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(l to r) United States Domestic Third Culture Kid (DTCK) Jocko Sims, cross-cultural Freema Agyeman, Indian-born Anupam Kher and British DTCK Janet Montgomery ham it up at Bellevue Health Center in New York City.
Blinded by the Light
Sophomore medical drama New Amsterdam (NBC Network, U.S.A.) and its heavily cross-cultural main cast glimpse into the often awe-inspiring optimism of those who straddle identity.
By Donnyale Ambrosine | Photography by Hayden Greene
Biracial, tricultural actor Freema Agyeman; Domestic Adult Third Culture Kids (DTCKs), Jocko Sims and Janet Montgomery and Expat Anupam Kher exhibit amazing chemistry on the network’s latest dramatic hit. Perhaps it’s no coincidence, as the actors bring so much personal character to their roles and each credits personal history as the foundation of their skill. Little did they know their straddling of culture helps inform these profound performances — and the ease with which they get along with each other.

British actor Ageyman was best known for the BBC series “Doctor Who,” “Law & Order: UK,” and Netflix’s “Sense8” before her current role on “New Amsterdam.” Her parents are Iranian and Ghanian. Aside from her tricultural roots, she grew up in north London to a tightly knit family with two siblings and an ultra-supportive mother.
Originally interested in the sciences, and after dabbling in athletics and music, she ultimately graduated university in theater.
“I loved, loved, loved education and arts wasn’t something that was on my mind,” she said, explaining that theatre “just happened,” when a teacher convinced her to take lead in a play rather than focus on her Marine Biology dissertation. Once she hit the stage, the acting bug took hold.
Surprised by their mutual love of science, and banded together in awe of Agyeman’s mother, she and Sims were surprised to find other similarities.
° They both loved science (Sims originally planned to be a doctor).
° Their tight-knit supportive families provided strong foundations.
° They each tried acting on a whim and there was no turning back.

Freema Agyeman
The differences begin in Simms’ background as a DTCK. Born in Houston, Texas, U.S.A., he moved with his family to San Antonio at age six, then finished high school in Los Angeles. He returned to his roots attending university in Houston.
Sims, a producer and actor known for his roles in “Dreamgirls” and “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes,” and guest appearances on series like “Criminal Minds” and “Masters of Sex,” previously had worked on a show with no people of color in the writer’s room. He “feels the difference” having diverse writers in the room this go ‘round.
“I’m excited to work at this time, in this period, where diversity is in the forefront,” he conveyed. “It’s a good thing and I’m glad to be working to tell these amazing stories, these multicultural stories.”

Janet Montgomery
The show itself leaves glimpses of hope peppered throughout its plotlines where there are sometimes seemingly hopeless situations. Show creators make sure “the light” is apparent throughout — so the viewer can remain optimistic no matter how bleak circumstances seem.
As “New Amsterdam’s” other DTCK, Montgomery survived many moves in a small seaside town on the south coast of England. She is a veteran of NBC’s “This Is Us,” Netflix’ “Black Mirror,” ITV Network’s “Downton Abbey,” and the movie “Black Swan.” Montgomery and her two siblings each have different fathers and her stepfather (whom she calls dad) still is one of her closest family members. She credits her beginnings for informing her work.
“I think what happens in the first five, maybe ten years of your life, it shapes who you are. I’m grateful for it because I don’t think I could do my job as well if I came from a different background. I think it makes me appreciate my life so much more,” she says.
Montgomery was carrying her first child, a daughter (now 9-months-old) when New Amsterdam aired its first season. Because of her self-described unstable upbringing, she has made a point to educate herself on her child’s potential needs. Along the way, Montgomery has learned many of the principles that are key traits to culturally mobile individuals.

Jocko Sims
“The first few years are so vital to ensure they meet their needs as a secure person,” she confides. “So much of it stems from things you don’t even remember.”
Also the foundation of his current work, Kher has humble beginnings in a small town in India. His extended family of fourteen, including grandparents, aunts, uncles and children, shared a home comprised of one bath, one kitchen and a one-room space for living. As he fondly conveys his upbringing, Kher relays a notion his grandfather shared with him: “When you’re very poor, the cheapest luxury is happiness.”
He remembers that someone always was there to answer his questions, so he wanted for little. His life was rich.
In his twenties, Kher left home for Mumbai to “try his luck in the movies.”
What followed was three years living on the street, homeless. At age 28, he landed his first acting role playing a 65-year-old man and within one week signed 57 films.

Anupam Kher
The last 35 years have seen him complete 515 films. Recently, labels like “thespian, legend” and “veteran” were thrown his way. Kher found it frightening as those words seemed to want to push him toward retirement. For the “Bend it like Beckham” and “Silver Linings Playbook” performer, the opportunity to move to New York City and appear on "New Amsterdam" was like his childhood dream renewed.
Kher feels that though this career allows individuals to meet many people, actors share the same culture the world over. But culture shock was imminent for the India native once he hit the shores of New York’s shining sea.
“[In India we] don’t have to make appointments to our friends to see them,” he shares. “Over here, [when speaking] you say one line, then the sentence, then close the sentence [with another line].” While acclimating to east coast living, Kher enjoys visits from his family and Skyping with his bride of 35 years who still lives in India (she’s a member of Parliament). Still, the first-time expatriate is navigating U.S. life beautifully.
“I have a great sense of wonder about life. I celebrate failure,” says Kher, who feels failure is an event rather than a person.
Leaving his homeland for the wonders of the U.S. and "New Amsterdam" with all its changes seem fitting as Kher reminds us, “This series makes you believe in goodness, makes you believe in compassion, makes you think there is hope beyond all the negativity.”
"New Amsterdam" is based on the book “Twelve Patients: Life and Death at Bellevue Hospital,” and its author, Dr. Eric Manheimer, who is the former Medical Director for Bellevue Health Center in New York City.
Bellevue, the oldest public hospital in the United States, is the inspiration behind this medical drama as it follows the institution’s newest medical director, Dr. Max Goodwin (played by Ryan Eggold). In the midst of fighting his own serious illness, Goodwin is determined to make a difference at the legendary health institution with a mantra of “how can I help?” and frequent upending of traditional bureaucracy. Goodwin and his staff work tirelessly to ensure this underfunded, understaffed city onto itself serves everyone in need of care, regardless of potential consequence.
"New Amsterdam" airs on NBC Tuesday nights and can be streamed online.
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