A-Mag Spring 2015

Page 1


INSIDE: Alaska's Dan Sullivan W'78, '83 to Senate • Lynn Rasch '76 first alumna named Dean of CGA

Save These 2015 Dates on Your Calendar!

May 15-17

Alumni Reunion Weekend

Celebrating the “5” and “0” classes

July 17-19


SUMMER HOMECOMING WEEKEND 50 years of Summer School for Girls

All Golden Anniversary Alumni

Deck 6 35th Reunion!

July 24-26

Visit www.culver.org/homecoming2015

Hockey Reunion

A Celly to Remember


. New Orlea 5 1


Nov. 13-15


Join us for the ’70s New Orleans BASH!

Visit alumni.culver.org/70sbash for details

Watch your mailbox for an invitation TM

For more information or to get involved call (574) 842-7200

Table of Contents ANSWERING THE CALL:

s e l fi o r Pin tics i l o P


Alaskan Senator Dan Sullivan W’78, ’83 is the latest Culver graduate to step into the national political scene. His journey to Washington, D.C., is featured in an article by Kathe Brunton. But over the decades, there have been thousands of alumni who have served their communities, states, and nations. We acknowledge these legions of dedicated public servants with a series of profiles, plus you can read more online at news.culver.org.

page 24


On the Dean’s List After more than 20 years in CGA Student Life, Lynn Rasch ’76 was ready to take on the challenge and responsibility of the top spot – Dean of Girls. As such, she becomes the first Culver Girls Academy alumna to lead her alma mater. For Rasch and for Culver, the timing was right.




3 Editorial 4 Views & Perspectives 34 Alumni Class News 40 Culver Clubs International

On Our Cover

Amid a number of Summer Homecoming events, the Summer School for Girls will be celebrating its golden anniversary. ‘The Girls of Summer’ is reprinted here from the pages of a 1990 Culver Alumnus Magazine. Also in July, the Horsemanship School Class of 1965 will mount up its 50th and Deck 6 will celebrate its 35th year.


Letters to the Editor

42 Passings in Review

Summer School for Girls Turns 5-0




This issue’s cover was designed by Toni Trump, graphics designer for the Communications Department. Toni joined Culver in January and this is her first contribution to Culver Alumni Magazine. The cover represents the myriad alumni and alumnae who have put their Culver virtues and values to use as elected officials from the small town board to the halls of Congress.

Culver educates its students for leadership and responsible citizenship in society by developing and nurturing the whole individual – mind, spirit, body – through an integrated curriculum that emphasizes the cultivation of character.

Letters Volume 91, Issue 2

Spring 2015

Culver (USPS 139-740) is published by The Culver Educational Foundation, 1300 Academy Road, Culver, Indiana 46511-1291. Opinions are those of the authors, and no material may be reproduced without the editor’s written consent.

Those were the days!

Postmaster, please send change of address notice to Culver Alumni Office, 1300 Academy Road #132, Culver, Indiana 46511-1291. Magazine design by Scott Adams Design Associates of New York City and Columbus, Ohio.

I offer my congratulations on the CASE awards. Nice to be recognized by professional peers as outstanding. I also noticed the photo on page 11 of (Notre Dame) Coach Brian Kelly on Patton. What caught my eye immediately was the coach's foot position in the stirrup. I can hear Col. Jerry Whitney now … “Stirrup on the ball of the foot; HEELS DOWN.” If you did not hear him the first or second time, out came the riding crop to get your attention. Those were the days! Kent Blacklidge H’56, Ph.D. Kokomo, Ind.

A favorite read Just finished reading the latest edition of the Culver magazine (Winter 2014/2015). What a joy it is receiving this hard copy version as I can settle in the den and read it in comfort. All of them are among my favorite reads, but this one simply grabbed hold of me. Like a good book, I simply couldn’t put it down. Keep it up, as I look forward to each additional issue. Don Long NB’52 Fishers, Indiana

Printed and mailed by West-Camp Press, Westerville, Ohio.

ADVANCEMENT OFFICE Chief Advancement Officer Michael Perry

Style points I was interested in the ‘Who’s on first?’ item in the Winter 2014/15 Culver Alumni Magazine (another very well done edition), and the original article that caused us to revisit the event. What got my attention the first time, and now for a second time, is how nearly perfect Rick Sherlock’s uniform was in 1976. In particular, his wrap is perfect. Note that the tassels are on his hip. They are the proper length. His white webbing is perfectly centered, as is his officer's belt. And he's not cluttered with a bunch of hardware! He looks like a Culver cadet. If the boys are going to wear uniforms, I would suggest more uniformity and attention to detail. Proper wear of a uniform is also a part of teaching leadership, because appearance counts in the world most of the students will live as adults. Oh, well, that’s my old timer’s vent. The Rev. Dr. Emil Klatt ’73 Major, U.S. Marine Corps (Retired) Lancaster, Ohio

ALUMNI RELATIONS Director Alan Loehr Jr. Legion President Maj. Gen. Richard Sherlock '76 (U.S. Army, Retired) Falls Church, Virginia CSSAA President Susan Ellert SS'85 Culver, Indiana

COMMUNICATIONS Director/Strategic Communications Bill Hargraves III ’77 Editor/Culver Alumni Magazine Director/Publications Doug Haberland Asst. Director/Publications Jan Garrison Website Manager Trent Miles

DEVELOPMENT Director Mike Hogan Director/Annual Fund Thomas Mayo ’75




A Word from the Editor Answering the Call since Day One It is undetermined who the first Culver graduate elected to a political office was, but suffice it to say it’s been happening for decades. In addition to an elected position, Culver men and women have been serving on appointed boards and committees at the town, city, and county level, as Rotary Club presidents, church deacons, trustees and directors, PTA officers and scout leaders. You name it, a Culver graduate has stepped into the fray, taken the reins, and put their leadership skills and Culver virtues and values to work for the greater good.

By Doug Haberland Editor

Our founder H.H. Culver led the way, fulfilling his personal calling by establishing a military-based school for boys on Lake Maxinkuckee. Granted, he ran a couple of things up the flagpole that didn’t fly – a chautauqua and a fairgrounds – but chances are, in the back of his mind, he was always thinking school. More than halfway through Culver’s 120th school year — and having added a camp program that is 112 years strong — I guess H.H. knew what he was doing. Just two years later, when the Missouri Military Academy was destroyed by fire, H.H. Culver again answered the call. He invited the 72 homeless cadets and their faculty to make the move to Culver, thus ensuring the financial solvency of Culver Military Academy. In 1913, Culver answered the call – literally, a phone call – from the mayor of Logansport, Ind., whose city was besieged by rising floodwaters. Culver responded with four Naval cutters and a select group of cadets with Naval School experience to rescue more than 1,300 residents.

Just four years later, young Culver men would answer the call by serving in the trenches of France during World War I. That service has continued through World War II, Korea, Vietnam, and the War on Terrorism. Responding to an opportunity in 1965, Culver created the Summer School for Girls, which will celebrate its 50th anniversary in July during Summer Homecoming. Appropriately, the 35th year of Deck 6 will also be celebrated as the summer program launches a Deck 7, created specifically to provide leadership positions to female riders. Again, answering the call. And there are individuals such as Dan Sullivan W’78, ’83 and Lynn Rasch ’76, who have picked up the gauntlet for the state of Alaska and for Culver Girls Academy, respectively. In this issue you can read about Sullivan’s public service journey that has him now seated in the U.S. Senate. The political involvement of several other graduates are to be found on these pages and online. Rasch, after 22 years in Student Life as a CGA counselor and assistant dean, has stepped up to the role of Dean of CGA – the first alumna to head her alma mater. Whoever may call, there is always a Culver alumnus or alumna ready and willing to answer.

Editor’s note: The winter sports season was still winding down when content for this issue was finalized. Details of the sports season by Jan Garrison can be found at news.culver.org and on the website.

Your Thoughts? We want Culver Alumni Magazine to be more interactive with our readers. If you see or read something you like, let us know. If you have a story idea or have a story to tell, we’d like to know that, too.

Doug Haberland, Editor (574) 842-8365 haberld@culver.org

Views & Perspectives Selfless Culver leaders come in many variations I can think of no better heading for a Culver Alumni Magazine than “Answering the Call.” First of all it has a nice military ring to it, and we all understand fully the storied history of our school. It harkens back to a call for arms! Actually, Culver was founded on the principles of our national democratic heritage as an American school. While many of the schools with whom we compare statistics (mostly New England boarding schools) are based on the English or European models, Culver remains a thoroughly American school. That means that the principles of the American Dream are firmly embedded into our DNA — hard work, character, and a meritocracy.

By John N. Buxton Head of Schools

American schools, like Culver, are more behaviorally-based. In them you learn habits of good conduct which become intentional dispositions, and finally translate into your character. In American schools you have formal rites of passage and there exists a clear delineation between what is developmentally appropriate for 14 year olds as opposed to 18 year olds. In American schools you earn your right to participate in the leadership equation. Our counterparts, on the other hand, believe that if you “plant the right stock and give it water and sunlight, it will blossom,” and leaders and responsible citizens will emerge naturally. Those schools assume that putting good people together in almost any system will yield good results. We are far more intentional in achieving the outcomes we seek at Culver. We do not leave so much to chance. As a result, by the time a young man and young woman have graduated from Culver, they have learned the principles



of selfless leadership … what we call service; whether this comes in the form of service to one’s country, service to the ideals of public welfare, or service through a commitment to a helping profession like education, medicine, or the clergy. At Culver we stress the importance of servant leadership, trying to convey to our students that those who seek to lead must first seek to serve. Making a claim like this is easy to articulate but hard to prove. What are the metrics for the successful fulfillment of a mission? One approach is ethnography. We look at a culture and study its trends and results. And when one looks at Culver, through the ages, the results are impressive, regardless of the category. Culver’s service in the First and Second World Wars is noteworthy and impressive. Bob Hartman has documented that fully a third of the Culver graduates in the First World War became officers. In World War II the results were equally impressive as a high percentage of Culver men achieved the rank of officer. Culver’s Great Hall in North Barrack contains the display for the school’s five Medal of Honor winners. The Legion Memorial Building proudly displays the names of our graduates lost in World War I, and the Memorial Chapel carriers the names of the war dead from the Second World War, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the War on Global Terror. These two iconic buildings are not, however, the only reminders of service on our campus. The beautifully carved stone likenesses (called corbels) of the giants of the faculty that adorn the Eppley buildings in the Gignilliat Quadrangle remind us

In this issue we will recognize some other important examples or exemplars of service. Our most exciting recent example is Danny Sullivan, the newly-minted senator from Alaska. Dan is a member of the Class of ’83. He clearly learned his lessons well from both his very special

Another exemplar highlighted in this issue is Lynn Rasch, Class of ’76. When Lynn returned to Culver in 1993 she clearly was prepared to make a commitment of service to her school. She has served in every imaginable role in CGA, and now has taken the tiller In January, 113 first-year Culver girls answered the call and earned as our Dean of Girls. their CGA Crest. Among those there to congratulate them was Head of She is a professional Schools John Buxton. administrator who understands that modeling right action is the best route to platform for the future. Their service is mentoring young women. heroic and noteworthy. We also include those whose service to Culver has graced our hallways, dorms and barracks, and playing fields (courses, diamonds, stage, and rinks) for the last four decades. These giants were the ones who helped build and sustain Culver in

‘The principles of the American Dream are firmly embedded into our DNA — hard work, character, and a meritocracy.' Culver family (father Tom, Class of ’55; brothers Frank ’79 and Tom ’80) and from his time at Culver. Dan served Culver well; he served his country proudly as a soldier; and now he continues his pattern of service as a member of the United States Senate.

excellent and challenging times. We will all remember 2015 as a watershed year for retirements: Al and Blair Clark, Fred Haase, Harry Frick, Bruce Burgess, and Jill Tulchinsky. They represent more than 200 years of experience at Culver, and each has built a portion of this school’s solid

Photo by Manuel Guerra '17.

daily of the power of our extraordinary faculty. The special granite benches that carry the names of those members of faculty and staff who have served the Academies for 25 years or more tell another important lesson of service and loyalty to this institution. The portraits of the members of the founding family, the Culvers; of two of Culver’s modern heroes, and of former superintendents that grace the meeting rooms of the Legion Memorial Building speak loudly of service, leadership, and care. We have visual reminders everywhere on campus that serve as guides and reminders of the importance of service, like Mai Fan England’s portrait on the first floor of the Legion Memorial Building.

There is an old maxim about “doing well so you can do good.” That seems to be the hallmark of many of the great Culver philanthropists. Actually, it is also a characteristic of many of Culver’s most successful graduates. Pam and I do not know a single trustee of Culver who does not qualify on this measure. However, as impressive as that is, I would propose that the new Culver mantra should be “do good, so you can serve others and make the world a better place.” Every week at Culver, we see the sacrifices that the true servant leaders make to improve the school, themselves, and their communities. Our graduates serving their country in a variety of ways; our alumni serving their communities and families; and our students seeking ways to serve their peers and those less fortunate than themselves: All are “answering the call”; and that is the Culver way.



July 2015

50 will mark



Culver Summer School Girls for

Mary Frances England with 'The Girls of Summer' circa 1965

Culver Summer Schools & Camps will be observing the golden anniversary of

Culver Summer School for Girls during Homecoming Weekend on July 17-19. We are extending an invitation to all alumni to join us for this weekend of celebration. Please check the website at culver.org/homecoming2015 for additional information. The following excerpts are from an article titled “The Girls of Summer,” which was compiled and written by Kristen Trimmer and published in a 1990 issue of the Alumnus magazine commemorating the 25th anniversary of the coeducational summer camp. Where appropriate, it has been updated by Kelly Norton ’07, Summer Camps Communications Coordinator.

In theBeginning Before the summer program for girls was officially established in 1965, young women still had the opportunity to be in the Culver limelight. Between twenty-five and thirty girls were William Martin accepted each summer into the Theater and Fine Arts School, a co-ed program established in 1960 by William Martin, Culver Military Academy’s director of the theater from 1959 to 1965, and his wife, Catherine. Housed in faculty homes near campus, the girls were generally confined to the Eppley Auditorium environ while on campus. The summer theater curriculum gave students the chance to sample all aspects of the stage: acting, dance, costume design, theatrical makeup, scene building, and lighting.

Here We Grow Again A total of 104 girls attended the first session of the Summer Girls School in 1965, under the direction of Catherine Martin; this summer a record 315 are enrolled. Because the 1965 turnout was greater than anticipated, only eighty-four girls could be housed on campus in West Lodge (also called Linden Hall, which was razed to make way for the Dicke Hall of Mathematics and Roberts Hall of Science). Sixteen girls were housed in faculty homes and four were day students. As enrollment climbed, other campus housing units were utilized, including the motels and Chateau Thierry and Argonne. Today, girls occupy Argonne, Benson, CT, Ithaka, and Linden. Plain gray metal lockers were arranged into a ‘room’ in the basement of Eppley Auditorium so that day students and girls living in faculty homes would have someplace to gather for camaraderie, deck meetings, and daily room inspections like their counterparts who lived in West Lodge.



All In the Family It’s no secret that Culver ties are strong. Culver summer ties are no exception. Of the 104 girls enrolled in the first summer of 1965, sixty-three were either sisters or daughters of Culver alumni. And once the program expanded enough to house young women in the Chateau Thierry complex, requests inevitably came from alumni wanting their daughters or granddaughters to be assigned the same rooms they had occupied as cadets. Time and renovations, though, have a way of changing things. “I’ll never forget trying to tell one alum that we couldn’t put his granddaughter in his old room because that room was now the kitchen,” recalled Janet Burke, director of the Summer Girls School from 1973 to 1981. “He had the hardest time accepting that his room no longer existed.”

Girls' Tuxis Medals

Precious Medals Talk about a tradition. The Tuxis program has been a part of Culver Summer Schools since 1904. Tuxis was initiated by Wiley A. Miller, who came to Culver in 1904 as YMCA secretary. The program is an individual achievement system culminating in the awarding of bronze, silver, or gold Tuxis medals. In 1969, a new medal for girls was introduced. The girls-only medal features the same design created by then-Summer School Director Admiral Bays for the girls’ Dress A patch.

Superintendent Ralph Manuel congratulates Summer School for Girls graduates.

Follow the Leader Although the girls have had a student-leadership system since the start, the leadership staff really came into its own in 1974. Its own formation, that is. Instead of marching with their decks as they had done before, members of the staff marched that summer in a special formation at the head of the rest of the girls at meals, retreats, parades, and Chapel. The staff at the time included seven leadership positions: girls school leader, assistant girls school leader, and supply, mess, hostess, TUXIS and athletic officers. Each girl held her post for one week, from reveille on Tuesday until taps on Monday.



The Proving Ground Creation of the Summer School for Girls Logo The Summer School for Girls emblem, worn on all Dress A uniforms since the first summer, was designed by Admiral John W. Bays ’23, director of Culver Summer Schools from 1955 to 1970. Bays’ design has served since in various forms as the official logo for Culver Summer School for Girls.

Undoubtedly, the success of the summer program for girls opened the door for the creation of the Culver Girls Academy in 1971. According to CGA’s founding director, Mary Frances England, who headed the Summer Girls School from 1966 to 1970: “I think the summer school has always been a bit of a trial run for things we were thinking about doing in winter school. For example, summer school became a non-smoking campus before winter school. The girls those first few summers definitely proved women could function on campus in a happy, responsible way.”

Record Enrollment

A Celly to Remember! 2015 Hockey Reunion July 24-26 Reconnect with the Culver Hockey Family, Plus Alumni Hockey Games, Golf, Cookouts & Dinners Culver.org/hockeyreunion2015

Make Your Goal the 2015 Hockey Reunion I am truly looking forward to the Culver Hockey Reunion in July and have started training for the big game at Henderson Arena! This will be a great gathering of old teammates coming together to celebrate the past, present, and future. Barry Richter ’89

A great weekend to be an Eagle!

Photo by Tom Smith for Communications.


In January, coach Mike Chastain (third from left) and Alex Banfich ’08 (fourth from left) were inducted into the Indiana high school track and cross country hall of fame. Joining them were several alumni, all of whom ran for Chastain except for his daughter, who was a dancer. From left are: Ibrahim Fetuga ’01, Shahan Islam ’77, Daniel Sweet ’00, Kristin Ware ’00, Joe Stamper ’06, and Ashley Chastain ’99.

Help shape the future Alumni Network! What is the value of our Alumni Network? Have you recently used our Alumni Network as a resource for finding a classmate, choosing a doctor, or connecting with a professional colleague? The Advancement Team, the Culver Legion, and Measuring Success, an independent survey consultant, have teamed up to create an effective alumni survey to answer these questions. “The Alumni Network is powerful, but by engaging our alumni, we will gain a better understanding of what our alumni need and how to make our network even more powerful,”

said Bill Hargraves ’77, the school’s director of Strategic Communications. But as in any survey, the key ingredient is your participation.











Between April 7 and April 28, Culver alumni with active email addresses will be receiving an invitation to complete an electronic survey. The investment of a mere 30 minutes by Culver alumni can have a lasting impact on their future and that of future Culver alumni. “A robust response to this survey will help us provide more fluid opportunities in areas our constituents tell us they need and want better, more effective service,” said Alan Loehr, director of Alumni Relations said.


Alumni, we need your help. Please participate and help us to shape a better Culver network for our future alumni!


Gr ea t


A new chapter begins at Huffington Library When renovations are completed in early spring on the Huffington Library, the building will feature a ground-level front entrance that opens into a new foyer and reception area. Other elements of the $1.9 million project include (the number indicates the floor level): • Addition of four study rooms and redesign of four existing study rooms (1) • Creation of art gallery space (1) • Creation of open/collaborative spaces (1 and 2) • Creation of a forum/classroom space (1 and 2) • Creation of two reading spaces (2) • Construction of an archive for Michael Huffington (3)

Gary Mills photo

• Amenities such as painting, carpeting, tiling, roofing, wainscoting, masonry work, and cleaning. Each level has been opened up to be more flexible and user-friendly. All the enhancements are geared toward a more collaborative learning environment to encourage connectedness, innovation, and creativity.



CulverCurrents Legion updates Culver ring to recognize alumni service in the War on Terrorism BY ALAN H. LOEHR JR. Director of Alumni Relations One of Culver’s most treasured traditions has been updated. As of Aug. 1, 2014, all CMA rings now feature a sixth star, representing alumni service in the Global War on Terrorism. Alumni service in the Spanish-American War, World War I, World War II, Korea, and Vietnam are the five previous military conflicts represented by a star.

The L.G. Balfour Company, now a subsidiary of the American Achievement Corporation, has been the exclusive vendor of the Culver ring since 1924. The ring has a no-charge lifetime guarantee, so resizing, refinishing, re-engraving, or replacement due to faulty materials or inadequate workmanship are all free and part of the original agreement. Additionally, the agreement stipulates that Legion is the sole owner of the ring and that direct sales from Balfour are not permitted. According to Monte Reed, the Academies’ Balfour representative, Culver is its oldest high school class ring account and is considered its most prestigious. It should come as no surprise that Culver’s per capita purchase rate is higher than any other high school in America. The Alumni Office, acting as the Legion’s agent, maintains records for all rings purchased, including size,

gold content, and type of finish, as well as the inscription each customer uses on the inside of the ring. Since the ring debuted, orders for an estimated 20,000 rings, including re-orders, have been placed. In 1916, a 10-karat ring sold for $20; a 14-karat ring for $24. Today, those rings sell for $739.95 and $889.95, respectively. If you are interested in a replacement ring, contact the Alumni Office. Editor’s note: With appreciation to Academies Historian Bob Hartman for excerpts previously published in his story, “Rings on Their Fingers,” which can be viewed in its entirety at www. culver.org/digitalvault.

Existing Culver rings.

The ring has undergone several updates since its commissioning in 1916. The number of stars has varied from four in 1916 to five immediately after World War II. At the conclusion of the Vietnam War, the Culver Legion agreed that the number of stars would match the number of conflicts in which alumni had served.



Photo by Lewis Kopp W'66, '71.

New CMA ring design.

Class of ’64 raises over $8 million For the time being, the Class of 1964 can proudly wear the title as the $8 Million Men. But it is a laurel they will gladly relinquish to the Class of 1965 at its 50th reunion this May – at least that is the game plan.

The Class of 1964’s multi-faceted giving effort included:

Mustering 81 donors and finding various ways to give back to Culver, the Class of 1964 generated a record $8,028,414 in fiscal 2013-2014. That figure included $394,714 in cash, which led all giving classes.

• Estate bequests totaling $1,725,000. (“The class stepped forward,” Mayo said, “stressing the importance of gift planning.”)

“It shows what you can do as a class if you work together,” said Thomas Mayo ’75, director of The Culver Fund. “What is remarkable is not just the record but the breadth of what they supported. This will make a phenomenal impact on Culver in the future.”

• $3,100,000 to various scholarship programs, including the Class of 1964 Scholarship.

• Pledging $1 million for the John and Pam Buxton International Scholarship and Travel Program, which will fund study opportunities abroad for students. • $523,464 directly to The Culver Fund ($500,000 is a 50-year class’ target). • Purchase of a house on North Shore Circle as faculty housing. Known as the Class of 1964 House, it is currently occupied by Commandant Capt. Mike Neller and his wife.

• Presenting the school with Aspire, a contemporary outdoor sculpture that represents dreams and inspiration. • Endowing the Protestant Youth Pastor p osition. Not surprisingly, the Class of 1964 walked off with the Samuel Coles Butler Award, given annually to the class beyond its 25th reunion which exhibits faithful, generous, and extraordinary contributions to Culver. The class giving officers were David Goldenberg (special gifts chairman), Murvel Pretorius Jr. (reunion gifts chairman), and Thomas Baker IV (class president). The Leadership Committee was comprised of George Philpott (reunion chairman), Randy Rose and John Fellows (communications co-chairs), Jim Dicke II, Jamie Fellowes, and Rick Olsen.

Archives photo.

The Class of 1964 raises the fund-raising bar to $8 million.



Living on the Fringe The Academies’ Theatre Department will be taking the winter play Exhibit This! The Museum Comedies on the road – to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in August. This will mark Culver’s third trip since 2005 to the largest performance arts festival in the world. Performing one of the shorts from the play are, left to right, Elizabeth Lenig ’18 (Plymouth, Ind.), Leonardo Rodriguez ’15 (Acapulco, Mexico), Charles Mahoney ’18 (Cumming, Ga.), and Olivia Andonian ’18 (Glendora, Calif.). Read more about the trip on the @Culver blog at news.culver.org. Photo by Lewis Kopp W’66, ’71.

CulverCurrents Faculty, Staff & Retiree Notes On Feb. 11, science instructor Jackie Carillo kicked off a new Faculty Lunchtime Series with a talk on “Understanding the Science of Climate Change.” The luncheon series in Roberts Auditorium is designed as an opportunity for individuals with expertise in diverse disciplines to share with the rest of the Culver community.

•••• Troop B counselor Tim Montgomery was featured on the Ball State University website for choosing the school’s online master’s program in educational psychology. Montgomery is pursuing the human development specialization and has completed the certificate in human development and learning. He chose the program because it was 100 percent online.

•••• In November, Spanish instructors Kim White and Gabrielle DiLorenzo received the EXTIMO (Exceptional Teaching Impact

and Motivation) Student Voice Awards for their valuable work as teachers and support of students. The pair were honored at the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP) Indiana Chapter Awards Ceremony in Indianapolis as part of the Indiana Foreign Language Teachers Association conference. White joined the Academies faculty in 1992 and DiLorenzo in 2002.

•••• Humanities senior instructor Jen Cerny and Fine Arts senior instructor Jack Williams were married on July 9, 2014 – on Jack’s 50th birthday – in a simple ceremony on the lake side of the Legion Memorial Building. Cerny joined the faculty in 2000 and currently teaches 10th- and 12th-grade Humanities. A faculty member since 2006, Williams teaches drawing, painting, and sculpture.


Retired Humanities instructor Richard Davies, Ph.D., spoke on “Sufis – the Gentle Mystics of Islam” as part of Ancilla College’s Lampen Lecture series in November. Davies’ topic was the mystery that surrounds our search for God and the search for God within us. Davies taught at the Academies from 1974 until retiring in 2008. He is a resident of the Maria Center, located at the Center at Donaldson (Ind.).

•••• Longtime summer instructor Charlie Ray spent a week in October teaching fly fishing at a USO Operation Outdoors Family Camp in Colorado. A retired Plymouth, Ind., principal, Ray was a tennis instructor during Culver summer camps for many years but made the switch to teaching fly fishing to campers several summers ago. He also has taught fly fishing to Wounded Warriors and Navy SEALS at Culver.

Student Notes In February, vocalists Cory Andrzejewski ’15 (Plymouth, Ind.), Katie Giacobbe ’15 (Ormond Beach, Fla.) Alexandra Jeffirs ’15 (Argos, Ind.), Jesus Mancha Navarrete ’16 (Monterrey, Mexico), Leonardo Rodriguez ’15 (Acapulco, Mexico), and first runner-up Neri Min ’16 (Seoul, South Korea) sang in Carnegie Hall in New York City. As part of the Honors Performance Series at Carnegie Hall students rehearse and perform under master conductors and perform before invited representatives from collegiate and professional music programs. The five-day immersion program also allowed students to experience the sights and performance arts in The Big Apple.

•••• 18


Four Culver vocalists performed in the Indiana All State Honors Choir in Fort Wayne, Ind., Jan. 16-17. They were seniors Cory Andrzejewski (Plymouth, Ind.), Hayne Bae (Seoul, South Korea), and Leonardo Rodriguez (Acapulco, Mexico), and junior Alejandro Mancha Navarrete (Monterrey, Mexico). The choir was comprised of 270 students statewide and conducted by Dr. Rollo Dilworth of Temple University.

•••• 2014 graduates Hanna Moffet and Alan Simonini were among seven students honored as 2014 Indiana Outstanding High School Student of Spanish. The award was made in November by the Indiana Chapter Recognition and

Distinction Committee of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP). Moffet is a freshman at the University of Notre Dame. Simonini matriculated at the University of Southern California.

•••• Three CGA lacrosse players have been selected to play in the Brine National Lacrosse Classic in Richmond, Va., June 29-July 2. Sophomore Korryn Brewer (Cincinnati) and junior Anne Marie Wright (South Bend, Ind.) will play for Team Ohio. Brewer plays attack and Wright is a middie. Junior Annie Shea (Culver) will play middie for Team Illinois. Team members are chosen from regional tryouts.

Garrison photo.

Photo by Meagan Maes, Communications Intern.

Helping with distribution of the 2013-14 Roll Call in December are, left to right, Eunjeong Hur ’17, Makenna Morsches ’15 (Editor), Ireland Irving ’17 (Core Staff Member), and Hye Im Lee ’17.

Student-organized bloodmobiles in January and November resulted in 101 units of blood being donated – 87 of those coming from Academies’ students. Cadet Quentin Haley ’15 (Winamac, Ind.) donated in November and returned in January for his third donation.

f e i Br Shaping Sound, a popular dance com-

pany whose members have appeared on Dancing with the Stars and So You Think You Can Dance, performed in Eppley Auditorium Feb. 9 as part of the Huffington Concert Series. Led by Travis Wall, an Emmy Award- nominated choreographer, the dancers also taught a master class for the Academies’ Dancevision troupe that afternoon. It was Shaping Sound’s only performance in Indiana.

ning ways in 2015, scoring victories at the Central Indiana Forensic League meet and the Rossville High School tournament in January. The speech team dominated CIFL meet, taking first place overall and grabbing nine blue ribbons. It was the fourth CIFL meet of the season and the victory gave Culver a 35-point lead toward a second consecutive title. At Rossville, 28 of 43 Culver entries placed in the finals as the team bested a dozen teams.

College campus. A week later, the Academies hosted its traditional Vespers service in the Memorial Chapel. Photo by Manuel Guerra ’17.


The speech team continued its win-

Five Academies’ musical ensembles

comprised of 107 students presented a special winter concert in the Ancilla Domini Chapel on Dec. 7 just north of Culver. The orchestra, concert band, choir, chamber ensemble, and a saxophone choir performed 11 pieces with a combine finale of “Silent Night.” The free public concert has become an annual holiday event on the Ancilla

Katherine Polega ’17 (Dhahran, Saudi Arabia) beams as she walks off with her certificate following the Crest ceremony on Jan. 25. Polega was among 113 new girls who received their CGA Crest, the culmination of a new girl’s orientation to Culver. The keynote speaker was Irena Balzekas ’10. CULVER ALUMNI MAGAZINE


ON THE DEAN’S LIST By Doug Haberland, Editor


eated comfortably behind a polished desk with the title Dean of Girls on the nameplate before her, a smile breaks across the face of M. Lynn Rasch, the first graduate of Culver Girls Academy to bear that distinction. “I chuckle,” says the ’76 alumna, “and wonder what Dean England would have thought?” (Having had the privilege of knowing Mary Frances England briefly before her death in 1996, my personal opinion is that the founding director and first dean of Culver Academy


WINTER 2014/2015

for Girls would likely ask, “What took them so long?”) It’s all about timing. Forty-four years into the history of CGA, the time was right for Culver. And twenty-two years into her tenure as a counselor and assistant dean, the timing was right for Rasch. She began the 2014-15 school year as the Interim Dean of CGA, but interim went by the wayside as 2015 unfolded. Now, two months into her role as CGA’s tenth Dean of Girls, Rasch is reveling in every minute.

Photo provided.

Lynn Rasch ’76 revels in the challenge and the opportunity as the first CGA alumna to be named head of the girls’ school

“It’s been an amazing experience thus far. It has exceeded all my expectations,” she said. “I did not know I would enjoy it so much. I truly love working with the students and the staff.” Rasch had been assistant dean to Laura Weaser since 2002, and relished that role because it allowed her to stay involved with her passions: coaching the Equestriennes and coordinating Global Pathways Spring, the spring break cultural/service trips. Therefore, she chose not to pursue the dean’s position when Weaser resigned at the end of the 2012-13 school year and moved to College Advising. In the meantime, however, Rasch had decided to step down as head coach of the Equestriennes after 2013-14, turning the reins over to Savannah Kranich ’05, an assistant director of Admissions and the girls’ polo coach. Then, unexpectedly, the Dean of CGA position was again open when Weaser’s successor, Darlene Greene, chose not to return for 2014-15. Rasch stepped into the breach as the Interim Dean of CGA, but by November she had decided she wanted the job outright. “I knew I wanted the challenge and the opportunity.” Once Rasch knew she was ready, it was a no-brainer for Culver. “We can all relax knowing that an experienced hand is on the tiller,” Head of Schools John Buxton said. “Twice Lynn has stepped into the CGA Dean’s role to cover for others, and each time she has delivered professionally and gracefully. She understands that her role is to serve those she leads. We are fortunate to have someone with her experience in the position.” Riding has been an important part of Lynn Rasch’s Culver experience since she was a student.



Photo by Camilo ‘Mo’ Morales.

Dean of Girls M. Lynn Rasch ’76 settles in as the CGA Dean of Girls.

“Lynn is the consummate professional and her presence will be steady and thoughtful as she guides the CGA program,” Weaser said. “Her long and loyal commitment to Culver in a number of roles has given her remarkable experience that makes her uniquely qualified to lead CGA. The fact that she is an alumna of CGA makes it all the more special.” As dean, Rasch said her immediate goal “is to bring a very positive feeling to the school year.” With 351 girls, the largest enrollment in CGA history, she is looking at “the totality of the Culver experience” and has already seen “positive changes in the CGA atmosphere.” The CGA theme for the year chosen by student leaders is ohana, the Hawaiian word for family. Interestingly, Rasch lived in Hawaii from 1986-88 while she obtained an associate’s degree in travel management. With that background, she will continue to oversee the Global Pathways Spring program and will co-host a trip to central Europe in March with thirty-one students. Now the assistant coach of the Equestriennes, Rasch is indebted to the Horsemanship Department and mentors such as Command Sergeant Major John W. “Sarge” Hudson and Captain R. Jeffrey Honzik H’65 for the impact they had on her life. Interestingly, Rasch’s first exposure to Culver came when her stepbrother Kenneth Zinn came for a campus visit. She was smitten with the school and the riding program.



When financial issues put her final Culver year in jeopardy, Rasch struck a deal with her dad: “You fund my last year at CGA and I’ll fund my college education.” As a CGA student, Rasch said she connected with the Horsemanship Department. She returned from 1980-86 as a horsemanship instructor and credits Honzik for challenging her outside the riding arena. Over her objections, Honzik named her coach of the Equestriennes in 1981, a leadership position she went on to savor for twenty-six years. She also thanks Superintendent John Mars for hiring her in 1980 before she had completed her undergraduate degree. Rasch finished her degree at night and went on to earn three degrees in seven years (Brigham Young University, Lake Erie College, and Eastern Michigan). In 1981, the Equestriennes received their first invitation to a Presidential Inaugural Parade, which ended up being canceled by severe weather. As Equestriennes coach, Rasch has helped prepare horses and riders for seven inaugural parades. She rode in three and walked in two. The inaugurals and the appearance of the Equestriennes and Lancers in the 2010 World Equestrian Games in Lexington, Kentucky, highlight her Culver horsemanship career. “I love coaching and seeing the girls, the horses, and a performance come together,” she said, calling the WEG “a fantastic performance in front of the royalty of the horse world.”

“Lynn is the consummate professional and her presence will be steady and thoughtful as she guides the CGA program.” ­ — Laura Weaser In 1993, after seven years away, Rasch had the opportunity to return to Culver. She had two options: return as an equitation instructor or become a CGA counselor. She chose the latter; “I wanted to try something new.” Rasch spent 1993-2002 as the counselor of Atrium dorm, rising to the position of senior counselor. When the Student Life Office was reorganized in 2002, Laura Weaser went from Dean of Students to Dean of Girls, and Rasch was named the Assistant Dean of Girls.

Archives photo.

Weaser lauded Rasch’s organizational skills, attention to detail, and “an ability to anticipate what was needed next” during their eleven years as a team. “Her calm, compassionate, and level head were key, especially in difficult and trying situations. She was always able to balance the varying demands placed upon her and did so with seeming ease,” Weaser said.

Admittedly, she is still learning. Rasch wants to visit other schools and see their programs, grow the CGA leadership program, and continue her own professional development. “But I didn’t know it was going to be so much fun. I enjoy working with so many exceptional young women,” Rasch said. In early March, it was announced that Ithaka counselor Ann (Schneider) Kelly '94 will assume the role of Assistant Dean of Girls in August 2015. She is one of six CGA graduates who are part of the CGA Student Life staff. Others are Diane Hansen '75, Ann Rutledge '79, Angie Fulton '98, and Jai Hayes '02. Rasch is proud of “having the opportunity to connect with young women and men over the years, to see their growth and success, and what they have accomplished with their careers and families by having attended the Academies. I hope I’ve made some small impact on their lives.” It is clear the impact all of her Culver experiences have had on Rasch. “I am humbled and awed by this responsibility,” she said, and of this she is certain: “There won’t be any grass growing under our feet. CGA doesn’t rest on its laurels.”

CULVER GIRLS ACADEMY DEANS Mary Frances England (1971-1984) Jane A. Vogel (1984-1987) Trudy E. Hall (1987-1990) Lynn Rasch served as counselor of Atrium dormitory from 1993-2002.

Carolyn J. Kline (1990-1994) Gay E. Hurst (1994-1998)

As the first graduate to serve as Dean of CGA, Rasch brings the history and perspective of a student and a young staff member. She knows “where we’ve been and where we want to go. I know the importance of tradition and ceremony and I understand the community.

Judy L. Dunsmore (1998-1999)

“I know what this school did for me and what opportunities it can provide for young women and men,” Rasch said.

Lynn Rasch ’76 (2014- )

Judy H. Delp (1999-2002) Laura J. Weaser (2002-2013) Darlene Greene (2013-2014)



A Foundation f

Photo courtesy of Sen. Sullivan’s Office.

Culver experience grounds Dan Su

Dan Sullivan and his wife Julie Fate-Sullivan (second from left) with their daughters (left to right) Laurel, Isabella, and Meghan.

By Kathe Brunton


f Dan Sullivan W’78, ’83 has learned one thing in life, it’s that when opportunity knocks, you don’t peek out the window to see who’s there. Rather, you fling open the door, take a good look, and welcome it in. A glance back at his life lends credence to this philosophy. Start with Sullivan’s most recent achievement: his November election as the junior U.S. senator from Alaska. Before that, he was the Department of Natural Resources commissioner of a state where sixty-five percent of the land is public. A

step earlier, attorney general of the Land of the Midnight Sun under governors Sarah Palin and Sean Parnell. Retreating a bit more in time but a significant distance in geography (4,000 miles), Sullivan served as assistant secretary of state for economic and business affairs under Condoleezza Rice in George W. Bush’s White House. That role was preceded by his heading the International Economics Directorate of the National Economic Council and National Security Council staffs at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Sullivan first settled above the fifty-sixth parallel when he practiced law at a private firm in Anchorage after clerking

for the Future

ullivan as Alaska’s new U.S. senator Sullivan

And in between some of those appointments and positions and choices, he was thrice recalled to active duty, serving one deployment in Iraq and two in Afghanistan. Finally, at the beginning — Woodcraft and Culver Military Academy. OHIO TO INDIANA . . . AND BEYOND His life, Sullivan said by phone from Washington, has been anything but planned. “I’ve been very blessed and I think it’s about being surrounded by the right people and seizing opportunities,” he said. Ohio-born and raised, Dan Sullivan’s large family has deep roots at Culver: his grandfather Frank Sullivan N’23, father Tom Sullivan ’55, Dan and siblings Frank W’74, ’79, Tim W’75, Tom Jr. W’77, ’82, Kathleen W’80, and Julie W’81, and now — the fourth generation — one of Dan’s daughters. Then there’s his extended family of cousins and kin whose footsteps are part of the permanent fabric of the Culver campus. It is Culver, in fact, that Sullivan credits for having a big influence on his interest in public service. “One of the things about Culver that is so impressive for a high school is how they emphasize public service,” he said. “It’s very impactful when you’re young, both in terms of public service and the military. And there are not that many high schools in the country that have five Medal of Honor winners. It all had a huge impact on me.”

Dan Sullivan is sworn in as Alaska’s newest senator by Vice President Joe Biden. Looking on is Sullivan’s wife, Julie Fate-Sullivan.

Science and medicine were Sullivan’s first educational and career interests. (He was pre-med his first two years at Harvard, but got “roughed up” by the organic chemistry class. “That’s a hard one for a lot of students,” he said.) Recalling his time along the Maxinkuckee shore, Sullivan said Culver laid a firm foundation for the world that awaited him beyond its doors. “Culver prepares you very well for college because it’s like being in college,” he said. “It’s a beautiful campus and you walk between buildings and see friends along the way, but it’s very focused on academics.” Study and work habits honed at Culver served him well in college; Sullivan graduated magna cum laude from Harvard and cum laude from Georgetown. Culver also laid the groundwork for his enlistment in the Marines following graduate school. Photo courtesy of Sen. Sullivan’s Office.

for judges on the Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals and the Alaska Supreme Court. Before Alaska, four years with the Marine Corps were predated by law (juris doctor) and master’s of Foreign Service degrees from Georgetown University and an undergraduate degree in economics from Harvard University.

Photo courtesy of Sen. Sullivan’s Office.

Dan Sullivan in Afghanistan with the U.S. Marines. (Use of military images does not imply endorsement by the Department of Defense or the U.S. Marine Corps.)

“You can’t pick your parents, so I was very blessed to have amazing parents who set a great example of hard work and giving back to the community and looking out for people who are less fortunate,” he said. “The same with my mother- and father-in-law. In many ways, they are like my parents. They worked hard to achieve success and are very community-focused.”

“Culver does such a great job of instilling in young men and women a sense of patriotism,” he said. “Whether it’s the Veterans Day ceremony or the Gold Star list of names in the chapel — it’s just remarkable how many graduates have taken action to serve their country. It’s an incredible legacy.” North to the Future For ten years following Culver, Sullivan pursued his undergraduate and graduate degrees in Boston and D.C. His bachelor’s degree became a pursuit in economics when he realized his dream of becoming a doctor wasn’t the right path for him. “I really enjoyed my economics degree,” he said. “Then I was fortunate enough to get in a great program at Georgetown that teaches national security and foreign policy issues. Being able to study in a world-class university, building on my economics degree, and integrating it with broader national security and legal issues was a great opportunity.” While at Georgetown, he met his future wife, Julie Fate, a staffer for U.S. Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska and daughter of retired dentist and former Alaska state representative Hugh Fate. Her mother, Mary Jane, was, among other accomplishments, the first woman co-chair of the Alaska Federation of Natives. The Fate family is Athabaskan, one of the native peoples of Alaska. Sullivan soon grew to admire Julie’s parents, as much as he did his own, Thomas and Sandra.



Meeting Julie was a turning point in his life, and these days his talk is peppered with references to his wife and their three girls. Asked what his life would be like if “fate” hadn’t intervened, he laughed: “Not nearly as good! Fortunately, I don’t have to entertain that. I’m someone who likes to move forward, not looking back. I know I certainly wouldn’t be as fulfilled as I am today.” The first time he visited Julie’s home state, Sullivan was swept away by its sheer beauty and open spaces. “I loved it,” he said. “It’s big, beautiful, and rugged, with great, amazing people. It’s still a very young state, very alive, very exciting, and adventurous. I fell in love with Alaska the way I fell in love with my wife.” “North to the Future” is one of Alaska’s mottos, but it became almost a prophecy of sorts for the young man fresh out of the Marines. It was in Alaska where he ignited a life of public service beyond the military, beginning with his work with the Court of Appeals in Fairbanks and the Alaska Supreme Court in Anchorage. Although he later briefly served in the private sector at an Anchorage law firm, September 11 changed everything for Sullivan. It was time to serve his country once again. While keeping his home base in Alaska, Sullivan spent seven years (although two were on active duty in Iraq) in Washington, D.C., working in and around the White House. “I was fortunate to be one of those people who was able to actually use their degree in my work with the international economic section of the National Security Council,” he said.

‘One of the things about Culver that is so impressive for a high school is how they emphasize public service . . . there are not that many high schools in the country that have five Medal of Honor winners. It all had a huge impact on me.’ ­ — Senator Dan Sullivan

“I still hold the view that the ultimate strength of the United States is not our military — it’s our strong robust economy.” Returning to Alaska following the 2008 presidential election, Sullivan was tapped first as the state’s attorney general, then appointed DNR commissioner. It was during his DNR term that he was deployed to Afghanistan for six weeks as the executive officer of the 4th Marine Division’s AntiTerrorism Battalion. (He served another six-week tour in Afghanistan in the summer of 2013.)

ALWAYS REMEMBERED Culver helped form Sullivan for many of the twists and turns his life has taken — beginning with the people who were major influencers. Some of his richest memories are biology classes with Stephen Winet — whom he was pleased to reconnect with at his twenty-fifth class reunion in 2008 — chemistry courses with Darrell Beach, Ph.D., and history taught by Richard Davies, Ph.D.

Photo courtesy of Sen. Sullivan’s Office.

He called these three among the many “influential teachers and great leaders” at Culver. Commenting on the abundance of doctorates held by Culver teachers, he added, “It’s very impressive to have Ph.Ds. teaching your classes in high school.” While he is hesitant to name individuals out of concern for inadvertently leaving someone out, Sullivan is adamant when recalling a particular person from his Woodcraft days.

Members of the Sullivan and Fate families during swearing-in ceremonies in Washington, D.C. From left to right: Hugh “Bud” Fate, Isabella Sullivan, Senator Dan Sullivan, Julie Fate-Sullivan, Laurel Sullivan, Vice President Joe Biden, Sandy Sullivan, Tom Sullivan ’55, and Meghan Sullivan.

Sullivan remains a Marine Corps reserve officer. As a lieutenant colonel, he commands the California-based 6th ANGLICO. This Air Naval Gunfire Liaison Co. is an airborne battalion. Its small-team deployments coordinate firepower with Army brigades, special forces, and foreign armies, among others.

“I remember a (Woodcraft counselor, David) Hilton,” he said. “Lieutenant Hilton was born with some physical disabilities, but when you watched this young man in action, it was unbelievable how inspiring he was, how he had major challenges but didn’t let them affect him. He was a really big influence on me when I was around nine or ten.” In high school, Sullivan’s years bridged the transition between “two very important eras”: the segue from Superintendent John Mars to Ralph Manuel, who took the post prior to Sullivan’s first-class year. In his junior year, Sullivan had the good fortune to be chosen, along with other students, to talk with Manuel when he was a prospective candidate for the job. “Funny story,” he recalled. “We were supposed to interview him, but I think he really interviewed us! Fortunately,



First bill co-sponsored by Sullivan supports military personnel and is signed into law by President Obama WASHINGTON, D.C. – The first bill co-sponsored by Senator Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) passed the U.S. Senate 99-0 in early February and was signed into law February 12 by President Obama. As a member of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee, Sullivan was a co-sponsor of the Clay Hunt Suicide Prevention for American Veterans Act, which will improve mental health care and suicide prevention resources for American servicemen and women.

Image from C-SPAN2.

A Marine Corps officer, Sullivan said on his website following the vote that, “Congress must do everything within its power to ensure the men and women of our Armed Forces are cared for when they return home . . . This legislation is a down payment on advancing mental health ­— and I was proud to co-sponsor and cast my first vote in the Veterans’ Affairs Committee in support of the Clay Hunt SAV Act. Our veterans deserve it.”

Sullivan speaks on the floor of the Senate for passage of the Clay Hunt Suicide Prevention Act, which he co-sponsored.

Prior to the vote, Sullivan made an impassioned plea to his colleagues for support of the bipartisan suicide prevention bill:

In many ways, Mars was like a grandfather to Sullivan and his siblings. “He was my dad’s counselor when my dad attended Culver,” Sullivan said. “So I had known him since I was a young boy. He was a larger-than-life individual, his wife, Phyllis, too. You couldn’t have a better example — a guy who lived a life in full and was dedicated to Culver and country and the Lord. He was an amazing guy.” Among Sullivan’s recollections of Culver are reminisces about favorite campus locales, too. Two that came to mind are the academic quadrangle and the football field, where he spent much of his time. “That’s another impressive thing about Culver — great athletics,” he said. “The sound mind, sound body principle that dates back to the Greeks and Romans is alive and well at Culver, whether it’s football or hockey or lacrosse or crew.”

“This is a vote for Clay Hunt, for his courageous family, and for all families and their loved ones who have lost someone to the national tragedy of suicide. This vote is for my state — Alaska — which proudly boasts the highest number of veterans per capita in America, but sadly has the highest rates of suicide in the country.

‘I’ve been very

“And this is also a personal vote for me. It’s a story that I don’t share lightly or often. As an officer in the Marine Corps, both on active duty and in the reserves, I have personally witnessed the struggles — at times tragic — that some of our servicemen and women undergo.

being surrounded

“The suicide of an outstanding young Alaskan Marine under my command still haunts me. You always wonder, could I have done more. With the proper awareness and resources, this Marine might be alive today. That’s why we need legislation like the Clay Hunt bill.” Source: www.sullivan.senate.gov


he decided to leave the East Coast and come to Culver. As leaders, he and Dean Mars certainly had an impact on me.”


blessed and I think it’s about by the right people and seizing opportunities.’ — Senator Dan Sullivan

One Among One Hundred Thirty years after he left Culver, in 2013, Sullivan took perhaps his most ambitious leap. He decided to jump into the ring of fire that is politics and seek the junior seat as a U.S. senator representing Alaska. “I jumped into politics because I was very concerned about the direction of the country,” he said. “Culver teaches that you can complain about things and sit on the sidelines or you can take action and get involved. At a certain point, you can only complain so much. Sometimes, you have to stand up and get in the ring, so that’s what I did.” And he was successful. He beat his incumbent challenger by about 8,000 votes in a state whose population stands around 735,000 (forty-sixth in the nation). He garnered forty-eight percent of the vote, compared to his opponent’s forty-five percent. He was excited. His time as attorney general and DNR commissioner helped him realize how much he would relish serving Alaska on the national level. “Any time you are in a state cabinet-level position, you have the ability to travel throughout the state and spend time with your fellow citizens. Those were great jobs. I loved getting out to the rural communities, loved getting out to the villages, loved working with people to address our challenges.” And many challenges will come at him in D.C. But he remains undaunted.

Known Culver alumni who have been elected to statewide offices or as U.S. senators or representatives:

“In my mind, there’s no challenge for America that’s too big to overcome. You just need to work hard, set a course and a vision, and we can turn things around,” he said.

On January 3, Daniel Scott Sullivan was sworn in by Vice President Joe Biden as a U.S. Senator. He stood with his wife and daughters and pledged allegiance to the United States of America. Approximately two hundred people journeyed from Alaska to attend the ceremony and receptions that followed.

Today, this Woodcrafter, 1983 Culver Military Academy graduate, and now U.S. Senator fondly remembers his roots in a tiny community in Indiana, while striving to make the world beyond it a better, stronger, and safer place.

Editor’s note: Author Kathe Brunton is a freelance writer living in Edwardsburg, Michigan, and frequent contributor to Culver Alumni Magazine. She is the parent of a former Woodcrafter.


Indiana Secretary of State (2002-10) U.S. Representative, Indiana (2011-present)


Secretary of State, Indiana (1986-89) Governor, Indiana (1989-97) U.S. Senator, Indiana (1999-2011)


U.S. Representative, Texas (2011-13)


U.S. Representative, California (1993-95)


Governor, Oklahoma (1995-2003)


U.S. Senator, Ohio (1979-2002)


U.S. Representative, Connecticut (1969-71) U.S. Senator, Connecticut (1971-89) Governor, Connecticut (1991-95)


U.S. Representative, Indiana (1971-87)


U.S. Representative, Ohio (1965-83)


U.S. Representative, Ohio


U.S. Representative, Oregon (1925-27)




H les fi o r P itics l o P H H in

.org r e v l .cu news


hile Dan Sullivan W’78, ’83 is the latest Culver graduate to step into a significant role in national politics, there have been thousands of alumni over the years who have served in elected office in their towns, cities, counties, and states, as well as the U.S. Congress.

Whether consciously or not, most of those individuals can credit Culver for instilling in them the mindset that contributing to the betterment of their community and the lives of the people around them was a noble and important thing to do. For many alumni, that meant seeking public office as a way to serve, initiate change, or give back, among many other explanations. And they can also be grateful that their Culver education provided them with the leadership skills, organizational abilities, and confidence to be of service to others instead of being self-serving.

On the following pages, Culver Alumni Magazine is profiling a trio of alumni who decided the best way to orchestrate change is to be the conductor, or at least a key player. You will find additional profiles of several alumni officeholders on the @Culver blog (news.culver.org). The intent is that by singling out these few individuals we pay homage to the thousands of nameless Culver alumni who have served in elected positions from the smallest community school board, as a county commissioner, in state office, or in the hallowed halls of Congress. These pages are an acknowledgement of their contributions, their time, and their devotion to making their communities, their state, their nation, and our world a better place for each of us to live and work. If you are one of these people, you have accomplished great things. And there are great things yet to be accomplished by the Culver men and women who will be tomorrow’s political officeholders.



: 4 6 ’ W H e Y A B offic r N A c ecto i V l E b pu es t m a o v Fr e pri h t o t By Jan Garrison

As governor, Bayh proclaimed January 28, 1994, as Culver Centennial Celebration Day and delivered the Baccalaureate address in the spring. Bayh told the graduates that among the lessons he learned in Woodcraft were honesty, duty, responsibility, “and how to short-sheet a bed.” But he also stressed the need for public service, challenging the 1994 graduates to make the state and the country the best they can be.

A former U.S. senator from Indiana and governor of the state, Evan Bayh W’69 didn’t need a push to be involved in politics. One year before he was born, his father Birch Bayh started his political career in the Indiana House of Representatives. The elder Bayh served two years as speaker of the Indiana House and four years as the Democratic floor leader.

While being interviewed, Bayh said he was looking at the glass eagle statue presented to him in 1994 when he gave the Baccalaureate address. He still keeps it on his desk in his home office.

In 1962, Birch Bayh was elected to the United States Senate, where he served three terms. It was during that time that Evan Bayh attended Woodcraft Camp for four years.

Editor’s Note: Jan Garrison is the assistant director of publications and editor of the @Culver blog. He and his wife, Crissie, who works in Administrative Services, are parents of Cameron ’10, Morgan ’11, and Keely ’15. Morgan was also a Gold C Butterfly and Cameron was a D5 counselor for three summers.

Watching his father work in the political and public service arena had already whet his appetite, Bayh said. “What Culver gave me were the basic character values — discipline, hard work, learning to work in groups — that are so important in a life of public service.” Being given responsibilities not only for yourself, but others, helped him refine his sense of public service. “The leadership positions at Culver and working with my peers helped me develop those basic characteristics … and to develop as a person.”

“Culver is ever-present,” he said. “I loved all four summers there. It is a great place.”



Bayh was first elected to the office of Indiana Secretary of State in 1986. He was elected governor in 1989 and served two terms. He was elected to the United States Senate — the same post held by his father — in 1998, and served from January 1999 to January 2011, when he decided not to run for re-election.

Bayh is now based in the Washington, D.C., area as a law partner with McGuireWoods Legal LLP. But the family still maintains a home in Indianapolis and he returns to visit friends every three or four weeks. And Culver is never far from his thoughts.

Photo provided.

During his time in office, his name had popped up as a possible presidential or vice presidential nominee and, most recently, as running for governor of Indiana again. And, while public service is important to him, Bayh said, “There are ways to serve your country besides running for public office, thankfully.” Then-Senator Evan Bayh (left) greets some future voters during a visit in northern Indiana several years ago. At right is Joe Donnelly, who was the 2nd Congressional District representative at the time and is now a U.S. Senator.



: 0 9 ’ R E L L I M A R LAU ical spark e it l m o a p fl A a s e m beco


By Meagan Maes

Laura May Miller ’90 has had a hand in the political world from the get-go. One of her first jobs was working in the office of a Texas House of Representatives member.

The energy and excitement Miller experienced in the Texas capital was just one of the reasons she has enjoyed working for the government. “More importantly though, I learned how serving as an elected official presented an opportunity to help affect change in your local area,” she said. “Although this was several years before I ran for office, it ignited a spark of interest in politics within me.” That spark turned into a flame.

Miller’s public sector experience has included roles as the Executive Director of the Portland (Texas) Chamber of Commerce and the Assistant Executive Director of the San Patricio County Economic Development Corp. Being elected as San Patricio County’s District Clerk in 2007 was not something she had anticipated. It resulted after Miller was approached by individuals who believed that her experience and leadership would serve the residents more effectively than the officeholder at the time. “When people are dissatisfied with the work their elected officials put forth, they look for someone to replace them,” she shared. “I thought long and hard about it, discussed it with my family and decided that it was time to throw my hat into the ring. This is one aspect of being an elected official that I never forget!”

Miller can attest that her success in leadership started with the skills she acquired during her time at Culver, beginning with her role as a member of the CGA Honor Council.

“Culver taught me many significant things that I put into play daily. Time management, meeting deadlines, independence, proactive thinking and decision making are all skills that I learned while at Culver.” For now, Miller is content serving her community on a smaller scale. But that's not to say that down the road she may decide to throw her political hat into an even bigger ring.

Editor’s note: Meagan Maes is a second-year intern in the Communications Department. A native of Culver, Maes earned her bachelor’s degree at Saint Joseph’s College in Mass Communications, concentrating in radio and television. She has been working with the new website design and also with social media. Maes coaches girls’ basketball and softball. Maes has been a Woodcraft Camp counselor the past five summers and also worked Family Camp and mini camps.


As you can imagine, running for office is not all glitz and glamour.

Fortunately, Miller’s campaign experience and that as an elected county official has been positive thus far. She started her third term (2015-2018) this year. Her role as District Clerk comes with the additional title as the Custodian of the Records for the District Courts. Cases filed through her office range from civil lawsuits to felony criminal cases. Miller is also responsible or summoning jurors for petit juries and the grand jury.



Photo provided.

“You have to ask people for support and if they have their doubts about you, you have to sell yourself. It opens you up to criticism and rejection.”

: 3 6 ’ W N E Z U A L S I R H e n C o g it d n i l t t e e v e l G al c o l on a By Kristen Counts




Former Illinois State Senator (1992-2012) and current Kane County (Illinois) Chief Executive and Board Chairman Chris Lauzen W’63 credits his Woodcraft experience for many transforming lessons that led him to gain skills needed for a fruitful career in public office.

“Truth in Budgeting,” which required the state to eliminate a second set of books so that Illinois taxpayers could see the same numbers as the New York bankers did, was a piece of legislation that he helped author. He also sponsored the largest employment tax decrease, keeping $250 million of excess unemployment insurance in the Illinois economy. Lauzen was elected as the Kane County Chief Executive and Board Chairman in November 2012. He initiated the county’s five-year planning for both operating and capital expenditures, as well as cash flow forecasts. He has successfully frozen Kane County’s property tax levy for the past four years. Lauzen has also overseen a 20 percent reduction in the county’s unfunded liability without cutting retiree benefits. Under his leadership, an integrated planning process for public health, development, and transportation, including bike trails and land utilization has been enhanced. This program includes a green component that has protected 5,000 acres of farmland by leveraging $12 million in federal funding.

Photo provided.

For twenty years, Lauzen represented over 225,000 people from the 25th legislative district. When first elected to the Illinois State Senate, he joined what became known as the “Fab Five,” a celebrated crop of young conservative senators. At that time, Lauzen’s priorities were to cut wasteful government spending and foster a business climate in Illinois where private industry could maintain and create more jobs paying higher wages.

work hard, stay honest, and to use common sense,” Lauzen said. “Also, I figured that someone in our lives will be making decisions affecting our families’ welfare, and I wanted to make sure that those decisions were made with my direct participation.” Lauzen said that Woodcraft was where he learned teamwork, humility, perseverance, constant learning, “and that competition is a good thing rather than a destructive thing.” He also noted, “My real discovery at Culver was when I came back as a counselor. I discovered some of the magic of Culver.” Speaking at the Culver Upper Camps graduation in 2012, Lauzen said, “What we do in our lives echoes throughout eternity. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not one singular act, but a habit. The tools of ‘excellent habits’ are instilled right here!”

In his current position, Lauzen said he can “actually get things done … In (the) legislative (office), (there was) a lot of talk and (we) didn’t always have action taken.” He feels he is now more in touch with the people in his community.

All four of Lauzen’s sons (Theodore, Elliot, Hans, and Robert) attended Woodcraft, which he cited as “cornerstones to their character and happiness.”

Before running for public office, Lauzen was the owner of Comprehensive Accounting Services in Geneva, Illinois. He still is a Certified Public Accountant. “I chose to run for public office to serve neighbors with the core promises to

Editor’s note: Culver resident Kristen Counts is a frequent contributor to Culver Alumni Magazine. She is the wife of Math Department Chairman Nick Counts, and their daughter Ruthie is a Woodcrafter. CULVER ALUMNI MAGAZINE


ClassNews Photo provided.

Class news published in this issue was received and processed as of Jan. 31, 2015. Culver Class News for the Academies graduates and Culver Summer Schools & Camps alumni are combined under the graduation decade. Those names in bold italics indicate those who are alumni of CSSC.

Peter Lachmann W’00, ’04 carried the Culver colors to the summit of Mont Blanc in September 2014. At 15,780 feet, Mont Blanc is the highest mountain in the Alps.

Willard D. Campbell Jr. W’52, N’56, ’58 enjoyed a trip to the west coast of Nicaragua. Back home in Dallas, he enjoys his volunteer jobs. Charles S. Combs W’54, H’56, ’58 and his wife, Virginia, divide their time between Carmel, Ind., and Sarasota, Fla. H. Allan Werst ’58 has moved to an independent living apartment at The Stayton in Fort Worth, Texas.



Howard T. Heun W’28, ’32 celebrated his 100th birthday in May 2014. He is in a skilled nursing facility in Williamsburg Landing, Md., and a supporter of the Culver rowing program.

Roberto A. Calderon ’50 is with Hertz Rent a Car in San Jose, Costa Rica, where he enjoys fishing.

1940s Thomas W. Gibson ’45 is living happily and peacefully in Hinsdale, Ill., with wife Cymala and their dog, Heidi. John H. Stauffer ’45 stays busy in Topeka, Kan., with civic and social activities and traveling with wife Barbara.



Marshall Wolf W’47, ’53 and his wife, Marilyn, divide their time between New York City and Toronto. They recently exhibited some of their early Islamic textile collection in Toronto’s Aga Kahn Museum, which opened in September 2014. Kenneth P. Csernai N’52, ’57 of Big Rapids, Mich., is a high school umpire in softball and baseball and also officiates volleyball. He bowls three nights a week and enjoys boating on the weekends. Richard F. Gessler H’53, ’57 and his wife, Sylvia, are enjoying life in Honolulu. A pilgrimage to Culver is at the top of Dick’s Bucket List.

1960s Walter J. Kime N’57, ’60 of Ashland, Ohio, has published a book titled “Fighting with God: Becoming a Christian Warrior.” It is available through Amazon. Walt retired two years ago from Ashland Theological Seminary. Stephen M. Combs ’62, an associate professor of English at Valencia College in Orlando, Fla., was elected to the faculty senate in October 2014. He and his wife, Sally, live in Winter Park, Fla. Craig B. Kennedy ’62 and his wife, Karen, are selling their investment company (commercial properties and securities) in Seattle. They will spend winters skiing in Jackson Hole, Wyo., and the rest of the time at their Sedona, Ariz., ranch.

Douglas A. Magill N’65 of Solon, Ohio, is executive producer and the co-host of “The Avenue Radio Show,” the communications

William H. Middleton H’64, ’66 has a new home and new project in Houston. He is looking forward to his 60th reunion.

Paul E. Hamer ’68 continues to write for the Indianapolis Park Tudor alumni magazine. Paul was a frequent contributor to Culver Alumni Magazine during a 20year teaching career at the Academies, including seven as English Department chairman. His wife, Mary Ellen, is a former editor of the Alumni magazine.

Caitlyn L. Antrim ’67 lives in Arlington, Va., and is president of the Institute for the New Arctic Future organization in Washington, D.C. She works at the intersection of international law, policy, technology, and natural resources addressing fair and pragmatic use, development, and conservation of resources and use of common spaces.

Dr. Thomas P. Bleck ’69 was selected as a master of Critical Care Medicine by the professional society. Tom is a professor of neurological sciences, neurosurgery, medicine, and anesthesiology at Rush Medical College in Chicago, and the associate chief medical officer for critical care at Rush University Medical Center.


Steven K. Sutton W’58, N’61, ’65 is retired from Highmark BC/OS in Pittsburgh, where he lives with wife Edie. Steve loves to golf, but isn’t good at it.

Photo courtesy of Julie Bess ’83.

Republican Francisco R. Canseco W’63, N’64, ’68 lost his bid for re-election in the May primary for Texas’s 23rd District U.S. representative seat.

. New Orlea 15


director for the Cuyahoga County Republican Party, and treasurer for Alternaterm Pregnancy Services. For fun, Doug does voiceover work and freelance writing.



’70s NOLA BASH 2015! Nov. 13-15, 2015 New Orleans, Louisiana

Connect with your classmates and other alumni who called Culver home in the 1970s. We’ve reserved a block of rooms at the Bourbon Orleans Hotel. Call Monique at (504) 571-4626 or Jeanette at (504) 571-4627 at the Bourbon Orleans Hotel Reservations Department Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. or Saturday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Ask for the ’70s Culver New Orleans BASH Room Block.

Members of the Class of ’63 vacationed in the Isle of Palms in early November. Their get-togethers began in 2011 in preparation for their 50th reunion, but they have continued to meet annually since. On the floor, left to right, are Ray Jenkins, John Bartlett, and Buddy Blount. Behind them are Craig Jennings, John Green, Brad Schooley, Art DePrez, and Rick Richardson. They were joined by their wives and significant others. Photo courtesy of Julie Bess ’83.

Willard W. Brown Jr. ’67 and his wife, Nancy, have moved back to Cleveland so their 4-year-old daughter can attend the Hathaway Brown School, where all the Brown women have been educated.

Anthony C. Mars W’62, ’67 is retired, golfing, and living the dream in Orlando, Fla., with wife Kim.

Gustavo Garcia W’61, N’65, ’69 is flying high in Highland Beach, Fla. After his son Gustavo A. Garcia W’97, NB’00, ’01 bought an airplane, the two of them took the flight-training course together in Pompano, Fla. Both have now soloed. “It’s a very satisfying thrill at my age,” Gus wrote.

1970s David M. Bell Jr. H’74 of Avon Lake, Ohio, has retired from the FBI after 27 years, serving in Tulsa, Okla., and Cleveland. David spent most of his career in national security and did tours in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and Iraq. Marta Watson Elliott SS’71, ’74 has joined United Federal Credit Union in St. Joseph, Mich., as a public relations coordinator. Marta lives in Buchanan, Mich., and graduated in communications and broadcast journalism from Indiana University, Bloomington. CULVER ALUMNI MAGAZINE


ClassNews www.culver.org/alumni

Photo provided.


Several Culver alumni were on hand to support their respective team at the Army-Navy football game in December, won by Navy, 17-10. Pictured are, first row, left to right: Edward Hogan ’13, Pierce Freeman W’07, ’11, Logan Joseph ’14, Bob Thomas ’14, Ryan Kolden ’11, Austin Welch ’11, Nicholas Payne ’14, and Daniel Gaynor ’13; second row: Sterling Willman ’13, Collin Parker ’13, Marvin Hargraves N’07, '10, Morgan Boundy '10 (not a USMA or USNA student), Nicholas Payne ’14, Alex Dodane ’12, Ryan Everson ’10, and Cole Maetzold ’12.

Bonnie L. (Moore) Chandler ’75 serves on the board of the Columbus (Ohio) Historical Society and volunteers at a local cooking school. She retired in 2012 after 32 years as a reference librarian and manager of the genealogy and local history division of the Columbus Metropolitan Library.

1980s G. Wesley Millner N’82, ’84 of Atlanta has been promoted to colonel and assumed the

post of Director of Readiness for the Army Reserve Medical Command (ARMEDCOM). Bland B. Matthews ’86 of Louisville, Ky., is the International Postal Operations Manager for UPS Airlines, a service that transports mail internationally for the U.S.

After two years in Khatmandu, Gregory C. Sharkey ’75 returned in mid-2012 as director of the Boston College Nepal Program and is a professor of Nepalese religion and culture at Khatmandu University. He has since been named to the Jesuit Secretariat for Interreligious Dialogue and adviser on relations with Buddhism, which takes him to Rome every September. Greg is a steward of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies. In addition, he does “a fair amount of social work for the poor in this troubled country.”



Haberland photo.

Joseph E. Schumacher, Ph.D., W’70, ’75 is a professor of medicine and a clinical psychologist at The University of AlabamaBirmingham, specializing in addiction research and treatment. Joe and his wife, Beth, live in Odenville, Ala., and he’s still playing the drums!

Vying for the Kerner Cup in girls’ polo in January was the CGA varsity consisting of (left to right in maroon) Mikayla Hay, Christina Aliev, Ashley Dillard, and Alexandra Vaughn and the alumnae squad (left to right in white) of Eleanor “Lenny” Logue ’13, Michelle Meeks ’05, and Kathryn “Katy” Bjornson ’14. The CGA varsity prevailed, winning the contest 5-4.

Postal Service. Bland has transported everything from army hospitals in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina to the Terracotta Warriors from Shanghai to the U.S. for exhibition, according to Fortune 500. But the most unusual request was moving four beluga whales and six whale sharks to the Georgia Aquarium over two-and-a-half years. He escorted the sharks on a 747 jet from Taiwan and Mexico, had them loaded onto flatbed trucks in Atlanta, and they were driven to the aquarium with police escort. Lori Altorfer Pinjuh ’88 celebrated the second year since opening her own law practice, Pinjuh Law Firm, LLC in Independence, Ohio, where she lives with her husband, Joseph. Lori focuses on employer compliance with immigration and nationality law.

1990s Samuel W. Gonas N’89, ’91 opened a solo law practice in Coral Gables, Fla., providing services in real estate, business, pre-immigration tax, estate planning, wills, and trusts for E-2 and EB-5 visa holders. Emily S. Kirby W’92 and her husband, Brian, are parents of identical twin girls, Isabella and Alexandra, born July 16, 2014. The Kirbys and their two older daughters live in Windsor, Ontario. Matthew B. Stockton ’93 said in an October web post that his two years in the Peace Corps (Gabon, 1997-99) instilled in him the value of public health and the challenges faced by those who lack basic health education and services. Today, Matt is the entomology branch deputy chief at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. He oversees all management and operations for the Division of Parasitic Diseases and Malaria in the CDC’s Center for Global Health and has traveled the world. Brent ’94 and Lyndsy Wunder welcomed son Wyatt Patrick on May 31, 2014, joining two sisters. The family resides in Marietta, Ga., where Brent is the vice president of sales with Spirits for Constellation Brands.

FROM THE LEGION PRESIDENT Engaging and connecting with alumni is what it’s all about I’d like to elaborate on a theme that has been central to my messages since I became Legion president. With each passing year, the school develops more opportunities for us to engage and connect with Culver and connect with other alumni/alumnae. If you look at the alumni webpage and at the highlights in this magazine issue, you can see the following events occurring in May, July, and November of this year: Reunion 2015 with over 2,400 invitees, not to mention the many off-year alumni who are welcome to attend; a Hockey Reunion with over 1,100 alumni and alumnae, and hundreds of parents and friends, invited; and the ’70s Bash in New Orleans with over 1,600 invitees. Also note the growing opportunities the Culver Clubs International chapters afford us to further our involvement with the school. Not interested in, or underserved by events of that nature? All of you with email addresses on record will be receiving a survey seeking feedback on ways Culver can expand the Culver Network for professional growth. I hope many of you have responded or will respond to the survey. Once the responses are tallied and assessed, we will share with you actionable items we intend to pursue. All of them will be designed to benefit our present and future alumni, but require as much participation as we can get from you, our Legion members. One way every Culver alumnus or alumna can engage is by participating annually in The Culver Fund. As simple as it sounds, increasing the percentages of our alumni/ alumnae who participate remains one of school’s most vexing challenges. As Head of Schools John Buxton said recently, “… their support represents a commitment to nurturing an institution that is important to them and participation represents a bond to Culver.” Another way to engage is by volunteering to help a nearby Culver Club (check the website for locations) organize an event. These are areas in which your Legion Board is striving to be part of the value proposition for Culver. Thank you to our steadfast supporters. If you haven’t received your copy of the survey, and want an opportunity to provide valuable feedback, please contact the Alumni Office and they will make sure you receive it.

Maj. Gen. Richard J. Sherlock ’76, USA Ret. Fairfax, Virginia Rick is a retired major general with more than 20 years of service in the U.S. Army. He is president and CEO of the Association of Air Medical Services. Rick and his wife, Lyn, are parents of two daughters.




Melissa E. Boswell ’96 was recognized as one of “40 under 40” in 2014 by Arkansas Business magazine. She is president of TaxPro in Little Rock. Melissa and her husband, Jason Snell, reside in Austin, Texas, with their son. John-Michael T. Liles ’99 and his wife, Erin, live in Raleigh, N.C., during the hockey season while John-Michael skates for the Carolina Hurricanes of the NHL. They live in Denver during the off-season. The couple were wed July 20, 2013.


Aaron Chockla ’03 was named one of Forbes’ 30-Under-30 In Energy. Aaron, 29, is the managing partner in Lucelo Technologies, a spin-out technology company developed at the University of Texas at Austin Department of Chemical Engineering. Lucelo is working to provide electrical power in locations where it does not exist with low-cost, printable solar cells. Aaron earned his undergraduate degree from the University of Delaware and his M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Texas, all in chemical engineering. He has accumulated several years of experience as a research and development scientist with a heavy focus on nanomaterial synthesis and application in energy storage.

Sign up today for a CCI event near you! April 8 – ONE Culver Chicago, with USMA 1st Capt. Austin Welch ’11 at the Union League Club. April 11 - Culver Club of Indianapolis Indy 11 game. April 16 – Culver Club of Colorado inaugural gathering at Union Station, Denver.

U.S. Army Capt. Kirstin A. Aubele ’05 graduated with honors from the Civil Affairs Qualification Course and is a civil affairs team leader in Raeford, N.C.

April 18 - Culver Clubs of the South & Nashville, Nashville, Tenn. April 26 - New York City Culver Club, Culver Pipes & Drums at the U.S. Military Academy. Photo provided.

Gustavo A. Garcia W’97, NB’00, ’01. (See his father’s entry for 1969.)


April 28 – Culver Club of Detroit with speaker James Brooks ’66. May 2 – Chicago Club of Culver at Arlington Park Opening Day. May 3 or May 16 – New York City Culver Club Junior League Playground Improvement Project. May 23 – Culver Club of Indianapolis Indy 500 Festival Parade (tentative). June 7 or 14 – Culver Club of Culver, Summer Kick-off Party at Vonnegut home. June 19 – Culver Clubs of Indiana at South Bend Cubs Baseball and Friday Night Fireworks. June 26 – Culver Club of Indianapolis at Hickory Hall Polo Club Tailgate. June 28 – Culver Club of Chicago at Chicago Botanical Garden. July 8 – Culver Club of Indianapolis, Happy Hour (6-8 p.m.) at Rathskeller Beer Garden. July 25 – Capital City (D.C. Metro) Culver Club, Pool Party at a private residence.

Brianna Trappe ’12 (left) and her CGA roommate Emily Rich ’12 met up in Chicago during the holiday break. Bri is attending the University of Tulsa, Emily is at Ohio University, and both are president of their college chapter of Delta Gamma Fraternity, a Greek women’s social organization. They are in front of The Cloud Gate in Millennium Park in downtown Chicago.



to view events and register, visit culver.org/alumnievents or call (574) 842-7200.

Colin Lasko ’08 recently received his second publication in the HSS Journal, the Musculoskeletal Journal of Hospital for Special Surgery for an article titled “An Anatomic Study on Whether the Patella is Centered in an Ideal Anteroposterior Radiograph of the Knee.” Colin is a new product development engineer for the Trauma Research & Development division of Zimmer Holdings, Inc., a major orthopaedic medical device company based in Warsaw, Ind.

FROM THE CSSAA PRESIDENT 2015 to be a summer of milestones and symbolism In my last message, I reflected on my experience as a staff member and the renewed energy that experience brought to my efforts as a volunteer for the CSSAA. Looking ahead to July, we will celebrate the 90th Summer Homecoming Weekend, so I am returning to a more traditional message in this issue.

2010s Edmund O’Connor ’10 won the Best Original Undergraduate Screenplay at Loyola Marymount University’s 10th Annual Film Outside the Frame award ceremony at Paramount Studios in Los Angeles in September 2014. Ned had graduated from LMU in May with a degree in screenwriting and is living in Venice, Calif. Trace Ostergren ’10 and two friends were among 48 hand-picked start-up companies chosen to participate in the Boost Competition in December 2014. The trio developed YuYanCloud, a cloud-based peer-to-peer language training platform. Trace, a senior at Valparaiso University, is fluent in Mandarin Chinese, which he learned at Culver. Waverly Neer ’11 placed 10th overall in the PAC 12 cross country championship, earning PAC 12 All-Conference honors. Waverly was running with the Oregon Ducks women’s team, which won the meet with a total of 54 points, placing all seven runners in the top 20 with an 18-second spread.

Corrections & Clarifications Personal apologies to my Communications colleague Lewis Kopp W’66, ’71. Lew took the dramatic photograph of auctioneer Greg Dellinger (page 6) at the Live the Legacy Auction 2014. Erroneously, the photo was credited to me. It was one of those photos I wish I had taken, but I didn’t.

— Doug Haberland, Editor

Over 700 alumni, parents, and friends registered for the 2014 Homecoming, which is the third year in a row we have seen increased attendance. In this case, it represents a 25 percent jump from the previous summer (2013). The schedule of events — available on the alumni web page along with area lodging and other homecoming details at www.culver.org/alumnievents — appeals to a broad range of ages and interests. In addition, we have several groups that are well-organized to celebrate milestones, including the Class of 1965. Special thanks to the Horsemanship School alumni who are leading the charge for their entire class. Deck 6 will be 35 years old this summer. As the most recently constituted girls unit, it seems appropriate their alumnae should be here for the inaugural of Deck 7. If you know your Culver history, this year also marks the 50-year anniversary of when 104 young women enrolled in the newly-created Summer School for Girls. We will focus our attention on that pioneering group, which paved the way for so many positive, transformational changes at Culver. Finally, two new symbols will be dedicated during the Homecoming weekend: the addition of the Summer Schools & Camps seal to Logansport Gate and a new replica of Cutter 13. The original was one of the vessels used by Naval School alumni and CMA cadets during the Logansport (Ind.) Flood in March 1913 and was displayed east of the Naval Building for many years. On behalf of my fellow CSSAA directors, your governing body, thank you for your continued interest and investment in Culver Summer Schools & Camps.

Susan Severns Ellert SS'85 Culver, Indiana Susan is the 63rd CSSAA president. She and her husband, Francis N'85, are the parents of four children: Betse W'12, SS'15, CGA '17; Pierce W'14 (D&B); Fritz W'16; and Cabot JW'13.



CulverClubs International Photo by Becky Honzik SS’70.

40 Floridians horse around at Gulfstream outing

The South Florida Culver Club’s outing to Gulfstream Park in mid-January drew 40 attendees for horse racing and socializing.

HALLANDALE BEACH, Fla. – It was a perfect day at Gulfstream Park on Jan. 18 as Culver family and friends gathered for an afternoon of horse racing and socializing. Forty people attended “A Day at the Races” hosted by the South Florida Culver Club.

Enjoying the racing from reserved airconditioned VIP trackside seating, the day’s card included a special $16,000 Culver Educational Foundation race won by SylviasGivenAngel. After that race, 10 Culver guests were invited to present the

Photo provided.

Guests enjoyed an unlimited buffet in the Ten Palms Restaurant, which overlooks

the track, in addition to receiving a race program, a $2 betting voucher, and complimentary glass of wine.

trophy to the winning owner and jockey. That Winner’s Circle group included Richard Hirschtritt ’51 and Sheila Yale ’61, one of the South Florida club leaders. Sheila’s father is the late William Strow, who was a science instructor from 1942-77. Strow was also a Troop counselor for many years, during which one of his charges happened to be Hirschtritt.

Detroiters skate into the holidays BLOOMFIELD HILLS, Mich. – The Culver Club of Detroit glided into the holiday season with a Dec. 13 skating party at the Detroit Skating Club.

On Jan. 14, more than 40 people attended a Culver Club of Indianapolis Happy Hour at Après Jack’s. Alumni from the ’70s through the 2000s joined parents and guests for two hours of socializing at the martini and cognac bar north of downtown. Among those attending were, left to right, Amy Henderson Chandler ’87, Anna Cox Spitznogle SS’76 and her husband, John Spitznogle, and summer parents Linda and Paul Lucas.



Some 45 alumni, parents, friends, and prospective families gathered for refreshments and a brief update on Culver before taking to the ice for 90 minutes of skating. For those who weren’t on the ice, they were able to socialize and enjoy refreshments from the second floor overlooking the rink.

Nearly 120 ‘cowboy up’ for Fort Worth event FORT WORTH, Texas – Nearly 120 Culver people were on hand Jan. 24 to enjoy the world-famous Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo and all the events and festivities surrounding it. Hosted by the North Texas Culver Club, in addition to some special rodeo privileges and lunch, the day included livestock events, educational programs, commercial exhibits, and a carnival/ midway. Between the rodeo and luncheon event, there were 116 Culver alumni, parents, friends, and prospective families in attendance. Alumni spanned from Randy

Moore '49 (Mount Pleasant, Texas) to several currently attending Texas Christian and Southern Methodist universities. Representing the CEF Board of Trustees, Jud Little ’65 provided the keynote address. He was joined by his wife Benette Little and daughter Mattie Jackson, who are both professional barrel racers and rodeo competitors. The campus was represented by Alumni Director Alan Loehr, Development Director Michael Hogan, and Culver Club Coordinator Maria Benner.

Texans enjoy French cuisine DALLAS – Some 25 members and guests of the Culver Club of North Texas convened Dec. 3 at the Le Bilboquet French Restaurant for a wine tasting and appetizers. Alumni ranging from the 1960s through the 2000s gathered at the Dallas location of the renowned New York City restaurant. Guests enjoyed a specially selected menu and wines on a private covered patio along the Travis Walk, a favorite local destination.

Cincinnatians take to the ice

Photo provided.

CAMP DENNISON, Ohio – More than 30 people enjoyed a skating party and/ or dinner at a Culver Club of Cincinnati outing Dec. 7 in Camp Dennison, Ohio, northeast of Cincinnati. About 25 people, including several with children, enjoyed an afternoon of skating at the Indian Hill Winter Club. The crowd included boarding school and summer camp alumni, as well as Woodcraft parents and their children. Skating was followed by a dinner at the historic Schoolhouse Restaurant, which also drew about 25 people. Some families with younger children attended the skating event only while some adults came later for just the dinner, and there were some who attended both.

A Culver holiday Recent graduates attending the Fort Worth event were, foreground, left to right, Carlota Silva ’14 and Zonia Perez Vallin ’14; second row, Erik Amling ’12, Caroline Wilcoxon ’11, Kenzie Ungar ’11, Ryan Graf ’14, Erneston Perez ’12, and Alan Kuestermann ’13.

A post-Vespers holiday reception in the Legion Memorial Building on Dec. 14 drew 82 members and guests of the Culver Club of Culver for an adultsonly event. During the business meeting, John Barlett ’63 was named club president, succeeding classmate Dick Swennumsom. CULVER ALUMNI MAGAZINE


CulverPassings Death notices published in this issue were received and processed as of December 31, 2014. Information is gleaned from published obituaries, newspaper stories, and information found in the alumni database. Full obituaries are limited to those alumni who have died within three years of this publication.

Photo by Mike Petrucelli.

in Review

Edward D. Cottrell N’33, ’35 (Band) died Aug. 21, 2014, in Dunedin, Fla. Mr. Cottrell spent most of his career at Setter Brothers and Champion International, where he held engineering and executive positions. He held more than 15 patents related to his work, including perfecting the machines and paper sticks used for today’s safer lollipops, cotton swabs, etc. Mr. Cottrell was a World War II Army veteran, serving on Saipan. He graduated from the University of Rochester and was a former Cattaraugus, N.Y., village mayor. Surviving are his wife, Lois; a son, seven grandchildren, eight great-grandchildren, and two stepsisters. Larry G. Genebach W’37, ’43 (Artillery) died June 21, 2014, in Winchester, Va. Mr. Genebach went directly into the Army and was commissioned a second lieutenant. He was deployed to the European Theatre in November 1944 as a liaison pilot, directing



artillery fire on enemy targets from a single-engine light aircraft. He was promoted to first lieutenant and awarded the Air Medal and three Oak Leaf Clusters for meritorious service. After the war, Mr. Genebach trans- ferred to the Military Police Corps and served in Europe until 1947. He worked as a federal investigator in Wilmington, Delaware, and Washington, D.C., retiring in 1979 after 36 years of combined military and civilian federal service. He later worked as an investigator for Fauquier County, Va., and as a polygraph examiner, followed by a decade of volunteer work as an EMT and a cardiac technician with various rescue squads. He is survived by two daughters and three grandchildren. A son-in-law is Peter Luke ’65 of Sperryville, Va. Albert H. Goering W’40, H’43 of Pasadena, Calif., died July 12, 2014. Mr. Goering graduated fourth in his class from the U.S.

Military Academy. He went to flight school in the Army Air Corps, was assigned to the Strategic Air Command, and served in the Korean War. He resigned his commission in 1953 and returned to Cincinnati and the family business, Ideal Meat Packing. The business was sold in 1957 and Mr. Goering bought Precision Coil Spring Company in California. Under his leadership, the business became a global leader in the production of highly specialized spring products for the aerospace and nuclear fuels industries. He is survived by two brothers, Charles H’46 of Greensboro, Vt., and John H’50 of Cincinnati; a son, daughter, and two grandchildren. Addison C. Hoof Jr. ’43 (Co. A) died Nov. 8, 2014, in Burr Ridge, Ill. Mr. Hoof was a Babson College graduate and a World War II Army veteran. Surviving are five children, twelve grandchildren, and two greatgrandchildren.

Nelson Bunker Hunt W’37, ’43 (Artillery) of Dallas died Oct. 21, 2014. A member of Culver’s Horsemanship Hall of Fame, Mr. Hunt was a billionaire oilman, businessman, and at one time owned 1,000 racehorses. Mr. Hunt followed his father into the oil industry, first at Hunt Oil Company and later started Hunt International Petroleum with his brothers. He conducted exploratory and/or oil drilling operations in 32 countries, according to an obituary in the Dallas Morning News. Mr. Hunt was board chairman of Hunt Energy, Hunt Electronics, and Hunt International Resources, along with investments in real estate, mining, and ranching ventures. In 2006, he was given the Murphy Award for Entrepreneurship by the University of North Texas Murphy Enterprise Center. He received the Pop Harkins Award for Lifetime Achievement from the Texas Thoroughbred Association. Mr. Hunt was a Navy veteran of World War II, serving on the battleship USS Washington. He is survived by his wife, a son, and three daughters.

Homer B. Leonard ’43 (Co. C) died Aug. 21, 2014, in Spicewood, Texas. Mr. Leonard served in World War II with the 517th Parachute Regimental Combat Team. He later graduated from Rice University. He is survived by two sons, a daughter, four grandchildren, and a great-grandchild. John U. Lanman ’44 (Artillery) of Munster, Ind., died Aug. 4, 2014. Dr. Lanman practiced internal medicine in Munster for over 40 years. He served as a volunteer at the McAuley Clinic until six weeks before his death and also worked with Habitat for Humanity. Dr. Lanman served in the Navy and graduated from Cornell University and the Cornell University School of Medicine. Surviving are his wife, Nancy; three daughters, a son, and nine grandchildren. Dr. Lanman was predeceased by four brothers, George ’41, Robert ’46, Richard ’49, and Charles ’55. George W. Hay III N’45 of Goshen, Ind., died Oct. 21, 2014. Mr. Hay served in the Navy from 1945-48 and was a past com-

mander of American Legion Post 30. He attended the University of Utah and worked for his father at Hay Oil Company from 1950 to 1971. In 1971, he went to work for Starcraft and became production manager for Advantage Vans. Mr. Hay was a 67-year member of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association. He is survived by his wife, Marilyn; two sons, a sister, a brother, Stephen N’59 of Tucson, Ariz.; two stepchildren, two grandchildren, including R. Craig Wheeler N’79 of Oviedo, Fla., a step granddaughter, two great‑grandchildren, and two step great‑grandchildren. Corydon S. Kammler ’45 (Troop) of Jensen Beach, Fla., died Nov. 1, 2014. A Navy veteran of World War II, Mr. Kammler graduated from the General Motors Institute in Flint, Mich., and became a Buick dealer in Princeton, N.J. His Beau Run Farm in Skillman, N.J., was a site of many horse shows, rodeos, and competitions. Mr. Kammler was a judge for the American Quarter Horse Association,

Retired Chicago Tribune CEO Charles Brumback ’46 Charles T. Brumback ’46, trustee emeritus of The Culver Educational Foundation and the retired CEO of the Chicago Tribune Co., died Jan. 12, 2015, in Winter Park, Fla. He had been in declining health since suffering a stroke in 2007. Archives photo

A CEF trustee emeritus, Mr. Brumback served from 1982 to 2008. During his tenure he was a member of the Budget, Audit, Human Resources, and Marketing/ Communications Charles T. Brumback committees. He chaired the Marketing Committee in the late '80s. Mr. Brumback was Culver’s Man of the Year in 1997. The son of John Brumback, valedictorian of the Culver Class of 1910, Mr. Brumback lettered in Rifle as a plebe and was an individual winner at the NRA Boys’ national Championship. In his third-class year he earned a gold medal at the National ROTC Championships and helped lead the Culver

team to the Hearst Trophy, the first of three consecutive national titles. As a first-classman, he was co-captain of Rifle. Additionally, he was an all Midwest and Prep Conference lineman in football, a member of the Honor Council, a lieutenant in the Artillery, and Regimental Personnel Officer. Mr. Brumback graduated 24th in a class of 187. (The John S. Brumback 1910 Endowed Scholarship was established in 1984 by Charles Brumback and family to honor his father. Since it was established, 32 students have benefited from the scholarship.) He earned a bachelor’s degree in economics at Princeton University and was an Army veteran of the Korean War, earning a Bronze Star as a lieutenant. In Korea (1951-53), he was a Forward Observer, one of the most dangerous of combat positions. Mr. Brumback started his career as an accountant with Arthur Young & Co., joining the Orlando Sentinel’s parent company, the Sentinel Star Co., in 1957 as controller, business manager, and general manager. The Tribune Co. purchased the Sentinel in

1965. Mr. Brumback was named president and CEO of the Sentinel in 1976. In 1981, he became CEO and president of the Chicago Tribune, building a reputation for effective leadership and for embracing technology, according to a published obituary. He was named president and chief operating officer of The Tribune Company in 1989, the CEO in 1990, and chairman of the board in 1993. He retired from the newspaper in 1995. Mr. Brumback was also credited with improving the paper’s production and zoning capabilities and upgrading the home delivery system. During his tenure the Tribune weathered a strike by production unions. He also was involved with construction of the paper’s Freedom Center production facility. He is survived by two sons, Charles Jr. ’72 of Orlando, Fla., and Wesley ’76 of Oviedo, Fla.; two daughters, Ellen Allen of Lake Bluff, Ill., and Anne Meyer of Sarasota, Fla.; a brother, John Jr. ’49 of Orlando, Fla.; and seven grandchildren, among them Andrew Allen ’08 and Mitchell Allen ’11.



Passings the American Appaloosa Association, the National Reining Association, the National Cutting Association, and other equine specialty events. He also was a certified golf teaching professional. In semi-retirement he was executive director of the New Jersey Motorcycle Industry Council, which represented the interests of all motorcyclists and motorcycle dealers. He retired to Florida in 1999. He is survived by his wife, Argie; three children, two stepdaughters, six grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren. Charles M. White ’45 (Co. D) of Pampa, Texas, died Aug. 30, 2014. Mr. White’s business career began in 1953 with Cabot Corporation in Pampa. He moved with the firm to Dallas and Andover, Mass., returning to Pampa in 1967 with the Cabot Engineering Division. He retired from IRI (subsequent owner of Cabot) as Senior Vice President of Marketing in 1994. A Navy veteran of World War II, he returned to Williams College and graduated, but was recalled to the Navy in December 1951 as an engineer, serving in Japan for 18 months and assigned to maneuvers off Korea until the end of the

Korean War. He is survived by three sons and three stepchildren. Frank O. Butler II ’47 (Troop) of Palm Beach, Fla., died Aug. 22, 2014. In 1955-56, Mr. Butler and a sister ran Butler Aviation at Palm Beach International Airport. He later lived in Portugal, where he developed properties that reflected his love of nature. He continued this passion in Aspen, Colo., during the 1970s and ’80s. Mr. Butler’s philanthropic pursuits also included protection of elephants. He is survived by a brother and two sisters. Wilbur H. Lindner ’47 (Troop) of Austin, Texas, died Oct. 19, 2014 while traveling abroad. A graduate of Purdue University, Mr. Lindner served in the Army as an intelligence specialist and was stationed in Japan and Baltimore. He was awarded a Korean Service Medal and a United Nations Service Medal. After the military, Mr. Lindner joined his brother to run the family business, Lindner Brother’s Ice Cream Company of Indianapolis. He was a founding member and past president of the Sertoma Club

Mary Wolfe, wife of Frederic Wolfe ’47, a respected patron of the arts and Culver Artist, art historian, and art lecturer, Mary T. Wolfe, the wife of Frederic “Fritz” Wolfe ’47, died Oct. 23, 2014, in Toledo, Ohio. Mrs. Wolfe received the 2011 Governor’s Award for the Arts from the Ohio Arts Council in the arts patron category. That same year, the Wolfe Gallery in Culver’s Crisp Center for the Visual Arts was created with a $500,000 gift of the Wolfe Family Charitable Foundation. “Mary Wolfe knew the language of art and spoke it eloquently,” said Bob Nowalk, the Academies’ coordinator of visual arts and curator of the collection. “She was the initial driving force behind the art gallery and the concept of teaching through exemplary visual artworks. In the time we spent together, she not only helped us hone our vision of the importance of an art collection to the Arts and Humanities but also the practical necessities of space for the preparation and archival care of artworks.”



There was always a strong educational component of whatever the Wolfes supported, according to daughter Christine Wolfe. The couple donated $1.5 million to help build the Wolfe Center for the Arts at Bowling Green (Ohio) State University, where Mrs. Wolfe was a graduate student, instructor, and gallery director. The couple also were benefactors of the University of Toledo, Wilberforce University, and Maumee Valley Country Day School, in addition to the Toledo Museum of Art. Mrs. Wolfe received a bachelor’s degree in art history from Wellesley College. She received a master’s degree in the history of art and painting in 1968 from BGSU and for the next eight years was an instructor in the history of art. She lectured for decades in the United States and abroad. In addition to her husband and daughter, Mrs. Wolfe is survived by two daughters and six grandchildren, among them Caroline Palz W’06.

of East Indianapolis. He also served on the board of directors for Allied Purchasing for several years. Mr. Lindner is survived by his longtime companion Maxine Roberts, two children, two stepchildren, a brother, sister, and three grandchildren. Bill F. Bruster ’48 (Troop) of Nashville, Tenn., died Nov. 4, 2014. Mr. Bruster served in the Tennessee Air National Guard and was called into active duty, stateside, during the Korean War. He retired from Horace Small Manufacturing Co. in Nashville. Surviving are two sons and four grandchildren. Thomas W. Golightly N’48 of Allison Park, Pa., died Aug. 22, 2014. Mr. Golightly spent his career with PPG Industries. He graduated from Purdue University with a degree in mechanical engineering, and earned an MBA at the University of Michigan. He was an Army veteran of the Korean War. He was active in scouting as a parent. He is survived by his wife, the Rev. Carolyn J. Jones; his children, Lynn Holden SS’77 of Allison Park and Thomas II N’79, ’80 of Point Breeze, Pa.; and three grandchildren. Russell M. Albers ’49 (Troop) of Estes Park, Colo., died Dec. 17, 2014. Mr. Albers was a graduate of Lake Forest College and spent 1951-55 in the Air Force. He was employed by the U.S. Treasury Department for 25 years, where he became a National Bank Examiner. Mr. Albers is survived by his wife, Shirley; a daughter, brother, two grandchildren, and nephews David Albers W’74 of Kansas City, Mo., and Timothy Albers W’74 of Baldwyn, Miss. Brian S. Harrold Sr. ’49 (Artillery) died Sept. 15, 2014, in Powell, Ohio. A respected pathologist, Mr. Harrold appeared on an episode of “American Justice,” where his intellect helped solve a crime. He was a graduate of Yale University, The Ohio State University, and Jefferson Medical College. Mr. Harrold also served as a major in the Air Force. He is survived by eight children, 13 grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren. Blair F. Kelly II ’49 (Band) died Oct. 28, 2014, in Lehigh Acres, Fla. Mr. Kelly was the 1949 winner of the CollinsRea award for Excellence in Dramatics, and was a feature writer for The Vedette. He had several careers, from franchising, sales, and advertising to publishing and printing. Surviving are three sons, a daughter, and two grandchildren.

A former CSSAA board member, James R. Poulston ’49 (Troop) died Nov. 26, 2014, in Raleigh, N.C. Mr. Poulston formerly managed the El Dora Dairy in Lima, Ohio, and served as president of the Lima City Council. He managed a state-funded jobs training program and retired to manage his real estate interests. Mr. Poulston was an Army veteran of the Korean War and served as a captain in the Army Reserve. He is survived by his wife, Janet; two daughters, and seven grandchildren. Jerry W. Meadows N’50 of Paoli, Ind., died Oct. 22, 2014. In 1953, Mr. Meadows left Indiana University to take over his father’s Paoli business, Calcar Quarries, Inc., which he ran for the next 55 years. During this period, Mr. Meadows also operated stone and sand businesses in Salem and Princeton, Ind., and he raised cattle, corn, and soybeans. He sold Calcar in 2008 and founded Meadowview, Inc., through which he continued his farming operations. At the time of his death, he was a member of the Paoli Town Council. Surviving are his wife, Mimi; two sons, two daughters, seven grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. Louis E. Ridgway Jr. A’48, ’50 (Band) died May 2, 2014, in Kerrville, Texas. An Army veteran of the Korean War, Mr. Ridgway graduated from the University of Mississippi with a degree in geology. He later attended the Jackson School of Law while working for Deposit Guaranty Corporation, the bank founded by his grandfather. He never practiced law, but he and his brother built the family company, Ridgway Energy, into a successful oil and gas exploration company that was later acquired by Denbury. Surviving are his wife, Helen; four children, among them John “Jack” A’84 of Madison, Miss.; a brother, 12 grandchildren, and a great-grandson. Luther G. Latham W’51 died Nov. 18, 2012, in Jackson, Miss. Mr. Latham had a private law practice and worked for the Mississippi Attorney General’s Office. He received his bachelor’s and law degrees from the University of Mississippi. He served in the U.S. National Guard. Mr. Latham also worked for the family business, Rose Oil Company, and was an evangelist, broadcasting weekly in Jackson. Surviving are two sons, a daughter, sister, and two brothers.

Harley R. Clark Jr. N’52 of Austin, Texas, died Oct. 9, 2014. A retired state district judge and former Culver Summer Camps regimental commander, Mr. Clark is credited with introducing the famed “Hook ’em Horns” hand sign while a student at a University of Texas pep rally in the 1950s. In addition to helping to establish a UT tradition, Mr. Clark was a longtime supporter of the university in other ways, including contributing his legal expertise and volunteering his time. He graduated from UT with a bachelor’s degree and obtain his master’s and law degree from the school. He was a successful trial lawyer before being appointed to the state’s 250th Judicial District Court in 1977. He presided over a case in 1987 that ruled the state’s system of financing public schools violated the Texas Constitution. That decision was later upheld by the Texas Supreme Court. He resigned his judgeship in 1989 and spent 10 years with an Austin law firm before taking up organic gardening. Mr. Clark is survived by his wife, Patti Clark; four daughters, among them Cari Clark SS’77, and five grandchildren. William A. Gibson ’52 (Co. A) of Grand Rapids, Mich., died Nov. 4, 2014. Mr. Gibson served as a medic in the U.S. Navy. An entrepreneur, he was the founder of Nordic Hot Tubs. He started the Metro Football League, coaching the Metro Cardinals for 18 years and in the Southern Little League for six. Mr. Gibson is survived by his wife, Bette; two sons, two daughters, two sisters, and 14 grandchildren. Ron L. Huffman ’53 (Co. A) of Traverse City, Mich., died Sept. 2, 2014. A Marine Corps veteran, Mr. Huffman graduated from Michigan State University and obtained his master’s degrees in Fine Arts at the University of Ohio. He purchased the family business in Marietta, Ind., and carried on the tradition of running the dime store. Mr. Huffman was also a textile salesman, selling fine silks and laces to dressmakers in Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana. He began painting again in 2007, showing his paintings at the Flint Institute of Art, and at local banks, businesses, and physician’s offices. He is survived by his longtime companion Joan Hendrickson; two sons, two daughters, 13 grandchildren, and seven great-grandchildren. Jared M. Jackson W’47, ’53 (Troop) of Tucson, Ariz., died Nov. 10, 2014. Mr. Jackson spent a year in Beirut, Lebanon, with his

Eilleen Dicke, namesake of Eppley theatre Mrs. Eilleen Dicke, 93, died at her home Jan. 14, 2015, following a lengthy struggle with Alzheimer's disease. A longtime New Bremen, Ohio, resident, Mrs. Dicke was described in a published obituary as “her husband Jim’s partner and adviser as they enjoyed an almost 73-year marriage.” She and her husband, James F. Dicke Sr., who survives, are the parents of two Culver sons. The Eilleen Dicke Theatre in Eppley Auditorium is named in her honor. Over the years The Dicke Family Foundation and James and Eilleen Dicke Charitable Trust have supported Culver and its students, including the renovation of the Legion Memorial Building and creation of the Dicke Hall of Mathematics. In addition to her husband, Mrs. Dicke is survived by sons James II W’59, ’64 of New Bremen, and Dane ’70 of Cutler Bay, Fla; grandchildren Jim III ’89, Anastasia Huelsman ’93, Jennifer Prewitt ’94, Ashton Dicke ’94, Robin Dicke ’97, and Christopher W’00, and six great-grandchildren.

parents in 1946. He graduated from Pomona College and was engaged in commercial real estate in Tucson for over 40 years. He is survived by his wife, Jennine; and four children, among them Jared Jr. “Mike" W’76, ’80 of Dallas; and three grandchildren. Clark E. Mortimore ’53 (Band) died Oct. 14, 2014, in Thermopolis, Wyo. A graduate of Parsons College in Iowa and the San Francisco College of Mortuary Science, Mr. Mortimore was involved in a funeral and ambulance service for over 40 years. He also was instrumental in starting the Wyoming Trauma Coalition and developing a statewide radio system for hospitals. CULVER ALUMNI MAGAZINE


Passings of Technology and a veteran of the Army Corps of Engineers (Armored Division), serving as a demolitions specialist in Germany from 1956-58. His first career was in textile manufacturing with Deering Milliken in Hartsville, S.C.; Owens Corning Fiberglas in Aiken, S.C.; and Leon Ferenbach, Inc., in Johnson City, Tenn., as vice president and general manager. In 1980, he began a second career as a financial adviser and broker with Merrill Lynch, retiring in 1992. He is survived by his wife, Virginia; two sons, a daughter, four grandsons, and a step granddaughter. Ellis J. Braman N’54 died July 24, 2014, in Titusville, Fla. Mr. Braman earned a degree in mechanical engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He served as a civil engineer in the Air Force for 23 years with duty stations in South Korea, Wisconsin, the Panama Canal Zone, Virginia, South Vietnam, Germany, England, and Alabama, where he earned an MBA from Auburn University. He moved to Titusville in 1982, where he was employed by private contractors at Kennedy Space Center until retiring from the United Space Alliance. His wife, Shirley, survives. Eliecer E.F.G. Mendia Jr. W’50, ’54 (Co. C) of Key Biscayne, Fla., died Nov. 1, 2014. Mr. Mendia started his career as a businessman with Chrysler International in Havana and eventually owned and managed several businesses in the automotive and hydraulic sectors. He graduated from Wesleyan University and Rutgers University. Mr. Mendia is survived by his wife, Gloria; three sons, a brother, sister, and six grandchildren.

He was county coroner for 50 years, served as the mayor of Thermopolis, and spent 20 years in the Wyoming Army National Guard. Richard Namon ’53 (Co. B) died Sept. 12, 2012, in South Miami, Fla. A graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Mr. Namon was a research professor in the Department of Neurology from 1964-85. He also served as a consultant to the University of Miami Department of Neurology from 1986-2001. He was the author/coauthor of more than 20 neurological scientific



and medical reports, articles and studies on cerebral blood flow and carotid artery stenosis. Since 1971, he had been the president/owner of J. Namon & Co., a family owned real estate investment company. Survivors include his wife, Barbara; four children, and seven grandchildren. Dwight F. Runge ’53 (Co. C) died Aug. 22, 2014, in Charleston, S.C. Mr. Runge was raised in Cuba until his family left in 1960 following the Castro revolution. He was a graduate of the Georgia Institute

A former vice president of the Legion board, Richard H. Hunt Jr. ’55 (Troop) died Oct. 29, 2014, in Columbus, Ga. Mr. Hunt also served as president of the Miami Culver Club for many years. Mr. Hunt graduated from Yale University, obtained his law degree from the University of Florida, and his LLM from New York University. He practiced tax and corporate law from 1963 to 2003. In 1995 Mr. Hunt organized a real estate and mortgage brokerage firm, becoming president and CEO of FloridaInternational Investment Corporation. Survived by his wife, Marcia, a son, Mark W’77, ’83, and daughter Karen Hunt, who attended Summer School for Girls. Richard A. Stillson N’59 of Naples, Fla., died April 28, 2014. He was an Army veteran, obtaining the rank of captain.

He is survived by his wife, Judy; two children, two brothers, including David N’59 of Sugarcreek, Ohio; and three grandchildren.

his degree in education from Butler University. Surviving are his wife, Felice; a daughter, two sisters, and a grandson.

Robert B. Thelander N’60 of Phoenix died Aug. 24, 2014.

James B. Johnson N’63 of St. Petersburg, Fla., died Feb. 18, 2014. Mr. Johnson graduated from Princeton University as a religion major and from Case Western Reserve Medical School. He practiced family medicine in New Jersey for 35 years, retiring to Florida in 2011. He is survived by his wife, Janet; two daughters, two sisters, a brother, and three grandchildren.

John H. Acheson II ’61 (Troop) died Oct. 16, 2014, in Zionsville, Ind. Mr. Acheson was a Realtor with Landrigan & Company, a member of the National Association of Realtors and the Indiana Association of Realtors. He earned a bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Indiana University. Mr. Acheson served two tours in Vietnam as a sergeant in the Marine Corps, twice receiving The Purple Heart. He was a strong and proud member of Alcoholics Anonymous for over four decades and was a mentor to many in need. He hunted fox with the Traders Point Hunt Club for many years. Surviving are his wife, Becky; a daughter, son, his mother, Patricia Cochran, a brother, grandsons, and a number of cousins with Culver affiliations. He was predeceased by his father, Cornell ’37. Robert L. Tahse ’62 (Co. B) of Oxford, Ohio, died July 23, 2014. He is survived by a daughter, Beth Tahse SS’79, ’81 of Oxford. Mr. Tahse was predeceased by two brothers, D. Martin ’48 and Fred ’49. Michael S. Atkinson ’63 (Band) of Evansville, Ind., died Oct. 8, 2014. Mr. Atkinson was a longtime class agent and volunteer and a member of Culver’s Technology Advisory Council. He played soccer at Indiana University and graduated from the University of Evansville, where he also obtained his MBA. Mr. Atkinson was a pioneer in the telecommunications industry. He initially designed and sold systems for Ohio Valley Communications, Southern Telecom, and Southwestern Communications and established his own company, C.M., Inc., in 1985. He is survived by his wife, George Ann Griffin Atkinson; a son, and brother. He was preceded in death by his father, Stanley W’26. Michael C. Glazer ’63 (Co. A) died Nov. 20, 2014, in Noblesville, Ind. Mr. Glazer was a science teacher in Indianapolis. He then became a real estate broker and appraiser in Indianapolis and Noblesville for many years until retiring about 10 years ago. In retirement, he taught real estate at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, Indiana University, and Ivy Tech. He was a graduate of Indiana University and obtained

David L. McDonald W’63 of Chesterton, Ind., died Aug. 22, 2014. Mr. McDonald attended Purdue University. He is survived by his wife, Tracy, and two sons. Morgan G. Winget Jr. ’66 (Artillery) of Orville, Ohio, died Oct. 17, 2014. A graduate of Otterbein College, Mr. Winget served in the Air Force during the Vietnam War, serving in Colorado, California, and Guam. He spent 35 years with the J.M. Smucker Company. He was an important member of his CMA class leadership team. Surviving are his wife, Joyce; two children, a sister, and two grandchildren. Kevin K. Fiske ’69 (Artillery) died Oct. 16, 2014, in Mill Creek, Wash. Mr. Fiske graduated with honors from the University of Idaho with a degree in forestry while pursuing his new passion – mountain climbing. He climbed Alaska’s Mount McKinley in 1972, the youngest member of a National Geographic Society-sponsored team that endured 43 days on the mountain. He carried a frostbitten Japanese climber down the mountain, saving his life. Mr. Fiske was a log buyer for the forest products industry, traveling throughout the Pacific Northwest, Japan, Canada, and Europe. Until the onset of Alzheimer’s disease, he participated in state, national, or international competitions in rowing, golden glove boxing, mountain climbing, marathon running, cycling, and cross country skiing. He also owned Formula and vintage race cars and raced them in the United States and in Europe. Two brothers survive. Robb B. Ollett ’72 (Artillery) of Petaluma, Calif., died Aug. 20, 2014. Surviving are his wife, Jerri; and brothers Rick N’64, ’66 of Sanford, N.C., and Randy ’67 of Katy, Texas. David R. Sherwin ’73 (Troop) of Fort Myers, Fla., died March 16, 2014. A graduate of the University of Arizona, Mr. Sherwin

Deaths in the Family Jeffrey A. Windus, 48, a faculty intern with the Fine Arts Department (theater) during the 1988-89 school year, died in Chicago on Dec 18, 2014. Mr. Windus began his teaching career at the Academies. At the time of his death he was the Freshman Dean and Chair of the English Department at The Latin School of Chicago, where he had been employed since 2000. Mr. Windus was a graduate of Carleton College and received his Master of Divinity degree from Yale University in 1996. He also taught at Holland Hall in Tulsa, Okla., and Town School for Boys in San Francisco. His parents and a sister survive. Sarah L. Behnke, 87, of Culver, died Dec. 12, 2014. She and her late husband Roland moved to Culver in 1961, and she went to work at the Academy a year later. Mrs. Behnke worked in the Uniform Department, QM Store, and the dining hall, retiring from the Culver Inn in 1997. Survivors include a son, Edward N’67 of Culver; daughter, a half-sister, five grandchildren, nine greatgrandchildren, and two-great-greatgrandsons A former desk clerk at the Culver Inn, Margorie Rosebrock Schmoll died Dec. 5, 2014, in Indianapolis. Mrs. Schmoll worked for the Academies from the late ’60s through the 1970s in the Uniform Department, Development Office, and the Culver Inn. She is survived by two sons, Greg W’66, ’71 of Indianapolis and Philip W’70, ’74; a daughter, seven grandchildren, and nine great-grandchildren. A son, William N’63, is deceased. Rex Harness, 52, production supervisor at the Lay Dining Center, died Nov. 24, 2014. A resident of Leiters Ford, Ind., Mr. Harness had been employed with the Academies for 37 years and was formerly the head baker. He was a 1980 graduate of Culver Community High School. Surviving are his wife, Linda, and daughter, Angella, who work in the dining hall; a son, his mother, and two grandchildren. CULVER ALUMNI MAGAZINE


Passings Parent Stephen Linsenmeyer endowed aviation program The late Stephen J. Linsenmeyer Sr. provided a Culver education for six of his children and several grandchildren. Through his financial gifts, he also provided the opportunity for hundreds of campers and Academies students to pursue aviation. Mr. Linsenmeyer funded one of two flight simulators in 2007 and, in 2012, the former Navy pilot provided the Linsenmeyer Aviation Program Endowment. A resident of Marco Island, Fla., Mr. Linsenmeyer died Jan. 11, 2015, following a brief illness. “Mr. Linsenmeyer’s gift was instrumental in allowing us to bring aviation back and to assure it had the resources for future years,” Chief Advancement Officer Michael Perry said. “He understood the value of aviation from his own life experiences.” Joining the Navy when he was 17, Mr. Linsenmeyer earned his Wings of Gold

was a U.S. Air Force captain. He also worked as the District Inspector General of the governor’s office in Lee County and as a Senior Account Manager/Government for Office Depot’s Business Services Division out of Tampa. He was named Florida’s Narcotics Officer of the Year in 1989 and the U.S. Air Force Reserves Security Police Officer of the Year in 1992. He is survived by two sisters, his best friend, Cynthia Koffman of Cape Coral, Fla.; and their two daughters. Charles E. McCallister Jr. W’81 of Hampton, Va., died Nov. 17, 2014. Mr. McCallister retired from the Navy after 20 years and was an area supervisor with Pond Security. He also attended Bryant & Stratton College and was on the dean’s list every semester until the beginning of his illness. He served at the Naval Station Norfolk. Mr. McCallister is survived by his wife, Signet; a son, his parents, Charles Sr. and Melonese McCallister; and his siblings.



and flew both helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft. He was a World War II and Korean War veteran, earning a WWII Victory Ribbon, National Defense Service Medal, United Nations Service Medal, Korean Service Medal, China Service Medal, and a Presidential Unit Citation with Bronze Star. After the service, he studied engineering at the University of Detroit and was a lieutenant with the Naval Reserve. Mr. Linsenmeyer worked for the Monroe (Mich.) Auto Equipment Company as a salesman, an engineer, Director of Service, and Director of the Racing Division. He later became a real estate agent in Monroe and was a partner in the Ann Arbor Railroad. He is survived by eight children, among them Eric ’79 of Monroe; Prudy Hammonds SS’79, ’80 of Plano, Texas; Bill ’83 of Bishkek, Krygzstan; Amy Bacarella ’84 of Monroe; Kurt N’86 of Lambertville, Mich.; and Betsy Ferlaino ’92 of Lake St. Louis, Mo. There are 27 grandchildren and greatgrandchildren.

William A. Sims ’82 (Artillery) of Glen Ellyn, Ill., died Feb. 5, 2011, in Reno, Nev., of pancreatic cancer. He is survived by a sister, Lorelei Sims of Charleston, Ill. Diego J. Garza-Erdmann ’04 (Co. A) died Sept. 8, 2014, in McAllen, Texas. Mr. Garza-Erdmann worked in agricultural and maritime exploration projects. He organized and supervised farming crews over 24,000 acres of land and oversaw artificial insemination operations. He assisted in an international business project between Russian and Mexican engineers for Servicios Maritimos de Campeche. He earned a bachelor’s degree in agriculture from Texas A&M University Kingsville and a master’s in plant and soil sciences at the same school. Mr. Garza-Erdmann is survived by his parents Jose Garza and Nancy Erdmann; a sister, and his girlfriend, Diana. A graduate of Pitzer College, Pin-Jun “Candy” Chen ’08 (Atrium) died in November 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan, from complications brought on by a brain tumor.

Tips for submitting Class News For your convenience, www.culver. org/alumni is the preferred method for updating your personal records at Culver, as well as sharing class news, address changes, and death notices. Email is acceptable, as well; the address is alumni@culver.org. The mailing address is Alumni Office, 1300 Academy Road #132, Culver, Ind. 46511-1291. As you submit your class news, please keep the following guidelines in mind: • Avoid the use of abbreviations, acronyms, and other professional jargon that other readers may not be familiar with or understand. • Culver Alumni Magazine pub lishes information on new jobs, promotions, awards and honors, interesting events in your life, relocations, marriages, births, and deaths. The magazine does not publish engagement or birth announcements. The magazine does not publish photographs of newborns. Photos of wedding parties must meet certain criteria. • The magazine does not publish street addresses, telephone numbers, or e-mail addresses. However, this information should always be included in any correspondence for the purpose of maintaining up-to-date alumni records. If you have any questions about submitting your news, please contact the Alumni Office at (574) 842-7200.

THE PERSHING WALK is turned into an icy winter wonderland after a mid-January storm. Photo by Jan Garrison.

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