Tracing Our Musical Roots BY: NENCY BHENSDADIA Cultural appropriation is taking historically and emotionally significant elements from a particular culture, often marginalized cultures, without truly understanding the elements. Cultural appropriation is not a new concept in the music industry. For several years, artists have been accused of “borrowing” art forms from certain cultures and popularizing them as their own, whether it’s presented through the music video or embedded in the lyrics. It is a complex and relevant issue today, and in order to gain insight into discriminatory processes in contemporary popular music, a deeper understanding of this issue is required. After all, popular music and the broader popular culture is fleeting and forever changing. Many popular styles of music such as Jazz, Rap, and Hip-Hop originated from the Bronx/Harlem in New York City. While mainstream media took a great liking to this new style of music, some artists have not given it the appreciation and acknowledgement that the community deserves. Elvis Presley’s music was heavily influenced by Black artists. The “King of Rock and Roll” gained his popularity through covers of songs crafted by Black artists such as: Big Mama Thornton, Arthur Neal Gunter, and more. Another famous artist and former child actor, Miley Cyrus, who is best known for her role in Hannah Montana, has faced criticism for years from other African American artists who have accused her of using their culture to advance her career. In 2013, Cyrus