H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III received written congratulations from Great Khenpo Gongcheng

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賀 信 正值佛俗二業莊嚴宇宙之時,諸佛種性於怙主──金剛總持幻化 為第三世多杰羌佛仰諤雲高益西諾布,為弘揚佛法利樂眾生釋放正法 至有情世界,消除籠罩眾生善根的無明。尤其,怙主的曠世巨著《正 法寶典》總攝顯密二乘,《正法寶典》的宏世,眾生如獲甘露花雨。 故此,在下代表有情眾生祈願怙主永住娑婆、遍轉法輪! 特此祝賀! 扎西曲塘寺:龔成大堪布 2007 年 6 月 1 日

CONGRATULATORY LETTER At a time when the Buddha-dharma and worldly dharma flourish, the ancient Buddha incorporated the good fortune and wisdom of all Buddhas. Buddha Vajradhara transformed into H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Yangwo Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu, who came to this world of sentient beings in order to propagate Buddha-dharma, benefit and provide happiness to sentient beings, spread the true dharma, and eliminate the ignorance that shrouds the good roots of sentient beings. The monumental work A Treasury of True Buddha-Dharma about His Holiness, an ancient Buddha, has completely incorporated both exoteric and esoteric Buddhism. It is as if living beings have received the rain of nectar through the propagation of A Treasury of True BuddhaDharma. Thus, on behalf of all living beings, I wish that His Holiness, an ancient Buddha, forever live in this earthly realm and turn the wheel of the dharma everywhere! I hereby specially offer my congratulations! Great Khenpo Gongcheng of the Zhaxi Qutang Monastery June 1, 2007

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