The Spring Edition
The Hilight
Volume _______ Issue VI THE NEWSPAPER OF CULLMAN HIGH SCHOOL March 24, 2022 510 13th St. Seniors: __ School Days til Graduation! Cullman, AL 35055
Writing women back into history Anna Beth Mauldin, Staff Writer
Every March, Women’s History Month provides us the opportunity to celebrate the millions of influential women that have battled injustice to build and reshape our nation. Throughout history, despite discrimination and hardship, women have strived for equity, for all women, in all communities across our country. Generations of Native American women were caretakers of the land and continue to fight for their ground and climate change. Black women fought to end slavery and advocated for civil rights. Suffragists fought for their voting rights, resulting in the passing of the 19th Amendment, which stated that no one could be denied a vote on the basis of sex. To this day, women and girls continue to carry forward the mission of the heroines that came before them, ensuring that our daughters have the same opportunities as our sons. Women and girls continue to lead groundbreaking civil rights movements for freedom and social justice
so that every individual can realize the true promises of America. Although women have always been a part of history, for centuries their contributions and work were overlooked: early texts excluded women altogether, except for the accounts of powerful women such as queens. Historians-most of which were men-often saw history as being mainly shaped by males and their accounts of struggles and triumphs. The switch from this pattern began in the 20th century, beginning with small steps toward change. Women did not appear in history books the same way men did. Simply put, historians overlooked large amounts of their work including diaries, letters, books, and other materials, and overlooked their significance to society. A few exceptions include Eleanor Flexner and Mary Beard, their works reflecting the struggle of women in history and the fight for voting rights. However, while women’s liberation
movements accumulated strength, feminists pondered against the persuasive lack of women’s stories in their history books. Molly Murphy MacGregor-graduate of one of the newly founded women’s studies programs at California’s Sonoma State University in the 1970s- asked this same question. As current as 1970, the influence of women in history was a nonexistent topic of discussion in all public schools. At the high school at which she taught, administrators attempted to cancel a class which she taught women’s history, arguing that there was not enough material to cover a six-week instruction course. Textbooks that did cover basic women’s history buried it-for example, one text stated that Congress gave women the right to vote without mentioning the work of suffragists that fought for that right. “The history of women in the United States seemed to be written in invisible ink,” MacGregor reflected in a 2020 PBS documentary. MacGregor was urged to action. In the late 1970s, she put together presentations of the role of women throughout history, sparking curiosity in students. Newfound interest was found in the world-changing stories of eminent figures such as Harriet Tubman and Rachel Carson. But when MacGregor discovered that pupils rarely checked out the tiny assortment of women’s history books available in their schools, she took action by joining the Sonoma County Commission on the Status of Women. To address this situation, the school district of Sonoma, California strived for change, including MacGregor. The true celebration of Women’s History Month was constructed off of a weekend festival celebrating women’s contributions to society, organized by the school district of Sonoma, California. Beginning in 1978, presentations were delivered to dozens of schools and a number of students competed in a “Real Woman” essay contest and a
parade was held in Santa Rosa. This movement rapidly spread across the country as other communities created their own version of this celebration. In 1980, a consortium of women’s groups triumphantly lobbied for national recognition. President Jimmy Carter issued the first Presidential Proclamation declaring the week of March 8th, 1980 as Women’s History Week in February 1980. Following Presidents continued to claim a Women’s History Week each March up until 1987, when Congress passed Public Law 100-9, designating the month of March as Women’s History Month. While prominent figures such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Harriet Tubman, Eleanor Roosevelt, Margaret Thatcher, Rosie the Riveter, and Betty Friedan are frequently associated with Women’s History Month, there are numerous remarkable women who deserve to be recognized as well. Consider inventor/ actress Hedy Lamarr, scientist Dian Fossey and mathematician Katherine Johnson, astronauts Sally Ride and Mae C. Jemison, authors Maya Angelou and Amy Tan, and directors Kathryn Bigelow and Ava Duvernay. All throughout history, women have made significant contributions to all areas of life. Women have influenced our culture and the progression of research, math, science, photography, literature, music, and so much more. This Women’s History Month gives us the opportunity to reflect on the achievements of countless women who have paved the way for societal progression. While we commit to the fight women of the past have strived to achieve, let us realize the American vision of a more equal society where everyone has the chance at pursuing the American Dream. In doing so, we advance health and safety, economic growth, and the security of our nation.
2C A M P U S Table Of Contents
Mental Disorders/ Angelina Hughe’s Father 3 Orgin Of The Easter Bunny/ Effects Of Reading 4 Churches In Cullman County 5 Spider Man Movie Review 6 Spring Style 7 Spring Playlist 8 Promposals 9 Prom Spread 10 Prom Spread 11 Basketball/ Golf/ Soccer 12 Basketball/ Softball/ Archery/ Cheer 13 Tennis/ Track and Field 14 Deadlines/ College Housing 15 CHS Spring Break Plans/ The Addams Family 16 Great Gatsby 17 Best Water/ Hangout Spots/ Joe Rogan On Spotify/ High School Drama 18 Billionaires Good or Bad 19 Sexism In The Medical Field 20
School Calendar:
March 25-29: Spring Break April 2: ACT April 6: 9th/10th grade WOW Career Fair April 12: 11th ACT Plus Writing/ Remote Day for 9th, 10th, and 12th April 14: Dinner with the Drumline April 15: Good Friday Holiday April 17: Easter April 19: 10th ACT Plus Writing/ Remote Day for 9th, 11th, and 12th April 21-23: Addams Family Production April 25-29: Spring Fling Week April 28: Spring Fling Talent Show May 3: Academic and Extracurricular Awards May 5: Cinco de Mayo May 6: Remote Learning Day May 8: Mother’s Day
Staff List
Editor in Chief Christen Sorrow Advertising Editor Areli Leon Staff Writers Abbie Allison Emily Gable Angelina Hughes Jordan Nash Samantha Johnson Carson Kallhof Olivia Britton Anna Beth Mauldin Alecia Scott Drew Williamson Elley Atchison Advisor Jennifer Calahan Contact Phone 256-734-2923 Address 510 13th Street NE Cullman, AL 35055 Member of Alabama Scholastic Press Association Newspaper Printed By ALabama Web Press
Guest artist, Kasandra Edwards Class of 2024
FEATURES Mental Disorders: Defined
Definitions of mental disorders Elley Atchison, Staff Writer Mental disorders are frequently confused (by everyday people) as something they are not. People say things like, “Yes, I am a very neat person. My room is never messy. I think I have OCD.” or something else like, “Oh my gosh! I forgot my phone at home. I’m so autistic.” Mental disorders, firstly, are never something you should diagnose yourself with and, secondly, never something to joke about. Many people struggle with these disorders, so it is never okay to make light of them. The DSM-5, The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, identifies each mental disorder. The definitions below are from the DSM-5 and give an accurate description of what these mental disorders actually are. OCD: Presence of obsessions or compulsions, or both. Obsessions: Recurring and persistent thoughts, urges, or images that are experienced, at some time during the disturbance, as intrusive and unwanted, and that in most individuals cause marked anxiety or distress.
Compulsions: repetitive behaviors or mental acts that an individual feels driven to perform in response to an obsession or according to rules that must be applied rigidly. Autism Spectrum Disorder: Persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts, including deficits in social reciprocity, nonverbal communicative behaviors used for social interaction, and skills in developing, maintaining, and understanding relationships. In addition to the social communication deficits, the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder requires the presence of restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities. Bipolar Disorder: Individuals with bipolar disorder may have increased activity, poor concentration, and increased impulsivity, but these features are episodic, occurring several days at a time. In bipolar disorder, increased impulsivity or inattention is accompanied by elevated mood, grandiosity, and other
specific bipolar features. Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Persistent and excessive anxiety and worry about various domains, including work and school performance, that the individual finds difficult to control. In addition, the individual experiences physical symptoms, including restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge; being easily fatigued; difficulty concentrating or mind going blank; irritability; muscle tension; and sleep disturbance. Major Depressive Disorder: To be diagnosed with MDD, one must have five or more depressive symptoms for more than 2 weeks. Some of these symptoms include: 1. Marked affective lability (mood swings). 2. Marked irritability or anger or increased interpersonal conflicts. 3. Marked depressed mood, feelings of hopelessness, or self-deprecating thoughts. 4. Decreased interest in usual activities 5. Lethargy, easy fatigability, or
marked lack of energy. 6. Marked change in appetite; overeating; or specific food. Hypersomnia or insomnia. 7. A sense of being overwhelmed or out of control. PTSD: The development of characteristic symptoms following exposure to one or more traumatic events. In some individuals, fearbased re-experiencing, emotional, and behavioral symptoms may predominate. In others, anhedonic or dysphoric mood states and negative cognitions may be most distressing. Finally, some individuals exhibit combinations of these symptom patterns.
able to visit him for once because they allowed one visitor to come. The visitor hours ended at 8 pm. I stayed until 8:48 and got scolded by the man at the front desk but it was well worth it. The night I came to visit, my father had fallen out of the commode and reopened old wounds, blood was everywhere. With that little incident, my reunion was not what I was expecting, but I still made the best of it. After the nurses helped clean things up, I gave my father the biggest hug. He and I both cried as we held each other. What lasted almost an hour only felt like five minutes,and I was devastated to leave his side once again. At that point, my father had been lying in a bed for almost a month, and it was difficult for him to even sit up on his own. He had Covid induced delirium and his cognitive abilities were that of a toddler. During rehabilitation, my father slowly gained his cognitive abilities and gained strength to sit up, stand, and pivot on his own. My mother was determined to have my father well enough to return home. Despite feeling ill herself and breaking one of her ribs, she continued to visit my father daily and
care for him. Many more incidents took place at the rehab center, but eventually, we had news that my father was coming home. We built a ramp in the garage to accommodate for the wheelchair and walker he would now have to use. Finally, he came home on Friday, Feb 18th. It was wonderful to be reunited with my parents but now that things were different, we took a solid week adjusting to a steady routine. My father even now needs as much attention as a troublesome toddler being babysat. If left unattended for even a minute, he will jump at the opportunity to try and do things on his own but ultimately fail, leaving plenty of messes for my mother and me to clean up. Through our strenuous efforts, my father is slowly but surely recovering from Covid. I give a special thanks to everyone who offered prayers, food, and donations. My family truly appreciates all the help we have received during these difficult times.
My Father
Striving to Survive
Angelina Hughes, Staff Writer Every family goes through its own struggles. For mine, we struggle daily to keep my father alive. He has been fighting cancer for many years. My father James Hughes is a remarkably strong survivor. Many times, doctors predicted he had only a few years left to live, but each time, as if by a miracle, he surpassed those deadlines and stayed strong - survived. However, this year has given my family the biggest struggle to overcome yet. A week into 2022, I had Covid for a second time. During my quarantine, I did my best to not contaminate my parents and hid away in my room. Without masks or social distancing, both my parents checked on me multiple times in my contaminated room. Sure enough, the week I went back to school, both my parents were showing symptoms of Covid. My cousin brought me home from school that day. I found my mom comforting my father. He lay on the bed, his whole body trembling. He also had an open cut that stretched across the length of his hand from falling earlier. It was quite possible he had suffered a stroke. An ambulance arrived and
brought him to Cullman Regional. My mother followed close behind. Seeing him in such a dire state broke my heart and I cried seeing him go. Unable to sleep that night, I stayed up and waited for my mom to return. She came home around midnight and we gave each other comfort. And that was the last I saw of my father for a good month and a half. With the covid restrictions that took place in the hospital, only my mother was allowed to visit him. She visited him every day to help explain things to the doctors since my father has a thick Irish accent and is hard of hearing. During this time, I counted on friends and family for rides to school and to obtain dinners. I only saw my mother for 5 minutes at most if at all. I would come home from school, all alone. It was refreshing at first to have peace and quiet but then, I felt overwhelmingly lonely and yearned for having my parents back at home. Soon they moved my father to a rehabilitation center in Birmingham. My mother was given a caretaker role and was allowed to be with him during a set period of time each day. I was finally
4Features Origins of the Easter Bunny
What does this cute creature have to do with the holiday? Samantha Johnson, Staff Writer There are many questions surrounding the Easter Bunny. When did he originate? Where did he originate? Why does he bring dyed eggs to children? Where does the Easter Bunny live? How does the Easter Bunny travel so fast? There are many supposed origins for the furry friend that brings gifts to children near Easter. One origin states that the Easter Bunny began in Germany around the end of the 17th century. Known as the Oserhase, the Bunny brought gifts to children on Easter Eve. When many German families immigrated to the United States, they brought the Easter Bunny to Pennsylvania. The tradition included leaving out carrots for the Easter Bunny, much like children leave cookies out for Santa. Why on earth does a bunny bring dyed chicken eggs to children? This part of the tradition relates back to the Pagans, who believed eggs were a sign of new life. This could also come from the
Christian belief that eggs represent Jesus’s resurrection. Lastly, where does the Easter Bunny live? One theory on the Easter Bunny’s home is that he lives on Easter Island, a Polynesian island in the pacific ocean that is rather remote. This assumption comes purely from the name of the island and the fact it is remote enough to do its thing without interruption. Santa has a sleigh to ride in, but how does the Easter Bunny get around? The answer my research turned up: he has long, strong back legs and a high metabolism that allows him to hop fast and over long distances. While not everyone will agree with the origins of the Easter Bunny that are in this article, it is interesting to see how the Easter Bunny and the traditions that surround him have come from different religious and cultural backgrounds.
Put Down The Screen, Pick Up A Book The effects of reading
Elley Atchison, Staff Writer In 2000, 69% of high school students read for pleasure. Today, that percentage is less than 16. Instead of doing something that benefits the brain, many people turn to social media and their devices for entertainment. This seemingly small choice to not read has had significant effects on individuals in many aspects of their life. When people were reading, research showed favorable growth in parts of the brain and a myriad of other benefits. There is a substantial problem with reading in people today, or the lack thereof rather. Many wonders if people would begin reading if they knew the tremendous advantages. To begin with, reading helps children interact socially and emotionally. Children are not born with the knowledge of empathy and social skills. They observe their peers and grow those qualities over time. The simple act of reading could aid in gaining emotional and social skills. Books, especially novels, give insight into someone’s emotions and interactions in a way that nothing else can. The author can convey exactly what they want to, simply by stating it in a sentence on a page. Children could be heavily influ-
enced by characters’ interactions with others, helping children with their interactions. Additionally, reading strengthens parts of the brain. Emory University conducted an experiment where they scanned people’s brains 19 days after consecutively reading an assigned novel and 19 days after not reading at all. They found that reading had “strengthened language processing regions” and had affected individuals through “embodied semantics in sensorimotor regions.” By just reading for 19 days, two regions of the brain were fortified. Imagine the benefits that could come with reading for a longer period. Robert S. Wilson, at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, did just that when testing the decline of memory as people age. He surveyed many people, asking how often they participated in mentally stimulating tasks throughout their life, tasks such as reading. He found that people who completed things that would challenge and stimulate their brain had a much “slower rate of decline in memory.” He even found that much can be done to the rate at which memory declines, even if one
starts reading in their 70s and 80s. The simple act of reading benefits one’s brain in incredible ways. To conclude, the advantages of reading are unparalleled. Not only can reading help children grow in social and emotional skills, but it can also help elderly people with their memory. Just by reading for a few days out of the month, people were able to strengthen several parts of their brains. While reading may not seem like something that could be life-altering, it certainly is. Reading should play an exceedingly significant role in people’s lives.
FEATURES Where Should I Go for Easter Sunday?
A list of all the churches in Cullman County Jordan Nash and Emily Gable, Staff Writers One of the things Cullman is most well known for is the number of churches in our small city. At one point, Cullman was even in the Guiness Book of World Records because of the amount of churches in the city. In celebration of the upcoming Easter holiday, we have compiled a list of many of the churches in Cullman City. The bolded churches were the first five in the city.
39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
51. 52. 53.
9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.
Church At the Well First Baptist East Side Baptist First United Methodist Church North Side Baptist Grace Chapel West Side Baptist Desperation Church (Cullman, Arab, Jasper, and Hayden) Daystar Church (Good Hope, Hartselle, Madison?) Renovation Church Temple Baptist Church Grace Episcopal Church Trinity Baptist Church First Presbyterian Church Church of Christ Fourth Street Cornerstone Church of the Nazarene St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church Christ Lutheran Church Northbrook Baptist Seventh Street Baptist St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Sacred Heart of Jesus Church
54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79.
23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38.
New Life Church South Side Baptist Church Clark Street Church of God St. Paul’s Lutheran St. John’s United Church Church 212 Truth Fellowship Alabama North District Church of the Nazarene The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Spirit Life Cullman First Congregational Christ Covenant Presbyterian The Refuge Church New Life Assembly Brickyard Baptist Church Cullman First Church of the Nazarene
80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94.
South Cullman Church of Christ Destiny Church Cullman Church of Christ Victory Baptist Church Faith Baptist Church Friendship Baptist Church Temple Baptist Church Living Faith Baptist Church Christ First Ministries Highway 157 Church of Christ Baldwin Church of Christ Redeeming Grace Church of Cullman, Alabama? Bethel Baptist Church Catoma Baptist Church White Grove Missionary Baptist Church Redemption Assembly of God Spring Hill Baptist Church The Church of the Atrium Grace Baptist Church Faith Cumberland Presbyterian Church Ole Time Way Simcoe Community Church Vinemont Christian Church Berlin Baptist Church Good Hope Baptist Church Kingdom Life Church Mission Grove Baptist Church West Point Baptist Church Cornerstone Revival Center Mt. Zion Baptist Church Mt. Olive Bible Based Fellowship Church Pure Faith Ministries Church Fellowship Baptist Church Mt. Zion United Methodist Church Mount Hebron Baptist Church Fairview First United Methodist Church United Church of Christ Simcoe Baptist Church Pine Hill Methodist Church East Point Cumberland Presbyterian Church Crosses Chapel United Methodist Church Pilgrim Rest Independent Baptist Church Missionary Grove Baptist Church First Baptist Church of Fairview Salem Missionary Baptist Church Sardis Baptist Church Center Point Baptist Church Trimble Worship Center Grace Community Church New Bethel Church of Christ Brooklyn United Methodist Church Concord Baptist Church New Hope Baptist Church Etha Baptist Church Casa De Oración Cumberland Presbyterian Church Jones Chapel Church of Christ
95. Bethel Church of Christ 96. Jones Chapel Methodist Church 97. Saint Bernard Abbey 98. Jones Chapel Church 99. Simcoe Church 100. Antioch Missionary Baptist Church 101. St. John’s Evangelical Protestant Church
102. Lonesome Dove Cowboy Church 103. Plainview Baptist Church 104. Central Baptist Church 105. Center Grove Missionary Baptist Church 106. New Freedom Baptist Church 107. Christ the King Monastery 108. Duck Creek Missionary Baptist Church 109. Valley Grove Church of Christ 110. Antioch Church 111. Emeus Methodist Church 112. Sharon Grove Methodist Church 113. Holly Pond United Methodist 114. Welti Cumberland Presbyterian Church 115. Baldwin Chapel Cumberland Presbyterian Church 116. Shady Grove East Baptist Church 117. Neighborhood Baptist Church 118. Life Church - Dodge City and Cullman and Hartselle 119. Brooklyn Cumberland Presbyterian Church 120. Brooklyn Holiness Church 121. Vinemont Baptist Church 122. Sacred Heart Monastery 123. Longview Church of God 124. Garden City Congregational Church 125. Crosshaven Church 126. Emeus Baptist Church 127. Anon Baptist Church 128. Bread of Life Church of God 129. Cullman Seventh-Day Adventist 130. Faith Restoration Church 131. Immanuel Church 132. Enon Baptist Church 133. Panama Missionary Baptist Church
134. New Home Baptist Church 135. Bethlehem West Missionary Baptist 136. First Pentecostal Church 137. Vinemont Church of God 138. Grace Covenant Baptist 139. Shelton Grove Baptist Church 140. Calvary Apostolic Church 141. Center Hill Baptist Church 142. Garden City Congregational Church 143. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 144. Branded by Christ Cowboy Church 145. New Hope Church 146. Hanceville Church of Christ 147. Westside Baptist Church 148. The Crossing 149. Full Gospel Church of God 150. Pleasant View Missionary Baptist Church 151. Fairview West Missionary Baptist Church 152. Independent Church 153. Flint Creek Southern Baptist Church 154. Ridgecrest Community Church 155. Livingston Church 156. Faith Assembly of God Church 157. East Flint Creek Baptist Church 158. First Baptist Church (Holly Pond) 159. First Baptist Church (Hanceville) 160. Cold Springs Church 161. St. John Baptist Church 162. Livingston Chapel Church 163. New Harmony Missionary Baptist Church 164. Garden City Church of Christ 165. Glory Hill Church of God 166. Vinemont Church of Christ 167. Edgewood Missionary Baptist Church 168. East Hanceville Baptist Church 169. Corinth Baptist Church 170. Harmony Holy Church of Christ 171. Mount Olive Missionary Church 172. Brooklyn Missionary Baptist Church 173. Mt. Hermon Baptist Church 174. Garden City Church of God 175. Bethel Family Worship Center 176. St. Boniface Roman Catholic Church 177. Redan Missionary Baptist Church 178. Macedonia Church of Christ
6Entertainment Spider-Man: No Way Home Review
From a Marvel fan who doesn’t watch a lot of Marvel movies Emily Gable, Staff Writer The talk of every Marvel fan right now is the new Spider-Man movie. It stars Tom Holland as Peter Parker/Spider-Man. So what’s all the talk about? The movie begins with almost everyone knowing that Peter Parker is Spiderman, as revealed in the second movie. To fix the problems this is causing, he turns to Dr. Strange. If you don’t know, Dr. Strange is basically a time wizard. So, Peter Parker goes to him to try to go back in time to avoid the secret being told. With the time stone gone, Dr. Strange says the only way to fix this is for everyone to forget Peter Parker is Spiderman. Peter tries to add exceptions to the spell that leads to more problems. Consequently, Doc Ock, the Sandman, Green Goblin, and many other old Spider-Man villains appear. The twist is: they’re all from different universes. They all got transported before they were about to die. Peter wants to help the villains become good so that they never had to die. As with the other movies, no one likes Peter’s idea, but he fights to do what he knows is right. He begins to help the villains, but one of the villain’s bad side kicks in and convinces all the villains to be villains again. This results in the death of a loved one to Spiderman. After chaos breaks loose, two visitors
from other universes come forward. Peter Parker, and Peter Parker. Yes, you read that right. Andrew Garfield, who starred in Sony’s Spiderman series, The Amazing Spiderman, appears on the screen. Then, Tobey Maguire, who starred in the original Spiderman series, appears as well. As someone who grew up watching the Tobey Maguire series, my heart was warm and fuzzy when he appeared on screen. The Spiderman crew and Peter Parker’s friends work together to fix the villains and save the world. There’s plenty of humor built into this scene, as there is confusion about which Spiderman the other is talking to in the middle of the action. Not only is this part of the movie cool, but it’s also emotional. The Spiderman crew have all experienced hardships and talk to each
other about them, and they realize that they all understand each other and have been through similar situations. Though they are successful in helping the villains, more chaos entails. It appears as though the sky is breaking apart, but this is the parallel universes merging together. Peter can see more villains that are ready to come through into the universe. At this point, Dr. Strange has just returned (Peter had put him away in another dimension so that he could accomplish his plan) and Peter comes to make a tough decision. He asks Dr. Strange if making everyone forget that he existed would solve this issue. Doctor Strange confirms that this would work. In my opinion, I know that this was probably the best solution, but I just hated it. After an emotional (yet still awesome) goodbye to the other Spider-
men, Peter goes to say goodbye to his friends as he tells them what is about to happen. His goodbye to Ned is a tough one, but the one that got to me was his goodbye to MJ. After embracing and kissing goodbye, MJ tells Peter for the first time that she loves him. Before he can say it back, she stops him and says, “I want you to tell me when you see me again.” It’s so sweet and yet so heartbreaking at the same time. The movie ends with Peter going into the diner where MJ works and where Ned hangs out. Neither of them recognizes Peter, and he just awkwardly stares at them while interacting with them. Although it’s probably a little creepy to MJ and Ned, the emotions on his face just tug at the heartstrings. I have to say that of all three of these newer Spiderman movies, this one is definitely the best. It’s so complex compared to the other two. Plus, it’s got action AND romance AND tackles emotional topics. It gives longtime Marvel fans a new level of entertainment as they see old characters reappear. Although it ends in a sad way, there is hope that this will be resolved. That is if they make another sequel. I really hope they do because these movies have been amazing (no pun intended)!
Spring Style
This season’s fashion guide
Anna Beth Mauldin, Staff Writer
With days getting longer and the temperature getting warmer, it’s time to ditch the sweatpants and trade them in for skirts and shorts. So with this change in mind, it’s time to catch up on the biggest styles, colors, patterns, and pieces sure to dominate the upcoming spring season. One thing to remember is that there will always be a handful of microtrends you can choose to experiment with, but I’ll be focusing on a wider variety of trends for 2022. And, it’s possible you already have a handful of these in your closet. From the colors and fabrics you’ll want to have for yourself to the cool details you’ll start to see everywhere, here are my top picks.
Plissé Fabric “I love plissé because it is soft avant-garde. You are giving a look without sacrificing comfort”, says Vogue market editor Alexandra Gurvitch. This fabric was used a ton in a handful of spring fashion shows and is already being seen in matching sets.
Overalls Ignore the images popping into your head of your adolescent self sporting the overalls. People have taken a new approach to styling overalls, including a monochromatic ensemble or pairing with a sweater and sneakers. The possibilities are endless.
Low/mid-rise Jeans Love it or hate it, low-rise jeans are on their way back in. And so are mid-rise, which I think are a lot more wearable. I can’t lie, I hated them at first but they’re kinda growing on me. I feel like people hate them because they aren’t flattering, but says who? Anyways, I think the notion of “dressing appropriately for your body” is outdated anyways. Wear what makes you happy.
Bold Colors This is a PSA to put your neutrals on standby. Bright magenta, pops of blues and greens are perfect for the spring. Incorporating these color pops is perfect in the form of an oversized sweater, pants, or accessories. Colorblocking Monochromatic looks are getting a refresh this season thanks to the color blocking trend. celebrity stylist Mickey Freeman is looking forward to the look being reinterpreted by way of interesting silhouettes. He told InStyle Magazine, “I also love to see women embrace jet-set looks in bright colors.” Mini Skirts It’s clear: hemlines have risen, miniskirt outfits increased and the micro trend has gained legs, literally. Add miniskirts to the list of fashion trends taking over the world and your TikTok feed. Italian designer Miuccia Prada showed a collection of super-short skirts as part of Prada’s and Miu Miu’s spring 2022 collections. Square Necklines The square neckline has always been a subtle nod to the past. This design helps accentuate the collar bone while creating a linear feel that’s a step above a scoop neck. It’s a shape that’s around for the long haul. Headbands The return of the headband is fully back in swing, and we can thank nearly every show at this year’s fashion week and celebrities like Swedish stylist Matilda Djerf. Style it with your hair down or a cute updo.
8ENTERTAINMENT Refreshing Tunes A spring playlist
Elley Atchison, Staff Writer Taylor Swift“Clean”
Queen- “Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy” The Beatles“Here Comes The Sun”
Creedence Clearwater Revival“Have You Ever Seen The Rain?”
Paul Simon“Graceland”
The Dixie Cups- “Chapel Of Love”
TV Girl- “Birds Don’t Sing”
Elton John- “Don’t Go Breaking My Heart”
Dean Martin“Everybodybody Loves Somebody”
Hozier“Somebody New”
Sam Cooke“Wonderful World”
Tina Turner“Proud Mary”
The Mamas And Papas- “Dedicated To The One I Love”
Ella Fitzgerald“Spring Is Here”
Abba- “Waterloo”
Darlene Love“(Today I Met) The Boy I’m Gonna Marry”
Olivia Rodrigo“Deja Vu”
Elvis- “When My Blue Moon Turns to Gold Again”
Frank Ocean“Pink And White”
Neil Diamond“Soolamon”
Abbie Allison, Staff Writer
CHS prom King & Queen. Avery Johnson and Tucker Apel!!
12 S P O R T S Cats By 90 Years
AHSAA State Chamionship Results Alecia Scott, Staff Writer
On March 5, 2022 the Cullman boys’ basketball team defeated Huffman 57-50 in the AHSAA 6A state championship game Saturday afternoon at Legacy Arena, winning its first title. Cullman (29-3) led 25-23 at halftime and outscored Huffman (29-7) 14-9 in the third quarter of its first state championship game since 1932. Congragulations boys and Coach Stu (6A Coach of the Year).
Shoot And Score
Girls’ soccer home games and pictures
Hole in One Going fore the win
Elley Atchison, Staff Writer
Drew Williamson, Staff Writer
Home Games: -Fri, 4/8. 7:00. Pell City. -Tue, 4/12. 7:00. Decatur. -Thu, 4/14. 7:00pm. Hartselle. -Thu, 4/21. 7:00pm. Spain Park.
The boys’ varsity golf team recently participated in the Blue Grey tournament at Wynlakes Country Club from February 28 to March 1. Out of a competitive field of over twenty teams, the team finished second overall. Both Ian Willoughby and John Lunsford both shot a 73 on day one, setting a good pace for the team. John Lunsford also made the all-tournament team with his amazing performance.
SPORTS Softball Update
3 up, 3 down Let’s play ball
Christen Sorrow, Editor in Chief Baseball is back and in full swing once again. The Cullman Bearcat baseball team has had a 5-4 season so far. Head Coach of the varsity boys, Coach Patterson says “We just competed in the Perfect Game Showdown in Hoover against some of the best competition in the Southeast. After going 2-2 in the tournament we are now 5-4.” The cats have some new varsity players. Coach says “Each game provides valuable experience that will be useful when Area play arrives beginning March 15 and 17 against Decatur.” Coach says that their pitching staff has created some great opportunities to win games. The team has an ERA of less than 2, but Coach Patterson reasures us on how great the defense is. He states “Offensively, Hayden Stancil has led the way by hitting .500 with 4 doubles and a HR. As a team, we have to get more consistent output from our lineup in order to be able to compete at the highest level.” The team has two more weeks of really good competition that will lead them into the final weeks against Muscle Shoals and Hartselle, which will ultimately de-
termine their postseason fate. Make sure you watch the cats over spring break if you’re in town. They have 9 games scheduled during Spring Break. Wednesday will be here at Cullman versus Thompson and then we go to Pike Road, Central Phenix City, and Auburn to round out the week. The staff wishes the Bearcats luck in their season this year.
What the Lady Cats have been up to recently Olivia Britton, Staff Writer
The Lady Bearcats started off their 2022 season by playing in a roundrobin tournament where they competed in five games. Leaving that tournament 2-3, the Bearcats then went on to the West Morgan tournament Friday, February 25, to beat the Southeastern Mustangs and the West Morgan Rebels making their record 4-3. Saturday’s portion of that tournament was canceled due to rain. Since that rainy Saturday the cats have faced the West Point Warriors, the Austin Black bears, the North Jackson Chiefs, the Fyffe Devils, and the Hartselle Tigers. The scores can be seen to the right. The Lady Bearcats currently have a record of 9-7. They recently spent half a week in Gulf Shores where they went 3-1 before heading home.“I think so far this season has strengthened every one of us mentally and physically. Our team has faced incredibly difficult challenges already, but the way we respond to adversity is truly a reflection of the foundation built within this team. We easily could’ve laid down, but all it was for us was motivation to get better. All I can do is thank God for giving each one of us the mindset needed to positively move
forward. I believe He has laid His hand on each and every one of us and we pray He continues to do so.” Says senior Savannah Davis. Next the lady cats will be playing at Hazel Green! We wish the best of luck to the team! Go bearcats! West Point: 7-1 loss Austin: 7-2 loss North Jackson: 8-2 win Fyffe: 9-2 win Hartselle: 15-0 loss
Coach Morton congratulates Savannah Davis on third base
Cheering on the Cullman Cats
Samantha Johnson, Staff Writer As the season is progressing the CHS archery team is moving up in the rankings. At the beginning of the season, the archery team was placing second in nearly every tournament. Now, however, they have managed to land a couple of first place trophies. This first tournament in which the archers won first place was the 3rd Annual Eagle Eye IBO Pre-State Warm-Up tournament. This tournament is a little different than the traditional bullseye targets you probably envision when you think about archery. At this type of tournament, IBO, the archers shoot at six different 3D animals with scoring rings on them. With only a single practice round at one of the six targets, this makes IBO much more difficult than traditional bullseye archery. The next tournament the archery team won first at was the Supreme Championship in Guntersville, AL. This tournament was a traditional bullseye tournament. Also, at the supreme champion tournament, CHS archers brought home many individual awards. Forrest Calvert brought home first place high
school males and Will Bolzle ranked second in high school males. In the female division, Samantha Johnson ranked first, Brinley Hurt ranked second, and Tiffany Calvert ranked third. Next up for these archers are Regionals, County, and State. We can’t wait to see how they progress from here.
Cheer Nationals Recap
Carson Kallhoff, Staff Writer The Cullman cheer team just got back from Nationals at Disney World, and they did a fantastic job. The varsity team placed 6th place in the Varsity Division and the JV team placed 2nd in the Junior Varsity division. So close! Not only did they have outstanding results against the whole nation, the cheerleaders also got to spend a week in Disney World. Hope y’all had fun and let’s see you win it next year.
Above: JV & Below:Varsity
14 S p o r t s Make Some Racquet!
Fielding Good Results
Staff Writers
Emily Gable, Staff Writer
An update on CHS Tennis Cullman’s varsity boys and girls tennis teams competed against Wilson High School on Saturday March 5th. Both teams defeated Wilson 5-4. The boys’ match was tied at 4-4 until 7th grader Nason Green defeated Wilson’s Carter Ramos 8-1 sealing the victory for Cullman. Cullman’s record improves to 4-2 on the season
for both boys and girls. Cullman’s varsity boys and girls tennis teams traveled to Oneonta on March 7th. The Lady Bearcats swept Oneonta 9-0, and the boys team won 7-2. Cullman’s record improves to 5-3 on the season for both boys and girls.
Jumping over hurdles! Our CHS track members have been working hard and doing great. Here’s a compilation of their recent scores. Meet Summaries: Track and Field: James Clemens Early Bird Battle Royale - Saturday, February 26 Team Scores: Girls - 2nd place Boys - 4th place (6 points out of 2nd place) Track and Field: NOALA Jr. High Gold Circuit Arab Meet - Tuesday, March 1 Team Scores: Boys - 2nd place with 119 points Girls - 6th place with 45 points Upcoming Meets: North Alabama Jr. High Gold Circuit Meets (March) 3/8 - Guntersville (host team)
3/15 - Scottsboro 3/22 - Cullman Varsity Track and Field Meets (March) 3/10 - Morgan County Mob v. Cullman Home Meet @4:00 pm in the Oliver Woodard Stadium 3/18 - Cullman Classic
3/25 - Arabian Knights
Senior Schedule
A guide towards graduation Areli Leon, Advertising Editor With graduation around the corner, the class of 2022 has so much on their mind so a quick refresher might be needed. The following are a couple of important dates coming up: Academic and Extracurricular Awards – Tuesday, May 3, 2022 during BE Period (8:45 a.m.) Senior Scholarship Program – Monday, May 9, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. (evening program) Baccalaureate Service - Sunday, May 22, 2022 (3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.) Class of 2022 Senior Breakfast Thursday, May 26, 2022 at Cullman First Baptist Church (9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.)
TENTATIVE Graduation Ceremony Practice - Thursday, May 26, 2022 at Wallace State Coliseum (11:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.) Graduation Ceremony - Friday, May 27, 2022 at Wallace State Coliseum (7:00 p.m.- Seniors must arrive by 6:00 p.m.) JDR Grad Senior Graduation Fee: $100 (Covers the purchase of the graduation cap, gown, tassel, gold stole, diploma printing and diploma cover) – Due April 1, 2022 at Senior Spring 2022 Exam DatesNon-exempt seniors are scheduled to take their final exams on Wednesday, May 18 and Thursday, May 19. On Wednesday, the non-exempt seniors will take will take 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th period exams.
On Thursday, non-exempt seniors will take 2nd, 4th, and 6th period exams. All in all, the 2021-2022 school year has been a rollercoaster for everyone. As we are recovering from a pandemic it has been difficult to adjust to new circumstances. However, it is important to keep working towards the end and finish strong. The class of 2022 has definitely had an eventful high school experience that ranged from quarantine, to virtual, to hybrid, to traditional, so there is no doubt that many seniors are so ready to graduate. As a senior, I know it is difficult to continue the hard work when you are so close, but I assure you all that it will be worth it once you cross that stage.
Senior Special: College Housing Time is running out...
Carson Kallhoff, Staff Writer Oh my gosh, it’s finally over. Twelve years of pure chaos and it is finally over. Psych. It’s college time, baby. Seniors are about to graduate high school and move onto the next phase of their life. Some people will be joining the military, some will go straight into the workforce, but others will be onwards to their next phase of education. There are many things that one has to consider when going to college, such as their major, their food plan, and any other extracurricular activities on campus, such as theater, band, or one of the various sports. One of the most important decisions that a college-goer must make is where they plan to live. Residence Halls and Dormitories The most common housing plans seen in colleges and universities are residence halls and dormitories. The two different terms basically represent the same thing: an on campus living quarters. In these living quarters, students are provided with a basic shelter, including a place to sleep and a place to bathe. There are a multitude of different types of living arrangements found in on campus housing. Single, Double, Triple, and Quad housing keep their respected amount of individ-
uals in their living space. Usually, the more people that tend to live in a room, the cheaper that the rent is for that room. Another aspect that is of importance in a dormitory or residence hall is the bathroom arrangements. Within singles, doubles, triples, and quads, there are either personal bathrooms or community bathrooms. A community bathroom is a shared bathroom between all tenants of a residence hall or dormitory, and includes communal showers and toilets. Along with the different types of campus housing, there are sororities, fraternities, and themed houses. Sorority and Fraternity houses are houses on and off campus that provide housing to members of their groups. One can apply for these groups if they want to live in a house with others. Themed Housing are residential areas on campus that focus around a student’s shared interest, academic focus, or lifestyle. For example, let’s say you are a passionate left-handed banjo player. By applying for themed housing, there’s a chance that you can end up living with some other passionate left-handed banjo players, and then they and you can play into the night. There are even more housing accommodations available on campus.
Special Interest Housing Special Interest Housing is seen differently from all other kinds of housing. Basically, it is housing revolving around students with common academic or cultural interests to live together. These housing areas are great for out of country transfer students that are looking to get used to American culture, but still want to be surrounded by people like themselves. Also, like themed housing, some students want to stay around students taking the same courses and majors as themselves, so they may opt for Special Interest Housing. While there are plenty of housing options on campus, there is even more off campus. Off Campus Housing Most colleges do not allow underclassmen the option of off campus housing, other than certain exceptions like Auburn University. These housing options are usually limited to college juniors and seniors that are wanting to experience the college experience not on campus. College students, as scary as it is, are adults, meaning that they have every right to live by themselves or with non-college parties off of the campus.
College is right around the corner, and preparation can prepare you for the future. Housing isn’t just a quick decision you have to make, it’s a choice that will completely shape your college experience. It’s time to enter the next chapter of your life.
Where is CHS Going during Spring Break? How many people are leaving Cullman on their week off? Olivia Britton, Staff Writer
Staying in Cullman
Gulf Shores
Leaving the country The mountains
The Addams Family Coming soon to CHS Theater Drew Williamson, Staff Writer
The CHS Theater department is currently working on their upcoming production of the Addams Family. The production is going to be “different than anything we’ve done before”, according to the theater teacher, Mr. Cook. In the play, the very peculiar Addams family crosses paths with the much more normal Beineke family when Wednesday, the Addams’s daugh-
ter, falls in love with Lucas Beineke. I won’t say much more about the plot, but it won’t disappoint. There will be big and ambitious dance numbers and sets, and the play will have pretty spooky vibes. It’s definitely funny, and the cast is very enthusiastic about the production as well. The play will be shown on the weekend of April 21-23.
The Great Gatsby Party
How AP Lang students celebrate the end of the novel Olivia Britton, Staff Writer The Great Gatsby is a novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald published in 1925. Every year, the 11th graders at CHS read the novel in their English classes. For the AP Language students; however, The Great Gatsby goes way beyond just the reading of a book. The AP Lang students have the privilege of participating in a party. “The party is centered around the 1920s novel The Great Gatsby. Students dress in 1920s fashion and are part of the technology committee, the decorating committee, or the catering committee. Students also perform skits from the novel, dance, play instruments, sing, and build sets or models from the book.” says AP Lang teacher Mrs. Hartline. In the weeks between finishing the novel and hav-
ing the party, students are required to sign up for various activities that include decorating, technical setup, or bringing food. Activities such as performing a dance, playing an instrument, or building a model are counted as bonuses for the student(s). Yes, as fun as this all sounds, it is still a grade for the students. The grading is based on two things: whether or not the student dresses in 1920s fashion, and if they decorate/bring what they signed up for. When asked, Mrs. Hartline commented, “This extends to learning beyond reading and writing essays--students emererse in the customs of the time period and have the chance to earn points for their talents.” The idea of a Great Gatsby party
did not just start this year, the idea has been around for over a decade. The first Great Gatsby party Mrs. Hartline ever attended was in the Fall of 2002, when she was in high school herself. Mrs. Couch, Mrs. Hartline’s english teacher at the time, introduced this idea to her class the same way Mrs. Hartline introduces the idea to the classes today. Fast forward to the fall of 2018 when Mrs. Hartline began her career at Cullman High School, she automatically knew she wanted to incorporate that same idea here. “[When] I began teaching at Cullman High School, and I was lucky enough to co-teach with Mrs. Calahan. I mentioned the idea to her, and she took the party to a whole new level.” states Mrs. Hartline.
Ever since then, there has been a Great Gatsby party at CHS every year, excluding 2021. The AP Lang students are constantly having to do extensive work in their classes in order to prepare for their AP Exams. This party is a way that students are able to not only express their creativity, but let loose and have fun. When asked what her favorite part of the party was, Mrs. Hartline commented that, “Mostly, I love having all my students together and seeing them have fun.”
18 E D I T O R I A L S H2O Trial and Error
Best water brands for the spring season that you should buy in a pinch Abbie Allison, Staff Writer
For centuries upon centuries, the debate over which water brand is superior has been in the works. Some people are all about smooth water while several others prefer the thick, inconsistent water some textures bring you. Other simple people out there in the world believe there could never be a difference and that all water, no matter who it is made by, is the same. Meanwhile, if you were to ask me there would be no doubt over the top ten water brands in the world. I could name my top five favorites just like that and criticize every single drop of water in every bottle, and yes I mean every single last one. So in case you are the person reading this and could not tell by now that is exactly what I plan on doing. First off let me get on the topic of water texture. There is an enormous amount of difference between that regular water brand and the most expensive one in the market. That is just a cold
hard fact. The more expensive the water the smoother it tends to be and the cleaner it feels. Now, not everyone is going to have this same opinion but personally I am all for the smooth, thin, and more expensive bottle. These tough decision rankings based on my taste are as follows. 1. Fiji: Superior, will always be superior. My favorite as it gives off the cleanest taste. 2. Voss: I mean it is just Voss. 3. Callaway: The blue color demonstrated in this gives it a bonus ranking. 4. Essentia: Good smooth texture. 5. Deer Park: CLASSIC. 6. Evian- Smooth but rough on the taste. 7. Smartwater- Overrated. Best thing is the animal inside the bottle.
8. Life Water- Over priced and tastes too much like metal. 9. Dasani- To much salt which can be bad for people. 10. Aquafina- Absolutely no.
Spotify’s Sensitive Situation
Hangout Spots in Cullman Your guide to local hangout spots
Drew Williamson, Staff Writer Let’s say that you were hanging out in town with your friends. Where would be the first place you would go that isn’t a restaurant or a coffee shop? Somehow, when I ask this question, the answer is always Walmart or an empty parking lot. I may just be asking the wrong people, but that’s beside the point. What I’m trying to say is that here in Cullman, there is a very limited number of places to just chill. To illustrate this, I asked many people I know where they usually go with friends just to relax or talk. The most common answer was obviously Karma’s Coffee House, which makes sense because it’s really close to the school. Other frequent answers I got were Depot Park and Berkeley Bob’s. A recurring trend I noticed was people going to places like Walmart. Now, while I’m all for going to Walmart, Walmart is not made for teenagers to build a fort in the paper towel aisle at 10:30 PM. However, where else are you going to go when it’s
after 6 and all of the coffee shops are closed? The billiards hall? Did you even know that there was a billiards hall in Cullman? Neither did I! It’s not like Cullman is completely empty. I already mentioned Karma’s Coffee House, which is open until 6:30. It’s located in the Warehouse District, which is a fun place to visit. The coffee is great and it just has a very comfy atmosphere. Berkeley Bob’s Coffee House is also a nice coffee shop, and sometimes they have live music. There are plenty of parks in Cullman, such as Sportsman’s Lake and Hurricane Creek Park. Cityscape Mini-golf Park can also be a fun time. There are lots of places you can go for fun in Cullman, but I think that the city would definitely benefit from just having more options. The city recently announced that they are building a skate park, which is definitely a step in the right direction for Cullman.
Be an Adult
Joe Rogan? More like No-Rogan.
The dos and don’ts of high school drama
Carson Kallhoff, Staff Writer
Alecia Scott, Staff Writer
Spotify has got itself in quite the scenario. Recently, podcaster, actor, and comedian Joe Rogan was called out for inquiries he was spouting on his podcast “The Joe Rogan Experience.” He was called out on spreading false rumors and information about Covid-19, and he was found using racial slurs on his podcast in his earlier podcasting days. Trouble erupted onto the platform, with the public calling to delete the app. You may be wondering why Spotify won’t take Joe Rogan’s podcast down? “The Joe Rogan Experience” all in all, is a cash cow. The podcast estimates 11 million listeners per episode, making it the streaming service’s most popular podcast. It gets so many listeners because its millennial audience
makes up most of Spotify’s customers. Celebrities all over exploded onto the scene. Neil Young and Joni Mitchell boycotted Spotify, and also removed their albums from the music platform. Spotify received hundreds of letters from medical workers, requesting that the spread of incorrect information ceases. Samuel L. Jackson criticized Rogan on his use of the n-word. Even Donald J. Trump got involved, publicly stating “Joe Rogan is an interesting and popular guy, but he’s got to stop apologizing to the Fake News and Radical Left maniacs and lunatics.” Joe Rogan has publicly apologized with a 10 minute video on his Instagram, but the public is still attacking Spotify for keeping the podcast on air.
High school drama is not something that can simply be fixed. It is often involved with people you have been friends with for a long period of time, exes, or current relationships. There is one resolution: be an adult. No matter what grade you are in, you are expected to act with decency. The saying “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all” follows you for most of your life. Don’t • Don’t talk about people you don’t know, and if you know them, make sure you know them enough to know what is too far. • Don’t make fun of someone about something they can’t fix in less than 30 seconds. • Don’t text people rude things. • If someone is being mean to you, don’t be mean back. “Killing them with kindness” is a saying for a reason. • Don’t fight someone over a significant other, or a friend; it’s not worth it. • MOST IMPORTANTLY, DO NOT YIK YAK!!!!
Do • Be kind to others. You don’t know what is actually going on. • Know your friends. Real friend won’t make drama about things that don’t matter • Listen to others. If someone is trying to explain what is going on, listen and things will likely be resolved. • Talk through what is going on. If the person isn’t willing to listen, they aren’t worth the trouble • Know what is worth the trouble of resolving and what will blow over on its own. People are going to have problems with you, and you will have problems with others. This doesn’t have to result in drama. It could end with a meaningful conversation. Communication is the key to get through problems. Talking through your problems is a step in the right direction. It is a sign of maturing. You are being prepared for adulthood; try to act like it.
Billionaires Are People, Too!
Billionaires should exist Alecia Scott, Staff Writer
$10 billion, $5.7 billion, $2.2 billion, $50 billion- these are the amounts of money Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, and Elon Musk have given to charities. Not all millionaires are philanthropists, but most of them are.I wouldn’t say all of them are for the bettering of society, but they have helped. Billionaires have always been controversial, especially since Bernie Sanders campaigned to be United States President. He had the slogan “Share Your Wealth”.
Billionaires are set off from other Americans, but it isn’t fair of Americans to assume that they are here to help you personally. The reality of the matter is that billionaires are not required to give any of their money. People are selfish. That is how it is; if they do not want to give money, they do not have to.
Many billionaires are seen as big figures in politics, but in reality, most of them wouldn’t even be known if it wasn’t for the billionaire lists that get updated every year. Many of them are just trying to live their lives. Millionaires should be held to a higher standard economically, not morally. Billionaires are often suspected of corruption and allegations. Fact of the matter is, people-especially civil servants-are just as likely, if not more likely, to be corrupt. It is an abuse of power, not the money that surrounds it. Corruption is often for the case of getting money. If that is the case, then why would billionaires need to be involved in that? It is often they are involved with scandals before they became billionaires, unless you are talking about Donald Trump of course. When billionaires are involved in allegations, it is often a money-grab. I am not saying all of the allegations are untrue (I am sure some of them are), but many of them are trying to make a quick buck, or even trying to slur the name of the billionaire. That may be because they are with a competing compa-
ny, or they just have a thing against their moral beliefs. Less than 1% of the world’s population are billionaires. $40 trillion are in circulation and 13.1 of that is from billionaires. Billionaires get rich off of their inventions, none of them didn’t work for that money. How they got that money may not be moral, but that is the way of the world. I do think that they should be more giving of their money, but in the end there are too many of them to be monitored as closely as you want them to be.
money they donate, the more tax write-offs they are getting. They are paying the same amount of money in the end. If they are not giving to charity, they are giving it to the government. It is the fault of the billionaire, however, when they put their money into off-shore account; most of those people get caught in the end. Actually it is more likely a man who is going through a divorce will put his money into an off-shore account than a billionaire. They have money to spend, they will pay it. That nice car they just got, the insurance is about the same as a house payment. They will pay their dues. I am not saying all billionaires are perfect little angels, but what I am saying is that it is their money in the end. On the basis of American Democracy, it shouldn’t be taken away from them.
There is one major problem with billionaires: their accountants. Their accountants keep billionaires from having to pay their share of axes. Truthfully that isn’t their fault, but here’s the deal. The more
Billionaires are Bringing Us Down Billionaires should not exist Jordan Nash, Staff Writer
Jeff Bezos. Mark Zuckerberg. Bill Gates. Most average Americans have heard of these people and know them for the enormous wealth they have accumulated; however, many people do not realize how much wealth they actually have. To put it into perspective: the total wealth of all the billionaires in the world is greater than that of 60% of the world’s population. The richest person in the world, Jeff Bezos, makes $2,489 a second and about $149,353 a minute, which is about triple what the average U.S. employee makes a year. If the average person saved $10,000 a day since the pyramids were built, they would only have about a fifth of the average fortune of the world’s top five billionaires. With all that said, it is very obvious that billionaires are set apart from the average American. With the amount of power billionaires have and how different they are from the majority of the population, many people question whether or not they should even be allowed to exist. Because of their inactions in certain issues and the corruption and allegations surrounding many
billionaires, it seems as if the world would probably be better off without them. One of the biggest reasons why billionaires should not exist is because of the inaction they take surrounding certain issues affecting much of the population. Billionaires could end many issues in the United States while still allowing them to keep their status if they only would. To prove this, we can look at one issue and how billionaires in the United States could help solve it. The net worth of all the billionaires in America is 4.4 trillion dollars, and there are 724 billionaires currently in the U.S. The cost to end homelessness in the United States is 20 billion dollars. If all the billionaires worked together to end homelessness by putting their wealth together and then redistributing the remainder, they would still have 6 billion dollars each. This is almost 50,000 times the net worth of an average American. Billionaires have the money to help solve some of the most pressing issues in the United States, and while some donate some of their money to many causes, there are
many instances where billionaires do not donate any money at all or donate less than they can really afford to. While we can not control what other people do with the things they have, can we not hold people responsible for their actions or, in this case, inactions? If a critical patient came in for surgery, and the trained surgeon refused to help them in any way even though they have all the capabilities to do so, and the patient died because of this, many people would blame the surgeon for the patient’s death because of their inaction. As we have seen previously, billionaires have the capabilities to help homeless people and possibly even prevent people from dying because of homelessness, but they have not taken the initiative to do so. Another issue surrounding billionaires is the allegations and corruption that surround many of them. Many billionaires, including Robert F. Smith and Donald Trump, have been found guilty of tax evasion, which, if they would have gotten away with it, would have taken money from the government and led to less money being spent
to help solve issues that plague the country. Not only are billionaires accused and found guilty of crimes after they have their wealth, but some are also accused of gaining their fortunes in inhumane ways, such as drastically underpaying employees and creating harmful and brutal working environments. If we are not even fully sure that billionaires have obtained or maintained their wealth in moral and legal ways, then how can we fully support them currently? Having a billion dollars in itself is not morally wrong, especially if it is earned justly and used morally; however, most of the current billionaires we have are not living up to this standard. If there were changes made in our country and all around the world to hold billionaires fully accountable for their actions and reduce the amount of misconduct done by them, then there may not be a problem with billionaires existing. With the current status of many of our billionaires and the behavior they exhibit, then it does not seem justifiable to allow them to exist the way they are now.
20 E D I T O R I A L S As Patients, Are Women Treated As Equals? The answer is no
Alecia Scott, Staff Writer “Women are more likely to seek treatment for chronic pain, but are also more likely to be inadequately treated by health-care providers, who, at least initially, discount women’s verbal pain reports and attribute more import to biological pain contributors than emotional or psychological pain contributors.” (The Girl Who Cried Pain: A Bias Against Women in the Treatment of Pain) Many women are not taken seriously in the medical field. They are likely to be under-treated and many things are brushed off as PMS or them being “dramatic.” There are many stories of women being under-treated or even misdiagnosed. I am no medical expert, but I think most people know when something is wrong with them. In a physical exam, or just a regular doctor’s ap
pointment, the first thing you will be asked is “Could this just be your period?” It is infuriating because if it were, I wouldn’t be there. Women know what PMS is and when something isn’t right. It isn’t entirely doctors’ fault for the malpractice. The textbooks they learn from are three times more likely to use a males body when showing information about non-reproductive organs. According to the Columbia Journal of Gender and Law, women have “differences in human tissues, organs, and the course and
impact of diseases.” This results in women getting treated the same way men should, but they don’t get the same outcome because they should be treated differently medically speaking. Women’s bodies, even in science, are seen for one thing: child-bearing. They are seen as taboo, even in the medical field. One story I had found very interesting was on Buzzfeed. Take that as you will, believe it or not, but at least consider the story. A girl, at the ripe age of 19, went into the ER. She was complaining of a severe pain in her abdomen. The doctors wrote it off as cramps and sent her on her way. It turns out her appendix had burst and she was becoming septic from the fluids running through her body. The doctors didn’t take the girl seriously until she had fainted from the immense pain she was feeling. They found out she had become septic from the burst. They rushed to save what they could, but they ended up having to take out her appendix because it was so badly damaged, not from the burst, but from the septic shock that could have been
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prevented. If a man would have went in that day complaining of the same thing, he would likely be treated a lot differently. They would have found the burst appendix, and they could have saved it.
I am not a medical expert, but when I hear stories of this kind of thing, and experiencing things like it myself, it makes me lose hope for the medical professionals in practice. Women and men are not the same. They are two different entities and should both be treated with the utmost respect, whether that be in medical practice, or in regular society.