2 minute read
By Rev. Bret Cogan
I suspect the most recognizable verse in the Bible might be John 3:16… “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.” If you grew up in church, you learned these words in Sunday reconciled, restored, or made whole School. If you didn’t grow up in church, if you went to, or watched any professional sporting event you most likely saw someone holding a sign with John 3:16 written on it. As informative as these words are for the Christian faith, the verse that follows is equally important, John 3:17… “Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.” Another way to understand the word “saved” is to be reconciled, restored, or made whole. The work of restoration and making our lives and world whole is much larger than any one church. This work requires all of us to come together, to see one another not as adversaries or even opponents, our lives are not a game to be won, but they surely can be lost in the battles we fight.
My work at Centenary is centered around Adult Faith Formation, it includes helping people grow in their understanding of God’s love for them. As we embrace this truth it leads us into the ministry of Justice and Reconciliation where we learn to live our faith authentically, we must allow the embrace of God’s love for us to lead us into learning how to truly love and care for others, including those who we have been taught are our adversaries and opponents. As I said, this work is larger than any one congregation, denomination or even faith perspective. Our lives are deeply connected even if we really don’t want to believe this to be true. What we say and do matters, because it reaches out beyond ourselves and touches those around us. We can choose to convey kindness and compassion, or our words and actions can communicate to others that they are an outsider, unwanted and unworthy. This is true for all of us whether we call ourselves a Christian or not.
I believe every day is a new day to learn to live lives that reach out beyond our own to help the people we meet know they matter and are seen. You and I, what we do and say matters because we are the ones who convey this message through how we engage and interact with one another. I want to invite you to come and join us as a community who believes our lives matter, everyone of us… every day!
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