I’m writing to you .. . The Europe that I dream of.. .
Dear Europe
Millions of people wish to become Europeans. They admire our culture, our savoir vivre, our history of welcoming, our nature and nurture and our ability to conciliate social issues with the free market. We Europeans still do not have the perception of our important role for the whole world. Let’s raise awareness and finally become a nation united in diversity and in the ability of being a global landmark for culture, economy and social ethics. Nadia Mazzon and Francesco Vivacqua
Dear Europe
I’m writing to you...
The Europe that I dream of… edited by Nadia Mazzon and Francesco Vivacqua Preamble written by Martin Schulz President of the European Parliament
Letters by European Students.
Social Cohesion Days The “Social Cohesion Days� are an international event which aims at promoting the relevance of social cohesion for economic growth and human development. The first edition of the event will be held in Reggio Emilia, Italy, from the 4th to the 6th of June 2015. The event will mainly focus on the following four thematic pillars, representing key policy areas for social cohesion: Employment, Pensions, Social Assistance, Health Care. The entire project aims to contribute to developing future European policies, through consulting and liaising with the different stakeholders in the society: from practitioners to policy makers, from researchers to citizens and enterprises. Indeed, the specific objective is to establish a stable European lab and network on social cohesion policies, in order to create and accomplish projects, researches and proposals to help people facing new societal challenges. Moreover, the project will help to raise public awareness and to acquaint the citizens with social issues, through the creation of an event open to all the stakeholders related to social cohesion. www.socialcohesiondays.com
edited by
Nadia Mazzon and Francesco Vivacqua
Dear Europe
I’m writing to you... The Europe that I dream of Letters by students living in the UE states, addressed to the European Institutions
Project Coordinator
Besa Misa
Chief Assistant
Francesca Orlando
Index • Acknowledgements • Preamble • Introduction • States participating in the project • Austria - Klagenfurt am Wörthersee • Belgium - Beveren • Bulgaria - Sofia • Croatia - Zagreb • Cyprus - Nicosia • Czech Republic - Prague • Estonia - Tallinn • Germany - Berlin • Greece - Athens • Hungary - Budapest • Italy - Rome • Italy - Milan • Latvia - Riga • Lithuania - Vilnius • Malta - Gozo • Poland - Toruń • Portugal - Lisbon • Romania - Bucharest • Slovakia - Bratislava • Slovenia - Ljubljana • Spain - Bendinat • Presentation of Cultura & Solidarietà • International social Commitment Awards ”Star for Social Merits” • Previous publications • Join Cultura & Solidarietà • Presentation of the Partners
p. 005 p. 011 p. 013 p. 015 p. 017 p. 035 p. 053 p. 067 p. 097 p. 113 p. 139 p. 155 p. 197 p. 205 p. 241 p. 271 p. 293 p. 329 p. 345 p. 365 p. 379 p. 407 p. 429 p. 449 p. 455 p. 465 p. 467 p. 469 p. 471 p. 473
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We wish to express our sincere gratitude to all the School Principals and Teachers for their excellent cooperation provided in the realization of this book. In particular:
Fachberufsschule Klagenfurt 2 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee - Austria Headmaster: BD. Ing. Reinhold Moser Sint Maarten Bovenschool Beveren - Belgium Headmaster: Ingrid Ghys Teacher: Kelly Boodts Sofia High School for Construction, Architecture and Geodesy “Hristo Botev” Sofia - Bulgaria Headmaster: Eng. Dorothea Doncheva Teachers: Mrs. Natalia Mitkova, Eng. Vasilena Alexandrova V. Gimnazija Zagreb - Croatia Principal: Mr. Petar Mladinic, Mathematics teacher Teachers who had worked on the project: Lidija Farkaš, Croatian language teacher Mihael Kozina, School psychologist Dunja Krpanec, English language teacher Vesna Muhoberac, Croatian language teacher
Highgate Private School. Nicosia - Cyprus Head Teacher: Dr. Maria Theochari Teacher of English Literature: Ms Alexandra Papadopoulos Anglo - německá obchodní akademie Prague - Czech Republic School principal: Miluse Papouskova Teachers of English: Tomas Lagron, Luisa Dudakova Tallinn European School Tallinn - Estonia Headmaster: Mr Olavi Otepalu Teachers involved in the project: Mr Paul Senosi, Ms Kärt Kukk Humboldt-Gymnasium Berlin-Tegel Berlin - Germany Headmaster: Dr. Jörg Kayser Teacher involved in the project: Jens Augner 1o Lykeio Korydallou Municipality Korydallou, Prefecture Attikis - Greece Headmaster: Kalliopi Papatheodorou Vice- Headmaster: Garyfallia Meneidi Modell Divatiskola Budapest - Hungary Principal: Mrs Zétényi Mária Gál - Vice-Principal: Mrs Bajusz Margit Molnár Vice-Principal of Trade: Mónika Németh
Mónika Németh Vice-Principal of Trade Teachers of English: Ágnes Szalontai, Mária Szalontai, Petra Sándor
Teachers of Trade: Mrs Csőke Olivér, Mrs Gál Judit Szigeti, Mrs Mészáros Krisztina Feld, Mrs Szabó Magdolna Jung , Mrs Péter Vajda Liceo Classico Statale “Bertrand Russell” Rome - Italy Headmaster: Dott.ssa Anna Maria Aglirà Vice - Headmaster: Prof.ssa M.Letizia Pesce Teacher involved in the project: Prof.ssa Franca Rogai Liceo Scientifico Claudio Cavalleri Parabiago (MI) – Italy Director: Luciano Francesco Bagnato Teacher: Maria Giovanna Colombo Riga Secondary School No. 25 Riga - Latvia Headmaster: Inga Nestere Teachers: Rita Deksne, Andris Rozensteins Vilnius International School Vilnius,- Lithuania Director: Rebecca Juras Gozo College Secondary School Gozo - Malta. Head of School: Dr Francis Abela Teachers in charge: Ms Joann Cordina, Mr Robert Vella
Zespół Szkół Ekonomicznych Toruń - Poland Headmaster: Grazyna Zolnierkiewcz Teacher: Lucja Modzelewska Escola Secundária de Camões Lisboa - Portugal Headmaster: João Jaime Pires Responsible for the project: Ângela Lopes ”Miguel de Cervantes” Bucharest - Romania prof. Camelia Radulescu (teacher of Spanish) prof. Magdalena Vutulicu (teacher of Latin) prof. Andreea Pleșoianu
ZŠ a Gymnázium s VJM Bratislava -Slovakia Headmaster: Katarína Morvayová Teacher: Judita Young
Gimnazija Bezigrad Ljubljana - Slovenia Headmaster: MS Ciril Dominko Teachers: Valentina Maver, Savina Zwitter
I.E.S. Bendinat Bendinat, Islas Baleares - Spain Headmaster: Marguerita Gomilla Pons Teacher: Nela Hidalgo
Special thanks are due to the following, for their help in bringing this project to fruition: Manfred Gerstberger, Maria Giovanna Colombo, Réka Török, Andras Kocsis, Andrea Proniewicz, Tomas de Groot, Silvia Premoli, Giulia Landoni, Priscilla Cassitti, Morgan Elisabeth Robinson, Gyopárka Tamasi, Edina Toth, Alejandra Bejarano and of course to all the students who partecipated.
PREAMBLE by Martin Schulz President of the European Parliament From the very beginning the European Union has been planned as a project to bring the peoples of Europe together and to create lasting peace. Yet, the beginning of this year was a stark reminder that peace and security cannot be taken for granted. The attacks in Paris and Copenhagen, against innocent Europeans and against our values of freedom of expression, tolerance and mutual respect, made us painfully aware of how far terrorists and die-hards are ready to go in their attempt to suffocate our concept of civilisation. Our response of unity and solidarity showed that they stand no chance of succeeding. Wars are now also being waged in our immediate neighbourhood. The horrors which we thought we had binned, the shifting of borders by force and the fact that people have to flee from appalling atrocities, have returned to Europe. Having benefited from European integration, as it reunited and reconciled the peoples of Europe, expanded civil liberties and the rule of law, consolidated democracy, pluralism and tolerance, we cannot but insist that Europe stands up to these threats. This year is decisive in many ways: By declaring 2015 to be also the European year of development the European Union signals its commitment to a more just and sustainable future. The theme “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life” of the Universal Exposition hosted in Milan underlines this commitment. Working towards a more sustainable usage of our global resources must turn into an objective that informs our policies well beyond 2015. The continuing economic and social difficulties within Europe and the high levels of unemployment still pose a severe challenge for policy makers. The excessive economic imbalances are disastrous for the majority of citizens, but weigh disproportionally on young generations, which bear no responsibility for the crisis. It is upon EU and national institutions, employers, schools and each and every one of us to ensure that this generation is not lost, by reinforcing quality education, and creating jobs, growth and opportunities. I cannot but congratulate you for the project “Dear Europe, I am writing to you” which will involve students, schools and teachers in a critical and original reflection of what Europe means for them. It is this enthusiasm and this pluralism which ensure the continuing success and dynamism of the European project. Please, keep writing to Europe.
Martin Shulz
Introduction “The Europe that does not exist?” This is the question that might arise from this editorial project titled “Dear Europe ... I’m writing to you” that, in addition to being a common ground for the many European schools that have participated, reflects the various economic, demographic and socio-cultural European realities. This is our first book in English and represents the seventh volume of our book series that aims to make students and institutions interact with each other. It faithfully reproduces the letters written by European students in their native language, with their parallel translation in English. Pupils aged between 14 and 18 years old, have been asked to express their European dream referring directly to the highest offices of the EU Institutions. We have not made a selection of the letters received, and have decided to publish them all, that is why the number of the letters corresponding to each country can be different. The project initially included the participation of Secondary Schools located in each capital city of the 28 EU member states. We made every effort to engage the capital cities, but because of the unavailability and the little interest shown in many schools of the capital cities, we decided to involve also schools from other cities. While the Nordic countries such as Finland, Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands declined due to time and scheduling, still expressing their satisfaction and interest for the project, from England, France, Ireland and Luxembourg no explanations were provided to their denial. We are proud of the fact that all the students participating in “Dear Europe ... I’m writing to you” have treated with great maturity different, original and very interesting issues thus proving to be worthy future citizens of Europe. Both the initiative and the official presentation of the book will be held in Reggio Emilia during the “Social Cohesion Days” - www.socialcohesiondays.com - the first edition of this international event that will take place annually, for the next three years. May 2015 Francesco Vivacqua
Nadia Mazzon
States participating in the project Austria - Klagenfurt am WÜrthersee Belgium - Beveren Bulgaria - Sofia Croatia - Zagreb Cyprus - Nicosia Czech Republic - Prague Estonia - Tallin Germany - Berlin Greece - Athens Hungary - Budapest Italy - Rome - Milan Latvia - Riga Lithuania - Vilnius Malta - Gozo Poland - Toruń Portugal - Lisbon Romania - Bucharest Slovakia - Bratislava Slovenia - Ljubijana Spain - Bendinat 15
FACHBERUFSSCHULE KLAGENFURT 2 Klagenfurt is located in Klagenfurt, Austria´s Kärnten region. The school provides education in three professional fields: office work/administration, cosmetology and trade. The students follow a dual education, where they both learn at school and work in their respective field at the same time. The school exists in its current form since 1999. After the closure of three vocational schools (work/administration, cosmetology and trade), the Klagenfurt Vocational School 2 was erected. The amount of students has been rising since 2003 and the school currently houses around 1400 students. The school is always developing and had recently added several new initiatives, such as classes about religion for all students, sport has taken a more prominent role in the education of the students, and the school has started with a quality and development program. The city Klagenfurt is a hub for trade professions (Private as well as wholesale) and possess a lot of knowledge and experience regarding the commercial field. The school also offers education an extensive amount of students who are differently abled or have other pedagogic needs. The focus lays on the individual needs and on the ability to offer such students the best changes in their future career. The students are studying in the field of retail and are learning how to be professionals while selling and marketing their products and communicating with customers and colleagues. Wulfengasse 24, 9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Austria Tel: +43 463/31641-15 Email: klagenfurt_2@bs.ksn.at Web: http://fbs-klagenfurt2.at/ Headmaster: BD. Ing. Reinhold Moser
Fachberufsschule Klagenfurt 2 Klagenfurt - Austria
Fachberufsschule Klagenfurt 2 Klagenfurt - Austria Dear President of the European Union, I am writing you how I want to change Europe. Firstly, I would promote equal rights more. Since the poor are treated worse than the rich. Those people that have less money can often not do a lot with it, because they cannot find work. The EU is experiencing massunemployment. The EU has an immigration problem, because more and more foreigners are coming to us, fleeing, I do not mind this since they cannot live in their own country anymore, but we must create more places to work and they must integrate more. I would strengthen the democracy, so the majority would decide instead of some head of government. More and more jobs are disappearing, because it is cheaper to produce abroad. We need our own places to work but the problem is also that people do not want to pay too much anymore, because they got used to the cheap prices. Julia
Fachberufsschule Klagenfurt 2 Klagenfurt - Austria
Fachberufsschule Klagenfurt 2 Klagenfurt - Austria Dear President of the European Union, I would hereby like to let you know what should, according to my opinion, be improved in the EU. There should be more jobs and everyone should have the right to work. There should also be more homes available. But the rent I would lower. Because the rent is getting more and more expensive in Austria. Because of that, a lot of people become homeless and crime rises. If something would change there, there would be less crime. Regarding the youth, I would erect stricter laws and consequences. For example, curfew for those that are under-aged, more control when selling alcohol and cigarettes, a ban on the usage of cellphones at schools, there should simply be more control over young people. And there should finally be people and something should be done against racism. Since I have more than one heritage, I know, that my life is best in Austria. Kind Regards, Marina
Fachberufsschule Klagenfurt 2 Klagenfurt - Austria
Fachberufsschule Klagenfurt 2 Klagenfurt - Austria Dear President of the European Union, What I find most important is justice. I think, in every EU country, the local citizens should have priority. Everyone should have the feeling that the country in which he or she lives, truly their homeland is! This is my home and this is where I belong. Everyone should have the feeling that one is understood in one’s own country, because it can be quite hurtful for the local citizens, when other people, who have moved here, are becoming more privileged than them. Nevertheless, every person should be allowed to live how he or she wants and how he or she is raised. For example religion. Everyone should believe what he or she wants. No one should take someone’s believe from them. Even those people, who do not like another religion, should get over it and let other people believe what they want. Everyone should know: everyone has their own religion and is allowed to practise this religion. What I also find important is the equal treatment of men and women. Woman should not just be a word for cleaning, cooking, etc. but much more than that. While working, women and men should earn the same amount, because women are also capable of working good and hard. This is what I believe about Europe! Rebecca
Fachberufsschule Klagenfurt 2 Klagenfurt - Austria
Fachberufsschule Klagenfurt 2 Klagenfurt - Austria Dear President of the European Union, I am writing to you to help with a better EU. Everyone should be treated equal. No discrimination and more peace should be promoted. Old people must have the same rights. Punishments for crimes should be increased and especially for abusers. No one should be excluded based on their heritage, religion or the colour of their skins. In the EU I imagine, doctors, politicians, and governmental workers would have better education and would help more. There should be more practical classes as well as theory for students to achieve better goals. There should be more subsidising, instead of the building of useless buildings, stadiums, etc. Everyone who wants a job should receive one to build a life. Poverty should be combatted to help especially those people that are hungry. Children would than not die of it and the parents can offer them something. Many thanks and kind regards, Sabina
Fachberufsschule Klagenfurt 2 Klagenfurt - Austria
Fachberufsschule Klagenfurt 2 Klagenfurt - Austria Dear President of the European Union, i am telling you today how I wish, Europe would look like. The most important thing, is that all people have the same rights. The cities should be clean and jobs should be increased. I think it is great, that people from other countries come here, but these people should also work, such as helping older people, or help the city. The city itself should have an older look. There should be more space for trees, to increase the quality of the air. Other modes of transport should be promoted and subsidised, to decrease the use of cars. Countries should also cultivate more products, to increase the amount of jobs! Sabrina
Fachberufsschule Klagenfurt 2 Klagenfurt - Austria
Fachberufsschule Klagenfurt 2 Klagenfurt - Austria Dear President of the European Union, i wish that Europe would be more like Paris. Paris my favourite city and it would be nice when everything would be like there. It is a very beautiful city to look at and one likes to go there. Europe should become cleaner and should offer more jobs. Because Paris is called the ‘City of Love’, the people of Europe should be more loving and less hateful. There should be more opportunities for young people and more subsidies to life. More people should love animals and there should be more spaces where people can hang out with their pets. It would also be great, when groceries become cheaper, because a lot of people have money problems. It would help a lot of people if there would be more possibilities to learn other languages and less people would have to beg on the streets. Europe should offer more social subsidies for homes and education to young people. Timea
Fachberufsschule Klagenfurt 2 Klagenfurt - Austria
Fachberufsschule Klagenfurt 2 Klagenfurt - Austria Dear Europe, I am writing to you‌ I would like it, if everyone was to be treated equally and everything would be fair. That those that have nothing, get some. That those that do not care about anything, such as work, school, their home, or income, are treated equally and do not receive more than those that do care about such things and put effort into it. Buildings should be useful for homes and jobs. And they should not be these useless buildings of which we already have so many. It would be better to make something more social and that would create jobs. I hope that it will all change soon, since I am still young and I do not want the situation to decrease any further. Everyone deserves his or hers change and if he or she does not take it, it is his own fault that he or she receives a lower wage, welfare or has troubles finding a place to live. I also think that families or parents that are divorced and have children should have priority while finding a place to live. It is not like that here in Carinthia and I do not think it is fair. I hope, that something will change in the future. Vanessa
Fachberufsschule Klagenfurt 2 Klagenfurt - Austria
Fachberufsschule Klagenfurt 2 Klagenfurt - Austria Dear President of the European Union! I believe, that in my perfect Europe, there should be a lot more understanding between its citizens. One should not judge people too rash based on their heritage, religion, the colour of your skin, language or social status. Everyone is human and has the same wants and needs. Because someone has less money to spend and cannot buy the latest fashion or mobile phone available on the market, does not mean that these people are worth less than people who can afford all these items. People who have less to spend also work hard for their money every day and they often have children at home on who they would rather spend their money than on items that are not immediately necessary. The differences between religions should also not increase, but accepted. Everyone should be able to believe what he or she wants without being judged for its religious convictions. A peaceful society is what everyone wants for themselves and for their families and friends! Viktoria
SINT MAARTEN BOVENSCHOOL Sint Maarten Bovenschool is situated in Beveren, 10 km far from Antwerp in the Flanders. It is a catholic school and it has 1500 students who can choose among three different addresses: general, technical and vocational education. 150 teachers work in the school that is characterised by many projects. Sint Maarten is involved in many international projects and exchanges. Every year in March students from different European countries meet in the school and a European Parliament is organised to offer the students the possibility to discuss about European problems seen from their point of view. Sint Maarten Bovenschool Kallobaan, 1 - 9120 Beveren Belgium Web: www.mijn-school.be
Headmaster: Ingrid Ghys Teacher: Kelly Boodts
Sint Maarten Bovenschool Beveren - Belgium
Sint Maarten Bovenschool Beveren - Belgium 9120, Beveren, 23-05-2015 Dear Europe We write you this letter because of the importance of technology. Because of the fast evolution and improvements of computers, robots, ... the job security for European citizens will drop. Off course we don’t want that technology disappears completely within the industry. But we want that it’s also used for other purposes. According to us: people are more important for society! The aim of technology is to help people and not to replace it! Kind regards Clovis De Blanger and Ellen Van Houtven
Sint Maarten Bovenschool Beveren - Belgium
Sint Maarten Bovenschool Beveren - Belgium Beveren, Belgium 23/04/2015 Dear Europe We write to you a letter today to ask if it’s possible to do something about the tragic occasions in the Mediterranean Sea. A lot of useless victims who died on their way to freedom, should have the right to have safe transport. We don’t know if it’s right to welcome every stranger in Europe but we have to find a solution for this problem. Maybe it’s possible to start an organisation in which each European country deposits some money in order that we can assure safe transport and eventual rescue operations. We would like to say we opt for routes to the prosperous neighboring countries of the refugees instead of sending them to Europe. Sincerely Simon Lambrechts, Lynn Van Cutsem and Trishia-Mae Vervoort
Sint Maarten Bovenschool Beveren - Belgium
Sint Maarten Bovenschool Beveren - Belgium Beveren, Belgium 23/04/2015 Dear Europe We write to you involving the division in Europe. There is a European Union but nobody feels like he is a part of big Europe. Everyone feels inhabitant of their own country, but not of Europe. We think that this has to change because unity creates a feeling of safety and that’s exactly what we need right now. We look up at the togetherness of the United States, where all the inhabitants participate in more than just the economy. All the states of Amerika are led the same way and thanks to this they have the same name and standards, laws and institutions. We have to try to do this in all the European countries. There should be unity in social security, education, school system and many more‌ The huge differences cause frustration and this is not fortunate to create unity. Highly respected Anton Geleyn and Giada Bilotta
Sint Maarten Bovenschool Beveren - Belgium
Sint Maarten Bovenschool Beveren - Belgium Beveren, 23/04/2015 Dear Europe I am writing this letter with the vision of a 17-year-old girl, that lives in the so called “paradise” of Europe. The Europe where people expect a lot from adolescents, but don’t give them a chance. They call them “today’s youth”. We are the ones that want economic equality; shelters for refugees and a more tolerant Europe. A Europe where we don’t turn our back on people in need that are looking for a way to Europe, thinking that they found the gates to freedom; but instead landed in their personal hell. A foreigner with a different culture is an intruder that wants to change Europe, right? Youngsters are also “very lazy” and “they only take advantage of their parents and never work themselves”. Europe reach out! Let us consider different cultures as an enhancement of today’s society. Don’t silence the youth, but give them a voice. Tolerance towards youngsters, differences and each other is number 1. Europe, a paradise? The road is still long. Best regards Salma Mediavilla Aboulaoula & Maggie Wongsantativanich
Sint Maarten Bovenschool Beveren - Belgium
Sint Maarten Bovenschool Beveren - Belgium Belgium, Beveren 23-04-2015 Dear Europe We write this letter because of the work employment for youngsters. We ask you to invest more money in jobs for youngsters. Because all over Europe there is a huge unemployment for youngsters. If you invest in the youth you also invest in the feature. We do appreciate the Erasmus project, because the youth gets more opportunities to develop themselves in another country, to get to know the culture and the lifestyle of other people. They learn to take care of themselves and to become adults. Please invest in theyoungsters. Sincerely Astrid Colleman and CĂŠdric Herpelinck
Sint Maarten Bovenschool Beveren - Belgium
Sint Maarten Bovenschool Beveren - Belgium Dear Europe We wright you this letter to make you aware of the bad health condition of Europe. More people die from heart diseases as a result of overweight than from starvation. This has to change drastically. First of all we would like to import fat taxes and taxes on sugary drinks. This law is already introduced in certain Scandinavian countries, we would like to apply this in the rest of Europe as well. Second of all, we think that healthy food should be promoted more. The prices should go down, there should be more publicity and children should be encouraged more to eat healthy from their education. In third place, we think that there should be paid more attention to products from our own countries. Forgotten vegetables are an example of these. Imported food should be more expensive. Therefore people won’t buy this kind of food anymore and then they won’t have to import it. The environmental impact of transport will decrease in this way. There are only advantages connected to healthy food. People will feel better, more active, they will be able to work longer and they will be less susceptible for depressions. Health is of world importance en should be more respected. Sincerely Stefanie en Stijn
Sint Maarten Bovenschool Beveren - Belgium
Sint Maarten Bovenschool Beveren - Belgium Beveren, Belgium, 23/04/2015 Dear Europe We are writing you this letter because of the water problems all over the world. For more than 10 years other continents have been suffering because of water shortage while Europe is not paying attention to it. Europe spills to much water and we think that we should solve this problem. It is our responsibility to show solidarity to the whole world. We think that the European inhabitants should be informed so they can be more careful while using water. We have to take measurements so everybody can have access to clean water. Because water is essential for life. Solidarity is like water for mankind. Nobody can live without! Sincerely Arne Dalvinck and Quinten Meuleman
Sint Maarten Bovenschool Beveren - Belgium
Sint Maarten Bovenschool Beveren - Belgium Beveren-Waas, Belgium, 23 April 2015 Dear Europe, Sometimes I ask myself: should it be like this? Is this our future? What is true of everything that our parents told us? How do you know what the future will be if you don’t understand the present. Why help the world if Europe needs help itself? Many people come to Europe looking for a better life. But we can’t help them, if we need help ourselves. In the past people imagined how the world would look like in x-years: flying, cars, spaceships, no diseases etc. What is true of all this? We have to focus on the things that are important for the people and especially the children, our future. Why are we not working on a future with advantages. Capitalism? Bureaucratic? I’m not saying they are bad in theory, but I’m saying they are practically. Sometimes there has to be someone who says: “We have to do this and we have to do it right now!” Without hesitation, but unfortunately the politicians are not thinking about the needs of a united Europe, but they are thinking only about themselves. The only thing that has to happen, is that you make a list with promises. But this time you really have to make them come true. Sincerely, Van Hoyweghen Bart and Van de Perre Vincent
SOFIA HIGH SCHOOL FOR CONSTRUCTION, ARCHITECTURE AND GEODESY “HRISTO BOTEV” Sofia High School of Construction, Architecture and Geodesy “Hristo Botev” is placed in the magnificent centre of Sofia- the capital of Bulgaria. Being established over a hundred years ago in 1909, it is the first and the most significant high school in the area of constructing in our homeland. A long way has been undergone so that the high school gains recognition as one of the best Bulgarian secondary educational establishments. The professional and personal qualities of more than 20 thousands graduates gave it its prestige and public acknowledgement. We are proud of the fact that our school is named after the remarkable Bulgarian poet, and national revolutionary – Hristo Botev. His literary works are considered as masterpieces all over the world. Another thing is the variety of different subjects we study during our education, which provide us with a wide range of useful knowledge for future career development as architects, civil engineers or geodesists. Sofia High School for Construction, Architecture and Geodesy “Hristo Botev” 34 Evlogi and Hristo Georgievi blvd. 1164 SOFIA, BULGARIA Tel: 359 2/ 866 12 71 Email; sgcag_botev@abv.bg Web: www.sgcag.info Eng. Dorothea Doncheva - Headmaster Mrs. Natalia Mitkova - teacher Eng. Vasilena Alexandrova - teacher
Sofia High School for Construction, Architecture and Geodesy “Hristo Botev”
Sofia - Bulgaria
Sofia High School for Construction, Architecture and Geodesy “Hristo Botev”
Sofia - Bulgaria
Sofia, 10th of March 2015 Dear President of the EU, For the last two years our homeland became a chance for the rescue of thousands refuges from the Syrian conflict. All those injured people were rejected by the Bulgarian society because of the huge cultural ethnic and religious differences between both nations. The truth is that there is the possibility to find the face of terrorism between all of those well- intentioned suffering individuals, but I don’t think it is right to isolate intelligent persons because of such doubts. The participation of the Syrians in our cultural and community life would help the cosmopolitanism in the Country. As we know, this is a global phenomenon, and Bulgaria can’t refuse empathy. It is necessary to help refuges to integrate in our society. Our attitude towards them should be built not by cultural and religions differences. The truth is that we are all people with equal rights. Radina Dzhabiroba
Sofia High School for Construction, Architecture and Geodesy “Hristo Botev”
Sofia - Bulgaria
Sofia High School for Construction, Architecture and Geodesy “Hristo Botev”
Sofia - Bulgaria
Sofia, 07.03.2015 Dear President of the EU, My dream is to see Bulgaria on the level of other European Countries such as Germany, Austria and Italy. In order for this to happen I think the European Union has to support and encourage more with bigger resources the smaller Countries from Eastern Europe. The Bulgaria that I dream for would come true if the Eu gives us financial support, because there’s a financial crisis. The money could be used to make it better for settling in it and the improvements would catch a lot of tourists’ eyes. I dream of seeing Bulgaria’s infrastructure like the one in Germany, I dream for an economy as good as Austria’s, I wish the tourist sites were maintained and tourism to be like it’s in Italy and the society in Bulgaria to feel integrated in the European family as much as possible. I won’t stop dreaming and I’ll be part of making my dream come true, so should you! Yours Faithfully Stanislava Nikolova
Sofia High School for Construction, Architecture and Geodesy “Hristo Botev”
Sofia - Bulgaria
Sofia High School for Construction, Architecture and Geodesy “Hristo Botev”
Sofia - Bulgaria
Sofia High School for Construction, Architecture and Geodesy “Hristo Botev”
Sofia - Bulgaria
Sofia, 03.03.2015 Dear President of the EU, What I want to change in Europe? When I first heard the question nothing came to my mind, but after some thinking I ask to myself: “How much is Europe ready to change?” Everyone have the big wish to change the world, to leave something behind them that will help others. I want that too! I want to do something important and useful. I am not sure what is going to be that “something” yet, but the chance to change Europe sounds awesome! Most of the candidates are probably going to write about how people must love and understand each other or how the education is bad and so on… All of what I suppose but to reach that kind of level in the attitude of people we need to go deeper. I came to the conclusion that all is about trust. As currently developed the world and Europe in particular is just an example of mistrust. The successful countries are those which are on their own or use others to survive. The powerful organisations and the business empires are successful because of the people’s attitude. Everything is business is about people trust. To assess people and give them what they want but with the condition and you to win. Everything is about money and business. Greed and arrogance. We are directing to these qualities because like it seems they are the only way to success. And is not what we want? Let’s go to the topic and my solution to it. People don’t trust because they don’t know. They don’t know the whole truth. As you may agree Europe and the government give people a small part of the information they have to manipulate them. Doing that they create one uncertain future in which we are now. All countries are a mess there are wars and unstoppable protests, people get killed every day. Have you asked why? I have, and I think what if we all tell the truth, the whole truth when we start with the government, politics, zone 51, the discoveries that the humanity is probably not ready for we will succeed to make a change, to survive. We will make our own choices, we will live different and we will fully develop. Europe have to the power to change the world! We just need to be ready to sacrifice in order to succeed. Because there is no way we are born just to pay bills and work! Valentina
Sofia High School for Construction, Architecture and Geodesy “Hristo Botev”
Sofia - Bulgaria
Sofia High School for Construction, Architecture and Geodesy “Hristo Botev”
Sofia - Bulgaria
Sofia High School for Construction, Architecture and Geodesy “Hristo Botev”
Sofia - Bulgaria
Sofia, 03.03.2015 Dear President of the EU, What has to change? As I look outside I can say a lot of things, but I’d like to talk about the education which is the biggest part of my life now. A lot of things need improvement in our Capital but there is progress, I can see the will in most of my teachers and it gives me hope that the generations coming after ours will have better chances for success. But that’s all in the big city. Till then I was concentrated on it and its problems but the truth is as I’m looking outside they seem minor. So many people come here looking for salvation, for a better future for their kids. And do they have to leave behind the home where they’ve grown up, and their life style so that they can turn into robots and have exhausting routine just so they can provide better opportunities for their child? Everybody should have the right of good quality education wherever they are. The lack of money shouldn’t be a holdback. And maybe all of this sounds crazy, it probably is but the way I see it – if we want our economy to prosper we need human resources. And to start earning money you need to invest before that – an investment in education would pay off good in the future. Great minds aren’t born only in reach families from the big city. Yours Faithfully, Krasimira Kostantinova
V. GYMNASIA V. (5th) Gymnasium is a high school in Croatia, Zagreb. It has a program specialized in natural sciences and mathematics. Students who attended our school for all these years have become leading scientists, artists, sportsmen/women, respectable and acknowledged people and professionals. Ten Croatian Academy laureates (HAZU – Croatian Academy of Science and Art) and many more university professors, politicians and successful sports representatives attended V. Gymnasium. The School was established in 1938. Since then the school program has not only focused on Natural Sciences but on all of the subjects taught, making it the No.1 high school in our country (according to last year’s rankings). This is confirmed by the average GPA of all students at the end of the last school year. The classes are held in 10 general purpose and 5 specialized classrooms. The 4-year curriculum consists of 20 subjects which are introduced to students by 60 teachers. Beside the regular classes, students can choose to attend Religious Education and Ethics. The school offers three course selection programs: A Bilingual program offers 15 subjects
B Mathematical program offers 14 subjects
C Computer Science program offers 14 subjects V. Gimnazija Klaićeva 1 - 10000 Zagreb - Croatia Main office phone: +385 1 4828 070 Fax: +385 1 4838 127 www.petagimnazija.hr tajnistvo@petagimnazija.hr The School Principal of V. gimnazija: Mr. Petar Mladinic, Mathematics teacher Teachers who had worked on the project: language teacher: Lidija Farkaš, Croatian School psychologist: Mihael Kozina English language teacher: Dunja Krpanec Croatian language teacher: Vesna Muhoberac
V. Gimnazija Zagreb - Croatia
V. Gimnazija Zagreb - Croatia Zagreb, March, 25th 2015 Dear President of the EU I would like the EU to care more about young people and open them the doors of progress. Young people have great ideas which are frequently inhibited by finance or the inability of expressing them. It is important to offer them the chance of higher education and the ability to apply their knowledge so that they could earn firsthand experience and at the same time change the world and the relationships in it with their innovative ideas. Young people should be encouraged to develop their creativity, expressing and embracing their own independent way of thinking so that someday they can make the right decisions on their own and lead the world to the betterment. First thing we should work on are the methods of education and the system of evaluation of our achievements. We receive too much information but we don’t implement it in practice. Even after achieving higher education, young people are often not familiar with the real job they are educated for. That is why I’m asking you to ponder over this and change the educational system. Also, we should enable the employment of young people so that they don’t waste their knowledge because they’re not using it. With the change of the educational system, opinions of young people would finally go beyond the frame that the existing education puts them in. Let the EU be the first to take young people seriously and let it become an example for all other countries of the world. Yours sincerely Anamaria
V. Gimnazija Zagreb - Croatia
V. Gimnazija Zagreb - Croatia Dear Chairman of the EU The European Union I dream of is unique, safe, peaceful, but above all, the place full of diversity and understanding. How to achieve such harmony? The answer isn’t simple, but it is sure we have to start now. There is no time to wait and delay progress. Many projects like this one are already ongoing and I think we are on the right track to improve international relations. However, I have a few ideas which would help people achieve our main goal - unity in diversity. There are many problems and crises that hit countries which share the same mother Europe. One of them is Croatia, which we are proudly calling our home. Sadly, the idea of unity is often misunderstood. It neither means merger of all countries, nor the hegemony of one culture. On the contrary, unity in the perfect Europe is achieved through agreements, helping one another and sharing common goods. Respect and knowledge of languages, native architecture, music and cultural heritage in general is what makes us unique. Everybody should be given a chance to explore beauties of this extraordinary continent. That is why I think it is crucial to educate the youth who will eventually lead Europe into the better future. To make Europe perfect together, we need to have strong will. Opening new jobs would not only decrease the number of the unemployed but it would also make people feel useful. Every single person would be able to contribute and watching results of our hard work makes us feel belonging and proud. Pride is pushing us forward, while we share knowledge and love for our country. All of this leads to the final and absolutely perfect harmony. Yours sincerely Barbara
V. Gimnazija Zagreb - Croatia
V. Gimnazija Zagreb - Croatia Dear President of the EU, I am writing to you from the newest member of the European Union, the Republic of Croatia. My small country is dealing with an economic crisis and high unemployment. The unemployment is the biggest problem of educated young people who do not have work experience. Without employment opportunities, they can’t even have one. In the EU focus should be on the youth, as they are its future. Educated young people don’t see their future in Croatia, because of economic problems, so they leave. I think that we shouldn’t run from our problems. Instead we should try to work on them. Plenty of young people think that they can’t do anything so instead of trying to improve today’s bad system they either put up with it or run away from it. The fact that Croatian politicians only care about their own interests and not about the greater good can be really discouraging. However, I believe that many countries face this problem. The EU should encourage the youth and show them their possibilities in their countries. I think that progress of each country should be in the interest of the European Union, because it means progress of the entire European Union. Croatia has uncontaminated land that can be used for growing organic food. There is a large amount of drinking water that is becoming increasingly valuable natural resource. It has rich cultural heritage and exceptional beauty of nature, which among other things make eight national parks, eleven nature parks, a long and rugged coastline and the clean Adriatic Sea, which has important potential for tourism. If all these resources were used better, new jobs would be created, and more promising future would be provided to young people. Yours sincerely Emma
V. Gimnazija Zagreb - Croatia
V. Gimnazija Zagreb - Croatia Dear Chairman of the EU The European Union I dream of is a place where people accept differences and provide help wherever there is a need for it. I do not think that the situation in the EU is negative but some improvements are always possible and I hope that my dream will come true if we all do our best. For that to happen, two factors are vital, tolerance and solidarity. When I say tolerance, I refer to the term which signifies that all of us, I and all of you who are reading this, not only accept that people are different in regard to their character and association with some group but also celebrate that fact and are grateful for it. Let’s be that way everywhere, at home, at school, on the street, in the parliament. I think we do not fully comprehend the importance of diversity of thought and behaviour. What is maybe even more important is solidarity. We must not want progress only for ourselves, our family, our city, or our country. It is wrong to be focused only on what we can consider to belong to us. We must be aware of the needs of others, both material and immaterial. Although it is nice of us to wish that every single human is happy, sometimes it is not enough only to wish. We must be reasonable and ask ourselves how much and where we can help. We need to act in accordance with our empathy. This means that we should help a person that we are around, understand and solve their problem. It also means that politicians and the most powerful individuals should bear in mind that needy people ought to be helped. We will all benefit from becoming tolerant and solidary to the maximum. Best regards Hrvoje KoŞić
V. Gimnazija Zagreb - Croatia
V. Gimnazija Zagreb - Croatia Dear Chairman of the EU Please excuse me for not writing your respected name, but to be honest, so many of you chairmen have changed over the years and none of you have accomplished anything of such note to make me remember your name. But before you get offended, please read the whole letter, like they say, “Sine ira et studio”. Here we come to my vision of the European Union. I am writing to you because they told me to. And I think I really have something to write about and that is a problem that causes other problems. As you know we have problems in this little union of ours. I find it redundant to write which ones, for as the chairman I guess You know them all too well. And how do we solve these problems? With solutions, of course, that come to our human minds after various mental processes. And we propose these solutions in speech or writing, You know what I mean. And by limiting the freedom of speech, or should I say, the freedom of expression, we lose potential solutions to our problems. And now let me explain my statement from the beginning of the text along the way. Firstly, I think we all agree that it is true. It may have been more politically correct of me to use some euphemisms in order to describe the status quo, but that wasn’t my point, because I consider “political correctness” a form of limiting the freedom of speech. I think that it will take the word “unimportant” less time to get to you than “Your performance could have been more significant” or “You could have had more media coverage”. In the name of progress, let’s be honest. It seems as if You’re paid to be unimportant. And it shouldn’t be that way. So, I dream of the European Union that’s not “politically correct” in order to solve problems more easily, what I think is in your best interest, too, because you would be able to reduce the number of letters like these ones where people ask you to solve their problems. Yours sincerely Jan
V. Gimnazija Zagreb - Croatia
V. Gimnazija Zagreb - Croatia Zagreb, 25th March 2015
Dear Chairman of the EU
I’m writing to you as a representative of my school and my homeland. In this letter I’m going to tell you about a recent event in Croatia.
Firstly, I would like to turn your attention to the question of ecology, the Adriatic Sea and the way it could be affected by petrol and gas exploitation. These days, people talk more and more about a project worth several million euros which could make this country „a little Norway“. Furthermore, if the newest technology were used during the underwater drilling, I fear the profit would be only temporary and the danger that would threaten our clean seawater would be too great. We have to be aware that it is home to numerous (even endemic) flora and fauna, but because of the high degree of salinity, it isn’t abundant with organisms. The possibility of a potential ecological catastrophe (like the one in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010) grows, which means that 1700 kilometres of the Adriatic coast is put to a major risk. Despite the Croatian affluence of fossil fuels, I think it also has a big potential for the development of renewable energy sources. To conclude, I would like to see foreign investors and the Croatian government invest these millions in sustainable development, and alternative ways of getting energy. Why couldn’t Hvar, as an island with almost 3000 sunny hours a year, be like Freiburg in Germany, getting all the energy it needs from the Sun? Why wouldn’t Croatia encourage foreign investment in renewable sources as Austria, Sweden and numerous other European countries have? Yours sincerely Janko
V. Gimnazija Zagreb - Croatia
V. Gimnazija Zagreb - Croatia Dear President of the European Union Given the fact that I have the opportunity to turn to you now, I would like to address the state of war in Ukraine. According to the stories of adults, parents, and the accompanying media, it seems to me that history repeats itself. As the Croatian nation fought for its independence 20 years ago, now Ukrainians must do the same. It’s been almost a year since the start of the conflict. To date, several thousand people were killed, more wounded, many have lost their homes, and many of them are also listed as missing. I wonder how long it will last?! Do the responsible politicians have an idea of ​​what this means for every person individually? Have the responsible politicians really done everything to stop the war or will it again take 4-5 years to reach an agreement? Eventually, the agreement will have to be signed; the only question is how many more people will have to suffer in the meantime. I believe that all members of the European Union should adopt a common position that should end the war in Ukraine. Best regards Josip
V. Gimnazija Zagreb - Croatia
V. Gimnazija Zagreb - Croatia Dear President of the EU I think that many people don’t appreciate Europe as their mother, the mother of all the Europeans, as they should. Europe has always been the heart of multiculturalism, individuality and diversity. Through its rich history, many European people have lost their lives, homes and families fighting for those values. Many conflicts such as opposing AntiSemitism, World War I, World War II, the Cold War, the Balkan Wars, the Hundred Years’ War and the Crusades were all the result of fighting for human rights, for freedom of speech and for the fundamental values that Europe represented in the past, represents today and will represent in the future. Every river, forest, sea and mountain makes Europe remarkable and extraordinary. The art of development should be based on harmonizing the natural wealth and architectural innovations. With that kind of approach, progress has no limits. The foundations are already set and our job is to continue the commenced. Through many years, Europe has become an attractive tourist destination, for people from all over the world. Europe is very significant because of its culture, heritage and numerous landmarks which adorn every inch of this amazing continent. We, Europeans, are united and equal but at the same time very different, what makes every single one of us unique. That is what makes Europe so special. Europe is connected with many threads and various nations who together create a harmonious and unbroken whole, Europe. Yours sincerely Laura Karačić
V. Gimnazija Zagreb - Croatia
V. Gimnazija Zagreb - Croatia Dear President of the EU It has almost been two years since Croatia became a full member of the European Union. New doors have opened to us, new possibilities have been provided. Politicians are talking about more positive outlook for the future, and still, each day we have been suffering greater and greater losses. Even though economic crisis is slowly coming to an end, the crisis in human recourses in Croatia has been put on red alert. Since 1st July 2013 it has been facilitated for Croatian citizens to study and work in other member states. However, this implies the departure from Croatia which already records negative natural growth and ageing of the population. I am inclined to believe that the biggest loss a country can suffer is the loss of young educated and working age people. If the unemployment rate is one of the indicators of economic growth of a country, no wonder that more and more people are leaving. Without those people, there couldn’t be any progress for Croatia and Croatian economy. This definitely wasn’t the aim of the Croatian accession to the EU. Croatia needs help to retain its intellectuals. In this way, ours and also the EU economy will prosper. Regardless of the fact that with the accession to the EU, we joined one big association, during the history Croatia has suffered a great deal to achieve its independence and now it should continue to develop within the European Union. That’s Croatia that I hope for and the European Union I dream of. Best regards Lucija
V. Gimnazija Zagreb - Croatia
V. Gimnazija Zagreb - Croatia Zagreb, 25th March 2015 Dear Chairman of the EU The European Union is a community constituted of twenty-eight European countries, including my homeland, Croatia. Croatia is the youngest member of the Union and its membership has lasted for almost two years. When I was child, I didn’t comprehend what exactly the European Union was. I thought it is one huge country where the inhabitants live in harmony and unity, where all human varieties and differences between people are respected and accepted. Leastwise, that was my understanding of motto: „United in diversity. “ Nowadays, I am a European citizen as well as I am a Croatian citizen. As a European citizen, I have a vision what the European Union should look like. I dream of a community where people are much more coherent, where the wealth is valued for the diversity and universality of its citizens. I dream of a community where every citizen feels loyalty to that community together with the remaining 506 million citizens when they hear „Ode to Joy“ and where all citizens talk to each other in the language of Ode to Joy. Each of the twenty-four official languages in the European Union could be this language if the right message wants to be conveyed. I dream of a community where the spirit of unity and acceptance is felt in every single part of the Union and where every citizen feels safe and satisfied. Then the European Union would be what I think it should be - a link between all its citizens. Yours sincerely Lucija
V. Gimnazija Zagreb - Croatia
V. Gimnazija Zagreb - Croatia Dear President of the EU I honestly believe that dreams of a free Europe without borders, where diversities do not separate but connect, are no longer needed. I hope that today every individual of the European Union lives this dream. But still, I wonder if such unlimited freedom threatens human dignity. Searching for freedom of spirit, have we forgotten our material existence? Can all people have a job today? What will happen to me in ten years? I will be free to go to every corner of the European Union. However, this freedom will be limited by the possibility of employment. On the other hand, I am delighted by the policy of preserving nature and the environment carried out by the European Union. It guarantees a long life for wonderful natural and cultural beauties of my country. I would like that a happy man of every country enjoys these beauties. In the end, the man as a part of nature should be protected together as well. This is why one should not endanger nature but must live in harmony with it. Similarly, exaggerated concern for nature should not endanger man. Although, a number of similarities link European countries, each nation should preserve its unique cultural and historical characteristics. I like availability of different cultures and traditions which today can come through the open door of the European Union. Best regards Mislav
V. Gimnazija Zagreb - Croatia
V. Gimnazija Zagreb - Croatia Zagreb, 24 March 2015 Dear Chairman of EU I’m writing to you from Croatia, a country with a rich cultural tradition that most Europeans know for its well-known natural beauties. I attend the best high school in the country, I study several foreign languages and I put a lot of effort in my education but I’m still not sure that I’ll be equal to my European peers after my education has finished. Croatia is becoming well-known for “brain drain” because our young people are highly educated and appreciated in the world. This is why I want the EU in which everyone will have the same chances, in which there will be no difference in the prospects of a high-quality expert no matter which country he or she works or lives in. Regardless of what my future job will be, I would like to cooperate equally with colleagues from all country-members of the EU but at the same time I would like to keep the right to choose the country where I will live despite different economic possibilities. The European Union I dream of is free and rich in its differences, powerful in its economical strength and unique in observing the interests shared by all of its members. Best regards Mislav Mokos
V. Gimnazija Zagreb - Croatia
V. Gimnazija Zagreb - Croatia Zagreb, 10th March 2015 Dear President of the EU I’m writing to you to express and describe my thoughts and my wishes about Europe of the 21st century. I believe that a lot of people aren’t conscious of what this impressive continent can offer. There’s a thread of stories weaved in every part of the continent and without those threads today’s Europe wouldn’t be the way she is. She has always been the centre of the world, the creator of civilisations that she has watched grow and perish, firmly keeping in her lap all the treasures that she has received and with motherly courage enduring pains and wounds inflicted on her by every sword, gun and grenade. Europe has always been and she will always be a community of people who try to realize how to be a part of a jigsaw puzzle. A universal jigsaw puzzle, as great as a continent, whose every part differs in colour and shape and it still fits perfectly. Once we all realize this, we will know that only by being what we truly are we can make the most beautiful picture possible. It’s priceless that we are all equal but no one is the same. The EU I dream of is a place where we all know that by respecting others we make ourselves and the world around us prettier, where we all know that we all breathe under the same sky, and walk on the same land. The only thing that this part of the universe, rich in nations, cultures and languages, deserves to get is that we all follow the path of tolerance, understanding, kindness and peace. Our goal is to make ourselves proud of Europe, just like of a finally assembled jigsaw puzzle, completed and unique. Best regards Romana
V. Gimnazija Zagreb - Croatia
V. Gimnazija Zagreb - Croatia Dear Chairman of the EU I’m writing to you because I am dissatisfied with today’s situation in Europe. What happened to Europe? What happened to us? What incited our nonchalance and improvidence, antisocial behavior and aversion, hatred instead of love for our neighboring countries? Why is it happening that somewhere in Europe people live in poverty, somewhere in richness, somewhere in grief and somewhere in happiness? Aren’t we a Union, aren’t we supposed to be One? Why do borders in our Union determine the quality of life? And where are our politicians in all of this? What do they do to help each other, to lend a helping hand a friend in trouble? Why does it seems to me that at the moment when a person gets power in their hands, they leave everything good behind, forget about the things because of which they have got elected in the first place? Oh how beautiful it would it be if these things would change! Oh how much better it would be if one country would help another country the best it can, if one country would take care of another as it does of itself. How much could the European Union change Europe in this way! That would be the European Union I dream of! Yours sincerely Svebor Mihael
HIGHGATE PRIVATE SCHOOL Highgate was founded in 1991. We are located in a green and quiet area, ten minutes outside the main city of Nicosia. In this safe and beautiful surroundings we cater for children from the age of two all the way to eighteen. Our children come from many countries, giving the school a cultural mix which reflects the world in which we live. Its vision is that every member of the school community must have the opportunity to learn, to acknowledge, understand and celebrate their own and other’s abilities, cultural religions and traditions. We encourage respect and tolerance of all cultures, and promote an awareness and acceptance of commonality and diversity within our school. The curriculum reflects the cultural diversity to which pupils belong and of which they will become adult members. It is our priority that all pupils are given the opportunity to recognize the equality, worth and dignity of people from their own and other cultures through a broad and balanced curriculum. We endeavour to foster a sensitive, informed attitude amongst our pupils, creating a caring atmosphere in which diversity and commonality of cultural beliefs, traditions and values are explored. We believe that an intercultural education is valuable to all children in equipping them to participate in an increasingly diverse society. 5 Irinikou Street, Agioi Trimithias, CY, 2670, Nicosia, Cyprus Tel: 22-780527 / 22-773475 / 22-781818 Fax: 22-773474 Mail: admin@highgateschool.ac.cy Web: www.highgateschool.ac.cy Head Teacher: Dr. Maria Theochari Teacher of English Literature: Ms Alexandra Papadopoulos
Highgate Private School Nicosia - Cyprus
Highgate Private School Nicosia - Cyprus
Highgate Private School Nicosia - Cyprus
Highgate Private School Nicosia - Cyprus
Highgate Private School Nicosia - Cyprus
Highgate Private School Nicosia - Cyprus Dear President of the European Union, I am writing this letter to express my gratitude for how our Europe looks like , but I also wanted to tell you my opinion. Europe is wonderful, it has enough universities and it looks great, but there are a few drawbacks, and I think they are important. For example you could build more parks. A lot of green never hurt none, but on the contrary, it will give country a wonderful look and charm. Many people like nature, but the problem is that sometimes people do not care about what we have and clog up the environment. You can, we can change this! Together we can everything! I would like to add that Europe doesn’t help poor countries enough. I really like Moldova it is versatile , interesting and vibrant country. There are many needy people, this country needs help. The biggest drawback, it is war or disagreements in the different countries of Europe. If there is peace, there will be happiness! In addition to this I would like to ask you with all my heart, to help the elderly. Many seniors do not have energy to work, and no force for existence. They need money to pay for the medicines they need. Probably lots I can still tell you. I am very pleased that I have the opportunity, to express my opinion on how we would like to see Europe. Yours Truly Alexandra
Highgate Private School Nicosia - Cyprus
Highgate Private School Nicosia - Cyprus Dear President of the European Union, I would like Europe to be much better, so I want to express my opinions and maybe give you some suggestions. First of all, I would like all countries in Europe, to have “Visa-free-mode” - this mode of relations between the countries, in which the citizens of these states does not require a visa to enter their territory. So that people can travel around the world, and learn it. Also, I’d love to stop wars between countries, so that people stop dying, that there was peace. If everyone would do good only good things, wanting to make pleasant and good things to the people around them, providing at least a little help but from the heart, then naturally the culture will change. People will be more friendly with each other. Then all countries would be strong and blessed, and life will become much easier. Government will take care of people, not just about their benefits. I think this is the best option that can help to change us, all together. I would like to have more schools, more public parks, so that bigger countries will help poor countries. Yours truly, Alexey
Highgate Private School Nicosia - Cyprus
Highgate Private School Nicosia - Cyprus Dear President of European Union I am writing this letter to point out a few things that bother me in Europe. I am living in Europe all Sent from my iPhone There are three things in particular that bother me: 1. I see a lot of people that are unemployed - it all happened during the crisis. 2. I believe there is not trust between each other , there is also no trust between the countries and no support to each other , therefore Europe ends up with arguments . All those arguments that happened between the countries are because there is no trust and support . 3. The University is too expensive and I think if the university was cheaper (more affordable ) then it would be perfect and more people would be able to afford go to university . I believe that Europe should be all about respect and everyone should help each other, no matter what . Please respect and help each other - do not be afraid! Yours truly, Jennifer
Highgate Private School Nicosia - Cyprus
Highgate Private School Nicosia - Cyprus Dear President of the European Union, Before starting writing this letter, I have had to ask myself a simple question: What is the European Union for 15 year old girl? It is a kind of abstraction for me, something that we don’t talk about with people in my age, but I think it’s a mistake because we are the future of the European Union. Our decision that we are making now, for example to study abroad, have a great impact for our present life. As a young person who watch news every day and who is interested in the world around me, I have realised how important is the European Union in our daily life. Nearly everywhere I see the European Union’s flag or a highway, for which the UE gave money to build it. In my opinion they are some aspects in which the European Union could work on. I think that the European Parliament should make an effort and cooperate with young people (ex.16-22 years old) because they are the future and they have many new and fresh ideas. Also the education abroad in countries which are part of the EU should be cheaper. In that way more number of people would be able to finish universities. I want a special discount for students who use a public transport. A good idea would be to increase the number of parks and green areas, especially in big cities. In the near future I see the European Union as a strong community, in which parent goal will be the pursuit of common values. Yours Truly, Magdalena
Highgate Private School Nicosia - Cyprus
Highgate Private School Nicosia - Cyprus Dear President, Im a 12 year old Greek student in Nicosia-Cyprus and with all my respect, I would like to express in a very brief way my will concerning the following changes I wish for Europe: Following Ioannis Kapodistrias, Minister of Russia at the beginning of 19th century and first governor of a new state in 1830 (Greece), during a Congress of Super Powers representative at Aix La Chappelle (1818) he suggested the creation of an solidary alliance (“alliance solider”) among all European Nations and not only among Super Powers. As you know Mr. President, better than me, in the year 1950 or 132 years later, Robert Shuman, the minister of foreign affairs of France proposed the creation of a supra national European organ which later lead to the actual European Union. •Thus in my opinion during the 21st century Europe needs to have an army, a government, a foreign, economic etc policy. •I would like all European Countries to unite with each other in one federation like the United States of America. To have a common policy in everything (i.e. foreign affairs, economy, banking, education, social affairs, etc). I believe that Europe, one of the richest group of nations in our world should have an innovative and competitive economy. It is inconceivable for Europe in the beginning of the 21st century to have millions of jobless, homeless or extremely poor people. Maybe I’m wrong but I believe the actual problems of Europe would appear as funny issues to face of the great historic European leaders like Winston Churchill, Charles De Gaulle and Conrad Adenauer etc if they were alive today. They should inspire all of us! Sandro
ENGLISH-GERMAN BUSINESS ACADEMY English-German Business Academy was founded as one of the first private schools in the Czech Republic in 1991. Since then more than 4000 students have graduated here and there are more to come. Our school provides comprehensive business education that extends over other disciplines such as English, German, Social Studies etc. In addition to theoretical knowledge, our students gain practical competence. Our graduates find their jobs in civil services, local authorities, or in private companies specialized in finance and sales. In these firms they usually work in export, import, wholesales, or retail sales. Since 2009 we have cooperated with a football team Sparta Praha, in each grade there is a sport class with a special curriculum. Our school takes parts in various projects and charity events, such as Run for Africa – its aim is not only to get financial means for construction schools in Africa, but also to inform students and public about the issues of development countries. The school is located in a calm, attractive area, not far from Prague Castle which is the official residence and office of the President of the Czech Republic. Anglo - německá obchodní akademie a.s. Bělohorská 182/171 Praha 6 Břevnov 169 00 - Czech Republic Email: info@anoa.cz Phone: +420 277 775 611 School principal: Miluse Papouskova Teachers of English: Tomas Lagron - Luisa Dudakova
English-German Business Academy Praha - Czech Republic
English-German Business Academy Praha - Czech Republic 16/4/2015 Prague Dear president of the EU We have got a task to write how we imagine our dream EU. Honestly I did not know for a long time what I should write. Eventually I found out that the most troubling thing for me is education. When I look at this problem only with my eyes, I see as a student few mistakes. Since primary school I was bothered with attitude of teachers to students. Yes I understand that most of the students are not the most studious or the most attentive, but that is why I think that teachers should change their attitude to students. They should listen to them more and they should try to understand them more. I think that they would accept more some kind of alternative. Another thing that bothers me is price of private universities not only in the Czech Republic but also abroad for example in Great Britain. I like studying and I would really like to study at university abroad. Unfortunately I’m not a brilliant student I would rather classify myself into a group of average students. It does not change the fact that I like studying and I like extending my horizon. I enjoy it. Because I’m in the third year I have to choose University that I would like to study. I’m choosing especially public universities because my family is not one of the richest, so I cannot afford to study abroad at private school. Although I would wish it and I would make a dream come true. Of course there is an opportunity of Scholarship but they give it only to unusual students. That’s why I would wish in my dream Europe to improve the attitude to students and more opportunities for students to get to their dream private university. Thank you for your attention. With regards Adéla Dobrovolná
English-German Business Academy Praha - Czech Republic
English-German Business Academy Praha - Czech Republic 16/4/2015 Prague Dear president of the EU. I would like to tell you my opinion on the whole issue of the Europe. What I would improve, change if I was in your place. The main problem, what makes me absolutely uncomfortable is how most of the states in Europe accept immigrants stay from Middle East. With this I fundamentally don´t agree. These people don´t try to adapt to our system which has worked here since a long time ago. When „we“(Europeans) visit, when we are on holidays in their countries, we accept and adapt their rules, so why it isn´t same on their side in the Europe. For example Islamic people build mosques, the terrorist attacks happen here more often, more murders, overall there are more crimes, because of this sort of people. Problem in Germany is that in few years there will live more Turkish citizens than German citizens. Which won´t be Europe anymore. If these people behave how they should, I wouldn´t care so much, but it isn´t like this. Because of these people Europe loses a lot of money for a reason that Europe or the European politicians don´t want to look like they discriminate them. Thanks for your attention and hope you are going to do something with it. It will be worse and worse. Andreas Valagiannis
English-German Business Academy Praha - Czech Republic
English-German Business Academy Praha - Czech Republic Prague 15/4/2015 Dear President of the EU, I think, that life in today’s Europe is (unlike some parts of the world) very good. But there is definitely a lot of things that might improve. I would personally love if travelling in the EU was much simpler, cheaper and faster. It would certainly be nice to travel for free but that’s probably just my impossible dream, but who knows? I would also be glad if we could prevent more wars, terrorist attacks and overall violence. When I write about violence, I must mention what we do to animals. I would beg lad, if we could completely ban the manufacture of leather and killing animals for unnecessary things like the coats. I understand that it’s impossible to stop the process that earns so much money. I do not agree with the treatment of animals in slaughterhouses. They are not treated humanely. I feel sad for how we kill not only animals but also nature, which slowly begins to die. We should more protect the places where we live and not just use them for profit. I´m afraid, that one day we will lose the World´s beauty. I hope one day we will live in harmony with nature. Best regard Eliška Losová
English-German Business Academy Praha - Czech Republic
English-German Business Academy Praha - Czech Republic 16/4/2015 Prague Dear president of the EU Whereas this letter is supposed to be related to the topic “How I imagine the European Union in the future”, I don’t think this letter is going to be suitable. First of all it is important to think about the condition in which the European Union is now. I study the third year of the business academy and it is my duty to orientate at least a bit in the economic and financial sphere. For a longer time now I have been tracking what is happening in Greece and its financial situation. Greece is certainly a topic which is not advisable to break down on just a one page letter yet I would like to point out mistakes in the previous action and suggest a procedure which I would eventually choose after a longer discretion. Especially in my opinion it was a mistake as Greece’s as the Europeans Union to commit to such a soon payoff. To start with such a payment behavior just after a few years Greece got in this hard situation? Of course in my opinion Greece has its own fault in this issue but to “punish” the Greek people for the mistakes of their government with such a strong and streaky corruption is not fair. Unfortunately the credit the European Union and IMF gave Greece and despite to your good will it did not pay off. Definitely, because of that I would give Greece a looser hand but also I would give them a helping hand. Because, if the European Union committed itself to help Greece, it has to treat Greece as an adolescent child. Wait until it becomes independent, pays its own dues and then demand gradual repayment. Thank you for the opportunity to express my own opinion. With respect Perglová Helena
English-German Business Academy Praha - Czech Republic
English-German Business Academy Praha - Czech Republic Prague 15/4/2015 Dear President of the EU, If I could change anything in the EU, it would be mainly education. Unfortunately, even today, it is difficult for students to travel and study abroad. Further, I would change salaries and prices in the EU. Workers in the same position, should have the same salary in all countries, and same things should have the same price. It would help for example Czech Republic, because majority of the doctors who graduated here are working in Germany because they have better salary there. Also the prices should be same, for groceries, clothes and for electronics as well. Because in the Czech Republic, everything is more expensive, but the salaries are lower than in neighboring countries. I do not understand why EU can’t determine prices of all products, when they can determine prices of cigarettes and alcohol. If EU should look like in my dreams, there would be all transport for free and there would be free internet connection everywhere. After all, internet is very important in these days. Of course I know, that something like this would be too expensive to make. But I would like to suggest something more possible. I would ban leather industry and the fur industry in whole EU. I think that it’s just unnecessary and mostly inhuman killing animals. Greeting Karolína Jindrová
English-German Business Academy Praha - Czech Republic
English-German Business Academy Praha - Czech Republic Prague 15/4/2015 Dear President of the EU, I’m writing to you about situation in Europe. If I think about Europe of my dream, I have some ideas for better Europe. One of the ideas is the reduction of imported goods from Poland. This topic has been already discussed a few times. Polish products aren’t of good quality. For example, road salt in foodstuffs or large amounts of hazardous dyes, preservatives, emulsifiers and other added substances. I would be very happy, if this issue could solve quality production or immediate withdrawal from the market as soon as possible. Next idea is about the unemployment rate. Very high rate of unemployment mainly concerns Spain, Greece and Croatia. I would try to provide a bigger number and higher quality of new jobs and stimulate and better balanced of labor market. And the last one, which I have doubts is the control of studying and its financing. Recently school fees started to rise in some institutions, but the quality is low or is without change. I’m afraid, if that money hasn´t been exploited for the needs of employees. Could you change some of these points? I hope that change will be visible soon. Sincerely Kateřina Filinová
English-German Business Academy Praha - Czech Republic
English-German Business Academy Praha - Czech Republic Dear President of the EU, I’m writing to you because of a few things, which bother me about the EU and which I want to change, rectify and I think that you might be interested. What I want to change about EU so I would be able to say ,,Europe of dreams”? First, healthcare. The least I’m satisfied with healthcare and definitely there is room for improvement. The countries could cooperate more together. In each country are experts for different disease and that’s awesome. So why couldn’t countries cooperate more together in this regard? I will give you an example. In the Czech Republic is someone who has got strange, specific disease, which nobody knows what to do with. But in Switzerland they know what to do. And there’s the problem. An agreement, the money, the transport. Mostly money. Isn’t it shame? Wouldn’t it change? And the second thing what I want to change about EU is traveling across EU. We are de facto connected countries in Europe, but the traveling is more expensive, demanding, more difficult than it could be. Do you think that it’s possible to change that? Have a nice day Leona Šeráková
English-German Business Academy Praha - Czech Republic
English-German Business Academy Praha - Czech Republic In Prague, 16th of April Dear Mr. President of the EU, I think that things in EU are not that bad, although there could be some upgrades. I would like to highlight the increasing pressure from the East. I don’t talk about Ukraine, but I’m talking about influence that Russia has on Europe and even America or the USA. Let’s admit that Russia is one of the most powerful countries in the whole world and the only thing they are showing is their strength. In my opinion EU with USA should toughen sanctions against Russia and maybe even put embargo on Russia so that Russia can’t expand their economy etc. Russia is one of the biggest threats for Europe and maybe because of diplomatic reasons EU does nothing with it. Russians do in sort of way what they just want to do. And I am pretty sure that in few years, EU will pay for that. I know that my opinion may sound little bit extreme, but I know that Russia doesn’t have democracy in their dictionary. This is why I hope that in the near future this problem will not increase even more than it is now. Next thing, but this time shortly, I would like to comment and disagree with the re-opening of European Central Bank. As we all know, ECB has opened new building or place for the ECB headquarters. The whole thing wasn’t that much needed and also it was very expensive nearly astronomical. I’m not surprised that while the President of the ECB was having his glass of champagne, outside the demonstration was going on and as I know, not very peaceful. Some of the decisions were just not that brilliant and maybe little bit made too quickly. This is of course not everything that bothers me, but it looks like we don’t have that much time for this. With kind greetings, Martin Vesely
English-German Business Academy Praha - Czech Republic
English-German Business Academy Praha - Czech Republic 16th April 2015, Prague Dear Mr President of the EU, I am writing to you because our school joined the editorial project. I am very glad that European Union exists, because thanks to this I can travel easier in European Union states. The Schengen Area provides that people can travel only with identity card without passport. When I travel to other countries in the Eurozone I have only Euro. I don´t need different money for each country. The Czech Republic has not been in Eurozone yet. I am glad because if Czech Republic was in the Eurozone, it would be responsible for the debts of countries from Eurozone. The European Union forbad the spread butter (Pomazánkové máslo) because it contains the word butter. In the Czech Republic it was a traditional product. Just because of the spread butter does not contain required quantity percent of milk fat. The European Union has introduced lots of unnecessary measures from my point of view. For example it introduced measure where workers shall not wear jewellery on their hands or arms during work. But everyone should decide oneself about it. The next example is the labelling of all milk for babies – it should not include pictures of babies or images that “idealise the use” of the product. Why could not there be pictures with teddy bears or smiling children on the milk? It is not deception of customers. In my opinion there are more important problems that you should deal with. For example you should help the weaker social groups, reduce bureaucracy, facilitate getting subsidies, support economic growth, gain national identity and concentrate on peace initiatives. I hope you will think about my opinion. With regards Petra Boháčková
English-German Business Academy Praha - Czech Republic
English-German Business Academy Praha - Czech Republic 16/4/2015 Prague Dear president of the European Union thank you for the opportunity, which was given to me by Cultura&Solidarieta, I would like to inform you about my complaints towards the whole institution. The First problem recognized by me is the moving of European Parliament every month. I am totally familiar with process and astronomic total costs of it. This is why I am lobbing for a change. Because the Members of Parliament cannot decide from their position where to have their session, thus they cannot choose between Brussels or Strasbourg by any elections. This is why I am appealing to you Mr. Tusk: Please develop appropriate announcement which will make parliament elections or generous referendum possible about this problem in spite of The European Union’s White Books. The second of my complaints is aiming at Union’s agricultural quotas. These whole European limits have lowered an year amount of harvested tons of sugar beet. Then there was a lack of sugar beet for Czech sugar factories and the result of this decisions was that many sugar factories has collapsed because it is highly non-economic to make sugar from imported beets. This has of course its own effect on unemployment and then to full economy. I disagree with these strong interventions in form of Common agricultural politics into domestic’s plans for agriculture. Thank you for your attention, sincerely Stanislav Fresl.
English-German Business Academy Praha - Czech Republic
English-German Business Academy Praha - Czech Republic Prague 15/4/2015 Dear President of the EU, I will write you some ideas, how Europe should look according to me. Europe of my dreams would look better, then now. There wouldn’t be conflicts between states and there wouldn’t be risk of another world war. I would have canceled the sale of cigarettes and drugs, because I think that it is very bad for the environment and people. Furthermore, I´d keep an eye on crime and I would introduce the same punishment for criminals, which they committed. In my Europe dreams, any healthy person would have a job and then there wouldn’t be homeless people. And what about money? I would introduce the same currency in all states in Europe. I think that it would be easier for everybody. I would give bigger salary for everyone and I would reduce the price of meals, because in some parts, it´s expensive, I think. We have to think about poor people. I would create free metro across Europe, so that poor people could travel too. They also have a right to travel and they have a right to explore the world. It’s not their fault, that they don’t have enough money. I wish to make some medicines for all deadly disease, so people don’t unnecessarily die. I know, this wish isn’t real, but it would be fine. The medicines and operations would be free, because people are dying from diseases, which can be heal in nowadays, but they haven’t got enough money for operations or medicines and eventually they die. I am not happy, when for example, in the Czech Republic live too many immigrants. It would be better if they stay in their original state. I wish one day in year, where everything would be free. Everyone could take what they want or what they need. I hope that some of my ideas would one day become a reality. Tereza Kašparová
English-German Business Academy Praha - Czech Republic
English-German Business Academy Praha - Czech Republic 16/4/2015 Prague Dear President of the EU, I would like to think about the theme immigration. Based on some research the Czech Republic has really negative stance with immigration. The Czechs refuse immigrants from countries which are not in European Union. It is based on the last research Eurobarometer which is organized by European Commission. This statement was kind of surprise for me. I Thought that the Czech Republic is in a friendly way and do not have any problems with immigration. Personally I belong to people who do not mind this “problem”. But they have to respect our culture and our traditions and not disturbing and destroying our country, our culture etc. I know a lot of people who do not mind immigration. My problem is especially with Gipsies. I would like to do something with that. For example make stricter passage across the border. I am not racist, but I really do not like, when I go through the city and the Gipsies are everywhere and they scream. They do not work and we others have to pay for them. For their children, retirement etc. Yes, some of them are different, they work, they study and they behave decently. But it is very small number of these Gipsies. On the other hand in the Czech Republic we have a lot of Vietnamese. This community I really do not mind. They live in their community or try to be part of our society. But in every way they are often more hardworking than Czechs. They are clever and their behavior is absolutely better then Gipsy’s. They try to get on well with our society, our traditions and our culture. In my opinion this stuffs should do every immigrants who want to be in our country. Not only in our country but in general. Best regards Tereza Pavelková
TALLINN EUROPEAN SCHOOL Tallinn European School was opened in August 2013 and is the youngest of Accredited European Schools. Our mission is to provide multilingual and multicultural education for pupils at every school level. Currently we educate students from Nursery 1 to Secondary 4. Each year a subsequent class level is opened up to Secondary 7. We are already now the most international and multicultural school in Estonia considering the number of nationalities: currently TES has 122 pupils and 49 staff members from 38 countries. TES has 2 language sections: English (N1-S4) and French language section (only on Nursery level). Current school year we provide lessons in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Finnish and Estonian. Address: Keevise 2, 11415 Tallinn, Estonia Web page: www.est.edu.ee Phone: +372 735 0550 E-mail: info@est.edu.ee
Headmaster: Mr Olavi Otepalu Teacher/s who have worked on the project: Mr Paul Senosi, Ms K채rt Kukk
Tallinn European Shool Tallinn - Estonia
Tallinn European Shool Tallinn - Estonia Tallinn, 12.04.2015 Dear President of the EU, I’m writing to you about the European Union I dream of. I’m dreaming the most about fast and convenient flight connections, from Tallinn to anywhere in Europe. It would be also good if everywhere in Europe could be available fast and free Wifi Internet connection as it is already in many places over Estonia. Also bureaucracy could be even more convenient and fast like services of e-government in Estonia. Also many products and services should be much simpler to buy from anywhere of Europe by Internet. The salaries in Estonia could be higher like in other European States. I’m glad that we have peace in Europe, also common currency, plus many possibilities to travel, study and work. I wish you success in building and developing the brighter future in Europe! Sincerely Yours, Karl Otepalu
Tallinn European Shool Tallinn - Estonia
Tallinn European Shool Tallinn - Estonia Tallinn, 27th March 2015 Dear President of the EU, I will just say briefly that I’m delighted I have the opportunity to write to you, I think it’s a good way to hear the younger generation’s voice. I come from Moldova, situated between Romania and Ukraine, and as you probably know is not a part of EU. The former president of Romania, Mr. Traian Basescu, came in a visit and he spoke a bit about this problem last year. He suggested that the best solutions for the security of the Republic of Moldova will be join in NATO, and also the Danish Ambassador, Mr. Michael Sternberg said that Moldova can’t join the EU until it solves Transnistrian conflict. I also know that Moldova can’t join because of its problems regarding corruption. I know Moldova won’t be able to join the EU in the near future although it wouldn’t be a great solution. Thank for dedicating your time to read this, and if there is something you can do, please let us know. Sincerely, Catalina Besliu
Tallinn European Shool Tallinn - Estonia
Tallinn European Shool Tallinn - Estonia Tallinn, 12.04.2015 Honorable Chairman, Being myself an European Union citizen it is very important to me that it is good and safe for people to live in the European Union. I like that in the European Union you get to travel from one Country to the other freely and get to work in other member states without limitations. I am happy that most of the member states have joined with one currency-Euro. The Euro makes it easier to travel and making business easier. I like very much that the European Union turns its attention to human rights and honest as well as fair elections. For me it is very important our culture and traditions. Sometimes I feel that in the European Union there are too many regulations. One regulation might work for South Europe but in North Europe the regulation is not understood or the other way around. Sometimes some regulations don’t fit in with cultures. My dream is peace and safety in the European Union. Yours faithfully, Karl Magnus Tohver
Tallinn European Shool Tallinn - Estonia
Tallinn European Shool Tallinn - Estonia Tallinn, 12th April 2015 Dear President of EU, I wish that in the future Europe would be unified and a good place to live. I want the people could be proud and confident when they say that they come from any European Country, so I would want people to respect and value the traditions, habits and cultures of each other. I hope that the Europeans would be one unified nation and they would see themselves as different, but they would know they belong in to the same group. Europe should also have peace and equality, it shouldn’t make any differences if you come from e.g. France, Sweden or Italy. Everyone should have the same rights and chances. I would want that the European Union would be sensible in its decisions and that it would be seen by everyone. In my opinion the EU is nowadays too hidden, the EU should be more than just an office in Brussel. EU’s decisions should be long-lasting well taught through and reasonable. All things shouldn’t be disturbed by regulations. Some of the wishes and aims mentioned above have already been partly achieved and the EU has done quite a lot good by supporting governments and by helping people. Still I think the EU has a lot to improve in. I believe that in the future Europe stays as a good place and that the EU is always going towards better. Vesa Makela
Tallinn European Shool Tallinn - Estonia
Tallinn European Shool Tallinn - Estonia Tallinn, 18/03/2015 “The EU I dream of” Dear President of European Union, I should say first that when I was told that I had to write a letter to you on how I imagine the Europe of my dreams, I didn’t really know what to write exactly about. So I researched the founding principles of the European Union. After reading some of the most important principles, I discovered that the Union was created reflecting the will of some European countries to build a common future respecting the national identity of each member nation. I would like to ask you if everyone knows this basic principle. As I travelled a lot in the European Union, I noticed that many people are becoming nationalist. Being nationalist is for sure not a problem, everyone needs to be proud of their origins and traditions. However, being very nationalist can keep us away from this objective for a better and common future for the member states. Perhaps this might be only my impression and many persons might still be fighting for this objective or may be it as I observed and maybe you noticed it too. What do you think about all this? Is it something to take in consideration? Regards Olenik Sasha
Tallinn European Shool Tallinn - Estonia
Tallinn European Shool Tallinn - Estonia
Tallinn European Shool Tallinn - Estonia
HUMBOLDT-GYMNASIUM Our Humboldt-School is a High School (for Juniors and Seniors), which can look back on a history of more than one hundred years. We feel obliged to both of the two Humboldt brothers - Alexander, the world famous scientist and traveller, as well as Wilhelm, the philantropist, historian and Prussian diplomat and politician. At the end of the 18th century both of them have spent their childhood at Tegel Castle, which is quite close to our school. On behalf of the Humboldts we aim at enabling young people to develop their own personalities by offering a broad education. Thus we create spaces of thinking further, questioning the very reasons of things and foster the development of personal and subject-related competences without neglecting to teach basic knowledge and skills. It is quite obvious that a positive and encouraging atmosphere serves this purpose.Learning and feeling good, gaining skills and feeling to belong go together. Maybe this might be the reasons why our students achieve above-average-results and engage themselves in multiple fields such as Music, Arts, Debating, Science Contests and Politics (One World/Fair Trade , School without Racism etc.) Humboldt-Gymnasium Berlin-Tegel Hatzfeldtallee 2-4 / 13509 Berlin tel. +49-30-4337008 fax +49-30-4337023 www.humboldtschule-berlin.de buero@humboldtschule-berlin.de
headmaster: Dr. Jรถrg Kayser teacher involved in the project: Jens Augner
Humboldt-Gymnasium Berlin - Germany
Humboldt-Gymnasium Berlin - Germany Berlin 2nd March 2015 Dear President of the EU I have a dream. In this dream I see the European Union as one country. One gouvernment, one folk, one goal. The goal is: all people, men and women, are equally free and are able to live prosperity. Not one of these three aspects is completely realized in any of the member states. What I would criticize: decision-making processes take far too long; the distance between citizens and the EU; inadequate sense of solidarity (e.g. UK) What I like: the unrestricted freedom of movement; the European Monetary Union (which should be expanded, to prevent the foundation of a “Euro-EU” and “Non-Euro-EU”); the decrease of nationalism in the member states of the EU; the still enduring peace between the member states. To promote understanding among Member States, I encourage to strengthen youth exchanges. Alexander
Humboldt-Gymnasium Berlin - Germany
Humboldt-Gymnasium Berlin - Germany Berlin, February 28, 2015 Dear President of the EU Since the foundation of the European Community, the development of the EU has been a central topic of discussion for European citizens and politicians. With regards to the finality of the EU I wish that those responsible work towards a federal state and that the current union of states is deemed as an intermediate stop. The criticism, which is frequently expressed nowadays, and that addresses the impenetrability of the decision-making process, the indeterminate political responsibilities, the “overgovernment”, which emanates from Brussels, as well as the feeling of limited influence on European politics is certainly justified, since all of these symptoms cause a loss of confidence and renationalization trends. After all, there is a certain democratic deficit. However, it cannot be resolved by perpetuating the status quo or by reestablishing a confederation. In order to counteract renationalization trends – for 90 of the 751 seats of the EU Parliament are currently occupied by Eurosceptic parties – the EU has to increase its ability to act on international as well as on internal stage. This can only achieved by resolving the democratic deficit that is especially detectable in the constitution of the EU Parliament. A “deparlamenttarisation” is taking place right now, for the national parliaments are neither equipped with a control function on an EU level, nor do they function as the sole legislature in their country. However this legislative power that the national parliaments pass on the EU due to relocation of sovereignty does not reach the EU parliament. The only solution to the democratic deficit is to develop the EU Parliament into fullyfledged Parliament by bestowing the right of bill and the necessary control function upon it. To achieve this goal, there first has to be consensus regarding the finality of the EU. Therefore, I wish that the debate on the development of the EU was picked up again and lead intensely. Yours sincerely, Amber
Humboldt-Gymnasium Berlin - Germany
Humboldt-Gymnasium Berlin - Germany 2nd of March 2015 Dear president of the EU, the task of the European Union should not be to simply personify the central idea of European Unification, but to furthermore shape that idea by being a role model in international cooperation. This international cooperation needs to be improved in order for the EU to remain recognised as guiding in the view of all member states and also notmember states. The extent of unsecurity inside the European Union, due to the Organisation of the EU during the EURO-crisis and negotiations with the Greek government, show that not only the understanding between representatives of member states, but also the involvement of the population of the affected states, but also the involvement of the population of the affected states is not correspondingly characterised by the idea of European collaboration. The reception of refugees out of countries governed by civil war and the lack of initiative towards precise orientation and direction of a collective EU via all member states show an absent readiness of transferring the guiding principle of the European idea across the “borders� of the EU into international politics. Even if the EU tries to support peaceful agreement in other states and regions, the question arises, whether the EU cannot support the character of consent more energetic. Even though the EU weighs as directive role model, it should still continue to reform as peaceful example for others. Antonia
Humboldt-Gymnasium Berlin - Germany
Humboldt-Gymnasium Berlin - Germany 2nd of March 15 Dear President of the European Union, The Europe I am dreaming of is based on transparency and tolerance. I cannot see both of these aspects well enough given. The European Elections last year have shown that European critical populist parties have increased their votes. This shows a lack of acceptance to the EU. This is reasoned by a lack of transparency by the EU. The EU is not just an institution where delegates make decisions the citizens have to deal with, the EU should be based on the exchange of different opinions and should listen to the worries of its people. A lot of citizens are upset about the EU because they cannot understand the decisions they make. They vote for anti european parties based on resentments instead. Resentments, especially against refugees, should effect quick actions towards a humane welcoming culture which everybody can understand. Yours sincerely, Benno
Humboldt-Gymnasium Berlin - Germany
Humboldt-Gymnasium Berlin - Germany Berlin, 2nd March 2015 Dear President of the EU, first of all, I wish that the EU contributes international more effective to solve the crisis and get over conflicts or help with them (e.g. in the Ukraine, the EU-states could have accomplished much more together). Therefore I wish that all states pull together in united foreign affairs of the EU with a european foreign minister, even if the single interests of the countries have to step back in order to achieve this. Furthermore, I wish that the citizens’ opinion about topics, which are obviously important for them and where certain positions are favoured by most of them, can influence the political decisions more. For example, after the NSA-affair should the EU try much harder on data security and restrict the actions of the secret services. By reason of peacekeeping, Europe should also work on active disarmament, because considerably smaller armies would be absolutely enough and especially the existence of nuclear weapons causes more damage than use. Due to the, in my opinion, really urgent and dangerous environmental destruction, we in Europe also should not use nuclear power at all. In the Europe I dream of, there are as well neither coal nor oil power stations, but much more self-supporters using renewable energies and in general an essentially smaller need of electricity, together with a significantly smaller number of cars and airplanes. Coco
Humboldt-Gymnasium Berlin - Germany
Humboldt-Gymnasium Berlin - Germany Berlin 28.02.2015 Dear President of the EU, What is a save EU for me? What could be an answer for the russian-ukrain conflict? How can we act commercially sustainable? This are some of the questions that really concern myself and i would like to tell you my feelings about them. For me the EU was every time inviolable when it comes to freedom because we had acted as an ideal for all counrtys in the world. We stand for democracy and we follow the interests of the citizens in the EU. We also campaign for human rights. But yet i dont think that our freedom is inviolable anymore, best example is the russiaukraine conflict. This conflict shows us that our freedom is not save in Europe anymore and we have to work hard to get it back. I think what president Putin is does in the Ukraine is not ok and we should act fast. There should be given hard sanctions against Russia stand Putin himself. We should still act ecologically aware in the future and we still should save money in the future. Because we have to protect freedom for our earth that we can give it in the hands of our children in the future. Damian
Humboldt-Gymnasium Berlin - Germany
Humboldt-Gymnasium Berlin - Germany
Dear Mr. Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament, I’m writing to you as a student from a school in berlin. Europe. What do we understand under that word? A delimited area in an atlas? Or a huge “community”? How many of those you ask on the street would say “Yes of course I’m a part of the EU!”? This split unit is annoying…because many politicians talking about this. By which I’m coming to the next point: There is much talking about common ground and unity. But however, there are people dying, off the coasts of Europe. The European Union…An Unity behind walls? Sure. The different fractions have all many excuses, but what are they saying for? Without the masks? However, I don’t want to criticise everything, because the EU isn’t that bad. For many people and, of course, the economy. For sure you are much stressed, but I would appreciate it if you would take just one minute and think about your work. Think about it. Greetings, Jonas
Humboldt-Gymnasium Berlin - Germany
Humboldt-Gymnasium Berlin - Germany Berlin, February 28, 2015 Dear president of the EU, I am writing to you because I am dreaming of a European Union that meets the selfimposed requirements of being in the vanguard of a climate policy. As of right now, the EU is quarrelling on behalf of its climate policies and its “20-20-20� targets are too puny to prevent the impending climate catastrophe. Most people nowadays live as though they had 1.4 earths and counting. Although three quarters of human kind lives in modest or even inhumane conditions, a global overexploitation of 25% takes part every year. And it is especially the poor countries that suffer from the consequences, even though they have the smallest chances to adopt conservation methods. The date of the Earth Overshoot Day is approaching with increasing acceleration due to the permanent growth of the global consumption. The only essential question left to ask is to whom the remaining resources will be distributed once they get low. In order to avert this global danger a global paradigm shift is absolutely necessary, for economic structures that require unlimited resources do not live up to a limited world. In order to meet its self-imposed requirements of being a frontier in the area of climate policy, the EU has to substitute the 20% target with a 40% target, especially considering that the EU currently is one of the biggest carbon dioxide emitters and that carbon dioxide emissions will have to have been reduced by 80 percent in the year of 2050. Climate change is a fact and the call for economic growth, that has been vociferously demanded since the economic and fiscal crisis in 2008 and has managed to push ecological issues to the back of our minds, will not be worth a dime once the world has become uninhabitable. Yours sincerely, Katharina
Humboldt-Gymnasium Berlin - Germany
Humboldt-Gymnasium Berlin - Germany Berlin, 27.02.2015 2015 Dear President of the EU, As a consequence of my young age, I have been a part of the European Union since the day of my birth. Therefore a live with rights like free movement of goods and human always seemed quite naturally to me, although this, in comparison to the rest of the world, is actually a rare privilege. Due to the EU, Europe has become a solid community instead of a loose confederation of separate nations. But although I am thankful to be a part of this community I would like the EU to assume more responsibility in some points. In matters of development policy the EU should subordinate its own economic interests. This means, for example, to stop the export of state-subsidized agricultural products. I would also like the EU to support projects like ,,Mare Nostrum�, which champions for the rescue of refugees. In addition I think it’s important for the whole European population to have a more direct influence on political decisions. This could be achieved by increasing the competences of the EU-parliament. Yours Sincerely, Lara
Humboldt-Gymnasium Berlin - Germany
Humboldt-Gymnasium Berlin - Germany Dear President of the European Council, I divided my “Europe of Dreams“ into three different category groups: economic sector and Social policy, refugee policy and the meaning of the EU in the world. In my opinion the member states of the European Union should have intertwined economic relationships, without any of them taking a loss, so that there will be a certain dependence among the member countries, which can solve problems and can prevent inner-european wars. Concerning the social policy, I think that the EU should espouse the same minimum standards in every EU- member state, such as the minimum wage. Another important aspect is that the EU has to stand up for an strong alliance of states, to act on the same level and with the same authority as the Great powers (USA, Russia, China). This authority in the world can play a part in contributing to a global peac, as for instance the Minsk agreement 2. In my opinion is an wise refugee policy another part of my “Europe of Dreams”. These include an fair and proportional equal allocation of the refugees in Europe and that not only southern European member states have to dispute with this problem. Furthermore, the EU can be a good paragon for other nations concerning the refugee policy, if they follow their refugee policy, which contains an assured provision of the refugees. Linus
Humboldt-Gymnasium Berlin - Germany
Humboldt-Gymnasium Berlin - Germany Berlin, 28th February 2015 Dear President of the European Parliament, I am pleased to write to you as a representative of an association of states that established peace, democracy, safety and solidarity on a continent which has been a place of territorial struggles for power and nationalistic hatred in the past. Due to worldwide unique economic interlinkages the inhabitants of the European Union are able to benefit from a common prosperity that has no equal. However, the European Union has not accomplished to enhance everyone’s knowledge about its great successes. In consequence, various eurosceptic and even right-wing populist parties achieved entry to the European Parliament. Disenchantment with European politics has reached huge proportions, maybe because the European Union should expand its competences, power and act and its geopolitical position. The Europe that I dream of would not only support economy by international cooperation. Rather we as a community of shared values are capable of guarantee Europewide high standards of living, especially including Eastern and Southern Europe. We could simultaneously as a member of the economic triad be a forerunner of sustainable development, environmental, consumer and resource protection – since who else but us? Yours faithfully, Lukas
Humboldt-Gymnasium Berlin - Germany
Humboldt-Gymnasium Berlin - Germany Berlin, 2nd March 2015 Dear President of the EU, I am writing to you because I am dreaming of living in a European Union that lives up to its claim of being a community of shared values. I feel blessed to live in the EU, with all its rights and freedoms that are bestowed on citizens of the European Union. Even though we might consider these privileges self-evident, a cursory glance at the rest of the world reveals that they are not. The European Union has indubitably grown into an unprecedented community in the last sixty years. However, the member states of the EU lack solidarity among each other, especially when it comes to the rescue and accommodation of refugees. How can it be that Italy on its own procured 114 million Euros for the lifesaving program “Mare Nostrum” that rescued 150.000 refugees, while the EU and the other member states with an annual budget of 140 billion Euros did not declare themselves ready to comply with Italy or at least abrogate the Dublin Regulation, which is only advantageous for landlocked member states? Instead, the Operation “Triton” was initiated. However, by commissioning Frontex to secure the EU external borders, the EU adds yet another building block to “Fortress Europe”. Mobility partnerships with countries like Tunisia or Libya that result in the internment of thousands of refugees under precarious circumstances prove that the observance of human rights is only of secondary importance to the EU. This is particularly evident, since the motives of refugees are attributable to the fault of the member states of the EU, that generate these by land grabbing, arms exports, ruthless exploitation, ecocide, and the devastation of local markets through export subsidies and protective duties. I hope that one day I will be able to live in a European Union where 760 Euros for the rescue of a refugee’s life will not be deemed as too expensive. I hope that one day I will be able to live in a European Union where you do not have to be imbued with shame when the Nobel Peace Prize is brought up in a conversation, since the underlying hypocrisy cannot be dismissed. Yours sincerely, Merle
Humboldt-Gymnasium Berlin - Germany
Humboldt-Gymnasium Berlin - Germany Berlin the 3rd of March 2015, dear President of the European Union, my criticism expresses centrally on your refugee policy, which in my eyes is to focused on cost minimization, than on rescuing the life of humans. In my opinion it cannot be and I would also say it is a shame for one of the most advanced democracies in the world, that you stopped funding the Italian “Mare Nostrum” program, which basically sets its focus on rescuing people. The simple concept of “FRONTEX” does not correspond to any human and civil treatment. Desperate refugees, which live at their existence limit, shouldn’t be deported like a target before entering the European Union. My dream imagination of the European Union constitutes a more equitable distribution and integration of refugees in Europe, so the there is no directed foreclosure policy against needy, just to follow an egoistic austerity. Yours sincerely, Pascal Wöhler
Humboldt-Gymnasium Berlin - Germany
Humboldt-Gymnasium Berlin - Germany 9th of March 2015 Dear President of the european union, I highly appreciate the idea of a unified Europe. Nevertheless there are things in the politics of the E.U that I have to criticise. I’m currently in contact with a friend of mine living in Greece. The things he tells me about the labor market and the economy measures create disbelief in the concept of the European Union. We are responsible for countries struggling! Every citizen of the E.U should have a right to live a life in dignity. Of course every other human being should be treated as one too. The way refugees are being treated disgusts me and corresponds in no matter with the moral values that we set for us. We cant treat the refugees that search for shelter due to horrible conditions in their home countries like they are just a inconvenient problem. For the future I dream of a more human E.U. that cares for both citizens of the E.U. as well as non citizens. Greetings, Paul
Humboldt-Gymnasium Berlin - Germany
Humboldt-Gymnasium Berlin - Germany Berlin, 2nd March 2015 Dear President of the EU, Decades after the founding of the European Union one could wonder if the EU is still focusing on its core topics and issues. The motives, which had once unified the founders of the predecessors of the EU, such as peacekeeping, promoting Democracy and human rights, good standards of living for all the people living in the EU and the advancement of common economic goals, etc., appear to be disregarded and neglected by the current EU-policies. Nowadays, many people in Germany are not keen on the EU anymore and refer to it as, for instance, “overly bureaucratized”. It is no surprised, then, that the excitement about the EU had decayed in many European countries, as the low participation in the last year’s election of the European Parliament has shown. I think that going “back to the roots” and focussing on the mentioned core topics will prove advantageous for the people living in the EU. For example, more emphasis has to be put on how important the EU as an European institution is to securing peace in Europe. Moreover, providing everyone with a good standard of living has to, again, become a key goal of the EU. This has to be realized by supporting those who do live in the EU but have not benefitted from that, yet (especially refugees and citizens of newer member states). Such policies have to be focused on by the EU, not the establishment of free-trade agreements because the EU has to become a project for the people, not the economy. Sebastian
Humboldt-Gymnasium Berlin - Germany
Humboldt-Gymnasium Berlin - Germany Berlin, 2nd March 2015 Dear President of the EU, I am writing to you because I am dreaming of proudly calling myself a European one day. I have lived in the European community all my life and have beneficiated as a European citizen. The European integration has mostly succeeded and led to an unprecedented period of peace that made us forget the meaning of war and I am very thankful for that. However, I don’t feel comfortable bearing the Nobel Peace Prize because in this region of human rights and constitutional legality we often avoid to cope with problems that do not have an obvious solution. There is still a lack of answers regarding the refugee issues although 100 000 humans are knocking for admittance. Instead we continue to rely on a system (the Dublin-Regulation) which is obviously outdated and needs to be corrected. Europe has become a place of desire, thus we have a certain responsibility in the world as well. Labelling each refugee as an economic migrant seems quite insensitive to me and does not comply with our principles of individuality or with the fair rule of law. Every conflict is a global concern and if the EU believes it has the right to request threshold countries to support its climate policy, it should also accommodate more refugees instead of defining the maximum wattage that vacuum cleaners are allowed to have. Europe is in need of a clearly defined goal for the future; the enlargement of the EU is almost completed, the crisis is mostly overcome. Now it is time to translate our moral expectations and basic understandings into reality and to be accountable for our values. When Mrs. Merkel and Mr. Hollande met Putin and Poroschenko in February 2015, I felt something like pride for the first time, for I am dreaming of a community that advocates its values, that admits its mistakes and that will face the problems of the 21th century. Yours sincerely, Sebastian
Humboldt-Gymnasium Berlin - Germany
Humboldt-Gymnasium Berlin - Germany 2nd of March 2015 Dear President of the EU, In the Europe that I dream of everyone loves one another. Unfortunately, this dream has not come true yet. Still, the living standard of many Europeans, including myself, is based on exploiting many others, especially people in less developed areas than Europe which obviously has to be subject to change. Still, the EU is confronting refugees that fled their homes with everything but love and try to prevent them from entering Europe; programs such as “mare nostrum� which are meant to live up to the moral standards that the EU claims to have stopped. I am very disappointed by how easily tensions between especially Greece and Germany rose over the course of the last couple of years. Those tensions show how little the EU has grown together considering some of its member states are fighting over money. Dear Europe, I hope that one day my dreams will be fulfilled. Sebastian Woznievski
Humboldt-Gymnasium Berlin - Germany
Humboldt-Gymnasium Berlin - Germany 04.03.2015 Dear President of the European Council and dear citizens of the EU, In my understanding the main ideas of the European Union were securing of peace, preserving of ethical values and of course economic benefits for the citizens. Now more than 60 years since the first approaches of a united Europe it is time to draw a balance. Peace within the EU is reality, but a common politic and direction regarding foreign affairs is only limited executed. But especially since the world got to know about the USA and other countries spying on each and every one of us, our intellectual freedom is in danger more than ever. I strongly believe it is in interest of all citizens and therefore also the politics to solve this issue and to take a clear position. At this point I have to say how deeply ashamed I am, that none of the countries in the EU granted the man asylum who made this matter public. I dream of a Europe where heroes like Edward Snowden are being recognised and that we represent the European values in every way. For countries like Greece and Spain economic benefits were just a wishful thinking since over 25% of its citizens are unemployed. I should mention that Europe is one of the biggest economic region of the world and that in some countries like Germany we have a great economic power but what use is the wealth of a few people or international companies to the majority of the citizens? Especially in hard times when the EU is getting criticized the values of the EU are considered as one of the most important aspect. Still we let thousands of refugees die in the coasts of Europe and even if they make it we treat them in unhuman ways and let them live under the worst conditions. In the Europe of my dreams there is a politic which is oriented on the needs of the majority and not just on the wealth of a few. An EU which takes clear position in foreign affairs, also when there is a conflict of interest regarding the economy and saves refugees because of its values and not because of temporary public pressure. Yours sincerely, Tarkan
Humboldt-Gymnasium Berlin - Germany
Humboldt-Gymnasium Berlin - Germany Berlin, 9th March 2015 Dear Mister President of the European Parliament, Europe – that’s already reality for me. I was born in the EU and for my whole life I’ve been enjoying the advantages of EU citizens, the likes of which for example the Schengen Agreement grants. Here in Europe diverse cultures and languages meet and I dream of seeing the motto of the European Union becoming reality. “United in diversity” – I dream of an Europe that in whatever form it does exist is well accepted by all its inhabitants and citizens and that does not feel like something hypocritical and merely imposed by Brussel for anyone. Therefore I wish for an EU with clear structures, with directly legitimised authorities, with less bureaucracy and transparent way of making decisions. I dream of an Europe where not global companies and lobbyists but the people count. An Europe that does not only concern itself with Free Trade Treaties but also with the rights of disadvantaged minorities in its own territory. An Europe that takes a leading position in the matters of human rights and data protection and an Europe that questions its own moral decisions and doesn’t stop live-saving projects like “mare nostrum”. Many things already have become reality, but much remains to be done. Especially now I dream of an Europe that faces reality and reacts adequately. Yours sincerely, Theresa
Humboldt-Gymnasium Berlin - Germany
Humboldt-Gymnasium Berlin - Germany 2nd of March 2015 Dear President of the EU, The peace-making politic in the european union is a real achievement. This is what we experience seventy years after the war has ended in Europe. It makes many things possible. Every person from any folk may seek work or life where he wants to. But this peace is not everywhere to see. Thousands die on the southern borders of europe, where europeans go for vacation. I do not understand why the lifes are so worthless, that we do not what we can, to help them, and save many lifes. If we do not make that clear, the peace in Central Europe wont help anybody. In addition, I would like to criticize, that many politicians are not close enough to the citizens. They are not the spark that lights the hope of the citizens. If is necessary for my Vision of one state: The European Union. It’s a long way until every citizen in Europe is ready for the historic project, of one Nation. Tobias
1o LYKEIO KORYDALLOU 1o Lykeio Korydallou is a state school located in an urban area, 6 kilometres away from the centre of Athens. There are 250 students and 30 teachers. It is the oldest and most historic school in Korydallos. The school building is new, with large classrooms, an auditorium, a computer lab and a science lab. Our school has participated in a lot of European programs, such as Comenius and eTwinning partnerships as well as a great variety of cultural activities. 1o Lykeio Korydallou Sikelianou 8 Korydallos, P.C. 18122 Municipality Korydallou, Prefecture Attikis - Greece Tel: 2104952225 Email address: mail@1epal-koryd.att.sch.gr web address: http://1lyk-koryd.att.sch.gr/site/ Headmistress: Kalliopi Papatheodorou Vice-Headmistres: Garyfallia Meneidi
1o Lykeio Korydallou Korydallos - Greece
1o Lykeio Korydallou Korydallos - Greece Dear Chairman, The Europe I am dreaming of needs citizens able to restate some words that have lost their special meaning. More specifically, words such as freedom, democracy, equality, rights and duty, employment, home country, spirituality have lost their meaning due to the development of technology and the progress of mankind. Modern people are using such concepts as weapons against their fellow people in order to use them for their own benefit. However, it is time for people either individually or collectively to oppose. Those who live in the 21st century have to start a new route letting behind prejudice. I am dreaming of a Europe which will promote significant values and the good of all people. It is time we thought about our future and the future of our descendants who long for a peaceful and qualitative life. It is urgent that we modernize education, free and compulsory education for all. Racism will only be eliminated through the ideals and perceptions cultivated within schools. Europe will bear healthy citizens who will help society move ahead and gain what it deserves. Because Europe needs active citizens in order to be activated and change its attitude. Ioanna Kaisari
1o Lykeio Korydallou Korydallos - Greece
1o Lykeio Korydallou Korydallos - Greece The Europe I am dreaming of has a loud voice. The Europe that I am dreaming of is united. Without fanaticism or intolerance and without subjectivity. Only in this way will something new emerge. Not a model of the past but a Europe with new ideas. In my Europe of the 21st century the different colour, the language, the culture, the gender and sexual orientation will not cause conflict but constitute a uniting factor. It will embrace all people and welcome them to the large family of Europe. Through democratic values that it will promote, all citizens will feel complete and will be able to express and develop their personality. Everyone will be able to express their views and concerns freely. The heritage in our hands is valuable. It is up to us how we will handle it, so that we will protect and preserve it in a decent way. The responsibility of the new generation is to keep their ancestors’ work avoiding mistakes, hatred and conflict, which lead to the decline of peace and united Europe. It is our task to change everything. If we are not interested in our future why should somebody else be? If we don’t change everything now, then when? Kalliopi Kampouridou
1o Lykeio Korydallou Korydallos - Greece
1o Lykeio Korydallou Korydallos - Greece Dear Chairman, In recent years Europe, and the world as a whole, has had to overcome, as is natural, many predicaments. In every major news piece we hear of many developments concerning political, religious, racial and, in general, every type of conflict. However we find that, wherever these conflicts take place, we as citizens distance ourselves and avoid taking direct action unless the situation is of immediate concern to us. We converse about developments in countries, often inside Europe, as if they are separate entities that do not in any way relate to us. We have trained to talk of “the economy”, “the war” and “leadership issues” without including the people in the equation. It seems that we, very conveniently, have separated “country from the public. Well the Europe I dream of revolves around people. This Europe I have envisioned is more concerned about the living standards than it is about “economical development”. It provides everyone with equal opportunities without discrimination, because it truly is no deferent being a man or woman, black or white, Muslim or Christian while living there. Poverty and starvation do not exist alongside extreme luxury and wealth does not equal power. Education helps construct people with ideas and morals and not workers and experts because that in itself is not a priority. Crime is not a last resort for people in need, it is not even a considerable option, not because of regulation and policing but because there is a true abundance of alternatives. My fantasy is just that, I know; a Utopia, a castle in the sky, a pipe dream that is the result of a humanitarian trance, but I think that’s how it should be. Because only when we dream and struggle for the best can we at least hope for the better. That is the Europe of my dreams. Sincerely Yours, Konstantinos Fotopoulos
MODEL FASHION Secondary and Vocational School of Applied Arts, Clothes and Leathercrafts Presently our school provides training in light industry (rag trade and leather craftsman) and arts (applied art) on secondary, vocational and technologist levels. Conditions are provided by our two buildings. Academic education takes place in the main building – completely renovated 8 years ago – while workshops and art sessions are held in our second, 5-storey-building built 12 years ago supported by state-of-the-art equipment, at companies and in the SME-sector. Our sewing and modelling workshops equipped with modern basic- and specialised machinery and tools, our textile workshop, drawing, sculpting and design classrooms and IT center for computerised design all serve our high-quality professional education completed by a technical department (state-of-the-art computerised production-preparatory system, individual and confection tailoring. Through the departments of Pedagogy at the Polytechnic University in Budapest, the University Of Obuda and the Moholyi-Nagy University of Arts we take part in the training of rag-trage teachers, technical instructors and teachers of applied arts. 1133 Budapest, Vág Street 12-14 Hungary Mail: info@modelldivatiskola.hu Web: www.modelldivatiskola.hu Tel: 06-1/315-0514 Fax: 06-1/351-1093 Principal: Mrs Zétényi Mária Gál - Vice-Principal: Mrs Bajusz Margit Molnár Vice-Principal of Trade: Mónika Németh Participants: Mónika Németh Vice-Principal of Trade Teachers of English: Ágnes Szalontai, Mária Szalontai, Petra Sándor Teachers of Trade: Mrs Csőke Olivér, Mrs Gál Judit Szigeti, Mrs Mészáros Krisztina Feld, Mrs Szabó Magdolna Jung , Mrs Péter Vajda
Modell Divatiskola Budapest - Hungary
Modell Divatiskola Budapest - Hungary 30 03 2015 Dear Mr. President, I am writing to tell you about my feelings concerning Europe. In my opinion the differences between member states of the EU pose a considerable problem. We can still speak about West and East regarless ofthe place where we are. If we think about current affairs we can see that East still suggests a kind of falling behind and unfortunately to some degree a certain extremety while West means securely developed conditions. In my dream Europe this differenciation between East and West is pointless, it is just a geographical question. In my ideal future Europe this attitude will disappear and members of the Union will become more open, supportive and tolerant towards people from other cultures. To achieve this future the most effective instrument would be art, our common language. We may live in different environment but all of us welcome beauty. Ágnes Szabó Budapest Hungary
Modell Divatiskola Budapest - Hungary
Modell Divatiskola Budapest - Hungary Dear Mr President, In my opinion Hungary has had a lot of advantages since joining the European Union. Owing to the Union we have several renewed schools, public places and streets. Firstly, after leaving secondary school I am planning to go to university. However, getting admission to a university is very difficult. From a certain point of view it is acceptable, because the standard of education can be maintained this way.On the other hand you have to have an excellent ’Matura’ exam and two A-level exams. To meet this requirement for a student who, like me, is enrolled in doing sports on regular bases is very difficult.In my opinion, expectations should be a little lower. Besides in some professions there should be government supported trainings giving a diploma to adults in Hungary. Secondly, I think, in the past years it is easier to get a new job, but I still feel a bit uncertain whether I can find a job after leaving school. A lot of people can’t find a job because they are over-educated. I think, it is not a proper reason for a refusal. All in all, I think these two above mentioned things should be changed so that more young people could stay at home instead of going abroad to work and live. Yours faithfully, Anita Rubecz
Modell Divatiskola Budapest - Hungary
Modell Divatiskola Budapest - Hungary Dear Mr President! I am a student studying dressmaking and this year I am going to have the opportunity to spend my professional practice in Austria in the course of a tender. I am waiting for this summer practice very much and especially looking forward to spending it it Austria this year.I am a bit excited but I also have great expectations. This is a great opportunity for me to take part in this professional practice abroad owing to the help from the Europian Union.I have several expectations concerning this practice. Mainly I would like to get to know various professional experience as well as using new machines and technologies. Apart from work I think it is also important for me to learn how to be independent. I will have the chance to meet new people, different cultures, which are all part of this practice.During my school years I am hoping to have other opportunities to take part in such programmes.As I am planning to work abroad as a dressmaker after graduation I see this professional practice an especially important step. Yours Faithfully, Armand TÜrőcsik
Modell Divatiskola Budapest - Hungary
Modell Divatiskola Budapest - Hungary Budapest, 26 03 2015 Dear Mr. President of the EU, I am writing to you to share my thoughts and suggestions concerning Europe. I imagine my future in Europe with my family. I would like to have a stable financial background to do so. A stable background depends not only on money but on the country as well. Stability of the country is also important to provide its people with proper standards of living. Employment is a vital issue to become independent but we still do not have enough opportunities in Hungary. The fate of the future generation lies in the present educational system. It is important to solve the problems of the current situation. Proper upbringing, guiding and support provided by the education is vital for future generations. Yours faithfully, Nuszer Bianka
Modell Divatiskola Budapest - Hungary
Modell Divatiskola Budapest - Hungary Dear Mr President, My name is Cintia Tamás, I am an 18-year-old student of fashion design in Budapest. I would like to be successful in my field in Europe. My plans became definite when I spent my summer practice in Milan. We spent three weeks in Italy and I became acquainted with a different culture and attitude to life. I was carried away by Italians’ „dolce vita” philosophy. Visiting stores of world famous brands will remain forever memorable. Before participating in the project I could only dream about this. I am grateful for the school and the EU for making it possible for me. Later I had the chance to visit Paris on my 18th birthday. In France I experienced the same cheerful and active atmosphere. After these experiences I can imagine to continue my education abroad. In my opinion time spent abroad would help me decide about my future. I hope more and more students will have the chance to get acquainted with and learn from other member states of the EU. Yours faithfully, Cintia Tamás
Modell Divatiskola Budapest - Hungary
Modell Divatiskola Budapest - Hungary 31 03 2015 Dear Mr. President, The EU gives us the chance to travel and study, however, I feel there is still room for projects concerning art. Being a student of art I would welcome more projects and creative tasks. In Hungary we do not have many projects to take part in and development of art in higher education would be beneficial as well. We would like to have more opportunities to study abroad with scholarship programs if possible, which could give us the chance for a better future. Yours faithfully, D贸ra Dobr谩dy
Modell Divatiskola Budapest - Hungary
Modell Divatiskola Budapest - Hungary Budapest, 30 03 2015 Dear Mr. President, I am writing to tell you how I imagine the future of the European Union. Everybody has dreams and every community, country and nation has their plans and goals. Without dreams it would be a gruesome life. Being a student of art, it is my dream to make it accessible to everybody regardless of money. None of us can miss the chance to admire a beautiful painting or to enjoy Master and Margarita performed in theatres. In the future I that dream about these cultural treats will be available to everyone. Thank you for your kind attention. Yours faithfully, Dorottya Bรกnyai
Modell Divatiskola Budapest - Hungary
Modell Divatiskola Budapest - Hungary 30 03 2015 Dear Mr. President, My name is Henriett Szabó, I am an 18-year-old textile drawer student at Model Fashion High School in Budapest. Last year I was lucky to take part in one of the European Erasmus programmes.(Leonardo Programme). During our project we could experience the benefits and drawbacks of individual and teamwork. We had to grow up a bit to solve the tasks to dare to speak and get around successfully. It was an incredible experience and I believe this project deserves to be developed further. Students of the EU have to cooperate, learn about each others’ culture, mentality and expertise, just as we did it in Milann. Travelling gives students the opportunity to decide where they imagine their future. Personally my goal is to deepen my knowledge as much as possible. After finishing high school I would like to work as a masseur in different member states of the EU and see what they can teach me. All in all I believe in the importance of international projects for students. After all, our common goal is to live among well-trained people who are successful and happy. Yours faithfully, Henriett Szabó
Modell Divatiskola Budapest - Hungary
Modell Divatiskola Budapest - Hungary 03 30 2015 Dear Mr President, Ideally Europe is the place where real development can take place. Not only technological and scientific but human improvement as well. Culture, nature and social life provide an ideal environment for our development so I believe supporting these aspects of life can lead to my dream Europe. In Europe rivalry is noticeable. If we measured ourselves and each other by our culture, environmental protection and love we could see each other in a different light. Art has an important role in showing us existing treasures, commemorating past ones and making us aware of beauty. It reflects our soul, personality and actions. Nature shows us our place in the universe and when we realise how small we are, society gives us strength and we can see how much one person can achieve. I see a potential in developing and supporting common areas and activities. Art and nature, beautiful and honest ideas, even thoughts that we cannot influence, all develop us. My dream is a spiritually developed Europe. Thank you for asking about my opinion, this might mean the initial step towards an open and tolerant Europe. Yours faithfully, JĂşlia Gera
Modell Divatiskola Budapest - Hungary
Modell Divatiskola Budapest - Hungary Budapest, 26 03 2015 Dear Mr. President of the EU, In my opinion in an ideal Europe countries would help each other, developed countries would support developing ones including Hungary. I believe the introduction of the common currency in all member states would be highly beneficial. Countries which possess effectively working systems could share their knowledge and experience with other members and thus helping their development. For example in Hungary the system of district nurses performs exceedingly well, but in other fields of health care and education there are problems to be solved. In secondary schools there could be more international projects available so that students would be given the opportunity to learn about other cultures, traditions and countries. This way our view of the world and Europe could be wider. I think European teenagers spend an increasing amount of time sitting in front of their computers, grasping their mobile phones. In order to become an intelligent and learned generation they should be taught how to use these technological tools properly so that they can contribute to our development. Yours faithfully, Maklรกny Karina
Modell Divatiskola Budapest - Hungary
Modell Divatiskola Budapest - Hungary Dear Mr President, As a student I do not understand much about what is going on in the European Union. For me and my parents the main cause for concern is education. I think about, for example, the barely affordable tuition fee and the lack of financial support schools get. What bothers me most is Hungarian people’s attitude. They spend too much energy on hating each other, envying each other, and it has an effect on people’s spirit. It is not the President’s responsibility or his fault. It is caused by stress, problems or fear of terror. The right solution for it may be if people could think differently and instead of waiting for someone to help they would try to solve their problems on their own. This would make life easier. People should see that if things do not work they have to try find a solution. Yours faithfully, Luca Boglárka Kovács
Modell Divatiskola Budapest - Hungary
Modell Divatiskola Budapest - Hungary Dear Mr. President of the European Union, I am writing this letter to r.you to tell you about my views of the European Union. In my opinion it is a great thing that we have joined the European Union as it has enabled us to travel all around the Union, take jobs abroad and visit remote relatives and friends. It is important to mention other advantages of becoming a member of the Union, namely that the funds arriving from European resources have created numerous workplaces. The same funds have made it possible for our country to construct several roads, blocks of flats, squares as well as hospitals. At the same time stricter control over EU-financed projects would be beneficial. I would also like to note that in Hungary it is more difficult to find a job in a creative field compared to other EU-countries. Therefore we would welcome more opportunities regarding tenders for young fashion designers thus supporting us find a job in the future. Yours faithfully, Laura Koczor
Modell Divatiskola Budapest - Hungary
Modell Divatiskola Budapest - Hungary Budapest, 30 03 2015 Dear Mr. President, I am writing to you to share my ideas and suggestions concerning the European Union. I have not really felt the impact of living in the European Union in my everyday life, however, when I learn about how subsidies from the EU are used I start to think about alternatives. First of all, it would be beneficial to receive financial support in all fields of sports. Hungary has excellent agricultural environment but without a financial background it is not worth cultivating the land. We may have flourishing fields but we do not have enough factories to provide workplaces. Budapest, our capital city has a dominant role in every field of life. I believe a general development of rural life would have a great influence on our future. Unfortunately a lot of young people are planning to leave Hungary. I would not do that. I do not believe in abandoning what is not working well. I believe in developing what we have. Yours faithfully, Saron SebestyĂŠn
Modell Divatiskola Budapest - Hungary
Modell Divatiskola Budapest - Hungary Budapest, 26 03 2015 Dear Mr. President of the EU, I am writing to You to share my ideas, suggestions, feelings and last but not least my plans concerning Europe. For me Europe means home and security, a place where I can make my dreams come true all because the EU gives us the chance to do so. Hungary is a developing country which means that we do not have as many opportunities as developed ones but I hope this will change in the future. Within the Union developing countries would welcome economic support. Hungary does not possess an airline of its own which is a major disadvantage. Rebuilding it within a couple of years would be beneficial. I imagine my future in an economically stable country where my family has ample opportunities. After finishing university I would like to stay in Hungary but if the stability of my financial situation is uncertain I would be compelled to leave my country. For this reason there are a lot of Hungarians working abroad and I feel we should deal with this problem. This is the Europe I am dreaming about. Yours faithfully, KisszĂślgyimi TĂmea
Modell Divatiskola Budapest - Hungary
Modell Divatiskola Budapest - Hungary Budapest, 30 03 2015 Dear Mr. President, I am writing to tell you about my expectations concerning the European Union in the future. I hope my insignificant words will be of some interest to you. I feel the Union could support culture and sports more. As a student in the EU I would enjoy participating in a more colourful education to make our everyday life more exciting. I would like to have a safe future with more job opportunities and a higher salary when I leave the educational system. I have goals and dreams and it would be nice to have a chance to make them come true. Firefighters, doctors, teachers all deserve a higher salary for their commitment. As a member of the EU I would like to see safer and cleaner environment to raise my children without fear. We work harder and harder but making a living is increasingly difficult. If we can solve these problems in every country of the EU Europe will be a better place to live! Thank you for your kind attention. Yours faithfully, Vikt贸ria P茅k
Modell Divatiskola Budapest - Hungary
Modell Divatiskola Budapest - Hungary Dear Mr President, This year I am having the chance to take part in a professional practice for dressmakers abroad, organised by Erasmus. Owing to the European Union this means a great advantage for me when I am going to look for a job after graduation. Working abroad is going to give me a chance to meet new people, learn new professional technologies and practice foreign languages.I am sure this will be a great experience. During my studies in Hungary I would not be able to get such valuable professional practice as abroad. Therefore I would be happy to take part in such programmes in the future.My ’dream Europe’ means that my profession is acknowledged and supported by creating new workplaces which give dressmakers in every European country a good living. Moreover in my ’dream Europe’ each member country would provide financial support to train myself. I hope that working abroad on my own in my job for three weeks and learning about foreign working method will give me experience which can help me find a job in other European countries. Yours Faithfully, Zsófia Potyondi
Modell Divatiskola Budapest - Hungary
Modell Divatiskola Budapest - Hungary Dear Mr President, You have asked me about my dreams and feelings concerning Europe. When I think about Europe I see a big family where family members support and help each other to be able to develop and reach their goals. Let me tell you about my dreams. In my ’dream Europe’ entrants are supported to find workplaces either abroad or in their home country. Those who cannot complete their education owing to some difficulty are also supported. I also hope that Europe will have new member states and the European Union will be able to develop and expand. Yours faithfully, Zsófia Szentmártoni
LICEO CLASSICO STATALE “BERTRAND RUSSELL” “A reflection on the past while planning the present with a look towards the future” Our school is situated in a central area in Rome, not far from S. Giovanni’s cathedral. The building dates back to 1936 and it became a “Liceo” in 1971-72. We offer our 1,600 students three different courses all lasting 5 years: • Grammar school which focuses on Ancient Greek , Latin and classical subjects; • Scientific school which focuses on Maths, Physics and scientific subjects; • Linguistic school which focuses on linguistic skills (English-French-Spanish or German).Our school was one of the first in Rome to use an experimental methodology. Our most important characteristic is the adoption of an interdisciplinary teaching method which is based on didactic experimentation and the use of modern technologies, such as smart boards, to encourage the development of the individual, having in mind the centrality of the learning process and mutual respect. All the students of the three courses have the opportunity to take part in exchanges with different schools all over Europe (Germany, France, Holland, Serbia, Finland) as well as “Comenius projects” financed by the E.U. and linguistic stages for English, French, Spanish and German. We are going to become a recognised Cambridge school in order to offer a bilingual education to the students attending the Grammar school course who will be able to obtain a Cambridge qualification through the medium of English while also following the Italian curriculum. The students of the Linguistic course, as well as getting their Italian Diploma at the end of the five years, have the chance to obtain the French Baccalauréat or the German DSD. Via Tuscolana n. 208 - 00182 Rome (ITALY)
Tel: +39 06121123005 - Fax: +39 067023714
Mail: E-rmpc48000p@istruzione.it ail - rmpc48000p@pec.istruzione.it Web: http://www.liceorussellroma.it/it
Headmistress: Dott.ssa Anna Maria Aglirà Vice-Mistress: Prof.ssa M.Letizia Pesce Teacher involved in the project: Prof.ssa Franca Rogai
Liceo Classico Statale “Bertrand Russell� Rome - Italy
Liceo Classico Statale “Bertrand Russell” Rome - Italy Rome, 10/04/2015 Dear President of the European Union, we are writing to you to express our opinion regarding what the weak points are in Europe, but also the things that we appreciate the most about it. Now the most evident problem is definitely the economic crisis which has been characterising Europe for years. In Italy the situation is pretty complicated because unemployment is a current issue so a lot of families are not able to maintain themselves. But we appreciate your will to listen to us, young people who will be your future. Unfortunately a lot of young Italians, discouraged, have to move to another country in order to create their future. The consequence of this “brain drain” is recognisable in the impossibility for Italy to get over this crisis without the help of fresh minds with new ideas. We love Italy and we feel very lucky to live here, for this reason we do not want to be compelled to move in order to fulfill our dreams. We would like new jobs that could allow us to live well in our country and we wish Italy would be governed by young people that have experienced the crisis and not by people who are fossilized in an armchair and who live in their small protected world. Let’s us not be prevented from resolving this situation because together we can make the difference. Alessio, Elena, Giorgia, Luisiana – 3 M Liceo “B. Russell” Rome
Liceo Classico Statale “Bertrand Russell� Rome - Italy
Liceo Classico Statale “Bertrand Russell” Rome - Italy Rome, 10/04/2015 Dear President of the European Union, we are writing to you because we want a better Europe and we want to give our small contribution. The lack of jobs is a problem that concerns all European countries and in particular Italy, that is why we would like to have the opportunity to choose whether to stay or not in our country to find a job. We consider ourselves European citizens so we would like Europe to give us the chance to weigh up all the different possibilities so that we will not feel the need to emigrate. In our opinion a solution could be the foundation of a free exchange network to give young people the opportunity to experience different kinds of jobs in different countries. As we are Italian citizens we appreciate art, but we would like artistic monuments to be treated better and appreciated more in order to enhance tourism and the economy of different countries which have many beautiful cities that are not sufficiently appraised . We hope that our requests will be taken into consideration. Alessio, Martina, Sara – 3 I Liceo “B. Russell” Rome
Liceo Classico Statale “Bertrand Russell� Rome - Italy
Liceo Classico Statale “Bertrand Russell” Rome - Italy Rome, 10/04/2015 Dear President of the European Union, we are writing this letter to give you a contribution because we care about the well-being of Europe. We appreciate the efforts for the preservation and for the respect of the cultural heritage of our cities and the welcome that your members offer to people coming from different countries. But this is not a letter of praise because unfortunately within the Union there are some problems which concern all of us. One of these problems in particular is the few opportunities offered to citizens in their country so we wish that our hopes can be a step forward to change the future. The situation that matters to us more than anything else is the lack of jobs. We would like to have more employment opportunities, better if linked to our course of studies. It would be best to have the same school system in every part of Europe, to reach the same cultural level. We hope this letter will be accepted as help to improve the “Old Continent”. Asia, Costanza, Davide, Eleonora – 3° I Liceo “B. Russell” Rome.
Liceo Classico Statale “Bertrand Russell� Rome - Italy
Liceo Classico Statale “Bertrand Russell” Rome - Italy Rome, 10/04/2015 Dear President of the European Union, we are writing to share our thoughts hoping to bring out some ideas that might be considered. One of the main problems in Europe is unemployment, this phenomenon is spreading so much that many young people are forced to go abroad. As an alternative to this problem, Europe should give more space to young people in the field of work. Moreover, in order to reduce the level of poverty, countries should collaborate all together, because alone we are nothing: the power of a single state or person will not be able to change the situation of degradation that we are experiencing. For example, in Italy there are many people who commit suicide, leaving their beloved alone to face everyday difficulties with pain and suffering. All this is conveyed by the media, but the news is always the same and nobody acts in an effective way to change the situation. We would like all these problems to be placed at the centre of attention, but politicians seem not to care. They are more concerned about becoming famous than trying to resolve the period of financial crisis we are experiencing. Aurora, Camilla, Chiara, Federico, Giulio – 3 M Liceo “B. Russell” Rome
Liceo Classico Statale “Bertrand Russell� Rome - Italy
Liceo Classico Statale “Bertrand Russell” Rome - Italy Rome, 10/04/2015 Dear President of the European Union, we are writing to you because we feel the need to express our emotions. As Italian students we notice the lack of concrete offers, actions and economic improvements for our country. Our nation may not count too much, maybe not at all, because the European political system is based on an unstable economy, between oscillations of positive and negative figures, that change every day, destabilizing the economy. We should not only think about numbers, but we should start to consider the dreams and hopes of our generation. We wish there were more interest in the common good, more support for young people with equal and effective laws which consider every nation as an accessible place, where you can live and where it is possible to have a serene future. Despite the above mentioned criticisms we would also like to manifest our hopes for future and concrete improvements, but maybe this is and will remain only utopia. Avigal, Matteo, Miriam – 3 M Liceo “B. Russell” Rome
Liceo Classico Statale “Bertrand Russell� Rome - Italy
Liceo Classico Statale “Bertrand Russell” Rome - Italy Rome, 10/04/2015 Dear President of the European Union we are writing to you. We are four Italian students and we are writing because we care about our future in Europe. There are many things that we would like to talk about. For example, politicians have salaries that are too high and many of them take their job too lightly and do not deal with the real problems of Europe. We could solve this problem by having more control of the political activity from the the E.U. furthermore, with the money saved thanks to the reduction of the politicians’ salaries, we could establish a European fund for the maintenance of hospitals, for medical research and for the enhancement of historical monuments. Moreover, every single citizen should feel part of this union that is not only geographical but mainly concerns the collaboration between member states. Managers should also ensure a safer future for young people through the set up of sections in companies where these young people can learn how to do their jobs. In fact young people should not be excluded from the world of jobs by keeping staff that are too old in charge in every company. Finally, anywhere young people decide to go, we would like to have a campus or “residence halls” where they could settle down temporarily in order to study or find a job. Chiara, Francesca, Leonardo, Matteo – 3 M Liceo “B. Russell” Rome
Liceo Classico Statale “Bertrand Russell� Rome - Italy
Liceo Classico Statale “Bertrand Russell” Rome - Italy Rome, 10/04/2015 Dear President of the European Union, we are writing to you because we would like to express our hopes for the future. We would like our beautiful cities to be an important resource thanks to the widespread cultural heritage everywhere in Europe so that turism can improve, but their maintenance is also very important. We should be given the chance to make our dreams come true in our own country without having to emigrate, which obliges us to leave behind our beloved and that does not allow us to help the economic growth of our country. That is why we need a little but constant effort from the European union, which should be united to reach a stable development, as it would be good for all the countries involved. It would be important to have continuous innovation to stimulate interest and improve the economy, by creating more job opportunities, as unemployment is a dramatic problem in our country. The poor and the down-and-out are not helped enough by the Institutions, which means that there is a lack of care and their rights are ignored. “In a well-governed country, poverty is something to be ashamed of”. Clarissa A., Denise, Caterina – 3° I Liceo “B. Russell” Rome
Liceo Classico Statale “Bertrand Russell” Rome - Italy
Liceo Classico Statale “Bertrand Russell” Rome - Italy Rome, 10/04/2015 Dear President of the European Union, we are writing to you from a country full of culture and amazing places but with some economic problems. We live in Rome and we attend Liceo “Bertrand Russell”. We study languages but also scientific subjects and humanities but we would like the school to increase the specific hours of our school address. We would also like young people to be given more scholarships and more opportunities especially for those with lower incomes. Unfortunately in Italy there are not a lot of jobs so we are obliged to move to Northern Europe to find a job. Our expectation is that Italy could offer more opportunities in the working field for us young people. We appreciate that there are European countries whose economy is stronger than the others, but we would like equality and collaboration among them. We young people are victims of what has been left behind by past generations, so we would like to be in control of our future and be protagonists. Clarissa, Federica, Ilaria – 3° I Liceo “B. Russell” Rome
Liceo Classico Statale “Bertrand Russell� Rome - Italy
Liceo Classico Statale “Bertrand Russell” Rome - Italy Rome, 10/04/2015 Dear President of the European Union, we are writing to you. We are four Italian students who dream of a better Europe, united not only by a name and a flag, but a Europe where all the involved countries have feelings of fraternity, solidarity and also equal lifestyles in common, both economic and environmental. Italian people are considered citizens who enjoy economic well-being, but actually we are being suffocated by a sickly hypocritical system which does not make the most of its strong points and prevents young people from creating their own decent future. In our opinion Europe should focus more on education in order to motivate young people because, after all, the future of Europe depends on us. We would like to have the same school system in each country, so that every student can reach the same cultural level. So the future of Europe is in our hands, but unfortunately we are destined to have them tied behind our back. We hope you will take our letter into consideration. Best Regards, Daniele, Felix, Giulia, Irene – 3 M Liceo “B. Russell” Rome
Liceo Classico Statale “Bertrand Russell� Rome - Italy
Liceo Classico Statale “Bertrand Russell” Rome - Italy Rome, 10/04/2015 Dear President of the European Union, we are writing to express some of the points of view shared by three high-school students, who have some considerations, some dreams, but also some criticisms about our future that involves our dear Europe as well. We have the awareness of having some of the most beautiful landscapes worldwide, here in Europe. Unfortunately, in some countries, these are underestimated and consequently they are not protected sufficiently, so one of our projects is to safeguard the cultural and historical heritage that Greeks, Italians, French, Russians, Germans etc... have built over the centuries. Another dream that brings us together is to know and to discover new landscapes and traditions; in our opinion the best way to do it is travelling. That is why we desire to create something between the different countries of the European Union in order to obtain a better treatment for young people who, like us, love to visit the world and so get to know new places and cultures. We would like to express all these wishes in order to spread a new kind of well-being to our dear Europe that, after centuries, has succeeded in achieving a real union and strong desire for peace. Emanuela, Federica, Martina – 3 I Liceo “B. Russell” Rome
Liceo Classico Statale “Bertrand Russell� Rome - Italy
Liceo Classico Statale “Bertrand Russell” Rome - Italy Rome, 10/04/2015 Dear President of the European Union, we are writing to you to contribute to the improvement and to the progress of the European Union. We believe that it is important to give voice to young people so that this alliance among states can evolve. What we appreciate about our European union is the solidarity among the States that are part of it and that, in times of need, help each other out, always recognising their greatness and beauty. One of the problems in Europe is the economic and political imbalance among some of its members which goes against equality that should guarantee the possibility of staying in our own country, having the same opportunities you could have in another state. What do we expect in our Europe? We expect a united Europe despite the presence of conflicts and internal crises in each country, the expression of freedom and the abolition of prejudice between peoples who, being part of a union, should be more fraternal. Federica F., Federica S. - 3° I Liceo “B. Russell” Rome
Liceo Classico Statale “Bertrand Russell� Rome - Italy
Liceo Classico Statale “Bertrand Russell” Rome - Italy Rome, 10/04/2015 Dear President of the European Union we are writing to you. We are three students and we attend a high school in Rome, focusing on languages. In our opinion there are too many disagreements among the nations which are part of the European Union, also because of several illegal immigrants and legal systems which are not respected, even if Europe praises itself for having constitutions and regulations which are considered the best in the world. Two of our hopes for a better future are the reciprocal appreciation of the cultural heritage and the sharing of problems which trouble each nation. We should help each other and be more supportive. We also think that an excellent move would be that people should feel more integrated in the European community, not just economically but also morally, considering themselves citizens not only in their country but all over Europe. Different languages, religions, traditions and ideals should not be looked down on. These are our expectations and ideas for a better Europe and above all a better future. Flavia, Sara, Sofia – 3 M Liceo “B. Russell” Rome
Liceo Classico Statale “Bertrand Russell� Rome - Italy
Liceo Classico Statale “Bertrand Russell” Rome - Italy Rome, 10/04/2015 Dear President of the European Union we are writing to you. We are Italian students and we would like to convey our opinion about the situation of Europe; in fact we think that the European Union needs some improvements. From our experience the most positive aspect seen is the possibility of travelling within the Union without a passport or visa; in many cases there is no need to change currency. The difficult economic crisis that is damaging the countries of the E.U. leads to lack of labour, especially in the weaker nations. In Italy the chance of finding a proper job is scarce, therefore many young people tend to leave the country to move abroad, so the possibilities of a career and a decent standard of living are not equal in all the member countries. We hope we will not necessarily have to leave the nation to find a job and we would like to have the possibility to choose what concerns our future. We young people hope in a better tomorrow, in which the European Union will not just be based on economic collaboration, but also on concrete solidarity and reciprocal help from all the member countries. Jennifer, Margherita, Melania – 3 M Liceo “B. Russell” Rome
Liceo Classico Statale “Bertrand Russell� Rome - Italy
Liceo Classico Statale “Bertrand Russell” Rome - Italy Rome, 10/04/2015 Dear President of the European Union, we are writing this letter because we want a more united Europe. We are students and obviously we care about education, therefore why don’t we improve it? Travelling opens our mind to the world and deserving students should have the chance to enhance their cultural background. The amount of scholarships should be risen to cover the entire school fee that universities ask for. We would like to explain a project that would rise cooperation and knowledge among the European States. Has a Scandinavian ever seen Spain? And a Latvian Greece? If they have never had this pleasure, with our simple project they would be able to. We are thinking about an area built in every capital of the different 28 European states that could offer the possibility of holding 28 different sectors, each one representing a European nation where the typical lifestyle, traditions and customs would be shown. The exhibition should take place every year in a different capital of the European states.Young people would be given the possibility of glancing at “A window on Europe”, getting rid of prejudices and making European citizens more and more united. The only way to fight ignorance is travelling, why don’t we do it through a window? Valentina, Asia, Silvia – 3° I Liceo “B. Russell” Rome
Liceo Scientifico Claudio Cavalleri is a state secondary school situated 20 km far of Milan. We have a population of more tha 800 students aged between 14/15 who have the possibility to choose among four different courses: Liceo scientifico, liceo delle scienze umane, liceo linguistico and liceo scienze applicate. Our school is situated in an urban area characterized by shoes factories and services that are getting more and more important. The area is considered underdeveloped and it is part of a particular European plan since the textile and shoes factories are going through a serious critical moment. We think that the school has to offer good opportunities and facilities to all the ones that would like to study or work at a European level in a market characterized by globalization and competition. Besides it is very important for our students to have experiences and contacts with other students in other countries in order to develop their awareness of the European dimension through co-operation.This exchange of ideas and experiences fosters a deeper understanding of our place in Europe and develops a culture of friendship among students from different schools, cultures and backgrounds. For this reason we give a great importance to the development of the digital competences and internationalization. Our school has developed a network of different European schools for twenty years. We normally organize European projects, exchanges, international sport competitions and we think it is very important to develop contacts and activities particularly after the last Comenius “SOS Europe�. Liceo Scientifico Claudio Cavalleri - via Spagliardi, 23 - Parabiago (MI) Web: www.liceoscientificocavalleri.gov.it Headmaster: Luciano Francesco Bagnato Teacher: Maria Giovanna Colombo
Liceo Scientifico Claudio Cavalleri Parabiago - Milano - Italy
Liceo Scientifico Claudio Cavalleri Parabiago - Milano - Italy Dear Europe, As everybody knows the period in which we live is characterized by a serious crisis due to the several debts of some countries and due to internal clashes: our country is seriously involved in this critical situation. We ask to find a solution to the problems that afflict our country so that to offer the young the opportunity to live in a better country that permit them to find a job. To get a job they have been studying for many years and they really deserve it because it is part of their life. The young have always hoped to live in a future that will reward them. Unfortunately it seems a dream that will never get true. We need a help for the future generation. We will be the adults one day! Matteo e Riccardo Morlacchi
Liceo Scientifico Claudio Cavalleri Parabiago - Milano - Italy
Liceo Scientifico Claudio Cavalleri Parabiago - Milano - Italy Dear Europe, We are writing to express our opinion as far as a potential improvement of the European social level concerns. We think it is better to focus the attention on what can make the community better, more equal and more sustainable! Our proposal concerns an increased focus on the pursuit of happiness of happiness both of the individual and the community of this great state that is the Europe. Our hope is illuminist! We make a proposal: “ imprint “ in each of us the importance of guided by reason thought (not just for financial reasons). Only in this way we can obtain an improvement in all fields. We should focus our attention on the children: we should give them a good education in order to make them grow with solid principles. It would be a great benefit for the society as a whole. Greta Malena and Davide Morlacchi
Liceo Scientifico Claudio Cavalleri Parabiago - Milano - Italy
Liceo Scientifico Claudio Cavalleri Parabiago - Milano - Italy Parabiago, 24/4/15 Dear Europe, The Union that has been created within you has had great benefits for all nations that are part of it, but there are also some negative points that we wanted you to notice. We would like you to open more the borders to immigrants in other countries. Currently Italy, one of the few nations more open to them, is receiving more people than she can handle because other nations do not want to receive them. All these people are hired by Italian companies, further reducing the already minimal job opportunities for young people. We’re not saying at all to revoke to immigrants the right to work, but something must be done to allow young people just out of school to find work. Maybe you could encourage startups, or give interns a salary. You will be definitely better than us to find a solution. Another big problem has always been pollution. We thought of looking for sustainable sources of energy for factories and maybe give small financial aid to those who put solar panels on the roofs of their homes. But all this can not happen if the bureaucracy is not simplified. At the moment there is too much paperwork to fill out, too many meetings must be made, and good ideas fail to be realized. We ask you to find a way to filter all these papers to allow so many great ideas to see the light. We count on you, Alina and Martino
Liceo Scientifico Claudio Cavalleri Parabiago - Milano - Italy
Liceo Scientifico Claudio Cavalleri Parabiago - Milano - Italy Dear Europe, The Europe we would like is a community that takes care of its women and its men, it is a place where culture and education are fundamental, a place where history and art count as much as the technology because they are “weapons� of progress. The Europe we want has forgotten persecutions and wars, Nazism and Fascism, it is a place where there is a law and it is fair. The Europe we want has overcome the economic crisis, the corruption the social conflicts, has defeated the public debt, unemployment and discriminations. The Europe we want is a place that protects young people, offering plenty of opportunities to work and does not forget anyone, it is the place where you can grow your children. Parabiago,
Matteo Andrea
Liceo Scientifico Claudio Cavalleri Parabiago - Milano - Italy
Liceo Scientifico Claudio Cavalleri Parabiago - Milano - Italy Parabiago (Milan), Italy, 23/04/15 Dear Europe, We are writing because we want to thank you for the community you have created. We thank you for the opportunities you offer to us who are the young generation. Thank you for the experiences that exchanges with students of other countries can offer us. We have lived the real meaning of the community, a common experience between two countries that once were enemies. We hope that You, Europe, supports the intercultural exchanges because they make interaction and integration among your citizens possible. Only in this way also the relationships among your member countries will improve and so living a job experience abroad would be easier. All the citizens would take advantage so we would like this can happen in prevision of a international and national improvement: the crisis is destroying whole countries! For this reason we would like to ask you to pay attention to the problems that afflict all your members; don’t be partial. We really hope this letter will get to your heart and will make a better future for all of us. Gabriele Crivelli, Mirco Ranieri, Simone Salerio
Liceo Scientifico Claudio Cavalleri Parabiago - Milano - Italy
Liceo Scientifico Claudio Cavalleri Parabiago - Milano - Italy Parabiago, 23/04/15 Dear Europe, first of all know I want to let you know that this letter has been written by an Italian citizen. Our goal is to bring in front of you problems that occur in Italian territory, but which have an impact on all European countries whole self. The first criticism concerns the European economic deficit, because of which the recent economic crisis has worsened the already weak integration between different EU member states. The European Union, as we know, is the result of the progress of economic integration among the member states over the last twenty years. Since the nineties customs barriers between countries have been abolished (free movement of persons has been allowed and borders have been eliminated). In most Member States of the European Union the Euro circulates which has replaced the national currencies, and that is almost the symbol of European unification. At the same time, however, there is the lack of a policy for a better political integration between the Member States: on an economic and social level, there are still great differences between different areas. Sincerely, certain to be heard. Matteo e Matteo
Liceo Scientifico Claudio Cavalleri Parabiago - Milano - Italy
Liceo Scientifico Claudio Cavalleri Parabiago - Milano - Italy Parabiago, 23/04/15 Dear Europe, we would like to see you more open and free towards your children, towards the immigrants; this is a problem that you have had to face you for a long time, and we really hope that you can be able to find a solution trying to abolish the socio-cultural barriers that prevent the integration. Another fundamental problem is the limited access to culture and we hope to see a better attention on the younger generation. The last criticism concerns the lack of communication between the member states of the European Union: it inhibits the possibility to resolve the economic crisis that has characterized the western part of the world. We think that with a greater freedom, with a stronger union and reciprocal help among states the economic deficit can be reduced and your internal politics can be improved. Kind regards Matteo Janni & Giulia Lattuada
Liceo Scientifico Claudio Cavalleri Parabiago - Milano - Italy
Liceo Scientifico Claudio Cavalleri Parabiago - Milano - Italy Parabiago (Milan), Italy, 23/04/15 Dear Europe, We’re writing to ask you to take better care of what the future of all of us young is. We hear talking about “European Union”, but so united it isn’t! We see some of your countries in crisis, while others are at the height of success: we want more solidarity on the part of the latter! With this division people of countries in difficulty are forced to go elsewhere to find work: but if there were a truly united Europe, each country would be economically equal, and no one would feel obliged to leave their country. Europe is our home, and we would like to be free to choose where to spend our lives without constrictions. We, young people cannot do anything right now, so we write to you: to begin to implement a change. Elisa & Hafssa
Liceo Scientifico Claudio Cavalleri Parabiago - Milano - Italy
Liceo Scientifico Claudio Cavalleri Parabiago - Milano - Italy Parabiago, 23/04/2015 Dear Europe, We’re two 17 years old guys who live in Italy. We think it’s important to express our opinion about Europe, because we were not both born here. Our names are Alessandro and Lilian and we were born in Italy and in El Salvador, in central America. Lilian has been living here for nearly a year, as she decided to move here with her family because they thought that Europe was an opportunity to begin a new life. Here in Italy, though there are a lot of problems connected with economy and politics, life conditions and the relationships with the other E.U. countries make life easier. And it’s thanks to E.U. that young people like us are given the possibility to travel and discover new cultures and ways of living; it’s an important experience and it will be important in the future as well, because we’ll be able to live and find a job even in foreign countries, though hoping that Italian young people will have more possibilities to find a job closer to where they were born. We hope we managed to use this opportunity very well to communicate what we feel as citizens of this huge “country” called Europe, and that in the future, young people like us will be able to find new chances to build a better Europe. Alessandro Grimi e Lillian
Liceo Scientifico Claudio Cavalleri Parabiago - Milano - Italy
Liceo Scientifico Claudio Cavalleri Parabiago - Milano - Italy Parabiago (Milan), Italy 23/04/15 Dear Europe, we are writing this letter in this moment of crisis that is evident not only in Italy but also in the rest of the Union, to express our opinion and give you some advice. Since the age of your foundation, big progress has been made on integration between peoples profoundly different as far as history and culture concerns; however there is long way to go; for us the best way to increase in people the awareness of being European and not only citizens of each country is to stimulate projects in schools which forecast the interaction between students belonging to different cultures. Regarding the economic aspect, we can’t do but note that, despite the abolition of customs, the internal market is too fractionated and the strong differences in taxation produce big problems; this the general situation. In politics, at the end, we hope that each single state will succeed in reaching a better agreement in the future prospective, careful to the commonwealth. Giorgio Giulio Gallo, Samuele Sabbioni, Nicolò Andreazza
The motto of our school is „We are going to as great as our will”. Riga Secondary School No. 25 is one of the biggest schools in Riga. The school was founded in 1963. Teaching is conducted in Latvian. The school is located i Ķengarags- a beautiful, green suborb of Riga, on the right bank of the river Daugava. Students of forms 1-12 study in our school. Our school is a modern learning establishment with up to date means of study and equipment. Several secondary education programmes are taught in this school. Students study the following foreign languages- English, Russian, German, French. The school has friendly ties with schools in Sweden and Lithuania. There is a school museum. School graduates continue to acquire education in universities of Latvia and other countries. Many graduates of our school are well known in Latvia’s society- a deputies of Riga Council and Latvia’s Parliament, goverment ministers, and deputy of Europe’s Parliament. The teachers of Riga Secondary School No. 25 work creativly, providing a high level education and facilitating the students’ participation in various projects. Riga Secondary School No. 25 Rushonu street No. 6, Riga, LV-1057 Web: r25vsk.edu.lv Email: r25vs@riga.lv Tel: 67848924 Headmistress- Inga Nestere Teachers: Rita Deksne, Andris Rozensteins
Riga Secondary School NO.25 Riga - Latvia
Riga Secondary School NO.25 Riga - Latvia Latvia, Riga March 2015 Dear President of the EU,
I’m writing to you to tell you about educational system. I would also like to learn about it from you.
Of course I understand that you already know it, and have heard of it several times, but each new opinion at this thing can give another chance, another possibility that could change it. I am not telling you that I will do it, but I will try my best.
Modern educational system is not the best one but it is the best we have. In this educational system everyone teaches everything and pupils tend to miss up the subjects. It would be much better if subjects with similar program coordinate what and when to
teach. The information is given more effectively. There are two more new problems: the
length at the lesson and the class size. To make the teaching process easier and need to change the length at the lesson and to make the break longer. Because of the long lesson and short break pupils don’t have enough time to rest. To make the teacher job easier we need to make the class smaller otherwise teacher can’t handle an overcrowded class. We need young people with new ideas, because old ideas do not win. Hope to hear from you soon.
Sincerely, Màris
Riga Secondary School NO.25 Riga - Latvia
Riga Secondary School NO.25 Riga - Latvia Latvia, Riga March 3, 2015 Dear President of the EU, I am writing to you because I feel like I am a part of the European Union and I want to share my thoughts about it. First of all I would like to say thank you for trying to keep this Organization as good as it is. For a long time this Organization has proved that it is really powerful and reputable because every day we can see how much it helps too many Countries be united and I think that it is the most important thing nowadays. It is actually why we need to feel that we will have a support if it is needed for us. This support can be felt by every country which is a member of the European Union. That is why for this Organization I see a wonderful future where it becomes more known and more powerful. I hope my thoughts will come true and it will be a happy event for everyone. Amanda
Riga Secondary School NO.25 Riga - Latvia
Riga Secondary School NO.25 Riga - Latvia Riga, 3 march 2015 Dear Chairman of the EU, My dream for the European Union is the union of our Countries that are able to communicate with each other absolutely free. There are well known European fundamental freedoms and you might rightly say that the freedom of communication has already existed ahead other fundamental freedoms. Nevertheless my dream is that this internal communication will be even broader and easier. With the word “broader” I mean the will of people to communicate. It is known that in each nation those who travel are only 2% of the population. I wish this percentage could grow and grow! With the word “easier” I mean there is no prejudice about the cultural differences, even if we saw these differences they should not be seen as a barrier for the conversation. How do this you ask? Sure, we should have an excellent infrastructure, but more importantly have a tolerance of culture and understanding of our differences. A single subject that already for early years would help us to understand inter-cultural communication and that is so fantastic to be different - such a subject would be so nice to have! It would certainly make fewer misunderstandings at a later stage. I wish so much to launch each negotiation without launching stereotype of the nations’ identity. In conversation I would like to hear more about European values as for me, the main values are those of freedom. If the ability to communicate will be untaken by children and the young people across national borders and without the stereotype, about each other, then the future barriers countries and politicians will disappear and of course we will also learn to communicate better among ourselves – here in Latvia. Your Sincerely, Severins
Riga Secondary School NO.25 Riga - Latvia
Riga Secondary School NO.25 Riga - Latvia Latvia, Riga March 9,2015 Dear President of the European Union, I’m writing to you to address and subject which sometimes is forgotten in our fast lives and I’m talking about the fact that a larger number of countries was a great idea which has many good aspects to it. The most reliable aspect for me at the moment is the travelling possibilities, because I like to travel a lot in my free time. This is because of the filling of unity which encourages people to go to another countries in Europe and explorer their culture. Also a lot of countries use the same currency- euro, so there is no need to exchange money in the bank, the person could just use the money he uses in his daily life. And also I can’t forget about the health insurance for people living in countries which are included in the European Union. It is a big advantage having a health insurance already pre-paid by the country. This unity and easy travelling access is opening many new doors for people, mainly students, who want to study and they work hard they can go to study abroad to get extra education and return to their home country full of ideas for innovations and hope to make good and better. I hope that in the future there will be more Countries, joining the Union and it will exist for a long time. Yours faithfully, Edgar
Riga Secondary School NO.25 Riga - Latvia
Riga Secondary School NO.25 Riga - Latvia Latvia, Riga March 9, 2015 Dear Chairman of EU, I’m writing to you to tell about the idea of the European Union I dream of. In my opinion, Europe should concentrate itself on preserving nature and developing projects of supporting ecology and healthy lifestyle. During the latest period of time society suffers from exhaust fares and chemical waste. Industrialization has increased rapidly and its effects of the EU could be taught and motivated to do more exercises, eat healthier and reduce using electrical appliances. Actually I would advise to make Europe “greener” by replacing electricity with solar energy that does not cost a cent and provides absolutely environmentally-friendly power. Without doubt, European Countries would be more beautiful if there were more flowered windows and wild forests! I really think that natural heritage is one of our greatest value of all time! However, I am proud that I come from such a green Country. Each of us should think about the future and do everything that depends on us. We can definitely “clear” our cities and make people breath more of fresh air. Yours Sincerely, Diana
Riga Secondary School NO.25 Riga - Latvia
Riga Secondary School NO.25 Riga - Latvia 9th March 2015, Riga Dear President of EU, I’m writing to you. My dream Europe where I live is very big and beautiful. There live people who are happy, they help each other when they need it. Passing by they give each other their happy, beautiful and handsome smiles. Everyone who lives in the European Union is equal to others, there are no exceptions. There is no hate at all, because people are happy for all what they have. The children and other young people have the same rights to get good education if they want to. But other citizens of the European Union who want get good reward for what they have done, so they can get anything they need. Yours Faithfully, Ervins.
Riga Secondary School NO.25 Riga - Latvia
Riga Secondary School NO.25 Riga - Latvia Riga, 9 March 2015 Dear President of the EU I’m writing to you. I like anyone else who lives in the EU, dream of safe and sociable Europe in which language differences are not an obstacle for anyone who lives in the EU. Everyone is behind everyone’s back and no country no man and woman ca be harassed or bullied. For now I can’t see or feel safety and security of Europe. However I think that Europe has something to aspire to. To see my dream Europe you need to imagine Europe as a little Village. Every house in this village is like a Country in Europe. Some houses are bigger, some are smaller. It doesn’t matter, because every house is a piece of this village and without this piece the village wouldn’t be complete. I really hope Europe will become the place that anybody wishes to be a part of. Yours Faithfully, Nils
Riga Secondary School NO.25 Riga - Latvia
Riga Secondary School NO.25 Riga - Latvia Dear President of the EU, My name is Diana. I am from Latvia. The EU I dream of is a place whose future is children. They are small people, who soon will become adults and probably will change Europe. What will it be, it depends on themselves. Views of human life and the world picture is formed when they are children. Their character and behavior depends on education, as well as in what environmental the children live. Society mission is to create the children’s future, so they do not become bad people or criminals. Europe is a place where each person would have their place, people would have their own work that they do not lost and give them satisfaction. This work would contribute the strength of each Country and the welfare of society, and to allow citizen to look forward to the best future. United future means a united nation, so that each nation becomes stronger, they should cultivate a culture of their nation and keep the memory of the past. We would save in ourselves that cultural diversity which each Country’s land has brought through the centuries, that is how I see Europe – great and powerful, which looks to the future. Diana Riga 08.03.2015
Riga Secondary School NO.25 Riga - Latvia
Riga Secondary School NO.25 Riga - Latvia Riga, 03.03.2015 Dear President of the EU, The Europe I dream of… Voltaire “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it”. I see Europe in compliance with the most important principles of a free society: every person is a value, everyone has the right to express their views, within the law, which only prohibits invitation to war, prohibits nationals, ethical and racial hatred. Great words etched in the Latvian Senate Chambers’ Wall “One law One Justice for all”. EU elected Members should ensure that these words are carried out. I hope that time will come when everyone in Europe follows those wise words. I wish for each human in this world to improve, learn, new knowledge, love in a broad sense, because a person comes into this world to learn and love! Margarita
Riga Secondary School NO.25 Riga - Latvia
Riga Secondary School NO.25 Riga - Latvia Riga, 1st March Dear President of the EU, My name is Elizabete. I’m from Riga Secondary School N. 25. I’m writing to you about the EU of my dreams. In the European Union there are 28 Countries. I would like that to have all Europe in the EU. This economic and political association, gives Countries new options. In my dream of the EU Countries do not create a threat to each other. I think that one of the most important things is saving the historical heritage. Also in my dream of EU more attention would be paid to helping other Countries. For example I’ll help Africa where there is hunger. Of course in my 16 years I’m thinking about future and job. In this case I wanted that the EU to think more about teenagers’ job opportunities in the future. I’ve been travelling in the EU Countries and it was different because in the same countries is not one Currency-Euro! I would like to have euro in all the Countries. I wish you more creative ideas and never give up! Yours Sincerely, Elizabete
Riga Secondary School NO.25 Riga - Latvia
Riga Secondary School NO.25 Riga - Latvia Riga, 1st March Dear President of the EU, I have often thought what could Europe be. It is now part of my dream Europe. At the moment it has several interesting tourist attraction such as the Eiffel Tower in Paris. I would be very happy if there were several tourist attractions on which the people from Europe could go for free. I think that the young people would be very happy of this possibility. In my opinion many European citizen are happy about some of the tourist sights, which are designed as a large flower garden. They may be created in different designs which could be seen from a bird’s eye. I also dream of interesting trails in a large area in which to observe different species of birds and a variety of wild animals. I think that such tourist attractions are all very happy and many would like to come to Europe to see such sites. I hope very much that one day in the future, these places will really be created! Agija
Riga Secondary School NO.25 Riga - Latvia
Riga Secondary School NO.25 Riga - Latvia Riga, March 1st 2015 Dear President of the European Union, I think that Countries in the EU are friendly and support each other. Latvia has been in this Union since 2004. I see a difference. Latvia has greater importance in Europe and in the World. From the EU I expect support to my Country. Should be awaked from different conflicts and should try to live friendly. Since accession to the EU it has become much easier to travel to other Union Countries. I love to travel, so I appreciate this chance. I would like all Countries would have one Currency. Then before every trip I shouldn’t have to exchange currency. I think that in the EU for more culture events could happen, for example, concerts, festivals, exhibitions etc. In particular some open-air events in Summer. Overall, I’m satisfied with EU progress. Of Course it could always be better. In my opinion, at the moment the most important is to avoid military conflicts. Good Luck! Rebecca,
Riga Secondary School NO.25 Riga - Latvia
Riga Secondary School NO.25 Riga - Latvia Riga 1st March 2015 Dear President of the EU, The Europe I dream of‌ Hello, I am a Riga Secondary N. 25 Student Raivo. Europe is a place where many nationalities and their cultures, different races and a wide variety of views meet. Of course, as each location in the world has their pros and cons. Also European Union has its disadvantages. I think that EU is a place in the world where all to a greater extent where everything is fair, and EU is a place where everything is good. Of course, in some Countries people will smile and laugh, but in others they will be depressed and sad and that way each of us needs to be strong and need to made EU the best place in the world. My dream is to travel around the whole Europe and meet it closer. I want to do it, because then I will know EU pros and cos. I’ve travelled to Sweden and Finland and these Countries I really liked because people were very positive and smiling. Europe will be my home forever and I hope and wish that EU will continue to envelope in the long term. Yours Sincerely, Raivo
Riga Secondary School NO.25 Riga - Latvia
Riga Secondary School NO.25 Riga - Latvia Riga, 9th Match 2015 Dear President of the EU, I’m writing to you. I want to make European Union a much better place for everyone who lives there. I want that every person’s dream in Europe come true and every smile is a true smile. I am a student from Riga and I think that everyone should get an equal chance to study what they want, to have a good job, to live a lovely family and live in a good Country. I want that everyone who passes each other should see them smiling and smile back. Yours Faithfully, Andreis
Riga Secondary School NO.25 Riga - Latvia
Riga Secondary School NO.25 Riga - Latvia Riga, 9 march 2015 Dear President of the EU, I’m writing to you. I’m a student who lives in Riga a beautiful city with its own history. I am seventeen years old and I want to tell you about my dreams. I want to make Europe a better place for each human being who lives there. Everyone has their own opinion about the ideal Europe and I’ll share mine with you. We are only as great as our will is. Some will make huge plans but some will just sit at home and brag about Europe’s mistakes. The society destroys those who want to be different and it prevents to develop. European citizens are divided into two groups – those who do and those who are just talking. We need to combine these things to accomplish a lot more. You’re responsible for your own words. With this I want to say that Europe needs more willpower to take risks and open doors that others have closed. My suggestion to you: if you do what you’ve never done you’ll be where you have never been! Yours Faithfully, Aira
Riga Secondary School NO.25 Riga - Latvia
Riga Secondary School NO.25 Riga - Latvia Riga, March 10, 2015 The European Union I dream of… Dear Chairman of EU, I am writing to you to show my vision about future of the European Union. I think to call myself European is kind of privilege, because EU gives us Europeans so many opportunities, and most important – stability. All of this has been achieved, because the EU is working progressively and in the interests of people. My experience about this is that EU gives great possibilities to youth to meet and explore other cultures. It is really important because we are the future of Europe – next members of Parliament, Chairmen and others, we – young Europeans. I think that the future of Europe is really promising – we will achieve the highest goals if all of us work hard. I’m sure – Europe of the future will be a perfect example of a Country in many different fields as education, health and technology. I think that Europe is the best place for next leaders to grow. European Union I dream of is the place which we’ll never stop growing, the place which we’ll always make my family and me proud and the one place which I always will call my home. Diana
Riga Secondary School NO.25 Riga - Latvia
Riga Secondary School NO.25 Riga - Latvia Riga, March 10, 2015 The European Europe I dream of‌ Dear Chairman of EU, I’m writing to you, to let you know that our little Country Latvia is proud to be in such a big and strong alliance of Countries like the UE. We, as a part of the European Union cannot stop thinking how to consummate an strengthen the cooperation between EU Countries in economics, culture and education. I think the European Union has a bright future. Of course it still needs to develop and take care of its countries, and more sure that they are all equal, but at the same time competitive. The EU has to make decisions, that would promote its countries to a common point of view, to make decisions unanimously in any area, especially in foreign policy, to strengthen and protect the European Union borders and give other countries the opportunity to join the EU. And to bond European Countries even more, all of them need to adopt euro as their currency because since they are under one flag they need one currency too. I hope that the EU will continue to grow and develop, but I also hope that it will not change the way how it protects and takes care of its Counties, because I like the safety it gives to me and with joy and pride I can tell you the European Union is my home. Sabine
Vilnius International School was founded in 2004 by a group of parents and educators from Denmark, Finland, Lithuania and the United States. They envisioned a school that reflected the values of a democratic and multicultural society, while paying homage to Lithuanian culture and tradition. This was particularly relevant as Lithuania had just become part of the European Union. VIS opened their doors with only 25 children. The 2014-2015 school year met over 300 students representing 40 nationalities, 60% of whom are Lithuanian nationals. VIS is an IB World school teaching whose primary language is English. All VIS students learn Lithuanian either as a mother-tongue or as a foreign language. Vilnius International School 3 Rus킬 Street, 01125 Vilnius, Lithuania E-mail: director@vischool.lt Tel: +370 5 276 15 64 Director: Rebecca Juras
Vis - Vilnius International School Vilnius - Lithuania
Vis - Vilnius International School Vilnius - Lithuania Dear Europe, I am writing to you, because I care for your and your peoples betterment. The Europe that I dream of is where every country, every person has a say despite their power or size. Where people aren’t judged by their past or what/who they are, but by what they do. Where countries have their own say in their own land without affecting others. Where Europe is not seen as one big “country”, but where it’s seen as a union of nations working together. I want Europe to be a place, where the union does not interfere with the heritage or traditions of each country, but where it helps to preserve it by getting help from the members of the union. Where countries choose, what’s best for it and the union chooses, what’s best for the union and Europe. Where countries don’t loose anything, but they gain something as a union. Where fingers are not pointed to a country, but where if it’s a problem of international level, the union helps the country out of the situation. Where national decisions stay national. Áron Petrauskas 27-04-2015 Vilnius, Lithuania
Vis - Vilnius International School Vilnius - Lithuania
Vis - Vilnius International School Vilnius - Lithuania Dear Europe, I want to live in a Union which would be tolerant not only towards other races or nations, but also towards opinions and social rankings. I want to see an advanced Europe, which has visible developments. I want Europe to be peaceful and not get into conflicts with other countries. I wish that Europe improved in not only economics or politics, but also environmentally and culturally. All in all, Europe should be a peaceful, tolerant with the intention to grow and develop place to live. Julija Vilkaitè 2015.04.27 Vilnius, Lithuania
Vis - Vilnius International School Vilnius - Lithuania
Vis - Vilnius International School Vilnius - Lithuania Vilnius, Lithuania 24.04.2015 Lukas Dear Europe, I’m writing to you because I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you .You gave me the freedom and the right to live so good like I am living now. These days you are great and despite threats and dangers, you stand strong. In future I envision you even greater. I believe that in the future you will become even stronger and more unified than you are now and the problems will be gone. Democracy will become even more fair than it is now, the minorities will be fairly represented everywhere and the culture will prosper. I know this will happen! Why? Because democracy is when people can and want and Europe is definitely democratic and people of Europe not only want, but also can make you, Europe, better.
Vis - Vilnius International School Vilnius - Lithuania
Vis - Vilnius International School Vilnius - Lithuania Dear Europe, I am writing to you to share my dream about Europe. The Europe I dream of is a Europe without stereotypes, xenophobia, racism and poverty. Europe should not be scared to help all member states to improve their economical position. Especially after the 2009 crisis, there are some member states with serious problems. There should be more institutions created to combat corruption, open trade routes, as well as financial support. Furthermore, one more problem that troubles me is xenophobia and racism. It is getting better as time passes, but I still want to cry whenever people make fun of minorities such as gypsies, or when people make fun of countries with a high percentage of such minorities. Just because someone is from Romania, for example, it does not mean that they are a thief! I think that there should be more institutions created, as well as projects to educate citizens of Europe. Thank you for your attention, Miruna, Vilnius, April 2015
Vis - Vilnius International School Vilnius - Lithuania
Vis - Vilnius International School Vilnius - Lithuania Dear Europe, I am writing to you, to share my thoughts about future Europe. First of all I imagine Europe as safe place. A place were no harm would be done to nature. I wish that global warming would be gone. I really want to save animals who suffer from it. I think that it is our responsibility to stop it. Otherwise I am really happy about your effort, in trying to save European Union countries. I am also happy that I can feel safe, living here in Lithuania. I want to thank you, for listening to my thoughts, it means a lot to me. Sincerely, Akvilè
Vis - Vilnius International School Vilnius - Lithuania
Vis - Vilnius International School Vilnius - Lithuania
Vis - Vilnius International School Vilnius - Lithuania
The Gozo College Boys` Secondary and Gozo College Secondary school are state educational institutions for boys and girls aged eleven to sixteen. In partnership with parents and the wider community, our schools aim to educate students to develop as informed citizens, equipped with the skills and knowledge that will enable them to take their place in the world of work and as responsible people in society. Both schools focus on quality education that stimulates our students to develop to their maximum potential. We aim to give our students the skills and abilities needed to increase their employability. These schools strive towards the holistic education of children under our care, preparing them to meet life’s challenges in general. Our schools also promote good values such as service to others, tolerance and respect. This academic year has seen the introduction of co-education in our College as well as in all other Colleges in Malta. Gozo College Boys’ Secondary, Europa Street, Victoria - Gozo, Malta. Tel: 0035621556167 Web: http://gc.victoriaboys.skola.edu.mt Head of School: Dr Francis Abela Teachers in charge: Ms Joann Cordina, e-mail address: joann.cordina@ilearn.edu.mt Mr Robert Vella, e-mail address: robert.vella@ilearn.edu.mt
Gozo College Boys` Secondary And Gozo College Secondary School Gozo - Malta
Gozo College Boys` Secondary And Gozo College Secondary School Gozo - Malta Ghajnsielem, Gozo, Malta. 12th May, 2015. Dear President of the EU As a European Studies student, I would like to express my disappointment about the recent tragedy in the Mediterranean Sea concerning irregular immigrants. I believe that the EU should take immediate action in this regard. Sending these immigrants back to their native countries is neither an option nor a solution as they will end up dying anyway. The best solution is to examine the situation of their country. The EU should invest funds in restructuring and improving these countries, making them more democratic and strengthening their economy. Yours faithfully Maria Grima
Gozo College Boys` Secondary And Gozo College Secondary School Gozo - Malta
Gozo College Boys` Secondary And Gozo College Secondary School Gozo - Malta Ghajnsielem, Gozo, Malta. Wednesday 13 May, 2015. Dear President, I would like to thank you for your work and for your positive attitude regarding the EU. I would like to suggest the following opinions. In Malta we seem to have a difficult situation with illegal immigrants. Personally, I do not agree with the push back but I strongly suggest that an intensive investigation is carried out as to why these immigrants are leaving their country in search for a better life. If they are being prosecuted in their own country we should try to help them as best as we could. I would also like to suggest that the free trade that is currently available between European member states is extended to include USA, Asia, Africa etc. This will definitely increase the trade with both countries within the EU and outside, resulting in better prices and more choice of products. Yours Faithfully Loretta Xuereb
Gozo College Boys` Secondary And Gozo College Secondary School Gozo - Malta
Gozo College Boys` Secondary And Gozo College Secondary School Gozo - Malta Xewkija,Gozo Malta Tuesday 12th May 2015 Dear president of the EU, I am writing this letter to thank you for all the work you are doing for the citizens of the EU. I would like to see more equality between men and women at their place of work because there are still situations where this is not happening. I also would like the EU to take the appropriate steps about the immigrants that are coming to Malta. I think that there should be more awareness among the EU countries on this problem. I also think that the citizens of the EU should have more awareness on the environment and how important it is to keep a clean environment. I think that the teenagers are not being respected enough and they are not able to express their opinions freely. Yours faithfully Catriona Azzopardi
Gozo College Boys` Secondary And Gozo College Secondary School Gozo - Malta
Gozo College Boys` Secondary And Gozo College Secondary School Gozo - Malta Victoria, Gozo, Malta May 14, 2015. Dear President of the EU I am writing this letter to give my opinion on how Europe can progress in the future. Firstly I would like to start by saying that rights should be more respected and laws should be more enforced. Equality should be a priority. More awareness on the different religions, languages, beliefs and cultures should be promoted to ensure more tolerance and equality. Europe is being invaded by people coming from countries in which there are civil wars. They try to make a better life by escaping to Europe. They land in counties which are unable to support more people, such as small islands like Malta and countries whose economy is at a decline like Greece. Therefore, in my opinion big countries with a stable economy should help to support these irregular immigrants. While I thank you for listening to my opinion I wish you success in your work for a better and more powerful Europe. Yours faithfully Ilona Tabone
Gozo College Boys` Secondary And Gozo College Secondary School Gozo - Malta
Gozo College Boys` Secondary And Gozo College Secondary School Gozo - Malta Ghajnsielem, Gozo Malta. 12th May, 2015. Dear President of the EU, I am writing to thank you for your work as regards the EU. As a citizen of the European Union, I think that there should be more activities on a European scale aimed specifically at us teenagers. Also, I think that there should be more equality between men and women. Even though women are starting to occupy their rightful place in the society, men are still dominant in most sectors. Moreover, I think that more awareness on the environment around us should be created. Furthermore, I think there should be more awareness on laws and their enforcement. Immigration is another problem that should be taken care of. A lot of immigrants are migrating toEuropean countries and are taking jobs from the local people. This can result in a dispute between the immigrants and the local people which is greatly undesirable. Yours faithfully, Manuela Bogdanovic
Gozo College Boys` Secondary And Gozo College Secondary School Gozo - Malta
Gozo College Boys` Secondary And Gozo College Secondary School Gozo - Malta Victoria , Gozo Malta 14th May 2015 Dear President of The European Union , In the past years, the European Union has made alot of progress and has achieved many goals, but it is a fact that there is left to be done. Today I am writing this letter to suggest some ideas of how the European Union should be in the future. First of all I wish that there is more awareness of how important nature and the environment is. Therefore measures should be taken to ensure that our surroundings are protected. We should ensure that the future generation will have a clean and nice environment to live in and hence the European Union must ensure that sustainable development increases. I wish that research in the health sector increases so that we will have more healthy people. Therefore I suggest that renewable energy increases in the European Union countries which will lead to a more clean environment and less respiratory problems. It is a known fact that in the Mediterrenean sea many tragedies are taking place.Hence actions should be taken immediately so that nothing like that happens again. I wish that other EU countries would co-operate together with Malta and Italy regarding the issue of migrants. I wish that more awareness is raised about the many difficulties migrants are faced with in order to find a better living. Lastly, I wish that the Eu become more inclusive and that racism is eliminated. I wish that one day everyone will be treated equally and everyone will have the same opportunities. The importance of education in today’s life must be promoted and everyone should be encouraged to go to school to ensure a better lifestyle in the future. Yours faithfully, Marissa Attard
Gozo College Boys` Secondary And Gozo College Secondary School Gozo - Malta
Gozo College Boys` Secondary And Gozo College Secondary School Gozo - Malta Munxar, Gozo, Malta. 13th May, 2015. Dear President of the European Union, As a student studying European Studies I was able to learn about all the things the European Union is doing and has done. I was especially happy when I found out about the green initiatives that happened in the Europe 2020 strategy. About how the EU is trying to create more efficient and renewable energy and reducing gas emissions by 20%-30% of those in 1990. The EU is also helping our country a lot with all the grants it is giving us. These are helping us in schools, public transport, restoration projects and to plant more trees. Since we have joined the EU we have developed a better public transport infrastructure that would not have been possible without the help of the TENs initiative. Although the changes are all very positive, there are also some things that I would like to change. I would like for there to be a youth council that would represent the youths from all over the world. I also wish that our opinion as youths would be given more importance in the decisions that are taken in the European Union. With regards, Tony Valentine
Gozo College Boys` Secondary And Gozo College Secondary School Gozo - Malta
Gozo College Boys` Secondary And Gozo College Secondary School Gozo - Malta Victoria, Gozo, Malta. 12th May, 2015. Dear President of EU I am writing to share my views about my dreams for the future of Europe. I believe that it is every citizen’s right to be treated fairly and without discrimination. It is very important that everyone is accepted unconditionally. I also think that the environment is an important factor to all of us. Although a lot is being done by the EU in this regard, Member States must work harder to protect their citizens from excessive emissions which are detrimental to their health. These emissions are causing illnesses especially in children. The Europe 2020 strategy will be very effective in this regard. Safety measures at work should also be enforced as several workers are still working in dangerous conditions. These workers should be safeguarded from danger. European tourist destinations should continue to attract tourists, but not at the cost of losing their own identity. The EU should offer support to developing countries where trade is concerned so that there will be a boost in their economy. I sincerely wish that all member states of the EU continue to be united in diversity and prosperity. Yours faithfully Sarah Xuereb
Gozo College Boys` Secondary And Gozo College Secondary School Gozo - Malta
Gozo College Boys` Secondary And Gozo College Secondary School Gozo - Malta Victoria, Gozo Malta 13th May, 2015 Dear President of the European Union, As a student studying European Studies, I feel fortunate to have the opportunity to learn about Europe in detail and to be familiar about its work. First of all I want to thank you for your help to strengthen the European Union further. Thanks to your work, EU citizens are enjoying a multitude of benefits for their country. I think of the European Union as super glue, as it helps to stick the continent in an attempt to help it unify and rejoice as a single country. This has been made possible with Trans European Networks and The Four Freedoms. What I’d want to see in Europe is this: as I said before, I feel fortunate to have the opportunity to learn about Europe in detail. But I feel as though the gap between European Studies’ students and other students in terms of EU knowledge is too large. I think this can be resolved with the help of talks about this subject, as well as having MEP’s visit schools as well as having more activities related to the EU. Regards, Raul Theuma
The Collective Economics School was created in 1920 in Toruń, which is called a town of Nicolaus Copernicus. The school went through the different types of reorganization. The curriculums, specializations and fields of education have changed. has functioned as Collective Economics School since 1957 at 39 Grunwaldzka Street in Toruń. Now there are 462 students including 358 girls and 104 boys, 53 fulltime employed teachers and 6 administrative workers. The Collective Economics School consists of: Technical School no 1 and Vocational School no1. According to the type of school, students can choose to be educated and trained in the professions of an economist, a trader or a hairstylist. Students of technical secondary school have an opportunity to take a school-leaving exam after their four-year school attendance. During the school, students have their training periods in many firms. Students who choose Vocational School go to the school three times a week and work twice a week. After three years at school they become skilled shop assistants or hairdressers. Depending on a specialization a lot of attention is drawn to improve students’ professional - economic knowledge. Teachers introduce special lessons to improve and broaden the students` knowledge in the form of special interest Clubs: e.g. The Circle of Young Economist, the School Club of Enterprising ,the Youth Mini-business Club.In order to find good job opportunities the school prepares students to become flexible and mobile in their place of employment searching. The teachers motivate students to learn foreign languages and respect European values. Therefore, since 2001 the European Club called “EuroEkonomik” has been working in our school and students can broaden their knowledge about the EU in debates, lectures, contests, organized on Europe’s Days etc. It is very important for our students to gain experience and have contacts with other students in different countries in order to develop their awareness of the European dimension through cooperation. Consequently, our school has been working for 10 years with the European schools from Germany, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Bulgaria. Our latest project the “S.O.S Europe” is being worked on with BBS- Syke - Germany, Liceo Cavalleri in Parabiago - Italy, IES in Bendinat- Spain, St. Paul’s College in Dublin - Ireland, Pencho Slaveikov Comprehensive School in Sofia – Bulgaria. Zespół Szkół Ekonomicznych
Address: Grunwaldzka 39 - Toruń Web: www.zset.pl
Headmaster: Grazyna Zolnierkiewcz Teacher: Lucja Modzelewska
Zespół Szkół Ekonomicznych Toruń - Poland
Zespół Szkół Ekonomicznych Toruń - Poland Dear Europe, I’d like to thank you for all I owe you. You gave me the opportunity to take part in an international project. This project allowed me make many new friends. Now I’m not shy anymore. I’m not afraid of new experiences. I can communicate in a foreign language because I’m used to it. It’s also a great opportunity to learn about customs, religions of other countries. I am proud of it. Due to such experiences as studying in foreign universities it has become a challenge which I’m ready to take. As well as I am not afraid of having a family abroad and finding a husband of a different nationality. Everything that I possess that is my experience, my skills and getting known myselfs betteris thanks to you Thank you Kind regards Laika
Zespół Szkół Ekonomicznych Toruń - Poland
Zespół Szkół Ekonomicznych Toruń - Poland Dear Europe, I’d like to thank you for what you’ve done for me. The European projects have changed me. I’ve learn a lot of things. I have met many interesting people who became my friends. Now I am able to communicate English better. I have become more self-confident, hard-working, helpful and open person. This project stimulated me to learn some computer application to make projects, work, e.g. films, multimedia presentation. The important part of the project is to learn habits, customs, people from different countries. Now I’m cheerful, courageous and curious person. Thank you for all of that. I hope that I will learn a lot in the future. Consequently, I will benefit from the experience I’ve managed to get. I’m gratefully for that you have done for me. See you soon! Hylinia
Zespół Szkół Ekonomicznych Toruń - Poland
Zespół Szkół Ekonomicznych Toruń - Poland Hello Europe! I’d like to thank you for everything you have done for me so far. You gave me a chance to participate in projects which let me meet many interesting people. I still keep in touch with them. We write letters in different languages which improves my level of English and German. While talking to people I got to know a lot of interesting information about other countries, cultures, customs and traditions. I am convinced that all the knowledge I’ve collected so far will help me to find a satisfying job. It has also inflected my personality; I’m used to be a very timid person but now I’m not anymore. Working on the project has taught me a lot and certainly I will benefit from it in the future Once again thanks you for everything you’ve done for me. See you soon Yola
Zespół Szkół Ekonomicznych Toruń - Poland
Zespół Szkół Ekonomicznych Toruń - Poland Dear Europe, I’m writing to you, because I’d like to thank you for everything that we have done together. We set off for exciting trips to various countries. Together we met wonderful people who showed us their culture and customs. Many of this friendships will continue and then be taken care carefully. Now I can speak better English and I’m not afraid of it and I learn other foreign languages. Chatting via communications, Skype, Facebook improves my languages skills. Due to European projects impossible has become possible for me. Now I know how in a group and what a relationship means. I love my Comenius family and you are a part of it. See you at the next meeting. Sylvia
Zespół Szkół Ekonomicznych Toruń - Poland
Zespół Szkół Ekonomicznych Toruń - Poland Dear Europe I’d like to say “thank you” for our friendship. Together we’ve been to different countries, visited interesting places, learnt about various cultures and customs and we have learned how to cooperate in a group. I felt your support when I feared that I couldn’t make it thanks to you, I’m not afraid of speaking English anymore. I am able to communicate in English and I do not experience a culture shock while being in a foreign country. So far I’ve made a lot of new friends and hope fully they will last forever. You should know that my dream is to have a small cottage in sunny Greece. Thanks to you this dream could came true. I can’t be afraid of living in a foreign country. You have created an opportunity for me to find a satisfying job. I do hope that our adventure will be long-lasting and it will never finish Xoxo Monia
Zespół Szkół Ekonomicznych Toruń - Poland
Zespół Szkół Ekonomicznych Toruń - Poland Dear Europe, Thank you for the possibility we have been given to participate in the European projects. Thanks to them I have met a lot of new people and made new friends. I have been offered the possibility to learn different cultures, traditions and habits of various countries. I have also noticed that the stereotypes are wrong. All of us, participants of these projects have learnt to respect each another. All in all, Europe has created a big family where everyone is equal. I am not afraid of speaking English anymore and I ca begin small talks. It’s great that I can discover through work on the projects like Comenius. All the best Magda
Escola Secundária de Camões is one of the oldest and most prestigious schools in Lisbon. It is situated within a residential area and services, which allows easy access to a very diverse school population. The school offers several courses: Science and Technology; Economics and Social Sciences; Languages and Humanities; Visual Arts in general education; and Informatics, Juridical Services and Sports Management in Professional Education. Praça José Fontana 1050 – 129 Lisboa Phone : +351 213 190 380 Web: www.escamoes.pt Mail: escseccamoes@netcabo.pt; paulaabrantes@escamoes.pt Headmaster: João Jaime Pires (escseccamoes@netcabo.pt) Responsible for the project: Ângela Lopes (engelmaria@gmail.com)
Escola Secundaria De Cam천es Lisboa - Portugal
Escola Secundaria De Cam천es Lisboa - Portugal
Escola Secundaria De Cam천es Lisboa - Portugal
Escola Secundaria De Camões Lisboa - Portugal Lisbon, 6th March 2015 Dear Chairman of the European Union, I am writing to you about a question that concerns me a lot; I may not have a straight answer to the problem I will mention, but I think that just the fact that you read this letter can help solve it. The problem is that, not only in Europe, but in the whole world, the economy just values things concerning their profitability and their potential to be sold and bought. This seems to everyone a very basic starting point to any healthy economy. But see: a forest does not have any value to a country unless its trees are all removed. If a government invests in preserving a forest, it will only spend money on it and will not take any reward instead, at least immediately. That is why Asian and South-American countries are destroying their forests. Considering the model of economy that we have nowadays, even people have to promote and “sell” themselves if they want to be successful. Liceu Camões, my school, for example, is one of the greatest schools of Lisbon but it is falling into pieces. Our government does not want to invest money in preserving a centenarian building in the centre of Lisbon because they do not take an immediate profit out of it, as it could be sold for millions. Despite everything else – the magic atmosphere that you feel inside here, the great teachers, the memories that are hidden inside these walls (some famous artists and writers of our country attended Liceu Camões in the past), our school offers a large range of activities to the students. The activities are promoted by the teachers, who do not receive any extra payment for their extra work, and by a movement of students. Here, we can participate in English, German and Portuguese Theatre – and travel to present some of the plays in foreign theatres, we can be part of the Literature Club (like me) or the School Chorus (like me, too) we can take part in the football or volleyball teams, play golf or swim, participate in the cinema workshops, play or listen to music, once a month, in a show promoted by one of the teachers, in the school’s old library (which has a piano where everyone can play on). And there is a lot more: last week, the students’ movement of our school promoted a series of conferences about different jobs, to help the students decide what they want to do in the future. But as I said before, just like the forests, the parks, the biodiversity and the monuments (that are only considered a benefit when they are exploited) our school represents extra expenses for the government. I am afraid that Liceu Camões will not last many years more, at least in this fantastic place. The building gets older each year and the conditions get worse. I ask you to give some attention to this matter – not only to my school, but to all the places that are being destroyed in order to be, somehow, profitable. Yours sincerely, Inês Faria
Escola Secundaria De Camões Lisboa - Portugal
Escola Secundaria De Camþes Lisboa - Portugal March 9, 2015 Dear chairman of the European Union, I am writing to you because I dream of a Europe where there is no pollution, war or crime. And, above all, a world where there are no differences. One day, I would like everyone to stop and think: Would it not be better to live in a Europe where everyone was considered equal? Where racism didn’t exist? Where homosexuals were accepted? Where no one condemned anyone? If this happened, Europe would be a much more pleasant place to live in, and the European people would be much happier. We live in the 21st century; that is why we need to overcome prejudice. We need to stop judging people who are different. We need to stop supposing that we are better than the others, because it is not for me to judge anyone.
Escola Secundaria De Camões Lisboa - Portugal
Escola Secundaria De CamĂľes Lisboa - Portugal The differences we have on the outside cannot be found inside. We are all made of flesh and blod, we are all equal, and we all feel pain. We all can love. I dream of a Europe where peace is the main rule. I dream of a Europe where we are all different, but equal. Yours sincerely, InĂŞs Martinho
Escola Secundaria De Camões Lisboa - Portugal
Escola Secundaria De Camþes Lisboa - Portugal 09/03/2015 Dear Chairman of the EU, I am writing to you to let you know my concern about the importance of the integration of people with disabilities in schools and in the work market. They have the same rights as anybody else has, and because of that, they should be integrated in a school with the so called normal students, with, of course, the necessary adaptation and programs required. They were only born with some disabilities that force them to work harder and differently to achieve the same results as the others. Because of their effort they have a different perception of the world! If they get a job, they will acquire more responsibility. However, there is also the problem that they normally work without earning any payment and that is wrong. Some employers take advantage of them, pretending to do charity but actually they are exploiting the disabled people. There should be more fiscal incentives and legislation to help the integration of these workers. I believe that we are all equal and have the constitutional right to a remunerated work! Thus, we have the right to go to school and that this school is an integrating one, discarding any disabilities. We should respect these people´s working rhythm and work in a collaborative way. As I have said before, they will face different difficulties and some will require more attention, but with work and perseverance everything is achievable! I leave here a challenge: let us all do more and create more and better conditions to integrate the people with disabilities. If we can achieve that, we will certainly be happier. Yours sincerely, Margarida Loureiro
Escola Secundaria De Camões Lisboa - Portugal
Escola Secundaria De Cam천es Lisboa - Portugal 9th March 2015 Dear President of the European Union, I have been worrying about my future. The media always conveys the message that we are not developing. It seems that we are avoiding one of the biggest problems. We are giving a lot of importance to money and to the people who have it and we are forgetting what the goals of the European Union are. Over the last few years, my opinion about the objectives of the European Union has changed. In the beginning, I thought that the European Union was there to help the people with problems and make the human rights be respected in all countries that made part of the European Union. Nowadays, I see the richest countries helping the others who need but at the same time asking money from them. The European Union I dream of is something that I can rely on in case I, my country, or someone else, needs help, they will be there for us as we are here for them. I know that money is important nowadays, but there are many things that need be given more importance than that. Think about it! Yours sincerely, Rafael Pinto
Escola Secundaria De Cam천es Lisboa - Portugal
Escola Secundaria De Cam천es Lisboa - Portugal
Escola Secundaria De Cam천es Lisboa - Portugal
Escola Secundaria De Cam천es Lisboa - Portugal 6th of March 2015 Dear chairman of the European Union, As we all know too well and feel too much, at least here in Portugal, we are going through an economical crisis. But that is normal: capitalism is characterized by cyclical crisis; that is not what really worries me. I am much more concerned about the effect that that is having on some countries. I am by no means an expert. I am writing as the concerned citizen that I am. Having said that, I think the intolerance to differences, again, all throughout Europe due to the fact that people fear that there will not be enough for them (in times of plentiness this is almost never a problem). We get reports Greek and German elections showing that extremist parties have won sits in the parliament, not many, but enough to signal that the trend is rising. We hear that crimes against Muslims and Jews have risen exponentially in France. We see the Swiss close their borders to long terms immigration. And even saw the southern countries try to stop refugees, during the Arabic Spring. Where is the compassion? Where are the principles this post war Europe as been built upon? The road we are heading to is a very slippery one and we have seen where it ends. It is imperative that we try and fight against this. And I think the solutions should be a centralized one. We are lucky. Nowadays, there is a structure in place that can coordinate the strategy, that can see the big picture and that has the authority to act. And that institution is the one you chair. I think you should issue guidelines obligating countries to be much stricter on hate crimes, to legally protect the minorities in every way you can and to structure the educational system so that new generations are more open-minded, generous and less fearful. I am sure that you, with the help of your employees can figure out even more ways of helping. The priority should be to do something because with so many problems at hand, I think this one is being ignored, or seen as a minor one. I hope I was of any help. Yours sincerely, Seb찾stiao Antunes
Escola Secundaria De Camões Lisboa - Portugal
Escola Secundaria De Cam천es Lisboa - Portugal 9th March 2015 Dear Chairman of the European Union, I am writing to you to talk about an issue that is one of the most horrible topics: domestic violence. To me, this is an issue that is very sensitive and complicated. As far as I know, women have always been treated as animals, garbage or objects by men. Men need to understand that women are just like them. They are human, they want to be free and independent; they want to make their own choices and have their opinion about life. In the past few months, I have watched the news that say that many women have been killed by men only because they were trying to take a better life. Justice must be made! Nineteen women are killed each day because of domestic violence. This is something that I wish to see solved to make the world a better place. Women have the same right to live as men. Something should be done to end this. Yours sincerely, Susana Alexandra Silva
Escola Secundaria De Cam천es Lisboa - Portugal
Escola Secundaria De Cam천es Lisboa - Portugal
Escola Secundaria De CamĂľes Lisboa - Portugal Friday, 6th March 2015 Dear chairman of European Union, I am writing to you as a EU citizen to communicate my concern about the environment and the economy, more specifically, agriculture. I have been giving a lot of thought to this lately and, in my opinion, we could gain a lot with new types of practice in agriculture. Nowadays, in our capitalist society, we tend to value much more the quantity of what we get rather than its quality. In agriculture this is very common. It is an intensive system where the goal is to produce more to sell more and export more, using all kinds of techniques to make it happen, like fertilizers, genetically modified organisms, captivity raising animals. Moreover, aside from the harm it causes to the environment, we do not often even notice how artificial and unhealthy the food we eat is. In Europe, there are some of the most developed countries in the world and, for that reason, I think we are able to do something about this matter. Biological agriculture is definitely the solution here, and I know that it is already being practiced in many places, which is very good news. Therefore, we should invest more in it so that more and more people join this lifestyle. What I am asking you is that the European Union takes part in it and shares it with everyone. Also, what I think is a good idea is the existence of community vegetable gardens. They exist, but very few people know about them. These are small farms where we grow a little bit of everything and take it home. It is a place that does not belong to anyone. People plant what they would like to have; then, they have to come and take care of it regularly and in the end they take the products they grow home. There are many advantages. We learn how to garden, that way we value more what we get and, as it is produced locally, we can import less. This is, in my opinion, a good alternative but, there are very few of these community gardens and my proposal to you is that you help create more of them, a little bit everywhere and, that way, I think, more people will join this cause. Yours sincerely, InĂŞs Andrade
Escola Secundaria De Cam천es Lisboa - Portugal
Escola Secundaria De Cam천es Lisboa - Portugal
Escola Secundaria De Camþes Lisboa - Portugal March 9th, 2015 Dear Chairman of the European Union, My name is Maria Madalena Oliveira, I am 16 years-old and more than a Portuguese girl, more than European, I am a citizen of the World, as stated by Socrates, the great Greek philosopher. Europe is one of the most developed mainlands and I believe that, as a part of the world, we should not concentrate our strength on our continent only. In the world, one in nine people does not have access to drinking water. This means that more than 1 million people drinks water that is polluted or that is not in the best conditions. My idea is that the European Union, along with some other countries, try to help the nations where this problem is destroying lives. The more people know about this problem, the more people will help. We could send drinking water to these places or finance the building of water treatment plants. The people that are suffering with this problem have the same rights that I do. They deserve a good life with all the conditions. So why is this fundamental right being denied to them? I know that I am young, that I don’t know how huge the world is. I know that helping the others is not that easy and there are bigger interests behind all this. But I am a dreamer. I am a dreamer and I know that if we all believed in it and if we all tried to help, we could make a difference. The European Union I dream of is a European Union that is not just focused on itself, but on the entire world; one that fights so that all humans to have the same opportunity to benefit from their rights. Yours sincerely, Maria Madalena Oliveira
“MIGUEL DE CERVANTES” HIGHSCHOOL ”Miguel de Cervantes” Bilingual Highschool is a secondary school in Bucharest, including all three levels of pre-university education : primary, elementary, and secondary. The mission assumed by both the teachers and the school board is that each student should reach their maximum potential, with an emphasis on developing their sense of respect, responsability and courage, as well as their key-abilities which will then make them able to be part of the society and to continue their life-long education. Concerning the evolution of our school, the school year 1990-1991 represents a milestone along its history, as the year when it became the first highschool in Romania offering intensive classes of Spanish (for the primary and elementary levels) and bilingual classes for the highschool level. It was the year when it received its present name, ”Miguel de Cervantes” Bilingual Highschool. 38-40, Plevnei Road, district 1, Bucharest 010122 Tel. (0040) 21314.93.11. Web: www.liceulcervantes.ro Email: liceulcervantes@gmail.com ”Miguel de Cervantes” highschool is managed by a team made up of prof. Camelia Radulescu (teacher of Spanish) and prof. Magdalena Vutulicu (teacher of Latin) The teachers involved in the project are: prof. Andreea Pleșoianu and prof. Camelia Rădulescu, both teachers of Spanish.
“Miguel De Cervantes” Highschool Bucharest - Romania
“Miguel De Cervantes” Highschool Bucharest - Romania Bucharest, 10th of March 2015 Dear President of the European Union. I’m writing to you to express my opinion about E.U. and the position of my country as a new member of it. I remember as it was yesterday, the joy and the ecstasy of the people when, finally Romania entered in the E.U. The population was confident that we arrived on the long waited “heaven”. Later on, we realised that things were completely different. We understand that nothing is changing over night and people should fight to find ways of benefitting of “heaven”. The first sign we became Europeans means that we became familiar with products made in E.U. We all use them in name of a European united market. Our wish of integrating was so powerful that we adopted another European style, we tried to change our identity, and became more European than the Europeans and we are still fighting. As for me, I’m waiting better things: equal opportunities, more respect and less discrimination, in the E.U. in which every state has the same rights. In conclusion, the changes need to be done quickly. Romania needs to be more confident as a state and E.U. should recognise their place and roll in their sides. Yours sincerely, Alexandra
“Miguel De Cervantes” Highschool Bucharest - Romania
“Miguel De Cervantes” Highschool Bucharest - Romania Bucharest, the 10th of March, 2015 Dear President of the E.U., I write this letter to you since I want to inform you about the volunteers’ programmes in my country. In Romania, if one wishes to be accepted by a good university, we need a very complex enrollment life. One of the admittance criteria is the voluntary work performed during school life and that is why we, the high school students, should take this aspect into consideration in due time. Unfortunately, the high schools in my country do not promote the volunteers’ programmes as much as they should and there are many students applying for this kind of activities only in the last school year. In my case, I joined the Romanian Scouts Movement (“Cercetașii României”), a non governmental organisation, two years ago and I am very happy with this activity which requires a lot of time, energy and creativity. Beside this, I am trying to get involved in as many voluntary programmes as possible. Such out-of-school activities which help us with the enrolment life, also prepare us for different life situations, and, at the same time, provide us with good experience and even success in different domains. I will be very grateful if we, the high school students, were offered various volunteers’ programmes, both national and international ones, for any age, as, after all, we are the future and we want to make a better life for us and for all the persons around us. Yours sincerely, Alexandra
“Miguel De Cervantes” Highschool Bucharest - Romania
“Miguel De Cervantes� Highschool Bucharest - Romania Bucharest, 10th of March of 2015 Dear President of the U.E. I’m writing this letter in order to inform you about an important problem, which affects us, the pupils and students. Before I start, I want to thank you for giving us the chance to express our opinions, linked to the topics that may become long-term problems for us, as future U.E. citizens. The problem that you should know about is connected with cultural aspects in our life. I realise that students become more indifferent to the traditions and cultural heritage of their country. Thus they become completely disinterested about values that the nation has taken great effort in building and about classical art, generally speaking. I personally am of the opinion that a good citizen has to be aware of his national traditions and customs and give value to these. Everywhere, young people are becoming disgusted with the poetry, prose included in our textbooks, but also with classical music, dance and history. Concerning this aspect, I suggest that the school curriculum should include optional classes, that together with civic education and humanistic social science, remind the students the fact that their education is incomplete without knowing all these. I dare to say that your advice in order to help us find a solution is of outmost importance. Respectfully yours, Aida
“Miguel De Cervantes” Highschool Bucharest - Romania
“Miguel De Cervantes” Highschool Bucharest - Romania Bucharest, 10th of March Dear President of the EU, I live in Romania, a small link of the chain of EU countries and I had the opportunity to travel in some other countries belonging to the same family, named EU. Some of these countries have been wiser and they managed to become rich meanwhile others had a tumultuous history and are still trying to recover economically, socially and culturally. As in a family the mutual concern prevails the individual one, everyone has something new to learn from each other. In this way, in EU it’s possible to learn how to become more productive, receptive to new, how to respect the nature and how to assure people’s everyday living. Above all, I wish an economically and socially peaceful EU, strong enough to maintain a balance on the continent. I think the main ingredients of this change are the people and the way they appreciate ethical and moral values. I wish an EU which can offer a real chance for all the teenagers to have access to universitary studies and to a profession where they can contribute to defining the base of EU. Yours sincerely Silvia
“Miguel De Cervantes” Highschool Bucharest - Romania
“Miguel De Cervantes” Highschool Bucharest - Romania Dear President of the EU, I consider that European Union is an useful organisation, but like European citizen I have some suggestions. First of all, my country, Romania is one of the discriminated countries because the idea like it is a “dangerous” poor country, but actually it is rich, especially in resources with many traditions and welcoming people. Really, the specifical gypsies population isn’t exactly “good” but let’s let aside. I consider that it was good if Romania’s will make any publicity and to see on Romanian’s streets foreign students and immigrants, because there are a lot of good people and universities in Bucharest, Jasi or Cluj – Napoca. Secondly, it’ll be good if in the primary, gymnasium and secondary education will make some changes. For example, what if the teachers will take the children in specific places depending the lesson they’re teaching. Also, the high schools should make the children to focus at the lesson they want to learn. An example is “ International British School of Bucharest”, where exist a big tax, but it allow to children to make what they want to. What if the public high schools will be so? The children will go with pleasure at school, eagers to learn. Finally, at the European level could organise more projects and exchanges,. A project I thought is a longer exchange, where a student can learn, during 1 year, in a foreign country, hosted by another student from that country. In conclusion, these are my proposal. Yours sincerely, Alexandra
“Miguel De Cervantes” Highschool Bucharest - Romania
“Miguel De Cervantes” Highschool Bucharest - Romania Bucharest, 10th of March 2015 Dear President of the EU, The EU I dream of is one where the percentage of people that live in poverty will decrease, specially among young people. It’s well known that there is a strong connection between poverty and lack of education. The poorer the family, the harder it is for the children to go to school because of the lack of supplies or clothes (in Bulgaria 35% of children can’t afford them, 25% in Romania, in Hungary & Latvia more than 20%) & can’t eat properly (more than 30% of the young people from Bulgaria and Romania don’t get the quantity of proteins needed daily). This affects countries that have been for a long time in EU, for example in Portugal 13% can’t afford new clothes. In Romania around 400.000 children don’t attend classes and 16,8% were forced to quit school to help their families because the allowance of 10€ is not enough for them. Another way of seeing poverty is the migration of the parents who go to work in richer countries to provide money for their children. This affects their children who lack motivation to go to school, which leads to even bigger rates of drop out from school. In the E.U., 27% of young people live on the edge of poverty or social exclusion. A way to solve these problems is getting money from the EU for the kids who go to school. This should happen in countries where governments can’t afford a bigger allowance. This way we solve the problem of education, which on long term solves the problem of poverty. So without the intervention of the EU globally we won’t be able to solve two of the most important social issues: poverty & education. Yours sincerely, Matei
“Miguel De Cervantes” Highschool Bucharest - Romania
“Miguel De Cervantes” Highschool Bucharest - Romania 10th of March Bucharest Dear President of the EU, In order to make a projection of Europe in the future, I consider that first we have to work closer to the present. Europe isn’t and it shouldn’t be seen like an abstract nation. Whenever I think about my country, my home, myself, I think about Europe. The Romanians have never been or will never be a migration people. Romania has always kept its boundaries in Europe, strongly defending them together with the values of Christianity. Placed in an important geo-strategic territory, throughout history our country has contributed to the building of the EU, bringing high levels of art and culture thus enriching the European heritage. Romania has given Europe and the whole word, scientists, writers, musicians, in one word, valuable people whom we are very proud of. Thinking about all of these we realise that Romania has won the right to be in this Union and to be helped in times of need. What I expect of the E.U. is unity, equality and safety for the country where I live. Working honestly and seriously, respecting the others, no mater where they come from, I consider that we’ll reach the goal of E.U. “Unity in diversity”. Yours sincerely, Mariana
“Miguel De Cervantes” Highschool Bucharest - Romania
“Miguel De Cervantes” Highschool Bucharest - Romania Romania, Bucharest, 7th March 2015 Dear President of the EU, thank you for the opportunity to address to you, which shows that you care about our opinion. I want to write to you about a problem that’s been bothering me for some time, it is the problem of the places that are not organized for the persons with disabilities. In Romania and many other countries, are very few places that are friendly and easy to visit for the disabled people. Blind people have problems when they have to cross the street (especially because many crosses are very crowded). Would appreciate if there would be a possibility to make easier their way of moving and travelling daily. I know this subject is still something new because there are not so many people with disabilities, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. I know what it means and how a day of a person with disabilities looks, I have one case in my family and in my friend circle too. Thank you for making time to communicate and to find out the opinion of the citizens of Europe and I appreciate all you do for us. I hope everything will get better and our EU will get stronger and happier. Thank you, Ana
“Miguel De Cervantes” Highschool Bucharest - Romania
“Miguel De Cervantes� Highschool Bucharest - Romania Bucharest, March 9th 2015 Dear President of the European Union, I am thankful for being given the opportunity of directly writing to you and of seeking your attention about some aspects which not just me, but also the whole community I am part of wish to change. One problem which Romania at least is confronting with is the contradiction, taking over the scholar system. There are certain things which coexist, such as the overworking of the students, a disorganised schedule, the lack of the school materials and of the interest towards the basic needs of the children. All these aspects are a huge problem which gets in the way of the academic development of the students. I suggest that, with your help, we could make a difference and improve the scholar system, not only in Romania, but also in the other countries members of the European Union. That way I suggest that the funds destined for education should be much more consistent and also the education should be treated as a fundamental strategy priority for the correct, healthy and real education of our society. Thank you, Joana
“Miguel De Cervantes” Highschool Bucharest - Romania
“Miguel De Cervantes” Highschool Bucharest - Romania Bucharest, the 9th of March of 2015 Dear Chairman of the EU I’m writing to you about a subject directly related with us, pupils and students: the education. We wish a new manner, compelling and more interactive to learn. Many teachers begin to get out from the pattern learning-listening, making the classes more interactive. I consider that more money for the education would be very useful, because we could buy the necessary materials. Smart boards and projectors could make the class progress faster. Maybe I think too far but also could be founded the eco schools, those who create their own energy with solar panels. Are methods that modernise the education and make us to keep abreast of technology. Also, a less amount of information could make pupils more interested even in the asignatures that they don’t like. This is the education from a European country, country I dream of. Theodora
Our school is located in a beautiful historical building in the heart of Bratislava, the capital city of Slovakia. It provides complete basic education, as well as four years of secondary education that ends with a final school-leaving exam and graduation certificate. The number of primary school students is 190 and the number of secondary school students is 174. The school’s language of instruction is Hungarian. All subjects are taught in Hungarian, but we also teach Slovak language and literature and foreign languages - English, German and Russian. The school focuses on the education of students with different backgrounds. It is open to gifted and socially disadvantaged children, as well as children with different health problems or disabilities. Integration enables children with disabilities to attend school near their homes and to be educated in their mother tongue. The aim of our educational activity is to prepare students for life, so they will be able to think creatively, and solve problems quickly and effectively. We teach our students to work in a team and have an incentive to lifelong learning. Our priority is quality preparation of students for university with special emphasis on foreign languages and computer science. We also intend to develop our students’ emotional intelligence, social conscience, and value orientation. Our school is designed to prepare students for further university studies. So far, we have succeeded to provide this with the success rate of 95% up to 100%. Our school is a member of the international network of schools called Elos. Dunajská 13, 814 84 Bratislava, Slovakia web: www.mtag.sk mail: info@mtag.sk Tel: +421 2 5296 4315 Headmaster: Katarína Morvayová Teacher: Judita Young
ZŠ a Gymnázium s VJM Bratislava - Slovakia
ZĹ a GymnĂĄzium s VJM Bratislava - Slovakia Bratislava, 2.3.2015 Dear President of the EU, I know that the implementation of the dream EU does not rest upon the shoulder of one man and that the ideas are not the same either. This small space of a paper sheet is too small for me to put all my personal ideas into words, so I will focus mainly on one topic and this is family. I live in Slovakia, in a small town with my parents. I can proudly state that I had a beautiful childhood, but this would not have been possible without the financial circumstances. Luckily, my parents always had a job, and I never had to experience any hardships. However, I saw that not every child of my age had the same fate. Unemployment, poverty, stress, kids having problems with their grades, with fitting in, and because of all this, bad parent-child relationships. Therefore, allow me to ask you, Mr. President, to do everything in your power so that every problematic and non-problematic child could have the education that suits him the best. I ask you to decrease unemployment, so that parents could make the very best financial foundations and circumstances for their families, so that every child could grow up as I did. Barbara
ZŠ a Gymnázium s VJM Bratislava - Slovakia
ZĹ a GymnĂĄzium s VJM Bratislava - Slovakia Bratislava, 8.3.2015 Dear President of the EU, As a high school student, I surely see things in a different way than politicians do. Nevertheless, I think, I see some things that have to change. We should pay much bigger attention on environmental protection. In cities, we exterminate all the green areas, and build giant buildings on their place. The biggest problem is that we do not plant new crops and trees instead. We need to create more greenbelt, and with this, we can inspire people for a healthier way of living. Families can be happier too after a good walk in the forest. These greenbelts should be not damaged by litter. Along the motorways, we can see a lot of rubbish. This is mainly because of immigrants from the East. We are tolerant towards them, let them come in Europe, but this tolerance is not mutual. They should adapt to European norms and culture. Because of European goodwill, the EU will be at risk. They are the guests here, and we must be afraid of them, one of the examples is the Parisian tragedy. I know that we accept them because they are cheap work force. They should be thankful, but instead of this, they turn against us. This situation is not normal, and we must solve this problem as soon as possible. I understand that the solution of these problems needs a lot of time, patience and work, but I hope we can make Europe a better place. Best regards, Fanni
ZŠ a Gymnázium s VJM Bratislava - Slovakia
ZŠ a Gymnázium s VJM Bratislava - Slovakia Bratislava, 8.3.2015 Dear President of the EU, I have a dream, an invocation about the cooperation of European citizens. I am dreaming of a paradise where citizens live their lives under fleeting moment in peace. Many humans are not aware of how lucky they are. They were born into such an ideal world, after coming out of his mother’s womb and as they raised their innocent brilliant diamond eyes up to the skies they did not see a shape silhouette of a cannon ball passing over their head, but the look of their mother’s loving smile. They were born free and they can live free. I wish for Europe to have a high level of education for children and create an environment where nothing would disturb the harmony of their physical and psychological integrity. The EU should ensure to fill the family’s wallet with the help of projects focusing on elimination of unemployment. Passing new laws provides ground for fair judgment for the Supreme Court. It should protect the motherland’s spotless purity and with all its power raise people’s attention to the disasters caused by pollution. Although our lovely home offers these services with integrity and hard work, development is still liable. As an European song also mentions, Europe is a beautiful and independent woman. At the same time, it is old and experienced, gullible and easily manipulated. Europe as a proud woman grew up to maintain the excellent parent role to protect against external threats and cope with internal conflicts. Europe is not just a piece of land, which the world’s most diverse nations have pioneered in the centuries. Europe itself is blisteringly alluring and twists anyone’s head by its captivating way of life. Who would not wish to be in love with this stunning woman? I had a dream that came true: Europe may be the epitome of my rocking cradle… Best regards, Kata
ZŠ a Gymnázium s VJM Bratislava - Slovakia
ZŠ a Gymnázium s VJM Bratislava - Slovakia Bratislava, 9.03.2015 Dear President of the EU, my idea of the perfect European Union will probably contain a lot of clichés, but in my opinion they are true. The EU should pay much more attention to education. I think that the rest of the European Union should try to catch up with the Scandinavian countries. I am not saying that the Scandinavian countries are perfect; they are just stronger in education and in many other things. However, this needs a lot of time. Unfortunately, the major part of the things to do is time-consuming. At the same time, fragile peace should be a priority. If God forbid, there were a war, each state would just lose. We should divide the European Union into stronger and weaker countries. The more advanced ones suppress the less advanced ones, and they “pull the EU down with themselves”. Then there come the comments, like such and such EU. They should change their attitude, and help the weaker ones. This is not a hint on Greece, but as I came up, I think it is a right thing to help Greece. Then again, the Greeks should also do something, and not just wait with twiddling their thumbs. It is not shame to accept a helping hand, but it is a disgrace to exploit it. Best regards, Katalin
ZŠ a Gymnázium s VJM Bratislava - Slovakia
ZŠ a Gymnázium s VJM Bratislava - Slovakia Bratislava, 9.3.2015 Dear President of the EU, I give thanks to my lucky stars that I was born in Europe. At a good time, in a good place. We can thank this relative prosperity to the European Union. I know that there is poverty in many countries, but let just think of it, the situation is much better even in the poorest country, than it was before the creation of the EU when there were many wars. We must admit that it is relatively good to be here compared with the destiny of the Europeans in the past. However, as we are always striving for perfection: it could be better. It could, if discrimination based on colour, religion, nationality would disappear. Everyone has the right to say his opinion. Therefore, we incite hatred, interrupting each other, as we have the right. This enmity between people and nations should be terminated. Thanks to the EU young people have new opportunities abroad – this is good. Nevertheless, our labour is needed in our homeland too! Many young people do not come home, they settle down in a foreign country, so they loose their roots. We should take advantage of the possibilities, which the EU gives us, but we should not abuse them! The EU has to become a place where young people can have children. It has to become a safe place, where is health and environmental protection are important and the stress rate is low. Education and searching a job can cause stress. There are workers that are not needed nowadays, and other qualified people are missing. There should be a stronger consort between and employment. The EU in its program is paying too little attention to mothers and women in general. Women are the footstone of the family, which is the smallest social unit. The EU should pay more attention to culture and arts. The European’s body-spirit balance is tilted towards the first one. Culture is the only thing that could help countries of Europe as a big family, colourful in languages and traditions, but also keeping their uniqueness. Best regards, Kati
ZŠ a Gymnázium s VJM Bratislava - Slovakia
ZŠ a Gymnázium s VJM Bratislava - Slovakia Bratislava, 4.3.2015 Dear President of the EU, First, I would like to thank you for all the effort you put into keeping the EU safe and organised, and that our beloved countries can feel safe in this equal community. As a student, of course, the only thing I would ask is that my fellow students and I have our future ensured so we will never have problems in our lives. Thanks for the money invested into education and language learning, ensuring for us, students that in the future we could study abroad, or even find our dream job there. Thank you that the EU is trying to make its inhabitants’ lifestyles better, including ecological actions and creating job opportunities, trying to reduce regional differences, and to connect isolated regions. Last, but mot least, thanks to you, my country, Slovakia had the opportunity to join the “euro zone”. It is great to have common currency, the Euro, thus making the country’s economy better. I hope if I work hard enough I will have the opportunity to study or work abroad. Máté
ZŠ a Gymnázium s VJM Bratislava - Slovakia
ZŠ a Gymnázium s VJM Bratislava - Slovakia Bratislava 8th of March 2015 Dear President of the EU, Nowadays the world’s biggest problem is money, because of that, if I could I would make changes in this area. I think that the most important would be the greater amount of work opportunities for the people. Because however well educated you are you have no chance to take a seat in the kind of work that is appropriate for you. This problem causes that many people are unemployed, have no money for living. The best way to solve this lack of money would be abolishing the differences between the states of the EU. The prices and the living wage should be on the same level in every country. The fluctuations in the payment should be stabilised too. The differences between neighbouring states are ridiculous. This difference in the financial situation is also causing a huge gap between these countries. Maybe if these differences disappeared, humans could live together in peace. The frequency of theft and vandalism would be reduced in the EU. It would provide a much better standard of living if you eliminated the dissimilarities between the states. Best regards, Réka
ZŠ a Gymnázium s VJM Bratislava - Slovakia
ZĹ a GymnĂĄzium s VJM Bratislava - Slovakia Bratislava, 8.3.2015 Dear President of the EU, I am writing about how a better European Union should look like in my opinion. Here the neighbouring states, nationalities would accept each other and cooperate instead of rivalry and disliking, for the benefit of us all. The prices of universities, accommodation and catering would be more easily available for students from abroad. Everybody could work where they want, without having to wait years before being hired, and the arts (music, painting, writing etc.) would be considered as jobs everywhere, granting the livelihood of artists. The products of the entertainment industry would be financially available for everyone, not only the westerners, whose earnings are much higher than ours are. This would provide good mood and relaxation in every home. Environmental pollution would be minimal, the usage and development of renewable energy sources would grow by the support of science and research. Each country would consume mostly groceries produced by them, for the sake of health, quality and to reduction of the cost of transportation. Medicines would be cheaper, so everyone who needs them can buy them easily. Transportation would be more advanced, so family members and friends, who live far from each other, could meet in less time and more safely. Thank you for this honorific chance, to share all of this with you. Yours faithfully, Stella
ZŠ a Gymnázium s VJM Bratislava - Slovakia
ZŠ a Gymnázium s VJM Bratislava - Slovakia Bratislava, 9.3.2015 Dear President of the EU, I find it hard to write about the European Union, considering the fact that I have not even seen a quarter of it, because I have lived almost all of my life in Slovakia. I hear many things about the neighbouring countries, both good and bad, but I do not consider myself in the place to criticise them, since I know so little about them. Moreover, I will try to generalise my opinion about Slovakia. I would start with the fact that I really love living in Slovakia. Sure, that is a bit naïve stating if I had not tried living elsewhere but still, I am convinced that life here is good. I am not saying that there are no problems here, because there are. I see them on a daily basis, but what really concerns e is the healthcare system. I have recently had some quarrel with it. The care itself is tolerable, but almost at every doctor’s I experienced a huge waiting delay. By the time some actual results might show, half a year has easily passed, which can be decisive. Sometimes I am not sure what the cause of this is, but I know that there are less and less doctors every year because most of them prefer to find work abroad. This can probably be traced back to other issues, but to which, I do not know. I do not know what could be done with it either. I only know that writing this letter – which might increase the changes of a change, even by a little – gives me hope. I trust that Slovakia and the European Union are in good hands. Tamás
Gimnazija Bezograd is a high school in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, offering both national and interntional (IBO) programme. Our students are actively engaged in cultural and scientific fields, as well as in other areas of social life. Our main engagement is to provide good education for different skills students will need for ther lives, to encourage cultural differences and respect for others as well as to develop teamwork among students and teachers. Gimnazija Bezigrad PeriÄ?eva 4 - 1000 Ljubljana - Slovenia www.gimb.org tel.: +386 1 3000 400 headmaster: MS Ciril Dominko teachers: Valentina Maver, Savina Zwitter
Gimnazija Bezigard Ljubljana - Slovenia
Gimnazija Bezigard Ljubljana - Slovenia Ljubljana, 9th March 2015 Dear President of the European Union, I am writing to you‌ ‌because I dream of a Europe where the young would form a strongly connected chain, which would not end at country borders. A chain that would bring into our society a wish to achieve great goals together. I am writing to Europe because I yearn for changes in our society; I wish that helping one another would prevail over selfishness and that togetherness would overpower individualism. I am proud of my nationality, of the characteristics obtained by the Slovenian nation as a consequence of historical circumstances; however I believe that these very characteristics are the reason behind our narrow mindedness when it comes to understanding how our society and the relationships within it function. There is too much judging, disapproving, pretending and selfishness. That is why I wish young Europeans would have more possibilities to connect and exchange cultural characteristics, and thus widen our horizons and rid ourselves of prejudice. I wish European school systems would cooperate with each other, enable more mutual events, projects and exchanges. I myself have had in my period of education so far one such opportunity. Eurocamp, in my last year of elementary school was an unforgettable experience for me. I am writing because I believe that through connecting, young Europeans can create new ideas and build a better Europe in which each individual will feel how precious life is. Ajda Cafun, 18
Gimnazija Bezigard Ljubljana - Slovenia
Gimnazija Bezigard Ljubljana - Slovenia Dear President of the European Union, I dream about a Europe which provides to each human being within and especially outside the borders of the Union, where the worst crisis centres are, elementary human rights and a peaceful life. I am grateful to be given such a privilege, but not all are that fortunate. Palestinian children are born in a state of constant terror, lifetime risk in war conditions, being cut off from the world, lacking drinking water and food, since the Israel occupation is depriving them of freedom and most fundamental rights. Because such a powerful institution as the European Union has the ability to enable my peers to live a more decent life, I am writing to you. I am aware of the financial support the Palestinian government receives from the Union but it is not enough‌ I am asking you to, for the sake of innocent civilians, immediately demand an autonomous Palestinian state, to which Israel has no influence, nor the right to interfere in its internal affairs. Also, the Palestinians living in Israel should obtain an egalitarian nationality regardless of their religion. The Palestinian people should be given the territories from 1967, that is, the entire West Bank and Gaza in order for children like myself to receive the, to me self-evident, freedom and rights. It is the least they deserve. They too have dreams, aspirations and playfulness, suppressed by intolerance and the unfathomable horror of violent attacks. Dear President, I believe that it is only right to penalize such a terrible violation of human rights with the payment of an adequate fine which would enable the renewal and population of Gaza and the West Bank to Palestinians as locals not as refugees which they are today. I strongly believe that the European Union has the power to radically change the lives of the oppressed so please take action! With kind regards, Ajda Pristavec
IES Bendinat is a Secondary School with compulsary education, non-compulsary education (two years of preparation for higher education) and vocational training related sports and nature. We have about 1050 students and 96 teachers. IES Bendinat is located on the island of Majorca, near the coast and in a very pleasent area. The school was opened 12 years ago and for the last 11 years has been participating in different European projects with the main aim of making our students feel part of Europe and giving them the opportunity of meeting new cultures and ways of life. We have students from many and various backgrounds. Our school has different comissions or groups of works such as Mediation, Environment or Erasmus. Every year IES Bendinat sends some students to do their working trainig abroad,. Students from vocational training look forward to this opportunity and try to get the best of it, they have been doing this through the program Leonardo da Vinci, now Erasmus Plus. At the same time there are some specific subjects (such as Economics, Training and Counselling for work, Management and administration of a Company...) in our school which are related to work where students can get in touch with the labour market. There are also activities which are developed in different subjects related to this topic, such as the curriculum vitae design, using the Europass tool. I.E.S. Bendinat Calle Arquitecte Francesc Casas, 13 - Bendinat, Islas Baleares Website: www.iesbendinat.net Headmistress: Marguerita Gomilla Pons Teacher: Nela Hidalgo
I.E.S. Bendinat Bendinat - Spain
I.E.S. Bendinat Bendinat - Spain Dear Europe, My name is Daniel and I think that international projects as Comenius ones are very important because they permit us to overcome the socio-cultural differences not only of the schools but also of the families that take part in the projects. They offer us the possibility of having beautiful experiences that enrich us and will make our future better. Daniel
I.E.S. Bendinat Bendinat - Spain
I.E.S. Bendinat Bendinat - Spain My dear Europe, My name is Andrea and I am 16 years old. I live in Maiorca and I am attending the 1st year of Bachillerato. What can I say? Since I was a child I have been taught to distinguish between what it is good and what it is bad, what it is right and what it is wrong. But it seems I am the only one in all the continent to be able to do. I am tired of the injustices, I am tired of our rulers who only work for their own benefits and not for the common ones; people are aware of it but they bend their head down and shut up. I am tired of the fact that it is not given importance to those people who really struggle for a good Europe without corruption , without wars and conflicts , right and with equality. I am tired of the fact that often truth is hidden and everything is camouflaged with a smile and saying “ everything is all right�. I trust in what is good, right, what is important is the truth. We have to respect the person that fights for our country. Andrea
I.E.S. Bendinat Bendinat - Spain
I.E.S. Bendinat Bendinat - Spain Hi dear Europe, We feel very proud to be part of this union of countries. We feel privileged to have been given the possibility to join such a variety of cultures, languages, gastronomy, particular places and monuments that our ancestors have left us. Day by day we are getting more and more united and we leave our differences apart so we can be part of great common projects as , in our case, our Comenius project “S.O.S. Europe” in which students of 6 different countries can work together and share experiences. We live in Palma de Maiorca and such projects are kept in great consideration here. Thanks for the benefits we have from being part of Europe Yours faithfully, Inès and Carlota
I.E.S. Bendinat Bendinat - Spain
I.E.S. Bendinat Bendinat - Spain Dear Europe, We are writing to tell you how we feel in this continent. We come from South America and we have been living in Spain for 10 and 13 years. We are very happy since we have been accepted and we have been integrated in this country. Anyway there are some aspects that we would like to improve. For example a better educational system ( particularly in Spain). More possibilities to find a job and more facilities that permit us to obtain the same rights as the persons that were born here, that is to say that it shouldn’t be too difficult to obtain the citizenship or the same advantages that the native are given in their country. At the same time we would like equality in the European education. Greetings Sol Romero and Facundo Schiaroni
Cultura & Solidarietà Cultura & Solidarietà is a non-profit organization that promotes and supports any expression of cultural solidarity. It was founded with the purpose of raising public awareness of the conservation, development and promotion of the Italian cultural heritage such as painting, cinema and the visual arts in general. Cultura & Solidarietà encourages the Italian cultural and Eno-gastronomic tourism, as well as any manifestation of literature and expressive arts, even in their modern form, both of content and means of distribution. Cultura & Solidarietà has created the book series “Dear President, I am writing you ...” that has the intent to make school students of all levels interact and communicate with people in the leading institutional positions. This volume, edited in June 2015, has allowed secondary school students, selected in the EU Member States, to express their considerations, proposals, wishes and dreams to the European Institutions.
International Social Commitment Awards “Star for Social Merits”
Cultura & Solidarietà has created the International event called “Social Commitment Awards”, in which, every year, people who have distinguished themselves for special merits through their social commitment, in accordance with the goals, purposes and ideals contained in the Statute of our organization, receive the “Star for Social Merits” award. The Artistic Director of this event is the writer, historian, scriptwriter and stage director Edmondo Capecelatro. The list below features individuals, institutions, companies, profit and nonprofit organizations and cities worthy recipients of the “Stars”. 2014 Alberto Simonluca Favata, Andras Kocsis, Anna Francesca Maria Sandi, Anna Maria Cipolla, Antonio Barbato, Carlo Visconti, Donatella Botti, Massimo Abbiati, Elisabetta Montaldo, Erica Marco, Franco Roberti, Città di Narni, Gianfranco Bedin, Giorgio Moniotto, Giorgio Peverelli, Giosuè Allegrini, Giuseppe Rovera, Carlo Prevosti, Silvia Tagliabue, Stefano Zoja, Isabel Russinova, Luigi Ciampoli, Marco Armando Piccinini, Margherita Buy, Paolo Polli, Piero Verni, Rosario Bianco, Teresa Sala. 2013 Giuliano Montaldo, Giuseppe Pambieri, Carolina Crescentini, Bruno Oliviero, Paolo Jannacci, Bartolomeo Corsini, Franco Neri, Carlo Fenizi, Ruggero Maggi, Paolo Zanarella, TERRANIMA, Andrea Dellavedova, Alessandra Giudici, Carlo Visconti, Beppe Tenti, Marco Bartoletti, Carlo Vincenzo Tresoldi, Cristina Manuli, Luca Caramaschi, Graziano Musella, Reka Torok.
2012 Francesco Alberoni, Giovanna Cavazzoni, Nicolò Bongiorno, Dario Baldan Bembo, Cinzia Curti, Franco Neri, Stefano de Felici, Alessandro D’Alatri, Elena Crosio, Tiziana Rocca, Francesco Torelli, Barbara Locatelli, Mario Festa, Anna Riitta Ciccone, Michelina Capato, Tullio De Piscopo, Giorgio Musso, Luca Federico Garavaglia, Raffaello Scelsi, AIPD Associazione Nazionale Persone Down. 2011 Pupi Avati, Maria Grazia Cucinotta, Marco Pontecorvo, Andrea Stella, Maurizio Comito, Davide Armogida, Bernardino Tuccillo, Gruppo Editoriale Mauri, Francesca Paltenghi, Otto Bitjoka, Giorgia Bascioni, Enzo delle Cave, Faustino Boioli, Coopselios, Carlo Marnini, Alen Garagic, Rotaract Milano, Michelina Spina, Enrico Beruschi, Leonardo Marone, Daniela Javarone, Carlo Vittorio Giovannelli. www.culturasolidarieta.it
Previous Publications
May 2010
December 2010
Vittorio Bachelet
Caro Magistrato ti scrivo...
“E’ necessario formare i giovani alla responsabilità, alla saggezza, al coraggio e, naturalmente, alla giustizia. In particolare dovrà coltivarsi nei giovani la virtù della prudenza.”.
March 2013
Caro Magistrato ti scrivo... a cura di Nadia Mazzon e Francesco Vivacqua
Prefazione di Giovanni Legnini Vice Presidente del Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura CSM
Gli studenti si rivolgono ai Magistrati
March 2014
April 2014
March 2015
Cultura & Solidarietà By joining Cultura & Solidarietà, you will be helping us support the projects for the promotion of Culture and Solidarity. You will receive a complimentary copy of the book series available. You can go to the website www.culturasolidarieta.it, see the “join us” section and follow the on screen instructions. Leave your personal details, tax code and the address to which you would like to receive a copy of the volume “Dear Europe I’m writing to you ...” All the information you send to Cultura & Solidarietà will remain confidential. Cultura & Solidarietà is absolutely committed to maintain privacy and confidentiality so we guarantee that no personal information will be disclosed to external organizations. By joining Cultura & Solidarietà you declare to share with us the same goals and social purposes and to have read our Statute. Pursuant to and in accordance with art. 13 of Legislative Decree. N. 196/03, we inform you that: The collected data are to be stored electronically and / or manually in full compliance with the current regulations regarding the protection of personal data; The data processing will be carried out by specifically authorized individuals and will not be used by for any other scope different from that that has been indicated Data subjects will be able to exercise all rights foreseen by Art. 7 Legislative Decree no. 196/03, by contacting the owner or the manager of the treatment. The owner of the treatment of your personal data is Cultura & Solidarietà, Via San Giovanni Sul Muro, 3-20121 Milan. The person in charge of the personal data is Mr Francesco Vivacqua domiciled for the provisions of Legislative Decree no. 196/03, at the registered office of this company. 471
Easy Care Foundation Easy Care Foundation is a not-for-profit organization, aiming at promoting innovative local welfare models for families, enterprises, the public sector and organisations. It works in different sectors (education, health and social care) and with particular focus on vulnerable and/or elderly people. Since 2007 Easy Care has been committed in sharing the values and principles of solidarity, co-operation, social innovation, sustainability. Members of Easycare Foundation are: Coopselios social cooperative, Consorzio Quarantacinque, TBS Group, Saf-ACLI, Archimede s.r.l., Codess s.c.s., Istituto Scientifico Biomedico Euro Mediterraneo, Cooperativa Diciannove, Job Just on Business s.p.a., Consorzio Mu.sa., Health Care Help, Mutua Nuova Sanità, Gruppo SCA. Easycare develops researches and studies, as well as strategic projects and pilot initiatives, and carries on awareness activities for the civil society. Among its projects, one of the most innovative is the Prontoserenità® model, which is an integrated system designed to provide services to families and elderly people, while promoting their well-being. Moreover, the Social Cohesion Days is a multi-year international initiative – starting from 2015 – whose aim is to promote the relevance of social cohesion policies and action in order to promote a smart, fair and sustainable growth.
Layout & Graphics NUV COMMUNICATION nuvcommunication@gmail.com www.nuvcommunication.com facebook: NUV Communication Printed in June 2015 By Rotolito Lombarda – Pioltello (Milano)
Social Cohesion Days The “Social Cohesion Days� are an international event which aims at promoting the relevance of social cohesion for economic growth and human development. The first edition of the event will be held in Reggio Emilia, Italy, from the 4th to the 6th of June 2015. The event will mainly focus on the following four thematic pillars, representing key policy areas for social cohesion: Employment, Pensions, Social Assistance, Health Care. The entire project aims to contribute to developing future European policies, through consulting and liaising with the different stakeholders in the society: from practitioners to policy makers, from researchers to citizens and enterprises. Indeed, the specific objective is to establish a stable European lab and network on social cohesion policies, in order to create and accomplish projects, researches and proposals to help people facing new societal challenges. Moreover, the project will help to raise public awareness and to acquaint the citizens with social issues, through the creation of an event open to all the stakeholders related to social cohesion. www.socialcohesiondays.com
I’m writing to you .. . The Europe that I dream of.. .
Dear Europe
Millions of people wish to become Europeans. They admire our culture, our savoir vivre, our history of welcoming, our nature and nurture and our ability to conciliate social issues with the free market. We Europeans still do not have the perception of our important role for the whole world. Let’s raise awareness and finally become a nation united in diversity and in the ability of being a global landmark for culture, economy and social ethics. Nadia Mazzon and Francesco Vivacqua
Dear Europe
I’m writing to you...
The Europe that I dream of… edited by Nadia Mazzon and Francesco Vivacqua Preamble written by Martin Schulz President of the European Parliament
Letters by European Students.