Culture Liverpool Digital Marketing Strategy 2021
Culture Liverpool have a strong and recognisable brand which has translated over several years into a successful, well established and award winning digital platform for the promotion of cultural activities, events and interests across the city region. With an increasing usage and reliance on digital platforms (95% of the UK population uses the internet with 90% of said users using it every day), we are no longer passive recipients of culture. Digital marketing via Culture Liverpool platforms has the opportunity to achieve key LCC objectives and remove barriers to participation in cultural activity. In the Spring of 2020, the global pandemic struck and the impact of Covid-19 on the cultural and events sector has been significant. The subsequent cancellation and reworking of Culture Liverpool's events and associated campaigns have greatly impacted the strategy moving forward and have changed the way in which we will engage with audiences around the world and locally.
Culture Objectives Reboot the visitor economy through delivering major events and initiatives, and supporting the creative, cultural and visitor sectors to drive the city’s economic recovery. Expand the use of high quality cultural, creative and physical activity initiatives which engage, empower and unite communities. Position Liverpool as a distinctive, outward-facing, globally attractive city with a strong and diverse cultural identity Protect and enhancing Liverpool’s distinctive public realm, built and natural environment, and its cultural heritage Develop a mixed night-time and visitor economy which is representative of, and accessible to, all of our residents
9% increase in page likes 3m+ impressions 180,000+ Engagement 28% Male 71% Female 1% Non binary / unspecified 35-44yrs average age Liverpool most popular city UK most popular country
25,46k Impressions 14.99k audience reach 1.904 engagement
14% increase in followers 6.1m+ impressions 145,000+ Engagement 55% Male 46% Female 25-34yrs average age Liverpool most popular city UK most popular country
11% increase in followers 635,000 impressions 26,000 Engagement 35% Male 63% Female 2% Non binary / unspecified Liverpool most popular city UK most popular country
9,000 subscribers 35% open rate 55% of readers are highly engaged 55% mobile readers 45% desktop users
207,000 users, 256,000 sessions 1m 07 session duration 61% Mobile users 33% Desktop users 6% Tablet UK key audience