Vedette The
Returning From Camp // Humor Best Camp Memories
Deck 5 crushed the competition in The Great Race!
Issue 3 July 28, 2016
Goodbye! Adios! Au Revior! 再见!
And just like that we have reached the end of camp! The days might feel long but time always seems to fly by. Over the past 6 weeks the campus has laughed, cried, shouted, and cheered. We grew together as a community and made memories that will last a lifetime. It’s a shame it has to end already. We hope your final days here on the North Shore of Lake Maxinkuckee were some of the best you’ve had yet. Don’t forget to keep in touch with all the new friends you’ve made. If you want to share any photos with us folowing camp please use #CulverSummer2016 on Instagram and you will have a chance to be featured on @culver_summer. We wish you the best in the off-season. We hope to see you next year either as a camper, worker, student at winter school, or at Homecoming!
The Vedette // Culver Summer Schools & Camps
Humor Rodrigo Prado & Jake Ginther
Knock knock!! Who’s there? Foersch! Foersch who? May the Foersch be with you! Knock knock!! Who’s there? Canoe! Canoe who? Canoe help me ready my room? Knock knock!! Who’s there? Egg. Egg who? Eggcited to meet you! Knock knock!! Who’s there? Shrek. Shrek who? Shrek the Musical performed on Wednesday night July 27 it’s free…be there or I’ll eat you! Why won’t Hillary let her campaign staffer’s exercise? She doesn’t want them to “Feel the Bern”.
Culver Pickup Lines
You’re so shiny you remind me of Brasso. Let me Swiffer my way into your heart.
If you were dust, I’d sweep you off your feet. Are you on the Ledbetter? Because you just led me to a better life.
Don’t Get Me Started Lilith Kocian
This summer at Culver has been a new experience. For me, a third classmen who has never been to Culver and has only heard about it in stories, this summer was full of new things that I will remember for the rest of my life. Next year when I come back to Culver it will be a wonderful summer. To be honest Culver is not my first choice of what I consider fun. Although my classes are enjoyable and the people here are kind, my stress levels are off the charts. The military aspects of this school are so crazy that it is hard to comprehend. Marching is not that bad when I’m talking about military, but PI and GI— don’t even get me started! Having to buy your own cleaning supplies if you want a perfect room is so tedious. I mean in my Deck in the morning if you don’t get up early enough you won’t be able to get a broom until five minutes ‘til PI. Next year I’m going to make sure to bring a broom. I feel like such a little kid still because I get all the military lingo mixed up. For example if people are talking about DRC sometimes I think their talking about dinner and don’t even get me started on Crypto! All these things make my head spin. However, Culver has taught me things that I’ve never learned before. Like how to fold clothes or correctly say the Phonetic Alphabet. Culver has given me friends that I might have never been able to meet. Most of all Culver has given me an experience that has changed my life. Maybe, this is best reason why we all should come back next year. To make new friends, try new things, and to become a family.
Movie Night Jose Gonzalez
Culver has many activities that you can attend and this year Culver created a new activity called Wednesday Movie Night. It is an excellent idea because the campers can go and pass time with their friends or unit. I like it because it is different and I can see a new movie or movie that I have seen but want to see again. This is a fun way to pass time because you can watch a movie. The first movie was Daddy’s Home, a comedy about a stepfather and father. The daddies compete to be the only father in the family. My favorite movie so far is Top Gun. I like this movie because it is a good story. It teaches the importance of team work. If you fly alone it is more difficult to win the war but if you have a team it is easier. In the fifth week, the movie was Batman v Superman. This movie is a hero’s story. In this movie Batman and Superman fight. I didn’t like the plot line, but in some ways the movie was entertaining. I think that Wednesday is an excellent day to show movies because the campers have free time. Movie time is not only on Wednesday but also on Sunday. On Sunday you can go to the auditorium to watch the movie in your free time and go with Woodcrafters. I like this new activity because the movies were fun, interesting and I can pass time with my friends from other units. I think that the Wednesday Movie Nights is a good activity to continue in the future because the new campers can pass the time with the other people and watch a different movies. The Vedette // Culver Summer Schools & Camps
Returning From Camp After six long weeks of camp people are getting ready to go back home, what’s the first thing they want to do when they get home. Many campers said they were going to nap for a very, very long time and hang out with their friends as soon as possible. Zhilin Qiu, from Deck 7 (Shanghai, China) says, “I am going to correct the jetlag.” Others said they were going to go and hug their pets. Sophia Sears from Deck 2 (Grand Rapids, Michigan) says, “I am going to say Hi to my cat.” How sweet!! Sherif Abdulwadood from Naval 1 (El Cairo, Egypt) says, “Shower with my dog.” Regina Lopez Puerta from Deck 7 (Durango, Mexico) says “Hug my dog, prepare for school, see my new house, watch movies, and sleep.”
By Cecilia Lopez Espada & Sherry Xie (Chesterfield Missouri) says, “Watch Disney movies!” as she is an avid fan of all things Disney. Jaime Orozco from Naval 2 (Chihuahua, Mexico) “Finish watching ‘Downtown Abbey’ with my grandmother.” A lot of people are looking forward to eating plenty of normal/not dining hall food. Lize Hu, from Deck 5 (Shanghai, China) says, “Sleep for 48 hours and eat Chinese food my mom cooked.”
Campers are going to hang out with their family and friends and tell them about their Summer Camp experience. Celia Cox from Deck 4 (Leewood, Kansas) says, “I am going to volunteer at the nursing home.” David Riojas from Aviation (Coahuila, Mexico) said, “I’ll go straight from the airport to my friend’s house.” Abdallah Catching up on TV shows and watch- Darwazeh from Aviation (Amman, ing new movies was a very popu- Jordan), “Hug my family and get in a lar plan. Ann Borchelt from Deck 7 fight with my brother!” Others will be
unpacking camp stuff to pack for another summer trip with their families. Javier Escolan from Naval 2 (San Salvador, El Salvador) says, “I will keep practicing for the SAT.” Some will go back to training for athletics. Many want to go and play video games or surprise their girlfriend or boyfriend! Of course, many can’t wait to go on their phones and catch up on the latest information. After being away from their best friends, they’re looking forward to catching up on what has been happening back home and getting their daily routines back in place. Molly Harper from Deck 3 (Cleveland, OH) “Look through all the photos from camp remember memories and choose the best ones to write down so I won’t forget how great camp was.”
The Vedette // Culver Summer Schools & Camps
Best Camp Memories
Mud Run Jake Ginther
My favorite memory of Culver this summer is definitely the mud run I did with my fellow third classmen. It really made me feel like I had a part in my company and getting a stronger bond with the people I would be spending 6 weeks with. Everything we did together on the run really united us as one whole unit and it was the most amount of fun I have had at Culver. From running through mud to being carried on a stretcher to jumping in the lake, it was the most memorable part of my summer at camp.
Sophia Lee: Deck 6 (Seoul, South Korea) The water balloon fight between Deck 6 and Aviation, well more of an ambush really. Everyone was out to get each other, and there were even a number of betrayals. Good times! Sonja Wooley: Deck 5 (Southern Pines, North Carolina) The first time we had retreat, hearing the drums got me all excited. Afterwards, we got to stand in Sally Port and listen to the band and sing our deck song. My heart was pounding the whole time and I couldn’t stop smiling. Now, every time I hear that drum beat, I smile. Sherif Abdul Wadood: Naval 1 (United Arab Emirates) The water gun fight in the hallway with the counselors and also Comm. Relay. Molly Statczar: Deck 3 (Culver, Indiana) When I first joined Ledbetter crew, despite my fear of heights. Priscilla Guerrero: Deck 4 (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic) Running out of the Deck with my Deck 4 sisters, marching-running to the barracks and singing along with Spartan 3, “We are never getting back together” to Force 4.
Troop Hike Jose Gonzalez
Culver has many activities and traditions, one tradition is for Troop and it is called Troop Hike. The Troop Hike is a simulation of war, in this simulation the Troopers go with the horses to the forest and camp in there. This year the Hike was 3 days and 2 nights, in this time the Troopers plan the war and the commands for this. I have gone on Troop Hike for 3 years and this year it was easier because it was shorter. The Troopers have many jobs on the Hike, the first job is to make the tents and put the horses in the stables. The second, and I think the more difficult task, it is called pickup duty. This is when we take care of the horses at night it is difficult because the night was cool and it is hard to sleep, but you, your tent and two counselors stay next to the camp fire. On the second day, the Troopers go and take the horses and start to practice the commands for war. The practice is difficult and hard because the Troopers ride the horses for two hours, but after the work is done the whole unit goes to the lake and swims. In the afternoon the Troopers can watch a movie or stay in the tents.
Liam Stevens: Naval 3 (Colorado, United States) Seeing the Culver drone nose dive into Lake Max. Michael Sanchez: Aviation (St. John, Indiana) My favorite memory about Culver this year is coming back to all old friends I made last year. Also, just getting to spend my last year with them. Cristina Medina: Deck 6 (Guatemala) My favorite memory is all the talks my roommates and I had after taps.
To Sleep, Perchance to Dream Lilith Kocian
Here at Culver waking up early and going to sleep late is a normality (even for Hamlet). However, when having a brief time to sleep, it leaves campers being sleep deprived. A teenager needs an average of 9 ½ hours of sleep each day. At Culver we’re lucky to get at least 7 ½. A cadet at Culver gets up at around 6-6:30 in the morning, sometimes even earlier. They go to bed at around 10:00 at night, but don’t fall asleep until later. This leads to campers having no sleep and are drowsy throughout the day. With no sleep, when we march when our unit commander says “Guide left,” we might just go the opposite direction. Or possibly even march into the lake because we thought it would be a good idea to close our eyes for just a second. With no sleep this can also lead to trouble listening and learning, depression, weakening of your immune system, and a lot more. With all these problems of being sleep deprived, teenagers are moody, and sometimes unreasonable. Now we know that being at military camp there are many rules we must follow. Having to wake up early to get through all our classes and events for the day and then all of the military scheduling, we are left exhausted in the end. Nevertheless, it seems reasonable that we might want more sleep. We do have free time throughout the day, but that is usually filled with activities and sports we are acquired to do. Having no sleep is a problem. If we were able to have a later wake-up call or have more free time we might be able to get through the day. Now complaining is not the answer, but we all wish to have a little more sleep. Is it possible to make that come true? Or maybe they should offer ‘Nap Time’ as a new class period. For now us campers will just have to try our best, and possibly not fall in the lake.
The Vedette // Culver Summer Schools & Camps
Returning to Ocean City By Jake Ginther
This summer at Culver has been great for most of us here and as it soon comes to a close, many people will miss the friends and memories we have made. But all of us are already making plans about what we are going to do when we return home to our friends and family. I have already made quite a few plans as I return home and it will make my summer even more memorable.
Culver, about all the people I met, every memory I made, show them pictures I took on my camera, show them all the marching techniques I learned, and much more. The time spent at Culver has been great for me, I have learned plenty of new things like sailing and how to write better. But I am very excited to return home and relax and wind down from doing things constantly here and enjoy the food and places I enjoy going too at home. I will miss I drove to Culver passing through Cleveland, Ohio— a Culver in a lot of ways when we all leave. four-hour drive from Culver. I knew I had to make one stop there on my 13 hour drive back to Ocean City, Maryland. I knew I had to go to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and see all my favorite musicians at this amazing place. I looked it up leaving Cleveland and seeing all the things it had there really surprised me and I knew that my rock and roll heart would very much be pleased. The drive home from Cleveland to Ocean City is a long eight hours through the mountains of Pennsylvania and then over into the flat and relaxing place of Annapolis, Maryland. From there, the crossing of the expansive Chesapeake Bay and back onto the eastern shore of Maryland. Two hour drive from there, I will reach home and see the places I know, all the people I have missed, and of course the ocean. I have already made plans to have a beach bonfire the night after I arrive back and go out and surf once again with all the people I missed so much. I will be telling my story of
The Vedette // Culver Summer Schools & Camps