Cullen's Abc's Thanksgiving Activity Packet

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Hi There, Thank you for purchasing my Thanksgiving Activity Packet :o). I hope that you and your children enjoy all of these activities this Thanksgiving season. Some of the activities are designed for you to be very hands on with your children. While other activities you can set up for them and go make dinner while they are happily coloring away or scooping popcorn kernels in measuring cups. Enjoy!

Thanksgiving Activity Packet Art: Mayflower Please provide the children with: ● the opportunity to make their Mayflower how they’d like­it’s okay if they put the sails in a different place than where you see them :). ● the boat cut out of brown construction paper (if you have a different color to use feel free to do so)­see pattern @ end of packet ● the sails cut out of white construction paper (if you have a different color to use feel free to do so) ● give each child one boat and lay out enough sails for children to glue on however many they’d like. If you’d like for them to use a certain number of sails lay them out on the table and have them count them out. Supplies you will need to have out: ● glue ● toothpicks ● piece of construction paper for the children to glue their boat and sails onto ● markers or crayons to draw people in the Mayflower The children will: ● glue down their boat, their sails and toothpicks. ● using their fine motor skills and strengthening the muscles in their hands while using their grasping fingers to hold the crayons and by squeezing the bottle of glue. They will also be using their imaginations to put their Mayflower together. Art Video Art Pattern Information: Scholastic has some great pictures of The Mayflower Art: Paint Chip Turkey’s Please provide the children with: ● the opportunity to make their turkey however they’d like­it’s okay if they draw the face in a different place than where you see it :) ● the pattern of the turkey body­brown construction paper­see pattern @ end of packet ● paint chips cut up into strips ● glue for the eyes or you can give your child markers to draw the face ● tape to tape on the paint chip feathers ● wiggly eyes or they can draw them on Supplies you will need to have out: ● tape ● glue ● markers, crayons or colored pencils

wax paper to lay the turkey onto for gluing purposes­easier to peel off when dry

The children will: ● depending on the age or developmental abilities of your child they can tear off the tape or you can tear it for them and hand it to them (you can also pre­cut the tape and put it on the edge of the table and they can pick it up when they’d like to use it). They can tape their paint chips to their turkey. If you’d like to do something different you can use feathers or have children draw them with various colors. ● glue eyes on or draw them on ● use their fine motor skills strengthening the muscles in their hands when peeling the tape, squeezing the bottle of glue and coloring with the markers ● use their imagination to make their turkey look exactly the way they’d like it to look Art Video Art Pattern Song: Did You Ever See a Turkey You can play this video for your children to see and you can sing it while they are doing the art projects, while they are brushing their teeth, while they are helping you in the kitchen etc. Just a fun song to sing :o). Art: Corn On The Cob Please provide the children with: ● the husk and cob of corn cut out. I use green construction paper for the husk and yellow for the cob Supplies you will need to have out: ● glue ● popcorn kernels The children will: ● glue their husk and corn cob together ● glue popcorn kernels onto the corn cob­if kernels end up on the husk also that is okay :o) ● use their fine motor skills and strengthen the muscles in their hands when squeezing the bottle of glue and when using their grasping finger to pick up the kernels and put them on the corn cob Art Video Art Pattern Corn Activities: ● Pop some popcorn and watch and listen to it pop. Make sure you are with your children while doing this activity as it could be dangerous to have them on their own with the hot oil. If you would like to work on counting you can count together how many kernels you will drop into the pot. ●

Make a small DIY environment box by putting some popcorn kernels in a container or box and give your children tweezers, spoons, measuring cups and allow them to play in the kernels. You can also put in some small dump trucks, excavators, backhoe loaders etc if you have children that would enjoy that. Use what you have around the house­you have more than you may think. When I do this at home I put the box, plastic bowl or container on top of some beach towels so that hopefully most of the kernels will end up on the towels making clean­up time a bit easier.

Art: I Am Thankful Tree Please provide the children with: ● the cut out of the tree­I have cut it out of brown construction paper ● many leaves cut out of various colors­or you can cut them out of white construction paper and have your children color them with crayons ● you can hang this on the fridge, the wall etc. Some place that everyone can see it Supplies you will need to have out: ● crayons of various fall colors if you are having your children color the leaves ● tape for children to tape the leaves on ● marker to write what they are thankful for on the leaves ­ if your children are able to write letters/words you can have them work on doing that with this activity ­ you can write the words with a highlighter and have them write on top of them and trace them, write the letters in dots and they can connect the dots, you can tell them the letters and they can write them, you can write the words on another piece of paper and they can look at them and write them on their leaf. Just a few ideas. The children will: ● color the leaves and the tree if that’s the way you set it up ● say what they are thankful for and you can write it on the leaves ● use their fine motor skills when taping the leaves to the tree and coloring the leaves ● work on color recognition with the colors of the leaves and the tree Art Video­this is for making a poster but similar idea Art Pattern Activity: Thankful Tracing Please provide the children with: ● one of the thankful tracing papers ● a writing utensil Supplies you will need to have out: ● writing utensil The children will: ● trace the letter and follow the line to the picture ● work on hand­eye coordination while holding the pencil and using their eyes to follow the dotted lines ● work on their fine motor skills that strengthen the muscles in their hands when using their grasping fingers to hold the pencil to trace with Activity Worksheet Bible Activity: Parable of the Sower Coloring Page See story, questions and prayer at the end of this packet Please provide the children with: ● parable of the sower coloring page and Bible memory verse ● crayons, markers, colored pencils Supplies you will need to have out: ● crayons, markers, colored pencils The children will: ● color the page ● work on memorizing the Bible verse ● work on their fine motor skills that strengthen the muscles in their hands when using their grasping fingers to hold the writing utensils to color with

● if you would like to read the story please see the last page of this packet ● hang on the fridge to work on memorizing the verse ● grow in their relationship with Jesus Video Bible Memory Verse Coloring Page Art Activity: Thankerchief Please provide the children with: ● click on Thankerchief to find out about this neat tradition you can start with your family on Thanksgiving Day. ● some kind of paper to put their handprint onto. You could use cardstalk or burlap or construction paper. I would recommend something that will last over the years­as you may want to bring it out each year. Supplies you will need to have out: ● paint for the children’s hands­my child does not like paint on his hands so I may color with washable markers, use a stamp pad or just paint it really fast and get it done quick­:o) ● markers to draw the feet and waddle if you’d like The children will: ● paint their hand with brown for the body and different colors of paint for the fingers that will be the feathers. Once their hand is ready to go you can press it down on the paper you are choosing to use. ● work on color recognition with the colors of paint being used Art Pattern Art: Shaving Cream Leaves Please provide the children with: ● cut outs of leaves on white construction paper ● shaving cream ● food coloring or liquid watercolors Supplies you will need to have out: ● a cookie sheet or tray if you’d like to keep the shaving cream contained ● shaving cream in plastic bowls with the food coloring mixed in. You may want to have red, yellow and orange food coloring in 3 separate bowls. If you would like to have the shaving cream be puffy when it dries add a couple of tablespoons of glue to the shaving cream and mix it together. The children will: ● you can do this in a couple ways...1. have the shaving cream in the bowls and children can scoop on different colors and rub it around with their fingers then using a ruler or squeegee or even a butter knife scrape the shaving cream off (being careful to not pull too hard and rip the paper leaf)­should leave the color behind on the paper. 2. children can use a paintbrush to ‘paint’ the shaving cream to their leaf, let it sit and dry­it will be puffy when it dries if it has glue in it ● work on color recognition with the colors being used ● fine motor skills and strengthening the muscles in their hands when moving around the shaving cream Pattern Leaves

Art: Tissue Paper Leaves Please provide the children with: ● cut outs of the leaves in white construction paper ● various leaf colors of tissue paper cut into squares ● vinegar ● paint brush Supplies you will need to have out: ● vinegar (white or red wine vinegar­either works) ● bowls to pour vinegar into­just a little bit of vinegar ● tissue paper squares­make sure this is the type of tissue paper that bleeds The children will: ● paint on the vinegar, then lay the tissue on top, then paint vinegar on top of the tissue ● work on their fine motor skills to strengthen the muscles in their hands by using their grasping fingers to pick up the paintbrush and ‘paint’ on the vinegar ● when their leaves are dry they can peel off the tissue and throw it away. The color will be left behind. Pattern Leaves Song: Autumn Leaves Are Falling Down Video Activity: Autumn Leaf Activity Video Make sure to watch the video so that you know what to do. This is a fun large motor and fine motor activity. Children will work on color recognition with the color of tissue paper or construction paper that is used. If children are helping to rip the paper they are working on their fine motor skills and strengthening the muscles in their hands. As children are throwing the leaves into the air they are moving their body and working on large motor development. While you are dropping the leaves onto the children you can sing Autumn Leaves Are Falling Down. Bible Activity: 10 Lepers Coloring Page See story, questions and prayer at the end of this packet Please provide the children with: ● 10 Lepers coloring page and Bible memory verse ● crayons, markers, colored pencils Supplies you will need to have out: ● crayons, markers, colored pencils The children will: ● color the page ● work on memorizing the Bible verse ● work on their fine motor skills that strengthen the muscles in their hands when using their grasping fingers to hold the writing utensils to color with ● if you would like to read the story please see the last page of this packet ● hang on the fridge to work on memorizing the verse ● grow in their relationship with Jesus Bible Memory Verse Coloring Page

Letter Activity: We are Thankful for the letter Tt You can use the lower case letter t and the upper case letter T to do this project. Here are some ideas to utilize the letter T’s. 1. Have the children come up with some words that start with the letter T and write them down. 2. Gather a bunch of collage items for the children to glue onto their letter T. 3. If you have any turkey stickers have the children stick them onto their letter T. 4. Color the T’s. Pattern Uppercase T Pattern Lowercase t Video Letter T with food Cooking: Pumpkin Bread Making Pumpkin bread is something that is fun to do together with your children and it makes the house smell so good :o).They are working on so many skills from number recognition, to fractions, measuring, their 5 senses and fine motor skills when scooping and stirring. Be sure to watch the Pumpkin bread video and print out the Pumpkin Bread Recipe so you are ready to go for baking in the kitchen with your children. Video Pumpkin bread Recipe Pumpkin Bread Recipe Art: Pumpkin Finger­painting Please provide the children with: ● a white construction paper pumpkin ● red and yellow paint Supplies you will need to have out: ● paint­red and yellow paint to mix together to make orange. You can also just use orange if you’d like. ● bowls or a place to pour the paint­you can even use some wax paper or foil to put the paint on The children will: ● use their fingers to pick up the paint and put it on the pumpkin and mix the colors together ● work on their fine motor skills when moving the paint on their paper ● watch the colors mix and move around ● have fun :o)! Video Pumpkin Finger­painting Pattern Pumpkin

Thankful Song

I can be thankful (tune of “I’m a Little Teapot”) I can be thankful; yes I can For my family; for my friends. God has given so much with His Son Thank you God for all You’ve done. Activity: Pumpkin Coloring Please provide the children with: ● pumpkin coloring page ● crayons, markers, colored pencils Supplies you will need to have out: ● crayons, markers, colored pencils The children will: ● color the coloring page however they’d like. It’s okay if they color outside of the lines and add things to the pumpkins if they’d like. ● work on their fine motor skills that strengthen the muscles in their hands when they use their grasping fingers to hold the writing utensil when coloring. Pattern Pumpkin Coloring Page Acorn Art Please provide the children with: ● the top and bottom of the acorn ● you can cut it out in whatever color construction paper you’d like­I use brown ● if children want to cut theirs out you will need scissors ● you may want to put out some wax paper under their art so if they use a lot of glue it will be easier for you to peel it off when it’s dry Supplies you will need to have out: ● glue ● scissors ● items to glue on­watch the video for ideas The children will: ● work on fine motor skills and strengthen the muscles in their hands by cutting with scissors, squeezing the bottle of glue and using their grasping fingers to pick up the items to put on to their acorn ● glue the top and the bottom of the acorn together Pattern: Acorn Video: Acorn Art Game: Acorn Number Matching Watch the video so you know how to play the game with your children. Video: Acorn number matching game You can print out the game here Acorn number matching game

Game: Hide The Turkey

This is a fun game to play at anytime of the day. Watch the video Hide the Turkey so that you can get some ideas on how to play. You can find a turkey on Google images or use this Turkey pattern and have your children color it and use it in the game. Video Hide the turkey Pattern Turkey

Below you will find the worship stories, a supply list for each activity and links to all of the patterns. Remember to look around your house for the supplies, you probably have more than you think you do. You can always supplement for items that you have and if you need ideas just post something on FB or send me an email, I am happy to help you think. ***Please remember to allow your child to use their imagination. They may not put something together the way you would and that is just fine. If they color outside of the lines, that’s great! If their leaves turn black and you wanted them red, orange and yellow, it is nothing to worry about. Our children see things differently than we do and we need to give them the space to do that.***

Supply List *If you don’t have the exact items listed use something else you do have.

Parable of the of the Sower Bible story, questions and prayer Below you will find the story to read to children with some questions and then a prayer following that. You can read the story first, then ask the questions and then have them repeat the prayer after you. I have put periods throughout the prayer for you to pause and let the children repeat after you. Story:

The Parable of the Sower Mark 4; Luke 8 Jesus began to tell this parable: There once was a farmer who went to his garden to plant seeds. He put his seeds in his sack that he wore around his shoulder. When he got to his garden he reached into his bag and began to scatter handfuls of seed on the ground. As he walked up and down the rows of his garden the seed scattered and fell to the ground. Some of the farmer’s seed fell on the hard­packed pathway where many feet had walked before and the ground was so hard that the seed just lay on top of the dirt. Some of the farmer’s seed fell on soil that had rocks underneath and some of his seed fell among some thorny plants. Some seed fell on rich, soft soil. The farmer finished scattering his seeds and he saw what happened to the seeds that he planted. Hungry birds that saw the seeds just lying on top of the ground where the farmer walked quickly snatched up the seeds that fell on the hard­packed pathway. The seeds that fell on the rocky ground with a little bit of soil grew up quickly. As they grew up quickly there was no place for roots to grow for the seed so when the seed quickly sprouted the hot sun and lack of moisture caused the seed to wither and die. The seeds that fell among the thorny bushes began to grow right alongside them. The thorny bushes helped shade the young plants but as the thorny bushes grew bigger and bigger their roots took up more and more of the soil. The thorny bushes choked the life out of the young plants because they had no place for their roots to grow. The young plants were not able to grow any further and have any fruit for the farmer to pick. The seeds that landed on soft, fertile soil grew into little plants, and then bigger plants and then when it was time for the farmer to harvest he was able to get a very good crop from the plants. Jesus ended His parable by saying, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” Jesus’ disciples looked at Him and said, “What does this parable mean?” (Luke 8:15) When God’s Word is heard by people who listen and obey His Words every day, He causes them to grow stronger and stronger and as they serve Him others come to know Jesus which is called bearing fruit. The people who listen and obey God’s Word bear much fruit for Him because they keep growing by hearing and obeying His Word. Questions: 1. What was the farmer scattering? seeds 2. Where did the seeds fall? just have them think of a few places, doesn’t need to be all. Pathway, soil with rocks, thorny plants, rich soft soil. 3. What do you think this story is about? The farmer is Jesus and we are like his seeds. We need to listen to Him and obey his Words.


Dear God. Thank you for this day. Thank you for this Bible story. Please help me to remember to listen. and obey your words everyday. Please help me. to be kind to others. Amen

10 Lepers Bible story, questions and prayer In the story about the 10 Lepers Jesus teaches that we need to be thankful to others. Below you will find the story to read to your children with some questions and then a prayer following that. You can read the story first, then ask the questions and then have them repeat the prayer after you. I have put periods throughout the prayer for you to pause and let the children repeat after you. Story:

Ten Lepers Luke 17:11­19 As Jesus was traveling, he met then lepers. Their bodies were covered with sores. The lepers shouted, “Jesus, please heal us!” Jesus said, “Go. Show yourselves to the priests.” The ten lepers left. While they were walking away, something amazing happened. All ten of them were healed! Only one man went back to thank Jesus. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and said, “Thank you!” Jesus wondered where the other men were. They did not come back to thank him. Questions: 1. How many lepers were there? ten 2. What did the men ask Jesus to do? Heal them 3. Did Jesus heal them? Yes 4. How many of the men came back and thanked Jesus? one Prayer:

Dear God. Thank you for this day. Thank you for this story about the 10 Lepers. Please help me. to be always remember to say thank you. Thank you for loving me. I love you! Amen.

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