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Dealul Lomb Masterplan

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The Mount

What initially started as a light touch masterplan review developed into a redevelopment of the masterplan of the 265-hectare site. It is a mixeduse scheme situated to the north of Cluj, which will include residential, industrial, healthcare, education, retail and offices.

We were commissioned to review and develop the masterplan to safe guard future opportunities for embedding sustainability within the scheme and future proof the scheme against changes in legislation. A robust phasing strategy was developed to reduce the initial infrastructure capital cost and allow the development to grow according to the demands of the economy. Rationalising the road infrastructure resulted in a significant cost saving and a site wide sustainable urban drainage strategy was developed to deal with the surface water run off from the site.

Security of energy supplies and carbon emissions were recognised as being key areas of concern in the future and a site wide energy strategy was developed for the site. The basis of this was a phased district heating system incorporating co-generation and biomass boilers whose fuel could be readily sourced locally. In the future an energy from waste plant could be incorporated within the site wide energy and waste strategies.

The principles of sustainable living were embedded in the design of individual residential units with passive design features such as daylighting and natural ventilation.

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