday 19 June 4.00pm - Termly Debate Science Masterclass • Friday 8 May 4.00pm - Science Masterclass (4th Form, Lower 5th and Lower 6th)

“Somewhere, something

incredible is waiting to be known” Carl Sagan

Culford is a co-educational boarding and day school for boys and girls age 2¾ -18 years, and is set in 480 acres of stunning Suffolk countryside. Our aim is to provide an education that is challenging, enriching and fun. For more information please contact the Admissions Office on 01284 385308 or admissions@culford.co.uk

Culford School Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP28 6TX Tel 01284 728615 Fax 01284 728631 www.culford.co.uk

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