Senior and Prep School Information for Applicants 2016/17

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Senior and Prep Schools 2016/17







Ages 1




Admissions Procedure 2016/17


Open Mornings 2016/17


Key Dates for Entry 2016/17


Admission to Prep School


Admission to Senior School


Extra-Curricular Activities


External Examination Results 2013-2015


Recent Leavers’ Destinations


International Applicants


International One Year IGCSE Programme


Ethos and General Values


Admissions Policy


Scholarships and Exhibitions


Financial Assistance (Bursaries)


Forces Allowances


Fees 2016/17


Payments and Extra Information


Culford Governors and Staff


Bus Service 2016/17


How To Find Us


We are delighted that you are considering Culford for your child’s future education and would welcome the opportunity to talk to you in person. Our friendly and experienced Admissions team will be pleased to guide you through your visit to the school, entrance assessments and the decision-making process. Our website and prospectus give you a flavour of what Culford has to offer, but are no substitute for coming to visit us. You are warmly invited to do so, at a time convenient to you, to meet colleagues and to enjoy a comprehensive tour of the school. We hold Open Mornings every term, and taster days and boarding tasters for pupils may also be arranged. We encourage you to visit with your children as many times as you wish.


Dear parents

This booklet should provide all the information you will need when applying for a place at Culford. Please do, however, contact the Admissions team on +44 (0)1284 385308 or email with any questions you may have; they will be delighted to help. We very much hope that you choose to visit Culford soon as you will receive a warm welcome from us all. Yours faithfully,

Mr Julian Johnson-Munday MA MBA Headmaster From left to right: Mrs Sarah Preston, Pre-Prep Head, Mr Julian Johnson-Munday, Senior School Headmaster, and Mr Mike Schofield, Prep School Head.



Admissions Procedure 2016/17 HOW TO APPLY §§

The majority of pupils will join Culford at the start of the academic year in September, although enquiries are welcome at any time.


Please contact the Admissions Office in the first instance to check on the availability of places. We will send you a prospectus and registration form and also arrange for you to visit the School. Admissions may be contacted on +44 (0)1284 385308 or via email


Once you have decided that you wish to apply for a place at Culford, you are required to complete and return a Registration Form together with a non-refundable registration fee of £75 to ensure that your child is placed on the entry list for admission.


Early registration is encouraged. The Admissions Office will make the necessary entrance assessment and examination arrangements, the details of which are set out on the following pages.


For pupils entering Culford Prep or Senior Schools at the start of a new academic year, we will write to you in the preceding November to make arrangements for Entrance Examinations in January. Applications made after the January examinations will be subject to the availability of a place and entrance examinations will be sat by arrangement with you.


Entrance Examinations include English, mathematics, verbal and non-verbal aptitude tests.


For pupils entering at 16+ (Sixth Form) a provisional place may be offered based on predicted grades at GCSE. Applicants should achieve at least seven passes at grade C or above with grade B or above in English and Maths and in the three subjects to be studied at A Level. Further details may be found on pages 11 and 12.


Scholarships and Exhibitions are awarded openly as an honour on the basis of merit. A variety of awards are available at ages 11+, 13+ and 16+.


A summary of Scholarships and Exhibitions can be found on pages 19-20, with a separate brochure available on request.




Any formal offer is made subject to our Standard Terms & Conditions. Your child’s place is secured on receipt of the signed acceptance form, medical form and the non-refundable acceptance fee.


A copy of the Standard Terms and Conditions is sent out with the formal offer of a place. These can also be found at:

Saturday 8 October Saturday 15 October Saturday 12 November Friday 18 November

Senior School Sixth Form Choices Senior

10.00am 10.30am 10.00am

Nursery Pre-Prep Prep

09.15am 09.15am 10.30am

Friday 10 March

Nursery Pre-Prep Prep

09.15am 09.15am 10.30am

Saturday 11 March

Senior School


Monday 1 May

Nursery Pre-Prep Prep Senior School

09.15am 09.15am 10.30am 10.30am

Open Mornings

Open Mornings 2016/17 2016



Key Dates for Entry 2016/17 PREP SCHOOL

Key Dates

8+ to 12+ Entrance Examinations Saturday 21 January 2017 11+ Music Scholarship Examinations Tuesday 24 January 2017 11+ 12+ Tennis, Swimming and Golf Scholarship Assessments Tuesday 24 January 2017 11+ Academic Scholarship Examinations Saturday 4 February 2017

SENIOR SCHOOL 13+ Academic Scholarship Examinations 13+ Entrance Examinations 13+ Sports Scholarship Assessments 13+ DT and Music Scholarship Assessments 13+ Art and Drama Scholarship Assessments 13+ Common Entrance Examinations

Thursday 26 January - Friday 27 January 2017 Friday 27 January 2017 Monday 30 January 2017 Tuesday 31 January 2017 Wednesday 1 February 2017 Tuesday 6 June - Friday 9 June 2017

SIXTH FORM 16+ Sports Scholarship Examinations Thursday 24 November 2016 16+ Academic, Art, DT, Drama & Music Scholarship Examinations Friday 25 November 2016

TERM DATES 2016/17 Autumn Term 2016

Term begins Half Term Term ends

Wednesday 7 September 2016 Friday 21 October - Sunday 6 November 2016 Thursday 15 December 2016

Spring Term 2017

Term begins Half Term Term ends

Thursday 5 January 2017 Friday 10 February - Sunday 19 February 2017 Thursday 23 March 2017

Summer Term 2017

Term begins Half Term Term ends

Wednesday 26 April 2017 Saturday 27 May (Speech Day) - Sunday 4 June 2017 Thursday 6 July 2017




Admission at age 7 is on the basis of informal assessment in the January of the year of entry. Admission at ages 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 consists of papers in: English, mathematics and verbal and non-verbal aptitude tests, plus a satisfactory school reference and recent school report.


Internal candidates from Culford are invited to sit the 11+ Academic Scholarship examinations following outstanding performance in the preceding Autumn term examinations. Academic Scholarships and Exhibitions at 11+ are awarded as a result of performance in examinations in English, mathematics, science and the humanities. Scholarships and Exhibitions are tenable for two years until the end of Prep School, subject to continuing good progress. On transfer to Culford Senior School, Scholars and Exhibitioners will sit 13+ scholarship papers to reconfirm their award.

• •

Ages 7-13

External candidates are invited to sit the 11+ Academic Scholarship examinations following outstanding performance in the Entrance Examinations.

Academic and Music Scholarships may be awarded, worth up to 25% of tuition fees. A Headmaster’s all-rounder Jubilee Scholarship is also available, worth up to 25% of fees; this award is reserved for pupils who demonstrate outstanding contribution to school life. In addition, exceptionally talented pupils may qualify for a Foundation Scholarship award which recognises outstanding academic performance and is worth up to 50% of tuition fees. Specific Scholarships in swimming, tennis and golf (from 11+) are offered, worth up to 25% of fees. All exhibitions are worth up to 10% of fees.

Prep School

Admission to the Prep School (ages 7 to 13)

A separate brochure regarding Scholarships, Exhibitions and Bursaries is available on request from the Admissions Office on +44 (0)1284 385308 or email

“The quality of pupils’ personal development throughout the school is excellent and is supported by strong pastoral care” ISI November 2014 7

Prep School Curriculum

Prep School

Culford Prep aims to provide a broad and balanced curriculum to prepare pupils for the next stage in their education. We aim to develop enquiring minds, to help children to become independent learners and to promote personal codes of behaviour and tolerance of one another, whilst having fun together.

Ages 7-13

In addition to our rigorous academic focus, we offer an exciting and extensive extra-curricular activities programme where pupils are encouraged to develop social confidence and to achieve their individual potential. Activities include art, drama, music and sport as well as academic clubs. The Gifted and Talented enrichment programme serves to stretch the most academic minds. All classrooms are fully equipped with interactive white-boards and networked projectors and pupils benefit from two dedicated ICT suites. The well-equipped library at the heart of the School holds a great variety of fiction and non-fiction and plenty of resources that pupils can use for research. Prep pupils also have access to the new state-of-theart Library and all its facilities. There are specialist facilities for art, design and technology, music and science. The Prep School also benefits from the wider school facilities used for design and technology, drama and sport. Lessons are forty minutes in duration, commencing at 8.45am and ending at 3.30pm with a full programme of extra-curricular activities is on offer daily between 4.00pm and 5.20pm. Pupils are expected to complete prep (homework) nightly, according to year group.


In addition, we offer an extended day option which enables your child to be dropped at school for breakfast from 7.30am and collected at any time up until 8.00pm.



Lower First and Upper First study English, mathematics, science, French, history, geography, religious studies, art and design technology, ICT, physical education, music and games. PSHCE (personal, social, health, citizenship and education) is taught once a week by the Form Teacher. Individual music, speech and drama lessons are available at additional cost. Library research skills and drama are taught within the English curriculum.

Within Cadogan House there are separate dormitories for boys and girls with a number of common rooms where children can relax and play. The Housemaster and his wife, together with an Assistant Housemaster, Matron and residential team, look after the pupils in the House and are responsible for the children’s day to day welfare and happiness, and maintaining contact with parents. Children may opt to board on a full or flexible basis.

LOWER AND UPPER SECOND (YEARS 5 AND 6) Lower and Upper Second study English, mathematics, science, French, history, geography, religious studies, art and design technology, ICT, physical education, music and games. PSHCE is taught once a week. Individual music and speech and drama lessons are available at additional cost. Library research skills and drama are taught within the English curriculum. Subjects are taught by individual subject specialists in Upper Second.

LOWER AND UPPER THIRD (YEARS 7 AND 8) In Lower Third and Upper Third pupils prepare for Common Entrance and the Culford 13+ Academic Scholarship examinations. English, mathematics, science (biology, physics, chemistry), French, history, geography, religious studies, art and design technology, information and communication technology, physical education and music are studied. A Latin course is also taken by the top set Third Form pupils. PSHCEE (personal, social, health, citizenship & economic education) is taught once a week by the Form Tutor. Individual music and speech and drama lessons are available at an additional cost. All subjects are taught by individual subject specialists. Pupils enjoy the continuation of their Form Teacher for both years. Further information regarding Common Entrance is outlined in our CE booklet which can be obtained from the Prep School Office on +44 (0)1284 385383.


termly commitment to weekly boarding (5 to 7 nights).


termly commitment to board 2 to 3 nights per week.


One-off sleepovers – please contact the Housemaster on +44 (0)1284 385490 for more information.

Recent examples of trips and activities include tobogganing, cinema trips, go karting, a visit from ‘Snakes Alive’ and a camping party in Culford Park.

EXTENDED DAY Day pupils are able to enjoy a Breakfast Club from 7.30am as well as an extended day at school until 8.00pm. The options available are: 5.30pm - 7.00pm at no extra charge. 7.00pm - 8.00pm: £10 charge

There is no additional charge for children who book to stay at school until 7pm. Full details may be found on page 21.

Admission to Senior School (ages 13 to 18) ASSESSMENT & ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS ENTRY AT 13+ FOURTH FORM (YEAR 9)

Pupils invited to sit for a 13+ Academic Scholarship are not required to sit Culford’s Entrance Examinations.

Common Entrance examinations are taken in English, mathematics, science (biology, chemistry and physics), geography, history, religious studies and French. Pupils who have been taught Latin to an appropriate level will also sit the Latin exam. Applicants who have not followed the Common Entrance syllabus will sit the Culford Entrance Examinations and will normally also sit CE papers in English and mathematics in June.

In addition to 13+ Academic Scholarships, awards are also given for excellence and outstanding performance in art, design and technology, drama, music, and sports including tennis, rugby, swimming, hockey and golf. Pupils are able to apply for a maximum of two scholarships. The Headmaster’s Jubilee Scholarship is awarded for outstanding contribution to boarding and school life. The Headmaster’s Foundation Scholarship is for exceptional academic performance. Culford offers a Scholars’ and Gifted and Talented Programme, designed to stretch high ability pupils and further engage their academic interests across a broad spectrum of subjects. All pupils are welcome to attend the lectures and workshops in the programme; you do not have to be a Scholar to participate. A copy of the Scholars’ Programme is available on request.

Ages 13-18

Following success in the Entrance or Scholarship Examinations, candidates will be offered a place subject to satisfactory performance in Common Entrance (CE) which takes place in June. This ensures that parents can be reasonably confident that their child has secured a place at Culford, as their senior school of choice, early in the year; equally it ensures the child remains focused on academic progress towards CE.

Applicants who wish to apply for Academic Scholarships should be recommended by their current Head and will be invited to sit Culford’s 13+ Academic Scholarship examinations.

Senior School

Admission to the Senior School at 13+ is based upon Culford’s Entrance Examinations, consisting of papers in English and mathematics, together with verbal and non-verbal aptitude tests, which take place in the January preceding the September of the year of entry. Applications will be considered at other times, subject to availability of a place.


Scholarships and Exhibitions awarded at age 13 are tenable for three years, subject to continuing good progress. On transfer to Culford’s Sixth Form, the award will be confirmed by a Scholarship exam taken in the previous November. Parents are asked to take advice from their child’s current Head or specialist teachers before applying for any of the awards outlined on page 19. 9


Senior School

Entry will consist of examinations in English and mathematics; verbal and non-verbal aptitude tests; and current school reports and references. The Admissions Office will make the necessary arrangements for entrance examinations.

For details of all available scholarships please contact the Admissions Office.


Ages 13-18

Further selection may include a pupil interview with a member of the Senior Management Team and a parental meeting with the Headmaster.

All Senior School pupils belong to one of four Houses:


A Housemaster or Housemistress is responsible for each House which is inclusive of boarding and day pupils. Pupils also meet regularly with their tutor to ensure that they are happy and their school work is progressing well.

Pupils wishing to enter the Sixth Form are required to achieve at least seven passes at grade C, or above, and grade B, or above, in English and Maths and in the three subjects they wish to study at A Level. Individual subjects may attract additional criteria as set by the Headmaster and Deputy Head to ensure individual ability to succeed at A level.

SCHOLARSHIPS & EXHIBITIONS FOR ENTRY AT 16+ The Headmaster’s Foundation Scholarship is awarded for outstanding academic achievement and is worth up to 50% of tuition fees. Other Academic Scholarships are available and are worth up to 25% of tuition fees. Assessments take place in the November/December preceding the year of entry. Candidates sit papers in two subjects of their choice and a verbal and non-verbal aptitude test; they will also be interviewed by the Headmaster and/or Deputy Head. 10

Art, design and technology, drama, music, hockey, rugby, swimming, tennis, golf and sports scholarships are available. Exhibitions are also available and are worth up to 10% of tuition fees.





More than 50% of Senior School pupils are full boarders. There is a comprehensive weekend activities programme including a number of trips such as outings to London, Pleasurewood Hills Theme Park, punting in Cambridge and the Clothes Show Live. Culford’s most recent ISI (the Independent Schools Inspectorate) in November 2014 judged Culford’s boarding education to be excellent.

“The quality of boarding is excellent, ensuring that there are very positive outcomes for boarders.”

ISI November 2014

Senior School Curriculum

Dedicated facilities exist for science, art, music and design and technology; a studio theatre for drama, music, seminars/presentations; and a digital language laboratory for modern languages. A state-of-the-art Library opened in September 2015, providing a social learning foyer, an 80-seat lecture theatre and a galleried mezzanine area with tea and coffee facilities reserved for the Sixth Form. Lessons, which are forty or eighty minutes in duration, begin at 8.45am and end at 3.30pm, with a full range of extra-curricular activities on offer between 3.50pm and 5.20pm every day of the week. There is Saturday morning school for Senior School pupils. Pupils are expected to do prep (homework) every evening, according to year group.

A full range of academic extra-curricular clubs and societies is offered in addition to a broad range of department specific visits, trips, field courses and competitions. There are also structured programmes for study skills (on topics such as organisation, independent study, research, revision) and careers advice, UCAS applications and Oxbridge guidance.

During the Lower Fifth and Upper Fifth pupils study a number of GCSE subjects according to aptitude and needs. However, in general, pupils take the following compulsory core GCSE courses: English language and English literature, mathematics, double award science (biology, chemistry, physics), and usually at least one language (French or Spanish).


Pupils also select to study up to a further three or four optional subjects from: art, design and technology, drama, geography, history, Latin, languages, music, physical education, religious studies and separate sciences.

The Fourth Form study the following broad range of subjects: art, design and technology, drama, English language and literature, French, Spanish, geography, history, information and communication technology (ICT), mathematics, music, religious studies and science (biology, chemistry and physics). Latin is optional. Pupils are set according to ability in mathematics, science, the humanities (English, history, geography and religious studies), French and Spanish.

Pupils are set according to ability for: English, mathematics, science and languages. In mathematics, more able pupils take IGCSE early in the Lower Fifth so that they can study additional mathematics in the Upper Fifth. IGCSE is also studied in geography.

Ages 13-18

Academic resources are of a high quality and extensive. Classrooms are fully equipped with smart-boards and networked projectors, and Senior School Houses are fully networked. Pupils are required to bring their own laptop or suitable tablet device to the Senior School.


Senior School

The academic ethos at Culford seeks to promote an enthusiasm for enquiry and learning, academic rigour and success in terms of grades achieved. Pupils are developed as independent learners, although there is a high level of individual academic and pastoral support in order to ensure that each individual reaches his/her potential. The curriculum is designed to allow breadth and balance, as well as a degree of specialism, and we offer structured subject choice programmes prior to GCSE and A Levels to ensure that subjects studied are matched to each pupil’s aptitude and needs.


Every week pupils also experience one period of PSHCE (covering topics such as relationships, assertiveness, health, There is a weekly tutorial and PSHCE (personal, social, government and finance), together with one period of health, citizenship and education) session where pupils physical education and two double games periods. In experience target setting and monitoring and Learning addition, they have one period of Learning to Learn (Study to Learn (Study Skills) through seminars and discussions. Skills); they also experience chaplaincy, covering topics such There are also two double games periods each week as religion, spirituality, morals and philosophy. together with a variety of after school activities.

“Senior School teaching is excellent” ISI November 2014 11

Senior School


Ages 13-18

In Lower Sixth (Year 12) most pupils take three subjects and carry on with three subjects into the Upper Sixth (Year 13) alongside a Leadership and Life Skills Programme. Some pupils, such as further mathematicians, might take four subjects in the Lower Sixth reducing this to three subjects in the Upper Sixth. The wide range of subjects on offer include the following (although others may also be available from time to time): art, craft and design; art and design (textile design); art and design (three-dimensional design); business; design and technology; classics; computer science; economics; English literature; geography; history; Latin; mathematics; modern languages (French or Spanish); music; music technology; physical education; psychology; religious studies; sciences (biology, chemistry, physics); and theatre studies. Culford’s Sixth Form Enrichment Programme is an exciting and diverse programme which enables all Sixth Formers to significantly develop their potential in preparation for life beyond secondary education. It includes events, seminars, workshops and visits in relation to topics such as team building, communication skills, leadership, Learning to Learn (Study Skills) as well as a range of other life skills. The Sixth Form begins with a Freshers’ Week of bonding, leadership and team activities in the Peak District National Park.




Further details concerning the curriculum and each subject are outlined in the Sixth Form Prospectus.

Culford is a mainstream school with a small, yet highly successful Learning Development Department serving the Pre-Prep, Prep and Senior Schools. We offer support to pupils with mild specific learning difficulties who are able to manage independently in the classroom.

There are also booklets outlining the Scholars and Gifted and Talented Programmes and the Sixth Form Enrichment Programme. Please contact the Admissions Office for copies on +44 (0)1284 385308 or email

SIXTH FORM FACILITIES Culford Sixth Formers have exclusive use of Paddy and Scott’s café in the Sports and Tennis Centre from 10.30am-3.00pm every week day. In the style of a university campus, Sixth Formers use it as a place for meeting socially, discussing work projects and enjoying a light lunch, or treating themselves to a coffee and piece of cake. Sixth Formers also have exclusive use of the library’s mezzanine floor, with its own tea and coffee facilities, for private study.

Our aim is to meet every child’s individual needs. Tailor-made provision is built into a broad and balanced mainstream timetable to meet individual needs. Learning Development lessons are either embedded in a pupil’s timetable, offered on a withdrawal basis or arranged before or after school. Lessons incur an additional cost, the details of which may be found on page 22.







Football Girls’ Hockey Rugby

Fitness Horse Riding

Glee Club String Quartet Theatre Tech Crew Wind Band

Business and Economic Clinic DT Forensics Spanish

Chess Sailing


Squad Tennis

WSSC Swimming squad

Aural Music Grades 5-8 Barbershop Quartet Drama Rehearsal

Art DT Chemistry Clinic History Clinic PE Clinic Psychology Society

CCF Debating Duke of Edinburgh Award Malawi Group

Hockey Netball

Aerobics Cross Country Martial Arts Roller Skating

Drama Rehearsals Orchestra Rock Society Senior Choir

Art Society Astronomy ICT Workshop Psychology Society

Learn to DJ

Football Girls’ Hockey Rugby

Climbing Club Golf Horse Riding Ultimate Frisbee

Jazz Improvisation Play Rehearsals Senior Clarinets

Art DT Maths Clinic Medical Society Model United Nations

Beekeeping Club Language Film Club Learn Japanese

Scuba Diving

Senior Play Rehearsals Jazz Band

Scholars’ Programme Tutorials

SPORT AND ACTIVITIES OVERVIEW Sporting provision at Culford is exceptional. There is a superb Sports & Tennis Centre with a 25m heated indoor pool, large sports hall with an indoor climbing wall, a squash court, fitness centre, strength and conditioning suite and four championship-standard indoor tennis courts. All major sports are played (rugby, hockey, netball, tennis and cricket), as well as swimming and golf, with many other sports on offer from horse riding to scuba diving. Culford offers an excellent variety of extra-curricular activities. Mid-week activities take place after lessons at the end of the school day Monday to Friday 3.50pm5:20pm and every pupil is encouraged to participate. Some additional activities, mainly music and drama, take place in the lunch break. A separate programme of events is on offer at the weekends for boarders and day pupils are also welcome to take part in these. The following schedules show a typical programme across the term at the Senior and Prep Schools. There are also a wide variety of plays and musical performances taking place each term at each of the three schools. In addition, Senior School pupils organise and participate in many annual events such as the Fashion Show, the Highland Ball and “C” (the Rock Society Showcase), as well as Arts and Sports Presentation Evenings. The Sixth Form also organise their own termly events.



WEDNESDAY 15.50-17.20

THURSDAY 15.50-17.20


Extra-curricular activities

Extra-curricular activities

Arts and Sports Presentation Dinners • BBQ • Beach trip to Aldeburgh • Bowling • Cinema Punting in Cambridge • Shopping Sports Activities • South Suffolk Show


Cinema • Clothes Show Live • Go Ape in Thetford Forest • Harry Potter Studio Tour • House Events and Dinners • Laser Quest • London • Paintballing • Pleasurewood Hills Theme Park Premiership Rugby Trip • RAF Duxford Air Museum • Theatre • Wheelchair Basketball



Extra-curricular activities




Girls’ Hockey





Squad Swimming

Summer Sports


Art Attack Learning Development




School Play


Minimus Latin Club French Film Club

Graphic Design Book Club

Assisted Prep


Prep Matches

16.00-17.20 THURSDAY

Tennis Squads


Indoor Hockey (Mixed)

Squad Swimming Squad Swimming Martial Arts Golf

Our Planet Supervised Prep String Orchestra

Art Plus

Sewing Club

Wind Band

French Film Club

Book Club

School Orchestra

IT Activity


Music Enrichment

Assisted Prep

Board Games

Horse Riding





Girls’ Hockey


Tennis Squads


Keep up with Latin

Baking • Bike Riding • Camel Park Visit • Catwalk and Fashion Show • Den Building Go karting • Harry Potter Filmathon • Kite Flying


Baylham House Visit • Cinema • Football Tournament • Harry Potter Studios Visit • Pleasurewood Hills Theme Park • Pool & Table Tennis Competition • Scavenger Hunt • Swimming


External Examination Results 2013-2015

GCSE Grades




A* and A




A* to B




A* to C




A Level Grades




A* and A




A* to B




A* to C




A* to E




We take great pride that our pupils go on to enjoy university courses which enable them to broaden their experiences, pursue academic areas about which they are passionate and embark upon fulfilling careers. Culford’s Sixth Formers take up places on a wide range of competitive courses at many excellent Higher Education institutions. Eight pupils have received Oxbridge offers in the last five years.

University of Bath University of Bristol University of Cambridge University of Cardiff Coventry University University of Durham University of East Anglia Edinburgh Napier University University of Exeter Harper Adams University Imperial College London King’s College London University College London

University of Leeds Leeds Metropolitan University University of Liverpool Loughborough University University of Manchester University of Newcastle University of Nottingham Nottingham Trent University University of Oxford Oxford Brookes University University of Plymouth

University of Portsmouth Queen Mary, University of London University of Sheffield University of Southampton St George’s, University of London Staffordshire University University of Sussex University of Swansea University of Warwick University of Westminster University of Winchester University of York


GCSE and A Level: This analysis contains the results issued by the Examination Boards in August 2013, 2014 and 2015


Recent leavers have also gained places and scholarships at international institutions in countries such as Holland, Spain and the USA.

SUBJECT COURSE EXAMPLES Anthropology (Social) Arabic Architecture Art Art History Biology Biomedical Sciences Biotechnology Business and Management Business Management with a European Language Business Studies and Finance Chemical Engineering Chemistry Civil and Coastal Engineering

Computer Science Civil Engineering Economics Education Studies English Electrical Engineering Equine Science and Thoroughbred Management French and Italian History Hospitality Management with Tourism International Business Law Marine Biology

Marine Technology with Offshore Engineering Medicine Middle Eastern and a Modern European Language Music Philosophy, Politics and Economics Physics Politics of the International Economy Psychology Science and Society Sociology Sports Management Textile Design Veterinary Science 15

International applicants

International applicants

Young people of all nationalities are welcome at Culford School with boarding places available from the age of seven. Approximately 18% of pupils at Culford come from overseas to board each year. Most pupils come to Culford for full-time courses, but it is occasionally possible for stays of three terms or less to be arranged.

ENTRY REQUIREMENTS International applicants will sit aptitude tests and examinations in English as an Additional Language and Mathematics, to test general intelligence and ability to cope with academic study in English, and all pupils will be required to produce current school reports and references. Candidates may sit Entrance Examinations at their current school, or by other arrangement, subject to supervision and appropriate examination conditions. The school will organise a telephone or Skype interview. Where possible, prospective pupils are encouraged to visit Culford and to meet with the Headmaster and other key staff.

EAL PROVISION All pupils for whom English is an additional language are assessed prior to and also upon entry to the School. Pupils must be able to access the curriculum independently in the classroom; to facilitate this, pupils are provided with individually tailored curricula to suit their specific needs and aptitude. 16

Teachers are regularly trained in EAL differentiation methods and we also have four specialist teachers who offer individual or group support lessons which are either embedded in a pupil’s timetable, or offered on a withdrawal basis, or arranged before or after school. Supported reading is also provided. At ages 13 and 14+ pupils are prepared for the Cambridge English examinations. At age 15+ pupils are prepared for IGCSE English and at age 16+ pupils may be prepared for IELTS. At the Prep School, EAL support is offered in small group lessons or occasionally on a one-to-one basis. Lessons are normally embedded in pupils’ timetables and Lower 3 and Upper 3 pupils are prepared for the appropriate Cambridge English examinations. Pupils are taken out regularly on cultural trips. These lessons are charged at extra cost, details of which may be found on page 22.

GUARDIANS All overseas pupils are required to have a Guardian who lives in the UK. This person will be responsible for the pupil during short holidays when he/she may choose not to go home and in special circumstances when he/she cannot stay at school. The requirement for a Guardian may be waived by the Headmaster in exceptional circumstances. The Guardian may not be a student.

VISAS All non-EU pupils will require a child student visa to enter the UK and study at Culford; a high quality scanned copy of the pupil’s current passport should be submitted with the initial application. Once a place has been offered and accepted, and all relevant forms and proofs of documents to be submitted with the visa application have been copied to the Admissions Office, and payments have been received by the school, the Admissions Office will issue a CAS to support the visa application. It is the responsibility of the pupil to submit the application to the British Embassy or Consulate in his or her own country. As a visa may take several weeks to obtain early application is advised. For further information please visit (see Visas and Immigration).

International One Year IGCSE Study Programme

The IGCSE Tutor oversees the pastoral and academic needs of each pupil on the programme, along with a dedicated Houseparent, who cares for their personal development and well-being.

IGCSE PROGRAMME: COURSE OF STUDY Students who successfully complete the programme may go on to apply to take A Levels. One year IGCSE courses: • • • • • •

English as an Additional Language Native Language (optional) Mathematics Biology Chemistry Physics

Additional unexamined subjects: • • • • •

Health Education Personal Development Citizenship Games Physical Education

Students also spend two afternoons during the week engaged in sports and activities, with many recreational opportunities on offer in the evenings and at weekends.



We encourage our students to enrich their experience by visiting famous cultural landmarks and sights of Great Britain. A programme of cultural outings and visits is offered at the weekends alongside other Culford students who are not in the One Year IGCSE Programme.

The Culford School One Year IGCSE Programme offers a rigorous experience, and applicants must have a solid grasp of speaking, reading, writing, and understanding English. Other requirements include:

Afternoon sports and activities* • Art Club • Badminton • Basketball • Combined Cadet Force- CCF • Football Club • Horse Riding** • Music Lessons** • Netball • Photography Club • Speech & Drama • Strength & Conditioning Club • Volleyball • Yoga • Zumba

Evening and weekend recreational opportunities* Sightseeing trips to: • Cambridge • London • Suffolk Coast • Theatre Trips • Cinema • Colchester Zoo • Go karting • Paintball • Shopping Excursions • Theme Parks

*This list represents usual offerings and is subject to change **At additional cost

Surrounded by acres of green fields and natural woodland, Culford’s facilities are impressive. One Year IGCSE students have full access to the campus, which includes the new state-of-the-art library, a wellequipped sports hall, floodlit Astroturf pitches, a heated indoor 25m swimming pool and a championshipstandard four court Indoor Tennis Centre, along with the option of participating in music, art and drama activities.

• Age at the time of application:


The ISP is a one year course which offers motivated international students a fast-track pathway to apply to study A Levels in the UK. It is a deliberately small programme, with a maximum of 12 pupils aged 1516 who are accommodated within the Senior School boarding Houses.

15 to 16 years, 5 months

• IELTS Score of at least 4.5 to 5.5 • Recent school report, translated into English • Completion of Culford entrance tests in EAL (English as an Additional Language) and Mathematics

• Interview in person, by telephone or via SKYPE To apply, please email the Admissions Office on

FEES The registration fee is £75 and is non-refundable. Once a place is offered and accepted, an Acceptance Fee secures the place. The acceptance fee is £750 and is non-refundable. A deposit of £10,665 is paid in addition to the first term’s fees and held on deposit and refunded against the final term’s fees.

BOARDING AND TUITION FEES 2016/17 Boarding and Tuition Fees 2016/17: £31,995 per annum, payable termly in advance £10,665 per term (3 terms per year) Fees include: tuition, teaching materials, accommodation, food at school, laundry and core activities. Other charges and expenses may include: school uniform, examination fees, replacement textbooks, taxi fares, optional trips and activities, and one-to-one teaching for lessons in music, tennis, golf or dance, for example. 17

Ethos and general values

Ethos and values

Culford aims to provide an education which is challenging, enriching and fun. We are a Christian school with a Methodist Foundation, but pupils of all faiths and of none are welcome. The guiding values at Culford School are those of fair-mindedness, hard work, enjoyment and treating others with proper respect and consideration. We also attach great importance to manners, good discipline, service to others and to caring for the school and external environment. We value both effort and achievement and we encourage every positive contribution that a pupil makes to the life of the Culford School community. The principles that make up the school’s policies are addressed to each pupil. Some of them necessarily apply also to parents. Compliance is a condition of membership of the school. Parents are asked to read through the detailed policies contained in the Parents’ and Pupils’ Handbooks with their son or daughter from time to time. Copies are available on request and may also be downloaded from the school website: www.

ADMISSIONS POLICY Culford School will only admit pupils whose educational needs can be adequately met. The educational interests of the child are at the forefront of our selection process. It is a general principle, therefore, that Culford School will only admit a pupil in the belief that they will qualify for the next stage of their education within the school. Making such judgements may be difficult, particularly at younger ages, and on occasion there may be pupils within the school who do not qualify for transfer to the next part of the school or make sufficient academic progress. Any decision to refuse such progress, however, will be made: •

with timely, documented and open discussions with the parents

with regard to the best educational interests of the child concerned

Parents whose children are admitted with such reservations will be written to formally informing them of the likelihood of progression to the next stage of education. Culford reserves the right, in consultation with parents/guardians, not to offer places to those whom it considers would not benefit from the school’s education, or whose presence might have a detrimental effect on other pupils.


RESPONSIBILITY FOR ADMISSION TO CULFORD In all cases the Head of the relevant school is

responsible for deciding to admit or refuse entry to a pupil. Where such a decision is to be challenged by the parents the normal complaints procedure of the school should be followed. The point of first appeal with regard to entry to the Pre-Preparatory and Preparatory Schools is to the Headmaster of the Senior School and, in the last resort, beyond him to a panel of the Governors. An appeal against the refusal to admit a pupil to the Senior School may be made to a panel of the Governors in the first instance and, beyond that, to a panel consisting of the Chairman of Governors and a representative from the Methodist Board.

SCHOOL POLICIES You can find all Culford’s policies and handbooks relating to pupils and parents, including the School Safeguarding policy, on our website Please call the School Office on +44 (0)1284 385318 if you have any difficulty accessing any of the policies or would like a copy sent to you.

Scholarships and Exhibitions: A Summary •

Scholarships are reserved for candidates who show a breadth of strong talents and exceptional potential. Exhibitions may be awarded to candidates who show strength in a particular area, or whose talents are broad.

Our aim is to encourage pupils to explore new ideas, challenge their own thinking, and that of others, in order to achieve their full potential. There is a monetary value to each award, expressed as a discount on school fees. Awards made at ages 11+ are expected to be tenable until the end of Prep School, subject to satisfactory progress. All Scholarships and Exhibition awards are reviewed on entry to Culford Senior School. Scholarships and Exhibitions awarded at age 13 are tenable for three years, subject to continuing good progress. On transfer to Culford’s Sixth Form, the award will be confirmed by a Scholarship exam taken in the previous November. Our vibrant Scholars’ Programme, in which all scholars participate, provides a comprehensive calendar of events throughout the academic year. In the Senior School there are frequent scholars’ tutorials as well as a variety of visiting speakers. Many of these events are open to all pupils, and some also welcome parents and guests.

SCHOLARSHIPS AND EXHIBITIONS ON OFFER Academic Scholarships (11+, 13+ and 16+) The William Miller Science Scholarship (16+) The Professor Watson Science Scholarship (16+) Sixth Form Maths Scholarship (16+) Music Scholarships (11+, 13+, 16+) Art and Design Technology Scholarships (13+ and 16+) Drama Scholarships (13+ and 16+) Sports Scholarships in Major Games (from 13+) Tennis, Golf and Swimming Scholarships (from 11+) The Headmaster’s Jubilee (All Rounder) Scholarship (11+, 13+, 16+) The Foundation Scholarship (13+ and 16+)

VALUE OF THE AWARDS The value of a Scholarship is worth up to 25% and an

Exhibition is worth up to 10% of the tuition fees. The exception to this is the Headmaster’s Foundation Scholarship, which is worth up to 50% of tuition fees and recognises exceptional academic performance. Foundation Scholarship candidates will demonstrate strong Oxbridge potential and the awards are made at the Headmaster’s discretion.

APPLICATION PROCESS All applicants are required to complete a Registration Form in order to sit Entrance and Scholarship examinations or assessments and must also attend an interview. Applications for Scholarships should ideally be received at least one month before the Culford Entrance Examinations, and a supporting reference must be received from the Head of the current school prior to the candidate sitting those assessments.


Scholarships and Exhibitions are awarded openly as an honour on the basis of merit:

Please contact the Admissions Office on +44 (0)1284 385308 or email to request a copy of our Scholarship and Exhibition Awards brochure and for the appropriate application form(s).

BURSARIES Parents may apply for a bursary to augment the value of any award where there is a financial need; all bursaries are means tested. Please see page 20 for more information.

Candidates may sit for a maximum of two awards but the total award will not exceed the value of the major award. The maintenance of each award is at the discretion of the Headmaster and is subject to the pupil’s continued good performance and periodic review. 19



Bursaries are available to assist children to attend Culford who might not otherwise be able to afford to take up a place, or help pupils who already attend the school to remain here. Bursaries are awarded privately and exist to help those in financial need. A bursary application may also be made to augment the value of a Scholarship or Exhibition and is means-tested. Bursaries are provided from income, endowments and gifts and as such are a limited resource. If you wish to apply to the school for financial support you will need to complete a Financial Circumstances Form; offers of support made in this way are reviewed every year and financial circumstances paperwork must be completed annually. The bursary application process is entirely confidential and forms may be downloaded from the website or requested from the Admissions Office or Finance Office. Applications are assessed by the Finance Director and discussed only with the Headmaster and the Bursary Committee. Bursaries are not offered below the age of 11, except to pupils already in the School whose parents meet financial hardship. The official closing date for completed bursary applications to be received is the same as the date of the Culford Entrance Examinations each year. Decisions will be notified to parents together with results of the entrance exams.


Late applications are acceptable, however, parents may be required to accept or decline a place at Culford before the result of any bursary application is known. For this reason early applications are encouraged. For more information about Bursaries, please contact the Finance Office on +44 (0)1284 385345 / +44 (0)1284 385340 or email finance

FORCES ALLOWANCES Culford’s Forces allowances are normally awarded automatically to parents who are serving in the Armed Forces and are in receipt of the MOD Continuity of Education Allowance (CEA), and who wish their children to board at Culford. In addition, Culford offers a generous Services Allowance. Means tested bursaries are also available for children of serving or ex-servicemen and women, subject to their child satisfying Culford’s entrance requirements. Please contact the Finance Office on +44 (0)1284 385345 / +44 (0)1284 385340 or email for more details.

Statement of Fees 2016/17 Prep School Age on 1 Sep 16

NC* Year Group

Termly Fees Day

Annual Fees Day

Termly Fees Boarding

Annual Fees Boarding

Lower First


Year 3





Upper First


Year 4





Lower Second


Year 5





Upper Second


Year 6





Lower Third


Year 7





Upper Third


Year 8





International Boarding Lower First – Upper First



International Boarding Lower Second – Upper Second





International Boarding Lower Third – Upper Third *National Curriculum

Children may arrive at 8.00am if required. A variety of activities are offered after the school day finishes at 3.40pm. Parents are advised of the choices and any additional charges per activity before the start of each term. Most activities are free of charge and finish at 5.20pm.

Occasional Boarding: £50 per night. Occasional boarding is subject to availability and beds are allocated on a first come first served basis.


Year Group

Statement of Fees


Extended day: Provision is subject to availability.

Part Boarding: Pupils may choose to part-board for two or three nights per week. This is an annual commitment, subject to one term’s notice and to availability. Part Boarding

Prep Extended Day 2 Nights Termly Fees

2 Nights Annual Fees

3 Nights Termly Fees

3 Nights Annual Fees

7.30am – 8.00am

Breakfast Club £4 per day

5.30pm – 6.00pm

No charge*

Lower – Upper First





5.30pm – 7.00pm

No charge, includes Supper and Prep*

Lower – Upper Second





5.30pm – 8.00pm

Lower – Upper Third





£10 from 7.00pm-8.00pm, includes Supper, Prep and supervised free time

*Subject to availability 21


Statement of Fees

Senior School Year Group

Age on 1 Sep 16

NC* Year Group

Termly Fees Day

Annual Fees Day

Termly Fees Boarding

Annual Fees Boarding

Fourth Form Upper Sixth


Years 9-13


£18,450 †



International Boarding £9,995 £29,985 *National Curriculum †Senior day pupils may stay at school for supper and study in the Library until 9.00pm at no extra charge; priority is given to those in GCSE and A Level year groups.




Pupils at the Senior School may elect to board on an occasional basis up to 10 nights each term, subject to availability. Beds are allocated on a first come first served basis. Charges are as follows:

By arrangement with the dance teacher.


Price for 30 minutes

Price for 45 minutes











Fourth Form to Sixth Form: £56 per night



Day pupils in the Senior School and Sixth Form are able to stay at school after the day ends at 5.30pm, as part of the extended day facility which Culford offers. Pupils have their supper with the boarders and may stay until 9.00pm in the Library to study. This facility is free of charge to all pupils in the Senior School. Pupils must book in 24 hours in advance; priority is given to those in GCSE and A Level year groups.

£28 for an individual 40 minute lesson. Group lessons are charged proportionately.

ENGLISH AS AN ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE (EAL) £28 per individual 40 minute lesson. Group lessons are charged at £9.50 per 40 minutes. Supported reading is charged at £12.50 per hour.


£23 per 30 minute lesson.


For more information about the LAMDA course, please email

DISCOUNTS FOR SIBLINGS For families with 3 or more children attending Culford simultaneously, discounts are attracted as follows: 3rd Child 10% 4th Child 20% 5th Child 35% 6th Child 60% Triplets 10% per child Quadruplets 15% per child Discounts do not apply until the third sibling is in PPR (Reception class) or above.



A non-refundable registration fee of £75 per pupil is payable prior to assessments/entrance examinations.

In the Senior School, pupils are required to bring their own laptop or tablet. The device will be needed in the classroom for various tasks, research and assignments.

A full copy of the Standard Terms and Conditions will be provided to prospective parents at the time when a formal offer of a place is made. If you would like a copy in advance please contact the Admissions Office on +44 (0)1284 385308 or download a copy from the school website under the Admissions section.

An acceptance fee of £300 (day), £500 (UK boarder) and £750 (international boarder) per pupil, is payable with the acceptance form. These sums are retained and contributed to the School’s Bursaries Fund. For non EU residents, excluding HM Forces, one full term’s fees are to be paid in addition to the first term’s fees. This payment is held on deposit and will be refunded against the pupil’s final bill. Fees include tuition, meals, standard textbooks and teaching resources. Fees do not include optional subjects and examination entry fees. Fees are payable on or before the first day of term. Payment by direct debit is available over a ten month period August-May. It is also possible to arrange a lump sum advance payment of fees. Please contact the Finance Department for more information on +44 (0)1284 385345 or email

EXTRA CHARGES Culford attempts to keep any extra charges as low as possible. Pupils will, however, be billed for such items as: • Non-transferable academic texts • School trips and visits • Boarders’ outings • House social events

In order to bring and use it at Culford School, your device must meet minimum hardware and software requirements. This is to ensure our IT network is secure, safe and efficient for everybody to use. To find out more about the requirements, please contact the IT Services department on +44 (0)1284 385328 or email to request a copy of the Bring Your Own Device information sheet.

UNIFORM A complete uniform list is sent to parents in advance of a pupil’s first term and may also be downloaded from under Admissions. New uniform may be purchased from the school outfitters: Aubyn Davies, 81 St John’s St, Town Centre, Bury St Edmunds IP33 1SQ Telephone: +44 (0)1284 754276

Extra Information


The Nearly New Shop stocks good quality second hand uniform and is open every week. It is also open during school holidays. Please check the website or contact Reception on +44 (0)1284 728615 for up-todate opening times.


Any parents concerned to limit such charges should discuss the matter with their child’s Housemaster or Housemistress. 23

Common Room Lists

Senior School



The Rt Hon Viscount Chelsea Patron Mr G Reynolds BEng Assistant Head (Pastoral), Air Vice Marshal S Abbott CBE MPhil BA Mathematics Teacher and Mrs P Abbott BEd ACP Housemaster – Cornwallis Mr A Atkinson LLB MBA MA JP Mr J Holiday-Scott BA English Teacher, Prof S Challacombe Housemaster – Edwards

Mr J F Johnson-Munday MA MBA Headmaster Dr J Guntrip BSc PhD Deputy Head, Head of Scholars

HEADMASTER’S OFFICE Mrs A Buttery BA Mrs N Emms BA Mrs K Furlong Mrs C Holder Ms J Hunt Ms G Rynsard Mrs S Tilly

Headmaster’s PA Assistant PA to the Headmaster School Receptionist School Receptionist Common Room Secretary School Receptionist Deputy Head’s Secretary

FOUNDATION AND COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Mrs J Johnson-Munday LLB Foundation Director Mrs J Glover BA Communications Officer Mr J A Humphries BA OC Liaison Officer Miss A Paterson BA Marketing and Communications Manager Mrs K Perry MSc Alumni Database Manager Mrs S Salisbury Foundation Manager Miss H Walker BA Communications Officer

ADMISSIONS OFFICE Mrs Michelle Dodd Ms Maura Power BA Med Mrs Karen M Tompkinson Mr Dave Watkin BEd


UK Admissions Manager External Relations Manager Registrar Assistant Head

Mrs L Bryant BA Geography Teacher, Housemistress – Fitzgerald Mrs S Haughey MA MPhil Religious Studies Teacher, Housemistress – Jocelyn

FINANCE AND OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT Mrs E Boardley FCCA BA Finance and Operations Director Miss L Cornell Finance and Operations Assistant Mr C Hunt Lettings, Operations & Health and Safety Officer Miss A Oxford BA Finance Assistant Mrs E Taylor Finance and HR Administrator Mrs S Taylor Finance Assistant Mrs S Tyler Payroll Administrator Mrs J Waters BA MAAT Finance Office Manager Mr M Webb Operations Manager

Head of IT Services IT Services Technician IT Services Technician


BDS PhD FRC(Path) FDSRCS(Eng,Ed) DSc(h.c) FMedSci FKC

Mr A P Crane BSc CEng FIET Mr M Donougher BSc ACA Mr N Gillis MA Mr J M Hammond MA Mr M King Mr T C Matthews BSc FRICS Mr P Moore BA MBA MIC Mr S Pott FRICS FRAgS FInstCPD FRAU The Revd J M Pursehouse Mrs V Sanderson BA Grad CIPD Culford is in a group of schools owned by the Methodist Independent Schools Trust (MIST), 25 Marylebone Road, London NW1 5JR. Telephone: 02079 353 723

Any communication to Governors should be addressed to: Clerk to the Governors, Culford School, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP28 6TX

IT SERVICES Mr L New Mr C Polley Mr A Sochon


Members of Senior Common Room by Department

Mrs B A Hunt BA Mr L Hoggar BA Miss K Noorlander

Head of Department Art and Design Teacher Art Technician



Head of Department Head of Sixth Form

Mrs S Deering MA

Head of Department



Head of Department

Miss M Jackson BA RADA MA Director of Drama Miss Sarah Borely LAMDA Teacher

EAL Mrs H F Baker BSc Head of Department, Science and Numeracy Support Teacher Mrs A Burge BA Mrs C Byrne MA Assistant Head of Further Education Mrs B Recknell BA MA


Mrs E Williams BA Head of Department Mrs C Byrne MA Assistant Head of Further Education Dr J M Byrne MA PhD Mrs A Glassbrook BA Mr J Holiday-Scott BA Mrs R Radlett BA GEOGRAPHY Mr M H Barber MA Mrs L Bryant BA Mrs A Burge BA Miss H Mayhew BSc HISTORY

Head of Department and Head of Independent Learning

Mr M Rackowe BA Mr P M Jones MA

Head of Department

Head of Department

Second in Department Examinations Officer

MODERN LANGUAGES Mr A R Deane BA Miss P Kirby-Smith BA Miss K McCarthy MA Ms K Waghorn BA

Head of Department Head of Spanish

MUSIC Assistant Housemistress – Fitzgerald, Head of PSHCE

Mr P R Burge

Director of Music



Mr N J Tully BSc Mrs S J Flack BA Mr G Reynolds BEng Dr B O’Riordan PhD Mr J Veitch BA BSc

Head of ICT

Mr D Bolton Dip Mus Mr J D Recknell MA FRCO Mrs J Welsh BMus LRSM

Head of Brass Head of Keyboard Head of Strings

Common Room Lists



PSHCE Miss H Mayhew BSc

Head of PSHCE


Mrs K Kemp BEd Head of Department INTERNATIONAL STUDY PROGRAMME Mrs C Almond FISTC Swimming Instructor Mr M Bolton BSc Head of Rugby Mr N Murray BA Head of Department Mr B Burrows BEd Head of Hockey Assistant Housemaster – Mrs E Long BSc Head of Athletics Edwards, English Teacher Mr A Northcote Head of Cricket and Learning Development Miss C Olley BSc Assistant Housemistress – Teacher Jocelyn Mrs C Reynolds BEd Head of Netball 25

Common Room Lists


Prep School

Mr L Dodd PGA Director of Golf Miss H Grant BA Performance Sports Co-ordinator Mr D Hall Director of Tennis Miss L Kammeijer Hockey Professional Mr D Pilbrow Head of Performance Swimming Mr J D Yates Head of Performance Tennis


RELIGIOUS STUDIES Revd Dr A G Palmer MTh PhD Head of Department and Chairman of SCR Revd S Crompton-Battersby Bth Chaplain Mrs S Haughey MA MPhil

SCIENCE CHEMISTRY Mr D Rees BSc Head of Science Mrs S L Antonietti BSc PHYSICS Mr J Fox BSc Head of Department and Assistant Housemaster – Cornwallis Mr J Christopher BSc Head of Timetabling and Data Analysis Mr D Edwards PSYCHOLOGY Dr A Butler BSc PhD Head of Department BIOLOGY Mr A P Fisk MSc Head of Department Dr J Guntrip BSc PhD Deputy Head

LEARNING DEVELOPMENT Mrs B Murray TTHD Dip SpLD Head of Department Mrs J Cope BA Cert SpLD Mr N Murray BA


Mrs L Martin MA MCLIP

School Librarian, Head of Careers

Mr M Schofield BEd Headmaster Miss J Hatton BEd Deputy Head Pastoral, Head of Geography Mrs C Bentley BEd Deputy Head Academic, English Teacher Mr J Herd BSc Housemaster of Cadogan, Mathematics Teacher Mr M Bolton BSc Director of Sport and Activities


Prep School Receptionist Prep School Head PA

MEMBERS OF PREP COMMON ROOM Mrs S Ahrens MA Ed Head of History and Class Teacher Mrs K Allum BEd Learning Development Mr N Anns BEd Head of Mathematics Mme D Barker Maitrise FLE Head of French Mrs T Black Librarian Mrs C Blake BEd Learning Development Mrs A Bunting BA Class Teacher Mr B Burrows BEd Head of Hockey Mr J Calvert BA Head of Religious Studies and Drama Mrs K Clarke BEd Class Teacher Mr S Clay MA Head of Music Mrs S Combes BA Mrs K Dearman Mrs S Deering MA Mrs R Drake BA

Music Teacher Teaching Assistant Head of Classics Maths Teacher

Mrs N Gumbleton MA

English Teacher

Mrs S Guntrip BSc Mrs A Hafermann BSc MA Head of Science Miss P Kirby-Smith BA French Teacher Mrs A MacKenzie French Teacher Mrs B Murray TTHD Dip SpLD Head of Learning Development Miss S O’Neill BA Head of English Mr W Pook BSc Head of ICT Mrs R Ratcliffe BEd Learning Development Mrs B Recknell MA EAL Teacher Mrs C Rosten BSc Science Technician Mrs E Veitch BEd Class Teacher, Activity House Co-ordinator Mr D Venables BSc Science Teacher Mrs K Waghorn French and EAL Teacher Mrs C Wakefield MSc Class Teacher Mrs H Whiter Head of Art/DT

MEDICAL CENTRE Mrs E Deane RGN RM BSc Medical Centre Manager Ms M Chipping Healthcare Assistant Mrs H Hodgkins RSCN Resident Nurse

Day Pupils’ Bus Service and Routes

Additional routes may be added subject to sufficient demand. Any parent wishing to use this service should contact Janine Waters on +44 (0)1284 385345. Routes are confirmed and places allocated in August of each year, and any requests received after 15 July may not be able to be accommodated in the term ahead, although we will always do our best to help. Routes are subject to change depending on demand, and the school currently provides a day pupil service along the following routes:

Bus Service

Culford School is pleased to offer a comprehensive bus service for day pupils which operates from towns and villages located as far as 30 miles from the School. The services run in term-time Monday to Friday, both inbound and outbound, and inbound only on Saturday mornings.

EXPRESS SHUTTLE BUS Cambridge (Milton or Trumpington Park & Ride) to Culford School, Norwich (Thickthorn Park & Ride) to Culford School.

Cambridge and Norwich Express Shuttle Services 2016/17

ROUTE A Newmarket (Bedford Lodge Hotel), Kentford (The Bell/The Cock), Higham (Old Station forecourt), Tuddenham, Culford School

ROUTE B Kedington, Highpoint, Wickhambrook,Chedburgh, Chevington, Horringer, Bury St Edmunds, Culford School

The Cambridge and Norwich express shuttle services launched in 2015/16, and operate between Cambridge (Milton or Trumpington Park & Ride) and Norwich (Thickthorn Park & Ride) and Culford.

ROUTE C Lawshall, Hartest, Brockley Green, Whepstead, Horringer (Sharpes Lane), Westley, Bury St

The services run in term-time Monday to Friday, both inbound and outbound, and inbound only on Saturday mornings. The Park & Rides’ convenient collection and drop-off points mean that taking advantage of the huge range of academic, sporting and artistic opportunities offered by Culford is now even easier for children in Cambridge and Norwich.

Sicklesmere (Overland Industrial Estate), Bury St Edmunds (Theatre Royal), Culford School

If you’d like to know more about either the Cambridge or Norwich Culford Express Shuttle service, then please contact Janine Waters on +44 (0)1284 385345 or email

Edmunds (Opposite turning into B&Q), Bury St Edmunds (Swan Surgery, Northgate Street), Culford School

ROUTE D Sudbury, Long Melford, Bridge Street, Cockfield (Cross Green), Bradfield Combust, ROUTE E Ipswich (ASDA, White House Industrial Estate), Stowmarket (Tesco, Cedar Park), Wetherden, Beyton, Thurston, Great Barton (Livermere Road), Culford School

For further information, or to request a bus service information booklet, please contact Janine Waters on +44 (0)1284 385345 or email

Culford prospectus documents describe the broad principles on which the School is presently run. Although the information in this booklet is believed to be correct at the time of printing, it does not form part of any binding agreement between parents and the School and may be subject to change. © Culford School 2016


How to find us

BY ROAD From the A14 (London/Cambridge/Ipswich) Exit the A14 at junction 42 (Bury St Edmunds West) and at the roundabout take the exit signposted Brandon B1106 (RAF Honington). Continue along Tut Hill past Bury St Edmunds Golf Club on the right until the double mini roundabout. Go straight over into Fornham All Saints village, past the Church and the Suffolk Golf Club, and continue until the roundabout. Take the first exit signposted Culford and Brandon B1106. Continue along this road until you reach Culford village. The entrance to the School will be seen on the left hand side.

BY AIR Culford is 45 minutes from Stansted and approximately 2 hours from Heathrow and Gatwick.

BY RAIL From Norwich on the A11


SATELLITE NAVIGATION When using SATNAV please use the postcode IP28 6TX and input “via Fornham All Saints”, otherwise you may be directed to the rear entrance to Culford Park, instead of the main entrance to the school.

Travelling south on the A11 from Norwich, take the B1106 just south of Thetford signposted Bury St Edmunds. Culford is in 6 miles. Culford School is in the centre of the village.

There are good rail and coach links from Heathrow and Gatwick airports to London. Trains leave from London Liverpool Street (via Ipswich) or King’s Cross (via Cambridge) to travel to Bury St Edmunds.

Culford School, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP28 6TX Admissions Office: +44 (0)1284 385308 Reception: +44 (0)1284 728615

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