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About your Sport Studies Cambridge National course and qualification The world of sports is fast-moving and varied: it includes careers directly related to exercise and physical activity, but also the health and media sectors. You might want to work as a sport performer or a leader of outdoor and adventurous activities, as a journalist covering sports or for an organisation promoting youth participation in your favourite sport. Whatever you choose, you will benefit from understanding contemporary issues in sport, learning about sports performance and leadership, understanding the relationship between sport and the media and learning about outdoor and adventurous activities. During your course, you will also develop skills in research, leadership, planning and evaluating programmes, creating presentations and reports, as well as learning important information about leading a healthy lifestyle. How you will be assessed You have to complete three units – two mandatory units and one optional unit from a choice of two. Mandatory units: • R184 Contemporary issues in sport. You will take a written exam for this unit. The exam lasts for 1 hour 15 minutes, and is worth 70 marks. The exam is set and marked by OCR. • R185 Performance and leadership in sports activities. You will be given an assignment to complete for this unit, which is worth 60 marks. This set assignment contains three to five practical tasks. Optional units: • R186 Sport and the media. You will be given an assignment to SAMPLE complete for this unit, which is worth 60 marks. This set assignment contains three to five practical tasks. • R187 Increasing awareness of outdoor and adventurous activities.
You will be given an assignment to complete for this unit, which is worth 60 marks. This set assignment contains three to five practical tasks.