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Finding Home:

Gondolas at night, Venice, Italy

Story and Art by Peter Lo
Growing up as a Third Culture Kid with a rich but very diverse heritage, from Scotland to China to India to Malaysia, and as a serial ex-pat and lover of travel, I am no stranger to transitions and the richness of exploration.
This tension expresses itself in my artwork. I paint to capture magical memories in time of “home” to promote a sense of well-being through belonging — of being able to be home whilst being away.
Always on the move, I find myself constantly in a cycle of having left, leaving, returning and being returned — and that is why I paint.
Hanging art in my home helps me to travel back or forward in time, between my heritage, between my travels, and at the end of the day to steal that quiet moment for myself to enjoy the sacred act of being back home.
And, in that moment, art for me is enacting kindness for the soul.

Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong

Cherry Blossoms, Scotland

As a self-taught artist, I paint in watercolours as I love this medium's spontaneity that suits my desire to capture "essence". I now paint for expatriates, Third Culture Kids and travelers. My work ships worldwide for people who resonate with my story, those who have several places they like to call home.
Ultimately, I use my art as a tool to help people’s well-being and to discover their meaning of home. As a wider body of work, it celebrates our diversity as humanity and prompts us to safeguard our beautiful planet.
Learn more and connect with Peter Lo at: peterloart@gmail.com or follow him on Instagram @peterloart

Peter Lo