Athletes of the Month September 2013
Tavia Maurovic Golf Junior Windsor, ONT
Pierre Byrne Football First Classman South Bend, IN
Athletes of the Month October 2013
Katie Bjornson Volleyball Senior Canton, OH
JP Slykas Football First Classman Frankfort, IL
Athletes of the Month November 2013
Victoria Christlieb Basketball Senior Culver, Ind.
Karch Bachman Prep Hockey Third Classman Wolcottville, Ind.
Athletes of the Month December 2013
Olivia Hirschy CGA Hockey Junior Fort Wayne, Ind.
Edmond Hogan Wrestling First Classman Itasca, Ill.
Athletes of the Month January 2014
Eberle Miller Swimming & Diving Senior Logansport, Ind.
Devonte Campbell Basketball First Classman Maple, Ontario
Athletes of the Month February 2014
Jacqueline Pentecost Fencing Junior Champion, Pa.
Josh Drake Fencing First Classman Culver, Ind.
Athletes of the Month March 2014
Kayla Miracle Wrestling Senior Campbellsville, Ky.
Ethan Walker Prep Lacrosse Third Classman Peterborough, Ontario
Athletes of the Month April 2014
Kelsi Carr Lacrosse Senior Kitchener, Ontario
Perley Provost Baseball First Classman South Bend, Indiana