Figure 3: To what extent, if at all, do you trust the following? (Taken from YouGov survey).
Source: ‘More Britons now unconfident than confident in the police to deal with crime locally’ YouGov.
International policing comparisons Concerns about a loss of legitimacy are echoed in police forces all over the world, which have also been troubled by a loss of trust from the public and the subsequent damage to legitimacy this entails.42, 43 According to a poll of 28 countries, Sweden, the Netherlands, and the United States have the greatest levels of police trust. In Sweden, 60% of respondents said the police were trustworthy, compared to 53% in the Netherlands and 53% in the United States. Mexico and South Africa, on the other hand, had the lowest levels of trust in the police (15% and 13% respectively), as shown in figure 4.44