2021 Year of Ministry Review

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2021 YEAR OF MINISTRY Over the course of last year, we stayed focused on our mission to make disciples for the transformation of the world and cast a vision of every day for everyone. The Transformation on Fifth project was completed and with it the campus is nearly fully renovated for ministry in the 21st century. Our discipleship ministries for children, youth, and adults kept innovating in the virtual, in-person, and hybrid worlds. As the pandemic protocols eased, our in-person worship attendance and opportunities grew while our global reach through live stream continued to expand. The Advent and Christmas Eve worship services reminded us of the glory of God and the joy of being together. Our ministries of transformation helped us care better for each other, serve the community in impactful ways, and make a difference in the lives of people in Winston-Salem and across the globe. As December drew to a close, the pulse of energy within the congregation was palpable and a firm indicator that Centenary was excited about the new year. Truly there was something happening every day for everyone through Centenary United Methodist Church.

TRANSFORMATION ON FIFTH RENOVATION COMPLETED The $6.5 million dollar project opened its doors.


Sunday school gathered through Zoom and in hybrid modes. Connection Groups formed and met for 8 weeks with 6 to 8 people in each group. The new Men’s group began and meets on the first Thursday of each month at 7:30 am. The First Fifteen challenge began as a daily devotional guide.



Children’s ministry created and shared Father/ Daughter date kits with 22 families. We delivered filled Easter eggs to 38 homes. We had a summer fun day where 15 families enjoyed a slip and slide on the front lawn. Our Backpack Blessing welcomed 84 kids and grown-ups. We had 80 kids and grown- ups participate in Christmas Craft Night. With help of the wonderful women of Circle 9, we sent out 250 birthday cards to our kids! VBS welcomed a total in-person and athome of 111 participants and 44 volunteers.



Our newest ministry area was formed in 2021. The Justice and Reconciliation ministry’s vision is to enhance the impact of the church in the community by providing safe spaces to address reconciliation and systemic change. Reconciliation needs to occur both within the church and between connections in the community, and must happen to improve and change systems. It’s mission is to engage with others to study, serve, advocate and witness to the needs for justice and reconciliation in the community as we live out our Christian faith and discipleship.


We had 27 people join our church, not including the 58 youth who were confirmed from the 2020 and 2021 classes. We also had the joy of baptizing 16 children. Together, we packed 16,200 meals for Rise Against Hunger. we collected 255 bags for our Loaves and Fishes Ministry, and gifts for 300 Angel Tree children! We partnered with 20 different organizations in Winston Salem, and one in Haiti, and gave $149,550 in missions grants. A team of fifteen people served in medical clinics in and around Limón, Honduras


Lessons & Carols drew nearly 500 congregants, engaged 8 music ensembles, featured a Chancel Choir of 55 singers and a total of over 100 musical participants! The Music & the Arts Ministry hosted EXIGENCE, a Sphinx Vocal Ensemble, in October and drew a crowd of over 150. Winston-Salem Symphony’s offering of Handel’s Messiah drew an audience to our sanctuary of over 700. Children’s Music & Arts programming moved to a new night – Thursday – and has garnered the attendance of approximately 30 children… and growing!


Our initial goal was to encourage the senior adults to be fully vaccinated. All seniors of which we are aware are fully vaccinated. Realizing that isolation can lead to loneliness and depression, our next priority was to concentrate on communication. Our senior adults made approximately 125130 calls per week. By developing a telephone network, many friendships were developed. Because of Covid precautions, except for the Veteran’s Recognition and the December program, all monlthly meetings were held on Zoom.


We had 26 youth in our confirmation class. The Love Thy Neighbor Runway Show went all-virtual and raised $40,000. Our Boy Scout troop #920 awarded three Eagle Scout Awards. Over the summer we went on mission trips to Grundy Co, Tennessee and Milwaukee, Wisconsin. We kicked off our fall programming in our newly renovated space including worship, Sunday school, Youth group, Love Thy Neighbor, Sixers, our Youth Band and more.


The UMW gave over $28,000 to organizations in Winston Salem. Even though 2021 was another interesting year, our board continued to meet regularly, and we were able to have our General Meeting in December with over 90 members in attendance. We are hopeful for all that 2022 holds and look forward to what our circles will do in mission in and around Winston Salem.



Stephen Ministers engaged in Zoom or phone sessions In total, Stephen Ministers provided 1200 hours of care. Shining Light on Mental Health hosted two virtual “Lunch and Learn” events. Our GriefShare conducted the 13-week program during the fall and “Loss of a Spouse” during Advent. Our Card Ministry includes 30 volunteers writing approximately 75-120 notes each month. Stephen Ministry and Shining Light on Mental Health partnered to create Centenary Cares.


In 2021 the Centenary Young Adults went to a Dash Baseball game, had regular Sunday night Bible studies, and ended the year with a group dinner. As we re-build the Centenary Young Adults, we can dream together what we want this group to look like. We are hoping our group will continue to grow as we deepen our commitment to serving our community.


The Centenary Live Stream continues its important mission on an international level. In 2021, our total watch time was 633K minutes with 43.7K total page views. The most popular countries were USA, India and Brazil. Within the USA, we averaged between 12 and 25 states watching the 11am worship service each Sunday. Our magazine, Through Centenary Windows, won first place in UMAC competition.

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