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THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES By Laws A. Approved May 16, 2000

Revised/Amended November 19, 2002 July 20, 2004 August 17, 2004 May 17, 2005 January 17, 2006 July 18, 2006 January 19, 2007 July 17, 2007 November 20, 2007 June 17, 2008 August 19, 2008 October 21, 2008 August 18, 2009 November 17, 2009 June 15, 2010 July 20, 2010 October 19, 2010 April 21, 2011 May 17, 2011 August 16, 2011 May 15, 2012 June 21, 2012 October 18, 2012 December 20, 2012 March 21, 2013 April 18, 2013 June 20, 2013 November 21, 2013 February 20, 2014 March 20, 2014

Revised/Amended May 14, 2014 September 18, 2014 October 16, 2014

Preface Index


Legal Status of the Board


Organization of the Board


Officers of the Board


Committees of the Board


Meetings of the Board


Changes in By-Laws and Policies of the Board


Miscellaneous By-Laws of the Board

0.1000 Legal Status of the Board 0.1010

Official Name

The official name of the county college, established under and by virtue of the laws of the State of New Jersey, shall be Cumberland County College (hereinafter sometimes referred to as “College” or “the College”). 0.1020

Corporate Title

The name of the corporation shall be the “Board of Trustees of Cumberland County College,” (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the “Board”). 0.1030

Corporate Seal The Corporation shall have a seal, the form and design of which shall be adopted by the Board of Trustees and the custody of which shall be with the President of the College.

0.2000 Organization of the Board

0.2010 Composition of Boards of Trustees The Board of Trustees consists of eleven members and one non-voting member elected from the graduating class appointed in accordance with the laws of the State of New Jersey. The President of the College shall be an exofficio member of the Board, but without vote. 0.2020 Authority The Board of Trustees derives its authority from New Jersey Statute 18A: 64A-1 et seq. The Board is subject to provisions of the Constitution of the State of New Jersey, Rules and Regulations of the Board of Higher Education, and its own policies. 0.2030 Oath of Office Each Trustee, prior to taking their seat on this Board of Trustees, shall take and execute the following oath of office: “I, __________ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of Trustee of Cumberland County College according to the best of my ability.”

0.2040 Individual Members of the Board The responsibilities of the Board designated in this section, and such other responsibilities and powers of the Board as are or may be designated in these By-Laws, pertain to the Board as such, and not to its members individually. No member of the Board has or shall assume power or responsibility to make decisions affecting the College, the Board or its agents except as that power or responsibility has been specifically delegated to a member by the Board. 0.2050 Duties and Responsibilities (Amended May 17, 2005, October 21, 2008) The Board of Trustees, responsible to the people of Cumberland County and sensitive to their hopes, ambitions, and needs, shall have the legislative responsibility of formulating broad public policy for community college education in Cumberland County. As the policy making body of the College, the Board shall be charged with the oversight and control of the College. The formulation and adoption of written policies shall constitute the basic method by which the Board exercises this leadership in the operation of the College. The Board shall delegate to the President, its chief executive officer, the full authority and responsibility of the operation of the College, under the policies of the Board. Without prejudice to powers granted to the Board by the State Statutes or rules and regulations of the Commission on Higher Education and Council of New Jersey Presidents responsibilities are as follows: a. b. c.

d. e. f. g. h. i. j.

Adopt and periodically review a statement of philosophy and objectives of the College. Establish broad general policies for the governance of the College. Select and appoint the President of the College who shall be the executive officer of the College, through whom the Board exercises its control of the College and to whom all other administrators, employees, agents and professional consultants of the College shall be responsible. Determine the President’s compensation and term of service, and execute a contract embracing such terms. Appoint, upon nomination of the President, other administrative officers and administrative personnel and all academic personnel of the College. Employ a general counsel, college auditor, and other agents as required, and fix their qualifications and compensation. Approve the annual budget and any later revisions. Provide sufficient physical facilities to carry out the objectives of the College. Recommend to proper authorities provision of ways and means of adequate financial support. Serve as a final adjudicating agency for students, employees, and citizens on matters of policy and policy interpretation.



Consider communications and requests from citizens and organizations of Cumberland County on matters of policy, administration and other items of public concern affecting the College. Maintain continuous oversight of the College.

0.2050.1 Attendance Policy (Approved May 17, 2005) The Members of the Board of Trustees (the “Board”) recognize the importance and value of each Trustee’s input with regard to the Board’s discharge of its duties; therefore, each Board member is expected to attend at least 80% of all regular and subcommittee meetings. This expectation shall be communicated by the Board Chair to each new Board member, outlined as part of the new Trustee’s orientation, and shall be recognized by this policy. An attendance record shall be included in each month’s Board meeting materials. If a Trustee fails to meet the required percentage of attendance, the Board Chair shall consult with said member to assess the cause. Trustees unable to meet the minimum attendance requirement should consider resignation, thus providing for an able replacement and maintenance of the integrity of the Board. The Board shall, on an annual basis, report each Trustee’s attendance to the appropriate appointing authority. Attendance will be considered as part of the criteria established in the Board’s recommendation to the appropriate appointing authority with respect to Trustee reappointment. A copy of this policy shall be forwarded to each appointing authority as Trustee vacancies occur.


Presidential Search Process


Board of Trustees, March 21, 1995 Revised, August 18, 2009

1. When a vacancy in the Office of the College President occurs, the Board Chair, with the concurrence of the majority of the Board, will appoint a Search Committee. The Committee shall be broadly representative of the College Community. The number of Trustees serving on the Search Committee shall be determined by the Board, and will at all times conform to the relevant state and federal statutes governing meeting processes. 2. The Board shall develop a charge to the Search Committee, which will initially require assessment of the needs of the College and a recommendation to the Board of criteria for the selection of the new President. The Search Committee shall provide appropriate opportunities for the College Community to comment upon the needs of the College and the development of criteria for selection of a new President. 3. The Board shall establish a timetable for the search which will ensure that the Office of President is filled in a timely manner. 4. The Board may utilize the services of an outside consultant or organization such as ACCT to assist the Board in the selection process. 5. The Board may adopt, modify or reject the Search Committee’s assessment of the needs of the College and the Committee’s recommended criteria for selection of a new President. 6. Based upon the selection criteria established by the Board, the Search Committee shall arrange for appropriate public advertisement of the vacant position, shall review all applications received and select candidates to be interviewed by the Search Committee. 7. The Search Committee shall recommend to the Board in unranked order the candidates deemed most qualified for appointment. Only applicants interviewed by Search Committee shall be recommended to the Board. 8. The Board shall interview candidates recommended by the Search Committee and shall make such further inquiries as the Board deems appropriate. If the Board determines not to appoint any of the candidates recommended by the Search Committee, it shall direct the Committee to continue the search process and to recommend additional appointment candidates. 9. Interviews of applicants by the Search Committee and interviews of recommended candidates by the Board shall be conducted in private. The Committee and Board evaluations of applicants and deliberations, thereon, shall be kept confidential and shall be conducted in private. 10. The Board shall provide appropriate resources to enable the Search Committee to discharge its responsibilities effectively. 2/28/03 rev8/18/09

0.2070 Alumni Trustee


N.J.S.A. 18A:64A-8, amended August 21, 2007 Revised by BOT, June 17, 2008

1. Selection: a. A nomination and election period for the Alumni Trustee position will be announced. The Alumni Trustee will be elected by a vote of the student body during the spring semester prior to commencement each year. b. The nominee receiving the most votes will be the successful candidate for the Alumni Trustee position. c. If the nominee selected fails to meet the requirements for the Alumni Trustee position, the candidate receiving the next greatest number of votes will be considered to be the successful candidate and so on. 2. Eligibility: The Alumni Trustee at Cumberland County College must: a. be 18 years of age or older; b. be a resident of Cumberland County; c. be a graduate from Cumberland County College with an associate’s degree earned in the academic year immediately preceding service on the Board; d. not enroll for any courses at the College during their term as Alumni Trustee.

3. Term of Office: a. The Alumni Trustee shall serve for a period of one year, commencing at the first meeting of the Board in July following the graduation of the Alumni Trustee’s class. b. If, in any particular year there are not any nominees, or the nominees do not meet the position criteria, the current Alumni Trustee’s term of office could be extended for another year. 4. Participation: a. The Alumni Trustee shall be entitled to the rights, afforded members of the Board of Trustees except for voting and attendance at closed sessions of the Board. The Alumni Trustee participates on sub committee and open meetings of the Board.



Code of Ethics for College Trustees

Board of Trustees, May 16, 1995 Amended, January 17, 2006

1. Application Article II of this code of ethics is applicable to members of the Board of Trustees of the College. The provisions of Executive Order No. 65, signed by Acting Governor Richard J. Codey on November 15, 2005, are incorporated herein and made a part of this code of ethics. 2. Definitions When used in this Article II, the following words and terms shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. “Board” means the Board of Trustees of the College. “College matter” means any application, award, bid, claim, contract, license, proceeding, resolution or transaction made by, to, against or with the College, or which requires any official action by the Board, officers or employees. “Employee” means any person compensated for full or part time employment services rendered to the College. “Immediate family member” means the spouse, natural or adopted child, grandchild, parent, or sibling of the Trustee. “Interest” means any personal, financial, economic property or other concern amounting to a right, advantage, share or portion inuring either directly or indirectly to a Trustee or to an immediate family member of a Trustee, either singly, or in affiliation with any person or party as defined herein. “Person or party” means any natural person, association, corporation, estate, partnership, proprietorship, trust or other legal entity. 3. Standards of Ethics (a) No Trustee shall have any interest, financial or otherwise, direct or indirect, or engage in any business or transaction or professional activity, which is in conflict with the proper discharge of the Trustee’s duties to the College.

(b) No Trustee shall use his or her official position to secure unwarranted privileges or advantages for himself or herself or others.

(c) No Trustee shall act in his or her official capacity in any College matter in which the Trustee or an immediate family member of the Trustee has a direct or indirect financial interest that might reasonably be expected to impair the Trustee’s objectivity or independence of judgment. (d) No Trustee shall undertake any employment or engage in any business, transaction, service or professional activity, whether compensated or not, which might reasonably be expected to impair the Trustee’s objectivity or independence of judgment in the exercise of his or her official duties as Trustee. (e) No Trustee shall accept, directly or indirectly, any gift, favor, service, or other things of value under circumstances from which it might be reasonably inferred, or which the Trustee knows or has reason to believe, is offered for the purpose of influencing the discharge of his or her duties as Trustee. For these purposes, value shall be construed as greater than $25.00 unless otherwise approved by the Chair of the Board of Trustees. (f) No Trustee shall knowingly act in any way that might reasonably be expected to create an impression or suspicion among the public having knowledge of the Trustee’s acts, that he or she may be engaged in conduct violative of his or her trust as a public official. (g) No Trustee, nor any member or employee of a firm or corporation with which the Trustee is affiliated shall appear or negotiate on behalf of a party not affiliated with the College, in any matter before the College or in any cause or proceeding involving the College. (h) No Trustee shall use, or allow to be used, his or her public office, or any information not generally available to members of the public, which the Trustee receives in the course of or by reason of the Trustee’s office, to secure financial gain, unwarranted privileges, advantages or employment for himself or herself, his or her immediate family members, or others with whom the Trustee is associated. (i) A Trustee should devote time, thought and study to the duties and responsibilities of a College Trustee so as to render effective and creditable service. (j) As an individual, a Trustee has no legal authority outside of the meetings of the Board and should conduct himself or herself accordingly with the College staff, local citizens, and all facets of the local Community. (k) An important function of the Board is to establish the policies and the goals of the College and to audit the performance of the administration in the fulfillment of these policies and the progress towards the goals. However, Trustees should leave the conduct of the educational program and the College’s business to President and administration of the College.

4. Disclosure of Potential Conflict (a) At first knowledge of a transaction involving the College that reasonably could give rise to a conflict of interest, a Trustee shall disclose to the Board the precise nature of the interest or involvement of the Trustee or the Trustee’s immediate family member in any College matter to be considered by the Board of College administration. (b) Upon notification of the appointment or reappointment of a Trustee, the President of the College shall provide the Trustee with a copy of this code of ethics. Within thirty (30) days after the organizational meeting of the Board, each Trustee shall file with the secretary of the Board, a form of statement specified by the Board which discloses the nature of any financial interest or business relationship which the Trustee has which relates tot he College or which the Trustee is otherwise required to disclose under this code of ethics. 5. Enforcement Violations of this code of ethics may constitute cause for removal of a Trustee pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A: 64A-9 or imposition of other sanctions determined by the Board to be appropriate. A Board Subcommittee shall develop “other” sanctions to be presented to the full Board by November 1995. 6. State of New Jersey Executive Order No. 65 1. No President or member of a governing board of a State University, State College or County College, nor any member of the immediate family of such official, shall do business, directly or indirectly, with the institution that they govern or by which they are employed. For purposes of this Order, “member of the immediate family” shall mean the official’s spouse, child, parent or sibling residing in the same household. 2. The prohibitions in paragraph 1 shall also apply to any firm, association or partnership by which the President or member of the governing board is employed, from which the President or member receives compensation, or of which the President or member owns or controls more than one percent of the profits or assets of that firm, association or partnership. Such prohibitions shall also apply to shareholders, associates or professional employees of a professional service corporation regardless of the extent or amount of their shareholder interest in such a corporation. 3. Any President or member of a governing board of a State University, State College or County College who is currently involved in a business relationship that is prohibited by this Order shall be given 30 days to terminate the prohibited business relationship or to resign from public office. Failure to comply with the terms of this Order shall constitute good cause for the removal from employment or office of the President or member of a governing board.

4. The Executive Director of the Executive Commission on Ethical Standards is hereby authorized to grant an exception from the terms of this Order if, in the judgment of the Executive Director, the entity that employs, provides compensation or is owned in part by the Board member is one with which the State University, State College or County College may contract with pursuant to N.J.S.A. 52:13D-19 and N.J.S.A. 52:34-10, or where the public interest requires that an exception be made. 5. Each governing board of a State University, State College or County College shall incorporate the provisions of this Order into its Code of Ethics. 6. This Order shall take effect immediately.


Recommendation of Gubernatorial Trustee Appointments


Board of Trustees, March 21, 1995, revised, August 19, 2008 Procedures approved May 17, 2005; revised, August 19, 2008

Bylaw: 1. The Board shall have the option of recommending to the Governor candidates for appointment or reappointment by the Governor. 2. Recommendations for appointment or reappointment by the Governor of Members of the Board of Trustees (the “Board”) shall be governed by this policy. 3. When a member is to be appointed or reappointed to the Board by the Governor, the Board shall establish a schedule that will enable the Board to make a recommendation to the Governor in a timely manner. The Board should present their recommendation to the Governor 60 days prior to the end of the Trustee’s term. 4. The Board shall assess the needs of the Board and college giving consideration to (a) desired areas of expertise, abilities and experience, (b) diversity of community representation, and (c) the present composition of the Board. 5. Based upon the assessment of the needs of the Board and College, the Board shall establish criteria for recommending individuals to the Governor for appointment or reappointment to the Board. The criteria shall in all cases include (i) the desirability of periodic rotation of Board membership, (ii) avoidance of the appearance of conflict of interest, and (iii) avoidance of incompatibility of public offices. In the case of reappointment, the criteria for recommendation shall include assessment of the incumbent’s contributions to the work of the Board and level of participation and meeting attendance.

6. The Board may refer to a nominating committee comprised of Board Members only, assessment of appointee candidates based upon the criteria established by the Board for favorable appointment recommendation. 7. Recommendation of individuals for appointment or reappointment by the Governor to the Board shall be a non-delegable function and act of the Board. The Board may elect to recommend more than one individual to the Governor. Procedures: 1. The Board Chair may appoint a Trustee Nominating Committee at the June meeting; 2. Should a Committee be convened, said committee shall present its recommendation(s) at the July meeting; and 3. In August the Board’s recommendation(s) shall be forwarded to the Governor’s Office. Procedures gubernatorial recommendation/ab 07/23/08

0.3000 Officers of the Board 0.3010 Titles

The Officers of the Board shall be a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, elected from its membership. 0.3020 Manner of Election and Term of Office (Amended July 17, 2007; October 21, 2008; November 17, 2009; October 19, 2010 Manner of Election: In September of each year the Board Chairperson shall appoint three Board members who shall serve as the Nominating Committee. At the October Board Meeting, the committee shall announce the slate for Board officers for the following year. No member of the Nominating Committee shall be presented on the Committee’s slate of candidates for office. In developing the slate of officers, the Nominating Committee shall use the following as criteria for the nominees:   

The Board of Trustees Diversity Policy; The willingness of the nominee to serve; and, The nominees’ commitment to attendance at regular and special Board meetings, College events and Trustee education programs.

In November, at the annual meeting, the Board shall conduct an election. At that time, in addition to the Nominating Committee’s slate, nominations shall also be solicited from the Board membership. After close of nominations, an election for each officer shall be conducted. They shall assume office immediately upon election. A simple majority of the votes cast shall be required for election. Vacancies in office that may occur after the annual meeting shall be filled by election at the next regular meeting after a vacancy occurs. The new officeholder will serve for the remainder of the unexpired term. Term of Office: The Board Chairperson, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer may be nominated for consecutive terms; however, in no case shall any officer serve more than two consecutive one-year terms.

0.3030 Duties and Responsibilities 1. Chairperson of the Board

a. To preside at all meetings of the Board and decide on questions of order as well as the right to vote. b. To appoint all Committees of the Board, and designate the Chairperson of such committees, except as may be otherwise provided in these By-Laws. c. To execute all contracts legally requiring his/her signature. d. To serve as an ex-officio member of all committees of the Board. e. To call special meetings of the Board as required. f. To discharge such other functions as may be prescribed by law or delegated to the Chairperson by the Board. 2. Vice-Chairperson of the Board a. To act for the Chairperson on the Chairperson’s request or in the Chairperson’s absence. b. To discharge such other functions as the Chairperson may delegate from time to time. 3. Secretary to the Board a. To be responsible for recording the Minutes of all regular and special meetings of the Board. b. To cause to have prepared and maintained an indexed compilation of all By-Laws and amendments thereto; and a copy of all policies of the Board and all amendments thereto, the whole of which shall be known as the Policies of the Board of Trustees of Cumberland County College. c. To perform such other duties as may be required by law or delegated from time to time by the Board. 4. Treasurer of the Board a. b. c. d.

To provide oversight for all college expenditures. To report to the Board the financial condition of the College. To provide to the Board any special reports as required. Authorized signatures for deposits of college monies shall be: The Chairperson of the Board Treasurer of the Board President of the College VP for Finance & Administrative Services The signature of any one of the above is required.

5. Executive Officer

The President of the College shall be the Executive Officer of the College through which the Board carries out its program and exercises its policies. The President may delegate to subordinate officers or employees of the College such of the powers, as deemed desirable to be exercised under the President’s supervision and direction. Within the framework of policies adopted by the Board, the President shall exercise discretionary authority in carrying out responsibilities of the position. The President shall perform the following functions: a. To inform the Board of all actions taken under authority delegated to the President. b. To advise the Board in all areas of policy and make recommendations on all matters that affect the College before action is taken by the Board. c. To make recommendations to the Board for the appointment of administrative and teaching personnel of the College. d. To appoint, manage, supervise and discharge all employees other than administrative and teaching personnel. e. To prepare and submit to the Board an annual budget and budget revisions. f. To be responsible for the formulation of all reports as may be required by the Board and by local, state and national agencies. g. To issue administrative regulations and procedures designed to implement Board policies. h. To represent the College to the community, in cooperation with the Board and staff, by interpreting the College program to the public, parents, the press, and community organizations. i. To execute all contracts and other documents not legally requiring the signature of the Chairperson of the Board. j. To prepare and submit to the Board an annual report of the operation of the College, including recommendations for the immediate and long-range development of the College. k. To serve as the official channel for all contacts between staff members and the Board. l. To act as the chief administrator of the College, responsible for the organization of the College and for all executive and administrative duties in connection with the operation of the College. m. To propose the shape of and maintain the educational program of the College, recommending to the Board from time to time such changes in programs and services deemed desirable to fulfill the stated purposes of the College. n. To designate, subject to Board approval, an administrative officer of the College to serve as acting President in place and stead during the President’s absence.

0.4000 Committees of the Board

0.4010 Academic and Student Affairs Committee The charge of this committee is to: a. Review and make recommendations of new or modified courses

or programs relative to the college curriculum. b. Review and make recommendations relative to new or modified c.


policies or procedures relating to academic or student affairs matters. Hear and make recommendations to the Board at Large relative to student grievances pertaining to academic and student affairs issues.

Finance and Planning Committee This charge of this committee is to: a. Review and make recommendations to the Board at Large relative to

b. c.

d. e. f.

g. h.

contracts awarded to vendors per the bidding procedures defined by state and college policy and procedures. Review and make recommendations relative to the annual college budget. Serve as the School Board of Estimate in conjunction with Board of Chosen Freeholders Finance Committee, relative to recommendations on college budget matters. Review college expenditures and make recommendations to the Board at Large. Have a member of this committee serve as the Board Liaison to the College Foundation. Review and make recommendations to the Board at Large relative to the overall buildings and grounds issues, such as construction, replacement and renewal, and maintenance. Review and make recommendations relative to new or modified policies relating to college and Trustee governance issues. Review and make recommendations relative to institutional planning, including long-range plan and annual goals and objectives

0.4030 Personnel and Affirmative Action Committee The charge to this committee is to:

a. Evaluate and make recommendations on staff hiring as forwarded by the

President of the College. b. Recommend and review hiring policies of the College as it relates to the c.


overall institutional affirmative action goals. Review any personnel or affirmative action grievances and make recommendations to the full Board of Trustees.

Ad Hoc Committees The Board of Trustees may establish and dissolve such Ad Hoc Committees as it deems necessary from time to time to secure and promote the welfare of the College and to assist the Board of Trustees in the performance of its function. Any such committee shall serve in an investigative, advisory, or recommendatory capacity.


Board of School Estimate In accordance with the provisions of N.J.S. 18A:64A-15, the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees and the Chairperson of the Finance Committee shall be the members on behalf of the College on the Board of School Estimate. In the absence of the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees, the Vice Chairperson of the Board of Trustees shall so serve. In the Absence of the Chairperson of the Finance Committee, a Trustee shall be appointed by the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees to serve on the Board of School Estimate.


The Chairperson of the Board of Trustees is, ex officio, a member of all committees. Members of the committees, and the Chairperson of such committees, shall be appointed by the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees annually at the organizational meeting of the Board. Members of the committees shall serve for a term of one (1) year or until their successors have been appointed.


Officers’ Committee The Chairperson of the Board of Trustees may appoint an Officers’ Committee. This committee will be composed of the Board Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and immediate past Board Chair. The President of the College will serve ex-officio and staff to the Committee. The Committee will meet at the call of the Board Chair. An agenda for the meeting, as well as a copy of meeting notes summarizing the discussions of the Officers’ Committee, will be shared with all Board of Trustee members. Generally, the Officers’ Committee will assist the Board Chair with presidential contract negotiations and agenda setting for the Board of

Trustees. The Board Chair, at his/her discretion, may choose to bring other items forward for discussion. (Approved by the Board of Trustees at the November 20, 2007 Meeting)

0.5000 Meetings of the Board 0.5010 Annual Meeting The Annual Meeting (organizational meeting) of the Board of Trustees shall be held in November as required by the New Jersey statutes. The agenda for the Annual Meeting shall be as follows:

A. B. C. D. E.

the election of officers; the appointment of standing committees; the establishment of a regular meeting schedule; the appointment of agents for the Board designation of depositories

0.5020 Regular Meetings Regular meetings of the Board shall be held monthly, on a day, hour, and at a place to be fixed and determined at the Annual Meeting. A Regular Meeting may be set for another date or waived by action of the Board at any previous meeting. A Regular Meeting can be established for any other date than that fixed at the Annual Meeting provided that the same shall be fixed for a day not less than seven (7) days after the date when action was taken changing such date. 0.5030 Special Meetings Special meetings shall be called by the Chairperson, or upon written request by four (4) Trustees, or by the President when approved by the Chairperson. The notice of any such meeting shall specify the matter (s) to be considered at said meeting. No other matters shall be considered at said meetings. 0.5040 Adjourned Meetings Adjourned meetings may be held as the business of the Board of Trustees requires. At the time of the adjournment, the time, date and place of the continuation of the meeting shall be determined and announced which said date shall not be less than 48 hours after the meeting which shall be adjourned.

0.5050 Executive Sessions Executive Sessions of the Board may be held to discuss any subject listed in paragraph 7b of P.L. 1975, Chapter 231, provided that at a public meeting statement of the general nature of the subject to be discussed is made.

0.5060 Meetings in General All meetings of the Board, except Executive, shall be open and accessible to the public. Except as hereinafter provided, the public shall not be entitled to participate in any meeting and shall not have a right to be heard on any subject. 0.5070 Notice of Meetings The schedule of Regular Meetings adopted at the Annual Meeting shall be mailed to the official newspapers, prominently posted in at least one public place reserved for such announcements, filed with the Clerk of Cumberland County and all those who have duly requested a copy of the same. Notice of any revision of said schedule of Regular Meetings shall likewise be given within seven (7) days following such revision. Forty eight (48) hours notice of any other meeting of the Board of Trustees shall be given in the same fashion as provided for notice of the schedule of Regular Meetings which said notice shall give the time, date, location, and, to the extent known, the agenda of such meeting and shall state accurately whether formal action may or may not be taken. Upon the affirmative vote of three-quarters of the members present, the Board of Trustees may hold a meeting, notwithstanding the failure to provide the above notice of such meeting is required in order to deal with matters of such urgency and importance that a delay for the purpose of providing for such notice would be likely to result in substantial harm to the public interest. Such meeting shall be limited to discussion of and acting with respect to such matters of urgency and importance. Notice shall be given as soon as possible following the calling of such meeting.

0.5080 Quorum A majority of the Voting Trustees shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at Regular and Special Meetings. A smaller number may call the roll, record the names of absentees and adjourn to meet at a specified future time.

0.5090 Majority Vote An Affirmative vote of a majority of all Trustees present at Regular and Special Meetings shall be required for the passage of any motion, except where otherwise provided by law, rules and regulations of the Board of Higher Education or by provisions of these By-Laws.


Reconsideration of Vote The reconsideration of a vote shall be moved only by a Trustee who voted with the majority. If the motion to reconsider prevails, the matter under consideration shall be decided at that or the next Regular Meeting.


Agenda The Agenda shall be prepared by the President in sufficient time before a meeting to allow the giving of the notices required hereunder.


Parliamentary Rules Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised, shall be followed in conducting the meetings of the Board except as otherwise provided by the Board.


Minutes of Meetings Minutes of Regular and Special Meetings of the Board are public records. Written minutes shall be distributed to the Board and such other persons as the Board may designate. The Minutes Book shall be open to any person and shall be kept on file at the College as a permanent record of official actions of the Board. The minutes shall record the names of the members present, the subjects considered, the actions taken, the vote of each member. A Trustee voting on an issue may state their reasons and have them recorded in the minutes if the member so requests at the time of the voting. Minutes of Executive Sessions shall be likewise recorded but shall not be a public record until such time as the Board shall determine at a Regular or Special Meeting that the same shall be made public, in accordance with the New Jersey Public Access to Government Records Act of 2002. (Approved by the Board of Trustees at the July 20, 2004 meeting.)


Appearances before the Board At the time designated on the agenda, any individual or group may be heard on any subject that lies within the Board’s jurisdictional authority, as well as on any item that is on the written agenda of a Board meeting or Special meeting of the Board. The Chairperson reserves the right to fix such time limits on presentations as he or she deems appropriate to the occasion and may limit the number of spokespersons in opposition to or in support of a given issue being considered by the Board. The Board, by majority vote, may extend such limits as it deems appropriate. (Approved by the Board of Trustees at the August 17, 2004 meeting.)


Procedural Rules for Hearings Before Cumberland County College Board of Trustees


Board of Trustees,

November 21, 1995

1. Forward; Scope. The following rules govern the hearing and adjudication of disputes concerning tenure, personnel matters of employees not classified under Title 11A of the New Jersey Statutes, and other disputes arising under the higher education laws contained in Title 18A of the New Jersey Statutes. 2. Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in these rules, shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: “Board” means the Board of Trustees of Cumberland County College. “Chairperson” means the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of Cumberland County College. “Days” means calendar day. “Secretary” means the Secretary of the Board of Trustees of Cumberland County College. 3. Commencement of Proceeding. (a) In General. To initiate a proceeding before the Board, a petitioner shall file with the Secretary a petition conforming to the requirements set forth in section 5 below. (b) Tenure Charges. To initiate proceedings for the dismissal or reduction in compensation of tenured faculty pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A: 6-18, a written charge of the cause (s) proffered against the faculty member signed by the person making the charge shall be filed with the Secretary.

4. Limitations Period. (a) Bidding Matters. A petition challenging the award or non-award or contract under the County College Contracts Law, N.J.S.A. 18A: 64A-25.1 et seq., must be filed within 10 days of actual or constructive notice of the contract award or non-award being challenged. (b) In General. Except for a petition seeking relief under N.J.S.A. 18A: 64A-25.1 et seq. (bidding matters), all other petitions must be filed within forty-five (45) days of actual or constructive notice of the determination or action being. 5. Contents of Petition. The petition must: (a) state the name and address of each petitioner; (b) identify the decision-maker(s) whose determination or action is being challenged and, where the challenged determination has been reduced to writing, include as an exhibit a copy of the written determination; (c) set forth a plain and concise statement of the essential facts, in separately numbered allegations, giving rise to the dispute; (d) state the section (s) of Title 18A under which the controversy has arisen; (e) contain a statement of relief sought; and (f) be verified under oath. 6. Contents of Tenure Charge. A tenure charge must : (a) state the name and address of the respondent faculty member; (b) set forth a plain and concise statement of the essential facts, in separately numbered allegations, upon which the charge is based; (c) contain a statement of the relief sought; and (d) be signed by the person making the charge. 7. Caption; Designation of Respondent. (a) The petition shall be captioned “In the Matter of the Petition of (name of petitioner).” Tenure charges shall be captioned “In the Matter of the Tenure Hearing of (name of charged faculty member).” In all cases, the caption should reflect that the proceeding is “Before the Board of Trustees of Cumberland County College.”

(b) The College president or his/her designee shall be responsible for representing the College administration with or without the assistance of legal counsel. 8. Exhaustion of Remedies. The failure by a petitioner to exhaust all remedies and procedures available internally through the College administration or under bargaining unit contracts shall be a complete bar to any proceedings under these rules. 9. Election of Remedies. If the claim asserted in any petition is the subject of a pending grievance under a collectively negotiated contract or the subject of any other administrative or court proceeding, the matter shall not be brought to the Board until completion of the grievance or ocher administrative proceeding, and then only with respect to claims which have not been adjudicated by binding arbitration or other final agency action. 10. Service of Petition and Tenure Charges. (a) In General. The Secretary shall serve a copy of the petition on the College president. If the College president has designated another member of the administration to serve as the respondent, the College president shall serve a copy of the petition on the designee. (b) Bidding Matters. In any case concerning the award or no-award of a contract under the County College Contracts Law, N.J.S.A. 18A: 64A-25.1 et seq., the petitioner shall serve a copy of the petition on the successful bidder/contractor simultaneously with filing and shall file a proof of service along with the petition. (c) Tenure Charges. The secretary shall serve a copy of the tenure charge on the respondent faculty member. (d) Manner of Service. Service of the petition or tenure charges may be made by personal delivery, campus mail, regular mail, certified mail, messenger or overnight delivery service or telecopier followed by one of the other acceptable methods of service. 11. Answer. Except as set forth in Section 12 (a) below, an answer to a petition or tenure charge shall be filed within 20 days after service of the petition or tenure charge. The Answer shall admit or deny or give an explanatory statement in response to each allegation in the petition or tenure charge. A copy of the answer shall be served on each petitioner or on the person filing the tenure charge, as the case may be, simultaneously with the filing of the answer, and proof of service shall be filed along with the answer.

12. Intervention. (a) Bidding Matters. In any case challenging the award or the non-award of a contract under the County College Contracts Law, N.J.S.A. 18A: 64A-25.1 et seq., the successful bidder/contractor shall have the right to intervene by filing a notice of intervention along with an answer to the petition within 10 days of service of the petition.

(b) Other Matters. Intervention and participation in other than bidding cases shall be governed by N.J.A.C. 1: 1-16.1 et seq. 13. Determination of Jurisdiction. (a) Before Joinder. Upon the filing of a petition, the Chairperson shall review it to determine if it states a claim or claims over which the Board has jurisdiction pursuant to P.L. 1994, Ch. 48, Sec. 6f. If it appears from the face of the petition that the Board does not have jurisdiction over one or more claims asserted in it, the Chairperson shall issue a written decision dismissing those claims over which the Board does not have jurisdiction. (b) After Joinder. Once an answer has been filed, objections to subject matter jurisdiction may be raised at nay time on motion of a party or on the Board’s own motion. 14. Standard of Review: Burden of Proof. (a) In General. In order to prevail, the petitioner must demonstrate that the challenged action or determination was clearly erroneous factually, contrary to law or College policy, or otherwise arbitrary, capricious, or unreasonable. (b) Tenure Charges. In matters involving the dismissal or reduction in compensation of tenured faculty pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A: 6-18, the College administration shall bear the burden of proof by a preponderance of the evidence. 15. Hearing Panel; Hearing Officer. The Board may determine to hear a matter itself or assign the matter for hearing to a hearing panel consisting of three Board members or to an independent hearing officer. In the event a hearing is held before a hearing panel or independent hearing officer, the panel or officer, as the case may be, shall issue a written report containing recommended finding of fact, conclusions of law, and remedy, if any, in such form that it may be adopted by the Board as the final decision. The hearing shall be held within ninety (90) days after the filing of the Petition with the Board, in so far as reasonably practicable. Each party may file written exceptions to the report of a hearing panel or hearing officer within ten days after receipt of the report. Replies to exceptions shall not be permitted except with permission of the Chairperson for good cause shown. The Board shall issue a final decision, pursuant to P.L. 1994, Ch. 48, Sec. 6f, which may accept, reject, or modify the report of a hearing panel or hearing officer or any aspect of it. 16. Transmittal to Office of Administrative Law. Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A: 6-18, contested cases involving the dismissal or reduction in compensation of tenured faculty shall be transmitted to the Office of Administrative Law for hearing. 17. Hearing by Board: Quorum Voting Eligibility. If the hearing is before the Board itself, the hearing may proceed on any occasion when there is a quorum of the Board present even if the quorum is not identical on each day of hearing. However, in order to deliberate and participate in a decision where the hearing had been held before the Board, a Board member

who has not attended all the hearings must certify in writing that he or she has listened to tapes of all hearing sessions from which the member was absent. The decision of the Board shall be by a majority of those members present and eligible to vote under this section. 18. Public Proceedings: Exceptions. (a) Hearings. All evidentiary hearings before the Board, all proceedings on motions and other applications before the Board, and any oral arguments before the Board shall be conducted as public hearings unless otherwise provided by statute, rule or regulation, or on order of the Board for good cause shown. In considering whether to close a proceeding, the Board will consider the requirements of due process of law, other constitutional and statutory standards, and matters or public policy. The Board will also consider the need to protect parties or witnesses from undue embarrassment or deprivations or privacy, or to promote or protect other equally important rights or interests. Hearings before a hearing panel or hearing officer shall be in private unless otherwise directed by the Board. (b) Board Deliberations. Board deliberations shall be in public session unless the matter falls within one of the exceptions to the Open Public Meetings Act as set forth in N.J.S.A. 10: 4-12 or otherwise provided by statute, rule, or regulation. 19. Subpoenas. Subpoenas may be issued, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A: 6-20, by the Chairperson. Upon application on notice to the parties, a witness summoned may request the Chairperson to quash or modify a subpoena. The Chairperson may grant the application in whole or in part upon finding that the testimony or the evidence required to be produced is not relevant to any matter in question or that the subpoena is unreasonable or oppressive, or has been issued without reasonable time to produce the evidence requested. 20. Applicability of OAL Rules. The following sections of the uniform Administrative Procedure Rules promulgated by the Office of Administrative Law, N.J.A.C. 1: 1-1 et seq., shall govern insofar as applicable: N.J.A.C. N.J.A.C. N.J.A.C. N.J.A.C. N.J.A.C. N.J.A.C.

1: 1-5.1 et seq. 1: 1-7.1 et seq. (except 1: 1-7.4) 1: 1-10.1 et seq. 1: 1-12.1 et seq. 1: 1-15.1 et seq. 1: 1-17.1 to 17.3

(Representation) (Service & Filing of Papers; Format) (Discovery) (Motions) (Evidence Rules) (Consolidation of Cases)

21. Emergent Relief. All applications for emergent relief shall be governed by N.J.A.C. 1: 112.6 except that all such applications shall be submitted to and decided by the Chairperson. 22. Prehearing Conferences. Prehearing conferences may be scheduled, in the discretion of the Chairperson, a hearing panel or a hearing officer whenever necessary to foster an efficient and EXPEDITIOUS PROCEEDING. When the hearing is to be held before the Board, any

prehearing conferences shall be held before the chairperson; otherwise, they shall be held before the hearing panel or hearing officer, as the case may be. If appropriate, a prehearing order addressing the items set forth in N.J.A.C. 1: 1-13.2 (a) may be issued. The prehearing order may be amended pursuant to N.J.A.C. 1: 1-13.2 (b) and (c). 23. Recording of Proceedings. All hearings and arguments before the Board, a hearing panel, or hearing officer shall be recorded by sound recording device. Any party desiring to have any proceedings stenographically recorded may do so at that party’s expense. The party desiring that the proceedings be stenographically recorded shall be responsible for obtaining the attendance of a certified shorthand reporter. 24. Time for Decision. The final decision of the Board upon a Petition shall be rendered within sixty (60) days after the hearing, in so far as reasonably practicable. 25. Construction and Relaxation. The rules governing proceedings before the Board shall be construed to secure a just determination, simplicity in procedure, fairness in administration, and the elimination of unjustifiable expense and delay. Unless otherwise stated, any rule may be relaxed or dispensed with by the Board if adherence to it would result in an injustice. In the absence of a rule, the Board may proceed in any manner compatible with these purposes. Suggested addition for all public contract bid specifications: Bidder acknowledges that this bid and the award of a contract are governed by the County College Contacts Law, N.J.S.A. 18A: 25.1 et seq., and that any legal challenges to the bidding process, the award or non-award of a contract, or the rejection of any bids, must be pursued before the Board of Trustees in accordance with P.L. 1994 Ch. 48, Sec. 6 (f). The challenge or objection must be presented by filing a petition with the secretary of the Board of Trustees within ten (10) calendar days of the decision to award or not award a contract. Proceedings on the petition shall be governed by the Rules Governing Hearings before the Board of Trustees of the Cumberland County College, which rules may be obtained at the office of the College President.

0.6000 Changes in By-Laws and Policies of the Board 0.6010 Amendments of By-Laws These By-Laws may be revised, repealed or added to by a majority vote of all the Trustees then in office at any regular meeting of the Board duly convened, provided, however, that the proposed amendment shall have been presented in writing at a previous regular meeting of the Board.

0.7000 Miscellaneous By-Laws of the Board 0.7010 Conflicts of Interest No Board member or employee shall have a direct or indirect interest, financial or otherwise, in a contract with the College or incur any obligation of any nature, which contract or obligation is in substantial conflict with the proper discharge of his duties in the public interest as provided by law. It shall be the obligation of each Board member or employee of the College to disclose to their immediate superior or to the Board whichever is appropriate, any personal interest which the member may have in any business transaction of the College. 0.7020 Auditor A certified public accountant, practicing in the field of municipal finance, shall be retained by the Board to perform any and all accounting and auditing services requested by the Board, or required by law. 0.7030 Fiscal Year The fiscal year of the College shall be from July 1 to June 30 inclusive. 0.7040 General Counsel A practicing attorney-at-law shall be retained by the Board to render legal service to the College when needed. 0.7050 Security The Board shall require that each of its members and employees handling College funds be bonded at College expense to protect the College from loss sustained through fraudulent or dishonest acts or any act of omission performed in the line of official duty. The amount of the bond shall be determined by the President. 0.7060 Board Member Travel (Approved by the Board of Trustees at the meeting on January 19, 2007) Board Members will be reimbursed for reasonable costs incurred while traveling on authorized, official college business in accordance with the appropriate procedures outlined below.

Procedures: I. Availability of funds a.

Funds needed for travel will be anticipated and presented for approval and inclusion in each fiscal year budget. Request for travel funds will be supported by specific statements for travel purpose, funds needed, and the dates the requested funds will be used. Requests for travel funds will be approved by the Chair of the Board of Trustees.


The President will provide the Board Chair with a quarterly summary of travel and entertainment expenses related to the Board of Trustees.


Requests for travel funds which have not been budgeted will be evaluated by the Chair of the Board of Trustees. If warranted, the Chair will present the request to the Board of Trustees through the Executive Committee for its consideration prior to final approval.

II. Reasonable travel costs and reimbursement a.

Authorized automobile travel using personal vehicle will be reimbursed for miles driven at the prevailing rate used by the County. Parking and toll charges will be reimbursed when such costs are incurred.


Travel by use of a rental car will be authorized in exceptional instances and must be requested with supporting information for approval prior to travel.


When commercial air travel is used, economy class tickets will be purchased.


Other means of public transportation that are reimbursable include bus, rail, shuttle and taxi.


Meal costs, including tips, must be reported separately for each meal. Amounts spent should be reasonable in relation to the location and other circumstances that influence restaurant charges.


In general, the cost of alcoholic beverages will not be reimbursed. However, the Chair of the Board of Trustees is authorized to waive this reimbursement policy.


Hotel or motel lodging cost is reimbursable. The hotel selected should be conveniently located to conduct the intended business of the trip. A moderately-priced single room with bath should be reserved. When registering, inquiry should be made about the rate of the room being assigned. If the rate is above that of the rate stated with the reservation, an effort should be made to secure a room at the reservation rate.


Other reasonable expenses including telephone charges will be allowed provided they are incurred in connection with official business.

III. Documentation of expenses a.

Standards for detailing support of reimbursable expenses are no less demanding than those required by IRS regulations. All expense receipts received at any point on the trip should be attached to expense voucher. All expense items over twenty-five dollars ($25.00) must be supported by receipts. All original airline ticket summary pages, hotel bills, and receipts for expenses such as conference registration must be attached to the voucher.

IV. Procedures for processing advance requests and travel vouchers: a.

In cases where it is estimated that the total travel expense will involve an expenditure of fifty dollars ($50.00) or less, the Board Member will normally pay the expenses from his/her own funds and will be reimbursed for same when he/she submits his properly approved travel voucher to the Finance Office.


For travel involving an expenditure of more than fifty dollars ($50.00), the Office of Finance and Administrative Services is authorized to advance the traveler a sum equal to the estimated expense upon presentation of a properly approved travel advance request form.


Approval of travel advance requests will require documentation of approval for travel as set forth in section 1 above. The form must be submitted to the Finance Office seven (7) days prior to travel date.


Travel expense vouchers must be completed in the detail requested, signed by the individual, approved as required and submitted to the Finance Office within five (5) days following trip. A check or cash equivalent to any unexpended advance monies will be returned with the voucher.

bot bylaws/ab revised, 01/ 19 /07




Administrative and Organizational Structure


Assumption of Responsibilities in Case of the President’s Absence










Policy and Procedures Manual


Institutional Review Board (IRB)






College Catalog






Equal Access/Equal Opportunity










Auxiliary Services




Official College Statements






College Representation at Civic, Charitable, and Social Functions


Authorization to Accept Gifts Made to Cumberland County College


Administrative Computer Utilization


Naming of Facilities and Programs


New Jersey Public Access to Government Records Act


Americans with Disabilities Act

8/13/02 1.0 procN/jv


Administrative and Organizational Structure Authority:

N.J.A.C. 9A:1-1.6 Board of Trustees, October 19, 1999

Policy: The President of Cumberland County College will establish the administrative and organizational structure of the College and will administer the College in such a manner as to insure its effective operation.

10/13/99 1.1 procN/bh

1.2 Assumption of Responsibilities in Case of the President’s Absence Authority:

Board of Trustees, October 19, 1999; updated June, 2014

Policy: In the absence of the college President, the Vice President for Academic and Student Services is designated to assume the responsibilities of the President’s Office. Should the Vice President, as well as the President be absent, the Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services is designated to assume the responsibilities of the President’s Office.


President’s Designee The President may designate college staff the responsibility for implementing and completing duties on his/her behalf.

9/16/02; Updated 2/10/14; Updated 6/2014 1.2 procN/jv

1.3 Accreditation – Licensing Authority:

N.J.A.C. 9A: 1-1.3 Board of Trustees, October 19, 1999, revised October 18, 2012

Policy: The College will use the guidelines and standards of accreditation established by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. The Regulations and Standards of the New Jersey Secretary of Higher Education will be followed. When deemed necessary, the President or designee may apply to a specific discipline related professional association for program recognition and accreditation. President shall inform the Board of such actions.

10/13/99,revised 10/18/12 1.3 procN/bh



9/9/99 1.4 procN/bh



9/9/99 1.5 procN/bh



9/9/99 1.6 procN/bh

1.7 Policy and Procedures Manual Authority:

N.J.A.C. 9A: 1-1.6(f) Board of Trustees, October 19, 1999

Policy: The basic Board, Administrative, Instruction, Student, Financial, Facilities, Personnel and Development policies and procedures shall be compiled in the College’s Policy and Procedures Manual. Copies of the Manual and revisions will be available to all college staff on the College’s web page and through the Human Resources Office.

10/13/99 1.7 procN/bh

1.8 Institutional Review Board (IRB)


US Department of Health and Human Services 45CFR, Part 46 US Food and Drug Administration 21CFR, Parts 50 and 56 Board of Trustees, January 15, 2008; revised, October 18, 2012; November 21, 2013

Policy: The College, in compliance with the US Department of Health and Human Services 45CFR, Part 46, and the US Food and Drug Administration 21CFR, Parts 50 and 56, will establish an Institutional Review Board (IRB), and the procedures for its implementation. Cumberland County College is committed to protecting the rights and privacy of all who participate as subjects in research conducted under the auspices of the College and to ensure that such subjects are aware of the rights and protections available to them. Major responsibility for assuring this commitment is assigned to the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for review and recommendation to the President. Composition and Jurisdiction of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) The IRB will consist of five members: the Vice President of Academic and Student Services, the Executive Director, Assessment, Planning and Research, the Executive Director, Grant Development and Trustee Relations, a Dean, and a faculty representative. The Dean and faculty representatives will serve two year terms. All Human Subjects Research proposals not exempted from IRB review will be subject to review by this group. The IRB may: 1) approve a research proposal as submitted; 2) approve the proposal with specific modifications; 3) return the proposal to the investigator for more extensive modification; or, 4) reject the proposal because of violations of Human Subject privacy or other protections. Other considerations, such as the perceived quality or value of the research are not within the purview of the IRB. Appeals of any IRB decision will be adjudicated by the College president.

08/07/12, revised, 10/18/12; 11/21/13; Updated 2/10/14 1.8 procN/ab



9/9/99 1.9 procN/bh

1.10 Reserved

9/9/99 1.10 procN/bh

1.11 College Catalog Authority:

N.J.A.C. 9A:1-1.12 Board of Trustees, October 19, 1999; updated June, 2014

Policy: The President will provide to the Board of Trustees a College Catalog which shall include institutional mission; accreditations; faculty and administrative officers (including earned degrees); curricular information (including course descriptions and the grading system); admission, transfer and graduation requirements; policies for academic progress and standing, awarding degree credit and withdrawal; descriptions of facilities and student support services; costs, refund and financial aid policies; the academic calendar; listing of Board of Trustees; and other information determined appropriate and necessary by the administration. Through the Office of Communications and Marketing, the College shall annually file two copies of the catalog with the NJ Commission on Higher Education.

10/13/99, revised, 10/18/12 Updated 6/2014 1.11 procN/bh

1.12 Reserved

9/9/99 1.12 proc/bh

1.13 Reserved

9/9/99 1.13 procN/bh

1.14 Equal Access/Equal Opportunity Authority:

Title VI and VIII, 1964 Civil Rights Act; Executive Order; Title IX, 1972 Education Amendments; Section 504, 1973 Rehabilitation Act, 1990 Americans With Disabilities Act, PL1975 c127 (NJAC) 17:27); N.J.A.C. 10:5-12 Law Against Discrimination (LAD) Board of Trustees, January 15, 1991; September 18, 2014




Cumberland County College is an equal access/equal opportunity employer and committed to recruit, employ, and promote personnel without regard to race, creed, color, national origin, nationality, ancestry, age, sex/gender (including pregnancy), marital status, civil union status, domestic partnership status, familial status, religion, affectional or sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, atypical hereditary cellular or blood trait, genetic information, liability for military service, and mental or physical disability, perceived disability, and AIDS/HIV status, or in compliance with all Federal and State legislation and regulations pertaining to non-discrimination. Further, the College incorporates opportunities for the physically handicapped as a part of equal access/equal opportunity employment.


The employees of the College are expected to teach or work with other employees, and to supervise or be supervised in their work by other employees without regard to race, color, sex, creed, age, religion, national origin, or physical handicap.


Cumberland County College is committed to provide equal educational opportunities to all prospective students and enrolled students regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, nationality, ancestry, age, sex/gender (including pregnancy), marital status, civil union status, domestic partnership status, familial status, religion, affectional or sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, atypical hereditary cellular or blood trait, genetic information, liability for military service, and mental or physical disability, perceived disability, and AIDS/HIV status. This commitment to equal access/equal opportunity includes the following: recruitment, admission, programs and activities, facilities, counseling and testing, financial assistance, and placement. This concept includes educational opportunities for the physically handicapped.


Employees: All complaints of discrimination will be documented and dealt with promptly and confidentially. A complaint may be informal or formal. An employee who encounters discrimination may file an informal complaint with the Executive Director, Human Resources, who serves as the College’s Affirmative Action Officer. If, after initial review of the allegations by the Affirmative Action Officer a formal investigation is warranted, the Affirmative Action Officer will appoint a three-member panel which will recommend appropriate action to the President who shall take action. This action may be appealed to the Board of Trustees by either party. Copies of the referenced Federal Guidelines and forms for filing complaints are available from the Affirmative Action Officer.


Students: All complaints of discrimination will be documented and dealt with promptly and confidentially. A complaint may be informal or formal. Any currently enrolled student who encounters an act or acts of discrimination may file an informal complaint with the Affirmative Action Officer. If, after initial review of the allegations by the Affirmative Action Officer, a formal investigation is warranted, the Affirmative Action Officer will appoint a three member panel that will recommend appropriate action to the President, who shall take action. This action may be appealed to the Board of Trustees by either party. All college employees and students should be cautioned that acts of discrimination will not be tolerated. At the same time, however, allegations of such practices or patterns are also extremely serious; arbitrary or capricious allegations should not be made. Copies of the referenced Federal guidelines and forms for filing complaints are available from the Affirmative Action Officer.

9/9/99; revised, 9/18/14 1.14 procN/bh

1.15 Reserved

9/9/99 1.15 procN/bh

1.16 Reserved

9/9/99 1.16 procN/bh

1.17 Reserved

9/9/99 1.17 procN/bh



9/9/99 1.18 procN/bh

1.19 Auxiliary Services Authority:

Board of Trustees, October 19, 1999

Policy: The President shall approve the establishment and/or utilization of internal or external auxiliary services or enterprises. Internal or external auxiliary services may be developed and/or contracted. Such services could include bookstore, computer support, food service, custodial, security, vending, etc.

10/13/99 1.19 procN/bh

1.20 Reserved

9/9/99 1.20 procN/bh

1.21 Official College Statements Authority:

Board of Trustees, October 19, 1999; updated June, 2014

Policy: The administration shall maintain communications with the community regarding College operations, programs and services. Official College statements, responses and/or positions related to college or community matters will be released through the Communications and Marketing Office as recommended and approved by the President.

10/13/99 Updated 6/2014 1.21 procN/bh

1.22 Reserved

9/9/99 1.22 procN/bh

1.23 Reserved

9/9/99 1.23 procN/bh

1.24 College Representation at Civic, Charitable, and Social Functions Authority:

Board of Trustees, October 19, 1999

Policy: The President and spouse/guest, or designees as official representatives of the College, will attend at College expense, charitable, social, or civic functions which in the opinion of the Board are appropriate and beneficial to the College.

10/14/99 1.24 procN/bh


Authorization to Accept Gifts and Donations Made to Cumberland County College Authority:

Board of Trustees, June 4, 1985. Amended April 15, 2008

Policy: The Cumberland County College Board of Trustees authorizes the Cumberland County College Foundation to accept or reject gifts and donations on behalf of the Cumberland County College. The Board of Trustees authorizes the President to represent its interest in the acceptance or rejection of gifts and donations. No gift shall be accepted from an individual or entity whose lives or work do not exemplify the values for which Cumberland County College stands.

02.28.08 1.25 procNrev 04.08/ab

1.26 Administrative Computer Utilization Authority:

Board of Trustees,

October 19, 1999

Policy: Only College employees or non-college employees designated by the President may utilize the College’s administrative computer equipment. These individuals will utilize this equipment for college related assignments and responsibilities only.

10/13/99 1.26 procN/bh


Naming of Facilities and Programs Authority:

Board of Trustees, April 15, 2008, revised April 18, 2013

Authority for naming college facilities and programs is vested in the Cumberland County College Board of Trustees. The President, with the recommendation of the Foundation Board, has the responsibility for evaluating and recommending proposed names for facilities and programs to the Board of Trustees. Periodically, the Foundation Board shall submit, and the Board of Trustees shall authorize a menu of naming opportunities for facilities and programs. 1.

Campus facilities and programs may be named on the basis of primary use or location, or for a person. Whenever possible a name should incorporate the activity to be housed (i.e., The Frank A. Guaracini, Jr. Fine and Performing Arts Center). All naming will be recommended by the President who will forward the matter to the Board of Trustees for its approval.


It is the intent in the naming of facilities and programs to consider names of those whose lives and work have exemplified values for which Cumberland County College stands. A facility or program shall be named for an individual or entity that exemplifies these values in connection with a major gift to the College.


Names of facilities and programs shall be appropriately displayed.


In the naming of a building, a minimum gift of $1M is required.


In the event that a facility is donated, the Board of Trustees shall have the discretion to name said facility in accordance with the donor’s wishes.

03/28/08; revised 4/18/13 1.27 procN04.08/ab


New Jersey Public Access to Government Records Act Authority: NJSA 47:1A-1 et. seq. Board of Trustees, June 18, 2002; updated June, 2014 Policy: The College, in compliance with the New Jersey Public Access to Government Records Act, will establish procedures for its implementation. (A copy of the Act is attached as a part of this policy.) Purpose: This administrative policy is adopted to assure compliance by the College with the applicable provisions of the New Jersey Public Access to Government Records Act (the “Act”) which Act will become effective on July 8, 2002. This policy evidences the commitment of the College to make government records, as defined in the Act, readily accessible for inspection, copying, or examination, while safeguarding from public access, proprietary or personal information entrusted to the College with the reasonable expectation of the furnishing party that the College will treat the information as confidential and/or private. Definitions: Where used in this policy, terms defined in the Act shall have the same meaning as that set forth in the Act. Inter-agency and intra-College office advisory, consultative, or deliberative materials are not governed by this policy as these materials are excluded under the Act from the definition of “governmental records.” Government Records Custodian: The College has established the position of Custodian of Government Records (the “Custodian”) to discharge the responsibilities and duties imposed upon such position by the Act and to assure compliance of the College with the Act. Any officer or employee of the College who receives a request for access to records or information falling within, or claimed to fall within, the definition of government records under the Act shall forward the request to the Custodian or direct the requestor to the Custodian if an oral request is made. The Custodian shall make the initial determination of whether access should be granted or denied. The responsibility of the Custodian to grant or deny access shall include making the initial determination whether: 1. the information requested is exempt from public access or excluded from the definition of government record;

2. disclosure would otherwise violate proprietary rights or individual privacy rights recognized by law; 3. the information requested pertains to an investigation in progress and disclosure would be inimical to the public interest; or 4. disclosure would substantially disrupt College operations. In making these determinations, the Custodian may seek the advice of legal counsel for the College. If the Custodian determines that part of a particular record is exempt from public access, the Custodian shall delete or excise from a copy of the record that portion which the Custodian determines to be exempt from access and shall permit access to the remainder of the record. All complaints appealing the decision of the Custodian or requesting mediation shall be forwarded to the Custodian who shall participate in proceedings instituted under the Act, before the Government Records Council or the Superior Court. Exempt Records: Nothing in this policy is intended to require physical transfer or relocation of College documents that are excluded from the definition of government records and not the subject of a specific production request made under the Act (“Exempt Records�). The College administration shall retain the authority to determine the manner for collection, custody, maintenance, storage and release of Exempt Records generated or received by the College so that the same are readily available for appropriate College use and updating. Requests for access to the following categories of Exempt Records shall be referred to the College administrator indicated: 1. Request from or on behalf of a current or former student for access to his/her records shall be referred to the Director of Admissions and Registration. 2. Request from or on behalf of a current or former employee for access to personnel records of the employee shall be referred to the Human Resource Specialist/Custodian of Public Records. 3. Requests from bargaining unit representatives pertaining to grievances or collective negotiations shall be referred to the Human Resource Specialist/Custodian of Public Records. 4. Requests from federal, state, county, or local governmental officials or agencies shall be referred to the College administrator responsible for legal compliance with matters within the jurisdiction of the requesting governmental authority.

5. Requests from College insurance underwriters or risk management consultants shall be referred to the College administrator who has custody or knowledge of the information requested by insurance underwriters or risk management consultants. 6. Requests from prospective bidders, or from current or prior vendors or contractors for information regarding the purchasing by the College of services or materials shall be referred to the Director of Purchasing. 7. Requests from professional consultants retained by the College shall be referred to the College administrator responsible for responding to the requesting consultant. Procedure for Requesting Government Record: Government records not exempt from public access, may be inspected, examined, and copied during regular business hours at the office of the Custodian of Government Records. The Government Record Request Form attached as GRR Form #1 (GRR) is hereby adopted as the form to be utilized for requests made under the Act. The GRR may be hand-delivered, mailed, transmitted electronically, or otherwise conveyed to the Custodian. Upon receipt of the GRR, the Custodian shall promptly respond indicating whether the record will be made available, when the record will be available, and the fees to be charged. If the Custodian is unable to comply with a request for access, or is unable to produce the information within the applicable time specified in the Act, the Custodian shall indicate the specific basis therefore on the GRR form and promptly return the GRR to the requestor. If the College does not maintain the record in the medium requested, the Custodian shall either convert the record to the medium requested or provide a copy in some other meaningful medium. Reproduction Fees and Special Service Charges: Copies of government records may be purchased upon payment of the fee prescribed below (“Reproduction Fee�) for each page copied or electronically transmitted: First to tenth page: $.75 per page Eleventh to twentieth page: $.50 per page Pages over twenty: $.25 per page If the Custodian determines that the requested record cannot be reproduced by ordinary copy equipment in ordinary business size and format, and the actual costs of materials and supplies used to duplicate the record exceeds the Reproduction Fee, the Custodian shall charge the actual cost of materials and supplies as the Reproduction Fee. In addition to the Reproduction Fee, a Special Service Charge shall be imposed whenever the Custodian determines that (1) an extraordinary expenditure of time and effort is required to accommodate the request because the nature, format, manner of collation, or

volume of a government record embodied in the form of printed matter to be inspected, examined, or copied is such that the record cannot be reproduced by ordinary document copying equipment in ordinary business size, or (2) the requested information or medium is not routinely used, developed or maintained by the College and reproduction requires a substantial amount of manipulation or programming of information technology. The Special Service Charge shall be reasonable and based on the direct costs actually incurred by the College or attributable to the College including labor costs of personnel providing programming, clerical, and supervisory assistance required, or both, and the costs for any extensive use of information technology. The requestor shall be advised in advance of the amount of the Special Service Charge. Prior to authorizing the record reproduction or transmission, the requestor may notify the Custodian of an objection to the amount of the Special Service Charge. The Custodian shall promptly review the objection and advise the requestor in writing whether any adjustment will be made to the Special Service Charge. The requestor shall be required to make payment of the Reproduction Fee and any Special Service Charge prior to release or transmission of the record. Where documents are sought through an anonymous request and the Custodian estimates that costs and special charges for reproducing documents will exceed $5, the Custodian shall require a deposit of the estimated Reproduction Fee and Special Service Charge in excess of $5. Compliance Monitoring: In order to monitor compliance with the Act, the Custodian shall: 1. maintain a log of access requests made under the Act and responses 2. develop procedures to periodically review compliance; and 3. develop methods of identifying, segregating and safeguarding information which is deemed under the Act to be confidential, private, proprietary and exempt from disclosure. Effective Date: This policy shall be effective immediately except those sections regarding “Procedure for Requesting Government Record” and “Reproduction Fees and Special Services Charges” shall become effective on July 8, 2002.

8/13/02/updated 6/2014 1.28 procN/jv

GOVERNMENT RECORDS REQUEST FORM umberland county college Important Notice The reverse side of this form contains important information related to your rights concerning government records. Please read it carefully.


Requestor Information - Please

Maximum Authorization Cost $________ First Name________________MI____ Last Name_______________________ Company _______________________________________________________

Select Payment Method

Mailing Address__________________________________________________

Cash_____ Check_____ Money Order_____

City______________ State______ Zip__________ E-Mail________________ Business Hours Telephone: _____________________________Ext________


Pages 1 - 10 Pages 11 - 20 Pages 21 -

@ $0.75 @ $0.50 @ $0.25

Preferred Delivery: Pick Up______ US Mail______ On Site Inspect _______ Circle One: Under penalty of N.J.S.A. 2C:28-3, I certify that I HAVE / HAVE NOT been convicted of any indictable offense under the laws of New Jersey, any other state, or the United States.

Delivery: Delivery/postage fees additional depending upon delivery type. Extras:

Signature_________________________________ Date__________________

Extraordinary service fees dependent upon request

Record Request Information: To expedite the request, be as specific as possible in describing the records being requested. Also, please include the type of access requested (copying or inspection), and if data, the medium requested.

AGENCY USE ONLY Est. Document Cost


Tracking Information

Est. Delivery Cost

Tracking # Final Cost

Est. Extras Cost Total Est. Cost

Disposition Notes Custodian: If any part of request cannot be delivered in seven business days, detail reasons here.

Deposit Date

Total Ready Date Deposit Total Pages

Deposit Amount Est. Balance

Rec’d Date

Balance Due In Progress Denied Filed

Open Closed Closed

_______ _______ _______

Balance Paid Records Provided

Requesting Access to Government Records Under the New Jersey Open Public Records Act (N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1 et seq.) 1. This form should be used to submit records requests to the Cumberland County College. 2. In Order to request access to government records under OPRA, you must complete all the required portions of and date this request form and deliver it in person during regular business hours or by mail, fax or electronically to the appropriate custodian of the record requested. Your request is not considered filed until the appropriate custodian of the record requested has received a completed request form. If you submit the request form to any other officer or employee of the Cumberland County College, that officer or employee may not have the authority to accept your request form on behalf of the Cumberland County College and you request will be directed to the appropriate division custodian. The seven business day response time will not commence until the proper custodian reviews the request to determine if it is complete 3. If you submit a request for access to government records to someone other than the appropriate custodian, do not complete the Cumberland County College request form, or attempt to make a request for access by telephone or fax; the Open Public Records Act and its deadlines, restrictions and remedies will not apply to your request. 4. The fees for duplication of a government record in printed form are listed on the front of this form. We will notify you of any special charges, special service charges or other additional charges authorized by State law or regulation before processing your request. Payment shall be made by check or money order payable to the Cumberland County College. 5. If it is necessary for the records custodian to contact you concerning your request, providing identifying information, such as your name, address and telephone number or an e-mail address is required. Where contact is not necessary, anonymous requests are permitted; except that anonymous requests for personal information are not honored. 6. You may be charged a 50% or other deposit when a request for copies exceeds $25. The Cumberland County College custodian will contact you and advise you of any deposit requirements. Anonymous requests, when permitted, require a deposit of 100% of estimated fees. You agree to pay the balance due upon delivery of the records. 7. Under OPRA, a custodian must deny access to a person who has been convicted of an indictable offence in New Jersey, any other state, or in the United States, and who is seeking government records containing personal information pertaining to the person’s victim or the victim’s family. 8. By law, the Cumberland County College must notify you that it grants or denies a request for access to government records within seven business days after the custodian of the record requested receives the request, provided that the record is currently available and not in storage. If the record requested is not currently available or is in storage, the custodian will advise you within seven business days when the record can be made available and the estimated cost. You may agree with the custodian to extend the time for making records available, or granting or denying your request. 9. You may be denied access to a government record if your request would substantially disrupt agency operations and the custodian is unable to reach a reasonable solution with you.

10. If the Cumberland County College is unable to comply with your request for access to a government record, the custodian will indicate the reasons for denial on the request form and send you a signed and dated copy. 11. Except as otherwise provided by law or by agreement with the requester, if the custodian of the record requested fails to respond to you within seven business days of receiving a request form, the failure to respond will be considered a denial of your request. 12. If your request for access to a government record has been denied or unfilled within the time permitted by law, you have a right to challenge the decision by the Cumberland County College to deny access. At your option, you may either institute a proceeding in the Superior Court of New Jersey or file a complaint in writing with the Government Records Council (GRC). You may contact the GRC by toll-free telephone at 866-850-0511, by mail at P.O. Box 819, Trenton, NJ, 08625, by e-mail at grc@dca.state.nj.us, or at their web site at www.state.nj.us/grc. The Council can also answer other questions about the law. 13. Information provided on this form may be subject to disclosure under the Open Public Records Act.

1.29 Americans with Disabilities Act Authority:

Americans with Disabilities Act Board of Trustees, February 16, 1993

Policy: The College, in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, will establish procedures for its implementation. Procedures: (1)

The Director, Facilities and Grounds and the Executive Director, Human Resources are hereby designated as the new ADA Coordinators for the institution. The Director, Facilities and Grounds shall have responsibility for compliance with the ADA in all facilities areas and transportation. The Executive Director, Human Resources shall have responsibility for compliance in all academic areas, student services, services to the public, extension activities, and all other non-employment programs and services. The Executive Director, Human Resources shall also have responsibility for compliance with Title I and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act for all employees, including administrative support, temporary employees, faculty, and student employees.


The administration is directed to establish a Task Force, to be jointly chaired by the ADA Coordinators, to oversee the conduct of a comprehensive selfevaluation. The ADA Task Force shall be a standing committee to monitor the institution’s compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, to ensure completion of all items on the Transition plan, and to periodically advise the ADA Coordinators. The Task Force shall include the following individuals or their designees: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)


Vice President, Finance and Administrative Services Vice President, Academic and Student Services Senior Executive Director, Student Services Project Director, Student Support Services Student Representative College Solicitor, as required

Both of the ADA Coordinators shall be provided with appropriate support staff through 1993 to handle preparation of the self-evaluation and monitoring of compliance. The administration shall periodically review staffing and budgetary requirements of the ADA Coordinators and ensure that appropriate staff and resources are available for coordinating and responding to requests for

accommodation from employees, students, and the public and investigating and responding to complaints.


The ADA shall, in consultation with the Task Force, develop a grievance procedure, conduct a comprehensive self-evaluation, and develop both the selfevaluation report and transition plan required by the ADA. In establishing its priorities and identifying problems, the Task Force shall place as much emphasis on communication barriers as on facilities barriers.


The ADA Coordinators shall develop and implement procedures for responding to requests for accommodations from employees, students, and visitors. Written policies and mandatory procedures and forms shall be developed and distributed to all employees regarding response to requests for accommodations. The procedures shall specify that they are mandatory and must be followed in every case where a request for accommodations is made. The procedures shall also specify that every individual making a request for an accommodation under the ADA shall be promptly informed that the request will be considered and advised on the name and telephone number of the relevant ADA Coordinator.


The ADA Coordinators, in consultation with members of the Task Force, shall devise a program for training supervisors, faculty, and the administration on the importance of the ADA and general Equal Employment Opportunity issues.


The ADA Coordinators shall, with the input of the Task Force, prepare a budget for ADA compliance after completion of the self-evaluation. All costs associated with ADA compliance shall be handled through a single budget for the institution.


The President shall issue a policy statement on ADA compliance to ensure the cooperation of faculty and supervisors in preparation of the self-evaluation implementing compliance. The President shall also implement a policy, in conjunction with the ADA Coordinators, regarding harassment of or denial of accommodations to individuals with disabilities. That policy statement shall be no less stringent than policies regarding race or sexual harassment.

9/16/02; Updated 2/11/14 1.29 procN/jv




Educational Programs




Transfer of Credits


Community Advisory Committees


Program Evaluation




Academic Skills Assessment


Academic Standards


Distance Education – Program Integrity









5/14/99 2.0 indexN/bh

2.1 Educational Programs Authority:

Board of Trustees, June 15, 1999

Policy: Cumberland County College will offer the following programs of study: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Associate of Arts Program Associate of Science Associate of Fine Arts Associate of Applied Science Program Certificate and/or Diploma Programs Continuing Education Courses Community Enrichment Programs/Events

The College is committed to a belief in individual learning through both traditional and non-traditional experiences. Learning and competencies achieved through accredited, licensed and/or programs can be recognized for college credit.

5/18/99 2.1 procN/bh

2.2 Articulation Authority:

Board of Trustees, June 15, 1999; revised September 18, 2014

Policy: The President or designee may establish appropriate articulation agreements with other institutions or educational agencies. President shall inform the Board of all articulation agreements. This information shall be available in the College’s catalog, which is available on the College’s website.

5/18/99; revised 9/18/14 2.2 procN/amb

2.3 Transfer of Credits Authority:

Board of Trustees, September 18, 2014

Policy: The President shall authorize the Office of Admissions and Registration to determine the procedures for the transfer of credits earned at institutions other than Cumberland County College. This information shall be available on the College website; and in the College’s catalog, as well as in the Student Handbook, which is updated annually. Both publications are also available on the College’s website

09/18/14 2.3 procN/amb

2.4 Community Advisory Committees Authority:

Board of Trustees, June 15, 1999

Policy: The President or designee may establish advisory committees for programs where appropriate to assist in program development and evaluation. President shall inform the Board of composition of advisory committees.

5/18/99 2.4 procN/bh

2.5 Program Evaluation Authority:

Board of Trustees, June 15, 1999

Policy: The Vice President for Academic and Student Services will develop and recommend to the President a plan for the ongoing evaluation of the academic programs. This will include the establishment of and modifications for academic programs.

10/11/02; Updated 2/11/04 2.5 procN/jv



5/18/99 2.6 procN/bh

2.7 Academic Skills Assessment Authority:

Board of Trustees, June 15, 1999

Policy: All students will be provided with and complete academic skills assessment for degree program enrollment. Academic skills assessment is for the purpose of appropriate course selection and placement. Additional specialized assessment may be required for specific programs or courses.

5/18/99 2.7 procN/bh

2.8 Academic Standards Authority:

Board of Trustees, NJAC 9A:1-1.2, June 15, 1999, revised, October 18, 2012

Policy: Standards for academic performance are established and maintained by the President or designee to insure the integrity of the college programs. The academic standards will recognize high levels of academic achievement and include minimum levels of satisfactory achievement for course, degree and certificate completion and graduation. 2.8.1

Standards for Granting Degrees and Certificates – February 21, 1995 A.

Cumberland County College is authorized to award degrees of associate in arts, associate in science, associate in fine arts, and associate in applied science, and to award certificates to students who have successfully completed the curriculum requirements of approved programs as established by the Board of Trustees and set forth in the College Catalog. The curriculum requirements for awarding degrees and certificates shall conform to the standards established in this policy. 1. The associate in arts (A.A.) degree is to be awarded to those who successfully complete programs which emphasize the liberal arts, humanities, and other fine and performing arts. These programs are transfer oriented. 2. The associate in science (A.S.) degree is to be awarded to those who successfully complete programs which emphasize certain areas of liberal arts as well as computer science, criminal justice, paralegal and social service. These programs are transfer oriented. 3. The associate in fine arts (A.F.A.) degree is to be awarded to those who successfully complete programs that emphasize a large concentration of fine arts courses. These programs are designed for students to transfer into bachelor of fine arts programs. 4. The associate in applied science (A.A.S.) degree is to be awarded to those who successfully complete programs that emphasize preparation in the applied arts and sciences for careers, typically at the technical or semiprofessional level. These programs are designed to prepare students for job entry at the completion of the two-year program. Several articulation agreements with four-year programs are in effect for some A.A.S. programs.


The regular academic year will normally fall within a ten-month period and shall include a minimum of thirty (30) weeks, or its equivalent in duration, of regularly scheduled student-faculty instructional activity, exclusive of final examination periods. Cumberland County College reserves the right to designate other instructional time periods that equate to the regular academic year.



An associate degree program shall be a course of study which requires not less than sixty (60) nor generally more than sixty-six (66) semester hours, or the equivalent, except when required for licensure or accreditation by a recognized agency or when required for transfer of full junior status, where applicable. Entrance/exit courses may be an additional requirement in selected programs. Each program shall provide for the following: 1.

Demonstration of the basic skills of communication and mathematics. Basic skills courses shall not be used to satisfy the general education requirements and cannot be used for credit towards graduation.


Electives which offer opportunities for enriched general education, preprofessional education and/or competence in an appropriate occupational field.

General education and other requirements for the associate degree shall include the following: 1.

All programs leading to an associate degree shall include a broad distribution of courses contributing to the student’s general education which emphasize the acquisition of knowledge, comprehension and evaluation of ideas, the ability to think constructively and creatively, and the capacity to communicate effectively. For the purposes of this section, general education shall be grouped into major categories as follows: a. Communications, defined as courses to enhance facility in the English language. b. Mathematics and sciences, defined as courses designed to enhance mathematical and scientific conceptual understanding and application, including computer science. c. Social sciences, defined as courses designed to promote social awareness, including understanding social, economic and political issues and the interdependent world; and d. Humanities, defined as courses in literary, philosophical, foreign language, historical, aesthetic, or other humanistic studies to promote the understanding and transmission of values to one’s own culture as well as other cultures.


The minimum general education requirements for each associate degree shall be as follows:

a. For the associate in arts (A.A.) degree programs, the general educational requirements shall total not less than forty-five (45) semester credit hours, or the equivalent, in an array of representative courses in each of the following categories: communications, mathematics and sciences, social sciences, and humanities. b. For the associate of fine arts (A.F.A.) degree programs, the general education requirements shall total not less than twenty (20) semester credit hours, or the equivalent. The distribution should be 6 credits of communications; 3 credits of math or science; 3 credits of social science; 3 credits of humanities; and 5 credits of open general education electives. c. For the associate in science (A.S.) degree programs, the general education requirements shall total not less than thirty (30) semester credit hours, or the equivalent, in an array of representative courses from each of the following categories: communications, mathematics and sciences, social sciences, and humanities. d. For the associate in applied science (A.A.S.) degree programs, the general education requirements shall total not less than twenty (20) semester credit hours, or the equivalent, in an array of representative courses from the communications category, and at least one course from each of the three (3) following categories: mathematics and sciences, social sciences, and humanities. e. For the associate in arts (A.A.) and associate in science (A.S.) degree programs, no student shall accumulate more than sixteen (16) of the required general education credits in any one discipline, except in the fine and performing arts where the curriculum can demonstrate specific articulation to a program or programs at senior institutions.



The array of general education courses in associate in arts (A.A.) and associate in science (A.S.) curricula shall be designed to prepare the student for transfer into a baccalaureate program.


Theoretically-based physical education courses may be counted as general education if they become a program requirement.

A certificate program shall be a credit bearing course of study which, by virtue of educational content or duration, does not satisfy requirements for an associate degree program, but which is specifically designed to offer content and skill acquisition and other experience appropriate to the objectives of such a program.

Courses required in a certificate program should, when feasible, be designed to be applicable to a parallel associate degree program. 1.

An Academic Certificate program is designed to be the equivalent of a one (1) year program with 30-36 semester credit hours of instruction and at least six (6) semester credit hours of general education.


A Career Certificate program shall include at least 12-29 semester credit hours of instruction with no specific number of general education credits required. Career Certificate programs may also require selected basic skill course content requirements.


The curriculum for degree and certificate programs shall be consistent with the institutional plan and programmatic mission of the College.


To be eligible to receive a degree or certificate, the student must satisfy the following requirements: 1.

Degree and Academic Certificate students must earn a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 and complete the general and prescribed course work for the student’s major.


Associate in Arts and Associate in Science degree students must complete at least 50 percent of the credits at Cumberland County College. For Associate in Applied Science programs, the normal transfer allocation will be 50 percent of the credits required for the degree. However, a student may earn up to 75% of the required credits elsewhere for certain programs with written prior approval by the Vice President for Academic and Student Services. The length of time that courses remain current and acceptable shall be at the discretion of the Vice President for Academic and Student Services.


Certificate students must complete at least 75 percent of the credits at Cumberland County College. The length of time that courses remain current and acceptable shall be at the discretion of the Vice President for Academic and Student Services.


Petition for graduation from a Degree or Academic Certificate program must be done in the Office of Admissions and Registration within the established dates for the semester in which the student plans to graduate.


Petition for a Career Certificate must be done in the Office of Admissions and Registration within the established dates for the semester or session during which the student plans to complete the program.



The Office of Admissions and Registration will maintain records of degrees and certificates awarded. The completion of the degree or certificate will be recorded on the official student transcript.


Courses are recorded in terms of semester hours. One (1) semester hour of credit normally is earned by one (1) hour of class work per week per semester. Class time will be calculated by using Standard Carnegie Units which equate one (1) Carnegie Hour to fifty (50) minutes. Hence, one (1) semester hour of credit will require seven-hundred fifty (750) minutes of class time. At least two (2) lab hours must be scheduled to earn one (1) semester hour of credit. A semester shall be the equivalent of 15 weeks long excluding final exam period.


The associate degrees offered by the College shall be the associate in arts, the associate in science, the associate in fine arts and the associate in applied science. These degrees shall be offered in the specialized fields outlined in the College Catalog. The College shall also offer college-credit programs of varying lengths leading to the certificates listed in the College Catalog. Students who enroll in certificate programs may elect to continue their education in a degree program or simultaneously matriculate for a degree.


The curriculum requirements as set forth in the present Cumberland County College Catalog for the degree and certificate programs offered by the College are hereby adopted and continued. The College President is authorized to approve revisions to curriculum requirements when necessary based upon program changes, new courses added, courses discontinued, or to satisfy accreditation standards.

Standards for Granting Honorary Degrees -April 7, 1987 The Board recognizes that certain outstanding individuals deserve special recognition for their accomplishments in business, industry, or technology; for scholarly or cultural contributions; or for humanitarian and public service efforts, and the award of honorary degrees is an appropriate way to recognize such outstanding individuals. The Board approves the award of an Honorary Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, or Associate in Applied Science degree to such outstanding individuals annually at commencement exercises with appropriate ceremony. The President shall recommend individuals to be so honored.

01/05/05, rev. 10/18/12; Updated 2/11/14 2.8 procN/ab

2.9 Distance Education – Program Integrity Authority:

Higher Education Opportunity Act (P.L. 110-315) Section 495 Board of Trustees, April 19, 2011; September18, 2014

Policy: The College shall have procedures in place to ensure compliance with the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) of 2008, Section 495. Procedure: Section 495 of the HEOA requires that accrediting agencies evaluate program integrity. The accrediting agency must require that “an institution that offers distance education or correspondence courses have processes in place through which the institution establishes that the student who registers in a distance education or correspondence education course or program is the same student who participates in and completes the program and receives the academic credit.� (P.L. 110-315, Section 495.) The Act requires that institutions use one of the following three methods: A secure login and pass code; Proctored examinations; and, New or other technologies and practices that are effective in verifying student identification. Issues concerning compliance with the Higher Education Opportunity Act, student verification and protection of user privacy are the responsibility of the Office of Information Technology Services. Cumberland County College meets these requirements by assigning a secure login and pass code to each student. All students registering for a course through our administrative system are assigned unique identification numbers, which correspond with a specific username for each student. The College's Blackboard Learning Management System authenticates the username and pass code entered by the student against their assigned username and pass code each time the student logs on to the Learning Management System to access graded materials, course content and course communications. Additionally, the Learning Management System requires students to change their pass codes during their first time access, thereafter, students may modify their pass codes at any time to further protect their identity. Data transmission of login information is secured using standard encryption technology built into the Learning Management System. Cumberland County College uses collected personal information as the basis for identity verification. All users requesting assistance to reset pass codes or to gain access to various systems are asked two or more pieces of information to compare against data stored in the

College’s administrative system, such as student ID number, date of birth, last four digits of their Social Security Number, or other information that uniquely verifies the user’s identity. These processes are reviewed annually by the Distance Learning Committee of the College’s Academic Council, and are vetted by the New Jersey Distance Education Affinity Group.

4/21/11; revised 9/18/14 2.9proc/js

2.10 Reserved

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2.11 Reserved

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2.12 Reserved

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2.13 Reserved

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Administration of Student Services




Admissions Policy


Student Residency






Student Development Services


Student Records


Protection of Student Private Information


Student Handbook




Student Discipline


Sexual Harassment - Students

5/14/99 3.0 indexN/bh

3.1 Administration of Student Services Authority:

Board of Trustees, June 15, 1999

Policy: The administrative responsibilities and the implementation of college policy covering or pertaining to Student Services will rest with the Senior Executive Director, Student Services as designated by the President. Appropriate departments or areas of service will be established in response to the needs of students and College.

10/11/02; Updated 2/11/14 3.1 procN/jv



5/18/99 3.2 procN/bh

3.3 Admissions Policy Authority:

Board of Trustees, July 18, 1995

N.J.A.C. 9A:1-1.10 (b) Policy: Cumberland County College is an open admissions institution. The College provides admission opportunity for all students who can benefit from higher education. Admission to the college, however, does not qualify students for enrollment in any program or course offered by the College. Some programs, such as Nursing and Radiography, have limited enrollment restricting the number of students admitted. Nursing and Radiography have additional and definitive admission criteria. In addition, many courses have prerequisites which must be completed prior to course entry. Students seeking admissions must submit and complete all admission information and procedures. Admission Categories – The following categories are recognized by the College for part time or full time enrollment. A.

Degree Seeking (matriculated) – Students enrolled in programs of study leading to a degree or certificate.


Non-Degree Seeking (non-matriculated) – Students enrolled in credit courses for personal interest, job skills, career advancement, enrichment or transfer to another institution.


Non-Credit (continuing education) – Students enrolled in courses or programs of varying length for which no credit is assigned or awarded, for purposes of personal interest, job skills, career advancement, enrichment or professional continuing education.

Admission Eligibility and Criteria – Admissions procedures and requirements are listed for each admission category below this section. The following are the admission criteria and eligibility. A.

Degree & Non-Degree 1.


Non restricted programs and courses – Student must be a high school graduate, or have a general equivalency diploma (GED), or be eighteen years of age or older. Restricted programs and courses – Student must be a high school graduate, or have a general equivalency diploma (GED) or be eighteen years of age or older. Meet the admission criteria for restricted programs (Nursing or Radiography) listed for the specific program. Completion or equivalency of test and/or specific course prerequisite.


High School Students – Currently enrolled high school students may enroll for credit courses with permission/recommendation from their high school and parent, or as a participant in the College’s Dual Credit Program.


Non-Credit – Students may enroll in non-credit continuing education courses by completing the necessary registration forms. Some continuing education courses require some background skills or knowledge.

Basic Skills Assessment – Students must have their basic academic skills assessed before enrollment in degree programs and certain subject area courses. Students who demonstrate a need for pre-college level instruction will be required to complete such courses prior to enrollment in college level courses. Enrollment Consultation – Admitted students identified through basic skills assessment and/or previous academic records who show limited or marginal academic skills will have an interview with a College representative. This interview will review the student’s educational goals and requirements for compatibility with the student’s demonstrated academic skills. A recommendation for enrollment or alternative educational options will be provided. Acceptance of External Credit – Degree seeking students may receive credit through transfer from other regionally accredited colleges and universities, CLEP testing, Advanced Placement, Military Training, Approved Training Programs and Tech Prep Program.

5/18/99, rev. 10/18/12 3.3 procN/bh

3.4 Student Residency Authority:

Board of Trustees,

July 18, 1995

Policy: Only permanent residents of Cumberland County are entitled to the lower incounty tuition rate. All others must pay the higher out-of-county or out-of-state tuition rates listed on Schedule A. A student seeking to establish permanent residency in Cumberland County and eligibility for the lower in-county tuition rate, must do so before the first day of classes of the new semester by submitting one of the following documents to the Office of Admissions & Registration. Evidence of Residency (i)

A notarized affidavit by the student stating his/her residence; AND


For an independent student, a copy of his/her most recent New Jersey income tax return or evidence of withholding of said tax; OR


For a dependent student, a copy of the parent’s (s’) or guardian’s (s’) most recent New Jersey income tax return or evidence of withholding of said tax.


One of the following: a. Current lease or deed b. Recent tax or water bill c. Where none of the verifying documents listed in (a) & (b) are available, the student’s notarized affidavit shall set forth the place and commencement date of permanent residence, relationship to the owner of the property, and the term of any lease. Valid New Jersey motor vehicle license or registration or voter registration.

(v) (vi)

Two pieces of current mail sent from an address other than the College, to the student at the Cumberland county address.

A decision regarding residency status will not be made until satisfactory evidence of residency has been submitted. Persons residing in New Jersey for a period of 12 months prior to initial enrollment are presumed to be New Jersey residents for tuition purposes. A dependent matriculated student who has been determined to be a New Jersey resident shall continue to be eligible for the in-state tuition despite a change of domicile to another state by the student’s supporting parent (s) or guardian (s) provided that the student maintains New Jersey residency during each academic year of enrollment.

To qualify for the in-county tuition rate a student must be a New Jersey resident and must have established permanent residency in Cumberland County for one day before enrolling at the College, as documented in the manner required above. Out-of-state residents moving into a county other than Cumberland County will continue to be charged the out-of-state tuition rate rather than the lower out-of-county tuition rate, for one year and then may submit the above required documents to establish New Jersey residency. United States military personnel and their dependents who are living in New Jersey and enrolled at the College shall be regarded as residents of New Jersey for the purpose of determining tuition. Residence established solely for the purpose of paying the lower in-state or in-county tuition rate will not be considered as fulfilling the residency requirements.

7/18/99; Updated 2/11/14 3.4 procN/bh



5/18/99 3.5 procN/bh

3.6 Advisement Authority:

Board of Trustees, June 15, 1999

Policy: Academic advisement shall be provided for all students. Assistance with academic requirements, course selection and scheduling for students is coordinated by the Office of Admissions & Registration.

10/11/02; Updated 2/11/14 3.6 procN/jv

3.7 Student Development Services Authority:

Board of Trustees, June 15, 1999

Policy: The College shall maintain comprehensive Student Development Services. These may include assessment, orientation, athletics, educational planning, career counseling, student activities, personal counseling and referrals.

5/18/99 3.7 procN/bh

3.8 Student Records Authority:

Board of Trustees, June 15, 1999; updated June, 2014 N.J.A.C. 9A:1-1.10(d)

Policy: The College shall maintain student records in accordance with appropriate federal and state law. In addition, student rights, access and confidentiality are provided and protected as established in The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). The Office of Admissions and Registration is responsible for the implementation and compliance with regulations pertaining to student records.

9/16/02; updated 6/2014 3.8 procN/jv

3.9 Protection of Student Private Information Authority:

Board of Trustees, January 20, 2004

Policy: The Cumberland County College Board of Trustees requires any parties seeking information about an employee or a student to produce/provide an original consent form with the employee’s or student’s signature authorizing release of the requested information. The Board of Trustees also requires the employee or a student to complete the College’s official form authorizing the release of private information to the requesting entity prior to the College’s release of any information. Students wishing the College to release private information to a designated party may complete the form in the Office of Admissions and Registration. Employees wishing the College to release private information to a designated party may complete the form in the Human Resources Office. Information regarding financial, health, employment and academic records covered under law will not be released without the aforementioned original consent form. The Board of Trustees prohibits any/all full-time, part-time, temporary, contract, consultant, interim, acting and student employee(s) to release any financial, health, employment and academic information to any requesting entity unless the employee is appointed by the President of the College to act in behalf of the College as a duly authorized agent. All employees are required to complete and sign the Privacy Practices Agreement which prohibits the release of information under this policy and specifies that the employee understands and agrees to the policy. All requests for information must be written and referred to the appropriate office in the following manner: direct inquiries requesting information about a student to the Office of Admissions and Registration; direct inquiries requesting information about an employee to the Business Office the Executive Director Human Resources; or direct any inquiry to the Office of the Custodian of Public Records. Other employees may be authorized to release this information as appointed by the President in writing.

3.9 rev 01.07.04/ab; Updated 2/11/14

3.10 Student Handbook Authority:

Board of Trustees, June 15, 1999

Policy: A Student Handbook is provided annually through the Office of Student Life. College services, information, rules and regulation, students’ rights and responsibilities are included.

9/16/02; Updated 2/11/14 3.10 procN/jv

3.11 Reserved

3/18/99 3.11 procN/bh

3.12 Student Discipline Authority:

Board of Trustees,

June 15, 1999

Policy: The Senior Executive Director, Student Services is responsible for the administration of disciplinary procedures. Allegations of violations of College regulations or Student Conduct Code are accepted for consideration only when apparent infractions are observed on college property or at College sponsored activities. Infractions of federal, state or local laws occurring off campus shall be the sole concern of the civil authorities except when such actions: directly affect the health, safety, or security of the College community, including students and staff; or affect the College pursuit of its mission.

9/16/02; Updated 2/11/14 3.12 procN/jv


Sexual Harassment – Students Authority:

Title IX, 1972 Education Amendments Sexual harassment of students violates Title IX in that it constitutes differential treatment on the basis of sex. Board of Trustees, January 15, 1991 Procedures added, May, 2004; Amended January 17, 2006

Policy: Cumberland County College firmly disapproves of any and all incidents of sexual harassment by its employees or students. The college will take immediate corrective action when the facts are brought to the attention of the appropriate management official. Employees found guilty of acts of sexual harassment may be dismissed from employment. A. Discrimination and Harassment I. Grievance Procedures: Allegations of sexual or discriminatory harassment, hostile classroom environment, or harassment or discrimination in any other form are serious. All complaints of harassment or discrimination will be documented and dealt with promptly and confidentially. A complaint may be formal or informal. Any currently enrolled student who encounters an act, acts, or material of a discriminatory nature and believes he/she has been discriminated against under Title VI and VIII, 1964 Civil Rights Act; Executive Order; Title IX, 1972 Education Amendments; 1973 Rehabilitation Act, should proceed as follows: Step 1.

Step 2.

Step 3. Step 4. Step 5.

Immediately file a formal or informal complaint with The Affirmative Action Officer/Director, Human Resources, located in Administration Building, Finance Office, ext. 235. At this stage the student must complete a grievance form detailing the incident and providing the names of any witnesses if available. If, after the initial review of the allegations by the Affirmative Action Officer, a formal investigation is warranted, the Affirmative Action Officer will appoint a three-member panel to investigate and review the complaint. If the complaint involves the Director, Human Resources, the complaint will be referred to the President, who will appoint a committee to review the allegations. If warranted, this committee will investigate and review the complaint. If, however, the complaint involves the College President, the Affirmative Action Officer/Director, Human Resources, will refer the complaint to the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees. If the investigation and review confirms the allegations stated in the complaint, the panel will recommend appropriate action to the President. The President will consider the panel’s recommendations and make a final recommendation for action to the Board of Trustees. This action may be appealed to the Board of Trustees by either party.

Note: The College will take appropriate action in dealing with false allegations of harassment or discrimination. B. Americans with Disabilities Act, (ADA) Section 504, 1990, PL1975 c127 (NJAC) 17:27) I. Complaint Procedures: As required by Section 504, 1990, Americans with disabilities Act, PL1975 c127 (NJAC) 17:27, Cumberland County College has established the following complaint procedures: Step 1.

Step 2.

Step 3. Step 4.

Step 5.

Any student may file a complaint within 40 days of the occurrence with the Section 504 Coordinator/Director, Human Resources, (856) 691-8600, ext. 1235, located in the Human Resources Office in the Administration Building. The Section 504 Coordinator will investigate and respond to the complaint in 20 days in writing. If the complaint involves the Director, Human Resources, the complaint will be referred to the President, who will appoint a committee to review the allegations. If warranted, this committee will investigate and review the complaint. If, however, the complaint involves the College President, the Affirmative Action Officer/Director, Human Resources, will refer the complaint to the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees. The student may appeal the response in writing within 10 days to the Section 504 Coordinator. The appeal will be referred to and reviewed by a three member panel chosen from administration and faculty. Within 30 days, the panel will investigate the allegations and recommend appropriate action to the President. The President will provide a written determination to the complainant.

Note: The President’s decision is the final step in the internal process. Weekends and holidays will be disregarded in calculating days. C. Sexual Assault The College does not tolerate sexual assault in any form. Sexual assault includes any forcible and/or nonforcible sex offense, including acquaintance rape in accordance with current state and federal law. Students who are victims of sexual assault are afforded specific rights. The college also has specific responsibilities for assisting students. Additional information concerning these rights and responsibilities are available in the Campus Sexual Assault Victim’s Bill of Rights brochure. Students may report incidents of sexual assault to Campus Security, ext. 1000, located in the Enrollment Services Center, the Affirmative Action Office, ext. 1235, located in the Human Resources Office in the Administration Building, and/or the Senior Executive Director, Student Services, ext. 1253, located in the Enrollment Services Center. 5/04 01/17/06rev; Updated 2/11/14; 2/23/15 3.13 procN/ab


Finance and Administrative Services


Financial Records


Delinquent Accounts


Employee Bond


Receipt and Distribution of College Funds




Chargeback Policy (Out-of-county)


Transfer of Funds Between Fund Groups


Construction Funds


Donation of Gifts






Post-Issuance Compliance Policies and Procedures Related to Certain Bonds Issued by the New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority Pursuant to Financing Programs for Institutions of Higher Education Sponsored by the State of New Jersey


Budget Amendments




Petty Cash


Bank Depositories


Authorized Signatures for Depository Withdrawals








Supplement, Not Supplant


College Property – Receipt, Custody, Insurance and Control


Tuition Refunds


Audits and Management Analyses


Use of College Property – Portable/Mobile Equipment


Travel Expenses






Approval of Emergency Purchases


Faculty and Staff Purchases


Advertisements for Bids and Exceptions


Contractual Agreements


Award of Purchase Orders


Investment of College Funds

9/16/02 4.0 indexN/jv

4.1 Finance and Administrative Services Authority:

N.J.S.A. 18A:64A et seq. Board of Trustees, May 16, 2000; updated June, 2014

Policy: The policies and procedures of the financial and business operations of the College will be approved by the President in consultation with recommendations made by the Vice President for Finance & Administrative Services. Current and appropriate business and accounting standards and practices will be followed in keeping with NACUBO Manual; the AICPA Audit Guide for Colleges and Universities and the Statement of Auditing and Accounting Standards for County Colleges issued annually by the State of NJ Department of the Treasury, as well as the applicable GASB Statements.

9/16/02; updated 6/2014 4.1 procN/jv

4.2 Financial Records Authority:

N.J.A.C. 9A:1-1.7 N.J.S.A. 18A:64-15, 17-22 Board of Trustees, May 16, 2000; updated June, 2014

Policy: All financial records shall be maintained according to the AICPA Guide for Colleges and Universities, as well as applicable GASB Statements.

4.2 procN/jv 9/16/02; updated 6/2014

4.3 Delinquent Accounts Authority:

Board of Trustees,

May 16, 2000

Policy: Students: The College will exert every effort to collect delinquent accounts owed to the College. Individuals who have outstanding accounts shall not be permitted to register, receive transcripts or official college material. If special circumstances exist exceptions may be made by the President or designee. Employees: When all other collection procedures have been exhausted, the Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services is authorized to seek written agreement and authorization from the employee to begin payroll deductions for an employee who has an outstanding college obligation until sub obligation is cleared.

4.3 procN/jv 02/19/03

4.4 Employee Bond Authority:

NJAC 9A:1-1.7(d) Board of Trustees, May 16, 2000

Policy: All College officials and employees who are responsible in any manner for handling or expending college funds or property will be adequately bonded at all times. The bonding company will be recommended by the President and approved by the Board of Trustees.

4.4 procN/bh 6/6/00

4.5 Receipt and Distribution of College Funds Authority:

Board of Trustees, June 4, 1985

Policy: Only those employees designated by the President are authorized to receive funds due to the College or to disburse funds to any individual or group.

4.5 proc/bh



4.6 procN/bh 6/6/00

4.7 Chargeback Policy (Out-of-County) Authority:

N.J.S.A. 18A:64A-23 N.J.A.C. 9A:4-1.1 Board of Trustees, May 16, 2000

Policy: The College’s chargeback policy is defined according to the N.J.S.A. and N.J.A.C. regarding issuance of certificates, eligibility, certification of residence, student payment of tuition and fees, and procedures for billing sending counties.

4.7 procN/bh 6/6/00

4.8 Transfer of Funds between Fund Groups Authority:

Board of Trustees, May 16, 2000

Policy: All transfer of funds between fund groups will be made by resolution of the Board of Trustees upon the recommendation of the President.

4.8 procN/bh 6/6/00

4.9 Construction Funds Authority:

N.J.S.A. 18A:64A-17.22 Board of Trustees, May 16, 2000, October 18, 2012

Policy: Construction funds for budgeting purposes are defined in accordance with the above statues and specific rules and regulation associated with various bond acts and gift restrictions. The Office of the Secretary of Higher Education authorizes the state financing of 50 percent of capital costs for county colleges as defined in, PL 1971 C-12 (chapter 12) subject to project approval procedures. All subsequent procedures pertaining to construction funds shall be carried out in accordance with these regulations.

4.9 procN/bh 6/6/00; Updated 2/11/14

4.10 Donation of Gifts Authority:

Board of Trustees, May 16, 2000

Policy: The receipt of gifts will be channeled through the College’s Foundation.

4.10 procN/bh 6/6/00

4.11 Payrolls Authority:

Board of Trustees, May 16, 2000

Policy: All employee payroll records shall be processed and maintained by the Finance and Administrative Services Office in keeping with State and Federal regulations and guidelines upon receipt of proper written authorization to enter the employee into the payroll system.

4.11 procN/jv 9/16/02

4.12 Budget Authority:

N.J.A.C. 9A:1-1.7 (B)3 Board of Trustees, May 16, 2000, October 18, 2012

Policy: The College budget shall reflect annual allocations and expenditures for the period July 1 to June 30. The budget of the College shall be in accordance with all provisions of the statutes and regulation adopted by the Secretary of Higher Education. The President will present the annual budget request to the Board of Trustees and Board of School Estimate for approval and be responsible for ensuring expenditures and obligations remain within budget income.

4.12 procN/bh 6/6/00; Updated 2/11/14

4.13 Post-Issuance Compliance Policies and Procedures Related to Certain Bonds Issued by the New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority Pursuant to Financing Programs for Institutions of Higher Education Sponsored by the State of New Jersey Authority:

N.J.S.A. 18A:72A-72 et seq N.J.S.A. 18A:72A-40 et seq N.J.S.A. 18A:72A-59 et seq N.J.S.A. 18A:72A-49 et seq Board of Trustees, May 13, 2014

Purpose: The Secretary of Higher Education of the State of New Jersey (the “Secretary”) has awarded Cumberland County College (the "Institution") funds for projects or equipment leases pursuant to one or more of the following programs: Higher Education Capital Improvement Fund Act, N.J.S.A. 18A:72A-72 et seq. (“CIF”); the Higher Education Equipment Leasing Fund Act, N.J.S.A. 18A:72A-40 et seq. (“ELF”); the Higher Education Technology Infrastructure Fund Act, N.J.S.A. 18A:72A-59 et seq. (“HETI”); and the Higher Education Facilities Trust Fund Act, N.J.S.A. 18A:72A-49 et seq. (“HEFT” and together with CIF, ELF and HETI, the “State-Backed Programs”). The funds for projects or equipment leases awarded pursuant to these State-Backed Programs are referred to herein collectively as "Grants". The Grants are disbursed to the institutions of higher education ("Grantees") from proceeds of tax-exempt bonds (the "StateBacked Bonds") issued by the New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority (the "Authority" or "NJEFA") pursuant to the applicable State-Backed Programs. The debt service on these StateBacked Bonds is payable by the State of New Jersey (the "State") subject to appropriation by the New Jersey Legislature. A Grantee that receives funds pursuant to the CIF or ELF Programs is required to reimburse the State for a portion of the debt service paid by the State on the CIF Bonds or ELF Bonds. However, Grantees that receive funds pursuant to the HETI or HEFT Programs have no obligation to reimburse the State for any debt service on HETI Bonds or HEFT Bonds. 1) Because the State-Backed Bonds are issued as tax-exempt bonds, the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code") and regulations adopted thereunder (collectively, "Federal Tax Law Requirements") must be satisfied during the term of the State-Backed Bonds by each Grantee in order for the tax-exempt status of such State-Backed Bonds to be maintained. As a Grantee that has received proceeds of State-Backed Bonds, the Institution understands that it has an obligation to comply with these Federal Tax Law Requirements throughout the term of any State-Backed Bonds, which may be longer than the term of a Grant. Pursuant to a Grant or Lease Agreement with the Authority, the Institution

has agreed to adopt these Post-Issuance Compliance Policies and Procedures (the "Policy") in order to assist it in fulfilling its obligations to comply with Federal Tax Law Requirements applicable to the State-Backed Bonds. The Institution recognizes that this compliance is an ongoing process, and that analysis of information and implementation of this Policy will require annual or more frequent monitoring and likely ongoing consultation with NJEFA and its bond counsel. Further policies and procedures may be identified from time to time by NJEFA with respect to outstanding or future State-Backed Bonds from which this Institution receives a Grant and the Institution will take all necessary steps to ensure compliance with such policies and procedures.

Policy: I. Organizational Responsibility The Vice President for Finance and Adminstrative Services, the ("Compliance Officer") has primary responsibility for post-issuance tax compliance to ensure and monitor post-issuance matters with respect to State-Backed Bonds. The Compliance Officer has overall responsibility of carrying out all aspects of this Policy, including providing information and training on implementing post-issuance compliance policies, tracking expenditures, allocating sources of funding for a particular project between Grants funded from State-Backed Bond proceeds and other sources of money, identifying and monitoring private use and reviewing rebate reports, if requested by the Authority, and keeping adequate records to support all of the foregoing. The Compliance Officer may delegate specific responsibilities to other officers, employees and agents of this Institution, as designated in this Policy, and as may be modified or supplemented in the future. The Office of Finance and Administrative Services shall: separately track utilization of Grant proceeds and other sources of funding (i.e., other bonds, equity, other grants, contributions, etc) for each project financed by each issue of State-Backed Bonds; prepare and review requisitions to assure that proceeds are expended on projects as approved by the Secretary and authorized in the applicable bond documents and requisitions; and confirm that reimbursement of pre-issuance costs are permissible and submit reviewed requisitions to the NJEFA. The Finance Department, in consultation with Facilities and Grounds Department, shall also determine when projects financed by Grants are completed and/or placed in service and advise the Authority that such events have occurred. The Finance Department/Facilities Department, as applicable will consult with the Compliance Officer if questions arise relating to the foregoing matters. II. Tracking Expenditures and Use of Bond-Financed Facilities The Institution's Finance Department shall maintain records regarding the use and allocation of Grants funded from State-Backed Bonds proceeds and other sources for Grant-financed facilities. Such records shall be maintained with respect to each series of State-Backed Bonds. The Authority’s Accounting Department shall maintain copies of approved requisitions and copies of

invoices. Requisitions submitted to the Authority must be accompanied by copies of invoices for Contractor/Architect/Engineering bills and any other items over $10,000 before being approved. The Finance Department and Facilities and Grounds Department will monitor the application and use of Grants on an ongoing basis and inform the Authority of events relating to use of bond proceeds and financed facilities, which may result in private business use or other tax issues, and that must be analyzed for compliance with Federal Tax Law Requirements. The Finance Department and the Facilities and Grounds Department will work together to identify square footage or other measurements of private business use of financed facilities. The Institution will comply with the covenants and representations relating to the Grants and the State-Backed Bonds in the applicable bond documents and will cooperate with the Authority in obtaining necessary information, keeping records, seeking advice from bond counsel and undertaking any remediation, if necessary. At least once every twelve months, the Authority is expected to send a certification to the Institution regarding application and use of Grants and other matters and the Compliance Officer will coordinate with assigned individuals at the Institution to provide updated information about the use of the financed facilities and other matters and complete and return the certification and any supporting documentation (the "Annual Review Process"). The Institution will provide an annual certification to the Authority regardless of receipt of a form thereof from the Authority. The Compliance Officer will work with the Authority and/or bond counsel, if necessary, to assist in making a final allocation of expenditures for a Grant-financed project when required under the Code and applicable regulations. III. Private Business Use and Private Payments The Institution's Finance Department, in conjunction with the Facilities and Grounds Department, (which will maintain records of all private business use contracts) will monitor private business use of bond-financed property and any private payments. State-Backed Bonds may lose tax-exempt status if private business use of bond proceeds and "private business payments" securing such State-Backed Bonds exceed certain percentages which are described in the Tax Certificates signed by the Institution in connection with the issuance of the State-Backed Bonds. Unless approved in advance by the Authority, no private business use of the property financed by the Grants is permitted. The anticipated amount of private business use of a particular series of State-Backed Bonds is anticipated to be known at the time the State-Backed Bonds are issued. Any increase in private business use of Grant financed facilities by any Grantee must be analyzed for the applicable State-Backed Bond issue as a whole. Therefore, the Institution and each other Grantee must obtain permission from the Authority to increase any private business use of its Grant financed facilities, in order to assure that tax-exemption for the issue of State-Backed Bonds as a whole is preserved. The Institution will monitor and report the use of Grant-financed facilities as part the Annual Review Process.

The Institution understands that failure to obtain such permission may result in loss of taxexempt status of the State-Backed Bonds and that it will be responsible to the Authority if its actions cause such treatment. Special legal entitlements to property financed with State-Backed Bonds can give rise to private business use. Special legal entitlements include leases of financed property, management contracts, sponsored research agreements, naming rights, licenses of facilities for use by cell phone service providers, energy providers and the like. Typical examples of private business use in a college setting often include food service contracts, bookstore contracts, privately sponsored research and camp programs if they do not meet certain safe-harbors set out in IRS Revenue Procedures 97-13 and 2007-47, or exceptions in IRS regulations for short term and incidental use arrangements. Since the HETI and HEFT Programs require (and expect) no payments by the Institution, it is not anticipated that the private business payment test will be met for such bonds, but the Authority has requested the Institution to monitor private business use. As required in the Authority’s bond documents and policies, the Institution will report and certify to the Authority at least annually with respect to the use of Grant-financed facilities, any additions or changes that may have occurred and cooperate with the Authority in determining whether an event has occurred that might adversely affect the tax-exempt status of the StateBacked Bonds and in taking appropriate remedial action. IV. Record Retention Authority Grant and other bond documents require the Institution to maintain all relevant records relating to State-Backed Bonds. The Authority will also retain documents it receives directly from the Institution or third parties. These documents include closing transcripts, agreements, including investment agreements, to which the Authority is a party, bank statements, rebate reports and requisitions. Both the Institution and the Authority shall maintain records for the length of time required to comply with IRS regulations. Currently, records of issuance and related post-issuance compliance documentation must be maintained for the life of the bond issue, including any refunding issue, plus three years. Basic records relating to State-Backed Bonds include the transcript as well as documentation evidencing the: 

Expenditures and requisitions;

Investment of bond proceeds;

 

Use of Grant-financed property; and Sources of payment or security for the State-Backed Bonds.

The Authority will rely on the Institution for specific records relating to application of bond proceeds and use of projects and/or equipment financed by Grants received by the Institution. V. Arbitrage and Rebate State-Backed Bonds will lose their tax-exempt status if they are classified as “arbitrage bonds.” In general, arbitrage is earned when the gross proceeds of a bond issue are used to acquire investments that earn a yield that is “materially higher” than the yield on the bonds issued or if funds are held or received by the Institution for the project or for debt service that are invested higher than such yield. The Code contains two separate sets of requirements that must be complied with to ensure that State-Backed Bonds are not arbitrage bonds. They are: 

Yield Restriction requirements, which generally provide that in the absence of an applicable exception, bond proceeds may not be invested at a yield in excess of the bond yield; and Rebate requirements, which generally provide that when arbitrage is earned on an issue in excess of permitted amounts, unless an exception is met, the excess earnings must be paid to the U.S. Department of Treasury, even if an exception to the yield restriction requirements applies.

The NJEFA will engage the services of an Arbitrage Compliance Servicer, as necessary, to provide written reports to assist the Authority and the State Treasurer in monitoring yield on investments and calculating any rebate that may be due. The Institution will cooperate with the NJEFA and the Arbitrage Compliance Servicer to the extent necessary in order for the Arbitrage Compliance Servicer's calculations to be correct. If the Arbitrage Compliance Servicer provides a written report, it will be provided to the Authority and the State Treasurer and the Institution, to the extent necessary, to permit the Institution to comply with tax or other reporting requirements. VIII. Continuity and Training The Compliance Officer and those to whom he or she has delegated responsibilities will receive periodic training regarding the tax and other requirements applicable to State-Backed Bonds. Such training will cover the purposes and importance of these procedures. To provide for continuity of compliance with post-issuance tax requirements, the Institution will periodically consult with the Authority to determine whether this Policy should be modified to reflect changes relating to outstanding State-Backed Bonds and any changes necessitated if the Authority issues additional State-Backed Bonds.

IX. Remedial Action Authority bond documents require that the Institution notify the Authority of events which may affect the permissible use and allocation of State-Backed Bond proceeds and to cooperate with the Authority in seeking remedial action with respect to such events. The Compliance Officer is responsible for notifying the Authority of such events and cooperate with the Authority or other issuers (as applicable) in seeking remedial action pursuant to Treasury Regulation ยง1.141-12, ยง1.145-2 or seeking a closing agreement with the IRS under its Voluntary Closing Agreement Program(VCAP).

4.13 04/28/14/amb

4.14 Budget Amendments Authority:

Board of Trustees, May 16, 2000

Policy: Procedures to be used for internal amendments to the budget shall be determined by the President.

4.14 procN/bh 6/6/00

4.15 Reserved

4.15 procN/bh 6/6/00

4.16 Petty Cash Authority:

Board of Trustees, May 16, 2000

Policy: A Petty Cash Fund, not to exceed $75.00, may be established in the Business Office and the Fine and Performing Arts Center and will be maintained on the imprest system. The Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services is the custodian of the fund and will provide for adequate internal accounting and controls.

4.16 procN/jv 10/11/02

4.17 Bank Depositories Authority:

Board of Trustees, May 16, 2000

Policy: The Board of Trustees shall annually certify banks in which to establish depositories that are necessary for the efficient operation of the College. All such bank accounts will be in the name of the College.

4.17 procN/bh 6/6/00

4.18 Authorized Signatures for Depository Withdrawals Authority:

Board of Trustees, May 16, 2000: Revised, May 15, 2012

Policy: All money drawn from depository will be upon pre-numbered checks or electronic fund transfer with the authorized signature. All withdrawals will be approved by the Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services after supporting documents are reviewed. The College administration is authorized to use a facsimile signature for all checks under $10,000. Any checks over $10,000, but under $25,000, must be manually signed by one (1) authorized check signer. Checks over the amount of $25,000 must be manually signed by two (2) authorized check signers.

4.18 procN/jv 9/16/02 rev. 5/15/2012

4.19 Reserved

4.19 procN/bh 6/6/00

4.20 Reserved

7/31/00 4.20N/bh

4.21 Reserved

4.21 procN/bh 6/6/00

4.22 Supplement, Not Supplant Authority:

Board of Trustees, March 21, 2006

Policy: To be in compliance with the requirements of federal grant funded programs [such as the Carl D. Perkins Vocational & Secondary Act of 1998 (PL 105-332, October 31, 1998) Section 311(a)] the College shall supplement, and shall not supplant, non-federal funds expended to carry out College activities.

4.22proposed/ab 02/07/06

4.23 College Property – Receipt, Custody, Insurance and Control Authority:

Board of Trustees, May 16, 2000 Amended, March 21, 2006

Policy: The President will prescribe appropriate procedures for the receipt, custody, and control of college property. Property acquired with grant funds will be acquired in accordance to NJSA 18A:64A-25 as well as all other applicable regulations. Said property will be held in title by the College, and will not be used for other purposes so long as it is required in the funded program. Property no longer required for grant purposes will be used for other, similarly funded projects or disposed of in accordance with State, federal and grantor guidelines. The Board of Trustees will provide fire and extended coverage insurance on all college property including newly-completed construction projects when the architect has released the Builder’s Risk Policy.

4.23 procN/bh

6/6/00 rev03/06

4.24 Tuition Refunds Authority:

Board of Trustees, May 16, 2000

Policy: All colleges have operating costs of a continuing nature. For this reason, tuition will not berefunded unless the student provides good cause. The College reserves the right to make final judgment in such cases. The schedule for refund of tuition and fees is as follows: approved withdrawal before the semester or session begins

4.24 procN/bh 6/6/00


approved withdrawal during the first four weeks of the semesters


approved withdrawal during the first quarter of the summer or short sessions


approved withdrawal after the refund periods above


4.25 Audits and Management Analyses Authority:

Board of Trustees, May 16, 2000; updated June, 2014 N.J.A.C. 9A:1-1.7(B) 4

Policy: The Board shall arrange for annual audits of the College’s accounts, financial transactions, and enrollments for the previous fiscal year in order to comply with the state requirement. Procedures to be used will be those outlined in the A.I.C.P.A. Guide for Colleges and Universities and statement of Auditing and Accounting Standards for County College issued annually, as well as applicable GASB Statements.

4.25 procN/jv 9/16/02; updated 6/2014

4.26 Use of College Property – Portable/ Mobile Equipment Authority:

Board of Trustees, May 21, 2002, revised December 20, 2012

Policy: College assets of a portable nature may be assigned to specific employees or departments to be used to further the mission of the college. In order to assure the protection of sensitive information, all employees shall abide by the guidelines for mobile device security, as developed by the Office of the Chief Technology Officer. (Attached) Procedures: This policy is established to monitor the college’s portable assets. These assets would include, but not be limited to, such items as lap top computers netbooks, tablets, “smart” phones, digital cameras, portable storage media (USB flashdrives, SD or Compact Flash memory cards, external hard drives), and related peripherals. Some of these items may be assigned to individual employees. It will be the responsibility of the employee to periodically affirm to the college administration that the equipment is in their possession, and in good working order. The frequency of such affirmations shall be at the discretion of the college administration. Groups of these items may be designated to a specific employee within a department for use as needed. The designated employee must log any use of the equipment and will be responsible for the periodic affirmation of its location and status, also at the discretion of the college administration. The division/department leaders shall be responsible for maintaining the log sheets for portable/mobile equipment (sample attached). Except for normal wear and tear, equipment assigned to a college employee shall be returned to the college in the same condition that it was in when removed from the college. In the event that a piece of equipment is missing, the responsible employee or department is required to immediately report the incident to Campus Security. If police are called to the campus to investigate, security shall be responsible for notifying the College President and Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services. 05/16/02 4.26 procN/jv


In furthering the mission statement of Cumberland County College, the college has agreed to load the listed equipment for the use outside of the college as long as the following apply: I, ___________________________________, agree to be responsible for the listed equipment. I will replace the equipment or reimburse the college in the case of loss of or damage to the equipment once it is removed from the campus. I will also be responsible for the maintenance and repair of the equipment to keep it operable. If I wish to make changes or upgrades to the equipment from that which is given to me, I am responsible for returning it to the same working condition when it is returned to the college. The college grants the permission to use this equipment but can at any time, request that it be returned within 5 days. Lastly, I have verified that the listed equipment is operable and release the college from any and all liability resulting from its use. I also remove the college from responsibility to support me in the use of this equipment outside of the college. EQUIPMENT




Signature:_______________________________ Organization___________________________ Date:___________________________________ College Representative Signature:__________________________________________________ Date:___________________________________

Cumberland County College Mobile Device Security Summary These guidelines reflect best practices for securing mobile devices (such as laptop computers, tablets and smart phones) and sensitive information stored on those devices. The major recommendations are: 1. Sensitive information, to the greatest extent possible, should not be stored on mobile devices. 2. Sensitive information, if stored on mobile devices, should be: a. Securely encrypted. b. A copy -- not the only instance of the data. c. The device should be password protected. 3. Sensitive information should always be transmitted in a securely encrypted format. 4. Portable devices and storage media with sensitive information should be destroyed or erased so there is no possibility of subsequent data recovery. Introduction Numerous security breaches have been reported in 2006, many involving laptops, and many involving sensitive data held by universities. One of the most egregious occurrences was the May 2006 theft of a U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs laptop containing names, Social Security numbers, and dates of birth of 26.5 million veterans and 2.1 million active and reserve service members. Estimates of the number of laptop computers stolen in the U.S. annually range from 600,000 to 750,000 per year and the FBI says 97 percent of those stolen laptops are never recovered. Mobile devices capable of storing or accessing huge quantities of data are now ubiquitous -- most students, faculty, and staff personally own and use portable data storage devices daily. This unprecedented proliferation implies that almost anyone with access to sensitive data could copy that data to a mobile device and thereby expose sensitive data to additional risks such as theft, loss, unauthorized access, or unintended disclosure. Compromises of sensitive data can have very serious consequences, such as:     

Criminal, civil, or administrative penalties Loss of external funding Costs of notifying affected parties Costs of remediation for losses, identity theft Damaged reputation and loss of public confidence

Cumberland County College Mobile Device Security Consequently, Cumberland County College has developed these guidelines to help faculty, staff, and students protect sensitive information on mobile devices. Definitions

Sensitive information: information whose use is governed by local, state, or federal

regulatory control or information that has been deemed non-public, classified, or restricted by the College. Examples of sensitive information include, but are not limited to:      

Student information governed by the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Protected health information as defined by the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 Financial information (governed by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, for example) Documents or email relating to student, staff or faculty disciplinary proceedings Personnel records Information covered by confidentiality or non-disclosure agreements

For simplicity, the terms sensitive information and sensitive data will be used interchangeably.

Mobile device: any electronic device that is portable and contains or has the ability to contain sensitive information or provides the ability to access or transmit sensitive information. Examples of mobile devices include, but are not limited to:    

Laptops, netbooks, and tablets "smart" phones such as the iPhone Portable storage media such as USB flash drives, or SD or CompactFlash memory cards Any peripherals connected to a mobile device that may contain sensitive information or allow access to sensitive information, like an external USB hard drive

Encryption: the process of obscuring information to make it unreadable (i.e., "scrambling" the information) without special knowledge. That special knowledge is often a "key" that is used to decrypt the information so it can be read. One might think of the key as a password used to gain access to the protected information, although that is not technically accurate.

Cumberland County College Mobile Device Security Risks Risks to sensitive information fall into three broad categories:   

Confidentiality -- disclosure to anyone not authorized to access the data. Integrity -- corruption of the data by, for example, unauthorized malicious or accidental changes. Availability -- making the data unavailable for its intended use. Examples include partially or fully deleting it, maliciously encrypting it, or preventing access by a denial-of-service attack.

Due to these risks, mobile devices should be considered insecure and therefore require protection according to the following guidelines. Guidelines 1. Storing Sensitive Information: To the greatest extent possible, sensitive information should not be stored on or accessed from mobile devices. This simple rule will do much to reduce risk. 2. Data Encryption: If sensitive information must reside on a mobile device, it should be encrypted. The decryption key should be entered manually; this step should not be automated. A means should exist to recover encrypted data when the decryption key is lost. (see Encrypting PC Files below). 3. Multiple Copies of the Data: Sensitive information residing on mobile devices should not be the only copy. Make sure there is another copy on a more secure device such as a server that is backed up regularly. 4. Data Transmission: Any sensitive information transmitted to or from the mobile device should be encrypted and/or transferred with a secure data transfer utility. Use a secure connection or protocol, such as SSL, that guarantees end-toend encryption of all data sent or received. Devices with wireless capability pose an additional risk of unauthorized access and tampering. These capabilities should be disabled, secured, or protected with a firewall. Note that Wireless Equivalency Privacy (WEP) is inadequate protection for a wireless device transmitting sensitive information. 5. Data Destruction: The normal process for deleting data from a hard drive, USB flash drive, cell phone memory, etc., does not completely delete the data. Tools are readily available to easily recover deleted data, and even fragments of files, from these devices. Even if the data is encrypted, it has to be decrypted for use

Cumberland County College Mobile Device Security and may therefore exist unknowingly in decrypted form in a temporary file that can be recovered even after deletion. Consequently, sensitive data should be destroyed or erased so there is no possibility of subsequent data recovery. 6. Password Protection: Access to the mobile device should be protected by the use of a password 7. Password Storage: User IDs and passwords which allow access to the Cumberland County College network or its systems should never be stored in "plain text" (i.e., unencrypted so they can be easily read) on mobile devices. 8. Password Automation: On mobile devices, do not automate the supplying of passwords or other security credentials needed to access sensitive data (for example, automatically authenticating to an application or database that contains sensitive information, or having Microsoft Windows store passwords to these systems). Likewise, any software installed on mobile devices that uses script files (a series of commands that are run when the script file is executed) should not contain a user ID or password. 9. Physical Protection: Reasonable care should be taken when using mobile devices in public places, meeting rooms, or other unprotected areas to avoid the unauthorized access to or disclosure of the information stored on or accessed by the device. Similar precautions should be taken when using the College’s wireless network. o


Special care should be taken in crowds, meetings, and security-screening areas to maintain control over the device. Do not let it out of your sight. Mobile devices owned or issued by the College should not be left unattended and, where possible, should be physically locked away or secured.


Mobile devices should be transported as carry-on luggage whenever traveling by commercial carrier unless the carrier requires otherwise.


All mobile devices should be kept out of sight and covered when stored in a locked vehicle.


All College-owned mobile devices should be permanently marked as College property and indicate a method of return in case the device is lost.

Cumberland County College Mobile Device Security 10. Virus Protection: Any mobile device capable of using antivirus software should have the software installed and configured to provide real-time protection and maintain updated virus signatures. 11. Security Updates: A procedure should be established and implemented to ensure that all security patches and updates relevant to the device or installed applications are promptly applied. The patching process should be automated whenever possible. The system should be rebooted immediately after patching if required for the patch to take effect. 12. Firewall Protection: Whenever available for a mobile device, firewall software should be installed and used. Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS X, and Linux operating systems all have built-in firewall software that meets this guideline. 13. Disabling Unused Services: Any services on the mobile device that are not needed, especially those that involve communications like 802.11 wireless, infrared, Bluetooth, remote access, FTP, or other connection functions, should be turned off. 14. Termination of College Relationship: All College-owned mobile devices should be returned to Cumberland County College immediately upon termination of the assigned user's relationship with the College. If the mobile device contains sensitive information and the device will not be re-used immediately by someone authorized to access the information, the sensitive information should be removed in a manner that prevents recovery. 15. Mobile Device Sanitization: Mobile devices and other electronic equipment that contain or access sensitive information, or have been used to access sensitive information in the past, should be processed to ensure all data is permanently removed in a manner that prevents recovery before they are disposed of as surplus equipment or returned to the vendor. 16. Notification of Security Breach: Any suspected breach of security on a College-owned mobile device should be immediately reported to the Information Technology Services’ Help Desk (X411). Encrypting PC Files 1. Open Windows Explorer by right-clicking on the "Start" button and selecting the "Open Windows Explorer" option. Navigate to the folder that contains the files you wish to encrypt. You can also navigate directly to the individual file you want to encrypt if you don't want to encrypt multiple files.

Cumberland County College Mobile Device Security 2. Right-click on the folder or file that you want to encrypt and select the "Properties" option. Select the "General" tab, then click the "Advanced" button. 3. Check the box next to the option that reads, "Encrypt Contents to Secure Data" and click the "OK" button. If you are selecting a single file to encrypt, you will be given the chance to encrypt the parent folder of this file. If you choose to do this, the entire parent folder and all files and sub-folders in the parent folder will be encrypted. 4. Click the "OK" button again (if necessary), and your files will be finished encrypting. Once they are encrypted, anyone who attempts to access them without the proper authorization will be unable to do so. To decrypt the files, go through the same process you used to encrypt them, but instead of checking the "Encrypt Contents to Secure Data" box, uncheck it, then press the "OK" button. If you leave your files or folders unencrypted, anyone with access to your computer will be able to read them. Sources 


The excellent work done by Kansas State University in developing and sharing their comprehensive policy on Mobile Device Security.

Contact Information Any questions or comments about these guidelines should be directed to your IT support staff, the IT Help Desk, or the College’s CTO: Doug White, Chief Technology Officer Information Technology Services 856.691.8600 x427 dwhite@cccnj.edu

4.27 Travel Expenses Authority:

Board of Trustees, May 16, 2000 Revised, August 17, 2004

Policy: Employees will be reimbursed for reasonable costs incurred while travelling on authorized, official college business in accordance with the appropriate procedures outlined below. Procedures: I.

Availability of funds



Funds needed for travel will be anticipated and presented for approval and inclusion in each fiscal year budget. Request for travel funds will be supported by specific statements for travel purpose, funds needed, and the dates the requested funds will be used. Requests for travel funds will be approved by the immediate supervisor.


The President will provide the Board Chair with a quarterly summary of travel and entertainment expenses related to the President’s Office.


Requests for travel funds which have not been budgeted will be evaluated by the President. If warranted, the President will present the request to the Board of Trustees through the Finance Committee for its consideration prior to final approval.

Reasonable travel costs and reimbursement a.

Authorized automobile travel using personal vehicle will be reimbursed for miles driven at the prevailing rate used by the County. Parking and toll charges will be reimbursed when such costs are incurred.


Travel by use of a rental car will be authorized in exceptional instances and must be requested with supporting information for approval prior to travel.


When commercial air travel is used, economy class tickets will be purchased.



Other means of public transportation that are reimbursable include bus, rail, shuttle and taxi.


Meal costs, including tips, must be reported separately for each meal. Amounts spent should be reasonable in relation to the location and other circumstances that influence restaurant charges.


In general, the cost of alcoholic beverages will not be reimbursed. However, the President is authorized to waive this reimbursement policy.


Hotel or motel lodging cost is reimbursable. The hotel selected should be conveniently located to conduct the intended business of the trip. A moderately-priced single room with bath should be reserved. When registering, inquiry should be made about the rate of the room being assigned. If the rate is above that of the rate stated with the reservation, an effort should be made to secure a room at the reservation rate.


Other reasonable expenses including telephone charges will be allowed provided they are incurred in connection with official business.

Documentation of expenses a.


Standards for detailing support of reimbursable expenses are no less demanding than those required by IRS regulations. All expense receipts received at any point on the trip should be attached to expense voucher. All expense items over twenty-five dollars ($25.00) must be supported by receipts. All original airline ticket summary pages, hotel bills, and receipts for expenses such as conference registration must be attached to the voucher.

Procedures for processing advance requests and travel vouchers: a.

In cases where it is estimated that the total travel expense will involve an expenditure of fifty dollars ($50.00) or less, the employee will normally pay the expenses from his/her own funds and will be reimbursed for same when he/she submits his properly approved travel voucher to the Business Office.


For travel involving an expenditure of more than fifty dollars ($50.00), the Business Office is authorized to advance the traveler a sum equal to the estimated expense upon presentation of a properly approved travel advance request form.


Approval of travel advance requests will require documentation of approval for travel as set forth in section 1 above. The form must be submitted to the Business Office seven (7) days prior to travel date.


4.27 procN/bh 6/6/00 rev.7/7/04/ab

Travel expense vouchers must be completed in the detail requested, signed by the individual, approved as required and submitted to the Business Office within five (5) days following trip. A check or cash equivalent to any unexpended advance monies will be returned with the voucher.

4.28 Transportation Authority:

Board of Trustees, May 16, 2000

Policy: Vehicles may be provided for the use of Cumberland County College personnel for official use only, unless otherwise directed by the Board of Trustees. Procedures: Use of the College Vehicles: The college vehicles are provided for college business and assignments. Their use is subject to the following rules.

4.28 procN/bh 6/6/00


Only faculty and employed personnel with a valid driver’s license may use these vehicles for college business and assignments. Although students may be carried, they may not drive.


Requisitions for their use must be made one week in advance of a current date, but to assure the availability for an overnight trip for which other travel arrangements must be made should the mini-bus not be available, it is advisable that the vehicles be requisitioned as far in advance as possible.

4.29 Purchasing Authority:

N.J.S.A. 18A: 64A—25 et seq Board of Trustees, May 16, 2000

Policy: All College purchases will be made in accordance with the above referenced statute.

4.29 procN/bh 6/6/00

4.30 Approval of Emergency Purchases Authority:

18A:64A-25.6 Board of Trustees, May 16, 2000

Policy: The President shall be responsible for establishing procedures for emergency purchases in accordance with state regulations as prescribed under law. Procedure: 1.

An emergency purchase and/or contracts may be made, negotiated or awarded, without public advertising for bids under the following conditions: a. b. c. d.

4.30 procN/jv 10/11/02; Updated 2/11/14

Emergency affecting the health, safety, or welfare of occupants of college property. Written requisition for the performance of such work or materials certified by the Director, Facilities and Grounds. Requisition must be approved by the Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services and forwarded to the President for final approval. Board of Trustees to be informed of the emergency purchases as soon as possible.

4.31 Faculty and Staff Purchases Authority:

Board of Trustees, May 16, 2000

Policy: Purchases of articles for personal use by members of the faculty or staff, or other College employees, will not be made by the College Purchasing Department.

4.31 procN/bh 6/6/00

4.32 Advertisements for Bids and Exceptions Authority:

N.J.S.A. 18A: 64A-25.3, 25.4, 25.5, 25.6, 25.8, 25.9, 25.14, 25.19 Board of Trustees, May 16, 2000

Policy: The President shall be responsible for establishing procedures for bid invitations in accordance with the above referenced statutes.

4.32 procN/bh 6/6/00

4.33 Contractual Agreements Authority:

Board of Trustees, May 16, 2000 N.J.S.A. 18A: 64A-12, 25 et seq

Policy: Contractual agreements between the College and agencies, vendors, or private individuals outside of the college will be authorized either by the Board of Trustees or the President or their designated representatives, in accordance with State Law, and above statutes.

4.33 procN/bh 6/6/00

4.34 Award of Purchase Orders Authority:

Board of Trustees, June 4, 1985

Policy: In all competitive pricing, the award of the purchase order will be made on the basis of the lowest and best bid meeting specifications. If other than the lowest bid meeting specifications is accepted, justification must be entered in the minutes of the Board of Trustees meeting.

4.34 procN/bh 6/6/00

4.35 Investment of College Funds Authority:

Board of Trustees, May 16, 2000


The President will invest college funds in United States Government securities or time deposits in banks and Savings and Loan Associations covered by the Governmental Unit Deposit Protection Act.

4.35 procN/bh 6/6/00






(Power of Attorney to Sign) Construction Change Orders and Certificates of Final Inspection


Educational Specifications


Use of College Facilities


Facilities Standards


Signs and Permanent Plaques for Buildings


Display of Flags


Committee to Receive Public Bids for Building Construction


Maintenance Service


Tobacco Use on Campus


Use of Alcohol at College Events Policy


Personal Use of College Property


Litter Control


Wildlife Feeding Control


Illicit Disposal of Waste into Storm Sewers On College Property


Improper Disposal of Waste into Storm Sewers on College Property


Refuse Containers/Dumpsters



5.0 indexN/ab 03/21/13

5.1 Architect Authority:

Board of Trustees,

May 16, 2000

Policy: The President of the College will recommend to the Board of Trustees the employment of an architect to the Board for consulting and project assignments as required by the capital construction need of the College. Architectural planning and preparation of documents for all construction will be in accordance with industry standards.

5.1 procN/bh 6/6/00

5.2 (Power of Attorney to Sign) Construction Change Orders and Certificates of Final Inspection Authority:

Board of Trustees, May 16, 2000 Procedures developed May 19, 2004

Policy: The President will establish the procedures to be followed for construction change orders and acceptance inspections of new construction projects. Procedures: 1. Change orders up to $5,000 may be approved in the field by the Director of Facilities & Grounds in consultation with the Vice President for Finance & Administrative Services and the Architect/Engineer hired for the project. In all cases paperwork documenting and approving the change will be generated by the Architect/Engineer and signed by the Architect/Engineer, President or Vice President for Finance & Administrative Services and the Contractor’s Representative having authority to sign. 2. Change orders between $5,001 and $25,000 may be approved by the President after verifying that dollars are available in the College’s Reserve Funds to cover the change. In all cases paperwork documenting and approving the change will be generated by the Architect/Engineer and signed by the Architect/Engineer, President and the Contractor’s Representative having authority to sign. The President shall inform the Finance Committee of the Board of Trustees, at the meeting immediately following the approval of the change order, of the action taken and the source of funds used to finance the change. 3. Change orders over $25,000 will be presented to the Board of Trustees for consideration upon review and recommendation of the Finance Committee. Once approved by the Board of Trustees paperwork documenting and approving the change will be generated by the Architect/Engineer and signed by the Architect/Engineer, President and the Contractor’s Representative having authority to sign. In the event that waiting for Board of Trustees approval would cause a stoppage of work the President is authorized to poll the Finance Committee of the Board via telephone seeking approval for the change so that work may continue without interruption. 4. Negative change orders may be approved by the Director of Facilities & Grounds upon consultation with the Vice President for Finance & Administrative Services and the Architect/Engineer hired for the project. In all cases paperwork documenting and approving the negative change will be generated by the Architect/Engineer and signed by the Architect/Engineer, President or Vice President for Finance & Administrative Services and the Contractor’s Representative having authority to sign. 5.2 procN/bh5/19/04; Updated 2/11/14

5.3 Educational Specifications Authority:

Board of Trustees,

May 16, 2000

Policy: The President will establish such procedures to assure the proper educational planning of physical facilities. These procedures will ensure the advice of the college staff and faculty, as well as specialists in college planning and specialists in academic and occupational programs when appropriate.

5.3 procN/bh 6/6/00


Use of College Facilities Authority:

Board of Trustees, May 16, 2000 Revised, April 20, 2004

Policy: The President is authorized to establish procedures regulating the application for and use of College facilities by off campus groups. 1. The Board of Trustees and/or Administration reserve the right to reject any request which jeopardizes public safety on campus, interferes with College classes, activities or operations, or causes interruptions for students. 2. Use of College facilities will generally be made available to community, civic, recreational or religious organizations, governmental departments or agencies, public or private schools, businesses and corporations. 3. Facility users must comply with all College regulations as well as local, state and federal laws. 4. Use of College facilities and/or grounds must be arranged through the campus personnel designated by the President. 5. In the event that the college is closed due to inclement weather, or an emergency situation, planned use of facilities by outside groups will also be postponed or cancelled. 6. Groups may be charged for the use of College facilities. Reservations and confirmation may require a non-refundable deposit. 7. Groups using the college facilities will be required to provide the college with a minimum of $1,000,000 in liability insurance coverage naming the College as co-insured. 8. Use of alcohol beverages by facilities users are not permitted unless approved by the President or designee.

5.4 procN revised/ab 04/21/04


Facilities Standards Authority:

Board of Trustees, June 4, 1985

Policy: The President will be responsible for submission of all documents and reports relating to facilities, either current or proposed. These documents, whether for internal or external use, will be prepared in accordance with the policies and procedures outlined in the Facilities Standards and Planning Manual for New Jersey County Community Colleges.

5.5 procN/bh 6/6/00

5.6 Signs and Permanent Plaques for Buildings Authority:

Adopted June 4, 1985 Amended April 15, 2003

Policy: A permanent plaque will be placed in all new or substantially renovated buildings or facilities. This plaque will acknowledge the significant investment of resources committed to improve campus services and facilities as well as the stewardship and support of the College leadership in project implementation and completion. All plaques will be of a consistent size, material and design, and will be displayed in a prominent location. The plaque will include the building name, year of completion, names of all Board of Trustee members, including Trustees who participated in the planning stages but may no longer be members of the Board of Trustees, and the name of the College president. Donor wishes will be followed if a commemorative gift or memorial has been received for a particular building or facility. For each completed project, the Board Chairperson will appoint a committee to develop the design, placement and inscription on the plaque.

5.6 proc rev 4/15/2003

5.7 Display of Flags Authority:

Board of Trustees, June 4, 1985

Policy: The Flag of the United States will be displayed daily, when the weather permits, on a suitable flagstaff upon the grounds of Cumberland County College.

5.7 proc/bh

5.8 Committee to Receive Public Bids for Building Construction Authority:

Board of Trustees, May 16, 2000

Policy: 1. Public bids for building construction projects will be received, opened by the President’s designee and tabulated by the architect employed by the Institution. 2. Bids will be approved only by the Board of Trustees.

5.8 procN/jv 9/16/02


Maintenance Service Authority:

Board of Trustees, June 4, 1985

Policy: The President will establish a sufficient staff and equipment to perform necessary maintenance and repair services.

5.9 proc/bh

5.10 Tobacco Use on Campus Authority:

Board of Trustees, April 10, 1990; affirmed, February 15, 2005; revised March 21, 2013

Policy: Tobacco products are defined as cigarettes, cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco, snuff and electronic cigarettes. Tobacco use is permitted in accordance with procedures developed by the President. Tobacco Use procedures apply to College staff, students and visitors/guests on campus. Procedures: 1. Tobacco use is permitted only in the following designated areas: lettered parking lots and a sheltered area adjacent to the NJ Transit bus stop. 2. Complaints related to non-compliance by College personnel shall be made to the Director, Human Resources. Complaints relevant to noncompliance by students shall be made to the Senior Executive Director, Student Services. Individuals who do not comply with campus tobacco use guidelines are subject to sanctions for violations, per the attached schedule. 3. Policing of said procedures shall be the responsibility of all College personnel and students. 4. Procedures are effective July 1, 2013. [5.9A/amb] 5.10/amb (formerly 5.9A) 12/14/05-affirmed; revised 3/21/13; Updated 2/11/14; 2/23/15

5.11 Use of Alcohol at College Events Policy Authority:

Board of Trustees, October 17, 2000

Policy: Dispensing or serving alcohol at college events is prohibited except when the College Employee sponsoring the event has submitted a written request to the College President or his/her designee and has obtained written permission for variance of this policy.

5.10 pro/bh 10/17/00

5.12 Personal Use of College Property Authority:

Board of Trustees, September 15, 1998

Policy: Personal use of college property and resources is not permitted. The college President may authorize such use only when it furthers the educational mission of the college. Procedures: Personal use of college property and resources is not permitted. For example, use of college personnel to perform non-college-related tasks on college time and personal use of all college equipment, materials and supplies, whether on or off campus, would not be permitted. Personal use constitutes any non-college-related use whether it is an individual or an outside organization. The college President may authorize such use if it furthers or enhances the educational mission of the college. (i.e. In cases where faculty or other staff need to take college equipment off campus for the purpose of professional development, the appropriate Vice President and the President may grant approval for such uses.) In instances when equipment is loaned to a college employee for professional development, the term of loan may not exceed six months. If necessary, an extension may be granted for a second six-month period. Except for normal wear and tear, equipment loaned to a college employee shall be returned to the college in the same condition that it was when removed from the college. A loan agreement covering the equipment loaned shall be maintained by the college’s Business Office and include the manufacturer’s name of the equipment, make, and/or model number, serial number, CCC inventory tag number, the date of the loan and signature of the employee. No college employee is authorized to loan college property of any kind to college employees or to any other individuals, organizations (educational, governmental or otherwise) unless such use has been previously approved by the college president. 5.11 procN/ jv 9/16/02

5.13 Litter Control Authority:

Board of Trustees, May 17, 2005

Policy: I.

Purpose A regulation to prohibit littering at Cumberland County College, so as to protect public health, safety and welfare, and to prescribe penalties for the failure to comply.


Definitions For the purpose of this regulation, the following terms, phrases, words and their derivations shall have the meanings stated herein unless their use in the text of this regulation demonstrates a different meaning. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future, words used in the plural number include the singular number, and words used in the singular number include the plural number. The word "shall" is always mandatory and not merely directory. a. College - Cumberland County College. b. College property - Lands and buildings owned or controlled by Cumberland County College. c. Litter - any used or unconsumed substance or waste material which has been discarded, whether made of aluminum, glass, plastic, rubber, paper, or other natural or synthetic material, or any combination thereof, including, but not limited to, any bottle, jar or can, or any top, cap or detachable tab of any bottle, jar or can, any unlighted cigarette, cigar, match or any flaming or glowing material or any garbage, trash, refuse, debris, rubbish, grass clippings or other lawn or garden waste, newspapers, magazines, glass, metal, plastic or paper containers or other packaging or construction material, but does not include the waste of the primary processes of mining or other extraction processes, logging, sawmilling, farming or manufacturing. d. Litter Receptacle - a container suitable for the depositing of litter. e. Person - any individual (including but not limited to a College student; visiting faculty member or other visitor; guest; professional member of the Colleges academic, administrative, or teaching staff; or other College officer, agent, or employee), corporation, company, partnership, firm, association, or political subdivision of this State whose conduct on College property is subject to regulation by the College.


Prohibited Conduct No person shall throw, drop, discard or otherwise place any litter of any nature upon College property other than in a litter receptacle, or having done so to allow such litter to remain. Whenever any litter is thrown or discarded or allowed to fall from a vehicle or boat in violation of this regulation, the operator or owner, or both, of the motor vehicle or boat shall also be deemed to have violated this regulation.


Violations a. Any College student who is found to be in violation of this regulation shall be subject to official warning, disciplinary probation, suspension, expulsion, or other sanctions in accordance with the Colleges Student Conduct Code. b. Any College officer, staff member, employee, or agent who is found to be in violation of this regulation shall be subject to dismissal, removal, reduction of salary, suspension, demotion, or other disciplinary action in accordance with applicable New Jersey statutes and relevant contracts or agreements. c. Any other person who has entered into a contract or agreement with the College to provide equipment, materials, supplies, or services on College property, and who is found to be in violation of this regulation, shall be subject to sanctions in accordance with the contract or agreement. d. Any visitor, guest, or other person who is not identified under IV.a, IV.b, or IV.c above, and who is found to be in violation of this regulation, is subject to ejection from College property and, if the person refuses to leave after being asked to leave, to prosecution for criminal trespass under N.J.S.A. 2C:18-3. Any person who throws, drops, discards or otherwise places any litter of any nature upon College property other than in a litter receptacle is also subject to prosecution under applicable New Jersey statutes.

5.12 Litter control/ab 05/18/05

5.14 Wildlife Feeding Control Authority:

Board of Trustees, May 17, 2005

Policy: I.

Purpose A regulation to prohibit the feeding of unconfined wildlife at Cumberland County College, so as to protect public health, safety and welfare, and to prescribe penalties for failure to comply.

II. Definitions For the purpose of this regulation, the following terms, phrases, words and their derivations shall have the meanings stated herein unless their use in the text of this regulation clearly demonstrates a different meaning. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future, words used in the plural number include the singular number, and words used in the singular number include the plural number. The word "shall" is always mandatory and not merely directory. a. College - Cumberland County College. b. College property - Lands and buildings owned or controlled by Cumberland County College. c. Feed - to give, place, expose, deposit, distribute or scatter any edible material with the intention of feeding, attracting or enticing wildlife. Feeding does not include baiting in the legal taking of fish and/or game. d. Person - any individual (including but not limited to a College student; visiting faculty member or other visitor; guest; professional member of the College’s academic, administrative, or teaching staff; or other College officer, agent, or employee), corporation, company, partnership, firm, association, or political subdivision of this State whose conduct on College property is subject to regulation by the College. e. Wildlife - all animals that are neither human nor domesticated. III. Prohibited Conduct No person shall feed any unconfined wildlife on College property, except as part of approved academic research.

IV. Violations a. Any College student who is found to be in violation of this regulation shall be subject to official warning, disciplinary probation, suspension, expulsion, or other sanctions in accordance with the College’s Student Conduct Code. b. Any College officer, staff member, employee, or agent who is found to be in violation of this regulation shall be subject to dismissal, removal, reduction of salary, suspension, demotion, or other disciplinary action in accordance with applicable New Jersey statutes and relevant contracts or agreements. c. Any other person who has entered into a contract or agreement with the College to provide equipment, materials, supplies, or services on College property, and who is found to be in violation of this regulation, shall be subject to sanctions in accordance with the contract or agreement. d. Any visitor, guest, or other person who is not identified under IV.a, IV.b, or IV.c above, and who is found to be in violation of this regulation, is subject to ejection from College property and, if the person refuses to leave after being asked to leave, to prosecution for criminal trespass under N.J.S.A. 2C:18-3.

5.13 Wildlife feeding/ab 05/18/05

5.15 Illicit Connections to the College’s Storm Sewers Authority:

Board of Trustees, May 17, 2005

Policy: I.

Purpose A regulation to prohibit illicit connections to the municipal separate storm sewer system(s) operated by Cumberland County College, so as to protect public health, safety and welfare, and to prescribe penalties for the failure to comply. This regulation does not apply to any illicit connection which emanates from a location outside Cumberland County College property.

II. Definitions For the purpose of this regulation, the following terms, phrases, words, and their derivations shall have the meanings stated herein unless their use in the text of this regulation clearly demonstrates a different meaning. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future, words used in the plural number include the singular number, and words used in the singular number include the plural number. The word “shall� is always mandatory and not merely directory. Most of the definitions below are the same as or based on corresponding definitions in the New Jersey Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NJPDES) rules at N.J.A.C. 7:14A- 1.2. a. College - Cumberland County College. b. College property - lands and buildings owned or controlled by Cumberland County College. c. Domestic sewage - waste and wastewater from humans or household operations. d. Illicit connection - any physical or non-physical connection that discharges domestic sewage, non-contact cooling water, process wastewater, or other industrial waste (other than stormwater) to the municipal separate storm sewer system operated by Cumberland County College, unless that discharge is authorized under a NJPDES permit other than the Public Complex Stormwater General Permit (NJPDES Permit Number NJ0141879). Non-physical connections may include, but are not limited to, leaks, flows, or overflows into the municipal separate storm sewer system.

e. Industrial waste - non-domestic waste, including, but not limited to, those pollutants regulated under Section 307(a), (b), or (c) of the Federal Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1317(a), (b), or (c)). f. Municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) - a conveyance or system of conveyances (including roads with drainage systems, municipal streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, manmade channels, or storm drains) that is owned or operated by Cumberland County College or other public body, and is designed and used for collecting and conveying stormwater. g. NJPDES permit - a permit issued by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to implement the New Jersey Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NJPDES) rules at N.J.A.C. 7:14A. h. Non-contact cooling water - water used to reduce temperature for the purpose of cooling. Such waters do not come into direct contact with any raw material, intermediate product (other than heat) or finished product. Non-contact cooling water may however contain algaecides, or biocides to control fouling of equipment such as heat exchangers, and/or corrosion inhibitors. i. Person - any individual (including but not limited to a College officer, agent, professional staff member, other employee, or student), corporation (including Cumberland County College), company, partnership, firm, association, or political subdivision of this State, whose conduct on College property is subject to regulation by the College. j. Process wastewater - any water which, during manufacturing or processing, comes into direct contact with or results from the production or use of any raw material, intermediate product, finished product, byproduct, or waste product. Process wastewater includes, but is not limited to, leachate and cooling water other than non-contact cooling water. k. Stormwater - water resulting from precipitation (including rain and snow) that runs off the land’s surface, is transmitted to the subsurface, is captured by separate storm sewers or other sewerage or drainage facilities, or is conveyed by snow removal equipment. III. Prohibited Conduct Cumberland County College and its officers, staff, agents, other employees, contractors, and students shall not discharge or cause to be discharged, through an illicit connection to the municipal separate storm sewer system operated by Cumberland County College, any domestic sewage, non-contact cooling water, process wastewater, or other industrial waste (other than stormwater). IV. Violations

a. Any College officer, staff member, employee, or agent who is found to be in violation of this regulation shall be subject to dismissal, removal, eduction of salary, suspension, demotion, or other disciplinary action in accordance with applicable New Jersey statutes and relevant contracts or agreements. b. Any College student who is found to be in violation of this regulation shall be subject to official warning, disciplinary probation, suspension, expulsion, or other sanctions in accordance with the College’s Student Conduct Code. c. Any other person who has entered into a contract or agreement with the College to provide equipment, materials, supplies, or services on College property, and who is found to be in violation of this regulation, shall be subject to sanctions in accordance with the contract or agreement. Any person who violates this regulation may also be subject to prosecution under applicable Federal or New Jersey statutes.

5.14 Illicit connections storm sewers/ab 05/18/05

5.16 Improper Disposal of Waste into Storm Sewers on College Property Authority:

Board of Trustees May 17, 2005

Policy: I.

Purpose A regulation to prohibit the spilling, dumping, or disposal of materials other than stormwater to the municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) operated by Cumberland County College, so as to protect public health, safety and welfare, and to prescribe penalties for the failure to comply.

II. Definitions For the purpose of this regulation, the following terms, phrases, words, and their derivations shall have the meanings stated herein unless their use in the text of this regulation clearly demonstrates a different meaning. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future, words used in the plural number include the singular number, and words used in the singular number include the plural number. The word shall is always mandatory and not merely directory. a. College - Cumberland County College. b. College property - lands and buildings owned or controlled by Cumberland County College. c. Municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) - a conveyance or system of conveyances (including roads with drainage systems, municipal streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, manmade channels, or storm drains) that is owned or operated by Cumberland County College or other public body, and is designed and used for collecting and conveying stormwater. d. Person - any individual (including but not limited to a College student; visiting faculty member or other visitor; guest; professional member of the College’s academic, administrative, or teaching staff; or other College officer, agent, or employee), corporation (including Cumberland County College), company, partnership, firm, association, or political subdivision of this State whose conduct on College property is subject to regulation by the College. e. Stormwater - water resulting from precipitation (including rain and snow) that runs off the land’s surface, is transmitted to the subsurface, is captured by separate storm sewers or other sewerage or drainage facilities, or is conveyed by snow removal equipment.

III. Prohibited Conduct All persons are prohibited while on College property from: a. Spilling, dumping, or disposing of materials other than stormwater to the municipal separate storm sewer system operated by the College. b. Spilling, dumping, or disposing of materials other than stormwater in such a manner as to cause the discharge of pollutants to the municipal separate storm sewer system operated by the College. IV. Exceptions a. Water line flushing and discharges from potable water sources. b. Uncontaminated ground water (e.g., infiltration, crawl space or basement sump pumps, foundation or footing drains, rising ground waters). c. Air conditioning condensate (excluding contact and non-contact cooling water). d. Irrigation water (including landscape and lawn watering runoff). e. Flows from springs, riparian habitats and wetlands, water reservoir discharges and diverted stream flows. f. Residential car washing water, and residential swimming pool discharges. g. Sidewalk, driveway and street wash water. h. Flows from fire fighting activities. i. Flows from rinsing of the following equipment with clean water: 1. Beach maintenance equipment immediately following their use for their intended purposes; and 2. Equipment used in the application of salt and de-icing materials immediately following salt and de-icing material applications. Prior to rinsing with clean water, all residual salt and de-icing materials must be removed from equipment and vehicles to the maximum extent practicable using dry cleaning methods (e.g., shoveling and sweeping). Recovered materials are to be returned to storage for reuse or properly discarded. Rinsing of equipment in the above situations is limited to exterior, undercarriage, and exposed parts and does not apply to engines or other enclosed machinery.

V. Violations a. Any College student who continues to be in violation of this regulation, after being duly notified, shall be subject to official warning, disciplinary probation, suspension, expulsion, or other sanctions in accordance with the College’s Student Conduct Code. b. Any College officer, staff member, employee, or agent who continues to be in violation of this regulation, after being duly notified, shall be subject to dismissal, removal, reduction of salary, suspension, demotion, or other disciplinary action in accordance with applicable New Jersey statutes and relevant contracts or agreements. c. Any other person who has entered into a contract or agreement with the College to provide equipment, materials, supplies, or services on College property, and who continues to be in violation of this regulation, after being duly notified, shall be subject to sanctions in accordance with the contract or agreement. d. Any visitor, guest, or other person who is not identified under V.a, V.b, or V.c above, and who continues to be in violation of this regulation, after being duly notified, is subject to ejection from College property and, if the person refuses to leave after being asked to leave, to prosecution for criminal trespass under N.J.S.A. 2C:18-3. Any person who violates this regulation may also be subject to prosecution under applicable New Jersey statutes.

5.15 Improper waste disposal/ab 05/18/05


Refuse Containers/Dumpsters


Board of Trustees, August 16, 2011

Policy: I.

Purpose A regulation requiring dumpsters and other refuse containers that are outdoors or exposed to stormwater to be covered at all times and prohibiting the spilling, dumping, leaking, or otherwise discharging of liquids, semi-liquids, or solids from the containers to the municipal separate storm sewer system(s) and/or the waters of the State so as to protect public health, safety and welfare, and to prescribe penalties for the failure to comply.


Definitions For the purpose of this regulation, the following terms, phrases, words, and their derivations shall have the meanings stated herein unless their use in the text of this regulation clearly demonstrates a different meaning. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future, words used in the plural number include the singular number, and words used in the singular number include the plural number. The word “shall” is always mandatory and not merely directory. a.

College - Cumberland County College.


College property - Lands and buildings owned or controlled by Cumberland County College.


Municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) – a conveyance or system of conveyances (including roads with drainage systems, municipal streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, manmade channels, or storm drains) that is owned or operated by Cumberland County College or other public body, and is designed and used for collecting and conveying stormwater.


Person - any individual (including but not limited to a College student; visiting faculty member or other visitor; guest; professional member of the Colleges academic, administrative, or teaching staff; or other College officer, agent, or employee), corporation, company, partnership, firm, association, or political subdivision of this State whose conduct on College property is subject to regulation by the College. d. Refuse container – any waste container that a person controls whether owned, leased, or operated, including dumpsters, trash cans, garbage pails, and plastic trash bags.



Stormwater – means water resulting from precipitation (including rain and snow) that runs off the land’s surface, is transmitted to the subsurface, is captured by separate storm sewers or other sewerage or drainage facilities, or is conveyed by snow removal equipment.


Waters of the State – means the ocean and its estuaries, all springs, streams and bodies of surface or ground water, whether natural or artificial, within the boundaries of the State of New Jersey or subject to its jurisdiction.

Prohibited Conduct Any person who controls, whether owned, leased, or operated, a refuse container or dumpster must ensure that such container or dumpster is covered at all times and shall prevent refuse from spilling out or overflowing. Any person who owns, leases or otherwise uses a refuse container or dumpster must ensure that such container or dumpster does not leak or otherwise discharge liquids, semiliquids, or solids to the municipal separate storm sewer system(s).



Exceptions to Prohibition a.

Permitted temporary demolition containers


Litter receptacles (other than dumpsters or other bulk containers)


Individual homeowner trash and recycling containers


Refuse containers at facilities authorized to discharge stormwater under a valid NJPDES permit


Large bulky items (e.g., furniture, bound carpet and padding, white goods placed curbside for pickup)

Violations a.

Any College student who is found to be in violation of this regulation shall be subject to official warning, disciplinary probation, suspension, expulsion, or other sanctions in accordance with the College's Student Conduct Code.


Any College officer, staff member, employee, or agent who is found to be in violation of this regulation shall be subject to dismissal, removal, reduction of salary, suspension, demotion, or other disciplinary action in accordance with applicable New Jersey statutes and relevant contracts or agreements.


Any other person who has entered into a contract or agreement with the College to provide equipment, materials, supplies, or services on College property, and who is found to be in violation of this regulation, shall be subject to sanctions in accordance with the contract or agreement.


Any visitor, guest, or other person who is not identified under IV.a, IV.b, or IV.c above, and who is found to be in violation of this regulation, is subject to ejection from College property and, if the person refuses to leave after being asked to leave, to prosecution for criminal trespass under N.J.S.A. 2C:18-3.

8/16/11 5.16 proc/ab

5.18 Pets Authority:

Board of Trustees, May 17, 2005; re-numbered August 16, 2011

Policy: I.

Purpose A regulation to prohibit pets at Cumberland County College, so as to protect public health, safety and welfare, and to prescribe penalties for failure to comply.

II. Definitions For the purpose of this regulation, the following terms, phrases, words and their derivations shall have the meanings stated herein unless their use in the text of this regulation clearly demonstrates a different meaning. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future, words used in the plural number include the singular number, and words used in the singular number include the plural number. The word "shall" is always mandatory and not merely directory. a. College - Cumberland County College. b. College property - Lands and buildings owned or controlled by Cumberland County College. c. Owner/Keeper - any person who shall possess, maintain, house or harbor any pet or otherwise have custody of any pet, whether or not the owner of such pet. d. Person - any individual (including but not limited to a College student; visiting faculty member or other visitor; guest; professional member of the College’s academic, administrative, or teaching staff; or other College officer, agent, or employee), corporation, company, partnership, firm, association, or political subdivision of this State whose conduct on College property is subject to regulation by the College. e. Pet - a domesticated animal kept for amusement or companionship rather than utility. III. Prohibited Conduct No person shall possess, maintain, house or harbor any pet or otherwise have custody of any pet on College property.

IV. Exemptions to Prohibition: Any owner or keeper who requires the use of a disability assistance animal shall be exempt from the provisions of this regulation while such animal is being used for that purpose. V. Violations a. Any College student who is found to be in violation of this regulation shall be subject to official warning, disciplinary probation, suspension, expulsion, or other sanctions in accordance with the College’s Student Conduct Code. b. Any College officer, staff member, employee, or agent who is found to be in violation of this regulation shall be subject to dismissal, removal, reduction of salary, suspension, demotion, or other disciplinary action in accordance with applicable New Jersey statutes and relevant contracts or agreements. c. Any other person who has entered into a contract or agreement with the College to provide equipment, materials, supplies, or services on College property, and who is found to be in violation of this regulation, shall be subject to sanctions in accordance with the contract or agreement. d. Any visitor, guest, or other person who is not identified under V.a, V.b, or V.c above, and who is found to be in violation of this regulation, is subject to ejection from College property and, if the person refuses to leave after being asked to leave, to prosecution for criminal trespass under N.J.S.A. 2C:18-3.

5.17 Pets/ab 05/18/05; 08/16/2011



Equal Access/Equal Opportunity


Association Contracts


Non-Aligned Employees


Recruitment and Hiring of Personnel


Unpaid Extended Sick Leave


Outside Employment for Full-Time College Personnel


Work Week for College Employees


Compensatory Time for Weekend and/or Overnight Travel


Background Checks


Job Descriptions


Protection of Employee Private Information


Donated Leave Policy


College Holidays




Personnel Records


Presidential Evaluation


Sexual Harassment


Drug and Alcohol Violations


Arrest, Indictment & Criminal Conviction Policy


Job Required State and Federal Licensure Policy


Faculty and Academic Rank


Faculty Promotion Criteria


Senior Executive Compensation


Lateral Moves within Position Level


Compensation for Filling an “Acting� Position


Voluntary Downgrade in Position Level and Salary Level




Absence Policy


Short-Term Title Definitions


Reclassification Guidelines


Code of Ethics for College Employees


Whistleblower Policy


Participatory Process for Employee Involvement in College Governance


Nepotism Policy


Physical Examination

9-6-02 6.0 indexN/jv rev6/15/10


Equal Access/Equal Opportunity Authority:

Title VI and VIII, 1964 Civil Rights Act; Executive Order; Title IX, 1972 Education Amendments; Section 504, 1973 Rehabilitation Act, 1990 Americans With Disabilities Act, PL1975 c127 (NJAC) 17:27).; N.J.A.C. 10:5-12 Law Against Discrimination (LAD) Board of Trustees, January 15, 1991; revised, February 20, 2014

Policy: A.

Cumberland County College is an equal access/equal opportunity employer and committed to recruit, employ, and promote personnel without regard to race, creed, color, national origin, nationality, ancestry, age, sex/gender (including pregnancy), marital status, civil union status, domestic partnership status, familial status, religion, affectional or sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, atypical hereditary cellular or blood trait, genetic information, liability for military service, and mental or physical disability, perceived disability, and AIDS/HIV status, or in compliance with all Federal and State legislation and regulations pertaining to non-discrimination. Further, the College incorporates opportunities for the physically handicapped as a part of equal access/equal opportunity employment.


The employees of the College are expected to teach or work with other employees, and to supervise or be supervised in their work by other employees without regard to race, creed, color, national origin, nationality, ancestry, age, sex/gender (including pregnancy), marital status, civil union status, domestic partnership status, familial status, religion, affectional or sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, atypical hereditary cellular or blood trait, genetic information, liability for military service, and mental or physical disability, perceived disability, and AIDS/HIV status.


Cumberland County College is committed to provide equal educational opportunities to all prospective students and enrolled students regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, nationality, ancestry, age, sex/gender (including pregnancy), marital status, civil union status, domestic partnership status, familial status, religion, affectional or sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, atypical hereditary cellular or blood trait, genetic information, liability for military service, and mental or physical disability, perceived disability, and AIDS/HIV status. This commitment to equal access/equal opportunity includes the following: recruitment, admission, programs and activities, facilities, counseling and testing, financial assistance, and placement. This concept includes educational opportunities for the physically handicapped.

Procedure: A.

Employees: All complaints of discrimination will be documented and dealt with promptly and confidentially. A complaint may be informal or formal. An employee who encounters discrimination may file an informal complaint with the Affirmative Action Officer. If, after initial review of the allegations by the Affirmative Action Officer a formal investigation is warranted, the Affirmative Action Officer will appoint a three-member panel which will recommend appropriate action to the President who shall take action. This action may be appealed to the Board of Trustees by either party. Copies of the referenced Federal Guidelines and forms for filing complaints are available from the Affirmative Action Officer.


Students: All complaints of discrimination will be documented and dealt with promptly and confidentially. A complaint may be informal or formal. Any currently enrolled student who encounters an act or acts of discrimination may file an informal complaint with the Affirmative Action Officer.

If, after initial review of the allegations by the Affirmative Action Officer, a formal investigation is warranted, the Affirmative Action Officer will appoint a three-member panel that will recommend appropriate action to the President, who shall take action. This action may be appealed to the Board of Trustees by either party. All college employees and students should be cautioned that acts of discrimination will not be tolerated. At the same time, however, allegations of such practices or patterns are also extremely serious; arbitrary or capricious allegations should not be made. Copies of the referenced Federal guidelines and forms for filing complaints are available from the Affirmative Action Officer. 10/12/99 (revised, 02/20/14) 6.1 proc/bh

6.2 Association Contracts Authority:

Board of Trustees,

October 19, 1999

Policy: Association contracts which address and/or define employee benefits, rights, responsibilities, guidelines and requirements shall be recognized and applied for all college employees.

10/13/99 6.2 proc/bh

6.3 Non-Aligned Employees Â


Board of Trustees, June 15, 2010

Policy: All similarly classified non-aligned employees shall receive the same benefits as those provided represented employees whenever possible. Certain provisions of the negotiated agreements do not apply to non-aligned employees. Specifically, provisions regarding union membership or access to union representatives are not applicable to non-aligned employees. And, while non-aligned employees may initiate grievances, they are not entitled to union representation nor are such disputes subject to arbitration.

6/15/10 6.3 proc/ab

6.4 Recruitment and Hiring of Personnel Authority:

Board of Trustees, October 19, 1999 NJAC 9A: 7-1.1(b)

Policy: The President shall establish appropriate procedures for recruitment and hiring of college personnel. These procedures will be coordinated by the Director, Human Resources. Personnel appointments will be considered by the Board of Trustees upon the written recommendation of the President. 1.

Posting of all positions will be done through the Human Resource Department A. Internal Posting – will be done in accordance with association contracts or agreed waiver. B. External Posting – decisions to advertise externally are based on the following criteria. 1) The internal posting does not yield an appropriate pool of qualified candidates. 2) The level of complexity involved and experience desired for the position. The college has the right to exercise discretion with regard to the external advertisement of a position on a search by search basis. This decision is made by the President, Vice President, Dean and/or Human Resource Office.

6.4.1 New Hire Starting Date


Board of Trustees, October 19, 1999 The President shall establish guidelines for the recommendation of new hires to the Board of Trustees, including start dates. All new hires must be approved by the Board of Trustees on the advice and recommendation of the President prior to the new hire starting work.

Guidelines: 1.

For budgeted full time and part time positions a screening committee shall recommend a minimum of two qualified candidates when possible to the appropriate Vice President. This recommendation shall be in writing and include the candidate’s resumes or applications. The Vice President will recommend a candidate to the President and include an initial salary placement guide and an employment data sheet when appropriate. This initial salary placement guide shall be developed by the Director, Human Resources in conjunction with the appropriate Vice President.


Subject to the President’s approval, the request will be presented to the Board of Trustees Personnel and Affirmative Action Committee at the next regularly scheduled meeting. The Board of Trustees will consider the recommendation at the next regularly scheduled Board Meeting.


New hires should not be starting work until after the Board has officially approved the applicant.


Exceptions to this procedure can be made through a written recommendation to the President and approval from the Chairman of the Board.

6.4 procN ab/01/05/05; Updated 2/11/14; Updated 7/15/14; 2/23/15 6.4 procN/jv 9/16/02 7/31/00 6.4 procN/bh

6.5 Unpaid Extended Sick Leave Authority:

29 US Code 2601 Board of Trustees, October 1994

Policy: The College shall follow all provisions of the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993. The President shall establish procedures for implementing the provisions of the Act and requests for extended sick leave beyond the provisions of the Act. Procedures: The Board of Trustees, upon recommendation by the President, may grant a request for extended sick leave. Once all accumulated eligible sick leave has been used by the employee, the employee may request further sick leave extension without pay according to the following guidelines: 1. Must be employed by the College for at least twelve (12) months prior to the leave request. 2. Beyond the Family and Medical Leave Act provisions, the Board of Trustees may, upon recommendation by the President; under extenuating circumstances, grant the employee further leave by calculating two weeks for each year of service to the College not to exceed 6 months. 3. At the conclusion of the FMLA leave (12 weeks), in instances where the Board feels that an extended leave would cause a hardship or lack of continuity to the College, the Board reserves the right to permanently replace the position. As always, the employee may apply for the first available position to which the employee is qualified, when they are able to return to work. 4. Upon approval, the College will provide continuation of paid benefits for a period of twelve weeks of approved leave, according to FMLA. The employee will be able to extend coverage (beyond the twelve weeks), by prepaying on through payroll deduction prior to the leave or by direct monthly reimbursement. Requests for an extended sick leave should be made in writing to the President through the Director, Human Resources. 9/16/02; Updated 2/23/15 6.5 procN/jv


Outside Employment for Full-Time College Personnel Authority:

Board of Trustees,

October 19, 1999

Policy: Considerations and procedures regarding outside employment for full time personnel are included in the Code of Ethics for College Employees (section 6.31).

10/13/99 6.6 procN/bh

6.7 Work Week for College Employees Authority:

Board of Trustees, October 19, 1999; revised, June 15, 2010

Policy: A full-time employee of the College works a regular schedule of either 35 or 40 hours, as determined by contract agreement between the Board of Trustees and the applicable employee association. Where not specifically stated, the standard work week for full-time employees is 35 hours.

10/13/99 6.7 procN/bh

6.8 Compensatory Time Weekend and/or Overnight Travel Authority:

Board of Trustees, May 15, 2001

Policy: Any employee required to travel on a weekend and/or overnight on College Business will be given compensatory time for any hours up to the equivalent, but not to exceed, the regular workday hours. The amount of compensatory time must be agreed to between the employee and the employee’s Vice President or Supervisor prior to the travel. Any employee who requests and is approved to attend a professional association or development convention, conference, or seminar is considered to be voluntarily traveling. If voluntary travel occurs on a weekend and/or overnight, the employee will not be granted compensatory time. All other compensatory time policies are addressed in the Associations’ Contracts.

9/16/02 6.8 procN/jv 10/13/99 6.8 procN/bh

6.9 Background Checks Authority:

Board of Trustees, January 20, 2004

Policy: The Board of Trustees requires background investigations on all employees hired after February 1, 2004.These investigations can take the form of a consumer report that may include but are not limited to validation of driver’s license, social security number, work visa, and/or criminal record check or any other such investigation. These investigations may be conducted on a national level and may require the submission of fingerprints.

6.9 rev 01.07.04/ab

6.10 Job Descriptions Authority:

Board of Trustees, October 19, 1999

Policy: The Director of Human Resources and the appropriate Vice President shall develop appropriate job descriptions for all positions within the college. The President will approve college positions and the President and/or appropriate Vice President will approve job descriptions. Job descriptions shall include principal accountabilities, specific qualifications, degree(s) and/or license(s) necessary for the position.

Note: 3/28/07-Amended to reflect correct titles; Updated 2/23/15 3/28/07 6.10 procN/jv

6.11 Protection of Employee Private Information Authority:

Board of Trustees, January 20, 2004

Policy: The Cumberland County College Board of Trustees requires any parties seeking information about an employee or a student to produce/provide an original consent form with the employee’s or student’s signature authorizing release of the requested information. The Board of Trustees also requires the employee or a student to complete the College’s official form authorizing the release of private information to the requesting entity prior to the College’s release of any information. Students wishing the College to release private information to a designated party may complete the form in the Admissions and Registration Office. Employees wishing the College to release private information to a designated party may complete the form in the Business Office. Information regarding financial, health, employment and academic records covered under law will not be released without the aforementioned original consent form. The Board of Trustees prohibits any/all full-time, part-time, temporary, contract, consultant, interim, acting and student employee(s) to release any financial, health, employment and academic information to any requesting entity unless the employee is appointed by the President of the College to act in behalf of the College as a duly authorized agent. All employees are required to complete and sign the Privacy Practices Agreement which prohibits the release of information under this policy and specifies that the employee understands and agrees to the policy. All requests for information must be written and referred to the appropriate office in the following manner: direct inquiries requesting information about a student to the Office of Admissions and Registration; direct inquiries requesting information about an employee to the Business Office the Director Human Resources; or direct any inquiry to the Office of the Custodian of Public Records. Other employees may be authorized to release this information as appointed by the President in writing.

6.11 rev 01.07.04/ab; Updated 2/11/14; 2/23/15


Donated Leave Program Authority:

Board of Trustees, February 20, 2007

Policy: Cumberland County College shall provide for a donated leave program that may allow eligible College employees to remain on medical leave with continued salary and health benefits.


Scope This policy shall apply to all Cumberland County College full-time benefits eligible employees.



Catastrophic health condition or injury: 1. With respect to an employee, a catastrophic health condition or injury is a life threatening condition or combination of conditions or a period of disability required by his or her mental or physical health or the health of the employee’s fetus and requiring the care of a physician who provides a medical verification of the need for the employee’s absence from work for 60 or more work days. 2. With respect to an employee’s immediate family member, a catastrophic health condition or injury is a life threatening condition or combination of conditions or a period of disability required by his or her mental or physical health and requiring the care of a physician who provides a medical verification of the need for the family member’s care by the employee for 60 or more work days. III.

Procedure A. A Cumberland County College full-time benefits eligible employee shall be eligible to receive donated sick or vacation leave if the employee: 1. Has completed at least one year of continuous full-time service; 2. Has exhausted all accrued sick, vacation and personal leave, all sick leave injury benefits, if any, and all compensatory time off;

3. Has not, in the two year period immediately preceding the employee’s need for donated leave, been disciplined for chronic or excessive absenteeism, chronic or excessive lateness or abuse of leave; and; 4. Either: a. Suffers from a catastrophic health condition or injury; b. Is needed to provide care to a member of the employee’s immediate family who is suffering from a catastrophic health condition or injury; or c. Requires absence from work due to the donation of an organ (which shall, for example, include donation of bone marrow). B. A Cumberland County College full-time benefits eligible employee may request that the Office of Human Resources approve his or her participation in the program, as a leave recipient or leave donor. The employee’s supervisor may make such a request on behalf of the employee for his or her participation in the program as a leave recipient. 1. The employee or supervisor requesting the employee’s acceptance as a leave recipient shall submit to the Office of Human Resources a medical verification from a physician or other licensed health care provider concerning the nature and anticipated duration of the disability resulting from either the catastrophic health condition or injury or the donation of an organ, as the case may be. 2. When the Office of Human Resources has approved an employee as a leave recipient, the Office of Human Resources, with the employee’s consent, will post or circulate the employee’s name along with those of other eligible employees in a conspicuous manner to encourage the donation of leave time and shall provide notice to all union negotiations representatives representing applicable Cumberland County College employees. a. If the employee is unable to consent to this posting or circulation, the employee’s family may consent on his or her behalf. C. A leave recipient must receive at least five sick days or vacation days or a combination thereof from one or more leave donors to participate in the donated leave program. A leave donor shall donate only whole sick days or whole vacation days and may not donate more than 10 such days to any one recipient. 1. A leave recipient shall receive no more than 180 sick days or vacation days, and shall not receive any such days on a retroactive basis.

2. A leave donor shall have remaining at least 20 days of accrued sick leave if donating sick leave and at least 12 days of accrued vacation leave if donating vacation leave. 3. A leave donor shall not revoke the leave donation. D. While using donated leave time, the leave recipient shall accrue sick leave and vacation leave and be entitled to retain such leave upon his or her return to work. 1. Any unused donated leave shall be returned to the leave donors on a prorated basis upon the leave recipient’s return to work, except that if the prorating of leave days results in less than one day per donor to be returned, that leave time shall not be returned. 2.

Upon retirement, the leave recipient shall not be granted supplemental compensation for any unused sick days which he or she had received through the leave donation program.

E. A Cumberland County College full-time benefits eligible employee shall be prohibited from threatening or coercing or attempting to threaten or coerce another employee for the purpose of interfering with the rights involving donating, receiving or using donated leave time. Such prohibited acts shall include, but not be limited to, promising to confer or conferring a benefit such as an appointment or promotion or making a threat to engage in, or engaging in an act of retaliation against an employee. F. The Cumberland County College Office of Human Resources shall maintain all records concerning implementation of the donated leave program and shall make said records available for auditing by the Office of the President or designee.

6.12procN/pc 02/20/07


College Holidays Authority:

Board of Trustees, October 19, 1999

Policy: The College will be closed and observe the following holidays: New Year’s Day Martin Luther King Day President’s Day Good Friday Easter Monday Memorial Day Independence Day

7/31/00 6.32 procN/bh

Labor Day Columbus Day Thanksgiving Day after Thanksgiving Day before Christmas Christmas Day Day after Christmas


Severance Authority:

Board of Trustees, June 4, 1985

Policy: At times it may be necessary for the college and the employee to sever their professional relationship. In order to protect the interests of both parties, the various types of severance (non-reappointment, resignation, termination, dismissal) are here defined, and the policies and procedures related to each category are set forth. 1.


The term “non-reappointment� means that the college has decided not to renew a probationary or term appointment at the conclusion of its term. Since all initial, probationary appointments to Cumberland County College are made with the understanding that both the College and the appointee will engage in a period of mutual evaluation prior to establishing a continuous association, a severance prerogative rests with both parties. 2.

Resignation Resignation is a severance action by which an employee severs his relationship with the college.


Termination Termination is a severance action by which the College terminates the services of an employee with expiration of his current contract, without prejudice to his performance.


Dismissal Dismissal is a severance action by which the College ends its professional relationship with an employee for adequate cause. Dismissal is also the means by which the College removes for adequate cause a probationary faculty member from service before the end of his appointment.

10/8/99 6.14 procN/bh


Personnel Records Authority:

Board of Trustees, June 4, 1985

Policy: The President shall establish procedures for the housing and maintenance of official personnel records for college employees.

6.15 proc/bh

6.16 Presidential Evaluation Authority:

Board of Trustees, May 21, 2002 Revised, May 17, 2011

Policy: The President of the College will be evaluated, annually. The Chairperson of the Board of Trustees and the Chairperson of the Board of Trustee’s Personnel Committee shall conduct the President’s annual evaluation. Procedures: The full Board of Trustees shall be engaged in an evaluation of the President. Each Board member will be provided with a copy of the President’s annual goal statement and the President’s self-evaluation. The Board will be invited to comment on each of the goal statements, as well as the essential characteristics of a Community College President. Those characteristics will include institutional leadership, fiscal affairs, board/president relationships, foundation board/president relationships, student concerns, community concerns and integrity and others as deemed appropriate. Board members will provide written commentary on each of the goals and the characteristics. This commentary will be shared verbatim with the entire Board, as well as with the President. The Board shall discuss the commentary, in the presence of the President. Following the discussion, the Board Chairperson and Personnel Committee Chairperson will develop a written summary of the comments and provide a draft summary to the Board for its review and discussion. Upon the final approval of the full summary and President’s comments (if any) will be placed in the President’s personnel file, and a copy will be shared with each Board member. Generally, this process will begin in May, coinciding with the President’s selfevaluation of the goal statement and conclude in July of each year.

5/2/11 6.16 procNrev/ab


Sexual Harassment Authority:

Board of Trustees, October19, 1999 Revised, January 17, 2006

Policy: On April 11, 1980, the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission issued interim interpretive guidelines that define the circumstances under which sexual harassment may be a violation of Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Sexual harassment is defined by the EEOC as, “unwelcomed sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment; when submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for an employment decision affecting such individual; or when such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual’s work performance, or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.” Cumberland County College firmly disapproves of any and all acts or incidents of sexual harassment by its employees. It is also the policy of Cumberland County College to take immediate corrective action when the facts are brought to the attention of an appropriate management official. Cumberland County College firmly disapproves of sexual harassment by members of the college community. It is the policy of Cumberland County College to take immediate corrective action when the facts are brought to the attention of the Director, Human Resources/Affirmative Action Officer, Administration Building, 856/691-8600, ext. 1235. All sexual harassment complaints will be documented and dealt with promptly and confidentially. A complaint may be informal or formal. An employee or student who encounters sexual harassment may file an informal complaint with the Affirmative Action Officer. If, after initial review of the allegations by the Affirmative Action Officer, a formal investigation is warranted, the Affirmative Action Officer will appoint a three-member panel that will recommend appropriate action to the President, who shall take action. This action may be appealed to the Board of Trustees by either party. If the complaint involves the Director, Human Resources, the complaint will be referred to the President, who will appoint a committee to review the allegations. If warranted, this committee will investigate and review the complaint. If, however, the complaint involves the College President, the Affirmative Action Officer/Director, Human Resources, will refer the complaint to the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees.

Cumberland County College strives to provide an environment for work and study which permits employees and students the opportunity to pursue a career or education and progress on merit and ability, without regard to race, color, national origin, religion or sex. All college employees and students should be cautioned that acts of sexual harassment will not be tolerated. At the same time, however, allegations of such practices or patterns are also extremely serious; arbitrary or capricious allegations should not be made. Copies of the referenced Federal guidelines and forms for filing complaints are available from the Affirmative Action Officer. Procedures: 1. Discrimination and Harassment Grievance Procedure Allegations of sexual or discriminatory harassment, hostile classroom environment, or harassment or discrimination in any other form are serious. All complaints of harassment or discrimination will be documented and dealt with promptly and confidentially. A complaint may be formal or informal. Any currently enrolled student who encounters an act, acts, or material of a discriminatory nature and believes he/she has been discriminated against under Title VI and VIII, 1964 Civil Rights Act; Executive Order; Title IX, 1972 Education Amendments; 1973 Rehabilitation Act, should proceed as follows: Step 1.

Immediately file a formal or informal complaint with The Affirmative Action Officer/Director, Human Resources, located at ext.1235, in the Human Resources Office in the Administration Building. At this stage the student must complete a grievance form detailing the incident and providing the names of any witnesses if available.

Step 2.

If, after the initial review of the allegations by the Affirmative Action Officer, a formal investigation is warranted, the Affirmative Action Officer will appoint a three-member panel to investigate and review the complaint. If the complaint involves the Executive Director, Human Resources, the complaint will be referred to the President, who will appoint a committee to review the allegations. If warranted, this committee will investigate and review the complaint. If, however, the complaint involves the College President, the Affirmative Action Officer/Director, Human Resources, will refer the complaint to the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees.

Step 3.

If the investigation and review confirms the allegations stated in the complaint, the panel will recommend appropriate action to the President.

Step 4.

The President will consider the panel’s recommendations and make a final recommendation for action to the Board of Trustees.

Step 5.

This action may be appealed to the Board of Trustees by either party.

Note: The College will take appropriate action in dealing with false allegations of harassment or discrimination.

2. Americans with Disabilities Act, (ADA) Section 504, 1990, PL1975 c127 (NJAC) 17:27 Complaint Procedure As required by Section 504, 1990, Americans with Disabilities Act, PL1975 c127 (NJAC) 17:27, Cumberland County College has established the following complaint procedures: Step 1.

Step 2.

Step 3. Step 4.

Step 5.

Any student may file a complaint within 40 days of the occurrence with the Section 504 Coordinator/Director, Human Resources, (856) 691-8600, ext. 1235, located in the Finance Office in the Administration Building. The Section 504 Coordinator will investigate and respond to the complaint in 20 days in writing. If the complaint involves the Executive Director, Human Resources, the complaint will be referred to the President, who will appoint a committee to review the allegations. If warranted, this committee will investigate and review the complaint. If, however, the complaint involves the College President, the Affirmative Action Officer/Director, Human Resources, will refer the complaint to the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees. The student may appeal the response in writing within 10 days to the Section 504 Coordinator. The appeal will be referred to and reviewed by a three member panel chosen from administration and faculty. Within 30 days, the panel will investigate the allegations and recommend appropriate action to the President. The President will provide a written determination to the complainant.

Note: The President’s decision is the final step in the internal process. Weekends and holidays will be disregarded in calculating days.

7/31/00; Update 2/23/15 01/17/06 rev 6.17 procNrev01.17.06/ab


Substance (Drug and Alcohol) Abuse Policy Authority:

Board of Trustees, October 17, 2000 In keeping with the Cumberland County College Mission statement and goals, all members of the academic community share responsibility for achieving the College’s mission by exemplifying high standards of professional and personal conduct. Conduct in violation of this policy and New Jersey State and Federal criminal alcohol and drug statutes interferes with the activities through which the mission and goals of the College can be realized. Therefore, such practices/behaviors will not be tolerated. The College will take all necessary actions, consistent with law and College policy, to eliminate violations of Drug and Alcohol statutes.

Policy: The lawful use of alcohol may be permitted at college events both on and off the campus as stated in the Use of Alcohol at College Events Policy (# 5.10). The lawful use of prescription drugs is also permitted. Such lawful use does not include disruptive behavior, public intoxication and/or the incapacity to perform one’s job due to the use of controlled substances or alcohol. This policy is intended to supplement, but not limit, the provisions of the College’s Drug Free Workplace Agreement in compliance with the Drug-Workplace Act of 1988, Title V Subtitle D. Disciplinary Proceedings and Sanctions In the case/instance where there is a violation of this policy, the Cumberland County College Board of Trustees will initiate disciplinary proceedings, up to and including termination of employment, and/or referral for prosecution, against a college employee whenever both of the following requirements are met: 1. there is reasonable basis for believing that the college employee has violated this policy or New Jersey or Federal Statutes pertaining to controlled substances and 2. the documented conduct is deemed by the Board to harm the interest of the College. The first requirement above can be satisfied by either of the following: 1. An arrest leading to a conviction or guilty plea resulting from criminal prosecution; plea-bargain agreement; or, no contest, or, diversion of charges of any type, including but not limited to negotiated participation in any pretrial intervention program to reduce sentence and expunge criminal records. 2. Independent, documented testimony corroborated by more than one witness and obtained by College Officials including security guards.

The disciplinary proceedings for the aforementioned violations are as follows: 1. If any college employee is arrested on or off the college premises, the Criminal Conviction Policy 6.19 goes into effect. 2. Non-criminal violations of this policy will result in the following: a. an immediate investigation and hearing will be convened. b. In the event of a finding of probable cause, the individual will be immediately suspended without pay. c. The individual will be excluded from College privileges, property, activities, buildings and grounds. d. Immediate participation in an approved rehabilitation and follow-up recovery program is required. Alcohol and/or substance abuse treatment is covered as any other illness under an employee's medical benefits plan, the federal Family Leave Act and the State of NJ Family Leave Act and is subject to the provisions thereof. Upon request and with approval by the college president, a college employee will be placed on sick leave for voluntary participation in an approved rehabilitation program and a follow up recovery program.

e. A review of the case and the progress made through rehabilitation will be initiated by the College within a designated and appropriate time frame with the possibility of full reinstatement.

9/16/02 6.18 procN/jv

6.19 Arrest, Indictment & Criminal Conviction Policy Authority:

Board of Trustees, September 19, 2000

Policy: As an institution of higher learning and a respected part of the community, protection of the reputation of the college, the integrity of the classroom experience and the safety of all students and employees are essential. To that end, it is necessary to relieve an employee his or her duties at the college when an individual is facing criminal charges. However, since charges may be leveled against innocent people, suspension without pay may present an unfair hardship for the individual. Therefore: Any employee of Cumberland County College who is charged in New Jersey with a crime of the first, second, or third degree, or in any other jurisdiction with a crime of equal severity, will automatically be suspended with pay from all duties at the college; If local authorities have not notified the college, then the employee facing such charges has five (5) working days to notify the College’s Director, Human Resources or the Office of the President, barring unforeseen impossibilities. If the employee, or his or her representative, fails to notify the college, the employee will be suspended without pay; Upon indictment the employee will be suspended without pay; In the event that the employee is found guilty of the charge(s), the employee will automatically be terminated without regard to tenure status; In the event that the employee is found not guilty of the charge(s), is cleared of all first, second or third degree charges, or the charge(s) are overturned on appeal, the suspension will be lifted immediately and the employee will be reinstated with back pay; In the cases of no contest, or, diversion of charges of any type, including but not limited to pre-trial intervention, the Board of Trustees reserves the right, at its discretion, to independently determine the employment and compensation status of the employee.

9/16/02; Updated 2/23/15 6.19 procN/jv


Job Required State and Federal Licensure Policy Authority:

Board of Trustees, September 19, 2000

Policy: As an institution of higher learning and a respected part of the community, protection of the reputation of the college, the integrity of the classroom experience and the safety of all students and employees is essential. To that end, in the case of State and/or Federal licensed college employees, the loss or suspension of all or part of the licensure as a result of criminal behavior or the violation of the policies or ethical standards of the given profession or occupation will be sufficient cause for termination of employment with the College without regard to tenure status.

09/20/00 6.20 procN/lt

6.21 Faculty & Academic Rank Authority:

Board of Trustees, October 19, 1999 NJAC 9A: 7-4; 9A:1-1.8 Revised, November 17, 2003; January 20, 2004; July 20, 2010; November 21, 2013; March 20, 2014

Policy: 6.21.1 Definition of the Faculty The faculty of Cumberland County College consists of all persons who are appointed by the college with faculty rank. 6.21.2 Definition of Academic Ranks and Titles The Ranked Faculty A ranked faculty member is a full-time employee of Cumberland County College who has been appointed to one of the four regular academic ranks: Assistant Professor II, Assistant Professor I, Associate Professor, or Professor. Such a person: a.

ordinarily has full-time teaching duties or has teaching or other duties (e.g., research, academic administration) equivalent to a full-time teaching load with the proviso that a person who is ordinarily considered an officer of the administration does not automatically achieve ranked status by virtue of teaching part-time;


fulfills the duties and responsibilities of a faculty member as specified in Section 6.10 Job Descriptions and


meets or exceeds the criteria for academic rank as detailed below.

Whenever a decision is necessary on whether an individual has the equivalent of the degree required for a particular rank, such decision will be recommended by the Vice President for Academic and Student Services to the President. Written copies of the decisions will be provided to the individual involved and the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Enrollment Services. Assistant Professor II In accordance with 9A:1-1.8, enacted 7/6/98, newly appointed Cumberland County College faculty teaching at the associate degree level should possess as a minimum qualification an earned master’s degree in the field in which they are

teaching, if such a qualification exists (recognizing that some technical/occupational specialties offer no such degree). Assistant Professor I Possession of an appropriate master’s degree from a regionally accredited institution of recognized standing, if such a qualification exists (recognizing that some technical/occupational specialties offer no such degree), or an appropriate professional degree e.g., CPA and master’s from a graduate institution of recognized standing. Three years of full-time, ranked teaching in a regionally accredited college or university with the proviso that any or all of the teaching experience requirement may be waived of an appropriate earned doctorate from a graduate institution of recognized standing, or an appropriate professional degree or accomplishments that are considered equivalent is obtained prior to appointment or promotion to this rank. Proven potential for satisfactorily fulfilling the duties and responsibilities of a faculty member. Proven scholarship and professional competence. Associate Professor Possession of an appropriate earned master’s degree from a graduate institution of recognized standing, if such a qualification exists (recognizing that some technical/occupational specialties offer no such degree), or an appropriate professional degree e.g., CPA and master’s degree from a graduate institution of recognized standing. A minimum of eight years of full-time, ranked teaching in a regionally accredited college or university. Evidence of sustained, noteworthy teaching ability. Evidence of noteworthy fulfillment of the duties and responsibilities of a faculty member. Evidence of developed scholarship and professional competence, or continued, noteworthy performance in the creative arts. Professor Possession of an appropriate earned doctorate from a graduate institution of recognized standing. A minimum of twelve years of full-time ranked teaching in a regionally accredited college or university.

Evidence of outstanding teaching. Evidence of distinguished faculty leadership and of devoted service to the students, faculty, and the college. Evidence of mature scholarship and professional competence or of widely acclaimed accomplishments in the creative arts. Professor Emeritus Upon the recommendation of the President, the Board may grant emeritus status, upon retirement, to any member of the professional staff at Cumberland County College. Emeritus status is accorded the privileges of the regular, ranked faculty, except for tenure, as follows: a. listing of his/her name accorded at emeritus status in the College Catalog; b. standing invitation to commencement and college social events; c. course tuition waiver for emeritus, spouse and eligible dependent children, as stated in the association contracts; d. distribution of appropriate mailings; e. issuance of a college photo identification card; f. use of the college’s fitness center and library facilities in accordance with college policies; g. payment of the faculty overload rate for adjunct teaching. No compensation accrues by virtue of this status unless, by mutual agreement between the department or division, the vice president and the individual, he/she is offered a parttime or a temporary full-time contract to teach or fulfill other duties. In such cases, supplementary benefits, if any, will be set forth in the contract. Unranked Faculty An unranked faculty member is a non-tenure track employee of Cumberland County College who has been assigned one of the following academic titles: Lecturer (full-time) or Adjunct Professor (part-time). Lecturer Lecturers are recommended by the dean and approved by the Vice President for Academic and Student Services and the President. In general, the position does not lead to or count toward tenure or lead to promotion to the regular academic ranks. Selection of Lecturers should be consistent with the academic standards of Cumberland County College. A person assigned this title should meet or exceed the minimal requirements set forth for the rank of “Assistant Professor II�. Lecturers have the same classroom freedom and responsibility in the management of courses as full-time faculty members.

Lecturers are expected to be available for 1 ½ hours per week for each course taught to counsel students regarding their course work. On a case by case basis, upon recommendation of the Vice President for Academic and Student Services, the President reserves the right to seek Board of Trustees’ approval to change the employment status of a lecturer to tenure track as Assistant Professor II. This recommendation shall be based on budgetary feasibility and exceptional performance. Such individuals shall demonstrate three (3) years of distinguished service, including positive dean, peer and student evaluations, and active participation in assessment, advisement and teaching and learning initiatives. Years of service will accrue to tenure eligibility, in accordance with all applicable State statutes. Adjunct Professor Adjuncts are hired to teach specific courses on a semester basis. Assignment of this title is made by the President upon the recommendation of the dean and Vice President for Academic and Student Services. An adjunct professor may not be assigned a full-time equivalent load per semester. Establishment of Academic Ranks for Non-Teaching Personnel Upon the recommendation of the President, the Board may, in accordance with NJ Administrative Code, grant academic rank to non-teaching personnel. Honorary Rank Upon the recommendation of the President, the Board may grant emeritus status to any member of the professional staff at Cumberland County College. Emeritus status is accorded the privileges of the regular, ranked faculty and professional staff, except for tenure, as follows: a. listing of his/her name accorded at emeritus status in the College Catalog; b. standing invitation to commencement and college social events; c. course tuition waiver for emeritus, spouse and eligible dependent children, as stated in the association contracts; d. distribution of appropriate mailings; e. issuance of a college photo identification card; f. use of the college’s fitness center and library facilities in accordance with college policies; g. payment of the faculty overload rate for adjunct teaching. No compensation accrues by virtue of this status unless, by mutual agreement between the department or division, the vice president and the individual, he/she is offered a parttime or a temporary full-time contract to teach or fulfill other duties. In such cases, supplementary benefits, if any, will be set forth in the contract. 6.21rev01.07.04; 7/20/10; 11/21/13; 3/20/14/amb

6.22 Faculty Promotion Criteria Authority:

Board of Trustees, March 17, 1998

Policy: Cumberland County College has a responsibility to improve its academic stature. This improvement calls for increasing vigor in the evaluation and process of criteria for faculty promotions. Promotions are granted by the Board of Trustees upon recommendation by the President. Individuals desiring to be considered for promotion may initiate such a request by following the attached Promotion Guidelines. The criteria used to evaluate the promotion application are:      

Education and Experience Curriculum/Course Development College Service Professional Growth Community Service Teaching Effectiveness

Teaching Effectiveness is deemed of greater importance than the other criteria. No faculty member is entitled to promotion solely because of length of service at the College. A promotion must be earned by utilizing the criteria and guidelines attached.

6.22 proc/bh

6.23 Senior Executive Compensation (Vice Presidents and Executive Directors) Authority:

Board of Trustees, May 15, 2001

Policy: The President shall recommend starting salaries for all Vice Presidents and Executive Directors, level 14, Initial Salary Placement Guide, and Vice Presidents level 15, Initial Salary Placement Guide, pending approval by the Board of Trustees.

9/16/02 6.23 procN/jv

6.24 Lateral Moves within Position Level Authority:

Board of Trustees, May 15, 2001

Policy: The employees of Cumberland County College consist of all persons who are employed at the College in positions ranked by the Initial Salary Placement Guide (ISPG) and/or the Associations’ Contracts. In accordance with the Associations’ Contracts Cumberland County College employees are afforded the first opportunity to apply for any position vacancies, new positions and new titles that become available. Any College employee that applies, is selected and accepts the offer to fill a position vacancy, new position, or new title that is ranked at the same level in the ISPG and/or the Associations’ Contracts as his/her current position is considered to be making a lateral move in employment. In the instance of a lateral move when the employee’s current salary is above the starting salary range for the position vacancy, new position, or new title, the employee will receive credit only for experience relevant to the position vacancy, new position, or new title, not previously factored into the starting salary for the employee’s current position, and not to exceed the maximum of the starting salary range.

10/11/02 6.24 procN/jv

6.25 Compensation for Filling an “Acting” Position Authority:

Board of Trustees, June 21, 1994

Policy: Employees filling a position in an “acting” capacity for someone at a higher salary grade while that person is out due to illness or professional reasons, will be compensated after filling that position for a period of thirty (30) calendar days. Compensation will be calculated by increasing the “acting” employee’s salary: 1.

to the minimum of the range of the new position, if the increase is greater than or equal to the amount listed below;


if the increase to the minimum of the range is less than the amount listed below, then the employee shall be raised to the minimum plus receive the difference between the amount listed below and the increase to the minimum; or,


if current salary is over the minimum salary level of the new position, the following one-time non-base compensation will be given for each ninety (90) day period (prorated if less than ninety days): a.

$500 for a new level of 1 through 5;


$750 for a new level of 6 through 8;


$1000 for a new level of 9 through 13;


$1250 for a new level of 14 through 15.

All of these situations will remain in effect only for the length of the “acting” position. At such time the position becomes available to be filled permanently, the position will be posted per normal College procedures. In the event that more than one person shares the responsibilities of the vacated position, the stipend will be distributed proportionately based on the distribution of the workload and no one person will be brought to minimum.

10/8/99 6.25 proc/bh

6.26 Voluntary Downgrade in Position Level and Salary Level Authority:

Board of Trustees, May 15, 2001

Policy: The employees of Cumberland County College consist of all persons who are employed at the College in positions ranked by the Initial Salary Placement Guide (ISPG) and/or the Associations’ Contracts. In accordance with the Associations’ Contracts Cumberland County College employees are afforded the first opportunity to apply for any position vacancies, new positions and new titles that become available. Any College employee that voluntarily applies, is selected and accepts the offer to fill a position vacancy, new position or new title, that is ranked at a lower level in the ISPG and/or the Associations’ Contracts as his/her current position is considered to be taking a voluntary downgrade in position level and salary level. In the instance of a voluntary downgrade from a previous upgrade, the employee’s salary will be calculated on his/her base salary prior to the upgrade plus the contracted raises and/or adjustments to minimum awarded for the downgraded level. In the instance of a voluntary return of tenured faculty to a faculty position from a previous upgrade to an administrative position, the tenured faculty member’s salary will be calculated on his/her base salary prior to the upgrade plus the contracted raises and/or adjustments to minimum awarded under the Faculty Association contract. In any other instance of a voluntary downgrade, the employee’s salary will be calculated on the minimum starting salary for the vacant position, new position, or new title plus credit only for experience relevant to the vacant position and the contracted raises and/or adjustments to minimum awarded for the downgraded level.

Note: For the purpose of this policy the term upgrade is used to denote a higher position level in the ISPG and/or Associations’ Contracts and the term downgrade is used to denote a lower position the ISPG an/or Associations’ Contracts.

10/11/02 6.26 procN/jv

6.27 Nondiscrimination Authority:

Title VI and VIII, 1964 Civil Rights Act; Executive Order; Title IX, 1972 Education Amendments; Section 504, 1973 Rehabilitation Act, 1990 Americans With Disabilities Act, PL1975 c127 (NJAC) 17:27); N.J.A.C. 10:5-12 Law Against Discrimination (LAD) Board of Trustees, October 19, 1994 Revised, January 17, 2006; September 18, 2014

Policy: The President shall establish appropriate nondiscrimination procedures as it pertains to employment practices as well as in the admission of students, in any of its programs or activities. Procedures: Cumberland County College does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, nationality, ancestry, age, sex/gender (including pregnancy), marital status, civil union status, domestic partnership status, familial status, religion, affectional or sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, atypical hereditary cellular or blood trait, genetic information, liability for military service, and mental or physical disability, perceived disability, and AIDS/HIV status, in the admission of students, in any of its programs or activities and in its employment practices. Inquiries concerning the application of this policy on nondiscrimination, or complains of discrimination under any of the above-referenced bases, may be directed to the Affirmative Action Officer/Director, Human Resources, Cumberland County College, PO Box 1500, Vineland, NJ 083621500, (856) 691-8600, ext. 1235. This individual is designated to coordinate the College’s efforts to comply with and carry out the responsibilities under Title IX, Section 504/the ADA, (ADA information and procedures included in 1.29 of this manual) and the Age Discrimination Act, which prohibit discrimination on the bases of sex, disability and age, respectively, as well as the provisions of N.J.A.C. 10:5-12 Law Against Discrimination (LAD). Discrimination and Harassment Grievance Procedure Allegations of sexual or discriminatory harassment, hostile classroom environment, or harassment or discrimination in any other form are serious. All complaints of harassment or discrimination will be documented and dealt with promptly and confidentially. A complaint may be formal or informal. Any currently enrolled student who encounters an act, acts, or material of a discriminatory nature and believes he/she has been discriminated against under Title VI and VIII, 1964 Civil Rights Act; Executive Order; Title IX, 1972 Education Amendments; 1973 Rehabilitation Act, or N.J.A.C. 10:5-12 Law Against Discrimination (LAD) should proceed as follows:

Step 1.

Step 2.

Step 3. Step 4. Step 5.

Immediately file a formal or informal complaint with The Affirmative Action Officer/Director, Human Resources, located at ext. 1235 in Finance Office in the Administration Building. At this stage the student must complete a grievance form detailing the incident and providing the names of any witnesses if available. If, after the initial review of the allegations by the Affirmative Action Officer, a formal investigation is warranted, the Affirmative Action Officer will appoint a three-member panel to investigate and review the complaint. If the complaint involves the Director, Human Resources, the complaint will be referred to the President, who will appoint a committee to review the allegations. If warranted, this committee will investigate and review the complaint. If, however, the complaint involves the College President, the Affirmative Action Officer/Director, Human Resources, will refer the complaint to the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees. If the investigation and review confirms the allegations stated in the complaint, the panel will recommend appropriate action to the President. The President will consider the panel’s recommendations and make a final recommendation for action to the Board of Trustees. This action may be appealed to the Board of Trustees by either party.

Note: The College will take appropriate action in dealing with false allegations of harassment or discrimination. Complaint Procedure- Americans with Disabilities Act, (ADA) Section 504, 1990, PL1975 c127 (NJAC) 17:27) or N.J.A.C. 10:5-12 Law Against Discrimination (LAD) As required by Section 504, 1990, Americans with disabilities Act, PL1975 c127 (NJAC) 17:27, Cumberland County College has established the following complaint procedures: Step 1.

Step 2.

Step 3. Step 4.

Step 5.

Any student may file a complaint within 40 days of the occurrence with the Section 504 Coordinator/Director, Human Resources, (856) 691-8600, ext. 1235, located in Finance Office in the Administration Building. The Section 504 Coordinator will investigate and respond to the complaint in 20 days in writing. If the complaint involves the Director, Human Resources, the complaint will be referred to the President, who will appoint a committee to review the allegations. If warranted, this committee will investigate and review the complaint. If, however, the complaint involves the College President, the Affirmative Action Officer/Director, Human Resources, will refer the complaint to the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees. The student may appeal the response in writing within 10 days to the Section 504 Coordinator. The appeal will be referred to and reviewed by a three member panel chosen from administration and faculty. Within 30 days, the panel will investigate the allegations and recommend appropriate action to the President. The President will provide a written determination to the complainant.

Note: The President’s decision is the final step in the internal process. Weekends and holidays will be disregarded in calculating days.

10/11/02; revised 01/17/06; 09/18/14; Updated 2/23/15 6.27 procNrev01.17.06; 09/18/14/ab

6.28 Absence Policy Authority:

Board of Trustees, October 19, 1999

Policy: The President has the authority to monitor the use of sick leave. Procedures: The President or designee reserves the right to request a physician’s note when an employee uses three or more consecutive sick days, or a pattern of use of sick days develops.

8/09/00 6.28 procN/bh

6.29 Short-Term Title Definitions Authority:

Board of Trustees, October 1994

Policy: At times it may be necessary for the College and the President to appoint shortterm staffing positions. In order for the College to be consistent in its appointments, the various types of short-term staffing (acting, temporary and interim) are herein defined.

10/13/99 6.29 proc/bh


Acting – refers to a full time position with benefits; the incumbent will be filling that position for a limited period of time. The position must be posted when and if it becomes permanent.


Temporary/Seasonal – refers to a full or part time position that is for a limited period of time. The incumbent is not entitled to any benefits. This title could be used while trying to fill a position permanently or for a short-term assignment. There is no assurance that this will become a permanent position.


Interim – refers to a full time position with benefits, which has been previously posted; the incumbent will be filling that position for a limited period of time. The position need not be posted when it becomes permanent, since it was posted prior to the appointment.

6.30 Reclassification Guidelines Authority:

The Board of Trustees, July 1994

Policy: The President shall establish appropriate guidelines for reclassification of positions. All reclassifications are to be approved by the Board of Trustees on the advice and recommendation of the President. Guidelines: 1. Title change – If the job description has been rewritten, but no increase in salary or level is recommended, the request shall be presented directly to the President and does not have to be submitted through the classification Review Committee. The Association presidents shall be notified of the change. 2. New title with new salary or level – If the job description has been rewritten and a new salary or level is being requested, and if the new title is currently an existing title for the College, the request shall be submitted to the Classification Review Committee through the Director, Human Resources. The Classification Review committee shall be convened at least once each year, between April and June, but not more than once each quarter. 3. New title which is not an existing College title – If the title being requested for classification is not an existing College title (as defined in the Association contracts), the new title must be posted to all College employees. A job description for the new title, including justification, must be submitted to the President for approval. If approved, the President will forward the job description to the Director, Human Resources for posting.

9/16/02; Updated 2/11/14; 2/23/15 6.30 procN/jv

6.31 Code of Ethics for College Employees Authority:

Board of Trustees, December 21, 1999; amended (November 17, 2009)

Policy: Preamble: As an educational institution of higher learning, we – the staff members, technicians, administrators and faculty of Cumberland County College – have an obligation and a duty to serve as educational exemplars for the students and community we serve. All employees of Cumberland County College are considered educators and as such should adhere to uncompromising ethical standards that reflect our commitment to the educational ideal. In addition, all the staff members, technicians, administrators and faculty of Cumberland County College – have further obligation to abide by any and all of the requirements of federal and state statutes that pertain to the administration and management of higher education. We therefore agree to abide by the following code of ethics. Code of Ethics A. Concerning the Student: The educator measures his or her success by the progress of his or her students. We therefore make a commitment to stimulate the spirit of inquiry and the acquisition and understanding of knowledge in order for the student to obtain course and/or program objectives and goals. In fulfilling this obligation to the student, we will 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Not accept gifts, gratuities or favors that might impair professional judgement. Not use professional relationships with students for private advantage. Keep in confidence information that the student has shared unless disclosure clearly serves the student’s mental or physical well being or is required by law. Treat all students fairly and with respect and not purposely expose the student to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement. Not engage in a physically intimate or improper relationship with a student for whom we have professional responsibility.

B. Concerning the Public: The educator bears responsibility for participating in the development o f policy relating to the community and shall therefore provide, as much as possible, educational opportunities or educational services for all.

In fulfilling this obligation to the public, we will 1. 2. 3.

Not knowingly misrepresent facts concerning the institution or educational matters in direct or indirect public expressions. Not use institutional privileges for private gain or to promote a political candidate’s partisan political activities. Not accept any gratuities, gifts, or favors that might impair professional judgment.

C. Concerning the Profession: The educator believes in the process of learning. In demonstrating this commitment, we will 1. 2. 3. 4.

Respect and defend the right of free inquiry. Accept our fair share of responsibility for the governance of the College. Continue to enhance or expand our teaching skills and/or professional skills and knowledge of our subject or area. Not undertake any outside employment or engage in any business transactions, services or professional activity, whether compensated or not, which is in conflict with the proper discharge of our duties to the College.

D. Concerning Professional Employment Practices: The educator regards the employment agreement as a pledge to do his or her best and commits to adhering to the employment contract. In demonstrating our obligation to professional employment practices, we 1. 2.


Will seek to be effective educators. Will observe the regulations of the institution provided they do not interfere with academic freedom, but maintain our right to criticize and seek change when necessary. Shall not be required to accept a position for which we are not professionally or legally qualified. Shall adhere to the terms of a contract or appointment, unless these terms have been legally terminated, falsely represented, or substantially altered by unilateral action of the employing agency. Will fulfill the responsibilities outlined in the collective bargaining agreement.



3. 4.

Employees who show blatant disregard for the principles outlined in this policy shall be subject to a procedure of sanctions consistent with the stages of the contract’s grievance procedure.

Stages: 3 Informal 4 Formal – Vice President President Arbitration Board of Trustees

9/16/02 6.31N/jv

6.32 Whistleblower Policy Authority:

Board of Trustees, (November 17, 2009)

Policy: Purpose:

The purpose of this policy is to deter and detect fraud by establishing a confidential channel of communication by which employees and others can report activity that they reasonably consider to be illegal, dishonest or in violation of College policies. Intentional or unintentional violations of laws, regulations, policies and procedures may occur and may constitute improper activities. Employees are encouraged to raise serious, substantiated concerns regarding the business and personal ethics of College trustees, administrators, faculty and staff in the conduct of their duties and responsibilities. The employee is not responsible for investigating the reported activity or for determining fault or corrective measures; appropriate management officials are charged with these responsibilities.

Reporting Concerns: If an employee has knowledge of or a concern about what might be considered illegal or dishonest and fraudulent activity, the employee is to contact his or her immediate supervisor and/or the College’s Compliance Officer. (The College’s Compliance Officer is the Executive Director - Human Resources, located in the Administration Building, phone extension 235.) The employee must exercise sound judgment to avoid baseless allegations. It is a violation of this policy to knowingly make fraudulent allegations of misconduct with the intent to cause harm to another individual. An employee who files a report in bad faith or intentionally files a false report of wrongdoing will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. The report should contain as much detailed information about the incident(s) as possible in order to facilitate an efficient and thorough investigation. This detail should include, at a minimum, the names of the parties involved, the location of the incident(s) and the nature of the possible misconduct. If enough information is not provided, the investigation may be deemed inconclusive and, therefore, result in no action. Whistleblower protections are provided in two important areas: confidentiality and against retaliation. Insofar as possible, the confidentiality of the whistleblower will be maintained. However, a whistleblower’s identity may have to be disclosed to conduct a thorough investigation, to comply with the law and to provide accused individuals their legal rights of defense. Depending on the nature of the discipline or the actions of law enforcement agencies, confidentiality cannot be guaranteed.

Employees are protected from retaliation for complaining to employers, unions, or government agencies about unsafe or unhealthy workplace conditions; environmental problems; certain public safety hazards; unethical business conduct; and financial misconduct (such issues as accounting discrepancies, fraud, accounting misrepresentations, auditing matters, accounting omissions, misappropriation of grant funds, kickbacks, theft of college assets or use of such assets for personal benefit, falsification of expense reports, and falsification of time records). The College will not retaliate against whistleblower acting in good faith. No individual who in good faith reports a concern shall suffer harassment, retaliation or adverse employment consequences. The right of a whistleblower for protections against retaliation, however, does not include immunity for any personal wrongdoing that is alleged, investigated and verified. Also, an employee who retaliates against someone who has reported a concern in good faith will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including discharge. Any employee who believes they have been retaliated against should contact the Compliance Officer. Reporting Procedures: Employees or other individuals wanting to report suspected improper activities may do so by one of two methods:  Contact the Compliance Officer to set up a meeting to discuss the concern.  Submit your concern in writing. A sealed envelope can be sent to the Compliance Officer by intra-campus or U.S. mail. While we would prefer that you use your name in case additional details are needed, the allegation will still be thoroughly investigated if it is submitted anonymously. Should the concern involve an allegation against the Compliance Officer, it should be directed to the President. Investigation of Concerns Received: Every allegation will be investigated promptly. Upon receiving a report of suspected improper activity, the Compliance Officer will immediately begin an investigation in conjunction with the appropriate Vice President. If the allegation is directed towards a Vice President, the Compliance Officer will begin an investigation in conjunction with the President. If the allegation is directed towards the Compliance Officer, the President shall begin an investigation. If the allegation is directed towards the President, the Compliance Officer will contact the Chair of the Board of Trustees (or if unable to contact the Chair, the Vice Chair) and jointly they will decide how to proceed with an investigation. Regardless as to who the allegation is directed towards, the Compliance Officer has direct access to the President and the Chair (Vice Chair) of the Board of Trustees at any time if he/she believes the concern is not being addressed appropriately at the Vice Presidential or Presidential level. The Compliance Officer and the appropriate administrative officer investigating the allegation have the authority to include campus representatives as they deem appropriate, and, if necessary, the College solicitor.

In the case of significant irregularities, the Compliance Officer must report without delay to the appropriate Vice President, President, and the Board of Trustees Chair. The College’s insurers must also be notified immediately. Following any fraud investigation, the College will, where appropriate:  Implement the College’s disciplinary procedures  Decide whether to prosecute the offender Distribution of Policy: The Compliance Officer shall be responsible for assuring that a copy of this policy is made available to all employees. This antifraud policy shall be distributed to all College personnel and shall be a permanent inclusion in the College’s Policy and Procedure Manual. Management Reporting: The Board of Trustees will receive periodic reports describing the nature, status, and eventual disposition of any fraud or unethical conduct. As appropriate, reports regarding the status of specific complaints may be reported on a more frequent basis. Questions:

11/17/09 6.32/js

Any questions regarding this policy should be directed to the College’s Compliance Officer.

6.33 Participatory Process for Employee Involvement in College Governance Authority: Board of Trustees, October 16, 2001; revised, July 15, 2003; December 20, 2005; November 21, 2006; October 16, 2007; July 20, 2010; June 21, 2012; June 20, 2013; October 16, 2014 6.33.1 Preamble Cumberland County College is committed to utilizing the expertise and the participation of the college community in defining, instituting, and governing the plans and policies of the institution. The College also believes that the broad range of the college community’s skills, philosophy and educational background is a strength that needs to be employed if the College is to continue to function and grow in positive ways. At the heart of this commitment and belief is a participatory committee structure, hereafter identified as councils that will allow each member of the College to have a voice in and a responsibility to the governance of the institution. The councils are charged with debating, establishing and recommending college policy and will embody the participatory process that underlies the vital growth of the College. 6.33.2 Council Process The council structure is designed to move programs and policy through the system so that the decisions receive input and review from appropriate segments of the college community before being presented to the college as a whole for implementation. Pursuant to college policy, councils can take action and implement decisions. On all other issues the councils shall make recommendations and move material that needs administrative and/or Board approval to the President. The President can take action, forward the material to the Board, and/or consult with the President’s Senior Staff, if appropriate. By August of each year, each Council, through its exofficio, shall submit a brief report of its activities to the President. 6.33.3 Council Structure The model for such a system is comprised of four standing councils. Each council will be assigned charges that may lead to the formation of committees as dictated by need. These four councils and their charges are detailed below. Academic Council The Academic Council’s charge relates to all issues and policies concerning the academic mission of the College. These charges include debating the creation, revision, deletion and recommendation of all curriculum issues brought forth by the academic divisions, making recommendations on all academic standards issues (such as the grading policy and student opinion of instruction forms). In addition, the council will be responsible for general education, advisement, service learning and distance learning. Institutional Planning Council The Institutional Planning Council’s charge relates to issues, policies and processes concerning the planning of the institution as a whole. This council is responsible for ensuring that strategic and master plans are interrelated and used for resource allocation. To accomplish this, each plan will be presented on an annual basis. The council will review data analyses related to enrollment and retention, and will review and develop recommendations and/or initiatives in support of strategic enrollment management. This council will develop and distribute a calendar of events for significant planning, assessment and budget dates for the campus. Professional Development Council The Professional Development Council’s charge relates to all issues and policies concerning the professional development activities of all college employees. This council’s charges include soliciting, reviewing, and making recommendations on all Other Study, and Mini-Grant applications, and reviewing and approving all proposed development day activities,as well as leadership programming. The Professional Development Council will forward their comments/input to the President. Student Development Council The Student Development Council’s charge relates to all issues and policies concerning the well-being of Cumberland County College students. This council is responsible for college calendar development, financial aid issues and appeals, student activity and funding procedures, athletics, recognition awards, assisting with scholarship and awards selections, procedures for Student Intervention Team (SIT), student judiciary procedures, and satisfactory academic progress reviews. Ad Hoc Committee Formation In addition to the standing councils and any committees formed within those councils, other ad hoc committees may be formed at the discretion of the President or Vice Presidents as needs arise. 6.33.4 Council Membership Administrator participation shall be determined by the relevance of the position as it relates to each council charge. All other seats shall be open to full and permanent part time employees. 6.33.5 Council Membership Distribution Academic Council Ex Officio: Vice President for Academic & Student Services Executive Director, CASS Dean

Dean, External Partnerships and Assistant to the President Director of Academic Programs Director of Admissions & Registration Research Associate, Assessment, Planning and Research Academic Director 2 Students At Large: 18 Total Membership: 27 Institutional Planning Council Ex Officio: Vice President, Finance & Administrative Services Executive Director, Assessment, Planning & Research Executive Director, Grant Development & Trustee Relations Chief Technology Officer Executive Director, Communications and Marketing Dean Comptroller Director, Computing & Telecommunications Director, Safety & Security Assistant Director, Recruitment 2 Students At Large: 14 Total Membership: 26 Professional Development Council Ex-Officio: Director, Human Resources Executive Director, Workforce and Community Education Assistant Director, Testing & Tutoring Assistant Director, Adjunct Faculty Development Student Development Advisor At Large: 21 TOTAL MEMBERSHIP: 25 Student Development Council Ex Officio: Senior Executive Director, Student Services Dean Director, Student Activities Director, Financial Aid Director, Athletics Director, EOF Student Development Advisor 2 Students At Large: 16

TOTAL MEMBERSHIP: 25 6.33.6 Membership Solicitation Policy and Membership Review In January of each year, governance policies will be reviewed and revised as needed by an ad hoc committee formed by the ex-officio members of each council and chaired by the Vice President, Academic & Student Services. A council membership form will be distributed in April by the Human Resource office allowing all full time college employees to indicate their council membership preference(s). The four ex officio council members will meet thereafter to review memberships and recommend council membership to the President. 6.33.7 Terms of Service With the exception of designated position titles council members will not serve for more than four consecutive years. Employees can reapply to the same council, but membership will be designated by the President, after review of the ad hoc committee recommendations. 6.33.8 Council Bylaws 1.

All Councils will meet on the second Monday of each month, from 2:00 p.m. to 3:20 p.m.


A quorum will consist of a simple majority; student representatives and excused college employees will not be counted in determining a quorum.


A member may be dropped from a council if that member fails to attend more than two meetings without being excused by the council chairperson. The chair of the council will notify the council’s Ex-Officio, who is responsible for notifying the Executive Director, Human Resources of the termination of a member. The council chair and the Ex-Officio will collaborate, using council membership data and membership distribution information to select a replacement member as soon as possible. Each chairperson, in collaboration with his/her council will decide what will be accepted as an excused absence.


Each council will elect a chair, vice chair, and secretary to serve a one year term. At the end of the chair’s term, the vice chair will assume the chair position for the next academic year. At the May council meetings, a new vice chair and secretary will be elected to serve for the upcoming year.


Councils may establish any committees they feel are necessary. Each council committee will be given a specific charge and time frame for its work. These committees may include members that are not on the governing council. Permanent council committees may only be formed in consultation with the College President.


Councils may consult with any individual or non-governance group that they deem appropriate to acquire more information that will assist with their decision making.


Each council will send a copy of their minutes and attendance sheets to the President, Vice Presidents and Association Presidents. Within one week of each council meeting, draft minutes of the meetings will be made available to the entire campus via email.


Robert’s Rules of Order will define procedures in the councils.


Council meetings are open to all members of the college community. Visitors may participate when recognized by the chair but will not have a vote.


All council recommendations will be sent to the President with a copy to the Vice Presidents.

10/12/05 revised, 12/20/05; 11/21/06; 10/16/07; 7/20/10; 6/21/12; 6/20/13; 10/16/14 6.33 proc rev 2014/ab

6.34 Nepotism Policy Authority:

Board of Trustees, June 17, 1997

Policy: Spouses or relatives of College personnel may be considered for position vacancies. However, the College will not place spouses or relatives in positions that may be subordinate or supervisory to the spouse or relative. They should also not be placed in a position to determine an important matter such as promotion, reappointment, termination, or remuneration. Promotions and raises should not be prejudiced, by the employment status of the other member of the family or by their activities, rank or position. Relatives will not be permitted to serve on the same Search Committee, regardless of the position to be filled. Employees will be excluded from searches which would consider the candidacy of a relative.

7/31/00 6.34 procN/bh

6.35 Physical Examinations Authority:

Board of Trustees, June 4, 1985

Policy: The Board of Trustees may require employees to submit to a physical examination, at the Board’s expense, when it is deemed appropriate.

7/8/99 6.4 procN/bh






Cumberland County College Foundation


Grant Proposals


Cumberland County College Alumni Association

5/19/99 7.0 index/bh


Purpose Authority:

Board of Trustees,


The purpose of the Development Office is to provide external funds through public and private solicitation, state and federal grants which aid the Board of Trustees to carry out the educational goals of the college. The Development Office promotes a spirit of shared interest among and active involvement between the College, alumni and the community.

5/18/99 7.1 procN/bh

June 15, 1999

7.2 Cumberland County College Foundation Authority:

Board of Trustees, June 15, 1999

7.2.1 Purpose The Board of Trustees authorized the establishment of the Cumberland County College Foundation which was incorporated September 12, 1967. The purpose of the foundation is set forth in its by-laws: Article IV Section 1.

To conduct and carry on the work of the Foundation, not for profit, but exclusively in such a manner that no part of its net income or assets shall inure to the private benefit of any donor, director, member, officer, or individual having a personal or private interest in the activities of the Foundation.

Section 2.

To assist the Board of Trustees of the Cumberland County College in the development and growth of the college facilities to the end that broader educational opportunities and services may be provided for those seeking education in Cumberland County.

Section 3.

To acquire by any lawful means properties of any character, and to manage, administer, and dispose of the same. The acquisition and/or disposition of all such property shall be subject to the approval of said Board of Directors of the Foundation, and to the provisions of these By-laws.

Section 4.

To aid the Board of Trustees of the Cumberland County College in carrying out the education goals of said institution by:

a. Providing funds through public and private solicitation. b. Encouraging citizens, civic and social organizations, businesses and industries to make loans, gifts, grants, devises or bequests of money or property for research and instruction, the establishment of endowments, scholarships, fellowship, professorships and academic chairs, cultural programs, building, equipment, and all other facilities of said college, including but not limited to gifts or loans of property, works of art, historical papers, documents, and museum specimens. Section 5.

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Cumberland County College shall forward to the Board a copy of the annual audit report.


Grant Proposals Authority:

Board of Trustees, June 15, 1999

7.3.1 Purpose The Development Office has the delegated responsibility for the coordination of the development, submission and management of institutional grants, to provide information to all areas of the college or outside funding sources. The office provides direction to college personnel, and approves the expenditure of funds to insure they are in compliance with the terms of the grant award. 7.3.2

Signatory Authority The Board of Trustees has the sole responsibility for accepting external funds on behalf of Cumberland County College. The President has the sole responsibility for approving the submission of all requests for external funds.

5/19/99 7.3 proc/bh

7.4 Cumberland County College Alumni Association Authority: 7.4.1

Board of Trustees, June 15, 1999

Purpose The Alumni Association was established in 1976 for the following purpose according to its constitution: Article II 1.

Facilitate communication and fellowship among alumni, students, administration, and the College;


Promote and develop good public relations between the College and the region it serves;


Assist in the development and growth of Cumberland County College and the county; and


Promote a spirit of shared interest and active involvement between the College, alumni, and the community.

7/31/00 7.4 procN/bh

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