22. 堪欽仁波且 在敏珠林寺系,敏林堪欽仁波且傳法之重責大任與崇高地位,僅次於 敏珠林寺傳承法王——敏林赤欽法王。
22. H.E. MINDROLLING KHENCHEN RINPOCHE Within the Mindrolling school, H.E. Mindrolling Khenchen’s great responsibility to transmit dharma and his high status are second only to those of H.H. Dharma King Mindrolling Trichen, who is the dharma king of the Mindrolling Monastery.
祝 賀 尊貴的金剛總持第三世仰諤雲高益西諾布,偉大事業弘揚佛法。 展現妙諳五明的《正法寶典》將順緣於佛法及特別金剛密乘法興盛, 已衰者令恢復,未衰者令增長,於佛法最後五百年末法時,平息苦難 之中眾生一切逆緣災害,乃至現前究竟佛果,祝禱具足殊勝善緣! 第九世堪欽昂旺欽則諾布 2008 年 1 月 12 日
CONGRATULATORY LETTER His Holiness Buddha Vajradhara III Yangwo Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu has magnificently spread the Buddha-dharma. A Treasury of True Buddha-Dharma manifests perfect mastery of the Five Vidyas. It will cause the Buddha-dharma and especially the Vajrayana dharma to flourish. It will restore dharma that had faded and will cause the growth of dharma that has not yet faded. In these last five hundred years of the DharmaEnding Age, it will allay all of the disasters of living beings who are in the midst of suffering. It will even cause living beings to realize the ultimate fruit of Buddhahood. May all living beings have such wonderful karmic conditions! Khenchen IX Awang Khyentse Norbu January 12, 2008