41. 班達土登格勒嘉措仁波且 班達土登格勒嘉措仁波且的第一世曼木達哇.土登格勒嘉措仁波且是覺囊 派近代最著名的佛教大師,知識極為淵博,獲得極高成就,被格魯派認為 是宗喀巴大師的轉世,而覺囊派則認為是多羅那他尊者的轉世,直至今日, 其 199 本著作仍是覺囊派所有寺廟學習的主要教材。這一世的班達土登格 勒嘉措仁波且自幼出家,學識豐富,年輕即任堪布,深受世人敬重。
41. VEN. BAMDA TUBTEN GELEG GYATSO RINPOCHE The 1st Bamda Tubten Geleg Gyatso Rinpoche was Manmu Dawa Tubten Geleg Rinpoche, who was the most renowned Buddhist master of the Jonang tradition in recent history. His knowledge was vast and his level of realization was high. That rinpoche was considered by the Gelug sect as the incarnation of Guru Tsongkhapa and by the Jonang sect as the incarnation of the Venerable Duoluo Nanta. Up until now, his 199 books have been the main teaching material used by all monasteries of the Jonang tradition. The current Bamda Tubten Geleg Gyatso Rinpoche became a monastic when he was a child. His knowledge is vast. He became a khenpo at a very young age and is very well respected.
祈請加持 南無法界大教主! 頂禮至高始祖佛陀報身多杰羌佛第三世雲高益西諾布! 佛菩薩們找到了多杰羌佛真身第三世雲高益西諾布──法界大教主,我等歡喜 無盡。逢此吉勝佳期,予以最真誠的禮節,祈請偉大聖勝的三世多杰羌佛加持六道 有情早證菩提,得聞《正法寶典》,開敷智慧,解脫成聖,速證遍智無礙、圓滿無上 正等正覺。 三業祈請法輪永轉! 班達土登格勒嘉措 仁波且 於吉祥之日
BLESSING INVOCATION I prostrate to the greatest leader of Buddhism in the dharmadhatu! I prostrate to the supreme and primordial sambhogakaya Buddha, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu! Buddhas and Bodhisattvas have found the true and complete incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu—the greatest leader of Buddhism in the dharmadhatu. Our joy is boundless. At this auspicious time, I convey my most sincere respects and beseech the magnificent and holy Dorje Chang Buddha III to bless all sentient beings in the six realms of reincarnation so that they may realize enlightenment soon, hear of and read A Treasury of True BuddhaDharma, develop wisdom, become liberated holy beings, soon realize unhindered omniscience, and attain the perfect, supreme, and complete enlightenment of a Buddha. In body, speech, and mind, I pray that the dharma wheel of His Holiness forever turns! Banda Tubten Geleg Gyatso Rinpoche On an auspicious day