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20"/20. 5"/20. 75"/21"/21. 25" 75. 5째Headt ube 70째Seatt ube 13"Chai ns t ay 11. 7"BB Hei ght 8. 65"St andover 5l bs .1oz .

SOS FRAME SOS( s hor tos )madef r om r evi s ed100% cul tcl as s i ct ubi ngf ori ncr eas eds t r engt h. . .Shor tqui ckr es pons i ver earend. . . Topanddownt ubegus s et s ,i nt egr at edheadt ube,ext er nal l ymachi nedmi dBB s hel l ,t aper eds eat s t ayswi t hr emovabl e br akemount s ,s bendchai ns t ayswi t hpl ent yofr oom f orBi gt i r es& 5mm t hi ckheat t r eat eddr opout s . . . Tr ansRed. . .

20"/20. 5"/20. 75"/21"/21. 25" 75°Headt ube 71°Seatt ube 13. 55"Chai ns t ay Madef r om r evi s ed100% Cul tCl as s i ct ubi ngf ori ncr eas eds t r engt h.Topanddownt ubegus s et s ,i nt egr at edheadt ube, ext er nal l ymachi nedMi dBB s hel l ,i nves t mentcas ts eat pos tcl ampands eat s t aybr i dge,t aper eds eat s t ayswi t hr emovabl e 11. 8"BB Hei ght Ubr akemount s ,Sbendchai ns t ayswi t hr oom f or2. 40”t i r es ,and5mm t hi ckheat t r eat eddr opout s .AK i ns pi r edgr aphi cs . . . 8. 75"St andover Copper& Lumi nousYel l ow. . . 5l bs .4oz .


20"/20. 5"/20. 75"/21"/21. 25" 75°Headt ube 71°Seatt ube 13. 5"Chai ns t ay Madef r om r evi s ed100% Cul tCl as s i ct ubi ngf ori ncr eas eds t r engt h.Topanddownt ubegus s et s ,i nt egr at edheadt ube, 11. 8"BB Hei ght ext er nal l ymachi nedMi dBB s hel l ,i nves t mentcas ts eat pos tcl ampands eat s t aybr i dge,t aper eds eat s t ayswi t hr emovabl e br akemount s ,pl ent yofcl ear ancef or2. 40”t i r es ,and5mm t hi ckheat t r eat eddr opout s .DAK i ns pi r edgr aphi cs . . . 9. 25"St andover Bl ack& Br own. . . 5l bs .4oz .


20"/20. 5"/20. 75"/21"/21. 25" 75°Headt ube 71°Seatt ube 13. 5"Chai ns t ay Madef r om r evi s ed100% cul tcl as s i ct ubi ngf ori ncr eas eds t r engt h. . .Topanddownt ubegus s et s ,i nt egr at edheadt ube,ext er nal l y machi nedmi dBB s hel l ,i nves t mentcas ts eat pos tcl ampands eat s t aybr i dge. . .Taper eds eat s t ayswi t hr emovabl ebr akemount s , 11. 7"BB Hei ght mas s i ve"vi nt ages t yl e"s bendchai ns t ayswi t hr oom f or2. 40”t i r es ,and5mm t hi ckheat t r eat eddr opout s . . . 8. 85"St andover Bl ack,Lumi nousGr een& Tr ansPur pl e. . . 5l bs .2oz .



20. 5"/20. 75"/21"/21. 25" 75째Headt ube 71째Seatt ube TheSTONE COLD f r amei sTr eyJones 's i gnat ur emodelmadef r om s t r ai ghtgauge4130chr omol yf ormaxi mum s t r engt h. . . 13. 5"Chai ns t ay TheSt oneCol df eat ur esaCNC machi nedi nt egr at edheadt ube,t opt ubegus s etwi t hembos s edCul tl ogo,downt ubegus s et , 11. 8"BB Hei ght ext er nal l ymachi nedMi dBB s hel l ,but t eds eat t ubewi t hi nt egr at eds eatpos tcl amp,t aper eds eat s t ayswi t hr emovabl ebr akemount s , WELDED CHAI NSTAYGRI ND PLATES,cur veds t aybr acesf oraddi t i onalt i r ecl ear anceand5mm t hi ckheat t r eat eddr opout s . . . 8. 75"St andover Bl ackandOr ange. . . 5l bs .8oz .


Madef r om 100% heatt r eat edchr omol y . . .Cl as s i ccomf or t abl e geomet r y . . .Thr ees i z esavai l abl et of i l lever yneed. . . 29"wi de/12째backs weep/4째ups weep. . . 8. 65"/9"/10"r i s e. . . Bl ack& Chr ome. . .


Madef r om 100% heatt r eat edbut t edchr omol y . . . Cl as s i cf eelgoodgeomet r y . . .Fours i z esavai l abl e i ncl udi ngbi gboys i z es . . .Bl ack& Chr ome. . . 30"wi de/12째backs weep/2째ups weep. . . 9"/9. 35"/9. 65"/10"r i s e. . .


TheMI ND CONTROLv2i swi derandbeef i ert hant heOG Mi ndCont r ols t em whi l es t i l lkeepi ngt hes amecl as s i cl i nes . . . 6061al umi num,s ol i dbol t s ,i mpr ovedcl ampi ngar ea, i nt er nal l ydr i l l edoutf orwei ght ,r eces s edcompr es s i onbol t f oracl eanl ook. . .52mm r each. . . Bl ack,Raw andRas t a. .


Dakot aRoches i gnat ur e. . .Bi gpaddeds addl e. . . Bl ack& Br ownmadewi t hr ealLeat her . . .Gr eeni s madef r om mi l i t ar ygr adecanvas . . .Al lavai l abl e i nbot hPi vot al& Tr i pod. . .


Al exKennedys i gnat ur e. . .Bi gpaddedbr owns addl e. . . Now avai l abl ei nbot hPi vot al& Tr i pod. . .


TheOSGUARD i sCNC machi nedf r om 7075T6 al umi num f ormaxi mum s t r engt h. . .Ful ls pr ocket guar ddes i gnedt opr ot ectyourchai nands pr ocket t eet hf r om s mas hi ngdamage. . .Fi ves pokedes i gn wi t h3bol thol esf oreas ys pr ocketr ot at i on. . . 25t/28ti nBl ack,Raw & Ras t a

NYLON PEDAL Concavepl at f or m pedal smol dedf r om adur abl enyl on compos i t ebl end. . .deepl yknur l eds ur f acewi t h14mol ded pi nspers i def ormaxi mum t r act i oni nal lcondi t i ons . . . Bl ack,Whi t e,Or ange,Gum,Gr ey& Lumi nousYel l ow.


Al exKennedys i gnat ur e. . . Bl ack,Gum,Pur pl e,Whi t e,Gr ey ,Ras t a


Heatt r eat ed4130cor ewi t haPer l onNyl on6 s l eeve. . .35mm out erdi amet er . . .Pegss ol d i ndi vi dual l yWI TH AN EXTRA r epl acements l eeve. Now avai l abl ei n4”( 105mm)& 4. 5”( 115mm)


Thes eguar dsar emadef r om a"gl ockl i ke"Nyl on6pol ymer f orext endedl i f e. . .Eachguar ds ol ds epar at el y . . .Des i gned t owor konCul tMat chcas s et t esandMat chCoas t er s . . .




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