2020 July/August Through Centenary Windows

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OUR CLERGY AND STAFF Reverend Dr. P. Glenn Kinken III Senior Minister gkinken@centenary-ws.org Mary Ann Wexler Executive Director mwexler@centenary-ws.org Susan Bates Organist and Music Associate sbates@centenary-ws.org Martha Bassett Alternative Music Leader mbassett@centenary-ws.org Reverend Bret Cogan Assoc. Minister of Spiritual Formation & Education bcogan@centenary-ws.org Kristy Eaton Contributions keaton@centenary-ws.org Jonathan Emmons Director of Music Ministries jemmons@centenary-ws.org Reverend R. Craig Ford Associate Minister cford@centenary-ws.org Reverend Meg Gaston Assoc. Minister of Evangelism, Engagement & MIssions mgaston@centenary-ws.org Reverend Kate May Associate Minister with Children kmay@centenary-ws.org Sandra Gramley Congregational Care Coordinator sgramley@centenary-ws.org Stacy Holley Exec. Assistant to Senior Minister sholley@centenary-ws.org John Markle Director of Operations jmarkle@centenary-ws.org

OUR PAGES Table of Contents/Clergy and Staff ~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 At-Home Vacation Bible School ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3 From the Editor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4 Keep Calm & Wash Your Hands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5 Merritt Orr: Building a Home~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6 Habitat House: Meet the Owner~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7 Page Eight: Life Changed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8 Kate May: At-Home VBS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10 Stay Connected & The Three W's~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12 Stephen Ministry~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 13 Craig Ford: Keeping in Touch~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 14 Feeling Stressed? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 17 Tammy Pollock: Remembering Our Faith ~~~~~~ 18 Introducing: Rev. Meg Gaston ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 20 Centenary Mission & Values ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 21 Introducing: Rev. Susannah Pittman ~~~~~~~~~ 22 Shining Light on Mental Health & Memoriam~~~ 23 Bret Cogan: A Connection ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 24 Memorials ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 26 Honoraria ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27 Smiling Faces from Arbor Acres ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28 Glenn Kinken: Improvise, Adapt & Overcome~~~ 30

OUR COVER Our cover image features the exterior of our Sanctuary as you view it from the Fifth Street parking lot. This image was created on Easter Morning, April 12. None of us would have ever imagined we would not be able to be inside the church to celebrate the glorious resurrection of Christ. For this issue, we felt it was important to see our great church. This is the first image we have released of the exterior since the cleaning of the facade. One day soon, our doors will re-open and we will be able see the magnificent windows in the nave as the sunlight streams through the glass.

Doug Peninger Director of Communications dpeninger@centenary-ws.org Reverend Susannah Pittman Assoc. Minister of Congregational Care spittman@centenary-ws.org Tamara M. Pollock Director of Youth Ministries tpollock@centenary-ws.org John Rogers Director of Information Technology jrogers@centenary-ws.org



From the Editor


ell, I don't think any of us saw this coming! Who would have ever imagined that our campus would be closed due to a pandemic? Who would have dreamed we would be wearing masks everywhere we go? Who would have ever thought that all of our plans for the last few months and into the future would be so drastically changed? We have seen many things since the last of March. As I am writing this, the number of COVID-19 cases in the USA has just surpassed 2 million and sadly 113,000 have lost their lives to this virus. We have also seen protests unlike many have ever seen due to the tragic death of George Floyd. These protests tell us that change must come and true, authentic dialogue and relationships must transpire. It's a lot to take in when you think about it. The news cycle is endless. The alerts on our smart devices are contantly beeping, chirping and dinging. It's hard to keep up with all of the conversations and reports and making sense of it all gets more difficult as the days go by. In the midst of all the turmoil, one bright, shining light has become crsystal clear to me. The world needs her Church. I'm not talking about the physical building, although I miss being on campus and seeing everyone. I'm talking about the body of Christ, the people. I'm talking about the important ministries

One fun thing we are doing for this issue is that we are using "selfies" for our writer head shots. We did this to let go of some of the "business professional look" we have when on campus. Working from home just changes it all up.

the church offers to a world in need. During this time, the ministries at Centenary have not stopped. They have evolved! We have begun new things, created new opportunities on the Internet and learned how to increase our faith by virtual meetings. Who had ever heard of "Zoom" before this? In this issue, you are going to be reading about how all of our ministry areas have found new ways of staying connected, rediscovering old ways of reaching out and improving ways to make "church" happen. We also introduce two new clergy for Centenary. As Rev. Jeremy Pegram moves to his new appointment as Lead Pastor at Pilot Mountain UMC, we welcome Rev. Meg Gaston as our Associate Minister of Evangelism, Engagment and Missions as well as Rev.Susannah Pittman as our Associate Minister of Congregational Care. You are going to fall in love with both of them quickly. We wish Jeremy all the best as he takes this important step in his calling.


We've also got a special feature that showcases some of our beloved members living at Arbor Acres. It's important for us to see each other and I thank Dyeann Jordan for helping to make this project happen. I hope you will enjoy reading and learning how the ministries of Centenary have continued and thrived during this time. I know we all miss being at the church on a week-to-week basis. The time will come and we will return to campus. Will it look different from before? Probably so. We've all learned new ways to social distance and keep ourselves safe. With that in mind, as I always close this introduction, one day, hopefully sooner than later... I’ll see you at Centenary!

Doug Peninger Director of Communications


| ministry feature |

Building a Home

Editor's Note: Volunteers began the building of the Habitat for Humanity home. However, once the COVID-19 pandemic hit, only Habitat professionals were allowed to complete the project. This article was written as the pandemic was starting. On the next page you will find images from the dedication and meet the homeowner and family.


n a chilly, sunny day in February, over 20 volunteers from Centenary had a great day raising the walls on a new Habitat house. Some were old pros and some, like me, were newbies. No matter. All hands are welcome at a Habitat house, and if you’ve never volunteered before, you should try it! No one laughed because I missed a nail more than I hammered it, nor was anyone annoyed when I kept borrowing a pencil or a tape measure or a ladder. Can you use a table saw? I sure can’t, but lots of people could so I just brought them lumber when they needed it. Do you know what a ram set gun is? I didn’t, but I do now and I cheered Tom Bach on who used one like a pro. Do you wish you knew more people at church? You will, if you work on a Habitat house. A few Sundays ago, I was walking down front for communion and Merritt Orr squeezed the shoulder of my new friend, Sue Stephens. I had Guest Writer seen Sue for years at church but had never met her; now I can call her by name. And the more we know each other at our big, wonderful church, the more connected and engaged and valued we feel, and I’m up for that any day. The response to our call for volunteers was amazing – we had more people want to come that Saturday than Habitat would allow on site. On top of that, so many people wanted to help with lunch that Judy Ditmore and Dave Hill finally had to say, “We’ve got plenty of people to serve, but you could make a donation if you like.” And people did! There are so many volunteers to mention but space is short, so I’d just like to say thank you to all. Thank you to those who were there, thank you to those who wanted to be but we didn’t have room for, and thank you to those who fed us. I am also thankful that Jeremy Pegram said a prayer for us before the build got started that Saturday. I forgot to think about God for the next few hours because I was so busy working and learning and laughing and talking. But I remembered Him at the end, once I got in my car and all was quiet. I sent up a prayer of gratitude for all the blessings of the day, a prayer of thanksgiving for all that working and learning and laughing and talking. It was a great day for a terrific cause. 


Meet the New Homeowner As a CNA at a local assisted living community, Paris Giles is on the front lines of health care during the COVID-19 crisis. Like many other parents, she is also helping her sons, ages 12 and 14, adjust to the new normal of going to school online. She is looking forward to saying good-bye to crowded apartment life and having a Habitat home where everyone will have his or her own room. A native of Winston-Salem, Paris has sometimes worked two jobs at a time in order to afford the two- bedroom apartment where her family lives now. When she heard about the Habitat homeownership program, she realized that for less than she is currently paying in rent, she could own a home of her own. “Since the Habitat program is based on income, I am able to buy a home that would otherwise cost more than I could afford. I realized I was paying more than 30 percent of my income in rent, for something I would never own, no matter how many years I paid. After 30 years of payments, this home will be mine. If anything ever happens to me, it will be here for my kids.”

Paris Giles Family Cammarius – 12 years Raymond – 14 years

Habitat has been a good experience for the entire family, Giles said. She has learned a lot in the hands-on home maintenance workshops as well as classes on money management and budgeting. Her sons have enjoyed Habitat’s summer financial literacy camp and the Youth Empowerment Program. “I talk to people about Habitat all the time. I tell them if you are ready to have a house of your own, you should definitely apply.”  (Reprinted with Permission)

Imagess are from the Home Dedication held on June 3. JULY/AUGUST 2020 | 7 | CENTENARY UNITED METHODIST

| page 8 |

Life Changed


n March 9, life changed. I left my hotel room in Positano, Italy, to travel to Naples for an early morning flight. Italy was going on lockdown the next day and I wanted to make sure I had a seat on an airplane. As it turns out, one cannot stay in the Naples airport overnight. Luckily, a hotel was within walking distance, so, off I went. While walking to the airport, my phone began to ring. Not good.

Doug Peninger


On the other end of the line was our Executive Director, Mary Ann Wexler. I was being informed that I would have to quarantine for 14 days when I got home. Though I was not excited about what I have now dubbed “the exile,” I understood the safety measures we needed to follow. COVID-19 was so new that not much information was available. Also, she said that she and I and Glenn needed to have a conversation about releasing information to the congregation regarding this new thing called coronavirus or COVID-19. This would be what we now refer to as COVID-19 communication 1. I was up all night. All of this was happening so fast. I just wanted to get back to the states.

and things weren’t looking good. As it turned out, he was correct. My mother passed away on March 12. I was driving to Charlotte to see her when I received the call. Luckily, I had been able to do a Facetime call with her before she passed. We have still not been able to have a celebration service for her life. Our family is large. That time will come. As I am writing this, I am starting my 14th week of working at home. To say there have been major adjustments would be an understatement. I have tried desperately to maintain a normal work routine. My alarm still goes off at 5:30am. I still exercise every morning at the same time. I still walk the dogs twice daily at their normal times. It took about four weeks for my dogs to get used to my new work-from-home routine. I don’t think they slept well during that time. I’m pretty sure they perfected the “are you ever going to go back to work” look. However, there are days when you just have to get in the car and go for a drive. Oh, and let's not forget the "Zoom" meetings. That's a whole article in and of itself. I never dreamed how busy I would be, working from home. Communications during this time is a sevendays-a-week adventure. Keeping our congregation connected is vital because now, more the ever, the world

Upon arriving in Atlanta, I set off for home. While in Italy, I had received a call from my younger brother, Wes, that my mother had taken a turn for the worse JULY/AUGUST 2020 | 8 | CENTENARY UNITED METHODIST

A screen shot of a virtual staff meeting.

needs church. I am not referring to the building. I mean the message of Christ and the people whom are his disciples. When the world shuts down, all of the distractions that pull us away from our faith disappear and we can more easily focus on our relationship with God. There have been days, well late afternoons, when I would sit on the back deck and just look up and ask, “what is this all about?” Of course, I listen and the answers come when you least expect it. One answer was watching a family of doves build their nest in the flower box located at the front of the house. The mother dove would let me talk with her each day. I could watch the progress of the hatchlings through a bedroom window. I watched as she fed her babies and as she nestled them to keep them warm. Then, one Sunday afternoon, she had flown away, as well as her babies. I have to admit. I cried my eyes out. For me, it was like losing my mother again. However, to my surprise, the next day she returned. As I was talking with her I noticed one the babies was hopping around in the pine needles. It, too, let me talk with it. That dove stayed in the front shrubbery and flower beds for about another week. Each day, several times, I would go out and just talk with it. Then, one day, I made that bird a promise. I promised to always have food available and that I hoped it would return one day to start its family. To this day, there are

doves in the neighborhood. In the midst of normal life, I would never have noticed them all. A dear friend of mine swears that the doves were a gift from my mother. Maybe, just maybe. As if the pandemic, shutting down of commerce, changing the way we do virtually everything were not enough, now, once again, we have the tragedy of another death resulting in mass protests, curfews and social justice conversations. As I have watched the news and cried out “why?” I realize that our world is broken. Our brothers and sisters of color have endured yet another killing and this one at the knee of another, all captured on video. As the protests continue, with persons of all colors and faiths, I wonder, how is God going to use this moment to our good? I know that in the midst of any pain, God is working for our good. We don’t have all the answers to this at this time. But, I pray, I pray that our world will come together and figure this out once and for all. So, as I watch it all unfold from my living room, as I venture out to the market for groceries, wearing a mask, as I connect with you and other loved ones in a virtual world, I am reminded that what the world needs now, more than ever is love, sweet love, found in the message of Christ through the gospels. 

Great News!!! At the 2020 annual meeting of the United Methodist Association of Communicators awards gala, our magazine, Through Centenary Windows, won first place in its category.We won in Category C: Magazine, Annual Conference/Local Church Division. Centenary was the only local church to win an award. You may click on the images to the right to see our entries. Thank you for your continued support of our magazine as we share the love of Christ with the world.


| children's ministry |

At-Home VBS


Rev. Kate May


acation Bible School is probably my most favorite thing about children’s ministry so imagining a summer without it is tragic! Luckily, with an amazing team from Centenary UMC and Calvary Moravian we are creating an At -Home Vacation Bible School that will give whole families the opportunity to participate in Vacation Bible School all together! We’ll be delivering four days worth of content over two weeks by email so that families can participate on the schedule that works for them, so that it can be completely customizable to the ages and number of kids who are participating, and so that it can be easily shared with friends, neighbors, grandkids, anyone you think would enjoy this amazing experience! Let me tell you a little more about what will be flying to your inbox starting July 19! Every day we start and end the day with an assembly time that introduces the main point

for the day and gets everyone pumped up for an awesome day and then sends everyone out fired up to share the good news they experienced! We will be sending these out as videos that will set you up for a great time of fun and learning. As we are again partnering with Calvary Moravian, you’ll see me leading this time, as well as Amanda Schumpert, who oversees discipleship ministries at Calvary. Everyone loves the music at VBS, so we’ll be sending out links to some great songs and videos so you can have your own praise-filled dance party! You can start enjoying the theme song, “Fly” HERE .The Bible storytime is of course a centerpiece of our fun learning time at VBS, so you’ll also receive video versions of these stories told in super interactive and enthusiastic ways by ministers from both Calvary and Centenary. If you and your kids love crafts, we’ll be sending instructions and video tutorials about how to make some great crafts, most of which can be made with supplies you already have at home! I promise, any one can help kids do these fun but simple crafts! And don’t worry, we’ll send out a supply list ahead of time so you can gather everything you need!


Click on the white arrow above to watch the 2020 At-Home VBS Commercial.

All this fun would make anyone hungry so you’ll also receive instructions for some simple snacks that you and your kids can make together. Even the snacks will connect to the point for the day so you’ll be able to reinforce learning while you are in the kitchen and snacking together!

day of VBS. But, since everyone’s schedule is different right now, you can pick and choose what pieces you do. You can do everything in one day. You can choose a few pieces to do each day over the two weeks. This is totally a "choose your own adventure" Vacation Bible School! You can do it with your kids. You can do it with your grandkids. You can invite some of your friends and neighbors over and do it together. Little ones can participate and grandparents can participate. We are so excited to be able to share this with so many people this summer with no limits based on space, volunteers, age, or availability. Truly the sky is the limit as we learn that everything is possible with God!

Of course, the most important thing about VBS is taking the things you learn and living them out in your life so we’ll also be sending out kindness challenges that your kids or your whole family can participate in because loving God and loving neighbor translated into kidspeak looks like kindness!

Do you want to make sure you receive all of the information and content about this awesome VBS? Email Kate (kmay@centenary-ws.org) and tell me “I want to be on the VBS mailing list!” We ask that, no matter what, you begin praying that this would be a transformative experience for families! 

We all need more opportunities to be active right now so we’ll also be sending instructions for wonderfully active games that tie back to our point for the day! Again, these will be simple games with few or no supplies that can be played with mom, dad, and one child or your whole neighborhood if you want to!

Some of you might be like me and asking, “OK so how do I really do this?” It’s easy! You will receive emails with content on Sunday, July 19, Wednesday, July 22, Sunday, July 26 and Wednesday, July 29. Each email will have all the content we would usually use all in one


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Stephen Ministry

Centenary United Methodist Church Winston-Salem, NC

The Stephen Ministers of Centenary are ready to journey with anyone through any loss or difficulty such as a job termination, death of a loved one, divorce or acquired disability. A care receiver can expect a Stephen Minister to hold information during a listening session in the strictest of confidence. To ensure privacy, Stephen Ministers do not acknowledge the situations of care receivers in public settings. Please know, it is always the right and privilege of the care receiver to approach a Stephen Minister at any time. Once a referral is made for someone to receive care, the care receiver is matched with a Stephen Minister of the same gender. The Stephen Minister will meet with the care receiver at a time and place that is most convenient. A Stephen Minister relationship may be as short as six weeks, or could be as long as a year or more. We hope that others at Centenary and elsewhere (non-members are welcome) who are going through difficulties— family situations, illness, divorce, death, relocation to elder care, job loss, most anything that causes concern and disruption to normal daily life—will consider asking for a Stephen Minister to walk through this experience with them. If you or someone you know might benefit from a Stephen Ministry relationship, please contact Rev. R. Craig Ford (336.397.1353), Judy Ingram (336-407-3986), or Phil Ashley (336-766-0196). JULY/AUGUST 2020 | 13 | CENTENARY UNITED METHODIST

| senior adults |

Keeping in Touch — Making New Friends


entenary United Methodist Church is making a great effort to fulfill both the mission of the United Methodist Church “to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the World “and Centenary’s vision which is “striving to be a vibrant Christian community, loving God and loving neighbor downtown and throughout the region.” The ministry of the church is being carried out, even as this nation, along with other countries, is coping with a pandemic that has engulfed the world.

Rev. R. Craig & Janet Ford cford@centenary-ws.org

A wonderful part of the ministry here at Centenary United Methodist Church is connection with the Senior Adults, whom I lovingly call the best, of the best, of the best. When we planned the ministry with the senior adults at the beginning of the year, we had commitments from outstanding speakers for each month and efforts were being made to promote and involve the seniors in our monthly meetings and other activities.

When it became necessary to close the activities at the church, we wanted to make sure that we were keeping in contact with our senior adults and especially our homebound. At this point in time, we have more than one hundred and forty homebound. They are scattered over thirteen different retirement homes in Forsyth County, one in Guilford County, one in Wake County, and many who are living in their homes. I sent an e-mail request by way of Charles Monroe and asked our senior adults to consider making phone calls to our homebound. The positive response was overwhelming-- so much so that I had to revise the request. Initially, I had planned to ask everyone to take five names, but there was such a positive response that I ran short of names. I had to reduce my request from contact of three to two, then one.

I want to share, with permission of course, some of the communications that have been shared with me that have taken place between the persons who have been calling and the recipients. I wish that we had space to include the conversations that everyone has had, but that would take a book. One of the most beautiful relationships is between Ellen Hall and her husband Don. Ellen, of course, receives a call from other senior adults, but every day, she goes over to Trinity Elms, a retirement home in Clemmons where Don is located. Don, as many will recall, was Administrative Council Chairperson several years ago. He also chaired the Senior Adult Council. Ellen lives about a mile from Trinity Elms, and each day she goes and stands at the window outside of Don’s room. Don is rolled up to the window and they are able to communicate through the window by cell phones. I went down to Trinity Elms and took their picture. You can see Ellen and, though not clearly, you can see Don. They have been married almost 66 years. Another beautiful relationship has developed between Susan Armstrong and persons she has been calling, Bill and Sandra Hunter, both of whom she already knew. Also, she has been communicating with Jean Moore whom she had never met. From Susan: “When Rev. Ford invited me to join a project whereby I would call a couple of church members a week during the COVID-19 outbreak just to check on them and see if they needed anything, I had no idea how delightful that experience was going to be. Sandra and Bill Hunter were first on my list and I was really happy about that! They sat on ‘their’ pew at Centenary for years and we had become friends when Paul and I were in a Disciple Study with Sandra. Today, she patiently takes care of Bill as he


is homebound. And she never complains. We both enjoy our conversations (that have increased in length over time). In this day of being separated from friends, Sandra and I honestly enjoy our time together. Jean Moore is the other person on my list. Rev. Ford told me I was going to like her a whole lot, and he certainly knew what he was talking about. Jean and I had never even heard of each other. Her husband, Rad, is living at Brighton Gardens and Jean is unable to visit him in person. Thankfully, they visit on the phone several times a day. Jean is a sprightly lady with a most positive attitude. We nearly always spend more time laughing on the phone than talking! And, as the case with Sandra Hunter, our conversations have increased in length as we’ve found that we have more in common with each other than we ever imagined possible. It’s such a pleasure to know that I’ve been able to rekindle a friendship and make a new one in our upsetting times, thanks to Craig Ford and Centenary Church.” Elizabeth Post has been staying in touch with Phyllis Slawter. They had never met each other, but a very meaningful friendship has developed between them. From Elizabeth: “ When Craig Ford sent an email asking the senior members of Centenary United Methodist Church to keep in touch with other senior members by phone during the pandemic, I responded. Craig gave me the name of Phyllis Slawter, whom I did not know. I called Phyllis and found she was so friendly and seemed so happy to talk to me, and I immediately felt I had made a new friend. During the Pandemic, we have stayed in our homes, avoiding going out. We are (both) fortunate to have our daughters in town to bring us groceries and the things that we need. During our phone visits, we have talked about all the seriousness of the country, but more importantly, we laugh together and our conversations are light and fun. Phyllis is a blessing to me and I

thank Craig Ford for giving me this opportunity.” The picture of Terry and Janice is down on the farm, communicating with Sylvia Yarbrough and with Joe Jones in their efforts to keep in touch. Terry and Janice Johnson have been keeping in touch with a couple of special persons, Joe Jones and Sylvia Yarbrough. “Sylvia is not homebound, but she recently lost her husband, Reverend Jack Yarbrough, so we are keeping in touch.” Joe Jones is currently living at Vienna Village and receives keep-in-touch calls from Terry and Janice. Charles Monroe has been keeping in touch with Julian Northcraft and Jules Spach, both World War II veterans. In conversations with Sue Northcraft, Charles writes: “Since Sue and Julian Northcraft live in one of the free-standing homes at Arbor Acres, they are better able to cope with the pandemic situation than Arbor Acres residents in apartments and assisted living. Sue and Julian are able to get out and walk but are required, as most of us are, to wear masks, maintain a safe distance from others and limit size of group gatherings. Plus, they are not allowed to leave the grounds without being quarantined upon re-entry. Julian is enjoying participation in the annual Arbor Acres croquet tournament. He plays with three other residents in 4–Person groups. Sue is a weaver and enjoys knitting and working on her loom. They are also participating in the monthly Arbor Acres ‘town hall meetings,’ which take place remotely using ‘ZOOM.’ She and Julian enjoy watching ‘As Time Goes By’ and other television programs. They spoke highly of participating in church remotely. ” Julian, along with Jules Spach, John Van Zandt, and Horace Barrett, is one of our World War II Veterans.” Regarding Jules Spach, Charles writes: “By contrast, Jules Spach is living in a one- bedroom situation in Asbury and is required to take all his meals in his room. He has not been able


(article continues on next page)

to walk outside until very recently. A little more leniency is beginning this week and he was able to walk outside this Sunday morning for the first time in quite a while. Jules has to use a walker since he broke his hip. On the bright side, he is able to maintain communications with his children by telephone and laptop. What he misses most is the opportunity to attend church and Sunday School at CUMC and see his fellow Sunday school members and church members personally. He was surprised to learn that with his laptop, he could participate in regular church services remotely. He yearns for the time that he can interact with his Centenary friends. I have promised Jules that I will make sure that transportation will be available when that day comes.” Sandra Shugart has been calling and keeping in touch with our homebound members and she has described this experience for us as she has related to these special persons. “It has been a joy, connecting with Centenary residents at Arbor Acres. Sarah Sands was already a good friend, and a good bridge player. Sara Spencer, I communicate with her through her answering machine. Louise Flowers is happy as a lark at Asbury Place and considers herself lucky to be there. At 95 years old, Mary Frances Smith is a live-wire, and we decided we could talk all day. She has even called me to check on me. These lovely girls are among Centenary’s finest, and you can bet I’ll be over to see them in person once Arbor Acres is reopened. Lastly, I have asked Helen Kennedy to share her communication experience. “I have always thought my spiritual gift was one of ENCOURAGEMENT. I have always loved writing notes to folks in times of sickness, grief, and thanksgiving. And I love baking and making casseroles for the same situations. With my difficulty in walking now with a ‘stick,’ the carrying of a cake or casserole is impossible and my handwriting is so bad that even I can’t read it when it gets cold! So now I claim the gift of prayer!!! After the pandemic the first of March, and all of our confinement, it dawned on me that the folk I was praying for knew nothing of my prayers. I have never enjoyed just talking on the phone and this was not anything I really wanted to do, but after my private time one

morning, it came to me that calling all of us who were shut-in and closed from each other could be a blessed ministry. Not just calling folk I knew well, but calling others who would benefit from having someone call with a greeting of encouragement and love and express that they were in my prayers. And I love getting those unexpected calls from those I don’t know so well just to say, ‘I am thinking of you and do you need anything?’ That is LOVE at its best.” Note the communication I have shared is only a small portion of all that has been happening. I wish that there was space to share all of the calls that are being made. The senior adults are averaging a hundred thirty calls a week. People are lonely and so the calls that are being made are very important. I cannot thank the senior adults enough. In addition to thanking the senior adults, I also want to express my appreciation to the Stephen Ministers. Judy Ingram has done a marvelous job communicating with the Stephen Ministers. She conducts a conference meeting by way of ZOOM, during which time we can all talk with each other. Each of the Stephen Ministers is continuing to work with their care receiver by way of the telephone. I also want to thank Ralph Holthouser, our Congregational Care Chairperson. He is continuing to communicate with all members of our committee in order to keep current and plan for the future. We all are grateful for the people who are on the front lines, taking care of those affected by this dangerous pandemic that has taken the lives of so many around the world. God bless you. Thank you , thank you! You see that the first picture on this article is a photograph of Janet and me. I want everyone to know what a devoted and helpful person she has been, not only to me, but to Centenary United Methodist Church. She serves as secretary for the Congregational Care Committee, sings in the Chancel Choir, and helps with a lot of the care and work with the Senior Adults. In addition, she is the technology person in this house. August 2, 2019 we celebrated our fiftieth wedding anniversary. I love her dearly and I would be lost without her. In the thirteenth chapter of First Corinthians the last verse reads, “ Now, faith, hope, and love abide but the greatest of these is love.” These are difficult days, at this moment in time, but let us never lose heart. I pray that we will continue to live in a spirit of faith, knowing that God is with us in this time of crisis. Let us continue to live in hope that the time will come when the problems we are now facing will be solved. Most of all, let us continue to love one another as God has loved us. Now, before closing, I want to lift up one more verse of scripture which is taken from the beatitudes Matthew 5: 9: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.” 


Feeling Stressed??? The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) provides useful tips to manage stress during the COVID-19 pandemic. The information below is from the CDC website. OUTBREAKS CAN BE STRESSFUL The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) may be stressful for people. Fear and anxiety about a disease can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adults and children. Find ways you and your family can reduce stress. Stress during an infectious disease outbreak can include:

• Fear and worry about your own health and the health of your loved ones. • Changes in sleep or eating patterns. • Difficulty sleeping or concentrating. • Worsening of chronic health problems. • Worsening of mental health conditions. • Increased use of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs.

EVERYONE REACTS DIFFERENTLY TO STRESSFUL SITUATIONS How you respond to the outbreak can depend on your background, the things that make you different from other people, and the community you live in. People who may respond more strongly to the stress of a crisis include:

• Older people and people with chronic diseases who are at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19. • Children and teens. • People who are helping with the response to COVID-19, like doctors, other health care providers, and first responders. • People who have mental health conditions including problems with substance use.

TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF AND YOUR COMMUNITY Taking care of yourself, your friends, and your family can help you cope with stress. Helping others cope with their stress can also make your community stronger. WAYS TO COPE WITH STRESS • Take breaks from watching, reading, or listening to news stories, including social media. Hearing about the pandemic repeatedly can be upsetting. • Take care of your body. • Take deep breaths, stretch • Try to eat healthy, well-balanced meals. • Exercise regularly, get plenty of sleep. • Avoid alcohol and drugs • Make time to unwind. Try to do some other activities you enjoy. • Connect with others. Talk with people you trust about your concerns and how you are feeling. NEED HELP? KNOW SOMEONE WHO DOES? If you, or someone you care about, are feeling overwhelmed with emotions like sadness, depression, or anxiety, or feel like you want to harm yourself or others: Call 911. Visit the Disaster Distress Helpline, call 1-800-985-5990, or text TalkWithUs to 66746. Visit the National Domestic Violence Hotline or call 1-800-799-7233 and TTY 1-800-787-3224.


| youth ministry |

Remembering Our Faith

Tammy Pollock



I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended into hell. The third day He rose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty. From thence He will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.

n our Confirmation class, we spend the first three weeks getting to know each other, building community, trust, and we devote much of our time to studying the Apostle’s Creed. The Apostle’s Creed is one of those church things that we all know, most of us can say it without hesitation, because we recite it in worship. However, because it’s one of the important statements of what we believe as Christ followers, we think it’s an incredible way to help our young Confirmands to understand exactly what we believe and why…and then help them understand that if we truly believe these things, then it must change the way we live our lives. The part of the Apostle’s Creed that always manages to get us a bit ‘tripped up’ is the part about the Holy Spirit. I mean, it’s easy to wrap our head around “God, the Father” and “Jesus Christ, His only son”…those two are tangible and we can relate, but the “Holy Spirit”? That’s way harder to wrap our minds around. One of the ways we try to help them understand the Holy Spirit is by giving each of the youth a balloon and asking them to take a big breath and blow

it out…”Can you see it?”, we ask, “No!”, they say. Then we ask them to blow up their balloons. “Can you see it now?” “Well, kinda!” That’s right. Although we can’t see our breath when we breathe (except if it’s super cold outside in the winter), when we blow up a balloon, we can see the result, the impact, the evidence of our breath inside that balloon. That breath causes it to grow, change, expand, and move in ways it wouldn’t be able to without our breath in it. Although the Apostle’s Creed only mentions the Holy Spirit twice, we know that everything stated in the Creed is possible due to the Holy Spirit (the conceiving of Jesus, the church, the forgiveness of our sins, and the resurrection). We may not be able to ‘see’ the Holy Spirit, but we can certainly see the evidence of it. In these days of COVID-19 we have had to rearrange every aspect of our lives. In March after we realized we were going to have to ‘stay at home’ we knew we would have to cancel so many of our plans (retreats, Love Thy Neighbor lunches, mission trips, etc). While canceling


those plans was incredibly hard and very painful for our youth and for us, we knew immediately that we would have to recreate and to think outside the box of our normal Youth Ministry rhythm. How could we still meet? How could we still be present and remind our precious church babies that they were not alone in this season of life? How could we celebrate them, mourn with them, support them? Tyler and I immediately felt we could still do all the things we always have, youth group, Sunday school, even Confirmation, in an online forum. We would just replace meeting together physically to meeting together virtually. But, what we soon realized was, it just wasn’t the same. It’s been so hard not to be together, face to face, across the table from each other, sharing the same air, the same place, experiencing their energy. But then it washed over me, we may not be able to be together face to face, but the Holy Spirit, binds us together and fills in the space between us. I have felt that and seen the evidence of it. In the book of Hebrews we read, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for. By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.” Faith. Faith in what we know to be true and what we have worked so diligently to teach our precious church babies. God is always at work, always on the move, always knowing the things we don’t. It seems to me that during this time of COVID-19, we are learning to trust that the Holy Spirit is holding us together, moving, at work in our lives. There is nowhere we can go to escape God’s presence. If we seek to listen and pay attention, God will reveal to

us what to do, how to respond, where to go. I have witnessed our church babies responding to the movement of the Holy Spirit. They are showing up to worship, Sunday school, Confirmation, youth group. They are connecting with one another by writing letters to people they miss, creating Instagram prayer posts, they are dropping goodies off on porches of their friends, they are raising money for our frontline workers, they are still giving and taking care of our Love Thy Neighbor neighbors (through a partnership with City with Dwellings), they are standing in solidarity with their brothers and sisters of color…they are letting the Holy Spirit guide and direct them. It’s been such a good and beautiful thing to watch, hear, witness. My prayer for us all is that we can remember our faith and lean into it in these days of uncertainty. I hope we can realize that our faith in God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit changes the way we live our very lives...no matter what the circumstance. When we allow the Holy Spirit to lead us, reveal itself to us, the Holy Spirit will cause us to grow, change, expand, and move in ways we wouldn’t be able to without it. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 

“And when Jesus had been baptized, just as he came up from the water, suddenly the heavens were opened to him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased.” Matthew 3:16-17


| evangelism, engagement & missions |

That We May Live Together


ello Centenary Family! I am thrilled to begin serving as your Associate Minister of Evangelism, Engagement, and Missions. I cannot wait to jump into this role as we work together to bring about God’s love to our community and world.

Rev. Meg Gaston


If there’s one thing you should know about me it’s that I am a people-person to my core. I love being around people of all ages and get my energy from the interactions I have. I imagine this love of people comes from the fact that I grew up in a household with two outgoing parents, a brother who was always willing to invite more people along on any journey, and a sixty-five year old neighbor who happened to be my best friend.

together,” and ever since then, I have tried to make that my life motto. Isn’t it wonderful to imagine working and living in a world where differences are celebrated and the first thing you look for in another person is the face of God? I look forward to sharing more of my life with you as we serve alongside one another. All I ask is that you offer me grace in abundance as I live into this call and learn your names. Oh, and share any and all of your corniest jokes and best places to get ice cream with me. 

I knew from a young age that I wanted to work with as many people as possible. This initially looked like being a high school math teacher, but after taking a few mission trips during my time at Pfeiffer, I felt God leading me down a different path. For two years after college, I served as a missionary with the General Board of Global Ministries with the United Methodist Church, spending fourteen of those months on a rural farm in Japan called the Asian Rural Institute (ARI). My time in Japan helped me gain clarity on my next steps while simultaneously opening my eyes to the ways we can better serve alongside our neighbors. The motto at ARI is “That we may live



| congregational care |

The Lord Almighty Is with Us


uring my first year of seminary at Emory University, I served as a chaplain intern at a community for senior adults. Among the residents with whom I visited was Ms. Smith (not her real name). While our conversations varied with each visit, every visit concluded with Ms. Smith’s request that I read aloud Psalm 46. Ms. Smith cherished this psalm and shared with me the ways that it sustained her throughout her life, particularly in seasons of hardship. Although I read the psalm at her request, I realized over time that the words of Psalm 46 were also sustaining me in my journey. As I was navigating the experiences of “adulting” and becoming a pastor, the psalmist’s words offered hope, comfort and strength. Indeed, the psalmist reminds us in verse seven of our faith’s foundational Rev. Susannah Pittman truth: “The Lord Almighty is with us” (NIV). No matter spittman@cetenary-ws.org the season, God is with us, and God’s love and grace sustain us.

hope. I often returned to Psalm 46 and the reminder that “The Lord Almighty is with us”. Upon reflection, I see the instances where God’s presence was made known to my family and me through conversations with loved ones, quality time for prayer, reflection, and family, and the gracious welcome that I received from the Centenary family. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to serve at Centenary in the ministry of congregational care. In just the brief time that I have been a part of the staff, it has been evident to me that this is a congregation that truly cares for one another and seeks to affirm God’s loving presence in all seasons of life; to me, such actions are at the heart of congregational care. I look forward to journeying with each of you in this season, guided by the wonderful truth that “The Lord Almighty is with us.” 

In the 16 years that have passed since my visits with Ms. Smith, Psalm 46 has continued to serve, for me, as a powerful reminder of God’s presence, especially in difficult seasons. Indeed, for many of us, these recent months have been difficult, as we may have experienced significant loss as well as feelings of uncertainty, fear, grief, and frustration. This season brought changes to the normal rhythm of life for the Pittman household. While finishing my Master of Arts in Counseling degree, classes transitioned to online delivery, and I conducted counseling sessions with clients at my internship via telehealth. My husband, Lonnie, and I tried our best to homeschool our son, Preston, as he completed 2nd grade. In the midst of these new rhythms and the roller coaster of emotions that often accompanied this season, I sought sustenance and


Having conversations about mental health, and ways to bring education, comfort, and support, not only to our church members, but to our community at large. To learn more, contact our Congregational Care Coordinator, Sandra Gramley (336-724-6311 ext. 1352/sgramley@centenary-ws.org).

In Memoriam James Colin Sifford February 24, 2020

Wilson Rose Tennille, Sr. March 14, 2020

Gloria Anne Marlette April 13, 2020

Andrew (Andy) Kenneth Reed May 9, 2020

Jack Marrell Rogers February 27, 2020

Joanne Meier March 19, 2020

Randy Lee Weddle April 19, 2020

Robert (Bob) Miller Weatherman May 9, 2020

Ian Shober Stokes March 9, 2020

Kent Robert Curlee April 1, 2020

Bernice Hughston Clayton April 20, 2020

Becky Linthicum March 13, 2020

Robert R. (Bob) Severs, Sr. April 5, 2020

Barbara Long Welch May 7, 2020 The ministers and members of Centenary Church extend their deepest sympathy to the bereaved families and pray they may know the comfort and peace of our Heavenly Father.


| adult formation |

A Connection

Do not be troubled. Trust in God. Trust also in me… I am the true vine, and my Father is the vineyard keeper… Remain in me, and I will remain in you.


Rev. Bret Cogan


ypically, as I drive over the Snow’s Cut bridge onto the island my tension and concerns melt away. It is as if I have been transported to another place where the events, challenges and tasks yet to be completed can wait while I take the time to pull away, relax and reenergize. The beach has always been the place where I can go to redirect my thoughts and let go of what I have been holding onto, or what has been holding onto me. But this time has been different. In the midst of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the rise of social unrest these constant distractions (I realize that word is much too simplistic to describe what is going on in our world right now) have simply moved to the background of my awareness. They are still present, and it does not take much to bring them cascading back into my thoughts! I find ways to keep them at bay and out of focus so I can function and do what is required of me at work and at home. I am sure we all do. We are also finding new ways to connect with one another to share our concerns and find comfort within our community which has sustained our faith. We have discovered we can still gather to worship,

share and learn through live stream, YouTube, Facebook live and the word we are all growing weary of… Zoom! These virtual mediums have given us a lifeline which is much needed for our faith and I am truly thankful we have discovered these new ways to find and experience connection, peace and hope. Connection, peace and hope, and especially hope is what I desire for all of us during this time. As I thought about how my role as the Associate Minister of Faith Formation and Education connects with you and our community here at Centenary and beyond, these words, ideas, experiences and expressions of our faith rose up within my heart and mind. They are what I long for and hope to help you discover within yourself. In John 14:27 Jesus encouraged his restless disciples by sharing, “Peace I leave with you. My peace I give you. I give to you not as the world gives. Do not be troubled or afraid.” Jesus shared these words with his disciples as they were faced with impending loss, the loss of what they had grown comfortable and within whose security they had found connection, peace and hope. Through his arrest, crucifixion and death upon a cross he realized their understanding of


these things; connection, peace and hope would be forever changed if they could hold on long enough for resurrection to help them see beyond their loss of what was and live into what God was about to share with us all. An awareness of our connection that cannot be broken. An experience of peace that is ongoing, and an ever-flowing sense of hope that is unshakable. This awareness of connection, peace and hope is available to us. It is the gift of a faith that does not allow our troubles to blur our vision and overcome our trust in our faith. “Do not be troubled. Trust in God. Trust also in me,” were the words Jesus shared with his disciples then and with us now. This faith that over comes is revealed to us through what Jesus shared in John 15, “I am the true vine, and my Father is the vineyard keeper.” (15:1) “Remain in me, and I will remain in you. A branch can’t produce fruit by itself but must remain in the vine. Likewise, you can’t produce fruit unless you remain in me.” (15:4) I am drawn to the image of producing “fruit.” I wonder if the image of fruit in this context is not necessarily about producing something as it is growth in awareness and understanding. I believe Jesus was telling us the way to connection, peace and hope is found through a deepening of our alignment to God in every aspects of our lives. The foundation of this is a deeper trust in God’s grace, love and presence that is always near and available. This then helps us understand and trust how unshakable our faith can be. Our connection opens our mind and heart to realize God’s blessing is not based upon what we experience, instead we discover God’s blessing is grounded in the depth of our faith, trusting God is not moved

or shaken by the events of our lives or how we respond, or fail to respond to them. The essential realization of this connection I have discovered is prayer. Not a formal verbal prayer, but regular, ongoing, continual moments when I feel the pressures of the day, or distractions of the moment push in on me. When this happens I simply stop and acknowledge what I am feeling. I consider the task or challenge of the moment and I remember these words of Jesus calling us to trust and remain and I try to release them. This prayer is more about realigning my heart, mind and spirit than anything else. When I find my sense of connection, peace and hope fading it is not because God is not present. I lose sight of these because I have allowed myself to drift, to shift my focus onto what is often beyond my control. This simple prayer helps restore connection, grow peace and create hope calling me back to my faith and trust in God. It opens my mind and heart to see what I must do and how I must move forward into the challenges before me. It reminds me I am, and we are never alone. It calls us to gather as a community to live and share our lives in ways that create connection, peace and hope for all. Does it work every time? No, depending on what I am wrestling with, it may take longer to shift my heart and head, but I will share with you the process is part of the learning. It only requires we keep trying. “Do not be troubled. Trust in God. Trust also in me… I am the true vine, and my Father is the vineyard keeper… Remain in me, and I will remain in you.” 



We remember the saints who have gone before....

Boy Scouts In memory of Matthew Gfeller by Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Gfeller Jr.

Centenary Fund In memory of Dan Cox by Mrs. J. Robert Elster. In memory of James “Jim” Calton Hardwick Jr. by Ralph & Gayle Atkinson, Putter Caudle, Anita Helms, Mrs. Pat Jones, Brenda Maready and family, Sam & Mary Ceile Ogburn Sr., Elizabeth Ogburn and Michael Swinson, Warren & Mary Jo Plowden, Guy & Liz Rudisill, Murray & Jelinda Rudisill and Gabe & Beth Villena, Marguerite Taylor. In memory of Beverly Barrett Isley by Barrett Kenan. In memory of Margaret Howard Nicholson by Sandra & Wayne Shugart. In memory of Dr. Jack Marrell Rogers by Ralph & Gayle Atkinson, Martha Martinat, Robert & Beverly Taylor, Jerry & Nancy Warren. In memory of Roy Walker Shelton by Leigh Barrett & Robert Hege, Circle 1. In memory of James Colin Sifford by John & Hannah Appel, Ralph & Gayle Atkinson, Michael & Deanna Avent, Kay & Bill Baldridge, Gwen & Ed Blackmer, Katy & Mickey Boles, Brenda & Francis Brantley, Ed & Melanie Broyhill, Deborah & Will Burns, Susan & Ralph Burroughs, Ken & Kay Chalk, Linda & James Cherry, John Cherry, June Cherry, Kathryn Brotherton, and Noah Brotherton, Circle 5, Bob & Mitzi Clark, Tom & Nancy Cannon, Dottie & Barry Cook, Gordon H. Cox, Jane & Penn Craver, Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Crowder Jr., Lila Cruikshank, Cheri Daly, Joseph & Bonnie Dempster, Mr. & Mrs. Mike Dew, Kathryn & Bobby Edwards, Forsyth Country Club, Lyndsay & Hails Foster, Shelia & John Fox, Mr. & Mrs. John Gallins, Dr. & Mrs. James Gibbs, Carol & David Gilbert, Hello Bridge Club, Alan & Kayron Howard, Russell & Christine James, Janie & Jarman Jenkins, Pat Jones, Edward & Linda Kelly, Hayden

& Mary Kepley, Mr. & Mrs. Rob Kornegay, Merriel Lawing, Stephanie Lawless, Brenda Maready and Family, Anne McKiernan, Dennis & Martha McNames, Libby & Bill Noah, John & Beth O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs. Sam C. Ogburn Sr. and Michael Swinson, Anita & Tom Ogburn, Pearl Baptist Church, Rosemary & Robert Pulliam, Bob & Ileita Reed, Paul & Elizabeth Rieker, Liz & Guy Rudisill, Mary & John Schultz, Gerda & Herbert Seeland, James N. Smith, Dr. Charles V. Taft, Marguerite Taylor, Mr. & Mrs. Dan Underwood, Edie & Mark Wachtel, Anne Kerr Walker & H. Lindsay Holcomb, Janis & Mike Waltrip, Jerry & Nancy Warren, Laura & James Bland, Paul & Nancy Gywn, Robert & Rosemary Pulliam, Ed & Sue Welch. In memory of Ian Shober Stokes by Ronald & Sharon Shealy. In memory of Stuart Ficklen Vaughn by Lindsay Holcomb Jr., L. Glenn Orr, Kathryn & Bobby Edwards. In memory of Reverend Jack Brown Yarbrough by Louise & Jim Kelly, Hayden & Mary Kepley. In memory of Alice Mae “Mitzie” Williams by Sandra & Wayne Shugart. In memory of Barbara Long Welch by Mitchell & Allison Baise, Dr. & Mrs. James D. Branch, Betty & Jim Brewer, Grace & Jimmy Broughton, Cannon & Company, LLP, Clodfelter Concrete Company, Inc., Linda Gibson Davis, Mrs. Mary Eagan, Brenda Funderburk, Clyde & Pat George, Martha T. Gwyn, HKS Hardware & Hollow Metal, Inc., Lynn & William Howard, Sally Huffman, Paul & Amy Johnson, William & Kathy Junker, Ann & Bob King, Nancy & Aubrey Kirby, Mrs. Greta J. Kramer, Martha Martinat, Marshall & Carolyn Miller, Josh & Laura Neelon, Louise Nixon, Sam & Mary Ceile Ogburn, Jane & Steve Poe, Nancy Porter, John & Dinah Reece, Salem Electric Company, Maxwell & Julia Taylor, Ed & Sue Welch, Joe & Faye Windham and Punt & Kim Windham, Jason & Kristen Zaks. In memory of Bernice Arnold by Ralph & Gayle Atkinson, the Chapel Class, Patsy & Richard Kirkland, Mr. & Mrs. James JULY/AUGUST 2020 | 26 | CENTENARY UNITED METHODIST

Monroe Jr. In memory of Bernice Clayton by David & Hazel Sink, Ralph & Gayle Atkinson, Barbara Earnest, Nancy & Aubrey Kirby. In memory of Blair Frederick Robert Barton-Percival by Bill & Louise Bazemore. In memory of Joanne Meier by the Chapel Class. In memory of Kent Robert Curlee by John & Betty Carr, Robert & Mildred Fritts and Melissa Cura, Mrs. Wanda Henson, Marilyn Minford, Carol Pope. In memory of Maxine Loudermilk Clark by Mr. & Mrs. Henry M. Booke. In memory of Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Smith by Allen Clark Dotson. In memory of Rebecca Linthicum by James & Virginia Sutton. In memory of Robert “Bob” Miller Weatherman by Doris S. Bostian, Jackie G. Gross, Michael & Pamela Harris, Janie & Jarman Jenkins, Linda & David McCoy, Jane & Sam Ogburn Jr., Janice Sorge. In memory of Robert R. “Bob” Severs Sr. by Mr. & Mrs. Henry M. Booke, Rebecca Deaton, Robert Howell, Alma Thompson. In memory of William Alexander Creech by Barbara Earnest, Mrs. J. Robert Elster.

General Fund In memory of Reverend & Mrs. Franklin G. Markley by Frank Markley. In memory of Barbara Long Welch by Gayle Anderson & Carey Hedgpath, Mr. & Mrs. Tommy L. Hickman, Mr. & Mrs. John C. Whitaker Jr. In memory of Ida Marie Peninger-Friend by Mr. & Mrs. James Monroe Jr.

Loaves & Fishes In memory of Barbara Long Welch by Martha Keiger. In memory of Maxine Loudermilk Clark by Martha Keiger.

Love Thy Neighbor

Roots Revival

Senior Adult Ministry

In memory of Ian Shober Stokes by Judy Newton Scurry. In memory of James Colin Sifford by Judy Newton Scurry, Anna Steele.

In memory of Robert “Bob” Miller Weatherman by Robert & JoAnn Curlee.

In memory of Reverend Jack Brown Yarbrough by Wilba Brady, Mr. & Mrs. James W. Douglas, Bill and Louise Bazemore, John C. Paterson Jr. In memory of James Colin Sifford by Sara Jane & Larry Elliott. In memory of James Colin Sifford by Bill & Louise Bazemore.

Sacred Music Fund

Missions In memory of Bernice Clayton by Circle #3.

Missionary Friendship Fund In memory of Roy Walker Shelton by Mr. & Mrs. James R. Donald.

In memory of Paul E. Bower by Michael G. Smith. In memory of Bernice Clayton by Gerald & Lynda Taylor. In memory of Richard “Dick” Bynum by Lisa Bynum. In memory of Robert “Bob” Miller Weatherman by Gary & Chris Martin, Gerald & Lynda Taylor. In memory of Thomas P. Stockton by Jeff & Susan Stockton Worth.

Stephen Ministry In memory of Bernice Arnold by Selwyn Matthews.


We celebrate the kingdom of God among us...

Centenary Fund

Love Thy Neighbor

Senior Adult Ministry

In honor of the Centenary Ministers and Staff by Helen & Jim Fridy. In honor of Reverend Craig & Janet Ford by Brenda M. Maready. In honor of Glenn Orr’s 80th Birthday by Tom & Megan Lawson. In honor of Reverend Bret Cogan by Robert & Joann Curlee. In honor of Reverend Jeremy Pegram by Robert & Joann Curlee.

In honor of Tammy Pollock by Tom & Megan Lawson.

In honor of Reverend Craig & Janet Ford by Jeff & Susan Stockton Worth. In honor of Reverend Craig Ford by John C. Paterson Jr.

General Fund In honor of Edwin Welch Jr. by Mr. & Mrs. Tommy L. Hickman. In honor of I. L. Long Construction by Mr. & Mrs. Tommy L. Hickman.

Loaves & Fishes In honor of Carl & Mimi Hein by Carolyn Creech. In honor of Circle #9 by Helen & Jim Fridy. In honor of Janette Griffin by Alice Justice.

Sacred Music Fund

In honor of Jonathan Emmons by Centenary United Methodist Women, Sharon Shealy, the Maready and Kennedy families. In honor of Jacob Patrick by Sharon Shealy. In honor of Martha Bassett by Sharon Shealy.

Music & the Arts In honor of Jonathan Emmons by Centenary United Methodist Women.

Music Library In honor of Jonathan Emmons by Alan & Susan Keely.


Stephen Ministry In honor of Wilba Brady by Jean Manning Grotgen.

Smiling Faces from Arbor Acres Over the last few weeks, church member Dyeann Jordan has been taking photographs of our members who live independently at Arbor Acres. As this issue of Through Centenary Windows is about life during the pandemic, we especially wanted to include these. May all of the residents know how much we love them and miss them.

Martha Keiger

Aubrey & Nancy Kirby

John & Martha Van Zandt

Jean Burroughs

Henry & Dyeann Jordan

Nick Hennessee Tom & Donna Lambeth

Bobbi Caldwell

Tom Stockton

Doris Whitt

Mary Alice Love John Brady

Walt & Anne Henley

Judy Reeder Coy Carpenter Dick Stockton JULY/AUGUST 2020 | 28 | CENTENARY UNITED METHODIST

Ruth Duedney

Frank Rayburn

Pat Clark Harry & Nancy Underwood

Marie Hathcock

Jim Smith

Lindsay Holcomb & Anne Kerr Walker Camille Smith

John & Tenny Anthony

Mary Alice Leith Ruby Lambert Ellis Pardue

Pat Geyer Barbara Sterchi Charlie Chatham

Jimmy & Nell Cavenaugh

Bill & Jane Pfefferkorn

Russ & Jan Cockman

Penny & Libby Booke


Bill & Camille Suttle

| senior minister |

Improvise, Adapt and Overcome


Rev. Dr. Glenn Kinken gkinken@centenary-ws.org

ife does not always turn out like we have it planned. If you did not believe that statement before, this year has truly shaped up to prove its veracity. A little more than six months ago we began the year in worship celebrating Holy Communion and reading together the words from John Wesley’s Covenant Service: “Let me be your servant, under your command. I will no longer be my own. I will give up myself to your will in all things.Lord, make me what you will.I put myself fully into your hands:put me to doing, put me to suffering, let me be employed for you, or laid aside for you, let me be full, let me be empty, let me have all things, let me have nothing.I freely and with a willing heart give it all to your pleasure and disposal.” Then over the next few weeks I preached on dreams and visions for our church to be a place of heart rendering worship, a center for deepened discipleship, a beacon of hope, respect, dignity, and equality for all people, a community of believers who care for each other, and a place for transformation of lives, our community, and God’s world. We embarked upon our Lenten journey centered around grace and that is when the wheels on our plans for the year spun off. COVID-19 became very real and as the pandemic consumed the news so it also consumed our plans for the year (or did it?). The is an adage which says, “Want to hear God laugh, tell God your plans.” It brings a good chuckle. But the truth of the matter is we make plans all the time and just like highway construction on a road trip, life takes detours. The detour raises questions, thought. What do you learn on the detour? What do you see that you would not have seen otherwise? Was the detour a more pleasant (not necessarily faster) route? We have truly taken a detour this year! I don’t think that God is laughing at us, as much as smiles because of the things we have discovered along the way. We have rediscovered a deep desire and need for weekly worship services. Our worship numbers have been at levels not seen in the past fifteen years. This tells me we recognize the need to approach the throne of grace for comfort, support,

and wisdom and praise on a regular basis. I hope we never forget this need or take worship for granted again (even if it means that you stay home the occasional Sunday and worship in your PJs). God created humanity to live in community. Survey after survey indicate that the lack of community with each other during the stay-at-home order was extremely difficult for us. But in learning the depth of our need for connection we leveraged technology to connect with the important people in our lives via the telephone, text message, Facebook, and video conferences. These could never replace the connection of physical presence, but we learned to be more intentional about our connection and connectivity with others. If we hold onto that nugget of learning, we will be more kind and caring. The conversation concerning race and racial injustice and the actions around it have broken our hearts. But they have awakened our spirit and stirred our souls. We better see each other, no matter the Pantone of skin, as children of God and as our brothers and sisters. May we continue to listen and give voice to those who cry out, “How long, O Lord…” until their cries are answered by our actions. Finally, along the detour of this year, we have found our lives transformed. We have a greater appreciation of our blessings, not the blessings of our neighbors, but OUR blessings. These blessings may be large or small, but as we look around our lives, we see there is much for which we are to be thankful. But as we truly peel back the layers of our blessedness we count more and more the little things we often overlook — silence at the end of the day, the chirp of the birds, the laughter of children, a quiet walk in the neighborhood, clear skies, a sense that we are not alone, but that God truly is in control of it all. I hope we never forget this transformation and always look upon life with a sense of awe and reverence. As I examine the events of the last few months, I realize that life has taken a detour. Let me be clear. I am not saying that God caused this detour. The detour happened, as it often does in life. But it is while on the detour we discovered truths richer than we could have ever envisioned simply because our hearts were open and willing to take direction from God. We were forced to improvise our plans (on a daily basis at


first). We adapted our normal courses of life — work, school, travel, shopping, worship, faith formation, care and connection, and play — throughout. In adapting we learned new truths about ourselves. We found new efficiencies, zeroed in on what mattered the most, and began making changes that maybe we should have made in our work, social, family, school, and church lives years ago. As these adaptations have become less change and now more habit, more second nature, more a way of life, we have overcome both the adversity caused during this pandemic season and the adversity of life which was preventing us from living our best life. At the moment we realize we are in a

better place, with a better outlook on life, trusting God to lead — we rejoice that we are God’s children. I don’t know what the next six months hold. But thus far in 2020, I have learned that we can improvise, adapt, and overcome anything because God will guide us along the journey, and the detours which will inevitably come. 

“Let me be your servant, under your command. I will no longer be my own. I will give up myself to your will in all things. Lord, make me what you will.I put myself fully into your hands:put me to doing, put me to suffering, let me be employed for you, or laid aside for you, let me be full, let me be empty, let me have all things, let me have nothing.I freely and with a willing heart give it all to your pleasure and disposal.”


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