Culture Guide July 2013

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Culture Guide 七月 July 2013 - N6 - free

大三巴牌坊 澳门的标志

Ruins of St. Paul’s Symbol of the city

放眼小城 City lights 吃在澳门 Dine 玩在澳门 Play 购物指南 Shop

10 20 32 42

32 色惑 充满幻想的诱人之旅 A sense of seduction


体验梦工厂 齐来感受动画的世界/ 齐来开启动画世界之门

DreamWorks Experience Kung Fu Panda, Shrek and more!

68 澳門?電影? 追踪澳门的电影拍摄地 Macau in Film

The silver screen

July 2013



发行点 《澳门导航》杂志发行的网点遍布世界各地,基于与 澳门航空的合约,杂志会在大中华二十二个地区的机 场发布;《澳门导航》还会透过澳门旅游局分发到其 所有驻外办事处;在澳门主要酒店的房间及礼宾部都 能找到我们的杂志,并会在超过八百间的旅游热门餐 厅中展示,我们每月亦会亲自把杂志送到超过五百位 贵宾的手上。 你能在以下的地点找到《澳门导航》的踪影。

Distribution Culture Guide is distributed internationally in the lounges of 22 airports throughout Greater China, as per an agreement with Air Macau. Culture Guide is also present in the Macau Government Tourist Office booths throughout Macau and in MGTO’s overseas bureaus. In Macau the magazine is available in nearly every major hotel in the SAR – present in hotel rooms and concierges. Culture Guide is also distributed to over 800 restaurants and is found in primary tourist spots, as well as being hand-delivered to more than 500 VIPs. Check out some of the following locations at which you can find Culture Guide Magazine.



七月 2013


Macau Plus, ltd


Editor-in-chief 總編輯

Chinese editor

Kelsey Wilhelm



Editorial team

Abby Mitchel-Morley


Mavis Loi Ieng


YuYu, Pana Lei, Inês Lam


Editorial enquiries 编辑咨询 T (+ 853) 28513513 F (+ 853) 2851 3311

Art director 艺术指导

Photographer 摄影师

Marketing manager 市场经理

Advertising enquiries 广告询问

Printed By 印刷商

José Manuel Cardoso


Marta Vaz Silva

Marta Vaz Silva


Print All The World

澳门马统领街厂商会大厦10楼B、C 单位 Rua do Comandante Mata e Oliveira, No.34-36 Edf. A.I.M.10 andar, B,C, Macau


15 000


Address 地址

R. Dr. Pedro José Lobo, 1 Luso International Bld, 22Fl - Macau

July 2013



DreamWorks 《梦工厂体验》之旅 澳门威尼斯人将带给你一个全新体验,让你有机会在完全未知的环境下与喜爱 的动画人物见面,与怪兽史莱克击掌,或是与功夫熊猫砌磋较量! The new experience at the Venetian gives you a chance to chat with and see your favorite animated characters in a completely new environment. Highfive Shrek or karate-chop Kung Fu Panda!



七月 2013


July 2013






The Eight Interview

主厨和酿酒师 与欧师傅细谈他的新派广东菜。 Sit down with Chef Au Kwok Keung to see his take on contemporary Cantonese cuisine.

艺人简介 Artist Profiles

Chef and the Winemaker

32 Taboo 色惑

44 Robert Lai 黎元瀚

大三巴牌坊 Ruins of St. Paul’s


中国古董花瓶 Traditional Vases

带你的官感进入这个充满幻想的 诱人之旅,千万别错过表演中的 吞剑特技! Thrill your senses as you take a ride on this seductive journey of a show, get an inside look at sword-swallowing and more!


走进黎元瀚的设计背面﹣黑色时 装,看看他设计的凌晨系列。 Check out the dark side of couture with Robert Lai’s Obése Plein and see into his insomnia.

68 Macau in Film 影片中的澳门

我的澳门 My Macau

58 79

澳门须知 Essentials

你所熟悉的城市在大银幕中出 现,让我们来看看曾出现在影片 中的澳门场景。 See the city you know on the silver screen as we take a look at some of Macau’s starring roles.


July 2013



欢迎踏进充满惊喜的7月!《Culture Guide》一直以来 都为读者发掘出澳门源源不绝的乐趣,这个月也不例 外。首先是适合一家老少的《梦工厂体验》之旅,与 多个来自梦工厂动画的经典角色,包括史瑞克、功夫 熊猫等进行面对面互动;然后到二度于澳门举行的印 度国际电影颁奖礼中一探众星的华丽。 在美食方面,我们先是带你到米其林星级餐厅“8” 的品尝精致粤菜,分享餐厅主厨欧国强师傅的烹饪哲 学。喜爱美食美酒的你,绝对不能错过我们精选的餐 酒搭配栏目。吃饱喝足过后,请准备好跟着我们到 TABOO色惑进行一场性感又刺激的视觉体验。 7月份精彩的夜生活信息、最新的音乐情报都尽列本期 杂志之中。我们也乐意和你分享最新的潮流风尚,与 澳门本土设计师黎元瀚的访谈中了解更多他“黑”味 十足的时尚女装。此外,走进澳门的本地古玩店,重 新认识这个行业以及古董花瓶的知识也是不能错过的 栏目。 澳门作为一个国际都市,多次成为国际电影的拍摄取 景地点,这期我们罗列出自上世纪70年代开始到现今 在澳门取景的精彩电影。如果想要了解澳门的城市历 史与发展,那就非得到澳门地标大三巴牌坊旁的澳门 博物馆不可,那里详尽展示了今昔澳门的变化。城市 快拍栏目本期仍旧准时送上,与此同时我们为你精心 挑选出多家儿童服饰店,让你带着孩子一起挑选可爱 的夏服。如果购物逛街累了,不妨参考推荐的水疗疗 程,让你踢走倦容,重拾活力。 如果你想更快更直接获得澳门各项吃喝玩乐游住行的 信息,那么请秒速翻开Essentials栏目,里面列出了所 有你需要的澳门信息。

Welcome to July. Six months into 2013 and the fun keeps coming as we at Culture Guide pick out the best for you to find and explore this month. Kick-start July with a look at the new DreamWorks Experience and traipse about with your favorite animated characters Shrek, Kung Fu Panda and more. Next stop: the International Indian Film Academy Awards to get a glimpse of the stars before opening your eyes to everything in Macau in our City Lights. Taste contemporary Cantonese cuisine with The Eight’s star Chef Au Kwok Keung and discover his secret to excellence. Pair and compare with our Chef and Wine Maker article, showing you the best dish for the best wine, and prepare yourself for seduction as we hit Taboo for a sensual experience. Party the night away both here and around with our Play section and check out some new artists and CDs before getting down to business - shopping. Check the trends, the styles and our interview with Robert Lai on his dark take on couture before getting an inside look at antique vases in the city. While in the area, we dropped by the Ruins of St. Paul’s and checked out the Macau Museum for a look into heritage and the city’s great past. We check out your Snapshots and then head over to dress our kids with some of the most fun options in town. Check out Macau on the Silver Screen with our Macau in Film article then ease out the tension with a spa treatment. If you’re ever lost or need info, jump to the Essentials to get everything you need to survive, thrive and get by.

Enjoy July! 主编 Editor-in-Chief Kelsey Wilhelm



七月 2013


放眼小城 City lights

城中新事物 new in town Abbi Mitchell-Morley

《梦工厂体验》 之旅 The DreamWorks Experience

活动由六月三十日开始举行 Starting June 31st at the Venetian Macau

与梦工厂经典角色面对面 Meet and Greet!



七月 2013

Here are some of the characters you can come see!

Brendon Elliot 销售及度假村市场 发展副总裁 Vice President of Sales and Resort Marketing

梦工厂动画和金沙中国于本月联手推出《梦工厂体 验》之旅,为一众大、小朋友带来一系列精彩活动, 包括表演、巡游活动、聚餐、主题见面会和生日派对 等,更请来《怪物史莱克》、《功夫熊猫》、《马达 加斯加》和《驯龙高手》的多个经典角色与人们面对 面互动。

为何选择梦工厂? 威尼斯人澳门股份有限公司销售及度假村市场发展副 总裁白易礼指出,增设这个体验活动是为了推动澳门 旅游业的多元化发展,营造出全面的家庭娱乐体验, 使澳门成为一个老少咸宜的旅游目的地。白易礼同时 表达了他对活动的期望:“我想金沙城中心的《梦 工厂体验》一定会成为澳门最受欢迎的家庭娱乐之 一。”

全方位家庭乐 澳门现时大多数大型娱乐活动都以剧场、音乐和马戏 团形式的演出为主,包括《黑眼豆豆合唱团》、《太 阳马戏团》、和近期的《水舞间》和《Taboo色惑》, 像《梦工厂体验》这类型的活动则属首创。在澳门旅 游局的大力支持下,《梦工厂体验》活动于本月初开 始进行,成为一家大小暑假必不可少的节目。此外, 梦工厂团队于下半年也会推出两个新项目:三维视听 景观体验和主题《冰Fun世界》,让人们有不同的娱乐 体验。

Sands Cotai Central brings to life beloved characters from our favorite DreamWorks productions this month in this one-of-a-kind experience. The outcome of a joint agreement between DreamWorks Animation and Sands China, the DreamWorks Experience allows guests of all ages to join in the fun with a number of attractions. Performances, daily parades, dining experiences, themed meet-and-greets, themed meetings and birthday parties will feature the famed characters of productions including: Shrek, Kung Fu Panda, Madagascar and How to Train Your Dragon.

Why DreamWorks? The addition, according to the Venetian’s Vice President of Sales and Resort Marketing Brendon Elliott, is designed to contribute to the expansion and diversification of Macau’s tourism industry and aims to “change the landscape of family-friendly entertainment in Macau.” Elliott also expresses his personal aspirations for the attraction stating, “I think that DreamWorks Experience at Cotai Strip Resorts will definitely become one of the most popular family entertainment options in Macau”.

Family fun This marks a first for Macau, as most large-scale entertainment has currently been geared towards theatre, music and circus-style performances following in the vein of the Black Eyed Peas, Cirque do Soleil, and most recently House of Dancing Water and Taboo. Support from the Macau Government Tourist Office has helped launch this experience, which will run from the beginning of this month. The DreamWorks team will include several other additions to the attractions: a special 3D audio-visual spectacle and a themed Ice World are said to be in the works for later on in the year.

July 2013



放眼小城 City lights

事件 events

IIFA電影周暨 颁奖典礼

时间 Date: July 4th to 6th 会场 Venue: Venetian Macau



七月 2013



3 1. Bipasha Basu 2. Priyanka Chopra 3. Viveik & Priyanka Oberoi 4. Vidyut Jamwal 5. Shabana Azmi and Javed Akhtar 6. Sonakshi Sinha



什麼是IIFA? 印度宝莱坞的电影产量不断上升,意味着越来越多的人关注并喜爱印 度电影,IIFA电影周暨颁奖典礼无疑是一个加强印度电影圈影响力的 国际性活动。“印度作为当今世界最大电影生产地之一,电影是一个 让更多人知道印度文化的方式,印度电影学会便创造了IIFA电影周暨 颁奖典礼,而且每年都会选择到不同的地区举办,这能有效地为不同 地区的观众展示出印度的精彩,也可以借着活动与各地保持良好的合 作关系。”IIFA的总监Sabbas Joseph先生表示。

第14届IIFA电影周暨颁奖典礼看点 IIFA除了提供一个良好的电影交流平台以外,它还要借此机会向国际 观众带来一个重要的绿色概念。 “IIFA不但展示出印度独特的电影文 化,还向国际带来重要的绿色概念。我们整个电影颁奖典礼都采用绿 地毯代替传统的红地毯,希望可以带出为下一代创造出更安全及健康 的生活环境的重要信息。”Sabbas Joseph先生说。 于澳门举办的第14届IIFA电影周暨颁奖典礼还有什么亮点呢?印度界 的电影人一直很支持这项盛事,而Sabbas Joseph也透露了将有多位 印度的知名人士于百忙中抽空出席澳门威尼斯人充满文化特色的周末 以及典礼,相信大家可以在七月中目睹一众宝莱坞电影界的大腕明星 风采。

6 Established in 2000 by Wizcraft International’s Co-Founder Sabbas Joseph, the IIFA Weekend and Awards returns to Macau to provide a worldwide platform for Indian productions and showcase “India at its best in terms of cinema, fashion, culture and other facets of the country over a plethora of events,” says Joseph. In addition, IIFA brings an important green concept to international audiences with their pioneer ‘green carpet’ movement. Utilizing a green carpet instead of a red one at their awards ceremony, the group makes a statement of its endeavors in environmental preservation. Bollywood’s biggest names in film are expected to attend what Joseph describes as “the biggest celebration of Indian Cinema abroad.” This year’s event marks the 14th installment of IIFA (also known as Videocon) and coincides with Indian cinema’s 100th anniversary. After last year’s event, taking place at the Singapore Indoor Stadium, this year’s is held at the Venetian Macau, spanning three days from the 4th to the 6th of July. Joseph reveals his hopes for this year’s edition of IIFA Weekend to be the “largest celebration anyone has seen yet.” Once again IIFA will be receiving the full support of Macau’s Government Tourist Office and official sponsor - Venetian Macau. The event plays into the Venetian’s strive to diversify Macau’s tourism industry.


节日 festivals Pana




七月 2013

关帝诞是纪念关公诞辰的信仰习俗。关帝诞期亦有两 个,分别为农历五月十三日(新历6月20日)及六月二十 四日(新历7月31日)。澳门信仰关帝的信徒众多,并建 有多座关帝庙,如三街会馆的关帝庙、氹仔卓家村关 帝庙、普济禅院武庙,以及路环九澳村的三圣庙等。

三街会馆 若说澳门最香火鼎盛的关帝庙,非三街会馆莫属。三 街会馆位于澳门议事亭前地左侧,靠近营地大街,是 世界遗产的“澳门历史城区”古建筑之一。所谓“三 街”,即营地大街、关前街和草堆街。初设时只是商 人议事的场所,商贾集中在此贸易,三街商人常聚在 一起沟通商情,平抑物价。后来因商业活动不止于这 里进行,三街会馆作用消失。因三街会馆内一直供奉 关帝,祀者日众,庙宇成为会馆的主要功能,遂演变 为关帝古庙。至于三街会馆始建于何时,已无从稽 考,仅从重修碑记中,可知最迟建于乾隆年间。

习俗 每年到了关帝诞,三街会馆门前搭建竹棚作舞台,上 演神功戏,每年吸引不少游人观赏,澳门的善信也举 行祭祀仪式,会到关帝像前献花烧烛,澳门体育会及 社团和商店分别举行各种庆祝活动,包括舞狮、舞 龙、宴会、体育比赛、演唱会等, 三街会馆的气氛又 再度炽热。

忠义的关帝 关公,名羽,字云长,是三国蜀国将领,与刘备的结 拜兄弟。民间称为“关帝”、“关圣帝”。他排行 第二,所以又称关二哥,是一位正义的人物,他讲究忠、 义、信、智、仁、勇, 他正义忠厚形象深入民心,遂 供奉祭祀。

The Feast of Kuan Tai is a religious custom to commemorate Guan Yu, also known as “Guan Gong.” Guan Yu was a General for the Han Shu ‘kingdom’, one of three in place during the Three Kingdoms Period (AD 220-280), a period following the loss of power of the Han emperors. Guan Yu was also the sworn brother of Liu Bei, the founding emperor of the Han Shu ‘kingdom’. During a battle with the Wu forces (one of the rivaling ‘kingdoms’ Guan Yu was captured and beheaded. After his death, Guan Yu was given the title “Saint of War” and became a symbol of loyalty, righteousness and benevolence.

Custom There are two days on which Kuan Tai’s birthday is celebrated: the thirteenth day of the fifth lunar month (20th June) and the twenty-fourth day of the sixth lunar month (31st July). On these two days, believers offer fresh flowers, burn joss sticks and place various offerings at their homes as worship to Kuan Tai. Lion dances and dragon dances are organized in concert with banquets, sports competitions and more by social community groups, shop-owners, and sports associations. It is a must-see for those who are new to the city!

Kuan Tai Temples Kuan Tai can be found in most shops in Macau, as it is a popularly worshipped deity. Many Kuan Tai temples exist in Macau, the most popular of which is that of Sam Kai Vun in Macau. The second most popular is located in Cheoc Ka Village in Taipa. Both are highly frequented temples. The Sam Kai Vun Temple, which is located in the historic center of the city, is definitely the most popular of its competitors and was built initially as the meeting place of Chinese tradesmen. It is the main focus of the activities surrounding this festive day.

Date: July 31, 2013 Location: Sam Cai Vu Kun, Rua Sul do Mercado de S. Domingos, Macau Bus: 3, 3A, 5,10,33 日期: 2013年7月31日 地点:澳门公局新市南街三 街会馆(即议事亭前地左侧) 交通:3, 3A, 5,10,33

表演 shows

Open 05/07 to 06/07 20:00; 07/07 15:00

7月5及6 20:00; 7月月7日 日15:00



Internationally acclaimed and Tony award winning play Red, by John Logan, premiers in Macau this month at the Macau Cultural Center. Set in New York in the late 1950’s, the play follows real world artist Mark Rothko - known for his abstract expressionist works - and his fictional assistant Ken through the creation of a series of murals for an illustrious restaurant in the city’s Four Seasons. Over the course of the play the two characters discuss Rothko’s theories of art and confront issues of integrity. Brought to audiences by the Hong Kong Repertory Theatre, Red is performed in Cantonese but has Chinese and English subtitles.



七月 2013

荣获百老汇东尼奖“最佳戏剧”等多项殊荣的舞台剧 《红》将于澳门文化中心上演。故事发生在50年代的 纽约,Mark Rothko是二十世纪美国抽象表现派的著名 画家,Rothko受委托和其助手Ken为纽约的四季餐厅创 作一批与众不同的伟大壁画作品,透过两人的相处及 争论,引发出种种深思反省。本剧由香港话剧团为观 众带来粤语版的演出,同场伴有中文和英文字幕。

Small Auditorium, Macau Cultural Center, Avenida Xian Xing Hai, NAPE, Macau Admission: MOP 140 Inquiries: (+853) 2870 0699 澳门外港新填海区冼星海大 马路澳门文化中心小剧院 门票: 澳门币140元 电话:(+853) 2870 0699

Open 13/07 & 14/07 20:00

A Day of History: Peter and The Wolf

Performed by the Dance School of the Macau Conservatory, this show is the musical and dance interpretation of the famed tale Peter and The Wolf. The show highlights the piece of the same name by Russian composer Segei Prokofiev.

《历史的一天:彼得和狼》 这是一个由澳门演艺学院舞蹈学院的 人员带来的音乐剧,以音乐和舞蹈演 绎出著名故事《彼得与狼》,与时同 时,此剧也重点突出了由俄罗斯作曲 家Segei Prokofiev的同名音乐作品。

Grand Auditorium, Macau Cultural Center, Avenida Xian Xing Hai, NAPE, Macau Admission: MOP 120, 100, 80 Inquiries: (+853) 2875 0562, (+853) 2875 0563, (+853) 2875 0564

时间 7月13日及7月14日 20:00


澳门外港新填海区冼星海大 马路澳门文化中心综合剧院

门票 澳门币120元,100元,80元

电话 (+ 853) 2875 0562, (+ 853) 2875 0563, (+ 853) 2875 0564

Dom Pedro V Theatre Largo do Santo Agostinho, Macau Admission: MOP 40 Inquiries: (+853) 2853 0782 时间:7月20日20:00 地点:岗顶剧院 门票:澳门币40元 电话:(+853) 2853 0782

Open 20/07 20:00

Chamber Music Series Romantic Evening

Join the Macau Orchestra as they serenade lovers through a symphonic journey of the Italian countryside. Performing pieces such as Dvorák’s Serenade for Winds in D Minor, Tchaikovsky’s Souvenir de Florence - Op. 70 - and Op. 44 this is a concert designed to romance you.

《室内乐系列─逸乐黄昏》 跟着澳门乐团带来的曼妙音乐,进行 一场浪漫的意大利乡村之旅。德沃夏 克的管乐小夜曲、柴可夫斯基的《 佛罗伦萨的回亿》等把听众领入了 温婉和宁静的氛围,共度一个浪漫 的黄昏。

表演 shows 7月26日19:30;7月27日15:00,17:00;7月28日11:00,15:00,17:00 Small Auditorium, Macau Cultural Center, Avenida Xian Xing Hai, NAPE, Macau Admission: MOP 140 Inquiries: (+853) 2870 0699

《夏日•沙滩•史咚仔》 由西班牙公仔剧团带来的精彩剧作,以小木偶的方式为大小朋友带 来无限的幻想。故事中描述了小男孩寻找朋友而踏上了冒险之旅, 在沙滩上结识了新的朋友,包括毫不起眼的沙砂,卵石和铁罐等, 为人们带来了看似平凡却又有意义的故事。

澳门外港新填海区冼星海大 马路澳门文化中心小剧院 门票:澳门币140元 电话:(+ 853) 2870 0699

Open 26/07 19:30; 27/07 15:00, 17:00; 28/07 11:00, 15:00, 17;00

Stone by Stone 7月27日

Open 27/07 18:00

《邹市明: 皇金拳赛 II》

Zou Shiming: Fists of Gold II

两届奥运会金牌得主邹 市明重回澳门进行其第 二次格斗,定必为观众 带来兴奋的一晚。本次 的拳赛的亮点除了邹市 明对战来自墨西哥的赫 苏斯‧奥尔特加外,还有 轻量级赛事胡安‧弗兰斯 西科对战米兰‧梅里多以 及轻量级世界冠军叶甫 根尼‧格拉多维奇主场迎 战马瑞西科‧穆诺兹。

Audiences are in for an evening of excitement as two-time Olympic gold medalist Zou Shiming returns to Macau for a second battle. Fighting Mexico native Jesus Ortega, this event will also feature two fights for world titles in the flyweight -Juan Estrada vs. Milan Melindo, and featherweight - Evgeny Gradovich vs. Mauricio Muñoz, divisions.

CotaiArena, The Venetian, Estrada da Baía da Nossa Senhora de Esperança, COTAI Admission: MOP/HKD 1680, 980, 580, 280, 80 Inquiries: (+853) 2882 8818 地点:澳门威尼斯人度假村 酒店金光综艺馆 门票:澳门币/港币 1680, 980, 580, 280, 80 电话:(+ 853) 2882 8818



七月 2013

Hailing all the way from Spain, El Teatre Del’ Home Dibuixat breathes life into ordinary, unimpressive, objects such as sand, pebbles and cans to bring to life a unique story fit for the whole family. Using an individualistic approach to puppetry requiring heavy doses of imagination, the play conveys the story of a little tin boy and his adventures as he looks for a friend along the seashore.

展览/ 美术 expositions/art

时间:6月8日至7月14日,周二至 周日10:00-19:00 Open 08/06 to 14/07; Tue to Sun 10:00 – 19:00

时间:6月15日至7月28日12:0019:00,逢周二休息 Open 15/06 to 28/07; Wed to Mon 12:00 – 19:00

《澳门艺术橱窗:城市游 牧》

《嬉皮 - 卢植贤个展》

澳门建筑师吕泽强的的装置展 览,他由对最小生活空间的联 想,创作一个可移动的生活空 间装置。在不断变幻的繁华背 景中,让人思考城市发展与居 住的问题。

Macau Arts Window: Urban Nomadic

An installation piece by architect Andre Lui Chak Keong, the exhibition ponders the concept of minimal living spaces and the urban living conditions, focusing on a movable living space theme.

地点:澳门外港新填海区冼星海大马 路艺术博物馆二楼 门票:澳门币5元 Level 2, Macau Cultural Center, Av. Xian Xing Hai, NAPE, Macau Admission: MOP 5 电话 Inquiries: (+853) 8791 9814

现居香港的艺术家卢植贤以他 的嬉皮展览表达内心,其灵感 来自日本书法家井上有一,这 次展示的作品以点、线、色、 面等元素作即兴创作,本着恬静 愉悦的心情画出心中的画。“ 作品的每一笔都展达了平和 的心态,反映了我内心的想 法。” 卢植贤说。

Hippie – J Lo Solo Exhibition

Hong Kong based artist J Lo premiers his Hippie exhibition at Macau’s Ox Warehouse set to run until late July. Taking inspiration from Japanese calligrapher Inoue Yuichi, his exhibition features art created with the hopes of expressing the inner state of the artist. “Each brush is drawn in a peaceful state of mind, reflecting the image in my heart onto the surface,” Lo says of his artwork. 地点:澳门美副将大马路牛房仓库 门票:免费 Ox Warehouse, Intersection of Av. do Coronel Mesquita and Av. do Almirante Lacerda, Macau Admission: Free 电话 Inquiries: (+853) 2853 0026

世博会 expos

日期:7月5-7日 Open 05/07to 07/07

日期:7月12-14日 Open 12/07 to 14/07

《第6届电脑及数码产品 展暨第5届家居博览》

《澳门国际品牌连锁加盟 展2013》

本届“电脑及数码产品”以 及“家居博览”将于7月假澳门 威尼斯人金光会展中展出。全 场集合过千种最新科技产品任 君选择,保证合乎您的要求; 各种不同风格的家居布置,全 心为您设计拥有个人特色的上 等家具,为旅客及市民打造一 个全面的博览会。

超过 100个特许经营,包括来自 中国内地,日本,韩国,法国, 马来西亚,泰国,新加坡,菲律 宾,越南,台湾,香港,澳门, 更横跨多种行业连锁经营和品牌 将聚集于澳门威尼斯金光会展, 寻找合适的合作伙伴,利用连锁 经营的标准化管理模式发展品牌 事业并开拓商机,从而提升营商 竞争力。

Computer & Digital / Home & Household Products Expo

The jointly held ‘Computer & Digital products’ and ‘Home & Household products’ expos will feature a wide array of household goods, furniture and over a thousand electrical products spread throughout the Venetian’s 3,500-square foot expo hall. The event is organized by A Plus Pr & Advertising Co. and marks the fourth and fifth installments of the events. 地点:路氹威尼斯人金光会展A馆 入场:免费 电话:(+ 853)2870 3930 Cotai Expo Hall A, The Venetian, Estrada da Baía da Nossa Senhora de Esperança, COTAI Admission: Free Inquiries: (+853) 2870 3930

Macau Franchise Expo

More than 100 franchisors, chain operators and brands gather this month at the Venetian in honor of this year’s edition of the Macau Franchise Expo. The event is set to feature products from Mainland China, Japan, Korea, France, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, the Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau and more spanning a wide variety of industries. 地点:路氹威尼斯人金光会展D馆 入场:免费 电话:(+ 853) 2831 3220 Cotai Expo Hall D, The Venetian, Estrada da Baía da Nossa Senhora de Esperança, COTAI Admission: Free Inquiries: (+853) 2831 3220

时间:7月19至21日 Open 19/07 to 21/07

《澳门品牌消费嘉年华》 《澳门品牌消费嘉年华》是澳门 的一个一站式的大型展销会,其 展出产品种类繁多,包括电脑及 电子产品、婴儿产品、时尚及美 容产品、家用电器、美食佳肴 等,适合一家老少前往选购心头 好,此外,嘉年华期间更会提 供一系列的抽奖、折扣及特别 优惠。 10:00 – 21:00 地点:澳门渔人码头会议展览中心 门票:免费 电话:(+853) 2871 5709

Macau Mega Sale Carnival

Highlighting a wide range of products, this Mega Sale includes computers and electronics, baby products, home appliances, fashion & beauty products, gourmet delicacies and more. 10:00 – 22:00 Macau Fisherman’s Wharf, Av. Dr. Sun Yat Sen, Macau Convention & Exhibition Centre Hall II Admission: Free Inquiries: (+853) 2871 5709



吃在澳门 Dine 访问 Interview

“推陈出新 精益求精” 访澳门新葡京酒店“8餐厅”主厨欧国强

A Fusion of Novelty and Excellence Head Chef Au Kwok Keung - The Eight

Inês Lam




七月 2013

澳门新葡京酒店“8 餐厅”一 直以融汇创意与美味的新派广东菜 为主,由亚洲区享负盛名的资深厨 师欧国强师傅主理,经过其改良的 菜式点心色香味型俱全,米其林二 星的头衔实在当之无愧。这一期杂 志就带你走进“8”,深入了解欧师 傅的烹饪之道。

The Eight at the Grand Lisboa Hotel specializes in contemporary Cantonese cuisine that combines creativity with taste. Adapted by Asia’s famed Chef Au Kwok Keung, the dishes and dim sums are pleasing renditions of popular treats, evidently why the restaurant has two Michelin stars under its belt. In this issue, we take an in-depth look at The Eight and the culinary secrets of Chef Au Kwok Keung.

粤菜千变 包容性强 来自香港的欧国强师傅十多岁便投身厨师行业,至今已累积了23年入厨,曾经也主 理过西式菜、潮式菜,但最终还是选择了最爱─粤菜。“与其他的菜系相比,粤菜 包容性极强,它的材料以及烹煮方式不具局限性,那么个人的发挥空间更广,更具 挑战性。”欧师傅表示。 近几年“新派粤菜”不断出现,那么新派粤菜与传统的粤菜又有什么不同呢?欧师 傅指出,“新派粤菜也是从传统粤菜演变出来的。炒、焖、炖都是传统粤菜的基本 做法,新派再怎么新都不能遗失传统的特色,你可以用西式的平底锅煎煮,你也可 以用慢煮方式烹调,但绝不会影响粤式风味。像“8”精致的广东菜中加入了不少淮 扬菜的刀工、摆设,加入了不一样的新元素,为菜式造型加分,却丝毫不能减少其 风味。” “8”的招牌菜之一 “原只乳猪焗饭”和坊间的粤式烧腊饭截然不同,采用炒香的 腊味饭酿到40天的乳猪中,再原只进炉烤。由于其用的是粘米以及脂肪不多的40天 小乳猪,使得在烤的过程中,米饭完全吸收了乳猪的肉汁却毫不油腻,而乳猪皮更 是均匀地被烤得香脆可口,皮、肉、饭三种口感三种层次,完全颠覆了粤式烧腊饭 的肥腻形象。

推陈出新 精益求精 有别于以往中菜大厨给人严肃的印象,欧师傅给人的感觉更亲切有活力。他从不曾 因于米其林星级餐厅香港中环港岛处厅担任行政总厨或是中国北京市北京饭店兼任 中国奥组委大家庭饭店经理的经历而停止挑战自我,所以他一年多前选择了加入新 葡京“8餐厅”这个大家庭。“我在‘8’的每一天都过得很充实,餐厅老板给予 我的支持以及空间都非常大,还有一个非常有实力的团队,这一切都使得我不断进 步。” 欧师傅笑着说。“8”的每一款菜式或点心都是经过欧师傅及其团队的无数 次反复试验才推出市场的,欧师傅表示看到客人们对自己的作品赞赏很开心,然而 食客提出的建议更是金石良言,能使其团队不断进步。 如今的食客不单止对食物的味道有要求,还对食物的卖相、厨师由食物传达出的信 息也非常有要求。有见及此,欧师傅为传统的点心加入了不一样的造型,当中最受 人们欢迎的是各种动物造型的点心,金鱼、乌龟、小鸡等小巧的点心精致到让人不 舍得吃。此外,欧师傅也创新推出了中西合壁的甜品,“白玉无花小凤酥配香莉雪 芭”就是欧师傅于六月最新的推出的作品,酿入秘制冬瓜酱的小凤酥配上酸甜适中 的雪芭,让人惊喜原来中西的搭配可以如此和谐。 July 2013



吃在澳门 Dine Compatible Cantonese cuisine Born in Hong Kong, Chef Au Kwok Keung has been in the industry for 23 years, starting off as a teenager in a Cantonese restaurant. At first Au dabbled in Western and Chaozhou cuisines but eventually found his passion – Cantonese cuisine. “Compared with others, Cantonese cuisine has a wide compatibility. Its ingredients and methods of cooking are unlimited, allowing me more room to work with. It’s more challenging,” says the Chef. “Contemporary Cantonese cuisines” have seen a recent rise, begging the question: What are the differences between the contemporary and the traditional? According to Chef Au, “The contemporary Cantonese cuisine is an adaptation of the traditional. Basic traditional methods like stir-fry, stew and braising will never be lost in the contemporary cuisine. Whether frying with a western pan or simmering does not affect the Cantonese flavors,” he describes. “The Eight, for example, incorporates a lot of cutting and decorating skills from the Huaiyang cuisine, but these new elements add to the presentation and never affect the flavors.”


白玉无花小凤酥配香莉雪芭 Puff Pastry with Sweetened Winter Melon Paste, served with Pear Sherbet

“Suckling Pig Stuffed with Fried Rice and Preserved Meat” is one of The Eight’s specialties and is far from the typical Cantonese roasted meat rice. Sticky rice and Chinese sausage are stir-fried then stuffed into a 40-dayold suckling pig to be oven-roasted. The use of sticky rice inside a lean 40-day-old pig prevents excess grease in the roasting and when the rice fully absorbs the flavor and the pig skin becomes evenly crispy, the skin, meat and rice offer three layers of flavors and textures, making the dish completely different from the greasy traditional roasted meat rice.

A Fusion of Novelty and Excellence Unlike other Chinese chefs, Chef Au is very approachable and energetic. Despite his array of achievements, he never stops challenging himself - leading him to his decision to join The Eight over a year ago. “My time at The Eight has been very fulfilling. The support and trust I received from my boss and the great team that I have help push me forward,” says Au. Every dish and dim sum delicacy has been through repeated experiments before the final approval. Chef Au is pleased with the positive feedback from guests, and finds great value in their suggestions. Guests today expect more than just a good taste. The presentation and the concept of the dish are also put to the test. In view of this, Chef Au creatively infuses characters into his dim sum, among which are small animals of which goldfish, turtles and chicken prove most popular. Last month Chef Au added an infused dessert to the menu that blends Eastern and Western ideas. The “Puff Pastry with Sweetened Winter Melon Paste” is served with pear sherbet and gives a surprisingly pleasant outcome, combining the sweetness of the Chinese pastry and the sourness of the western sherbet to achieve a delicate balance.


Suckling Pig Stuffed with Fried Rice and Preserved Meat



七月 2013

地址 Location 澳门新葡京酒店二楼 Avenida de Lisboa, Grand Lisboa Hotel, 2/F, Macau

营业时间 Opening Hours 午餐 Lunch 11:30 – 14:30 周一至六 Mon- Sat 午餐 Lunch: 10:00 – 15:00 周日及公众假期 Sun & Public Holidays 晩餐 Dinner: 18:30 – 22:30

电话 Telephone (+853) 8803 7788

网站 Website

Sponsored Feature 赞助特载

Located just off the main road, Rua do Regedor, in Old Taipa village, Tacos is your classic home-style Mexican restaurant with that Central American flare. Established in 2005, the Tacos brand has become a household name in authentic Mexican cuisine serving up an array of delicious traditional dishes such as Nachos, Fajitas, Chili con Carne, Burritos and Tacos - of course! Not to mention a range of Tequilas and Margaritas. Taking inspiration from the owner’s heritage, Tacos incorporates a few specialty Portuguese dishes, such as Steak on a Stone, into their menu. “We’ve got a bit of a fusion going on (here) but it’s still essentially separate,” says owner Marisol Arroz. When it comes to a recipe for success, Marisol has it down to a tee explaining; “serving food has to be done with a smile.” At Tacos the philosophy is “Good environment and good food,” Marisol comments saying: “If I catch all that, people will come – I’m sure of it.”

吃在澳门 Dine

酒窖 the cellar

主㕑 Yannick Ehrsam 在法国阿尔萨斯出生和长大,主㕑Yannick Ehrsam曾 在多间荣获米其林的餐厅工作,包括位于巴黎的米其 林二星餐厅l’Atelier de Joël Robuchon,他把自己的 饮食功绩归功于当时的餐厅主㕑Jean Pierre Jacob, 令他能尝试担任主㕑一职。继奥运会后,Ehrsam转而 供职于北京万达索菲特大饭店的Pré Lenôtre餐厅,并 担任主㕑一职,在2012年初,他被任命为澳门索菲特 酒店的行政总厨,负责管理Mistral和Privé这两家颇具 口碑的餐厅。 Born and raised in Alsace France, Chef Yannick Ehrsam has worked in a number of Michelin starred restaurants including the two Michelin starred l’Atelier de Joël Robuchon in Paris. He accredits his knowledge of food to Chef Jean Pierre Jacob, with whom he rose from Commis to Sous Chef. Following the Olympic games, Ehrsam relocated and became head chef of Pré Lenôtre in Beijing’s Sofitel Wanda. In early 2012 he was appointed executive chef of Sofitel Macau where he now manages Mistral and Privé.

酿酒师 William “Willy” Lunn 来到亚拉山谷中的优伶,首席酿酒师Willy Lunn为葡 萄酒付出了二十五年的时间,从他高中毕业以来,便 开始在Petaluma酒厂工作,长达十五年之久;其后他 到美国俄勒冈州的Argyle酒厂工作,他和朋友Rollin Soles创造的酒吸引了白宫的注意,来自南澳的他秉 承「品质至上」的精神酿酒,这是他成功背后的驱动 力,亦是他现在的经营理念。 Arriving at Yarra valley’s Yering Station, Chief Winemaker Willy Lunn began his endeavors in wine over 25 years ago; when fresh out of high school he began working for the Petaluma Winery - where he stayed for 15 years. He would later go on to work at the Argyle Winery in Oregon USA, where he and friend Rollin Soles would create wines to catch the attention of the White House. The South Australia native’s “no compromise for quality” philosophy has been the driving force behind his success. 24


七月 2013

Chef Yannick Ehrsam

Sponsored Feature 赞助特载

菜肴 The Dish 脆皮彩虹鱼配黑品乐紅酒海棉及法式芥末雪糕 Crispy French Rainbow Trout Pinot Noir Sponge, Dijon Mustard Ice Cream

葡萄酒 The Wine 2010年优伶村霞多丽 2010 Yering Station Village Chardonnay Lunn说:“2010年是一个丰收年,由于季节清爽阴凉,所以能酿制出美味可口的 酒。”这些条件使在桶中发酵的酒的口感增加,与传统法国菜肴有完美的结合效 果。 主㕑Yannick Ehrsam表示:“这道菜肴由来自法国进口的虹鱼制成,虹鱼的味道较 淡,和酒搭配,两种味道产生了惊人的平衡口感。”主㕑形容味道鲜明的荷兰酱会 使菜肴口感变得香滑,再配以这道酒,味道会变得较浓味,故建议先尝酒,再单独 品尝喜爱的菜色,最后享用两者混合后带来的味道。 “The 2010 is just a delightful harvest,” says Lunn, “cool conditions and then a coolwarm ripening period, so really you’re getting those wonderful savory characters.” These conditions and the creamy barrel fermentation of the wine allow for a perfect combination with this traditional French dish. “I import the trout from France to make this dish,” says Chef Yannick. “The trout is not too strong, the taste when you have the two together is balanced.” The Chef describes that the sharpness of the Hollandaise sauce that goes with the dish mixes smoothly with the wine and this type of pairing is age-old. He advises trying the wine first, then mixing the flavors in the dish and enjoying the result.

《澳门导航》杂志将带来 Mistral 和 Privé 主㕑 Yannick Ehrsam 的 精采菜肴,来自优伶村酒庄的首 席酿酒师 William Lunn 也会同场 献技,展现其葡萄酒天分,让我 们拭目以待,看看他们能擦出怎 样的火花 Cguide brought together the genius skills of Privé and Mistral’s Chef Yannick Ehrsam and Mistral’s Chef Yannick Ehrsam and Yering Station’s Chief Winemaker William Lun to pair some fantastic dishes with some amazing wines. Let’s see what they got.

Winemaker William Lun

酒窖 the cellar

Sponsored Feature 赞助特载

菜肴 The Dish 法式田鸡腿伴提子酱,意大利饭及欧芹雪葩 French Frog Leg in Riesling Risotto, Parsley Capsule

葡萄酒 The Wine 2010年优伶精选霞多丽 2010 Yering Station Reserve Chardonnay

主㕑表示:“法式田鸡腿意大利饭是我家乡(必有) 的传统菜色,但我的做法较近代——田鸡经已脱骨, 我在烩中加入一点柠檬(以增加酸味)。”整道菜的 关键是伴以欧芹雪葩,使口感更清新。 Yannick说:“ 这是无添加的做法,只是混合了欧芹,没有加入糖或 盐,只有欧芹的味道。” 配以2010年的优伶精选,根据酿酒师的描述,这酒蕴 含了矿物及水果口感,与这道菜是绝配。 酿酒师形容:“优秀的霞多丽有着来自口感丰富的水 果味,亚拉河谷能在凉爽的气候下酿造霞多丽,一些 桃核果和香料,因此我把它形容为集中度和饱满度充 足的美酒。”



七月 2013

这些菜肴全都可以在澳门索菲特 酒店Privé法国餐厅中找到,当 然,如果你要求更多选择,Privé 也能满足你的需求。 These dishes area available, among many others, from French restaurant Privé, at Sofitel Macau. 该搭配所选取之美酒由优质饮 品有限公司提供,并由来自澳 大利亚亚拉河谷的优伶酒庄生 产。The Wines were provided by Fine Beverages Limited and are produced by Yering Station Winery in the Yarra Valley, Australia.

Privé Restaurant 开放时间:星期三至日 18:00 – 22:00 澳门巴素打尔古街澳门十六 浦索菲特酒店 电话:(+853) 8861 0016 Opening Hours: 18:00 – 22:00, Open Wed - Sun Address Sofitel, Ponte 16 Rua do Visconde Paço de Arcos, Macau Tel: (+853) 8861 0016

“In my hometown it’s very traditional [to have] Riesling frog with rice. With this dish I made it more contemporary – the frog is already off the bone, I make a risotto with a bit of lemon [for more acidity],” describes the Chef. The key to the whole dish is the Parsley Ice Cream capsule that comes with it, to refresh the palate. “It’s no addition, it’s just parsley mixed, no sugar, no salt, just parsley,” describes Yannick. Accompanying this dish is the 2010 Reserve, which, according to the Winemaker, has just the right minerality and fruit textures to fit perfectly with this dish. “In a great Chardonnay you want middle-palate richness that comes from the fruit,” describes the Winemaker. “Yarra Valley Chardonnay is cool climate so we want peach of stone fruit, some spice […] so what I call middle-palate richness going to this mineral length,” describes William.

吃在澳门 dine


吃在澳门 Dine



七月 2013

東京小食館 Toung King (�) 澳门新桥三盏灯1号C 1C, Rotunda da Carlos Da Maia, Santo Antonio, Macau 14:30-1:00 2856 0037 / 2821 5326


韩国菜 Since 1976 KOREAN

明家韩国料理 Korea Restaurant (��) 澳门筷子基筷子基白朗古将军 西湾民国大马路 街114-116号宏基大厦地下 4号G-H地下 Rua do Gen. Castelo Branco, 114-116,Avenida G/f, Fai da Chi Kei, Macau Republica, 12:00 4, - 15:00, 17:00 - 02:00 Sai Van Lake, 2822 0525 Macau 阿里郎 (��) Business hours 氹仔运动场圆形地45号美景花 12:00 - 22:00 园第3座地下 Rotunda do Estádio, 45 Edf. Mei Keng Block 3, (+853)Garden, 2855 6251

吃在澳门 Dine



七月 2013

Pricing 1 | Less than MOP 150 2 | MOP 150 - 300 3 | More than 300

重点介绍 HighlighT 玩在澳门 Play 表演 Shows


A seductive journey into the mind

Kelsey Wilhelm



走进新濠天地的Club Cubic,一个穿着性感的服务生带着你走过灯光 幽暗的内场,穿过线帘,最后进入属于你的卡座。场内高朋满坐,大 多是穿着整齐西装或晚装的白领阶层,也有部份穿着轻便简约的年轻 人。随着场内音乐声渐渐响起,柔和的灯光慢慢照亮舞台,所有人都 屏息注视着眼前的炫丽舞台。


第二回合 随 着 去 年 叫 好 又 卖 座 的 成 功 , Taboo 今 年 以 不 一 样 的 诱 惑 再 次 登 场。“Show of Secret Fantasies”来自于《水舞间》的创作者Franco Dragone 的灵感。这次的演出采用新尝试新组合,表演者包括曾于2012年奥 运会演唱澳籍歌手Cassie McIcor,摩尔多瓦马戏团艺人Iban Zubkevych ,澳洲的吞剑表演者Lucky Hell,以及美丽的空中艺术家兼钢管舞者 Talia Marino。 32


七月 2013

访问了其中两位演员, Lucky和 Talia,看她们如何应对这场刺激的演 出。 Lucky说:“ 我在练习吞剑的时候还真会腿软,但我会对自己一直默 念‘放轻松就好’来舒缓紧张。”Lucky表演吞剑快三年了,其中 两年是全职表演吞剑,如今他可以成功吞下一把21.5英寸(即54.6厘 米)长的剑而毫无损伤。 Talia说:“每次表演我都告诉自己,万一发生什么事,要不了结,要 不坚持,无论如何别无选择。”Talia最初是音乐学校的舞蹈家,后来 发现了空中艺术—由练习空中丝带,发展到吊环,进而练习钢管舞 蹈。

Take a walk on the wild side As you strut into Club Cubic in Cotai’s City of Dreams, a scantily clad server leads you through the dimly lit scene, past hanging string curtains and into your booth. The crowd already seated varies in age, yet rests around the mid-30s to mid-50s, many are clad in suits and dresses, others in baseball caps and sneakers. Chinese, Indian, European all stare out as the music slowly comes on and lights softly illuminate divisions of the stage.




基于表演的诱惑性质,演出者的着装有一定程度的裸露。表演者解释 这是演出需要的效果,但有品味地性感裸露,绝非俗气地全裸。 Talia谈及她的服装时说:“灯光等效果能特显身材,我个人在舞台 上不会感到任何不适。”当被问及如何在旋转钢管上防止衣服滑落 时,她说道:“我的衣服是连着的,非常安全。内衣里面是一层具有 粘性硅胶,而我在乳贴表面粘了双面胶,所以衣服是不会轻易滑落 的。” “这不是完全裸露,也不是色情,是以最美的方式展示自然健康体 态的性感和诱惑。完全与粗俗下流不沾边。”吞剑表演者Lucky表示 这是一场品味的演出。

最喜欢的节目 Taboo包含16个演出项目,表演时间总共约70分钟。其中包括《水舞

Round Two Taboo makes its second appearance in Macau after its successful launch last year. Brainchild of House of Dancing Water’s Franco Dragone, the “Show of Secret Fantasies” is a new approach and features such acts as Cassie McIcor - an Australian singer who performed in the 2012 Olympic Games, Iban Zubkevych – a Moldovan circus artist, Lucky Hell – an Australian sword swallower and Talia Marino – an American aerial artist and pole dancer.

The Artists Although the show is aimed at seduction, many of the performers must live with danger every time they approach the stage and we asked Lucky and Talia how they manage to deal with their fear. “Sometimes when I have the sword inside I can feel some tendons in my legs shaking […] and that’s the moment where my brain is going ‘Just be Cool’,” says Lucky. Lucky has been swallowing swords for nearly three years, two of them professionally and can successfully take a 21.5-inch (54.6 cm) blade down her throat without injury. “I say to myself, if anything ever happens you either squeeze for life or you hang on for life, but that’s what you’re going to do whether it’s pretty or ugly,” says Talia. Ms. Marino started off as a dancer in a conservatory before discovering aerial arts - starting with fabric, branching into a suspended hoop, and progressing to the pole. July 2013



玩在澳门 Play

由七月二日起 Shows on after July 2nd

最喜欢的节目 Taboo 包含 16 个演出项目,表演时间总共约 70 分钟。

其中包括《水舞 间》表演者、歌手 Cassie McIvor 和钢 管舞者Talia Marino 的表演,还有Michelle Davis的伴娘小 品、Ivan Zubkevych的水上平衡、Lucky Hell的剑火表演、 以及抗地心引力的双人杂技表演等。每项演出都各具 特色,演出的排序和衔接非常自然。歌唱表演间的微 妙转移,让观众整场演出都保持投入状态。 “歌手Casia每晚的演唱都把我征服,”Lucky说道:“这 位年轻貌美的女孩的声线仿佛有千年功力。” Talia 则从未亲眼看过吞剑。她笑着说:“我最喜欢吞 剑表演了。如果我能爬上钢管吞剑该多棒!当然这是 不可能的。”

街头Taboo 这些演出者如何在日常生活中发挥他们的技能呢?吞 剑高手和空中艺人平日有什么嗜好? Talia和 Lucky又有 好多让人捧腹大笑的故事? Lucky说:“我有一次和 Talia出去,她看见一根独立的 柱子就爬上去跳了。真是与人搭讪的高招。” Talia 补充说:“我在香港地铁里也做过,只是做了 flag(在钢管上只用双手把身体撑成水平姿势)。有时 我在沙滩的竹竿上也玩这个。”她说得似乎这是再寻 常不过的事。 “她不像是普通的钢管舞者,”Lucky叹气说:“看着 34


七月 2013

她我就在想‘我也不能就吞普通的东西!’” 带着剑上公交车曾经给Lucky带来过麻烦,她坐飞机更 要进行一系列检查。她描述自己那把镶了Swarovski水晶 的剑时说:“这把剑的目的不在于伤人,在于迷人。”

幕后制作 像 Taboo 这种演出的制作非常严谨,它要求艺人、舞 编和导演之间有特殊紧密的合作。为了成就完美的演 出,有的艺人经过短时间训练就必备上阵,而有的难 度极高的表演则要求艺人排练了几个月才能出演。 “要看你表演什么,” Talia说:“可能花一个月,也 可能一个星期。每个道具我都准备几段小组合,然后 一起决定哪段合适,哪段与音乐相配合,”她继续 说:“一方面是我的表演,另一方面是团队的共同投 入,所以他们必须不断作出评价完善表演。我们这部 份大概花了一个半月的时间筹备。” 参与过去年Taboo的Lucky马上插话:“我是加入得很晚 的一个,五天内我的表演和服装什么的都准备好了, 但于整个演出而言的话,在他们联系我们之前已经筹 备了好几个月。”

艺人力荐 Taboo Lucky:“这是你从未见过的演出。虽安全,但要做好心 理准备。” Talia:“你会被征服的,绝对会。”

演出日期 自7月2日起每周二至六

演出时间 22:00

票价 HKD 980, 780, 580 (周二至五); HKD 1,180, 880, 680 (周六)

地址 澳门新濠天地HARD ROCK 酒店二楼“娇比”

电话 (+853) 8868 6688


“Casia, the singer, just blows me away every night,” says Lucky. “The voice that comes out of this beautiful young woman is thousands of years old, it seems to me.” Talia had never seen someone swallow a sword in person before. “I love the sword swallowing. I mean if I could climb up a pole and swallow that. Bang! I mean that’s never gonna happen,” she describes laughingly.

Taboo on the Street

Exposure Given the seductive nature of the show, the performers are exposed to a certain degree. The artists explain that the effect is intentional and is done with taste, not meant to be explicit or crude. “The lighting and everything really highlights the body and I personally do not feel uncomfortable here,” says Talia of her costume. When asked how she manages to keep it on while on a spinning pole she laughs and responds: “It’s connected […] On the inside of my underwear there’s a sticky silicone and I have pasties on with double sided tape, then it just kind of stays.” Lucky describes the tastefulness of the show, saying: “It’s not full on nudity, it’s not pornographic. It’s showing, in the best possible way, the sexiness and seductiveness of a natural healthy human body. It doesn’t even touch on the vulgar.”

Favorite part of the show Taboo goes through a series of 16 sequences, altogether taking up around 70 minutes of show time. The sequences include such acts as the house dance troupe, singer Cassie McIvor, pole dancing Talia Marino, a bridesmaid skit with Michelle Davis, waterbased Ivan Zubkevych’s balancing acts, Lucky Hell’s sword and fire routine, a body-chocolate piece, a gravity-defying acrobatic duo and more. Each one has its own highlight and the order and transitions used neatly tie together the pieces. The use of singing and subtle attention direction allows for sets to be mounted while audiences stay entertained, and a dull moment is never to be found.

How do these performers apply their skills to their everyday life? What does one do for fun as a swordswallower or aerial artist? Both Talia and Lucky have a series of stories that would have many in stiches. “I’ve actually been out with Talia where she’ll see a freestanding pole and she will go and start doing stuff. It’s a great conversation starter,” says Lucky. Talia chimes in saying: “I did it on the metro in Hong Kong, just doing the flag (holding yourself horizontal with only your hands on the pole). I do it on a bamboo sometimes on the beach,” she describes as if it were the most normal thing in the world. “She doesn’t look like she’s just some random pole dancer,” says Lucky, “but it’s hard for me, and I see her and I’m thinking ‘I can’t just swallow random things’,” she laments. Taking her sword on the bus has caused problems before, and Lucky has to check it when she gets on a plane, but as she describes of her sword (covered in Swarovski crystals): “It’s not intended to hurt, it’s intended to dazzle.”

Show Days

Every Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fri and Sat starting July 2nd

Show Times 22:00


HKD 980, 780, 580 (Tues-Fri); HKD 1,180, 880, 680 (Sat)


Club Cubic, Level 2, Hard Rock Hotel, City of Dreams, Avenida de Cotai, COTAI


(+853) 8868 6688


Creating the show Developing this type of show involves a certain style of collaboration between artists, choreographers and directors. In order to make everything fit, some artists come in with little time and jump right in, while others must train for months to get ready for their performance. “It depends on what you’re doing,” says Talia, “ it can take a month, it can take a week. I prepared small combinations on each apparatus and we’d work out ‘yes this works’ or ‘how about I put this to this part of the music’,” she describes. “It’s also their input as well as my own body on the apparatus – they need to see it. It took us about a month and a half or so.” Lucky came in quickly, after her previous experience with last year’s edition of Taboo. “I came in late and within five days I had my act ready and my costume on and stuff was going, but this whole show - they were doing things months before they even contacted us,” she describes.

A final word? Lucky: “You’ve never seen anything like this before. It’s safe, but come prepared.” Talia: “You will be blown away, you will definitely be blown away.” July 2013



玩在澳门 Play

July 11th (星期四 Thursday)



who’s in town

每月第二个周四,Portal Wine Bar邀请澳门各界音乐人士参加 其Village Music Night晚会。众多 客人可在观赏本地音乐人一展才 华的同时品尝免费的饮品和小 吃。每周五周六还有本地和特邀 乐队的现场演奏。

Abbi Mitchell-Morley

22:00 SKY21, 21/F, AIA Tower, 251A – 301, Avenida Comercial de Macau, Macau Admission: Free Inquiries: (+853) 2872 3344 / (+853) 2822 2122

July 6th (星期六 Saturday)

ELECTRONIC ATTACK #05 Ft. WEEKEND WARRIORZ TOKYO & FLIPSIDE 因其音乐被DJ明星 John Digweed 的唱片收录而出名,Stephane K 摇身变成 Electronic Attack 第五 击的主打。这位纽约制作人将 在澳门 SKY21 的一层上演绎独 特的低沉忧郁音乐,到场还有 HI-TECH+TRIBE的 DJs Gordon 和 M.99。而另一层则有Flipside的 DJ Devlar和Humdrum的Casey Anderson和Ocean Lam的精彩 演绎。 时间:22:00 地址:澳门商业大马路 251A - 301 号友邦广场 21 楼 入场费: 免费 查询: (+853) 2872 3344 / (+853) 2822 2122

From under DJ superstar John Digweed’s label comes Stephane K - headlining at the fifth installment of Electronic Attack. The New York based Producer delivers his signature deep and dark sound on one floor of Macau’s SKY21 and will be supported by HI-TECH+TRIBE’s DJs Gordon and M.99. Flipside takes over a second floor of sound showcasing its own DJ Devlar and Humdrum’s Casey Anderson and Ocean Lam. 36


七月 2013

时间:18:30-20:00 地址:氹仔旧城区嘉模堂区施督宪正 街86号大门酒吧 入场费: 免费 查询: (+853) 2822 7109

Occurring every second Thursday of the month, Portal Wine Bar celebrates Macau’s musical community with its Village Music night. Free drinks and snacks are offered to the myriad guests who gather to listen and watch as local musicians display their talents. Friday and Saturday nights also feature live music performed by both local and visiting bands. 18:30-20:00 Portal Bar, Rua Direita Carlos Eugénio, Taipa Admission: Free Inquiries: (+853) 2822 7109

July 6th (星期六 Saturday)


DJ兼制作人 Tyson Illingworth ( 更常被称为TYDI)这个月将 在 Club Cubic 以他的trance和 progressive 舞曲震撼全场。这位 澳洲音乐人被封为全澳洲DJ之 首,目前在 DJ Mag 的全球百名 DJ排行榜上排第 48。 时间:23:30 地址:路氹新濠天地“娇比” 入场费: HKD 250 查询: (+853) 2828 6696/(+853) 6638 4999

DJ and Producer Tyson Illingworth, more commonly known by his stage name tyDi, is set to bring down the house this month at Club Cubic with his trance and progressive dance beats. The Australian native has been named Australia’s number 1 DJ and currently sits at number 48 on DJ Mag’s list of the worlds Top 100 DJs.

23:30 Club Cubic, City of Dreams, COTAI Admission: HKD 250 Inquiries: (+853) 2828 6696/(+853) 6638 4999

July 13th (星期六 Saturday)

LUCKY DATE “我想把音乐传达给更多的 人。”Lucky Date实现了他的期 望--他将把音乐带到澳门这个种 族大熔炉。这位来自旧金山的 DJ兼制作人从小就加入音乐行 业,由学打鼓入门,继而培养了 对house音乐的狂热。 时间:23:30 地点:路氹新濠天地“娇比” 入场费: HKD 250 查询: (+853) 2828 6696/(+853) 6638 4999

“I want to make music that’s as accessible to as many people as possible,” Lucky Date lives up to his aspirations:

bringing his music to the grand mix of Macau’s population. Originating from San Francisco the DJ and Producer began a life in music at a young age, learning first to play the drums and progressing to his energized take on house music. 23:30 Club Cubic, City of Dreams, COTAI Admission: HKD 250 Inquiries: (+853) 2828 6696/(+853) 6638 4999

July 20th (星期六 Saturday)

DIM MAK NIGHT Ft. BOTNEK, DEORRO & SOUND OF STEREO 加拿大DJ兼制作二人组Botnek将 演奏他们融入electro house、rave 和techno元素的音乐曲调。他 们的音乐吸引了Afrojack、Steve Aoki和Zed’s Dead等house乐队到 场支持。 凭着新颖的progressive和electronic Dutch混合音乐,Deorro成 绩骄人。身为Soundcloud每日排 行榜的常客,这位美籍DJ获得 了Teisto、Kaskade和Knife Party等 乐队的支持。 作为Fidget音乐的先例,来自比 利时的EDM DJ双人组合Sound of Stereo将借助由鲜为人知的比 利时唱片公司Lektroluv发布的新 迷你专辑《Hurricane》,为澳 门带来electro与techno音乐的 新尝试。 时间:23:30 地点:路氹新濠天地“娇比” 入场费: HKD 250 查询: (+853) 2828 6696/(+853) 6638 4999

Canadian DJ/Production duo Botnek are scheduled to spin their electro house, rave and techno influenced beats that have attracted the support of house names such as Afrojack, Steve Aoki and Zed’s Dead. With his innovative fusion of progressive and electronic Dutch music, Deorro is no

玩在澳门 Play stranger to success; a regular on Soundcloud’s daily charts, the American DJ has received the support of the likes of Teisto, Kaskade and Knife Party. A history in fidget style music, Belgian EDM DJ-duo Sound of Stereo bring to Macau a fresh take on electro and techno with their new Hurricane EP released on infamous Belgian label Lektroluv records. 23:30 Club Cubic, City of Dreams, COTAI Admission: HKD 250 Inquiries: (+853) 2828 6696/(+853) 6638 4999

who’s around Abbi Mitchell-Morley

7月6日(星期六) July 6th (Saturday)

CARPE DIEM NIGHT Ft. DJ SAMIR 来自法国的著名嘻哈 DJ 及制 作人Samir 以其活力的曲风在 AKA为人们带来一个难忘的音 乐夜。Samir目前是欧洲主流极 限运动赛事以及世界上最具有 影响力的嘻哈艺术家们的合作 伙伴。

July 27th (星期六 Saturday)

DIM CHRIS 与“暗淡”的艺名截然相 反,DJ Dim Chris光芒四射,这 个七月他将为我们这些派对常 客带来闪亮新单曲《Human》。 这位来自法国的DJ兼制作人的 光芒吸引了David Guetta、Tiesto 和Swedish House Mafia等著名乐 队的捧场。 时间:23:30 地点:路氹新濠天地“娇比” 入场费: HKD 250 查询: (+853) 2828 6696/(+853) 6638 4999

Contrary to the suggestions of his stage name DJ Dim Chris shines bright and this July sheds a little of his light on all you party goers with his new single Human. Hailing all the way from France this DJ and Producer has caught the attention and support of famed names such as David Guetta, Tiesto and Swedish House Mafia. 23:30 Club Cubic, City of Dreams, COTAI Admission: HKD 250 Inquiries: (+853) 2828 6696/(+853) 6638 4999

Kwai Fong gathers together to celebrate this event’s 10th anniversary. The event is scheduled to feature over 70 street stalls offering a wide range of international foods, live music at the amphitheater, eating contests and, if you needed more convincing, more than 200 world-renowned beer brands.


时间:22:00 地址:香港中环德己立街 55 号兰桂 坊大厦M / F,AKA Japanese Cuisine Lounge 入场:港币250元 查询电话:(+852)2840 0007

Hailing all the way from France, famed Hip-Hop DJ and Producer Samir seizes the day spinning his dynamic mix at AKA’s Carpe Diem night. Samir currently holds a partnership with major European extreme sports events and performs alongside some of the world’s most influential hip-hop artists.

22:00 AKA Japanese Cuisine Lounge, M/f, LKF Tower, 55 D’Aguilar Street, Lan Kwai Fong, Central, Hong Kong Admission: HKD 250 Inquiries: (+852) 2840 0007

7月13日(星期六) July 13th (Saturday)


W HONG KONG SUMMER SERIES POOL PARTY 为纪念香港W酒店开幕五周 年,Veuve Clicquot将赞助今年W酒 店的夏日泳池派对。酒店的标志性 空中天际游泳池摇身变成以海滩为 题的派对场地,并邀请到各大客席 DJ助阵,全力为你打造一个难忘的

夏日! 时间:20:00 地址:香港九龙站柯士甸道西1号W 酒店,空中天际游泳池WET 入场:港币300元(单次入场) ,850(单次入场),5000(6人桌) ,15,000(10人桌)查询电话: (+852) 3717 2222, (+852) 3717 2783

Commemorating W Hong Kong Hotel’s fifth anniversary, Veuve Clicquot sponsors season three of W’s summer pool party series. Held at the hotel’s iconic rooftop pool, the parties are set to take summer fun to the skies of Hong Kong with its beach theme and a number of guest DJs. 20:00 - Late Wet Pool, W Hong Kong Hotel, 1 Austin Road West, West Kowloon, Hong Kong Admission: HKD 300 (Single Entry), 850 (Single Entry), 5,000 (Table; 6 person) & 15,000 (Table; 10 person) Inquiries: (+852) 3717 2222, (+852) 3717 2783.

7月13日(星期六)及7月14日 (星期日) July 13th (Saturday) & July 14th (Sunday)

13:00 - Late Lan Kwai Fong, Central, Hong Kong Admission: Free

7月31日(星期三) July 31st (Wednesday)


由Romy Madley Croft, Oliver Sim 以 及 Jamie Smith组成的来自英国伦 敦炙手可热的电子乐队The XX将于 亚洲夏季巡唱中首次设有香港站, 为乐迷带来惊喜。借着这次巡唱不 但能标志其独立流行乐队的身份, 还能推广他们最新的独立音乐大碟 《Coexist》。 时间:19:00 地址:香港九龙湾国际展贸中心, 汇星厅 入场:港币780元

South London trio Romy Madley Croft, Oliver Sim and Jamie Smith who make up ‘the xx’ make a stop in Hong Kong on their summer Asian tour. The performance marks a first for the Indie Pop band and will be promoting their sophomore independent album Coexist. 19:00 Star Hall, KITEC, 1 Trademart Dr., Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong Admission: HKD 780



千万不要错过 Don’t miss

兰桂坊啤酒音乐节已迈入第十个年 头,是香港最令人期待的户外派对之 一。在露天环境下,超过70家街边 小摊提供各式的国际美食、现场音 乐、大食比赛等,今年还有200多个 世界知名啤酒的参与,令兰桂坊啤酒 音乐节更具吸引力。 时间:13:00 地址:香港中环兰桂坊 入场:免费

The most anticipated outdoor party in Hong Kong, Lan July 2013





音乐家简介 Artist Profiles 乐曲 Music

Vampire Weekend 成员 Members Ezra Koenig, Rostam Batmanglij, Chris Baio, Chris Tomson 流派 Genre 独立摇滚/流行音乐 Indie Rock/Pop

这个乐队有明显的独立风格,大概多得于他们的调鼓功 力。插入大乐队的元素后,也有些有趣的组合,成品制 作也很不简单。近期新专辑“Modern Vampires of the City”中的“Ya Hey”,慢而流畅,与歌声绝配。“Diane Young”一曲配上猫王风格的歌声,让听众充分感受他们 独立摇滚的冲劲。音乐中能听出乐队对嬉皮士的崇拜, 但并不为过。 This group has a distinct Indie feel to them, most likely because of the drum tuning. But they have some interesting combinations, utilizing some big band elements and there’s quite a bit of producing that goes into their final tracks. Ya Hey, one of their recent tracks off of their new album Modern Vampires of the City is a slower, smooth track and the vocals match nicely. The track Diane Young gives you the full brunt of their Indie Rock feel, with an Elvis-esque vocal trend. They’ve definitely got their own dose of a Hipster following, but we won’t hold that against them.



七月 2013

Daft Punk

Vampire Weekend


Amy Grant

速递 releases

成员 Members: Amy Grant 和合作 人 Amy Grant and collaborators 流派 Genre: 基督流行音乐 Christian Pop

这个乐队对现代舞曲有巨大影响。乐队最近推出新专 辑 “Random Access Memories” ,专辑里重现流行 迪斯科元素,但仍然保留流行单曲 “One More Time” 和 “Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger” 里让乐队一举 成名的风格。官网对新专辑的报道 : http://www. randomaccessmemories . com,收入了对各合作人 的采访,包括电子音乐创始人 Giorgio Moroder – 歌 曲“I Feel Love” 的制作人(主唱 Donna Summers)。这 些前辈的魅力可谓经久不衰。 This group has had a huge influence on modern dance music. With their recent release of Random Access Memories, they’ve brought back a poppy-disco vibe to their songs, yet still maintain true to the style that made them famous off the release of hit singles like One More Time and Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger. What they’ve done with the website for the new album: http://www., is include interviews with the collaborators: some of the founding fathers of electronic music such as Giorgio Moroder-creator of ‘I Feel Love’ featuring Donna Summers is one such piece. They age, but they age gracefully.

Daft Punk 成员 Members: Thomas Bangalter, Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo 流派 Genre: 电子音乐 Electronic

Amy Grant

Amy Grant 的声线优美 动人。最新专辑在惯常 的吉他和歌声中首次插 入电子音乐元素。歌 曲 “How Mercy Looks From Here” 运用小提琴 和轻弦乐,带出浓厚的 爱尔兰风,被收入同名专 辑。同专辑歌曲 “Better Not to Know” 将反复的 吉他旋律和歌声和轻柔的 歌词搭配得天衣无缝。虽 然基督音乐—福音音乐的 改版—通常不被讨好,下 雨天听听这位歌手的作品 确实是种享受。 Amy Grant has an amazing voice that wraps around you and takes you wherever she wants to go. With her recent album she branches out and combines some electronic elements with her typical guitar and vocal combination. The song How Mercy Looks From Here has a strong Irish feel to it, utilizing fiddle and soft strings and is placed on the album of the same name. Better Not to Know, off the same album does a great job of combining guitar riffs and vocals with soft lyrics. Although Christian Music – a type of adaptation of Gospel Music – generally is not well received by all, this artist is great to listen to on a rainy day.


False Idols

类型Genre: 嘻哈 Hip Hop 发行日期 Release Date: 待定 unknown 歌手 Artist: 阿姆 Eminem

类型Genre: 电子,流行/摇滚 Electronic, Pop/Rock 发行日期 Release Date: 5月27日 May 27th 歌手 Artist: Tricky

专辑尚未发行就开始了 大肆宣传炒作,著名 Hiphop 音乐人 Dr Dre 早前 也曾透露阿姆这张全新专 辑的制作工作即将完成, 但在过去的5月底仍未见 专辑发行,打破了之前5 月29日发行的传闻,现 在外界又纷纷预测新专 辑将于7月2日发行。另 外,阿姆自8月15日起开 始其巡回演出,首站是比 利时,然后是爱尔兰,英 国,法国,尾场将会定于 英国的利兹音乐节上。 So much hype has built around this album that it’s hard to tell what it’s actually going to be like. According to Dre, Mathers is ‘finishing up’ the album, but it was rumored to drop May 29th. Now the rumor mill expects July 2nd. Rapper Denace received a lot of pressure, calling him a ‘wannabe’, as with a similar voice and reminiscent flow, people were reposting his songs under the 2013 title. Eminem goes on tour through Belgium starting the 15th, running through Ireland, the U.K., France, then back to the U.K, finishing up on the 25th at Leeds Festival.

本专辑基调是电子乐, 当中结合了很多跳闸跳 元素,并且运用了合成 乐等,丰富了其张力和可 听性,是Tricky近来一张 比较舒服的作品。以Van Morrison的Somebody’s Sins和Nneka的Nothing Matters作为序幕,后有 民谣电子混搭C h i n e s e Interlude,都使得专辑与 众不同。虽然专辑是有点 长,但不失为行车时聆听 的上好汽车专辑。 Not to lead people on, the basis for this album is very electronic. It combines a lot of trip hop elements and utilizes a synth and atmosphere vibe that is quite smooth. The overall flow of the album is nice and there’s a good up and down in terms of BPM (beats per minute) over the album. Opening with Van Morrison’s Somebody’s Sins and the collaboration with Nneka was a good choice on Nothing Matters. Check out Chinese Interlude for something different. All in all it runs a bit long, but is nice for the car.

July 2013



玩在澳门 play

卡拉OK Karaoke 520 澳门皇朝广场地下 Dynasty Plaza, Alameda Dr. Carlos d’Assumpocao, G/F 2875 0999

皇朝会 Dynasty Club 澳门海港街外港回力球场3楼F 3/F, Jai Alai Stadium, Porto Exteriro, Macau 2872 6688

喜喜 Hei Hei 澳门马德里街165号珠光大厦地下 G/F, Edif. Zhu Kuan, No.165, Alameda Dr. Carlos d’Assumpocao, Macau 2875 3593

i Darts Macau 澳门伦敦街190号地下 G/F, No.190, Rua de Londres, Macau 2831 1138

Le Club 澳门美副将大马路9D号地下 G/F, 9D, Avenida do Coronel Mesquita, Macau 2852 9537

Love 澳门宋玉生广场181﹣187号光辉集团 商业大厦地下 G/F, Centro Comercial do Grupo Brilhantismo, No 181-187, Alameda Dr. Carlos d’Assumpocao, Macau 2875 7355

Luxe 澳门伦敦街41号地下 G/F, No.41, Rua de Londres, Macau 2875 1177

Neway (Chong Fok) 澳门毕仕达大马路26号中福商业中 心2楼 2 FL, Chong Fok Centro Commercial, No.26, Avenida de Marciano Baptista, Macau 2841 1111

Neway (Hotel Beverly Plaza) 澳门罗理基博士大马路70﹣106号富 豪酒店4楼 4 FL, Hotel Beverly Plaza, No.70106, Avenida Dr. Rodrigo Rodrigues, Macau 2878 7307

Ruka’s 澳门飞南第街85号地下 G/F, No.85, Rua Francisco H. Fernandes, Macau 2875 1799



七月 2013

金曲廊 Top One Karaoke 澳门南湾大马路613-639号时代商业 中心7楼 7 FL, Edf. Centro Comercial Si Toi, No.613-639, Avenida da Praia Grande, Macau 2831 3245

Tune Up 澳门罗理基博士大马路600E第一国际 商业中心地下 G/F, Edf.Centro Comercial First National, No.600E, Av. Dr. Rodrigo Rodrigues, Macau 2870 1982

酒吧 Bar 180°空中酒吧.扒房 180° Lounge and Grill 澳门南湾新填海区澳门旅遊塔 59 楼 59/F, Convention and Entertainment Centre Largo da Torre de Macau, Sao Lourenco, Macau 8988 8659

38 Lounge 氹仔广东大马路澳门新濠锋 38 FL, Altira Macau, Avenida de Kwong Tung, Taipa 2886 8868

Aba Bar 澳门外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路美 高梅金殿 MGM MACAU, Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau 8802 3888

非洲村酒吧 AfriKana Bar 澳门友谊大马路渔人码头非洲村 Cape Town, Macau Fisherman’s Wharf, Av. da Amizade, Alameda Dutor Carlos d’Assumpção, Macau 8299 3678

Bar Azul 氹仔望德圣母湾大马路四季酒店1楼 1/F Four Seasons Hotel Macau, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, S/N, Cotai 2881 8888

洛欣吧 Bar Florian 氹仔望德圣母湾大马路威尼斯人渡假 村1043号铺 Shop No.1043, The Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian Macau Resort Hotel, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, S/N, Cotai 8118 9960

百利酒廊 Bellini Lounge 氹仔望德圣母湾大马路威尼斯人渡假 村1041号铺 Shop No.1041, The Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian Macau Resort Hotel, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, S/N, Cotai 8118 9940

Boca tapas and wine 氹仔望德圣母湾大马路威尼斯人渡假 村2620号铺 Shop No.2620, The Grand Canel Shoppes, The Venetian Macau Resort Hotel, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, S/N, Cotai 2882 8477

Casablanca Café 澳门新口岸孙逸仙大马路帝景苑地 下R-S铺 G/F, Shop R-S, Avenida Dr Sun Yat Sen, Macau 2875 1281

Cathedral Café & Wine Bar 澳门大堂街12号A No.12A, Rua da Se, Macau 6685 7621

霞 Cinnebar 澳門外港填海区仙德丽街永利酒店 Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau 8986 3663

唐会 Club China 澳门新口岸皇朝大丰广场地下M铺 G/F, Loja M, Edf. Commercial Tai Fung, Ave. do Governador Jamie Silverio Marques, Macau 2872 2766

焰 Flame Bar

Kidult Club 澳门马德里街珠光大厦Y铺 G/F, Edifício Zhu Kuan, Y, Alameda Dr. Carlos D’Assumpocao, Macau 2872 3385

嵐 Lan 路氹城连贯公路新濠天地皇冠渡 假酒店1楼 1/F, Crown Towers, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, Cotai 8868 6685

金獅吧 Lion’s Bar 澳门外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路 美高梅金殿 MGM MACAU, Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau 8802 2375

澳感廊 Macau Soul 澳门大三巴街31A No.31A, Rua de Sao Paulo, Macau 2836 5182

魔幻咖啡屋 MagiCafe 澳门俾利喇街115号B铺地下 G/F, No.115B, Rua de Francisco Xavier Pereira, Macau 2852 8751

McSorleys Ale House 氹仔望德圣母湾大马路威尼斯人 渡假村1038号 Shop No.1038, Grand Canel Shoppes, The Venetian Macau Resort Hotel, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, S/N, Cotai 2882 8198

夜光杯酒吧Moonwalker 澳门新口岸孙逸仙大马路帝景 苑地下 G/F, Avenida Dr Sun Yat Sen, Macau 2875 1329, 2875 1326

路氹城连贯公路新濠天地Hard Rock 酒店2楼 2/F, Hard Rock Hotel, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, Cotai 8868 6695

MP3 Bar Lounge 澳门孙逸仙大马路1333号地下

Hive Bar

Mugs Talk Bar 澳门罗飞勒前地12A地下

氹仔孙逸仙博士大马路135号百利宝 花园地下H座 Shop H, Treasure Garden, No.135, Avenida de Sun Yat-Sen, Taipa 2883 1711

Innside Bar 氹仔孙逸仙博士大马路149号 No.149, Avenida Dr.Sun Yat-Sen, Taipa 2883 1233

爱尔兰酒吧 Irish Bar 氹仔广东大马路南新花园116C和 116D地下 Block 6, G/F, Nam San Bulding, No116C-D, Av Kwong Tung, Taipa 2882 0708

G/F, No.1333, Avenida Dr.Sun Yat Sen, Macau 2875 1306

G/F, No.12A, Lobo D’Avila Square, Macau 2897 2691

好客乡村餐厅 Old Taipa Bar 氹仔客商街21号 Taipa Village,No.21, Rua dos Negociantes, Taipa 2882 5221

喜栢 Palms 路氹城望德圣母湾大马路金沙城 中心喜来登酒店 Sheraton Macao Hotel, Cotai Central, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, S/N, Cotai 8113 1200

大门酒吧 Portal Wine Bar 氹仔施督宪正街86号 No.86, Rua Direita Carlos Eugenio, Taipa 6682 1078, 2836 8401

Private Party 氹仔成都街濠景花园25座F室 BL25, Edf. Nova Taipa Garden, Rua de Seng Tou, Taipa 6657 1727

乐吧R Bar 路氹城连贯公路新濠天地Hard Rock 酒店1楼 1/F, Hard Rock Hotel, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, Cotai 8868 6694

水晶钢琴吧 The Crystal Piano Bar 路氹城望德圣母湾大马路澳门银河综 合渡假村澳门大仓酒店28楼 28FL, Hotel Okura Macau, Galaxy Macau, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, S/N, Cotai 8883 5109

The Macallan Whisky Bar & Lounge 路氹城望德圣母湾大马路澳门银河综 合渡假村2楼203铺 Shop 203, 2/F, Galaxy Macau, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, S/N, Cotai 8883 2221

The Roadhouse Bar 澳门新口岸马德里街45号环宇豪庭 Wan Yu Villas, No.45, Rua de Madrid, Macau 2875 2945

天台酒吧 The Rooftop Bar 澳门大三巴巷3-5-7号三巴艺门 No.3-5-7, Travessa de Sao Paulo, Macau 2848 2848

Xanadu Bar 澳门外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路金 沙娱乐场 1FL, Sands Casino, Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau 2888 3388

俱樂部 Club China Rouge 路氹城望德圣母湾大马路澳门银河综 合渡假村 Galaxy Macau, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, S/N, Cotai 2888 0888

Club Cubic 路氹连贯公路新濠天地Hard Rock 酒店2楼 2/F, Hard Rock Hotel, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, Cotai 2828 6696

D2 澳门商业大马路301号友邦广场2楼 2FL, AIA Tower, No.301, Avenida Comercial de Macau, Macau 2872 3777

DD3 澳门友谊大马路渔人码头 Macau Fisherman’s Wharf, Av. da Amizade, Alameda Dutor Carlos d’Assumpção, Macau 2871 1800

天梵 DIVINO 澳门商业大马路251A至301号友邦广 场2楼202室 Room202, 2FL, AIA Tower, No.251A-301, Avenida Comercial de Macau, Macau 2872 3968

SKY 21 澳门商业大马路251A-301号友邦广 场21楼 21FL, AIA Tower, No.251A-301, Avenida Comercial de Macau, Macau 2822 2122

Vasco 澳门友谊大马路956号文华东方酒店 Grand Lapa Hotel, No.956, Avenida da Amizade, Macau 8793 3831

Veuve Clicquot Lounge 澳门外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路美 高梅金殿 MGM Grand Macau, Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau 8802 3888

品味吧 Whiskey Bar 澳门友谊大马路星际酒店16楼 16FL, Star World Hotel, Avenida da Amizade, Macau 8290 8698

July 2013



购物指南 Shop

潮流时尚 fashion trends

都会运动风 夏日已至,喜爱运动的男士们迫不及待地要以sportswear上阵,然而又想在这单调 的服饰上作出一点变化的话,那不妨多融入点城市时尚元素,打造成近年亚洲大热 的都会运动风。这个新风格主要是将户外运动元素加以时尚化,当中又以登山露营 户外运动为重点,但切记不能全以运动功能为主,倒是要加强城市人的时尚细节, 强调修身剪裁以及加入正装元素作混搭等。这一期我们就向你介绍三款签名式的城 市户外风必备素材。

Style: Urban Outdoors


Bright Colors

缤纷亮彩是这季重头戏,设 计师们将色块拼接且大量运 用在男装中,呈现中性调。 救生衣橙、柠檬黄就是很好 的选择,有效展现出你在夏 天中的满满活力。而穿搭部 分,特别打破拘谨规范, 强­调 正式混休闲打扮,务求 你是到户外骑单车或上班等 场合皆适宜。

Designers focus more on bright colors and quilt patterns in this summer season. Orange and lemon yellow are two good choices to show off your stamina in style. Formal tones mixed with casual styles are a definite fit for you this summer.



Time for the gents to break out their sportswear as the temperature gets to the mid30s. If you want to be trendy, add some urban elements into your sporty style or mix in slim-fit cuts from hiking and camping apparel. Follow Culture Guide’s three signature elements of urban outdoor style to be your best in the heat.

鞋履方面选择的有很多,想 轻盈点的可以穿棕色沙漠 靴,比较硬朗一点可以选择 时尚版的爬山靴。当然你可 以选择很多品牌都推出时尚 化交叉单品,强调型格多于 功能,切记不要以太正统的 功能靴上阵,免得被人误以 为你真去登山。

配饰 要营造出城市冒险风格,怎 能缺少配饰的细节。日本山 野系喜欢用民族风的纹饰小 物,其实北欧或爱尔兰传统 花纹的袜子配靴也行。另外 加一副传统型男的雷朋飞机 师太阳眼镜,绝对为你的都 会型男味加分不少。



七月 2013

There are many choices of footwear. Try single products that combine fashionable and functional elements. A pair of light brown desert boots and a pair of tough hiking boots are good choices to match with your urban outdoor style.

Accessories To create an adventure-style feel within an urban city environment, the details of the accessories are important as well. Japanese folk style accessories, a pair of stockings with north European and Irish traditional patterns, or a pair of Ray-Ban men’s sunglasses can perfect your urban outdoor style.

We take Cguide to the pavement to procure some of the best and most interesting fashion combinations out there. Come have a look and see if we caught you looking stylish.


澳门导航的潮流街拍栏目,将在大 街小巷搜罗一些新颖大胆的服饰配 搭典范,会不会你就是我们这一期 的主角?快来看看吧!


July 2013



购物指南 Shop

访问 interview Yuyu


黎元瀚 Robert


“痴肥” 型格美

obése. plein obése.plein,法文里“痴肥”的意思,目的是和售卖的产品 形成鲜明对比,因其店铺内全是售卖各种对身材要求颇高, 且能突出女性型格线条美感的服装。其幕后主脑Robert Lai黎 元瀚是土生土长的澳门人,却在海外及香港内地扬名,2009 年9月回归澳门经营个人品牌的他笑着说:“澳门是我成长的 地方,无论之前服务哪个大品牌,我都要求把工作室移回到 这里,在这里做设计比较坦然。” obése.plein, a French translation for “obese.full”, is a contrastive name for a couture shop selling various demanding and flattering pieces for women with pretty figures. The mastermind behind it is Robert Lai, a locally raised designer renowned in Hong Kong, mainland China and abroad. Having returned to Macau for his own product line in Sep 2009, Robert says, “Macau is my home. Whichever big brand I was working for, I always relocated my workshop here. I feel better designing here.”



七月 2013

低调的大师 不是第一次和Robert做采访,眼前的他还是和两年 前一模一样,黑Tee加阔阔的黑色裤子,Converse布 鞋,黑色圆框眼镜,你可以说很普通,但是配在他身 上就变得不太一样了,就是那种远远看到都能认出来 的背影。对于一个时装设计师来说,有个人鲜明的身 份识别个性符号,已经算是成功了第一步。数起他的 战绩更是彪炳:曾担任香港著名服饰品牌Bambini设 计总监,为天后王菲做造型,被香港潮流教母一般的 徐濠萦看中,成为第一个在Linger里售卖个人服饰品 牌的澳门服装设计师……低调的他却很少提及这些, 反而选择在不起眼的东望洋斜巷的一个地窖式店铺里 静静开了obése.plein第一个小型旗舰店,这多多少少 和他的澳门人个性相关。

A Modest Master Robert looks the same as when interviewed two years ago. He wears a black T-shirt, loose black trousers, Converse sneakers and black round glasses. An otherwise ordinary look appears rather unique on him. To a fashion designer, a distinguishing image is the first step to success. Robert has a rich background – He was the design director of a renowned HK couture brand “Bambini”, the stylist of the iconic Faye Wong, and the first designer to establish his own couture brand in Linger after being spotted by the HK fashion trendsetter Hilary Tsui. Robert rarely brags about these. Instead, he set up his first flagship at a small underground store at Calçada do Gaio.

Made in Macau

plein 澳门设计梦 早年在美国修读时装,投身时装界便是理所当然的事 情,开业三年多,如今的obése.plein多了不少展现 的平台,除了自己的店铺外,游客也可以在C Shop和 八佰伴里找到它的身影。Robert说,70%的买家竟然 是内地游客,他们也许不知道品牌背后的故事,却是 被他擅长的黑色风格和不同材质的拼接所吸引,他的 时装仍然是“限量”的,选择黑色是比较容易控制成 本的一种做法。Robert说现在已经在构想来年的春夏 系列,主题是:凌晨四点钟!他解释说其实自己是个 比较喜欢想象人的阴暗面的人,所以设计中很多“黑 色”元素,而灵感是偶发的,例如四点的失眠状态, 又或者好像这一季的“失落的战场”般的创想,全都 带有或多或少的颓废感。 谈到近况,本来在澳门教时装设计的Mr.Lai也光荣 地“退役”了,结束了最后一届学生的工作,他又开 始投身主流时装副线的设计工作。机缘巧合,他将会 为国内一个品牌设计一系列的品牌副线时装,那将会 是他要面对的一个全新课题,未来,他希望自己的作 品至少能被更多中国人认识。

Robert got his fashion degree in America in his youth and it was no surprise that he continued into the fashion industry. After only three years in the market, his products are found in New Yaohon and C Shop, aside from his own location. Robert reveals that 70% of his customers are young visitors from the mainland who may have little idea of Couture’s concept, but are intrigued by his use of black and the blend of textures common in his work. Robert is already envisioning next year’s Spring and Summer collection, themed “4am”. He explains the base of his inspiration is his curiosity about the “dark” side of humanity, insomnia and this season’s “lost battle”. A gloomy outlook, yet one with a solid visual element. Having “retired” from teaching fashion design in Macau recently, Mr. Lai has started designing for sublines of mainstream fashion. He will be designing a subline collection for a brand in the mainland, bringing himself a whole new subject and making his brand and designs known in the future.

obése.plein 地址 Address 3D, Basement,Calçada do Gaio, Macau 澳门东望洋斜巷3D地库

电话 Tel (+ 853) 2852 3294

开放时间 Opening Hours Mon-Fri: 11:00- 19:00 Sat: 15:00 - 20:00 Sun & Public Holidays: Reserved Only (只提供预约)

July 2013



购物指南 Shop

中国古董花瓶 Antique Chinese Vases 传统行业 Traditional Business

近年来中国古董花瓶在艺术投资价值不断上涨,使得越来越多人关注古董花 瓶的行业。上世纪80年代末全澳门也只有20多家玩店,然而21世纪的今天, 伴随着旅游业的大力发展,由大三巴街一直延伸到花王堂一带就有近30家形 形色色的古玩店,这期我们就走进大三巴街的古玩店寻找各种古董花瓶,窥 探这个在澳门已有多年历史的传统行业。

In recent years the artistic value of antique Chinese vases has been on the rise, proving they are much more than just an elegant addition to any home or office. As such, more and more customers are turning their sights on antique vases. This, in concert with the boom in Macau’s tourism industry, has caused a steady increase in vase shops compared to the the 20-odd vase shops in the area in the 1980s. Inês Lam Melao



现代澳门的古玩业是伴随旅游业发展 起来的,当中有不少店铺以家庭模式 经营,父子两代人一起经营的店铺 为数不少。而买家主要是来自于日 本、美国、澳洲、法国、及东南亚各 国的来客,也有来自内地的专业收藏 家专程到澳门寻找具有特色的中国 古董花瓶。

古董一条街─大三巴街 近年在旅游业的带动下,使得澳门古 玩这个传统行业驻入不少活力,大三 巴一带出现了不少卖古玩、仿制家 具工艺品的店铺,而有精致传统中国 花瓶出售的大部份为十几二十年的老 店铺,位于大三巴街中段的海龙工艺 品﹝澳门﹞有限公司便是其中一家。 “古玩是一个非常讲究经验的行业, 当然资金与时间都不能少。” “海 龙”的董事总经理、拥有三十多年收 藏古玩经验的吴多津先生向笔者说。 近年中国古董花瓶在艺术投资价值不 断上涨,在国内外的拍卖会成交价屡 创新高,也使得人们越来越关注中国 古董花瓶。

官窑作品倍受青睐 陶瓷因色彩分为广彩、青花、粉彩等 种类,广彩具有装饰价值,青花则更 有传统味道,而粉彩讲究工艺,各 有千秋。至于谈及价钱,吴先生表示 数千到数十万不等,市面上比较贵的 当数康雍干时期的官窑花瓶,原因一 是量少,二是其手工极其精致。“在 澳门比较常见的是明清时期制的陶瓷 花瓶,当中又以官窑瓷器最受追捧, 以“千中选十、百中选一”的严格标 准选出的官窑贡品更是矜贵。我们店 里的瓷器花瓶现在大部份来自中国, 也有一部份是我专门从外国购回来 的。” 吴先生表示。

如何挑选古董花瓶? 如何能选到一只上好的花瓶是非常讲 究经验的,首先要查瓶底是否平稳, 再来是看其瓶身的光泽色彩以及光滑 度有否很好地融合。古董花瓶大多数 会有一点小裂纹或暇疵,这也是影响 价格的原因之一。另外,陶瓷花瓶是 易碎物品,很多人都误认为古董花瓶 难以保养,其实并非如此。吴先生介 绍,如果陶瓷花瓶上面有尘埃用软布 轻拭就可以。另外建议鉴赏花瓶时要 脱掉手上的戒指等硬物,谨防划伤釉 面或磕缺口沿。拿花瓶时,一手托 底,另一手把牢器身,千万不能仅用 一手抓住器物口沿拿起。

七月 2013

Rua de S. Paulo, antique street

Quality Vases and Maintenance

A scattering of antique shops on the Rua de S. Paulo hide some of Macau’s most rare antiques. We talked to one of the family owned businesses - Hoi Long Arts & Crafts to understand this ancient art. “I’ve been in this business for over 30 years. More and more antique shops have been setting up here over the past ten years in Macau,” says Mr. Ng, General Manager of Hoi Long. “The consumers are from all over the world: American, Australian, Japanese and some of them are professional antique hunters, ” describes Mr. Ng.

“The key to keeping the vase in good condition is to regularly and gently wipe off dust,” says Ng about upkeep. He also recommends a specific way to hold it saying: “you should remove jewelry, such as rings, and any sharp or hard objects to avoid scratching, as well as use both hands - one on the neck and one on the bottom, to avoid breakage”.

Official Kiln “Most of our vases are from Mainland China; however I found some antique Chinese vases from overseas. Based on the quality of the vases, the prices will be thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars,” describes the Manager. “Of the variety of antique Chinese vases available in the world, the ‘Official Kiln’ is the most sought after in terms of quality,” teaches Ng. Initially made as tribute for the emperors during the Ming and Qing dynasties, the antique vases are smoother in feel and color. In Macau they can be found in three major color-oriented categories: Kwon-glazed porcelain, Blue and White porcelain and Five-color porcelain.

Choosing a good quality vase A simple way to check the quality of an antique vase is to check whether its bottom is smooth or not, then the enamel and glaze of the vase. Good quality vases will have smooth colors, and they should be blended well together. Quality enameling and glazing will have held up well over the centuries. In addition, some cracks and imperfections in the vases is one of the reasons affecting the prices.

海龙工艺品(澳门)有限公司 HOI LONG Arts & Crafts (Macau) LTD. 地址 Address 澳门大三巴街50号地下AB Rua de S. Paulo, 50, AB, Edif. Su Kai, G/f, Macau

电话 Tel

(+853) 2834 0063

电邮 E-mail

July 2013



购物指南 shop

珠宝钟表 Jewellery &Watches

周大福珠宝金行 Chow Tai Fook Jewellery 澳门新马路328号地下 Avenida de Almeida Ribeiro, No 328, R/C, Macau 2833 0386

Tiffany & Co. 威尼斯人大运河购物中心3楼2003店 2003, Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8082

卡地亚 Cartier

时间廊 City Chain 澳门殷皇子大马路59-61号地下B座 Avenida do Infante D. Henrique, No 59-61, R/CB, Macau 2871 5866

澳门南湾大马路一定好商业中心地下 Avenida da Praia Grande, Centro Comercial Ia Teng Hou, R/C, Macau 2871 4099

名牌商品 Luxury Goods

宝格丽 Bvlgari


威尼斯人大运河购物中心3楼2006店 2006, Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8748

澳门壹号广场地面G13-15店 G24-26, G/F One Central Macau 2822 9978


欧米茄 OMEGA 澳门友谊大马路555号置地广场地 下015铺 Avenida da Amizade, No 555, Macau Landmark, R/C Loja 015, Macau 2878 0010

澳门壹号广场地面G35店 G35, G/F One Central Macau 2875 1241

Louis Vuitton 澳门壹号广场地面G27-29店 G27-29, G/F One Central Macau 2822 8800

IWC 路凼城银河渡假城商铺G42A G42A Shop, Galaxy Macau Resort, Cotai 2882 5862


梵克雅宝 Van Cleef & Arpels 澳门仙德丽街永利


Wynn, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau 2878 6006

浪琴表 Longines 澳门殷皇子大马路43A号澳门广场 地下 Avenida do Infante D. Henrique, No 43A, The Macau Square, R/C, Macau 2871 6358

欧洲坊钟表集团 Europe Watch Group 澳门壹号广场1楼101-107店 101-107,1/F One Central Macau 2872 3737

澳门壹号广场地面G11-12店 G11-12, G/F One Central Macau 2875 2887

澳门壹号广场地面G11-12店 G24-26, G/F One Central Macau 2872 2762

Loewe 澳门壹号广场地面G5店 G5, G/F One Central Macau 2875 0744

Ralph Lauren 澳门壹号广场地面G19-20店 G19-20, G/F One Central Macau 2875 7766

Bottega Veneta 澳门壹号广场地面G8店 G8, G/F One Central Macau 2872 2920

Dior 四季名店1楼1120店 1120, Level 1, The Shoppes at Four Seasons, Cotai 0800 989



七月 2013


Vivienne Westwood

四季名店1楼1117店 1117, Level 1, The Shoppes at Four Seasons, Cotai 2828 2833

四季名店2楼2815店 2815, Level 2, The Shoppes at Four Seasons, Cotai 2881 8270

Miu Miu

Juicy Couture

四季名店1楼1047店 1047, Level 1, The Shoppes at Four Seasons, Cotai 2899 8850

四季名店2楼2859店 2859, Level 2, The Shoppes at Four Seasons, Cotai 2899 8905


Marc by Marc Jacobs

四季名店1楼1126店 1126, Level 1, The Shoppes at Four Seasons, Cotai 2828 2833

澳门壹号广场1楼117号 117,1/F One Central Macau 2875 2884

Rimowa 威尼斯人大运河购物中心3楼2708店 2708, Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8516

新秀丽Samsonite Black Label 澳门壹号广场2楼215店 215, 2/F One Central Macau 2875 5768

Kate Spade 四季名店2楼2859店 2859, Level 2, The Shoppes at Four Seasons, Cotai

Cerejeira 澳门伯多禄局长街3号银座广场地下 Rua de Pedro Nolasco da Silva, No 3, Ginza Plaza, R/C, Macau 28356250

综合时装 Fashion-Mixed

化妆品与个人护理 Cosmetics and Skincare


莎莎 Sa Sa

威尼斯人大运河购物中心3楼2428店 2428, Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8592

澳门板樟堂街1E-1F号地下 Rua de S. Domingos, No 1E-1F, R/C, Macau 2832 2155


万宁 Mannings

威尼斯人大运河购物中心3楼2328店 2328, Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8440

澳门罗保博士街14号澳门广场地 下I座 Rua do Dr. Pedro José Lobo, No 14, The Macau Square, R/CI, Macau

Double Park

屈臣氏 Watsons 澳门议事亭前地11号信德堡地下

威尼斯人大运河购物中心3楼2330店 2330, Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8249

Largo do Senado, No 11, Shun Tak House, R/C, Macau 2838 9371


The Body Shop

威尼斯人大运河购物中心3楼2313店 2313, Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8236

澳门卖草地街9号辉旺阁地下 Rua da Palha, No 9, Edf. Fai Wong Kok, R/C, Macau 2836 9997

史蒂夫·马登Steve Madden

维多利亚秘密 Victoria’s Secret

澳门伯多禄局长街4B-4C号信达城 地下 Rua de Pedro Nolasco da Silva, No 4B-4C, Sun Star City, R/C, Macau 2835 6228

威尼斯人大运河购物中心3楼2412a 店 2412a, Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8485

电子及家庭电器 Audio Visual and Electronic Accessories


JC Shop premium

See’s Candies

威尼斯人大运河购物中心3楼 Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8987

丰泽 Fortress

路凼城银河渡假城商铺G11 G11 Shop Galaxy Macau Resort, Cotai 2828 3822

威尼斯人大运河购物中心3楼21198 店 2119, Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8738

议事亭前地 11 号信德堡地库 Basement, Shun Tak House, 11 Largo Do Senado, Macau 2832 9958

百货商店 Department Stores

Original Technology 澳门广场地下P,V&W铺 Shop P, V & W, G/F, Macau Square 2871 7428

澳门苏亚利斯博士大马路90号 Av. Doutor Mário Soares no.90, Macau 2872 5338

歌谣 KOIO Cyberland

永盟百货 Winman

新八佰伴 New Yaohan

澳门伯多禄局长街15号银座广场 地下 Rua de Pedro Nolasco da Silva, No 15, Ginza Plaza, R/C, Macau 2835 5227

澳门殷皇子大马路友谊广场地库 Av.Do Infante D. Henrique 31A-31B,Macau 2871 8920

手信/糖果 Souvenirs/ Confectionery

威尼斯人大运河购物中心1楼 1023/1030店 1023/1030, Level 1 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8263

咀香园饼家 Choi Heong Yuen Bakery

DFS Beauty World

澳门大三巴街28E号地下 Rua de S. Paulo, No 28E, R/C, Macau 2836 2122

Duty Free Americas

四季名店1楼1101/18-30店 1101/18-30, Level 1, The Shoppes at Four Seasons, Cotai 2828 2833

巨记手信Koi Kei Bakery 凼仔官也街11-13号地下 Rua do Cunha, No 11-13, R/C, Taipa 2882 7458

澳门老牌车厘哥夫 Old Cherykoff Macau 凼仔官也街31号地下 Rua do Cunha, No 31, R/C, Taipa 2882 7811

美珍香 Bee Cheng Hiang 凼仔官也街9-D号柏鸿大厦地下 Rua do Cunha, No 9-D, Edf. Pak Hung, R/C, Taipa 2882 7977

奇华饼家 Kee Wah Bakery 威尼斯人大运河购物中心3楼 Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian, Cotai 2882 8521

July 2013





热门旅游景点 explore 文物古迹






Ruins of St. Paul’s Mavis Loi Ieng Melao











七月 2013

1 澳门的标志


大三巴牌坊对澳门有极大的意义,它不仅是澳门的历史遗产,更是澳门的标志;大 家留意一下,细心的你还会发现,当你一进入关闸换到葡币时,在澳门的二十圆纸 币中,就可以发现它的足迹。




大三巴牌坊是圣保禄教堂正面前壁的遗址,圣保禄教堂于1602年开始修建至1640年 才完全竣工。不幸地,在1835年的一场大火中烧毁,只剩下教堂的正面、大部分的 地基、教堂前的石阶及镶嵌式的石地。一位老居民娓娓道出此引人入胜的故事:“ 这场破坏性的大火,相传是因为天主的奇迹而使这些主要部分得以保留下来, 这是天 主的大能。”


中西文化交流 圣保禄教堂附属于圣保禄学院,是远东地区第一所西式大学,以培养传教士到各地 宣扬天主教教义为主。本地人因教堂前壁的遗址与中国牌坊相似而为其取名“大三 巴牌坊”。

天主教艺术博物馆与墓室 在遗迹后的博物馆藏着珍贵的文物,它的开放时间是9:00至18:00,门票全免!


有耶稣会会徽IHS的浮雕图案,HIS代表三個希腊字:Iota, Eta and Sigma,是耶稣的希腊名字前三个字母;正门上则写 有“Mater Dei”,是天主之母的意思,说明此教堂是供奉圣母 的。

The Façade The remaining portion of St. Paul’s Church stands 25.5 meters high and 23 meters wide, and is divided into five levels. The entire design, including the various sculptures mixes concepts of Catholicism with Oriental ideologies.

1. The Base Level Symbol of the City The Ruins of St. Paul’s Church is one of the most significant - if not the most significant - monument in Macau. It is seen as more than a heritage site, but as a signature of the SAR, even so far as holding a place on its currency – on MOP 20 notes.

Ashes to Ashes The façade of the Ruins of St. Paul’s is all that survives of the original Church of Mater Dei, which was built between 1602 and 1640 by the Jesuits. A fire destroyed the church in 1835 leaving only the façade and most of the foundations, the stone steps leading to the church and the mosaic floors. Elderly residents of the city claim a miracle protected the church from destruction and that the salvation, not the destruction, was the work of God.

This level is comprised of ten Ionic-style columns. Three entrances open to the former interior, with IHS inscribed on the lintel of each. IHS represents three Greek letters: Iota, Eta and Sigma – the first three letters of the Greek name of Jesus. Above the main entrance sit the words “MATER DEI”, meaning “Mother of God”, showing the churches dedication to Mary.

Sino-Western Cultural Fusion The Church of Mater Dei was one of the elements that made up St. Paul’s College complex. This college was the first of its kind in the Far East and its function was to train missionaries and spread the Catholic doctrine throughout this part of the globe.

Museum of Sacred Art and Crypt A museum holding the former relics from the church lies behind the façade and is open to the public from 9:00 until 18:00. Admission is free. July 2013



热门旅游景点 explore




5 52


七月 2013


2 牌坊第二层 这是第一层的延续,四个壁龛中分别站着四位天主教圣人的铜 像,他们分別是圣方济各·包杰,他是耶稣会第三任会长;圣 依纳爵·罗耀拉,他是耶稣会始创人;圣方济各·沙勿略,他 是耶稣会始创人及远东传敎士;圣类思·公撒格,他是青年主 保及早期传敎士。他们是天主的追随者,这是对他们的至敬。

6 侧廊 侧廊间隔有曾建造柱体的痕迹,亦保留有原有地面的遗迹以及 遗骸存放的地方。

7 圣方济各堂 这里是南墙地基,于1688年至1691年间任职澳门总督的安德 烈的墓穴就安放于此,他是在1705年逝世的。

3 牌坊第三层 这层是装饰最丰富的一层,装饰包括拱形壁龛、天使浮雕、智 慧之树和一只七头怪兽等,一些雕像配以中文字样,一骷髅旁 边写着“念死者无为罪”,意思是只要信主,死后就无罪。


4 牌坊第四层

顶层是一三角形山花,中间有一只白鸽,白鸽在圣经中代表圣 神,在太阳、星星、月亮中飞翔,代表上帝创造宇宙万物。三 角部分代表圣父、圣子、圣神三位一体。

这里是昔日圣保禄教堂的主祭坛,墓中的花岗岩穴及青铜十字 架相信是学院创办人范礼安神父的墓穴,两侧的玻璃匣安放着 殉难者的遗骨。


展堂展出了多种天主教艺术品及一些与大三巴有关的历史精 品。

6 The Side Nave


The division of the aisles is most likely marked by the location of the columns. This is all that remains of the original floors and tombs.

7 Chapel of St. Francis Xavier This chapel was the foundation of the south wall and the wall of the tomb of André Coelho Vieira was also located here. Vieira was Governor of Macau from 1688 to 1691 and passed away in 1705.

3 The Third Level The decorations are the most abundant on this level. They include arched niches, angelic reliefs, a tree of knowledge, a dragon and more. One of the statues, in the form of a skull bears Chinese characters meaning: As long as people believe in God, there is no guilt after death.

8 The Transept Here were the foundations of the Chancel and the arch into the Chapel of Eleven Thousand Virgins. Here was the location of the altar for the Holy Spirit.

4 The Fourth Level This level holds a shrine to Jesus. On it is depicted the crucifixion of Christ, framed by an angelic relief on either side.

10 天主教艺术博物馆

I n side the Ruins of St. Paul

2 The Second Level This level is a continuation of the base level. The four statues of Saints stand in the niches. They are: Blessed Francisco de Borja - third Superior General of the Society of Jesus; St Ignatius Loyola - founder of the Society of Jesus; St Francis Xavier - founder of the Society of Jesus and the missioner of the Far East and Blessed Luís Gonzaga - patron saint and missioner.

这里是教堂主堂地基和一万一千贞女堂的拱门地基,相信亦是 圣祭坛的位置。

9 墓室

第四层是一耶稣圣龛,两侧有耶稣受难之刑具浮雕及天使的 装饰等。

5 牌坊顶层

8 十字厅堂

9 The Crypt


5 The upper levels A triangular pediment rests upon the top of the ruins. A dove is in the middle - representing the Holy Spirit - and is surrounded by stone carvings of the sun, moon and stars. These represent God’s creation of the universe. The triangle represents the Holy Trinity: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The main altar of the Church of St. Paul’s College was comprised of a granite finish and a bronze cross belonging to the College’s founder Father Alexandre Valignano. The mortal remains of the martyr lie in these glass-fronted reliquaries. 10 Museum of Sacred Art This hall varies Catholic artwork and historic items from the ruins.

10 July 2013



热门旅游景点 explore




七月 2013

Hotel Lisboa

Ice Lemon Tea

7 赛马

Gondola Restaurant, Cheok Van Beach, Coloane


2 空中漫步

Jockey Club, Taipa

Horse Races


8 购物



Macau Tower, Macau

12 澳门导航


1 冰镇柠檬茶

令你喜爱澳门 的三十件事 Things We Love About Macau


1 3 爵士音乐演唱会 澳门白鸽巢公园东方基金会

Jazz Concerts

Casa Garden, Luís de Camões Garden, Macau

4 烧烤

Shopping COTAI

9 观光 澳门主教山

The View

Penha Hill, Macau

10 远足




Hac Sa Beach, Coloane

5 柠檬车露


Coloane Trails, Hac Sa, Coloane

11 阅读




Senado Square, Macau

6 人力车 澳门葡京酒店



Macau Historical Archives, Tap Seac, Macau




12 赛车展览

17 野餐

22 跑步

27 观光

澳门高美士街旅游活动中心澳门 大赛车博物馆





Grand Taipa Country Park, Taipa




Macau Reservoir, Macau

Guia Lighthouse, Farol da Guia, Macau

Macau Grand Prix Museum, Rua Luis Gonzaga Gomes, 431, Macau

18 日常用品

23 观光



28 刺激

13 闲逛



Red Market, Avenida Almirante Lacerda, Avenida Horta e Costa, Macau

The View

14 澳门旧区


澳门福隆新街 Rua da Felicidade, Macau 澳门黑沙环关闸

Old Meets New

Border Gate, Areia Preta, Macau

15 结婚 氹仔龙环葡韵住宅博物馆


Taipa House Museums, Taipa

16 烧香拜佛 澳门妈阁庙

Lighting Incense

A-Ma Temple, Barra, Macau



19 捕鱼之乐 Observing the Catch

Inner Harbor, Ponte 16-22, Macau

A-Ma Statue, Alto de Coloane, Coloane

24 氹仔市集

29 小吃

Flea Market


25 感受太极

Lord Stow’s Egg Tarts, Coloane Village, Coloane

Taipa Village Square, Taipa 澳门塔石广场


Tap Seac Square, Macau

Lilau Square, Macau


Observing Tai Chi

30 美食

26 散步


21 悠闲



Lou Lim Iok Garden, Macau


Crazy Paris Show, Grand Lisboa, Macau


20 拍照 Taking Pictures



路环雅憩花园餐厅 Nga Tim Café, Coloane Village, Coloane

Nam Van Lake at Sunset, Macau


9 July 2013

23 Cguide


热门旅游景点 explore 博物馆



Macau Museum

Vivian Ao Ieong


澳门博物馆坐落在澳门著名的历史遗迹大炮台之上,于1998年4月18日落成开 幕,是澳门回归前建成的一个具有历史性的博物馆,馆内主要集中介绍了澳门 的历史以及澳门中西共融的一面,博物馆透过采用现代视听媒介和互动方式详 细向参观者展示了澳门的文化特色。 澳门博物馆一共分为三层,其中两层建于大炮台平台之下,只有最上一层由原 气象台的地面建筑改建而成。展览空间的总面积为2100平方米,一楼以及二楼 展区展示了澳门早期历史、华人与葡萄牙人在澳门的贸易以及澳门传统文化, 包括民间艺术、民俗庆典等;三楼展厅则以展示澳门今天的城市面貌和居民生 活特色为主。

Located on the Fortaleza do Monte, the Macau Museum houses a 2,100-square meter exhibition space occupying three floors. Two of these floors are underground and visitors take a journey from Macau’s origins (displayed on the first floor), through Macau’s social and cultural background (on the floor below), before making it to Macau’s contemporary side – located on the third floor below ground. The Macau Museum was completed on April 18th, 1998, one year and eight months before Macau’s return to China. It is a historical and cultural museum, mainly focused on the presentation of Macau history, with special emphasis on its cultural differences. The museum utilizes a modern approach in its divulgation of information through audio-visual mediums and interactive approaches. 56


七月 2013

开放时间 Opening Hours 10:00-18:00 下午六点后停止进馆,每逢周一休馆 Last admission 17:30, Closed on Mondays

地址 Address 澳门博物馆前地112号(大炮台 Praceta do Museu de Macau, 112, Mount Fortress, Macau

电话 Phone (+853) 2835 7911

网站 Website

热门旅游景点 explore


快拍介紹 欢迎将有关澳门的快拍照片分享到这个平台,每月的《澳门 导航》将由你们发送的照片中选出三张最佳的快拍,方法 很简单,只要将在澳门拍摄的照片以电子邮件形式传送到,并提供你的名字,你将会在 下一期的《澳门导航》找到属于你的照片。 我们会对所有由读者发来的照片作出评选,还在犹疑?快来 参与我们的快拍吧!

Introduction of Snapshot Welcome to Snapshot, your platform to share your pictures about Macau. Each month Culture Guide makes a selection of the Top 3 pictures that YOU send in. It’s really simple, just take a picture in Macau, email it to snapshot@cguidemacau. com with your name and look for it in the upcoming edition! We also include a selection of photos from all those that you readers send in, so don’t wait, go take a Snapshot!

Bruno Saavedra

Bruno Saavedra Joe B July 2013



热门旅游景点 explore

我的澳门 my Macau Abbi Mitchell-Morley

Emma Seward 舞蹈家/舞蹈指导 Dancer / Choreographer

Emma Seward 创意制作集团创办人 澳门合唱团合作创办人 Founder-Creative Production Group Co-founder-Macau Glee Club



七月 2013

What is your best memory of Macau? I have many great memories; last October my best friend and her family visited from Hong Kong - we had good family fun at the Lusofonia festival in Old Taipa. Soaking up the atmosphere, enjoying the Latino and African music, food and drinks! The performances ranging from Capoeira and Bollywood to traditional Folk dance from Portugal and Asia. I love experiencing the mixture of cultures present in Macau.

Where do you find the most beautiful scenery? I like the scenery along the trails in Coloane.

What’s your favorite restaurant?

你在澳门最美好的回忆? 我有很多美好的回忆:去年十月,我的死党和她家人 从香港过来。我们在氹仔旧城区的葡韵嘉年华一享家 庭乐。那里有令人陶醉的氛围,还有拉丁美洲和非洲 的音乐、美食和饮料!舞蹈表演有卡波埃拉舞、宝莱 坞,还有葡萄牙和亚洲的传统民族舞。我最爱体验澳 门的文化大合奏了。

For Asian food I love North in the Venetian - really tasty, healthy and [a] good price. I like the modern Asian decor and cutlery! I [also] like Fernando’s because I’ve had many happy meals there with friends and family. [A] simple salad with olive oil, garlic prawns and warm crusty bread rolls, you can’t go wrong!

Where is the best place for a date?


Portofino’s. Have a great meal whilst enjoying the view of the hills and hearing the water fountains from the pools below. Then you can get cozy on those big comfortable lounge chairs on the terrace, and simply enjoy the company of your date!


Where do you like to take pictures?

亚洲风味的餐厅,我最喜欢威尼斯人的北方馆—真的 又好吃又健康又实惠。尤其喜欢那里的现代亚式装潢 和餐具。 我还喜欢法兰度餐厅,我和家人朋友在那里吃了好多 顿,好开心。简单的橄榄油沙律,蒜香大虾还有温热 脆皮面包卷。绝对美味!

All over! Coloane and old Macau but especially Old Taipa, around the Taipa House Museums. There are some beautiful old trees, a cute little path that winds up from the ponds and garden to the church on the hill. I’ve a few nice shots of my children surrounded by greenery with the bright yellow of the church walls as background and the weathered brown shutters of the church framing the shot.


情侣约会的最佳地点? 碧涛意国渔乡。在享受美食的同时,可以欣赏远处的 山景,聆听楼下水池的瀑布。吃完了可以坐着舒适的 露台沙发,享受另一半的陪伴。

你最喜欢在哪里拍照? 到处拍!路环岛和旧城,特别是氹仔旧城区的龙环葡 韵住宅式博物馆一带。那里有些悦目的老树,有一条 小径绕着池塘和花园延伸到山上的教堂。我的孩子们 在一片绿丛中,以教堂鲜黄的墙身为背景,褪色的棕 色百叶窗为框架照了几张很漂亮的相片。

What is there to do in Macau? I have a family, I choreograph and I teach so I don’t really have time for activities but I like walking the trails of Coloane, especially a cliff walk from Hac Sa to Cheoc Van. There are many other things though: sailing, golfing, capoeira, biking, swimming, fencing, yoga, go-carting and dancing as well as sitting around eating and drinking. I like the slow pace of Macau.

澳门有什么好玩? 我有家室,还要编舞和教学,所以没什么时间活动, 但我喜欢在路环岛的小径上散步,特别是沿着峭壁从 黑沙走到竹湾。除此外还有好多东西可以玩,例如: 帆船、高尔夫球、卡波埃拉舞、自行车、游泳、击 剑、瑜伽、卡丁车、舞蹈,当然还有四处吃喝。我最 爱澳门的休闲。

July 2013



热门旅游景点 explore



澳门最古老的庙宇,供奉与妈祖同名 的天后娘娘 地址: 澳门妈阁庙前地 开放时间: 10:00-18:00 全日 费用: 全免

又名为「花堂」,建于1608年,是 澳门第一个耶稣会的总部。 地址: 澳门花王堂街和沙栏仔街的街角 开放时间: 07:30-17:30 费用: 全免



澳门唯一充满阿拉伯风情的建筑物, 当初是兵营,由印度来澳的摩尔士兵 驻守。 地址: 澳门妈阁山边 开放时间: 09:00-18:00 全日 费用: 全免

亚婆井前地 昔日澳门为葡国殖民地时为居民贮山 泉,以供居民饮用, 曾有著名葡萄牙民 谣说:「喝过亚婆井水, 忘不掉澳门。」 地址: 澳门西望洋山北面的广场 开放时间: 全日 费用: 全免

郑家大屋 郑家大屋具有传统中国广东民居的 特征,是中国近代名人郑观应的居 所,全屋面积约有4,000平方米大。 地址: 澳门龙头左巷10号(亚婆井前 地) 开放时间: 10:00-18:00 (最后入场时 间为17:30, 每逢星期三休息) 费用: 全免

澳门圣老楞佐堂 又称为风顺堂, 于1560年年间由耶稣 会会士所创建, 是澳门最古老的三座 教堂之一。 地址: 澳门风顺堂街, 开放时间: 10:00-16:00 (逢星期一至 星期五,) 10:00-13:00 (逢星期六), 星 期日休息 费用: 全免 圣若瑟修院及圣堂 于1728年年间由耶稣会会士所创 建,以经典的巴洛克风格及独特迷 人的景观吸引艺术家前来参观。 地址: 澳门岗顶前地 开放时间: 10:00-17:00 (逢公众假期 休息) 费用: 全免

伯多禄五世剧院 于1860年建造成的,以新古典形式 设计,是中国第一所西式剧院。 地址: 澳门岗顶前地的古老剧院 开放时间: 10:00-23:00 费用: 全免

澳门大三巴牌坊 昔日圣保禄教堂的前壁,最初建于 1580年。 地址: 澳门大三巴街 费用: 全免



七月 2013



岗顶前地虽然地方细少,却散发着浓 厚的葡萄牙风情,走上由碎石铺成的 波浪图案路面,就如同身在葡萄牙小 街上。四周更有佷多著名的建筑物,包 括圣奥斯定教堂,岗顶剧院,圣若瑟 修院以及圣堂,何东图书馆大楼等。 地址: 岗顶前地2号 开放时间: 10:00-18:00 费用: 免费

大炮台位于澳门的核心地带,占地 约一万平方米,建筑于1617至1626 年,现作为大炮台展览室。 地址:澳门花王堂区大炮台山 开放时间: 07:00-19:00 费用: 免费


又名为金玉堂,传统中国风格的大 屋,是澳门二十年纪商人卢九先生 的住宅,建于1889年。 地址: 澳门大堂街7号 开放时间: 09:00-19:00 (逢星期二到 星期日, 公众假期), 星期一休馆 费用: 全免

何东图书馆大楼建于1894年,它原 是官也夫人的居所。在1918年,香 港富商何东爵士购入该大楼,其后 将大楼赠予澳门政府作开设公共图 书馆之用。 地址: 岗顶前地3号 开放时间: 10:00-19:00 (每逢星期一 至六), 11:00-19:00 (逢星期日) 费用: 免费



又称为「喷水池」,是澳门四大广 场之一,占地面积约有3,700平方米, 采用葡萄牙设计风格。 地址: 澳门半岛的中区, 开放时间: 全日 费用: 全免

仁慈堂大楼 建于1560年, 是当时澳门的医院以及 老人院,是一座古旧,欧陆式建筑 风格的白色大楼。 地址: 澳门议事亭前地旁边的砖石 建筑物。 开放时间: 10:00-13:00; 14:30-17:30 (逢星期日以及公众假期休息) 费用: 澳门币5元

基督教坟场 亦称为马礼逊教堂,已有多年历 史,于19世纪已开始兴建,当时主 要为英国东印度公司作公司办公地 方用。 地址: 澳门白鸽巢前地 开放时间: 09:00-17:30 费用: 免费

主教座堂 主教座堂,是全澳最著名最重要的 天主教座堂之一,以供奉圣母玛利 亚主,建于1622年, 主教座堂设计简 单, 以富有艺术性的彩色玻璃窗作为 背景。在澳门,大部份教会的庆典 都会在此举行。 地址: 澳门大堂前地 费用: 免费

圣奥斯定教堂 圣奥斯定教堂,又名为”龙嵩庙” ( 龙须庙),于1592年由西班牙奥斯定 会修士兴建而成,是澳门第一间教 堂以英语来传道。 地址: 岗顶前地2号 开放时间: 10:00-18:00 费用: 免费

民政总署大楼建于1784年,前身 是澳门市政厅,建筑风格具有明显 的南欧建筑艺术特色。一楼作为图 书馆使用,现有大量外籍藏书,专 门收藏自从17世纪到现今的外文古 籍。 地址: 澳门亚美打利比卢大马路163 号 开放时间:画廊 09:00-21:00 (逢星期 一休息), 花园09:00-21:00 费用: 免费

三街会馆 三街会馆亦即是关帝庙,会馆初 设时刚开放时只是商人聚集的场 所,而在华人社会中有很重要的地 位。1912年,因澳门中华总商会成 立,使得会馆主要功能变为祀奉神 明。 地址: 公局新市南街 开放时间: 08:00-18:00 费用: 免费

玫瑰堂 玫瑰堂是由三位道明会士在中国的第 一间教堂。教堂设计十分华丽,它的 巴洛克建筑风格祭坛更是精致,在那 里更有一个细小博物馆,收藏了超过 三百多件澳门天主教珍贵文物 地址: 板樟堂前地 开放时间: 10:00-18:00 费用: 免费

哪咤庙 哪咤庙建于1888,当时是为了防止 瘟疫流行而兴建的。 地址: 澳门圣安多尼堂区圣方济各 斜巷 开放时间: 08:00-17:00 费用: 免费

旧城墙遗址 旧城墙遗址在大三巴牌坊附近,这 是由葡国人在1569年于澳门所修建 的城墙,为了使澳门成为当时的防 范严密的城堡。 地址: 澳门大三巴斜巷 费用: 免费

东方基金会会址 东方基金会会址本是澳门最好的豪华 住宅之一,原本是葡萄牙富商俾利喇 的别墅;现在作为东方基金会会址。 地址:澳门白鸽巢公园侧 开放时间: 09:30-18:00(逢星期六, 日及公众假期休息) 费用: 免费

东望洋炮台 东望洋炮台建于1622年,包括了一 座灯塔及一间小教堂,它位于澳门 半鸟最高峰,在这里可以俯视整个 澳门的风光。 地址: 澳门松山 开放时间: 09:00-17:00 费用: 免费

A Ma Temple

Oldest temple in Macau, dedicated to Macau’s namesake Tin Hau. Address: Rua de Sao Tiago da Barra, Macau Opening Hours: 10:00-18:00 daily Entrance fee: Free

Moorish Barracks

The only Arabian-style building in Macau, was originally the barracks of Indian soldiers appointed from Goa to Macau. Address: Barra Street, around the corner from A-Ma Temple, Macau Opening Hours: 09:00-18:00 daily Entrance fee: Free

Lilau Square

Was built to provide fresh water to Macau’s people during the colonial days. A famous old local saying goes: “Anyone who drinks from the water of the Lilau-will never forget Macau”. Address: North of Penha Hill, near the Mandarin’s House, Central Macau Peninsula, Macau Opening Hours: 24h Entrance fee: Free

Mandarin’s House

A traditional Chinese-style compound, home of prominent Chinese literary figure Zheng Guanying, covering an area of about 4,000-square meters. Address: No. 10 Travessa de Antonio da Silva, Largo do Lilau, Macau Opening Hours: 10:00-18:00 (last entry at 17:30, closed on Wednesdays) Entrance fee: Free

St. Lawrence’s Church

Also named Fung Shun Tang, this church was originally built by the Jesuits around 1560, and is one of the oldest churches in Macau. Address: Fung Shun Tang Street, Southwest side of Macau, Macau, China. Opening Hours: 10:00-16:00 (from Monday to Friday) 10:00-13:00 (Saturdays) Closed on Sundays. Entrance fee: Free

St. Joseph’s Seminary and Church

Built by the Jesuits in 1728, St. Joseph’s features classic Baroque architecture and its distinctive beauty has always attracted artists. Address: Rua Do Seminario, Macau Opening Hours: 10:00-17:00 (Closed on Public Holidays) Entrance fee: Free

Dom Pedro V Theatre

Built in 1860, the theatre has a distinct neo-classical design, and is one of the first western-style theatres in China. Address: Largo de Santo Agostinho, Macau Opening Hours: 10:00-23:00 Entrance Fee: Free

Ruins of St. Paul’s

Floating façade of St. Paul, originally built in 1580. Address: Rua Sao Paulo Entrance fee: Free

St. Anthony’s Church

Also named the “Church of Flowers” in Chinese, the building was built in 1608, and was the first headquarters of the church in Macau. Address: Fa Vong Tong Street, south of Camões Garden, at the north end of Historic Center of Macau, Macau Opening Hours: 07:30-17:30 Entrance Fee: Free

Lou Kau Mansion

A traditional Chinese courtyard mansion in Macau, was home to Lou Kau, a prominent Chinese merchant, and was built in 1889. Address: No 7 Travessa da Se, Macau Opening Hours: 09:00-19:00 (Tuesday-Sunday and Public Holidays), closed on Monday. Entrance fee: Free

Senado Square

One of the four largest Squares in Macau, it covers an area of 3,700-square meters and is carpeted in Portuguese tiles. Seen as the center of the city by locals and visitors alike. Address: Largo de Senado Opening Hours: all day long Entrance fee: Free

Holy House of Mercy

Constructed in 1569, as the medical clinic and social welfare edifice, this white building is filled with history. Address: Travessa da Misericordia 2, Macau, China. Opening Hours: 10:00-13:00; 14:30-17:30 (Closed on Sundays & Public Holidays) Entrance fee: MOP 5

Protestant Cemetery

Also known as the Morrison Chapel, the cemetery was originally built in the early 19th century to serve as the offices of the British East India Company. Address: Praça de Luís de Camões, Macau (North of Luís de Camões Garden) Opening Hours: 09:00-17:30 Entrance fee: Free


The Cathedral, one of the most important Catholic churches in Macau, is dedicated to the Virgin Mary and was built in 1622. It’s simplicity in style and decoration accentuate the stained glass windows and the church houses the majority of the religious ceremonies held in Macau. Address: Largo da Sé Macau, Macau Entrance fee: Free

St. Augustine’s Church

St. Augustine’s Church, also known as “Long Song Miu” (Temple of the Long-whiskered Dragon), was first built by Spanish Augustinians in 1591. This is the first church in Macau to use English sermons. Address: No. 2, Largo de Santo Agostinho, Macau Opening Hours: 10:00-18:00 Entrance fee: Free

St. Augustine’s Square

St. Augustine’s Square is a small space with a lot of heart that brings together various notable buildings including: St. Augustine’s Church, the Dom Pedro V Theatre, St. Joseph’s Seminary and Church and Sir Robert Ho Tung’s Library. Address: Largo de Santo Agostinho, Macau Entrance fee: Free

S ir R obert H o T ung Library

Originally built in 1894, this was the residence of Dona Carolina Cunha. In 1918, Hong Kong businessman Sir Robert Ho Tung purchased it and, according to his will, this building was presented to the Macau Government to be used as a public library. Address: No. 3 Santo Agostinho Square, Macau Opening Hours: 10:00-19:00 (Monday to Saturday), 11:00-19:00 (Sunday) Entrance fee: Free

Leal Senado Building

In 1784, the Leal Senado Building was built to serve as Macau’s municipal office. Decorated in a southern European architectural style, it houses a library on the 1st floor, with thousands of foreign texts dating back to the 17th century. Address: No 163 Avenida de Almeida Ribeiro, Macau Opening Hours: Gallery: 09:00-21:00 (closed on Mondays); Garden: 09:00-21:00 Entrance fee: Free

Sam Kai Vui Kun

Also known as Kuan Tai Temple, originally, it was the meeting place for merchants, and was very important for the local Chinese community. After the establishment of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in 1912, Sam Kai Vui has been used primarily for worship. Address: Rua Sul do Mercado de São Domingos, Macau Opening Hours: 08:00-18:00 Entrance fee: Free

St. Dominic’s Church

St. Dominic’s Church is the first church to have been built in China. Built in 1587 by three Spanish Dominican priests it houses a Baroque altar and its museum holds around 300 Catholic Macanese artifacts. Address: St. Dominic’s Square Opening Hours: 10:00-18:00 Entrance fee: Free

Section of the Old City Walls Located near the Ruins of St. Paul’s a section of the old city wall, built in 1569 by the Portuguese, is visible as the remnants of the former battlements. Address: Calcada de S. Paulo, by Senado Square, Macau Entrance fee: Free

Mount Fortress

Mount Fortress was the heart of the Macanese defensive center. At 10,000-square meters, the building was constructed from 1617 until 1626 to defend against invasion from the sea. Now, it is used as the Macau Museum. Address: Monte, Freguesia de Santo António, Macau Opening Hours: 07:00-19:00 Entrance fee: Free

Casa Garden

Casa Garden is one of the finest villas in Macau, and was originally the summer residence of wealthy Portuguese merchant Manuel Pereira. Now, it is the headquarters of the Oriental Foundation. Address: Beside Camoes Square Opening Hours: Gallery-09:30-18:00 (Closed on Sat & Sun) Garden: 09:30-18:00

Guia Fortress

Guia Fortess, containing the Guia lighthouse and chapel, was built in 1622. It is the highest point in Macau, and is an ideal vantage point from which to look out over the SAR. Address: Guia Lighthouse, Macau Opening hours: Fortress: 09:00-17:00 Entrance fee: Free

Na Tcha Temple

The Na Tcha Temple was built in 1888 as a means of defending against a plague that attacked the city’s population. Address: Calçada de S. Francisco Xavier, Macau Opening Hours: 08:00-17:00 Entrance fee: Free

July 2013



儿童天地 Kid’s

热门旅游景点 kids clothing Pana Lei


澳门作为世界旅游休闲中心,除了吃喝玩乐,当然购物也不少 得。但总不能只有大人买得开心而已,所以这一期就为你们介绍 小朋友的“购物天堂”。 We all know the age-old expression: “Clothe yourself for a day - live a day, clothe your kids everyday - live a lifetime.” Okay, so maybe that expression has never actually existed anywhere, ever, but you get the point.



七月 2013


Suiting up your young ones

DC Comics Superheroes Store 澳门路氹连贯公路新濠天地 新濠大道一楼1312铺 Shop 1312, Level 1, The Boulevard, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, COTAI (+853) 2882 4651

DC Comics Superheroes Store 每个人心中都住着一位英雄。小朋友的梦想都是成为英雄,而 DC Comics Superheroes 可以帮小朋友更接近他们的“梦想”。DC Comics Superheroes 的店面摆放着栩栩如 生的蝙蝠侠、蝙蝠女孩的大型模型公仔,大人小孩看见必定争相拍照。店内衣物全 部以英雄为题,无论是超人、蝙蝠侠、神奇女侠、绿灯侠、闪电侠等都一应俱全, 店内的衣服有各种尺码可供大人小朋友选择,设计独特的衣服也常令父母亲荷包大 失血,如婴儿衣服附上斗篷、眼罩、手套等配件,令小婴儿化身成维妙维肖的小英 雄;小男孩最喜欢的是颜色鲜艳并印上了这些英雄的T-shirt;小女孩最喜欢的是印有 神奇女侠等图案的裙子;大人喜爱的是跟小朋友一同来买超人的亲子装,琳琅满目 的英雄精品,总能令你爱不释手。

Every kid dreams to be a superhero and DC Comics Superheroes brings their dreams that much closer. With life-size Batman and Batgirl statues in the storefront, all of the clothing on offer in the store is superhero-themed. Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, The Flash, you name it - it’s there in both adult and kid sizes. Parents may have to restrain their inner child as they check out the little capes, eye masks and gloves for (their) babies - turning them into little superheroes. Little boys tend to covet the colorful superhero print T-shirts and little girls flock to the dresses with Wonder Woman on them. Or have the whole family suit up in the Superman family set! July 2013



儿童天地 Kids

Fables AZ Fables AZ的童装主要针对2至16岁的亚洲小孩设计的,

其充满欧美风格,丰富色彩而且风格多变,有可爱娇 俏的公主风、活泼有型的休闲男孩风、缤纷可人的时 尚女孩风等,既新颖且时尚,适合各种不同性格及不 同年龄的小朋友。今年春夏系列分为成熟优雅、假日 气息、型格好动以及热爱暑假这四类,有粉嫩色系的 雪纺纱裙子、颜色鲜艳的印花T-shirt、型格的牛仔裙和 扎染波浪纹牛仔裤、格子花纹的小男生衬衫等,而且 Fables AZ 还精心设计了搭配造型的手提袋、鞋子、饰 品,走进去从头到脚都能打扮一番。最重要的是 Fables AZ用优质棉料打造的衣服,总能令小朋友穿得舒服自 在, 父母也买得安心。

Designed after European and American trends, children’s wear in Fables AZ targets an Asian demographic aged two to 16. Colorful and dynamic, the clothing carries a variety of styles for children of different ages and characters – little princess, laid-back boy and stylish girl are some of the in looks on display. This year’s Spring and Summer Collections feature four categories: elegant, festive, active and summer fun. Pastel chiffon dresses, sharp print T-shirts, jean skirts, tie-dyed wave pattern jeans and checked shirts, all with special matching handbags, shoes and accessories are on offer for a complete look. Designed for summer, parents can put their mind at ease, as the clothing’s made of fine cotton material that’s both stylish and comfortable.

新八佰伴 New Yaohan

新八佰伴(new Yaohan)

澳门苏亚利斯博士大马路90号 Av. Doutor Mário Soares, 90, Macau (+853) 2872 5338

新八佰伴的五楼是小朋友的天堂,童装、玩具、婴儿 用品应有尽有。这里给集了不同品牌的童装服饰, 让大人小朋友可以一次逛个够本。童装区域拥有世 界各地的品牌,不同的风格任君选择。想要寻找优 雅可爱的衣服可以到 Chickeeduck,男女生的童装给人 一种舒服的设计感,不过于鲜艳,也不过于俗套; 想要寻找可爱的卡通服饰可以到 Sanrio Kids,小朋友 喜爱的卡通人物印在设计可爱的服装上面,尽情地 俘虏小朋友的心;想要寻找运动风服装可以到 Nike Kids ,小一号的球衣和球鞋看起来多了一份活泼感, 买一套让运动变得更开心;想要寻找鞋子的,这里有 Converse、Skechers、Hunter等品牌,不管是雨鞋、运 动鞋、学生鞋都能一并在这里找到。



七月 2013

Fables AZ 澳门威尼斯人酒店大运河购 物中心2300a店 Shop 2300a, Grand Canal Shoppes, Venetian Macau, Estrada da Baia da N. Senhora de Esperanca, COTAI 28576216 澳门路凼金沙城中心 (新八佰伴) 3001-3007店 Shop 3001-3007 Kid’s Cavern, Sands Cotai Central, Estrada do Istmo, COTAI (+853) 2885 3246

The floor of New Yaohan is a paradise for children. Kids’ wear, toys, baby products and the like are all found here. The kids’ wear section is stocked with a worldly collection of brands and styles: Chickeeduck offers adorable and comfortable pieces that are not too sharp nor too dull; Sanrio Kids captures your kid’s heart with his favorite cartoon characters printed on the cute pieces; Nike Kids has little jerseys and sports shoes that make sports a lot more fun; and Converse, Skechers, Hunter and a lot more brands are here to simplify your search whether you’re looking for rain boots, sports shoes, school shoes or more.

儿童天地 Kids

保龄 把它击倒! 中心——保龄球场

Knock ‘em down! Bowling in Macau 文 吕盈 Loi Ieng, Mavis 佳景保龄球场 Future Bright Bowling

保龄球中心﹣保龄球场 Bowling Center – Bowling Alley 位于澳门东亚运动体育馆(澳门蛋)旁的保龄球中心 于2005年10月启用,场内设有24条合乎国际标准的保 龄球赛道,是现时澳门最新颖、设备最先进及唯一符 合国际赛事标准的一级保龄球场。你可以带着自己的 保龄球鞋或向中心租借,只需澳门币三元你便可以享 受完全专属于你的保龄时间。 Bowling in Macau doesn’t have a huge following and as such the locations where you can practice this pastime are numbered. The two primary locations are the Bowling Center, located next to the Macau Dome, and the Future Bright Bowling establishment located next to the Luís de Camões Garden.

For the pros By far the largest set-up for bowlers in Macau, this center is a bit off the beaten path, located next to the Macau East Asian Games Dome (Macau Dome), in the Cotai area. Opened in 2005, it houses 24 lanes, all of which are up to the international standard. With up-to-date equipment and professional service, the center’s the best around. You can bring along your own bowling shoes or rent some from the center for MOP 3.


Opening Hours 星期一至五 Mon-Fri 14:00-23:00, 星期六、日及公众假期 Sat, Sun & Public Holiday 09:00-23:00 费用(每局)

Fee (per game)

日间 Day (澳门币 Before19:00) MOP 20, 晚间 Night (澳门币 After 19:00) MOP 30 地址

Address 路氹体育馆大马路185-195 号 Rua do Desporto, 185 – 195, Cotai 电话 Tel (+853) 2886 5017

位于镜湖医院附近的佳景保龄球场拥有悠久历史,设 有十五条保龄球赛道,而保龄球鞋租借费用为澳门币 五元;这个地方带给本地人很多童年回忆,如果你希 望在这里举办保龄比赛或派对,他们会为团体提供优 惠的价格。 开放时间:10:00-01:00 费用(每局):星期一至五MOP22 (19::00前), MOP28 (19::00后);星期六及日MOP30 地址:澳门白鸽巢丽豪花园地下 电话:2895 3399

For fun Located near the Kiang Wu Hospital and directly next to the Luís de Camões Garden, the bowling area at Future Bright has a long standing history. With 15 lanes, the spot is not a huge establishment but its close location to the ice-skating rink and the large arcade area make it a nice package. Bowling shoes can be rented for MOP 5 and group visits can be arranged. A popular spot among locals. Opening Hours: 10:00-01:00 Fee (per game): Mon-Fri (Before19:00) MOP 22 (After 19:00) MOP 28; Sat-Sun MOP 30 Address: Praça Luís de Camões, Macau Tel: (+853) 2895 3399

July 2013



儿童天地 Kids


Children’s World

12:00-20:00 每30分钟一场 every 30-minutes) 价格Price: 澳门币MOP 50 (+853) 8868 6688

冒险地带 Adventure Zone

美高梅奇幻光彩之旅 MGM Aurora 童梦天地 Kid’s City 占地超过10,000平方尺,共分三个 主题区:创意坊、梦剧院及勇闯巅 峰。可以化身小公主或王子,于玻 璃大画板上发挥创意和可征服吊桥。 Occupying 10,000 square feet at the City of Dreams, the kid’s city features three play zones- Create, Dream and Explore, in which children can dress up as princesses or princes, play on swinging bridges and slides and paint masterpieces on a variety of surfaces. Opening hours: 10:30-21:30 入场费Price: 两小时 Two hour admission 星期一至四Mon-Thu 澳门币MOP 90 星期五至日Fri-Sun 澳门币MOP 100 (+853) 8868 3000

威尼斯人酒店的历险Q立方内要有高 达六米的复合攀爬设施,附设一座垂 直滑梯、两座小型滑梯、一座V字形 绳桥、跨越及攀爬障碍物、之字形攀 爬绳网等。 Situated inside the Venetian Hotel, Qube features a six-meter-tall multi-climbing facility with a free fall slide, rainbow slides, a V-Net bridge, over and under barriers, zig-zag net climbers and more. 开放时间Opening hours: 10:00-22:00 Price from MOP 50 入场费:澳门币50元起 (+853) 2882 8857

主题图书馆 Anime-themed library 《喜羊羊与灰太狼》主题图书馆誔生 啦!黑沙环公园黄营均儿童图书馆是 现时澳门唯一一间儿童图书馆。 China’s hit cartoon characters “Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf” have come to Macau, debuting the first themed library, located in the North area of Areia Preta Urban Park. 开放时间 Opening hours: 澳门导航

奇幻表演 Shows

永利表演湖 Performance Lake

水舞间 The House of Dancing Water

历险Q立方 Qube


8:00 - 20:00 星期一休馆 closed on Mondays) 免费Free admission (+853) 2845 1892

七月 2013

美高梅邀您步入天幕广场的「光・影・水 世界」,亲身体验光影交织的奇妙海 底世界:色彩夺目的珊瑚宫殿环抱8 米高的圆柱形水族馆,海洋与天空融 为一色,逾千鱼儿遨游天际的奇景 尽入眼帘。 Immerse yourself in an intricate interplay of shadow and light, where the water meets the sky. The eight-meter tall cylindrical Water-sky Aquarium in MGM’s Grande Praça is regarded as the soul of Water Aurora. 免费入场Free entrance 查询 Tel:(853) 8802 8888

耗资20亿港币的大型水上汇演「水 舞间」以特技、舞蹈等表现方法,配 合以水为主题,把东方智慧的意象发 挥得淋漓尽致。 The HK$2 billion performance ‘The House of Dancing Water’ is a breathtaking water-based show that draws its creative inspiration from the roots of Chinese culture and is destined to be the most extravagant live production ever staged in Asia. 详情请浏览Visit: (+853) 8868 6688

龙腾 Dragon’s Treasure 于新濠天地的圆顶形综合剧院「天 幕」欣赏「龙腾」,在四大龙王的带 领下,深深体会多媒体高清特技丶千 变万化的舞台灯光丶独特乐章带来的 超感官奇幻效果。 The Bubble is an iconic multi-media attraction at the City of Dreams with explosive visual and sounds. The Dragon’s Treasure theme tells the story of the Dragon Pearl and the four kings. 放映时间Show times:

永利表演湖位于永利酒店大门前地, 逾200个湖水喷咀和发射器,配合 800,000加仑的湖水,热力与光芒绽 放着喜悦和活力。 Located in front of Wynn Macau, the Performance Lakes houses over 200 water nozzles and shooters, and holds 800,000 gallons of water. It sports lofty plumes of water and fire along with music. 表演时间 Show times: 11:00-00:00(15分钟一次 Daily at 15 minutes intervals 免费入场Free entrance (+853) 2888 9966

电影院和剧院 Cinemas and Theaters 澳门旅游塔的剧院、永乐戏院和澳门 大会堂不时有最新的香港、荷里活电 影和其它国家的影片上映。带小孩看 充满欢乐的3D 电影吧! A variety of movie theatres exist in Macau. With the UA cinema situated in the Galaxy complex, the Cineteatro Macau and the Macau Tower’s movie theatres, kids are able to enjoy a variety of 3-D, 2-D and Anime movies.

百步登天及高飞跳 Tower climb & Skyjump 参加百步登天来征服338米高的旅游 塔。高飞跳和空中漫步能看到澳门震 撼的景色。 Conquer the 338-meter tall Macau Tower with the Tower Climb. Try out the hair-raising SkyJump and SkyWalk to get dynamic views of Macau. 时间Time: 11:00-21:00 空中漫步Sky Walk: 澳门币MOP 688 百步登天 Mast Climb: 澳门币MOP 3,388 高 飞跳Sky Jump: 澳门币MOP 1,888 (+853) 8988 8656

赛车 Karting 在路氹连贯公路末端、近路环的小型 赛车场,每逢周末都会挤满爱好驾驶 或观看小型赛车的外地和本地人士。 At the end of the causeway linking Taipa and Coloane is a karting track and grandstand. Start your engines! (+853) 2888 1862

滑草 Grass-skiing 在大潭山公园有个滑草场,带小朋友 去玩个够吧! This park’s a great place to come for BBQs and for views out over Cotai and Macau. Not only that, but try out the Grass-ski slope, enjoy the thrill of the ride. (+853) 2831 5566

水上运动 Cheoc Van Nautical Centre 竹湾海滩旁有提供水上运动设备的会 所。吸引很多爱玩的人到这儿冲浪或 玩水上活动。 The Nautical Centre in Cheoc Van is equipped with an array of watersports equipment including canoes, windsurfers, sailboats and

more. Instructors are on hand to teach beginners about the ways of the open sea. (+853)2888 2252

城市漫游 City Tour

动物天地 Critter Country 澳门科学馆 Macau Science Center

澳门大熊猫馆 Macao Giant Panda Pavilion 澳门大熊猫馆位于路环石排湾郊野公 园内,建筑占地约3000平方米,馆 内设有两个室内活动区和一个室外 活动场。去看“开开和心心”的可 爱模样吧! Located in the Seac Pai Van Park, this 3,000-square meter Giant Panda Pavilion comprises two indoor-activity areas and an outdoor yard for the giant pandas “Kai Kai” and “Xin Xin”. 开放时间Opening Hours: 10:00-13:00 门票Price 澳门币MOP10 (+853) 2888 0087

二龙喉公园迷你动物园 Flora Garden’s Mini-Zoo 这里有30种鸟类,15种哺乳和爬 行动物。 This small zoo houses 30 species of birds, 15 types of mammals and other reptiles. (+853) 2833 7676

澳门科学馆设有大量不同总类的互动 游戏,适合各个年龄层。透过这些游 戏将环境,社会,生态和许多链接到 我们所处的城市里的信息带给大家。 The Macao Science Center is a huge interactive facility comprised of various sections for learning and fun. Suitable for a variety of ages, it manages to incorporate information about the environment, society, ecology and more, and link many of them to the city we live in. 开放时间Opening hours: 10:00-18:00, 星期四休馆 Closed on Thursday (+853) 2888 0822

米高积逊珍品廊 MJ Gallery 已故美国歌星米高积逊的40多 件极具纪念价值的珍品,在于 十六浦的「米高积逊珍品廊」 近距离欣赏。最瞩目的白色莱茵 水晶石左手手套是必看之一! The white rhinestone glove worn by Michael Jackson for his moonwalk debut acts as a magnet for the MJ Gallery in Ponte 16, and the centerpiece for a broad display of Jackson related memorabilia. 开放时间Opening: 11:00-21:00 免费入场Free entrance (+853) 8861 6565

滑船 Chilling by the Dam 路环黑沙水库建有一个水上乐园可以 一家大小假日是骑脚踏船和健行等。 Hác-Sá Reservoir’s Nature Park has two hiking trails and a water section to the park, allowing families fun in the sun, in the water, and on the paths. Come enjoy a family day. (+853) 2882 7023

体育场 Sports 保龄球 Bowling 澳门蛋运动场旁边是个打保龄球的 好地方 An extensive multi-lane bowling alley is located next to the Macau Dome. (+853) 2887 0688

溜冰 Skating “佳景乐园“设有溜冰场,是休闲 必选之地。 “Future Bright” Entertainment Centre on Rua de Coelho do Amaral, next to the Protestant Cemetary houses a nice small ice skating rink. Ice skates can be rented at the location and prices are cheap. Lace up! (+853) 2870 3198

亲子时间 Family Fun Time 熊厨房 Kuma’s Kitchen 带你的孩子参加熊厨房的亲子班,享 受学习烹饪甜点的乐趣吧! This Kitchen is known for its desserts and pastries and is a great place to go with the kids to learn about how these delicacies are made. (+853) 2878 3126

人力三轮车是澳门富特色的交通工 具,也是一种很好的旅游交通工具。 The pedicab, or tricycle Richshaw, is a romantic form of transport around the city and is available from both the Hotel Lisboa area and the Macau Ferry Terminal.

澳门海上游 Macau harbor Cruise 澳门的海岸线极具吸引力,而内港一 带仍可见到旧的楼房和码头,洋溢着 昔日渔港风情。 The Harbor Cruise pushes off from the historical Inner Harbor and continues past famous local attractions. Great at night. 票价Price: 澳门币MOP 120 to 398 (+853) 2893 0012

观光缆车Cable car

石排湾郊野公园 Seac Pai Van Park 位于路环岛西部的山麓,离路氹公 路不远。这里绿树成荫,是郊游的 好去处。 The Seac Pai Van Park comprises a blend of zoological and botanical attractions, with scenic areas of conserved ecology in which visitors can expand their knowledge of nature. (+853) 2833 7676

人力三轮 Rickshaws

当个小侦探 CSI – The Experience 美国著名电视剧CSI来到了澳门金 沙城中心,旅客都有机会扮演其中 一角! Located in Sands Cotai Center, CSI has found a new home! This interactive exhibition gives visitors the opportunity to play the role of a crime scene investigator from the hit TV show series – CSI, analyzing data and (hopefully) solving the crime. (+853) 2886 6888

步行径 Trekking 澳门松山、氹仔大潭山、小潭山、路 环岛的山上都设有步行径方便不少 运动人士。 Come check out Guia Hill and the hills on Taipa and Coloane for the trails that are perfect for trekking, jogging and exercising.

在二龙喉公园入口处有观光缆车直达 东望洋山山顶。两三分钟内,游客可 饱览东望洋山一带的景色。 The Guia Hill offers spectacular views of the city, harbor and the sunset, with a single trip taking two to three minutes. 开放时间Opening Time: 8:00 – 18:00 缆车票价Price: 澳门币MOP 2-5 (+853) 2833 7676

July 2013





享受澳门 Relax 影片中的澳门

Macau in Film

Oh My! 功夫、黑帮和间谍

Kung Fu, Mobsters and Spies Abbi Mitchell-Morley

这个月我们回顾昔日在国际知名的动作大片里出现过的澳门场景。 This month we explore the countless movie roles Macau has taken on throughout the years in a handful of the worlds most loved action films.



七月 2013

Fists of Fury (1971)

Kung Fu legend Bruce Lee stars as Chen Zhen, a Jingwu student who returns home to marry his fiancée, but finds his master has suspiciously died. A group from a neighboring district attends the master’s funeral but taunt the Jingwu students - forcing Chen fight them. From this moment onward trouble piles on for Chen, as he must elude both the retaliation of the group and the law, in order to serve justice and protect his master’s legacy. The film was set in early 20th century Shanghai and outdoor footage was mostly taken in Macau because of its more authentic architecture. An example of this is the scene in which Lee is ‘disguised’ as a rickshaw puller, in actual fact this scene was shot along Rua Dom Belchior Caneiro: a road near Macau’s famous Ruins of St. Paul. The film’s famed scene in which a Sikh guard, outside what is supposed to be Huangpu Park, denies Chen entrance saying “No dogs or Chinese” was shot at the gates of Jardim Luís de Camões in Macau. This film was considered Bruce Lee’s most influential work and had an immense impact on the style of combat portrayed in Hong Kong productions.

The Man With the Golden Gun (1974)

The ninth spy film in the 007 series, this installment followed James Bond as he sought out the elusive assassin Francisco Scaramanga. The film was shot on location in several areas of Thailand, Hong Kong and Macau. Chosen for its casinos; the scene features the flashing marquee of the Casino de Macau, Macau’s signature rickshaws and the Macau Palace – the floating casino and hotel that was docked in the outer harbor along Rua das Lorchas in downtown Macau. The casino is now defunct and located near Fai Chi Kei. This was the fourth, and last, Bond film to have been directed by Guy Hamilton and the second film with Roger Moore as James Bond.

《精武门》 功夫传奇人物李小龙在这部片里饰演 陈真。陈是一个精武学徒,本打算回 家结婚娶妻,岂料发现师傅离奇去 世。邻区的一帮人马前来出席师傅 的葬礼时却侮辱奚落精武学徒,逼 得陈出手还击。从此陈的麻烦接踵 而至,既要躲避这班人又要逃避法 律,从而维护正义,保住师傅的声 望。这部戏被公认为李小龙最杰出的 作品之一,对港产片里的武打演绎形式 有着深远影响。 电影以20世纪初的上海为背景,但外景主要在 澳门拍摄,因为澳门拥有最原始的20世纪初建筑。例如, 李 小 龙“假扮”人力车夫的那场戏,实际上是在澳门著名的大三巴附近的 高园街拍摄的。锡克卫士在黄浦公园外拒绝陈真入内并声称“华人与 狗不得入内”的那场,则是在澳门的白鸽巢公园拍的。

《007之金枪人》 这是007系列影片的第九部,影片描述占士邦寻找形影无踪的杀手弗 朗西斯高(Francisco Scaramanga)。这部片子在泰国、 香港和澳门地区均有取景。 戏里特写了“澳门赌场”的闪耀大天幕、标 志性的人力三轮车以及一座停泊在澳门市 中心火船头街内港的水上赌场酒店─“澳 门皇宫”的场景。这是第四部也是最后 一部由盖‧汉弥尔顿 (Guy Hamilton)导演 的占士邦电影,也是第二部由罗杰‧摩尔 (Roger Moore)本人饰演占士邦的电影。

《死亡游戏 2》

Game of Death II (1978)

Originally supposed to revolve around retired martial arts champion Hai Tien, the film describes his journey up a five-story pagoda that contained a mysterious item on its top floor. The film was set to be a demonstration of Bruce Lee’s martial art Jeet Kune Do but, due to his death in early 1973, was never completed. Five years later, in 1978, Enter the Dragon’s director Robert Clouse would go on to give to the world Game of Death II using some of the original 100 minute archive footage and body doubles. The film does not follow Lee’s original plot, instead introducing Lee as the character Billy Lo, an international martial arts movie star who receives unwanted attention from a crime organization. An attempt to assassinate Lo goes wrong and he takes this opportunity to fake his death, change his appearance and exact his revenge. Macau’s Lou Lim Ieoc Garden posed as the lavish retreat of Lo’s enemies, the pond into which many of the bad guys flew after taking a crack at him has remained the same throughout the years and is easily recognizable.

Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom (1984)

Written as a prequel to the first Indiana Jones film Raiders of The Lost Ark, the film is set in 1935 and follows Archaeologist Dr. Henry ‘Indiana’ Jones Jr. on an adventure to find a magical stone. However things get complicated when Jones stumbles upon a secret cult hell-bent on world domination. The film opens with a musical number, sung in Mandarin by female

剧本围绕退役武术冠军海天和他闯五层 高塔取塔顶宝藏的故事。影片原本想展示 李小龙的截拳道,但由于李小龙1973年初 去世,未得以完剧。五年后,《龙争虎斗》 的导演罗拔‧高洛斯(Robert Clouse)执导影片,于 1978年为观众带来《死亡游戏2》,剧中沿用了100分 钟原脚本的部分内容和原替身。 李在剧中饰演李振强,一位被犯罪组织盯上的国际武打明星。李遭遇 的暗杀行动失败,于是李趁机伪造死亡、伪装,并实施报复。剧中李 敌人的奢侈聚集地便是澳门的卢廉若公园。其中有一幕讲述坏人与李 过招后跳进了公园的池塘,而该池塘至今仍保留原貌。

《魔宫传奇》 作为第一部印第安纳琼斯系列片《夺宝奇兵》(Raiders of The Lost Ark)的前传,故事发生在1935年,考古学家印第安纳琼斯博士冒险 寻找一块魔法石,途中遇到一心统治世界的秘密组织,从此而展开了 一连串剧情。 影片开篇是一段由女主角Kate Capshaw在虚构的Club Obi Wan里演唱 的中文歌曲。这原本应以上海为背景,但印第安纳在与人冲突后的追 车场景,实际上全是在澳门内港的福隆新街拍摄的。这部影片是史提 芬‧史匹堡(Steven Spielberg)执导的五部系列片的第二部,剧本由《星 战》编剧乔治‧卢卡斯(George Lucas)合作编制。

July 2013



影片中的澳门 Macau in film lead Kate Capshaw, in the fictional Club Obi Wan. Supposedly set in Shanghai, the car chase scene in which Indy - played by Harrison Ford - encounters some hostiles was actually filmed all along Rua da Felicidade in Macau’s inner harbor. The film is the second in a series of five films directed by Steven Spielberg and was co-written by Star Wars creator George Lucas.

Miracles (1989)

Written, Directed by and Starring Jackie Chan - Miracles is the Hong Kong variation of western titles like Frank Capra’s A Pocketful of Miracles. The story follows a Chinese country boy Kuo Cheng-Wah who, after buying a rose from an old lady, inherits the gang of a dying mob boss. Believing the roses to be lucky, Kuo buys one everyday and eventually goes out of his way to help the rose-seller when her daughter comes to visit, all the while fighting off the advances of a rival group. Although set in 1930’s Hong Kong, various scenes were filmed in Macau for its more European influenced architecture. The very first Macau scene was filmed in Taipa’s Largo do Carmo and the iconic Calçada do Carmo. About five minutes into the film the scene elaborates how Chan’s character meets the rose seller and how he comes to the aid of a mobster after his car crashes down the Carmo staircase. Another scene, in which Chan goes to see the rose seller at her home, was shot in Macau’s Largo do Lilau.

Skyfall (2012)

In the 23rd and most recent addition to the James Bond series 007, played by Daniel Craig, the spy dabbles in the grey areas of loyalty as he strives to eliminate a threat upon MI6. Though most of the film was shot on location in places such as London and Istanbul, the Macau scene was filmed on a sound stage at Pinewood Studios. Taking inspiration from The Man With the Golden Gun, the scene has Bond approaching the extravagant Golden Dragon Casino reminiscent of the floating Macau Palace. Directed by Academy Award winner Sam Mendes, this is Daniel Craig’s third portrayal of Bond, James Bond.

Johnny English Reborn (2011)

The sequel to the spy comedy Johnny English, the film centers on a disgraced Johnny who is given a chance to redeem himself. With his career and life on the line, he must ward off a horde of international assassins to find the mole in MI7, save the Chinese Premier and the world. Unlike it’s more serious counterpart Skyfall, Johnny English Reborn was shot on location in Macau at the Grand Lisboa Hotel. The scene, in which Rowan Atkinson’s title character attempts to make contact with his Chinese informant, features the Hotel’s iconic profile and several angles of the casino. The film is also filmed in a number of areas around Hong Kong.



七月 2013

《奇迹》 由成龙自编、自导、自演的《奇迹》是西方同类影片弗兰克‧卡普拉 (Frank Capra)的《锦囊妙计》(A Pocketful of Miracles) 的香港改編故事。 影片里,乡下人郭振华从老人手里买了一支玫 瑰后,神奇般从临终的黑帮老大手上继承了 帮派。郭相信玫瑰会带来好运,便每日买一 支。他不但要应付与另一帮派的冲突,还在 卖花老人的女儿前来探访时,主动帮助老人 圆梦。 虽然故事发生在1930年的香港,部分镜头实 际在澳门取景,这要多得澳门的欧式建筑。 第一场摄于澳门的戏是在氹 仔 的 嘉 模前地和著名的嘉模斜巷 拍的,影片开始大约五分 钟,镜头捕捉郭如何遇见卖花老人, 以及他把车摔下嘉模阶梯后,如何得 到了黑帮成员的帮助。 另一场郭拜访卖花老人家的戏,则 是在澳门的亚婆井前地拍摄的。

《007:空降危机》 新出的第23部占士邦系列片里,丹尼 尔‧克雷格(Daniel Craig )饰演的007徘徊 于忠诚于背叛之间,为的是解MI6面临的 危机。 影片大部分镜头在伦敦和伊斯坦布尔拍摄,而澳门的镜头则是在Pinewood Studios的摄影棚里拍摄。受到《金枪人》的启发,这场戏要求 邦前往让人联想到水上皇宫的赌场。由奥斯卡获奖导演森姆‧曼德斯 (Sam Mendes)执导的这部影片是丹尼尔对占士邦这个角色的第三次 诠释。

《憨豆特工 2》 这是间谍喜剧《Johnny English》的续集。影片里,蒙羞的Johnny获 得一次翻身的机会,但却要以职业和生命为赌注,他必须避开一群国 际杀手,找出MI7里的间谍,营救中国总理和拯救世界。 与严肃的《007:空降危机》不同,《憨豆特工2》在澳门葡京酒店 实景拍摄。羅溫‧艾金森(Rowan Atkinson)领衔角色与中方情报人员联 系的那场戏,特写了酒店标志性的轮廓和赌场的不同画面。

Nirvana Spa 让你感受 与别不同 Let your Spirit Feel the Difference

快来Nirvana享受豪华的水疗,这里能令你放松、 恢复和消除疲劳。 你能在这里感受来自巴里、印度、泰国等国的健 康及美容治疗,能令你疲劳的身驱得以放松的面 部护理、裹敷、身体磨砂、指甲护理及无痛蜡除 毛等服务,他们采用的都是最优质的产品。 大家能在澳门的心脏地带找到Nirvana的店铺, 有面向南湾湖的或是融入大自然的威斯汀度假酒 店,还有位于海洋花园及濠庭都会会所的分店。 Come enjoy the luxury of Nirvana, where you can relax, restore and refresh your senses. Experience wellness and beauty, with treatments from Bali, India, China, Thailand and afar. Treat yourself to a heavenly massage or try out our range of facials, wraps, body scrubs, nail care and pain-free waxing services, all with the highestquality products. Find Nirvana in the heart of Macau facing Nam Van Lake or wrapped in nature at our Westin Resort location. Also come see our outlets in Ocean Gardens and Nova City for the ultimate spa experience.

澳门南湾大马路403号大国法律大厦地下 Av. Da Praia Grande No.403, China Law Building G/F, Macau 氹仔海洋广场第一期3楼328铺 Shop 328, 3/F, 522-526, Av. dos Jardins do Oceano, Taipa 氹仔哥英布拉街濠庭都会会所 Podium Level I, Nova City, Rua de Coimbra, Taipa 路环黑沙马路1918号威斯汀度假酒店 The Westin Resort, 1918 Estrada de Hac-Sa, Coloane 电话:(+853) 2833 1521/(+853) 2881 3426 July3426 2013 Cguide Tel: (+853) 2833 1521/(+853) 2881


享受澳门 Relax

水疗 Spas 2L

夏日SPA之旅, 倦容回收不再造

Massages for the Soul Sangria and Gold

“爱自己”永远是女人犒劳自己的最佳借 口!对于出门在外的你来说,有什么比“足 不出酒店”就能犒劳自己更方便?在这个炎 热的夏日,不妨到舒适的水疗中心进行一场 身心灵的SPA盛宴,踢走倦容。 “Love yourself”- one of the few statements that gives you the right to take time out and pamper yourself. When you find yourself in a foreign town or even at home, why not take that extra time to enjoy? Come check out these convenient locations near you for a refreshing step out of summer.

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七月 2013



天然岁月修护─澳门四季酒店水疗 中心 澳门四季酒店的水疗服务采用英国获奖品牌 Aromatherapy Associates及巴塞隆拿皇室品牌 Natura Bisse 的美体及美容产品,而来自巴利 岛的理疗师们会采用最传统的东南亚式按摩 手法替客人按摩。尤其推荐尝试 90 分钟的 天然岁月修护疗程,理疗师主要用指和掌的 按、推、拍、揉来放松肌肉以及疏通淋巴, 间或使用手肘的点和手臂的拉进行深度重点 放松。

Natural Age Repair Four Seasons Hotel Wrinkles be gone! Or so we say everyday in the mirror. Well stop pulling, poking and prodding and try out The Spa at the Four Seasons to get what you really want. Awardwinning Aromatherapy Associates all the way from Britain and the royal Natura Bisse from Barcelona provide the facial and body products on offer, so you’ll leave smelling and feeling like a dream. To ensure ultimate relaxation, a Bali massage therapist goes at your muscles and lymph nodes to improve circulation and to relax, rejuvenate and release tension in your body, restoring it to its youthful self. This 90-minute signature massage is quite the experience. 至尊金箔护理 ─“澄”水疗 “澄”水疗糅 合了焕发精神、赋活生气两大概念,同时也 深谙尊贵的黄金可加强身体正能量运行,为 肌肤增添光采的效用,推出“至尊金箔护 理”,先以“美肌耀金”按摩油进行全身按 摩,再用金箔磨砂及滋润焕肤护理,最后 以“至尊金箔”润肤乳滋润全身,其丰富的 矿物成份能促进血液循环,使人倍感活力, 提升神经系统机能。

Gold Indulgence Altira Just when you thought you couldn’t get more posh- why not take a bath in gold? Okay, make that a spa of gold. With Spa’s Gold Indulgence, customers have themselves covered in gold many times over. Start with a “Gold Sparkling Oil” massage to relax, followed by a “Gold Bits Body Scrub” and a “Nourishing Wrap”. Finish it all off with a “Gold Dust Infused Body Lotion” to rejuvenate the skin. The properties of gold are said to improve circulation and help your nervous system. Just be careful, you might get invited to be in a Bond movie.

澳葡式水果葡萄酒疗程─澳门金丽华酒店水疗中心 澳门金丽华酒店水疗中心坐落于热带花园之中,备有私人户外花 园、热带雨林花洒、室内美疗浴池等。水疗中心的经典推介为特 有的澳葡式水果葡萄酒疗程,以新鲜葡萄、碎米混和葡萄籽油、 迷迭香及精华油,为宾客作全身磨砂及按摩。此外,宾客可一边 于按摩池浸泡,一边品尝特制的葡式水果鸡尾酒,焕发活力。

Macanese Sangria Ritual Grand Lapa

1 Grand Lapa 地址 Address

澳门友谊大马路 956-1110 号金丽华酒店 Av. da Amizade,956-1110, Grand Lapa Hotel, Macau 预订 Tel (+853) 8793 4824 开放时间

Opening Hours

The Macanese Sangria Ritual at The Spa of the Grand Lapa Hotel had us puzzled, and then relaxed and slightly hung-over. Using fresh grapes and crushed rice, the treatment mixes grape seed oil, rosemary and essential oils in a body scrub to smooth and renew the skin. The relaxing surroundings and facilities of the Grand Lapa - tropical garden and rain showers, indoor baths and Jacuzzi - plus their own special made sangria, make for a long luxurious treat.

10:00-22:00 (每天 daily) 价钱 Price: 澳葡式水果葡萄酒疗程(140 分钟) 每位澳门币1,720 元++ Macanese Sangria Ritual (140mins) MOP 1,720++/ per person

2 Fourseasons Hotel 地址 Address 澳门氹仔望德圣母湾大马路 澳门四季酒店 Estrada da Baia da Nossa Senhora de Esperanca, Four Seasons, COTAI 预订 Tel (+853) 2881 8888 开放时间

Opening Hours 11:00-00:00 (每日 daily) 价钱 Price 天然岁月修护(90分钟) 每位 澳门币1580++ Natural Age Repair (90mins) MOP1580++/ per person

3 Altira Macau 地址 Address 氹仔广东大马路新濠锋酒店 Avenida de Kwong Tung, Taipa 预订 Tel (+853) 2886 8886 开放时间

Opening Hours

早上 10 时至晚上 12时 (每天) 10:00-00:00 (daily) 价钱 Price 至尊金箔护理(120分钟) 每 位澳门币1,880元++ Gold Indulgence (120mins) MOP 1880++/per person

July 2013



享受指南 relax 高华酒店 Hotel Ko Wah 澳门福隆新街71号 Rua da Felicidade, No 71, Macau

富华粤海酒店 Fu Hua Guang Dong Hotel

Hotels 嘉明 Carmen 澳门新埗头街7号和7号D, A1, B1, 座 一楼和A2, B2, 座二楼, 另有门口设

澳门俾利喇街98-102号 Rua de Francisco Xavier Pereira, No 98-102, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2855 3838

于木桥横街22号 Rua da Madeira and 22 Travessa do Pagode, Macau 电话Phone: ( +853 ) 2892 1959

皇家金堡酒店 Casa Real Hotel 澳门罗理基博士大马路1118号 Avenida do. Dr. Rodrigo Rodrigues, No. 1118, Macau 电话Phone: ( +853 ) 2872 6288 网址Website:

晶晶 Cheng Cheng 澳门南湾大马路998号二楼和四楼 Avenida da Praia Grande No. 622, 2nd floor, Macau 电话Phone: ( +853 ) 2871 5037

高士德 Costa 澳门高士德大马路11号C和D一楼 Avenida de Horta and Costa No. 11, C and D, 1st floor, Macau 电话Phone: ( +853 ) 2852 6176

东亚酒店 East Asia Hotel 澳门新埗头街1号 Rua da Maderia, No 1 A, Macau 电话Phone: ( +853 ) 2892 2433

永利澳门的万利 Encore at Wynn Macau

金皇冠中国大酒店 Golden Crown China Hotel 氹仔鸡颈马路临近澳门国际机场I 地段 Estrada da Ponta da Cabrita, adjacent to Macau International Airport, Taipa 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2885 1166 网址 Website:

金湾宾馆Golden Beach 澳门殷丰素王前地57号61号和65 号,罗理基博士大马路10号12号和 16号以及贾罗布大马路126号128号 和132号 Praca de D. Afonso Henriques No. 57, Avenida Dr. Rodrigo Rodrigues, No. 10 and Avenida Lopo Sarmento de Carvalho No 126, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2878 0537

海运 Hoi Van 澳门安仿西街9号一楼J Rua de Francisco Antonio No.9, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2851 4992

新华大旅店 Hospedaria San Va

电话Phone: (+ 853) 2893 0755

澳门兰桂坊酒店 Hotel Lam Kwai Fong Macau 澳门新口岸高美士街230号 Rua de Luis Gonzaga Gomes 230, Macau

澳门格兰酒店 Hotel Taipa Macau 澳门氹仔嘉乐庇总督大马路22号 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2882 1666 网址 Website:

濠江酒店 Hou Kong 澳门道德巷1号 Travessa das Virtudes, No 1, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2893 7555

电话Phone: (+ 853) 2828 2228 网址 Website:

澳门葡京酒店 Hotel Lisboa Macau 澳门葡京路2-4号 2-4 Avenida de Lisboa, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2888 3888 网址 Website:

英京酒店 Hotel London 澳门司打口4-6号 Praca de Ponte e Horta, No4-6, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2888 3888

文华酒店 Hotel Man Va 澳门白眼塘横街30-34号 Rua da Caldeira, No. 30-34, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2828 2228

环球酒店 Hotel Mondial

玉珠 Lok Chu

Rua de Silva Mendes No. 45, R/C, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2852 5006

回力酒店 Jai Alai

Avenida da Amizade, Palacio da Pelota Basca, R/C, 2nd Floor and 3rd Floor, Macau 澳门友谊大马路, 回力球场地下, 阁 楼, 二楼和三楼 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2882 1666 网址 Website:

嘉华Ka Va 澳门大堂斜巷5号 Calcada de S. Joao No.5, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2832 3063

曼谷 Man Kok 澳门火船头街31号至37号二楼 Rua das Lorchas No. 31, 2nd floor, Macau


电话Phone: (+ 853) 2893 7889

街40号 Rua de Antonio Basto No. 1 and No. 40 Rua de Alves Rocadas, Macau

万事发酒店 Masters Hotel

电话Phone: (+ 853) 2856 6866

澳门火船头街162号 Rua das Lorchas, No 162, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2880 8838


澳门福隆新街67号 Rua da Felicidade No. 67, Macau

明明 Meng Meng

Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau

Hotel Mondial-ala Nova

电话Phone: (+ 853) 2857 3701

电话Phone: (+ 853) 2888 9966

网址 Website:

澳门巴士度街8号-10号 Rua de Antonio Basto NO. 8 Macau

澳门罗保博士街24号2楼1座 Rua do Dr. Pedro Jose Lobo, No 24, 2nd Floor, Block 1, Macau

网址 Website:

富城宾馆 Forson Residential Pension 澳门新马路579号,583号和587号 Travessa do Paralelo No. 6, Beco do Paralelo, No. 3, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2892 3198

新中央酒店 Hotel Central

新新酒店 Hotel Sun Sun

澳门新马路264-270号4-10楼 Avenida de Almeida Ribeiro, No 264-270, 4-10 Andar, Macau

澳门司打口14-16号 Praca do Ponte e Horta, No 14-16, Macau

电话Phone: (+ 853) 2878 2288

电话Phone: (+ 853) 2893 9393

康泰酒店 Hotel Hong Thai

新丽华酒店 Hotel Sintra

澳门十月初五日街177-179A号1-4楼 Rua de Cinco de Outubro, No. 177179A, 1-4Andares, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2892 3923



七月 2013

电话Phone: (+ 853) 2856 6866

澳门约翰四世大马路58-62号 Avenida de D. Joao IV, No58-62, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2871 0111

电话Phone: (+ 853) 2871 5241

南龙 Nam Long 澳门罗保博士街30号C一楼和二楼 Rua do Dr. Pedro Jose Lobo, No. 30-C, 1st and 2nd Floor, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2871 2578

南天酒店 Nam Tin Hotel 澳门南湾巷4号地下 Travessa de Praia Grande, No 4, R/C, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 8802 8888

万利理疗康体中心 The Spa at Encore

胜利 Seng Lei

荣华 Veng Va

澳门美副将大马路7-A号 Avenida do Coronel Mesquita No. 7-A. Macau

澳门道德巷20号和26号二楼 Travessa das Virtudes No. 20 and 26, 2nd floor, Macau

电话Phone: (+ 853) 2852 5008

电话Phone: (+ 853) 2893 3381

电话Phone: (+ 853) 8986 3228

网址 Website:

澳门喜来登金沙城中心酒店 Sheraton Macau Hotel, Cotai Central

大利迎宾馆 Vila Universal

网址 Website:

澳莱大三元酒店 Ole Tai Sam Un Hotel

澳门氹仔岛路氹金光大道 Cotai Strip, Taipa

澳门白眼塘横街43-45号 Rua da Calderia, No 43-45, Macau

电话Phone: (+ 853) 2880 2000

新世纪酒店 New Century Hotel 氹仔徐日升寅公马路889号 Avenida Padre Tomas Pereira No. 889, Taipa 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2883 1111

电话Phone: (+ 853) 2893 8818

富都宾馆 Pensao Residencial Florida 澳门平线巷6及8号和平线里3及5号 Travessa do Paralelo No.6, Beco do Paralelo, No. 3, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2892 3198

京悦宾馆 Pensao Keng Iut 澳门柯邦迪前地以及马车巷 Praca de Ponte and Horta and Travessa dos Trens, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2893 9277

望厦宾馆 Pousada de Mong-Ha Macau 澳门望厦山 Colina de Mong-Ha, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2851 6688

皇庭海景酒店 Royal Infante Harbour View Hotel 氹仔马场以南, 氹仔和路环两岛之间

网址 Website:

大来酒店 Tai Loi Hotel 澳门道德巷20号1楼 Travessa das Virtudes No. 20, 1st Floor, Macua 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2893 9315/ 6662 5627

电话Phone: (+ 853) 2857 3598

皇宫 Vong Kong 澳门火船头街253号 Rua das Lorchas No. 253, Macau

华发宾馆 Wa Fat Pension

电话Phone: (+ 853) 2852 2015

Tin Tin Hotel

Rua do Comandante Mata and Oliveira No. 17, Block L, 1st Floor, Macau 澳门马统领街17号一楼”L”座 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2871 0064/ 6650 2709

澳门维多利亚酒店 The Victoria Hotel Macau 澳门拱形马路118号 Estrada do Arco, No 118, Macau

东京 Tong Keng

网址 Website:

澳门福隆新巷10号二楼清平大楼 Travessa da Felicidade No. 10 2nd floor, Edificio Cheng Peng, Macau.6

富丽宾馆 Ruby Pension

电话Phone: (+ 853) 2893 7722

澳门贡士旦甸奴街6号.6号A和8号 Rua de Constantino Brito, No.6 Macau

镇兴宾馆 Townswell Motel

电话Phone: (+ 853) 2848 2842

澳门白眼塘横街39号1楼至2楼 Rua da Caldeira No, 39, 1st and 2nd floor, Macau

澳门贾伯乐提督街77-A号1至4楼 Rua do Almirante Costa Cabral NO. 77-A, Macau

电话Phone: (+ 853) 2883 8333

澳门约翰四世大马路8号2楼 Avenida de D. Joao IV No.8, 2nd Floor, Macau

和平 Vo Peng

电话Phone: (+ 853) 2857 4016

电话Phone: (+ 853) 2855 6688

澳南滨宾馆 San Nam Pan

电话Phone: (+ 853) 2837 7569/2857 3247

Tin Lai Hotel 天丽酒店

空地西北 Cotai-Northeast zone, Taipa

电话Phone: (+ 853) 2892 3118

澳门福隆新街73号地下及阁楼 Rua da Felicidade No. 73 and Kuocchai, Macau

澳门南湾大马路622号二楼 Avenida da Praia Grande No. 622, 2nd Floor, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2871 6415 / 2871 6416

威利 Wai Lei

Avenida de D. Joao IV No. 38, 1st Floor, Block E, Macau 澳门约翰四世大马路38号一楼E座 电话Phone: (+ 853) 6684 1942

澳门华都娱乐酒店 Waldo Casino& Hotel 澳门友谊大马路 Avenida da Amizade, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2888 6688

澳门孙逸仙大马路1101号 Avenida Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, No.1101, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 8820 3333 网址 Website:

澳门悦榕 Spa Banyan Tree Spa 路氹塡海区, 莲花海滨大马路东面及 望德圣母湾大马路南面 Cotai, Galaxy Complex 电话Phone: (+ 853) 8883 6888 网址 Website:

Rock Spa 澳门路氹区路氹连贯公路新濠天地 City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, Cotai, Macau 电话Phone: ( +853 ) 8868 7801 网址Website:

So Spa 澳门内港巴索打尔古街 Rua do Visconde Paco de Arcos, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 8861 0016

澳门水疗中心 Macau Spa 路氹塡海区,路氹连贯公路以西, 望

永利理疗康体中心 Spa at Wynn

至第7区 Cotai Strip, Venetian complex, Cotai, Macau

澳门外港塡海区仙德丽街 Rua Cidade de Sintra, Nape, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 8986 3228 网址 Website:

电话Phone: (+ 853) 2835 6868

新濠锋 “澄” 水疗 Altira Spa

东方 Tung Fong

氹仔广东大马路 Avenida de Kwong Tung, Taipa, Macau

电话Phone: (+ 853) 2857 2710/ 6651 2735

美高梅 Six Senses Spa at MGM Grand


澳门哪咤庙斜巷4至8号 Calcada das Verdades, No. 4, Macau

澳门福隆新巷11号 Travessa da Felicidade No. 10, Macau

澳门外港塡海区仙德丽街 Rua Cidade de Sintra, Nape, Macau

电话Phone: (+ 853) 2886 8886

德圣母湾大马路以南, 地段1第6区

电话Phone: (+ 853) 2881 8888 网址 Website:

喜来登炫逸水疗中心 Shine Spa for Sheraton 澳门氹仔岛路氹金光大道 Cotai Strip, Taipa 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2880 2000 网址 Website:

网址 Website:

July 2013



享受指南 relax 金都水疗 Grand Wald Spa 澳门路氹莲花海滨大马路 Sul da Marina Taipa-sul, Junto a Rotunda do Dique Oeste, Taipa, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2888 6888 网址 Website:

国际文度医疗所 Clinic Medical International Limited 南湾大马路409号中国法律大厦14楼 Avenida Praia Grande 409 China Law Bldg 14th floor, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2835 5522

马泷综合康健医疗中心 Malo Clinic Spa Macau 澳门威尼斯人度假村大运河购物中 心5楼 Level 5, Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian Resort. 电话Phone: (+ 853) 8862 2688 网址 Website: index-zh.html

加拿大国际科研美容院 Canadian International Hi-tech Beauty Center

红伶专业美容有限公司 Red Ring Beauty Co. Ltd.

柯利维喇街17A-17B新兴大厦地下G,H Marques Oliv 17A-17B, Macau

电话Phone: (+ 853) 2832 3883

澳门连胜马路155号 Estrada Coelho Ameral No. 155 G/F

电话Phone: (+ 853) 2835 7853

电话Phone: (+ 853) 2882 4321

绿叶疗肤中心 Jackeline

元和医疗康复中心 Uni World Medical Rehabilitation


贾伯乐提督街路68号C Rua do Almirante Costa Cabral 68C R/C, Macau

梁秀影-北京大学整形外科博士 Cosmetic Macau 新口岸塡海区巴黎街富达花园104K铺 Rua de Paris, 104 R/C, Flat K Ed. F山 Tat Gd, Zape 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2875 5926

罗结地巷7B地下D铺 Travessa Roquete 7B R/C Macau

女西医廖爱英妇产科 Dr. Lio

电话Phone: (+ 853) 2875 5722

澳门三盏灯飞能便度19号2楼B Fernao M Pinto No 19, 2B 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2833 2041

叶颂声牙科诊所 Dr. Johnson Yip Dental Clinic

电话Phone: (+ 853) 2878 0329

电话Phone: (+ 853) 2833 6920

曼洁美容院 M.K. Beauty 荷兰园大马路125号 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2888 2330

彭氏口腔医疗中心 Pang’s 冼星海大马路金龙中心10/F 文化中 心对面 10/F Golden Dragon Center, Face to Cultural Center, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2852 8566

恒健(澳门)牙科医疗中心 Health & Care ( Macau) Dental Center Taipa 澳门士多鸟拜斯大马路53号A地下 Avenida de Sidonio Pais, No. 53A, G/F

澳星级美容坊 SalÃo de Beleza Ou Sang Cup

电话Phone: (+ 853) 2853 3522

罗沙达街26号 Alves Rocadas 26 G/F

黑沙环佑汉黄金商场地下J铺 Rua 2 Lao Hon 32 Macau

电话Phone: (+ 853) 2822 2227

电话Phone: (+ 853) 2841 5137

康贤医疗中心 HY

理想牙科中心 Ideal

澳门植牙中心 Macau Dental Implant Center 澳门南湾大马路405号中国法律大 厦1A Avenida Praia Grande No. 405, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2849 4928

澳门健乐牙科医疗中心 Macao Kin Lok Dental Care Center 亚丰素街34-A Rua de Afonso Albuquerque 34A, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2831 3898

新皇朝医疗保健中心 New Dynasty Medical Land 马济时总督大马路建兴龙广场AE铺 Avenida Gov Jaime Silverio Marques No. 237 G/F 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2875 5181

宏康牙科医疗中心 Novocare 殷皇子大马路47-53号澳门广场10B Infante D. Henrique, 10B, The Macau Square Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2871 6161

德泰口腔科医疗中心 Tactile 南湾大马路517号南通大厦7楼B座 517 Avenida Praia Grande Ed Nam Tung 7-B , Macau



七月 2013

(财政局侧) 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2853 2888

思博牙科(澳门) 医疗中心Xpert Dental ( Macau) Center 澳门马济时总督大马路107号环宇豪 庭地下AF座 Avenida Do Governador Jaime Silverio Marques No 107, Wan Yu Villas Res Do Chao AF, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2875 2335

光辉医疗康复中心 Kuong Fai Medical and Rehabilitation Center 新口岸宋玉生广场光辉商业中心4楼A Alameda Dr Carlos D’Assumpcao Ctro Cml Grupo Brilhantismo No.4

电话Phone: (+ 853) 2856 3055

澳门东方斜巷11号地下豪谊大厦地下 Avenida de Almeida Ribeiro, No. 11 G/F

筷子基南街宝翠花园地下W铺 Gen Ivens Ferraz No. 473-475 G/F

电话Phone: (+ 853) 2852 8155

兴富阁2楼F座(富豪酒店侧) Avenida Dr Rodrigo Rodrigues Highfield Court No. 2 F

马莎美容中心 Instituto de Beleza Ma Sa

广慈医疗中心 Kon Chi Medical and Rehabilitation Center

电话Phone: (+ 853) 2822 1877

程氏皮肤医疗中心 Dr. Cheng’s Dermatology Medical Center

高士德大马路3号DC地下 Avenida de Horta e Costa No.3 G/F 网址 Website:

电话Phone: (+ 853) 2852 8106


清新有限公司 巴波沙马路286-298号太平工业大厦 第二期1楼A Avenida de Artur Tamagnini Barbosa 286-298 Ed. Tai Peng No. 2 1st Floor, A 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2872 2296

Hotels ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ deluxe 皇冠度假酒店 Crown Towers 澳门路氹区路氹连贯公路新濠天地 City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, Cotai, Macau 电话Phone: ( +853 ) 8868 6888

永利澳门 Wynn Macau 澳门外港塡海区仙德丽街 Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2888 9966

澳门金沙 Sands Macau 澳门蒙地卡罗前地203号 Largo de Monte Carlo, No. 203, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2888 3388

澳门置地广场 The Landmark Macau 澳门新口岸友谊大马路555号 555 Avenida da Amizade, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2878 1781

澳门新葡京酒店 Grand Lisboa Macau


新世纪酒店 New Century Hotel

澳门葡京路 Avenida de Lisboa, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2828 3838

金都酒店 Grand Waldo Hotel

氹仔徐日升寅公马路889号 Avenida Padre Tomas Pereira No. 889, Taipa 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2883 1111

新濠锋 Altira Macau 澳门氹仔广东大马路 Avenida de Kwong Tung, Taipa, Macau 电话Phone: ( +853 ) 2886 8888

澳门四季酒店 Four Seasons Hotel Macau 路氹塡海区,路氹连贯公路以西, 望 德圣母湾大马路以南, 地段1第6区至 第7区 Cotai Strip, Venetian complex, Cotai, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2881 8888

澳门美高梅 MGM Macau 澳门新口岸孙逸仙大马路 Avenida Dr Sun Yat Sen NAPE, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 8802 8888

澳门路氹莲花海滨大马路 Sul da Marina Taipa-sul, Junto a Rotunda do Dique Oeste, Taipa, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2888 6888

金丽华酒店 Grand Lapa 澳门友谊大马路956-1110号 956-1110 Avenida da Amizade, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 8793 3261

星际酒店 Star World Hotel Macau 澳门内港巴索打尔古街 Rua do Visconde Paco de Arcos, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2838 3838

皇都酒店 Hotel Royal Macau 澳门得胜马路2-4号 Estrada da Vitoria No. 2-4, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2855 2222

澳门葡京酒店 Hotel Lisboa Macau 澳门葡京路2-4号 2-4 Avenida de Lisboa, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2888 3888

银河酒店 Galaxy Hotel 澳门银河综合渡假城 澳门路氹城 Galaxy Macau, Cotai, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2888 0088

澳门十六蒲索菲特大酒店 Sofitel Macau at Ponte 16 澳门内港巴索打尔古街 Rua do Visconde Paco de Arcos, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 8861 0016

July 2013



热门旅游景点 relax 澳门大仓酒店 Hotel Okura Macau

澳门凯旋门酒店 L’Arc Hotel Macau

金皇冠中国大酒店 Golden Crown China


澳门大仓酒店 澳门银河 澳门路氹城 莲花海滨大马路 Hotel Okura Macau, Galaxy Macau, Avenida Marginal Flor de Lotus, Cotai, Macau 电话 Phone: (+ 853) 8883 3838

澳门新口岸皇朝区城市日大马路 Avenida 24 de Junho, No 278, NAPE, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2880 8838

氹仔鸡颈马路临近澳门国际机场I 地段 Estrada da Ponta da Cabrita, adjacent to Macau International Airport, Taipa 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2885 1166

京都酒店 Metropole Hotel Macau

澳门文华东方酒店 Mandarin Oriental Macau

澳门西湾民国大马路 Avenida da Republica, Fortaleza de Sao Tiago da Barra, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2837 8111

澳门新口岸孙逸仙大马路 Avenida Dr Sun Yat Sen NAPE, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 8805 8888

澳门君悦酒店 Grand Hyatt Macau 澳门路氹区路氹连贯公路新濠天地 City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, Cotai, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 8868 1234

澳门金沙城中心康莱德酒店 Conrad Macao, Cotai Central 澳门金沙城中心 Sands Cotai Central, Cotai Strip, Macau 电话Phone: ( +853 ) 2882 9000

澳门威尼斯人 The Venetian Macau 澳门氹仔望德圣母湾大马路 Estrada da Baia de N.Senhora da Esperancea, S/N, Taipa, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2882 8888 网址 Website:

澳门威斯汀酒店 The Westin Resort Macau 澳门黑沙马路1918号 1918 Estrada de Hac Sa, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2887 1111

澳门悦榕庄 Banyan Tree Macau 澳门悦榕庄, 澳门银河, 澳门路氹城 莲花海滨大马路 Banyan Tree, Macau, Galaxy Macau Avenida Marginal Flor de Lotus, Cotai, Macau 电话Phone: ( +853 ) 8883 6688

澳门圣地亚哥古堡酒店 Pousada de Sao Tiago

濠璟酒店 Rivera Hotel Macau 澳门竹室正街2号和高可宁绅士街7 号至13号 Rua da Boa Vista No.2 and Rua do Comendador Kou Ho Neng, No. 7, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2833 9955

丽景湾酒店 Regency Hotel 氹仔史伯泰海军将军马路2号 Estrada Almirante Marques Esparteiro No. 2, Taipa 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2883 1234


七月 2013

澳门马六甲街 Rua De Malaca 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2836 1999 网址 Website:

维景酒店 Metro Park Hotel 澳门新口岸北京街199号 Rua de Pequim No. 199, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2878 1233

澳门金沙城中心假日酒店 Holiday Inn Macau, Cotai Central 澳门金沙城中心 Sands Cotai Central, Cotai Strip, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2828 2228


澳门假日酒店 Holiday Inn Macau

Hard Rock Hotel

澳门新口岸北京街82-86号 Rua de Pequim, No. 82-86, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2878 3333

澳门路氹区路氹连贯公路新濠天地 City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, Cotai, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 8868 3338

竹湾酒店 Pousada de Coloane Beach Hotel 路湾竹湾 Cheoc Van, Coloane 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2883 1111

利澳酒店 Rio Hotel 澳门高美士街33号及宋玉生广场 682号 Rua De Luis Gonzaga Gomes No. 33 and Alameda Dr. Carlos D’ Assumpcao, No. 682, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2871 8718

君怡酒店 Grandview Hotel 氹仔柯维纳马路142号 Estrada Governador Albano de Oliveira, No 142, Taipa 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2883 7788


金龙酒店Golden Dragon

富豪酒店 Hotel Beverly Plaza Macau 澳门罗理基博士大马路70-106号 70-106 Avenida do Dr. Rodrigo Rodrigues, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2878 2288

总统酒店 Hotel Presidente Macau 澳门友谊大马路355号 Avendia da Amizade, No 355, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2833 3888

骏景酒店 Hotel Taipa Square 氹仔沙维斯街骏景酒店 Rua de Chaves, Hotel Rossio da Taipa, Taipa 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2882 1666

澳门南湾大马路493-501号 Avenida da Praia Grande, No 493501, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2838 8166

澳门东望洋酒店 Hotel Guia Macau 澳门地厘古工程师马路1-5号 Estrada do Engenheiro Trigo, No1-5, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2851 3888

Emperor Hotel Macau 帝濠酒店 澳门上海街51号 Rua de Xangai, No 51, Macau 电话Phone: ( +853 ) 2878 1888

英皇娱乐酒店 Grand Emperor Hotel 澳门商业大马路288号 288 Avenida Comercial de Macau, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2888 9988

格 BEST WESTERN HOTEL 地址: 氹仔美副將馬路及嘉樂庇總督 馬路交界地段 Address: Estrada Coronel Mesquita and Estrada Governador Nobre Carvalho, Taipa 電話Tel: (+853) 2882 1666

财神酒店 Hotel Fortuna 澳门广州街63号 Rua de Cantao, No 63, Macau 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2878 6333

華都酒店 WALDO HOTEL 地址: 澳門新口岸填海區6J地段 Address: ZAPE, Macau 電話Tel: (+853) 2888 6688

莱斯酒店 Rocks Hotel 澳门渔人码头 Macau Fisherman’s Wharf 电话Phone: (+ 853) 2878 2782

新麗華酒店 SINTRA 地址: 澳門約翰四世大馬路及蘇亞利 斯博士大馬路 Address: Avenida de D. João IV and Avenida Doutor Mário Soares, Macau 電話Tel: (+853) 2871 0111

澳门必备 essentials

语言 Language 官方语言:中文(广东话)和葡萄牙文 Official Languages: Chinese (Cantonese) and Portuguese

保安Security 警察局及报案中心致电: 999 Police and emergency line: 999

第二语言:英语和普通话 Secondary languages: English, Mandarin Chinese

旅游热线 Tourism Hotline Tel:(+853)28 333 000

气候 Weather 澳门全年气候温和,平均气温约20ºC (68ºF)。夏天温度较高。 The climate is a fairly warm tropical climate. Annual average temperature is about 20°C (68°F), with temperature rising higher (over 30°C)/86°F) in summer.

电力 Electricity 澳门的电压是采用220伏特的交流电,频率为50赫兹。电插座通常 是方形或圆形的三脚插座。 Electricity in Macau is at 220V, 50Hz. The power plugs used in Macau are of the three-pin, square-shaped or round-shaped type.

WiFi任我行 WiFi任我行服务为澳门巿民及旅客提供免费无线宽频互联网接入服 务,只要看到「WiFi任我行」标志,即代表你已身处服务覆盖范围 内,便可以免费使用无线宽频服务(WiFi) The Macau SAR Government has provided citizens and visitors with free wireless Internet access - “WiFi GO”. Available daily from 8:00 to 1:00 the following day, users can use a non-encrypted connection (network name wifigo) or encrypted connection mode (network name wifigo-s). User name and password are wifigo, for 45 minutes per session in high density areas throughout the territory.

医疗/医院 Health and Hospitals

澳门仁伯爵综合医院 São Januário Hospital 仁伯爵山山顶 Estrada do Visconde de São Januário, Macau 8390 5000/ (+853) 2831 3731

镜湖医院 Kiang Wu Hospital 澳门莲胜街Estrada Coelho do Amaral, Macau

澳门国际机场 Macau International Airport 澳门国际机场位于氹仔,离外港客运码头只需十五分钟的车程,到 关闸只要二十分钟的车程,距路氹边境只有五分钟的车程。机场二 十四小时运作。(853) 2886 1111 各大酒店均有接机服务,旅客可提前预订或抵达时再作安排。 出租车(的士)备有空调且价格相宜,旅客可在澳门国际机场的士候 客区乘车。除了车资外,另收附加费5元,大件行李则加收每件3 元。 机场与市区之间有公共汽车连接:AP1,MT1,MT2,N2及26号,沿途 经过几家主要的酒店。 The airport is located on Taipa Island and is 15 minutes from the Macau Ferry Terminal, 20 minutes from the Barrier Gate and 10 minutes from the COTAI Frontier Post. It operates 24 hours/day. (+853) 2886 1111 Taxis are air-conditioned and relatively inexpensive, and are freely available at the taxi station outside the Airport. There is a surcharge of MOP 5 from that location and each piece of luggage carried in the trunk costs MOP 3. Special bus services (marked AP1, MT1, MT2, N2 & 26) serve the airport. These buses cross the city and stop at the major hotels.

国家和地区号码 Country and City Code 电话:拨号前+853 Phone: +853 - this functions as combined country and city code

邮政编号:澳门地区没有邮政编号 Postal Code: Macau does not have a postal code

运输快递 Courier and Shipping UPS 客户中心 UPS Customer Center 澳门慕拉士巷35-43,49 号,澳门工业中心地下D, E Travessa de Venceslau de Morais, 35-43 & 49, Centro Industrial de Macau, G/f, D&E, Macau (+853) 2875 1616

(+853) 2837 1333 /

星期一至星期五 Mon-Fri: 09:00 - 19:00 星期六Sat: 09:00 - 17:00 星期日及公众假期Sundays and Public Holidays: 休息Closed

货币 Currency

联邦快递 FedEx Stations

1美元约=澳门币8元 1 US Dollar = (+/-) 8 Patacas (MOP)



星期一至星期五Mon-Fri: 09:00 - 20:00 星期六Sat: 09:00 - 17:00 星期日及公众假期Sundays and Public Holidays: 休息Closed

100 HKD = MOP 103

兑换外币二十四小时服务:澳门国际机场银行、葡京酒店 24 hour currency exchange counters: Macau International Airport (Taipa Island) and Lisboa Hotel (Macau)

Av. De Marciano Baptista, 54/F, Edf. Hung On Centre, G/f, J

主要银行:大西洋银行,中国银行 Main Branches: BNU, Bank of China

July 2013



澳门必备 Essentials

入境签证 Passports and Visas 大多数旅客(欧洲,澳大利亚,新西兰,美国,加拿大,南非)无 需签证逗留30天至90天,其他人一般可逗留30天。 Most travelers (EU, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada, South Africa) can enter and stay in Macau for 30-90 days with a valid passports. Others can get a 30 days visa on arrival.


办公时间 Working Hours:09:00-22:00 (+853) 2872 6416

费用 Fees 个人:100澳门元,十二岁以下儿童收费减半。 家庭护照:200澳门元 团体:团体签证必须由澳门的旅行社申请办理,人数最少十人,费 用每人50澳门元。 中国大陆居民出境后如需再入境,必须重新申办来澳旅游签证。 入境签证可透过中华人民共和国驻外使领馆向治安警察局出入境事 务厅申请,并应在有效期内使用,否则即告失效。持有人准予在签 证上所注明之期限在澳门逗留。 需要签证的旅客可在抵达澳门时办理,但某些国家的旅客须事先获 得入境签证。 Individual – MOP 100, children under 12 years of age pay MOP 50 Family Passport – MOP 200 Group – MOP 50 per person for groups of 10 or more and children age 12 or under. If coming from China and planning to re-enter, you will need a Chinese multiple-entry visa. Visas can be obtained from the Immigration Services through Embassies/ Consulates of the PRC and should be used within the validity. Visas may be applied for upon arrival at the Immigration counter, however some countries are required to apply for an entry visa before embarking to Macau. Details: (+853) 2872 5488 /

关闸 Barrier Gate Areia Preta, Macau

办公时间 Working Hours::09:15-13:00, 14:30-18:00 (+853) 2843 9310

澳门国际机场 Macau International Airport Taipa

办公时间 Working Hours: 09:00-13:30, 14:15-19:30, 20:15-22:00 (+853) 2886 1436

澳门渔人码头 Macau Fisherman’s Wharf Outer Harbor Macau

澳门孙逸仙大马路澳门渔人码头罗马表演场十七号铺 办公时间 Working Hours::10:00-13:00, 14:00-18:00 (+853) 2872 8981

氹仔临时客运码头 Taipa Temporary Ferry Terminal,


办公时间 Working Hours::09:30-13:00, 14:30-18:15 (+853) 2885 0438

香港 Hong Kong

渡轮 Ferries 喷射飞航 TurboJet 营业时间:7:00-23:59 每15分钟从澳门或香港出发. 后:00:30,1:00, 1:30, 2:00,2:30,3:00,4:00,6:00,6:30

外港客运码头 Macau Ferry Terminal, Outer Harbor


香港大屿山香港国际机场一号客运大楼第五层抵港层接机大堂服务 柜台A06 Service Counter A06, Arrival Hall, Level 5, Terminal 1, Hong Kong International Airport, Lantau, Hong Kong

Operation: 7:00-23:59 between Macau and Hong Kong, departing every 15 min After midnight: 00:30,1:00,1:30,2:00,2:30,3:00,4:00,6:00,6:30 (+852) 2307 0880

办公时间 Working Hours:09:30-13:00, 14:00-17:45

金光飞航 Cotai Jet

336-337 Shun Tak Center, 200 Connaught Road, Central Hong Kong

(+852) 2769 7970

信德中心 Shun Tak Center 香港上环干诺道中200号信德中心336~337室

营业时间:06:00-09:00每1小时,09:30-23:00 每30分钟 23:00后 23:59, 01:00, 03

办公时间 Working Hours:09:00-13:00, 14:00-18:00

:00 Operation: 06:00-09:00 departing every hour, 09:30-23:00 every half hour, after 23:00 - 23:59, 01:00, 03:00 (+853) 2885 0595 (+852) 2359 9990

直升机 Helicopters

(+852) 2857 2287

空中快线:09:00, 10:00-22:30每30分钟 Sky Shuttle: 09:00, 10:00-22:30 departing every half hour


咨询处 Information Center 议事亭前地利斯大厦 Largo do Senado, Edifício Ritz, Macau

办公时间Working Hours::09:00-18:00 (+853) 8397 1120



七月 2013

Flight Duration: 15 minutes (+853) 2108 9898

邮政服务 Postal Services 澳门邮政总局 Central

巴士服务 Bus service 澳门半岛:澳门币3.20元


Macau Peninsula: MOP 3.20

Largo do Senado, Edificio Sede da DSC, Macau


星期一至星期五Mon-Fri:09:00-18:00 星期六 Sat:09:00-13:00

Macau – Taipa: MOP 4.20


(+853) 2832 3666

Macau-Coloane: MOP 5.00

外港码头分局 Marine Terminal Post Office


地址:外港码头入境大堂 Address: Arrivals, G/f , Macau Ferry Terminal, Porto Exterior, Macau

星期一至星期六Mon-Sat:10:00-19:00 (+853) 2872 8079

Macau-Hac Sa: MOP 6.00

澳门至机场,机场至澳门:澳门币4.20元 Macau-Airport: MOP 4.20

澳门至氹仔可乘坐:11,22,25X,28A, 30, 33,34 和MT4 Macau-Taipa Bus: 11, 22, 25X, 28A, 30, 33,34 and MT4

机场邮政分局 Airport Post Office

到机场可乘坐:AP1, MT1, MT2, N2, 26和36号



Address: Macau International Airport, Departures, 1st Floor, Taipa


To Airport: AP1, MT1, MT2, N2, 26 and 36 Macau-Taipa-Coloane: 21A, 25, 26, 26A, 50, MT3 and N3

(+853) 2886 1465

水坑尾邮政分局 Rua do Campo 地址:澳门水坑尾街162号公共行政大楼地下 Rua do Campo, 162, Ed. da Administração Pública, Macau

星期一至五Mon-Fri:08:30 - 19:00 (+853) 2832 9334

路环邮政分局 Coloane Post Office 地址:路环打缆街邮政局大楼 Rua da Cordoaria, Ed. Direcção dos Serviços de Correios, Coloane (+853) 2888 2010

澳门有三家巴士公司 Bus Company 维澳莲运公共运输 Reolian Public Transport Co, Ltd. (+853) 2877 7888

澳门公共汽车有限公司 Sociedade de Transportes Colectivos de Macau. S.A.R.L (+853) 2885 0060

澳门新福利公共汽车有限公司 Transmac Transportes Urbanos de Macau. S.A.R.L

租车服务 Car Rental 华国旅游社有限公司 Vacations International Travel Service (Macau) Limited 金丽华酒店停车场Hotel Grand Lapa, Garage, ZAPE, Macau (+853) 2833 6789

百路达自动车租赁有限公司 Burgeon Rent A Car Limited 澳门东北大马路海名居第2座地下及阁仔O,P,Q铺 Avenida do Nordeste, Edifício La Baie Du Noble, Block 2, G/f, O,P,Q, Macau (+853) 2828 3399

宏益汽车租赁服务有限公司 Vang Iek Rent-a-Car Service Company Ltd 地址Address:澳门提督大马路69至71号地下 Avenida Almirante Lacerda, 69-71, G/f, Macau (+853) 2899 1199

(+853) 2827 1122

出租车(的士) Taxi Service 黑的士和黄的士 Black/ Yellow Taxi 澳门的出租车有两款,一款是黑色车身奶黄色车顶,而另一款是鲜 黄色。出租车起程价(首1600米)收费澳门币15元,之后每230米加 收1.5元,停车候客收费每分钟1.5元,如有大件行李,每件加收3元。 从澳门往路环或在澳门国际机场的士候客区乘车,除了车资外,另 收附加费5元;氹仔往路环加收2元附加费。但由澳门往氹仔或由两 离岛返回澳门,则无须加收任何附加费。 There are two kinds of taxis: black and yellow The flag fall charge is MOP 15 for the first 1,600 meters. MOP 1.50 will be added for every 230 meters afterwards. If stopped, MOP 1.50 is charged for every minute.

出租车叫车服务 :(+853) 2851 9519, 2893 9939, 8500 0000 及2828 3283。 To call for a taxi: (+853) 2851 9519, 2893 9939, 8500 0000 & 2828 3283.

广东话课堂 Important Names 妈阁庙/ A-Ma Temple:- “Ma Kok Miu” 民政总署/ Civic & Municipal Affairs Bureau- “Man Zheng Zhong Chu” 新马路/ Av. Almeida Ribeiro- “San Ma Lo” 大三巴/ St Paul’s Ruins- “Tai Sam Pa” 葡京/ Lisboa Hotel- “Pou Keng” 港澳码头/ Macau Ferry Terminal-“Kong Ou Ma Tau” 关闸/ Barrier Gate-“ Kwan Tchap” 东望洋炮台/ Guia Hill-“Tchong San” 文化中心/ Cultural Center-“Man Fa Tchong Sam”

机场/ Airport-“ Kei Cheong”

实用网址 Useful Sites

July 2013






七月 2013


July 2013



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七月 2013

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