OUR CLERGY AND STAFF Reverend Dr. P. Glenn Kinken III Senior Minister gkinken@centenary-ws.org Mary Ann Wexler Executive Director mwexler@centenary-ws.org Susan Bates Organist and Music Associate sbates@centenary-ws.org Martha Bassett Alternative Music Leader mbassett@centenary-ws.org Reverend Bret Cogan Assoc. Minister of Spiritual Formation & Education bcogan@centenary-ws.org Jonathan Emmons Director of Music Ministries jemmons@centenary-ws.org Reverend R. Craig Ford Associate Minister cford@centenary-ws.org Reverend Meg Gaston Assoc. Minister of Evangelism, Engagement & MIssions mgaston@centenary-ws.org Reverend Kate May Associate Minister with Children kmay@centenary-ws.org Sandra Gramley Congregational Care Coordinator sgramley@centenary-ws.org Stacy Holley Exec. Assistant to Senior Minister sholley@centenary-ws.org John Markle Director of Operations jmarkle@centenary-ws.org Doug Peninger Director of Communications dpeninger@centenary-ws.org Reverend Susannah Pittman Assoc. Minister of Congregational Care spittman@centenary-ws.org Tamara M. Pollock Director of Youth Ministries tpollock@centenary-ws.org
OUR PAGES Table of Contents/Clergy and Staff ~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 Renovation Update ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3 From the Editor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4 Know Your 3 W's ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5 Susannah Pittman: Three Practices~~~~~~~~~~~ 6 Page Eight: Goodness Rises Up ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8 Bret Cogan: Built Upon a Rock~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10 Stay Connected & Prayers of the People~~~~~~ 12 Engage in Events~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 13 Mary Ann Wexler: Stewardship 2021~~~~~~~~~ 14 Confirmation Prayer Benches ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 15 Stephen Ministry: Help Along the Way ~~~~~~~ 16 Feeling Stressed? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 17 Tammy Pollock: Clearer Lenses~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 18 Jonathan Emmons: Music Offerings for Fall ~~~~ 20 Senior Adult Ministry & Passages~~~~~~~~~~~~ 21 Kate May: Resourcing Families ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 22 Meg Gaston: New and Creative Ways ~~~~~~~~ 24 Memorials ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 26 Honoraria ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27 Smiling Faces from Arbor Acres 2~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28 Glenn Kinken: Intentional Focus~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30 Centenary Ministry Values~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 31
OUR COVER Our cover image features the Trumpet en Chamade from the Chancel of the Sanctuary. Also included is the Chancel window which does not include obvious symbols and pictures as the other windows in the Sanctuary do, but close observation will reveal forms repeated. One form is a simplified symbol of the fish, representing Jesus. The Greek word for fish is ichthus. These letters form the initial letters for “Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior.” Perhaps the subtlety of this symbol can remind us of Jesus’ words “He who has eyes to see, let him see.” The fish form or vesica, is intricately combined with the circle and the square. The circle, without beginning or end, is a symbol of the everlasting presence. The square represents the four corners of the globe and/or the four gospel writers. You can learn more about the windows and their symbols by reading the booket about the Memorial Windows. CLICK HERE to read more.
John Rogers Director of Information Technology jrogers@centenary-ws.org
The "Transformation on Fifth" renovation project is nearing completion. Enjoy these sneak peak images of how our campus is being renewed for ministry. Click on any of the images below and you will be linked to a video tour of the renovation.
From the Editor
hen we were in the planning phases of this issue, it was the middle of the summer. The COVID-19 pandemic was hitting hard in North Carolina, not to mention the US and the world. North Carolina was under Phase 2 of re-opening protocols and we honestly were not sure what our options would even be for ministry this fall.
is, of course, planned with intentional focus. With that in mind, Mary Ann Wexler explains an intentional shift in our stewardship plans for 2021. Our Senior Minister, Rev. Dr. P. Glenn Kinken III wraps up our issue as he shares his thoughts on this intentional focus.
Normally, our fall issue is full of "kick-off" events and activities to welcome you back from summer vacations and back to a more normal routine. The more we watched and listened to state, local and conference leaders, we realized we were going to need to pivot, again. This pandemic has taught us many lessons, one being to have plan A, B, C, D, E, and maybe all the way to Z. I feel like you can relate.
We are excited to share three photo collages. The first is of our "Transformation on Fifth" renovation, found on page 3. If you are reading this through our digital platform, you may click on that collage and you will be directed to a video tour of the renovation from our ministry.
Continuing in our planning, it became clearer and clearer, that when the time would come for our normal "back to campus" events, we would more than likey still be primarily in the virtual world. With that in mind, everyone hunkered down, got to work and figured out what their areas of ministry could look like.
Another collage we are sharing is of the prayer benches from our 2020 Confirmation class. In September, we were able to have a blessing of the benches on a Sunday afternoon as the confirmands completed their at-home retreat. We look forward to confirming them as members of the Church at a future date.
Throughout this issue, you will discover resources to help you stay and feel connected to our Centenary family. While, at this time, our on-campus events aren't possible, our virtual offerings will give you opportunities to learn and grow in your faith.
One final collage is that of more smiling faces from some of our members residing at Arbor Acres. Dyeann Jordan has been great to work with photographing these folks and I know you will enjoy seeing these beloved members of our congregation. Everything you will see and read in this issue
As we continue to live into this new normal, I hope you know how much the clergy and staff miss seeing you and worshipping with you. We know that as we begin to return to campus, in the future, we will take a measured approach to keep everyone safe. We cannot wait to welcome you back, get back to a more normal routine and breathe just a little easier. As Glenn reminds us, the church is not a building. A church is its people. As we continue serving our community away from our campus, know that the family of Centenary carries you in its heart, is praying for you, and sends loving thoughts your way. I’ll see you at Centenary! (Soon, I hope.)
Doug Peninger Director of Communications
| congregational care |
Three Practices to Support Us
hat a joy it has been to be in ministry with you over the past couple of months! I am truly grateful for the hospitality you have shown me, and I have enjoyed getting to know you and learning more about the wonderful ministries at Centenary. As I have connected with you through individual contacts, meeting with small groups virtually, and hosting the “Hello, Susannah” virtual listening sessions, I have developed a deeper appreciation for the care and support that you offer one another. Indeed, our relationships are a vital way that we experience God’s love, and they provide us with the opportunity to share God’s love in the world around us.
Rev. Susannah Pittman
In this pandemic, however, the way that we relate to one another and our sense of connection have been impacted profoundly. We may be experiencing grief, depression, anxiety, fear, loneliness, weariness, and stress in this season. And it may be challenging for us to feel a sense of connection with others, with ourselves, and with God. As we continue to journey in this season, I offer the following practices to support us along the way: Give Voice to Your Lament This has been a difficult season for many of us, and it is appropriate and helpful to express our lament to God. We can find such expressions throughout Scripture, particularly in the Book of Psalms. In his book, Open and Unafraid: The Psalms as a Guide to Life, David Taylor describes the psalms as offering “edited language to give expression to our unedited emotions.” Passages such as Psalm 42 remind us and help us to voice our pain to God. I invite you to offer your lament to God in prayer and to consider journaling, song, or another form of expression to articulate the emotions you are experiencing this season. Remember the Promises of God Just as it is helpful to voice our lament to God, it is also helpful to remember God’s promises to us, especially in the difficult seasons of life. Over the years, there have been numerous Scripture passages that have
provided me with hope, comfort, and courage when I have experienced hardships. Jesus’ words in Matthew 6:25-34 and the words of 1Peter 5:7 remind us of God’s care for us and invite us to offer our worries and anxiety to God. God’s promise expressed in Isaiah 43:1-2 provides hope and strength when we may feel overwhelmed. The story of Jesus calming the storm in Matthew 8:23-27 illustrates the peace God offers us that transcends circumstances. Paul’s hopeful words in Romans 8:38-39 boldly proclaim the power of God’s love. Through these promises, we are reminded that God loves us and God is present with us in all seasons. We also can trust that God’s love is greater than our pain and our lament; God’s love has the power to redeem all things. As we continue to journey through this season, may these promises offer comfort, hope, and courage. Know You Are Not Alone As our patterns and methods of social interaction have changed profoundly, we may feel isolated or alone. Our faith reassures us that God is with us, and the ministries of Centenary seek to provide support and care as we journey together. Please know that I am here for you if I can serve as a listening ear or can connect you with congregational or community resources. Stephen Ministers are also available, and they are trained to provide individualized support and care in a holy and confidential manner. Many of our small groups are meeting virtually, and we are also offering additional opportunities for support and community this fall that will be communicated in our various media. We are here to support you and to foster connection and community in this season. In its essence, the ministry of congregational care seeks to provide care and support to all of God’s children, in all stages of life, and in all circumstances of life. This ministry is rooted in the experience and assurance that God is present in all things and still working in our lives and in the world around us. God hears us and invites us to voice our lament and pain to God. God promises to journey with us, shining light that cannot be overcome. We are not alone. I am grateful to be in ministry with you and to journey with you in this season and the seasons to come.
Psalm 42 As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God? My tears have been my food day and night, while people say to me all day long, “Where is your God?” These things I remember as I pour out my soul: how I used to go to the house of God under the protection of the Mighty One with shouts of joy and praise among the festive throng. Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.
By day the Lord directs his love, at night his song is with me— a prayer to the God of my life. I say to God my Rock, “Why have you forgotten me? Why must I go about mourning, oppressed by the enemy?” My bones suffer mortal agony as my foes taunt me, saying to me all day long, “Where is your God?” Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God. (NIV)
My soul is downcast within me; therefore I will remember you from the land of the Jordan, the heights of Hermon—from Mount Mizar. Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me.
| page 8 |
Seeing Goodness
’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. I love the fall season. Not being a fan of hot weather, I always look forward to the return of cool, crisp autumn mornings, fall breezes from the north, the leaves changing color before they glide to the ground, seasonal comfort foods and the return to a more routine schedule. For me, the air is easier to breathe, and my mind begins to think about the upcoming holiday season and all the wonder it brings with it.
But wait, this is 2020, and while the air is turning cooler, this has been a year like I have never seen nor care to see again. How many of us had ever heard of the term COVID before this year (medical folk excluded here)? Between losing parents, stay-at-home orders, protests on a national level, social distancing, venues closing, and a neverending news cycle, I just want the calendar to flip over to 2021.
Doug Peninger
But wait. I’m just not that pessimistic. It’s not who I am or ever want to be. I believe that in the midst of any struggle, we learn lessons, gain new strength, and discover things we never knew. I have never been a “glass half empty” type of person. My mother would always tell me that while we may not know why we are in the middle of something at the moment, our hindsight will be crystal clear. Allow, let me to elaborate.
Over the last few months, while our nation and world have been on fire with so many things, God has been right in the middle of it with us. His presence has always uplifted me and given me hope when I thought it couldn’t get any worse. And I have seen his hand at work in beautiful ways. Throughout this time of working from home, I have seen neighbors getting to know one another better. I’ve watched as folks take their dogs for mid-day walks. I’ve lis-tened to the school kids playing in the back yard when they take breaks from in-home school. I’ve gotten more chances to hear the birds singing and the fountain gurgling in the back yard. I have also learned that although we are apart, we are closer together. Take for instance the local cashier at any grocery or big box store. If you frequent the same
places, you get to know some of them. I have found something wonderful in greeting them as I pull the cart up to have my groceries tabulated. The simple art of saying “hello” and “how are you” and actually looking them in the face is amazing. They will normally smile back and talk with me. And when it’s time to finish up the transaction, a frequent “have a blessed day” is often heard. It always makes me smile. Two other things that prove to me that God is in the middle with us are from two different youth events over the summer. One of the most beloved worship experiences at Centenary is the giving of the “senior blanket” as our high school seniors graduate. Each year, we see the students get wrapped in the blanket as they receive a blessing from their parents and in turn offer a blessing back to their parents. I don’t believe there is ever a dry eye in the Sanctuary. Of course, for this year, things had to be done differently. With the COVID-19 pandemic, students made appointments for Tammy, Tyler and Glenn to come to their individual homes to receive the blankets and blessing. I was fortunate enough to be at four of these. I cannot tell you how palpable the love and grace of God filled these families and us as we watched the exchange. I have to admit, I cried. It’s simply one of the most tender acts of love to witness. The other event came as I was photographing the blessing of the confirmation prayer benches. The 2020 confirmands have been troopers! When they had to go virtual, they stayed the course and remained faithful to the call. As each confirmand came to have their bench blessed, they told us stories of how they put the bench together, why they painted it a particular color, and why they had different designs or scriptures on them. All unique. All beautiful. The “God moment” always came as I watched the parents and the shepherds while the confirmand received a prayer of blessing. Again, you could feel it. You could see it. I am looking forward to us all being back together, as a family. It’s been too long. But as the writer Sharon Randall shared in her September 5 article in the Winston-Salem Journal, “tough times bring out the best in us. When tragedy strikes, a God-given goodness rises up to remind us of who we are and why we care for one another.” I have seen that goodness this year.
Traditional Worship Sundays at 11am www.centenary-ws.org/live-stream
Wednesdays at 7pm via Email Link
COMING UP IN OUR NEXT ISSUE FOR DECEMBER We will discover everything for Advent at Centenary. From Angel Tree to virtual Lessons & Carols, we will be your guide as we "Follow the Star."
| adult formation |
Built Upon a Rock
Rev. Bret Cogan
all is typically when we get back to church by starting new small groups, re-engaging in Sunday school and Bible studies after a summer break, but this year is different. That is putting it lightly! This year has been like no other in our lifetime. This year has caused us all to push pause on how we have done things and organized our lives or gone about our business. This year has been a year where adaptation has become the optimal word for our lives and how we embrace the changes we have not asked for and yet must adapt to if we are to stay safe and keep those around us safe as well. We had six of our Adult Formation Sunday School Classes continue to meet through the summer by adapting to virtual learning. Several of our small groups continued through virtual Bible study. All of these groups have had different results and I am sure there were hiccups, disconnects, lost signals and for some, steep learning curves along the way. But let’s be honest, that happens even in the best of times. Our phone vibrates or worse yet rings because we forgot to silence it. We are distracted and irritated, still caught up in what ever happened on the way to church. Life is filled with interruptions and change that we must deal with and adapt to if we are to stay focused and more importantly centered. This has been a year like no other, and yet I believe it will be a year like no other for different reasons! In my experience, God uses the hurdles and challenges far more often than the easy rides to help us understand our faith and its power to shape our lives. As we roll into the fall, I want to challenge us as a community of faith to consider what is the center of our lives and how does our faith inform and fortify the foundation of how we live and engage the people and transactions of our lives. I want to challenge us to not be so concerned with doing church as we are about being the church. I want us to find ways to be creative and adaptive to making connections of meaning and transformation for our own lives and families, as well as for the people we interact with on a regular basis. Our building is closed, but we as the church have never been! We as the church will continue to be open as long as we do not forsake meeting together, even if this has to be virtual a little while longer.
In Matthew 7:24-27, Jesus talks about building our lives and fortifying our center, shoring up our foundations. He uses the images of shifting sand and solid rock. One being able to withstand the torrents of wind and rain while the other crumbles. The only difference being an intentional willingness to hear, and then practice the words of life Jesus shared with any who were listening. It sounds simple enough, right? But you and I know how easy it is to get distracted and wander off the map we have been given. During this time our faith is what will help us withstand these winds of change. If you are not currently connected or engaged in a community, a small group or faith formation group to come along side you I hope you will consider finding or creating one. Our faith is lifted by our worship together, virtual of otherwise, but the roots we grow and create through communities where we can study, ask questions and wrestle with our fears and doubts is how the Spirit of God gets deep into our soul. These roots created by and within small group learning and sharing communities is where we discover the connections that tie our hearts to one another and God’s heart and love for us. Check out our webpage, https://www. centenary-ws.org/adult-formation, where we have listed our small groups that are starting this fall. You will also find the Adult Formation Classes that are currently meeting. If you have questions about joining any of these reach out to me at bcogan@centenary-ws.org. If you are in a class that has not been meeting and want to try to start meeting let me know. I will help you and your class begin again. As you look at what is being offered, if you don’t see what you feel you or we need share it with me! Let’s create it together. We are an immensely talented and gifted community with more blessings that I suspect any of us really know. I believe God’s desire is to help us use our many and varied gifts and abilities to ground our lives and fortify our center. I believe it is God’s desire to help us face these changing times with a message and lives that have been transformed because they have been built upon the Rock that is our faith. Let’s turn our focus from doing church to being church! Our building may be closed, but we as the living body of Christ are open!
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Wednesdays • Noon • Sanctuary • Registration Required • Begins October 7
The global pandemic is leaving its mark on all aspects of our lives. As we emerge from summer, we are met with the jarring realization that our schedules and our routines are still upended, and in some cases, unrecognizable. It is thus healthy and understandable that we feel grief as we experience such disorder and chaos. We are a people of patterns and rituals, and we long for ways and opportunities to make meaning in our lives. We long to inhabit the sacred spaces and sanctuaries that help us give shape to our lives, to understand our place in God's world. In that spirit, and during this wilderness season of waiting, we are eager to offer you an alternative way of worshipping together. Each Wednesday at Noon, we will gather for a 30-minute worship experience of prayer and contemplation. We will follow strict safety guidance of mask-wearing and social distancing. For any questions, please contact Rev. Susannah Pittman or Jonathan Emmons. To register, visit www.centenary-ws.org and click on the Engage tab. Registration is required.
To register for any of the events below, visit the Centenary website at www.centenary-ws.org and click on the Engage tab, or CLICK HERE.
CONGREGATIONAL CARE Thursday • October 8 • Noon-1pm • Zoom “Let’s Have Lunch” is hosted by our Shining Light on Mental Health ministry. This one-hour Zoom meeting will feature Rev. Susannah Pittman speaking on ways to Reflect, Rekindle and Recharge during this time of COVID-19. To register, visit the Centenary website and click on the Engage tab. Once there, scroll to this event for the registration link. For questions, contact Sandra Gramley (336-724-6311 ext. 1352).
CHECK-IN with SUSANNAH Mondays • September 21-October 26 • 1pm-2pm • Zoom Rev. Susannah Pittman invites you to six, stand-alone sessions where we will Checkin with one another. Each session will offer a scripture passage to center and guide the conversation as we seek to offer support and care during this season. Sign up by clicking on the Engage tab on the Centenary website and look for this event. For more information, contact Rev. Susannah Pitmman (336-724-6311 ext. 1357).
COFFEE BREAK with DOUG PENINGER Every Other Wednesday • 10:15am • Zoom Join Director of Communications, Doug Peninger, as he welcomes special co-hosts and friends to a 30-minute coffee break. Sign up by clicking on the Engage tab on the Centenary website. For more information, contact Doug Peninger (336.724-6311 ext. 1386).
...making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world... OCTOBER 2020 | 13 | CENTENARY UNITED METHODIST
| stewarship |
Together for Stewardship
hen I was a very young girl, I became seriously ill with the flu. Because of COVID-19, I recently recalled a conversation I had during my illness with my Grandpa Harris who was a young man during the flu pandemic of 1918. He brought me treats and shared a story of how everyone had to wear a mask for a long time. He even showed me some pictures that verified his claim! At the time, I couldn’t imagine what it would be like for everyone around me to have a mask on. Though one hundred years apart, the people of 1918 had to work and live differently while fighting a disease, eerily similar to our own experience this year.
Mary Ann Wexler
The year 2020 has been a year to remember. Or perhaps one we would like to forget. Dealing with COVID-19 since March has forced us to live our lives differently. It has also forced us to find new ways to worship together and stay in contact with each other virtually as well as through phone calls and visits while keeping six feet away from each other. Thankfully, ministry has continued during this time and we have been blessed to be able to provide worship and social interaction with your church via new and innovative platforms.
Normally, about this time of the year, we would be planning for the annual ask for pledges for the next year so we can prepare the new budget. For 2021, I am expecting a relatively flat budget. This year, our pledge campaign will be functioning differently.
There will be no official pledge campaign for 2021. Rather, we are asking you to allow us to use the same pledge that you made in 2020 for 2021. Unfortunately, but not unexpectedly, giving has declined during this season of COVID-19. To those of you who are able, we ask you to consider an increase to your pledge as we work with the complexities and uncertainties of coming back together for classes, events and worship as we did before. We also must continue caring for our facilities and taking good care of our incredible staff. Finally, the important missional needs are greater than ever now, and we must be able to provide even more resources to our outreach partners. Of course, with the impact of COVID-19, we fully understand that some of you may have to reduce your pledge. If you would like to adjust your current pledge, please contact me at mwexler@centenary-ws.org or 336-724-6311 x 1346. Otherwise, we will keep it the same for 2021 as it was in 2020. If you have never made a pledge to the church and would like to do so, you can visit our Give tab on the website or just give me a call. As you have heard time and time again, we are in this together.
TOGETHER We will continue to make Centenary a vital source of God's love as we restore programs, bring others to know Christ and care for each other in the coming days ahead.
On Sunday afternoon, September 13, 2020, we celebrated our 2020 Confirmation Class as they completed their at-home retreat. We look forward to Confirmation day when they affirm their faith and join the Church. Click on the images below to see a video from the day.
Stephen Ministry
Centenary United Methodist Church Winston-Salem, NC
The Stephen Ministers of Centenary are ready to journey with anyone through any loss or difficulty such as a job termination, death of a loved one, divorce or acquired disability. A care receiver can expect a Stephen Minister to hold information during a listening session in the strictest of confidence. To ensure privacy, Stephen Ministers do not acknowledge the situations of care receivers in public settings. Please know, it is always the right and privilege of the care receiver to approach a Stephen Minister at any time. Once a referral is made for someone to receive care, the care receiver is matched with a Stephen Minister of the same gender. The Stephen Minister will meet with the care receiver at a time and place that is most convenient. A Stephen Minister relationship may be as short as six weeks, or could be as long as a year or more. We hope that others at Centenary and elsewhere (non-members are welcome) who are going through difficulties— family situations, illness, divorce, death, relocation to elder care, job loss, most anything that causes concern and disruption to normal daily life—will consider asking for a Stephen Minister to walk through this experience with them. If you or someone you know might benefit from a Stephen Ministry relationship, please contact Rev. Susannah Pittman (336.724.6311 ext.1357/spittman@centenary-ws.org) and she can connect you with our Stephen ministry team. OCTOBER 2020 | 16 | CENTENARY UNITED METHODIST
Feeling Stressed??? The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) provides useful tips to manage stress during the COVID-19 pandemic. The information below is from the CDC website. OUTBREAKS CAN BE STRESSFUL The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) may be stressful for people. Fear and anxiety about a disease can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adults and children. Find ways you and your family can reduce stress. Stress during an infectious disease outbreak can include:
• Fear and worry about your own health and the health of your loved ones. • Changes in sleep or eating patterns. • Difficulty sleeping or concentrating. • Worsening of chronic health problems. • Worsening of mental health conditions. • Increased use of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs.
EVERYONE REACTS DIFFERENTLY TO STRESSFUL SITUATIONS How you respond to the outbreak can depend on your background, the things that make you different from other people, and the community you live in. People who may respond more strongly to the stress of a crisis include:
• Older people and people with chronic diseases who are at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19. • Children and teens. • People who are helping with the response to COVID-19, like doctors, other health care providers, and first responders. • People who have mental health conditions including problems with substance use.
TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF AND YOUR COMMUNITY Taking care of yourself, your friends, and your family can help you cope with stress. Helping others cope with their stress can also make your community stronger. WAYS TO COPE WITH STRESS • Take breaks from watching, reading, or listening to news stories, including social media. Hearing about the pandemic repeatedly can be upsetting. • Take care of your body. • Take deep breaths, stretch • Try to eat healthy, well-balanced meals. • Exercise regularly, get plenty of sleep. • Avoid alcohol and drugs • Make time to unwind. Try to do some other activities you enjoy. • Connect with others. Talk with people you trust about your concerns and how you are feeling. NEED HELP? KNOW SOMEONE WHO DOES? If you, or someone you care about, are feeling overwhelmed with emotions like sadness, depression, or anxiety, or feel like you want to harm yourself or others: Call 911. Visit the Disaster Distress Helpline, call 1-800-985-5990, or text TalkWithUs to 66746. Visit the National Domestic Violence Hotline or call 1-800-799-7233 and TTY 1-800-787-3224.
| youth ministry |
Clearer Lenses CENTENARY
To love youth on behalf of Jesus in hopes of loving them to Jesus.
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
Tammy Pollock
— Hebrews 12:1-2
y parents tell me when I was around 18 -24 months old, I started walking into things on my right side. I would be toddling around the house and suddenly walk right into a table, chair, or corner. Which was very odd, even for a little one just learning to walk. Not too long after that, my right eye started ‘drifting’ and darting about all on its own. When my parents took me to the ophthalmologist, I was diagnosed with an Iris Coloboma (my right eye looks as if my pupil is a teardrop shape rather than round) which had resulted in loss of vision and a ‘lazy eye’. The doctors felt certain they could strengthen the muscles around my eye and help improve my vision by keeping a patch over my left eye (the good one) and by putting me in glasses.
Imagine if you will, trying to keep an eyepatch on a small child! Glasses were hard enough to keep up with and apparently, I challenged my parents daily with my lack of desire to don my eyepatch. Fortunately, they were successful, and my eye muscles regained their strength, resolving the ‘lazy eye’, however, I never fully recovered my eyesight in my right eye. Not being able to see well, especially out of my right eye, has been a lifelong challenge that I have had to navigate. Some days I am able to handle it with more grace than other days. I have thought a lot about sight this year, after all it is the year 2020 (20/20 being normal vision for us humans). And let’s be honest, 2020 has been anything but normal for any of us. With COVID-19 wreaking havoc over
our world, everything that seems normal has come to a halt… our schooling, work, sports, church, our social norms, nothing is the way it should be. All of us have felt isolated, uncertain, afraid, frustrated, overwhelmed, and disconnected. We have changed the pattern of our lives and been forced to limit what we do and who we see. The high points (graduations, weddings, baptisms, confirmation) and low points (funerals) of our lives have been taken away. To say it’s been hard is an understatement. However, I do wonder, what if 2020 is actually the year we get a chance to re-vision ourselves, to put on new lenses to see things in a whole new way. By not being beholden to our frantic schedules and determining our self-worth on what we do, how well we do it, and how much we do…we’ve been forced to see ourselves, each other, and our world differently. We’ve been given the chance to take a long, loving, look at what is real and most important. As we look to fall programming for our Youth Ministry, we’ve had the chance to remember that the most important and life-giving thing we get to do is to love Jesus and be in relationship with one another. My daily habit, in lieu of being able to gather with our precious church babies face-to- face, has been to pray for each one by name every morning. We’ve been reaching out via
texts, emails, sending crazy and fun things in the mail, and showing up in the ZOOM room for Sunday school, Confirmation, Love Thy Neighbor Leadership Team, and Youth Group. And, on the rare and safe occasion, sit in the yards of our youth just to catch up and welcome them with love the way Jesus does each of us, every moment of every day. We have had to pivot and re-imagine every aspect of our ministry. Do I miss all the Sixers!, mission trips, Love Thy Neighbors, Youth Group, and retreat? You bet I do! I miss all of those adventures and pray that someday soon we will be able to gather together just as we did before. 2020 has given us a chance to take off our glasses, clean the lenses, get our frames readjusted and remember what it is like to see things clearly. What I see the clearest now is that we must keep our eyes fixed on Jesus. We must trust that Jesus has this and will remain with us always. Through His great love for us, we can love each other more completely…and maybe, just maybe that is the most important thing we are called to do. This year has certainly given us the opportunity to do just that, love one another on behalf of the one who loves us the most, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. We will keep on with perseverance and run into the days and weeks, months, and years to come with clearer eyes.
| music ministry |
How Can We Keep from Singing? My life flows on in endless song; Above earth's lamentation, I hear the sweet, though far-off hymn That hails a new creation. Through all the tumult and the strife, I hear that music ringing. It finds an echo in my soul: How can I keep from singing? No storm can shake my inmost calm While to that refuge clinging. Since Christ is Lord of heaven and earth, How can I keep from singing.
Jonathan Emmons
inging…. It’s a biblical imperative, a staple of the Christian worship tradition, and an unrivaled tool for community building. No tribe is more finely woven together than a musical tribe. No tradition galvanizes a group of people in quite the way as does making music together.
• A Virtual Fall Season for the Chancel Choir: Look forward to seeing the beloved Chancel Choir in a virtual choir loft, as soon as early October! Inquire for more details if you’d like to lend your voice!
And so, we confront and acknowledge lament, tumult, and strife as we’ve accepted the simple truth that making music together in large groups – especially singing – is not a safe or socially responsible option in these days.
• Continued musical programming for our children: with opportunities for Zoom interaction for our youngest and opportunities to learn and record new songs for our older elementary singers.
And yet… The music is ringing. It still echoes in our souls. Music still hails a new creation. And so, we simply cannot keep from singing. Our COVID-era crises and challenges call us to sing and ring with more urgency than ever before. As the battle against the virus rages on, your music ministry at Centenary UMC is preparing for a fall filled with COVID-friendly singing and ringing. Beginning in September, stay tuned for some or all of these projects and initiatives: • Expanded musical offerings during our Sunday morning services: made possible by additional live musicians and pre-recorded music, all in accordance with guidelines for room occupancy and social distancing.
• Virtual–or even socially distanced–handbell ringing: You never know where you might see a handbell ensemble next.
• Mid-week musical programming (recitals, concerts) at least once monthly, sponsored in part by the Music and the Arts Ministry in lieu of previously scheduled (and cancelled) live events.
Although our return to in-person worship is certainly weeks, maybe months, away, we know how important music-making is to the life and vitality of a community. We know that music and the arts heal us and make us whole. We know that these challenging times cannot hinder the sweet, though far-off, hymn. We know that Christ is Lord of heaven and earth. And so, how can we keep from singing?
For the fall season of 2020, all of our meetings have gone virtual! We invite you to join us on our once-a-month Zoom calls as we continue to connect and share with special guests and friends. To learn more, contact Rev. Craig Ford (336.724.6311 ext. 1353.)
October 15 • 11:45 AM Kenneth Carlson, Jr., Attorney • “Religion and Law.” November 19 • 11:45 AM Tom Dollymeyer • Director of WFDD • National Public Radio December 17 • 11:45 AM Bishop Tom Stockton • Christmas Carols with Martha Bassett
Passages... Kristy Eaton closed her chapter at Centenary on July 16, 2020. She was blessed to have the opportunity to be a "stay-at-home" mom with her son Avery and husband Richard. We thank her for dedication to our church and her 15 years of service. We wish her all the best as she lives into this new adventure.
Tyler MacDonald submitted his resignation in early September in order to return to school to study accounting. We thank him for the care and nurture he gave to our youth ministry over the past eight years and we pray for him and his wife, Ashton, as they begin this new journey.
| children's ministry |
Resourcing Families Keep on doing the things that you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you. -Philippians 4:9
Rev. Kate May
arly on in this strange pandemic, I asked myself many questions about what children’ s ministry could look like right now. As I struggled with what God might be calling me to do, Philippians 4:9 was a part of my daily devotion and these words jumped off the page into my confused and wondering heart and mind. God was answering my many questions by telling me to simply keep doing what I had always done. But then I had to figure out what that meant in this new landscape. When it all became clear, I realized that resourcing families, which is something that had always been a driving principal for children’s ministry, was the thing that we were supposed to keep doing. Resourcing families has led us to the idea for the fall of creating weekly videos for families that will help them stay connected to the church, to God, and give them easily digestible bites that will, we pray, enrich and broaden the faith vocabulary spoken in homes. The week of September 7, we began with a "State of Children’s Ministry" video. Following that, a new video feature each week is being shared by email and Facebook. On the first week of the month we are sharing an “Ask Glenn” video. For this video kids, parents, and congregation members will be able to submit questions that Glenn and Kate will answer. These can be questions about faith, the Bible, or our favorite TV shows. Our hope is that this video will model what conversations about faith can look like with our kids as well as give a resource for when your kids ask you a question you don’t know the answer to. When that happens you can simply say, “You know, I don’t know the answer to that, let’s ask Glenn!” On the second week of the month, you can look forward to what we are calling “The Oxygen Mask.” We’re all familiar with the safety talk on the airplane when they tell you in an emergency to put your own oxygen mask
on first before helping any minors or other passengers with their masks? We feel like parenting is like that. It is important to care for yourself so that you can be the parent God has created you to be. We hope these short parenting tidbit videos, whose themes will relate to our Sunday school themes and what is going on in the world, will be a little dose of self-care and encouragement on your parenting journey. The third week of the month we will pray together “Dear God…” as we learn new ways to pray as a family and ways to help you teach your children about prayer. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 encourages us to, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and give thanks in all circumstances.” This is a tall order for most grownups, so what tools do we have to help our kids live into this rhythm of constant relationship with God? Check out these videos for simple and fun ways to pray and walk with your children as they grow closer in their relationship with God! The fourth week of the month we’ll check in on "Jeanette’s Science Lab" where we’ll all get the chance to get to know Jeanette Juran, our new children’s ministry assistant. In the lab, Jeanette will be sharing science demonstrations and talking about how these demonstrations can help us to learn more about God while we grow in our faith. Of course, every once in a while, we are blessed with a fifth week and in these months, we’ll share "Bible Stories with Kate." One of the greatest ways to begin to develop a vocabulary of faith is to listen and participate in the telling of Bible stories so these will be great times especially for our littlest ones to connect with the Bible and for us all as grown-ups to see what it looks like to talk with our tiny humans about God. We look forward to being a part of your weekly rhythm this fall in new and exciting ways.
State of Children's Ministry
Ask Glenn
Dear God
Jeanette's Science Lab
Bible Stories with Kate
| evangelism, engagement & missions |
New and Creative Ways
f you are anything like me, you find yourself wondering more and more when you might be able get out and do something. I feel as though I am sitting on the edge of my seat wanting to get involved and serve and just be with our church family. Unfortunately with all of the restrictions enforced from COVID-19, our ability to do mission work with our surrounding community has changed drastically.
hadn’t been on our radar when we first arrived, and if we had been as busy as we anticipated, we may have missed out on this opportunity completely. That is one time when I saw that even as we find ourselves bored and stir crazy, God is at work in ways we can’t even imagine.
I have spent the last few weeks having Zoom meetings with our missions partners asking them ways in which we can safely help out. In the coming weeks, the Missions tab on our brand-new website (huge thanks to Doug and Philip for designing something so spectacular) will include ways to serve.
Rev. Meg Gaston
Some of our partners are in need of certain household items, or would like to have people in our church who are willing to send cards out to residents and those who would love to hear from someone. Other partners have worked hard to provide the opportunity to serve as a volunteer in a safe and socially distant way. I am thrilled to be able to share all of this with you once everything is finalized. I know that so much of what we do as a church is done WITH other people, so I’m hoping this will help you feel closer both to those in our church family and to those we are partnered with. The summer after my junior year of college, I spent two months in Busia, Kenya, on a mission trip with twenty other college-aged individuals. During that time we grew closer as a unit, but also fell deeper in love with God. As you can imagine, with a team of twenty-two individuals, there were many times when there were more of us than work that needed to be done. At first we found ourselves going stir crazy as we walked to church every morning only to discover there wasn’t much we could do. After a few days we found ourselves getting creative with ways in which we could help. Some days this looked like cleaning the church, and eventually we found ourselves walking to the orphanage down the road to play with the children. This orphanage OCTOBER 2020 | 24 | CENTENARY UNITED METHODIST
You may be thinking “great story Meg, but we can’t just go out and do things like we used to.” And I hear you! Our lives have drastically changed these last few months and we still aren’t sure when things will start feeling like they used to, or if they ever will again. But don’t let your unease with sitting still prevent you from thinking of creative ways in which you can serve the community. One thing I love about our staff at Centenary is how well we are able to bounce ideas off of one another and talk through things that we are dreaming up. Recently, while on a Zoom call with Bret and Susannah, wondering what direction to take one of our projects, Susannah said “Christianity is for transformation, not just information.” Hearing Susannah say that I began to wonder how it is that we, as a mission-minded church, can begin to transform our own hearts and minds during this season of waiting.
I think a great place to start would be to think of creative ways you can give back or serve those in your area. I am so excited to share these new opportunities we will soon have for you, but as with all things, you don’t have to wait for me to begin to serve. Call up a neighbor, send a card to an old friend, or better yet, look through our directory and see if there’s someone you recognize from Sunday morning, but never really talked to, and give them a call. We will eventually be able to do all of the great mission work together again, but until then it is my prayer that we can all be willing to let the Spirit guide us in new and creative ways.
We remember the saints who have gone before....
Backpack Ministry In memory of James “Jim” Bruce Mulligan by Bruce & Mary Ann Mulligan.
Centenary Fund In memory of the Reverend Rodney Cain Brown by the Chapel Class, Ruth Deudney, Brenda Maready. In memory of Maxine Loudermilk Clark by Ruth Deudney. In memory of Bernice Hughston Clayton by Ruth Deudney, Jerry & Nancy Warren. In memory of Kent Robert Curlee by Ruth Deudney. In memory of Dr. Willis Jackson “Jack” Grant by Mr. & Mrs. J. Aubrey Kirby and Mr. J. Rick Kirby. In memory of Patricia Ann Gunlock by Ruth Deudney. In memory of Joanne Meier by Jerry & Nancy Warren. In memory of Clifford “Cliff” Webster Perry, Jr. by Beemok Family Foundation, Julia Perry Booker, Jim Bunn, Mr. & Mrs. Ed Battle, James A. Butler, Sr., Dexter & Wanda Campbell, Tom & Kay Carter, Robert F. Coil, Anne Copenhaver, Susan Culp, Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Duckett, Mrs. J. Robert Elster, Gary & Claudia Fleming, Ken & Doris Goodson, Jane Black Harris, The Henrichs Family: Barbara, Matt, and Cami, Mark & Jan, Ellen & Logan Jackson, Janie & Jarmen Jenkins, Dyeann & Henry Jordan, Mary Jane Keith, Louise & Jim Kelly, Anne Kent, Dr. & Mrs. A.D. Kornegay, Mr. & Mrs. James E. Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Sam Ogburn, Tom & Anita Ogburn, L. Glenn Orr, Harry & Nan Padgett, J.S. & M.E. Parks, Rosemary
& Robert Pulliam, George & Susan Ragland, Selma Scott, Ron & Sharon Shealy, Anna & Fletch Steele, Frances Vaughn and family, Vernon & Frankie Winters. In memory of Dr. Jack Marrell Rogers by Ruth Deudney. In memory of Robert R. “Bob” Severs, Sr. by Ruth Deudney, Sandra & Wayne Shugart. In memory of Robert “Bob” Miller Weatherman by Jackie G. Gross, Bill & Christina Huffman, the Staff of Jones and Peacock, Sandra & Wayne Shugart, D.K. Taylor Oil Company, Inc, Jerry & Nancy Warren. In memory of Barbara Long Welch by Ruth Deudney, Allison Roquemore, Richard Christine, Alexander and Ryan Welch.
General Fund In memory of Clifford “Cliff” Webster Perry by Mr. & Mrs. F. Borden Hanes, Jr.
Missionary Friendship Fund In memory of Dr. Willis Jackson “Jack” Grant by Janie & Jarman Jenkins.
Missions In memory of Bernice Arnold by Judy Ditmore.
Sacred Music Fund In memory of Sara Fountain Lore by Betty Ann Lore. In memory Robert “Bob” Miller Weatherman by Luann Kophamer.
Senior Adult Ministry In memory of the Reverend Rodney Cain Brown by Craig & Janet Ford. In memory of Bernice Hughston Clayton by Frank Rayburn. In memory of the Reverend Jack Brown Yarbrough by Don & Diane Boyd, Frank Rayburn.
United Methodist Women In memory of Larry Hutchens by Dianne Iseman.
In Memoriam Herbert Monteith Wayne, Jr February 18, 2020
George W. Chandler, Jr July 16, 2020
Peggy Wiggs Ayscue August 24, 2020
Clifford Webster Perry, Jr June 29, 2020
Rodney Cain Brown August 4, 2020
Kathie Lee Hoyle Masten August 28, 2020
Willis Jackson (Jack) Grant, III July 2, 2020
Larry Lee Hutchens August 12, 2020
Margaret Smith Pittard September 3, 2020
Daphne Campbell Robinson August 18, 2020
The ministers and members of Centenary Church extend their deepest sympathy to the bereaved families and pray they may know the comfort and peace of our Heavenly Father.
We celebrate the kingdom of God among us...
General Fund
Love Thy Neighbor
In honor of Centenary’s Dedicated Staff by C. Guy Rudisill lll. In honor of Reverend Jeremy Pegram by Melanie Barbee.
In honor of Tony Golding by Lilly Zaks.
Senior Minister's Discretionary Fund In honor of the Reverend Dr. P. Glenn Kinken lll by Elizabeth “Buff” Perry.
Help Our People Eat (H.O.P.E)
In honor of Reverend Jeremy Pegram by Kaye & David Lambert.
In honor of Tony Golding by Charlie Zaks.
Roots Revival
In honor of Eddie Pollock by Elizabeth “Beth” Wilson.
Loaves & Fishes
In honor of Martha Bassett by Judy Ditmore. In honor of Reverend Jeremy Pegram by Selwyn Matthews.
Youth Ministry
In honor of Dwayne Hartman by Tom & Marianne Bach. In honor of Scott Lauer by Tom & Marianne Bach. In honor of Sue Lauer by Tom & Marianne Bach. In honor of Chris Pace by Tom & Marianne Bach. In honor of Velna Pollock by Tom & Marianne Bach. In honor of Tammy Pollock by Judy Ditmore.
Sacred Music Fund In honor of Jonathan Emmons by Carolyn Culler.
In honor of Tammy Pollock by Elizabeth “Beth” Wilson.
United Methodist Women In honor of Terry Hutchens by Dianne Iseman.
Smiling Faces from Arbor Acres In our last issue, we featured some of our Centenary members residing at Arbor Acres. The pages were so popular that we wanted to include even more. We hope you will enjoy these precious faces from Arbor Acres. May all of the residents know how much we love and miss them.
Martha Brown David Stedman
Bill & Phoebe Satterwhite
Sara Spencer
Mary Ann Ratcliff
Bill Howell
Ella Lively
John & Betty Earle
Mary Lois Bynum Bill & Kay Baldridge OCTOBER 2020 | 28 | CENTENARY UNITED METHODIST
Jeff Helm
Juilan & Sue Northcraft Diane Crichlow
Fawky & Marguerite Abdallah
Camille Smith Mary Frances Smith
Hayden & Mary Kepley
Pam Molenaor
Jim Bunn
Judy Hardy
Emmie Lou Long
Dan & Nancy Culp Betty Strickland OCTOBER 2020 | 29 | CENTENARY UNITED METHODIST
| senior minister |
Intentional Focus
here is something exciting that happens during the dog days of August. While it seems the entire world is cycling through one final round of vacations before a new school year starts, ministry teams in churches all across the land begin adding fuel to and stoking the fires of local church ministry until they burn white hot in anticipation of a new ministry year. New curriculum is ordered, rooms are tidied and prepared, Bible studies are scheduled, and leaders equipped. Promotion Sunday and the kick-off of the new ministry season is anticipated with the same excitement as the arrival of cooler weather and college football.
Rev. Dr. Glenn Kinken gkinken@centenary-ws.org
As in all other areas of life in 2020, this year’s fall ministry debut must be viewed through the lens of COVID-19. Just as the pandemic has helped us, as individuals, sharpen our eyesight to focus on what matters most in our personal lives (people over possessions, connection over isolation, simplicity over the complex, and strong desire for a life of faith), it has forced us, as a church, to think and act in a similar way with respect to the ministries of Centenary. Earlier this year we adopted ministry values of safety, intentional, experience and integrity. The pandemic has challenged us to live into these values as we plan and design ministry. As we prepared for fall ministry, the church staff and leaders have been intentional about each aspect of planning, including what we offer and how it is offered. You are very familiar with our Live Stream worship, but what you may not know is that over the last seven months the worship planning team has been intentional about the way each worship service is planned. This is not unlike pre-pandemic worship planning, but intentional effort is made to use a simple, consistent liturgy which provides space for us to collectively participate so that we are connected even while distanced from each other. The team intentionally connects the music, liturgy, and preached word to speak to the needs of the times. Disciple making ministries are the backbone of fall ministry programming. Our staff and leaders
intentionally chose opportunities to help us grow in faith, deepen our understanding of God’s Word, stretch our thinking on the social issues of the day, and seek out how our faith may speak to them. We sought and developed resources to support parents of children and youth as they teach faith formation at home and we engage youth and children in their faith. We are intentionally using a variety of delivery options for these ministries in order to keep people safe and provide accessibility for all. This will help us build the community we crave, and allow disciple making to occur beyond a set time and place. Our transformation ministries are a bit tougher in the pandemic environment, because so many of them are hands-on. Even though that is tougher due to social distancing we are still innovating what these ministries will be like during this time. As these develop, we will be intentional about sharing the news of them so that you may help us change the world. We are being intentional about the way we are offering and engaging in ministry. But the good news is that we are intentional about pivoting and adjusting in order to make these offerings better. The changes we make are based upon data and feedback we receive from a variety of sources. If you have constructive feedback which will help us improve what we are offering, please do not hesitate to share it with us. It will improve what we do for the sake of our mission. Our intentionality with respect to ministry design is grounded in safety for all but also with a weather eye to the experience of facilitators, participants, and newcomers. We are creating and building ministries in order to help us develop a deeper relationship with God and a better understanding of how to live the Christian faith in daily life. We are intentionally focused on the Church‘s mission to follow Jesus and make disciples for the transformation of the world. It is my prayer that you will join us on this journey and seek intentional ways to grow and live your faith in the world around you. Imagine with me the transformation we can make in the world if our souls burn white hot with faith stoked by the power of God’s Holy Spirit. Blessings.
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While away from our church home, we invite you to worship with Centenary on your computer, smart TV, smartphone, tablet, or whatever electronic device that has access to the Internet. Our Live Stream worship will be there for you. Be sure to sign in so we may be in connection with you. Join us for worship each Sunday at 11:00 am. www.centenary-ws.org/live-stream