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Culver Spring 2020

Alumni Magazine

The Shack is Back!

The Brian L. Reichart ’68 Shack Opened January 6, 2020


Separate and Together: The Culver Paradox In the last issue, I wrote about the eternal pairing of tradition and transition as it applies to Culver’s 125-year history: firmly anchored to its mission and traditions while also re-inventing itself as needed or required. That was in mid-winter, not long before we began to add new words to our everyday vocabulary: COVID-19, pandemic, sheltering in place, social distancing, flattening the curve, contact tracing and herd immunity. Now they seem to have always been part of our daily conversations. As the pandemic spread from Asia to Europe and then to North America, it was clear that life as usual would be disrupted. Decisions had to be made quickly, using the most updated information possible, followed by immediate coordinated action. Head of Schools Dr. Doug Bird ’90 worked closely with the Culver Coronavirus Strategic Planning Team to develop a plan. Students were sent home early for spring break, and in anticipation of the pandemic

preventing their return, were instructed to take their laptops, textbooks, and ongoing projects with them, as well as passports and other necessities. The Academic Leadership Team, led by Assistant Head of Schools for Learning and Leadership, Dr. Kevin MacNeil, and Dean of Faculty Josh Pretzer, created an online learning environment for students, with a daily schedule, student expectations and adherence to the Honor Code. Cathy Tulungen, the director of International Student Achievement, set up weekly Zoom meetings for all international students, run by student leaders. The first online classes were held on April 2, so when Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb declared on April 3 that all Indiana schools would be closed for the remainder of the year, Culver was already in session. The Zoom program for e-learning can be viewed as both a micro and macro symbol. For an individual student, the home

has become a classroom amid familiar surroundings. Zoom can be tailored to be a blend of individual or whole class activities, and instruction can be broadened through screen sharing, audio, and text chat. Counselors, coaches, spiritual life staff, the director of wellness and director of student activities are using Zoom to support students and connect them with the rhythms of their lives at Culver. Zoom’s macro impact is also being experienced on a personal level. Culver Leadership instructor Nancy McKinnis shared that when her 90-year-old mother was dying in April, Zoom calls allowed her to laugh, pray and be present with her. After her mother’s death, Nancy watched the wake unfold on Zoom, followed up by a three-hour family online gathering that connected her five siblings with their parents’ 20 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren from across the United States and Europe.

Col. Warren Foersch, retired deputy commandant at Culver who has been fighting pancreatic cancer for more than a year and a half, received a surprise Zoom call for his birthday on April 22. I was one of the callers and was deeply touched by the number of Culver faculty, staff and students whose faces filled the screen to honor him. It felt like a warm family gathering, with Warren at the center, enjoying every moment. This spring the transition between normalcy and the pandemic initially sparked a fear of the unknown and isolation. Yet paradoxically, it also sparked the energy to search for a path that would bring closure to the school year, one which recognized individual effort but also built community among both students and adults. Separate and Together: the Culver way. — Kathy Lintner

Culver Alumni Magazine



Douglas Bird Ed.D. ‘90

ADVANCEMENT OFFICE Chief Advancement Officer Holly Johnson

ALUMNI RELATIONS Director Alan Loehr Jr. Legion President Lara Smith Nicholson ‘86 Delray Beach, Florida CSSAA President Richard R. Waterfield W’85 Fort Wayne, Indiana Culver Clubs International President Charles Osborne ‘88 Atlanta, Georgia

COMMUNICATIONS Director of Marketing and Communications Scott Johnson Editor/Culver Alumni Magazine Kathy Lintner Asst. Director/Publications Jan Garrison

The Shack is Back!

Spanning more than 70 years and several generations of Culver alumni, few campus locales have stirred warmer memories than the iconic Shack along the shores of Lake Maxinkuckee.

Advancement Communications Manager Mike Petrucelli Museum and Archives Manager Jeff Kenney



PHOTOGRAPHY Paul Ciaccia, Jan Garrison, Richard Immel, Camilo Morales, Michael Petrucelli, iStock




Jill Feldman: Advocate, Counselor, & Educator After losing five family members to lung cancer, Jill Feldman SS’84 has been combining various therapies and treatments to keep her form of lung cancer under control.



Culver (USPS 139-740) is published by The Culver Educational Foundation, 1300 Academy Road, Culver, Indiana 46511-1291. Opinions are those of the authors, and no material may be reproduced without the editor’s written consent. Postmaster, please send change of address notice to Culver Alumni Office, 1300 Academy Road #132, Culver, Indiana 46511-1291.


Volume 96 / Issue 1 / Spring 2020

Great Students, Great Parents Behind great students are great parents, and Culver is blessed with a large number of them, who boast a solid, organized network in the form of the Culver Parents Association.



A Crisis in Context A Century of navigating epidemics at Culver


With the early release of Culver students for spring break due to the COVID-19 coronavirus, it is important to remember that Culver has witnessed its share of epidemics since its founding in 1894.


i From the Editor 32 Sporting News 34 Alumni Class News


40 Culver Clubs International 44 In Memoriam

On Campus or Online: Culver is Still Culver Culver continues to have high expectations of and offer high support to all students through online learning and a daily schedule and set of policies that support all members of the community.





Culver educates its students for leadership and responsible citizenship in society by developing and nurturing the whole individual — mind, spirit, body — through an integrated curriculum that emphasizes the cultivation of character.


Culver Chemistry Instructor Transforms into a TikTok Superstar In the TikTok universe, Culver Academies chemistry instructor Phil Cook is a pretty big deal. Now, with more people staying home because of the COVID-19 pandemic, others are starting to pay attention as well. TikTok is a social media platform that allows people to upload videos from 15 seconds to one minute in length. Cook, as @chemteacherphil, has amassed more than 1.6 million followers in just eight months and his recent video covering two experiments creating light had been watched about 2.2 million times in its first two weeks. His polymerization experiment had been viewed

Chemistry instructor Phil Cook during his interview with WGN Morning News.

more than 13.1 million times.


He was also featured during

Cook said, “I think they are

New Delhi, India, encouraged

to one of his students to re-

a March 26 TikTok livestream

still trying to figure it all out.”

its readers to follow him.

cord the experiment and a star

session called “Happy at

But a wide variety of other

It’s not exactly the place he

Home.” His 40-minute pro-

media outlets are taking notice.

anticipated being, but Cook is

Called the “gummy bear

gram drew more than 14,000

Cook has appeared on WGN’s

using this newfound popularity

sacrifice,” the experiment

viewers even though it didn’t

morning news program three

to spread the word on how

involved dropping a gum-

begin until 11 p.m. EDT. One

times, showing that Chicago

cool chemistry, and science in

my bear into a test tube of

of the other performers was

regional audience how to do

general, can be.

potassium chlorate. Adding

Bill Nye the Science Guy.

at-home science experiments.

He is identified by the social

Chemical & Engineering News

media platform as a certified

included him in an article

creator, identified by the blue

about chemists on TikTok.

checkmark next to his name. named him

But Cook isn’t sure what

“TikTok’s favorite chemistry

impact that has. Because

teacher.” And the technology

TikTok has grown so rapidly,

website, based in


Cook didn’t even know TikTok existed in August. That is when his chemistry class convinced him to create an account and post a Friday in-class demonstration on the platform. He set up the @chemteacherphil account, gave his smartphone

was born.

the sugar to the chemical creates a contained explosion. Cook uploaded the video that day and forgot about it. The following Monday, his excited students rushed in to class and told him he was “blowing up” on the TikTok.

Brewer talks on Culver’s Spoken Latin program The video had 50,000 views and Cook’s TikTok account had amassed 10,000 followers in just over two days. That far eclipsed the 2,240 subscribers on his YouTube channel, he said. While he had hundreds of comments on how great the experiment was, Cook also read several that were asking “real science” questions. He answered those, hoping to spur the students’ interest. The response has also prompted him to continue posting

Ashley Brewer (third from left) with DePauw Classical Studies professors Dr. Rebecca Schindler, Dr. Pedar Foss, chair of the department, and Dr. David Guinee.

his experiments on TikTok. He

Ashley Brewer SS ’00 found DePauw

So she reached out to her professors in the

now has nearly 90 videos on

University to be a “fantastic undergraduate

Classical Studies department at DePauw

the platform. In each video,

experience,” which resulted in a bachelor of

“simply to offer myself up as a somewhat

he makes sure to wear his

arts in Latin and a minor in Spanish, as well

local contact for any of their current stu-

protective glasses and lab coat.

as her secondary education teaching license.

dents who might be interested in teaching

Many of the experiments are

“I had wanted to become a Latin teacher

done in the fume hood with the protective glass closed. It is a signal to everyone watching that safety must be ever-present when it comes to chemistry experiments. Cook understands his fame probably is fleeting (Anyone remember Vine?), but he is not concerned. As long as he has young viewers asking him “real science” questions in their comments, he will continue to post them. After all, that’s Cook’s goal — ­ to reach and teach students — using every method possible.

since my own Latin experiences in high school and, therefore, was very interested in taking their ‘Latin 400: Latin Teaching Methods’ course specifically,” she said. At the time, DePauw’s education department also offered an “Education Major for Certification” track, which allowed her to major in education and earn an Indiana teaching license. Now, in her 13th year of teaching, Brewer said, “I had the realization that I am in a position to be able to mentor up-andcoming teachers. I really enjoy helping new teachers to figure out their styles and methods, and especially whether or not teaching is their gig.”

Latin.” In return, Brewer was invited to come and speak to DePauw students about teaching Latin, and specifically, teaching Latin through speaking it. “This approach has resurfaced after many decades of not being used,” she said. “I’ve loved embracing this method, referred to as Spoken Latin or Active Latin, and even more importantly, the student experience has greatly improved.” Her presentation focused on two parts: First, the differences between the Spoken Latin approach and what is referred to as the “Traditional” or “Grammar/Translation” approach. “My presentation of information was broad in these two categories, but I wanted to bring my first-hand experience with both to the listeners,” she explained.



Yoder Explores a Career Road Less Traveled Spoken Latin (continued)

Upon graduation he accepted

all planned. He was going to

a nine-month postdoctoral

“I also presented information about how

follow his bachelor’s degree

position. But when the grant

to earn a teaching license, as DePauw

with his master’s, present at

was running out, Yoder decided

no longer offers licensure. I made sure to

conferences and publish in

to apply for a position within

include teaching in both the public and

top-tier journals, and then

the independent school net-

private sectors, as that had not been a topic

complete his Ph.D. and arrive

work. This decision ultimately

of conversation when I was earning my

at “the glorious destination of

“opened up a new vista on the

license. While there were some students

a tenure-track university post.”

map,” eventually folding his

solely earning extra credit in attendance, I engaged them when demonstrating Spoken

But life didn’t work out that

story into Culver’s.

way for him. Instead, Yoder

During his on-campus inter-

joined the Culver faculty as a

view, Yoder found himself

The professors in attendance were especially

Humanities instructor. In the

“teaching a lesson on debt

intrigued in the concept of “repetition with-

form of a personal narrative

peonage in the ancient Near

out being repetitive.” Brewer explained:

written for the Society of

East to a surprisingly curious

“This is a crucial concept when using

Biblical Literature’s annual

collection of 16-year-olds.

comprehensible input in Spoken Latin and

newsletter, he recently reflected

Many questions (during

I was so delighted to share it with a new

on how his career track and

conversations that day)

and interested audience. I was given 45

life plan changed after he

revolved around instruction,

minutes for the presentation and even

graduated with his Ph.D. in the

each one a jolt.” Others

in preparing, I knew that it wouldn’t be

Humanities in 2015. And how

focused on ideas — big,

enough; I was right.”

he doesn’t regret his decision.

complex, and captivating

After the presentation, the Classical Studies

As Yoder prepared for grad-

department treated Brewer to dinner and

uation, the “pickings grew

the conversations continued.

slimmer, and the competition

“I was very proud to be sharing my own

grew more competitive as

Latin and had fun with all of the attendees.”

knowledge with professors whom I’ve held in great respect,” she said. “I was also very proud to be representing the Culver Latin program and what we have worked very hard to establish in the shift to Spoken Latin three years ago. Both my professors and I want to work to continue to keep DePauw and Culver in close connections, which could bring about even more growth in the interest of Classical Studies; a complete win-win situation!”


Tyler Yoder had his career track


ideas — that he could already imagine integrating fruitfully in a classroom by drawing on (his) training.

the surplus of starving Ph.D’s

Skip forward four years. Yoder

duked it out for a few golden

now finds himself teaching

tickets.” Graduation did not

“the Humanities to kids with

bring the “long-hoped-for

open minds in a community of

employment.” In reference

colleagues.” Instead of teach-

to navigating his place among

ing undergraduate surveys,

a crowded field, he admits,

upper-level electives, or grad-

“I knew I wasn’t the only

uate seminars on field-specific

desperate traveler left on the

subject matter on a university

outside looking in. But I had

campus, he facilitates learning

never oriented my vision to

environments that track com-

consider an outcome different

parable material for students

from a tenured professorship.”

several years younger.

“This is part of a critical redefinition of success to

Tyler Yoder during a remote session.

me now. These moments He’s not preparing for a traditional tenure-

debate texts together, prompting vulner-

reveal a fuller map — with roads I had

review process or teaching a slate full of

ability in productive learning spaces. We

previously disregarded — where job from

field-specific classes. He has no office for

observe one another teach. We foster

a less self-centered kind of journey off the

meeting with students and conducting

cross-class experiences, where students

beaten path has replaced the happiness that

research. And his students don’t refer to

dramatize plays, participate in writing

comes from scaling a narrow, contrived

him as “Professor Yoder.”

workshops and symposia, and learn from

mountain that I let myself and others tell

teachers who contemplate what class could

me was the only summit.”

But these concessions seem trivial now in light of an expanded horizon of opportunities to grow and flourish in his current position, teaching classes “in which discussions regularly pivot on

and should be, not out of necessity but the thrill of heuristic benefit of collaboration. At the same time, the institution champions the autonomy of instructors.”

complex ethical, religious, and sociopolitical

And, he added, since his home is on

matters.” He sees the benefits extending

campus, “I’m never far away from those

even further: “Along the way, I have been

I love the most (wife Cathy and children

empowered to learn alongside my students

Asher, Ellery and Callan). The giggles and

and partner with brilliant, like-minded

hugs I receive from my children after class

colleagues, acquiring the equivalence of

each day when they come to walk me

a practical M.Ed. We read, discuss, and

home likewise weren’t expected.”

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The Shac

Spanning more than 70 years and several generations of alumni, few campus locales have stirred warmer memories than the iconic Shack along the shore of Lake Maxinkuckee ...

ck is Back!

Genesis of a landmark The Culver Inn began its life as The Palmer House hotel, originally operated by John W. Palmer of Plymouth long before the Culver family purchased the building, close to the site of today’s Huffington Library. The wood frame hotel once accommodated the thousands of visitors to Lake Maxinkuckee during the lake’s tourist boom lasting nearly to the 1920s. It also housed scores of Culver students’ families and became home to the earliest retail ventures serving Culver cadets, eventually evolving into the Shack. In 1912, David Braden, CMA class of 1896, and ostensibly the first cadet ever to enroll at Culver, opened his “Toggery Shop” in the basement of South Barrack, where the Culver barber shop would later reside. Within a year, Braden moved his store to the Palmer House. Soon after, part of his operation had become known as the Palmer House Candy Shack, which in 1915 added a soda fountain and Coca-Cola, thus giving birth to the Shack of the next 70 years. In 1931, the Culver family began to purchase land adjacent to the main campus, starting with the Palmer House, and in 1932, management of the hotel was taken on by the newly incorporated Culver Educational Foundation with a new name: the Maxinkuckee Inn. This moniker would shift in 1954 to one more familiar to living alumni of today and reflective of its important status in the life and culture of the school: The Culver Inn. Early 1930s remodeling of the structure included new motel rooms and accommodations, with the most striking addition to the lobby being a sevenfoot picture window that provided a panoramic view of the lake. Braden’s lease for the Toggery Shop came to an end and the entire area was paneled in what



would become its signature and well-remembered pine. The space was equipped with booths, tables and chairs, a short-order kitchen and brick fireplace, and restored as, simply, The Shack — and so were the first of countless student, faculty, and staff memories made.

There was something about Mary Many of these were accompanied by fond recollections of one beloved facet of the Shack experience, the late Mary Baker, who began her tenure as a soda jerk in Culver’s canteen in 1941 and served more than 60 years until retiring in 2005, most of those years as a mother and grandmother figure to generations of Culver students in the Shack. These included the late George Steinbrenner ‘48, who called her, “the best-looking gal on campus.” Michael Huffington ‘65, a major donor to the present- day “revived” Shack, affirms that Mary “was one of the nicest and happiest people I have ever met.” “Mary was particularly loved by the cadets,” recalls Cathy Duke. “She was kind and could handle jokes. At times she gave advice.” “My favorite meal,” adds Denny Robertson ‘70, “was Mary’s minestrone soup, grilled cheese sandwich and a cherry Coke. Our allowance back then was $3 per week, which had to be spent very carefully, and most of it was at the Shack.”

“The Shack was always a fantastic experience. It was a chance to get away, meet your friends and relax – off campus! That’s why I am pleased to be able to offer this experience to Culver’s students today.”

A campus sanctuary Kathy Lintner, longtime instructor, retired Dean of Faculty, and present-day alumni magazine editor, recalls her first visit to the Shack in 1973: “I saw the knotty pine paneling and rustic seating, heard the blare of the jukebox and saw the long line of cadets and girls waiting to place their orders at the counter with Mary (Baker) and pick them up from Millie (Jones, another fixture for many years at the Shack). The Shack soon became my daily stop for coffee, working with individual students and meeting with colleagues. It was my sanctuary.” The notion of sanctuary is a recurring theme among many regarding the Shack. Jose Gross ’59 says, “It was, so to speak, our (students’) ‘country club,’ where we went to relax, socialize and break the ever-present discipline of the school… in fact, I cannot imagine life at Culver without The Shack.” “You could just go in and be yourself,” concurs Jerry Ney ‘57. “It was a short respite from being ‘on duty,’ so to speak. And you would think that getting away from the discipline of being on duty, you’d start acting up, but I recall that everybody behaved very well at the Shack.” Notes Cathy Duke, “Long before town delivery services and the Lay Center, the Shack was the place to gather with friends at lunch or dinner and order a Whitney Burger or Old Tavern sandwich special. There was a feeling of escape or reprieve from daily activity.”

— ­ Brian L. Reichart ’68

For lead or principal donor Brian Reichart, “The walk to the Shack was always enjoyable. I enjoyed walking along the lake throughout the year…. in the snow, the rain or sunshine.” “The Shack was always a fantastic experience,” he added. “It was a chance to get away, meet your friends and relax — off campus! That’s why I am pleased to be able to offer this experience to Culver’s students today.”

A departure and a return However, by the mid-1980s, overhead costs, logistical challenges, and deteriorating conditions at the Culver Inn had sparked serious conversations about its future. The renovation of the dining hall around that same time by the Lay family had included the addition of a ground-level student center, and by 1986, the original Shack closed its doors, reopening in the dining hall’s Lay Student Center in 1987. Four years later, in 1991, the aging Inn fell to the wrecking ball, signaling the end of an era on the Culver campus, a fact which influenced the decision of Michael Huffington, who had spearheaded the creation of the library bearing his family’s name partly where the Inn had sat, to help underwrite the 2020 Shack. “I felt somewhat responsible for its absence from campus,” he explains.



For some years, interest and discussion had persisted in a revival of the original Shack near its previous setting, and Reichart led the way to making the warm memories and wishes of so many Culver alumni into a heartily welcomed reality. Over the past two years, excitement mounted as the new Brian L. Reichart ‘68 Shack began to take shape, near where the first Shack sat and sharing with it a strong resemblance, both inside and out. Portions of the walls are paneled in pine boards salvaged from the first Shack at its razing back in 1991, thanks to the keen foresight of longtime Facilities staff member Estill Rice, and kept in storage all this time (there’s a bit less pine in the new space in order to take maximum advantage of the natural light and beautiful setting alongside the lake). Also back is the iconic phone booth, several popular menu items of the past, the jukebox (though today’s version is digital and offers a dramatically wider array of song selections) — even the original, wooden sign which adorned the exterior entryway of the first Shack, donated to Culver’s museum in 2012 by Kim Campbell ’87.



And even if the retro Vedette cartoons from decades past which adorn the restroom walls, and the classic “cartoon” map of the campus drawn in the 1930s by longtime Culver Band Director Edward Payson, weren’t part of the original decor, they warmly complement the nostalgic ethos of the space.

A hit with students Michael Huffington expressed hope that this “new old Shack” would mirror the wonderful experiences he and so many fellow alums had at the original Shack, and that hope seems to have borne fruit. “The old Shack (under the dining hall)… had the same feel as if you were still at the dining hall,” says Dean Hickman ‘21. “But this is a new place to socialize. And there’s a lot more of an open area to enjoy Culver; enjoy the beauty and have a picnic.” Many students invoke similar language of “escape” or “oasis,” even in the handful of months the new Shack has been open, to that of alumni recalling the original eatery.

“How could you not be (pleased with the new Shack)? Of course, everything changes a little from the way it was. That’s life. But there are such good memories at the Shack.” ­— Bill Fairchild ’75

“I don’t feel like I’m on campus any more (at the new Shack),” explains Samuel Carroll ‘20. “It’s light and pretty on the inside — I go there pretty often.” “It’s really nice now that it’s by the lake,” notes Mia Do ‘23. “There’s a really good view, and especially when it gets warmer out, the walk by the back side of the library is so nice.” Martin Huang ‘22 adds that the new Shack’s location allows for “a more convenient dining place for school days,” given its proximity to several academic buildings on the more western end of campus. Similarly, Brenley Blackman ‘23 appreciates the Shack’s proximity to the “far dorms,” adding praise for its retro-style jukebox and calling the food, “amazing.” She acknowledges food prices are a bit higher at the Shack than they might be elsewhere, “But once you eat there, you realize the quality.” Kingsley Gadzey ‘23 agrees. “The food’s good, and the workers are nice; they get to know their customers.” Such perspectives are just what lead donors like Bill Fairchild ‘75, who recalls with particular fondness “Mary and Millie,” the candy counter, and the music on the juke box, says he was hoping for. “How could you not be (pleased with the new Shack)? Of course, everything changes a little from the way it was. That’s life. But there are such good memories at the Shack.” The “new” Shack, then, seems poised to carry on the role of the old, neatly summarized by Denny Robertson: “It really was a great feeling to swing through the doors into that warm and friendly place.”

— By Jeff Kenney




“I think a part of me knew that if I went through ­


Alumni, students empathize with scholarship candidates Two alumni, a CGA senior and CMA first classman addressed distinguished scholarship finalists and their parents during their respective dinners on Saturday, March 7. And, while they spoke at separate venues, their messages echoed similar themes: we understand and expect change. The Batten, Duchossois, and Roberts Scholarship groups met on March 7. The Huffington Scholarship candidates attended their dinner on March 6. One speaker, Kim Asenbeck ’12, livestreamed her speech from her Seattle, Washington home because of the COVID-19 outbreak. After the weekend, four Batten Scholars, two Duchossois Scholars, three Roberts Scholars and two Huffington Scholars were selected. The students are expected to begin their Culver experience this fall. Asenbeck, Peter Bin ’11, Sophie Michi ’20 (Longmont, Colorado) and Diego Gordon ’20 (Ukiah, California) all said they empathized with the candidates. Asenbeck remembers worrying about taking too big of bites during dinner. Bin still can’t explain why he applied to Culver. Gordon’s first scholarship weekend memory is wearing a too-large suit to his interview. And Michi remembers not wanting to shake hands because her palms were “disgustingly sweaty.” The Batten Scholarship Asenbeck first envisioned giving her keynote speech during her candidate dinner. “I wasn’t even focused on getting the scholarship,” she said. “I had fast-forwarded to the point where I’d be at the podium, speaking to all of you.”

Kim Asenbeck ’12

She believes she lives in the future tense. “That might be one of the reasons why I chose a career in tech — there’s no field that’s more forward thinking.” That’s why she applied to Culver and for the Batten Scholarship. That “itch” stayed with her through the college application process. While stressful, it also “gave me real joy, imagining what my future could be like at all these different schools.” She deferred college to join the Global Citizen Year program and the chance to connect with her Brazilian roots. But she soon found herself wanting to start college. Her time in Brazil, though, laid the groundwork for her career.



with this, I would come out on the other side a changed person, changed for the better.” ­ — Peter Bin ’11

Watching how Brazil funded infrastructure priorities leading up to the 2016 Olympics led her into economic development. But that moved too slowly. Then she was introduced to computer science. Economics let her understand the problems, Asenbeck said, and computer science gave her the tools to solve them. Now working at Uber, she connects poor drivers with fleet owners and rental companies around the world. “And it’s the servant leadership I learned at Culver that motivates me to apply those skills in service of the greater good.” The Duchossois Family Scholarship Peter Bin told the Duchossois Family Scholarship dinner audience he applied because “I think a part of me knew that if I went through with this, I would come out on the other side a changed person, changed for the better.” After Culver, Bin graduated from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business. He is now a research analyst at the investment firm Ruane Cunniff in Chicago. When he arrived at Culver, he was terrified, Bin said. “But the one thing that Culver understands particularly well is that even 14- or 15-year-olds have a surprising ability to adapt and to rise to the occasion. When you trust them with the responsibility to not only take care of themselves but also take care of each other — when you trust them with real leadership — they can do so at a level of maturity beyond their years.” While he was unpacking, an older student came in, introduced himself, and offered to help. It was a small gesture, Bin said, yet one that stays with him. “This is a good glimpse of the kind of leadership that Culver cultivates — to lead by example and to take care of those I lead.” He credits the scholarship for providing the opportunity to attend a summer program at Penn, which led him to apply to the college. “You just never really know what good things might happen, what new doors might open, when you keep an open mind and dare to venture out of your comfort zone a little bit.”

The Roberts Scholarship Senior Sophie Michi and first classman Diego Gordon told the Roberts Scholarship group they have become different people than they first imagined. “Culver, for me at least, has not been about achievements or success — although I’ve had plenty,” Michi explained. “It is about failure and about realizing that what you want is not always what you need.” When she first arrived, Michi imagined all the successes she would have at Culver. But over her Culver career she has changed social groups, roommates, sports, and won and lost battles over taking advanced placement classes. Sophie Michi ‘20 and Diego Gordon ‘20

Culver taught her that changes and setbacks are a part of life, Michi said, “and that everything works out in the end.” Michi said. It reminded her of what actor Hal Holbrook ’42 said of Culver, “‘There are places on this campus where I lived and died … and out of that I got me.’”

Gordon said his transformation includes a Roberts-funded trip visiting a Masai tribe in Tanzania. That trip taught him “that privilege and material goods do not always change the quality of a person.” While the Masai had so much less, he said, they “were among the most joyful people I have ever met, with the most positive outlooks on life.” And his time on the Culver rowing team has taught him “some very powerful lessons,” he said. “I have learned that even when you think you have given something your all, there is still more to be given. This applies to the classroom, to athletics and to anything you work for in life.” Gordon thanked the scholarship committee for “allowing me an opportunity to not always get everything right, but rather to grow, learn, and develop myself as I move onto the next stage of my life.” — Jan Garrison

Left: Duchossois Chair Susan Freymiller deVillier with Peter Bin ‘11





AC RISIS CRISIS IIN NC CONTEXT ON TEEXXTT A century of navigating pandemics and epidemics at Culver With the early release of Culver students for spring break and the switch to online learning due to the COVID-19 coronavirus, it is important to remember that the campus has witnessed its share of pandemics and epidemics since its founding in 1894. The first was the first wave of the Spanish Influenza outbreak in the fall of 1918. Rapidly spreading across America and around the world, the virus infected approximately 500 million people and led to the deaths of between 50 and 100 million worldwide. Culver Military Academy operated for almost five weeks under what was referred to in The Vedette as a “flu ban” imposed sometime around Oct. 12, 1918, and lifted sometime during the period of Nov. 10-15. Culver instituted what the cadets considered to be a “mild quarantine” during that period, which meant limiting exposure to outside influences and cancelling athletic contests and other external activities. But the restrictions otherwise did not apparently have much of an impact on the day-to-day operations of the Academy. Left: At the peak of the influenza epidemic from late 1958-early 1959, makeshift “field hospitals” were set up around campus, including the “Little Gym,” where Culver cadets convalesced. CULVER ALUMNI MAGAZINE


“Up to Saturday night not a single cadet was ill with influenza, (but) by Monday upwards of 60 young men were either unmistakably ill with it or suffering from colds which might easily pass into serious stages.” — Culver Citizen newspaper

Dr. Charles E. Reed, the school’s institutional physician since 1911, developed and implemented the medical protocols for this early outbreak. A former missionary doctor in China, Reed urged cadets to “report to the hospital at the Dr. Charles E. Reed slightest feeling of illness,” which helped reduce the impact of the virus. He also instituted daily inspections of the cadets by an augmented medical staff for symptoms and immediate treatment by him at the first sign of illness. Reed’s prompt actions restricted the number of cases on campus to around a dozen during the first “wave” of 1918 influenza, and he needed a vacation after his efforts to recover and avoid becoming susceptible to the virus himself.

At Reed’s recommendation, Culver also obtained sufficient quantities of the flu vaccine to inoculate all cadets on campus. Cadets in their majority (19 years and older) received the vaccine immediately, and other cadets upon receipt of consent from their parents. As a result, the school avoided the scourge of this early pandemic almost entirely on campus, with not a single case reported at Culver as of late October 1918. This good fortune was not to last, however. As the illness spread through the Hoosier State, bans were placed, similar to the current coronavirus pandemic, on all public gatherings including church services, funerals, and public schools. By the time the 1918 pandemic was over, around 10,000 Indiana residents had lost their lives. And, though Culver Military Academy had weathered the autumn influenza wave, the Dec. 4, 1918, Culver Citizen newspaper ran a headline declaring, “The Academy has closed.” “Up to Saturday night not a single cadet was ill with influenza,” reported the paper, “(but) by Monday upwards of 60 young men were either unmistakably ill with it or suffering from colds which might easily pass into serious stages.” The next evening it was decided to send all students home the next day. “Upwards of 200 cadets with their suitcases boarded the 6 and 7 o’clock morning trains for points within eight hours of Culver. The remainder, except those under treatment, left on later trains … meanwhile 230 parents were notified by wire of the scheduled departure of their sons.” Culver instructors were detained a few days to act as hospital orderlies, with West Barrack converted into a temporary hospital and South Barrack a convalescent ward.

The Culver infirmary circa 1912



During the Spanish flu outbreak, at least three Culver graduates succumbed to the disease: Elmer H. Lukens ’02; H.H. Kerr ’05; and Orville C. Wetmore ’13. The former was a businessman in southern Illinois, and the latter two were serving in the military at the time of their deaths. Interestingly, as legendary as the 1918 pandemic was nationally, the influenza outbreak of 1928-29 actually produced the longest unplanned absence of students at Culver due to illness up to that time, a five-week break the 1929 Roll Call deemed “unprecedented in the annals of Culver.” The early break was declared Dec. 10 and cautious administrators pushed back the return of students to campus to midJanuary. Even after classes resumed, morning reveille was pushed back to allow more sleep and calisthenics were abolished through the month of April 1929, as preventative Dr. Milan Baker and staff during the early ’60s. measures. Other significant influenza outbreaks on campus were the notably large waves in 1947 and 1962. But perhaps the most dramatic such occurrence in the living memory of some Culver alumni took place in 1959, when some 250 Culver students were hit by the H2N2 (Asian flu) pandemic. Dr. Milan Baker — who served as Culver’s physician from 1938 to 1970 — would later refer to the event as “chaos.” Faculty members and their spouses took shifts assisting in makeshift “field

Influenza-affected Culver cadets rest in the “Little Gym” in early 1959.

hospitals” around campus, supplementing the beds available in the infirmary. These incidents cannot compare to the depth and breadth of measures taken by Culver to keep its students safe during the current COVID-19 pandemic, including releasing students five days earlier than scheduled for spring break and instituting online learning systems shortly after. Even though no cases of the coronavirus were detected on campus, Culver followed the “abundance of caution” approach recommended throughout the nation and world, which has led to an unprecedented historical “first” for Culver and other educational institutions. Nonetheless, these historic incidents give some context to the current situation and show that the Spirit of Culver will again prevail.

“chaos” — The word Culver physician, Dr. Milan Baker, used to describe the situation when some 250 students came down with the H2N2 flu in 1959.

By Jeff Kenney and Dr. Kelly C. Jordan, former CMA Commandant of Cadets



On campus or online: Culver is still Culver While he was going through his morning routine on April 2 – the first day of online classes for Culver Academies – Fine Arts instructor Robert Nowalk “felt something I had not felt in many years: the excited full-body shiver of my first day as a teacher.” And, even though this instructor has decades of experience of preparing for classes and dozens of first days of school, this first day was different, and



as he shared, “getting it right for his students would be the most important work of my life.” He was not the only one experiencing the familiar feelings that come from both the nervousness and excitement for the first days of school. The remainder of the school year moved online after Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb issued the order to close all public and private schools to stop the spread of the coronavirus.

“ We will continue to have high expectations of and offer high support to our students. We have developed a daily schedule and set of policies aimed at supporting all members of our community.” — Emily Uebler, Curriculum Co-Chair for the Academic Leadership Team

Culver faculty, counselors, students and parents were preparing to embark on a new era of learning reliant on technology to maintain the bonds that make Culver a unique educational institution. After the first day, teachers were pleased with how the classes went and particularly glad to connect with their students in real time. Attendance for the first day of class was at or near 100 percent of the student body, with all students accounted for by their dorm and unit leaders and counselors. Students from China, South Korea, and Australia collected to launch Culver online, meeting together at 7 a.m. EDT with the support of Culver’s Department of International Student Achievement, counselors, and administration. Faculty will record each class for the students in the Asia and Pacific regions of the World and meet live with their teachers and peers in the region in the early morning or late night when the two time zones a half a world apart are both awake and active. While the circumstances and the instructional methods have changed, Culver is still Culver. The new online learning model is designed to “keep our mission central to all that we do,” shared Curriculum Co-Chair Jackie Carrillo. “We will continue to have high expectations of and offer high support to our students,” added Emily Uebler, Curriculum Co-Chair for the Academic Leadership Team at Culver. Carrillo and Uebler were at the forefront of developing the new learning model. “We have developed a daily schedule and set of policies aimed at supporting all members of our community and emphasizing wellness and personal connection, as our relationships with each other are a central part of what makes us Culver.”

As the curriculum chairs, Carrillo and Uebler worked closely with Dean of Faculty Josh Pretzer and Assistant Head of Schools for Learning and Leadership Kevin MacNeil on developing Culver’s expectations and guidelines for online learning. The team of four developed this unique model for online learning, prioritizing time to live Culver’s student-centered teaching and learning model and emphasize community, leadership, and wellness. Carrillo and Uebler will meet regularly with faculty and share best practices while all academic leaders will continue to tune our model to best serve students and facilitate learning. Pretzer shared this is an unprecedented moment, asking all teachers across the nation to change their practice virtually overnight. As going to online learning looked more likely, many faculty and the academic leaders at Culver engaged in professional development from two sources offering lessons learned as online independent schools, The Global Online Academy and One Schoolhouse. Pretzer, Carrillo and Uebler took the GOA course on designing an online learning program while MacNeil carefully reviewed GOA’s materials and research in the field. Faculty continue to engage in professional development opportunities as they team together to reflect on the students’ experience, Pretzer shared. Pretzer added that the leadership group is also tapping into the network of independent school colleagues at the Klingenstein Center for Independent School Leadership, The Association of Boarding Schools, Folio Collaborative, and National Association of Independent Schools to crowd source challenges and learn as a collective.



The traditional preparation for the transition of leadership for next fall will continue, including promotion tests, online face-to-face interviews, discussions on peer leadership, and training for team development, Squires added.

Instructor Andy Dorrel with his economics class.

Culver’s model stands out as an exemplar in the crowd, Pretzer said. The various academic and administrative teams are meeting frequently to iterate Culver’s model, expectations, and guidelines for online learning as they learn from our own experience and the experience of other educators around the world. The results are a new program that allows for increased flexibility in the schedule, knowing that both students and adults will need to “balance their home and school responsibilities.” Students and instructors meet twice a week via Zoom during their scheduled blocks. There is also an additional closed-quarters (study period) for each class that is supervised by the teacher. Humanities Instructor Brad Trevathan, shared that “I developed this curiosity about what Zoom can do – and the students are fine with me experimenting and they are developing real skills in tech troubleshooting at a distance. Today I shared a Wikipedia image of Botticelli’s ‘Birth of Venus’ on my screen and after about a minute, tiny red hearts started to appear all over my screen. Well, she is the goddess of love.” Even though the students are not living in the dorms or units, Carrillo and Uebler noted, “We emphasize the importance of those relationships and responsibilities by continuing our usual dorm and unit meetings and leadership programming on Wednesday.” The leadership programming includes the traditional Wednesday unit and dorm meetings with the counselors and unit commanders. For CMA, Col. Mike Squires, Commandant of Cadets, said the boys would read “Legacy” by James Kerr. During the meetings, the boys will break into smaller groups facilitated by student leaders online to discuss the one or two chapters they read.



For CGA, Dean of Girls M. Lynn Rasch ’76 said the residential workshops and leadership training will continue, with a focus on community connections and global citizenship. To help soften the sense of loss some girls may be feeling, resident directors are holding optional open forums in the evenings with activities; dorm chairs are developing additional connection opportunities; and the CGA senior advisory board and leadership committees are working on keeping “the Culver spirit at the forefront.” CGA is continuing the freshman leadership training and helping those girls understand the traditions and events unique to the spring term. The sophomores are preparing for their leadership interviews along with receiving additional training for their future leadership roles, and the juniors Instructor Andy Strati set up his own standing desk. and seniors will oversee leadership workshops with their adult supervisors. For the seniors, Rasch shared that CGA will be conducting workshops to prepare them for the transition to college along with discussions of global leadership and citizenship “at this critical time in our world.” Classes will remain highly interactive, Carrillo and Uebler said. While the face-to-face interactions can’t be fully replicated, the digital classes will still allow teachers to do many of the same exercises as they would in the classroom. They will also be discussing texts in small groups, practice concepts with their classmates, and ask questions of their teachers. Maintaining relationships is one of the most important parts of Culver, they added, “and we fully expect that class sessions will offer — in addition to continued

For CGA, Dean of Girls M. Lynn Rasch ’76 said the residential workshops and leadership training will continue, with a focus on community connections and global citizenship. Resident directors are holding optional open forums in the evenings with activities; dorm chairs are developing additional connection opportunities; and the CGA senior advisory board and leadership committees are working on keeping “the Culver spirit at the forefront.”

academic development — an opportunity for our students to continue fostering these relationships that they cherish.” The CQ classroom sessions will also offer opportunities for interaction, through small group learning and discussion and one-onone tutorials with teachers. Students will watch screencasts, view videos, read texts, complete quizzes, and practice skills during these sessions. When journaling, e-journals have replaced pen and paper. Naturally, some adaptions have to be made, Carrillo and Uebler explained. Since students cannot actually be in the science labs, teachers have been filming themselves performing the labs or found other online virtual labs for the students to watch. They have also found or developed experiments that the students can perform at home, which will allow them to obtain data that they can analyze, make conclusions about, and build understanding in much the same way they do during regular in-class labs. Other examples include visual arts instructor Jack Williams changing his painting classes to show students that drawing is central to painting. One example he found was that Vincent Van Gogh sketched “Starry Night” before he painted it. He is using inspirations from painters like this to guide his teaching with students, Carrillo and Uebler said. Moving her Dance for Athletes classes online meant instructor Ingrid Dehler-Seter had to spend a week digitally recording new dance movements for her students to learn. Understanding that they will not have a dance studio in which to work, she developed moves that can be done in limited spaces. She is also taking a cue from the social media app TikTok and encouraging students to develop their own dances that “respond directly to song lyrics, musical rhythms and time, a key curricular goal in introductory dance.” The dances will include smaller movements that can be recorded using a smartphone. They will be shared with Dehler-Seter and to other students in their small groups. Since the dances are not in person, she is encouraging students to “embrace the possibilities of video and editing software.” She is encouraging her students to get creative and possibly splice together their virtual dance experiences as a final project.

Instructor Ingrid Dehler-Seter created new moves for Dances for Athletes.

She believes that introducing new elements to a familiar structure will “energize a different path of creativity that maybe starts in the body, but enters the world of technology and comes alive on screen.” The coordination of such an extensive operation involves many hands, including Alexa Gardner ’06 and the rest of the Information Technology Department; Catherine Tulungen, director of the Department of International Student Achievement; and the Huffington Library’s Grace McKay, the leading resource person for Culver’s online learning management system, Schoology. While hiccups along the way are expected, the community is back together virtually, learning and leading with each other. The faculty, staff, and students will learn, adjust, and come out stronger in the end. ­— Jan Garrison




Advocate, Counselor, and Educator


ill Feldman SS ’84 has struggled with lung cancer since she was a little girl. Lung cancer claimed the lives of two of her grandparents, her father, her aunt, and then her mother. And, since 2009, she has been combining various therapies and treatments to keep her form of lung cancer under control.

“I want to know that I did everything in my power to help.”

Her struggles don’t end with the medical aspect, either. Feldman constantly fights the stigma that uniquely comes with lung cancer — the presumption that she is a former smoker, someone suffering from a self-inflicted illness. It’s a bias that doesn’t follow those suffering from other forms of cancer. While those people may receive sympathy from others, people with lung cancer are hit with the “I didn’t know you smoked?” question, she said. But that perception doesn’t just follow Feldman personally. It can impact the care lung cancer patients receive, the dollars spent on lung cancer research, and spreading of information on new treatment programs. Through it all, Feldman has maintained her relationship with Culver. She is currently an air rifle instructor with Summer Schools & Camps and was named the 2019 staff member of the year. That honor “meant more to me than all the other awards and recognitions I have received,” she said. “That was really, really special.”



For Feldman, camp has always been a safe haven. While she was a camper, it provided some much-needed routine. And it does the same thing for her as an adult. “Talk about an escape,” she said. In an unpredictable world, “it is predictable and safe.” But even Culver’s predictable world has been interrupted by cancer. She remembers leaving specialty camp early with her cousin after her grandmother died. She also left camp for a few days last summer to go through the quarterly scan she has been doing as part of her treatment regimen. Her advocacy work includes counselings other camp personnel and campers whose families have been touched by cancer, particularly lung cancer. The reality is that lung cancer is being diagnosed in younger and younger people, especially women. Even those in their 20s with no known risk factors, Feldman said. Her cancer, EGFR+, is found mostly in women and is generally caused by a gene mutation. This is why when her oldest, Jack, reaches 25, she will be “dragging” him to the hospital for a baseline CT scan. Because of her unusual family history, with both sides being affected, Feldman is very proactive in her treatment. She started getting baseline CT scans every two to three years in her early 30s. On her third scan, a small nodule was found. Her medical team watched it until Jill was 39. That is when she was officially diagnosed with Stage 1 lung cancer.

Jill Feldman with one of her air rifle classes.

She underwent surgery and started a special targeted therapy program. The treatment was still in clinical trials, but Feldman was able to take the medication off-label. She had a clean scan and was considered cured. But six months later, another nodule was found in a different location. Since the nodules that developed over the next two-and-a-half years were in a different location, it was classified a “new” cancer so she underwent therapy again. But follow-up scans showed more nodules and through tests it was determined to be the same cancer that had metastasized from the original diagnosis. The timing of all this was important. Her father died at the age of 41, when she was in the eighth grade. He didn’t get to see her go through graduation. As small as that may be in the overall scheme of life memories, being there for that became a goal for Feldman. And it’s something she has accomplished — sitting with her

husband, Jason, and watching each of her four children graduate eighth grade. Since her first diagnosis 11 years ago, Feldman has been able to manage the cancer like a chronic disease similar to HIV. There have been setbacks and side effects from the medications but she has been able to live a full life. And that includes her time at camp, which is important because she “believes in everything Culver stands for.” And she enjoys participating in and watching the multi-generational interaction among the campers and staff. Her three daughters, Shae SS ’14, Megan SS ’17, and Maya SS ’19, all graduated from both Woodcraft and Upper Schools. Much of her time during the year is spent on advocacy work relating to lung cancer research, and counseling other lung cancer patients. She has served on the board and as chair of LUNGevity, a lung cancer



Much of Jill’s time during the year is spent on advocacy work relating to lung cancer research, and counseling other lung cancer patients. While she is encouraged by the progress, she knows there is still much to be done.

Lung cancer research has come a long way since she was first diagnosed, Feldman said, but funding still lags behind other cancers. There are several reasons for that discrepancy. First comes the “self-inflicted” stigma that follows lung cancer. From the government and physicians down to the individual, there is still that social bias, she explained. Ironically, 80 percent of the people who smoke will not develop lung cancer. The second reason is the lack of survivors. The best advocates and fundraisers are survivors – and historically there haven’t been many when it comes to lung cancer.

Jill Feldman surrounded by son Jack, daughters Shae, Maya, Megan, husband Jason, and their dog, Walter.

organization that was founded in Chicago and has since grown to include an office in Washington, D.C. She has served on national peer review panels and has also presented patient perspectives internationally at the World Conference on Lung Cancer. She is co-founder of the EGFR Resisters, which started in 2017 with a closed Facebook group, but has grown to include several thousand people from around the globe. The group provides support and education, but Jill also works with scientists, clinicians, organizations and industry to help them understand and address the unmet needs in the community. Her work eventually led to a segment on the Today Show last year. While she is encouraged by the progress, she knows there is still much to be done.



Maya, Shae, Jill, and Megan at camp.

Even though the number of survivors is growing, there is no “champion,” she explained, to lead the charge. Because of the smoking stigma, there has been no celebrity or families of a celebrity willing

Another problem is the lack of tissue samples available to do research on. It’s not easy to biopsy the lung and that limits the research that can be done. It is also difficult to do generational and genetic research because of the length of time between diagnoses, she explained. For example, it was 25 years from when her father was Feldman providing the patient’s perspective at a conference. diagnosed to when she was. So it is hard to say if it is strictly genetic or if there are environmental to publicly take up the mantle like others causes triggering the cancer growth. do for breast cancer, colon cancer, or prostate cancer. Getting the word out on new The pervasive stigma not only makes it harder to raise funds privately, but it also impacts the amount designated for basic research through the federal government. Only 6 percent of federal research dollars go to the disease. While lung cancer research received $14 million in the Department of Defense Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program’s last budget, breast cancer research received $130 million and prostate cancer $100 million, and kidney and ovarian cancer $20 million each. Putting that in perspective, 230,000 people are diagnosed with lung cancer while 60,000 are diagnosed with kidney cancer and 21,000 with ovarian cancer. “All cancers matter,” Feldman said, but it does show how the stigma directly impacts funding. That disparity makes it difficult to find qualified, young researchers willing to dedicate years to finding better treatment methods or a cure.

increased interest of partnerships among patients, scientists, industry and advocacy organizations in accelerating research. Feldman said her advocacy, counseling, and educational work is her way of controlling the cancer. She didn’t have a choice, but she “will not suffer in silence. I’m doing it for my children,” she said. “I want to protect them if they are diagnosed. I want to know that I did everything in my power to help.” ­

— Jan Garrison

testing and therapies to the public, including physicians in smaller, community hospitals, is another hurdle, she said. Feldman has been fortunate to have been on the forefront of the research and therapy work, including being associated with a large research hospital. However, getting the word out to smaller facilities has caused some people to go through unnecessary procedures. Despite these challenges, Feldman said, the world of lung cancer is changing and there is finally hope. Developments in lung cancer research over the past five years have galvanized the community, allowing patients like her to live longer and better lives. She is especially encouraged by the

Feldman with Kellie (Ray) Pirkle as Cardinals in Woodcraft Camp and as Woodcraft counselors in 2012.



Great Students, Great Parents CPA parents take an active role supporting Culver

There is no doubt that Culver is filled with great students. It’s a top-flight school, after all, so that stands to reason. But behind great students are great parents, and Culver also is blessed with a large number of them. And while “Culver network” is often heard as it applies to alumni, Culver’s parents boast a pretty solid, organized network themselves, in the form of the Culver Parents Association (CPA).



Maintaining the CPA’s cohesiveness is one of the major goals of the CPA Board of Directors, according to Joann Callahan, chair of the CPA board and who, along with her husband, Steve, have one Culver graduate (Riley CMA ’17) and two current students at Culver (Katie ’22 and Jack ’20) in the family. “I think that the most important role the CPA plans is that outreach,” she said.

Frequent and thorough outreach is one of the main goals for CPA Board Co-chair Joann Callahan.

“We’ve really upped our game on reaching out to new families.” The Callahans were one of those new families not too long ago. New as in completely new to Culver: Riley was the first in the family to attend. As a result, Callahan knows that Culver, in all its complexity, can be difficult to understand, especially for new families.

So as the Callahans have moved into their leadership role, it’s been important for them that new families feel welcome and engaged.

Callahan said they were lucky in that they could live nearby, to be close to their oldest son, who played hockey for CMA. That was how the Callahans met Cindy and Rich Krupp, who chaired the CPA board at the time. As they saw one another on campus more and more often, Cindy Krupp approached her about joining the board, Callahan said. Riley’s sophomore year was when they “fully committed to the Culver family.” “It’s had a huge impact on us that sort of changed the course of our lives,” Callahan said. “For us it’s been a really nice way to get to know the families through the kids, through the faculty and staff.”

“The parent board serves in a fundraising and advisory capacity, and I have a lot of experience working collaboratively within organizations to help articulate and achieve collective goals. I hope to continue to help make the Academy a better, more well-rounded experience for the amazing kids who attend currently and for those who will attend in the future.” — CPA vice chair Jim Arnold

CPA Board co-chair Jim Arnold with daughters Sophia ’21, left, and Julia ’20.

For CPA vice chair Jim Arnold, engagement sneaked up on him a little. The Arnold family came to know Culver thanks to the research of their daughter



For her part, Ivy has been a key volunteer when it comes to engaging Culver’s Chinese families. “I know a lot of the Chinese parents don’t speak English,” she said. “I can help these parents understand the U.S. educational system and understand Culver. I am like a bridge between the two.”

Parent Ivy Chenn with Head of Schools Dr. Doug Bird ’90.

Sophia ’21. Sophia had such a great experience that the Arnolds’ older daughter, Julia ’20, repeated her junior year in order to attend Culver as well. The Arnolds’ son Ethan ’23 is a fourth classman and their son Matthew also plans to attend Culver. Early on, Arnold joined the CPA board, eventually becoming vice chair. But, he says, it was still unexpected when he was asked to co-chair the board. “When I received the invitation from the Head of Schools, I discussed it with my wife and kids, and we decided collectively that I couldn’t say no. I’m glad that I accepted and feel like I’ve learned a lot about the operation of the CPA board and the Culver Educational Foundation board. This position has given me the opportunity to provide input in areas and on issues that I would have never known about, otherwise. It’s been a very rewarding and humbling experience, thus far.” For Arnold’s part, his past experience has fit in well with the overall direction that the CPA board is looking to go.



“The parent board serves in a fundraising and advisory capacity, and I have a lot of experience working collaboratively within organizations to help articulate and achieve collective goals,” he said. “I hope to continue to help make the Academy a better, more well-rounded experience for the amazing kids who attend currently and for those who will attend in the future.”

And while Chenn has been an important contact for Chinese families on the Culver side of the bridge, she is just as active on the China side as well, helping to coordinate and organize Culver Club events there. Unlike the clubs in the States, the club in China is structured differently, drawing parents, alumni, friends and prospective families, in order to maintain a strong admissions pipeline from China. As Chief International Officer Tony Giraldi ’75 puts it, “Ivy is our ‘chief ambassador’ to China,” not only connecting Culver to prospective students, but also

Well-rounded is an apt description for the CPA board as well. “We have a diverse group of families on different fronts,” Callahan said. “We have ethnic diversity but also geographic. We have families from Mexico, from California, that live in the U.S. but they speak Mandarin, so they can help with our Chinese families. We’ve structured the board so the outreach can be really broad.” One of the parents Culver has come to rely on is Ivy Chenn. The Chenn family has been involved with Culver on a number of levels. Their three children are attending or have attended Culver, and Ivy’s husband, Dave, is a member of the CEF Board of Trustees.

Co-chairs for the Live the Legacy Parents Auction are, from left, Carrie Hart, Paige Cefalu, and Sandy Welch.

“I can help these (Chinese) parents understand the U.S. educational system and understand Culver. I am like a bridge between the two. I also understand how the Day of Giving and Live the Legacy auction work and I educate the Chinese families on the importance of them.” — CPA volunteer Ivy Chenn

closely connecting China’s current Culver families with her excellent ability to translate Culver’s message (both literally and figuratively) to its Chinese constituents, and vice versa. “I also understand how the Day of Giving and Live the Legacy auction work and I educate the Chinese families on the importance of them” to Culver, she said. She’s coordinated the purchase of tables at the auction, she said, so the Chinese parents, many of whom do not speak English, can sit together, but also take a visible and supportive role in the event. And not only are they raising their paddles on auction night, but the families donate items and packages such as trips to China and more for bidding.

Cefalu alongside her and with current parent Christine Barrett joining the team. As the years have progressed, demand for tables has gone up considerably, Hart said, with spots selling out early, requiring the addition of more. But that doesn’t mean the auction never changes. “We made a lot of changes in 2018 that I feel like will be able to cross over,” she said. One thing that’s always been a goal is a comprehensive list of everything up for bid and their location on the floor (for silent auction items). The hope is to make the auction easier for people to discover items they might want to bid on, getting more bids for more items and, ultimately, raising more money for the Culver Fund.

“The auction is nice because you get to know so many different people,” said auction co-chair Carrie Hart (Kirby ’17, Carly ’19 SS ’18, Owen ’23 W ’18). “It’s the most all-encompassing thing to be involved in,” she added, noting that the auction brings together every part of Culver that someone can be a part of: students, faculty and staff, alumni, Summer Schools & Camps, and, of course, parents.

But there is already a solid foundation to build on.

Hart started on the CPA board in 2015, which gave her a first look at volunteering for the school and where she later served as co-chair of the admissions committee. She attended her first auction in 2014 and was named to the auction committee in 2016. In 2018, she co-chaired the auction with current parent Sandy Welch and past parent Paige Cefalu, in an effort that netted more than $1 million for the Culver Fund. She remains in this leadership role for the next auction with previous co-chair

“It brings tears to your eyes to see the outpouring of love and support for Culver. You don’t get that a lot of other places.”

“Other schools that do fundraising, it’s like pulling teeth to do fundraisers,” Hart said. “People are more than happy to support Culver.” Parent participation in Culver Fund giving in 2018 and 2019 was 87 percent and 88 percent, respectively.

Culver needs what you have to offer Do you have a very particular set of skills that could make a difference for Culver students? For information about the crucial role parents can play for not just their students, but for all of Culver, contact Director of Parent Relations Julie Crews Barger at or (574) 842-8272.

Chenn echoes that sentiment about the auction and finds it a good fit for the Chinese parents as well, summing up the energy and the feelings at the event through a Chinese saying that loosely translates to “It’s more joyful to share joy than to enjoy it alone.” — Mike Petrucelli




Four straight for CMA Varsity A Hockey The CMA Varsity A Hockey team claimed its fourth consecutive ISHSHA state championship, defeating Carmel, 5-2, in the title game. The team completed its regular season with an impressive 28-7-1 record, including an eight-game win streak to cap off the year. In state playoff competition, CMA defeated the Southwest Michigan Blades 3-2, followed by another win over in-state rival Carmel High School, 3-2. The double-elimination tournament allowed Carmel to come back and earn a spot in the championship. CMA won, 5-2, to claim the title. The game was 2-2 midway through the third period, but goals from third classman Miles Muth (East Grand Rapids, Michigan) and first classman Vlad Eustace (Crown Point, Indiana) gave the Eagles the three-point advantage.

Varsity A hockey collected another state title.

Wrestlers make it to state Two place at CRASH B

The 2019-20 season was another strong year for CMA wrestling, including multiple participants qualifying for the IHSAA State Finals. During the Plymouth High School sectional competition, Eli Pack ’21 (Etna, Ohio) pinned Warsaw’s Brock Huber 31 seconds into the match, ultimately taking the sectional championship at 192 pounds. Braden Welch ’22 (Ashland, Ohio) lost by technical fall in the 170-pound championship match to Plymouth’s Graham Calhoun. Samuel Suppes ’21 placed fourth at 126 pounds, falling to Wawasee’s Jace Alexander in the semifinal. All three advanced to regional.

Savas Koutsouras ’20 (Culver) finished second and Charlie Jones ’20 (Bloomington, Indiana) finished fifth in the U19 division of the U.S. Rowing CRASH B sprints championships in Boston on March 1 at the Indoor Rowing National Championships in Boston on March 1. The timed ergometer event simulated covering 2,000 meters. Koutsouras finished in 6:07.2 and Jones finished in 6:16.5. Koutsouras will be continuing his career at Brown University. Jones will be rowing for the University of Pennsylvania.

At the Penn High School regional, Suppes fell in the first round, ending his postseason run. Welch finished third and Pack took second, both good enough to advance to semi-state at East Chicago High School. Both wrestlers placed second at East Chicago, punching their tickets to the state finals at Bankers Life Fieldhouse Feb. 21-22.

Eli Pack finished 4th at the state finals.



Welch was knocked out in the first-round Friday night, dropping a 7-2 decision to Bloomington South’s Tristan Ruhlman. Pack finished fourth overall, losing in the semifinal round to the eventual state champion. He was the only junior to reach the medal podium at 195.

CMA Rowing’s Charles Jones (left) and Savas Koutsouras.

CGA Swim & Dive takes title For the fifth time in program history, CGA Swim & Dive hoisted a sectional championship trophy, earning a cumulative 398 points over second place Warsaw (386) at Warsaw High School. One swimmer and two relay teams earned spots in the IHSAA State Finals Feb. 14-15 at the Indiana University Natatorium in Indianapolis. Senior diver Isabelle Ahlenius ’20 (Knox, Indiana) qualified for the diving regional at Penn High School, where she placed 14th overall, just out of the top 12 finish needed to advance to the state finals. Among the state finals qualifying performances were two new CGA school records. Freshman Charlie Zhang (Guangzhou, China) posted a 59.54 in the finals of the 100-yard butterfly and the 200-yard freestyle relay team of Zhang, senior Amina Shafeek-Horton (Charlotte, North Carolina), sophomore Mackenzie Youvan (Rochester, Indiana), and junior Autumn Baumgartner (Argos, Indiana) posted a winning, school record 1:41.12. The 200-yard freestyle relay team took first place, earning a spot at the state finals, but Zhang individually did not. Also advancing was the 400-yard freestyle relay team consisting of senior Kylie Dehner (Plymouth, Indiana), Shafeek-Horton, sophomore Emily Heim (Culver), and Baumgartner. Baumgartner finished first in 50- and 100-yard freestyle events, earning herself a third consecutive trip to the state finals as an individual. At state, she finished 13th in the 50 free, and 10th in the 100. The 200 free relay team finished 27th and 400 free team was 24th overall. CGA Swim & Dive celebrating another title.

Season cut short after sectional CMA varsity basketball placed its second player on the Indiana High School All-Star Team. Indiana University commit Trey Galloway ’20 (Culver) was named to the squad and finished third in the voting for Mr. Basketball. Galloway joins Ethan Brittain-Watts ’19 as CMA’s two all-star team members. But no one will see the all-stars play against Kentucky in June. The two-game set has been cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic. It comes on the heels of the IHSAA state tournament cancellation after the sectional round. CMA won the Class 4A tournament at LaPorte, finishing with a 16-4 record. The sectional victory meant the senior class won four straight sectionals, two regionals, two semi-states, and one state title (2018). The Eagles moved from 3A to 4A this season based on the IHSAA’s success factor. The team finished 6-0 at home, with one of the season’s most notable wins of the season coming on Feb. 1, when CMA defeated top-10 ranked Indianapolis Cathedral, 69-58, in overtime before a packed Fleet Gymnasium. Then, again showing well against top-notch 4A competition, the Eagles came from 16 points down to defeat Indianapolis Crispus Attucks, 64-61, on the road on Feb. 15. In the sectional, CMA defeated South Bend Riley, 62-41, in the first-round; followed by a 66-24 defeat of Plymouth High School in the semifinal. In a tough, nail-biting defensive war, CMA held on for a 44-43 win over South Bend Adams to claim the title. CMA basketball won its fourth straight sectional.

Story follow-up from our last issue: Miracle qualifies for Olympics Kayla Miracle ’14 has qualified for the (now) 2021 Olympics in Tokyo. A member of the USA wrestling team, Miracle will wrestle at 62-kilograms in women’s freestyle after taking the silver medal in the Pan Am qualifying tournament in Ottawa, Canada, in mid-March. After reaching the finals and securing their spots in the Olympics, the U.S. women opted to injury default and take silver medals. Miracle pinned Nathaly Josefina Griman Herrera (Venezuela) at the 2:04 mark of her first match; then won by a 5-1 decision Alejandra Romero Bonilla (Mexico); Jackelina Renteria Castillo (Colombia), 11-0; and Michelle Fazzari (Canada), 12-3. The injury default was to Lais Nunes de Oliveira (Brazil) in the finals. The USA team qualified wrestlers in all six weight classes in women’s freestyle. The Tokyo Olympics have been postponed until 2021 due to the coronavirus pandemic. Everyone who qualified for the games prior to the announcement are expected to retain their spots.




1940s Franklin Schurz ’48 is a distinguished biographee included in Marquis Who’s Who. Individuals profiled are chosen from among a pool of the most prominent professionals. Schurz excelled in his career for more than 60 years and is retired, having attained the role of chairman emeritus of Schurz Communications, Inc., in 2007. Joining the South Bend Tribune as an executive assistant in 1956, he also held the roles of secretary, director, associate publisher, editor, publisher, executive vice president



and president between 1970 and 1982, before the company’s name changed to Schurz Communications. The president and chairman of Schurz Communications from 1982 to 2006, he was also the treasurer from 1983 to 1989 and spent one final year as the chairman from 2006 to 2007 before attaining emeritus status. He served on the CEF Board of Trustees from 2004 through 2017 and has held Emeritus status from 2017 forward. He also served on the Legion Board from 1973–1976 and 2002 to 2004.

1950s Roger Penske W’50, auto racing legend and chairman of the board and CEO of Penske Corporation, celebrated the crowning achievement of his 82 years: the acquisition of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway on Nov. 4, 2019 for $300 million from the Hulman family, who had owned it for 74 years. He is the fourth owner of the Speedway in its 110 years. Stephen Burkman W’52 has sold the remaining 49 percent of Hema Diagnostic Systems (HDS) to Generex Biotech-

nology Corporation, which is now a wholly owned subsidiary of the company.

1960s John Baker W’59 ’64, Indiana’s longest serving judge and a 30-year veteran of the Indiana Court of Appeals, will retire effective July 31, 2020. Baker joined the appellate court in 1989 when he was appointed by Gov. Evan Bayh. A former chief judge of the court, Baker is the most prolific appellate jurist in Indiana history, having authored more than 5,000 written opinions.

James Dicke II W’59 ’64 has been elected president of the Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished Americans, Inc., a nonprofit educational organization honoring the achievements of outstanding individuals and encouraging youth to pursue their dreams through higher education by the board of directors. A 2015 Horatio Alger Award recipient and current vice president of the board, Dicke will assume his new position effective immediately for a two-year term. He is the chairman and CEO of Crown Equipment, an Ohiobased company that today is the fifth largest manufacturer of forklifts in the world. Walter Smith ’66 retired from his position as CEO and chairman of Thombert, Inc., a Newton, Iowa-based business, after 40 years of service. Founded by his father and uncle as a woodworking operation, it branched out into polyurethane goods like tires and wheels. Today Thombert is the largest manufacturer of urethane tires and wheels for electric fork lift trucks in North America. His daughter, Lara Smith Nicholson ’86, has taken over as chairman of the business and his son, William, has been named executive vice president. Dr. Mike Bushnell ’68, was on campus last February to serve as a judge for a Ron Rubin School for the Entrepreneur competition and to provide career insights to Rubin School students. He also consulted

with members of the Academies Computer Science Department on curriculum matters. Mike is an electrical and computer engineer, who spent 27 years on the Rutgers University faculty. In 2008, he co-founded Spectral Design and Test, Inc., a startup company in Somerville, New Jersey that provides memory chip designs and self-testing methods to the worldwide semiconductor industry, which he now serves as Chief Technological Officer.

Center, opened the emporium recently after finding retirement boring. Each of the clocks comes from his collection, which lined his home.

Bob Milner ’68 was recognized at his retirement with the first Patriotic Service Award presented by Ft. Sill, Oklahoma, the Army’s Fires Center of Excellence, and the Fires Patriots, an organization of community leaders in Lawton. Bob was recognized for providing leadership that resulted in significant tangible and operational improvements to the Fires Center of Excellence, and for establishing a foundation of joint military and civilian collaboration to achieve long term growth and excellence for both communities.

Eric Hughes ’70 W’65 SC ’67 is the CEO and business analyst for Matriculus, a web development company he founded in 2014. He began his career in technology by designing business data networks and technical training programs for Lockheed Martin, then moving into financial services as a Director at Charles Schwab, and initiating a cross disciplinary group responsible for architecting and implementing one of the largest private TCP/IPbased networks in the U.S. for Wells Fargo. Eric started his own web development company, Simplexity, and manages over 100 clients.

1970s Larry W. Adami N’70, owner of Antique Clock Emporium in Sarasota, Florida, has nearly 300 clocks, none of them set to the correct time, producing a new chime every few minutes. Adami, who first struck success in Sarasota with Livingston’s Amusement

Roscoe Howard, Jr. ’70, a former U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, now working in Barnes and Thornburg law firm’s white collar and investigations group, has been serving as managing partner of the firm’s Washington, D.C. office since July 2019.

Miles White ’73, Chairman and CEO of Abbott, the health care company he has led for the last 21 years, stepped down on March 31, 2020. He will remain Executive Chairman of the Board. He continues to chair the CEF Board of Trustees, a role he has held since 2010.

Joshua Kaiman ’77 has accepted a new position as a subcontract administrator for L3Harris Corporation, the sixth largest U.S. Defense contractor and primary supplier of electronic systems to the Department of Defense and NASA. Josh will be based in Mason, Ohio.

1980s Jose Passarelli ’82 of Guatemala City has worked for Suzuki as commercial director in Guatemala since 1997. He has been married for 24 years and has twins who are in college. Jena P. Wynn-Bellezza ’84 is the Chief Operating Officer for the Indiana Parenting Institute. She is instrumental in developing IPI’s collaborations with funders, schools, youth serving, and faith-based organizations, state and local organizations, and family service agencies and CBOs throughout Indiana who are committed to advancing the well-being of families. Currently, she is actively engaged in developing the IPI brand in South Bend and in Indianapolis. She has co-hosted several radio talk show programs on parenting and urban issues since 2010. Lara Smith Nicholson ’86 has been named chairman of Thombert, Inc., a Newton, Iowa-based company that is the largest manufacturer of urethane tires and wheels for electric fork lift trucks in North America.




Message from Legion, CSSAA, and CCI Presidents Culver magazine readers often turn first to the back sections of each issue to learn about individual updates and the latest on class, club, and affinity group gatherings around the world. This edition will not disappoint, as it chronicles the achievements of alumni and the enjoyable events that have taken place since last fall. However, we write in the middle of the uncertain days that have descended upon us with the coronavirus pandemic. Our class leaders, summer schools and camps alumni and friends, and wonderful Culver Clubs International chapters, will strive to provide connection and networking opportunities around the world, but the delivery systems are likely going to be different in the near term. We will find ways to keep the time-tested, successful concepts in place, but we believe you will be impressed with the innovative ideas that this situation will foster.

Lara Smith Nicholson ’86 President The Culver Legion

Richard R. Waterfield W ‘85 President The Culver Summer Schools Alumni Association

Charles Osborne ’88 President Culver Clubs International



Andrew D. Hardaway SC’84 ’88 completed his first short film, Roughneck, for which he has received an award. The film is an exploration of memory and consciousness, where advanced technology removes negative emotions from the human experience and replaces them with a vision of a perfect human existence. But when a decorated soldier loses his wife, he finds himself experiencing something that shouldn’t be possible… pain. After he can no longer hide his grief from the world, he is targeted as a dangerous outlier, who may hold the fate of society in his hands.

1990s Adam T. Carlstrom ’90 has been a captain in the U.S. Navy since April 2018. Leadership, character and commitment are the three simple words that describe what he does day-to-day and that he deems are important for success in life. As Deputy Commander of Electronic Attack Wing, U.S. Pacific Fleet for the U.S. Navy, Carlstrom takes those words very seriously. His work purview includes 160 aircraft and close to 5,000 individuals. He also talks often about the goals of his unit — man, train, and equip — to get the next person ready for daily work. Marinely A. Cruz L’91 SG is a hematologist/oncologist in Orlando, Florida.

Alfredo J. Travieso ’91 trained in film and fine arts in New York City, where he collaborated on numerous production collaborations with New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts film program. In Caracas, Venezuela, Alfredo premiered his short film “Homeostasis” at the National Art Gallery. He has been involved in urban/street art projects; featured in Wooster Collective, and Caracas-based arts magazine Platano Verde; made music videos and visuals for faculty and musicians at the Universidad Central de Venezuela’s School of Architecture; and worked in production and installation of Contemporary Art spaces in Periferico Caracas. He resides in Miami, Florida, where he has curated and shown work. Currently Alfredo is part of the three person collective, TANGA!, which was formed in 2017 with fellow artists Andrew Prieto and Rachel Chick. Allon Barzilai SC’91 ’93 is the cofounder & COO of hereO, whose mission is to bring families closer together. The company has designed and built a tiny connected tracking device, specifically designed to be worn by young children ages 3–12, which enables all family members to stay connected and share their location. George Birrell W’88 SC ’89 ’93 is the founder of Taxhub, an online tax prep service that distinguishes itself by providing a personalized customer experience and a

higher level of tax savings for most customers at far less than the cost of in person options. He earned a master’s degree in taxation and spent 12 years in public accounting before implementing his idea for Taxhub. Theodoros Kalionchiz de la Fuente ’94 lives in Monclova, Coahuila, Mexico and has opened two fast food restaurants in the next mall to be opened at Estancias, called “Paseo Monclova,” which created 90 new jobs with the franchises of Carl’s JR and Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC). Another KFC branch will be built in the city of Piedras Negras and another in Sabinas. Sin Wook Kang N’92 ’94 is the Senior Manager of Deloitte Anjin in Seoul, South Korea. Devon Horton ’95, most recently the chief of schools for Jefferson County, Kentucky, is set to become the Evanston/ Skokie School District 65 superintendent. He was chosen because of his success as a high school principal in Chicago and his role increasing student achievement as deputy superintendent at East St. Louis School District 189. Horton has concentrated on performance management and the use of real-time data to improve instruction and administrative decisions. He received a bachelor’s degree in education from Jackson State University and a master’s degree and doctorate from Chicago State University.

Sally Wearing Wang SC’92 ’95 is a successful businesswoman and entrepreneur. Motivated by her own experience as a first generation high school boarder and her two sons’ experiences, she developed an educational philosophy combining academics, identity management and personal evolution as its three pillars. She founded miEDU, a socially responsible company that helps international students and their families face challenges and enable them to better enjoy their journeys in the U.S. Kristi Schroeder Larson ’96, a creative communications design graduate of Texas State, worked in brand management at Accenture in Chicago, followed by a marketing position in San Francisco for Fortune 500 companies. She returned to Dallas as a house designer for six years at Corgan, an architecture and design firm, before joining Neiman Marcus as a senior designer. What started out as a hobby for her — sewing and then quilting — became a home business four years ago when she created Initial K Studio: Modern Quilts by Design, where Larson designs patterns, conducts workshops, and creates commissioned quilts. Her first book, Southwest Modern: From Marfa to New Mexico, was published in 2018. She has been featured in Love Patchwork & Quilting, Make Modern Magazine, D Magazine, and Cowboys & Indians. Larson also teaches and lectures about modern quilting at quilt shops and

quilt guilds. Her patterns are available through her website and at shops. She is planning a video workshop and hopes to publish another book in 2020. D. J. Svihlik ’96 is the Miami Marlins Director of Amateur Scouting. He is the latest member of the Marlins front office who spent time with the Yankees after working 14 seasons as an area scout and crosschecker with New York. He spent one season with Vanderbilt as a hitting coach and recruiting coordinator before joining the Marlins in November as an advisor in baseball operations. Pablo Martinez-Gonzalez ’97 of Ocoyoacac, Mexico is the country representative for the Mexico program, where he coordinates with government counterparts and partner organizations to define, develop and implement the country program. He has 10 years of experience in sustainability, air quality and transport. Before becoming the Country Representative, Pablo was Programme Manager for the Mexico program from 2013 to 2017, and prior to joining GGGI was a Senior Associate in McKisney & Company and a Project Engineer in Prolec General Electric. He earned a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from Imperial College, U.K., a master’s degree from Cornell University, and bachelor degree from Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico. His Ph.D. focused on powertrain modelling for the integration of flywheels in hybrid vehicles.

Daniel Kopp W’94 SC ’98 became the newly minted CEO of the family’s 34-yearold Chicago-based brokerage, ITG Transportation Services, on Jan. 1, 2020. The company is best known as a specialist in nationwide drayage service but also offers truckload, flatbed and specialty services throughout the U.S. and Canada. Tiffani Taylor ’99 is serving as the Junior League of Indianapolis Secretary for the 2019–2021 league term. Originally from Indianapolis, she joined the Junior League in 2011 and has served in multiple roles, including PASS Co-Chair, Holiday Mart Hospitality member, and a member of the Community Assistance Grants Committee. She also served as member of the Junior League of Minneapolis while living in the Twin Cities from 2012–2014. Taylor currently works as Deputy General Counsel of The Health & Hospital Corporation of Marion County and lives in Noblesville with her husband, Matthew, and three sons Braxton, Bailey, and Bennett.

2000s Patrick Johnston ’00 is in his fourth year of coaching the head men’s lacrosse team at Keiser University in West Palm Beach, Florida. He played four years of lacrosse at Culver and four years at the University of Alabama, where he was a two time Academic All-American and two time All-Conference

defender. Patrick coached lacrosse at Cardinal Newman High School in West Palm Beach, Palm Beach Atlantic University and Emmanuel College in Georgia before taking the helm at Keiser University. LCDR Frank K. McQuiddy SC’94 W’97 A’00 enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps in December 2000 and graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 2007 with a BS degree in political science. He completed division officer tours aboard MCM Crew SWERVE as the Training and Operations Officer and USS FORD (FFG 54) as the Navigator. As a department head, he served as the Chief Engineer aboard USS JAMES E. WILLIAMS (DDG 95) and USS GREEN BAY (LPD 20). During his sea tours he made two deployments to Fifth Fleet and four to Southeast Asia in support of the Seventh Fleet. He also served as lead class officer and instructor at Officer Candidate School. His awards include three Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medals and two Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medals, as well as multiple unit and service awards. George Foreman III ’01 found a love for training and has turned it into a business after a successful career as a professional boxer between 2009-2012. He co-founded Everybody Fights boxing and fitness luxury gym, opening the first one in 2014. Since then, the gym has expanded to six locations in five U.S. cities




— two in Boston, New York City, Chicago, Lexington, Kentucky, and Philadelphia, where people of any fitness level can learn how to “train like a boxer” and “live like a fighter.” Foreman’s main focus remains on training others, but most importantly, to make premium fitness more affordable to the customer. Shadia I. Sadaqa SC’98 ’01, an Advocacy and Marketing Communications UNITE member, is currently working at UNICEF USA. Dr. Chad Zeglis W’98 NB’01 is a doctor of internal medicine at St. Mary’s Hospital in Jefferson City, Missouri. Travis Kososki ’02 has joined Launch Trampoline Park, a year-round, family entertainment and action park franchise cofounded by three time Super Bowl champion Ty Law and entrepreneur Rob Arnold as a partner, chief financial officer and head of business development. He will optimize operations across the franchise, focusing efforts to improve profitability for all Launch franchisees, as well as support key strategic initiatives to grow the company. Prior to joining Launch, Kososki served as the Managing Director of Maverick Development Corp, and founded KANGO Trampoline Park in Central Asia. Prior to that, he was an Investment Analyst at Goldman Sachs in New York.



Dorothy N. Polk ’02 lives in Chicago Heights, Illinois. and is an HR professional and Certified Coach Practitioner accredited through the International Coach Federation, which partners with clients to formulate action driven objectives. Services focus on lifestyle and career coaching, where she offers step by step guidance and encouragement designed for obtaining effective, long-term changes. Brooklyn Wheeler Raney ’03, the author of the book, “One Trusted Adult,” and a workshop facilitator, speaker, and consultant for schools, camps, and youth serving organizations, spent three days on Culver’s campus in February, conducting workshops with faculty, staff, and students, and addressing the entire school community. William Corso ’04 is an associate in the New York law office of Milbank and a member of the firm’s Transportation and Space Group. Brianne Benson Hankins SC’02 ’04 is working as a Trauma/ Emergency Department RN at a level one trauma center in Indianapolis. She and her husband are expecting their first baby in July. Lauren L. Remenih ’04 is the Director of Programming and Operations at Starfish Initiative in Indianapolis, Indiana, a college access and readiness program serving economically disadvantaged high school students in Marion County.

She earned her bachelor’s degree in psychology and worked in the corporate advertising world for seven years. Amanda Morrow ’05 is working at Chateau Lorane Winery in Lorane, Oregon. Jenna (Wright) Gartner L’06 was appointed the Upper Schools Director of Culver Summer Schools and Camps in Nov. 18, 2019. Over the last 12 years, she has served as an Assistant Counselor, Senior Counselor, Military Operations Director, and Director of Student Life. Prior to joining Culver full time, Jenna served as a high school teacher, coach, and adviser at St. Charles East High School in St. Charles, Illinois. She earned her undergraduate degree in secondary education from Eastern Illinois University and her master’s degree in educational leadership from Concordia University in Chicago. Kolin Pound ’06 and Adrienne DaGue were married on July 15, 2019 at the Chicago Cultural Center. Allison McFadden Campbell W’02, ’07 married Colin Campbell N’08 on October 12, 2019 in Culver Memorial Chapel. Members of the wedding party included: Kelly Gordon SSG’04, ’07, Anna Campbell Nowalk SSG’04, Brooke Kilduff Bourgraf ’07, Sean Higgins ’07, Ben Nowalk W’02, ’07, and Parker Ballew W’17, N ’20. Ali and Colin make their home in South Bend, Indiana.

Conrad Chura ’08 owns and operates Wakin’ Bakin,’ a uniquely classic breakfast restaurant with two locations and a “lil’ sister” restaurant, Mother Mary’s, which serves late night pub grub in New Orleans. They employ 35 people across all three locations. Justin Wright ’08 and Lauren Seils were married Sept. 14, 2019 in Culver Memorial Chapel. Adam ’08 and Parker ’10 Shippey connected with Harry Box ’80 at an event for film industry professionals in New York City. Parker works as the assistant chief lighting designer on the CBS show “God Friended Me,” while Harry literally “wrote the book” on lighting and electrical systems for film and television. Parker and Adam co-manage a company called Shattered Prism that provides portable electric power stations to productions. These devices offer a silent alternative to traditional diesel generators, enabling customers to reduce their environmental impact. Brice Geoffrion ’09 married Haley Deane on November 14, 2019 in Sayulita, Mexico.

2010s Jody L. Fox Katz SC’03-’06 ’10 is currently serving as a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy Nurse Corps, stationed at Great Lakes Naval Base.

Breely Ungar ’10 recently joined Wells Fargo’s public affairs team in Washington, D.C., as an assistant vice president. Her work will focus on government relations and public policy positioning for the bank. Breely was also recently engaged to Frank DeAugustine ’10. Ryan Sete ’12 is serving as the associate coach of the Skylands Kings Junior Team, an active member of the North American 3 Hockey League for the 2019–20 season. He is also assisting in coaching the Skylands Kings Youth Bantam teams, as well as entry level camps and clinics. Sete has a strong hockey background, playing both youth hockey

and junior hockey. After juniors he played at Johnson and Wales University NCAA Division III for the next four years, graduating with a degree in Sports, Entertainment and Event Management. Karch Bachman SC’08 ’09 ’15, a senior on the Miami of Ohio University Red Hawk hockey team, was lauded in a February 2020 article, “Bachman Overdrive,” for his work ethic. He credits his Culver training for many of his achievements to date. The 2015 fifth round draft pick of the NHL Florida Panthers has the 2nd highest career goal total among current Red Hawk players.

Erin M. Luck ’15 recently graduated from Georgetown University and is currently on a Fulbright grant in Madrid, Spain. Madeline Sorg ’15 has been serving as a Policy Analyst at Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP Washington DC since July 2019. Peyton Frannti ’16 is playing collegiate hockey at St. Norbert College, a Division III hockey program in the Midwest Conference, competing against teams in Illinois, Iowa, and Wisconsin. Frantti joined the Topeka Road Runners to begin the 2016-17 hockey season. The Odessa Jackalopes acquired him in January of 2017.

Perry Lewis N’01 was inducted into the third Frankfort Hot Dog Alumni Hall of Fame on Feb. 29th, which recognizes graduates of Frankfort High School who have achieved extraordinary lifetime accomplishments. Lewis began his professional career with NASA at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas as a mission control flight controller for the Space Shuttle, where he was the lead mission designer for STS119 and STS132. He was also an International Space Station (ISS) astronaut instructor and a kinematic analyst for the ISS Robotic System. He is now the director of pilot strategy for United Airlines.




130 guests gathered at the San Diego Air and Space Museum to hear remarks from George DeVries ’77 and Head of Schools Dr. Doug Bird ’90 at the Culver Club of San Diego One Culver Reception.

(L to R) Susan Fleet Welsch (daughter of Reuben H. Fleet 1906), Phil Goetz ’64, and Lori Fleet Martin (daughter of David F. Fleet ’54) gather together to celebrate Culver at the San Diego Air and Space Museum which features Reuben H. Fleet in its Hall of Fame.



George DeVries ’77 was host and introductory speaker at the past One Culver Reception held at the San Diego Air and Space Museum.

The Golden Gate Culver Club hosted Head of Schools Dr. Doug Bird ’90 for an evening reception at the Ferry Building in downtown San Francisco. Dr. Bird had the opportunity to meet many constituents and discuss an array of topics with the guests. Participating in the program were panelists representing different facets of the institution: CEF Trustee George ’77, and Jan DeVries, Past CPA board member, Jocelyn Kinsey ’08, Troy Shen ’17, and Henry Stewart ’19. Each panelist discussed a different perspective of their Culver experience and why they chose Culver.

The Culver Club of LA/OC held an event at the Academy of Magical Arts Magic Castle this past March. Over 70 guests enjoyed a private cocktail reception with recognized magician and AMA Member Stan Gerson W’59, ’63 as well as dinner and a full magic show. Attending were alumni representing many decades including pictured (L to R) Leah Crawford ’15, Regina Padilla ’15, Kingsley Cortes ’17, and Abigail Van Horn ’13.

Culver Club of Austin/San Antonio enjoyed Hockey Night with Culver. (L to R): Joseph (Jody) Chasse ’84, Robert Sprague Marvin IV ’85, Jesus (Churrique) Saenz ’85, David Sem ’84 enjoyed a San Antonio Rampage vs. Austin Stars hockey game at the AT&T Center in San Antonio. The group of 30 alumni and parents gathered in a private box to share stories, reconnect, and enjoy some hockey. Club leader Alex Emoff ’14 and Culver staff Thomas Mayo ’75 organized the event with the assistance of area alumni and parents.




The Culver Club of Arizona gathered to watch the Chicago Cubs take on the Milwaukee Brewers at Sloan Park during pre-season. The group enjoyed private and covered picnic space with a buffet of ball park fare. Elizabeth Forsyth ’05 and John Schurz ’91 were the principal hosts for this event.

The Culver Club of Central Ohio held the CMA Lacrosse event at Ohio State University. Culver Admissions officer and Head Lacrosse Coach Jon Posner (pictured), along with Director of Enrollment Management Staci Hundt, addressed alumni, parents, and prospective students prior to the CMA Prep Lacrosse team battling Team USA in Ohio Stadium.












W The Culver Club of Culver hosted Culver Commandant Col. Mike Squires at their annual holiday celebration in the Legion Memorial Building. Col. Squires addressed a group of over 50 alumni, parents, and friends from the Culver area. During his speech, he discussed a variety of topics including his extensive resumé and plans for student life at Culver.


The Culver Club of the Carolinas met for a dinner in Durham this past March. Many generations of alumni were represented including: Parisa and Louis Carr ’00, Nathan Clendenin ’96, Susie and Russ Oliver ’59, Maria and Ralph Luis Esteves ’74, Liz and Will Dowd ’05, Andrew VanDeVelde ’14, Christina and Alex Johnson ’02, Brady Dolim ’02, Anne Reilly Fahim ’74, Rolf Schafer ’07, Bryce Durgin ’07, Michael Hughes ’72, Woody Pelton ’71, and Meg Foraker ’04.

The Culver Club of Chicago hosted the Culver Jazz Ensemble at the Casino Club for their annual holiday celebration. Over 75 guests enjoyed and danced to the student performance led by Fine Arts Department Chair and Band Director Steve Rozek.




William Barnett Rudner ’37 (Company B) died on Oct. 24, 2019 in Memphis, Tennessee. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a BA in 1941. After serving in the U.S. Navy, he entered the investment business with Merrill Lynch. In 1963 he joined Union Planters National Bank as vice president and trust investment officer and retired as executive vice president in 1977. That same year he founded DeSoto Capital Corp., and in 1987, formed Highland Capital Management. In addition to his business career, he was an active



volunteer and held numerous leadership positions. He was preceded in death by his wife of 72 years, Jocelyn. He is survived by three daughters, eight grandchildren, and eight great-grandchildren. Robert Charles Brower Jr. ’38 (Battery A) died on Feb. 20, 2018 in Cedarfield, Virginia. One of the last living members of CMA’s 1936 undefeated football team, he attended Dartmouth College but took his exams early to enlist in the U.S. Army. By1942 he was a Lieutenant in the 83rd Infantry. Fluent in German,

he was an intelligence officer and forward observer through Normandy Beach and the hedgerows of northern France, earning the rank of Captain. He was awarded a Bronze star, five battle stars, and in 2016, the French Legion of Honor. Bob received a business degree from Babson College and embarked on a long career in building supply sales, working for Owens Corning, Gustin Bacon, CertainTeed and Union Camp. He was preceded in death by his first wife, Gladys. He is survived by four children, ten grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

Dr. Richard Charles Troutman ’39 (Company A) died April 5, 2017. Educated at Ohio State University, he received residency and fellowship training in the U.S. Navy and at New York Hospital Cornell University Medical Center. From 1955 to 1983, Richard served as professor and head of the Division of Ophthalmology of the State University of New York. He pioneered the development and use of microsurgical instruments in ophthalmology and cofounded the organization now known as the International Society of Refractive Surgeons. He was a

The obituary dates are from October 1, 2019 – February 29, 2020 pioneer in the design, development, refinement and use of the ophthalmic microscope, including its mounting apparatus, and introduced the remotecontrolled motorized zoommagnification microscope. He was also one of the first to perform corneal transplant surgery and was a strong advocate of eye banks and eye banking. He is survived by his wife Suzanne. Julian Richardson Hardaway ’39 (Company C) died on Feb. 9, 2020 in Danville, Kentucky. He enrolled in the pre-med program at the University of Louisville, then volunteered for enlistment in the U.S. Army at Fort Knox, Kentucky in 1942 and later graduated a second lieutenant from the medical administrative officer candidate school in Abilene, Texas. He was stationed at Tripler Army Hospital in Honolulu until the end of the war, and was discharged a captain in the Medical Service Corps. He returned for a twoyear tour of active duty during the Korean War, assigned as a surgeon to the first infantry division in Germany. Julian settled in Danville, Kentucky and was on staff at McDowell Memorial Hospital from 1952-1983. He served two terms as chief of the medical staff, was president of the Danville Rotary Club and chairman of the United Way. He also served as a charter member of the American Board of Family Physicians. After closing his private practice, he spent fifteen years in various medical activities, including

locum tenens, emergency room work, and six years as director of the Hilton Hospital Urgent Care Center on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. He is survived by his widow, Dee Dee, and five children, two of whom, Andrew NB’84 ’88 (Band) and Elizabeth W’85 ’90 (Benson) are Culver graduates. He was preceded in death by his first wife, Jane. William Forgy McNagny ’40 (Troop II) died on Jan. 27, 2020 in Naples, Florida. He was the valedictorian of his Culver class, then attended Swarthmore College for two years before serving as a first lieutenant in the U.S. Cavalry from 1942 to 1945. After the war, he graduated magna cum laude from the Indiana University School of Law. He joined the firm of Barrett, Barrett & McNagny, where he practiced law from 1947 to 1994. His trial skills were widely recognized, and he was a fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers, and the International Academy of Trial Lawyers. In 2009, the Indiana State Bar Association named him a Legendary Lawyer. McNagny was preceded by his wife, Joan, who died in 2013. He is survived by one son, Charles ’68, two daughters, seven grandchildren and one step-grandchild. He was predeceased by his father, Philip ’04. Burton Faxon Anderson ’42 (Band) died on Dec. 7, 2019. Anderson served as a lieutenant in the U.S. Army in France during World War II.

He completed his BA at Carleton College in 1949 and his DDS from Northwestern University in 1953. He practiced family dentistry in Northbrook, Illinois, for 35 years. Burton is survived by his wife, Janet, two daughters, three grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by one daughter and a brother, Paul ’44. James Hartford Arthur N’38 ’42 (Battery A) died on Jan. 30, 2019 in Centennial, Colorado. A WWII veteran, he served in Europe and was honorably discharged as a captain in the Field Artillery. He earned his medical degree at Cornell Medical School, graduating in 1954, then moved to Denver where he opened a pediatric office and practiced medicine from 1958 to 1991. He also taught at the Colorado University School of Medicine in the Child Health Associate Program. One of his great loves was rowing in an eight-man shell. From 1993 to 2003, he and his friend, Charles von Wrangell, reconvened their CMA crew team, all of whom had survived their service in WWII, to race again. In 2000, the team found their way into the Guinness Book of World Records, following a race at Henley for which they were listed as the longest surviving intact eightoared crew, with an average age of 70 in the 1994 U.S. Masters National Championships. Jim is survived by his second wife, Mary, four children, including Dr. Wallace

Arthur ’72, Dr. Jake Arthur ’77, and Dr. Elizabeth Gordon ’78, and eight grandchildren. Jim was preceded in death by his oldest son, Charles Arthur ’71, his first wife, Jean, and a brother, William ’40. Nickas James Yiannias ’43 (Junior College) died on May 11, 2018 in Dubuque, Iowa. He enlisted in the U.S. Navy in 1943, and after special training in communication and cryptology at Columbia and Harvard, his active duty assignments were focused in the Pacific theatre, ranging from the Pacific Fleet in Pearl Harbor to Amphibious Group 13, tasked with planning an initial attack on mainland Japan. He briefly returned to civilian life until his recall by the Navy in 1946 to apply his critical skills as a cryptographer for the Korean Conflict, serving as a cryptographer/courier to the Korea Allied Armistice negotiations in Panmijon, North Korea. After the Korean conflict, he and his wife, Christine, returned to Dubuque, Iowa, where Nick entered the motion picture exhibition business with his father, James, eventually operating the Dubuque Theatre Corporation. He also built Cinema Center 8, the first multi-screen theatre complex in Iowa, as well as the Super 20 Twin Drive-in Theatres. He founded Key City Investment Company, a private real estate investment firm. He served the Dubuque community through many civic activities, including his cofounding of St. Elias the Prophet Greek Orthodox Church;



IN MEMORIAM chairman of The Finley Hospital; trustee of the Finley Foundation and inductee into the Finley Hall of Fame; Life Member of the University of Dubuque Board of Trustees, VNA Foundation, Dubuque Museum of Art, Motion Picture Pioneers and Variety Club. He was also awarded the State of Iowa Governor’s Leadership Award for Community Betterment; the University of Dubuque Distinguished Veterans Award for Distinguished Service to the country and the Jaycees Gil Chavenelle Distinguished Service Award. He was preceded in death by his wife, Christine, and is survived by three daughters, four grandchildren and two step-grandchildren. Max Leon Hoover N’42 ’43 (Company B) died on Aug. 17, 2019 in Danville, Kentucky. A WW II U.S. Army combat medic soldier, he received a bronze medal with two bronze stars in the invasion of the Philippines. After the war, he was a supervisor for Matthew’s Conveyor. He loved to play bridge and was a bridge life master. Max is survived by his wife, Aloma, one son, Kerry; two daughters, Hope SC’67 and Kimberly, six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. John Gay “Mike” Reilly Jr. ’43 (Company B) died on Dec. 6, 2019, in Gouverneur, New York. He served in the U.S. Marines Corps during World War II and after the war, earned a BS degree in Mining and Metallurgy from the University of Missouri School of Mines



at Rolla. After college, he was employed with the St. Joe Lead/ Mineral Co. in Bonne Terre, Missouri, where he met and married his wife, Anna. Mike worked with St. Joe and Fluor until his retirement in 1986. The family moved to Gouverneur in 1966. Mike served as Cub Scout leader, Pee Wee baseball coach and director at the Gouverneur Country Club, where he played golf for more than 60 years. He was also generous in his financial support of St. James School and Church, as well as the Gouverneur Library, Foundation, and Hospital Auxiliary. Mike was preceded in death by his wife, Anna, and is survived by his seven children, seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren, as well as a brother, Phil ’48. He was preceded in death by his father, John ’13. Multiple family members have formed the third and fourth generation of this family at Culver. Albert Douglas Sanders ’44 (Band) died on Jan. 13, 2020 at his home in Sugar Land, Texas. He served in the U.S. Navy from 1946–1948 on the USS Macon. Earning degrees in mechanical engineering, physics, and theology, Doug enjoyed varied careers as a nuclear physicist, a turbine engineer, physics professor, and later in life, a Bible professor. He worked and traveled extensively, learning several foreign languages. Doug is survived by his wife of 71 years, Margaret; their five children, twelve grandchildren and 32 great-grandchildren.

William Franklin Pierce ’44 (Company A) died on Jan. 17, 2018 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He was a 1950 graduate of The U.S. Military Academy at West Point and served with distinction in Korea in the 69th Field Artillery Battalion, 25th Infantry Division. After his discharge, he worked as an engineer in the defense contracting industry and later became a consumer investigator for the Federal Trade Commission’s Bureau of Consumer Protection in Washington, DC. He was preceded in death by his first wife, Janet, and his wife Grace, and is survived by five daughters, one son, two stepchildren, 11 grandchildren, and nine great-grandchildren. John Inman Blue Sr. ’44 (Troop II) died Feb. 26, 2018 in Houston, Texas. He began college at Princeton but was called to war and saw service with the Army Counterintelligence Corps in Japan and Korea. He was awarded the Victory Medal and the Army of Occupation Medal Japan. John finished his college degree at SMU, where he was a member of DKE social fraternity. His career was in the insurance industry in the greater Dallas area. He is survived by his wife of 58 years, Hazel; five children, including John ’79, and 12 grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a son, William. Jerry Adam Schwab ’45 (Artillery) of Naples, Florida, died on July 28, 2019. He was a member of the Naples Yacht Club, Royal Poinciana Club and the Naples Philharmonic.

He is survived by one son, David, a daughter, Mary Lynn L’75 ’77 (Atrium) and three grandsons, including Jason ’07. Jerry was preceded in death by his wife of 67 years, Donna, just 10 days before he died, and by his son, Douglas in 1958. Edward Hurlbut de Coningh Jr. N’45 died Aug. 19, 2019. He was educated at Hawken School, Phillips Exeter Academy, and Princeton University, earning a BA in 1951 and then being drafted into the U.S. Army during the Korean War. He signed up to be a “foster father” in the Foster Parents Plan for War Children, an obligation that he continued for over 60 years. He also joined the newly begun volunteer effort to save and restore the grand 1920s era theaters in Playhouse Square in Cleveland. He was preceded in death by his wife Barbara, and is survived by his first wife Ann, two sons, one daughter and four grandchildren. David John DeVries ’45 (Troop) died on Oct. 5, 2019 in Lansing, Michigan. He graduated from Michigan State University in 1951 with a BS in mathematics and as a Distinguished ROTC Military Student. He served as a 1st Lieutenant with the 2nd Infantry Armored Division in Korea in 1952, where he was awarded the Bronze Star, Silver Star and the Purple Heart. After discharge from the U.S. Army, he attended General Motors Institute and graduated as an Industrial Engineer. At General Motors he served as a foreman

in the Tool Room Heat Treat and Welding Department and was later transferred to the Non-Product Purchasing Department from which he retired in August, 1992. He is survived by his wife, Marie, two daughters, Paula Hein SSG ’74 and Diane Martin ’80, and one grandson, Cord Martin ’13. He was preceded by a brother, Paul ’43. Stephen Ferguson Buchanan ’45 (Band) of Oakland, California, died on Oct. 14, 2019. He graduated from Columbia University in 1951 and served in the U.S. Marine Corps until 1953. He worked at Lawrence Radiation Lab in Livermore from 1954 to 1965, thereafter living mostly on Lake Tippecanoe in Indiana until 2010, working as a substitute teacher. He moved back to Oakland for the final decade of his life. Stephen is survived by his ex-wife, Anne, and three of his children, David, Timothy and Susan, and four grandchildren. William Porter Fuller ’45 (Troop I) died on Jan. 15, 2020 at his home in Kinder, Louisiana. During his first semester at Tulane University, he enrolled in the Naval Flight Training program. He went on to graduate from Louisiana State University in the School of Forestry and then became a part of Hillyer Deutsch Edwards and Hillyer Deutsch Fuller, sawmill and lumber companies in Oakdale. Bill moved to Kinder in 1970, where he designed and built a sawmill company called Fuller Forest Products, Inc. During his career, he served on the

J U L IUS HE GE LE R II W ’3 9 Julius Hegeler II W’39 ­— pilot of Sabre jets, packager of chemicals and the Woodcraft Camp’s best swimmer of 1939 — carried his memories of camp throughout his life. Julius, who died July 5, 2019, always remembered the positive experiences, the sense of competitiveness, and the camaraderie among his fellow campers. Julius came to Culver in the summer of 1938, joining Division III, firm in the belief that he was the fastest swimmer in camp that summer. But when the final points were counted, another camper beat him by a narrow margin. When they came back the following year, Julius beat his rival to become the camp’s best swimmer. Julius graduated from Danville, Ill., High School in 1946. He went on to Milliken University, earning his bachelor of arts in 1950. He joined the U.S. Air Force, earning the rank of lieutenant. He fought in the Korean War, flying 70 combat missions, and became a decorated Sabre jet fighter pilot. Julius flew 70 missions in the Korean War including the final mission of the war. He took off at 4 p.m. on July 28, 1953. When Julius returned he learned that the Armistice would be signed at midnight. The war was over and he could go home. During this time his father sold the American Zinc Company, which his grandfather had started, to Union Carbide. Upon Julius’ return to Danville, and continuing his family’s entrepreneurial spirit, Julius co-founded the Peterson Filling and Packaging Company, which became the world’s largest contract packager of chemical specialties. After selling his last business in the mid-’80s, Julius turned to something else he enjoyed: philanthropy, and created the Julius W. Hegeler II Foundation to carry on philanthropic work in the Danville, Illinois, area and for selected educational institutions that include Culver.

Julius has given more to Culver than money. He entrusted his son, Harlan ’78, to Culver Military Academy and two daughters, Alix ’75 and Madelle ’80, to Culver Girls Academy and was very happy with the education they received. Julius was very appreciative of the extraordinary early education he received at the Culver Summer Schools & Camps as well as Culver’s impact on his children. In keeping with his foundation’s commitment to support youth development, Julius’ foundation made six major gifts to Culver: • Renovating the Woodcraft girl’s counselors headquarters for the Cardinals wing; • Restoration and maintenance of the Woodcraft Indian Crafts Building; • Established the Julius W. Hegeler II Foundation Summer Schools & Camps Program Endowment; • Building of the Scout Headquarters Building at Woodcraft; • The Julius W. Hegeler II Kitchen in Woodcraft Camp; • Fitness Center equipment upgrades and endowment to maintenance equipment; • The Julius W. Hegeler II Foundation pledged a $5 million estate gift for the Julius W. Hegeler II Wing of Argonne Dormitory, now home to Harbor Dormitory. Julius was born on May 9, 1928, the son of Edward and Madelle (Goodloe) Hegeler in Danville, IL. He married Bobette Steely in 1956 in Danville, IL, and she preceded him in death in 1976. Survivors include his two daughters, Alix Hegeler of Sunderland, MA, and Madelle Hegeler of Boca Raton, FL, and one son Harlin Steely Hegeler of Ukiah, CA. Julius was preceded in death by his parents, his wife, Bobette, one sister Madelle Semerjian and one brother, Edward Hegeler. During his time in the service, Julius received numerous citations and awards and ultimately, he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross with Oak Leaf Clusters. Private services were held for Julius.



IN MEMORIAM Louisiana Forestry Association as vice president and served as president of the Southern Hardwood Producers Association. He served on many boards related to education, sports, commerce, agriculture and cattle. He also donated his feedlot and some farm acreage to the McNeese State University Foundation in 2008. Bill is survived by his wife of 50 years, Judy. He is also survived by one daughter, one granddaughter, one grandson, and three great-grandsons. He was preceded in death by two sons, William ’66 and Patrick ’67. Robert Thomas Shircliff ’46 (Company D) died on Jan. 2, 2020 in Jacksonville, Florida. He earned a bachelor’s degree in marketing from Indiana University in 1950. A member of senior ROTC at both Culver and IU, he joined the U.S. Army Reserve during his senior year of college and served until 1963, retiring as a captain in military intelligence. He joined his father’s Pepsi Cola bottling business full time, leading to 18 years of growth that culminated with his election as president of PepsiCola Allied Bottlers Inc. After the sale of the business, he served on the board of General Cinema Corp. and oversaw 12 of its subsidiaries for nearly six years before departing to start his own consulting firm. There, he shared his knowledge and experience with bottlers nationwide, through Robert T. Shircliff & Associates. From their earliest days in Jacksonville, he and Carol



were active in civic and charitable endeavors. Shircliff was a member of the Rotary Club of West Jacksonville and served as a Rotary International district governor, a board member at Jacksonville University for 23 years, serving as chairman and leading two successful capital campaigns. But he is perhaps best known for his championship and support of St. Vincent’s Healthcare, now known as Ascension St. Vincent’s, for whom he chaired or cochaired four capital campaigns for St. Vincent’s. In 2007, the City of Jacksonville recognized his extraordinary civic and philanthropic contributions by renaming a portion of Barrs Street in front of St. Vincent’s Hospital to “Shircliff Way.” He is survived by his wife, Carol; two daughters; four grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a brother, Jim ’57. Robert G. Warren W’41, N’46, a longtime Indiana radio and television broadcaster, died on March 23, 2019. He was introduced to broadcasting while a Culver summer camper. He later served with the Armed Forces Radio and Television Network and started in commercial broadcasting at WISH radio in Indianapolis. Warren appeared before camera as Nosey the Clown on WISHTV programs “The Dee Sweet Show,” “Clowning Around” and “The Uncle Buster Show.” He also worked as Ronald McDonald, clowned for the Shrine Circus, and also the Huber International Circus.

He was recently honored for his outstanding service to the Pioneers at the 2019 Indiana Broadcasters Association’s annual conference. Frederick Griffith Bahr H ’46 died on Sept. 12, 2018 in Lanexa, Virginia. He received his bachelor’s degree from Yale and received a law degree from the University of Michigan in 1954. Bahr served in the U.S. Marine Corps and later returned to Birmingham to practice law. He moved to the Williamsburg area in 1986 and met his second wife Jane Krieger. Bahr was preceded in death by his wife Robin and is survived by Jane, two daughters, one son, two stepsons, and six grandchildren. Michael Joseph Jeffirs W’46 died in Plymouth, Indiana on Sept. 20, 2018. He worked at his father’s company, Jeffirs Motor, at every position from car washer to president for a total of 23 years. In 1977, he sold the company and bought a retail beverage store M. J. Package Store, Inc. He was preceded in death by his wife of 52 years, Beverly, and a son, Stephen. He is survived by six sons, five daughters, 34 grandchildren, five of whom graduated from the Academies, and 10 great-grandchildren. Stuart O’Melveny II ’46 (Troop II) died in Pasadena, California, on Feb. 19, 2020. A graduate of the University of California Berkeley, he operated his own auto parts business. Stuart is survived by Mollie, his wife of 65 years, nine children and 21 grandchildren.

Thomas Clark Casey ’47 (Company D) died on Feb. 9, 2018. Casey earned his BA from Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine in 1951 and served as a first lieutenant in the U.S. Army. He received his MBA in 1957 from Stanford University before relocating to Laguna Beach, where he began his career with First American Trust Company, eventually rising to become its president and a director. During this time, he earned his CFSC from Northwestern University’s National Graduate Trust School. Upon his retirement from First American Trust Company in 1995, he continued to work as a registered investment advisor in private practice. Tom is survived by his wife of 21 years, Suzy; seven children, 17 grandchildren, and10 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his son, John. Paul Bancroft III ’47 (Company B) died on Jan. 3, 2019 in San Francisco, California. He graduated from Yale in 1951 and completed postgraduate studies at Georgetown Foreign Service Institute, served in the Department of Defense and as an officer in the U.S. Air Force, stationed primarily in Korea and Japan. Bancroft was a pioneer in the venture capital industries and in 1967 joined Bessemer Securities Corporation, a large private investment company in New York, as vice president in charge of venture capital investments. He was subsequently promoted to senior vice president, Investments in 1974 and then to president, chief executive

officer and a director in 1976. He retired as CEO in 1988 but continued consulting and venture investing with Bessemer until the early 1990s. Pete was also on the Board of the Friends of the Bancroft Library at U.C. Berkeley for a number of years and participated broadly in its activities. Bancroft is survived by his wife, Monica; four children by a previous marriage (to Mae Godwin), two stepchildren, and five grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his stepfather, Walter Foster ’20. Robert Norval Langworthy ’47 (Troop I ) died Aug. 21, 2019 in New York City. He earned his undergraduate degree at Dartmouth College and a master’s degree from the Manhattan School of Music. He founded a jazz band and played the piano weekly at the Musicians Building in Manhattan. Bob was also a U.S. Army veteran and did advertising work for J. Walter Thompson and Dancer Fitzgerald Sample. He is survived by his wife, Shirley, and son, James. He was predeceased by his father, Norval “Speed” Langworthy ’20. Beresford Lee Church Jr. W’43 ’47 (Troop I) died on Jan. 6, 2020, in Little Rock, Arkansas. He grew up in North Little Rock and attended North Little Rock Public schools. Bere could read and knew his multiplication tables before he started first grade. He was quickly promoted to third grade at the age of six. He attended public schools through the 10th grade and finished his high-school years at Culver.

Bere earned his BA at Vanderbilt University, his MBA at Columbia University, and his LLB. at Vanderbilt. He began his legal career in 1955 with Spitzberg, Mitchell, Bonner and Hayes, and practiced with the Mitchell firm until 1979, at which time he became a sole practitioner, specializing in real estate law. He retired in 1999 and became an avid gardener and a back-yard farmer, while remaining a jazz enthusiast and a rabid fan of the Arkansas Razorbacks. Bere is survived by his wife Ann; one son, one daughter, five grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a brother, Marion ’50. Robert Carroll Norris ’48 (Battery A) died in Colorado Springs, Colorado on Nov. 5, 2019. A St. Charles, Illinois native, Norris decided early on the cowboy life was for him and began raising horses at 18. During his lifetime, he accrued more than 110,000 acres in Colorado and founded T Cross Ranch, where he raised cattle and prize-winning quarter horses. He also oversaw a foundation that supported dozens of charities, and held important roles in several rodeo organizations, including the Pikes Peak or Bust Rodeo Foundation. At one point, his ranch was selected as the location for a Marlboro cigarette ad. When advertising agency executives arrived, they saw Norris as quite an authentic cowboy and asked him to star as the Marlboro Man. He appeared in ads for the next dozen years. Ironically, Norris never smoked.

Norris had a rich and prestigious history in the cattle, cutting and quarter horse world. Serving as the President of the American Quarter Horse Association in 1982 was the culmination of years of service to an industry he loved. He also received the Record Stockmen Livestock “Man of the Year” Award in 1982 and the Colorado State University Livestock Leader of the Year in 1992. Norris was preceded in death by his wife, Jane, a brother, Lester ’42, and is survived by two daughters and two sons. Dr. Rudolph George Schneidhorst Jr. ’49 (Band) died on Feb. 1, 2019 in St. Petersburg, Florida. He attended Rutgers University and received a bachelor’s degree in agriculture and a doctorate in veterinary medicine from the Ohio State University. He practiced veterinary medicine in Ohio for 50 years. Rudy served in the U.S. Army, and was an avid aviation enthusiast. He is survived by his wife, Ann, five daughters, including Sue ’89, and one step-daughter. Frederick “Fritz” Rentschler Shenk Jr. N’49 died on Feb. 20, 2019 in Ft. Hudson, New York. After graduating from Gettysburg College, he moved to Glens Falls in 1971 to begin working for First National Bank, where he spent his entire professional banking career before retiring in 1993. Fritz was predeceased by his first wife, Bettie Sue, and his second wife, Shirley. He is survived by one son, three daughters, five grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

Carlos Gabriel Gonzalez Jr. ’49 (Company A) died on May 29, 2019 after a long illness. He graduated from Providence College, and received his MD from the University of Ottawa. He completed his pathology residency at South Bend Medical Foundation and practiced in Pontiac, Michigan. He is survived by his wife, Joanne, three children and two grandchildren. Eighteen great-nieces and nephews have attended Woodcraft and Upper Schools. Daniel Martin Snyder W’49 died on Aug. 30, 2019 in Findlay, Ohio. He graduated with his JD from Ohio State University in 1958 and was a practicing attorney for 52 years with the firm Snyder, Alge, and Welch in Findlay. He was preceded in death by his first wife, Mary. Surviving are his wife, Barbara; one son, one daughter, two step-children, six grandchildren; three step-grandchildren; and one great-grandchild. Merlin Emery Ellinger Jr. ’49 (Company D) died in Atlanta, Georgia on Sept. 22, 2019. He majored in history at Princeton University, where he met his wife, Patricia, and went on to earn a degree in banking and finance from Columbia University’s Graduate School of Business. During the Korean War he served in Tokyo, Japan with the U.S. Army Security Agency, where he was awarded two Letters of Commendation and four medals for “outstanding performance of duty.” He worked in the investment banking and securities industry in Atlanta as Vice President



IN MEMORIAM of The Robinson-Humphrey Company; and later Regional Vice President of White, Weld & Co. From 1975 until his retirement he was engaged in commercial and residential real estate in Georgia, Florida and South Carolina as owner/ broker of Guardian Properties. He and his wife were longtime members of numerous clubs and organizations in Atlanta, as well as longtime members of First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta. El is survived by his wife of 61 years, Patricia; five children, including son, Wynn ’82, and six grandchildren. George “Georg”Allen Ek Jr. ’49 (Artillery) died on Dec. 15, 2019 in Arvada, Colorado. He graduated with a BA in Political Science and Education from the University of Northern Colorado in 1953. Shortly thereafter, he was called to serve in the U.S. Air Force and was stationed in Japan, where he was a lieutenant in the Intelligence Services. After retiring from the Air Force as a captain in 1955, he studied at the University of Stockholm, earning a master’s degree in 1957. He returned to Colorado where he began his 30 year passion for education and the environment, with a focus on educating young people on the importance of conserving natural resources. His legacy includes notable conservation education programs like Project Learning Tree and Food Land and People, which also reached internationally, notably to India. Georg is survived by his wife, Sonja, and two daughters, Kristina and Birgitta.



Dr. Samuel J. DiBona Jr. ’49 (Company D) died on Feb. 26, 2020 in Durango, Colorado. He earned both a BS (1953) and MD (1957) from Northwestern University. Dr. DiBona worked as a surgeon and anesthesiologist at Evanston Hospital in Evanston, Illinois, where he was employed until his retirement in 2001. He is survived by his wife, Elizabeth, and three daughters. Dr. Rudi Ansbacher ’50 (Troop I) died on Jan. 3, 2018 in Ann Arbor, Michigan. He earned his BA from Virginia Military Institute in 1955 and MD from the University of Virginia Medical School in 1959. He entered the U.S. Army Medical Corps in 1960 and took a year of general surgery residency from 1962 to 1963 at Womack Army Hospital, Fort Bragg, North Carolina, followed by a three year residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Letterman Army Medical Center in San Francisco and a two year fellowship in Reproductive Biology at the University of Michigan Medical Center from 1969 to 1971, earning an MS in 1970. Rudi retired from the U.S. Army as a colonel in 1980 after 20 years of service and became a professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Michigan Medical Center, serving as assistant chairman of the department from 1981 to 1988, acting chairman from 1984 to 1985, and interim chairman from 1991 to 1993. He was granted Emeritus status on January 1, 2002.

He is survived by his wife of 52 years, Tissy, and his eldest son, Todd, as well as a brother, Benno ’50. He was preceded in death by his youngest son, Jeff. Arlington Bliss McCrum Jr. ’50 (Company A) died June 6, 2018 in Livingston, Montana after a long battle with Parkinson’s disease. He graduated from Princeton University in 1954, where he majored in history and rowed in the Henley Regatta in England. He served as a lieutenant in the U.S. Army in peacekeeping in Germany, and upon his return, earned an MBA from the Wharton School in 1958. Bliss began his career in finance working at the firm of Dominick and Dominick. He later founded Euclid Partners, a venture capital firm in New York City. He was involved in fundraising for many local nonprofit organizations, whether in Connecticut or Montana, where he retired in 2004, raising alfalfa on a small ranch. His motto was “learn, earn, and return.” Bliss is survived by his wife, Marcia; four daughters, two sons, three stepchildren and 15 grandchildren. Robert Wayne Gray ’50 (Troop) died on Oct. 19, 2019 in Louisville, Colorado. He graduated from Colorado State University and married Sue Conley in 1954. He served in the U. S. Air Force at Buckley Air Force Base in Aurora, Colorado and moved to Midland, Michigan in 1957, where he raised his family and enjoyed his career as a product manager for Dow Chemical Company. After his wife’s

death in 1976, Bob met Barbara Zimmers and they married in 1979. Bob continued his career with Dow Chemical, living in Omaha, Nebraska and Littleton, Colorado. He retired in 1984 and moved to Jackson Hole, then to Louisville, Colorado, in 2018. Bob is survived by Barbara, his wife of 40 years, his five children and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren. William Arthur Lambrecht Jr. ’50 (Artillery) died on Nov. 23, 2019 in Norman, Oklahoma. He graduated from Oklahoma University with a degree in geology, and through the ROTC program, he joined the U.S. Army and served for two years. Bill owned and operated Lambrecht Truck & Equipment, an International Harvester Dealership, then went into partnership with his brother Tom in B&T Truck and Tractor. He was a member of Southern Oaks Church of Christ and served on the board of directors of First National Bank for many years. He and his wife owned several motor homes over the years, fixing them up and traveling in them. He was preceded in death by his wife of 67 years, Marilyn, and one daughter, Cheryl Jane. Survivors include one daughter, Lynda, and three grandchildren. Theodore Churchill Hardy W’47 N’50 died on Jan. 22, 2020 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He had a long career in urban planning and transportation, developing Pittsburgh’s rapid transit program, includ-

ing the city’s first subway line, which opened in 1985. He is survived by his wife of 62 years, Ann, and two sons. David W. Kellogg NB’51 of Medina, Ohio died on Feb. 16, 2018. He served in the U.S. Army and retired from the Department of Defense in data processing. David served on the board for the Friends of the Cemetery for the City of Medina and was a patron of the Medina Community Band, Western Reserve Land Conservancy and Tuesday Musical. He was a 53-year member of Medina Lodge #58, F.&A.M. He was preceded in death by his brother, Robert and is survived by two first cousins. Henry Paul Krienke NB’51 of Spring Valley, California, died on April 13, 2018. He graduated magna cum laude from the University of Notre Dame, where he was enrolled in the NROTC program, with a BS in mathematics. He became a Naval officer and pilot, flying multi-engine airplanes and participating in carrier operations in the South China Sea during the Vietnam War. Returning to the States, he served as an instructor in operations and navigation at Alameda Naval Air Station and San Diego North Island Naval Air Station. He retired as a commander after 23½ years of service. Henry married Christine Swaim in 1956 and is survived by three sons. He remarried in 1969 and is survived by his second wife, Marlene, and three children from a previous marriage. Also surviving are seven

grandchildren, and five greatgrandchildren, as well as a brother, Loren NB’60. Seward Melville Roberts Jr. N’51 died on Sept. 17, 2019 in Lexington, North Carolina. He studied psychology at Brigham Young University and became a successful entrepreneur. He built corporations, raced professional race cars, motocross, built cars and bought and sold real estate. He coached at High Point Swim Club, FAST Swim Club and Denton Swim Club, as well as giving private swim lessons. Seward was preceded in death by his wife, Joan, and is survived by six daughters, two sons, 35 grandchildren, and 24 great-grandchildren. George Frank Hilgemeier Jr. ’51 (Company A) died in Indianapolis, Indiana on Nov. 20, 2019. He was a graduate of the University of Wisconsin and a veteran of the U.S. Army. He worked most of his life as a business owner in the engineering industry. Three family members attended Culver: father George Frank Hilgemeier Sr. ’23 (Company F), cousin Richard Allan Hilgemeier N’50 ’54 (Company D) and cousin William H. Huckaby ’45 (Company A). George was preceded in death by his wife, Dorothy “Carolyn” and grandson, Zachary. Survivors include two daughters, two stepchildren, seven grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. William Travis Selmier N’48 ’52 (Company D) died on Nov. 23, 2019. He graduated

from Butler University in 1957, where he majored in and taught dance. He served in the U.S. Air Force from 1957-60. He married in 1954 and had three children: Travis II, Rod and Lisa. Returning to Indianapolis, he was active in theater arts, including managing Clowes Memorial Hall on the campus of Butler University, for seven years, booking touring Broadway shows and solo musical acts. After his first marriage ended, he continued to work in theatre projects in Florida, California and New York. In 1984, he married Elaine Conway, and in 1993, they moved back to Indianapolis, where Travis formed Cultural Services Corporation to introduce school children to the performing arts. In 2013, they retired to Scottsdale, Arizona. Travis served as the Culver Legion president from 1995-1997. He is survived by his wife, Elaine, son Travis, daughter Lisa, and three grandchildren. Robert Joseph Nethery ’52 (Band) died in Arvada, Colorado on Feb. 11, 2020. A graduate of Washington University, he served in the U.S. Army and was stationed in Germany. He left St. Louis to reside in Lexington, Kentucky, where he started his family and continued his passion for horses and boating. Nethery spent the majority of his career as a hotelier. He was preceded in death by his first wife, Judith; second wife Gwendolyn and daughter Alice. Robert is survived by one son, one daughter, and four grandchildren.

John Arthur O’Brien H’53 died on May 16, 2019 after a sudden illness. He graduated from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point in 1959. After serving his three-year commitment, he engaged in a varied career as an entrepreneur, author, contest participant, and avid Slouch Couch submitter. John loved travel, music, sports and laughter. He is survived by his wife, Barbara, four children, 12 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Robert Anton Nelson N’53 of Casa De Las Campanas, California, died on July 11, 2019. He attended Indiana University and spent his career in trucking, warehouse management, and sales. He was committed to meeting deadlines and delivering the goods. He is survived by his wife Bobbi, son Erik, wife Juanita Nelson, son Lars, (Ali) Nelson and seven grandchildren. Peter T. Potts ’53 (Troop A), of Horseshoe Bay, Texas died on Oct. 15, 2019. He graduated from Stanford University in 1957 and was commissioned a second lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force. He met and married his wife, Olta, and in 1960 they were stationed at Wethersfield Air Base, England. In 1963, he was reassigned to Nellis Air Force Base, where he flew as an instructor pilot in the Fighter Weapons School. His last USAF assignment was as forward air controller, Bien Hoa Air Base, Vietnam, where he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and Silver Star for bravery by the Air Force




Joseph James Verteramo died on April 24, 2017. He served 1977-1991 in a variety of administrative roles, including manager of the uniform and laundry. Norman P. Domblisky died on Jan. 16, 2019. He served on the JROTC staff from 1967–1969. Donna Plante Hunnicut died on Feb. 5, 2019. She worked in the Laundry Department from 1980–1993. Popular physics instructor and tennis coach, David T. Baker, died on Feb. 24, 2019. He was born June 27, 1925 in Granite Falls, Minnesota to Maude and Ralph Baker, a rural mail carrier. School was an essential part of his youth; he lived a few blocks from the Granite Falls Public Schools and attended school there for 12 years, graduating as valedictorian in 1943. His boyhood was filled with sports: football, basketball, baseball, and track; he was co-captain of his basketball team. Upon graduating, he was accepted into the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and was honored to be a Distinguished Graduate in 1946. He initially trained in the Field Artillery at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, and then went to Germany as part of the Occupation Army. His unit, First Infantry Division, soon began training for the cold war. After that he was sent to Purdue University, where he earned an MS degree in physics. He then went to West Point, where he taught physics in electrical engineering for four years. Following that he had assignments at Fort Sill, Command and Staff College, South Korea and at the U.S. Army Headquarters in the Pentagon, where he was the Nuclear Weapons Effects staff officer. During this assignment he met Mary Eldredge and they were married at the Arlington Unitarian Church in 1964. They have three grown children: Douglas’86 (Anne) of



Plymouth, Indiana; Sara ’88 (Pete) Russel of Wanatah, Indiana, and Laura ’89 (Matthew) Hunter of Carmel, Ind. and three grandchildren: Martha W’15 SSG ’18 Thomas and Charlotte Hunter. He had another overseas assignment in Germany before returning to the Pentagon to the Defense Atomic Support Agency. He retired from the Army after 25 years as a lieutenant colonel in 1971, receiving the Legion of Merit. David came to Culver and taught physics from 1971-1992. He was also involved in tennis and golf, coaching the CGA tennis team to the State Finals in 1982. He was also involved in civic affairs, serving on both the Culver Town Council and the Union Township Advisory Board for two terms each. A memorial service took place on March 2, 2019 at the Culver Memorial Chapel. Brandon Edward White died on Feb. 24, 2019. He served from 2013-2017 in food services and information technology. James Donald Kohn died on April 7, 2019 in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. He was on the Fine Arts faculty as an instructor in music from 1951-1957 and was Culver’s second carillonneur. After Culver, he served in a similar role for many years at the University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh. During his professional career, he was also a concert pianist. James was preceded in death by his wife of 58 years, Dolores. He is survived by one son, one daughter, four grandchildren and one great-grandson. Constance Louise Matlock died on May 17, 2019. She taught Latin from 1971-1972. Janet Rae Smith Faulkner died at home in Culver on Nov. 2, 2019. She earned an RN degree from Gary Methodist Hospital and met her future husband, Donald, at the University of Chicago hospital. They married on Dec. 20, 1953. They moved to Culver in 1965, where Jan worked as a nurse, secretary for the science department and was one of the first senior counselors at the Culver Summer School for Girls. After retiring Jan and Don divided their time between Culver and their home in Scottsdale, Arizona. She is survived by sons Joe’73 (Noreen), Jim’76 (Stephanie) and John ’80 (Charlene), and five grandchildren.

Raymond Mason Sinclair of Grand Haven, Michigan, died on Nov. 4, 2019 at home. He earned a master’s degree from Central Michigan University and was a member of the Culver Summer Schools’ Upper Camp staff from 2009-2019. Ray’s lifelong passion was karate. He earned a 6th degree black-belt (Masters Level) in the American Karate System, was a member of Kicks for Christ Federation, and was often found teaching at Life for Christ Karate, Crusader Martial Arts, and the YMCA. Linda Louise Cooper, a former school librarian at Culver from 1964-1966, died on Nov. 11, 2019 at her home. An Argos native, she was a graduate of Indiana School for the Deaf and received her BS from Gallaudet University, Washington, D.C. and M.Ed. from Western Maryland College. She worked as a school librarian at Culver Military Academy, then as a teacher at Maryland School for the Deaf, and later at the Indiana School for the Deaf. She is survived by her husband of 53 years, Jerry; one daughter, two sons and two granddaughters. John Michael Turnbull died on Nov. 28, 2019, Thanksgiving Day, after a brave battle with cancer. A native of Michigan, he excelled at academics, sports, and theater in high school, and chose Michigan State University to play on the football team, study communications and sing in Gilbert and Sullivan operettas. After college, he was drafted into the U.S. Army, where he served in Germany. He then biked alone and with his brothers, first through Michigan, and then internationally through ten countries in 1975. When he was a graduate student at Central Michigan University, Mike met and later married Kathy Macleary. As the family moved from the Midwest to Pennsylvania and later Culver, Mike earned a renowned reputation in academic administration and enrollment management. As the Director of Admissions for Culver Academies for over 16 years, Mike shaped the lives of thousands of high school students, as he thoughtfully crafted diverse classes of talented students; he was proud to mentor many young professionals in the field. Mike is survived by his wife of 42 years, Kathy; their four children: Megan, Matthew, Chris, Sean’04 and seven grandchildren.

Bud Louis Hensley died on Dec. 4, 2019 at his home in Plymouth. He moved to Indiana at the age of 15 to work in the kitchen as a chef’s assistant at Culver Military Academy from 1951-1954. A colonel at the Academy was his guardian during that time. Bud later took a job with the State Highway Department. At age 19, Bud met Patricia Shaffer and they married in 1953. He went to work for Rock Industries where he retired as a heavy equipment operator after 42 years. He was a member of Midwest Engineers Operators Union Local #150, and had been a Union steward for Rock Industries. Bud was preceded in death by his wife, Patricia, and two sons. He is survived by three daughters and one son. He is also survived by 15 grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren and one great-greatgrandson. Father Lawrence Edward Calhoun C.S.C. died on Dec. 14, 2019, at Saint Joseph Regional Medical Center in Mishawaka, Indiana. He took his final vows in 1959 and embarked on a 60 year career in the priesthood, teaching and coaching fencing, that took him from Indiana to Illinois, California, and Massachusetts. He introduced fencing to several schools he worked at, won state championships and started the Junior Olympics championships in fencing. Fr. Calhoun taught science and coached fencing at Culver from 1979-1985. Former Instructor of German and Russian from 1966 to 1978, Milton Forrest “Mit” Hughes, died peacefully in his sleep on Dec. 21, 2019 in Walkerton, Indiana, nine days short of his 91st birthday. He graduated from the Naval School and later taught sailing on the summer staff. He graduated from Harvard College, both Magna Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa. He earned advanced degrees in Russian and German, and attended numerous graduate programs operated under the National Defense Education Act. In 1971 he earned the Spivey Award for excellence in teaching. Learning and teaching were lifelong passions. Milton had a limitless interest in the cultures of the world. Students remember him for being clever and vibrant with games and foreign folk music, lore, and costumes that rounded out aspects of the nation they were

studying. He was an accomplished musician, sailor, and cyclist. Progressive blindness curtailed his professional career by age 50, but he absorbed audiobooks voraciously, wrote avidly with the help of his voiced computer programs, and walked 1,200 miles a year. He is survived by his wife of 65 years, the former Phyllis Jeanette Egbert, three children — Paul W ’68 SS ’70-’71 ’73, Amy ’75, and Sam W ’83, as well as two grandchildren, Chelsea SSG ’98 and Silas W’98. Jerald E. Miller died on Jan. 1, 2020 in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. He taught math and physics at North Side High School in Ft. Wayne from 1958-1966, Culver Military Academy from 1966 to 1969 and Ft. Wayne Snider High School from 1969 to 1992. Jerald is survived by his wife of 65 years, Ann; three children, five grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren. Donald Joseph Faulkner, MD, died at the Catherine Kasper Life Center in Donaldson, Indiana on Jan. 17, 2020. He was the Academies Physician from 1967-1971. He attended the University of Idaho for two years before serving in the U.S. Army Air Corps as radio operator in a B-29 crew. He subsequently attended the University of Chicago Medical School, where he met his future wife, Janet. They were married on Dec. 20, 1953 in Crown Point, Indiana. Don practiced family medicine in Hobart where he also served as a city councilman. In the early 1970s he became a partner in the Hammond Clinic, where he continued in practice until 1997. After retiring Don and Jan divided their time between Culver and their home in Scottsdale, Arizona. He is survived by sons Joe’73 (Noreen), Jim’76 (Stephanie) and John ’80 (Charlene), and five grandchildren. Prince Gardner Jr., a staff member from 1970-1972, died Feb. 15, 2020. He was a graduate of Culver Community High School and later worked at General Motors for over 30 years. He is survived by his mother, one son, Prince III, and nine siblings.

Former Division VI Commander and longtime Woodcraft Camp staff member, Charles Major Ray, Jr., died on Feb. 19, 2020 in Plymouth, Indiana. A native of Cranford, New Jersey, he earned degrees from Indiana University and Springfield College (Massachusetts). Charlie left the newspaper business to become a National Teacher Corps intern in Springfield in order to further his education and pursue his dream of becoming a school principal. He was the principal at Prairie Heights School Corp. in Orland, Indiana, at DeKalb Eastern School Corp. in Butler, Indiana, and finally at Washington Elementary School in Plymouth, Indiana, which he led from 1980-1997. During his tenure, he was named Indiana Elementary Principal of the Year in 1988 and National Distinguished Principal in 1989. During his years in Plymouth, Charles spent all of his summers (35+) working at Culver Summer Schools & Camps, where he served as a Division Commander, Program Director, Director of Tennis, and Fly Fishing Instructor. In addition, he taught fly fishing for many of the area park departments. He joined the education consulting firm of Speicher and Fields upon his retirement as school principal in 1997. Several years later, he established his own consulting business, InfoRay Education Service, in order to assist small school corporations with technology and grant writing. Surviving are his wife, Sue Ann; two sons, Kenneth (Kim) Ray of Plymouth, Indiana and Kevin W’88 ’93 (Lindsay’95) Ray of Argyle, Texas; two daughters, Kathleen (Toby) Reeves of Noblesville, Indiana and Kellie W’83 SSG ’85 (Paul) Pirkle of Naperville, Illinois; two nieces; 16 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren, many of whom have attended and worked in Culver’s summer and winter programs. María Jesús Garzón, wife of retired Spanish teacher José Manuel Garzón, died recently in Spain. José retired from the Language Department in 2009 after 35 years of teaching and they returned to Granada, Spain.



IN MEMORIAM Chief of Staff. In 1967, he resigned from the Air Force to become a United Airlines pilot. In 1995, he retired as an international captain, flying to London and Buenos Aires from Kennedy, and completing 38 years of flight. In 2003, Peter and Olta moved to Horseshoe Bay, Texas. Peter is survived by his wife of 59 years, Olta, daughter Marjorie, son Harlan, three grandchildren and four great-grandchildren, as well as a brother, Michael ’67. He was preceded in death by a brother, William ’50, and their father, William ’26. The Rev. Byron Gray Crocker H’51 ’53 (Troop B) died on Jan. 2, 2020 in Silsbee, Texas at his ranch. He earned a degree in English literature at the University of Texas, then began a fulltime ranching career in the Flint Hills of Kansas that had been in the Crocker family since the Civil War. In 1963, he enrolled at the Episcopal Theological Seminary in Berkeley, California, then returned to Texas, where he served four churches over a long career. He and second wife, Terry, retired to their small ranch in the Big Thicket north of Silsbee. Byron was preceded in death by his first wife, Ann, and son Tom. Survivors include his wife, Terry, son Mason, and four grandchildren. Dr. John Douglas Trapp N’52, ’53(Company D) of Brandon Wilde community in Evans, Georgia died on Jan.7, 2019 after a long battle with Parkinson’s disease. A Cum Laude graduate of Culver, he graduated from Vanderbilt



University in 1957 and from Vanderbilt Medical School in 1961. He served two years with the U.S. Navy at the U.S. Public Health Service Hospital on Staten Island, New York. After completing his duty of service, he returned to Nashville and went into the private practice of Urology from 1968‑1986. He was a pioneer in the treatment of impotence, establishing The Nashville Impotence Center. In 1993, he became the Medical Director of Osbon Medical Systems in Augusta, Georgia. He chaired his 50th reunion at Culver. John is survived by his wife of 59 years, Mercer, one son, one daughter, four grandchildren, a brother, and two sisters. Bernard Eugene Gibson ’54 (Battery B) of Rostraver Township, Pennsylvania, died on Sept. 6, 2019. He was a U.S. Army veteran of the Vietnam War and was a longtime member of Gideons International. Bernard was president of B.E. Gibson Co. Inc. He is survived by his wife of 61 years, Judith; one son, two daughters, five grandchildren, and two greatgrandchildren. John “Jack” Hutchison MacKinnon Sr. ’54 (Company D) died on Nov. 22, 2019, at Virginia Hospital Center of heart failure. He graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy with honors in 1958 and was selected by Admiral Ricover for his elite submarine program in 1959–60 in Groton, Connecticut. He worked his way up to commander in a more than 20 year naval career, including both crews of

the SSBN616 USS Lafayette, and ended with a leadership role of the submarine Squadron. Jack received the Meritorious Service Medal in 1980. Upon completion of his military career, Jack had a 20-year career in the nuclear power industry. Jack was a class leader for the Culver Class of ’54, serving as gift chair, reunion chair, class president and Culver Club leader. He was preceded in death by his first wife, Nadyne, and second wife, Katharine. He is survived by his son John, his daughter Julie, and two grandsons. Mason Campbell Clingan Jr. ’54 (Company B) died in Eagle, Idaho on Feb. 13, 2020. He worked for his father on the Clingan ranch in Penn Valley, Calif. and then moved to Eagle, Idaho to ranch and raise their family. Mason is survived by his wife of 62 years, Joanne; two sons, one daughter, four grandchildren, two step-grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. Robert Earl Verbyla N’56 died on Oct. 15, 2019 in Portsmouth, Virginia. He was married to Bernice Anderson and they spent 53 years together. She died seven days before he did. He graduated from Fishburne Military Academy in 1960 and spent his summers at Culver Summer School. Robert attended Cornell University, Rutgers University, and Old Dominion University. In 1971, he received his MS in business management from Florida State Christian College. Later, he taught business courses at Tidewater Community College

and Old Dominion University. He worked as co-developer and manager of Seaguard Corp. in Portsmouth and was the co-owner of Verbyla Properties. Miles William McLennan ’56 (Company C) died on Nov. 2, 2019. He graduated from Caltech in Pasadena, California, where he earned an astronomy degree in 1961. He and his wife, Rae, moved to Santa Barbara, California, to work at Delco Electronics, where he worked as an underwater acoustical engineer, pioneering approaches to use and measure sound to render naval vessels less detectable. As one of the earliest programmers in FORTRAN, Bill wrote the software to guide the unspooling of communications cable from ships to the contours of the ocean floor. He conducted this work at locations all over the world. Bill is survived by his three children and wife. Anthony Mason Brannon ’56 (Battery A) died on Jan. 5, 2020 in Durham. He received his BA from The University of North Carolina; and his LLB degree from Carolina Law School. In 1963 he began a law practice in Durham with his UNC classmate Milton Read. In 1971 he was elected district attorney in the 14th Judicial District (Durham County) and then appointed to the Superior Court bench in 1977. He became the senior resident superior court judge in 1989, a position in which he served until his retirement in 1995. He is survived by his wife of 50 years, Joan, two

daughters and four grandchildren. Charles Reid Michael ’57 (Battery B) a resident of Woodbridge, Connecticut for 50 years, died on March 6, 2018. He went to Harvard where he earned a BA and PhD. After completing a postdoctoral fellowship at Johns Hopkins University, he came to Yale School of Medicine, where he served as a professor of physiology until his retirement. He is survived by his wife of 53 years, Cynthia; two sons, Mark Michael D & B’81, NB’84 and Eric Michael W’83, NB’86, and two granddaughters. Herbert John Spier Jr. NB’57 died on May 22, 2019 in Indianapolis, Indiana. A graduate of North Central High School, he attended DePauw University, where he was a star center on the basketball team. He was inducted into the DePauw Athletic Hall of Fame in 1998. He was also active in the Air Force ROTC and a member of Sigma Nu fraternity. Upon graduation, he followed his childhood dream of flying airplanes and joined the U.S. Air Force, beginning his longtime, highly decorated career, ultimately achieving the rank of major general. He was deployed for one year in the Vietnam War, flying 283 combat missions, and when his tour ended, he was awarded the Silver Star, three Distinguished Flying Crosses, the Purple Heart, and the Bronze Star. Following the Vietnam War, he joined his father’s insurance business, H.J. Spier Co., and

served as an independent agent for the next 50 years. He also continued his Air Force career with the Indiana Air National Guard. At the culmination of his 34 year career, he was a command pilot with over 5,100 flight hours and he was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal at his retirement in 1996. Herbert is survived by his wife of 57 years, Linda; two sons, Ted N’83, Tim ’81, one daughter, and five grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a son, Tony N’87. James Arthur Robinson ’57 (Company B) of Novato, California, died on Dec. 10, 2019. He received his civil engineering degree at the University of Toledo in Ohio and then joined the U.S. Army in 1963, which led to service in Korea. In 1967, Jim moved to San Diego to work on the San Diego/Coronado Bay Bridge, then to Marin County in 1971, where he joined Bay Area Rapid Transit as an engineer. Jim retired from the U.S. Army Reserve in 1991. He was a member of ROA (Reserve Officer’s Association) and the Queen’s Club Military Officers Dining Association. Jim is survived by his wife, Joan, one son, one daughter and three grandchildren. He was predeceased by a brother, John ’53. Dr. Charles Franklin Hawkins (Troop A ’57) died on Dec. 13, 2019 in Beaumont, Texas. He earned a BA in economics from Lamar University, then progressed to graduate school at Louisiana State University and earned a master of arts

and then a Ph.D, both in economics. He joined the faculty of Lamar University as an assistant professor of economics in the College of Business in 1966 and successfully navigated an academic career path, becoming a full professor in 1984. He served as the chair of the department of economics for 20 years and also served as interim dean of the college of business. Charles retired from Lamar in 2018 at the age of 78 after 52 years of service. In addition to his duties at Lamar University, Charles served the community as an expert witness and consultant for over 25 years. Charles is survived by his wife of 56 years, Charla, two daughters, one son, and two granddaughters. Terry Gordon Cleaves N’53 ’57 (Company C) died on Dec. 23, 2019 in Auburndale, Florida. He served his country in the U.S. Army’s counterintelligence unit. His 30-year career span began as a page on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, to opening his own brokerage and serving as vice president at Merrill Lynch. He also spent 23 years working as a mediator with the 10th Judicial Circuit Court of Florida. Terry is survived by his wife, Lisa; two sons, two daughters, and eleven grandchildren, as well as a brother, Larry ’56. He was preceded in death by his son Jeffery. Alexander Coke Smith IV W’52 ’59 (Band) died on Nov. 27, 2019 from injuries sustained in a fall. He is survived by one son, Alexander, and two daughters, Robin and

Michelle. His father, A. Coke Smith III, was a longtime mathematics teacher and track coach at Culver. John Carl Iversen ’59 (Company D) died on Dec. 14, 2019 in Tampa, Florida. He graduated from Wittenberg University in Springfield, Ohio and served in the U.S. Navy for four years. He worked for McGrawHill for 25 years. John is survived by his wife, Ellie; one son, one daughter and four grandchildren. Jose Macanio Perez Pria ’59 (Troop A) died on Jan. 6, 2020 in Aracatuba Sao Paulo, Brazil. Since the 1960s, he has been a pioneer in the breeding of quartermile horses, in addition to being the founder of the ABQM (Quarter Mile Breeders Association). He is survived by his wife Rosario, their five children and their grandchildren. Six siblings attended Culver summer and winter programs. Stephen August Orthwein Sr. H’60, renowned polo player and Busch heir, died on March 12, 2018 at his home in Wellington, Florida. He graduated from Yale in 1968 and the St. Louis University Law School. While at Yale, Steve was captain of the Yale University team that won back-to-back college titles in the 1960s. In the 1970s, he was elected captain of the St. Louis Polo Club, a post he held for 30 years. He was president of the U.S. Polo Association from 1988 to 1991 and chairman from 1991 to 1995. He was also inducted into the Culver



IN MEMORIAM Horsemanship Hall of Fame in 2007. In 2011, he was elected into the U.S. Polo Hall of Fame. Steve is survived by his wife of 42 years, Ginny; his three sons, two grandchildren, and two brothers, Dolph H ’57 and Peter H ’60. James Francis Buresh ’60 (Company D) of Agoura, California died on Sept. 30, 2019. He graduated from the University of Denver, where he served as president of Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity, and then finished law school at Denver and a business program at Duke University. Jim’s career took him to Sears, Roebuck and Co. where he worked in corporate taxes for 23 years. After taking early retirement from Sears, Jim moved to Southern California to become Western Regional Partner for Arthur Andersen’s state and local tax practice, growing the practice ten-fold, while always serving his clients with the highest integrity. After the demise of Andersen, he retired from Deloitte. Throughout his life, Jim served and chaired many organizations, including the Council on State Taxation (COST), the NYU Institute on State and Local Taxation, and the Tax Executives Institute’s State and Local Tax Committee. Of the many awards he received over his lifetime, he was most honored to receive the 2011 COST/Paul H. Frankel Excellence Award in State and Local Taxation. Jim became a steadfast and generous volunteer at Culver, serving on the Legion Board



and chairing his 50th Class Reunion. For all his work on behalf of Culver, he was honored with the Samuel Coles Butler Award, citing his dedication, service, and leadership. One of Jim’s greatest passions was baseball. After he ended his own playing days, he took up coaching, helping to lead a team to the 1965 Babe Ruth World Series. He is survived by his wife, Carole, two daughters and two grandsons. David Dean Gillaspie ’60 (Troop B) died on Feb. 8, 2020. He is survived by his wife, Catherine, and two sons. Thomas “Todd” George Seel Jr. ’61 (Company B) died on May 12, 2018 in Savannah, Georgia. He is survived by his wife of 50 years, Megan, and two brothers, Jeff ’65 and Paul ’72. He was preceded in death by his father, Thomas ’34. Jane Butler Benson ’62, longtime Peninsula (in California) resident, died at home on Dec. 23, 2019, of cancer. Jane and her brother Bob’s parents, Ernest B. and Ruth Benson, were prominent faculty and advocates of coeducation, and Jane graduated cum laude from Culver in 1962. After earning a BA in English, education, and psychology from Washington University in St. Louis (Phi Beta Kappa) and an MA in teaching from Yale, she worked in college admissions and affirmative action recruitment in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Landing in the San Francisco Bay Area in 1973, she became a founding member

of New Seed Press, a nonprofit devoted to publishing nonsexist, nonracist children’s books. She found paid work at Stanford University, where she commenced a 25 year career, serving as professional codirector of Stanford Workshops on Political and Social Issues; consultant to Minority and Women’s Programs in the School of Engineering; and coordinator of graduate student services for Residential Education families. She was a Stanford Resident Fellow at Lagunita Court, training and mentoring student staff and developing in-residence programs. Jane earned an MSW from SF State University in 1990 and obtained her LCSW while working for Catholic Charities Family Services. She would use her counseling skills as a Stanford research social worker, a Kaiser Permanente medical social worker and patient advocate, and an independent practitioner and life coach focusing on new ways to live and work after fifty. Capping her Stanford career were eight years spent recruiting and screening subjects for a long-term study on the effects of social support on breast cancer survival, conducted by the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. She is survived by her spouse Eric Doyle, her brother and sister-in-law, Bob ’60 and Cynthia Benson, a nephew Erik Benson (wife Lindsay and sons Callan and Wells) and niece Kiersa Benson-Wright (husband Shea and son Finley), of Astoria, Oregon.

Thomas E. “TD” Delrose N’63 died on April 29, 2019 in Mokena, Illinois. He is survived by his wife of 27 years, Gloria, a son and a daughter. Ralph Jay Wallace N’63 of Shawano, Wisconsin, died on Jan. 22, 2020. He received a BA in U.S. History from the University of Colorado in 1968. From the mid-1970s to mid-1990s, he worked at number of jobs, including as a real estate administrator for Washington National Insurance Company, a real estate portfolio manager for CNA, Intuit in Tucson and Apache Gold Casino Resort in San Carlos. He returned to the Chicago area in the early 2000s, and worked for URB, Inc., a real estate rehab company, as corporate bookkeeper. He retired in 2009 and moved to Shawano to be closer to family. David Henley Wyatt W’57 ’63 (Company D) died Feb. 7, 2020 at his home in Athens, Georgia. He earned his undergraduate degree from Presbyterian College in Clinton, South Carolina and his master’s at the University of South Carolina. He taught school in various towns around Georgia before moving to Athens in the early 1980s and going into the real estate business. David is preceded in death by his twin brother, Eugene W’57, and is survived by his brother, Alex K. Wyatt, Jr. ’61, and sister, Kathryn Wyatt Cheves. Stephen Keeler Schwaiger ’65 (Band) of Maple City, Michigan, died on Jan. 30, 2020.

He earned a degree from Purdue University in aeronautical engineering and served his country in the U.S. Air Force Reserve. Steve worked in the HVAC industry as a sales engineer for American Air Filter but soon transitioned to management, which allowed him to live in several states before settling in northern Michigan as manager for the BehlerYoung Company’s Traverse City branch. Steve finished his career with Williams Distributing in 2009. Steve is survived by his wife of 49 years, Gretchen; three sons and one daughter, and four grandchildren. David Alfred Gardner N’66 died on Nov. 11, 2019 in Jackson Township, Ohio. After graduation from Ohio Wesleyan University, he served in the U.S. Air Force for two years during the Vietnam War. He started working for Nickles Bakery part-time in 1967 and full-time in 1971. His grandfather, Alfred Nickles, a Swiss immigrant, founded the company in 1909. David succeeded Ernest Nickles and his father, David E. Gardner N ’40, as President and CEO of their family business in January 1999. He will be remembered for his work ethic, and for his management style based on fairness and a strong moral code. David is survived by his wife of 48 years, Susie, his son and daughter, his five grandchildren, as well as a sister, Mary Slee SSG ’70. Brian Hatcher Addison NB’67 of Oak Ridge, Tennessee, died on March 30, 2017,

at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. He attended the University of Tennessee, Martin Campus, where he met his wife, Carol. They moved to Pensacola, Florida, where Brian attended Liberty Bible College. He also graduated from the University of West Florida with a BS in music education. He could play any musical instrument he picked up but was especially talented at playing the tuba. Brian wrote his own music and sang at many churches and weddings. He is survived by his wife, Carol, three daughters and seven grandchildren.

She was a longtime leader of the Capital City (Washington DC) Culver Club.

Caitlyn Lance Antrim ’67 (Company C) died on July 28, 2018 in Jamaica. She was a Nonresident Fellow of the Stimson Center and the Executive Director of the Rule of Law Committee on the Oceans, where she taught the Law of the Sea Seminar and lectured on the negotiation of international agreements and regimes across the United States and Europe. She also maintained a consulting practice in global resources issues, multilateral diplomacy and project management for nearly two decades, with clients in public, private and intergovernmental organizations. She earned her SBME from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and was commissioned in the U.S. Navy in 1971. On returning to civilian life, she returned to MIT to earn the professional degree of Environmental Engineer in 1977, specializing in ocean mineral development, international law and public policy.

Richard Giles Guthrie ’68 (Company C) died on Jan. 18, 2020 at his home in McClellanville, South Carolina. He graduated from Marion Institute in Marion, Alabama and Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama. He was employed by the American College of the Building Arts in Charleston, where he was credited with rebuilding the blacksmithing specialty. Collectors, antiquarians, history buffs and reenactors coveted his pieces, finding them indistinguishable from ancient models. Rick was preceded in death by his parents and sister. He is survived by a daughter, Elizabeth Boendier.

Theodore Guy Jones T’64 ’68 (Troop A) died on Jan. 8, 2020 in Salt Lake City, Utah. He attended Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, Oklahoma, where he fulfilled his dream of becoming a pilot. He also became involved with the family business, R.W. Jones Trucking Company, and was instrumental in setting national guidelines for the movement of oversize loads. He is survived by one brother, Wayne ’66, one sister and five nephews.

John Robert Bean ’68 (Battery A) of Lebanon, Indiana, died on Feb. 17, 2020. He received his BA in zoology at Indiana University in 1972; an associate in science from IU Medical School in respiratory therapy in 1973; an MS in education in 1975; and DDS in 1983.

In 1973, John worked at the Indiana University Hospital as a respiratory therapist and blood lab technician; in 1976, he worked as an education teacher for Allied Health, and in 1983 he started his general dentistry practice in Lebanon, retiring in 2019 after 30 years of practice. He is survived by his wife, Sara SSG ’68, daughter Margaret W’98 ’03 (Atrium), and sons Brian W’03, ’08 and Richard W’04, as well as a brother, James A ’75. He was preceded in death by a brother, George ’69. Ard Ezra Richardson III ’69 (Troop B) died on Sept. 7, 2019 at his Fredericksburg, Texas home. He graduated from Trinity University in San Antonio with a degree in Art in 1974. He was a noted photographer and owner of the RNR Ranch in Fredericksburg. He also worked with the local 4-H for many years, concentrating in the agriculture business area. At one time, Ard served as vice president of the San Antonio Stock Show, and a longtime member of their executive board. He was a consummate outdoorsman. Ard is survived by his wife of 38 years, Karen. He was predeceased by his father Ard, Jr. ’33 (Troop II) and his brother, Hal ’64 (Troop B), who died in an automobile accident in 1967 while Ard was at Culver. John David Grant ’70 (Battery A) died on Jan. 6, 2020 in Greenwood, Indiana. A 1974 graduate of Indiana University, he was co-owner of Compass Pointe Certified Public Accountants in Greenwood for



IN MEMORIAM more than 25 years. During his career, he was also employed by Reynolds Farm Equipment and served on several Boards of Directors, including the Johnson County Community Foundation and the United Way. He served as chairman of his 50th Reunion at Culver and was a longtime class agent until the time of his death. John was preceded by his parents, and a brother, David. He is survived by his wife, Susan, daughter Joleen, two brothers, and three grandchildren. John Robert Kirn ’71 (Troop A) died on Nov. 10, 2019 in Middletown, Connecticut. He received his BA from the University of Denver, his MA from Bucknell University, and his PhD from Cornell University. Arriving at Wesleyan in 1994, he went on to teach popular courses on animal behavior, hormonal systems, and the neurobiology of learning and memory for the next 25 years. He served as the director of graduate studies from 2005–2010, as the chair of the Biology Department from 2015–2017, and as the chair of the neuroscience and behavior program for 12 consecutive years. John is survived by a daughter, Ella, a son, Jake, their mother, Cindy Seiwert, and two sisters. He was preceded by his father, John ’33. Robert James Collier ’72 (Company C) died on Nov. 6, 2019 in Anderson, Indiana. He joined the U.S. Air Force and later attended college in Shreveport, Louisiana, where he resided for many years.



He is survived by the mother of his children and lifelong friend, Emma; two daughters, one son, 10 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Randall Isham Scott ’72 (Battery C) died on Nov. 6, 2019 in Billings, Montana. His career centered on the Scott Family enterprises, working with the Padlock Ranch in Dayton, Wyoming before moving to First Interstate BancSystem, Inc. in 1976. He was the eldest of the third generation and the chair for the First Interstate Foundation, the Dan & Jeanne Scott Family Foundation, and Scott Family Service. His greatest passion was basketball, which he played at Culver and at Rocky Mountain College in Billings. He is survived by his wife of 44 years, Lynette, four children and three grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his father, Dan ’50. Robert Gerald Sabine NB ’74 died on Aug. 26, 2018 at the Cleveland Clinic. He enjoyed his farming and worked 25 years at the swine center and later at the dairy for The Ohio State University-Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center in Wooster, Ohio. Surviving are his wife, Laura, two sons, Donald and Stewart, and twin grandchildren on the way. William “Bill” Carl Stubbs W’74 died on Oct. 7, 2019 at Woodland Manor Nursing Home in Elkhart, Indiana. Bill graduated from Memorial High School, was a former law enforcement officer, and more

recently worked at Foamcraft, Inc. in Goshen for over 10 years. Surviving are his mother, one son, and one grandson. Joseph David Belchic W’71 ’75 (Company B) died on Dec. 2, 2019 in Houston, Texas. A native of Ft. Worth, Texas, David was regimental commander of his Woodcraft Camp class. He graduated from the University of Texas in 1979 with a BS in chemical engineering. While there, he served as the president of his fraternity, Kappa Alpha, and was a member of The Texas Cowboys. David received his masters degree in finance from Houston Baptist University. David was successful in owning and operating his own company, Joseph Energy Inc., from 1987 to the present. He was in the Upstream/Midstream Oil & Gas business. He is survived by his mother, sister, and two children. Brooks “Brooksie” Wynne Tolbert W’74 ’79 (Battery A) died on May 17, 2019. He graduated from Indiana University, served as an Airborne Ranger with the U.S. Army and worked for the Upland Brewing Company. In addition to gardening, he enjoyed poetry and philosophy, talking about history, and drinking and dancing. Brooks was also an Indianapolis Colts Fanatic and loved NFL football. He was preceded in death by his mother, Sara, and his beloved dog Cedar. Brooks is survived by his father, Frank, his son Nicholas Tolbert of Bloomington; his sister Sally Muehlhausen.

Timothy Daniel Puffer ’79 (Troop B) died on Jan. 28, 2020 in Orchard Lake, Michigan. Since 1997, he was President/CEO of Dealership Management Services (DMS), an outsource management company that provides labor solutions to auto dealers. He earned a BS from Arizona State University. His mother survives. John David Sellers N’80 of Kingston, New York died on Oct. 7, 2019 at home. In addition to his parents, John is survived by his wife, Vicki, and two siblings. Christine Anne Dolezal Aucoin ’81 (Linden) died on Dec. 11, 2019 at UMASS Medical Center in Worcester, Massachusetts. A North Judson, Indiana native, she was captain of the CGA Track and Field team and won numerous awards, including CGA’s Outstanding Sportswoman of the Year Award. She graduated from Westminster College in Fulton Missouri, and Indiana University School of Nursing in Bloomington. Christine was a longtime Registered Nurse and most recently worked for Aveanna Healthcare in Shrewsbury, Massachusetts. She previously worked for 28 years at UMASS Memorial in Worcester. Christine is survived by her husband of 22 years, Leo R., her son Jared R.J., and her daughter Allisen. Scott Denver Scheid NB’82 ’85 (Company C) died on Oct. 3, 2019. He was active in the BPAA, coaching football for three years, as well as serving

as a volunteer tutor at North View Junior High School in the Social Studies department. Scott was proud to have summitted Mt. Kilimanjaro. He also worked for nine years in the newspaper industry. He is survived by his wife Jennifer, as well as his father, Dean W ’56, and brother, Kris ’87. Joshua Edward Bremner N’06 died on Jan. 10, 2020 in Indianapolis, Indiana. He graduated from Park Tudor School in 2008. Throughout middle school and high school, he attended and graduated from the Culver Summer Schools programs. He is survived by his parents, one brother, Matthew N’98, and numerous extended family members. Christina Corinne Andrews ’21 (Harbor), a sophomore from Plymouth, Ind., died on Feb. 21, 2020 at her home. Tia was a member of the Equestriennes and was involved in Rough Riders, the Western Team, and the Jump Team.

O T H E R PAS S INGS We received notice of death for the following alumni between October 1, 2019 and February 29, 2020.

Evans Malott Harrell W’38 Richard Alan Levi W’39

March 10, 2018 May 24, 2017

Charles Auguste Rheault Jr. N ’40 Jan. 4, 2018 Thomas Bauer Avril N’42

Feb. 6, 2019

Theodore Albert Mietzner W ’56 May 8, 2019

Robert Lee Davis III ’56 (Company A) Nov. 18, 2018 Brian R. Bate NB ’57

Aug. 28, 2016

John Ruel Baker ’42 (Battery B) March 15, 2018

Edwin Orr Florence Jr. N’55 ’57 (Company B) July 4, 2018

Harold Gaylord Ingersoll Jr. W’39 ’43 (Company C) Jan. 17, 2019

William A Rozzi H ’58

Frederick William Shultz ’44 (Band) July 8, 2018

Timothy Nichols Doyle W’54 NB’55 ’58 (Band) Dec. 17, 2018

Arthur Lauber Stern N’44 ’45 (Company D) April 17, 2018

Theodore Joy Wagner III ’61(Troop B) March 2, 2018

Russell Rathbone Leonard W’37 ’45 (Company C) Jan. 23, 2019

Robert Lloyd Weliver H ’61

Donald Norman Andresen ’48 (Artillery) Nov. 4, 2017 Charles Albert Manion N ’48

Feb. 3, 2018

March 5, 2018

David Lyle Hughes NB ’58

July 28, 2018

July 5, 2019

David Thacker Carter W’58 N’61’63 (Battery B) Jan. 24, 2017 John Thomas Bosshard ’63 (Company B) July 25, 2019

Ronald Watts Nowlan ’49 (Troop II) Jan. 31, 2019

Neil Edwin Timchak W’61 ’64 SG Nov. 17, 2017

William Allen Palmer M.D. ’49 (Artillery) July 21, 2019

Robert Uhlmann H ’65

Kenneth Gordon Boffin N’50

Feb. 2, 2018

Gilbert Samuel Brody ’51 (Company A) Dec. 25, 2018 Burton Howard Jaffe ’51(Battery A) Jan. 25, 2019

Oct. 3, 2017

Richard Patrick Card Jr. W’63 N ’67 April 3, 2018 Michael Eugene Wilson N’67

Feb. 18, 2019

Timothy Lee Purmort ’68 (Company E) Dec. 29, 2018

Carl W. Streicher N ’52 April 22, 2018

David Edwin Johnson W’66 NB’69 Jan. 10, 2019

Dickinson R. Gray ’53 (Battery B) Feb. 15, 2017

Mark Kraus Munro ’71 (Battery A) Dec. 23, 2018

J. Foster Tudor NB ’53

May 5, 2017

David Crockett Hodgdon Ph.D. ’54 (Company A) Feb. 21, 2018 Donald Joseph Phillips W’48 N’52 ’54 (Company D) Feb. 28, 2018 William Madison Myers N’50 ’54 (Battery A) March 23, 2018

David Lee Courtney’73 (Company A) Dec. 12, 2018 David Smiley Ewer W’68 ’74 (Troop B) March 15, 2019 Caleb Lister Temple NB ’82

Aug. 6, 2018

Molly Kristin McLouth ’91 (Ciel) Jan. 14, 2017

Robert Ernest Cooper ’55 (Captain of Troop A) May 1, 2019




The Culver Song: Symbol of Strength and Community

Editor’s Note: On April 15 at a Zoom meeting of the Culver Asia/Pacific students, which was run by student coordinators Zirui (Jerry) Wang and Yichen (Sherry) Xie, the Regimental Commander, Joe Chandler, and Senior Prefect, Dana Nzerem, presented a heartfelt and powerful video message.

Dana: Everything happened so fast that Friday, March 13. One minute I was looking for organisms under a microscope and the next I was standing on stage singing the Culver song for the last time as a Culver student. My brain couldn’t comprehend what was happening on that stage, so I told myself “Smile and sing.” And that’s what I did. I smiled and sang as I saw a girl in front of me break down; I smiled and sang as I saw my team cling onto each other, holding on for dear life; I smiled and sang as I watched tears trickle down my roommate’s cheek. You see, it didn’t hit me then, big changes like that never do. It didn’t hit me when I was saying “See you in a couple of weeks” to my friends. It didn’t hit me when I was on the plane back to Nigeria armed with gloves, a facemask and rubbing alcohol. It didn’t hit me when my mom refused to hug me when she picked me up from the airport. But on the third day of being locked up in my room, the feeling of realization rushed in like a wave knocking me off my feet. It was only after a friend explained to me that his graduation was now online that the fate of the rest of the year dawned on me. I sat on my cold tile floor for three hours as I let tears roll down my face. My mom and dad would periodically open the



door and from six feet away try to cheer me up, but it was useless. I had lost my Culver people and there was nothing that anyone could say or do that would make me feel better. Joe: The moment I saw the Schoology notification from Dean Rasch about the All-School Meeting that Friday, I knew what was coming. Perhaps I did not know the extent of the news nor the burden that news would bear, but I could guess at the general message. Walking into Eppley Auditorium, an ominous feeling hung over me of the uncertainty that was to come. I did not know it would be the last time I entered that auditorium as a Culver student. There were plenty of “last moments” that remained unknown to me at the time I experienced them, and there are plenty of “last moments” I will never get to experience. The last time I would sleep in my bed, where I had lived at the beginning and end of every day for the last two years. The last time I would eat in the dining hall as a student. The last time I would set foot inside of Beason as a student. Who knew that in the fall it would be the last time I would participate in Officer’s figure? Who knew that my junior spring would be my last Final Ball?

Only a month ago we were still at Culver, having just heard the news. Two months ago, spring plans were still intact, graduation was still planned as normal, and the summer seemed as bright as ever. Now we sit in our homes alone, among a pile of things that could have been, and wonder “What comes next?” It still hasn’t set in for me. I haven’t allowed myself a period of grief. I was always optimistic that we would go back, and quite honestly, extreme optimism that I would get to walk through the Iron Gate is the only thing keeping me going. It has been really hard to maintain perspective and optimism during this crisis. On stage singing at the last All-School Meeting of my Culver career, it was hard to maintain optimism as I looked out onto all of the sadness embodied by the community. Sitting in my home now, it has been hard to maintain the perspective that everyone is going through this, and it is not just Culver students who have lost something. Dana: We understand everyone has lost something — whether that is some part of Culver, a piece of your life at home, or even a family member or a friend — and it can be hard to look past what you hold dear. From the moment we were singing on stage, we had lost something that seemed so big and important, but we had also gained something: a newfound sense of community and belonging within Culver. Singing the Culver song symbolized our strength in unity and gave us the power to move forward together as a community of One Culver.

Joe: Recently, I was in my home and was asked by the music department to record myself playing the Culver song on the saxophone for a compilation they wanted to put together. It just so happened that I performed this piece on the Regimental Commander, Joe Chandler Senior Prefect, Dana Nzerem. same day I was asked to speak to all of you, which “Words of Wisdom” share these things with my friends and caused me to reflect on the experience a they can share their activities with me. little bit more than usual. Just as we as a Dana: When faced with adversity, we community had found solace in singing have a choice — to let it overtake you or Dana: Find your thing to get you through the Culver song just one month ago, I had to overcome it. Today I only give you one this time and share it. Your community found solace in playing the Culver song choice — overcome. If not for yourself, then might be your friends back home, your on my saxophone. I realized that while the for the friends that built you up, for the friends here in the States, your teachers, act itself was particularly individual and students that look up to you, for the teachor the Culver community as a whole. brought me joy personally, the experience ers who dedicated hours to teach you and While we may be far apart physically, we would be shared by the whole community for the guardians who sacrificed endlessly are bound together by our emotions and once I shared my recording and would to support you. Overcome. our shared experiences. Nothing can take bring joy to everyone. away the bond that has been built by Joe: Everyone who has lost someone from Culver. Dana: So let the Culver community be this virus has worked hard for what they your guide whether it be your friends, have lost. You have worked hard at Culver Joe: So if you start to feel down this teachers or mentors. As they were in Culto succeed. While it may feel like you have month as we continue to struggle with ver, let them be the shoulder you cry on; lost a piece of Culver, you have not lost the the effects of the Coronavirus, think as they were in Culver, let them be your hard work and long hours you’ve put into about the Culver song and the community support system. If COVID-19 has taught your time there. Don’t give up now. There that comes along with it. A community us anything, it is relationships are not are plenty of ways that you can still contribthat is here to support you, here with dependent on proximity. ute to the Culver community in these last open arms to hear about your day. Don’t few weeks of online school. Seniors, you be afraid to reach out, to share what you Joe: Find the thing that you can share can pass on what you have learned to the did today, or to ask for help. We will get with the community. For me, I have found underclassmen before you leave. Underthrough this together, and soon enough, comfort in music and running. Every day I classmen, you can begin to prepare for next we will be “back, back to Culver days.” throw on a pair of running shoes and go year’s new students. Don’t give up now, you Thank you. outside, even if it is only for thirty minutes. have too much yet to lose if you do. Keep Every now and then I pull out my saxoyour head up and keep pushing through. phone and practice for a little bit. I can




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“It’s really nice now that it’s by the lake. There’s a really good view, and especially when it gets warmer out, the walk by the back side of the library is so nice.”

— Mia Do ’23 commenting on the new Shack

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