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May Senior Exams
18 s e n i o r s e c t i o n
Last Wills and Testaments
As the Seniors of the Class of 2022 leave Cullman High School, they have recorded what they will be leaving to those that they are leaving behind.
Please keep in mind that the following submissions were written through online submissions made by the individuals of the Class of 2022. These do not necessarily reflect the thoughts or opinions of The Hilight staff, Cullman High School, or Cullman City Schools.
I, Sara Campbell, being in sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath the following to the next generation of students: to fight the wrongs and push forward more good into not only Cullman High, but the world.
I, Christen Sorrow, being in an ambitious mind and energetic body, do hereby bequeath the following to Olivia Britton: my 6th period talks with Mrs. Cook.
I, Faith Borden, being in sound mind and steady body, do hereby bequeath the following to Ella Kate Green: my corner Mac in the Southerner room and the title of Senior Editor; Sidone Desnoes: the Southerner fish “Lil’ Big Daddy Kane Wayne”; Madison Clements: the responsibility of changing the phrase on the light up box in the Southerner room; Rhett Tucker: the lead on picture days; and Maddie Files: the responsibility of delivering the much needed comedic relief during the month of April in the Southerner room.
I, Emily Gable, being in cheerful mind and fearless body, do hereby bequeath the following to Aliya Timmons: my ability to run late no matter what time it is; Ilana Shadrick: my always-messy car; my Hilight friends: my heart stands up for the right thing; my First Priority friends: my thoughts and prayers and strength to keep on going.
I, Hailie New, being in intellectual mind and sound body, do hereby bequeath the following memories to my friends of the class of 2022 and class of 2023: Always playing around in the gym and almost getting stuck inside the mats, escaping everyone and hiding on top of the mats, and even rolling each other inside the mats. Using gym class to sleep or catch up on our work that we either forgot about completely or did not even know we had any, or maybe the time where the vending machine gave me an empty bag of chips, not once but twice. When we were freshmen we booed ourselves during the lip-sync battle because we knew we sucked, but eventually won as seniors, finally. The fun times in biology dissecting frogs, and getting carried away (M) and even sticking candy to our face and throwing it to see who could get it to stick. Or maybe that time when the upper class were hitting each other with a ruler wrapped in electrical tape and when one fell to the ground in pain, and when the sub asked what happened they said they had a leg cramp and we all started laughing. All of the memories are mostly from 9th thanks to COVID but we made it last, we have come so far and we do not even realize it. Maybe we did not get all of the high school experience that we could have, and maybe it feels like only yesterday we were freshmen. The main memories from my senior year include health science class joking around about anything and everything with my 9th grade friends making it one of my favorite classes this year. Having to act out scenes in English even though none of us knew what we were doing and we always would get distracted and mess up. Our last high school memory will be us walking across the stage, in front of hundreds of people, and having our diploma in our hands, all the hard work paying off. Now till the day where we throw our caps in the air, for future classes and teachers, goodbye from me and the class of 2022.
I, Angelina Hughes, being in the peace of mind and able bodied, do hereby bequeath the following to Betzy: I’ll need someone to keep my seat warm while I’m gone so I bestow upon you the privilege to have my place at the senior lunch table; Angel: I give you the endurance to face foes with a smile on your face and the peace of mind to remember you are loved and always will be loved; Haylee: I give you back all the hugs you gave me, so if you feel
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down, just remember you got hugs in stock but, I also give you happiness to fully enjoy the high school moments that are fun because you deserve the best, love you crazy gurl. For the rest of you underclassmen, I wish you all the best to pursue that diploma. School’s not too bad, you’re almost at the finish line. Don’t give up and don’t procrastinate. Do however enjoy your free time and live life to the best. Good luck.
I, Avery Drake, being in unhinged mind and deteriorating body, do hereby bequeath the following: to Lauren Chapin, my unfinished collage of Sal from the Impractical Jokers’ face; Holli Rowan, my seat at the round table and 500 Robux; to Lily West, my theater locker and any “borrowed” theater memorabilia I have acquired over the years; to Lydia Wells, the entire portion of the snack fund and all of my anime girl stickers; and to Ava Fales, every embarrassing photo of the theater department I’ve ever taken.
I, Emma Dees, being an intellectual mind and interesting body, hereby bequeath the following: to Katie H, the ability to not let anyone’s word affect you and to keep an open mind about new things. I, Benjamin Tamburello, being in questionable mind and irresistable body, do hereby bequeath the following: to Caden Dasher, with my awesome intellect and humor; and Mrs. Morgan Johnston, with my best wishes.
I, Matthew Scott, being in a stable mind and healthy body, do hereby bequeath the following: to everybody that I have met through my short time at Cullman High School, thank you all. To Mrs. Graves, we never saw eye to eye on our colleges when football season was in. You were a Crimson Tide fan and I am a Tiger fan.
I, Claude Thomas, being an intellectual mind and strong in body, do hereby bequeath the following: to Kaden G, my rollie chair at the Sound Booth; to Conner Y, my lockers in the Band room; to the following Tech Crews, good luck and have fun.
I, Drew Conway, being in intellectual mind and able body, hereby bequeath the following: to my younger brother and underclassman Ben Conway, the right to be called “Conway”.
I, Skye McRea, being in loving mind and beautiful body, do hereby bequeath the following to Andy, Angel McRea, and Lauren Smith: my knowledge, bravery, kindness, and dedication to work hard everyday. Always lend with an open hand and open mind to everyone you meet. Make memories, have fun, take risks and love everyone.
I, Tucker Gambrill, being in a crazy mind and sexy body, do hereby bequeath the following: to Coach Stu’s singing ability, my ability to sleep in Coach Romines class, and Coach Barnetts slide shows. To my younger basketball players, I leave my shoes in the community locker that is always used by the JV.
I, Gyver Clifton, being in questionable mind and out of shape body, do hereby bequeath the following: to Brandon Rodriguez, my ability to make bomb ramen; to that one freshman named Jay or J my wackiness; and to Whitley Lawson, my ability to make absurdly cursed artwork.
I, Carlie Burnham, being in sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath the following: a big spot to fill. I was very strong academically and very successful athletically, not trying to brag. To whoever fills this spot I want you to know that this spot takes more than just smarts or athletic ability. This spot required failure and long nights of working hard and getting better. This spot requires determination and perseverance. So whoever may take my spot just know to not give up when your mind or body is telling you too because you’re going to get through it I promise.