H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III received written congratulations from H.E. Banma Luozhu Rinpoche

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31. 班瑪洛珠仁波且 蓮花生大師的上師布瑪莫扎化身的班瑪洛珠大法王,1998 年曾決定圓 寂,晉美彭措法王勸請住世。班瑪洛珠法王行文說,盼了兩千多年的 佛法,終於出現在人間了!第三世多杰羌佛的《解脫大手印》是佛陀 聖誨,完美無瑕的佛法!

31. H.E. BANMA LUOZHU RINPOCHE Great Dharma King Banma Luozhu is the incarnation of Buma Mozha, who was the Master of Guru Padmasambhava. In 1998, he decided to pass away in a state of liberation. Dharma King Jigme Phuntok urged him to stay in the world. Dharma King Banma Luozhu issued a written document stating that the Buddha-dharma for which he had been longing for more than two thousand years has finally appeared in the human realm! That document also stated that The Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation written by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is the holy teaching of a Buddha and is perfect, flawless Buddha-dharma!

青海果洛查朗寺 恭 賀 我見到第三世多杰羌佛所說《解脫大手印》佛法,深深地感到這 是佛教徒的幸福。兩千多年後如此無上殊勝的佛法終於出現人間了。 憑禪修,遷意修、定修,均是糾正佛法修持中儀軌的弊端,實在是功 德無量。佛陀聖海,如此完美無瑕的佛法,怎不讓我們普天行人同慶 呢?!當然,這更是我們佛弟子大幸事。我們齊心共祝多杰羌佛,永 久住世,大轉法輪。 班瑪洛珠 2009.12.11


I read the Buddha-dharma taught by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III called The Supreme and Unsurpassable Mahamudra of Liberation. I deeply feel that this is a blessing for all Buddhists. After more than two thousand years, such supreme and magnificent Buddha-dharma has finally appeared in the human realm. The practice of putting concepts into action and the practice of concentration, which are only a part of His teachings on the practice of meditation, have corrected errors in the practice of Buddha-dharma. This dharma truly is a teaching of limitless merit. All practitioners of Buddhism cannot help but rejoice in the vast holiness of this Buddha and such perfect, flawless Buddha-dharma. Of course, this is the greatest blessing for all Buddhist disciples. We are of one mind in wishing that Dorje Chang Buddha forever stay in this world and pervasively teach the dharma. Banma Luozhu December 11, 2009

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