Fashion Luxury & Credit Where It's Due BY: MILLA NGUYEN AND LINDSAY CHEN
What is cultural appropriation? Normally, the concept would automatically draw a negative connotation to mind. In a textbook definition context, cultural appropriation refers to elements of a minority culture that are being exploited by a dominant, mainstream culture. In terms of the fashion industry, luxury brands have been under fire by the press as well as social media for cultural appropriation acts- though, it depends on the company on how they handle the outcome. Their handling of the accusations is what determines their future as a leader in the industry- whether it be positive or negative. Some cases include Gucci’s spring show that took place on February 21, 2018 as a large offense was made against the Sikh Community due to the fact the brand styled a cast of white models wearing turbans. The turban was deemed the “Indy full turban” and was priced at $790 on Nordstrom’s website. After the first wave of backlash, the company renamed it the “Indy full headscarf” to minimize the negative responses.